There is a very simple quiz I need to write and submit answers for by the end of today
I cannot over emphasise how easy this is. I chose the questions. The answers are about me. There is literally no way to fail this quiz. I love quizzes. I love being right at things.
Doing this by the end of today is part of my contract and is specifically tied to several thousand pounds of my wages. The wages I need to live in my house and eat my food and live my life.
It is 16:35. I am here and not writing the answers to my quiz.
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luxthestrange · 2 years
TWST Incorrect quotes#178 They worry
Trey, Jamil & Ruggie Found out you got sick overworking and didn't wanna admit it...so they opted to take matters into their own hands
Trey: Everything okay with Yuu? *Is walking with Jamil & Ruggie*
Jamil: Yeah, they fell asleep five minutes after we locked them in this random room, and they haven't moved in the past ten hours. they talk in their sleep... *Jamil had to hypnotize you as Ruggie had to drag you into the room*
Yuu*Sleeping on a couch with a makeshift blanket, Grim and Lucien purring on your chest also sleeping*I'm gonna rip your head off...
Ruggie & Jamil*Look at you in dumbfound and horrified look, coming to check on you with pillows*...
Yuu: I'm gonna rip your damn head off, Crowley...
Jamil:Oh, Sevens, what if they sleep forever? -
Yuu with the blanket wrapped on your arm smash the glass window of the door and unlock the door from outside with a seething glare at the Trio
Trey, Rugg, Jamil*Shriek in horror backing away clutching each other out of jump scared*
Rugg :Oh, seven! Oh, look, it's Yuu! You look great, gurl I got to get out of here. Bye~*Was about to throw them under the bus but got caught by trey*
Yuu: You better not run, because I will catch you. After I'm done crushing that task and feeding grim, you're next-*coughs and wipes nose with sleeve*
Trey: I already did the task for you!
Yuu: You what?-
Jamil: I got grim to eat in our dorm It's all good, Now go home and get better!
Yuu: I could've done it myself!
Trey: No, you couldn't have. You literally have been in a coma since yesterday. Now, I know you like to act like you don't need any help, but we all do! I ask five dudes to spot me when I'm doing my pastries
Rugg: They paid me $20 to lock you up
Trey, Jamil: No, we did not
Rugg: But I took that cheddar, and I made you this special "Yuu's gonna make this cold their bitch" care package*Hands you the care package*
Trey: Now's the time when you say "thank you for all your help"
Yuu:...Thank you for all your help.
Jamil: Wait, is that a smile I see?~*Smirks knowingly*
Yuu: Possibly. My immune system is too weak to fight off my smile muscles
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Commiting tax evasion with Bai yi as your ceo...
Girl... I don't even know how you got here but... You were very likely HIGHKEY scammed by miss gurl... 🦗🦗🦗 Yeah... Why did you apply in a shady company anyways...? But you probably was LOOKING 👀 for a job that can PAY the bills 💵💵💵 but spoilers, you were UNDERPAID, OVERWORKED, and most esp. Not even paid anyways... 🙄🙄🙄 So forget what I said about being paid little because girl you are not paid even once while you were working with this stink... 😑
You decided to apply for a job position as her assistant... In Syndicate. Pooks... This should've been your first red flag, but NOPE! You were DESPERATE. For what though? 🤨 And the flyer wasn't... That great like sis... Again, another red flag... Couldn't you just... 🏃‍♀️💨 away from the moment you saw the flyer? (/j I'm holding you in 😰🔫 point so, you didn't have a choice anyway 💅) But who even reads nowadays as long as, we get PAID 🤑🤑🤑 right? So, fast forward to you clutching your pearls and barely making it out alive to meet with the interviewer... Maam. Major red flag, the building looked run-down.
Pookie... 🤧 You didn't almost get stabbed, kidnapped, mugged, and possibly even get robbed for your kidney for this... 😭😭😭 Finally, your employer shows up in this DRIP 💧, what you doing???
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Remember when I said that you have the option to say no? I didn't say anything 😇 The thing is, you can't. You just CANT. Look me in the eye and tell me that this girl wouldn't do SHIT to you rn... Be serious, because I don't even think you're gonna walk out of the interview scot free sis... Nah uh, not at all... Sis looks like she is about to beat the SHIT out of you, and will most likely sell your organs after that... 🥺🥺🥺 Luckily, she spoke up and had that mom vibe that you almost instantaneously calm down...
After hyperventilating and K.K giving you odd looks as well... Finally you were in the "company" Yay? 🧍‍♀️ You stood there staring at the dusty ass couch and a man who looked VERY sleep-deprived. You learned that Che was their name. But why is he dressed up like he about to go for a hike...? Sighs, i don't think you'll ever get the fashion of Syndicate... You and the two held a mini staring contest like you two were Communicating, that K.K was confused at the random moment she had to snap ya'll out of it and discuss the job details... The job being, you doing all the paperwork... For 50 discoins per hour. Stink, you're screwed 😃
Obviously, you were about to decline... Until finally, the CEO showed up. Sighs. You ask to yourself, was this really worth the trip and the STRUGGLE you went through? Stink cannot even bribe you with her face card because you still had to pay the billssssss 😞
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Bai yi shows up, you hear the sound of sirens and cops speaking through the megaphone. 🤡 You really thought this was going to be the las time you'll be seeing daylight, like sis you were going to JAIL. ⛓⛓⛓ For existing. The three of them noticed and explains casually that this is their hideout, and no one's breached here before. You raised a brow at the statement, skeptical at how relaxed they were acting 🤨🤨🤨 Like who you fooling??? Though you can't speak for yourself when, you waltzed into Syndicate knowing DAMN well that this place was bad news... So you kept it to yourself 🥰
Of course, Bai yi bribes you to stay and become Whitestone Industries assistant with a sob story that can make you cry... Except you weren't gullible enough and walked out of the door, preferring to get arrested instead, lmao 🤭🤭🤭 Sis chased you down the stairs like it was a kdrama scene, grabbing your arm and acting like this was the last time ya'll seeing each other 💀 girl, you can never escape her because she's all over and like, she's a criminal, what else? 🤓 You ended up accepting in the end, because you wasted your time for this... Making K.K sigh in relief since she finally isn't alone with two idiots... Unless you add up to the equation then... 😶
Timeskip to a month, you and sis was WORKING. Helping them out with ✨Graphic design is my passion✨ motto since you wanted to get rid off the... Terrible... Designs that they come up with when they release an ad, flyer, or promotion post. You kinda got used to the usual, illegal work they do because why not? 😎 You already gave up in paying the bills, so why not commit tax evasion as well, right? You asked Bai yi tips on how to tax evade 🏃‍♀️ K.K was beyond mortified at the sudden camaraderie that came after the event, making you and Bai yi besties 🤝 Friendship ended with the government 💔 Tax evasion is my pookie now 🥰
You are being hunt down by the police as well, causing you to move to Syndicate, living with K.K, Che, and Bai yi currently. Life was good, until Bai yi kept bringing more problems than solutions everyday, causing you to become one of the MOTHER 👩‍🦰 alongside with K.K, making sure the other two stay out of trouble because they're a magnet for chaos, apparently. K.K's words, not mine 🤷‍♀️ More on that when I think of part two! An: My exam in a major subject FLOPPED. 👎📉 /j, I'm overthinking so I cope with writing unserious shit to think less of it, and hopefully make the redemption in finalsssss HISSSS 🐍 RAH❗❗❗ 🦅 But anyways, to more UNSERIOUS, and UNHINGED shit to come!!! But also some serious ptn stuff (Like the nursing intern one)
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lilykatelyn-blog · 11 months
niki finds out that reader got into a fight with the girl that was hitting on him? reader beats the girls ass 😍
yessss. go (name), fuck that girl uppp. At this point my blog is gonna be a Riki blog, and I’m happy abt that.
