#THX come back my beloved
welpivelostmymind · 2 years
i miss the THX logo sequence. i miss that inexplicably loud MMMMMMMMMMMM everywhere.
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Break Bones?
There has been nothing but tension between you and your ward, and Breakbones has only added to it.
bodyguard!Gwayne Hightower x Lannister!Reader x Harwin Strong | 4k+ | cw: fem!reader, reader has golden lannister hair, enemies to lovers, forced proximity ig, im just a girl!reader, angst?, jealousy, typos, etc.
A/N: this the '3rd part' to Seeing Red (1) and Seeing Green (2) but you dont have to read either to understand what's happening <3. Also, I think a lot of facts are skewed here in this fic but... Roll with it pls thx. I hope someone enjoys this because I do nawt 🥲
Tagging: @lancedoncrimsonwings @targs-on-zorses @barbieaemond @arabellasleopardcoat @dreamsandconstellations
@uniquecroissant @holdingforgeneralhugs @b00kw0rmsworld
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Lunch was my favorite meal. This time of day was most pleasant, with the sun high in the sky and the birds singing. Normally at this time, whatever grogginess the morning gave me would long be gone. But today, it was not so.
Gwayne turns to me as I pointedly smack on my meal to annoy him. If my day is grim, then so should his.
He chews harder than he needs to then swallows, "I see frolicking with Breakbones has made you forget your pedigree."
I raise my brows, "nay," I set my spoon down, "my meal is simply so scrumptious that I cannot contain myself."
Gwayne releases a breath. I watch him as he reaches for his teacup. He looks as though he's using all the muscles in his body to withhold an eye roll. He takes a sip; the heat of the tea leaves his lips ruddy.
I watch him set his floral cup down. I watch him as he leans back on his chair. When did his get that long? The locks by his temples go past his cheeks now. A line forms on his face when I stare too long. I avert my gaze to my own teacup. The milkiness of his face is reflected in my drink. My stomach churns.
"So-" "How-"
We look at each other after speaking at the same time. I open my mouth, meaning to tell him to go first, but he cuts me off and simply speaks, "how is Breakbones?"
Offence latches on my being. How ill-mannered of him not to even feign the courtesy of allowing me to speak first. Irritation springs forth, so I quip, "what?"
Gwayne scoops some honey and stirs it into his tea. He licks what remained on the silverware.
I avoid his eyes as he does so.
"Your whereabouts have not gone unnoticed by me," he says dryly, "I am aware that you have since been accompanied by Breakbones to the market more than once."
A horrid scowl finds my features, "and just who is this foul creature?"
Gwayne's expression falls until my scowl is reflected on him. His jaw sets, "I can assure you; you have already wholly vexed me this morn; you needn't feign ignorance to add to it."
"But I am not acquainted to this brute who breaks bones," I hiss, "and I need not feign something which comes easy for me."
He realizes then that I was sincere in my own vexation when I heatedly continue.
"Your delusions of my character will not bleed into reality, Ser." I pointedly raise a brow, "whichever part of my body you think would associate with such people who garner such names would surely rather strike your cheek."
He furrows his brows as he tilts his head, "yet it seems you are ignorant to the fact Breakbones is your beloved City Watch commander."
My brows furrow. I am silent for a moment before speaking, "Ser Harwin?"
He scoffs out a chuckle, "oh, yes," he takes a sip of his tea, "the brute with such a name is the one you have extended such warm amity to as of late."
A moment of concern and even alarm floods me. But it is fleeting the next moment, and my expression falls. I huff. A pit grows in my stomach, "how acrid and crude."
Gwayne's brows quirk as he gulps his tea. The manner in which his lips curl pierce through my belly in the most unpleasant of ways.
"I am well aware that you and I have never met eye to eye, that you disagree with my interest in beautiful things-"
His expression slips.
"-but your want to deter me of my only companion here is repellent, even for one as you."
Companion? Gwayne's blood rises just as I from my seat across him, "such as I?"
"Such as you!" I maintain, chucking my table napkin onto my half-finished plate.
"I see your unfeigned ignorance has made you callous to my efforts to please you," he words harshly, slowly rising from his seat.
"But it is not your work to please me!" I snap, "your work is to keep me safe!"
"From library books?!" he raises his voice, "from cakes and dresses? What is your danger in King's Landing when not only do a thousand guards reside within these walls, but your own lord brother is seated upon the council of the king?"
My nostrils flare at his words. I decide to maintain my dignity by forfeiting my response. I gather my skirts and flee him.
He releases an irritated laugh, "oh, how very like of you!"
"Do not wait. I have errands to accomplish."
"Ha! Do accomplish them well with your beloved Breakbones."
I storm away from him. I storm and storm until my face rains. It annoys me how my breath shortens and how my throat constricts. I run off to my chambers and dismiss any ready servants there. I crumble to my bed and wring out my melancholy.
The letter I received late last night calls to me from my vanity. I sigh and reach out to it. I slide down my bed and will the contents of the letter to change.
It does not work. The words are as clear as they were last night underneath my lamp, if not clearer now in afternoon shine.
Highgarden would be honored to receive Lady Lannister. House Tyrell presently prepares its home in hopes it will be hers in the apparent future.
I rip the parchment to shreds, as if its riddance would destroy the reality it held.
It does not.
It comforts me, nonetheless.
I wash my face and reapply rogue before exiting my chambers. I begin to walk off but freeze when I see Gwayne at the end of the hallway. He does nothing. He says nothing.
I turn the other way.
I find myself heading to the guard's quarters, where I soon learned Ser Harwin was not. A guard informs me that he was in the training grounds, and so I promptly make my way there.
The moment Harwin catches the golden glint upon my head, he is distracted. He pays less attention to his pupils, offering me a smile and nod in regard. Soon, when I am close enough, he says a quick word before abandoning his post altogether.
Harwin struts up to me with another smile and nod, "my lady Lannister."
My heart swells at his kind regard, a stark contrast of Gwyane, "lord Strong."
"You must forgive my state," he wipes the sweat dripping from his temple, "an hour remains of our session, then I will be free to accompany you to the baker's today," he assures. He smiles but it quickly disappears as he adds, "after I wash and change, of course."
I press my lips tightly together, yet it does not contain my giggle.
Harwin crosses his arms at the sound, his own lips unable to contain his own giggle.
"I am in no hurry, commander," I clasp my hands together, "feel free to ignore me until you are ready."
He walks backward, "I pray you do not require me to do something impossible."
I chuckle at the sentiment, but I roll my eyes. I sit myself on a crate nearby and watch as the man instructs his pupils. He demonstrates the proper handling of a sword and strikes the dummy. For a moment, I think of Gwayne training.
Then suddenly, I remember our argument and find myself calling out, "break bones."
I watch as Harwin turns to me.
I flatten my skirts on my lap but do speak any further.
"You call, my lady?"
I straighten my back, slightly taken aback that he responded, and shake my head, "never mind."
Harwin does not think twice on it. He continues with his lesson.
Watching him teach was... titillating. His voice was rich and sure, his actions more so, and his demeanor was truly that of a commander. More and more, I thought of 'break bones' and continued to convince myself that this was not him. Soon, I was not enslaved to my thoughts and became thoroughly entertained by Harwin's instruction. It was almost a shame that the hour passed as quickly as it did.
Harwin quickly comes to me, announcing he will not take long to tidy up, then leaves just as quickly. Unable to help myself, I decide to ask a guard about this break bones fellow. Before I can even ask if that man was truly his commander, he's already droning about See Harwin Strong. Before he could finish, the said man was beside me, face and locks slightly damp.
Harwin and I make our way to the stables after and I immediately start, "I did not realize you had quite a reputation."
I watch my feet peak out from beneath my dress as we leisurely make our way to his steed. Harwin, with his hands behind him, turns to me with a quirked brow, "and what reputation might that be?"
"Breakbones," I look up.
He simply stares.
"I thought Gwayne thought it up to deter me from your companionship."
He purses his lip, "...does it?"
I give him an incredulous look, "perhaps if I had known it before I knew you. I was testing the name on you. I did not expect you to respond."
"Is it very ill-fitting?"
"Yes," I speak immediately. I tilt my head, "you are very gentle."
He laughs. It is quiet but hard enough that he must clutch his gut and take a moment to gather himself.
Though it was not like him to mock me, I could not help but feel perhaps that in this moment he was. A frown finds me.
I think of Gwayne and his condescending laughter. My chest tightens.
He breathes in deeply before finally calming. Harwin notices my dejected demeanor and it wipes the grin off his face, "forgive me. I laugh only because I have not yet been called gentle in earnest."
It does not rid my frown.
"It pleases me," he mutters.
I stop in my tracks when he reaches for my hand. My pulse quickens when he takes and lifts it.
"I am glad to appear as such to you," he speaks carefully, blue eyes locked on mine. He presses a chaste kiss at the back of my hand. He maintains his hold until we are in front of his horse.
Harwin helps me up the brown stallion. He maintains a respectable hold and even fixes my dress as I seat myself. I look down at him and his smile. I nod, indicating that he can now climb up.
He shakes his head, lips still curled upright, "I do not think it wise for me to ride with you today."
I furrow my brows, "why ever not?"
Harwin takes the reins of his horse, "well, I fear my hasty washing was not enough."
I roll my eyes, "I-"
"And I desire to uphold the gentle nature you recognize in me." Harwin begins to walk.
"I do not understand."
He snorts lightly, "I fear my softness will not remain if I ride behind you."
My brows only furrow deeper.
Harwin catches this and chuckles. He mumbles under his breath, "the lioness is but a kitten."
"I heard that."
He raises a hand, "a jest. An innocent jest."
I spent a good part of the afternoon scrutinizing cakes and frosting, meticulously ordering the perfect assortment to be delivered to me tomorrow.
By the time Harwin and I were back in the Keep, I could tell that he was worn, not only from being made a taste tester against his will, but also from walking back and forth.
Another image of Gwayne flashes in my mind. Guilt and dread threaten to spill from my lips.
Harwin helps me down his steed and softly smiles once I am stood before him. My heart stings at his drowsy expression. My forehead curls as I reach for his cheek, "you have been most patient and kind."
His face perks at my touch.
"I am most grateful," I brush his curls away from his face, "I would not have been able to accomplish what I have today without you."
Harwin straightens when I pull away, seemingly reinvigorated.
"Forgive me if my meticulousness cost us a longer trip than expected."
He chuckles and shakes his head, "you award me more credit than I am due. It is an honor to witness the care you put into your gifts."
I watch him as he leads the horse into the stable. Harwin continues once he's walking back towards me, "I am sure Gwayne's nameday will be heartfelt, knowing his lady took great measures to prepare her gifts for him."
The thought makes me want to pull my hair out. I sigh and simply walk off.
Harwin's expression falls. He follows after me, "is something wrong?"
I watch my shoes peak from beneath my skirt with my steps. I turn to him when he calls me by my name. Harwin has a look of concern upon him. I comb the tips of my golden hair in agitation, "I... do not wish his nameday to come."
A line forms between his brows.
I sigh, "surely you are aware that my move to King's Landing was to secure myself a husband."
Harwin did, in fact, not know this, but does not have the chance to say so.
"My brother says the only house interested in me is that of the Tyrells."
His brows quirk. A doubtful thought.
"I did not..." I turn to the ground, "think my demeanor so odious that I am able to attract but one marriage proposal. Surely my family name weighs more than that."
The thought makes Harwin's forehead curl.
"I am not due to leave for Highgarden until the next moon, but I figured if it pleases Gwayne, I would set him free on his nameday. Another gift for him."
Harwin frowns, "do you not think your decision rash?"
"Rational, perhaps."
He does not seem to like my resolve on the matter, and yet he does not press any further. The rest of our walk is silent, and soon we are in the hall to my chambers.
Both Harwin and I slow at the sight of Gwyane standing attention at my door. He shifts in his spot, turning to us. When we reach him, I notice the way his jaw feathers.
The auburn haired man lifts his nose slightly, "Breakbones."
Harwin nods, "ser Hightower."
"How kind of you to return the lioness to her den," he turns to me, pale blue eyes ripping into my flesh, "I do hope she did not bare her teeth and claws too much."
Harwin raises a brow, "her company is most welcome, teeth and claw included."
I turn to Harwin. He smiles at me. Gwayne watches. His blood curdles.
"She tells me tomorrow is your nameday," Harwin looks to Gwayne, "what plans have you made to celebrate?"
"Whatever my lady has planned for me," he chuckles dryly. His begins to turn red in the face.
My brows furrow, "worry not, Gwayne. There shall be no errands to attend to on the morrow."
"How magnanimous," he smiles, or rather sneers, "your commander seems to need the day off. See how worn you've made him."
"Enough," I quip.
"Agreed," he blurts, "you should retire," he motions with his head, "I will treat the man to some wine," he turns to Harwin, "and perhaps he will the same, as a nameday treat."
Harwin nods, "perhaps on your nameday itself. I have an evening patrol I must cover."
Gwayne's nostrils flare, "unfortunate."
With that, I thank Harwin for accompanying me and head inside my chambers.
Gwayne places a hand on Harwin's shoulder, leading him down the hall, "I must express my appreciation for lightening my load as of late."
"My duty is to serve, but it is a pleasure to do so for the lady Lannister."
Gwayne pulls his hand away then brings both behind him, "I'm sure for one who is daily surrounded by sweaty men, it truly is."
Harwin does not respond. They continue walking down the hall.
"I am glad to know she did not forget my nameday and neither of us will need to be worked by her tomorrow."
Harwin gives a lopsided smile, "if it comes down to it, ser, I will do any work she may require of you in your stead."
Gwayne's face twitches but he expertly covers it up with a low chuckle, "oh, how good. Do not deny me then if it happens."
The two men part ways at the end of the hallway. Gwayne heads for his chambers, feeling irritated and suffocated. He bathes but it does not soothe him as much as he hoped. The next morning, he wakes up groggy and attempts to bathe it away, but the water was as ineffective as the night before.
He gets dressed and makes his way to the solar. He stops in his tracks when he hears the ruckus from inside. It doesn't take him long to recognize the voices, which is why he decides to enter and interrupt the argument taking place inside.
I gasp softly at the sound of the door opening. The sight of Gwayne's concerned expression only makes the tears from my eyes spill further.
Tyland turns to him. He does not mask his ire, which is why he does not greet him. My brother simply quips, "you will not leave her today."
Gwayne turns from my brother to me. It takes a moment before he realizes it was an order, "of course, my Lord."
The master of coin sighs and heads for the door. Before leaving, he raises a hand, "a servant will come to deliver your nameday gift tonight or tomorrow. Lannisport has been overflowing as of late, but I was assured your delivery will be swift."
Gwayne nods, "you have my thanks."
Tyland leaves after this, and Gwayne walks over to me.
I pull away before he can touch me. I lean towards the table and push the assortment of cakes towards him, "you will not need to steal my sweeties today, ser."
I walk towards the window, turning my back on him, uncomfortable with the idea of the man seeing me in disarray. He is insensitive to this and follows after me. I move away, but he does not relent.
"You need not tend to me!" I snap, strands of gold sticking to wet cheeks. I brush my hair away and helplessly point to the table, "there is a box on your chair. Tend to it! I have no use of you."
Gwayne pulls his head back. The sentiment stung, but he decides not to take offence. He cannot, not with the red eyes staring back at him. He decides to walk off and head for his usual chair.
Sure enough, a smallish wooden box tied in a red velvet bow rests on the cushion. He sets it down on the table before seating himself. He turns to me then back at the box. He undoes the bow and opens it. He stares at it. His silence reads to me as disinterest.
"Gloves. Practical but stylish," I walk towards him. He turns to me as I pull the chair beside him. I sit down, taking one glove and the hand it belonged to.
