#That the executives may be disfunctioning
There is a very simple quiz I need to write and submit answers for by the end of today
I cannot over emphasise how easy this is. I chose the questions. The answers are about me. There is literally no way to fail this quiz. I love quizzes. I love being right at things.
Doing this by the end of today is part of my contract and is specifically tied to several thousand pounds of my wages. The wages I need to live in my house and eat my food and live my life.
It is 16:35. I am here and not writing the answers to my quiz.
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sparklemotiongalaxy · 2 years
Me: wants to make something
My executive disfunction brain
(This may have been done before but)
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decietfulltarot · 2 months
yeah so "expressing myself" didnt really turn out for the summer did it? imagine that.
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chaotic-countess · 2 years
All I want to eat right now is strawberries but if they aren’t cut right I won’t eat them and I’m so hungry but I don’t have the energy to cut the strawberries so I’m just laying on the floor and I’m not feeling good about this week
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sorensolsikke · 19 days
Tutorial for a punk totebag with pockets!!
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(some patches might be in hungarian. forgive me)
do you struggle with finding a bag with enough pockets that still looks badass? if you don't that's okay, it's just my experience. anyways, i struggled through the *figuring out how to make it the lazy way* part, so i am here to give advice. if you'd like to hear it
everyone told me i should do a lining first and then the pockets and then painting on the totebag. but i am just built different✨ (executive disfunction didn't let me start the work because it seemed too much, so here's the easy way i guess.)
so firstly, i got a big, plain totebag for exactly 0.14 USD in a decor shop.
i measured the items i wanted to keep in this bag. when cutting the fabric (out of old t-shirts that i haven't wore in ages but was so emotionally attached to that i couldn't gift them over), i added roughly 1,5 cm to every edge of the frame of my measured item. It will be more than enough for you, as pockets on the totebag like to extend to both ways. always make sure that the fabric you use won't decay easily!!
i used a sock as a pocket for my phone. perfect size, just sewed it on and cut off it's toe-end.
when cutting out the pockets, you would really like to use the end of the shirt. i can't really tell you just look.
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5. when sewing the "pockets" on (from the inside, please!!), if you do it just by hand, use blanket stitches!! Those are the most durable for this work.
6. your stitching will be visible from outside. so to cover it up, i used patches. they were fun to make, just make sure to sew them on surely (regular stitching is perfect), and make your paint waterproof. i used textile medium for that.
7. you can add any stuff you'd like on the bag, but i would recommend to make sure it's washable with at least your hands (i once accidentally poured out mcdonalds mayo in my bag), and it stays usable. pins are okay to add, but you may want to sew on the regular safety pin ones, and (hot)glue on the ones with the little cap on them, i don't know their names.
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8. my bag is always full of heavy stuff, and the straps usually hurt my shoulders badly. i didn't have regular shoulder pads at home, but i had a heavy problem. so i wrapped the straps in old socks, and sew them together. It's awfully ugly, but so fucking comfy.
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i guess that's all for today. i hope if you get started on a project like this, you'll be even wiser than me.
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hellenhighwater · 1 year
My vet was telling me that castrated male cats don't necessarily stop spraying / territory marking
Does Vice?
If he doesn't did he need training to stop or did the neuturing stop it?
I have never had problems with Vice peeing outside the litter box or spraying at all. I understand it can be a problem for male cats that are neutered later, but that may be more of an established habit thing, or just an individual problem. Vice was neutered realllly young--young enough that I was a little shocked that they'd done it at that size. Still, he doesn't seem to have had any negative issues because of it.
Malice, on the other hand, is VERY demanding about the litter box cleaning schedule, and if I am a day late on cleaning, she will piss on something I love while making unflinching eye contact. Which does have the effect of keeping my executive disfunction from running the show and letting things get gross. This happens thankfully rarely, since I do generally keep to schedule. But that's not a scent-marking thing, that's Malice having standards.
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She runs this household with an iron peet.
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local-diavolo-anon · 2 months
Hi! if you're still willing to take requests for fnaf, may I please have some Sun (and Moon too if you want) x reader headcanons in which the reader has autism and adhd? thank you!
Yes! I absolutely still take request headcanons! And of course you may!
(i will focus on how the two of them will navigate with you your daily life for this)
Daycare attendant x adhd-autistic reader!