❀Jealousy, Jealousy❀
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pairing: riki x reader
genre: angst, fluff
summary: someone hits on your boyfriend and you get jealous. but it was just one time right? no. it was 4 fucking times, and that was annoying, so you beat her ass. naturally he’s worried, and angry.
You and Riki were on a candlelit dinner date, enjoying your 1 year anniversary with food and non-alcoholic drinks. “This is nice, we should do this more of-“ “RIKI!!!” His girl best friend goes running up to him, abandoning her friend group. “heyyy.. (H/N)..” he weakly greets, not very happy to see her. You just softly smiled, it was fake but hid what you really thought of her. “hey, (H/N)..” you softly greeted, taking a sip of water. “Oh. You. You’re still dating her Riki? She’s obviously not good for you, look at her, she’s probably a gold digger, yours too handsome for her, you should-“ “(H/N)! We got a table! C’mon!” Hee friends yelled, saving you. They gave you an apologetic glance, then walked away. Hearing what she said, you started fiddling with your rings.
“c’mon jagi, don’t listen to her. you’re not a gold digger.” “Yeah I guess. I just don’t know why you’re friends with her..” you complained, slowly tearing up at memories of what she has said about you. “Jagiya.. we’ve been friends-“ “since you were a kid and can’t replace her, I know, I know.. let’s just finish dinner, yeah?” You said softly and smiled a bit at the end.
when you got home
“I just don’t understand what you have against her!” He said for the nth time as you entered your apartment. “She has hit on you 4 fucking times now Riki! It’s getting annoying! I don’t understand why you fucking keep her as your friend, because every time she sees me she always tries to put me down in front of you! ‘ohhh, she’s a gold-digger’ or ‘oh, she’s using you for fameee’ OR ‘ohhhhh, she doesn’t want you, she wants Jungwon.’ like what the hell? I don’t want Jungwon, I want you, I’m not a gold digger, I refuse anything too expensive, I don’t want fame, we. are. a. SECRET! She’s just so insuf-“”okay, I’ll talk to her about it. But for now, let’s just get ready for bed, okay?” “..okay,” you did your signature pout as he guided both of you to the bedroom and got ready for bed.
Time skip
you were at school, the usual. Of course, (H/N) went to your school. And the comments just got so annoying. She also started hitting you? Like, gurl, it’s not their fault that they are fucking hot and you are not. Like fuck off, anyways. You just stood there in the empty hall as she hit you, not caring about pain or scars. “You. Fucking. Bitch. Riki. Is. Mine!” She punctuated each word with a hit or a kick. Then yo I waited till she was done, pulled her hair, and proceeded to beat her ass. “Don’t. Call. Me. A. Bitch. You. Fucking. Wannabe.” After that, you went home because, school ended after your little fight and no one paid you guys any attention.
“I’m home!” You yelled in case he got off early, walking into the bedroom to get the first aid kit. “Maybe he’s not home.. good, he won’t see the scars and all.” You concluded, failing to notice that his girl best friend probably called him to complain. You went and patched yourself up as an angry Riki entered the house. “(Name)?” He yelled, only having heard what (H/N) told him. “In the bathroom! I’m decent, I think!” You called to him, trying to quickly patch yourself up. “Did you get into a fight with (H/N) today? Pulling her, and shoving her down the stairs?” He asked. “Yes, but I didn’t shove her down the stairs, or pull her. First see what she did to me, then ask yourself is it as bad as what (H/N) got? Which was just me yelling in her ear and pulling her hair a bit.” He then took one good look at you and saw that it wasn’t anything as bad as what happened to her, that you got it worse. “Oh my god, I am so sorry Jagi. I’ll cut ties with her, I promise.” After that he patched you up and you guys had a movie night and cuddled. You made a mental note to pour water on (H/N) because witches melt. (Evilly sniggering behind the phone)
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gold-rhine · 4 months
Out of curiosity, how would you go about writing a neuvi/furina fic? I agree that there is a lot of potential for really good fics but for some reason the fandom waters it down (pun not intended but cyno would be proud). However, I've noticed that with other ships in the fandom too. They have interesting potential but then I'll look for good food and get morsels 😭 of what I'm looking for. Like I have had to comb through some alhaitham/kaveh fics that were uh very different from canon characterization. And it's like I JUST WANT GOOD FOOD PLS.
hmm. i personally would be really interested not in shipping them, but in like. snippets of interactions throughout the ages, from establishing roles to settling in a routine to then how these respective roles are getting in a way of genuine contact. bc like there are points where they try to reach out, but it fails in a mundanely tragic way. like. in furina's note, she says she told him thousand times to go out and interact with "our" ppl. like she clearly was well intentioned and tried to be nice. but like. it didnt work! he never did go out and interact with humans until post AQ, when in lantern rite he says he was just indifferent before. bc like, from his perspective its not "his" people, and also its his boss, whose also his colonizer, being like "haha you should get out more lol!" ofc he was like "idk what she's even thinking about", which is what he says about her note. but furina both didn't know the vishap context and was kept in constraints of self-absorbed goddess role, so the way she tried to be nice would never work like that.
i think ppl focus too much on how furina suffered more than jesus and forget why, which is bc she had to play the role of an entitled asshole and she had to interact with others thru that role, despite being mortified at how horrible she sounds. this is why she now thinks he hates her and all her coworkers too. she never had luxury of being kind or nice to ppl before, and if you take that away, her character loses a lot of complexity.