Gwyane spares a moment to watch the red leather be slipped on him hand, the rest of his moments are spent observing the tear laced lashes before him.
After buttoning the glove in his wrist, he stretches his fingers, opening his closing his hand to test the fit. His eyes do not leave me as he does so, "it fits me perfectly."
"As it should," I say, reaching for the other, "I paid the artisan well for this."
He grabs my hand just before I can do that with his. I stare at the veins that run past his sleeves, "I am exhilarated by the knowledge the shape of my hands are known by you."
My lips part.
Had it been any other day, had the circumstances been different, I would have received that statement with offence, for it was one of clear mockery. Yet, with how his dimples vaguely made an appearance and how his lips pressed softly into a smile, it seemed... genuine.
And it seemed to make my heart skip.
I mutter, "I stole a pair of your gloves and had it fitted."
Gwayne chuckles.
My heart skips again.
"Clever girl," he releases my hand and removes the glove I put on him. He takes the ribbon on the table then turns to my hair, "red goes well with gold, wouldn't you agree?"
"... my hair is already made."
"You would be glad to know that I am skilled in unmaking it," he pulls my chair closer to him.
My body burns as he reaches for my curls. My hair was braided by the sides in a fashion I quite enjoyed; I did not enjoy the idea of him unmaking it.
"-just as I am skilled in braiding," Gwayne adds.
I knit my brows at the idea.
"Do not look so shocked," he chuckles, "my sister has as much hair as you, and I did not enjoy how it flew to my face when we were children."
Before I can speak, he grabs my shoulders and turns me away. He gathers my hair and my skin pricks at the feel of his fingers against my nape.
He is silent when he begins. I close my eyes and focus on the feeling of his light touch.
"I would braid Alicent's hair when she wept as well."
My eyes open. Oh.
"Thankfully, it was not a frequent occurrence."
I turn to my skirt.
"I do not tell you this to press you for answers," he softly clarifies, "merely to express how I think it comforted my sister... and how I wish to do the same for you."
I do not reply. My lips wobble.
"I was instructed not to leave your side today and I do not wish to add to whatever offense that could bring a lioness to tears."
I silently wipe my face.
Gwayne says nothing more after this, not until he finished braiding my hair.
He rests the braid on my shoulder. I inspect it, seeing he incorporated the ribbon into the pleats and even managed to make a small bow at the bottom. I look up at him. He frowns and reaches for my cheek, wiping my tears.
I take a deep breath to calm myself, "my brother received an offer for my hand."
Gwayne stills.
"Well," I turn to the box on the table, "he received multiple."
He leans on his elbow. He smiles, though against himself, "we came to King's Landing to find you a match, did we not?"
"It seems my brother has other plans," I mutter, "apparently Tyland means to use me as leverage for the crown. He wishes to wed me to the Tyrells so that he can have a firmer hold on Highgarden. Jason does not know this. He was led to believe I was simply going to King's Landing to purchase new dresses."
A line forms between his brows, "I presume Jason found out about Tyland's plot."
"Yes. Jason writes that I should put my dresses to good use and entertain any suitors that come to me whilst I am in King's Landing."
He nods curtly. He sighs and shrugs, "why the tears then? Does the idea of entertaining men upset you so?"
"... Tyland reminded me of what happened last time when I had many suitors at my beck and call."
Gwayne clenches his teeth. He rests his hand in front of me, "I swear on my life that no one will come close enough to take advantage of you again."
His hand itches to reach out, but he instead goes for the cakes, dragging it in front of him. He shoves a chocolate cake into his mouth and chews.
I watch him lick his lips. He notices how I lick mine. He speaks through a mouth half-full, "do not think I will share simply because you are sad."
I snort and roll my eyes. Gwayne is relieved this was the reaction he garnered.
"I had enough cake from tasting them with Harwin yesterday."
He stops chewing.
I notice the frosting on the corner of his lips and wipe it with my thumb, "enjoy your cakes."
Gwayne is perfectly still.
"Happy nameday."
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fairysluna · 1 year
the reward.
You come back home after two weeks, and with the victory in your shoulders. Cregan, who was still recovering from his wounds, is esger to thank you for what you've done.
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PAIRING — Cregan Stark x Targ!Reader.
TAGS/TW — smut (clit play, praise, cunninglus, humping, public sex), cursing, mentions of murder, blood. If something is missing pls let me know!
AUTHOR’S NOTE — this is based on this ask (thx anon, ily). Just so you know, reader gave birth to Elion four weeks before this happened. I didn't proof read it, so if there's any mistakes I'm sorry.
WORD COUNT — 3.2k.
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When the big wooden doors were opened, all eyes fell on the two silhouettes that walked inside the main hall in the castle of Winterfell. Cregan stood up from his chair almost immediately, his eyes widening with surprise at the sight, and feeling the relief calming down his senses after he finally proved you were not dead.
Two weeks have passed since the last time he heard about you; two weeks in which he was losing his mind for not being able to get up from the bed and go to search for you. Your letters had ceased suddenly and unexpectedly, creating worry not only on your husband but also in the castle. And yet there you were; your hair was covered in ashes and dirt, your face having traces of dried blood and sweat. You were wearing armor which covered your chest, leather pants shaping your legs, the scabbard on your hips was dripping with blood coming from the blade of your sword. By your side, the stern and serious frame of your beloved brother Aemond was standing in the same conditions as you.
But everyone’s eyes were fixed on the giant’s head hanging from your hand. You walked inside the room with pride, your chin up as everyone bowed for you. Your husband was taken aback, for there was too much information in front of him at that moment, it was such a bizarre scene.
Cregan took a sharp breath as he stared at you once you stood in front of him, only a big, long table separating your bodies. The giant’s head was dropped by your hand on top of it, and the man looked down at you with a weird glance on his face. He analyzed your whole shape, from head to toe; from your messy battle braids to your ash-covered shoes. Cregan caught himself feeling some kind of unexplainable sensation of lust in his veins; and you were the only one who was capable of recognizing it.
“My dear husband,” you started, and all the whispers shut down almost immediately. “I’ve brought you a gift. I’m not certain whether this was the one who harmed you, but take it as a symbol… no one hurts those who I love.”
He looked to the head, then at your brother, and lastly at you. He took a deep breath, as if he was about to utter some words, but Lord Karstark opened his mouth.
“Princess,” he said, shock reflected in his voice, “what- how were you able to-?”
“My husband gifted me a fine Valyrian blade a few years ago,” you explained, looking right in the eye of the tall man to whom you call your lover. “Giants are above the size of a regular man, which is what makes them easy to behead from a dragon's back. I couldn't kill them all, but I killed enough to make them yield.”
“They yielded?” Cregan finally spoke, to which you nod.
“Yes, my lord, they did,” the mere pronunciation of those two words almost sent Cregan to outer space. Your voice sounded so deep and seductive without even trying. The man was almost drooling because of you. “They returned beyond the wall as they promised to never cross it again. Those who dared to defy our terms died by the flames of Aegarax, which worked as a warning to let them know what would happen if they disobeyed.”
“We had a few losses, my lord” Aemond interrupted in the conversation, and still Cregan was unable to take his eyes off of you. “They were brave men, killed in battle by those savages. Allow me to present them with honor with a feast in celebration for our victory. It is also well deserved for those who survive.”
“Let it be done, brother,” Cregan said. "We might as well celebrate your bravery, and your efforts for bringing my wife safely back to my arms."
“Ser Aron, please put the giant's head on display for the people to see. It is a sign of peace now,” you ordered.
“Of course, princess,” he bowed swiftly before getting close enough to the head to pick it up and walking with it out of the Hall.
“My lord, if I may, I would like to go and spend some time with my nephews and niece before tonight’s celebration,” Aemond asked, using that polite and courteous tone that was so typical of him.
Cregan nodded, “of course, brother,” he said.
Aemond walked to your way and left a soft kiss on your forehead before squeezing your shoulder and leaving the hall towards the nursery room where you children were. The silence ruled over the room as everyone was expecting for either you or Cregan to speak further into the matter, but all they received was the comfortable silence you and your husband shared as your hazes would refuse to look away. The lack of each other’s presence these last weeks had clearly made a big impact in your lives, for there was an invisible magnet that was pulling you both closer and closer to each other. Your bodies craved each other's touch in a way that would even make you look desperate.
“We won the war, my lord husband,” you said, a slight smirk crossing your lips as you noticed his jaw clenched. “Mayhaps we should celebrate, don’t you think?”
Your eyes gazed upon his face, begging and pleading for something you knew only him could provide you. The nights in the camp were cold and lonely, making you long for your husband’s warmth. Your breathing trembled at the mere thought of his big hands roaming around your body in order to touch those places that he knew so well.
“Everyone,” Cregan raised his voice in order to be heard by all the people present in the room. His low tone echoed around the room. “Leave, now.”
The lords, knights and soldiers were soon walking towards the exit doors as Cregan walked around the table and reached your side. Your smaller frame looked so fragile in front of him even when your body was covered with that hard material which had some scratches in it. Cregan looked up and down to your state, and he inevitably bit his lip as his hand reached for your hip and pulled you closer to him. A small gasp left you, starting to feel his breathing against your skin. Soon you find yourself being a prisoner of his arms, for they surrounded your body and held you tight against his broad chest.
“The children have been missing you terribly,” he whispered, so close to your lips that you were able to feel his breath against them.
You gave a quick peak to your surroundings just when the door was closed and the last man left the room. Your gaze fell upon your husband’s face once again and a little smile appeared on your face. Your hands went to his broad chest as his started to go down your body until reaching your arse.
You were dirty, sweaty, a complete mess, and yet Cregan thought that you had never looked more desirable.
“Only them?” You asked, teasingly playing with the laces of his coat until it fell down surrounding his shoes.
“No,” he shook his hand, pulling you closer and making you feel his hardness through the fabric of his pants. You sighed, eyes already getting blurry with the aching lust between your legs. “I was scared… frightened.” His lips brushing against your jaw. “I thought I had lost you, I forced myself to heal faster only to go and look for you, my love.”
“No need, I’m already here…” You replied. Your eyes would not dare to leave his as your hand reached his growing erection. “I’m here, and I will never leave you again-”
You were barely able to finish the sentence before his delicious lips trapped yours in a lustful kiss that took your breath away. The missed touch had your heart jumping in your chest with excitement, love and lust. His hands grabbed your checks in order to keep your face close enough to devour your mouth with hunger and desire. He was craving for you as much as you were for him.
"Seeing you like this," he murmurs between kisses, his fingers going to the laces that were holding your pants. "I'm so fucking lucky to call you mine. My wife, my love, my princess."
"I did it all for you," you confessed in a whine, pulling his hair strong enough to make him moan. You pulled away as your fist was holding his locks with a bit of roughness that he loved to see in you. "I would make this entire world burn just for you."
His eyes sparkled with devotion as he softened his grip around your face. His gray eyes staring at yours with a glow you were already used to seeing on him whenever he laid eyes on you. The shadow of a tender smile appeared on his face before he leaned to kiss you again. It was softer, more delicate, leaving part of the lust of your bodies behind just to have a more intimate moment. His tongue entered your mouth elegantly, twirling against yours while you sighed and closed your eyes. The warmth within your chest gave you a feeling of comfort that you had not felt since you left Winterfell; gods, you missed him so much.
When he pulled away, he stared down at you. His thumb caressing your cheeks, wiping the dried blood out of your beautiful face. He could not help but smile, all of this was for him. You did it all for him. His heart would only beat faster on the realization of you unleashing the dragon inside you just for his protection.
There was something about that wild and dangerous side of you that made Cregan drool like a hungry puppy.
"I love you," he said, and you smiled.
"I love you," you replied.
But then the lust in his eyes returned, and you knew the soft moment had vanished. His hands went to your hips as he turned you around and bent you over the table. You chuckled softly at his action, feeling how he would rub himself against you as if he was trying to find some relief. You closed your eyes, leaning your head against his chest.
"My little dragon," he murmured against your ear, his teeth nipping at your earlobe. A soft moan was heard from you. "Fuck- I missed those pretty sounds so much."
You felt how he suddenly stepped back, and it was impossible for you to retain the loud gasp that escaped from your lips once Cregan pulled your pants down, dragging your small clothes with it. The coldness of the air caused shivers in your spine, especially after you noticed him kneeling behind you and his big hands spreading your arse cheeks. His thumbs exploring and touching your folds as he could only growl at the sight, your cunt was already dripping, glistening with your arousal.
Cregan leaned, close enough to brush his nose against your labia, teasing as he smelled your sweet scent and his mouth waters. That sweet, so delicious smell had been missed by him, and he could not wait to let himself drink from you until his lips felt sore. At that point, your legs were shaking with the anticipation of his mouth devouring as if you were his last meal.
"You've been such a good little wife, my princess," he whispered, his hot breath reaching your moist folds and making you whine. "Taking revenge for your husband, and bringing victory to our home."
His thumb started to tease your needy clit, proving small touches that were far from being enough to cause the much needed sensation of relief. You bit your lip, sighing with frustration. Your hips moving backwards as you desperately tried to reach a more intense touch, but Cregan would make you wait.
"So, so good…" he muttered, dropping light kisses in the flesh of your ass, "I'm gonna give my wife the reward she deserves, how about that?"
"Oh, fuck, please, my love," you breathed heavily, closing your eyes as the despair only grew within you. "I need you so much."
"Shh… I should be the one begging," Cregan replied.
You felt the fingertips of his thumbs spreading your labia before his tongue lapped at your sensitive folds. A moan, much louder than the ones before, was heard, and your eyes immediately went close at the delicious feeling of his tongue licking all your slick. He was eating you like a hungry man, after being deprived of you for so long he was despairingly trying to make it worth the wait. He had missed your taste, your smell, the way you would clench around his tongue, and how prettily your moans would sound.
The sound of his tongue against your wetness as he drank from you was beyond obscene. A mixture of his spit and your slick would slip down your thighs, making it messier and filthier that it already is. Your nails were digging on the wood of the ancient table beneath you, and your whimpers were getting louder.
His nose was teasing your entrance, causing the pleasure to become almost unbearable. With the birth of your third child and the weeks you spent apart, you had not been exposed to this kind of pleasure for a really long time, and you almost forgot how good it felt when your dutiful husband took care of you.
Once his tongue left your clit and started to go to your clenching hole, his fingers went to your swollen pearl, indulging the pleasure and making you see stars. You were a mumbling mess, not caring about keeping it quiet because you knew how much your husband loved to hear you, and you loved to make him know how good he was making you feel.
"Fuck, I'm- I'm getting so close, love," you rapidly said, breathy words leaving your throat as you moaned. "Your tongue feels so fucking good- oh, fuck! just like that…"
Your words seemed to only fuel his desire, for his eagerness only increased. He shook his head from side to side, his tongue never leaving your folds. You were able to feel the tightness in your lower belly as your legs started to shake. His whole face buried in you in order to give you the pleasure that you needed and deserved.
With a squeal, you felt your juices oozing out of you and falling into Cregan's tongue. You were able to hear him moan, his heavy breathing against your cunt as he was eagerly trying to get all your release inside his mouth.
Your body fell on top of the table, your eyes remaining closed as you tried to regularize your unsteady breathing. Cregan stood up, caressing the exposed flesh of your thighs as he leaned over your frame to kiss your cheek.
"We have the best cooks in the North, and yet their dishes will never be as delicious as your sweet cunt, my love," you both shared a breathy laugh after his words, your cheeks inevitably getting reddish and warm. "Come here."
His arms lift you up without issue, so effortlessly as always. He shifted your position until you were facing him, sitting on the table and with your legs surrounding his hips. His nose brushed against yours, and your hands went to his pants. He immediately stopped you.
"We can't," he said, "the Maester said we need to wait at least three fortnights."
