ying-doodles · 3 months
And he was there. The man that I missed so much, because of the realization I could never get to see him again, was standing right outside the door. He was looking straight at me through teary eyes, with a hint of joy on his face. "... I missed you so much, Master Lloyd," said Javier with a huge, tearful smile.
I heard the "You came. You called." audio ages ago and I needed to see both them with said audio and also the reunion scene and now I've finally done it!! Hooray!! (╯✧▽✧)╯
... (°ロ°) ! Also!! I did not mean to make this so canon compliant!! I swear that was just a lucky accident LMAO I started working on this on Saturday,, (I did add just a touch of red to Suho's fist after reading 401 though hehe-)
A few still frames under the cut if you want! :P
The audio lines:
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And the final frame:
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pcktknife · 28 days
what do you think about the newest penacony story patch in hsr?
penacony numero uno. actually the best arc out of the 3 so far but sunday should kill himself*
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bull-shit-suji · 1 year
not to like wax poetic about the literary nuances of Black Fucking Butler but i feel i need to point out how insanely campy it is. oh okay cool the butler is throwing butter knives at people with guns and winning. we're battling undertaker's zombie army by starting a boy band (we actually got the idea from the ZOMBIES' boy band). theres a curry making competition and its so important it needs an entire volume and a continuing motif dedicated to it. the Grim Reaper Death Gods are all cornballs with gardening sheers. the contradiction. the unintended irony.
i think the manga is like. toeing the line of camp. like its silly yet takes itself so seriously but its not too silly. my immersion is not broken by the silliness. but the anime is uncharted levels of camp. what the Hell was going on with pluto. you're gonna look me in the eye and tell me the phantomhives own a fifty foot dog thing and no one has noticed. simply one hell of a deer. ice skating. theres opium in funtom candy. the queen of england is maybe a little girl. speaking of which, the city of london just burned down. yeah the whole thing. the fifty foot dog was there too.
it's so ridiculously out of left field and the fact that none of the characters seem to notice or care feels like being gaslit. camp so visceral it's causing psychic damage. i am constantly begging the narrative to break character just once and acknowledge its silliness but doing so would negate the lack of awareness that makes it camp. its dated and timeless. an absolute milestone in camp history.
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missingexaltation · 2 years
Eddie has now 'gifted' Hellfire to Will as he's not returning to high school, graduating on a technicality. However, he suggests to the new DM that they play a one off over the summer (to get Will used to the group's dynamics, and so he can say goodbye to his little sheepies in style).
But he gets to play with them too, at Will's insistence, as Eddie's DM'd for so long he never really gets a chance to be a PC. Eddie's character is a bard that the group meet, playing in a tavern and magically enslaved by the innkeeper. Because of the spell, he has no memory of who he is, except that he's a bard.
(Which works meta wise too, as Eddie might have knowledge on the DM side...but he's a bit shaky as an actual player. it's been a while after all)
The Party take pity on him, breaking his bondage by brutally killing the innkeeper and bringing him along. He's lower than everyone else in most stats, except for charisma, which he's insanely high for. And since as they're off to find a hidden God to convince him to come back to his people...that high charisma would come in handy.
At the end of the one shot, it seems like the God they face, concentrates damage on the person physically closest to him, which is Eddie's character. Eddie gets brutally taken down until the team drag him away, and revive him. (Eddie makes some snarky comments about the new DM staking his claim by annihilating the old DM and the party finds it hilarious)
But the God keeps aiming for the bard, until Eddie is at zero, then he goes after Dustin...the mage...who is technically the most powerful on the team and nowhere near the God in comparison to the others. Then when Dustin goes down, it's their paladin next...and the group start to freak out.
Eddie passes his death save roll, heals himself and is almost immediately taken down again. The party realise pretty quickly that it's not proximity that is the issue, and that the God is taking out the most powerful first. But Eddie's bard is one of the weaker characters, so that doesn't make ANY sense.
It's Gareth that makes the connection, a split second before Jeff does. He sits back in his chair, stares thoughtfully at Eddie and uses his own turn to grapple the God's weapon from his hands.
It's surprisingly easy, and The God immediately shrinks into a gnarled, grizzly looking goblin, who screeches until Mike cuts his head off with a nat 20 he hadn't been able to roll all night.
It was the weapon. The weapon that contained a God's power.
Gareth and Jeff are still looking at Eddie.
"No memory, huh?" Gareth asks.
Eddie shrugs. "Nothing at all."
"Just pick up the fucking sword, dude." Jeff sighs, and Eddie does.
The instant his character's hands touch the sword, it changes into a golden, glowing lute, the power flows into him, and their bard ascends back into godhood, agreeing to go back to his people.
