#Thanks for the Ask Anon That Does Make Sense Though
yandereunsolved · 21 hours
Hi this is the anon who originally asked you technical questions about your self aware yandere hotd au, hi, how’s it going? Been having a good week so far? I hope you are
Anywho, I was hit with this thought while working recently and I’d love to hear your thoughts or perspective on it
Okay so, my biggest problem with self aware aus (this is such a nitpick ik 😔) is that if it’s airing live/coming out with new episodes, wouldn’t other people notice that the characters are being different and diverting? How does it change only for our tv? That’s when this thought hit me, “what if we bought the dvd set?” It makes so much sense to me, this aware universe is being contained within the confines of a dvd box set and now that the story is diverting from course what if we noticed that the size of the box set keeps getting bigger as we find more dvds than there were previously in there? When did this series have so many seasons? Why is this scene so different from the one on YouTube? Imagine if that kept happening too? You then buy a dvd set for GoTs just to have the complete set and start watching it and the same thing happens, you’d have to question yourself on if the seller is magical or if your so hot that these characters are becoming sentient
Sorry for the long rambling, I’m laying in bed and just remembered this idea I wanted to share with you, have a lovely timezone! 💛
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me! 💛
I would have replied sooner, but it got lost in my inbox. Hope you see this, anon!
If it’s airing live/coming out with new episodes, wouldn’t other people notice that the characters are being different and diverting? How does it change only for our tv? That’s when this thought hit me, “what if we bought the dvd set?”
Both instances could be true.
For the television thing—it's more of the complicated subject of continuous alternate timelines all acting within the same confines. All of the versions of them are on the television at the same time. Only one version deviates and recognizes that they are being shown in this television. Or multiple versions who are all the same yet different now, self-aware for different people.
I am absolutely in love with your idea though. :)
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mumpsetc · 2 years
Not to forgivr III for anything but I think right now Bot’s in the middle-ish of finding themselves out? Like they talk with Floor about what they wanna be/look like, but they’re still messy on that front, and their arc in the future is about becoming mire solidly their own person
Though there is Some setup with Bot about them being notably courageous/“badass” with how they were the first person to approach the volcano, but imo that’s rather weak character writing. It’s like dumbing their personality down into “#girlboss, gender-unspecified robot coming of age edition”, with nothing of real substance to back that.
It’s like. I can see where this is going already- a sorta shallow, “finding yourself” type arc continuing through however many episodes that ends with Bot going home their own person, yay! It makes it so they can eliminate Bot anytime they want and still have a somewhat-satisfying narrative ending for them, y’know?
Good Point, They Do Still Have Some "Being a Person" to Figure Out Beyond Gender Stuff and Them Continuing to Do So Till They Can Be Neatly Eliminated Would Make Sense for the ii Crew. I Guess I'm Just Frustrated Because You Can Portray Someone In the Midst of Finding Themself and Have That Character Be Something. God You're Right Though Bot is Probably Just Gonna Become Generically Nice Generically Badass and All Complexity Their Character Could Offer Passed Over Because That Makes Them Less Epic Squee Adorable. I'll Be Surprised if They End Up With Any Negative Traits at All and Isn't Just an Uncomplicated Bastion of Good.
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ver0n1ca-l0dge · 3 months
riverdale vs iwtv (there's one correct answer)
riverdale is my perfect princess and if I had to pick one to be preserved on earth forever it would be her but iwtv gets really freaky with it in a different way than riverdale. Like if riverdale is a Great American Novel mourning all we’ve lost to late-stage capitalism iwtv is like. Antigone. And I think the difference really speaks to the respective source material (dime comics vs pulpy horror) because of course Archie is about the banality of capitalist suburbia and therefore a perfect choice for a soap opera and iwtv is abt grief and the chicness of vampirism so obviously it’s a period family drama. Anyway yeah like I’d fuck iwtv marry riverdale and kill idk good omens probably
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milkweedman · 1 year
I am sorry you've been harrassed by terfs, but the way you are currently trying to weed them out seems a bit misguided. As in, the vast majority of terfs are in fact ok with big hairy CIS men. The so-called men they are actively hating are trans women/transfem people. So by acting like you proclaiming your love to big hairy dudes is the best terf-repellant you seem to be missing the point at best.
i'd love to actually respond to your concerns or whatever the hell it was that you were trying to convey with this ask, but it has almost no basis in reality so i literally cant.
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thats the one statement on how effective i think the banners are that has left my queue so far. which is: i hope it works but also have literally 2 other backup plans already in case it does not. i dont know why youre calling that "acting like [me] proclaiming [my] love to big hairy dudes is the best terf-repellant", because thats wildly off target from what i have actually said at any point. everything else youve said is also pretty much either dead wrong or ignorant, so im getting the feeling that you not reading has been a problem for a while.
(ive also not mentioned terfs this entire time--ive been talking about radfems and using the word radfems. they're not the same thing although there's large overlap. so like. thats strike two for zero reading comprehension, buddy. cause you are literally not talking about the group im talking about and youre also inventing whole new sentences that i didnt say.)
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lucky-bishop · 3 months
Wich are your favourite dynamic to write when it comes to smut?
Kinks, roles, favourite bottom/top etc….
Way too broad of a question, but I'll talk about it some! I love writing power dynamics/exchange/play. I love when these things are not rigid. Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more often than you might think people do not strictly top or bottom/fall into incredibly rigid sets. Topping and bottoming is also a separate (though can be interrelated) thing from dom/sub/power dynamics.
Character dynamics work differently and can be so isolated to the particular piece you're working on/world you are working in. Like I will usually prefer to write a top and dominant leaning Stiles when paired with Jackson. But that's not always the case.
I don't know. I know this isn't a great answer. But the answer is truly however it best fits the dynamic of the piece and/or fulfills the smutty thought that I had. Sometimes it's not even going to be the same throughout a whole fic!
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hecatesbroom · 5 months
I hope you don't mind the influx of GG/Dorothy asks you've gotten because I really love your takes and your fics really touch upon a more vulnerable part of Dorothy that I feel was rarely fully explored but was very much present. I was watching recently an ep where Dorothy says she thought her father didn't like her or love her and Sophia cracked that he always talked her up ... to try and sell her to gypsies. Dorothy says "do you know how much that hurts me when you say things like that?". It's one of those lines that's never really followed up on or given a big moment but it stays with me.
Not at all!! I love hearing from you! <3 (and if you ever feel up to it, feel free to send me a dm as well! I'd love to hear more of your thoughts!)
Thank you so much :') I started writing Golden Girls fics precisely for that reason: Dorothy's vulnerability is left so underexplored in the show, even in the moments that (in my opinion, anyway!) presented the perfect opportunity to delve a little deeper into her feelings. I had to give her a moment to shine haha.
That line is the perfect example of what I'm talking about, actually! They throw in those really poignant lines or moments (or even just looks, at times) that hint at so much going on beneath the surface, but it's never expanded on. The only emotional moments she does get, that are fully followed up on, are those relating to Stan -- and even there I feel like a lot is glossed over (often by Dorothy herself, first and foremost).
I could probably write an essay on this but I'll spare you, but I think Sophia's often treated much the same -- if slightly differently -- in the show! And I mean, considering she raised Dorothy, I'm pretty sure she inadvertently ended up teaching Dorothy that covering up your vulnerability is the only way to deal with it. Sophia covers her feelings with quips and jokes, Dorothy does it through dismissal.
And because both of their methods for covering up are very convenient for a sitcom (I can drag Blanche into this as well, by the way. But I promised not to write an essay) it's *so easy* for the narrative to just. go along with their own dismissal of their feelings. Have Sophia distract from her feelings with a funny joke, and the audience is on the floor. Have Dorothy dismiss her feelings with a Look, and there's another opening for someone else to keep up the pace and move the scene along into lighter territory.
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watatsumiis · 2 years
different anon btw but just out of curiosity (tone clarification: not judgemental just pursuing info in like a bit of an analysis/contemplation/seeking differing opinions way) have you done either of e!'s story quests? and if so was it just confusing, or you didn't like them for some other reason?
(if it's too much effort to elaborate of course no pressure, but id be interested to hear your thoughts! & don't worry about being too harsh, she's my blorbo but i agree the inazuma arc kind of made light of a lot of war stuff and felt a little shallow, and a lot of people i know didn't like her at all bc of that)
~🍓 (signing off with an emoji in case this turns into a conversation later)
Before I go into this, I just wanna say thanks again for approaching this in such a genuine and calm way, I sat and thought about this on and off since I got it and it's kind of made me step back and look at how I consume media (especially in this game) and the kinds of characters that I tend to enjoy.