"I can please you in other ways too, you know that," you reminded him.
"No, I just wanted to thank you-"
"And I want to thank you too," you interrupted him, removing his hand and keeping untying the laces of his pants until you removed them, freeing his shaft from the tightness of the fabric. "For all that you've done for us…"
"My love-"
"Be quiet," you silenced him. Your legs pushed him closer to you until his cock was pressed against your pearl. You both moaned at the feeling. "You know what to do now… please, don't make me beg."
"You little, needy thing…" he muttered before starting to move his hips. His mouth dropped open at the feeling of your lips wrapping around his length, it felt so warm and good. "Fuck, my love, I can't wait to be inside you once again." He confessed.
You smirked, "yeah?"
"Oh, Gods, yes…" his face was buried on the crook of your neck as your hand went to his cock to press it against your core. "As soon as you heal I'll fuck another babe inside you. Would you like that?"
"Y-yes," you nodded, your eyes looking directly at him as he sped his movements. "I can't- fuck… I
I can't wait to feel you inside me again. Filling me up so- oh, fuck, so good."
Cregan moaned at your words, getting harsher with his movements. His sack hitting against your slick, as he kept rubbing himself against you, growing desperate to spill himself on you. Your lips soon met on a needy kiss that silenced all the obscene sounds that were coming out of your mouths. It was messy, but none of you care, already drunk in the pleasure.
He pulled away at the same time that a whine left his lips. He grabbed his shaft and started to swiftly stroke it as he kept rubbing the tip on your clit. You came again, moaning his name before he coated your folds with thick drops of his pearly seed. His head fell backwards, his eyes rolling with pleasure as he hissed and groaned. You held your weight with your forearms as you looked at the mess he did on you.
Cregan soon held you tight, hiding his face on your neck once again. You chuckled softly, tiredly, caressing his hair and kissing whatever part of him you could reach.
"Don't ever leave me," he begged, "I can't do this without you."
"I won't, I promise," you replied in a whisper, smiling so bright.
He reached for your lips once again, kissing you gently and lovingly. It was brief, but as soon as he pulled away, he pressed his forehead against yours, enjoying the closeness of your bodies.
"But now I need to go and see my babies," you said, kissing his lips one last time before pulling back.
"Let me help you to clean you up," he quickly moved around, pulling his pants up to start looking for something that could work.
He found a clean cloak and went towards you. You let him help you, seeing how careful and delicate he always was with you. You smiled at him, and once he was ready, he made you stand up and lifted your pants. Next thing he did was throwing the cloak he used with you to the fire in the fireplace.
He grabbed your hand and walked with you towards the exit door, but before you were able to cross it, he stopped you to kiss you once more.
"I love you," he said again.
You bit your lip, hiding the enormous smile on yojr face.
"I love you."
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GENERAL TAG LIST — @borikenlove @aemondsversion @jvpit3rs @watercolorskyy @kravitzwhore @valeskafics @clairacassidy @aemondx @randomdragonfires @theminesofmoria @gothtargaryen @melsunshine @urmomsgirlfriend1
CREGAN TAG LIST — @satansdarlin @aelora-a @hb8301 @lovelykhaleesiii @xfancyuu @megatardisbaby
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nanenna · 8 months
Today I remembered that my favorite thing about having so many AUs is to pick up 2 AUs like Barbie dolls and clack their faces together while making smooching noises.
Behold my beloved DCxDP AU amalgamation monster: DeamonTwinAU and PhantomThiefAU (aka: Selina gives Danny a slutty slutty cat suit, good times)
The story vaguely goeth thusly: Danny is a halfa, the Balance, the Bridge Between Worlds, he is....... the Observants' glorified gofer. You see, there are a lot of cursed/enchanted/ghostly artefacts floating around loose in the living Realm and they need Danny to go retrieve them. Danny would rather not, but they just won't leave him alone about it. Can't a guy just live? At least let him poop in peace! Ancients! Fine, he'll do it if it'll get them to shut up. (Spoiler: it does, in fact, not get them to shut up.)
But you see, Danny has a secret: he was raised in an assassin ninja cult (at least for the early years) before getting adopted by the Fentons. Now the killing? Not a fan, no thanks, he's working on not increasing his kill count, thx. But the sneaking? He could use that. Sneaky ninjas are also good thieves, right? So he cobbles together a knock off League of Assassins outfit, buys a cheap portable lock picking set, and decides to make a game of how far can he get without using his powers (much. He's new at this okay?)
Batman is not having fun. There's some (possible?) League assassin running around stealing verified cursed/magical artefacts! Is Talia planning something? Is Ra's planning something? (Isn't he for real dead? Silly reader, no one is ever for real dead in DC.)
Robin is super frustrated. For all the same reasons Batman is but also because he just knows this new rogue is taunting him. Personally. Because he's Damian al Ghul Wayne and the whole world revolves around him, obviously. (And also because he once pointed at Robin and laughed before jumping out a window.)
Selina is intrigued. Who is this kid? How does he know what to go after? How does he keep evading the bats? Luckily she runs into him mid heist (fortunately they had different targets, she's intrigued but not enough to hand over her shinies to him) and oh he's adorable! She has to train him, it would drive Brucie up the wall. But then she sees his face and oh, she knows exactly who he is, even if he seems oblivious.
Because Danny? He's in Gotham for the ecto, for the Thomas Wayne full ride scholarship he managed to snag, and also because for some reason Gotham is full of so many cursed/ghost artefacts. (Lady Gotham is seething, she worked hard to collect all those curses! But this is her beloved dark knight's kid and she kinda wants him home. But she also doesn't want to give up her curses!) Back to the point: Danny doesn't care about ANY of the rich bougie people. The Waynes give out a lot of scholarships? Cool, that's nice and all. They probably also rub elbows with Vlad or Sam's parents. No thanks. Doesn't care. He's got better things to worry about.
Selina has got a plan though! She's gonna teach this boy how to thief properly, starting with better tools (including the slutty, slutty cat burglar outfit). She also knows that she can't let any of the Waynes (in or out of costume) meet Danny (out of costume). So does Lady Gotham. So does the universe apparently (or just Clockwork maybe), because all kinds of unlikely things keep happening to prevent it.
Danny is having so much fun though! He's learning new skills. Selina is giving him an allowance so he's not living off ramen and peanut butter sandwiches, he's doing well in school, he gets to stretch his ghost powers regularly to go above the smog cover and star gaze in peace. Everything's coming up Danny.
Selina decides it's time to flaunt her find in front of Brucie and makes Danny go to a gala as her date, she spends the entire time clinging to his arm and introducing him around to everyone. Including Bruce himself (who just so happens to have Damian in tow). Danny may not recognize Bruce, but he sure recognizes Damian, and Damian recognizes him if his utterly flabbergasted face is anything to go by. But Danny remembers what it was like living in the League. And so far as he knows Damian is still in it, he was the Demon Head's heir after all. Damian made sure of it.
Oh it. Is. ON! Now Danny is on a mission! A sibling rivalry mission! He is going to make Damian's/Robin's a living hell. Selina going on a heist that has no magical artefacts? Danny's there anyway, always have back up. That necklace in the museum has barely any powers and he wasn't even going to bother with it? Too bad, it's back on the list. He has no reason to be out at all but the bats are on patrol? Well so is Danny. Catch him if you can, suckers!
It's good for Danny, it's enrichment!
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circle-with-me · 3 months
sunshine in my eyes
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pairing: nicholas ruffilo x reader
tags/cw: domestic nicky, lots of fluff, very mild nsfw conversation, swimming
word count: 1k
tag list: @malice-ov-mercy @baddestomens @sitkowski @somebodyels3 @broken0mens @tearfallpixie @cookiesupplier @meekahy @lacktoesandtoddlerants @sammyjoeee @collective-heartbreak @agravemisstake @catharsis-in-darkness @to-be-written @collapsedglasshouses @itsafullmoon @lma1986
author’s note: after i posted my cute beachy Will blurb yesterday it got my wheels turning. i’ve been wanting to write something fluffy for my beloved @deathblacksmoke so i thought why not continue the summer trend? also, the cringe is intentional bc they’re cute and in love thx 🫶🏻
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The lawn mower roars outside while you get a large glass of ice ready. You look outside the kitchen window and see Nick hard at work in the yard. Sighing, you grab the pitcher of lemonade from the counter and pour some in the glass. He had been working outside all day in the heat while all of your chores were inside and air conditioned. You figured the least you could do was bring him something cold to drink.
It wasn’t all for nothing, at least. This is the first summer in your new house. You had brazenly planned a get together with the guys and a few others later that evening. Both of you wanted to make sure the house looked perfect for your guests.
You fill your own glass and push your way onto the back porch, carefully sitting them on the table. Yelling at Nick, you realize it’s useless as the mower is far too loud. You wave your arms around and finally he looks up. He gives you a confused smile and turns off the machine.
“What is this?!” He yells, waving his arms around in a mocking manner. You roll your eyes at him as he laughs.
“Come get your lemonade, jerk!” You yell back playfully.
Nick accepts the drink with a smile and a kiss on your cheek. He doesn’t need to say much about the taste—the smacking of his lips and soft mmm’s as he drinks serve as a positive review. It’s impossible to say no to him when he asks for another glass… not that you would ever say no to him in the first place.
“How much more do you have left, Nicky?”
He sits his drink down, scanning the yard and considering your question. If you said you thought the boy you met seven years ago in a cramped venue in Richmond would be sitting on a porch with you now gauging how much yard work he had left, you would definitely be lying. Domestic bliss wasn’t even on your radar then, but now, you can’t imagine life without it.
“I’m almost done with the back. I just have to do some shaping around those trees over there,” He says, pointing. “I gotta make sure I didn’t miss anything in the front. I should be good after that.”
“God, you’re so hot when you talk about yard work.” You tease, fanning yourself. Nick whips his head to face you, smirking.
“You think so?”
“Mmhmm… It gets me all hot and bothered.” You lean across the table, touching his arm and winking.
“What are you going to do about it?” Nick responds teasingly.
“Probably go take a cold shower. All by myself.” You dramatically drag out the last few words and stand up to head for the patio door. The chair screeches behind you as Nick scrambles out of it to catch up to you. He grabs you by the arm and turns you around, pushing you against the door. All attempts at being serious are gone now as you can’t stop giggling at him.
Nick pins your arms above your head, planting quick pecks all over your face. His face is slimy and covered in sweat. You try to squirm away from him but he holds you tight—committed to making you miserable. He whispers filthy comments in your ears as his hands roam and you quickly realize you’re losing control of the situation. You manage to sneak out of his grasp, opening the door behind you and slamming it shut.
“Don’t you dare take a shower without me!” He groans.
“Sounds like you better hurry up and finish that yard work then.” You giggle.
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The party goes off without a hitch. The guys took it upon themselves to handle the grill so you didn’t have to. You sat and listened to them argue over whose technique was best for what seemed like an eternity before you announced your famous jalapeño poppers were ready. They all swarmed the table, picking the plate clean and thanking you in their individual ways. Nick stayed at the grill mouthing a silent thank you. You winked at him and brought him a special plate you had saved just for him.
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Later on, everyone decides to go swimming once their stomachs have settled. You lose count of how many times Noah throws you in the pool, but you get your revenge in a heated game of chicken and a devastating pool noodle attack. Looking around to share in your victory, you catch Nick laid out on a pool chair. His head is lulled against the top of the chair. He’s chuckling at all of the chaos—the arm lazily draped across his bare stomach jumping as his soft belly shakes. The happiness radiating from him makes your heart flutter.
He’s alone though, and you can’t have that.
Nick keeps his eyes on you as you step out of the water and pad over to him. You grab the towel placed over the other chair and dry off with it. When you’re done he coaxes you into his lap and you happily oblige, curling into his arms with your head on his chest.
“You okay, Nicky?”
All he does is hum in response and the vibration you feel through his chest is bliss. His entire body is warm from laying in the sun and he wraps the towel around you tighter, kissing the top of your head.
“Then what are you doing over here all by yourself?”
You feel him take a deep breath but it’s not from anxiety or discontent. His heart beats next to your ear calmly. You know there’s nothing to worry about.
“When we first met,” He starts, dragging his hand up and down your arm. “Did you ever think we’d have all of this?” He waves his arm and you look around. You see a backyard you’ve both worked so hard for full of friends that you would trust with your life. Memories of younger versions of the people you love so much creep into your mind. It’s all a little overwhelming how far you’ve all come.
Seven years. Seven summers. This one might just be your favorite of them all.
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luvlylilyz · 4 months
relax a bit
w/c: 820, short
note: fluff, fiancé geneticist miguel, nurse reader. he isn’t spiderman in this au. this is my first time writing a fic im so nervous to post this so have some compassion 😭 thx!
Sliding the tray of freshly cubed potatoes into the oven and closing the door with a thud. Wiping the olive oil from your hands onto your floral apron, a job well done.
 Cooking was supposed to be a soothing way to relieve stress. After enduring 10 excruciating hours of dealing with the blatant disrespect and disregard from senior residents at the retirement home. It had left you, emotionally numb, feet sore and bone tired. Fed up with those old hags shoving you around. 
You grudgingly continue to clean up before dinner is done cooking. Placing dishes into the dishwasher and wiping the counters before you had begun sweeping, the front door creaks open. 
The sound of his numerous keys being dropped into the bowl at the front door, a heavy winter coat being hung in the closet, and his beloved brown dress shoes being taken off draws your attention.
 “Hey honey, how was work?” You call out brushing up the mess from the floor. 
Miguel‘s large form is heard approaching before he's seen in the doorway of the kitchen in your shared Nueva York apartment. Being together for five years and living together for two you had become accustomed to his habits, it’s almost second nature. 
He grumbles and groans in response to your question as he encircles his muscular arms around your waist, dwarfing you by comparison and burrowing his face into your neck. 
“Rough day I assume?” You ask in a sympathetic tone. 
He responds “Always,” he replies, “but I can’t complain... I love my job. And I love coming home to the sight of you.” He kisses your shoulder and you reach behind to gently stroke his head.
 “You should go take a shower to relax. Dinner will be done soon”. There's a muffled “Yes ma’am.” You smile as you watch his looming figure, descending down the hall to your shared bedroom. 
A delicious dinner, an amazing conversation and a couple glasses of your favorite wine later. You find your fiancé and yourself curled up on the couch underneath a thick quilt watching a cheesy romance movie. 
You both needed this, your hectic schedules hindering you from spending much needed time together. His job as a full time geneticist at Alchemex and you being a full time nurse at a retirement home made your relationship quite difficult. 
You glance at the ticking clock hung in the hall as it reads 12am. Your heart shatters, knowing that this rare domestic occasion has to come to an abrupt end because your next shift begins in 6 hours. A frustrated sigh escapes your lips. Miguel's attention shifts from the television.
“Something wrong?” He raises a brow in concern and rubs comforting circles into your back.
You rest your head onto his chest looking up at him with saddened tired eyes.
“It’s just that…it’s already late and I have to get up soon….I feel like I never have enough time to spend with you.” A frown forming on your plump lips.
He pulls your body closer and places his chin atop of your head embracing you.
“I know sweetie. Our hours aren’t ideal, I miss spending time with you too.” He replies reassuringly.
A silence falls over you both. The sound of dialogue from the movie and the ticking of the clock blending in with the noises of the city that never sleeps. You break the silence first.
“Do you really have to go to work tomorrow?” Your best attempt at using your sad eyes to sway his decision.
“You know I’m the head geneticist. My team wouldn’t know what to do without me.” He chuckles.
“They can figure it out. Don’t you think I need you more than them.”
He looks down at you “Aren’t you needed at work as well? I’m sure they need their hardest working employee.” 
