spydcddya · 2 years
are you my dad, we both have blonde hair
↳ @1knife : always accepting !!
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&    so  did  thousands  of  others  SIMILAR  to  herself.    is  she  delusional    or  simple-minded    ??    the  dots  this  one's  connected  all the more  disturbing.   ❝ i  resent  that. ❞  
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maythebaebewithyou · 1 year
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poppy5991 · 1 year
Toga: I made a voodoo doll of you.
Dabi: Ooooh you gonna stab me?
Toga: I made him a tiny bed and gave him a nap.
Dabi: NO
Toga: I’m gonna take him on a picnic.
Toga: We’re doing self care.
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jayburdxx · 8 months
LOV incorrect quotes
shigaraki: you.. you said i could trust you!!
shigaraki: you said you were a GAMER!!!
spinner: shigaraki... i only play mobile games.
shigaraki: NOOOOO!!!!
toga: if dabi and i were drowning, who would you save?
shigaraki: you two can't swim?
toga: it's a hypothetical question! who would you save?
shigaraki: my time and effort.
toga, shooing dabi away: can you go be depressed over there? you're bumming out my whole area.
dabi, season 6: i'm hot, i'm tall, i'm gay, and i'm in my theatre kid arc
toga, at starbucks: can i get a venti vanilla latte with seven expresso shots?
dabi, standing behind her: jesus christ, just do cocaine.
shigaraki, high: the best part of an oreo is the cookie, not the frosting. deal with it.
dabi, also high: darkness without light is an abyss. light without darkness is blinding. you cannot have a coin with one side.
spinner: yo socrates, it's a fucking cookie
toga: ow!
shigaraki: what's wrong?
toga: i have this weird pain right above my eyebrow.
shigaraki: it's called a stress headache. i got my first one when i was four.
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afairywithacrown · 11 months
My favorite LGBTQ+ headcanons
my hero academia edition / league of villains
disclaimer: as i said before, these are only headcanons, they aren’t meant to be taken seriously.
Shiggy: totally aroace, genderfluid
I think he just doesn’t feel any kind of attraction towards anyone. Even a little repulsed by the idea of it.
I don’t have arguments for why i think he is genderfluid, but he is. It just feels right to me.
Dabi: bisexual with a preference for men.
He wants to dick down hawks so baaaaad
Does not have preference for any pronouns, doesn’t care how you choose to address him. In fact, don’t do address him at all.
Part of me screams demi too, like if you dont gain his trust and respect, he would be even grossed out if you tried to make advances. (Although is canon he can’t catch on when someone does).
Big sis magne: well is canon she is trans bUT
I hate to say it, magne is straight. Nothing wrong with it of course… but like painfully straight
Big ally tho, would instantly get you a girlfriend/boyfriend if you asked her to and would hate on ANYONE who makes fun of your sexuality.
Toga: She puts the Bi on bisexual, genderfluid too.
In love with her two favorite heroes.
Omg she has the best gaydar too. You wanna know if you got a chance with that girl over there? sorry, she is totally straight but the friend on the other hand…
With many body changes she is used to being different everyday. At the beginning it was hard to accept it, but she slowly started to embrace it and get very upset when people use the wrong pronouns.
Although you’ll think you could just look at her and tell but nooooo, you have to ask. Could be into the most masculine body in the world and be she/her.
Twice: bisexual
and a hoe, so many girlfriends and boyfriends you’ll need more fingers to count them.
The worst gaydar tho, even if it obvious. “oh that guy with a gay pin, kissing that other guy? They must be really good friends”
Toga is helping him, don’t worry
Spinner: a non-binary twink
A little angsty, but developed strong feelings towards Shigaraki to be then crushed down by the truth.
went through all of the pronouns
probably forgets they uses they/them and would often refer to themselves as he
Kurogiri: that’s a homosexual right there.
Gay man
gives great advice too, having troubles with your partner? he would literally give you the best advice you’ve ever heard in your whole life
The man has a lot of experience but only had one serious relationship
All rights reserved ©2023 afairywithacrown. Please do not repost, modify or claim as yours.
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thesakuragarnet · 11 months
Birthday (LOV Found Family Vibes)
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'Twice: Hey, Dabi, why are you drinking so much on a Monday afternoon?' 
'Dabi: I'm trying to forget tomorrow is my birthday.'
Tags: slight DabiHawks, implied sexual content, swearing, found family, some blood (see GIF), hurt/comfort, fluff, angst, drinking
Word Count: 1,767 words
AO3 link
The sounds of party horns jolt Dabi out of his alcohol-induced slumber, making his hangover headache infinitely worse. 