i think itd be interesting to explore her trying to be good to ppl while trapped in an asshole attitude, and sadly fail.
if i was paid like 100 bucks to write them romantically, i think id write the retrospective i was talking before for early chapters, but then take one of two options:
either keep canon story and explore them interacting thru excrutiating awkwardness post AQ
or as more interesting option, id re-write AQ a bit to add their interactions and let some of these interactions actually connect. i'd also let furina find out the truth about sovereign and what it means in relation to archons stealing his power. also, i'd restructure canon confrontation so that neuvi takes focal point instead of traveler. and then i'd go ham with drama on that archon trial, but also re-do meeting with focalors bc gurl. talk to your humansona pls.
btw i strongly dislike fandom being like oh, furina\rizzley was the reason neuvi saved humanity, like nooo its missing entire point. he saved humans without any selfish reason to do so, in fact, against his motivation for revenge, making that decision about a single human ruins neuvi's character. so in this furina\neuvi case i'd make conflict like. they don't know if she's gonna survive is focalors dies, bc then choosing to save fontain becomes the-nonselfish choice for him again and she gets to be the one with agency to decide to risk it
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atty-goldstein · 1 year
Just finished watching NPMD and here are my observations:
Oh starting right away with Richie's death
OHHHH It's the first time we actually hear Lauren and Jon sing together, even for just a lil bit
The Watcher World callback with the hammer and the phone
Every Mariah character: MY PICTURES ON MY PHONE, Me: gurl back it up on Cloud
Awwww Ruth
That one person who cheered louder than anyone else when Pete stood up for himself
Everyone collectively going "awww" when Pete shows up with the black eye
The Chasitys have such a cute color scheme. Would wear. But like. Mark's outfit has such gay vibes tho. Like. Stereotypical gay outfit.
Pfft that one person who cackled the Loudest during the dinner scene
Max, climbing in the tub with his jeans on: *vine voice* He's washing him and his jeans. He's washing him and his jeans.
Oh Mark showing up after Dirty Girl is literally like that scene with Hanschen during My Junk in Spring Awakening.
LISTEN. About two years ago, I was watching SAF and my dad looked over my shoulder AND HE THOUGHT JOEY WAS LIN MANUEL MIRANDA
Max: I'm gonna kick your ass!, Me: *Ted voice* Not his head
Wait. But his reaction to the prank is so wholesome and precious actually.
Gurl. Just let it stay an accident and destroy the footage instead. Don't be stupid.
I remember saying Bryce as Brenda. Glad that it happened.
Hatchet Town is basically just "Your Fault" from Into the Woods huh
Pete and Ruth sound a lot like Scrags and Esther ngl
I love Kyle. Himbo dude.
The shift when Clivesdale is introduced.
The way everyone also awwed when Richie got appreciated. I don't think a show goes by without Jon's character being loved
It's interesting that the hs kids don't want to be mean and aren't inherently mean, they were just pressured into being mean
Ohhh. He got bedazzled. Like Edward Cullen.
I want the cast recording so I can hear Jon and Will sing at each other more clearly
Boy Jerry's a reporter? I mean sure, I assumed they have jobs when it's off-season for camp, but I didn't expect journalism
What does Bryce's character know about Boy Jerry's murder spree tho?
Everyone's talking about Boy Jerry throwing Girl Jeri under the bus, but not Dan agreeing with Boy Jerry in accusing Donna
Hatchet Town is just Your Fault from Into the Woods huh
Steph protecting Ruth parallels Steph looking after Hannah
hc that Joey's character in the bbq monologues is whoever played Joey's roles in the Hatchetfield production of TTO
Jon's delivery ohmygod lmaoooo
Oh and Mariah's character, Caitlyn/Kaitlin, feels like a mini Zoey
Ruth sweetieeee you are so brilliant
Ruth having a mushroom on her shirt like the "I'm a failure" meme
The way they pull off Max's teleportation is so so good
Kim is the queen of horrified screams now
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YESSSS HE SAID THE MIRANDA RIGHTS he ain't got a warrant tho
Considering tgwdlm was 2018, and it's 2023 now, then it HAS been FIVE YEARS since Peter asked for his hot chocolate from Emma
GARY PUPPY PAID ATTENTION WHEN HE HEARD PAUL. Because of he still recognizes Jon.
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Pfft Paul having more balls than Pete
Okay it's vague enough that it can be interpreted that Paul doesn't die. I didn't think Emma would do the Linda screech tho. It's always enough to startle and disorient tho.
Oh I have a theory behind what Tinky says. But it's going in a separate post
In Once Upon a Time, it is customary to give up "the thing you love most" in exchange for extremely powerful magic.
Ahahaha as a Catholic I can confirm that Grace's opinion on Catholicism is mostly correct
I feel like if Pete did die, it would prevent him from turning into a horny bastard like Ted tho. Which may potentially save him from Tinky
And Pete letting himself get shot to save the woman he loves, would parallel Ted's sacrifice in Ape Man
That one person who very audibly goes "WHAT THE FUCK" when Max takes the bullet for Pete
Grace saying her type is dudes who come back from the dead. And I'm like. "AND THEY'RE BOTH RIPPED AS FUCK"
Annnd now the tables have turned on Joey after eating Sally out in the choir room.
Aaaat least she can't get knocked up?
Where'd she get that cigarette tho
The hair flip that accompanied the spin
Kim's teacher character is so cute
The "awwww" when Pete and Steph came to homecoming together. Also Pete's bow tie will always match whatever Steph's wearing
Are we all in agreement that Jon and Will's homecoming characters are dating?
Hmm. A soul-sucking spell especially targeting guys? Sounds like what Sheila had.
"Guys who came before"? Who else did she hook up with between the ghost's death and homecoming?
