#Taming the Octopus
How America's oligarchs lull us with the be-your-own-boss fairy tale
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Capitalism is a vibes-based system. Sure, we all know about Keynes's "Animal Spirits" that see "bulls" and "bears" vying to set the market's future, but beyond that, there's just a hell of a lot of narrative.
Writing for The American Prospect, Adam M Lowenstein reviews two books that tell the histories of the stories that are used to sell American capitalism to the American people – the stories that turn workers into "temporarily embarrassed millionaires":
The first of these books is Taming the Octopus: The Long Battle for the Soul of the Corporation, by Kyle Edward Williams, a kind of pre-history of "woke capitalism":
Taming is a history of the low-water marks for Big Business's reputation in America, and how each was overcome through PR campaigns that declared a turning point in which business leaders would pursue the common good, even at the expense of their shareholders' interests.
The story starts in the 1950s, when DuPont and other massive firms had gained a well-deserved reputation as rapacious profit-generation machines that "alienated workers and pushed around small businessmen, investors, and consumers." This prompted DuPont's PR chief, Harold Brayman, to write a memo called "The Attack on Bigness," where he set out a plan to sell America on a new cuddly image for corporate giants.
For Brayman, the problem was that corporate execs were too shy about telling their social inferiors about all the good that businesses did for them: "The businessman is normally reluctant to talk out loud. He frequently shuns the spotlight and is content with plugging his wares, not himself."
This was the starting gun for a charm offensive by American big business that included IBM president Thomas Watson Jr ("I think there is a world market for about five computers") going on a speaking tour organized by McKinsey & Co, where he told audiences that his company's billion dollar annual profits had convinced it to assume "responsibilities for the broader public welfare."
This set the template for a nationwide mania of "business statesmanship" that Fortune celebrated with an editorial announcing "a great transformation, of which the world as a whole is as yet unaware" that put the "profit motive…on its last leg."
Fortune then spent the next seventy years recycling this announcement, every time the tide went out on business's popularity. In 2019, Fortune platformed IBM president Ginni Rometty for an announcement that the company was orienting its priorities to the public good: "It’s a question of whether society trusts you or not. We need society to accept what it is that we do."
The occasion for Rometty's quote was a special package on the Trump tax-cuts, a trillion-dollar gift to American big business, which lobbyists for the Business Roundtable celebrated with an announcement that American capitalism would now serve "stakeholders" (not just shareholders). Fortune celebrated this "change" as "fundamental and profound."
Fast forward five years and corporate leaders are still telling stories, this time about "stakeholder capitalism" and "ESG" – the dread "woke capitalism" that has right-wing swivel-eyed loons running around, hair afire, declaring the end of capitalism.
For Williams and Lowenstein (and me), all this ESG, DEI, and responsible capitalism is just window dressing, a distraction to keep the pitchforks and torches in people's closets, and to keep the guillotines in their packaging. The right-wing is doing a mirror-world version of liberals who freak out when OpenAI claims to have built a machine that will pauperize every worker – assuming that a PR pitch is the gospel truth, and then repeating it in criticism. Criti-hype, in other words:
Think of ESG: the right is freaking out that ESG is harming shareholders by leaving hydrocarbons in the ground to appease climate-addled greenies. The reality is that ESG is barely disguised greenwashing, and it's fully compatible with burning every critter that died in the Mesozoic, Cenozoic, and lo, even the Paleozoic:
The reason this tactic is so successful is that Americans have also been sold another narrative: that American problems are solved by American individuals as entrepreneurs and businesspeople, not as polities or as members of a union (let alone the working class!).
This is the subject of the second book Lowenstein reviews, One Day I’ll Work for Myself: The Dream and Delusion That Conquered America, by Benjamin Waterhouse:
A keystone of American narrative capitalism is the idea that the USA is a nation of small businesspeople, Jeffersonian yeoman farmsteaders of the US economy. But even a cursory examination shows that the country is ruled – economically and politically – by very large firms.
Uber sells itself as a way to be your own boss ("No shifts. No boss. No limits.") – even though it's a system where the app is your boss, and thanks to that layer of misdirection, Uber gets to be the worst conceivable boss, while its workers have no recourse in labor law:
In labor fights, Uber represents itself as the champion of innumerable "small businesspeople" who drive its unlicensed taxis. In consumer protection fights, Amazon claims to be fighting for "small businesspeople" who sell on its platform. In privacy fights, Facebook claims to represent "small businesspeople" who buy its surveillance advertising.
But large firms are actively hostile to small firms, seeing them as small-fry to be rooked or destroyed (recall that when Amazon targeted small publishers for bankruptcy-level discounts, they called the program "The Gazelle Project" and Bezos told his executives to tackle these firms "the way a cheetah pursues a sickly gazelle").
Decades of this tale have produced "a profound shift from a shared belief that individuals might come together to solve problems, into a collective faith in individual effort." America's long love-affair with rugged individualism was weaponized in the 1970s by corporations seeking to shed their regulatory obligation to workers, customers, and the environment.
As with Big Tech today, the big business lobby held up mom-and-pop businesses as the true beneficiaries of deregulation, even as they knifed these firms. A telling anecdote comes from someone who worked for the Chamber of Commerce's magazine Nation's Business: when this editor pointed out that many of the magazine's subscribers were small businesspeople and asked if they could start including articles relevant to mom-and-pops, the editor in chief said, "Over my dead body."
The neoliberal era has been an unbroken string of platitudes celebrating the small business and policies that annihilate their chances against large firms. Ronald Reagan's dewy-eyed hymns to American entrepreneurship sounded nice, but what matters is that he attempted to abolish the Small Business Administration and refused to address the 20,000 attendee "White House Conference on Small Business."
In the years since, American has sacrificed its small businesses while pulling out all the stops – bailouts and tax cuts and elite bankruptcy – to keep its largest firms growing. New regulations like Dodd-Frank were neutered in the name of saving mom-and-pop shops, even though the provisions that were cut already exempted small businesses.
Today, millions of Americans are treading water in a fetid stew of LLC-poisoning, rise-and-grind, multi-level-marketing, dropshipping and gig-work, convinced that the only way to get a better life is to pull themselves up by their bootstraps:
Narrative does a lot of work here. The American economy runs on bubbles, another form of narrative capitalism. Take AI, a subject I sincerely wish I could stop hearing about, not least because I'm certain that 99% of that thinking is being wasted on whatever residue remains after the bubble pops:
AI isn't going to do your job, but its narrative may convince your boss to fire you and replace you with a bot that can't do your job. Like what happened when Air Canada hired a chatbot to answer customer inquiries and it started making shit up about bereavement discounts that the company later claimed it didn't have to honor:
This story's been all over the news for the past couple of days, but so far as I've seen, no one has pointed out the seemingly obvious inference that this chatbot probably ripped off lots of people. The victim here was extraordinarily persistent, chasing a refund for 10 weeks and then going to the regulator. This guy is a six-sigma self-advocate – which implies a whole bell-curve's worth of comparatively normal people who just ate the shit-sandwich Air Canada fed them.
The reason AI is a winning proposition for Air Canada isn't that it can do a customer service rep's job – it can't. But the AI is a layer of indirection – like the app that is the true boss of Uber drivers – that lets Air Canada demoralize the customers it steals from into walking away from their losses.
Nevertheless, the narrative that AI Will Change Everything Forever is powerful – more powerful than AI itself, that's for sure. Take this Bloomberg headline: "Nearly all wealth gained by world's rich this year comes from AI":
Dig in and you find even more narrative. The single largest beneficiary of AI stock gains last year was Mark Zuckerberg ($161B!). Zuck is American Narrative Capitalism's greatest practitioner: the guy who made billions peddling a series of lies, from "pivot to video" to "metaverse," leaping from one lie to the next just ahead of the mass stock-selloffs that wiped out lesser predators.
The Narrative Capitalism Cinematic Universe has a lot of side-plots like AI and entrepreneurship and woke capitalism, but its main narrative arc was articulated, ad nauseum, by Margaret Thatcher: "There is no alternative." This is the most important part of the story, the part that says it literally can't be otherwise. The only way to organize society is through markets, and the only way to organize markets is to leave them alone, no matter how much suffering they cause.
This is a baffling story, because it's so easily disproved. Zuck says the only way to have friends is to let him surveil you from asshole to appetite, even though he once ran Facebook as the privacy-forward alternative to MySpace, and promised never to spy on you:
Likewise, the business leaders – and their chorus of dutiful Renfields – who insist that monopoly is the natural and inevitable outcome of any market economy just handwave away the decades during which anti-monopoly enforcement actually kept most businesses from getting too big to fail and too big to jail.
I'm no champion of market efficiency – especially not as the best and final arbiter of social and economic questions – but when I hear my comrades repeating the Thatcherite claims that all forms of capitalism necessarily degrade into monopolistic quagmires, that there is no alternative, it sounds like more criti-hype.
This is a frequent point of departure during discussions of enshittification: some people dismiss the whole idea of enshittification as "just capitalism." But we had decades of digital services that either didn't degrade, or, when they did, were replaced by superior competitors with a minimum of switching costs for users who migrated from the decaying incumbent to greener pastures.
The reality is that while there are problems with all forms of capitalism, there are different kinds of capitalist problems, and some forms of capitalism are less harmful to working people and more capable of enacting and enforcing sound policy than others.
Enshittification is what happens when the constraints on the worst impulses of companies and their investors and managers are removed. When a company doesn't have competitors, when it can capture its regulators to trample our rights with impunity, when it can enlist those regulators to shut down would-be competitors who might free us from its "walled garden," and when it can fire any worker who refuses to enact harm upon the users they serve, then that company will enshittify:
A company can be made to treat you well, even if it is run by a wicked person who sees you as a mark to be fleeced – that mustache twirler just has to be constrained – by competition, regulation, self-help and labor. He may still hate you and wish you harm, but he won't be able to act on it.
As MLK said:
It may be true that the law cannot make a man love me, religion and education will have to do that, but it can restrain him from lynching me. And I think that's pretty important also. And so that while legislation may not change the hearts of men, it does change the habits of men. And we see this every day.
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mommybard · 1 year
Can you believe that there are some cuties out there who are into tentacles? And I don’t mean just having octopus or squid to eat. I mean in a lewd way~ People who get off on the idea of thick, pulsating tentacles wrapping around their body. Binding their arms out of the way and leaving them unable to try ripping the tentacles off. Forcing their legs apart and exposing their vulnerable hole(s). Winding around their thighs, their chests, squeezing and kneading the soft flesh underneath. You’d hope that their clothing could at least provide some protection from them, maybe buy them a few extra moments to think of a plan to escape, but many either leak a liquid that’ll melt through the fabric while flooding the cutie’s systems with aphrodisiacs, or just rip it away, not letting anything get in the tentacles way~ Oh, it gets even worse than that though. They get off on those tentacles violating them. Forcing their way inside their body, be it by making them choke on one snaking its way down their throat, making it bulge from its thickness, leaving them unable to do anything but struggle to breathe through their nose and taste it with every breath. Or spreading their ass, smaller tentacles cracking against their cheeks as another forces their tiny hole to take a much too large tendril, having their hole ruined and stretched wide around it as they try their best to take it. And the ones with prostates there? Having the tendrils slam against it over and over again, almost targeted. It’s a miracle if they can still think coherently in that state. Cuties with pussies even get off on having their lips spread, with a small tentacle teasing their clit, as either a single, thick tentacle spears them or multiple smaller ones do, winding themselves together to make it nearly too much for them, each moving separate than the others, driving them nearly insane as they try to process the situation. That's not even considering the ones who get off on being absolutely filled by those tentacles. And not just by cum, oh no, that would be too tame for some of these people. I hear that there's some who get off on those tentacles forcing eggs deep inside each of their holes, leaving them stuffed to the brim and forced to push them out one at a time~
I swear, there are some depraved cuties out there~
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merakiui · 8 months
another octavinelle in captivity concept, but consider (rather than a research lab) merfolk are something of an entertainment for humans and are captured and sold to aquarium parks.
there hasn't been enough research on them to determine whether or not this is humane and ethical and whether or not merfolk function on the same level of intelligence as humans do. but then there are ways to skirt around suspicions and questions, covering up dubious morals and ethics with all sorts of convoluted legalese and happy diversions. besides, merfolk are so novel and exciting. so many people are eager to see them in their tanks, performing all manner of fun tricks for the public, so the flashiness of something new does well to cover up the mounting dread that this isn't right.
there are three merfolk in captivity at your local aquarium. two eel mermen, twin brothers, and an octopus merman. they're so fascinating. no one's ever seen anything like them before. one of the twins is far more playful; he's a fan favorite. audiences are astounded by his agility, his ability to perform amazing tricks as he weaves through obstacles, jumps up out of the water like a majestic dolphin, catches fish midair, and seems to have such friendly, outgoing relations with his trainers. he even lets kids pat him on the head when they're randomly selected from the audience to get close to him. as scary and strong as he may seem, he is quite the gentle sweetheart.
the other twin is much more reserved and quiet, but he knows how to entertain. he's sly and sneaky, swiping things from the trainers and then making them disappear before the audience's eyes with skillful sleight of hand. children adore him. tiny hands press against the glass beneath the main event area, where people can watch them swim at deeper depths. both eels love amusing the children, swimming in circles, pressing their hands to the glass in greeting, waving and clicking with big, toothy smiles. it's very endearing. they even pose for photographs!
and then there's the octopus.
he's had...incidents and so he isn't kept in the spotlight anymore. they isolate him from curious eyes. he isn't very friendly. rather, he's excessively gloomy and defensive. he's kept in a pool for the ill. you tend to him, doing your best to provide stimulation. he's so smart, but you're not allowed to tell anyone that or else ethics will be brought into question. you slip him cube puzzles and other curiosities, and for a while he seems pleased. it took many months for him to be comfortable around humans after his last incident, and now it seems like he genuinely trusts you. you sit poolside and chat with him for hours, and he responds with his clicks and chirps. you wish he wasn't kept in captivity like this. it doesn't seem fair. he's missing out on so much life in the wide, vast ocean beyond this cramped enclosure.
you know you should feel happy when you see him every morning, noting how brightly he lights up when he sees you enter his enclosure, but you can't help the sadness that strikes through your heart. it's not fair. he and the eels shouldn't be put on display. their home is in the ocean. they deserve freedom.
wild animals will always be wild animals, for they can never be tamed no matter how much you might delude yourself into thinking so.
so it's horrifying when the eel twins tug their trainers into the pool, bloodying their maws and the water before an audience of once-awestruck people, reminding everyone that, no matter how sweet and friendly they may seem, they are predators from the deep who can tear a human to shreds within mere seconds. it's just as horrifying when the octopus is wrapping his tentacles around your ankles and wrists, clicking frantically at you, face flushed blue and desperate as he tries to pull you into his pool.
you're not killed, but maybe that would have been better than having to endure the poor octopus's clumsy, possessive attempt to mate with you.
the pool for the ill gets two more visitors, and the eel twins are pleased to see you again, flashing big, broad smiles and clicking with excitement. you've stopped visiting and training with them ever since you were transferred to the octopus, so they had to take matters into their own claws and find a way to meet you again.
merfolk are not a novelty to be captured and placed on display. the aquarium park learns this the hard way, and so do you when they refuse to give you up to the humans.