I have done both of her story quests, but as with a lot of the pacing in the story quests, I found it pretty confusing and hard to follow, with heavy dialogue and exposition that I struggled to retain. I'm sure she as a character is extremely nuanced and interesting, I just struggle to feel anything more than disdain for her after seeing how her actions affected the entirety of Inazuma and the people she was supposed to be protecting.
I'm sure I could be convinced into liking her (as is the case with most characters that I 'dislike') or at least tolerating her, but the way the information was presented to me in canon felt a little ham-fisted, and I struggled to parse it all when it was just kind of tossed at me in a jumbled pile like that.
I think some of the ways this game handles really heavy topics seems to be almost... dismissive, at times. I understand that it's a game that's supposed to be marketed towards a broad audience and there are some concessions that need to be made to keep a smooth gameplay experience. This isn't a knock at the writers at all, just an observation. These huge events seem to happen in canon story and they seem to be dropped soon after apart from a few hints and side mentions, and I wish it was explored more?
Sorry that's kind of offtopic, but going back to the character at hand, there's just something about the rules she enforced and the things she let happen that just... yucks me out a bit. (again this is nothing against anyone who does happen to like her! This is all personal opinion and meant to be very lighthearted) I feel like they're trying to write all the Archons as 'good guys', but with E! it feels ...viscerally wrong, everyone seems to forgive her very quickly and have no hard feelings about what she put her nation through, even if that wasn't what she'd directly intended to do. I think if there had been some kind of main story scene where she really acknowledged the harm she caused and admitted her wrongdoing to her citizens id be a little more ambivalent towards her, but i genuinely cant remember a scene like that (though please correct me if im wrong).
The way her character lines refer to some others, too, kind of icks me out. Especially when it comes to Kokomi, who she still seems to be intending to discipline in some manner, and acts as if allowing the people of Watatsumi Island to worship their god is some gracious and generous act of kindness that she's doing as opposed to the basic human right of believing what you want - something about that especially sits pretty badly with me.
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ohdeerfully · 8 months
alastor request HAI can it be based on the fact that alastor doesn't sleep, and it's his lover finding out that petting his ears during cuddling makes him fall asleep.
thank you for your service
yess i love sleepy alastor thank u so much anon :D!!
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Goodmorning, Love
Alastor x Reader (fluff) TW: none! join my discord! ═══ ◈ ══════════ ◈ ══════════ ◈ ══════════ ◈ ═══
You were well aware of the Radio Demon’s sleep habits. Or, well, lack of sleep habits. You often spent nights in his room, where he would sit with you in bed until you fell asleep and go do whatever the hell he gets up to late at night. You always woke up in an empty room, and often so in the middle of the night, struggling to rest again as a greedy tightness gripped your chest in worry and disappointment.
You understood, though, and tried your best not to let it get to you that you didn’t have his warm body next to you when you woke every morning. But you couldn’t help that twinge of sadness. You weren’t particularly needy or clingy, but would it kill him to stay in bed with you for a single night? And to have a slice of domestic bliss as you woke up?
You roll your eyes as you lay, staring up at the ceiling. You had just gotten ready for bed, and now waited for said demon to join you for a few hours. Your fingers tapped, impatient, against your chest as you hummed absentmindedly.
“How lovely,” You heard him speak. Tickles of that radio static that always followed him clung to your exposed skin, which was signal enough that he had entered the room had he not announced himself. “What a siren you are, luring me here with that hum of yours.”
You smiled slightly at his comment, scooching over slightly to encourage him over. He obliged, joining you under the covers. He still wore his usual outfit, which made sense considering his tendency to go away all night. You purse your lips at the thought, slightly chewing on the skin.
“Why the face?” Of course he noticed your expression. He always noticed when any emotion tickled your face. You appreciated the genuine tone in his voice, the typical buzz of radio barely detectable in his words. He always got a little softer and kinder when he was alone with you like this.
You appreciated nights with him, being able to see a side of him that nobody else would live to spread word of. You enjoyed feeling a little special, especially to somebody like him.
“Do you think you could stay in,” You asked cautiously, fiddling with your hands as you inched closer to him, pressing your body against his. Even laying, he still seemed much taller than you. You gingerly guided his head down, against your chest as you spoke, hoping the multitasking would keep him from sitting up and rejecting your intimate gestures. “Just for a night. I miss you all night long.”
He allowed his head to lay against you. He did feel tense, of course, letting the back of his head be exposed in this manner as he lay vulnerable on you. It was a strange feeling, but not one he cared to consider for too long. 
“(Y/N),” He began with a sigh. “It’s impossible for me to get much done during the day, what with all the running around Charlie does. Somebody has to keep an eye on that young princess. I prefer to stay awake to get my own errands done at night.” 
I know that, you wanted to say and interrupt his explanatory ramble. You wanted to beg him to understand, just this once. You held in a sigh, watching as his head gently rose and fell with every breath you took. Maybe you should just take this submission from him as good enough.
You gingerly began tangling your fingers through his red hair, brushing out any kinks he may have gotten throughout the day. His tense body seemed to ease slightly, becoming more and more relaxed as you weaved your fingers through the locks.
“You have really soft hair, Al,” You commented, changing the subject. You figured there was no use convincing him. You let your fingers lightly trail upwards, up to his ears. You grazed them slightly with a finger. You touched again. When he made no motion of dislike, you fully began rubbing them. Petting him. You smiled to yourself at the idea of petting the feared Radio Demon. “And your ears are even softer.”
“I try to take care of myself,” He responded proudly. There was another hint of something in his voice, but you couldn’t quite place what it was. But it seemed heavy. “A well groomed man is a successful one.” You absentmindedly agreed as you stroked the velvety fur of his ears, switching back and forth between them and his hair. You had a preference for the ears, though.
You sighed and began humming quietly again. He rarely got so… comfortable, even around you. He always had some sort of guard up, always had his shoulders squared. He almost never became so… loose and vulnerable.
You noticed the clippings of radio frequency had stopped, which was a noise that was ever present in his wake. You had a suspicion why it disappeared, a small grin forming on your face.
Yes, the Radio Demon never slept. But that was a choice he made, not a curse that prevented him. Even demons get tired. You don’t know how Alastor makes it day by day without a wink of rest, but it was apparent that exhaustion had built up in him. He just needed to relax for a second.
You graced your fingers over his fringe, and craned your neck in a way to get a glance at his face. Yeah, you were right. 
He laid there, eyes shut, features relaxed with the lightest grin playing on his face. Even in sleep, you complained. It didn’t really matter. What mattered was the sound of his deep, slow breathing and occasional twitch of his velvety ears. You briefly wondered what the Radio Demon would dream about.
Would he be aggravated with you when he woke up, realizing you had practically cast a sleep spell on him? You didn’t, but the rate of which exhaustion took over may as well have been some sort of magic.
You shut your own heavy eyes, exhaling lightly as you continued to comfort yourself with the texture of his fur and hair. It didn’t take long for you to fall asleep.
You craned your arms and neck as consciousness came back to you, but an unfamiliar weight kept you from getting that good stretch in. Momentarily confused, you blinked open and looked down.
Red and black hair, more of a mess than usual, still took place on your torso. This was a first, and your chest felt like exploding with the glee of seeing Alastor still resting with you. He somehow looked even more relaxed than the night before, his cheek flush against your stomach, squishing his lips up slightly. A light grin was still there.
You gently brushed your fingers over his face, trailing a line around his features with an index finger. His eyes squeezed for a moment, and that static ambience of his slowly, quietly, returned. It was a noise that you had learned to find comfort in. He slowly opened his red eyes, a confused and sleepy daze clouding them. There was a wrinkle in his brow as he roughly propped himself up with an elbow, looking up at you with a furrowed expression.
“(Y/N)..?” He trailed, pausing to take in a shuddering morning yawn through a confused smirk. “Did I… Dear, what time is it?”
You looked at him tenderly. Oh, how cute he was, sleepy like this. Composed like an exhausted kid. Something even you have never seen before.