It's the return of Angela's iconic witch laugh
But Grace how long is that gonna work out for you. You gonna eventually use contraception? Have magic contraception? Or eventually get knocked up? Just sayin'
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yekkiz · 6 months
it’s that time of year again… 🎄🎅🎉🎊 no. the highlights of your 2023 media consumption of course! just like last year, i want to know your top 5 films, books, tv shows, songs/albums, pop culture moments if that’s your thing, and as a bonus: any favourite personal moment/achievement in the last year? new to you, new in release, either works! can’t wait to see your response and wishing you a happy new year! 😁🩷
HEY!!! I'm adding media I've loved this year wether it was released this year or not if thats ok but most of these did in fact release during 2023
long paragraph..,,
top 5 films
Beau is afraid - absolute favorite 2023 movie, Ari Aster will never fail to get into the depths of my brain in such beautiful and traumatising ways...it was truly a ride - watched it twice in the span of a week because the itch inside couldn't stop itching god it was so good, it felt like a dream and a nightmare and god knows how bad i love things that feel like dreams and nightmares, the mystery of what it means to "dream"
Talk to me - YES!!!! great horror!!!!! BEST montage scene of the year (yes. that scene with Le Monde song) great great great rhythm it felt like 2000s horror. simple main plot doesn't always mean its gonna be predictable or boring, LOVE a good "not so original" idea when its greatly made and this is the perfect example! classic horror is so back
Infinity pool - insane. loved every second of this. original premise, critic message, GREAT cast, sick visuals...Mia Goth the actress that you are
M3GAN - camp! not much else to say really. watched it a couple times during the year it's just become a personal comfort movie i just love that doll shes everything to me
Pearl - yeah I watched this way too late.........for an A24 horror enjoyer.... sorry father for i have sinned. Rewired my brain chemistry, changed my life forever, did irreversible damage on my psyche etc. Beautiful splendind wonderful i CAN'T wait for maxxxine
top ¿? shows
haven't watched many remarkable shows but there we go with my little ranking...
Severance - incredible visuals, incredible storyline, amazing concept overall, can't wait for season 2
Better Call Saul - this show is all I breathe and Im genuinely worried that I won't be able to like a show as much as I like bcs - fav show i've ever watched, genuinely
La Mesías - best 2023 spanish show.............i love shows i love media i love art. when i watch things like this i feel so honored i'm able to witness such things for so little payment like. this isnt worth a suscription i feel like i owe more for letting me see such thing. i feel like im a voyeur when i encounter media that's so carefully made, with so much taste and eye for detail...like i shouldn't be allowed to watch through my laptop screen in my bedroom . just wow if you have the chance and find a sub version i can't recommend it enough
that was my top 2023, other shows ive watched...just rewatched the office, currently rewatching breaking bad, I think you should leave...
top 5 albums/songs
Desire, I want to turn into you - Caroline Polachek - so ethereal, so dreamy, feels like a movie and like when you fall in love and start noticing things you usually never paid attention to - the beauty of your hometown, your lover's hands or how their smile folds in certain ways when they see you, even how you perceive yourself differently
fav track - either I believe or butterfly net
Fanfare - Dorian Electra - from one extreme to the other..complete chaos and noise and I'm soooooo seated for it! such a complete album with 0 skips, always gonna love a fame themed record that talks about things that aren't relatable at all and gotta love the pop culture moments aswell, they're always so campy yet manage to be deep at times i love an unserious but self aware king what can i say!
fav track - wanna be a star
American Gurl - Kilo Kish - oh i love love this album i love the sound of it, the videogame vibe...every single song is so addictive I'll be minding my business and a random song from this album will pop into my head
fav track - no apology!
Preacher's Daughter - Ethel Cain - well this was certainly something it literally felt like a horror movie and of course I'm so here for it. terrifying, disgusting, sent shivers down my spine the first time I heard it on full length...and still does when I do. such a great album and def one of the best ones ive ever heard, top 5 for sure
fav track - family tree
Ultraviolence - Lana del Rey - yeah i'm 10 years late and thank god I am bc only god knows the irreversible damage this would have done to teenager me
fav track - florida kilos
2023 personal highlights
started the year doing a really nice trip that somehow helped me clear thoughts about my future
I got accepted into the masters degree I wanted which also gave me the chance to meet so many cool people and make so many good friends <3
I've been able to draw soooooooo much - my arm is doing sooo much better
got a tattoo I really wanted! got that flash design in my mind for a while and it's finally on me
this year was so hard for me and my family and it was such a challenge. I'm so proud we could manage through it all, and hopefully this year is easier on us
thanks so much for the ask Imo! sorry I wrote a lot and half of it it's just nonsense though!! I wish you a happy new year <333
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queenofbaws · 1 year
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ah, and once more, it's wednesday my dudes!
a slightly different update from me this week - things have been slow in terms of words being put to paper lately, and this will probably be the case for a little while. i'm gonna be trying to get a chapter of something out in the near future (probably like wringing blood, but don't quote me on that), then ya gurl may or may not be taking a slightly more official break from the internet to deal with some stuff here at home ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
such is life. ANYWAY, for this reason, i'm offering a few snippets/sneak peeks of multiple projects this week, just to show y'all what's bubbling away on the backburner. if you're interested in seeing any of that, click the readmore! either way, hope you're all having wonderful weeks so far, and taking care of yourselves as best you can <3
like wringing blood from a stone
There were a million things he could say to that, maybe even a million and one. What he settled on, however, was probably the lesser of all those evils. “You kidnapped my counselors.” Travis’s whole face puckered at that, letting him know in no uncertain terms the lesser of those evils had still been pretty fucking evil, in fact. “What did you want me to do, Chris?! Huh? Huh?! You bit one of them! They both saw—” “Oh for Chrissake, quit fucking whispering, wouldya?” Obviously he’d been expecting something else—an actual fight, maybe—and so Chris took Travis’s surprised spluttering as an opportunity to dig his own heels in. “If you’re gonna bitch me out, at least do it with your big-kid voice.” A vein ticked furiously in Travis’s neck, making it look like something was itching to burst its way out of him. He narrowed his eyes to slits, then leaned in until the two of them were nearly nose to nose. He could smell the blood beginning to clot where Jack had split his eyebrow, the ointment he’d smeared over it before covering it with a bandage. “You and I both know,” he began again, still fucking whispering, “That anyone could be listening outside. I don’t—” Before he could finish that thought, Chris threw his arms up into the air, shouting at the very top of his own voice, “I DON’T CARE! I do not fucking care, Travis! I couldn’t care less if you paid me to! Know what?” He cupped his hands to his mouth then, tipping his head back as he did so, and, tapping even deeper into his (presumably very bruised) diaphragm, hollered, “I HOPE YOU’RE ALL LISTENING! I HOPE EVERYONE IN THE GODDAMN COUNTY CAN HEAR ME LOUD AND FUCKING CLEAR!” If Travis’s face went any redder, it probably would’ve started looking purple. It was Chris’s turn to narrow his eyes; instead of glowering like an asshole, though, he flashed him a grin, sarcastic and savage and sharp enough to nearly slice through his tongue. “Big-kid voices, Travvy. Why the hell not, right?”