Being a robot trained to care after children of all ages, the daycare attendant is aware of what autism and adhd can mean for a person, and what they might need
Their caretaker role always takes priority over pretty much anything else they are doing, and mosre often than not you're the one who they are caring after
Something they learned early on was how white noise and background sounds helped you relax, especially when it was time to sleep
Both of then would alway be eager to join you in anything you do after all, and this wouldn't be any different, whichever is out will lay next to you and will craddle you close to feel the low whir of their internal vents
Sun is very careful, and maybe a little neurotic as well, this leads him to file long mental lists of things about you, like which textures make your toes curl in disgust and which you'd melt for, this both for when he is to cook for you and when/if he choosing fabric for anything
Be it a new piece of clothing in a store or raw fabric to sew something with
Because of how nervous he ALSO is neither of you lacks in stim toys, whichever you might prefer
He probably has and broke more than you ever owned tho, the grip strength of a 6 and a half feet tall robot is pretty strong
And just like you it is not hard to get overwhelmed for an anxious, neurotic robot, so both of you learned what to do when the over is at their limit
Honestly you and the daycare attendant share a lot more than what you initially believed, at least "function" wise
Something you complete each other however, is in caring for chores, be them housechores or on the job (if you're an employee at the megaplex)
Your short term memory loss and executive disfunction can make taking care of ir/regular chores hard, in a way or another, and sometimes you forget important or big things
Sun's memory however, being digital, is perfect, and his obsession for order pretty much compensate anything you may have forgotten about or accidentally overlooked
He does not mind it, and actually enjoys doing extra things since it helps him calm down, however he will also help you keep a calendar and/or an agenda if it reassures you
Moon is more of a gremlin and will lean on your gremlin side more than sun
If you like to collect things, whichever those may be, he might "borrow" something from the megaplex' lost and found, or things he found on the streets that he think you might like and bring it to you
Even just a cool enough rock can be something he deems worthy of your attention
Something he just puts those trinkets in your pockets and you will end up finding a hanful of stuff next time you put your hands in there
Moon is also the ones that has more time to listen to you infodump about whatever you're interested at the moment, be it a movie, a tv serie, a cartoon or a videogame
this is also because he will use that knowledhe to make obscure references at random that he knows only you can understand
If you take any tipe of meds, Sun is the one that WILL remind you to take them, the idea of you forgetting a medication, whichever that might be, terrifies him
It actually terrifies them both, Moon however is always left a mental note by Sun to tell him the meds have been taken and he doesn't have to stress over it
Another thing they wpuld probably do, is keep track of your eating and drinking schedule, since you may forget to eat or drink for days at the time if not reminded
That's definitely another thing where their caregiver nature kicks in perfecrly, and they'd both make sure you get a good meal, be it by reminding you, cooking with you, or doing it in your place (they want to feel included, they don't like to be alone, neither of them does)
I covered as many topics as i could here, both because as someone with adhd i'd give a kidney to be in their care, and because i really like to wroite these
i hope these are of your liking!
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bigmammallama5 · 11 months
For me, one of the worst aspects of ADHD is memory issues. I find it interfers so much more than executive disfunction, as I can at least force my brain to work under the right circumstances.
I can't do that with my memory
My memory is definitely the worst symptom of my ADHD (other than probably RSD and some other things but I gotta find a therapist for that lol), and I envy other people with ADHD who don't struggle with that aspect as much as I do. And for those who may not have ADHD, let me try to explain what I deal with because I do wish it was a funny thing but most often it's not lol.
It's not just that I forget where I put my phone down, it's I forget why I enter I a room and literally have to walk back my steps to find it despite there only being three places in my small apartment it would be. It's telling myself three times to take something with me to the clay studio to show another student and I forget 3 weeks in a row despite having it right next to the front door. It's my family telling me something important and I just don't retain it, and then they stop telling me things (this has improved again now that I'm on medicine, but I was the last person to find out a lot of things the past few years bc they wouldn't tell me bc I wouldn't remember, which hurts). It's my mind wiping blank in the middle of a sentence when I hit a certain word which results in varying degrees of embarrassment and understanding depending on who I'm talking to. It's my eye skipping over a spelling error no matter how many times I know it's there and I need to change it, I just forget (there are a lot of stupid errors in all my fics because of this, maybe one day i'll get to fixing them). It's learning someone's name correctly taking weeks to stick, and then somehow flipping the spelling because I know other people with that name spelled differently and I remember that spelling as "correct" (I'm glad we have name tags on our clay cubbies in the studio, it's saved me some embarrassing encounters, which was something I had to train myself into doing). It's being able to recall what someone said to me word for word six years ago but I can't remember what my mother told me three days ago. It's remembering a multitude of old vines verbatim, but I couldn't tell you what important news story I watched last night.