"Screw them; they can figure it out. I need a break, and I know you do, too. He scratches his neck, exhaustion visible on his mature features; a strand of his salt and pepper hair, which you adore, falls forward on his forehead, wrinkled in thought.
“It’s just one day.” He mumbles. You give your widest most convincing smile. “Exactly, just one day, they’ll survive without us won’t they.” Your tone takes a bit of a joyful tone.
He smiles gingerly “Okay, I’ll call out tomorrow.” A small cheer is heard from you. “But don’t think giving me those sad puppy dog eyes is going to work in your favor every time.” He says sarcastically. You kiss him on the lips
“Well it’s never not worked for me.” You reply.
You can feel the stress, anxiety and tension from the day leave your body as you lean further into the loving warmth radiating from the giant man. 
“I love you.” He says. “I love you, too.” 
You both eventually fall into a much needed deep sleep soothed by each other's embrace.
a/n: thx for readinggg <3
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sleepingdeath-light · 6 months
relationship hcs ; pure vanilla cookie
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requested by ; anonymous (31/05/23)
fandom(s) ; cookie run
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | specific
character(s) ; pure vanilla cookie
outline ; “can you please do some pure vanilla relationship hcs please? thx (btw: i hope you have a nice break)”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
pure vanilla cookie is a complete and utter gentleman in how he treats the people around him, but especially you as his spouse — starting from how he took his time to traditionally court and woo you before the two of you became an ‘official’ couple, and ending with him treating you as nothing short of royalty as you two settle more and more into your relationship
he rarely ever calls you by your formal name and rotates through a small selection of sweet pet names whenever he’s talking to or about you — including, but not limited to: ‘(my) beloved’, ‘(my) angel’, ‘(my) darling’, ‘dearest’, and ‘sweetheart’
he’s naturally a very giving person and will happily indulge in every single expression of love he knows of just to make sure you have no room left to doubt his feelings for you
acts of service — when it comes to taking care of you, status be damned pure vanilla cookie will do just about anything it takes to make your day a little brighter. this can mean all sorts of things, such as: going out of his way to get up earlier and make you breakfast in bed, sending word out to local vendors in the kingdom to ensure that they always have your favourite things in stock when he knows you’re going to go out to the market, or making sure that you get spoiled rotten and properly celebrated for every birthday, anniversary, or achievement.
gift giving — being the ruler of a thriving kingdom and a talented magic user, it’s safe to say that pure vanilla cookie is more than capable and willing to shower you with all sorts of gifts. of course amongst these gifts are things that are more lavish and elaborate (whole wardrobes worth of new clothing in the style of his kingdom, organised banquets to celebrate important milestones, using his magic to organise unforgettable dates for you both, and so on) but most of the things he gifts you are more small and thoughtful in nature, as is to be expected of someone like him: trinkets and souvenirs from his travels, books he thinks you’ll like, accessories that reminded him of you, and anything he sees that he knows will make you smile (e.g. a type of item he knows you like to collect)
physical touch — though he does tend to stick to a socially appropriate level of pda with you, pure vanilla cookie is far from the type to shy away from physical affection with you. around others he usually sticks to a set few acts (hand holding, bringing your hand up to his lips to kiss the back of your hand/your fingertips/your knuckles, kissing you chastely on the lips or temple, brushing any hair out of your face, and reassuringly stroking his hands up and down your arms), but in private he’s much more varied in his displays of affection: more passionate kisses, cuddling and hugging you, dancing with you at random, letting his arms rest around your hips or waist, kissing along your shoulders, neck and wrists, etc. (he’s just… very touchy with you haha)
quality time — you’re his absolute favourite person to be around without question, whether you’re going out and having fun as a couple or just sitting together in silence doing your own things parallel to each other. every conversation, every date, every outing, every holiday, and every moment spent with you is something he treasures dearly and he does what he can to make sure that you’re as content and as comfortable in his presence as he is in yours.
words of affirmation — he’s the type of partner who tends to shower you with praise and attention whenever the opportunity arises. most of his affirmations are verbal (calling you beautiful/handsome as he presses a chaste kiss against your knuckles, earnestly congratulating you for every achievement and accolade you collect, softly and quietly reassuring you before you step out of your comfort zone, smiling as he recalls your strengths and talents to his oldest friends with more awe than he recalls those old stories from his adventuring days, etc.), but he’s also the type of sappy romantic to leave little love letters and notes around your shared space for you to find in his absence (e.g. a neatly folded note on your pillow telling you where he is, reaffirming his love for you, apologising for being absent, and promising to make it up to you at lunch time / or / a floating note on your vanity in his signature cursive that recalls a different positive affirmation every day that’s designed to make you smile, laugh, and relax for the day ahead)
though it’s easy to forget given how passive and pleasant he’s become in recent years, pure vanilla cookie is still a very capable magic wielder and, thus, is more than capable of protecting you should it come down to that — of course he’d much rather have the option to talk things out without having to shed blood, but if your safety is on the line then he’s not above returning to his roots and making damn sure the offending party knows to never try a stunt like this again
on the rare occasion that hollyberry cookie and the other ancients actually manage to get him tipsy (or, better yet, outright drunk), pure vanilla cookie will not stop talking about how amazing you are and how much he loves you — if nobody stops him or brings him somewhere quiet to rest and sober up, then there’s every chance that the ancients will spend the next few hours hearing about every little thing he adores about you until he finally passes out or golden cheese cookie goes and gets you so you can take your poor boyfriend home for the night
(the girls all think it’s absolutely adorable, dark cacao cookis is mostly neutral about the whole affair and just lets him rant, but golden cheese cookie and hollyberry cookie have both been known to tease him by reciting the sappiest things he’s said about you back to him when he’s sober again — usually something about your smile or the sound of your laughter)
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Code Blue Ch. 53 - Galway Girl
Summary: Josie has another run in with the law which leads to another revelation. She reaches out to a Savior with the new info. Luke plays his violin. A beloved sassy Scotswoman stuns Josephine on her hunt for the innocent Scotsman. An Irish memory rattles Jo. She and Gerry have a HUGE discussion on many subjects. More comes to light about Megan's attack. Emotions go awry when Gerry learns the truth.
*Chapter Warnings* language, angst, mentions of drugs and rape
Stories Stories Stories Masterlist
Salem, Massachusetts
March 22, 2022
The revelation of your ex-fiance's non-infidelity had your mind spinning as you carelessly sped down the freeway, stiff as a board with a white knuckled grip on the wheel and trying not to puke. Over and over, just as you had done 3 years ago, you began dissecting all the events of that painful day when you had awoke to the life altering text that you believed to have been from Gerry. A fabricated text to incriminate him, making it look like he had accidentally sent it to you instead of your sister which put her diabolical plan of entrapment all into motion of deeming him unfaithful and it had worked like a fucking charm. Still etched in your mind as if it were only yesterday, was the look of horror on Gerry's face when you found him in bed with Megan. A look that you now saw in a whole new light and you were so lost in that image that you did not notice the cop parked on the berm of the road, pegging you at 82 miles per hour.
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The startling sirens brought you back to the present which you didn't even know where that was at the time, for you had just experienced one of those blackout moments where you didn't remember driving from point A to point B and wondered how you even did it without causing a wreck. You didn't have your seatbelt on either which you didn't realize until after you pulled over.
In your side mirror, you nervously watched the grumpy looking policeman approach your car, wishing it had been Luke because this time, you knew you couldn't cry your way out of it with being almost thirty miles per hour over the speed limit. Was he seriously unsnapping his gun holster???
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"License and registration." the officer robotically requested as you rolled your window down.
You fumbled through your purse, then the glove box and handed him the items without question or argument, just wanting to get the humiliating moment over with and go.
He looked over the documents and then eyed you as he asked the usual rhetorical question. "Do you know why I pulled you over miss March?"
"Speeding I assume."
His reply was cocky as car after car sped by, taking advantage of the situation. "You assumed correct. 82 in a 55. Also I see you aren't wearing your seatbelt which is a law in every state other than New Hampshire which you are not in and your tail light is busted out as well which is a non-moving violation and a ticketable offense."
"Wait, what? How did that happen?? Can I go look?"
"You will need to remain in your vehicle while I go back and write up this ticket."
As soon as he was back in his cruiser, you immediately texted Jeffrey.
"I think u were right! Someone was in that car. My tail light is busted out and it wasn't when I was putting my bags in the trunk!"
About 30 seconds went by and he then replied. "Thx for the 411 darlin. Been thinkin bout it more since you dropped me off. Stowaway POS. Prob followed us to the junk yard too. He's toying with us. Busted the light as a warning. Ballsy fucker bit off more than he could goddamn chew. I'll find him and when I do, well I think you know how that will turn out. In the meantime, your best off to stay close to Craig. Sorry bout your trouble, Trouble😉 When you got time, bring your sweet self and that sweet ride to the shop and I'll get that taken care of for you asap. Least I could do for pissin you off. Talk more then."
"Thank u!! I'll text u later to let u know when I can come."
"You're very welcome doll. You can cum anytime."
You huffed and shook your head at his remark and before you could reply, he texted right back.
"Oh damn! Old habits die fucking hard. Told you I'd piss on the floor every now and then. Sorry for the comment. My bad."
You smiled and softly chuckled. "I'll let it slide. At least you're trying. Talk later."
"You rock girl. Later."
Stay close to Craig. Great. Now you had to haul all your stuff back to your apartment instead of going to your mom's as planned... for the time being anyways. You couldn't bring more trouble to her. Megan would surely remain in the hospital for quite sometime anyways and your mom would most likely take up residency in her room. Would they even be safe there though? Elizabeth sure wasn't. You then anxiously texted Luke.
"Hey. Can u please put a guard at Megan's door??? Just to be safe."
His reply was instant and shocking. "Already working on that Jo. No worries. I'm heading there in a few to speak with her as well since I was informed she is awake. Everything ok? Still pissed at me?"
You wanted to be but you just didn't have the energy anymore. "Thank u Luke. For everything. I'm fine. I just want my mom and sister to be safe right now. Please keep me updated."
You wanted to tell him so bad about the bar thugs since they were after him to begin with but you couldn't now that he was a cop. You just didn't know if you could trust him after knowing the little bit you knew about his agent days with Lee. Your list of loyal peers was growing thin anymore.
"I see you've deflected on my last question. I'm sorry things have to be this way. I really am Jo. I'm just trying to turn my life around but all I seem to be doing is making everyone hate me even more. Maybe it was a mistake to even come back here. I wanted to try to fix things and all I do is fuck them up even more. Suppose there's no reform for someone like me. Who am I to be some judge and jury? I'm a loner. Always have been. Better off that way...for everyone involved."
Luke was doing it again and at the worst possible time. Removing the armor and showing his softer side and that was why it was hard to stay angry with him. Just like Lee, he had a sordid past and had been through some bad shit. Knowing what Luke Sr. did to both Luke and Landy, defiling his own sons, was beyond comprehension to you so you couldn't even begin to imagine how that felt for the two wayward brothers. As you stared at your phone, not knowing how to reply to the heart on Luke's sleeve, you nearly jumped out of your skin when the officer appeared at your window, ticket in hand.
"I see that you're the late detective Brady's sister. Good man. So tragic. I am sorry for your loss."
Thinking he may decide to let you off with a warning, you smiled and hoped for the best. "Yes, I am. Thank you. Our family misses him so much."
"Your family, yes. I also am aware that that makes you Jason Morgan's sister. Not a good man, but you know that. He almost took you to the grave with him and here you are, speeding round town like he did on the bike as if you're something special."
"Ex...cuuuse me??!!"
"No, I won't excuse you like you probably thought I was going to just because of your family ties to the precinct."
Oh how you wanted to go all Betty White on him like she did in Lake Placid and call him Officer fuckmeat and then continuing on with her other snarky line of if I had a dick, this is where I'd tell you to suck it, but you would certainly be arrested this time if you did.
"Yeah well, I'm also detective Butler's ex- finacee and we're still very close. I'll be sure to tell him about this."
"I can see why it's ex. Lady, I don't care who you are. There won't be any preferential treatment here. Don't break the law. It's really not that hard. Here's your ticket. Have a good day Ma'am."
He handed you your expensive ass ticket with a court date for the following week and walked away as you sat with a gaping mouth.
"Asshole!" you grunted after you rolled up your window, then finally you were on your way, but before you drove off, you quickly texted Lee to tell him you would come to the cemetery but that you would be late. You didn't mention why though. It had nothing to do with the traffic stop and everything to do with the whopper of a secret that Megan confessed. As far as a reply to Luke, he would have to wait.
You called Gerry as you pulled up to the gates of the Kiriakis estate, but once again, he did not answer so you punched in the code for entry that only very few had. Those without the free pass would have to go through the whole rigmarole of identity verification and approval to be buzzed through, for Victor's security was understandably high with being a man of his nefarious stature and corresponding life. He may as well have been considered a celebrity. Of course ALL the other crime families of Salem were like that too.
The property was enormous and endless, consisting mostly of forestry, open country-like land and bayside access surrounding the mansion and one that did not know it well could easily get lost. It took you almost 5 minutes just to drive up the pine tree-lined path to the main house and then another minute to get back to the two story guest house where Gerry resided on the bay which was only a fraction in size of the stately manor. Even though Victor's fancy fortress had as many rooms as a 5 star hotel, Gerry cherished his privacy and wanted nothing to do with all servant bullshit and the tiresome walking involved in getting from room to room...and of course, papa Vic's business dealings. If the reserved detective could live like a hermit in a surfing shack on the beach, he would, for he loved the water and he had actually built one not far from the guest house that you were surprised he hadn't moved into already. It was more of a trailer located where all the good waves were for surfing and if he wasn't doing that, he was working on cars, one of his favorite pastimes. Maybe that's where he had been when he wasn't at the hospital visiting his father?
Once you reached the guest home, there were two cars parked in the front and neither were Gerry's.
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You deciphered at least one to most likely be the maid or gardener, for Victor was OCD on the cleanliness and beauty of his grounds. As for the other, no clue. Maybe he had a girlfriend now? That could explain why he wasn't answering your calls.
After parking by the garage, you peaked in the window and saw Gerry's truck inside, so you headed up to the porch and rang the doorbell. There was no answer so you rang it once more and then glanced through the small window panel to see the television on, but no one was there.
"Gerry???!!" you shouted and knocked aggressively. "It's me, Jo!"
Another minute went by and no one came to the door. "Alright. " you sarcastically rationalized out loud as you took out the key you still had. "If you can walk right into my mother's home, I can do the same here."
You crept inside and quietly closed the door, then made your way to the TV, turned it off and called to him once more. "Gerry! Are you here??"
In the silence, you heard the toilet flush from the bathroom around the corner and then the door opened.
"Hallo?" a woman's familiar voice loudly questioned and then in walked Gerry's mother, gasping as she covered her mouth.
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"Josephine darlin, in the name of the wee man!" the petite Gaelic woman with salt and pepper hair exclaimed in her strong Scottish accent.
Ironically, her name was Margaret just like your mother's and they both shared a son with Victor. She even had fiery hair like your mother once upon a time which was possibly what attracted Victor to her aside from the identical names and similar accents. The only difference was, she went by Margie and your mother went by Maggie. Margie lived in the Scottish Highlands and rarely visited the states. Gerry had usually went to see her instead, for he didn't like her braving the big Scotland airports alone such as Glasgow and Edinburgh, so you were just as stunned to see her as she was you. She probably came to support her son over Victor's heart attack which now made sense as to why Gerry had fallen off the grid, but it still pissed you off that he couldn't have sent you a simple text instead of ignoring you.
"Margie?? Oh my God is right!"
In the shared excitement, you both bee-lined to each other and embraced. You had surely missed her, for she had always made you feel like a part of her family. She was so kind-hearted and compassionate with a side of Scottish sass and she adored you. Needless to say, she was just as heartbroken as you and Gerry were when you and he had went your separate ways.