of mummy men & bathtub soup
“My oh-so-charming brother is just running his oh-so-charming mouth,” Julia said sharply, calling the Smith brothers’ chit-chat to a screeching halt. “Here’s what I think actually happened: Conrad made up a story in his head, decided it was funny, and now he’s done so many mental gymnastics convincing himself it’s true that he believes it too.” Her head swiveled on her neck, only adding to her overall mean girl vibe. “That’s something Connie likes to do, you see, mix up details from stupid made-up bullshit and real life, then decide it’s all real.” Oh. Oh! If she thought he was gonna be easy pickings just because he’d brought a date along tonight, she had another thing coming! Hell, she hadn’t been paying attention to his whole deal! Jules was the one who got embarrassed by this shit when other people were watching—Conrad reveled in it. So he did the one thing he knew would get her goat (the only move a self-respecting sibling could take in a situation such as this): He brought up the bathtub. “If this is about human soup guy, you’re actually calling Dad a liar and not me, sooo…nice try, but my feelings remain totally unhurt.” Then, he waited for what he knew would come next. He held Julia’s gaze. He took a drink. It was Daniel, God bless him, who finally bit. “…human…soup…guy?”
the tale(s) of the champion
“All right. If you are so…determined to have me discuss Hawke, then fine. I will discuss Hawke.” He leaned forward over his desk, a gesture, she thought, meant less to evoke authority than to simply steady himself as he braced against the unpleasant tide of memory. His eyes found hers for only a moment, but that moment was all it took for her to understand perhaps ‘unpleasant’ was too delicate a word to describe a return to Kirkwall. ‘Agonizing,’ maybe. ‘Wretched.’ “Cassandra and I are of a mind on one thing, at the very least—Varric is a liar. However. I would be remiss if I didn’t draw your attention to the one thing, the only thing, I’ve heard him say about our shared time in Kirkwall that at least approaches the truth.” She couldn’t help but notice that Cullen spoke the city’s name in much the same way Hawke had spoken Elthina’s: as though it tasted bitter on his tongue. “Namely, if, for whatever reason, you wanted to find Hawke,” he continued, speaking with a terrible evenness that smacked of everything but calm, “All you had to do was follow the blood. “What blood? Whose blood? Some might argue that since Hawke killed so often, so indiscriminately, that it wouldn’t matter—couldn’t matter—which blood trail you picked. Oh, I’ve heard the jokes. I’ve heard them all. How it must’ve sometimes seemed Kirkwall was populated solely by nameless, faceless throngs of gangs and ruffians that she cut through at nightfall, slashing and hacking her way towards the betterment of the city. How Varric had to keep a running tally of all the vendettas held against her, lest she forget which seedy element might be coming after her next for putting an end to their leader. Hilarious. Truly.” Had Cullen not been wearing his gloves, the Inquisitor had the singular sense she’d be watching his knuckles turn white as bone; the way he’d taken to gripping the edges of his desk, she was a bit shocked that nothing had given way. Yet.
"Which is why, boys and ghouls, we’re gonna be packing our bags and taking a roadtrip this weekend.” Which was…also what Ashley was afraid he was going to say. Her shoulders slumped, and she felt Chris turn to her as he noticed, but Josh kept going, as he was wont to do. “Turns out ‘ghost shit’ was a gross understatement. You lovely ladies aren’t going to believe what a little snooping dug up about this place…” “It’s pretty messed up,” Chris nodded. “But pretty messed up in a way that I gotta admit sounds like it’s gonna make a juicy episode or two.” “Or five. So c’mon, hop to. We got a business dinner to catch—on me, obvs—and details to hammer out. You’re not ready for the shit that went down over there. Hope you’re ready to start trending in the true-crime feeds though, because I know I am!” Dropping the book back on the table, Josh hopped to his feet and playfully tweaked Sam’s ear before starting back for the microfiche where he’d left all his stuff. “Hey Edgar,” he said as he passed him by, “level with me here. Have you been a ghost this whole time? Is that why you know all this crap? When we get in the elevator and leave this floor, do you just poof off into the ether and cease existing until we come back?” In a voice so flat, so disaffected, so wistful, that Ashley very nearly forgot about the pang of fear that had seized her at the sight of those five Death cards staring her straight in the face, Edgar sighed, “Don’t I wish.”
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 7 months
I just realize something, Double Magical Girl Isekai, but with all the other isekai aus where you had all fourteen of them in it. Aka the other Yuus, and other double isekai folks. Like with Riddle, Leona, Jade, Jamil, Vil, and Malleus. Only Yuuki and Orpheus are both magical girl and magical mascot(giver) this time! :D
Malleus is gonna be jealous for a while :'3
But it would be hilarious for the rest of them to realise that 'oh shit, the magical hero that saves our neighborhood are also in here'. Then it comes to counting heads and realising that actually Yuuki is the magical gurl.
Post prologue, Malleus is salty af since 'how come Yuuki gets cool af sparkly uniform and all I get is thunder powers?!'. Bish stfu, you have op magic powers. -3-
In here, Grim also makes by accident his own magical gurls squad, but this time Malleus is so fucking hyped about it. All of his simping and pettiness finally paid off. U-Ub
You have the adults: Yuuneka, Leona and Yu-Yu who all 3 try their very best to keep this circus under wraps, but it doesn't help that the rest of our boios also awaken to magic and there's the whole overBlots and magical mishaps. Also they need to keep Orpheus's laptop in 1 piece since that's literally their only ticket to contact their homes. :'3
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akwardlyuncool · 2 years
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The Taste Of The South Festival 2022: Aka: A Free Lyfe Jennings Show 
Civic Center Park
2nd maybeee 3rd time seeing Lyfe Jennings.
Friend Stats:
I went with my parents (not shown) and since we go to very few shows together I can’t quite remember what number this is, but I think it’s the 3rd?
When Your Favorite Artist Does A Free Show, You Show Up:
For those of you who have been around awhile, you know that Lyfe Jennings always shows up as one of, if not, the top artist on my Spotify Wrapped every year. That’s typically because I listen to him a lot with my dad and sometimes when I just want to SING. My dad and I have a bond over Lyfe, so when I saw he was doing a free show out here I text my Dad and told him what our Friday night plans were. My mom ended up also wanting to go so this was a me and the folks adventure. I didn’t care so much about going to the entire festival and neither did they, so we planned to just show up to see him at the end of the night.
Being A City Gurl and Listening To Jazz R&B Covers:
Typical to some of the other free shows I’ve been to, (not all but some) Lyfe Jennings was late, like an hour +. This just meant that the MC’s, the DJ and the side bands all had to do a little extra to keep everyone entertained. So I’m standing there with my dad and sometimes we knew the song playing and sometimes we didn’t and then sometimes the “City Girl” song would come on and I’d have to laugh cause I couldn’t be a full mess next to my dad. Note: I don’t have the knees to be a mess like that, but I wasn’t about to sing all of “Act Up” and “Icy” like I wasn’t in mixed company.