“Yeah,” You responded to his unspoken question. “It’s probably seven a.m. or so. I dunno.” There wasn’t a clock in your immediate line of sight.” “A.m. …” He said slowly. He sat up fully, looking down in disappointment at his wrinkled day wear. He quickly blinked the sleep from his eyes and managed to bring some composure to himself, but that lick of exhaustion was still prominent. Especially under his eyes.
“Yeah,” You said again, a light chuckle following. “Goodmorning, Al.”
He wasn’t obviously upset, it seemed. Though he probably was too tired to think about it too much yet. Maybe later.
“Well… Goodmorning, love.” He responded, still with a hint of confusion in his voice. “I suppose I accepted your plea from last night.” He brushed at his clothes while he spoke, trying to flatten out the creases that were brought on through a night of rest.
“Maybe more often?” You asked, twiddling your thumbs in anticipation. You already knew the answer, but it was okay. You knew how to keep him in now. You mischievously smirked as he closed his eyes and shook his head.
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bunnys-kisses · 19 days
I have a big order, I would like a peach cake, pancakes and add a lemon slice to that then I’d like a side of earl grey and chai served by Lando Norris xx
bakery menu
want to submit something to the bakery? then hit up the menu! there's tons of items to choose from! i hope you find something that you love and i'd love to hear from you! thank you! for this order, this was lovely to write after my little (two day) hiatus! i hope you love it, lovely anon!
peach cake ("if you spill a drop, we start all over.") + pancakes ("if you bite me. i'll bite you back.") + lemon slice ("i'm sorry, what was that? i can’t hear you over all that noise you’re making.") + early grey tea (big cock) + chai (biting/hickies) served by lando norris (formula one)!!
cw: smut/pwp, big cock!lando, biting/hickies, unprotected sex, (slight) breeding kink, (sort of) brat!reader, size kink, oral sex (lando receiving)
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lando liked when you pouted. when he watched the bottom lip stick out and those sweet lashes fluttered at him. it was painfully cute in his honest opinion. when you'd pout over something sad, or when you wanted something really badly and would do anything to get your hands on it.
but while lando liked a better look at your soft bottom lip, he hated when you were a brat.
currently lando had you between his legs, with your throat gagging on his cock. your eyes closed and your hands gripping onto his thighs for some kind of leverage as he pushed his cock as deep as it would go.
fuck lando norris and his big cock.
he loved the sight of you though, a total mess after you meticulously put yourself together for the grand prix. reduced down to a lowly little slut for lando to use to his liking while riding the high of his win. earlier you wanted to go out after the race with some of the other girlfriends, but lando wanted you back at the hotel with him.
letting him indulge in his favourite post-race activity, making a mess of that sweet little cunt of yours. he loved your cunt, he was addicted to it in some ways. he wanted to be buried deep inside of you and kissing at your back until you were whining on the sheets.
"how does that feel? finally got some sense into you?" he asked.
you looked up at him and tried to form words, but it all came out a jumbled mess. you leaned into his touch as he ran his fingers through your hair with a hint of affection.
but his words were venomous, "i'm sorry, what was that? i can’t hear you over all that noise you’re making." and it made you stomach flip. he pulled your mouth off his cock and you looked at him with a hazy gaze.
your throat felt raw, but in a split second decision. you leaned in and bit a hickey into the inner part of lando's thigh to feel that thrum of pleasure in your body. but you didn't get it too dark before lando ripped your head away and you looked up at him once more.
he chuckled lowly, "silly, silly girl. is this your revenge for me suggesting that we stay in tonight. i haven't felt you in a long time. is that a bad thing to way? to feel you?"
you replied, "lando."
"remember, baby girl. if you bite me. i'll bite you back." and you knew that it wasn't some kinky talk. he meant it. you still remembered your trip to paris in summer, and you in high collared jackets and turtlenecks. lando liked your pretty neck and breasts all covered in his bites.
you were his to mark. to claim.
you whimpered and kept your eyes on his. you felt a twist in your belly and a surge of heat in your body. everything felt very hot and you rubbed your thighs together.
"fuck, you're beautiful. see, no need to be a brat. just let me have you, i promise i'm just as good as any club or bar. why have a few drinks when you can have a few of my loads in your mouth."
you pouted and he helped you onto the bed. his spit-slick cock twitched with excitement over how you looked at him. his heart leapt as he got you onto your back, he knew you were soaked. you needed this too.
he pressed his chest against yours and tapped your nose, "remember our rule? if you spill a drop, we start all over." then pulled you into a tight kiss, the taste of his cock lingered on your lips as he sank it inside of your sickeningly sweet hole.
you whined and gripped onto the covers under you for a moment before you wrapped your arms around him and held him close. your lips remained together as he got your legs around his waist.
you two rutted against one another, the feeling left you feeling excited. being so close to lando made you stomach twist and your heart hammer against your ribs.
"you're so pretty under me. who allowed you to be this beautiful." he groaned as he held your thighs to get a better angle of his cock inside of you. he loved when you went dumb for him after a few thrusts. your poor little cunt. the sweet drooling little thing that always enticed him. day in and day out.
"please, lando." you squirmed a little bit as you felt his cock nudge against some of the softest parts of you. your stomach curled and you held onto his shoulders tighter. your poor little cunt was going to be bruised by the end of this.
"i know, baby girl. let me have this, let me have your sweet little cunt. you drive me crazy." his thrusts were fast and erratic, there was little rhythm to them. only that he gets his pleasure in your brain.
he started to kiss at your neck, soon his teeth were grazing against the soft plains of your neck. he could feel your pulse under his teeth. he fit against you perfectly, even if his larger cock seemed to make your insides all messy.
the first time you got together, he actually didn't fit inside of you. he had to work you until he could at least get the tip in. when he did though, it felt like total euphoria.
he loved the feeling of you around him. you were a perfect fit for him. he couldn't get enough of your sweetness. letting it stain the base of his cock in a sick desire for more. no wonder he was so hesitant to let you go out and party.
he was your big strong man, your protector and lover. his blood boiled for you in a sexual way. he wanted hid sweet girl, and he wanted to be balls deep inside of her. blame him for being aroused by you.
he eyed are you as he moved against you, "you take me so well."
he chuckled and kissed you once more. he could feel the heat in his gut as he moved against you. you felt like a sweet dream to him. his core burned for you as he moved. it felt so good to be balls deep inside of you, it was like where he belonged. he needed to be inside of his sweet girl.
"please, shit, lando. you feel so good. fuck." you whimpered as you tried to arch your back to get him deeper inside of you. but he had you pinned under him as he littered your neck with hot bites. you felt so good, maybe he was right. why get drunk when you could get cock drunk!
"i'm glad you like it. see isn't be with me much better. you get your pretty, puffy pussy all fucked out by me."
he didn't know how much longer it was going to take for him. he could feel the thump in his chest and his hot face. he continued to ram into you, making sure every centimeter of your pussy was touched by him.
"pretty thing." he purred with a chuckle as he continued to fuck you rapidly. it all flooded his head with heat.
with a few more heavy thrusts of his hips. he finished inside of you, but his cock was still hard as he hammered into you. which in turn pulled an orgasm out of you, you held onto him tightly and kissed him as you came. you clenched onto him and melted into the kiss. you soon relaxed out on the bed.
spread out for him, full of cum and feeling good all over. you shifted a little as lando put your legs down onto the bed. cum stuck to the side of your pussy and a little got onto the bed. he admired your for a moment and pulled your face in for a hot kiss.
you stayed curled up inside of him. but as he held you, his soft words came into your ear, "hmm. seems you spilled a drop, baby girl." then put you back onto your back, "guess we have to try again." <3
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verysium · 10 months
attractive things bllk characters (unintentionally) do?👀
i received this ask and decided to write this entire thing through a caffeine-powered fever dream. may have gone a little overboard. please pray for both your sanity and mine. thank you anon for your strong sense of imagination (or delusion, whichever you prefer.)