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littlebluespoon · 7 months
Hey!! I hope your day is good! Can I request Octo!König with a bratty reader ?
My days been not too bad Nonnie, hope yours has been brilliant because I love this request! I also got so carried away. I just, I'm a brat this is what I want from life. So thank you Nonnie for letting me ramble away about Octo!König and Brats
tw: 18+ MDNI, sexual content, spanking, bratting, brat taming, cockwarming, octopus, tentacles, monster fucking, dub-con
We're gonna say that reader and König are in an established relationship of sorts. There's a bit of dub-con in the whole thing as reader was stalked and manipulated into it
König is willing to be lenient with you in the beginning of the relationship as he understands you're not used to giving up sp much control.
He believes that you're scared and doesn't want you to be terrified of him so in the beginning he deals with the bratting with time outs. He'll put you in the spare bedroom which only has a bare mattress on the floor and a blanket.
Any refusal to eat, even if its just something on your plate that you don't like will result in him force feeding you. He has to care for his mate.
After a few weeks of this König gets frustrated and that's when he gets mean. Spankings are now a daily occurrence and by the end of the day they're accompanied by time outs.
Remember that tentacle dildo? He's not above a little public humiliation, he will make you walk around with it in.
Speaking of tentacles, he loves shifting into his half and half form and using his own tentacles to restrain you.
He's used them to spank you before as well, the bruises his suckers left lasted for a month
He's not always mean though. He can recognise when you're just having a bad day and need something soft. Those days consist of movie days where he has you cockwarm him just so you're always aware of him but its still pleasant for you.
He will collar you so that even when you're apart you can't forget about him and you'll remember to behave.
Takes pictures of the bruises he leaves on you to remember them by and to remind you what will come of your behaviour.
When he's not in the best headspace and you're being bratty he will just cocoon you in his tentacles and use his human arms to soothe you. It's like a more restricted version of timeout.
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kiwioala · 7 months
documents bagi found in the fed lab!
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I feel so sick from seeing all these bodies... First our colleagues and now this?? I need to take some time boss, I'll be back later. Maybe...
2 pictures, both from etoiles fight:
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diagram regarding mimicubes and mimic octopus:
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The bouncing block of slime is capable of copying the equipment of its enemies, the different things they can copy are: weapons (not only applying on hit effects but also enchantments), shields (being able to block projectile weapons like bows and crossbows), and totems to prevent their own death. Their goo is also known to be able to be used to copy a piece of equipment to the last detail regardless of what material or enchantments it has. It's ability seems to be an evolved version of that of a mimic octopus, the mimic octopus would copy the behavior and looks of other animals for both hunting and self defense. But it seems the mimic cube can copy other materials to the very last details, including pieces of equipment.
diagram regarding lobsters:
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These little creatures have incredible abilities, including but not limited to being able to smell and taste the water with their "nose" to hunt their prey, their claws are also a unique barb that allows them to hunt for fish.
IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT WE ESCALATE THIS MATTER TO UPPER MANAGEMENT -> They won't stop growing and won't stop molting throughout with their life, it is considered that they could live forever, if it wasn't bc of the energy needed to molt that they eventually (at 100 years,) won't have
They also can come in different colors, depending on amount and distribution of pigments, being able to be other colors, including: orange, blue, yellow, white, black, and some with special names, like the split halloween colored (black and red) red-blue split colored and cotton candy (pinkish white)
diagram regarding cosmaws:
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A once believed extinct species, these flying creatures will attack any player that hits it, biting back with its protocesis, it also uses it to hunt its main pray, the cosmic cod, which can be used to tame them.
While they will not protect their owner in a fight, they serve a different purpose to exploration, whenever their owner is about to fall to the void, the cosmaw will run for it and try to catch it so it doesn't fall into said void.
"Cosmic Cod are fish that can be found in the void between end islands. [...] They float through the ether of The End in decently-sized schools. If one fish in the school is attacked; the entire school of fish will attempt to teleport away as soon as possible. [...] Cosmic Cod can also be caught in an empty bucket." -Animal Dictionary
diagram regarding code status and behavior:
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book found in drawer:
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more code writing:
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010 010 00 0100 0101 01001100 1010 00 00 which translates to "HELP"
lab reports:
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[REPORT] Given the recent events at the laboratory, including the intrusion, code breaches, injuries, fatalities among our workers, and the peculiar attack by unfamiliar individuals, we have made the decision to relocate. The place isn't the secured area it used to be, we have reasons to think that several factions with different goals have found its location, therefore we need to find a new place to pursue our researches We have to protect our informations and hide our goals, we cannot let anyone see our research. All the content of our research is now way less valuable since it has been seen and might also have been copied. The next laboratory needs to have a way more secured system, cameras, and lockdown system.
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[REPORT] All entities have been transported or terminated, the documents should follow.
[REPORT] It seems like the one eyed creature has been correctly relocated.
misc. clipboards:
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CLIPBOARD 1: 1: Heyy, are u having a good day?? 2: No. 1: Oh. sorry about that, what's going on?? 2: Work. 1: O.o
CLIPBOARD 2: • Terminate the subject.
CLIPBOARD 3: • Check for vitals • Check for updates • Check for infection • Check for development
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CLIPBOARD 4: • No report has been conclusive yet.
CLIPBOARD 5: • Reports still have to be finalized. • Night shift has to be adjusted as the code changed it's rhythm yet again.
CLIPBOARD 6: • Has been calm over the last fourteen hours. • The current frequency can't be read, we need to order new equipment.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 12 days
Eri Reader x Straw Hats Part 25- Wano Part 1
This arc is massive, so it’s going to be split into 2 or 3 parts as well as being abridged.
-You were curious about this new area you were sailing to, after rescuing Sanji from Whole Cake Island- Ace told you that this country is called Wano.
-You smiled brightly, “That’s where Momo is from, right?” he ruffled your hair softly, praising you for remembering as Nami was looking at her map of the country, trying to figure out the safest route in without getting too much attention.
-When you sailed through a massive storm, Brook put you inside the gally, “Stay inside for now Y/N- we don’t want you going overboard. I won’t be able to save you since I will sink!” he finished with a laugh, and you nodded softly.
-When you peeked out the window after a while, you heard Luffy yelling and your eyes went wide, seeing massive carp swimming all around the ship before Nami spoke, “They’re going up the waterfall!”
-You didn’t see the waterfall until Luffy grabbed onto some of the carp, to pull the Sunny up with them, as Wano was at the top of the waterfall.
-You tumbled back, rolling head over heels until you crashed into the counter, a sharp cry leaving you, but you weren’t overly hurt, just surprised as you heard Nami and Chopper shouting before you felt like you were floating before everything went dark.
-You don’t know how much time had passed but it was Ace who gently shook you awake, calling out your name, “Y/N- Y/N wake up!” you stirred, opening your eyes, seeing Luffy and Ace looking down at you in worry.
-You rubbed your eyes as Luffy helped you sit up, “What happened?” Ace nodded towards Luffy, “There was an octopus on board that pulled this idiot and the ship back into a whirlpool, everyone else landed somewhere else.”
-You nodded, worried for Nami and the others, hoping they were okay as Luffy lifted his head, hearing shouting and crying, before he saw a child being held by some Beast Pirates.
-Ace picked you up, leaping off the ship after Luffy and the Beast Pirates shouted to capture the three of you for entering the country illegally.
-Ace’s eyes went wide as he glared, “Tama!” the little girl gasped, looking up, “Ace!!” and he quickly charged in, taking care of the pirates with ease, pulling Tama into his arms who was elated to see him.
-One of the pirates told Hihimaru to attack your group, but one glare from Luffy, along with his Haki, quickly had the doglike creature showing throat before Ace knocked him out.
-Tama pulled off a dango from her cheek, being her Devil Fruit ability, feeding it to Hihimaru and instantly he was tamed to her, cuddling her softly.
-Tama bowed deeply, thanking Ace and Luffy for saving her before she saw her and instantly her eyes went sparkly, excited to see another child her age, “I’m Tama- will you be my friend?”
-You were surprised but smiled warmly, “I’m Y/N- and I’ll be your friend Tama!” she cheered, hugging you and your big brothers couldn’t help but smile- seeing the new friendship.
-Ace told you, while you and Tama were riding on top of Hihimaru, heading back to Tama’s house, that he came to Wano a few years ago, and met lots of interesting people, including Tama.
-Tama gave Luffy, Ace, and you a small meal of rice, which you later learned from her mentor was her rations, as he went to attack your brothers before Tama defending them, telling them what she had done.
-However, when Tama suddenly collapsed, you were nearly hysterical as you held her close, using your ability to heal her, something Hitetsu was stunned to see, before he explained that where they live, Kaido poisons the water and gives out measly rations to those who live in this area, something that quickly had your brothers pissed off- wanting to take Kaido down.
-After giving Luffy and Ace a yukata, to be able to blend in, and Tama gave you one of her spare ones that was red, white and had apples all over it, you were beaming brightly, “Is it really okay for me to have something this nice?” Tama couldn’t help but beam, as she knew it was a little shabby, but to see your elation made her feel better.
-Hitetsu told Tama to show the three of you to Bakura Town, as he knew someone there would be able to help, and riding on Hihimaru Tama and Ace explained what when Ace visited, he helped feed everyone, due to the nearby farm, which was used to feed everyone, was now used to feed Kaido and his men and the wealthy people in the Flower Capital.
-Luffy was oddly quiet, as he was upset, “Everyone should be able to eat as much as they want- I’m gonna beat Kaido and free everyone!”
-Ace patted his head lightly, praising his little brother before a woman’s scream was heard, and in the distant you all saw a woman being chased by some Beast Pirates.
-When Luffy grinned, looking for a fight, something cut them all down before anything could happen. You were confused until you saw green hair and your eyes went wide, “Zoro!”
-He turned, hearing your voice as the three of you arrived and you leapt off of Hihimaru and into Zoro’s arms as he chuckled warmly, hugging you, “I was just starting to miss you!” you instantly gave him puppy eyes, “You haven’t missed me this whole time?”
-He turned white, freezing at your words as Luffy and Ace roared with laughter. Tama then greeted the woman, whom she recognized, “Hello Tsuru!” she smiled up at Tama, greeting her in return before she turned, thanking Zoro for his assistance.
-Once back at her tea house, Tsuru and a very tall woman, Kiku, prepared tea and snacks, after learning about what had happened with Tama, and who you all were.
-Tsuru was concerned for you, as she recognized you from the newspaper, not wanting anything to happen to you. Zoro noticed her concerned look at you, which put him on guard, just in case.
-Kiku gave you and Tama each a small tea cake, smiling softly down at you. Tama’s eyes went wide, seeing the cake and she spoke up, “I can’t accept this- I don’t have any money.”
-Tsuru just smiled over at her, “It’s a gift, Tama- enjoy it.” You were confused as to why she started crying, until you realized that she had suffered a lot like how you did, just in a different way.
-Loud shouts were heard and instantly the tea house was under attack, being led by Hawkins- Tama cried out as she got snatched and you cried out her name in worry.
-Hawkins’ eyes went wide, seeing you there, knowing of your abilities but the moment he went to try to grab you, Zoro was there, sword drawn and his own Haki surrounding him, telling Hawkins to stay back.
-Kiku prepared to set out to rescue Kiku, one Luffy and Ace dealt with the attackers, except for the one who managed to get away with Tama, and your big brothers and you were quick to join her on the rescue mission.
-Kiku told you all that she was a samurai, much like Kin’emon- and that she was currently being courted by a sumo wrestler, named Urashima- explaining his rule over Bakura Town and that he has everyone under his thumb.
-When you arrived, seeing this giant man who was being mean to others, you curled up in on yourself a bit, as he demanded Kiku be brought to him, thinking she finally accepted his proposal.
-However, Kiku surprised not only you, but others around, as she leapt up and cut hit topknot off, which is something bad to sumo wrestlers, from what you were able to gather, before he got absolutely wrecked by Luffy with ease- stunning everyone.
-After a big fight with everyone, while you remained on top of Hihimaru, you were elated to see Tama was safe, being rescued by Luffy while Ace and Zoro took out the rest of the Beast Pirates.
-Luffy got a huge tub of clean water and you saw a horse lady, Speed, whom Tama was able to tame, taking a huge wagon full of provisions back to Tama’s town, where you were all greeted with cheers.
-Luffy made the same promise to Tama that Ace made to her several years ago and the two brothers smiled as she started crying loudly, thanking them.
-You heard a chuckle behind you, “No matter where you guys go- you always seem to find trouble.” You turned, a happy gasp escaping you as you ran over, “Big brother Law!”
-The man kneeled, smiling softly as you ran to him, leaping into his arms while Sachi and Penguin were cooing on how cute the scene looked before he passed you to Bepo as you beamed, “I missed you Bepo!” he apologized to you, before Kiku and Law took the group to Oden Castle, a ruined castle.
-You were elated to meet the others, as you hugged Nami close, and she smiled, seeing that you were safe before Momo spoke, trying to act strong for you, “I am glad that you are safe Lady Y/N.” you smiled and he instantly flushed, while your brothers all glared lightly, silently telling him to stay away from you.
-You all learned of Wano’s past, and how Momo and the others were all sent into the future, using Toki’s Devil Fruit ability, to scare the current Shogun, Orochi- placing a curse on him, as he knew that Kaido would fall.
-The plan was set, a raid on Kaido’s base of operations, Onigashima, in two weeks, and during that time, Kin’emon would gather allies, to get the army needed, alongside the Minks and the pirates.
-A loud roar was heard, and Law ran out, looking panicked, seeing Kaido flying towards the castle ruins, “Scatter! We need to keep this plot a secret!!”
-Nami held you as she leapt out of the way of the blast, and Luffy, enraged, charged in, planning on attacking Kaido- planning on taking him out right then and there.
-Nami passed you to Ace, who was going to escape the area with you as she went with Shinobu, a lady ninja, but the moment he saw Luffy being taken out, you felt like you couldn’t breathe, as you panicked, trying not to cry or scream, else Kaido would find you.
-Ace held you close as you watched from afar, seeing Luffy getting captured as he looked down at you, “Looks like our mission is to rescue Luffy!”
-You looked up at him, if he was scared you couldn’t see it, as his eyes were firm, and you gave him a nod, Luffy needed to be rescued this time, not the other way around, so you needed to be brave this time!