Since Lyfe was taking so long, the band or a band, not sure, came out and played some really nice jazzy versions of some 90′s R&B which was a good way to get the crowd involved. Patience was a little thin for some people, however it was a nice and appreciated gesture.
Lyfe Jennings:
I feel like I’m always gonna show up this man, but honestly he has to be more engaged. One of my biggest concert pet peeves is when an artist doesn’t seem to trust the audience to know some basic ish. Like I know every word to every song off your first 4 out of 7 albums and even several off your last 3, so don’t play with me. I’ve been to paid shows where artists do this and you can feel how messy it is. I’m down for an audience requested track, but I’m not down for you to start a song and then say we don’t know that one, multiple times. I had a really good time and sang every word, but that part of his stage performance was just so irritating. He also dipped almost immediately after his set, no encore which also made us feel like he wasn’t all that engaged. 
All that being said, I absolutely enjoyed being able to see a staple artist in my household with my parents. Free, paid, late, on time, whatever I’d do it again in a heartbeat cause there was still a lot of joy there. Plus when he was on, he was ON.
After Party Shenanigans (Not Shown):
Apparently my sister and some cousins were also at this show and didn’t tell nobody, so instead of going home and hopping in bed like I should have, I decided that I wanted to go hang out with them. I don’t hang out with them like that too often, so I jumped at the chance. I’m also a “let’s keep the night going” type of person, which meant let’s keep things going. There was an official after party with Lyfe, however we ended up going to a different bar where a cousin of ours was DJing. Before we got there though, there was a lot of karaoke-ing in the car of the Lyfe Jennings songs that were missing from his set list. It was a fun rest of the night, but coming home at 3 is no joke when you got work in the morning. Fun night overall, even when you only got a few dance moves.
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sunnnyside · 6 months
It's the beginning of the year. I feel like I have a lot of things to achieve and to work on.
I know that this could be a tough and long journey once again but from the reminder of last year, everything happens for a reason. There could be a moment where you fail but remember that those are just God's way of telling you "that's not for you" or "this is not yet the perfect timing". Work hard and always have a genuine heart. If you truly want to achieve something, work and pray for it, if it's meant for you, that will be yours, certainly!
Knowing how to make sacrifices also contributes to having a more heartfelt success. It's like tasting all the sweetness after all the bitterness. So for this year, if you truly want to achieve a goal, make sure to have a fair share of sacrifices, don't be petty. Work hard for it. In addition, one of the prominent things that you should work on is your license. I know that what you're gonna face toward that achievement can wear you out, you can cry, and you may question yourself at some point, hence, just right now, I want to congratulate you already. Big hugs and just be happy knowing that this journey will be another remarkable milestone of yours. After getting your license, I think you should also work on honing your path towards the life that you really want for yourself, the stable career. Take things slow and certain. Fighting!
For 2023, I am very grateful and happy that I am able to achieve all things that I never imagined that I could. I had the opportunity to finish my internship and demo. I GOT MY DEGREE, Y'ALL. I moved out and became an INDEPENDENT GURL. I got my place, paid my rent, bills and food. I am earning more than I should be and somehow, I am able to buy the things that I want. One of the highlights of this year as well is I get to give some money to ninang and inay and they have the same reaction. I wasn't ready for the tears but I am happy. Papa is missing out a lot especially the comfort that I can offer but hopefully, he is in a better place right now, happily watching above. This year is also his first death anniversary, one of the tormenting event in our lives. Got to celebrate Christmas and new year without him for the second time and we all still have the what if's. We are moving on and still suppressing all the pain but getting better. So for everything that I will work on for this year, surely, I'll always think that papa is just beside me, cheering me on. I also know that he is the greatest reason why I was able to survive this year, every time I am alone, I am just thinking that he is with me, walking with me and comforting me every time everything feels heavy. Lastly, I celebrate the new year with my siblings and I feel like we are all closer. Looking forward to spoiling them.
I achieved a lot last year and certainly, I will be better for 2024.
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#lets try this#every time i post this emoji#expect my recent dream in the tags ayt#so i was hired as an event photographer for a fanmeet#and i didnt know who it was but im like okay sure if im getting paid then lets do it man#so im outside this specific mall here in the philippines and theres this huge crowd gathering in front and im like oh it must be the artists#but i didnt care much so i just walk on by but then i caught the eye of the artist and biTCH it was Jaehyun and beside hik#him* was johnny and they were waiting for event organizers or some shit and at this point im#hella aware that is is a dream so okay i go in to the event hall and i get directed to the staffs waiting room but like three seconds later#johnjae were in the room with me and im like oh shit sorry i must be im the wrong waiting room & johns like nah gurl its fine even though#our managers would probs get mad and im like??? biss no im not gonna get in trouble for you and jaehyun says im right and he tries to hide m#in the most ridiculous places until i get tired and im like fuck this shit im quitting this job and i walk out#my best friend and her cousins are queueing up to enter and shes like hey rose we have an extra ticket join us and im like okay bc i def#want to see jaehyun again even tho i acted like a brat and for the hi touch/photo op option#we were the last pair and while johnny was talking to her cousins#jaehyun decides to take a bathroom break after finding out i was the last girl and this biss made us wait even though he got back already#he was making excuses like he tried practicing a new choreo like??? boi just fucking take a photo with us already so cue my second walk out#bc im an impatient bitch and jaehyun runs after me and shoves me into the room where their managers are and he just shouts#get out i want to fuck her#and im like oh shit while the managers obey without a care??? and jaes lile#like* youre such a brat you cant handle a little teasing when youve been teasing me when we first saw each other and i was so confused bc#iwasnt teasing you??? but okay puniSH ME THEN DADDY#but i woke up and 🙃🙃🙃#submit your own stories with the emoji at the start too uwu#🌙
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hoodharlow · 3 years
I'm Yours
AN: I know I haven't written for Cal snd Claudia in FOREVER and I apologize. Anyways hope y'all enjoy this 💕💕💕 the italicized is an exerpt from the Love Hypothesis shout to Mede for the rec 🥰🥰🥰
Requested? No
Warnings: mentions of bitchass Dean from Gilmore Gurls, fans that have no sense of blundaires, and SMUT aka a quickie turned to love making lmao
Word Count: 2.8k words
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“You’re wearing that?” was the first thing that came out of Calum’s mouth when he saw Claudia in black high waisted booty shorts and a cropped long sleeve shirt. 
Claudia looked over her shoulder and took him in then turned away.