The whole table descends into chaos, while Eddie and Will high five each other. Of course they were in on it together.
"Fucking DM's" Gareth complains, but he's not angry, not really.
"Ah, ah, ah, G Bear, no swearing in front of the kiddies." Eddie reminds him, gleefully.
The 'kids' didn't even hear him, too busy crowding around Will to congratulate him on his grand return. He'd written the entire thing, and collaborated with Eddie just to make sure it was a good fit for the Hellfire gang.
"Well, I saw it coming hours ago." Steve says, from his spot on the sofa, surprising the older teens. "You don't give up control easily, Eds."
"Ugh...way too much info, Harrington." Jeff groans, wrinkling his nose, and laughing with Gareth at the violent flush to Steve's cheeks.
"Aww you did kinda walk into that one with open arms, baby boy." Eddie coos, swooping down to press kisses against Steve's embarrassed cheek.
He scoops Steve into an embrace, ignoring his grumbles, and looks up at his bandmates, "So what do you think, did baby Byers pass the little test that you thought I didn't know about?"
"Hell yeah." They both agree, enthusiastic and immediate.
"This year's gonna be awesome, Eddie." Gareth adds, grinning.
They all look over to where the younger kids are, still crowding together and excitedly discussing the last few hours. Will is glowing with pride and happiness. It's a good look on him. Jeff and Gareth slap Eddie on the back and wander off to join them.
Eddie sighs, curling into Steve as much as he can. He knows he's clingy, but he needs this right now. It's bittersweet. While he's not in school anymore, he has a part time job and an apprenticeship that's going to take up far more time than he'd realised. And he's lost all of his D&D shit too. It all makes sense to hand over permanently, but it still hurts.
"You ok babe?" Steve asks. He's so nice and lovely and sweet that Eddie melts on the inside at the concern in his voice.
"It's like my kids are leaving home." He admits. "Even though technically I guess I'm the one doing the leaving."
"Growing up sucks." Steve agrees. He rubs his fingers down Eddie's arm, reassuringly. "Don't worry babe, they're not gonna forget you."
"Better fucking not." Eddie grumbled, pressing his face into Steve's neck.
He looked over. The kids had already forgotten that they were both there, too busy packing up and trying in vain to get details from Will about the next campaign.
It was a good thing though, Eddie tried convincing himself. They were all so enthusiastic and in good spirits, they didn't need him for that. It's why he'd started Hellfire in the first place, to inspire this kind of camaraderie for the outcasts. Something that would outlast him (even if the rest of the town had their own legacy instead).
"It's not forever, Eds." Steve reminded him. "Once we've got our place we'll host every week if you want."
It wasn't soon enough to soothe him.
But they were ok, and happy, and alive.
So it would have to be enough...for now.
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👀 can u draw quirrel please? give him good things, he deserves it. Maybe a cup of something warm
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woops, got a little carried away with this one- and oh god I only registered half the ask
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sunshinemayhem · 1 month
i tripped and fell into the marauders fandom and now i keep getting my heart broken
(send help)
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like-red-lads · 10 months
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Day 3/8 : School
The nostalgia of our youthful romance
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canichangemyblogname · 6 months
Redo because you can’t edit a poll after publishing and autocorrect changed “fave” to “face.”
If your fave isn’t listed, reblog and let me know in the tags. I’d also love to know the reason for your choice.
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daydreamsofsoledad · 1 year
i can't stop thinking about the scene where dae looked for kitty's name on the batch rankings after he realized he lost his scholarship.
how his face lit up when he saw that she passed. he just lost his scholarship, he does not know what future awaits him, but its enough to see that kitty is gonna be okay. that she will stay. not knowing yet that she won't be able to.
fvck this.
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sysig · 7 months
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When you weren’t looking (Patreon)
#Doodles#Adventure Time#Marceline#Fionna and Cake#Simon Petrikov#Just casually crying at my own art while I make it no biggie#Just ahhhh they do love each other! They want what's best for each other! But they missed each other so much!! And they still are!!#Both that they miss each other in the sense that they're lonely while together - Simon's Marceline was a child and Marcy's Simon was well#Not Ice King but also kinda yeah - and she'll never see him again#It's gotten be bittersweet#It's good that he has his mind! Very good! But he is forever un-changed/re-changed#I think it's canon that Simon was returned to being in his early 30s because Golb ate his age post him getting the crown?#It's not a retcon obviously lol but it's like his future has been retconned canonically in himself that's Gotta feel weird#But it basically undid the Simon that Marceline knew - the man who raised her was un-done even though they both remember him#Both of them just have to not think too hard about it probably :')#But even not thinking about that - Simon is still getting older! He's aging like a normal human again! And everything that comes with that#I love his crow's feet a lot <3 And his hair streak is so chic how did his genes know he would look so cute haha ♪#Poor both of them - I do want them to be happy! They've just got so much sad!#I also think it's quite funny that all those years ago before I watched AT Marceline was the one fanart I made haha - the more things change#Still drawing her! I wonder if younger me would be surprised#I like her short hair :D Her long hair is lovely - all her hairstyles are lovely! - but the short hair is so cute#Really reminds me of her kid hairstyle ;u; I'm sure that doesn't hurt Simon at all haha#I draw it a lot like Tala's hairstyle as well haha - it's The Kid hairstyle!