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grapefives · 1 year
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luffy x gn!reader
post time-skip (fishman island) + flight luff + light angst + realization of feelings + oblivious luffy
A/N : light fluff cus idk how to write fluff. lowkey this is probs off character but wtvr
the day his crew disappeared from sight, one after another, was one of the worst days of luffy’s life
tragedy after tragedy, he kept feeling on edge and absolutely useless. and after ace’s death? he didn’t know how to live anymore
his crew was everything he had left now. and while reminiscing that and acknowledging how he has to keep going, how his nakama are dear to him, deep down, the strong urge to see you first ignited
from time to time, he’d visualize your smile, your laugh. he’d remember how you’d joke around with sanji, straying away from an initial memory of how good sanji’s food is. that craving for sanji’s menu straying to a craving of you.
whatever initial thought he had started with on his moments of thinking to himself, they’d stray to you.
as he travels back to sabaody, he wonders. when did these feelings surge?
was it because of how close you to had become during the first few moments in sabaody, and then being ripped away from his grasp to disappear into thin air, screaming for luffy, that made him think of you the most?
the way you were the last to escape his efforts pf saving?
no, it couldn’t be that. he’d always had an eye out for you. he realizes this when he finally sees the others on the new ship, how his eyes dart from one face to another, bright and joyful, but grow more when they land on you.
it’s an afterthought, his feelings, after that. he stands firm with the belief of suppressing them. not wanting something to give him a minor setback like these last few times.
if he loves you, and you two hit it off, he wouldn’t stand losing you. not again, not when, hypothetically, you two were now one.
it’s dumb, probably, but…
“luffy, have you eaten?” you ask gently, but there’s still a firmness to your voice, as you pull him away from the bubble’s wall.
“y/n i’m trying to catch fish for a reason,” he says playfully but to his surprise it comes out cold and harsh.
you give him a bizarre look, and drift your attention to what zoro says instead, and luffy almost complies to poking holes in the bubble, to which usopp and chopper hit them for.
to their dismay, sanji enters a frenzy drop so it diverts everyone’s attention to the food luffy brought and decided to share.
one thing luffy seems to forget to acknowledge is how impulsive he is.
he grabs enough food for himself sure, stuffing his face full as everyone listens to franky, but he eventually notices how you hand him meat once he’s done with the previous one.
when your hands finally touch, he blinks at you, and your small, soft smile makes his heart leap to his throat.
“gimme that,” he says as he yanks the meat from your hand and scarfs it down.
your laugh rings in his ears.
“there’s plenty more, captain.” you say, and he feels himself blush at the attention you give him.
time goes on and as they (him, sanji and zoro) return from their side quest (taming the octopus) you voice out your worries but still praise them for taming such a creature
for some reason, when luffy tries to ignore something, it bugs him even more.
and recently, he’s become hyper aware of your existence.
when the bubble pops in their escape from the fishman pirates, he’s aware of how close you were to him when the current dragged everyone
yet, when he wakes up, his immediate reaction was to question his surroundings and reach out to you
mildly upset at the separation, he ignores it and goes on with the journey. eventually, he finds you again, with brook.
“hatty! how about we go for a meal? i believe you mentioned something that i believe my captain would love,” you say as you walk away from brook being bombarded with mermaids.
“i was getting to that,” pappagu grins, “what do y’all say to some sea-monster meat?”
“YOU HAVE MEAAAT!?” luffy is delighted, to say the least.
and his feelings for you are an afterthought he desperately tries to suppress. this sudden raging desire to have you close, to keep you safe enough is driving him insane.
don’t get him wrong, he knows you’re strong, he knows you can fend for yourself, but this fear of losing you like he had two years ago, without knowing (only hoping and trusting) your situation gives him serious nerves.
but he’s your captain, he has to worry for you. every now and then. sometimes.
but man, seeing you light up at his jokes, and seeing you safe and sound with the others makes him feel so good.
and knowing you’d follow him through and through just makes him feel a certain way.
“HELL NO! I’M THE CAPTAIN!!” luffy barks.
with a laugh, you say “he’s the captain.”
“Y/N WHO’s SIDE ARE YOU ON!” usopp grunts.
and as they go up to the surface once more, exited for a new adventure and getting closer to his dream, he reminisces once more.
he has his nakama, all that’s left for him.
“y/n,” he calls for you unconsciously as you walk by.
you pause, giving him your undivided attention.
“are you ready?”
“for the new world?”
he nods.
you smile, so bright. “nope, but i’ll follow you,” you me eyes are warm and your aura is gentle, “through and through.”
but luffy… as he stares at you, feels his feelings surge with more force.
he can be a little more selfish. he could take advantage of what the world has put in his hands.
“good,” he says with a smile, “cus i need you.”
“i’m at your service-“
“more than a nakama.”
you blink, surprised and taken aback. “m-more?” you furrow your brows, heat threatening to reach your cheeks.
“more.” he says softly. so soft you couldn’t believe this was luffy, your loud and impulsive captain.
but… this was also impulsive, you can tell when his face freezes.
“are you sure?” you ask, your heart hammering.
“when am i not sure of something?”
you stare at him before cracking a smile, “ah.”
“it was driving me crazy.” he pauses, then looks to the side, puckering his lips shyly, “you.. you were driving me insane.”
“didn’t seem like it,” you tease. it was true but you knew deep down there was no chance, or so you believed. after all, he’s your… “captain.”
luffy blushes, “i didn’t know… what.. or … how.”
“i’m glad you’re honest,” you smile, “luffy.”
and his ears ring, eyes wide and amazed. you’ve only called him captain.
“i’ll work hard,” he says.
you burst into laughter, “luffy,” you say as you put a hand on his arm, close enough to see his red ears. “go with the flow. we’ll be fine.”
“yeah,” he smiles a bit, darting between your lips and your eyes.
and luffy is impulsive. but above all, he thinks he’ll add in love to the list as well.
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daichiduskdrop · 10 months
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚⋆·˚ ༘ *𝙎𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡 ⋆·˚ ༘ *ੈ✩‧₊˚
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Chapter 27
Pairing: BTS Ot7 X fem! reader
Genre: A/B/O AU, Fluff, Angst, Strangers to lovers,
Warnings: slight implications of unhealthy eating habits
Words: 3352
Taglist:@thelilbutifulthings @ilovemoneymorethenmen @singukieee @cherrysainttt @felicityroth @mageprincess7 @lucis-noctiana @danielle143 @osakis-gf @girl-nahh @vintageoldfashion @neverthefirstchoice @juju-227592 @silentreadersthings @i-have-no-life-charlie @everyonehatesshani @iamkookiesforyou @dragons-flare @fangirl125reader @roseidol @frieschan @popcatx0 @liz67900 @exfolitae
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Holding you close to his chest, Namjoon let his lips brush up against your neck, only a small bit away from your scent gland. You let him take care of you, the alpha gentle with you in his arms.
It didn't take much longer before a knock sounded, making most of you look up. With the packalpha's arms holding you even closer, gently moving your face into the crook of his neck.
Inside came a soft call from a woman's voice about having some of the ordered meals already delivered. Yoongi, who sat closest to the doors, went over, murmuring thanks, before he took the two paper bags of delivery.
It wasn't everything by no means, but a part of their meal had arrived, so he placed it on the coffee table. Taehyung and Jungkook were the quickest to look over what was inside.
Taking one bag each, they both started pulling out the things inside, with a box of four corndogs first to be opened. They looked quite appetizing, with a bit of ketchup and sugar sprinkled on each one.
„Oh wah...” Jin mumbled, taking one right away before the youngest even got around to it. „Hyung! Bunbun gets the first one! Sweetie, choose which one looks the best, baby."
Jungkook whined softly, frowning at the eldest. Chuckling nervously, the alpha placed the corn dog back in the packaging, letting the young alpha show you the small paper box.
„It's ok-okay, thank you, Oppa." You said softly, your hands tightening onto Namjoon's, the packalpha returned the gesture right away.
Letting your head rest up against his collarbone again, Jungkook sighed softly, placing the package down, his hands wrapping gently around your cheeks.
Turning your face towards him, the alpha's face was filled with concern. He didn't feel right having you not eat while they did. The youngest understood that it most likely wasn't just you not being truly hungry either.
You had been eating so well the whole time, and he was worried about what triggered this. Have you been just feeling too anxious in the building? There were many people you didn't know around, was that it?
Kissing your forehead gently, he smiled softly at you. „It's okay, my little bunny. Don't worry, baby, okay? He whispered softly, letting his fingers gently caress your cheeks.
„How about onigiri kitty? Look what alpha ordered for you, sweet kitten." Handing you a plastic package already opened for you, the second eldest smiled softly at you, his eyes gentle on your form.
Reaching out for the small box, he placed it in your palms—the nicely stacked up rice triangles with neat rows of sushi - there was cooked shrimp, squid and octopus, salmon rue, a shrimp roll, and avocado, eel, and crab hosomaki too.
When they noticed the way your home cuisine sparked a bit of interest in you, Hobi was quick to reach for a pair of chopsticks laying around, breaking them apart for you before he handed them to you.
„Here, sunshine, have a taste, bub.” He smiled softly at you, ruffling up your hair before he quickly tamed it back down, chuckling gently.
Hovering over the takeout for a second, you chose to eat a few of the sushi rolls first, chewing on the crab one first; the colour was intriguing.
Breathing out softly, Namjoon let his lips linger on top of your head for a few good seconds, gently running his hands up and down your arms.
„Thank you, pup.” He whispered softly, watching you fondly while you ate a little bit from the takeout. The packmembers felt their hearts calm down a little bit, and they themselves dug in—another two bags arriving in the mean time.
„Here, princess, take a bite for alpha... It's really tasty, isn't it? You like it, baby? Have some more, my precious little thing."
Jimin gently urged you on, placing the box full of chicken marinated in some sauce and udon noodles hidden underneath, sprinkled with sesame seeds on top of your lap.
He didn't give you the chopstics, picking up a small bite-sized piece himself before he gently moved it to you with a hand underneath, making sure you wouldn't get dirty.
Smiling widely at you and chewing with a satisfied face, the alpha was quick to feed you a bunch of the udon noodles, but when you gently placed the box back in his hands, he only smiled gently.
„Peaches, sweetie, taste this; it's really nice, hm? It's soft and chewy; you'll like it, alpha promises.” Letting you bite into the large, filed-up dumpling, you nodded a little, satisfied with the taste.
You couldn't really tell what the filling was, but there was definitely a bit of beef. It was tasty, but after you chewed everything up, you didn't feel like eating much more.
Sipping on the pink drink you received not long ago, you all enjoyed the lunch together, everyone munching on something.
Declining the offered bites of pizza, noodles, and cucumber salad, you rested back up against Namjoon, the packalpha pulling you to himself gently.
With your stomach feeling full, you felt cosy enough to let your eyes flutter shut. Noticing your tired and sleepy eyes, he left his scent cloud over with calming pheromones, one of the attributes brought in by being an alpha.
His pack members noticed the difference in his scent immediately, looking over as if they thought something was wrong. Seeing you just cuddling up to the man as he helped you rest fully, had them calm down, the alphas soon following suit.
And so, the room changed it's whole aroma into a soft, calm, sleepy-like den. Namjoon finished up the bite of his pizza before he rested back himself, gently caressing your temples and hair.
It didn't take too long for you to fall asleep, having them notice the way your breathing slowed down and turned more soft, your scent going down in intensity.
Placing the plastic cup you still held back on the coffee table, Jungkook smiled gently at you, his eyes lingering on your form for a moment.
„Hyung,... I want Y/N as our 'mega." The youngest whispered, looking up at the packalpha. Namjoon smiled widely, chuckling at the sudden confession.
To be truthful, it was quite unnatural for the young alpha to get attached so quickly; since he was the youngest, he got cared for for a long time, even though he discovered his second gender pretty much just as they debuted and formed a pack.
Jungkook struggled sometimes with it, agitated that his packmates would feel the need to take care of him—he didn't need it after all; he was an alpha and therefore could take care of himself well enough.
But still, with the packmembers often pampering him a little bit, have it be teasing or not, he grew used to it for a few years, his naturally dominant side hiding for a while.
The youngest struggled getting to know different girls and getting attached to them; no matter how many omegas their company offered them, none of them felt right, whether they were older or younger than him, girls or not—it just didn't work.
He would sometimes think that it didn't matter if it felt right or not; since he technically couldn't know how it would feel when the puzzle pieces fell together, how could he know this wasn't how it would go?
Still, over the years, Jungkook always felt weird, taking care of omegas or even betas, even though it should have fulfilled any of his urges.
Now that he was maturing, he felt his second gender side growing more calm and collected, not as overpowering as once before, even though he was still quite far from being fully ready for bigger steps in his life.
And when he saw you, when he noticed your scent, the alpha realised that none of what was before mattered anymore—you were there now, and he knew this was right.
Mating and marking you would be a step in the future, that was certain, but every good pack would keep the courting process long and slow; it was important to not overwhelm the omegas.
Oftentimes not the most caring alphas would mate the first heat that would strike, and after that, their ruts would alight with their omegas if it hadn't happened earlier due to the long scent exposure.
The courting was important for many reasons, as once mated and marked, the omegas would truly be a part of the pack, and getting rid off the attachment wasn't too easy.
Getting to know each other was, of course, one of the more social aspects of courting, but the process consisted of getting used to the sudden adjustments more importantly.
They might have a completely different diet, they might struggle with health issues, mental or physical, or the alpha might have a too demanding job and would then struggle to take care of the omega in much need.
While supporting a family financially, for a good, understanding alpha, the support would come through actions more.
They have to show the omega they can take care of them, whether it be by cooking, buying them new things, cuddling and hugs, or scenting—everything was at play.
And after many tiring and stressful years, Jungkook finally had the sweet opportunity to express that he was, in fact, a good alpha. He could care for you and support any of your needs and wishes; he was able to provide.
Now that it didn't feel forced to do and came to him so naturally, he knew you would be the one for him, the most important and sweetest.
„I know Kook-ah; I want her as our 'mega too.” Namjoon answered truthfully, smiling softly at the younger alpha before he turned his eyes back to you.
„We should get the den started... It could be a sweet surprise; get it done without kitty knowing." Yoongi whispered gently, resting his back himself while he closed his eyes, his head thrown back in thought.
„I looked at more bed frames that are online; we can choose one together later. We could start decorating the room in the meantime." Hobi answered, opening one of the windows on his phone.
There was a luxury furniture website opened, with a tab called 'DEN ESSENTIALS' showing. The alpha has already filtered the search.
Apart from the regular colour and material options to choose from, there was also a way to narrow down the search for the right bed set by the number of packmembers.
After all, they would want to go back to the den just for you, but if the bed wouldn't fit everyone quite right, it wouldn't be comfortable enough to yearn for it.
The room was large enough, and the alphas have been planning on stretching out the bed from pretty much wall to wall. They might add bedside tables, though.
They didn't truly discuss the design of the room yet, but even if they didn't, they all knew your wants and needs were the most important.
While Yoongi probably wouldn't be the happiest in a room full of Hello Kitties and Cinnamonrolls, as he would sleep on a My Melody pillow, if you wanted to have a den bright and pastel themed, he would never complain.
After all, as long as you would build a nest for them, which, considering how much more and more sleepy and cuddly you were getting with them over the days, shouldn't take too long, they would gladly rest at any place of the planet.
It was an old saying that any alpha will sleep anywhere under the sun, as long as they have their omega with them, and there was for sure a bit of truth in it.
„I asked pup about what type of bedframe she liked the best the last time we went to the store; she prefers the wooden forms.”
„Yeah, those are much more classy; they are more traditional too.”The eldest alpha answered, nodding gently.
He remembered one of his classmates from when he went to school. The student was considered fairly cool and popular, for he had already established himself a pack back then, even though he was still very young and, quite frankly, immature.
The frat boy had two omegas with him, and Jin always felt slightly bad for them, noticing the way his classmate would oftentimes treat them. The disrespect was unimaginable.
