yuri-is-online · 30 days
Trey seeing you like his teasing and bullying, don't tempt the man. He's barely hanging on.
the following is a rough concept? warm up? from a long fic I have been writing on and off for months now. the context is that Trey is sick and Yuu has decided to bring him food before Riddle can kill him w/ Lilia on the assist.
Nothing too explicit... yet. yet
"Seriously." You sigh, focusing on the container and... quivering. Your arms are straining against the containers unintentional vacuum seal, did you run over here to see him as soon as you heard about him fainting? Or were you just too... he doesn't want to say stupid even though it catches in his throat along with his saliva when he sees you roll your lower lip under your teeth and grunt. "It's tight." Yes, something is, wound so tight it ought to snap.
"Need some help?" His voice is uncharacteristically breathy, as is the directness of the offer, and he thinks he can make out disappointment. A phantom strength allows him to sit up as his eyes narrow to let him see just that much better; he tries focusing on your teeth, it's the left canine that's denting your lip. It pushes in as he moves forward, threatens to pierce the flesh. The lump in his throat goes down as he floats more than moves up from the bed, resting his weight against his night stand.
"No." You bring the soup up to your chest before immediately bringing it back down. How silly of you, it must be really hot. "I keep telling you, I'm not doing this because I need you-" Trey moves his arm around to your other side, resting it on his desk and delighting in how clear your surprise is now that he has his glasses on.
"How kind of you." Your tongue peaks out to lick your canine and draws his attention back to your lips. Trey likes your lips, they're so... expressive. Uncontrollable, no matter how much you try to hide how much you want to have him around your lips always give you away. "But you've got to be doing this for some reason." Right now they purse, hooked on his bait and unaware of the line as he leans just a bit more forward crowding you closer to the desk. "That's just how this school works." Your lip trembles. Three more teeth peak out of your mouth and Trey can't even be bothered to list the numbers in his head to distract from where the blood leaving his head is going. He wants to bite down, sink in his own teeth in place of yours and suck-
"Trey!" Thank the seven you put thought to put the food behind you before you went to catch him, Trey's heavy even if you only have to push him back over to his bed which thankfully isn't that far. "You're supposed to be resting." You snatch his glasses from his head before he can even manage to react but he doesn't seem to upset. He wiggles his head back into his pillow, and looks in your vague direction as you finally manage to pop the damn lid off the soup and try to convince yourself the heat hurting your face is from the steam and not your own stupid feelings. "I'll set this over here and get some tea."
"Make some for yourself too." You think you hear him say as you walk on out in a daze.
Trey closes his eyes and tries to take a deep breath without hating himself too much. Something is wrong with him, that's got to be the correct explanation for this.
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typinggently-archive · 2 months
Hip against the table, that gets his attention. “Hey.”
Sam looks up from his notes. “Hey?” Quizzical, with his eyes slipping away for a split second to check the clock on the far wall. “I thought you’d come get me at six.”
Dean shrugs one shoulder. “Guy can’t change his mind? It’s a free country.”
That gets him one of those puppy frowns, some frankenemotion of amusement and annoyance, with some suspicion thrown in the mix. “Well, I’m not done.”
Dean is already pulling back a chair, legs scraping over dark grey carpet floors. “That’s cool, I’ll wait.” He sits, chair groaning as Sam shrugs and returns his attention to the book in front of him. Not even a ‘sure, whatever’.
But that’s fine, that’s cool. Dean can wait.
He looks at the wall, watches the clock tick away silently at the next minute. He looks at the carpet floors, wonders how many stains have soaked into the carpet and if any would show up under black light. He looks at the books, tries to guess their topic without moving in closer. He looks at Sam.
The seams of his shirt are pulled tight, crinkling a little. It’s Dean’s, used to be, some vague shade of dark blue that always looked better on Sam. Rolled up, too, the ass, and stretched over his biceps. His forearms are tan and strong, he’s fidgeting with his pen as he reads. The rhythmic click-clack of his pen should be annoying, but it just draws the eye to his long fingers. When Dean flicks his gaze up, it sticks to the shadows under Sam’s collar, the dip between his collar bones. Shoulders, the golden shimmer on his chin where the neon light catches in his afternoon stubble. His Cupid’s bow. The mole on his cheek.