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hadesoftheladies · 2 months
hate going for christian weddings sometimes because i always see the prettiest women with the ugliest men, the sermon is always some shit about wives being slaves (but not like bad slavery, mutual slavery except the husband is a benevolent master which makes it okay) and making babies for their husband, the music is always lame, the mc is always weird and obnoxious, and older women keep fucking asking me when it's gonna be my turn and never take no for an answer.
#mine#personal#brief storytime in the tags#one of my family friends got married and i was happy she was happy#her parents are like an aunt and uncle to me#i was happy to share that moment with them#we cried and laughed together#and my friends#their other daughters were on the line and looked gorgeous#it was just beautiful watching us all grow up in a way and move on to “the next” together#BUT#im a pastor's kid#and my dad loves weddings#he drinks them in whenever he can now especially because they make him happy and he's had to attend a lot more funerals this year#he's been burdened a lot by how many people he's had to bury and how many hospital visits he's had to do#so i was happy to see him happy too#it just all felt so bittersweet to me#because i know how badly my parents want this for me and for themselves#there was a daddy-daughters dance at some point and i could feel my dad beaming beside me watching that#and i was a little sad about it because i was like im never gonna give you that#this could be the best thing i could ever give you and i will never give you this#i can never kneel at an altar in front of a pastor and swallow that sermon#i would never marry a man in my generation#if i married a woman you and almost the entire tent filled with people that watched me grow up would not attend#my happiest day would be another funeral for you#it was worse because im kind of a small celebrity in this community because of my parents and their siblings who are politicians#so people i barely knew kept coming up and asking me when it would be my turn and how they so looked forward to the day#and i was like i love that we're a community here and i missed the pestering of aunts since i left church#but at the same time i was glad to remember why i left#there is no freedom to be myself at all with them because all they do is project their beliefs and ideas on me because that's what children
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laxmiree · 7 months
[CN] MLQC Lucien’s 2023 Birthday Story translation
This post contains a detailed spoiler for a story that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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Lucien's 2023 CN Birthday Event (The New World)✧ Birthday Story (You’re here!) | Birthday Prologue | Birthday Date | ASMR | Birthday Party
As Lucien looked at two familiar faces in one of the photographs, his gaze flickered for a moment.
It was as if a strange emotion had crossed through time, enveloped in the fresh warmth and memories, unfolded before his eyes once again.
"...And I remember these two Chinese scholars, they were outstanding scientists. It's just a pity…"
As Lucien glanced back at that photograph, he had a fleeting sense that the people in the picture were also gazing back at him.
Perhaps they had been watching over him all along.
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[T/N: It's very important to read [Until Dawn R&S] and [Exclusive Past - Monochrome Scenery] first, in that order, because they provide background information regarding his life during college. I promise it'll be worth it to see how everything regarding his college life ended up tied together in this story :). Reading these three feels like accompanying him from getting into college and now graduating and getting a doctoral degree sob sob]
[Chapter 1 - Self-Planning of a Genius]
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The cold light from the computer screen reflected into Lucien's eyes. He didn't stop even for a moment as he continuously typing on the keyboard. He only breathed a sigh of relief after typing the last letter and then glanced at the lower right corner of the screen.
July 25th, 4:23.
The entire content of the graduation thesis was completed almost a week ahead of the planned deadline.
That's good, he thought, stretching lazily and getting up to pour himself a cup of coffee. The steaming hot liquid and the rich aroma of roasted beans further stimulated his already alert mind.
Although there is still more than half a year left until the formal thesis defense date, sufficient preparation is required for both scheduling and other arrangements.
Outside the window, a hint of dawn began to appear. Lucien finished his last sip of coffee, poured another cup, and then sat back at the table. He retrieved various experimental notes, brought up data analysis charts and reference documents, and brought his thesis back to the first page-
"Further findings on the contributions of the parietal lobe in episodic memory"
His face showed no expression as his slender fingertips glided over the mouse and began the inspection.