But still, since their scents aligned so well, the four mates pack, consisting of one more beta, had formed while they were all still fairly young, the beta being the oldest, 20.
And after the information went around the school, considering the students were still around 18 years old at the oldest, it was a thing that made the boy quite literally famous.
Jin never spoke to him too much; his scent fell sour on his nose, and since they were both alphas and Seokjin was very pretty, putting him in an equally popular spot, the classmate never really approached him, the two alphas choosing to never interact.
He did hear him talk to a few of the 'friends' he gathered around himself, laughing loudly about how they broke the bedframe last night since it was only metal and didn't hold up during his oh so strong rut.
Jin felt slightly sick to his stomach, worried about the two, probably frightened omegas, but even when he tried to erase the image of that alpha in rut from his mind, he never truly managed, a nasty memory.
„Should we paint the room too? It's just white now.” Taehyung asked, thinking about the interior. He was a great fashionista, but room decor wasn't really where he felt his strongest.
„Maybe dark grey? I think it would be best if we kept the place dark and cosy; it should help princess sleep better, especially if she will be napping." The alpha said softly, thinking himself.
„Yea, I agree. I think our best bet is to make it easy to sleep in. It's a den after all; we can worry about details later. As long as little pup likes it, it's all good.” The packalpha murmured, patting your head gently.
The packmates rested back for a few more minutes, until Jin got a call. Since his phone was on silent mode, the ringtone didn't sound, and so, you were kept in your sweet dreamland, while the eldest got told about Sejin already waiting in the meeting room.
He ended the call soon, sighing out, while he started to pack up the empty food boxes—they seriously ate like hyenas sometimes.
While helping around, the rest of the alphas sorted through everything quickly, going from the room to the hall to sort everything in the right bin, making sure to recycle.
„Baby? Sweetheart, my little pup, wake up now. Alphas have to go see Sejin-Hyung. Come on now, sweet baby." Gently coaxing you from sleep, you fluttered your eyes open, Namjoon's dimples showing.
Going to rub your eye, Jimin interweaved your fingers with his instead, gently rubbing his thumb over your knuckles in a sweet gesture.
Yawning softly, you were still tired, but let yourself be pulled up again. The packalpha slowly placed you on the ground, making sure you weren't so tired you wouldn't stay steady.
Smiling widely at your sleepy state, Jimin ran his fingers through your hair, letting Yoongi come by and take your other palm in his. The older alpha tutted at how messy your hair was, combing it down so it sat neat and pretty.
„There, kitty, hold alpha's hand now, okay? Let's go, little kitten." Gently pecking your temple, Yoongi pulled you behind himself, Jimin walking next to you.
With the other pack members all coming with you, the pack soon piled back to the meeting room they went to this morning. This time, there were much fewer people involved—only the same man and other one.
Smiling gently at you all, Yoongi softly pulled you along, letting you sit down before he and Jimin both took a seat on each side of you.
The room had a strong light on, and with how sleepy and tired you still felt, you just wanted to go back to the soft, warm place Namjoon had tucked you away to, and go rest some more.
„I prepared the documents for you guys. Read them through and sign them.” Sejin said smoothly, handing Hoseok, the one sitting at the corner, a stack of stapled papers.
Each taking one and passing the tower of files along, all of the alphas started reading through it, though Namjoon looked up at his manager first.
„Hyung, would it be possible to take Y/N with us to The Soop?” Sejin looked over, his expression unreadable, for a few seconds.
Resting fully in his chair, the manager sighed out in thought, thinking about everything.
„I mean... As long as everyone is okay with Y/N being on camera, I suppose it would be okay. There should be enough room for everyone still.” No one spoke right away, the packmembers turning to you.
You looked up to Yoongi, the alpha's hand taking in yours, not worried about the situation they were in. You nodded a little bit; it couldn't be that bad, right?
„It's ok-okay, if you stay with me, oppas." You whispered softly, Jimin smiling widely, happy to hear your gentle confession. His heart did a little flip, the alpha realising that you found comfort in him.
„Well, in such a case, you would have to reveal that you have started the courting process before we air the series.” The other manager, whom the packmates obviously knew well but had never introduced, said softly, eyes lingering on your timid form for a little bit.
The man realised that bringing you to the industry quite suddenly could be a bit of an issue, but considering how well the packmembers were to you, he also realised that you were doing exceptionally well.
„It will be aired at the end of June, and we are leaving to record by the start of May, so before then. Sejin said, sighing gently. He could imagine you being mated to them by then, but nothing could be certain.
And if you were revealed as only courted at the moment, some bad stuff could go down, and he didn't want that to happen to any of you.
„That's o-okay...” You said it softly, squeezing both of the alphas hands gently. The pack members smiled at your answer, proud that you would take a step forward like that.
„Alright. I will get the file ready for you too, then, okay? You can sign it later, don't worry.” You nodded happily, realising that you wouldn't be there to truly shoot a show yourself, instead tagging along as a companion.
Namjoon knew that Sejin wouldn't let much of the cameras linger on you, and your face might be censored the whole time too, but that didn't matter.
The fans they had would understand and want what makes them happy to happen, and since it was you, the true ARMYs would be more than happy for them.
Deciding to go into it with such a mindset calmed the packalpha down. Sure, he felt a slight worry at the thought of your reaction to receiving a negative response to being courted by them.
It wouldn't be because of who you truly were if that happened, though; it would be something that would happen because you were courted by them, not anyone else.
The alpha felt a pang of guild strike him straight through his heart, but considering how excited you were about the whole In The Soop series, he couldn't linger on it for too long.
You were a sweet little thing, and they would keep you protected, making sure you wouldn't feel bad for any of the unreasonable hate you could possibly receive.
The alphas were ready to tuck you away from the world into their arms and wouldn't let any harm come your way.
Smiling softly, the packalpha opened the file, starting to read through it.
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aurumacadicus · 1 month
I think I'm gonna just. Put the fic I planned on the back burner until I feel better. Maybe next year when the hurt isn't so fresh. Maybe work on something new. How about this instead:
"This is so dumb," Tony grumbled as Jan made some last minute adjustments to his costume, muttering about the problems with organza. "I can't believe I have to do this every fucking year."
"Yeah, well, it was your ancestor who made a big deal out of throwing herself into the sea as a sacrifice to the giant octopus that used to terrorize us so that it would fight off invaders," Jan retorted, and he yelped when she accidentally-on-purpose jabbed him with a pin. "So blame her. I'm sorry you have to jump into the ocean and spend a week your family's eternal pet."
"It's not our pet," Tony huffed. The giant octopus was wild and there was no taming something that big, but he wasn't going to go into it with Jan. She was good at curses and she might poison the bay if she ever found out what, exactly, he got up to while he was under the water.
"In-laws ten times removed then," Jan huffed back. "I expect presents. Pearls maybe. I'm partial to yellow."
Tony rolled his eyes. "I know you're partial to yellow. Are you almost done? People are only going to see the outfit for like. Twenty seconds."
Jan leaned back to scowl at him, holding a pin threateningly. "Yes, I'm finished. It's not just for the crowd. I tested this fabric and it will look just as fabulous underwater. Maybe the mermaids will be impressed."
"The mermaids who don't wear clothes?" Tony asked skeptically, instead of joking, 'I won't be in them long.' His family had been lying that their time underwater had to be a secret for centuries.
After all, there was no easy way to explain 'yeah, great-great-great-great grandma wasn't eaten by the octopus, she fucked sentience into it and we've all been doing it ever since, and the mermaids are really weirded out by it.'
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necropathys · 3 months
Necro. May I smooch the goopy octopus man.
take the man out to dinner first, gosh. you know he's old fashioned!!!!
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but maybe something more tame...?
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Stay away from him.
So like, octopi eat shrimp, right? And morays have a symbiotic relationship with a certain species of shrimp, RIGHT? So please consider. The tweels constantly thinking Azul's gonna hurt their "precious little shrimpy" in some way and being super over protective of them :) (btw this is definitely one of the more tame yandere fics I've written)
And oh my goodness I'm running out of Octavinelle gifs to use.
Warning(s): male reader, over-protectiveness, some minor injuries
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You didn't exactly want to be sorted into Octavinelle, but hey, it is what it is.
Your family owns a cafe back home, so working at the on-campus cafe your dorm ran was a cinch, easy, no problem at all!
You earned the title of 'employee of the month' (whatever that means) in only your first month of being a student of Night Raven College. Nice.
Thanks to your... impressive achievement, you caught the eyes of two people. Octavinelle's Vice Housewarden and his twin brother.
You didn't want to get tangled up with them in any way... but, it happened regardless.
"Hey, Shrimpy, wanna sit with Jade and I during lunch~?" Floyd playfully asked you. "It'll be fun!"
"No, I was actually thinking-" But before you could finish your sentence, Floyd had grabbed your hand and was already dragging you to the cafeteria with him.
You didn't get to get your own food, but Jade and Floyd shared theirs with you.
"Here, have some of my takoyaki, Shrimpy!"
"Would you like some of my carpaccio? I don't mind sharing with you."
You don't exactly like the taste of octopus, but you appreciate them giving you food.
"Hello Jade, Floyd..." Azul sat down opposite to you. "...and (Y/N). Why is he here?"
"Because he's a tiny little shrimp who needs protection!" Floyd wrapped his arms around you, causing you to choke a bit.
"We've decided to protect him. Of course, in return for certain things..." Jade added, causing you to feel, well, uncomfortable to say the least.
"...ok. Well, (Y/N), I can tell you're..." Azul sorta trailed off, either not knowing what to say or not wanting to say it. "But the three of us have some important things regarding our business we need to discuss, and I would appreciate it if you could leave."
"I'm ok with that." You said, standing up.
But then, both of your arms were grabbed by the twins.
"No, (Y/N) can listen." Jade insisted. "He's a model employee, I'm sure it's fine if he listens in on our business plans."
"Yeah... why're you trying to separate him from us, Azul?" Floyd asked. "It's almost like you want to get him alone so you can catch him by surprise and hurt him."
"What?! No, obviously not!" Azul yelled.
"Well I don't believe you!" Floyd yelled back. They were causing a scene... you'd really rather not be in this situation right now.
"I don't either." Jade calmly added. "Now, Azul, let's discuss our business."
Unfortunately. This is how the rest of your week would go as well.
Those weird twins were very protective of you.
And, they would come to you with problems like injuries and... well, mostly just injuries. Bad ones too.
For example: one night, Floyd entered your room, covered in bite marks, scratch marks, and other various injuries.
"What the hell happened to you?!" You yelled at him.
"Jade and I had a fight." He rolled his eyes. "I'm really huuuuuuuuurt, Shrimpy!"
"Yeah, no shit, Floyd!" You exclaimed. "W-wait here, I'll be right back."
After half an hour or so, you came back with some disinfectant and bandages you bought from the school store.
After everything was all said and done, Floyd laughed at your choice in bandages.
"What?" You asked.
"Nothing, just lookin' at these cute little sea creature bandages ya got." He smirked. "They're kinda funny looking!" He giggled at the silly little fish illustrations.
"Oh, yeah, I saw 'em at Sam's shop and I just had to buy them!" You explained. "You can keep the box of them, if you want. I-I don't think I'll use them very much..."
"Eh, I don't see why not. Sure, I'll take your silly little bandages!"
Things like this kept happening. Whenever the two of them had bad things happen, they'd immediately go to you for help. Your classmates and others view of you changed significantly when they saw the fucking Leech brothers following you around like baby ducks.
It was very off-putting to everyone else.
You, Floyd, and Jade had (what they described as) a symbiotic relationship. You took care of them and they took care of you.
One time you were sick with a really bad fever, and Jade took care of you! He got you tea, soup, a cold towel for your forehead, he even put on a movie for you on one of those old portable DVD players because you couldn't get out of bed.
One time you fell down the stairs, and you got a bad scrape on your knee. Nothing serious, but it definitely hurt. When Floyd noticed your scrape, he gave you one of the sea creature bandages you gave him a few days ago. Specifically, it was one with a moray eel on it (you're almost 100% sure he gave you that one on purpose.)
They also really didn't want you to be anywhere near Azul.
They'd do everything in their power to keep you as far away from Azul as possible. The only time you saw Azul without the twins supervising you was board game club meetings. But even then, Azul avoided you. So during board game club you kinda just sat by yourself in the corner, browsing your phone.
One time, you tried to make a deal with Azul, but he declined! He, Azul Ashengrotto, known for pushing deals to people and pressuring them into contracts, declined to make a deal with you!
One night, as you were watching a movie with Floyd, he said something to you.
"Listen, Shrimpy... we need to talk." He began. "You should really try to stay away from Azul. He's dangerous."
What you didn't know was that Jade was having a very similar conversation with Azul.
"We want you to stay away from him, Azul." Jade said. "I'm sure you know how Floyd and I feel about (Y/N), and I'm sure you know he can barely defend himself... so please stay away from him from now on."
You didn't know why Floyd was telling you to avoid Azul, he's harmless! And, even though he can be kinda cruel with his contracts, he's usually really nice.
"Floyd, he's our Housewarden! He's kinda hard to avoid because of that..." You mentioned.
"So? Just try to avoid him as best as you can. You don't have to perfectly avoid him, since most of the time Jade and I will be around to keep ya safe... you just have to be extra careful when we aren't around, kay~?"
"N-no? That's insane, I'll be fine!" You responded.
"Hm... well, I won't force you to do anything. I just want you to stay safe, 'cause Azul's a dangerous guy!" Floyd gave you a very tight hug. "You should stay away from him."
Jade had his magic pen pressed against Azul's throat like a knife, though it was just a bit more threatening since, with the magic pen, Jade could burn Azul to a crisp in two seconds.
"You know Floyd and I appreciate your friendship... I would hate to hurt you, I truly would... but if you hurt (Y/N), you will force my hand." Jade backed off slightly. "Please don't hurt him in any way. If you do, you know what will happen. I will know what you did. Floyd and I will both know what you did to our little darling (Y/N). So please... stay away from him."
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merakiui · 1 month
Can we talk about Azul being a big baby?
Throwing a tantrum as if hes not a grown ass man… I believe he wouldn’t want to show his darling this side of him cause he considers it his gross icky lil tako self, BUT HE DESERVES TO BE IMMATURE AND GROSS FROM TIME TO TIME. LET THE BABY TAKO OUT
Brat taming scenario or straight yandere tantrum 🤔 which would be better i wonder
AAAAA I LOVE HIM. ૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა that's my beloved tako!!!!
I suppose (in his defense) he has every right to have a harsh meltdown like that, considering this is years and years of bottled negativity, insecurity, avarice, etc. Leona destroying the (large collection of) contracts and Azul losing at his own game were just the straws that broke the camel's back.
I think it's also important to note that Jade and Floyd (Azul's two closest friends) are unwilling to side with him this time and maybe Azul saw that as a threat to his own mental well-being. Jade and Floyd are usually easygoing and often on board for all of Azul's schemes, so this is one of the first times they're openly opposing him and telling him he can't do something (i.e., take everyone's magic or else he'll overblot). When Floyd tells him he's much lamer now than he ever was before Azul can't recognize their genuine concern for him. In Azul's mind, it's probably something along the lines of: if he loses the two people he's closest to, alongside all of the contracts he spent years amassing, then he truly doesn't have anyone or anything; he'll be back where he began: the lonely outcast everyone made fun of in his youth.
