femalescharacters · 5 days
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Eloise Bridgerton in 3.03 Bridgerton (2020-)
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kingoftheu · 1 year
I am pleased to announce I’ve signed an exclusive agreement with a major studio to produce an animated series!!!
I am also sorry to announce that said series has just been canceled.
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easternblocrelics · 3 months
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Orion Televisions Hungary 1974
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happy-xy · 1 year
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Armani Jackson WOLF PACK | S01E04
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ripperrupertgiles · 7 days
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You and most of the internet House.
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urmomswifesworld · 6 months
Fleabag, a Feminist Icon
I love the show fleabag with all my heart, it is an amazing piece of television which makes me feel so many emotions. I spent a lot of time pondering how this piece of art is involved/impacts/advocates for feminism and want to share my thoughts.
⁍ The use of breaking the fourth wall was a very poignant technique. It served as a commentary on the agency and autonomy of the female voice. Fleabag's direct engagement with the audience, while offering a deeper insight on the characters feelings thought and emotions, challenges the typical passive role female characters are given within story telling as she is an obviously active participant in HER narrative. ⁍ The show tackles often taboo subjects such as sex, a topic women have been shamed for talking about or indulging in for decades. Fleabag's unapologetic approach of her own desires and refusal to succumb to societal norms go against the stereotypical representation of women in television. Her sexual autonomy is a crucial aspect of her character and is never demoralised or shamed for her choices and instead encouraged to navigate her journey through validation and empowerment. ⁍ Fleabag also delves into the intricacies of female relationships. It views them of less of "gossipy" and more of a strong powerful sisterhood which is unlike what is usually presented in television. The shows central focus is on Fleabags relationship with her sister, not a man. It beautifully acknowledges the ups and downs of woman and sisterhood and shows that women are deeper than what is at face value. ⁍ It offers a critical examination of societal expectations placed upon women by showing the brutality of the guilt, grief, and self-worth issues Fleabag has to deal with which many other women can relate to. The show dismantles the typical perfect, put-together woman ,whom we are far to familiar with through all sorts of media, and instead presents a protagonist who is flawed, messy and REAL. It is a refreshing departure of the one dimensional female characters we are typically forced to indulge in. ⁍ The character of Fleabag challenges traditional gender roles and expectations by rejecting the idea that her worth is defined by her relationships with men or how well she adheres to social norms. The show is about HER journey of SELF-discovery and SELF-empowerment. This enforces the fact that a woman's narrative does need to revolve around conforming to societal expectations.
The show is a ground-breaking representation of feminism in contemporary media. Through its innovative narrative, unapologetic exploration of female sexuality, and nuanced portrayal of female relationships, the show defies stereotypes and provides a platform for authentic, multifaceted female characters. I highly recommend anyone to watch the show as it was a breath of fresh air.
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writergeekrhw · 1 year
What happens in set when an actor is sick? Not with something serious but with a cold. Does the character get a cold? Do they get a break?
Depends on how sick and which actor, to be honest. A lot of actors will work with a bit of a cold, especially pre-COVID. Some will even work when they've got a bad cold or the flu. I recall Jonny Lee Miller working sick as a dog for several episodes over the course of the run of ELEMENTARY, for example. The show must go on and all that. When that's the case, we'll usually try to hide it. Pick the least snotty takes, cut away from coughs or sneezes, use make-up to hide red noses, etc.
With COVID, I think that's becoming less normal, and probably rightly so.
When an actor is too sick to work, shows will usually change shooting schedules and/or write their character out of scenes to cover for them. Sometimes, a show will straight up shut down (stop shooting) for a while if a key actor is too sick to work.
If there's some kind of extended health issue, the writers might have to get more creative and write the character out of episodes entirely.
For an extreme case, Dick York's persistent back pain required writing him out of many scenes during seasons 3-5 of BEWITCHED, and when his condition got even worse, his character Darren went on an extended "business trip" in season five. Eventually things got so bad (and he became so dependent on painkillers) that he had to leave the show to try to get healthy, triggering the infamous "Darren-switch" when the show recast him with Dick Sargeant.
Dick York - Wikipedia (See "Bewitched")
TLDR: It all depends on which actor and on how sick they are.
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life-spire · 1 year
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@ yoyoand
See more interior design.
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movie--posters · 6 months
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speakspeak · 1 year
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British Esquire, May 2016
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I'm going to need television writers to create new wlw TV shows because I am tired of watching the same shows over and over again
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kingoftheu · 1 year
Were I a protagonist of a children's tv show I would simply listen to the moral my elders/friends say at the beginning of the episode instead of ignoring it and allowing hijinks to ensue.
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I'm traumatized.
I don't know why I thought it would be a good idea to watch both Terrifier movies in one sitting. It was HORRIBLE! I literally had to pause a couple of times because I was having a full-blown panic attack! Especially that fucking bedroom scene! I was on the verge of tears because I was so uncomfortable, and I felt so bad for her. But then again, you had the opportunity to run away, but you didn't. So her death is her business. And that diner scene in the first one where Art was just making these random faces made me so unhappy. I hated that part so much. This is a ONE TIME WATCH movie! I'll be damned if I ever get caught watching this movie ever again!
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ripperrupertgiles · 7 days
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Weather you sympathize with Theon, hate Theon or are indifferent to Theon you have to admit his facial expression here is pretty funny.
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maxipaddy · 2 years
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writergeekrhw · 1 year
My favourite novel is Catch-22, and my favourite (non-DS9 show) is M*A*S*H.
Would love to hear your favourites, as you're hands-down one of my favourite tv writers.
Those are both on my lists. I have a lot of trouble picking just one thing as my favorite, but five things worth reading/watching off the top of my head:
"Red Harvest" - Dashell Hammett
"A Wizard of Earthsea" - Ursula K. LeGuin
"Heart of Darkness" - Joseph Conrad
"The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" - Robert Heinlein
"A Canticle for Leibowitz" - Walter M. Miller, Jr.
"The Wire" (the series not the DS9 ep)
"The Rockford Files"
"Breaking Bad"
"The Good Place"
"Closely Watched Trains" - Bohumil Hrabal
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