"I had no idea you were here Margie. Sorry for just walking in. I rang the bell and knocked but..."
"Oh, I tried to hurry but I was in the cludgie doin my jobby. It's a wee bit bowfin in there, so I would wait awhile if ye need to pee. It might make ye greet." she warned with a grin and a wink, for it literally meant she was taking a very smelly shit, one that would make you cry. She was usually quite frank about everything.
"I haven't been able to reach Gerry lately. When did you get here?"
"About tree days ago. I told my boy I was coming and there was nothin he could do about it so he flew all the long way to Glasgow and swooped me up in the sky on that fancy Kiriakis jet so I wouldn't have to fly alone. Ye know my Gerard, stubborn as an ox just like his Da. Oh goodness it is so guid tae see ye! Are ye well my darlin girl? Ye know I will always think of ye as my daughter no matter whit's happened."
You smiled and held her dishpan hands. "Of course I will always see you as a mother figure and I've certainly had better days."
"Ye do look a wee bit peely wally and ye been greetin. Yer een are red. Dinnae fash yersel. I won't tell."
"Dinner...what?" you giggled. "Sorry, my Gaelic sucks."
"It means don't worry. Nothin to be sorry about. Look who ye learned it from! Although Gerry knows the Celtic tongue, he tends to haver in the lowland Scot's language." she snarked with an eye roll. "But I suppose, like yersel, no one would understand him around here. His accent has weakened too. He tries to emphasize it more when I'm around and he thinks I don't notice the change but I suppose if I saw him more, it wouldn't seem so drastic now would it?"
"No, I suppose not. How is Edward? He didn't come?"
Her infamous Scottish sass surfaced about Gerry's stepfather. "Oh that old numpty craw. The eejit is probably sittin on his arse with his tap aff, wearin his baffies and clyping to the neebs while sippin on his uisge. He didn't want to come and be a proper crabbit around Gerry, but we all know it's because he don't take kindly to Victor and wouldn't be caught dead in his home."
"Have you went to see Victor?"
"HA!" she guffawed and rolled her eyes again. "I don't give a radan's arse about the old bawbag either but let's keep that between you and me. I'm only here to use the rich bastard's free amenities and to be here for Gerry because only the good Lord above knows why he loves that menace to society."
There was another difference between your mother and Margie. Your mom loved Victor. Margie despised him because he could never get over your mother. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
"Well, I would say your secret's safe with me but it's not like Gerry don't know how you feel. Speaking of, where is he? And.... who's cars are out front? Does he have other guests?"
"If yer hinting around to see if Gerry has some manky hen hiding under his bed, that would be a flat out naw. The only hen in his heart will always be the bonnie lass I'm lookin at, his Galway girl. One of the cars is a rental Gerry got for me so I can come and go as I please. Somebody has got to get the messages around here. Wasn't enough scran for a luch to nibble on. The other is Brady's car, ye know, the son who's name is strangely the same as yer mum's maiden name? or maybe it's Phillip's car? I lose track of all Victor's offspring anymore. All I know is one of his half brothers is here. The skinny malinky long legs and a braw lookin fella there in that picture on the stand. Looks like my Gerard when he was a lad."
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You picked it up and chuckled. "Ahh, that would be Phillip, the youngest one. They have the same slanted smile and dimples. Is that where Gerry is? With Phil?"
"Aye, sorry, I don't know where my mind went whit all my haverin. Jetlag has me knackered, sticks with ye longer when yer thairis air a 'bheinn."
You tilted your head at her like a confused puppy. She usually used more of the Scot's English for you but would forget when she was rambling and would blurt out her witty words the way she spoke to Gerry because it was simply what she was accustomed to with being from the highlands. You compared it to playing a game of charades on guessing what she meant.
"Oh sorry darlin. I did it again. It means when yer over the hill. Anyways, Phillip's upstairs sleeping off the lagair. He and Gerry were off their trolley last night after visiting their dunderheid da. Phil got the boke. Poor lad. His heid's mince. He hit a pure whitey come morn. I told him not to have so many swallies but he was determined to keep up with Gerry. My son is out on the docks, up to high doh on fixin the boat while suckin down more of the bevvy and still reefin on those clatty baccy fags, so I've been in here, scrannin ma wee pan in on some mince and tatties, which is whit sent me to the cludgie and I was goin to watch my stories when ye popped in."
She very indiscreetly glanced over your shoulder to see the TV. "Ye mak a better door than a windae. Go on now. Get yer bahookie out there and have yersels a blether. That's whit ye came here for now aye? Whit's fur ye'll no go by ye."
Her smile was devious. You knew she wanted you and Gerry to reconcile but you couldn't even think of things like that when you loved Lee the way you did, but you understood what she last said and you certainly believed it. What's for you will not go by you. There were always signs if you paid attention, which you always did.
With your stomach in knots, you slowly headed out down the lengthy dock where you could see the speed boat up on the lift with Gerry inside of it and you could hear his jeers too, swearing like the Scotsman he truly was.
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The day had become dreich as Margie would say and it was getting colder too, even more so out on the water. It felt like a reflection of your emotions. The calm before the storm that was about to become a category 5 hurricane when you found the courage to tell Gerry of Megan's betrayal. Knowing him the way you did, he wouldn't believe it at first and you could already predict his words. Yer bum's oot the windae! Blatantly translated....you're full of shit.
Your phone beeped, causing your already shortened steps of rapidly growing cold feet to cease altogether. It was Lee responding to your text that informed him of your late arrival.
"I have already waited a lifetime for you. I can wait longer because you are worth every aching minute of delay. I will wait forever if I must, just to breathe in your presence."
How? How could any human being possess such power over you? To be able to stop and restart your heart all from one simple text? As you stood there, literally holding Lee's bleeding heart in your hands, you began to feel incredibly guilty for making him wait, especially because you had chosen to go to Gerry first and you knew he wouldn't understand. You didn't even understand.
Forcing down the urge to lean over the rail and hurl, you gripped your queasy stomach and continued on. The closer you got, music became audible. You halted your steps once more, gasping as the song flung you back in time to 5 years ago in Galway when your relationship with Gerry was shiny and new. It was all your eyes could see as you gazed at Gerry working in the boat.
You had been wanting to go back to your roots and he had made that happen for you by taking you to Ireland on the same jet he picked his mom up in. It took a lot of coaxing though to get you on the man-made bird, for that was how your father had died when his plane had went down, something you rarely spoke of. Doped up on anxiety meds and tucked in the safety of Gerry's arms like a baby bird had gotten you through the fear and before you knew it, you and he were in Galway, partying it up.
The song was Galway Girl. Gerry said it reminded him of you and one night at one of the local pubs, the dashing detective showed off one of his many other talents. Playing guitar and singing that particular and very popular song with some guys he used to be in a band with back in his youthful days...and he sang it to you as he strummed the acoustic chordophone and strutted his way through the overcrowded room, embarrassing the hell out of you and then to top that off, he grabbed you up in his arms and kissed you madly. But you loved it and you loved him. It was like no one existed that night but you and him. Everything was so different then. You and Gerry were different, right down to his clean shaven baby face and your red hair with bangs.
You could still feel that kiss, taste it even. Guinness Stout mixed with sweet cologne and salty sweat. You were so happy. He was so happy. You could have had it all, rollin in the deep as the song said. He had your heart inside of his hand and he played it to the beat, or so you had believed no thanks to Megan's malevolence. She ruined everything. If she hadn't, would you now be Mrs. Josephine March Butler? You momentarily glanced down at your ring finger where the glowing golden rock used to be that he proposed to you with. He chose it because it was his birthstone and it reminded him of your amber eyes. He said it proved you and he were born for one another and even with Gerry, you had believed in all the signs so you really took that one to heart, along with both of your mothers names being the same. When everything went to shit, you took that as another sign and even went as far as secretly blaming it on the fact that he was a Scorpio. Low compatibility with your sign, a Sagittarius. Water and fire. It was said to be a very challenging relationship which it eventually became even without Megan's interference. You had just needed some fucking reason to understand how Gerry could ever cheat on you and with your slutty sister of all people or even at all. Would you have ever even met Lee? What would have happened if you had? Because your connection with him was instant and extremely intense, like the striking and igniting of a match. Aries and Sagittarius. Fire meets fire. You literally burned for each other.
As the song ended, the silence brought you back to the present, still staring at Gerry who had now locked his widened blue eyes upon you. Watching him hop out of the boat and casually strut his way to you in a dark baggy tee and a pair of khakis, you resumed your steps and your breathing that you swore had also ceased during your involuntary time travel.
He looked back at the boat and then you. "She's being stubborn. Hope you didn't come for a boat ride."
The ridiculous attempt to downplay his ghosting of you was expected and typical of Gerry, as well as the adorably anxious smile he displayed.
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Gerry knew damn well you couldn't swim and would never get in a recreational boat but you couldn't even muster up a snarky retort with the way you were feeling and he noticed it. You noticed something too as he laid the rag on the railing and asked you if you wanted a beer. He was wearing his wedding ring.
"N..no. I'm good." you softly and simply declined.
As he opened the mini fridge under the small kitchen island used for bay parties, he looked back at you with concern.
"You ok?"
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"I'm fine Gerry."
He popped the cap off the Heineken and took a swig while staring at you. "You're good, you're fine. Ok. Then why do you look like you've been crying?"
"Why do you look like a bottle of whiskey kicked your arse? Where have you been Gerry? I've been trying to reach you and I know damn well you know that. Why couldn't you answer my texts and calls??"
"Not to evade questioning like you're doing or to be a prick but since when do I owe you any explanations about my life? Last time I checked, we were never married."
"Fair enough...but why are you wearing your ring??"
His lips parted as he glanced down at his hand with a baffled expression, for clearly he had forgotten about it.
"Ohhh...that. Yeahhhh. Phil and I got a bit minced on a few wee drams last night and I woke up wearing it and well...now it's kind of stuck. Fingers got fatter I guess."
"A few shots?" you snickered. "I know how liberal you Scots pour those. According to your mom, ya'll were oot yer tree... errrrr was it off yer trollie?"
Gerry face palmed and grinned, then he sighed as he sat down on the rail. "Both terms would be correct. Look Josie, I'm dealin with a lot. You know that. I got my Mum in there hovering over me as you now know. I got Phil's young, dumb and reckless arse in there to look after and Vic over there in the hospital, still not doing well and now there's you."
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You both gazed at each other for a moment, knowing he was reading you like a book and you began to feel sick all over again about what you had to tell him. His eyes already held so much stress and exhaustion and you were about to make it ten times worse.
"Josie...why are you here? What's going on with you sweetness? I can see it in those gorgeous eyes that something's wrong."
He was killing you. Gerry always called you sweetness from day one but it's the first time he had used the term of endearment it in a very long time.
"What ISN'T going on? Like you, I'm being hit at every angle with a new fresh hell every 5 minutes."
"And....you came..to me? Why? Don't you have that pretty doctor to bandage all your wounds?"
Your eyes instantly welled up. "You know what? This was obviously a mistake. I'm sorry for wasting your time."
As you spun around to leave, Gerry leaped off the rail and grabbed your hand, pulling you back. "Wait, wait...I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I..I'm just not used to you coming to me for anything or even talking to me much at all for that matter and now here you are, out of nowhere and...."
Gerry paused as he intensely peered down into your glistening eyes. He was still clinging to the littlest bit of hope that someday you would want him back and he couldn't help but wonder if that's why you were there.
His thumb softly caressed the top of your hand as he still held it. "Talk to me baby. Did...did he...hurt you in some way?"
There he went, reading you again like a psychic with that annoying intuition of his. Gerry was certainly meant to be a cop.
"Just stop!" you cried, yanking your hand from his and turning away from him as you softly sobbed. "I am NOT going to talk to you about Lee, so just stop Gerry. Please just stop."
"It's very clear that I'm right but I will respect your wishes."
His then laid a gentle hand upon your shoulder. "But you're crying and you know what that does to me. Did my mum say something to you? I know she tends to overstep...."
You turned, eyes closed as you sighed, then forced them up to his. "No, she was actually more subtle about you and me this time. God, I'm just so fucking frazzled right now."
"I can see that. Ok, take in deep breath, hold it for a second and then just let it go. Here, I'll do it with you, come on. 1, 2..."
"Gerryyyy...that doesn't work." you whined with an eye roll.
"No, don't argue with me. Just do it. One more time, 1...2...3."
On his count of three, you just began blurting things out. "First off, there's how many experienced cops at the Salem P.D. with murder cases and you left that egotistical rookie partner of yours in charge of Elizabeth's case. Does no one realize it's a conflict of interest?? Luke and Lee are at each other's throats over their own issues so HOW is this fair to Lee being a person of interest when Luke's the investigating officer??!! And let's not forget a little girl is missing and it's all my fault! This is one of the reason's I have been trying to reach you because you can be objective and get shit done and speaking of cops, I got pulled over on the way here by Officer over the fucking hill for speeding and he was rude and mean and insulted me all because Jason's my brother, oh and someone busted my fucking tail light out and rusty water keeps coming out of the faucets!!!"
Gerry's response was of simple surprise as he stared at you, lips ajar. "Wow."
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"That's it? Wow??"
"Well Josie, there's all kinds of bad shit in this county going on and we only have so many cops who are on pre-existing cases, not to mention the huge drug shit going on so I felt Luke could handle this while I got my shit together since he's highly qualified and all and no, I was not aware of the personal conflicts with him, but now I am and I'll look in to it. I'm sorry I've been distant but I really didn't think I was needed in your life anymore. Bring your car out to the trailer tomorrow if you want and I'll fix it but as far as your plumbing problem, isn't that your mobster landlord's responsibility?"
"Hilarious Gerry. Craig is not a bad guy. His daughter is missing so don't start in on him like you always did Jason who also isn't a bad person like that cop called him and I'm not going to ask Craig to fix my shower when it isn't even broken."
"But you just said..."
"It's not the plumbing. Just never mind. You wouldn't believe me if I told you and that doesn't really matter right now so forget I said anything."
Gerry looked at you with skepticism. "Ok. But what did you mean by isn't?"
"You said Jason isn't a bad person. Don't you mean wasn't?"
Oh god. You DID say that and you needed to do damage control real fucking fast because this wasn't the first time you had almost let it slip that Jason was alive and Gerry was too damn smart. You hated lying to him but Jason would tell the world his secret when he was ready. In the meantime, you hoped he would find Ethan sooner than later and especially Blaise, but you hadn't a single clue what your undead brother was even doing or where he and Britt were. Did Jason even know what happened to Megan?
"Of....course I meant wasn't Gerry. It was an accident. He's only been gone close to 2 months now. Still don't seem real." you sniffled and wiped the corner of your eye for good measure.
"Alright. I get it. Sorry. Guess I'm still in cop mode and speaking of, so this cop that pulled you over. What's his name?"
"I...I don't know?"
"You got the ticket on you?"
You dug into your purse. "Yeah. Here."
Gerry stood looking it over and then his eyes popped as he chuckled. "82 Josie? Really? Where was the fire? All of this was that important to get here? Anyways, I know this prick."
He crumpled the pink paper up without a care and chucked it into the water. "There. No more ticket."
"Gerry...what are you doing??! I need that!"
"Not anymore you don't. I'll make it go away. One problem solved."
You knew he could too. You just didn't want to ask him to. "I..you...you would do that for me? I mean, with you being all by the book and stuff, no matter who it is?"
"I think you know you're an exception to that rule. I would do anything for you, especially if I can in some way make up for all the pain I caused you."
Your stomach twisted. You couldn't put it off much longer. The truth about Megan.
"Can you make everything else go away too? Lee didn't hurt Liz and he certainly didn't kill her. Please tell me you believe that."
