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People always forget how hard it is to Ollie.
Like bitch, what the fuck is that dragging motion you have to do?? Now my shoe has a hole in it and I’m broke >:(
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Remember when ‘Yuki Yuna is a Hero’ came out and everyone thought it would have good rep?
yeah that went well lol
still like the anime though because it was the first one i watched (besides Pokémon).
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blood for blood
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My Type Consists of Girls and Blonde Anime Boys
(so i’m technically still bi?) 
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All I Want in Life is to Find my Platonic Soulmate
to quote the Spice Girls “friendship never ends” 👉🤠👉
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for the first time in so long i am excited to write in my BOS!!!
i cannot wait! blessed be everyone!!!
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Self confidence
Right, I am not always the most self confident person.I know a lot of people,of all genders, have the same issue. Its hard to be confident when your body type is usually frowned upon.
I am female and the fact the media usually portray the pretty girls to be skinny, tall, and yeah they are beautiful, but all that can be a blow to the confidence , and I am struggling to control my weight a lot, as it is mainly stress and and stress eating that I am trying to work past.
But today, I am feeling confident in myself, I know I am likely not alone, but there just seem to be a few of my outfits that just make me feel great, make me feel like I look good.  And that is my mood right now!
So here is a shout out to everyone who read this. 
You look like a Queen/King today, you look good, you are great, and you can do whatever you set your mind too. Keep your chin up and follow your heart!
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I want a witch friend :(
all i want in life is a witch friend. please. just someone who i can ask questions, discuss schools of thought, talk about our days and just chill together. thats all i want man
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Closest Witch Problems™
my mum: Honey! where have all the tea lights gone? 
me: ummmm... heh... i used them all? 
my mum: its been 2 weeks and i got a pack of 20! 
me: * nervous laughter * 
my mum: *makes stuffed eggs* 
me: hey can i steal those shells? 
my mum: why?
me: *nervously avoids eye contact* ummmm my plants?
me: *internal screaming because we i can’t get away with cleansing my room with sage, incense, sound or salt and the next full moon isn't until for ages so i cant get moon water either*
my mum: *knocks on my door like a normal human*
me: ONE SECOND!!! 
 *tries to switch tabs before she sees a witchcraft blog, slams BOS shut and shoves it somewhere random* 
me: *out of breath* come in!
my mum: ...where did all the salt go? and where is the cinnamon?
me thinking to myself: woah that stick would make an amazing wand! i could totally use that!
me: *remembers i’m on a walk with my family* damn it.
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Why can’t i be what 4 year old me wanted?
you know those stupid childhood dreams you have as a child? yeah the ones where you imagine you are going to bed a rock star or a princess or knight or pirate or you will be a billionaire. most of us grow out of those phases but lately, there is nothing more i wont in this world but to be my childhood dream. i want to be a princess or a prince! i want to be a rock star singing for thousands of people! i want to be a knight who instead of killing the dragon, rides off into the sunset with it and the princess. i want to live my fantasy. 
it just sucks that we can’t all have that. after all, then it wouldn’t be a dream would it? 
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It warms my heart that Robert Irwin is the same goofball his father was
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ASEXUALS ARE VALID AS FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reblog if you think asexuality is a real thing that actually exists.
I'm trying to prove something.
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i don’t think any of you understand how much of an impact ‘You Lie in April’ had on me. it changed my life forever. it gave me a new perspective. this anime helped me fall in love with piano all over again. it re-introduced me to classical music and it gave me a drive to play those pieces. 
Your Lie in April showed me what love is. it reminded me how much i love the people around me. it showed me that the worst things happen to the best people and that i should treasure every second with the people i love.  
thank you Naoshi Arakawa for writing such a master piece. i am forever in debt to you.
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Three -Sleeping at Last
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people must be stupid if they think im going to show my Tumblr to my IRLs
i’ve got a bunch of random stuff i dont want to talk about on here
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