It's being able to sit down and talk to you guys clearly and thoughtfully like the intelligent person I can be, and then having my knees taken out from under me in real conversation because my mind just wipes blank. But yeah, I can at least work through my executive disfunction too with the right prodding lol.
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martini-garnish · 7 months
i find it soo hilarious that lucifer is the whole KING OF HELL but is actively down bad for the Bad Bitch he pulled. that man would spoil the hell out of you
Dude I think so much of his absolute nonfunctionality comes from, yes depression because his wife left him, yes executive disfunction, but I also think he was So dedicated to being a husband that he's like "what do I do now?" He thinks sinners kinda really suck its not like he's governing them. For some reason Charlie thinks he doesn't want to see her which? He clearly does. I imagine he may have the same misconception based on how ecstatic he is that she's inviting him over. So what does he do now?? Make breakfast for Just Himself? Why? Go out for a walk Alone? Why? He makes ducks, and every time they end up in The Pile, not because he actually thinks they suck, but because he doesn't even know eho he's making them for anymore. Or why.
Sorry this was probably supposed to turn into an x reader thing but I turned it into a depressing thing. I want to know what Lilith is doing, I want to know where Eve is, and I want this sad little man to be happy with his two hot girlfriends (yes they smoke weed)
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musingsofanaroace · 2 months
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I have ADHD and suffer from executive disfunction. Despite having a constant barrage of thoughts always zipping and zooming within my brain, it seems to malfunction quite frequently.
Mid sentence, my words will abruptly cease. And the words I had planned to speak are nowhere to be found. It's like they had been written on a blackboard. Then, someone came along and wiped it clean.
Midway through an activity, I'll get distracted and forget what I'm doing. Let's say I'm playing tennis. I may see a bird flying overhead and go, "Birdie! I wonder what type of bird that is." A nanosecond later, I'm aware of the racket in my hand. For a brief moment, I'll be standing there wondering why I have a racket in my hand when a tiny yellow ball hurtling towards me serves as a reminder. Oh yeah, I'm playing tennis!
Mid journey to get a glass of water, I'll start thinking or pondering something. "I wonder why the carpet feels a bit damp. I have a humidifier running. When was the last time I checked it? Yesterday... I'm pretty sure it was yesterday." And my mind becomes so engrossed that I forget why I'm heading towards the kitchen. When I reach this destination, I stand there for a few seconds trying to figure out why I'm there. To wash the dishes? To get a snack? To spy on the rabbits in the back garden? Inevitably, I'll decide it wasn't important and go back to the room where I had initially started my journey. Once there, I'll suddenly remember. Oh yeah, I wanted a glass of water.
I'll be sat on the sofa and decide to get up, but my brain will refuse to send the signals to my muscles to begin the process of standing up. It'll do it eventually, but sometimes, it really likes to take its sweet ass time.
I don't currently take ADHD medication, but some days, I wonder if it'd help me. Especially on the "bad" days.
Well, that's all I have for today. Until next time, take care and stay curious.
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unofficialdigby · 1 year
Quick Update!
Sorry again guys that I got busy!
Life has been kicking my butt and I have a bad case of executive disfunction, but I'm looking for a way to make this whole blog a bit more streamlined!
First if you may have noticed, I've updated my username from animalcrossingbirthdayboard to Unofficial Digby!
Second, I think what I may do is make a calendar for each month that shows every birthday, and pin that to the top of the blog? That way even if I disappear, you'll have a quick reference with every birthday available each month!
This will also be useful as I'll probably be moving soon, and unsure of my internet for at least a week. and with artfight, it's just a lot on my plate all at once
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beauzos · 3 months
Potentially odd question but seeing as you're back in your SOBR era and I've enjoyed what I've read of your works in the past, figured I'd ask;
How do you plan out a longer story? When I do get past executive disfunction and find the energy to write, I often find myself intimidated by the sheer scale that something like a novel would require, so I mostly stick to short stories and the like. What did your first steps look like when you started working on SOBR (or any other projects of similar length)?