Since joining this laboratory four years ago, he spent a year getting to know and familiarize himself with it. Apart from his studies, applying for an independent research space within the organization and obtaining certain privileges and data was also a part of achieving his goals. Lucien always stayed on the clear path, just as he had mentioned during the interview with Dr. Lawson years ago: to research his interests within a limited time frame.
Playtime can be enjoyable, but what's truly important is what needs to be done.
So, about three years ago, he proposed the idea of shortening the duration of his master's and doctoral studies to the professor.
"I need a valid reason."
Dr. Lawson lifted his head from the report, his silver-white eyebrows arching slightly.
"I believe that my current research topic and project are sufficient for me to graduate in three years, at most four."
His calm tone carried the determination of a young man set on his goal. The professor remained silent as if weighing something, and after a moment, he set aside the report in his hand.
"They say there are some interesting stalls at the nearby market. Would you like to go check them out together?"
This invitation seemed to leave no room for refusal. By the time they walked from one end of the market to the other, both of them had their hands full with several paper bags.
"You seem to have a particular fondness for this flavor of wine."
"The family has been passing down their winemaking skills for three generations now, and the current owner is someone I watched grow up." The professor smiled and shared stories of his childhood days picking grapes on the estate with his grandparents in a good mood.
Lucien didn't quite know how to respond to the professor with such a rich life experience, so he simply listened quietly until the conversation naturally shifted back to his own experiences, from his student days to his journey to this point.
"Lucien, I respect your choices and judgment."
"School knowledge is limited; even the most solid theories need practical validation. No one can stop you from climbing higher. After all, everyone has their own path to follow."
"Moreover, silly kid, you just want to see a wider world, don't you?"
The setting sun cast a faint golden glow on the old man's hair as he gave a few more instructions. Before leaving, he placed the paper bag containing the wine into Lucien's hands.
"Those kids are good at picking gifts, and this old man can't compete, so I'll do it first. I want to wish you an early congratulations on your successful graduation."
In the end, Lucien never fully understood how a trip to the market ended up with the professor accepting his proposal.
But fortunately, the outcome was favorable.
He knew exactly what he wanted. Rather than being unwilling to pause his hurried footsteps, it was more about his greed, his eagerness to step into that world and obtain the answers he desired sooner.
Unconsciously, the coffee cup on the table was empty once again.
Lucien's gaze returned to the last word of the document, only to realize that the sun had already climbed overhead. The warm sunlight amplified his hunger, making him realize it was time to replenish some necessary carbohydrates and sugar.
Four years had passed, and surprisingly, nutritionists still hadn't invented nutritional packages.
He couldn't help but sigh.
[Chapter 2 - Habits and Change]
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A week later, the routine report email unexpectedly received a reply.
"At 3:00 PM, Charles River."
Lucien's gaze paused for a moment. In the past two years, Black Swan had rarely initiated face-to-face meetings. Of course, they would only visit the independent laboratory unannounced, pretending chance encounters in bustling places or infiltrating parties with those "eyes" that couldn't quite disguise themselves.
He didn't mention it. After all, there was no need to waste time dealing with these annoying issues.
He glanced at the time and stood up. "I've drafted the analysis report, and we can further validate it when the key data is available. I'll head out for now."
In response, two consecutive gasps were followed by Colt's high-pitched exclamation. "It's only 2:08 in the afternoon! 2:08! The laboratory ghost is actually leaving the lab at a time when the data is still running?!" He exaggeratedly covered his head. "What catastrophe has occurred? Is the world about to end?!"
Lucien shook his head helplessly. Even though this senior had graduated a long time ago, dealing with his occasional exaggerated and noisy behavior was always a challenge. But when he thought about having only about half a year left of their time together, he smiled softly.
"You're still in the lab. If there's really an emergency, you can always handle it."
He walked over to Matthew, a junior who had joined the lab less than six months ago, and gave him some instructions about certain data points to observe closely. Then, amidst the noise, he left the lab.
The weather today was exceptionally nice. Sitting on a park bench and observing people wasn't a bad way to spend time. Lucien leisurely walked down the stone steps, strolling by the riverbank. In the distance, a man in a black suit was already waiting there.
He casually put his hands in his pockets and gazed at the river, but it seemed like his focus was elsewhere.
This was someone he hadn't seen before.
Perhaps hearing the footsteps, the man turned around.
"The organization is very satisfied with your recent data results, and you can move on to the next stage."
"If there are any equipment or manpower needs, the organization will provide support. However, efforts always require a return."
"I believe the results of the experiments I've been given over the years are enough proof of that."