“You have some nerve when you’re wearing that uglyass trucker hat.” She commented. She placed her laptop in its case and looked over to him again. “At least it's not your Trumpie hat, so it’s somewhat of an improvement. Your arms look good though. I like how your skin looks.”
Ignoring Claudia’s comment about his favorite trucker hat, Calum turned to the mirrors of his closet doors and smiled at how his brown skin glowed against his pale pink top. The closet door opened and he watched Claudia slip and come out with his green flannel. Memories of their home movie flooded his brain and he felt his pants tighten. He watched her ass peek out of her shorts with every step she took and instantly regretted agreeing to go hang out with Michael and Luke instead of going to the bookstore with her. 
The few times he’s gone to a bookstore with Claudia he knew not to make any plans because  they were going to be there all day. Claudia would collect about fifteen books and plant herself on a couch and read the first few chapters then organize them in three piles: yes, no, and maybe. Then she’d read a few more chapters of the books in the maybe pile and repeat the process until she didn’t have any books in the maybe pile. When she was done picking her books she’d go return the books she didn’t want where she got them. After that she would spend another half hour in the bookmark station looking for a bookmark for each of the books she was going to buy. 
He pulled out his phone and texted them that he’s going to hang out with Claudia. Either way he wasn’t in the mood to be a spare tire since Luke was going to bring Gianna and he was sure that Michael was bringing his wife. Not to mention Calum was going to make sure no wannabe Joe Goldberg would approach Claudia. 
“If you’re leaving for Luke's right now, can you drop me off at the new bookstore that opened near where we get breakfast?” Claudia asked, adjusting the straps of her backpack. “I would go walking, but it’s way too hot.”
“Can I go with you?” He asked.
“Are you going to complain that I’m talking too long?”
“I’ll wait three hours before I start complaining.”
Calum grabbed his backpack and shoved his things inside. He made sure Duke had enough water and food before going to the driveway where Claudia waited for him to unlock the car. He went to open her door and gave her ass a hard smack as he passed her. He rushed to his side before she got him back and started the car. 
The bookstore was a five minute drive from their neighborhood. When they arrived, Calum reached for Claudia's hand and led them inside. They went to an empty restaurant style booth in the cafe section. Claudia dropped off her things and wandered over to the books while Calum settled down to write. 
He journaled for a bit, occasionally looking up to check on Claudia. The smell of banana bread fresh out of the oven got Calum's attention. He got up and surveyed the food display. He ordered a slice of banana bread, a blueberry muffin for Claudia and some iced coffees. He paid with his card then slipped a twenty in the tip jar. Five minutes after the drinks were ready, Claudia returned to their table with a stack of books. 
"That was quick." He said, sipping his iced coffee. 
Claudia tore off a piece of the blueberry muffin and chewed. "I knew what I was gonna get. Now I just need to pay."
She reached for her backpack to get her wallet. She frowned and looked through the other pockets coming up empty. She dumped everything on the table and searched once more. 
"What's wrong?" Calum asked her.
"I can't find my wallet."
"I'm sure you left it at home. I was here the whole time so nobody could have taken it." He reassured her.
"Can I borrow your car to get it?"
"What? No," he pulled out his wallet and gave her his card, "here."
"No," Claudia pushed the card toward him. "It's like $200."
Calum gave her his signature 'do you know who I am' look whenever she tells him that something is too expensive. He got up and picked up the stack of books. He leaned them against his chest and used his forearm to make sure they didn't fall. 
"C'mon." He motioned her to follow him to the line.
Claudia pulled out her phone. "Fine let me just Ven–"
"No," He took her phone and placed it in his pocket. "You're going to let me buy you these books." 
"Do you know your boyfriend is doing what every reader wishes their partner would do? Just let him buy you the books." A woman said behind them.
Claudia crossed her arms. The lady was right. Who wouldn't want their significant other to buy them a lot of books. She still remembered when she first watched Gilmore Girls and Dean offered Rory to go to the bookstore with her and that's all she ever wanted. Granted, once she watched the rest of the series she knew that Jess was the better man because he was a writer and read the books Rory recommended. Not to mention Jess didn't cheat nor did he make Rory his mistress. 
Calum wrapped his free arm around her, pulling her to him, and kissed the top of her head. 
"If it makes you feel better then you can buy dinner." He told her, smoothing out her curls.
"Okay." Claudia turned around and kissed him. "Thank you for buying the books for me."
"Well it's my job as your boyfriend." He said, making her giggle.
It was finally their turn up at the register. Claudia stood back and grimaced when the register read $197.93 when the bookstore owner finished scanning her books. Calum tapped his card against the card reader without even glancing up at the register. He took the bag and thanked the worker. 
"Here you go." He said, handing her the bag. 
"Thank you." She said softly. "I love you."
"Hi Calum, I hope we're not bothering but can we take a picture." Someone asked behind them. There was a group of fans awkwardly standing by a table of cooking books.
Calum looks nicer to Claudia. She nodded letting him know it was okay for them to get pictures with him. 
"I'm going to be at our table." Claudia pointed behind her.
She tugged down her shorts and went to their table. She reached for the iced coffee with ‘OM + vanilla’ and carefully removed the straw from the paper wrapper and poked the paper straw into her drink before taking a long sip. She reached over for Calum’s iced coffee and took a sip. She gagged at the taste of almond milk and honey and slid the cup back to where it was. 
Calum walked up to their table and reached for his drink and took a long sip. He wore a deep scowl on his face. “Are you ready?” He asked her in an annoyed tone. 
She was confused at the sudden change in town, but she nodded. She watched him slam his laptop shut and angrily shove it in his backpack. She put on her backpack and grabbed the bag filled with books. She trailed behind him as they exited the bookstore. 
Claudia heard Calum curse loudly as paps were clicking away while they walked to his car. He shielded her and covered her with his body when she got in his car. She was thankful for that because the last thing she wants is her mom calling her that one of her tias messaged her on Whatsapp asking why Claudia’s ass was on display. 
Calum wordlessly started the car and pulled out of the parking space. He reached over for her thigh and gave her a gentle squeeze. The rest of the drive home his hand was on her thigh. He parked next to her car and sighed.
“I’m sorry, I know you wanted to stay and read, but I just had to get out of there.” He said leaning back on his seat.
Claudia unbuckled her seatbelt and turned to face him. “What happened?” 
He ignored her and got out of the car. She sighed and got out too. She leaned against the door as Calum grabbed their things from the backseat. She took their things off his hands when she noticed how white his knuckles were from holding them. 
“Cal, what happened?” She asked again in a soft tone. 