Additionally, he's on the verge of crying and Azul (who was bullied ruthlessly for being a crybaby) doesn't like showing any sort of weakness or vulnerability, especially when it comes to crying. But what else can you possibly do when the floodgates burst? When so much has been built up and held in, it's only fair that the breakdown is just as frightening and strong. Thus, he screams and cries; he reacts in extremes.
I really adore how volatile he is when he has his meltdown. Azul is emotionally vulnerable by default (which is why he masks all of that with his pompous theatrics), but in that moment he truly believes that if he doesn't have everything (powerful magic, good singing abilities, an endless supply of skills and talents, etc) he is nothing but the "dumb, clumsy, crybaby octopus" from his youth. He can't accept his past self, which is why he's always working tirelessly to be the "best version" of himself because he's afraid of going back to who he once was, as he wholeheartedly believes that version of himself is terrible when it never was.
AAAA FORGIVE ME. OTL I rambled too much about tako, but I love his tantrums and I agree!!! He deserves to be gross and icky and immature from time to time! A yandere tantrum....... orz orz I love writing Azul breaking down at minor and major inconveniences whenever his darling is involved, but I especially love it when he's tried so hard to get you to reciprocate his feelings and nothing's working!!! The type of yan with a mindset of "I really dislike having to act so callous, but it's for your own good." Azul putting you through sensory deprivation to break your mind a little so that, eventually, the next time he visits the dark, soundproofed room you're kept in you'll reciprocate with open arms, desperate to be loved and feel connected with someone.
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scaramouche/kunikuzushi/wanderer masterlist
When they hear you sing
What they call their S/O and what their S/O calls them
kabedoning their s/o
When they find out you have toxic/abusive parents
How they react to their S/O self-harm scars
When they notice you’re off/depressed
Scaramouche x Fem!reader: Obedience (nsfw)
They Turn into a Child
“If ****** died for all our sins, he left one behind the body I’m in.”
My Pretty Little Present // Scaramouche x reader (nsfw)
Accidentally revealing your self harm to them
Genshin Characters as sad tiktok audios:
"On My Life" Scaramouche x reader: ROYAL AU (series)
Genshin peeps having a younger sibling that overworks
Types of people in escape room
Your lovers with a remote control vibrator
Childhood best friend corrupts you when you tell them you’re a virgin (nsfw)
Walking in on their s/o changing
Genshin boys with an S/O who regresses when sleepy/happy
“Childe! Give it back!” /// Scaramouche x reader
Trouble with remedies/// scaramouche x aphrodesiac!reader
Cockwarming with Scaramouche at the office (nsfw)
Genshin Characters when someone flirts with their S/O:
GI characters reactions to shifting (attempting) to your universe:
Leaving the leg harness just loose enough so you think you can escape but they let you struggle (NSFW)
Genshin boys reacting to your degrading kink (NSFW)
Being in a little space around them
Competitive Competition /// scaramouche x reader NSF Vampire!Scaramouche x reader
Afraid of a little water? /// merman!Scaramouche x reader
Ursula!scaramouche x reader AU
thigh riding with scaramouche
Will you do the fandango? //Scaramouche x brat!reader (NSFW)
As You Wish/// Prince!Scaramouche x Fiancé!reader (SLIGHT NSFW)
Teaching a Lesson/// wanderer!scaramouche x reader nsfw
revealing shoulder scars as their s/o puts on an outfit that they got for them
The divine creator bringing scaramouche into dance (x reader) SAGAU
Genshin characters with an s/o that has wings
brat-taming with Scara and a stubborn/bratty s/o that says they hate him
Xiao and Scaramouche humiliating and railing you for stalking someone else
goth scaramouche and reader with yami kawaii style
“Poor Unfortunate Soul” octopus hybrid!Scaramouche x reader nsfw
Best friend scaramouche getting jealous after you tell them you're about to lose ur virginity tonight and they steal ur virginity by using aphrodisiacs instead
yan!scara who kinda guilt trips his s/o so they won't leave him
Aftercare head cannons with genshin characters when they’re s/o calls the safeword
Meeting scaramouche x divine creator!reader
Trial One /// nurse!scaramouche x gn!reader NSFW (based on this art and this art)  
Through the looking glass // reverse isekai!Scaramouche x fem!reader NSFW
Genshin characters finding out that their s/o is asexual/on the spectrum
heizou, scaramouche & albedo with a fox/feline s/o
Here comes a thought about betrayal /// reverse comfort!Scaramouche x reader
Scaramouche x mute!reader
baby octoscara x reader scenario
fem!reader reaching out to their s/o's (gorou, xiao, scara, tighnari/cyno) hand and bring them to her chest to warm them when he complains he's cold.
getting back together with reader after a breakup
Scaramouche with a bratty fem!s/o and sex toys
Scaramouche accidentally confessing to gn!reader
Scaramouche showing you his new outfit to your surprise
Slime Shenanigans// Pre-Fatui!Kunikuzushi x reader
Genshin Catboy Maids Imagines (NSFW)
scaramouche, gorou, and diluc with a s/o who has insomnia
Scaramouche, tighnari, and gorou with a female dog/wolf so who’s in heat NSFW
scara with a S/O who likes stealing Scara's clothes specifically his hat
Scara with a S/O who has a small chest and is subconscious about it NSFW
Patching up scaramouche after the fight I just wanna bandage him up and cuddle him even if he hates them for it
reader was the one who made scara's new outfit
scaramouche comforts you after having a nightmare
Scaramouche with a S/O that can't pass away and it's very desensitized to pain and all
Shamisen player!Scaramouche x reader
Kazuha x Scaramouche with Pet Play NSFW
“The sweetest lie” // Wanderer x reader drabble
Wanderer headcanons with reader who is basically the mom friend
S/O that is amab and wears panties as everyday underwear, them being embarrassed because it’s unusual NSFW
Shibari!Scaramouche/Wanderer x reader NSFW
“Trust in me, just in me” // Scaramouche x consensual!brainwashed!reader NSFW
Cat!Scaramouche in heat x reader
Scaramouche x mute!fem!reader fluff
yandere!idol!scaramouche x reader
Mermen!Wanderer, Mer!Albedo, and Mer!Aether (separately) x reader (NSFW)
“Poor Unfortunate Soul Reprise” octopus hybrid!Scaramouche x reader nsfw
I’m in love with the way you hate me /// Fatui!Scaramouche x afab!reader NFSW
reader with Wanderer, Scaramouche, and Kabukimeowmeow as pet cats
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Burned Out
hiya! guess who’s craving more angst?? me!! So, since bruised ego, creative block, and shackled creativity has already been done plenty times, what if Roman had literal burnout. like maybe he’s got a high fever or he feels like he’s literally being burnt and he doesn’t realize it. Maybe another side smells the smoke and follow it to Roman who is just working away and he looks exhausted and sick and stuff. And then the sides take care of him and give him comfort. - lio-the-chaotic-nonbeanie-weenie
 Read on Ao3
Warnings: burn out, emotional and physical
Pairings: DLAMPR, can be platonic or romantic you decide
Word Count: 3382
The first time Roman noticed it, he thought it was a new power.
 The first time Roman noticed it, he thought it was a new power.
In his defense, he was still young! Creativity still reigned supreme in the Imagination, how was he supposed to know what it meant? The Imagination was wild and free and he was the only one who could tame it! He and his brother would craft wondrous things the other Sides couldn't hope to imagine, and they did it every day, all day, until Thomas had to go to sleep and they could slip into his dreams and play all night long.
So when he saw a spark curling up from the tips of his fingers, he thought he'd created something new.
It was so cool to have fires burning in his fingers, wasn't it? Fire at this point was still dangerous and scary and all the adults told you never to go near it because it was so scary. So if Roman could have fires burning in his fingers that made smoke and sparks, that was cool.
"Maybe you're gonna be like a dragon," Remus had suggested, his tentacles flopping around. It was at this point that the—well, the Sides that would become the Dark Sides had started to show their more animalistic features. Janus's scales had begun to show, his extra arms making him a menace when it came to movie nights. Virgil's voice was doing this weird thing now that made his ghost stories extra scary. And Remus, well, Remus smacks Roman's arm. "That's cool! I'm a Kraken, you're a dragon!"
"I thought Logan said you were an octopus."
"A Kraken is just a really big octopus."
"No, it's not!"
"Yes, it is!"
Roman reaches out to push Remus over but another set of sparks comes from his fingers and Remus shrieks. "Ow!"
"Oh, god, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I didn't—I forgot—are you okay?"
"Yeah, 'm fine." Remus gives himself a good shake and grins maniacally. "See?"
Roman lets out a breath of relief and looks at his fingers again. The sparks are still curling from them, drifting down on the grass. Everywhere they land, the grass fizzles and snaps and turns black.
"Maybe I shouldn't be here right now. I don't wanna burn everything."
"But you don't wanna burn the Mindscape either."
Roman sighs. That is true. "Maybe—maybe we can just—sit? So I don't burn anything?"
"Fine by me. You can tell me what ending you came up with for the story if you want."
He goes to do that but instead yelps at the sudden pain in his fingers. "Uh, maybe not."
"Do you wanna go…tell someone about this?"
"What? No, no, it's fine. Besides," he declares, puffing his chest up, "I'm gonna be a proper dragon when they all see me!"
"Bet I'll finish transforming first."
"Bet you won't!"
"Bet I will!"
The first time Roman figures out what it is, he almost destroys every single project he's been working on for the last month.
It hadn't been the…easiest of months, that's for sure, but it wasn't like it was the worst one he'd ever had. Sure, he had a lot of projects to do for Thomas but that was his job, he couldn't complain about being able to do his job. It was hard enough convincing everyone that it was worth taking the time to do these projects, he couldn't exactly start complaining about them now. And sure, it wasn't like it was gonna be a one-and-done thing, he had to submit them for everyone to talk about before he could officially pronounce them done, but still.
He's fine.
This is fine.
He's just come from a meeting where Logan was…not too enthusiastic about the amount of time he'd been spending holed up in his room working on things. Well, 'working' on things as Logan put it, was a core element of his, ahem, 'evaluation' of Roman wherein he described exactly how unproductive Roman's time-spent-to-product-shown ratio is.
Two weeks for just one chapter, Roman? In the past, you have managed to complete multiple chapters in the same day. Why have you decided to decrease productivity?
"It's not like I can just push a button and this stuff comes out," Roman grumbles as he goes back to sorting through his desk, "I'm not a machine. Do you know how much braining it takes to make the words go? No, all you care about is whether you can tick the little box that says 'Roman's Dumb Project' off your to-do list."
The other part of it, one that Roman argued for during the meeting, is that he's better now. When he was younger—when Thomas was younger, it was just a matter of getting things down on a page. He wasn't worried about language or narrative or characters, didn't have to hold himself to higher standards because he hadn't made those yet. He's worked to get better at what he does and so now it takes more time.
The problem is that Logan's type of work is the kind that becomes easier when you're better at it, so Logan argued that because he was better, it should be taking less time.
"We're not the same," Roman mutters to himself as he had said downstairs, "you can't hold me to the same degree you hold yourself."
I can, Logan had said as everyone else looked away in silent agreement, and I should. If you don't increase productivity, perhaps we need to reevaluate how we approach projects like this in the future.
"I'll reevaluate your face, how about that?"
He goes to pick up the sheaf of paper that represents all the work he's put into the past month with Logan's comments on it and his fingers twitch.
A single spark touches the paper.
"What? No, no, no!"
It races along the edge, curling into a blackened, ruined husk in a matter of moments. Roman rushes to put it out, get that piece of paper away from the rest, but more sparks keep catching and soon the flames begin to lick at the entire stack. In a blind panic, he flails for his water bottle and empties the contents over the burning pages. The fire dies with a wet sizzle.
Panting, he looks down at his hands. His fingertips are smudged with ash.
And the entire project with Logan's careful annotations sits in a wet, soggy mush.
"Thank god," he mutters to himself, "I took notes."
He waits a few more minutes to ensure he's not about to set fire to anything else and carefully disposes of the now-ruined stack of paper. It slides into the trash with a desolate squishing sound. He decides it's probably a good idea to wait before touching his notebook too.
The first time he sets fire to a canvas, he knows this isn't a superpower.
Granted, he hasn't really thought that since the Split. The only Sides that had animal-like features and such were the Dark Sides and Roman was Not a Dark Side. He was a Light Side and that meant that he shouldn't tell anyone else about it. But still, privately, just for himself (and maybe a few times in a corner of the Imagination no one but Remus knows about) he pretends that he can summon flame as a superpower.
Not in a 'back now, ye villain!' way or a 'let's see you defeat me when I can do this!' way, but in a quieter way. Maybe that's why he doesn't tell anyone about it, because it doesn't fit with his big arrogant Princely persona.
He pretends he's an old man in a quiet little cave, far away from his kingdom. His cave is filled with soft moss and warm rocks and in the center is a little firepit. When weary travelers come from far and wide, looking for a place to spend the nights, he takes them in and lights his fire, offering simple meals that taste more filling than anything you could ever dream of, and stories to help you fall asleep.
It's a selfish dream, but it's his favorite.
It's been a long week. He's had projects piling up on top of each other and everything seems to need an emergency last draft because apparently people don't understand that when he says I'm finished, that's not an invitation for them to come in and say oh, can you fix this, this, and this? 'Finished' means 'no more edits.' It means 'you've missed your window to tell me there are things you want changed.' It means 'you're the asshole who set this fucking deadline so you don't get to give me more work and then complain that I'm missing deadlines.'
He's a bit upset over it.
The point is he's been working overtime recently trying to get his work in and done and out of the way so he can focus on other things. Namely, all of the other goddamn projects they keep giving him. And finally, finally, he's at the end of the week and everything is done and now, now it's the weekend. Which means it's time for him to do the things he wants to do.
Remus has claimed the Imagination for the day—they each have to go through every month or so and do a spring cleaning of sorts—and so he's in his room, toying with all the things he could work on. He could keep working on that short story he's been putzing around for a while, he could do that crafting thing he's been meaning to do forever…
He looks down at his fingers. They've gone black again. They've started to do that more often now. He absentmindedly rubs them together and they smear across his hand with a slight sting of tender flesh. It reminds him of the ashes in his little firepit and he smiles.
That's what he can do. He can paint his little safe haven.
He summons a large blank canvas and paints, carefully mixing up the colors he wants to use and reaching for a brush. The moment his fingers touch it, he yelps in pain.
The metal rim around the base of the bristles cracks and warps from the heat of the fire. He frowns, trying again, only for the wood to start to smolder and he quickly drops it.
"Alright," he mutters, "maybe different brushes?"
The plastic ones just start to melt and smell horrible. The better wood ones just get way too hot to hold and he has to let them go with stinging palms. Even the littlest ones that he can pinch between two fingers aren't working.
He tries switching mediums. The colored pencils just snap. The markers start to smell so toxic he has to stop for a good ten minutes to fan the fumes away. The oil pastels melt all over his hands and it would be cool if it weren't so frustrating.