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nagi lifts the hem of his shirt to wipe the sweat off his face, and you accidentally (or not so accidentally) get a good look at the droplets running down his abs and v-line. he also does the doorway lean while waiting for you to get ready. since he's so tall, he puts his one arm up on the top of the door frame while scrolling through his phone. when he feels drained of energy, he clings to you like a koala, face buried into the crook of your neck.
rin pushes his hair back when his bangs get in the way, and it shows off his ridiculously sharp side profile. sometimes you have to pause mid-conversation because the direct eye contact gets too intense. he has the brightest turquoise eyes in existence, and they stare right into your soul. pair that with the height difference and him towering over you. hang onto your ovaries because this man is about to snatch them. if isagi or sae are anywhere remotely close within your vicinity, he will personally drag your chair closer over to him. you know, the whole nick jonas chair pull thing? he also unintentionally clenches his jaw when pissed, the vein popping out and everything.
barou is polite to his elders. he holds the door open for others. he tips extra at restaurants. he is kind to service workers. he's just a gentleman overall even though he likes to act tough. he rolls up his sleeves while cleaning or cutting up vegetables, and you can see the veins bulging in his forearms. wears those form-fitting aprons where you can see the outline of his waist and the muscles in his back. he is not immune to raging pit bull moments, but he will calm down immediately when you ask him to.
kaiser requires physical touch to function. all concept of personal boundaries goes poof in his little ego-driven brain. he holds your chin so you look up at him while he's talking. also has that husky growl when he wakes up in the morning. he speaks german. what else is more attractive than that? if you stroke his ego, he will puff his chest out like an emperor penguin and flash that movie star smile. does not slow down his pace for you, and will laugh at your expense when you trip in heels and fall. but then he feels guilty about it and begrudgingly picks you up and carries you home. however, before that he will make you swear on everything holy to never tell isagi about his moment of weakness. (tbh kaiser is a menace and has some serious self-esteem issues. pls avoid dating a man like him in real life until he is fully mature. i still love him tho.)
reo mansplains but not in the condescending way. he does so in the "omg i'm so excited to finally get to share something with you and you're never going to believe it" sort of way. rambles on and on about his interests and gets that little glint in his eye when he's passionate about something. also not sure if this counts but he gets extremely depressed when you don't message him back within five minutes. what do you mean you were busy? he was out here dying from a literal famine. he needs your affection to survive. last but not least, he is good at styling. he knows what colors work best for you, and he will put together three new looks for you in record time.
hiori dreams that you left him for good and wakes up crying with his arms around you. will refuse to let you leave the bed even if it is just to get a glass of water. his rare moments of emotional vulnerability are what gets to you.
shidou does not condone any of your bad decisions. you want to get shit-faced and party until early morning? no complaints from him. you want to wear sexy outfits to the club? say less because he's about to enjoy the view and knock out the front teeth of every guy who dares to ogle you. i don't know if this qualifies as being attractive, but he would never be the controlling type. you can dress and act however you want. unfortunately for you though, this is also a textbook case of the blind leading the blind. if you get horrendously hungover, so does he. if you get pulled over, he's going to be too blackout drunk to even comprehend the officer's words. you can count on him for a good time, but not anything else. do not take any of his advice at face value.
oliver likes to show you off even if he doesn't notice it himself. any talk with his team, and he will find a way to make the entire conversation about you. at this point, the entire u-20 team is done with him. they placed bets that you two wouldn't last more than a month due to his philandering reputation, but the universe seems to think otherwise because you and oliver hit the six-month mark and are still going strong.
ness guards your drink with an unnecessary amount of protection. while you left to go use the restroom, he was looking left and right, and the hairs on the back of his neck were prickling every time someone even came close to your cup. he also shoos away any person who opens their mouth while standing next to your drink because apparently the condensation from their breath could be dangerous. definitely covers your cup with both hands even if it has a lid. no suspicious shit is happening on his watch.
yukimiya is well-read, and he wears glasses. he has a copy of every single classic out there in existence and will fangirl along with you over your virginia woolf collection. he was written by a woman with two cats and a wine glass. not much else to say.
loki absolutely clears the entire carnival/arcade game. you want that giant teddy bear that costs over three hundred ticket points? say less because he's about to win the whole damn pot. of all characters, i would say he's one of the only green flags. like celery green.
isagi always looks for you when he enters the room. intentionally or not, he always seeks your presence. if someone says a funny joke, he turns to you to see if you're laughing or not. also does that somewhat creepy stare thing where he just looks at you quietly while you do mundane tasks. internally he is screaming cus what do you mean you actually like him?
chigiri gives you that thankful little smile whenever you stand up for him. i feel like people don't understand how goofy he can get as he's canonically good at doing impressions/impersonations. also has the prettiest laugh. if he ever cuts his hair, i think i'm going to get a nosebleed.
noa unconsciously says yes to every question you ask of him. he'd be giving bastard münchen a hard time (and denying isagi's requests) but then immediately once you come over, he's automatically acquiescing to everything you say. the rest of the team is low-key shocked you can win him over so easily. when they confront him about it, he just shrugs and goes "y/n is always right."
kurona's entire existence is attractive. he's just perfect. nothing is ever wrong with him. will let you check out his shark teeth and lightly pokes your finger to leave an imprint. hopefully you'll always remember him that way. he's also quiet so he will listen to everything you say and give ample weight to your words.
sae is my baby girl so he gets a whole section dedicated to himself:
absentmindedly plays with your hair. when you're sleeping in his lap, he'll gently run his fingers along your scalp. sometimes in the morning when you're sitting up on the edge of your bed to do your makeup, he'll come up from behind you and brush back your hair. might also press a kiss to the back of your neck.
helps you put on your face mask. when he's shopping, he will buy you lotion along with his own skincare products. says that it was just a convenient store run but you know he personally made sure to get you the best quality ones.
this is canon because i said so: when he gets out of the shower, he slings the towel over his neck or his shoulder. he also involuntarily flexes his biceps when he bends down to grab something. has the world's most defined deltoids.
when you're stuck in large crowds at the airport, he puts his hand in your back pocket to keep you two from getting separated. if the TSA pat-down is anywhere too personal for his liking, he will openly glare at the officer once you've passed the security checkpoint.
bonus point: when you two brush your teeth early in the morning, he has that little bed head where his shorn-off bangs stick up in cute little tufts here and there. will have a dead look on his face, but his eyes soften when he catches your gaze through the mirror.
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000-pawz · 3 months
zzz (bnd) ˚ · .
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cuddling/sleeping with bnd, ot6 headcanons, fluff!!!, established relationship
more under the cut!
a/n: thank you sm for your cute request anon!!! ^___^ <3
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sungho ˚ ⋆���˚
𐙚₊˚ randomly kisses your forehead or the top of your head
𐙚₊˚ tucks his head into your chest with his hair falling into his eyes, and you brush it away so you can see his face before dozing off <3
𐙚₊˚ will fall asleep in the middle of a sentence >< "yeah, earlier i was thinking that...." and he's gone
𐙚₊˚ he sleeps with those blackout curtains, so if you guys ever separate in the middle of the night, he'd probably pat around the bed blindly until his hands find you, sighing in relief that you're still there before falling asleep again <3
𐙚₊˚ slings his arm over your body in his sleep and makes it impossible to get up so you have to physically pry him off of you
𐙚₊˚ pouts a lot when he wakes up and hugs the blanket to his chest as you volunteer to look for his glasses (that somehow magically disappeared in the middle of the night)
˚ ⋆。˚ riwoo
𐙚₊˚ likes when you lay your head on his chest so you can hear his heartbeat
𐙚₊˚ intertwines your fingers together, his thumb stroking the back of your hand... probably plays with your fingers until he dozes off
𐙚₊˚ doesn't care if he's the big spoon or the little spoon, but he just loves when you're pressed against him, sharing body heat <3
𐙚₊˚ if a nightmare wakes you up, he'll stay up with you!!! he'll ask you to tell him what it was about, stroking your hair with his eyes closed <3 he's sleepy, but sleep isn't more important than your comfort
𐙚₊˚ sometimes he does that boyfriend twitch in his sleep and you're always like ??? is he good ???? but he's just dreaming <3
𐙚₊˚ somehow ends up in a fetal position in the morning with no pillows or blankets in his vicinity
jaehyun ˚ ⋆。˚
𐙚₊˚ weaves his limbs together with yours until you are completely wrapped up in each other
𐙚₊˚ his entire body melts when you hold him like he goes limp ><
𐙚₊˚ gets even more talkative when he's sleepy because he wants to spend more time with you (even though you guys are literally glued to each other)
𐙚₊˚ halfway through the night, he ends up sprawled out like a starfish with the blankets kicked to the end of the bed because he got too hot ><
𐙚₊˚ if you try to leave the bed during the night, he wakes up with a gasp and sits straight up!! when you tell him that you're going to the bathroom, he just mumbles "bathroom...." before falling asleep again
𐙚₊˚ needs at least 25 minutes to turn on his brain after waking up >< probably follows you around like a puppy in the morning with his arms wrapped around your waist before he remembers he has free will
˚ ⋆。˚ taesan
𐙚₊˚ turns on a quiet playlist for you guys to fall asleep to!