Hum, no real answer. Sam flips a page, circles something in his tattered spiral notebook.
“Hey.” Dean kicks his chair.
“What?” Annoyed, this time. Sam glances over, long lashes and a furrow between his brows.
But Dean is leaning in already. One hand rests on the table, crinkling paper under his palm. The tip of his nose brushes Sam’s cheek, then he fits their mouths together.
Sam tastes like Sam, like a day at the library, like dusty carpets and the scent of books. Like the aftertaste of coffee, like neon lights and surprise. Dean nips, coaxes. His neck aches, his lower back pulses with pain, but he doesn’t pull back until Sam returns the kiss, until he rests a warm palm on Dean’s cheek and everything tastes like Sam, Sam, Sam. Until the book slips off the table and bounces on the carpet floors. Forgotten.
[i hate your phone, throw it away // I wish it had never even been invented]
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simcerelyposts · 16 days
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drowning in babies
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asphaltis · 9 months
guys!!!!! hear me out!!’
this is such a rough idea and i kind of really want to make it now but it’s 5:30 am okay bye
Carmen Sandiego’s first choice in her career certainly wasn’t teaching a classics class however, when bigshot Dr. Graham Calloway transfers to her department and forces her office to become half his, she has to figure out a way to either cooperate with him or weed him out of her department. What she didn’t count on was the annoying boyish charm or crooked smile that would’ve greeted her every morning before her 8 AM lecture.
enemies with benefits turned friends with benefits to eventual lovers slowburn served with a side of angst
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ghosty-bees · 1 year
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spoiler alert - he was in fact a detective.
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this is painful I hate this I love it so much
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zhakyria · 8 months
Country Roads WIP part 1
I did warn yall. The western/cowboy au is becoming a reality. :D
Cody shielded his eyes from the glare of the hot Lysatran sun. It sat low behind the small space port, throwing the two people approaching him in silhouette. He’d only been expecting one, the new core world teacher. 
The sun finally sunk below the horizon as the two walked up to his wagon and he could make out their features. The taller of the two had blue skin, not unlike a Pantoran, but he was definitely not one given his bright red eyes. He didn’t wear a uniform, but he held himself like someone accustomed to military service. The other man was human with sandy hair and eyes the color of storm clouds. He did wear a Republic uniform which hung open to the waist. They both carried republic issued duffels. 
“Are you our ride, Sheriff?” The human asked. He spoke with a light wild space accent, that probably made him the son of one of the locals back for shore leave.
Cody settled his hat back onto his head. “I am, if you’re headed to Cimarron.” He eyed the men. “Which one of you is our new teacher?” 
“I greet you, Sheriff. I’m Mitth’raw’nuruodo, the new teacher.” The taller one bowed slightly and Cody cocked an eyebrow up at the formality.
“Word of warning, you might want to drop the formality. People ‘round here are pretty friendly but most don’t care for what they might consider pretentious core worlders.” 
“I see.”
“Tried to warn ya. I’m Anton.” The other man held out his hand to Cody, who shook it. He had a strong grip but there was no challenge behind it. “It’s good to be home.” Anton smiled broadly and dimples appeared at the corners of his mouth.
“You’re a local then?”
 “Used to be.” 
Anton threw his duffel into the back unceremoniously before climbing in after it. Mitth’raw’nuruodo followed suit, but he set his bags into the back of the wagon instead of throwing them, before climbing onto the seat beside Cody.