In a last-ditch attempt to just do something, he drags his fingers through the paint and grins victoriously when it stays on there. He reaches out to smear it across the canvas and—
He watches in horror as the flames eat through the canvas in a matter of seconds.
The empty wooden frame clatters hollowly to the floor.
The first time he gets a fever, he knows this is how he experiences burnout.
He's put it together by then. It's oddly poetic—at least it would be if it weren't so infuriating.
But when he wakes up one day with his head pounding and his entire body sweating and feverish, it goes from infuriating to downright torturous.
The fever is relentless, burning him alive one moment—not literally, thank all the gods that have ever been invented and a few that haven't yet—and freezing him the next. He sweats through all of his clothes in what feels like two seconds and half his blankets to boot, and then he's forced to curl back in up in the gross sticky sheets because he feels like he's going to freeze to death. His head has sledgehammers beating against it from all sides and he must start crying from it at one point because he's got tears on his cheeks and a stuffy nose on top of everything else.
He wants someone here. He wants someone to take care of him. He wants someone to kiss his forehead and tell him it's all gonna be okay so bad.
Immediately, his mind goes to the Imagination. Of all the selfish things he indulges in there, the people he's conjured just to take care of them are right near the top of the list.
He thinks of the castle steward, the slightly too-flirty young man with curly hair and a wicked smirk who softens at the first sign of genuine discomfort. He wants him to come and find him like this with some off-hand pickup line about getting even hotter before he calls for a bath to help get his fever down.
He whines as the fever suddenly flares hot again and he shoves the blankets down around his knees.
He thinks of the sweet no-nonsense woman who makes chainmail in the town square and how he just wants her to come say oh, it's alright, love, you'll be alright. He wants her to come make sure he's got enough fluids in him and sit with him, stroking his brow and keeping him focused on resting, not how awful he feels.
The pounding in his head gets worse.
He thinks of the kindly old knight who is one of the few people that actually remembers and how he looks at Roman like he's so proud of him. He wants him to come and just be here, maybe if he's feeling particularly pathetic, he'll cup his face with one gloved hand, kiss his sweaty temple and murmur this too shall pass, my dear boy.
He doesn't realize the ash has spread to his arms until he tries to wipe his face and sees the burning sparks.
It's cruel, he decides in one of his last lucid moments before he succumbs to the fever, that the very things that bring him comfort in his worst moments are the same ones he is to be punished for by the flames.
The first time the ashes spread to his face, he thinks he might die.
It's not been good. He feels chained to his desk, fingers bound to the keys of the keyboard churning out word after word after word. He's not even sure of their quality anymore, only sure that the number in the corner keeps getting higher and they won't be happy unless it reaches four digits. The work isn't even fun anymore. It's just a chore. The ideas that once ran around his brain with boundless energy have vanished.
Burned to a crisp.
He's stopped wearing his prince costume. The ash just gets on the white immediately and it's so hard to clean. He wears ratty old T-shirts now because no one will notice if they're a little more threadbare than they were when he started. The ash trails all over his pants, his desk, his computer, up his arms and across his torso.
He thinks hysterically that he can see his fingers getting shorter with the amount of ash he keeps losing.
The fever never really goes away. He keeps a hot water bottle and a bowl full of ice next to him as he works, either to put on his lap when his fingers tremble from the cold or to stick in his mouth when he can't breathe from the heat. His typing will grow clumsy and he has to force himself to go back and fix his typos, lest he forget and accidentally submit them to the others.
It hurts. There's nothing poetic or glamorous about it. It just really fucking hurts.
When he drags himself to the bathroom too many times for how few words he's written, he stops.
There, in the mirror. His face…
He's run out of words to describe it. He just looks at his face covered in ashes and cries.
That hurts too.
The first time the others come to take care of him, he thinks he's dreaming.
He thinks he's dreaming when he hears Patton quietly go oh, sweetheart, and gentle hands reach for him and adjust the covers around his head. They tuck back the blankets just enough so he can breathe easier and the softest kiss presses to the tip of his nose. It's okay, sweetheart, we're here now.
He thinks he's dreaming when he feels Virgil's arms hook under his and lift him up so he can carry him to the bathroom. Easy, Princey, it's okay. We're gonna get you in the bath, okay? You're a mess right now. The strong chest next to his cheek feels soft and he can't help trying to nuzzle into it. Shh, it's okay, bud, I gotcha.
He thinks he's dreaming when he hears Logan's voice instructing quietly how to make him better. The water will feel cold to you but it isn't. You've got to let it do its work and help break that fever, alright? Strong and sure hands wipe the tears from his cheeks and he just keeps crying. Hush now, little one, it's alright. We're right here.
He thinks he's dreaming when he feels a soft washcloth brushing against his face, his neck, down his arms and legs. The smell of Janus's favorite body wash fills his nose as an almost hypnotic whisper fills his ears. Shh, shh, my prince, don't you fret. We'll take care of you.
He thinks he's dreaming when it apparently comes time to get him out of the bath and Remus is there, tentacles and all, drying him off with a soft fluffy towel and getting him into a clean shirt and boxers. You're such a mess, Roro. I love you so much.
He thinks he's dreaming, but then he remembers that it hurts to dream right now.
He thinks—he thinks—
"Roro? Ro-bro, can you hear me?"
"'S that you?"
"Yeah, Roro, it's me. I'm right here. Oh, fuck, I'm right here, you're doing so good, okay? It's gonna be okay, we're right here."
"Easy, Remus, you're gonna freak him out more. Calm down, bud."
"Don't fucking tell me to calm down, Roman's—"
"Still not out of the woods, so shush."
He blinks, trying to figure out what's going on. Someone with glasses leans over him.
"Roman? Can you hear me, little one?"
"Yes, that's me." He can't be imagining the relief in Logan's voice. "Your fever's broken but we need to get you to drink something. Have you been able to keep things down?"
"Good. Janus—"
"Right here." A cool hand supports his head and another guides something to his lips. "Your favorite flavor, sweetie, we need to get your electrolytes back up."
He drinks. A hand strokes his throat to help him swallow. By the time it's pulled away from him, he feels a little bit more human.
"Good," Janus whispers, his hands still cradling Roman's body, "good job, sweetie."
"Kiddo? Can you look at me?"
It takes a moment, but Roman manages to open his eyes, turning his head to try and find Patton. Patton smiles when he does it, reaching out to stroke his cheek.
"You're gonna be okay," he says in that firm voice that brokers no argument, "you will. I know it might not seem like it right now, but you're gonna be okay."
"Yeah, sweetheart," he promises, "you're gonna be okay."
For the first time, in perhaps a very, very long time, a different spark flares to life inside Roman's chest.
General Taglist: @frxgprince@potereregina@gattonero17@iamhereforthegayshit@thefingergunsgirl@awkwardandanxiousfander@creative-lampd-liberties@djpurple3@winterswrandomness@sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes@iminyourfandom@bullet-tothefeels@full-of-roman-angst-trash  @ask-elsalvador @ramdomthingsfrommymind@demoniccheese83@pattonsandershugs @el-does-photography @princeanxious@firefinch-ember@fandomssaremysoul@im-an-anxious-wreck@crazy-multifandomfangirl @punk-academian-witch@enby-ralsei@unicornssunflowersandstuff@wildhorsewolf @thetruthaboutthesun @stubbornness-and-spite @princedarkandstormv  @your-local-fookin-deadmeme @angels-and-dreams@averykedavra @a-ghostlight-for-roman @treasurechestininterweb  @cricketanne @queerly-fluid-fan @compactdiscdraws@cecil-but-gayer@i-am-overly-complicated@annytheseal@alias290@tranquil-space-ninja @arxticandy @mychemically-imbalanced-romance @whyiask@crows-ace @emilythezeldafan@frida0043 @ieatspinalcords @snowyfires@cyanide-violence@oonagh2@xxpanic-at-the-everywherexx@rabbitsartcorner @percy-07734@triflingassailantofmyemotions @virgil-sanders-the-gay-emo@cerulean-watermelon@puffed-up-bees@meltheromanstan@joyrose-fandomer@insanitori@mavenmush@justablah65@10paradox10@uhhh-hi-there-i-am-nervous@cutebisexualmess@bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti @ultrageekygirl  
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mmkin · 1 month
The Siren's Shark ch 3 (so he's never letting go of his siren)
Next chapter of the story is now up, whee. Link to AO3 here but also under the cut. Also threw in a few Arlong GIFs for us Arlong fans to swoon over. Mmm, Arlong.
Trigger/content warnings - 18+, dubcon.
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Yolande looked up at him as he started getting dressed, and let out a soft whimper. Hadn’t he said that he would fuck her so hard she couldn’t walk? It seemed to be the case right now.
“Do you need rest?” he asked gruffly.
“I fucked you good, didn’t I?” he asked with a prideful leer.
A soft chuckle escaped her throat.
“You can leave when you’re ready.” With that, he was dressed and gone, and she closed her eyes, basking in the afterglow of her pleasure and registering what he had done to her. The bites he’d given her were light, but his teeth were still sharp. On her upper arm was a shallow cut from his nose.
She looked down at her arm, running her finger along the cut. It was an accident caused by some nuzzling, but she’d liked when Arlong kissed it when he took notice of it. Such a nose! It was an experience she would never forget, not for the rest of her days.
She lay there for what she presumed was fifteen or twenty minutes before she felt strong enough to walk. It was getting dark and she knew if she didn't go back home, Lena would be worried about her. Her stepdaughter had already expressed reservations about her accepting a dinner invitation aboard a visiting ship of sailors, let alone fishmen.
She found the water closet and cleaned herself up, thinking about Arlong and all his unique anatomical features. That nose was insanely long and sharp, but it suited him. There was an appeal about his dorsal fin, jutting proudly through his thick black hair. And of course, the fact that he had two cocks. Two. It boggled her mind. She’d heard of extra fingers, but not this.
My siren. My mate. Fishmen certainly had some funny bedroom talk. But hey, she had fun. She firmly reminded herself of that as she emerged from the recesses of the ship, her hair looking a bit disheveled despite her effort to tame the thick waves. She did not miss the way a few fishmen had smirks on their faces and tried to not blush over that. Doubtless, they'd heard her – and Arlong – but she wondered if the sharkman had chosen to add any commentary to that. She hoped not, but now that she thought about it, he seemed like the kind of guy who would brag.
Well… considering his performance in bed, he’d earned his bragging rights. She held back a shiver as she thought about his hungry gaze and smile, the way his teeth, nose, and lips felt against her flesh, the solidness and raw strength of his tall, powerful form, the way his cocks felt when he was pressing them into or against her.
Hatchan approached her, and she smiled as she saw him. "Your pastries are a hit. I like the peach-filled ones. Would you make more in the future?"
She chuckled happily at that, relieved he wasn’t asking questions about more intimate matters. “Absolutely.” She paused as she thought about the fact that the ship was going to be leaving the island soon. She’d miss Hatchan. And Arlong. And hell, Shioyaki and Chew and some others too. The octopus man’s face lit up with delight.
"I'm so glad you're here! You've been so good to the crew! Even if…" he trailed off, and she shrugged. Kuroobi had made his disapproval of her clear through his silence and glare. And he was not the only fishman who felt that way. She knew that Kuroobi or others only held their tongues because she was here with their captain's permission.
And now she’d just fucked Arlong. She wondered what the ray fishman thought of that – not that he could do anything about it. Nor did she intend to rub it in his face. She waved her hand dismissively. Kuroobi and the others who thought like him would be glad to be rid of her once they left the island. “It’s fine. I’m happy to have met you and become your friend.”
She turned away from him and veered in the direction of the gangplank. She'd been on the ship long enough. To her surprise, the ray fishman in question slid in front of the gap, crossing his arms.
She looked up at him with a quizzical expression, wondering if he’d found some passive-aggressive way to fuck around with her. Quickly, she moved to the right, and he matched her step.
“I need to go home. Would you be kind enough to step aside?” she asked.
“You are not to leave the ship, per captain’s orders,” Kuroobi replied, giving her a steady stare. She slid to the left, and like before, he matched her. Her heart started to pound.
Around human men, she was relatively confident. She was considered on the tall side for a woman, just over 210 cm (about 7’) so many men who were used to intimidating women with their size found that tactic ineffective on her. Kuroobi on the other hand, had to be at least 250 cm, and he was not the only fishman taller than eight feet on this ship. Far from it.
She shook her head slowly as she tried to keep herself calm, Kuroobi staring at her coldly before he gave her a final, curt nod. She tried another step to the left, where she might squeeze between him and the railing if she was fast enough.
“Nyu?” Hachi let out a small sound of confusion as Kuroobi blocked her again. She took several steps back, feeling light-headed as she felt the stares of several fishmen upon her, Kuroobi maintaining his cool glare before he glanced at his crewmate for a moment.
"It's what Arlong said," Kuroobi said calmly as she took a few more steps back, barely hearing his words because of the ringing in his ears. She barely registered Hachi's anxious face and the way his hands reached for her. Later, when she was calmer, she would realize the octopus man had simply been trying to reassure her, but at the moment, all she registered were hands coming for her after she had been told she was effectively a prisoner. A sharp whine burst from her throat before she spun around, darting across the deck.
A surprised shout came from one of the fishmen as she slid out of her jacket and quickly jumped over the railing and dove into the water, trying to not let the shock of the cold water hit her too deeply.
Most people would have made their way to the nearest shore after jumping off a ship. Fortunately, she had other options. Instead of going to the pier or the rocks, she simply maintained her downward angle, slicing through the murky water.
There was little light in the sky now, let alone in the water, and she shivered as she felt the cold water filter through her gills as she propelled herself through the water. She did not dare look behind her as she aimed for the ocean floor, and for several moments, she thought that her ploy had succeeded.
It had in the past, hadn’t it? When people thought she was nothing more than an ordinary human, it made them underestimate her, which was something she never hesitated to use to her advantage.
The strong hand that wrapped around her ankle made her realize that advantage was useless against a full-blooded fishman. Instinctively, she twisted around, opening her mouth. The water was already dark enough, but the ink that clouded Kuroobi's face caused him to recoil in surprise, and as soon as he let go, she kicked forward.
She knew that the battle was already lost, but instincts – and memory – propelled her forward nonetheless. She savored her last moments of freedom before Kuroobi was on her again.
She saw people in need of help, and she’d helped them. Granted, she hadn’t helped Kuroobi directly, but he’d seen the care she had given his ill crewmates. And she’d been more than a willing bedmate for Arlong. Why was she being treated like this?
Despite her struggles, Kuroobi handled her, dragging her back to the surface and dropping her on the deck like she was the day's catch. She shivered and saw that he was as well. He'd removed his jacket before going in the water like she had, and she shuddered as she dared to glance upward. His face had a dark tint to it because of the ink, which did nothing to improve his scowl as he stared down at her, running a hand along his face to wipe it.
Hatchan approached them, his arms waving frantically.
Fuck. There wasn't a time Kuroobi missed the mild weather of the Conomi Islands more than when he had to dive into these damned cold waters of the south South Blue. The fins on his arms were especially vulnerable to the cold, and he swore to himself as he rubbed his arms, glaring at his captain's new…
Fuck. It was difficult enough to swallow his pride and disdain as he'd watched her work in the infirmary. But she'd helped Chew and the others, and Hachi gushed over how she'd been instrumental in getting them good deals, offloading the stolen items that the fishmen had no use for in exchange for provisions that were much welcome after their wanderings. So Kuroobi left her alone. They would leave the island soon enough and he wouldn't have to be bothered with any human for a good while, hopefully.