𐙚₊˚ mindlessly plays with your hair, his fingers trailing down your neck before moving to rub soft circles on your back
𐙚₊˚ pulls the covers up over your heads and kisses you, soaking up your giggles and shy touches in the dark
𐙚₊˚ if you don't move for at least 2 minutes, he's out like a light... especially if your body is halfway on top of him like a weighted blanket
𐙚₊˚ if he wakes up and your backs are turned to each other, he'll turn around and spoon you from behind, pecking the back of your neck before dozing off again
𐙚₊˚ probably won't speak at all for that first hour he's awake. he'll just nod and shake his head to your questions ><
leehan ˚ ⋆。˚
𐙚₊˚ he would probably be a little playful before falling asleep! whispering in your ear, nuzzling his nose into your skin, quietly recounting his day to you
𐙚₊˚ kisses your forehead before tucking you into his neck, his chin resting on top of your head
𐙚₊˚ sometimes he starts mumbling in his sleep!!! mostly random sentences that make no sense, or a declaration to take over planet mars are something... but stroking his cheek and kissing his forehead soothes him <3
𐙚₊˚ takes off his socks in the middle of the night (and somehow, yours too)
𐙚₊˚ you'll wake up sometime during the night and see him sleeping like a sickly victorian child, flat on his back with his hands folded over his chest
𐙚₊˚ can probably sleep through your entire morning routine, breakfast, and mid-day brunch... you have to physically shake him awake to make him get up
˚ ⋆。˚ woonhak
𐙚₊˚ definitely loves sleeping face-to-face so he can look at you, holding you tight in a hug with your legs intertwined!!
𐙚₊˚ giggles a lot when you guys make eye contact and buries his face in your neck
𐙚₊˚ #1 blanket stealer!!! he'll roll over in his sleep with the duvet clutched between his fingers so you'll have to shuffle over and steal some back ><
𐙚₊˚ his nose twitches in his sleep and he softly smiles sometimes while dreaming
𐙚₊˚ beware of the arm flails and random kicking (he always apologizes in the morning, but he's so cute so you're never upset <3)
𐙚₊˚ as soon as he wakes up, he's waking you up because he gets bored when he has to do his morning routine alone!!! he wants to brush his teeth with you and chat over breakfast so please wake up!!!
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reblogs are greatly appreciated! thank u...<3
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lcriedlastnight · 2 months
Y/n thinks Lando wants nothing to do with her so she goes on a date with someone else and Lando angrily comes to crash it
amazing idea! thanks for your request anon! also i listened to this song while i wrote this and i think it goes so well!
tw: fem!reader, swears, miscommunication i think, idk lmk if you want me to add anything.
w/c: 1.7k
"this is actually exciting! how long as it been since you've been on a date?" your friend asks as she curls a piece of your soft hair around her hair curler. you shrug, a little embarrassed at how long it has been since someone had asked you out. you had invited your best friend to come over and help you get ready. it was some guy called jamie that had asked you out and you were almost certain he was an engineer in the mclaren garage.
so when you both hear a knock at the door two hours before he was supposed to pick you up, you are both in a tizzy. your friend almost burned your neck with the scorching hot curling wand. you throw the nearest thing you can find over the top of your - quite revealing- top. it happens to be a black t-shirt lando had left at yours the last time he had stayed over.
the british driver was the sole reason why you had never been on a date with a guy for a whole two years. you had been friends since his f1 debut but just shy of a year ago, things progressed between the two of you. lando had gotten second in his home race and he was over the moon. you had finally been able to make it to the race, your work schedule finally clearing up in your favour for the first time in a while. to make an incredibly long and complex story short, you had ended up friends with benefits. your agreement had lasted up until last week. the rules were you two had to end things before seeing anyone else but you were to stay friends no matter what and of course, lando had found some girl he wanted to take out so he broke things off. it broke you. you knew falling for lando was a stupid thing to do and you really did try not to but it was difficult, he was lando, he was one of your best friends for a reason. so when jamie asked you out, you had jumped at the chance to try and get over your curly haired best friend.
you open the door to see none other than lando on the opposite side.
"hey, you look good, where you going?" he asks as he walks past you and into your apartment. you roll your eyes at him letting himself in. what was even the point of knocking in the first place?
"she's got a date and we're in the middle of getting ready right now." your friend sasses lando as she emerges from your room, her 'getting ready' playlist, as she had dubbed it, was still blaring in the room. lando looks up at you from his spot on your couch. his eyes narrow.
"a date?" the boy questions. you furrow your brows, unsure at what he is trying to get at.
"yes. a date. you know, like the one you went on last week? one of those." your a little teasing as you throw your words at him. lando rolls his eyes.
"yeah yeah i know what a date is, i'm just confused. i didn't know you were looking to date?" lando says and you were probably making it up but you swore you could sense some hurt in his voice. yeah there was no way that lando was hurt that you were going on a date, he had literally done the same thing and broken it off with you to do so, last week!
"i'm not looking to date. i got asked out and i said yes." you explain even though you don't really need to explain yourself. lando didn't with you.
"you never say yes. who asked you out?" lando interrogates you, it annoyed you to no end.
"does it really matter? i think he's nice. i never asked you all these questions when you went out on your date last week, did i?" you roll your eyes, walking back over to your friend, silently letting her know you wanted to go back through to your room to get ready and to fet away from lando. you don't wait to listen to see if lando responds - he doesn't anyway, keeping quiet. he knew you were right. it was wrong to act like this, to act jealous of this guy, not when you guys weren't even serious. not that you seen it that way. to you, lando was just being protective.
you sit back down with a sigh, while your friend returns to curling your hair. your friend tries to distract you from whatever just happened with lando as you turn the music up and try to get excited for your date. it gets a little hard when there is a lull in the conversation between the two of you and your mind starts working overtime. you start to wonder if lando would even want anything to do with you after him and this girl get closer. you have always dreaded the day one of lando's girlfriends would want you two to create some distance between you both. you had a sneaky feeling that it would be sooner rather than later.
the timing is perfect as you hear several knocks at your door just as your spraying your favourite gucci perfume lando had gotten you from christmas. even going on a date with someone else, lando was with you the whole time. you answer the door with a smile on your face, jamie returning it.
your friend and lando are sat on your couch watching a random show lando had put on while waiting for you to get ready. he did want to apologise but your date was here and he would rather do it just the two of you anyway. when the brunette seen it was one of the mclaren engineers, he feels the anger swell up inside of him. that should be him, lando had finally realised in that moment, lightbulb lighting up in his brain.
you go off with jamie, his arm interlocked with yours. he takes you to some fancy restaurant not too far away. he talks the full time about his job as an engineer and how exciting it was moving from race to race with the mclaren drivers. he babbles on and on about how he has been interested in motorsports since he was a child and how working with an actual formula one team had been his dream since forever. all the guy spoke about was himself. not once asking you about yourself or your own job. you had tried to get a word in but it was difficult when he just did not stop talking about himself since you both had sat down. the only time he was not talking was when his mouth was full of food.
you had gotten maybe halfway through your main course before you hear heavy footsteps heading towards your general direction. jamie is still talking away about how he got his degree and how amazing school was for him like you were actually listening and if he even spared a glance in your direction then he would be able to tell by your face that absolutely were not, in any way shape or form, listening. you probably had not even taken a word in since before the starters.
the footsteps get closer until they stop at your table. you look up and your eyes meet lando's furious ones. you were confused as to why he was angry but you were sure you were both (and maybe the entire restaurant) were about to find out.
"what the fuck are you doing?" lando asks you. this finally made jamie stop talking. you could kiss lando for many different reasons, the main one being he looked hot when he was angry.
"me? what am i doing?" you ask. lando nods his head. "i'm on my date. the one i said i was going on."
lando scoffs. "with one of my engineers? you're doing this to get back at me for ending things." lando straight up accuses you. you gasp up at him, dumbfounded. this causes jamie to speak up again and ask "you two were a thing? i didn't know," he looks at lando "seriously, man i didn't know, she didn't say anything. if i knew i would never have asked her out."
lando just stares at the man. his hand then digs into his pocked and fishes out his wallet, throws cash down on the table, grabs your hand pulling you out of your chair and drags you out the restaurant. once outside and away from anyone, you pull your hand out of his grasp.