"I've done my research on Lee and no, I don't think he attacked or offed his ex. Honestly JoJo, I think it could be someone else who Elizabeth pissed off which according to Luke's reports, was quite a muckle amount of people, even including you but of course I know that's not the case. I'm leaning more towards someone who wants us to believe Lee did it since he does have quite the motive, but again...I don't feel it was him. Things just don't add up. I think someone was more pissed off at Lee than Elizabeth."
Gerry didn't suspect you but someone certainly tried to make it look that way by planting all that stuff in Lee's car, but you couldn't tell Gerry about that and now your thoughts swirled like a twister, sucking in every person with means and motive to hurt the two of you. Someone who knew Lee's routines.
"Well, there's a large list of those people too. Ethan will always be my first guess. He hates me and that Lee chose me and not him and we all know what he's capable of. Then there's Angel, Lee's neighbor. Another jealousy, woman scorned thing and there's that Carpenter guy. I mean, you witnessed his rage at Lee and there's even..."
You paused, feeling guilty for even thinking it, but your priority was to always protect Lee, no matter who you had to throw under the bus. "There's...your new partner...Luke. Something happened years ago between them Gerry and I don't know what that was but I do know it was really bad and the two of them, as I said, are not getting along. I just think you don't know everything about Luke and I know I don't either, but from what I've seen and from what I DO know, he has a violent streak in him, especially if provoked. Just like his brother Ethan and maybe Luke is using this cop thing to his advantage?? I mean, he was WSB for christ's sake and..."
Gerry shook his head. "Stop. Stop."
But you didn't stop. "No Gerry! Is it really that far fetched?? He's smart as hell. He can easily hide things he don't want people to know. Trust me."
So could Lee for that matter, but you were way past ever thinking it was him and would forever regret that the thought had ever crossed your mind just like the guilty person wanted it to.
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"Or maybe he's just doing his damn job. So let me get this straight. You think a former WSB agent is now a dirty cop and my partner at that, just to seek some kind of revenge on his once good friend."
"I..I don't know! It's possible yes?? He knows Lee inside and out."
"I'm smart as hell too and would like to think I am damn good at what I do and the fact that you're standing here implying that I wouldn't see right through a conspiracy like that is rather insulting. I'm telling you Josie, it's not Luke. Until you can give me something concrete as to why Luke would want to hurt Lee, you need to drop it."
"Ok fine. Maybe it's not to hurt Lee? Maybe it was FOR Lee. Luke hated Liz too for what she did to Lee."
"You know, you're definitely right about one thing. Luke is too close to this and needs pulled from the case. With that said, I think you're forgetting a few others with motive to kill Nurse Webber. I mean...let's not forget her ex-husband who she kept his own daughter from, or so called daughter I should say since he believes Blaise to be Ethan's and if that turns out to be true, it's really damn good motive on his part to off her and let's also not forget his line of work, so there's that."
"Nope. Stop it Gerry. Craig did not do it. Leave him alone already. He wouldn't do that to his daughter no matter how much he despised Liz."
"You seem so sure of that and oddly protective of him. What's that all about?"
"None of your business. Now who else? You said a few others."
"Ok, but you aren't going to like it."
"WHO!" you snapped.
The name that came out of his mouth made your skin crawl. "Peter. He's been making some noise lately from within that 6 by 6 of his."
"W...w...what?" you softly stammered in fear.
"I wasn't going to tell you this but out of the blue, he's been demanding to get word to you to come see him and he won't say why, which I think we all know is because he knows about you being with Lee. The warden let me know about it and I've made sure any letters he sends out with your name are never sent."
You shuttered inside. "Just like he sent letters to Britt, wanting her to give them to me."
"She didn't did she? I was under the impression she loathed her sadist brother."
"She does and no. I never saw the letters and I don't want to talk about Pe..." you sighed, unable to even say his name. "Why are you bringing him up?? You're in good with this warden. Get him to put him in solitary confinement where he belongs, like he did to me!!"
"I'm sorry. I said you wouldn't like it. I know what he did to you, kidnapping you and locking you in that morgue drawer. I was there and saved you remember? Or you would have suffocated and believe me, if I could shut him up, I would, but I can only do so much. I'm bringing him up because we all know he has extreme jealous tendencies and access to people on the outside. I think you know where I'm going with this. If he wants to get to you or Lee, he can."
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You wanted to tell Gerry so bad what you knew about Lee's past with Luke involving Peter aka Sam Colin and how Lee was using that alias because Luke told him to, but you just couldn't. You trusted Gerry with your life but not Lee's.
"Yeah, I do. He could easily set Lee up to get him away from me which is WHY his communication needs to be revoked!! He's not only the son of an infamous terrorist, but he's one himself and he shouldn't have the privileges he has Gerry! Besides that, do you really think it's his style to frame someone?? He's more of the eraser type.''
"Then why isn't Lee dead already? Peter is his father's son yes, but he wasn't raised by him, only that other whack job son of his was, Charles Rane, who got blown up across the pond years ago."
You felt sick again, because it was Lee who caused that explosion, killing the Rane of terror. If you only knew what happened. The entire story. You would bet money Peter knew. So did Spinelli from intercepting those letters from Peter to Britt. And of course, Jason knew. If only you had listened to his and Lee's entire conversation instead of interrupting them, maybe you would know the truth.
"Does that make Peter any less dangerous?" Gerry continued. "No, but I had been after Cesar for so long and the two couldn't be more different. You should know since Faison was going to kill you the night you got shot, which not to defend Peter, but he meant to hit his father, not you, in an attempt to save you. Cesar eliminates his threats. Peter toys with them. The sadistic fuck likes to watch people suffer. Big difference."
"I swear if you say his name one more time!! And yeah, I know the difference. It's the real reason, which you already know, that my anxiety issues arose and why I'm claustrophobic and scared of the dark and storms! You have no idea what thunder sounds like inside a cold metal box. But in shame, I tell everyone, even Lee, it's because Megan locked me in a crawl space during a storm when we were kids, which was true, but that never damaged me the way that monster did. I...I couldn't fucking breathe. I could still smell the chloroform and I can still see the darkness all around me, stealing my breath like the grim fucking reaper and hear the echoes of my own cries as I called out for you."
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"I know...and Peter claimed he was hiding you from his father because you were my girlfriend and Faison would kill you if he found you. Maybe I should go visit the piece of shit because now I'm angry all over again and want to rip his minging heid aff!!"
There was the full blown Scottish accent and you hadn't even told him about Megan yet. "Well maybe someone in prison will get to him first, shank him over and over and over or slip some rat poison in his coffee or something. I bet you could arrange that."
"Haud yer wheesht! What's gotten into you Josie? Just because you're Jason's sister doesn't mean you have to act like him."
"Now YOU haud yer wheesht!"
"I will when you stap yer haverin!"
Your lips pursed and you went to riposte, but Gerry's phone rang. "Saved by the bell. Guess Luke's ears were ringing. I gotta take this. He fills me in from time to time."
As Gerry walked away to talk privately, you went to the sink for a glass of water. Your eyes were on him, trying to listen as you turned the faucet on but he was purposely whispering. Your hand became wet as the glass overflowed and when you looked down, your hand was stained with red water.
"Gerry!!!" you screeched and dropped the glass in the sink, shattering it.
"I'll call you later!" Gerry barked and ran to you. "Fuck Josie, did you cut your hand? Here baby, let me see it!"
"It's not blood Gerry. It's the water!! This is what I told you about! First at Dave's, then at my place and now here. I...I don't know what the fuck is happening. It's like some supernatural sign or an omen or something. Gerry, I feel like something bad is going to happen."
His eye dropped from yours and he became silent as he dried your hand off with a towel.
"Gerry? W..what's wrong? What did Luke tell you??"
He threw the towel down and grabbed another beer. "When were you going to tell me about Megan being kidnapped and attacked?"
"I...I was going to. We were just, you know, talking about all this other stuff and I got distracted. That's all."
"Luke's at the hospital now and asked me if I could find a guard and..."
"You need to! Because I don't think she was expected to be found considering where she was at. Did he speak to her? What did she say? Because she told me and mom she couldn't remember anything just before it happened and during, just that she remembered Dave finding her and...Gerry...she said she feels like it wasn't Ethan but...I don't believe that. She's either scared to rat him out or it's just the trauma."
"Or it's the drugs they found in her system compromising her memory. Her blood panel showed traces of Rohypnol in her system. It's a roofie."
"Oh my god...."
"That's...not all Josie. They uh...they did a rape kit on her and..."
"No...just...no. Tell me she wasn't."
"I...I can't. I'm sorry Josie. Luke said she don't remember it but she was so distraught from the results of both tests that they had to sedate her."
Your eyes burned with tears as your heart began to pound. "M..mom...what about my m...mom?"
"Luke's staying with her for awhile. Still think he's a cold blooded killer?"
"I...I don't know what to think anymore. Gerry...there's more...and it involves you. I need to get this out. It's the entire reason I came here."
"Why do I feel like I'm the one who's not going to like this now? What is it Joey? Oot with it."
You drew in a deep breath like he told you to do earlier, then exhaled long and hard. "Ok. Here it goes. After speaking to Megan today, she decided to do some kind of conscience cleanse and...she...she claims that you and she...never slept together. That she set you up to hurt me."
Gerry turned around with an incredulous sigh, placed his palm on his forehead for a moment, then turned back to you with his mouth hanging open.
"What? Yer bum's oot the windae." he exclaimed, exactly as you predicted he would and still in shock, he questioned again. "What?"
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"It's not nonsense Gerry. Trust me, I didn't believe it at first either, but...her demeanor and how she cried her eyes out...it's true Gerry. She admitted to drugging you and even wearing my perfume to get you excited, but the drugs and the alcohol only ended up knocking you out, so she sent me that text from your phone, then took your clothes off and hers and climbed into bed with you, waiting for me to show up the next morning. It was all a fucking set up Gerry because she was jealous of me. I...I'm so sorry." you cried. "I..I...should have known better...I should have believed you when you said something didn't feel right...I..."
And here it came. The blow up you dreaded.
"That clatty cunt!!! Are you fucking kidding me??!! Oh karma sure bit her in the arse now didn't it eh??!! JEE-sus Mary and Joseph what the fuck is wrong with that girl??!! She should be in a fucking mental institution. I cannot even comprehend this right now. She..she ruined everything for us and for what?? Just to make you suffer?? And don't you dare stand here and blame yourself. I wouldn't have believed me either! She's going to fucking pay for this, so help me God."
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"Well, as you said, she's already getting her karma."
"Ohhh hell no. She's going to get MY karma. Why am I the only one that's losing my shit here??!! She destroyed us Josie!! My god, did it ever cross your mind that we might still be together and even married?? You would be wearing the rings that go with the one I'm wearing right now!"
"That's ALL that has crossed my mind Gerry!! I'm supposed to be somewhere else right now but I came here. It's why I got fucking pulled over. I kept spacing out with the memories. I literally kept seeing the look on your face when I found you with her and it hurts like hell, all of it and then I get here and you're playing that damn song and my mind went back to those memories too and then I see you with that ring on and...and...and...I...god Gerry...I'm so confused!!"
He finally calmed down and started a conversation that you knew he would but were in no way prepared for. "Why? Why are you confused? My god, I'm innocent sweetness. Does this mean anything to you now? Does it...change...anything? Because nothing has ever changed for me except losing you. I still love you as much as I did then, if not more and..."
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"Gerry...please don't."
He came up to you, face to face, pleading his case. "Don't what?? I never fucking cheated on you baby. I never could. That's why it never made any sense and you and me, being apart never made any sense. Do you not feel anything at all for me anymore? Is it really all gone? Because we were crazy as hell for each other and I know I'm not wrong about that. I mean, look what we had. We had a beautiful life. I know we had been through shit after you were shot, with the whole children thing, but we made it through that. We worked hard for what we had. Let's put some more gas in the tank."
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"Gerry...I...I'm with Lee now, you know that and I..."
"Are you? Because I'm looking right at you standing here in front of me. Is that where you're supposed to be right now? But you're not, are you? You came to me. You could have waited to tell me all this. What was one more day of letting me feel the agony of losing the best damn thing that's ever happened to me? You couldn't. You couldn't do it. You had to come tell me right away and why? Because it fucking matters to you. I...matter to you, even now, after all this time, even after you moved on with someone else."
"Of..of course it matters to me Gerry! And no, I didn't want you to suffer anymore, not even for one more day..."
He stepped right up against you and placed his large hands on your cheeks, his face merely inches from yours, his warm beer breath showering your lips. "I...matter to you. Say it Josie. Tell me I still matter. Tell me you feel nothing for me anymore. Tell me you don't still love me, not even a little bit."
Tears raced out of your eyes and over his hands as your lips began to quiver. "I...I...Gerry please sto..."
His lips took yours with a fierce passion like he did on the dance floor that night in Galway and you found yourself succumbing to him like you did on the dance floor that night in Galway. The familiarity of his taste, the way his lips moved, the way they felt, the way HE felt all came flooding back to you and you couldn't pull yourself away.
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makeyoumine69 · 2 years
Hey, congrats on 1k followers! U deserve it. Could u plz do “you look so pretty like this.” pregnancy sex, breeding kink, lactation kink (feel free to ignore any of these if ur not comfortable w it). Thx for doing this celebration. Make sure to take care of ur self. Love u
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Hello! Thank you so much for your sweet words and your request, I hope you like it! *hugs* 💗😘
— [MASTERLIST]; [1k Followers Celebration Masterlist]
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Patrick always loved to see you feeding your little baby. In one way, it soothed him; in another, it evoked something primal in his gut that urged him to make you pregnant again, even though you were already carrying his second child.
Bateman stood in the doorway to the child's room, watching you lull your beloved son in your arms as you finished feeding him.
"When is my turn?"
You almost winced at his sudden question. Holding your baby closer, you turned in Patrick's direction to see him staring at you so longingly, his hands hidden in the pockets of his pinstriped suit.
"Shh," you pressed a finger to your lips, signalling him to be quiet. "He just fell asleep."
You continued to cradle your little treasure when you felt Bateman's strong arms wrap around your waist. With an affectionate smile, Patrick rested his head on your shoulder and covered your palms to help you hold your son.
"'Gosh, he's so beautiful." You whispered, tracing a finger along the baby's cheek.
"Well, he's our son, it's not surprising at all," he hugged you closer, leaving small kisses along your bare neck. "Let me put him in a cot and go to the bedroom. I have a gift for you."
Your heart skipped a beat at how sweet he sounded.
"All right. Thank you, dear." Delighted, you gave him the baby, before briefly pecking Patrick's cheek. As you turned to leave, you saw him gently cuddling your son, kissing the top of his tiny head.
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When you entered your stylish bedroom, you found beautiful black lingerie that was composed of two parts: lace panties and a semi-transparent top. You smiled from the warm feeling that Patrick remembered that you were insecure about your round belly, although it was not big yet, you felt a little uncomfortable, especially when you were making love.
Patrick came exactly when you changed into your new underwear.
Excited, you sat on the edge of your big bed, running your hands over your cleavage, and this sight made his already hard dick twitch in his pants.
"You look so pretty like this," his voice was raspy from arousal, and his eyes darkened even more as they roamed ravenously around your luscious curves. "I'm so hungry, (Y/N)."
You could swear to God, every time Bateman said it, your whole body tightened into a spiral of consuming desire to be claimed by this man.
Again, and again.
Biting your lower lip, you watched him come closer, the large bulge in his pants impossible to ignore.
"Is this what you want, Daddy?" You teased him a little, pulling down the strap of your top so he could see your swollen breast, full of milk.
His loud gasp spoke for itself. As Patrick bent down to your neck, he inhaled your sweet scent, tickling your tender skin, and tugged down another strap to have full access to your delicious tits. Then he cupped them pretty tightly, forcing you to arch your back towards his strong arms.