For a few moments, he thought Hachi was joking when he recounted the encounter between Arlong and Yolande earlier that day. Sirens were just a myth. He’d heard the stories, of course, but figured they were just tales for entertainment and fantasies, a universal desire of men the world over, regardless of race.
The noises that came from Arlong’s cabin told him otherwise. He dreaded the thought of having a human live here on the ship with them. It never worked out in the past, did it? First Koala, then Nami...
But neither of them spat out ink. And he’d never seen a human dive that deeply – or quickly. Not even from that damn blonde man he had underestimated. He reached down, grabbing her by her collar and hearing her give out a short shriek, clawing at his arm as he did so. Suddenly, several hands were pulling at him, and he whipped his head to glare at Hatchan.
“I’m not going to hurt her,” Kuroobi said with an impatient snarl. Whether or not he believed in sirens, Arlong would be pissed off if his new pet was harmed. “But she spat ink at me.”
Hatchan blinked and stared at him. Yolande tried to kick free of him, and he snapped into action, grabbing her arm with his free hand. He’d dealt with plenty enough humans before, and this one showed more strength than even a strong, healthy human male, catching him off guard for a moment. In frustration, he yanked at her collar again, hearing the tearing of fabric.
“Well, that explains it,” he observed dryly as he saw the telltale openings at her neck and shoulder, similar to his own and so many other fishmen. She glared at him, and he smirked back.
“The hell is going on?” he heard the familiar snarl of his captain’s voice. The fishmen parted before Arlong. Kuroobi stood calmly, his grip inexorable as Yolande went limp.
“She attempted to leave, and dove off the other side of the ship,” he explained.
“Please…” she whined.
“Let her down,” Arlong instructed. Kuroobi did as he asked, exercising just enough care to not simply drop her before he took a step back. The sharkman glanced at him. “Go inside and warm up.”
The ray fishman slid away, only too glad to disappear within the ship.
Yolande shivered from cold and fear as she looked up at her lover – and captor.
“You can’t- you can’t do this to me.” She tried to square her shoulders and puff out her chest, but her shirt clung to her as she shivered. One of the fishmen chuckled.
"You were mine the moment I laid eyes upon you," Arlong said with a low snarl. She lifted her chin and stared at him, seeing the glint of his eyes in the last of the sun's rays.
“Intercourse does not confer ownership,” she replied icily. He stared at her before lowering his head, his eyes disappearing under the brim of his hat as he chuckled lowly, and there were a few laughs accompanying him.
She quickly looked up, seeing the ropes and mast. Going down was not an option anymore, so where else was left to go but up? In the next instant, she recognized the futility of her action. Arlong or his men would just come after her and drag her down even if she managed to make it to the crow’s nest or a yardarm.
The laughter cut into her like knives, and she found herself unable to breathe, not simply because of the cold, or her soaked clothing. She felt the tears welling up. She’d had such a marvelous time with Arlong not so long ago, and now he was treating her like this? Laughing at her distress?
A sob broke from her throat despite her efforts to hold it down, and she looked around frantically for a place of safety. “You asshole,” she hissed, and she saw the corners of his lips twitch.
“Please let me take her inside and give her some dry clothes,” she heard Hatchan say as the octopus man moved between her and Arlong. Miraculously, Arlong permitted this, and she was taken within the ship to the laundry room. Along one side of the room were lockers and chests, and several lines of rope stretched between the walls that made a corner. A few empty tubs and washboards were stacked in another corner.
“You can put your clothes on these lines. I’ll make sure nothing happens to them, and I also have your jacket here. Let’s see, where’s the spare clothing…” Hachi muttered to himself as he looked through several lockers before pulling out a pair of navy blue pants and a long-sleeved shirt. She blinked as she recognized the components of a Marine uniform, but said nothing, accepting the clothing. Hachi was quick to give her privacy, but she knew there were fishmen outside the door should she try to make a run for it. So she peeled everything off and wrung them out before hanging everything on one of the ropes, behind several shirts and pants.
A change of clothing did feel good after her ordeal, and she took a deep breath. These fishmen dwarfed her in strength and numbers, so she would have to find another way to fight them. She gritted her teeth as she thought about how smug some of the islanders would be, how they’d just point to this as a fine example of why fishmen deserved the prejudice that was directed at them.
… Would she ever set foot on the island again?
There was a soft knock on the door, and Hatchan entered the room, seeing her sitting on the wooden bench.
“Are you all right?” he asked, the concern evident in his expression and voice. He was twiddling his fingers together anxiously.
“Am I?” she shot back.
He let out a slow breath, thinking about what to say.
“You’re just going to stand here and let Arlong take me prisoner? Really? I thought you were my friend?”
The octopus man let out a distressed ‘nyu’ before he shook his head firmly. Then he nodded as she said ‘friend’.
“I am!” he took a deep breath. “You really don’t know about sirens, do you? In regards to fishmen, I mean. I know humans have different stories…”
She shook her head slowly.
“Can I sit down?” he asked. “And I will help you. But let me explain things, please?”
“Yeah.” She scooted over to give him some room.
"A siren is a fishman or merman’s soulmate and more than that. But they're very rare. It is said that when one meets his siren, the bond is instantly felt between them."
She said nothing to that, and he continued, "Our sirens don't always sing, but they do have other gifts and talents that can benefit the fishman greatly, and they provide for and protect their sirens."
“I provide for myself,” she grumbled. “So are you going to help me get away?”
At that, Hatchan looked away. “Only a fool would get between a fishman and their siren. I could help you escape but the consequences would not be pleasant for me, or you.”
She let out a defeated groan.
“I’ll help you where I can.” He let out a sigh. “I’m sorry, I really am! I never imagined this would happen when I came to you asking for help. I will always be grateful for your willingness to help, and I know other fishmen are grateful, too. Please believe me.”
She did. The octopus man could not be blamed for this bizarre twist of fate. But now what the fuck was she supposed to do on a ship full of…
“Is Arlong a pirate? Is this ship stolen?” she asked. He looked down before nodding slowly. “I wasn’t involved in that, but yes, Arlong stole the ship before I joined him.” Great, now she had to deal with the potential consequences of being targeted just for being Arlong’s companion. Before either of them could speak, there was a sharp rap at the door. She closed her eyes before she felt a large but friendly hand on her shoulder.
“Just remember I am your friend. I’ll show you around when you’re ready. Come talk to me anytime,” he reassured her before he pulled her off the bench.
Arlong seemed to fill the doorway as he looked down at her. Despite her anger at the situation, there was no denying the pull between them, and she swallowed thickly. This morning, she’d been a widow living with her stepdaughter on a quiet island in the South Blue, and now she was claimed by a sharkman pirate captain.
“There was no need for you to run away, siren,” Arlong tutted as he looked down at her. She felt self-conscious under his gaze despite the modesty of her borrowed clothing.
“No one, especially a woman, wants to be informed they’re a prisoner,” she retorted. He stared at her with these cool blue eyes before a sharklike grin spread across his face. “You did say I could leave after I rested,” she pointed out.
He stared for a moment as he recalled their earlier conversation. "I only meant that you could leave the cabin. Did you think that after claiming my siren, I was going to let her wander off so easily? Sweet one, I very nearly dragged you away the moment I laid eyes upon you!" He let out a hearty chortle, and damn if that deep laugh didn't send a pleasant shiver fluttering through her belly even as she took a step back, bumping into Hatchan.
"Wait!' she gasped, remembering something and spinning around to face Hatchan. "Lena, she's going to wonder where I am. If I'm not home soon..." Hatchan had met Lena and her baby at the marketplace when Yolande was helping him shop. Lena had been polite, but wary. The infant on the other hand was too young to harbor prejudice or racism and had laughed and reached for Hatchan.
Out of the mouths of babes and all that…
Arlong frowned. Lena? Who the hell was Lena and why should he care… A memory of a conversation with Hachi came up. He'd been telling the captain about the very nice woman who'd continued to help him even after the medical crisis had passed. A widow who lived with her stepdaughter. A pharmacist's assistant on top of her nursing skills. Something about meeting the stepdaughter and the baby in the marketplace and some nonsense about how cute the baby had been.
Now Hachi was concerned about this random woman and some stupid baby. But he saw the distress in Yolande’s face, and the caution he’d practiced since the demise of Arlong Park prevailed. They weren’t here to cause trouble – tempting as it was. Almost unconsciously, he ran his index and middle finger along his nose, feeling the slight thickness of healed-over bone and cartilage where that damn rubber kid had broken his nose twice.
“Write a note and tell her you have patients here to attend to, and you can leave the ship in the morning to pack your belongings and say your goodbyes,” he said, the concession wrapped in a command.
She stared at him for a few moments. He lifted a hand, touching her chin as he stroked her jaw with his thumb, feeling the faint tremble that passed through her before she gave a curt nod.
“Good girl.” At that, he felt her stiffen, and she frowned before pulling away from his hand.
“Don’t call me that. If you insist on having a pet name for me, we’ll figure something out, but it won’t be that.”
He raised an eyebrow. She glared at him. “You’re spicy. Should I call you that?”
She took a slow breath, glaring at him as he smirked at her.
“Hachi, get her a pen and some paper…”
After the note was written, looked over by him, and dispatched with Hachi, he led her to his cabin. Though this ship was smaller than the Marine one they’d captured, the Sorrowfree Wanderer was considerably less conspicuous. The cabin was bisected by sliding wood panels to separate the captain’s bedroom from his workspace. On the desk were several instruments for navigation including a compass and several Log Poses, fitted into slots carved into the desk for ease of use.
He closed the door and locked it before he looked down at her. “I need some spice,” he said, leaning down and growling into her ear as he wrapped an arm around her. She tried to squirm away, but he held firm as he crossed the room. “And it seems you need a reminder of who you belong to...”
"Arlong. Please." She squirmed again, and he felt himself responding to the feel of her body against his own. His free hand slid to her shoulder, grasping her arm as he turned her to face him, looking down at her. For whatever reason, fate, the gods, luck, whatever the fuck it was, had given him a siren. Even if she was only half-fishman, she was still pretty cute. He liked the color of her gray-green eyes and the fullness of her lips. Some might have thought her nose was too long but he thought it suited her.
“What is it? Do you object to this?” he asked in half-seriousness. She parted her lips, but no sound came out. He grinned before tugging at her clothing, running his hands along the parts of her body that became exposed. Even though she was looking away, he could tell she was enjoying this. When his hand slid between her legs, he found heat.
“Do you object to this?” he demanded lowly, growling into her ear as he kneaded her with his fingers, feeling her thighs clench around his hand.
“I…” She arched, moaning softly as he grabbed her chin with his other hand.
“Look at me,” he commanded. Her eyelids fluttered open as his prodding became more insistent, delving deeper into her. She ground against his hand as a soft, breathy growl emanated from her throat.
“See. You know who you belong to, even if you don’t want to admit it.”
Her hands fluttered to his wrist, cradling the large hand holding her chin and jaw. He could feel the breath and pulse under his palm. His hand moved from her chin to pin her hands above her head as he leaned over her. “But I am all too happy to remind you,” he said with a grin.
All she could do was surrender to not only his passion but her own. Even now knowing the full implications of him calling her siren, it still thrilled her when he called her that.
Actually, it thrilled her more. To humans, a siren was either a temptress of the sea, a particularly alluring woman, or a talented singer. Here, a siren was something much more – even if she was ignorant of much of fishman culture, she understood that from the way Arlong and Hachi spoke of sirens.
A shriek of surprise and outrage burst from her throat when he bit her again, only this time it was deeper than the nips he’d bestowed upon her. He licked the blood from her even as he continued thrusting into her, pain mixing with pleasure in one confusing morass as the sharkman ravaged her, thoroughly claiming her and ensuring that she knew who she belonged to.
-Mate. Bond-
When he was done, she lay there, curled up and shivering, all too aware of the throbbing pain in her shoulder before Arlong slid out of bed to pour her another drink. She gulped it down and held out her cup for more. He smirked and obligingly poured her some more before taking a long swig from the bottle. She reclined back, gingerly touching her shoulder. The bleeding had stopped, and there were only a few drops on the sheets because he’d licked up most of it. She knew she should be freaked out and disgusted, as she knew most women would. Her neighbors would most certainly clutch their pearls over this. Over the whole thing, really.
His hand brushed the hair from her shoulder, and she looked at him quietly as he examined his handiwork. Or in this case, bite-work. What was running through his mind as he looked at her?
-Desire. Confusion. Possessiveness. Curiosity. Affection. Satisfaction- All this poured into her for a brief, glimmering moment as she looked into his eyes. He finished the bottle and set it aside before pulling her into his lap, and at that moment, all she wanted to do was curl up against him. His strong arms wrapped around her, and she let out a short hum of pleasure. At that, his embrace tightened.
She looked up at him as she rested her head on his shoulder. Arlong might act fierce and possessive, but there was something nagging in the back of her mind. It refused to become clear, and she set it aside, telling herself that it would come to her sooner or later.
There are strange things in this world, and that’s not counting Devil Fruit. Much progress has been made with science but there are still many things beyond the understanding of men. Like this infernal bond that pulled her and Arlong toward one another. She placed her hand on his chest, savoring the feel of the sharkskin under her hands. It was mostly smooth like a river pebble along his chest and thighs, but along his shoulders and back, it was a little bit rougher, almost like extra fine sandpaper.
She reached up to his face, and he watched her quietly as her fingers trailed from his chin up to his ear, and along his hairline before coming down to his nose. Some would have thought it was ridiculously long, but it suited Arlong the Saw just fine. She looked into his eyes, gauging his reaction as her finger slid past the bridge of his nose. His breath hitched for a moment, but he did nothing to discourage her. She made her way down the top side of his nose.
"Arlong the Saw. It suits you. It is a fine nose."
“You think so?”
“I can’t imagine you without it. Like I can’t imagine Hachi without his extra arms. It’s just… you.”
The smile that spread across his face was one of genuine warmth, and she was surprised at the effect it had on his face. She already thought he was fucking hot, but seeing that flash of warmth on his face, the contentment he gained from her kind words, sent a flutter through her heart.
“I don’t want to fight you, Arlong. But I do ask one thing of you,” she said. He gave her a brief nod, his gaze becoming calculating as he wondered what she might ask of him.
"Don't lie to me, even if you think it's for my good."
“That’s not something I expected you to ask. Does my siren seek to pry secrets from me?”
She regarded him with a sad smile. “If there’s something you don’t want to talk about, just say so. I would rather hear that than be lied to.”
“Hmm. And can I expect the same in return?” She nodded, and his hand trailed up her arm, ghosting his fingers over the bite mark before sliding her off his lap. “Get dressed.”
She complied before he scooped her up in one arm and walked outside with her like he was showing off a trophy. "Let the festivities continue!" he said with a wave of his hand. The fishmen cheered and went back to drinking, playing games, or gambling under the light of the quarter moon and several lamps set across the deck. On occasion, a fishman would glance toward her and Arlong. She buried her face against his neck after several minutes, breathing in his scent as she took comfort in the solidness of his bulk.