The implications in the other person's words were quite obvious. Lucien was well aware that the so-called "eyes" extended far beyond those he was aware of. He didn't resent being monitored; in fact, he hoped they would expend effort to "observe" him. He wanted them to see what he was capable of. This was his leverage, a necessary condition for him to maintain control over his path.
Since both parties were intelligent individuals, working together to achieve their goals was the best outcome.
"Regarding the research on Evol, the organization is preparing to enter a new phase. Several key subjects are currently in the investigation stage, one after another, and I believe we will soon identify the most crucial person." The man handed over a stack of documents. "So, you also need to step onto a new stage as soon as possible." The emphasized words carried an invisible sense of urgency, inadvertently causing Lucien to furrow his brow. However, he accepted the documents and began to read them without changing his expression.
"These are documents from a research institute in the United States. You will need to attend an interview there in five months, so graduate as soon as possible. And part of the process is that the organization will help expedite the issuance of your diploma."
"I will apply for a batch of new equipment soon. Additionally, my current research personnel are overly saturated, so I will make some adjustments on my own."
Lucien concealed the fact that he had already completed his thesis progress and instead presented his own requirements.
Following the arrangements step by step doesn't necessarily mean compromise; it could also be a temporary period of lying low.
After the conversation, Lucien originally intended to return to the dormitory, but his feet led him to the laboratory instead.
"Oh my god! Xiū mó, you're back! That's great. The world isn't going to end!"
Lucien smiled unconsciously as he put on his lab coat again and returned to his seat.
Parting always seems to slip easily into the queue of life, and it looks like playtime is about to come to an end.
[Chapter 3 - Pineapple Pie Flavor]
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"The university has approved the early graduation process, and the defense is scheduled for next Monday."
"Sorry to trouble you."
After the conversation by the river that day, Lucien approached Dr. Lawson and expressed his desire to graduate early. The meticulous old gentleman naturally showed concern but didn't seem too surprised. Perhaps the professor had already grown accustomed to his hurried behavior to some extent.
However, the process was much more complicated than he had imagined. After the professor consulted with the university, several rounds of document submission and supplementary explanations followed, causing delays of more than a month before everything was finally settled.
Lucien was patient in dealing with this, and it just showed how important the title of "Young Outstanding Scientist" was to that group of people. It made them reluctant to rush through the process, even if they were eager. And for him, this was undoubtedly a good thing.
On the other hand, it seemed good to be able to enjoy the last days as a student in peace.
Outstanding professors always knew when to provide all the help he needed at the right time, and similar individuals allowed him to immerse himself in his subsequent research steps. Countless unique ways of thinking collided here, giving birth to new fireworks of ideas.
This ideal yet real scientific world has become a crucial cornerstone for him to step into the next world.
Lucien knows that he likes it here.
"Lucien, where are you going?" The professor removed his glasses after reading the paper's last page.
"Probably to the end of the puzzle."
He almost blurted it out as if this answer had existed in his heart for a long time.
However, Lucien was well aware that reaching that place would require a lot of preparation, abilities, knowledge, challenges, or perhaps... darkness itself. This made him curious and filled him with anticipation. He wanted to know what kind of results that mysterious substance would bring to humanity or to this world. He was also curious about where he would ultimately arrive.
"It sounds like a distant journey,"
"Take care."
The familiar words felt like both a piece of advice and a simple blessing.
Perhaps it was the atmosphere of parting that made Lucien not refuse the doctor's invitation, and he ended up having a meal together with him at home.
Lucien had never formally visited his home before, and their interactions were mostly limited to academic occasions. So, after accepting the invitation, he immediately returned to his dormitory and retrieved two boxes of white tea.
"Oh, Chinese tea. It might pair well with my pineapple pie,"
The lady appeared particularly delighted, her curly hair bouncing as she enthusiastically brewed a pot of tea to replace the originally planned wine, then turned towards the oven.
"You don't need to go to so much trouble."
"With a rare visit from a student, of course, we must treat you with our specialties. Don't be shy. Take a seat."
Lucien no longer refused the warmth extended to him, and while waiting for dinner, he sat with the doctor in the living room. The room was cozy, with leather sofas and a patterned carpet. On one side, there was an elegant display of artwork and a vase of flowers; on the other, there were several framed photographs. The frames were well-maintained, showing that they were cherished keepsakes.
As Lucien looked at two familiar faces in one of the photographs, his gaze flickered momentarily.
It was as if a strange emotion had crossed through time, enveloped in the fresh warmth and memories, unfolded before his eyes once again.
"This was taken many years ago... I believe it was after some scientific conference."
"Back then, scientists from various fields around the world gathered in Copenhagen for a month-long academic discussion." Noticing Lucien's paused gaze, the doctor got up and brought the photo over.