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" He screams as he jerks upright, sitting straight up on the couch as Toga and Twice jump around him with the obnoxious noisemakers while Hawks and Spinner pop confetti cannons. 
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DABI!" Toga shrieks at the top of her lungs, and Toya puts his head in his hands, palming his forehead aggressively as he remembers the conversation from the night before. 
'Twice: Hey, Dabi, why are you drinking so much on a Monday afternoon?' 
'Dabi: I'm trying to forget tomorrow is my birthday.'
Granted, he was already a bottle and a half in at that point, which is why he'd let it slip. Regretfully, his Quirk made it impossible to get alcohol poisoning; his body processed it too fast to fuel his flames, meaning he sobered up almost as quickly as he became intoxicated. 
Twice and Toga continue to chant and sing, jumping up and down as Dabi blinks, taking in the scene. There's an obnoxious "Happy Birthday" banner that looks like it was dragged out of a trash can and an obscene amount of balloons in the corner (which is an extreme fire hazard).
"HAPPY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! HAPPY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Toga and Twice scream in unison, dancing with one another.
"Come on, make a wish!" Hawks' voice is suddenly in his ear, and Dabi turns his head to see a sorry excuse for a cake with a crude "24" in the center written in icing. The candles are unlit. Between the racing adrenaline from being scared awake, the overwhelming noise of the dynamic duo, and all of the bright colors, it tips Dabi over the edge. Smoke curls out of the side of his mouth as he grits his teeth, glaring up at his boyfriend. 
He shoves the cake into Hawks' face, and Toga and Twice stop singing while Spinner's party horn comically trails off in a melancholy note. 
"WHAT PART OF I WAS DRINKING TO FORGET MY BIRTHDAY DID YOU IDIOTS NOT UNDERSTAND?! LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" He screams angrily before getting up and storming to his room, slamming the door behind him. 
"I knew it was a bad idea!" Shigaraki calls from the bar, too busy playing his Nintendo to bother with the festivities. Hawks sends his feathers to grab a towel and slowly rubs the cake off his face. 
"I told you go with blue icing but nooooo," Spinner mutters sarcastically, waving his hands as if that's the real reason Dabi got pissed. Hawks rolls his eyes, throwing the remains of the cake away before he walks toward Dabi's bedroom. 
Knock. Knock. Knock. 
Hawks waits patiently for Dabi to open the door, but the villain doesn't hear him knocking. Instead, Toya's staring up at his ceiling with his earbuds in his ears, blaring his typical angsty emo music to drown out everything around him. He hated his birthday. Growing up, he didn't really have friends. No one ever showed up to the birthday parties, no matter how many invitations he handed out to his classmates or how many emails his mom sent. Thus, Toya's birthdays were strictly family affairs. Ever since his accident, after he came home to find his death wasn't enough to change his father, family was a bad taste in his mouth. It didn't help that Shoto's birthday was a week before his; it hung over his head like an impending raincloud of doom, reminding him of what was coming...and what was missing. He used to have fun on his birthday, spending time with Natsuo and Fuyumi; hell, even with his mom and his dad...before Shoto came along. Then, everything changed. Every birthday he'd had since was incredibly shitty and always left him feeling more empty and forgotten. In fact, this was the first time anyone had wished him happy birthday in ten years. 
Flit. Flit. Flit. 
Dabi takes out his earbuds when he sees a red feather twirling up above his head, twisting and pointing toward the door. The scarred man exhales dramatically through his nose as he stalks toward the door, unlocking it and opening it.
"What do you want," He snaps, making Hawks flinch.
"To...uh...I don't know," Hawks trails off, twiddling his thumbs in defeat. Dabi sighs and jerks his head back, gesturing for Hawks to come in as he steps to the side. He closes the door behind his boyfriend, who awkwardly sits on the edge of the bed. 
"So...wanna tell me what all that was about?" Hawks offers hesitantly. Dabi's clenched jaw and stone-cold expression don't change. 
Hawks' wings droop; he should've anticipated that answer, but it wasn't the one he was hoping for. Dabi walks over to the singular window before he leans up against the wall, staring at the sunrise through the fire escape. 
"There anything I can do?" Hawks asks eagerly, deciding to try a different approach. 
"No," Dabi repeats monotonously. Hawks' eyes narrow, and he scrunches up his face in thought before his expression softens. Dabi's attention shifts from the color-changing sky to his boyfriend as he suddenly feels hands unbuckling his belt. 
"You sure?" Hawks murmurs seductively as he starts to unzip Dabi's pants. 