"what are you doing? i told you i was going on a date! you have no right to act like this!" you shout at him, finger pointing at him.
lando's eyes roll. "yeah but you didn't mention it was with someone i work with. you are clearly trying to get back at me for going on a date with that girl and ending things with you." lando accuses you again.
"how is that me getting back at you? i already told you i don't care who you want to date. kiss who you want i couldn't care less." you lie straight to his face and lando can tell straight away. instead of arguing about it with you though. he mumbles "i wanna kiss you." then pushes you against the brick wall, gently before his lips are attacking yours. he leaves little nips and bites as he kisses you harshly. letting a bit of his frustrations because of the lost time between the two of you, out in the kiss. you kiss back just and hard. your hands clutch at his shirt as he holds your hips in place against the wall. lando pulls away panting, his forehead resting on yours.
"m'so sorry. i couldn't stand the thought of you with someone else. then i realised that's probably how you felt with me too, then i just had to see you and stop you from spending anymore time with him." lando explains, a little guilty. you smile as you let your hand come up to stroke his eyebrow gently.
"he was a fucking bore anyways." you tell lando who laughs as he leans in for another kiss.
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knavesflames · 1 month
Hello, I hope your day goes well as you're reading this!
If your request is still open, can I request touch deprived! Arlecchino and Touch deprived! Reader? Like reader is very clingy and affectionate to her closest friends because she's been deprived of physical affection since she was younger, and Arlecchino who's also touch deprived but unlike reader who has no problem with physical affection, she finds it hard to do it, but when she meets reader who's hugs are so comfortable she's grown addicted to it and craves her gentle touches more and more, thank you! Have a great day or night!
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(I realise I’m apologising on every post for the late ones, but I’m almost caught up to a reasonable delay) hi anon!! I feel this hard, I am so affectionate because I was touch starved as a child. Though, I focused this writing piece more on Arlecchino. I love exploring her and her being in character and slightly OOC too. (She’s my comfort character, can you guys tell?) thank you for the ask!
Word count: 1k
Content: fluff, Arlecchino is touched starved, she loves you
Nsft utc!
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Arlecchino and you have come from completely different backgrounds (that are unfortunately all too similar as well). You worked well together even so, your routines matching each other, the same sense of humour. By that, I mean, you joked, her lips barely turned up, and she hummed in response (which is equivalent to your wheezing on the sofa over.. a silly cat?). The point is, you worked. You both made sense together. Except one, tiny little detail.
You loved physical touch, and she despised it. Once you discovered how it felt, you were obsessed. You loved the way your body was enveloped by arms that seemed like they’d block out the whole world for you.
Arlecchino hated physical touch. She isn’t used to it, she grew up with her horrifying excuse for a Mother, and physical affection was used often as manipulation rather than anything else, she saw that much with what happened to her dear, dear friend (who haunts her dreams).
The first time Arlecchino held you was a year into your relationship. She awoke during the night to an empty bed, and when she made her way towards the living room, she saw you, in tears on the sofa. A bad dream, you had said, and nothing more. Arlecchino saw the way your body was almost aching for some sort of touch, and despite the discomfort, her arms wrapped around you. Awkward, clumsy, and a little bit forced, but she hugged you. She had not hugged someone since she was sixteen. Without a word, her thumb stroked against your arm, and she felt the way your body slumped against her body. She felt like a burning fire, you realised, most likely due to the flames running through her veins, but you welcomed it nonetheless.
She began to notice that holding you in her embrace was not as torturous as she assumed. Arlecchino held you until you fell asleep.
Her embraces were few and far between, reserved only for special moments or moments where she can see you need them. Her facial expression never changes, but over time, she becomes slightly more comfortable with every hug. She ended up craving your embraces, the way your hand gingerly caresses her cheek and your lips on her skin, the gentle squeeze on her arm when you go past her. She wanted so desperately to associate touch with you instead, someone she knows could never hurt a spider.
Eventually, she begins allowing it more and more, and even begins silently hinting when she wants one by sighing slightly louder, or grumbling a bit when things go wrong, only to feel a fuzzy warmth inside when you smile at her and give a gentle touch. Both you and Arlecchino wonder if she will one day make the first move.
Arlecchino does not know why she dislikes physical affection so much. She enjoys buying gifts she knows you will cherish and love instead, doing things at a distance. This was never supposed to be anything more than a fling, she didn’t want investment, she didn’t want any affection to be returned, but she fell for you, and hard. She dislikes how vulnerable she has become around you, but a part of her deep down inside of her likes it too. Arlecchino is scared you will leave, that you will ruin her one day, and she feels like it won’t happen if she doesn’t let on how hard she has fallen. (Everyone knows and says nothing.)
Perhaps she prefers affection the way she does, unrequited and with little investment, is because some part of her craves a love so great that it would tear her apart, and that frightens her. She does not know how to receive love, yet she still wants a love that will consume her entire being and burn hotter than the flames that course through her veins with every beat of her slowly-thawing heart. You are thawing her, she knows that much.
The weather chills the way her touch grows warmer, and winter comes quickly. The winter in Snezhnaya was cold and biting, and despite her accommodating her home for you (she clearly does not need it) by lighting the fireplace and leaving you blankets, the cold still finds its way into your bones, leaving you shivering. One night, when it is the coldest night of the year, you find yourself unable to sleep at all. You lay awake in the dark, thinking about your past the way you always do at night, shivering so hard you’re practically vibrating.
At some point, you hear her stirring, and you try to quiet yourself, to make sure she can continue sleeping. She noticed the second she opened her eyes, though. Doesn’t she always? She is glad you are pretending to sleep so you do not see the hesitation in her eyes before she snaps herself out of it and does what you both want her to. Wordlessly, she shuffles a few inches closer and her arm wraps around your midsection, dragging you closer until her body is wrapped around yours. Arlecchino, being the attentive person she is, notices your smile and sigh of relief and the way your shivering stops. She notices the way you nestle further in once you know she’s okay with it, and she notices when your breath falls into a deep rhythm.
It is her turn to stare at the wall, her heart beating faster than usual, the only giveaway of any of her feelings. Slowly, her arms snake around you until she’s holding you so tight you can’t move even if you wanted to. Her breath is visible when she exhales, when she lets her body finally relax in the company of another. Arlecchino buries her face into your hair, smelling your shampoo. The smell makes her drowsy, she tells herself (it is not the smell, it is that after so many years, her walls have crumbled completely), and she finds her eyes drooping until she, too, falls into the throes of sleep.
Arlecchino sleeps the best she ever has. Arlecchino has her first night of no nightmares since she became the poor, mad, cursed knave. Arlecchino does not feel so cursed when you are beside her.
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azrielslittleslut · 1 month
Hii! Can I please request a Azriel X Confident! Reader fic, so like she’s the type to be really straight forward and bold. In the fic Mor or Nesta can be going out to Rita’s with the reader and Azriel just so happens to be there, keeping his eye on the reader as she dances or does what not while Cassian and Rhysand tease him. You can end the fic however you want, than youuu:)
PS. I really love your writing style and I adore all your work, it would be an absolute honor if you wrote this💗💖
"The Intervention"
Azriel x Fem!Reader
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Warnings: slight language, fluff
Word Count: 2.2k
a/n: thank you for your kind words, anon! i took some liberties with this one, but i hope you enjoy this!<3
Even though it was Saturday night, Rita’s was busier than usual. The music was loud and thumping, causing Azriel to grimace as the pounding headache he’d had all day returned. “I don’t want to be here,” he grumbled to Cassian, who was standing to his right with a drink in his hand.
“Oh, come on, brother,” Cassian said, clapping a large hand on Az’s shoulder. “You’ve been gone to the Continent for three weeks. You need to let loose and relax. The Mother only knows how much you need it.”
Azriel’s shadows were restless as they swarmed around his shoulders and wings, a sign that they too were exhausted. His mission had been long and grueling, and he hadn’t returned with any solid information. All he wanted was to go back to the House of Wind and get some sleep.
“Why are we here anyway?” Azriel asked Cassian, who had drained his glass. “I don’t understand why this... relaxing night out couldn’t have waited.”