“There’s no need to be shy. You’re part of the crew now.”
She thought of Kuroobi, and she glanced around, and… there the ray fishman was, staring at her like he was still pissed at her. He stood to the back like a sentinel, his arms crossed as he observed his fellow fishmen enjoy themselves.
Arlong lowered himself into a chair near the barbecue, close enough that he could enjoy a bit of the heat. She settled in his lap, adjusting herself and letting her gaze drift across the deck at the various fishmen. A couple of fishmen operated the grill and cooked the meat, and it felt surreal to be here now, drafted onto this crew because of… what? The whim of gods or fate? It sure as hell wasn't hormones. Or at least not just hormones. She still tingled down below from his attentions and almost without thinking, she clenched, closing down on nothing and feeling the soreness of her muscles.
The couple was offered food and drink. Arlong had several more drinks, and several meat-loaded kebabs, and even though she might have expected a large appetite, she was still impressed, and could not help but stare in fascination as the meat disappeared down his maw, shredded by his teeth. She was more tired than hungry, but she ate and drank a bit as she pondered her future. It wouldn’t be the first time she was uprooted in her life. She sighed to herself.
“Is something the matter?”
She looked up at him before speaking quietly. "Before, when I was trying to leave the ship… I wasn't trying to run. I wanted to enjoy more of your company, but I have obligations. Surely as a captain, you understand obligations. Besides, there's no way I wasn't going to come back, not after the best sex I've ever had." She didn't mention that she'd also wanted some time to herself to clear her head after nearly having her brains fucked out of her head. Why the hell did Arlong have to be so damn sexy?
He burst into laughter, and several fishmen glanced at them with curiosity.
“You know that you belong to me,” Arlong whispered in a velvety rumble. It sent a pleasing shiver down her spine and through her core. “Sweet little siren, say it. I want to hear it from you.”
She looked up into his eyes, feeling the desire and need. His hand slid up her body before gently hooking around her neck and shoulder as his lips stretched into a slow smile, teeth glistening under the flickering light. “You asked me for honesty. So I will tell you what will happen if you try to run away from me. If I need to lock you up or chain you…”
An alarmed whine burst from her throat she went stiff. He tutted and continued speaking, “I will do you no harm, dear one. After all, as your mate, it is my duty to take care of you and protect you. But do not think I will tolerate escape attempts or games.”
“So, you are asking me to agree to an invisible chain, or be forced into a literal one?”
He grinned remorselessly, offering no denial. She looked down before he lifted her chin back up. “Be glad you have a choice.”
The smug bastard. She sighed softly. “I am yours, Arlong.”
“Mmm. Don’t look so sad about it, my little siren. After all, it means more of that sex you enjoy so much, yes?”
That smug, lecherous, possessive but oh so sexy bastard. She was in for one hell of a time, wasn’t she? After a bit more time, he nudged her out of his lap, giving her permission to explore. Glad for the opportunity to stretch out her legs, she made her way along the side of the ship, staring out at the water. She turned to see Kuroobi staring at her, his exposed skin looking white under the moonlight.
“Making sure I don’t jump overboard again, eh?” she asked. He gave her his steady gaze, the corners of his lips deepening into a scowl. “Don’t worry. I’ll spare us both the trouble, okay? Trust me, I don’t want to go into that icy water any more than you do.”
She wondered what made him so prickly towards humans, but she knew she was not in a position to ask him such a personal question. He let out a small snort at her comment. “I suppose you expect me to be grateful for that.”
"No. but Arlong has made his choice. I hope it's not too much to expect that we are civil to one another."
“For my nakama’s sake, that is something I will agree to.”
After a few more minutes, she disappeared into the ship, getting a feel of the layout. Kitchen, dormitories, showers, pantry, cargo space, and so on. It was a decent mid-size ship, and she wondered at the story behind it. What had spurred Arlong and his fishmen to capture this ship, and what had happened to the former crew of the Sorrowfree Wanderer?
She turned, seeing Kuroobi several paces behind her. Did he think she was going to try to sabotage something? But she had no mischief in mind, so it wasn't as if his presence was altering anything, was it?
“So… how did your crew come to possess this ship?” she asked him casually.
“We captured it from unworthy humans who attacked us.”
“I suppose if someone’s attacking you, stealing their ship is justified.”
He smirked at that, and she continued walking while he trailed behind. She was certain there was more to the story, but all things in due time. “And you’re one of the crew’s higher-ranked members?”
“I am one of Arlong’s leaders, yes. Along with Chew and Hachi.”
She blinked in surprise at the mention of Hatchan's name. She had the impression he was the ship's cook, but then she remembered how the octopus man was willing to stand between her and Arlong – and how Arlong had allowed it.
“How long have you been with Arlong?”
“Why so many questions?” Kuroobi asked as he glared down at her.
She sighed. “I’m not trying to be nosy. But if I’m going to be stuck on this ship, I’d like to learn a bit about the people I’m going to be living with.”
“I have known him since childhood. Does that satisfy your question?”
“Yes. Thank you.” She decided to stop asking him questions for a while, and after being satisfied by her initial exploration of her new home, she came back onto the deck, seeing Arlong drinking and laughing with several other fishmen, including Chew and Hachi.
“Are you all right?” Hachi asked when they had an opportunity to speak. She looked up at him and nodded, recalling what Kuroobi said.
“Yes. And thank you for your help.” She had plenty of questions and wondered where to even start. The speed with which Arlong claimed her and determined her future after meeting her put the term ‘whirlwind romance’ to shame. It would have been nice to get to know Arlong and the rest of the crew a little better, but what was done was done. “Speaking of. This is not my ship, but do you think some room could be spared for my plants? Some of them are quite dear to me.”
“It shouldn’t be a problem. You’d have to ask Arlong but having some plants on the ship would be great! Are you talking about flowers?”
“A couple, but most are for food or medicine.”
“I’ll make sure they have a good place!” The octopus man looked at her with enthusiasm. He certainly was a ray of sunshine compared to Kuroobi.
“What are you two doing over here?” she heard Arlong’s rumble, and she and her companion turned to see Arlong in front of them.
“She has plants she wants to bring on the ship. I told her you’d need to be asked first, but-”
“So you do gardening?” Arlong asked.
"I wouldn't call myself a gardener, but I do have some basic knowledge and some plants I grow for food and medicine."
“Hmm. It would appear that my siren has many talents.”
“No, no! You know the saying, jack of all trades, master of none? Well, I’m a jack of… some trades. I’ve worked a variety of jobs and picked up some things along the way. But please, don’t think I’m a master of anything!” she added with a sheepish laugh. He raised his eyebrow at her, staring at her musingly.
“I’m curious to see what else you’re capable of,” Arlong finally said. Of that, she had no doubt. He grinned at her, and she felt weak-kneed, like some silly schoolgirl.
“Well,” she said, quickly composing herself. “It’s just a bit here and there. I certainly hope you don’t expect any grand feats from me, Captain,” she said half-jokingly. He leaned in, purring into her ear.
“You are grand in bed,” came the lecherous whisper.
"I could say the same about you," she replied almost automatically. His pleased chuckle sent a shiver down her spine. He raised his head, looking down at her and Hatchan.
“We’ll find room for the plants. I trust the two of you can make the arrangements,” Arlong said as he looked at his siren and his nakama before wandering off for some more grilled beef.
“You all right?” Hatchan asked, seeing her furrowed brow.
“I’ve lived here for the last seven years. My husband wanted to move here after he retired, so I went with him.” She stared across the railing at the lights that twinkled in town. “I had a lot more time to prepare for that than I do with this.” She regarded him with a wry chuckle. The last move had not been a surprise.
She'd known when Yoshi proposed that he wanted to find a place to settle, and she was happy enough at that time to start a new life. And it had not been a bad life, not with a mild-mannered man like Yoshi. His son, Hiro, chose to follow his father's footsteps and enlist in the Marines, and Lena was a sweet girl. Even after Yoshi died, it was still a peaceful life, if more quiet than before. Her skills ensured that she didn't need to be dependent on anyone, so she earned herself the reputation of an independent and eccentric widow, which was something she was quite satisfied with.
Then a sharkman pirate sailed into her life and turned it upside-down.
“I’m sorry…” there wasn’t much else Hatchan could offer. She sighed and shook her head.
“It is what it is. I’ll survive. I always do.”
The octopus man regarded her with a quizzical expression, but she offered no elaboration as she stared off at the stars.
There are plenty enough fishmen on Arlong's crew, but surprisingly few are named besides the Big Three. So for the sake of this story, I have named a couple of fishmen that appear in the anime several times.
Mido – He’s the pale pink-skinned fat fishman in a shirt and shorts that are a cool shade of green, with neon green fins on the top and side of his head.
Ishidai – He has blue and yellow spiky hair and grayish skin with lines along his face and arms. He appeared in the OPLA as “Hachi” and was named Ishidai in Oda’s notes if not the anime itself.
Reviews and feedback are always welcome and always deeply appreciated.
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aliennazero · 1 year
No CSM Tuesday effects finally hit me, so today I will propose theories of why *I think* relationship between Yoshida, Denji, and Asa would have significant impact in the future (in short, they will be a some sort of trio).
Source? I have no source. This post absolutely has no valid basis. Just me and my feelings, my own delulus, my own mess. It's all just in my head. And I decided to do an insane amount of reaching and stretching to the point I and my friends start to question my own sanity.
Let's just say... I have contract with Fanfiction Devil. All these theories below are the waste products of my contract (I sold half of my soul and sanity). So I hope you guys didn't take this as leaks or valid predictions or something. This is purely my own madness (even if it doesn't happen, I still have that Fanfiction Devil contract, I could fix them).
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So, what are those "YoshiDenAsa trio will happen" theories? Well, allow me to elaborate further then. Please buckle up your seat and prepare your ibuprofens because this journey will be a long and confusing one.
#1 - Animals and Habitats Representation Theory
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Asa's last name, Mitaka (三鷹) literally means Three Hawks. Asa represent bird, the sky. Just like how hawk observes from the sky before attempting a strike, that's what Asa's narratives roles *I think* would be. She's meant to be an observant at first before surprise attack. We've seen that before and I think we will see more of it as I believe she would become stronger as the time goes.
Denji's devil heart represent dog, the land. It's 100% obvious that Pochita is treated as a dog, there's no doubt. And just like that, it also represent Denji's roles in the narratives. The thing is, Denji is not an ordinary dog no more, he's the feral ones. To control and to "tame" him now will be no easy task as his previous owner who successfully "claim" him (Makima) is already dead.
(Hawks could pick up and eat dogs btw, just like how Yoru in the past could defeat Chainsaw Man so many times before her fall. It does fit the narratives when we think about it hard enough)
And lastly... Yoshida, he represent octopus, the sea. Just like how octopus is solitary animal, both of them said to prefer living alone. Octopus is also very smart, and could camouflage to its surrounding. Which suit very well with common Yoshida's character interpretation that's usually interpret him as this very mysterious knowledgeful being.
However the truth is, Yoshida is a human, just like the rest. And octopus is just a part of bigger animal kingdom, just like the dog and the bird. Now we just wait until that little octopus get tired of pretending to be a dog (to Public Safety) and finally break free, like many of "octopus jail break" cases in real life.
In conclusion, I think these three different animals symbolism will be connected to each other somehow in some way. It's too much of a coincidences for it to just be a mere coincidences and not Fujimoto's writing choices IMO.
#2 - Three Horsemen × Three Birds Theory
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As you can see in this poorly written image, this theory will try to debunk the connection between Yoshida, Denji, and Asa with their respective Horsemen Devils counterpart.
"Why are you so sure that three birds imagery will be very important?"
"Mi" in "Mitaka" means three. Asa is the new main character, her name have symbolism just like how Denji's name come from Tenshi (Angel). Also we already get introduced to three Horsemen Devils who will deliver major impact in this part.
It's a messy dots right now BUT when you try to connect it, things started to make more sense. So, about their connections to their respective Horsemen Devil counterpart/parallel...
Asa is connected to Yoru (she literally use Asa's body as her vessel), the War Devil. Just like how she has constant war within herself and with society as a teenage girl. War Devil fits Asa so much.
Denji is connected to Makima and Nayuta, the Control Devil. Because he's very persistent to keep fighting for his freedom over people who try to abuse him and control him in his entire life.
Yoshida is connected to AND supposedly opposes Kiga/Fami, the Famine Devil. His last name, Yoshida (吉田) literally means "Lucky Ricefield" (and rice is the most common staple food in Asia). He's really built and made to oppose her. Though he did shows signs of social starvation.
Back to three birds imagery. If we read the same manga, you'll notice how birds is used a lot in part 2 and also used by Makima to keep an eye to her surroundings and her enemies (remember Katana Man Arc).
It's hard for me to come up with paragraphs of explanation so I will just show you this image on how I connected the dots.
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++ Bonus delusions: Chapter 99 is titled "Two Birds", probably to reference both Asa and Yoru. But the three birds imagery there still bother me. To the point, I think it's actually for Yoshida. So by "Two Birds", it's maybe means Yoshida and Asa rather than Yoru and Asa (or them three, YoshiAsaYoru because it looks very deliberate to have double meanings (the three birds is not for YoshiAsaYuko sadly🥲)).
In conclusion, three birds symbolism in part two IMO stand for three human (Asa, Denji, Yoshida) and three horsemen (War, Control, Famine). I'm very positive that their 2x3 groupies will have deeper meaning and connection in the future.
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#3 - Chapters Title Theory
Now we come to the last theory I have for YoshiDenAsa trio possibilities. I can't put image in this section because I already hit the limit so let's use our imagination a little bit.
This one is kinda fanfic-esque and I did the most of my far stretching here so I recommend you to drink that ibuprofen you brought right now before entering this insanity trip.
First, let's take a look for where Yoshida, Asa, and Denji are in the same chapter:
- Chapter 104 with title "Spoiler"
- Chapter 109 with title "The Easy Way to Stop Bullying"
- Chapter 114 with title "Endless Aquarium"
- Chapter 115 with title "High Schoolers These Days"
- Chapter 117 with title "Penguin and Weapon"
- Chapter 120 with title "Triangle"
- Chapter 121 with title "Theory of Happiness"
- Chapter 132 with title "Protection"
Second, let's take another look to which chapter where their interractions to each other was the main focus:
- Chapter 104 with title "Spoiler"
- Chapter 115 with title "Highschoolers These Days"
- Chapter 120 with title "Triangle"
This is actually a signs for their weird love interest triangle. Trust me. Hear me out. There's something more in these chapters title, I just know it. Based on what? My feelings. Maybe it will be like how chapter 102 ("Save The Cat") was a foreshadowing for chapter 127 ("Save The Asa").
I just could feel it in my soul. These chapters title will be more relevant in the future. TRUST.
That's all for now. Big thanks to my moots @mimsynotpog for encouraging me to write this LOL. Anyway, I'm always open for discussion! Lemme know your thoughts on this one!
Do you guys think Yoshida, Denji, and Asa trio is possible? The answer is obvious big YES from me. We still have time. We're just 30+ chapters in! I won't lose hope yet!
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