"GET OFF ME!" Dabi seethes, eyes flashing in irritation as he roughly shoves Hawks before zipping his fly back up and fixing his belt. The Pro lands on his wings, grimacing in pain and frowning in confusion.
"WHAT PART OF LEAVE ME ALONE DIDN'T YOU GET? YOU'RE A FUCKING PRO HERO! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO UNDERSTAND BASIC SOCIAL CUES!" The villain shouts, anxiously pulling at his hair before stomping out and slamming the door behind him. 
"Can't even get fucking peace in my own space," Dabi mutters bitterly as he crosses his arms, feeling his chest tighten from all the stress and pent-up emotions. He was so used to spending birthdays alone. He opens the door to the hallway bathroom and locks it, slowly sinking to the floor up against the door. He nervously chews his scarred bottom lip, trying to repress memories from when he was actually happy, but to no avail. Blood seeps beneath his eye scars, and his shattered breathing is barely audible. This is the only way he can cry. 
While Dabi spent all day locked in the bathroom, the League held an emergency meeting.
"We can't just let him feel so shitty on his birthday!" Toga pouts, putting her head down on the table. 
"I concur! Why not!" Twice shakes his head in agreement, and Spinner groans. 
"I think we should just leave the guy alone. We've clearly fucked up. Let's not make it any worse," The lizard points out, but Toga and Twice protest. 
"We're family! Plus, do we all really want him to stay mad at us? You know how much of a vengeful bitch he can be," Toga adds.
"We don't know the first thing about the burnt bastard. Where do we even start?" Shigaraki grumbles, putting up his Switch to enter the conversation. Kurogiri, who sits at the head of the table, turns to Hawks, who is staring off into space. 
"Ahem," The wispy man grunts, jarring the Pro out of his daydreams. 
"Yeah?" Hawks mutters as if waiting for instructions. 
"Well, you're his partner, or...whatever. Do you know what he likes?" Compress offers, gesturing to Hawks. 
A smile plays at the hero's lips.
"As a matter of fact. I do."
Dabi jolts awake, still propped up against the bathroom door, and immediately gets to his feet. 
"WHAT DID I SAY ABOU-" His angry tirade stops short as he yanks open the door to find no one on the other side. He raises his eyebrow, poking his head out into the hallway, but there's no sign of life. It's pitch-black outside all of the windows. 
He looks down to find a note under his boot with an arrow pointing to the left and the words "FOLLOW ME" scrawled in Twice's messy handwriting. Dabi's curiosity gets the best of him; besides, what are the odds that this is something important? Dabi walks down the hallway and finds a suspicious bottle of Captain Morgan sitting at the foot of the stairs, along with another arrow pointing up the winding staircase with the words "THIS WAY" in Toga's pink cursive. 
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me," He sighs, shaking his head as he snatches the bottle and makes the long trek up and up and up until, finally, he reaches the door that leads to the rooftop. In front of the door is a little cardboard box and on the door is another sheet of paper that says: "OPEN" in big letters and "the box and the door" in small letters, presumably Spinner's. 
"This is stupid," The villain gripes as he rips open the small box. Inside is a laminated card that reads "No one will bother you until sunrise" in Kurogiri's calligraphy. A content smirk plays at Dabi's lips as he shoves the card in his pocket before he roughly shoves the door open. 
Toya's breath is taken away. He'd never been to the rooftop at night, and he was vehemently regretting that he hadn't. In the dead of night, because they live in the shadier part of town, the night sky is visibly filled with glittering stars. In the center of the rooftop, a hammock rests between two steel posts. Beside the hammock sits a foldable table with a singular piece of cake on a paper plate; a candle burns brightly in the center of the dessert. Dabi is trying so hard not to smile, but he feels an achingly familiar feeling in his chest that he thought would never spark again. He walks over to the table and sees one last sheet of paper, folded up beneath the plate like a card. He opens it. 
Our shitty family isn't complete without you. Hope this makes up for fucking up so bad.
- Shigaraki, Toga, Twice, Mister Compress, Kurogiri, Spinner, & Hawks
The fact that they all willingly did this. Maybe it wasn't so bad. Truthfully, this morning had been terrible. It was obnoxious, excruciating, and all around too much. But this. This was what he appreciated because it was tailored specifically to him. Lowkey, subtle, yet meaningful. He knew Hawks had a large part in this. He's the only person that he ever told about his love of stargazing. Maybe he'd burn him later for spilling a guarded secret, but, for now, he was...happy.