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nervousmoongiver · 1 year
oh my god im actually posting
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daisydays-26 · 10 months
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Harnessing my inner @capnhanbers for this animation
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sidebloglhlpcf · 2 years
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I know this isn’t how it happened, but we never did see Luz’s bi awakening sooo
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stvvlblcde · 1 year
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º ✧ 。–––  [  timothee chalamet  ,  29  ,  genderfluid  ,  he/they  ]  welcome  edmyn tully ,  the  lord of riverrun  ,  to  king's  landing  !  the  ravens  have  carried  word  of  their  - aloof  and  - apathetic  nature  ,  but  we  have  high  hopes  that  their  +observant  and  + intelligent  qualities  will  shine  through  .  when  you  think  of  them  ,  ideas  of  bright red knuckles bleeding onto fresh snow, the same oath written repeatedly, a young boy with wide eyes  come  to  mind  .   they  are  arriving  to  the  red  keep  , neutral  to  house  velaryon  . 
tw. mention of infertility.
name : edmyn grover tully.
title ( s ) : lord of riverrun, current heir to the seat of the riverlands.
age : twenty-nine..
orientation : bisexual.
religion : faith of the seven.
loyalty : house tully & the riverlands. house velaryon.
height : 5′10". / 177cm
hair color : dark brown nearly black, sits upon his head usually in mussed curls.
eye color : light green.
martial status :unwed but actively seeking a betrothal.
children  :  none.
father : ruling lord utp tully. lord utp tully.*biological father, though it is unknown.( is brother to the current ruling lord. )
mother : ruling lady utp tully nee utp.
siblings : lady cordelia tully, lady utp tully, lord utp tully.
edmyn is born the first child to parents who had waited far too long for a babe to arrive in riverrun, it is rumored that when he entered the world that he was frighteningly quiet. till ruling lord peaked over the maester's head, only then did edmyn begin to cry as babes do.
the rest of their siblings follow closely after them but do not steal the attention away from edmyn. the young lord is often doted on by one of his parents, or his aunt and uncle who remain close. at times they tread close to being another set of parents. this forms a child who is clingy, demanding constant attention till his father deems them old enough to begin learning of his responsibilities as heir.
shoved onto tutors after his seventh name, a rift began to form between edmyn and their parents born out of a sense of quiet rebellion he grew into like his sister. however, where hers were escaping riverrun, theirs was formed with cruel words and entitlement. edmyn becomes a mean spirited teenager, who forms into a brutally honest young man. formed from a cage that they were trapped in, a life that was not theirs.
edmyn does not question how their features look more like their uncle each passing year, foolishly compares himself to his aunt as well. whispers to the glass that they are tully features. tully. tully. tully.
he plays court politics decently, having been fed them from a young age, by remaining most silently. eyes observing for weaknesses, secrets that are waiting like fruit on a vine for them to pluck. to use in a sharp insult when said person wears his patience thin.
talks of betrothals begin quickly after his twentieth name day, hosting a grand celebration to riverrun to celebrate the occasion. to present edmyn as eligible to their friends and family in the riverlands. notably, edmyn is closed off the entire evening. thus the rumors begin of his aloofness.
it does not help that soon his first betrothal is broken, whispers speaking that edmyn had made the other woman cry. years pass before another is announced, also brokenly just as swiftly. edmyn pays the rumors little mind, enjoying the distance it provides. the freedom it allows for them to entertain others in their bed.
edmyn was pulled aside for a meeting with his father shortly before their arrival to king's landing, reprimanded and declared that if he does not straighten up his attitude. make stronger alliances for the riverlands, declare a betrothal that shall last, and begin to prove himself a worthy heir- they shall take the position from edmyn.
edmyn is staring down at the loss of everything they have known, even if it was something they did not desire, it was all he was ever raised for. taught for. he will not stand to lose it.
friends from both the riverlands & elsewhere. edmyn has travelled a great deal with his father.
former flings, self explanatory, any gender or whatnot!
current flings, they do have a healthy appetitive for physical touch. 
enemies perhaps, edmyn is rude guy.
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luminecho · 2 years
Can I offer you a hug OR a comforting blanket during this trial?
Please both I’ll start sobbing with gratitude
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bellwethers · 3 months
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lavendervirgos · 1 month
Breeding as a concept? Amazing
Mentions of breeding/getting pregnant during dirty talk? Outstanding
Real life pregnancy? No. Horrifying. Never. Hard pass. Worst thing imaginable.
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forecast0ctopus · 2 months
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emberglowfox · 1 year
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i dont think the sages are distinctly aware of everything their avatars are doing, but i imagine some things probably bleed through
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