Az had barely landed in the training ring at the House when Cassian had hauled him back into the air. Even though he had protested, Az didn't have much fight in his body due to his exhaustion, so he had let his brother haul him back into the city and into Rita's.
Cassian's chuckle brought him back to the present. "Nesta wanted a night out. We have a new addition to our little circle," he said, reaching over to elbow Azriel in the ribs, "which you would know about if you had been here the last few weeks. She wants to introduce her to the Velaris night scene."
Azriel rolled his eyes. "I'm the spymaster," he said, looking back out to the crowd on the dance floor. "Of course I know about the addition to the Court."
The problem was... Az didn't know. He had been so caught up in his duties, he hadn't bothered to pay attention to the person Rhys had hired. But he sure as hell wouldn't let Cassian know that.
"Hmm," Cassian mused, his hazel eyes twinkling. He opened his mouth to say something else, but he was cut off by Nesta's voice.
"Hello, boys," she said, her voice soft, but it was laced with an emotion Azriel couldn't place. "Having fun without me?"
Cassian pulled her in for a kiss, and Azriel quickly looked away from the public display of affection the two of them so often engaged in. "It's never much fun without you, sweetheart," he said, pulling away to scan the room. "Where is Y/N?"
Nesta pointed to the dance floor with a finger. "Over there. Apparently, she rivals me with her love of dancing."
"And she's probably better at it, too," Rhys responded, stepping up to the group. "Feyre tells me she trained under a professional dancer from Dawn Court."
Cassian gave a nod of approval. "That makes sense, considering that's her home court." He tilted his head toward Azriel. "Right, Az?"
Azriel, who had been barely paying attention to the conversation, nodded distantly. "Yes. I hear Dawn is known for their dancers."
Nesta's face contorted with confusion. "But she's not-"
Cassian interrupted her with a gentle smack on her ass. "Go dance," he purred. "Rhysie and I will stay here and keep Az company."
With a final look at Azriel, Nesta wandered away, heading toward the thick throng of people crowding the dance floor. Rhys leaned against the counter between Cassian and Azriel. "Are you alright, brother?" he asked, his violet eyes full of concern.
"What do you mean?" Azriel said, his wings twitching behind him in frustration. He hated when Rhys looked at him like that, as if he were a child who was about to be scolded for something. "I'm just tired."
"Well," Cassian drawled, peaking over Rhys's shoulder, "you have proven your Spymaster abilities tonight. Y/N isn't from Dawn. She lived there for a while, but she's originally from Summer."
Azriel felt his face flush slightly. He glanced over at his shadows, glaring at them with rage-filled eyes. It was rare that they didn't let him know information, especially information as simple as that. "Of course. My mistake."
Azriel stepped to the side, calling on his shadows to winnow him far away from this place when a dancing female caught his eye. She was wearing Night Court attire: a midnight blue dress that had a fitted bodice. It was adorned with tiny crystals that sparkled like stars under the club's lights. The skirt was lightweight and airy, and it swirled around her body as she spun in a circle. The sleeves were long and sheer, ending in elegant cuffs at her wrists.
But her clothing wasn't what caught Azriel's eye. It was the way she moved and danced. She exuded confidence, every step and twirl executed with a mesmerizing fluidity. She danced with abandon, a radiant smile on her lips, her laughter ringing out above the music.
"Who is she?" Azriel asked, his voice suddenly quiet.
Rhys chuckled. "That, my dear brother, is Y/N. The new addition to the Night Court." He leaned back on the counter, crossing his feet in front of him. "She's from the Summer Court, but she moved to the Dawn Court once she matured. She studied there for a few centuries, and now she's decided she needs a new change of scenery. I like her, and Feyre adores her," he said with a shrug of his shoulders. "Besides, we need someone to mix up our little group. Don't you think?"
Azriel had no opinion on the matter. But he sensed that there was something Rhys wasn't telling him. He was about to ask him when a laugh drew his attention back to the dance floor.
You had wrapped your arms around Nesta, unashamedly grinding your body against hers. You didn't care who was watching as you moved against Nesta's body, lost in the rhythm of the music and the heat of the moment.
For as long as he could remember, Azriel had been attracted to reserved women, the ones who were quiet and kept to themselves. He was quiet, so he preferred the company of someone who shared that trait with him. He didn't like attention to be drawn to himself, so the last thing he wanted in a partner was someone who craved the spotlight.
But here he was, completely and utterly transfixed by you. A female who was the antithesis of everything he thought he wanted. Even though he knew nothing about you, you appeared to be bold and unapologetically confident. There was something magnetic about you, something that made his heart race and his shadows still.
"Well, well," Cassian said with a chuckle. "It seems that Azriel's exhaustion has suddenly disappeared."
"Indeed," Rhys responded with a laugh. "Why don't you go join them, Az?"
Azriel crossed his arms, willing his expression into his usual mask of neutrality. "Don't be ridiculous. You know I hate dancing."
Rhys shrugged his shoulders. "Fine. I guess we'll just call her over here, then."
Azriel opened his mouth to object, but he was too late. "Y/N!" Rhys called out, his voice loud over the music. He waved his hand above his head as he yelled, "Over here!"
Az's shadows wrapped around him, but they weren't fast enough. You appeared in front of them so fast, he wondered if you could winnow. Your movements were silent as you walked up, Nesta trailing behind you.
"High Lord," you said with a bow of your head. Your voice was soft like velvet, your lips curved up into a smile.
Rhys rolled his eyes. "Stop that. I told you to call me Rhys."
You giggled, and the joyous sound caused Azriel's heart to stutter in his chest. "I know. But it's so fun to pick at you."
Brave. Confident. Beautiful.
Azriel was in deep shit.
Cassian wrapped his arm around Nesta, who was looking at Azriel with a knowing smirk. "That's Azriel," she said, gesturing to him with a hand. "He's the one I was telling you about."
You looked at him then, eyes clear and calculating. You looked him up and down once and said, "Oh, you're Azriel. I was wondering who the creep was that was staring at us while we were dancing." You pouted your lips slightly as you looked at Nesta. "I thought you said he was handsome."
Azriel blinked. Normally, his presence caused people to cower in fear, especially females. He tilted his head at you as he squared his shoulders. He looked over at Rhys and Cassian and said, "I thought you said she was good at dancing."
Rhys's mouth fell open, and Cassian choked. Nesta only raised her hand to look at her nails. "I'm assuming the two of you didn't tell him about Y/N's role in our Court?"
Rhys shook his head, his black hair falling across his brow. "Not yet. Now I'm afraid to."
You stepped forward to place a hand on Rhys's broad chest. "Don't worry," you said with a smile. You turned back to Azriel, your expression warm. "My apologies. I sometimes come across as a bit harsh. It's one of my many faults. It's true, you aren't handsome... You are handsome and pretty. I like handsome and pretty."
Az blinked again. "I-" he stammered, searching for words. "I am sorry. You are very good at dancing. I like... people who are good at dancing."
Why couldn't this night be over already?
You clapped your hands together once, completely unphased by Azriel's blatant stupidity. "Well, since that's settled," you said, reaching out a hand to him, which he took, fighting the urge to look at his hands as they touched your skin. "I am Y/N. The Night Court's new Intelligence Analyst. I will be working for you."
Azriel stared, suddenly unable to form words. Had he failed? Did Rhys think he was unable to do his job?
"Hey, hey," Rhys cut in, placing a hand on Azriel's shoulder. "It's nothing against you, brother. We just think you need some... help. You don't sleep, and you barely eat. You run yourself ragged trying to command all of your spies and train them, all while taking care of reports and other spymaster duties." He gestured to you with a hand. "Y/N will help you read reports and sort documents. If anything, she will make it possible for you to spend more time with your spies, ensuring they are properly trained."
"You need to take some time for yourself, Az," Nesta said, her voice uncharacteristically gentle. "Let her help you."
"Is this an intervention or something?" Azriel asked, unable to keep the harshness from his tone. All he knew was work, and he wouldn't know what to do with himself if someone else took over part of his duties.
"Not an intervention," Cassian said, his expression soft. "It's more of a... gentle nudge. You need a break, Az. You're burning yourself out, and we can all see it."
Azriel crossed his arms, his wings rustling in agitation. He glanced over at you, his eyes scanning over your body once. "Are you qualified?" he asked, his voice edged with skepticism.