"I had read about that conference as part of my research, but I didn't realize you knew Professor Ding Yunqing and Professor Hoffman. I recall they were experts in the field of linguistic philosophy," Lucien mentioned.
"Science connects not only truths but also everyone who walks this path," the doctor said, his gaze lingering on the old photograph as if he had opened a box of memories. For a brief moment, his eyes dimmed.
"...And I remember these two Chinese scholars, they were outstanding scientists. It's just a pity…"
"But their academic and research contributions were unquestionable, and those dedicated hours still serve as our foundation, helping countless others open the doors to truth in the future."
Lucien fell silent, unable to quite express the emotions stirring in his chest at this moment.
Am I one step closer to you now?
“It’s dinner time~”
The doctor's wife had prepared a table full of dishes, illuminated by flickering candlelight, making it a truly lavish spread. As Lucien glanced back at that photograph, he had a fleeting sense that the people in the picture were also gazing back at him.
Perhaps they had been watching over him all along.
He slowly took a bite of the warm pineapple pie.
It was very warm and sweet.
[Chapter 4 - Gifts from everyone]
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After hearing the news that Lucien would graduate early, the entire laboratory was in an uproar.
"Damn genius kid, you came to the lab later than me, but you're graduating earlier! This is unfair!"
"Come on, Elliot, maybe you should look at your own issues. Is your research just too mediocre, with only eight papers and an E?"
"...Mediocre? Is that really mediocre?" Matthew, who was standing nearby, widened his eyes.
"No need to dwell on what they're saying too much," Lucien lowered his voice, treating it as passing on some advice to the younger ones. "Let's finish the data comparison at hand first, and if we happen to bring the doctor over... Colt, you might actually get kicked out of the lab."
Colt let out a final wail and obediently entered silent work mode.
The sounds of equipment in operation, the constant clicking of keyboards, hushed discussions, and occasional sighs during experiments – Lucien suddenly realized that today felt just like any other day, and the parting still felt distant.
However, time had long set its course and was accelerating forward.
Another ordinary day in the lab came to an end. Colt, who was usually enthusiastic about parties, didn't disappear this time but stayed behind to clean up and even occasionally pulled Elliott and Matthew aside for what seemed like secret plotting. Lucien neatly organized the cleaned beakers and test tubes, acting as if nothing was amiss. After finishing, he followed them back to the dormitory as if everything was normal.
"Ta da—this is our graduation gift for you!"
On the coffee table were four beautifully wrapped gifts, three of which were almost discernible by their shape, likely books. Under the gaze of three pairs of eyes, Lucien cooperatively tore open the wrapping paper.
《The Complete Plays of George Bernard Shaw (1893-1921)》,《Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Text Revision DSM-5-TR》, and《Principles of Neural Science》. There were also a few beautifully handmade bookmarks and a stack of postcards featuring the natural landscapes of various American states.
"I know you have the basic textbooks, but receiving the 'Neuroscience Bible' from your senior, the significance is different, right, Xiù Mó… Oops, I mean, Xǔ... Xǔ mò! Did I get the pronunciation right this time?"
"Colt mentioned giving books, and I thought long and hard before selecting a useful reference book. Even though most people may not actually use it in reality, if there comes a moment when you need some assistance, I hope it can come in handy."
"The novel was chosen by Caroline. Her experiments in Canada have been quite demanding lately, so I'm representing her."
"The bookmarks and postcards were my contribution... I hope they are quite practical!"
Listening to them chatter and introduce their gifts, Lucien suddenly felt that the things in his hands were heavy, as if he was holding more than just the gift itself.
"Thank you. I'll take good care of these and bring them back home." He finally expressed his gratitude simply, taking the gifts back to his room and storing them carefully.
At that moment, there was a knock on the door.
"Xǔ Mò, can I come in?"
"Of course," Lucien turned to look at Colt. "You finally got my name right."
"In fact, once you grasp the pronunciation rules, it's not that difficult," Colt smugly raised an eyebrow. "If there's anything unfinished or you need help with anything, just speak up. Proofreading work is also fine."
"I'll keep that in mind if I need any help."
"So, Xǔ Mò, what do you plan to do in the future?"
He wasn’t sure if it was the sense of achievement from suddenly mastering the pronunciation after four years, but Colt seemed to add his name to every sentence. It was a bit amusing, but Lucien still thought carefully about the question.
"I might consider establishing my own research institute."
"Oh, that sounds great. I always feel like if I stay in this lab any longer, the doctor will kick me out sooner or later."
"Well, that's also his expectation of you."
Colt pursed his lips and suddenly remembered something. He took out a pair of NOU cards from his pocket and placed them on Lucien's desk.