"A-awwww … Patty," you moaned as he finally took one of your hard nipples in his mouth and sucked on it so greedily that the walls or your womb began to clench around nothing. "Oh, God … you're so needy."
"I can't get enough of you, babe." He grinned and pulled you into a passionate, wet kiss.
You whimpered against his pouty lips as his big palm slid down to your mound, his fingers brushing your sensitive bud through the wet fabric of your panties.
"When the baby is born, you will give me another. Yes, love?"
"Mmm, y-yes Daddy," your heart fluttered at the way he worshipped your tits, you couldn't help but run your fingers through his brown hair, pushing him closer. "I can't wait for the day when our son has a brother…" you hiccupped as he tugged on your peak and then continued to suck your milk. "…or a sister, mm-Patrick…"
"Me too, honey."
Trembling, you let him pull you into his arms as he sat on the edge of the bed, pressing your back against his broad chest. You looked in the mirror on the opposite side of the room and almost cummed just from seeing Patrick hugging you tightly from behind, caressing your swollen belly and licking your neck.
"You're so gorgeous, my love," he lifted you up a bit to undo his pants. "Mm, Daddy loves to see you like this, so round … mmm, your boobs are so heavy. My perfect girl."
" l-love you so much, Daddy."
Mewling, you clung to his tense bicep, your head spinning from his intoxicating scent, his voice, his soft skin, the way he touched your body.
This man felt like heaven.
Leisurely, Bateman lowered your hips onto his solid ones, impaling you on his thick cock, his hand holding your belly for support.
The moment you felt his taut tip reach your cervix, you almost fainted, tilting your head back and resting it on his broad shoulder. At first, he fucked you slowly, not missing the way you moved your hips rhythmically with his thrusts, but then he kissed your neck and muttered:
"Relax, honey," he palmed your heavy breast and spread his knees wider so you could put your legs on them. "You don't have to move … m-mmh, let Daddy take care of you."
Sighing heavily, you almost went limp in his sturdy arms as his dick moved so smoothly in and out of your feverish pussy. With a guttural sound, Bateman looked at your reflection in the mirror and picked up the pace. He never stopped nibbling and nuzzling your neck, shushing you with sweet kisses on your lips when you began to moan too loudly as he fucked you deep and fast.
"You belonged to me, mm-fuck," he growled into your ear, carefully holding you tighter as you both were so close to your orgasm. "Every inch of your body is mine. Every single one."
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As a Ganon fan for some time (started with twilight princess he looked so fine man) it surprises me the low quantity of fics for him (same with Bowser) at the same time there isn't a doc where thxs to magic Ganon mom's come back. Like imagine meeting twinrova and them being super excited because FINALLY their son got a s/o who doesn't care if he's victorious or not. Or even they don't care if he's in his human form or not. Please could you write a fanfic where Ganon is embarrassed by his mom's being excited over his s/o? Like it would be so fluffy
Ganondorf and Bowser seem popular but it doesn't seem like it considering you have to traverse the entire internet for mere crumbs. Took so long cause I really struggled with ideas plus writing on your phone kills your fingies.
Content: Third person pov. Gerudo Ganondorf leaning towards Twilight Prince per mention in request, Ganon calls s/o dear and beloved. Mentions of marriage. Pretty short around 500 words.
S/o: s/o is written gender neutral with they/them pronouns. No physical descriptions
As feared as Ganondorf Dragmire was, it was an immensely amusing sight to see his surrogate mothers baby the giant man. Kotake and Koume were on him the microsecond he stepped into the dwelling.
“My handsome young man,” the twin with red accents holds up her hands to the large man’s face. Similar to a grandparent squeezing their grandchild’s face to ‘see them better’
“Mother Kotake, we have a guest,” Ganondorf says, seemingly unbothered by what’s happening, moving the twins’ attention to his partner. The twins zoned in on them before looking at each other.
"Sister, I think our son has finally grown up," Kotake says, earning a huff from her son. Koume nods enthusiastically.
"Come in, Come in!" Koume guides the two further inside. The building was old, obviously just some place they chose just out of necessity. It looked well loved with rustic-worn furniture filling the space. Mystical objects and potions also filled the shelves. Along with miscellaneous creatures and substances. Ganondorf promptly guided his partner away from them, pressing lightly on their back.
Kotake waves Koume away, getting a pout from the glacial witch as she goes back to what they were doing before their son's arrival. Without prompting Ganondorf settled down, the chair creaked with protest but held up nonetheless. Sitting next to him they didn't have much time to get comfortable before Kotake offers a teacup containing something. Decidedly it wasn't tea. Ganondorf had received his own cup, miniscule in his armored hands. Looks like he's using a child's tea set Feeling his partner's eyes he looked at them with a slight tilt on his head.
"Is something the matter my dear. Are my mothers making you uncomfortable?" Ganondorf's voice carried a slight worry of the thought.
Shaking their head, Ganondorf releases a sigh of relief. Placing the now empty cup down. Kotake lingered nearby not wanting to interrupt the couple.
A few moments of silence filled the room before Koume spoke from across the room.
"So Dear, are you going to introduce your partner to your mothers?" Kotake nodded eagerly at her sister's words.
"Yes, yes, introduce them to their in-laws."
Ganondorf sighed, "We aren't yet engaged." This is why he waited so long to introduce his mothers. Koume took this time to hurry over grabbing his partner's face between her hands before her son could stop her.
"Yet, so you plan on it?" Koume says. They try to remove themselves from her grasp but she has a mean grip for an elderly woman.
"I've thought about it, Mother Koume. We haven't discussed the concept of marriage." Ganondorf relents.
"It's been ages since another monarch sat on the throne. Such a dashing pair you two would be." Kotake says with a pensive tone. The knuckle of her index finger resting on her chin.
"Come Koume we have plans to discuss," Kotake starts walking away before pausing to talk over her shoulder, "as the elder sister I will be handling wedding planning."
Koume had moved to follow a sputter in her walk at Kotake's words.
"Why I never. Lying to our son's partner. I'm the eldest by 5 minutes." Koume resta her hands on her hips and Kotake turns to give her sister a glare. Ganondorf stands holding his hand out for his partner to take.
"They are going to be a while, beloved." he says, guiding them out of the house. The twin witches squabbling louding as they did.
"So, about our marriage," they looked up at Ganondorf who refused to make eye contact.
Rest assured more Ganondorf content is coming. Headcanons and fics alike.
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brrrkdslek · 11 months
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golden retriever! mingi shifted uncomfortably in his sleep as you were curled into his chest, knees rubbing against his crotch every time you moved. he only whined and brushed it off at first, but now he's full on humping you.
golden retriever! mingi buried his head into the crook of your neck and sucked at it, letting out strings of whimpers and moans as his cock rubbed against your thigh, which he had caged between his legs.
his tail wagged violently as drool dripped from his mouth and onto your neck, golden retriever! mingi watched with lustful eyes as the droplets rolled down your collarbone and disappeared into your cleavage.
he whined as he felt his cock twitch, golden retriever! mingi couldn't help himself as he cries out your name over and over, matching the pace with his humping. he almost came upon feeling your hands card through his hair instinctively.
poor puppy, golden retriever! mingi had tears in his eyes as his fluffy ears flattened against his head, moaning your name as you played with his hair in your sleep. his cock leaked upon the knowledge that you were sleeping soundly while he did such lewd things to your body.
but it wasn't enough. golden retriever! mingi sobbed into your neck as he rubbed himself on you, it didn't feel as good if you weren't touching him. he hugged you impossibly closer, just begging for your touch, your warmth, your everything.
golden retriever! mingi was on edge, but he couldn't cum. not unless you used your warm hands and sweet words for him. he is a spoiled pup, yes. but he knows you'd always do anything for him no matter what, that's how important he is to you and it made his tummy do flips.
but the poor boy doesn't want to wake his beloved, who spends 3/4 of their day working hard to give him a roof over his head and food on the table. golden retriever! mingi knows how hard you work for him, and he whines at the thought of waking you up for his selfish desires.
although you were a busy person, you never once failed to attend to golden retriever! mingi 's needs. you always put the pup first, which is what you learnt from last time. you always came back early for him, cooked his favourites, brought him to his favourite places and still had time for hot, passionate sex.
soon, you crack your tired eyes open and looked down to see a tuff of golden hair. you blinked a few times as you'd been woken up at ass o'clock. you felt a smile tug at the corners of your lips upon hearing golden retriever! mingi whimper your name and hump your thigh.
you always loved when golden retriever! mingi was needy. it made your heart swell with pride at how good you made him feel and how much he needed you. you loved feeling relied on and you couldn't help but feel yourself getting aroused at his beautiful sounds. they were like music to your ears along with the lewd squelching of his cock rubbing against your thigh.
golden retriever! mingi jumped as he feels your hand abruptly hold his cock steady, stroking at an agonisingly slow pace. the puppy threw his head back and moaned out, tears building up at the corners of his eyes.
you heard the boy mumble 'i'm sorry's and you pull your hand up to lift his chin to look at you, "why're you sorry, pup?" golden retriever! mingi felt his blood rush to his dick upon hearing that sweet nickname come from your mouth, he bit his lip but still let out a whimper.
"i-i woke you and,, i know you're tired and i- ah!" golden retriever! mingi moaned out suddenly as you attached your lips to sensitive ears, sucking on them as his cock twitched in your hand.
"baby," you pull away, "i'll always choose to tire myself in order to satisfy my puppy. after all, you deserve the world, don't you?" golden retriever! mingi teared up at your honey-coated words, he only pouted and buried his head back into your neck, to which you welcomed with open arms.
"awh, poor baby. you'd been on edge for so long, i'll make you feel better, m'kay~?" golden retriever! mingi whimpered, replying with a tiny ''kay' as you continue to stroke his hard dick. you hushed the boy as he cried in your neck, entire body twitching for the sensitivity of your hand only. you smirk at how much control you had over the boy and pressed down onto his tip.
golden retriever! mingi's feet curled as his tail twitched, your touch so sensitive on his already overstimulated body. you suddenly pull him in as you kissed the hybrid passionately, tongues entangling with one another's.
of course you took full control as you sucked and bit on his tongue, golden retriever! mingi 's brain malfunctioned as you picked up the pace, pumping him quickly as the sounds of his moans and the smacking of your hand to his base filled the room. you kissed his ear panting, "yeah, 'ya like that puppy?"
golden retriever! mingi couldn't speak as he only nodded with drool leaking from his mouth. finally, heaven came when he orgasmed, cumming all over your hand and shirt. his legs trembled as he whimpered and whined at the lost warmth of your hand.
you hummed in satisfaction as you wiped your hand with tissues. you were about to go back to sleep before golden retriever! mingi straddled you and pinned your hand above your head, "m-more, please...?" he panted with his tongue sticking out and drool dripping onto your shirt.
this was gonna be a long night.
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darklordofthesimp · 2 years
and i came back to basically another chapter worth of anon spin offs
let me give my two cents on our little babagirl birdy 🤭
No one in 141 is at base apart from Birdy and Price.
They’re all set to be back by around 8pm (idk military times srry homie), but it’s only six.
Plenty of time to let off some pent up frustrations on whatever poor piece of gym equipment they find first.
The equipment in question being the same punching bag they’ve been abusing continuously for the past week.
poor thing is tearing at the seams.
Birdys hands are wrapped in gauze. The white cloth steadily bleeding through as her sloppy, quick punches to the bag continue.
“You can’t do this to me Price. I can’t fucking do this.”
Her breathing was ragged, wet as her chest trickled full of sorrow. Pity; she pitied herself.
Prices eyes flashed. An inkling of regret breaking through his stupid, stupid façade as he peered up at her from his desk.
His hands clasp together tight. Fingers interlacing in an intricate pattern of scars and callouses. Maybe if he tries enough, squeezes tight enough, it might squash the paternal instinct in him to just hide them.
Steal his Birdy, his chic, and run. Keep them safe in the little nest he would make for them both. Father them until they could live by themself. Until they were okay without him.
He squeezed his hands tighter, knuckles whitening.
“I can. And I have to. This is what you need to help yourself,” his voice cut short.
“You don’t have to do shit!,” Birdys voiced dripped a cold, inky venom.
It seeped through his skin and into his bones, infecting anything it could touch to make him understand them.
To make him feel their fear.
Oh. Eyes trailing from the small split in the canvas of our beloved, and now passed, punching bag. To the sand creating a small mess on the floor.
In any other situation, Birdy would be impressed with themself.
You would think surviving something as critical as a shattered skull would give someone motivation.
A reason to keep going.
A light, or hope. A miracle if you believed.
If you survived that impossibility, then you could survive anything to come at you.
Birdy heard the whispers, the comparisons. They knew they beat the odds.
But god, why.
Why, if they could survive a weight of a 6’10 monster.
Why does it feel like they won’t survive the crushing weight of their own mind.
okay thx ☺️ my writing needs are now fufilled
although i MIGHT come back with more for u bc i’m like shaking with ideas ;(
\o/ <3
Tumblr media
How am I meant to follow up from that.
YOU KNOW WHAT. IM NOT. I'm gonna put some fucking hashtags on this shit and let it speak for itself. This is Canon thank you very much for your addition to the Anything lore.
The part of Price needing to fucking save them. To protect them and forcing himself to remember who the fuck he is and what their job is. BIRDY FUCKING THAT BAG UPPPPP
I cannot.
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physicsfox7 · 6 months
So, I have to brag just a bit. As previously mentioned, I haven't ever been great at fighting games. Moreover, I was a notorious button masher.
But with the release of my beloved Elphelt on Strive, I am here to stay. I've been playing since about mid-December, and I am a slow learner as it is.
In the beginning, with my friends patented school, I learned a lot in a short amount of time. Then I practiced on my own, ran the arcade mode, and worked on tower. I of course grabbed fights with friends when I could. But about 5 weeks ago, I hit what felt like a plateau. Admittedly, getting my ass handed to me constantly was very disheartening as well. And I still wasn't very good.
I stepped away from it for a couple of weeks, proceeded to lose whatever edge I had developed, and lost interest. I bought Bridget in an attempt to reawaken the fighting spirit, and spent a very lovely afternoon fighting her computer on very hard. Then I stopped and didn't pick it up.
When they dropped A.B.A on Tuesday, I was very excited. I thought a new character to try out would help, and everyone else would be trying her as well, so I might have a chance to win a little bit while they learn the new controls.
With the new patch, suddenly I couldn't boot the game. I spent over a day trying to figure it out. I tried everything from verifying files to reinstalling to getting third party software. Nothing worked, I just couldn't get on the network. I missed out on pre practice, I missed out on hours of playing with friends. Finally, working with everyone, we figured out the problem. One stupid, simple fix (disabling my antivirus software, yes I know I'm an idiot) and it booted first try.
By the time I joined the lobby, I was shaking from being hungry and angry and frustrated. Everyone else was warmed up, and I was cold for three weeks. I sorta kinda held my own, got my ass kicked again and again, but it didnt feel oppressive. Instead, it was invigorating. Some of the techniques and combos I had practiced worked, and I even got complimented.
Then tonight, we had another Strive lobby night. And something clicked. I was playing. I didn't win every match, but I didn't lose every match either. I stood my ground against players far better than me. I won multiple rounds in a row, and most importantly learned a few new techniques and ideas. I implemented on the fly. Tonight felt good.
We had a random come into the lobby, who is high level with all characters, and coaches. They run tourneys, and was top 100 with a couple of their mains. I warned them before our match that I wouldn't stand a chance, but like everyone in this community, they were more interested in playing and helping than beating me down. I managed to take them down below half health in a couple matches.
After stream, I went back and watched some older videos of my gameplay, then some from last night and tonight and the level of improvement I've made is astounding.