You met his gaze steadily, unflinching. "I wouldn't be here if I wasn't."
Rhys pushed himself off the counter. "She's more than qualified. She's worked closely with us for the past three weeks, handling reports and coordinating between courts."
Azriel's eyes narrowed as he considered this. "Handling paperwork for a spymaster is not the same as coordinating between courts."
You nodded, understanding his hesitation. "I know it's different, Azriel. But I've been trained for this. I understand the importance of confidentiality, the nuances of the information, and the precision required. Plus, I have a fresh perspective that might be beneficial."
Azriel remained silent for a moment, his eyes never leaving yours. He was weighing his options, considering the potential risks and benefits. Finally, he sighed, his shoulders relaxing slightly. "Alright. We'll see how it goes."
Cassian grinned, clearly pleased with Azriel's acceptance. "Great. Now, let's enjoy the rest of the night."
You grabbed Azriel's hand, your skin soft and warm against his scars. His shadows darted out, wrapping themselves around your arm. You giggled as you looked down at them, completely unafraid of his darkness. "How about a dance, Mr. Handsome and Pretty?"
Azriel stared at you, momentarily taken aback by your boldness and the way you seemed so comfortable with his shadows. He was used to people shying away from his darkness, not embracing it. Your smile was infectious, and despite himself, he felt a small one tugging at the corners of his lips.
He let out a breath, the tightness in his chest easing. "Alright," he said, his voice softer now, tinged with something that felt dangerously close to hope. "One dance."
You led him to the dance floor, the music wrapping around you both as you moved together. Azriel's initial stiffness melted away as he got lost in the rhythm and your presence. The world around him faded, leaving only the two of you, dancing as if you had done it a thousand times before.
For that brief moment, Azriel allowed himself to forget his duties, his burdens, and simply be. And as he looked into your eyes, he wondered if maybe, just maybe, he could learn to let someone in.
general tag list: @quiet-loser @andreperez11 @lilah-asteria
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smiths-fan--13 · 2 months
hii! i would like to request a kate martin x reader fic with an age gap (kate being older). the plot could be abt whatever u want im js dying for older!kate x reader 🙏🏾
ofc! love this idea, thanks anon xo ____________________________________________________
Kate Martin as an older gf headcannons
younger!r x older kate martin
warnings: none!
-> She's a senior and you're a sophomore
-> She often teases you about your age, though there isn't really that much difference.
"Hey baby, you ready to go?" Kate asks, kissing your forehead as you smile up at her. She stifles a laugh while you pick up your stuff and pack it away, getting ready to leave.
"What is it now, Martin?"
"Get it? Baby? Cause you're so young and you're like my little baby!" Kate throws her head back laughing as you groan, hauling your bag over your shoulder as you begin to leave the library.
"You know, if I'm a baby, that makes you a big fat pedo" you tell her as you spin around. She chuckles softly as she wraps an arm around your shoulder, shaking her head.
"Only you would call me a pedo after I made you see stars last night" she whispers in your ear as you both laugh, leaving the library.
-> She loves driving you everywhere and picking you up. She especially loves when you and the girls need a ride to girls' night. You're definitely her passenger princess, no matter what.
-> Loves taking care of you
-> 100% does whatever you tell her to, even though she's older.
"Hey ma can you please fill up my waterbottle?" You groan from the bed.
"Noo do it yourself, I always do it." She pouts back at you.
You lower your bottle and sit up in bed, raising an eyebrow at her.
She flushes as she mumbles and grabs the waterbottle from your hands, filling it up for you anyways. She returns quickly, your bottle filled with cold water and ice.
"Thank you babyy" You flash her a smile as she crawls into the bed with you.
"Yeah yeah whatever"
You both laugh as she cuddles into you.
-> Her friends and teammates tease her when she comes into practice with marks on her neck and body.
She's standing in the change room getting changed for practice when Jada walks in and laughs at her.
"What?" Kate looks at her, confused.
Jada points at her neck and stomach as she continues to stifle her laughter. Kate looks down and notices the purple hickies littering her body. She smirks and shrugs as Caitlin and Gabbie walk in.
"What can I say? My girls a pro" She announces to them proudly, knowing they'd never say a thing to anyone else.
They all laugh at her, nicknaming her "sub" for the rest of the week, giving the sporty phrase a new meaning.
-> Lets you use her little baby blanket when you want to, or when she's not using it. She loves just laying it over the top of you guys before you go to sleep, or wrapping it over you under the blankets as she cuddles you.
-> Secretly loves being older; also loves the idea of being bigger and stronger than you and being able to protect you if ever needed.
-> Thinks she has her own "spidey senses"
You got really bored one day while Kate was at practice and decided to attempt origami. You pull up a YouTube tutorial on a flower and less than 10 minutes in, got a papercut.
"Fuck" You groan, quickly sticking your finger in your mouth to stop the bleeding.
Just as you pull your finger away to examine it, your phone rings. Kate. You pick up and immediately hear her voice.
"Baby are you okay? I just got a feeling to call you and check on you."
You laugh at her words.
"Yes angel, just a papercut"
"Oh" You hear her audibly sigh, relieved it wasn't serious.
"Are you okay though?" She asks again.
"Yeah, of course"
"Okay good. I gotta go, Lisa's yelling at me. If something else happens- call me. Actually no, my spidey tingles will pick it up"
-> Literally worships the ground you walk on, adores everything you say and do. You're it for her.
Love this request, I hope I did okay!
Keep the requests coming, I'm slowly working through them xx
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imababblekat · 1 year
Bayverse TmnT X Thankful Reader; HC’s
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Anon Request, "Can I ask for Bayverse Turtles reacting to GN reader who thanks them for saving them instead of being scared of them?"
 Dudes pretty stoked when it hits him that you’re not running away screaming your head off after he’s saved you from some drunks
He’s really excited and almost loses himself to it, grabbing your hands and cheerfully introducing himself
Probs throws out some kind of pun or pick up line about how this must mean something, and for a moment almost really feels that when you giggle at his shenanigans
A human who thanked him with no shred of fear and thinks he’s funny?! Someone pinch him because there’s no way this isn't a dream
Would slip you his number before dashing off to the calls of his brothers, winking back as he waved goodbye, already picturing you as a new friend
Freaked out at first when he sees you still hanging around after he fought off a thug who tried to rob you, but that shock is quickly replaced with curiosity as you breathlessly thank him
He wonders if this is some other form of distress on your part and does a quick check up to make sure you didn’t hit your head or something
Is even more surprised when it turns out you’re perfectly fine, and you don’t shy away from his touch, a large hand still gently holding you by the shoulder
Donnie’s quick to pull away when he realizes, fumbling with his words for a moment and the soft smile you offer is not helping the warmth dusting his cheeks
The shout from his brothers for him is what saves him from further embarrassment, but as he turns to leave and sees you still standing, watching him go, he can’t help the growing intrigue he now has for you
You’re not running in terror, screaming bloody murder, and Raph isn’t sure how to feel
He just stands and stares absolutely bewildered as you offer him a kind thank you after saving you from random aggressors
He’s quick to catch your hand as it lifts towards his face, more shock coursing through him when he sees the rag in your grasp to clean at a cut on his face
Your fearlessness towards him is impressive, but he can’t help the internal panic
Yes there’s a joyful elation Raph feels, but this is all new territory to him
Sure, he has human friends like April, but even she freaked when she first met him
Not you though, and as he runs off to catch up with his brothers, he finds himself unable to stop thinking of this memorable encounter
Leo is stunned by your kind thank you versus the usual display of fear he receives, there’s a reason he tried to be super stealthy after all
He’ll actually ask if you’re not scared of him, sounding casual about it but feeling the exact opposite
You’re denying response gives him a sense of relief and curiosity, but also apprehension
Are you trying to trick him? Are you secretly part of the Foot Clan?
He can’t help his skepticism towards your kindness, as the leader he’s sort of built this wall against newer people to protect his family
He’ll eye you for a moment, asking if you’re okay to walk home by yourself, and after he’s sure you are truly fine, he’ll be quick to make his leave
It’s sudden and abrupt and while a small part of him feels kind of rude about suddenly dipping, he’s too busy fighting an inner battle about how his whole existence is to stay hidden, and this new desire to be sought by you
Definitely doesn’t tell his brothers about this meeting, last thing Leo needs is for them to encourage the warm hope you’ve instilled within him
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