"Take them. You might need them in the new place."
"So, is NOU really a traditional pastime here?" Lucien finally asked the question that had been bothering him as he looked at the cards.
"Hahaha, do you like it then?"
Lucien didn't answer the question, just as Colt hadn't addressed his curiosity.
But at this moment, he confirmed that perhaps only with this group of people in front of him would he have that special feeling to play NOU cards with them.
"Oh... Sad," Colt put on a mournful expression, and Lucien knew he was about to start something again.
"Let's play one last round!"
"I'll be here tomorrow. To be precise, I have a few more months."
"Then let's play every day from now until the day you leave!"
"Elliot! Matthew! Let's party!"
[Chapter 5 - Parting and Full Moon]
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The thesis defense ended smoothly.
Today, everyone was assigned to attend an academic conference, and the usually bustling dormitory felt a bit empty. Lucien thought for a moment and began to organize his belongings.
Having lived here for four years, Lucien had developed a habit of keeping things organized. However, there were still numerous miscellaneous items. Of course, books took up a significant portion of his belongings, and the rest included various notes, materials, and reports. He grabbed a few packing boxes and began sorting everything by category. As for some discarded items, he decided to arrange them for disposal.
Soon, half of the room was emptied out.
It turned out that four years' worth of time could fit into just a few boxes.
Suddenly, Lucien was drawn to a black strap that had fallen into a corner. He moved aside the piled-up items in the corner and discovered an old handheld video camera. The strap's connector showed obvious wear, and some labels on the adjustment buttons had rubbed off.
Lucien quickly recalled that it was two years ago, on a winter day, when the doctor had taken their entire lab to visit another school's lab for academic exchange. It seemed to be Christmas that day, with snow falling, and there was a large Christmas tree on Beacon Street adorned with colorful lights. Everyone had a bit of wine and enthusiastically joined in the street's celebration activities, while he himself wandered into a second-hand Western antique shop. There was an array of tableware, dolls, furniture... His gaze went past them and landed on the camera at the edge of the shelf.
It seemed like... he had seen a similar one in that study room once.
In reality, Lucien didn't remember the model, and he couldn't be certain if it was truly the same one. Nevertheless, he bought it, perhaps just because of some familiarity.
Although he occasionally shot some aimless footage after returning, research reports and books gradually replaced it, and he slowly forgot about it.
The magic of memory lies precisely in this, the ability to bring past moments vividly back to life in an unassuming moment.
Lucien removed the battery from the camera and started charging it. As he continued to pack the boxes, he patiently waited for the red light to turn green.
After pressing the power button, he waited for a while before the machine displayed the startup screen slowly. He clicked the record button, and the somewhat empty dorm room appeared on the screen. After rotating the camera, he pushed open the door and walked out. The common lounge area was unusually quiet in the late hours, a bit messy as always.
The camera's lens passed through the corridor and exited the dormitory building. Even at night, occasional students were rushing by on campus. He walked along the usual path, passing by every tree he had passed on normal days, every building, his classroom, and the laboratory.
He sat in his seat, not turning on the lights, just sitting in silence for a long time. The camera passed by the lab bench, the whiteboard, and finally stopped at the window. Through this window, he had witnessed the changing seasons and countless day and night transitions, from sunrise to sunset. And all these ever-moving things had also witnessed him step by step toward distant places, coming here, and then leaving.
The old-fashioned camera had a lot of noise in the night, and although Lucien tried to adjust it, most of the footage was just a dark, ink-like expanse. However, he didn't care.
In the end, he lifted the camera upward, and the moon became increasingly round and full. Today happened to be the Cold Dew* in the lunar calendar.
Lucien exhaled; winter was approaching.
[T/N: "Cold Dew" (寒露) is one of the 24 solar terms in the traditional Chinese calendar. It typically falls between October 8th and 23rd of the Gregorian calendar. During Cold Dew, the weather becomes significantly colder, and dew starts to form on the ground as temperatures drop further. It marks the transition from late autumn to early winter in the Northern Hemisphere. Just like it marks his parting from leisure college day to the upcoming 'winter' :"]
[Chapter 6 - Graduation]
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Time moved forward once again, and Lucien received his graduation certificate in the office, handed to him by Dr. Lawson.
All those nearly four years of time, the thousands of days and nights spent in the lab, were now encompassed in this thin piece of paper. An unnamed emotion brushed through his heart, but he didn't dwell on it. Instead, he casually thought that B.S. was indeed very efficient.
"I heard you're preparing for interviews at American research institutes."
Dr. Lawson's voice sounded, and Lucien looked into those slightly sunken eyes, thinking to himself. By all accounts, the doctor shouldn't be aware of this matter, unless someone deliberately leaked the information.