Not an odd question at all! I appreciate being asked and I'm going to try really hard to be helpful.
I was, for a very long time, deeply intimidated by writing long-form fiction as well. I just genuinely believed I was not capable of committing to writing anything longer than a 10-15,000 word one-shot or short story. Up until 2022, the longest complete piece of fiction I ever wrote was about 20,000 words. I also hated it, but that's beside the point. The longest unfinished work I left behind was 42,000 words, and I'd never come close to repeating that length again since I wrote it back when I was 14.
I think part of working on longer form fiction is accepting it might not get finished, and then doing it anyway. Basically, hope for the best, expect the worst, because if you never try, it'll never get done in the first place. I didn't really set out to write a novel when I came up with Beau's story. Like, I wasn't thinking about length or what it'd be, I just tried to conceive of what story I could do with him and how it might take shape. I don't know if I even planned on writing it, I just wanted to know his story.
With SOBR, I consider myself incredibly lucky, because I simply had a start-to-finish storyline within a couple days of working on it. Sure, a lot of details weren't set and many things could change, but I had an idea for the beginning, middle, and end to some extent. But you don't need to immediately have all your ideas for it to work, to be clear. I do think that having some idea of the full story is pretty essential to success. A lot of details can change, but if you have the overarching ideas, I think that helps a lot. I know there's a lot of jokes and memes about writers having no idea what to do in the middle or being stuck on the ending, but those really can be story-killers to be honest.
I'm speaking very broadly, I'll try to get into what I think my process was in a second, but a couple last minute things: you don't need to have a start to finish idea immediately, like I said. Something I think is important about the process of developing story ideas aside from like. Just thinking about it a lot is talking about it with other people. I don't know if you're the same way, but I feel like talking to friends / others about ideas makes it easier for me to clarify these ideas and develop them. Whether that's because people can give you ideas, or ask questions, or think about things in a different way than you or just being able to sharpen your idea by having to explain it to somebody, I find this super helpful.
It's also helpful because, like, okay. I've said many times you really do have to write for yourself first because that's true. All of my writing is written with myself as the audience, weird or specific or whatever it may end up being. But that doesn't mean that positive feedback isn't valuable or important to me. It's a motivator to know there could be a few people out there who enjoy what I've done. It makes it easier for me to think about my work and to work on it. So part of it is having to get over the fear of sharing, or feeling awkward talking about new characters with people, because my experience overwhelmingly is that people want to hear about this stuff.
When it comes to working on developing the ideas and outlining, I will say the very obvious advice: WRITE EVERY SINGLE IDEA DOWN. Even if it's obvious, or you're 100% certain you'll remember. Still write it down. I have a private server on Discord where I save links and pictures and snippets of writing, and I throw every idea that comes my way in the SOBR channel for me to either implement into the chapter I'm writing or into the outline. I think making these ideas concrete by writing them down-- not necessarily as a commitment but as keeping it filed away to return to.
The ideas become much fuller when you take every idea you have seriously to some extent. I struggled to make an outline for SOBR 2 but because I was taking note of every idea, I was able to piece together at least a semi-presentable idea for the story flow? It makes things easier and gives you a jumping off point. The outline is the other important part, of course. I used to never outline things, but for long-form works, you have to. You just do. Because you'll forget, or you won't see the full picture, or whatever. Figure out how all these pieces will fit together, how that scene you pictured way down the line can be reached in a natural manner. I had to connect a bunch of scenes from late game SOBR to the beginning, and although the details of how, exactly, I got there changed, I knew generally what path to take.
Insofar as beginning a project of any kind, I think just doing it without feeling compelled to finish but wanting to helps. I wrote the first chapter of SOBR to test out the characters and get a feel for the world and how I wanted to approach the story and its conflict. But although I wanted to see the story through to its natural end, I just wanted to get something done first. A little step leads to a big step. It doesn't have to perfect, it just has to be done. And once you get started, I find it easy to keep going.
But you also have to accept the possibility you may fall out of interest or the rhythm for a while. I wrote the first 4 chapters, or 30,000 words, of SOBR over the course of February to May last year. And then I didn't touch the fucking thing for four months. I felt awful. I was so discouraged that I would leave my first solid original idea behind and not work on it, even though the next chapter I had to write was supposed to be "easy" to write. I just never did it because I didn't feel the vibe anymore. But I still liked Beau and the characters.