I react faster, my combos are cleaner, there's less wasted space/time/movement, and I'm starting to feel which move is the right defense, allowing me to be proactive in defense and getting out of neutral. And I can see when to be aggreasive and when to wait more easily.
I was at a precipice, and I honestly felt stuck. The combination of time away, solo practice, and a more relaxed and patient attitude the last couple of nights has broken through. I feel positive about future sessions, and I'm looking forward to playing rather than dreading it.
I'm very pleased with myself, and I feel positive. Playing games with such skilled people is kind of dampening for both my confidence and my pride, so this was pretty great. Okay, no more bragging. K thx byeeeeeeee
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daemon-in-my-head · 4 months
Did u know, I've been obsessed with this shitshow (lovingly) since we'll over half a year now. I've posted my first durgetash smut (it's more blueballing tbf) around Xmas last year and I've been obsessed with them since weeks before that even.
Some of y'all have been here since the beginning (or even before, good old times when i was still presenting to be sane), like, I've been tormenting some of u for 6 months and I still see y'alls names nd shit and I just realised and wanted to say thx for bearing with me being obnoxious and also I'm sorry but I don't think I can stop anytime soon cuz there's still a bunch of shit I wanna get done so pls bear me with a bit longer beloved moots. Or don't I can't force u but I like u so yk
Even if ppl leave or come back or whatever; I shall be here, finding new things about the murderers to obsess over in my desperate attempt to logically understand the irrational (hence why I'm quite confident I'm not stopping soon, the mental illness, I hope u understand. Also the tragedy who tf am i kidding).
- love, the random ass daemon on the Internet who won't shut up about tyrants nd godlings and probably won't ever get around to making a dos and don't for requests so henceforth consider them open and do ur worst, I can obsess over most shit anyway. Sorry.
Yes yes ill post some actual content later, let me be cringe and free for 5 minutes before entertaining the masses with my descent into insanity once more.
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ticklystuff · 3 months
He-he D and H for Boothill? (╹◡╹)♡
ask game closed, thx!
AHHHHH hello anon, i'm very happy to talk about our beloved space cowboy~
D: Death Spot | What is their most ticklish spot?
okay before his surgery, i want to say his ribs idk i just get the feeling that he yelps when someone tickles him here. also, like idk the thought of his daughter reaching up on her tippy toes trying to tickle back at her dad aksdlfjlk idk JUST TAKE IT
BUT even though he know longer has a human body anymore he still has ticklish ears! and if someone were to brush his hair back behind his ear, i think he'd do this cute snort. he wouldn't try and hide it or anything ahhhh it's so genuine
H: Habits | As a lee/ler or both, do they have specific habits when it comes to tickling?
oh as a lee, he definitely "swears" a lot but i feel like that's a given lol
also when he's tickled, he his body short-circuits and he freezes up and it's just so easy to tickle him because he can't even fight back nyehe
but ahhh sometimes when he misses the more intimate touch from being tickled, he'll unknowingly drum his fingers along his sides and it always takes him a couple seconds to realize what he's doing
as a ler, as much as i hate to say it, i feel like he's the type of person to do baby talk ALKSJDASKL i HATE baby talk with tickling so much but i just feel it in my soul and it’s such a horrendous thought but it fits him perfectly
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aissa-snapped · 1 year
The Heathen and The Christian final part
Summary: Ivar finally finds out what happened to his servant, and more exactly WHO did it. But when he finds out it`s his own brother, how will he react?
A/N I apologise deeply for the wait. I simply wasn``t in the mood for writing and I finally got some inspo to do so. I hope all are still interested in this. Anyway thx for the comments, those really made me wanna write more. I love you all.
@kens0world0of0imagine0nation there you go :))
Days have passed. Frigyth was still fearful of stepping out of her and Ivars chamber, but did it carefully whenever she had to. The king was struggling to squeeze any information out of her in order for him to punish the doer of his slaves traumatic experience.
The redhead however was still afraid of the consequences that might follow in case her master was to find out she had been meeting with his brother behind his back after specifically telling her not to do it, which by extension led to the unfortunate consequence.
Ivar, sitting angrily in his throne, overlooked the great hall, giving him the opportunity to scan over anyone who was sitting in there. He could only guess who did it, since he had no clue whatsoever. Glaring at the mass of people in the hall, he tried observing their behavior. Any clues as to who might have been brave enough to come after his beloved slave right under his nose. Any abnormal behavior, that could hint towards the rapist.
As much as he tried, he simply failed. He could`ve easily held a trial and hang all accused men, but he wished for a grander finale. He wanted to torture them to insanity, not just kill them off.
Ivar allowed Frigyth to stay within their chambers, for her safety, hopefully waiting for her to open up to him and tell her.
Days passed, and then weeks, and Frigyth seemed to be overcoming the past trauma, or so she wanted to lead on. Ivar was still pestering her about the subject, giving up each time after the girl simply changed the subject.
Hvitserk was scared the first few days, assuming the stupid girl surely must have run straight to Ivar to tell him, but to his amazement, she never did. That gave him some hope, knowing he was safe from Ivar`s wrath, or, at least for a lingering moment.
Frigyth, though she tried masking her fears related to men whenever Ivar was being close to her, could only do so much. Ivar, of course noticed how she flinched each time he was inches away from her, or when someone would raise their voice. This observation led him to an idea: maybe he could notice her behavior around certain men, and surely, if the rapist was around her, her body would give her away and expose the monster.
'' HVITSERK. Come. I am in need of your help.'' He called upon his brother one morning, urging him to approach the throne.
Curiosity linked with a hint of hidden fear engulfed Hvitserk, but nevertheless, he joined his brother`s side, wondering what sort of crazy idea he has come up with now, and knowing him, there could be many.
''How may I help you?'' He crossed his arms, rubbing on his grown beard.
Ivar shook his head annoyed, and motioned with his fingers for him to get close to his face, indicating this was not a matter he wished to be overheard by the other townies.
When Hvitserk was barely a few inches away from Ivar, the youngest brother whispered in his ear: '' I want to find out who raped my girl, and then punish him with everything that Ive got.'' And with that, he pulled away from his ear and rested back again on the throne, smirking at his brothers almost terrified expression.
His heart was pumping blood all throughout his body as if preparing for a race, causing Hvitserk`s cheeks and ears to catch a violent red color.
A few moments passed, silence filling the air between the brothers, and then after a long debate that took place in Hvitserk`s mind, trying to conjure a non-suspicious response, he gulped lightly and furrowed his brows, maintaining eye contact with the intense pair of deep blue eyes of his leader.
'' And how are you going to do that?'' He questioned curiously.
Ivar chuckled, shaking his head at his silly question.
'' Well you see… That…Hvitty… Is for me to know only.''
Hvitserk nodded his head, accidentally letting a look of fear cover his eyes, which didn`t go unnoticed by the hypervigilent and smart Ivar.
'' Ástin mín. Come on It`s alright. I just want you to come in contact with other people. You have been hiding in here as if some disease was spreading around town.'' Ivar gently dragged Frigyth out of their shared room, intending to find out the evil person once and for all. (My love)
His plan was coming into action, seeing as he had gathered most of the towns men inside the longhouse under the pretext that they were to feast that night.
Reluctantly, the spooked girl took a seat next to Ivar`s throne, where someone had previously placed a wooden chair for her to sit on under the order of Ivar.
With prey like eyes, the Anglo-Saxon girl scanned the full room, sensing an overwhelming feeling resting in her gut, at the sight of all those people. Crowded places were never her favorite thing. Ivar himself sat on the throne, with his right hand resting on the shaky knee of his servant.
The Ragnarsson was working on the plan, however now that he had gathered all these people here, with the girl as well, he only just realized he had never thought of the next step of the plan, and now he had to improvise.
Knowing that everyone was awaiting his orders to allow the feast to fully take place, he stood up, proud and tall above all men, with a horned cup in his left hand, giving an encouraging speech to the villagers, telling his future plans for raiding England, hyping up every viking and shield-maiden.
The feast was at its peak, the sight of drunken falling and stumbling men being everywhere. Ivar himself was feeling a bit tipsy, but he refrained himself from getting wasted remembering his intentions. '' Maybe now is the right time.'' thought Ivar, wondering if their intoxicated state would make men more vulnerable and honest.
Eyeing the room, he saw some familiar faces, including Hvitserk, gulping down cup after cup full of mead. Frigyth was constantly shifting in her seat, not only because of the hungry stares she would get from men, but also because she hadn`t moved from her seat in almost two hours, feeling her butt getting numb from all that sitting.
'' Are you alright my love?'' Asked a concerned Ivar, noticing the uncomfortable state she was in.
'' Ye- yes. I am. Just tired.'' She smiled tiredly at him, hoping he would let her go to sleep.
Cupping her chin with his right hand, he moved closer to her face, his breathing tickling her face. '' Just a bit longer and then we`ll go to sleep. I need you here with me.'' He explained softly. Nodding in understatement, she huffed slightly, and put on a fake smile.
Ivar didn`t know where to start, or how to approach the situation. There were so many people here, and there was also the chance that the culprit might not even be present.
But it seemed as if the God's were working in Ivar`s favor, since Hvitserk seemed to be more wasted than ever, and when he approached the two, he unknowingly was about to experience his downfall.
With his mind intoxicated, his vision blurry, he lost all his senses, unaware of his actions, which he would later on regret. He climbed the platform clumsily, on which the throne was placed, and drunkenly got closer to Frigyth. Ivar furrowed his eyebrows in suspicion and disapproval at his gesture, his hand on his dagger ready to take it out if needed, but what happened next shocked him beyond repair.
Hvitserk almost launched at the girl, who seemed to be going in for a kiss. Frigyth squirmed in her seat, and for the first time during the night she got up from it, rushing over to the other side of Ivar`s throne, instinctively seeking his protection.
The cripples heart fluttered at the gesture, feeling honored she was feeling safe around him, but quickly regained his thoughts, focusing on his brother instead. It was the more terrying face Frigyth had ever seen. Ivars eyebrows were creased to its limits, mouth tightly shut, and the eyes seemed to be the biggest give away for what he was feeling. Rage, pure rage was seeping from his normally deep blue eyes.
Ivar exhaled sharply, sort of like a bull ready to attack, and grabbed the frightened girl`s hand in reassurance. He kissed the top of her rather soft hand and ushered her to go back to their shared chamber.
By the time she left, the great hall was silent, everybody fearing Ivar`s next moves. Hvitserk seemed to be sobering up quicker than ever, slowly backing away from his dangerous brother, stepping backwards down the steps and into the crowd.
Ivar`s face showed a thousand different levels of anger, growing stronger and stronger by the second. It was obvious this much that nothing good would come of this.
Using his incredible force from his arms, he used the crutch to lift his body up, now fully towering over Hvitserk, and took slow, steady steps towards him, who was moving backwards as far away from the youngest brother as possible. '' You-you think I wouldn`t find out huh?'' He gave a dark chuckle, continuing his way towards him. '' That you can have MY servant as your whore? Hm? YOU REALLY THINK THAT?! '' Ivar was raising his voice with each word.
Hvitserk was at the end of the hall, right up against the doors, no escaping. There was no point in running. He had been caught. ''Ivar--''
Ivar was making sure everyone understood the situation, him not wanting to personally explain the whole thing to the people. But by the looks of all, it seemed they all understood what had happened.
Hvitserk looked mortified, his life flashing before his eyes, knowing there was no escaping Ivar`s wrath.
Frigyth had been sent to their chamber, but that didn`t stop her from hearing everything that was said, or more like yelled, by Ivar. When he returned to their room, she was scared he would yell at her, but to her amazement, she was engulfed in a hug, and during the whole night, he had an arm wrapped around her torso, which made her feel physically and emotionally warm.
Hvitserk had been captured and thrown into a temporary prison, for Ivar wanted to make sure he would not escape the following morning`s events.
Ivar felt rape should be punished with the worst and most painful of all: The blood eagle. And so the next morning, Ivar showed up in the center of Kattegat, accompanied by his Escort guards and the other curious folk, and brought out Hvitserk for his torture.
Frigyth had tried talking Ivar out of doing it, suggesting he`d exile him, but he said nothing would bring him more pain than this. At the failed persuasion, the Saxon asked Ivar to let her stay inside, for she could not bare watch such barbaric acts.
Around noon, Ivar was one brother short, but half of his heart mended, knowing he did the right thing. Hvitserk`s body had been left hanging in the middle of the village, with blood still dripping on the muddy ground. It was a morbid scene to say the least, but as more than half of the townsfolk were used to going on raids, nothing unusual.
Frigyth was in her room, quietly crying. Why, she didn`t know. She felt bad. Because she met up with him. Because it happened and Ivar was forced to kill his brother. It was weird. Though she was the victim here, she felt guilty for his death. Maybe it was some sort of twisted game the God's were playing with her. Maybe that God that loved to play games, what was his name… Loki? Maybe he drilled his way into her head, making her think she should feel bad.
Ivar entered the chamber, with the purpose of checking up on her. When he saw her crouched down in a corner, he immediately went behind her, placing his hands over her shoulders, rubbing up and down. Kissing her temple, he put his head on her right shoulder, trying to be as close to her as possible.
'' Why are you crying love?'' He asked quietly. Sniffing, she slightly turned her head in his direction, taking a shaky breath in, preparing to talk. '' B-because… I dont know. You killed your brother...because of a servant. It was my fault. I shouldve never met up with him.''
'' You were the victim. He should`VE known better. He deserved it. You think he would have stopped?! He could have done it again, had he not been caught.''
''Yeah but… I don`t know… I am not used to people killing each other like this… and especially not because of me…'' She sighed sadly, another tear falling down her cheeks.
Ivar used his thumb to wipe it away, and then grabbed her chin softly, turning her face towards him fully now.
'' You… Are not at fault. You didnt know what could happen. I locked you in here. You maybe wanted to..have someone who would properly care for you. And then he betrayed your trust. I shouldve looked out for you more…'' He trailed off, looking into the distance, trying to blink away the tears that were making his eyes glossy.
Without hesitation, Frigyth turned her body, now both of them being almost chest to chest, and she climbed into his lap, hugging him.
It was such a new form of affection, Ivar had not experienced before. Startled for a few seconds, he just stood with his arms out, processing what was happening, but then he quickly wrapped them around her whole body, feeling her delicate figure, and enjoying the warmth that was radiating off of her.
A few minutes had passed, and she was the one to pull away. She kept her hands on his shoulders, whilst his were resting on her waist. Both staring deeply into eachother`s eyes, Frigyth realised this man was capable of loving, he just needed guidance.
'' Ivar, you deserve to be loved. You deserve to have someone be by your side, not out of fear but rather because of support. ''
Ivar was truly touched by these words. He had never heard them before, and there was this fuzzy feeling in the pit of his stomach, not the kind he`d get when he would murder someone, but rather something that made him melt, become soft and drop his angry facade.
The Viking got closer to her, their lips berely inches apart. '' Will you show me, love?' He whispered, glancing at her lips ever so often. Frigyth nodded slowly, right before Ivar gave her the most passionate kiss that made her feel like she was in heaven. The simple kiss turned into one with tongues interlocking, wrestling one another, and eventually they both pulled away, breathing heavily.
Frigyth blushed, feeling overwhelmed by the love she was feeling. Ivar however, allowed her a few deep breaths, before pulling her into him again and kissing her a second time.
It felt like hours before they pulled away again, and without hesitation, Ivar bravely asked the girl.
'' Will you be my woman, my equal partner, the one whom I share my success and failures with? Say yes and you will be more than a free woman. You will be the Queen of the most feared Viking.'' He asked, interlocking their fingers, squeezing her hands.
Frigyth laughed melodically, nodding her head vigorously, and engulfing her future husband into a strong gripped hug.
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