"I do have that plan."
The light outside the window was exceptionally bright, reflecting the anticipation in Dr. Lawson's eyes.
"Lucien, I know you're eager to explore the truth and long for the answers this world has to offer you."
"At this point, your persistence surpasses that of many people. Sometimes, the power of the human heart is more like an unwavering truth than science. Don't let persistence turn into paranoia."
"I wish you all the best in everything that lies ahead."
Faced with such high expectations and blessings, Lucien slightly bowed.
"Thank you for your guidance over these four years."
After leaving the office, he walked along the corridor, and memories of his first time here involuntarily surfaced in his mind. It seemed that even the faint speckles on the wall corners were vividly remembered by him.
It's just that today is unusually quiet, or perhaps he should say, this day is too quiet.
There were no external tasks or lab arrangements today, but Colt and the others haven't been seen since morning. Lucien could probably guess what they might be up to, but he didn't dwell on it. Right now, he should return to his dorm for the final preparations. As he passed by a classroom, he heard a faint rustling sound from inside, which grew faster and denser, bursting out of the front door of the classroom with surprise and enthusiasm—
Before Lucien's eyes, countless gray ribbons suddenly soared into the air, glistening in the sunlight and constantly shining.
"Xǔ Mò, congratulations on your graduation!"
"As expected of our little genius, congratulations on your official graduation!"
—Colt and Matthew waved small confetti cannons in their hands, while Elliot held a camera, and the three of them smiled with pride.
"Congratulations." Caroline, who had appeared at some point, placed a simple bouquet of flowers in Lucien's hand and patted his shoulder happily.
"Hey, Elliot, it looks like our surprise plan worked. This kid actually showed a rare surprised expression!"
"Quick, capture it! When this genius makes a name for himself in the future, this moment will be a precious memory."
They chatted away, and the simple pieces of information were unusually hard for Lucien's brain to process until Colt came over with a set of doctoral robes, and he blinked slowly.
"We heard from the Doctor that you'll be leaving the school soon, so the few of us decided to organize a separate graduation ceremony just for you."
Without giving Lucien a chance to refuse, the group had already divided the tasks and helped him into the doctoral robes. They gently pushed his back, leading him outside the teaching building.
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Lucien looked up at the bright sunlight, feeling the warmth of the autumn day very clearly.
"I've been looking for all of you for half a day; it's not time for the group photo yet, is it?"
"Well, before we can proceed, we have to wait for you to arrive, Doc."
Watching Doctor's hurried figure join the others, Lucien unconsciously curled his lips into a smile.
There have been quite a few changes in these four years.
In this autumn, he was surrounded by this group of people, celebrating his graduation.
The pure beauty of the world can make people dull, and the world that awaits him was bound to be no longer a game.
But at least at this moment, he could slow down his pace just a bit.
He had graduated, and will be stepping into the no longer gentle nights ahead.
And he was full of anticipation for it.
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acesammy · 6 months
The only spn show I would like to see at this point is a pre-series miniseries adaptation of ‘rising son’
let’s see John come inches away from putting his 7 year old son down like a dog he suspects could’ve been exposed to rabies
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Another faded memory
Some shuake slow dancing that I drew for @prince-tenjou as a secret santa present in the shuake-official discord
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fistfuloflightning · 1 year
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“What is this?” Finrod examined the ring his wife had just slid onto his finger. His brows rose at the design. “…Snakes and flowers?” he asked. “Is this us?”
“What do you think? I’m not one for sentimentality. It’s just the symbol of your House.” Curufin’s flat voice was reassuring. She bent her head over his hand, fingers pointing out details as she explained. “—the eyes are those jewels Father gave you as a wedding gift you never knew what to do with, and the silver-mithril alloy for the base was—”
He watched her face as she spoke, more talkative than her wont, a rather delicate flush to her cheeks that most wouldn’t even notice. But he noticed. He always noticed.
Curufin stuttered to a halt when the ringed hand rose to cup her cheek. “Was this what you were working on for so long?” Finrod asked softly. “What you were acting so secretive about?”
Her lips pressed tight but her intense eyes belied the affection she had poured into this work of love.
“I will cherish it.” Finrod caught her chin and kissed her soundly. “It was a gift from you. Therefore, I will keep it with me always.”
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cinna-bunnie · 8 months
not me and my manager trauma bonding over mommy issues 💀💕 i love her aksksk oof i had to go smoke and Think after this one
i love when our one on ones are basically like lol i don't have much 2 talk about this wk and we get like 40m to hang n talk after getting work stuff out the way. she is such a sweetie and so fun (❁´◡`❁)
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