Circling back to what I said before, what motivated me to try again was talking to others about the idea. Namely, when I started talking to some of my new friends, like Clark / @/twothpaste for example, who became interested after I started discussing some of the late game details of the story, I felt motivated because I knew there were people who wanted to read the story or wanted to see how things could get so far. It's motivating when you hear other people care. It's why I've been so motivated to work on reader feedback and publishing this year; because my coworkers cared about reading it!
Similarly, I had friends reading along as I worked on it. Clark, my friend Maggie are the main two, but I had other friends test out the early chapters. It was nice seeing how people responded and if my writing was working as intended.
In conjunction with this, although I very rarely ever write out of order, I decided to approach SOBR from a new perspective; I still skipped writing the "easy" chapter when I got back to it in September. Instead, I started from act 3 with some chapters I knew I could write and explore. Although eventually I had to change many small details, I knew what I expected from this part of the story, and got back into the world from an interesting part. I kept going for a few chapters, and once I knew it was going to get too complicated, I moved back to finishing the story in chronological order.
You have to approach your work from outside the box sometimes to maintain momentum. It's easy to get discouraged when you get stuck, but you have to find another way to make it work. Take months long breaks. Try from another scene, another act. I hate to do it, but it got me to actually start writing the fucking thing again, so I know it works.
I know I'm going beyond the scope of your question, but I do feel like the process of the middle parts is also kind of important.
To get back towards what I was actually fucking asked, I guess I can boil down the process as thus:
Discuss the ideas with others / brainstorm / write everything down
Try to arrange ideas into outline / overarching plot
Test out writing initial chapters; potentially spirals into fully writing the piece
Accept you may fall in and out of motivation; accept you may not finish it at all, but do it anyways
Keep sharing with people!!!! Don't be embarrassed or afraid, people want to hear about it!!!
I don't know if this helps much. I fear a lot of what I said is obvious advice, but unfortunately, it's tried and true. It's just putting yourself out there, being willing to try even if you might fail to finish it. And just keep thinking. Not every idea will make it in, but every idea can make the story stronger.
Also, like, I'm not going to lie. Having autism actually really helped because I became so obsessed with SOBR in September I could do nothing but finish it, but I tried to give advice that people can actually follow, y'know KRKFN I'm motivated by whatever my special interest is, but it's possible to write without that! SOBR started well before it became my special interest. It just takes more energy and devotion. Anyone can do it, with or without obsession.
After all, it's such a fleeting thing too. My interests can change rapidly, which is also why I was scared of starting projects. What if I got bored halfway through and dropped the project? In fact, here's an example: when I got really into Ace Attorney this year, I plotted out a long-form fic that I began work on. I did my outline, wrote a few chapters, got around 12,000 words in, and then I got out of Ace Attorney and back into SOBR and that was that. I dropped the project, and yes, I think that's a shame, but I also accept that that's a possibility for any project.
But it won't stop me from working on the stories I want to write. I can't worry about if it'll get done. It doesn't get done if I don't try at all. I try to remind myself of that quite often. I won't always succeed, but I never will if I don't give it a shot. And hey, maybe some day I'll come back to it. But for now, no, I won't, and that's that. I have other things to work on anyway.
So... I hope this helps! Thank you for asking me, I appreciate you want my perspective on it!
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scenicphoenix · 9 months
I've been thinking about the possibility of switching to non dairy milk just because it would probably last longer in the fridge when I forget things exist. I wanted coffee this morning so got out the 2 percent I have currently and the milk fat had separated a little bit and my brain has decided that it is very texture (BAD) so i may be switching to non dairy milk for autism (texture hell scape) reasons instead of the executive disfunction (object permanence is trash) reasons
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definitelynotshouting · 10 months
There are a lot of songs that remind me of Hunger AU but I've never gotten the chance to write all my thoughts down because time is hard (+executive disfunction) but listening to a new release from The Crane Wives that just fit so perfectly made me decide FUCK IT! I may find it hard to write a whole list of songs and their reasonings but I can at least start with one!! So:
The Well - The Crane Wives (one of my favorites)
“All the words I couldn't say to you
Fill up the spaces in my chest/Oh, the damage I have wrought/A ready army in my throat” 
- So scarian but also Grian refusing to talk to the others, especially his lying to Mumbo in Chapter 9. The “Oh, the damage…” and “A ready army…” versions of the verse also bring to mind Grian during his talks with Xisuma and Scar, all sharp-tongued cruelty. 