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musedriven · 4 months
I want to write so bad but my body says no. I hate it here. I have so much muse for Krad and Toga and Misa and L but nooooo i get to be in the time out corner with an ice pack and no chance of sitting upright.
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wingedcreaturecomics · 7 months
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Behind The Art
with quinntoday
I often get asked about my process for drawing big illustrations, so in this post I'm going to show how I made the background in this recent Caves of Qud drawing.
I started with this picture of Qshur looking around the corner I drew yesterday. The goal was to draw Qshur going through Red Rock and sneaking up on some sort of enemy.
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I decided for the enemy to be snapjaws since I've been wanting to draw them anyway. I started by drawing 3 poles to show where I wanted the actors to go, then sketching a rough outline.
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I inked the rear snapjaw, then realized it was too big, so I erased the other snapjaw and redrew it bigger, so the perspective made sense.
...It doesn't make *perfect* sense, because it makes Qshur look tiny by comparison, but that's fine.
Before I drew their outfits, I went into the game and examined snapjaw corpses to see what they were wearing. It was mostly aprons, tunics, and togas.
I wasn't satisfied with my sketch of the other snapjaw, though, so I went to a notebook and did some practice drawings.
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I started inking the face, but it wasn't looking cute enough, so I covered it up with a sticky note and tried again, this time making the snapjaw look to the side, so its mouth would be easier to draw.
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It was at this point I needed to decide where the light source was. When I was drawing the first sketch, I considered putting a campfire between the snapjaws, but I didn't want Qshur to be in shadow, so I put it off. It ended up going in the foreground, so that it lights up everyone's faces. Look, the fire even covers up the rear snapjaw's tail so it looks more 3-D! What's that? I got lucky that it all worked out despite the fact that the fire was such an afterthought? No, I swear I planned it all from the start! The campfire was always meant to be far away from the ones supposedly using it!! It was an artistic choice!! Nooooo!!!
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For the last step, I switched to my fine pen and added shading to everything. I also put a question mark over the rear snapjaw's head to make it more expressive, and as for the smoke from the fire, I drew it with marker to make it stand out against the background and frame the shot. I'm proud of how it turned out! ^_^
Anyway, I hope y'all found this interesting!
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hearth4days · 8 months
okay so is it a storyline or just random stuff? also i would ask ur rp partner but they seem a bit scary
Nooooo they're so nice they're my bestie
So our rp is a very long storyline taking place after the first war arc. It follows the League of Villains, and our main muses are AfO, Spinner, Kurogiri, and Stain (me), and Ujiko, Dabi, Twice, and Mr. C (Fuzzy). There have been a lot of other people, but they all abandoned us or got kicked for being shitty people (Tomura, Toga, Geten, various others). There's so much bromance and trauma bonding and torture
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puppykechi · 2 years
!! PINNED !!
im toga !! also @puppykechi on twitter!!
21 y/o
NOOOOO pro/sh1p please. this includes ppl who ship 0daz/ai it makes me very uncomfortable
I love bsd (i mainly post knkdz) and persona 5!! Gonna try to be active in posting my art here <3333
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belliesandburps · 3 years
Wait, when did Toga become canon???
It hasn't happened in the anime yet. I believe it's gonna be this season in the 'My Villain Academia' arch. But it happens early on in that arch here when she and Twice have a funny reaction to the teleportation goop thing we saw AFO use in season 3 being used by its originator:
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kiribakukuro · 4 years
my friend said kirishima looks like elmo i WILL be passing away from that statement goodbye
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Remember when ‘Yuki Yuna is a Hero’ came out and everyone thought it would have good rep?
yeah that went well lol
still like the anime though because it was the first one i watched (besides Pokémon).
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poppy5991 · 1 year
The Villaincast Ep. 6
Toga: I personally just don’t get the appeal of All Might honestly.
Dabi: That’s valid.
Toga: Your dad’s kinda hot though. He’s always getting beat up so-
Dabi: Oh my god don’t even-STOP, STOP
Toga: *laughs* -and that’s my type so…
Dabi: I -I can’t even -I’m getting a new cohost. You’re done.
Toga: Nooooo. He’s dating Hawks right? So clearly I’m not the only one…
Dabi: If I - If I could burn you through this fucking zoom call right now…I would do it…
Toga: Don’t lie. You love me too much.
Dabi: Tell Ochako to hit you. Just on my behalf.
Toga: She’s not gonna!
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codenamesazanka · 5 years
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Well this sounds potentially horrifying.
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Shigaraki: Y-You said I could trust you!
Shigaraki: You said that you were a GAMER!
Toga: Shiggy…
Toga: I play mobile games.
Shigaraki: NOOOOO!
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