“Send me anywhere, take me out
I'm the well they're gonna drag you down”
- Leave me to die or kill me yourself. Stop caring. Just whatever you do, don’t bring me back to Hermitcraft, because if you do I’ll hurt you again. I’ll drag you down and nothing either of us can do will change that.
“That old house, those rotting memories
Burned easier than I'd have thought”
- something about the death of the person the other Hermits thought he was and the death of who Grian was before he was a watcher.
“I taste blood, I'm sick of swallowing stones” - Grian is literally falling apart. He’s decaying and dying and he just wants to get it over with. 
“So I'll wave the flag, tell the boys to go home” - Stop trying to save me. Let me give up. I’m sick of surviving so just leave and let me die.
So. Uh. Thoughts? ( ゜─゜)
OUGGHHHHHHH I JUST FINALLY SAT DOWN TO LISTEN TO THIS AND GODS IT FITS SO BEAUTIFULLY..... what an absolutely gorgeous song, yeah im definitely gonna have to add this to the playlist >:]
And your analysis!!!! Ohhhh i LOVE this, i love seeing this kind of stuff, it makes me so happy!!!! Thank you for sending this, you're so right like this just fits so well..... it really does encapsulate the entirety of arc 1 in a nutshell, doesnt it???
If you ever have more songs you want to send me, please do, i'd love to hear your thoughts on them !!!! :D (also i love that we have similar processes on analyzing songs-- this is legit how i choose the songs for the playlist, by analyzing the lyrics and applying them to scenes or settings in the fic >:] )
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bunnyb34r · 6 months
Okay finally awake/brain awake enough to talk ab Tuesday
So mom and I went to see Ghostbusters Frozen Empire. The last time she was at the movies was when we saw frozen lol so like 10 years ago (😩) anyway she was really excited 🥺 We ofc got snacks and thankfully I get 20% off snacks bc that shit is so stupidly pricey and we just had: 1 large popcorn, 1 large pop, 1 large icee = $20.
$16 with discount
We were in the reeeeally big theater and I was like oh well let's sit in row J which is like 2 rows from the back... we were walking up these stairs for what felt like forEVER sgdgdggdgd I forgot how big that theater is 😭
Anyway the movie was really good, super funny I loved Trevor's character and Phoebe was adorable. (Cast was uh... very white like there's like 3 nonwhite characters in the general cast.) Lots of flashing lights, which is kinda to be expected for Ghostbusters.
The StayPuff Marshmallow Men were so fucking funny I almost started crying laughing at the one part 😭
Story was interesting, funny cast (again could be.. better), the climax really couldve been better imo but it was good still. Anyway super fun time! I'm glad we went
Oh! And in the trailers they announced that every Monday in May is gonna be one of the spiderman movies like the first from each series so I can finally see TASM in theaters like I saw TASM2!!!!!!!! :D like a decade later....
Idk if I'm gonna see the marvel ones, but I do wanna see the Tobey McGuire one and ofc the andrew Garfield one
I'll just move hair washing day or deal sgdgdggd bc spiderman!!!
Also we went to cracker barrel after and I found the beanie baby Zip and I wanted to cry bc shes so perfect. I've been looking for a black cat with white paws plushie since our cat died and although zip has white on her tail, she looks enough like her that its perfect 🥺
We also found solar eclipse glasses!!!! I thought I was gonna have to dig up my old ones from 2017 and hope I found em or rush ship an amazon order (bc I've been having executive disfunction and delayed it...) but we got em!!
All in all it was a really great day :")
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shera-dnd · 1 year
Actually it's been may for 4 days now, but my executives were disfunctioning (it's fun being able to say that now that I know for a fact I have ADHD)
Now we didn't reach our goal last month, but that's fine that just means I need a little extra this month so I'm not in debt or anything
What is my May goal, you ask? Easy. SURVIVE!
That means bills, food, and my meds.
What do you get in return for helping me reach that goal? FANFICS! And also some art by the amazing @midnightechoes!
If you need more details check my pinned post.
Anyways thank you all for the help and here's to a great may!
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