Calum dropped his shoulders defeatedly. “Someone asked me out and basically requested that I fuck them in one of the bathroom at the shop.” 
“What the fuck!” 
“That’s what I said. I got pissed and told the rest of the group that I’m not taking any more pictures. They started protesting and apologizing for the other person, so I just walked away. I couldn’t deal with their shit.”
“Good! I can’t believe someone had the fucking audacity to say that to you to your face. That’s so disrespectful. You’re a person and you should be able to take pictures with your fans without them openly sexualizing you.” 
“There’s also the fact that I was out with you and they assumed I would cheat on you in a heartbeat.” 
“I didn’t even think about that…why are people so–ugh I can’t even think of a word. That’s how pissed I am.”
Calum reached for hand and intertwined his fingers. “Hey,” he nudged her. “It’s over and now we’re home where we can’t be bothered.” 
“Do you want me to change into cute lingerie so you can admire me?” Claudia asked him as they walked in. 
Staying true to her word, Claudia changed into lingerie. Well she just took off her clothes and stayed in her black lace panties and covered herself with his flannel. But Calum still admired her. She laid on the couch with one leg over the backside of the couch while her other leg hung off the couch. He tried his best not to think about how easily he fit in between her legs. How her back would arch as she rubbed herself against his mouth as he sucked her clit. 
He palmed himself over his grey pants and grunted. He looked over to Claudia but she was too consumed with her book to even notice. He unbuttoned his pants and pulled out his cock. Closing his eyes he imagined Claudia riding him with her back to him. How she would lean forward bracing herself as she bounced on him. When she would grow tired, she would lean her back against his chest and let him rub her clit. 
Another moan escaped his mouth as his hand sped up. From the corner of his eye he noticed Claudia cross her legs and squeeze them. It was her telltale sign that she was turned on and didn’t know how to relieve herself. 
“Enjoying yourself?” He teased her. 
Claudia set her book down, showing him her pert nipples. “I could ask you the same thing?” she nodded to his hand that was wrapped around his cock. 
“I got bored besides what are you even reading that has you so hot and bothered?” he asked her. 
“A book Mede recommended. It'scalled The Love Hypothesis. The guy reminds me of you actually. Like he fell in love with Olive during their first interaction, he waited years before making a move, defended her from his shitty friend and he gives good head.” She looked down to her book and skimmed a few more pages. She looked up and smirked, “Adam also has a big dick like you. Listen to this: “Can I fuck you?”
He said it, and then he kissed her, unconcerned with where his mouth had been just seconds earlier. She wondered if she should be put off by that, but she was still twitching with pleasure, contracting with aftershocks at the memory of what he’d just done. She couldn’t make herself care, and it was nice to kiss him like this. So nice.
“Mmm.” Her palms came up to cup his face, and she began to trace his cheekbones with her thumbs. They were red, and hot. “What?”
“Can I fuck you?” He sucked the base of her throat. “Please?” He breathed it against the shell of her ear, and—it wasn’t as though she could say no. Or wanted to. She nodded her permission and reached for his cock, but he beat her to it and pulled down his pants, closing his fist around it. He was big. Larger than she’d thought he’d be, than she’d thought anyone could be. She could still feel his heart pounding rapidly against her chest as he aligned himself to her and nudged the head against her opening and— hey!”
Calum had ripped the book off her hands and placed it face down on the coffee table. He climbed on top of her and leaned down to kiss her. He felt her arms wrapped around him as their kiss got intense. They moaned into their mouths, wanting more. He kneeled in front of her and pulled off his shirt. 
Claudia sat up and helped him with his pants before shedding hers off. She laid back on the couch waiting for him to get back on top of her. He tossed his pants next to his shirt and hovered over her. They resumed kissing. Giggles escaped their lips as they tried to maneuver their bodies on the couch. 
Giving up, Calum got up and went to the basket behind the couch to get a few blankets. He set the fluffiest one down on the rug. He went back to the couch and picked up Claudia bridal style. He gently laid her down on the blanket. He laid next to her on his side taking her in. He placed one of his hands on her stomach. Chills ran up and down her body as he deftly touched her, memorizing every bit of her as if it was the last time he would have her. 
Her soft whines filled the room. “I want you inside me, Cal.” she touched his cheek tenderly. “I need you inside me.”
Her hand made its way down his body. She wrapped her hand around his cock, slowly stroking him. 
His breath hitched at her touch. He knew that he wasn’t going to last if she continued jerking him off. He pulled her hand away and placed both of them around his arms. He was on top of her once more and captured her lips with his. He felt her arms pull him closer to her as they kissed. He guided himself against her entrance. In one swift movement he was inside her.
Claudia sighed in pleasure as he took her in slow, shallow strokes. She bent one of her thighs allowing Calum to get closer to her. Their lips found each other once more and they paused their moments, letting the other how they felt with their kisses. 
"I'm yours for as long as you want me, Claudia," he said, pulling away from her lips. He leaned his forehead against hers. “I’m yours, Claudia. You know that right” 
Tears rolled down her cheeks before she choked on a sob. “I know.” She barely managed to say. “I love you, Calum.”
“I love you.” He laughed softly. His eyes brimmed with tears. “I love you, Claudia.” 
Later in the evening Claudia posed with the book as she tried to get a good selfie. She sighed as she went over the pictures. None of the pictures were right for her post. She went to the kitchen and surrounded the book next to the sushi she ordered for dinner. She squealed excitedly remembering that there was a scene where Olive and Adam eat sushi. Granted, the sushi Claudia ordered was from a good restaurant and not an ‘all you can eat for $9.99’ restaurant. She snapped a few pictures and picked one where the lighting was just right. 
She leaned against the counter as she typed: thank you to @mede for recommending this book to me. I barely made it to chapter 16 before jumping my boyfriend. This book made me feel so many emotions, but most importantly it reminded me how much I appreciate my boyfriend :’)
Taglist: @in-superbloom​ @hoodhoran​ @aquarius-hood1996​  @suchalonelysunflower​ @f-mu​ @another-lonely-heart​ @sunshinebabycal-deactivated2021   @calumscalm​ @karajaynetoday​ @cherryxwildflower​ @ashtonsunflower​  @idontneedanyone​ @findingliam-o​ @5-secondsofcolor​ @mulletcal​ @polycashton​ @fckingpernico​ @2fangirl4u​ @calpops​ 
Special guests: @nowherebound​ @wastelandcth​ @sensitivecth​ @holytit
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evacado3 · 2 years
This songs just scream miyeon anthem:
Yo Voy-Daddy Yankee
sad girlz luv money
Rich girl
Also idk why but gurl will totally slay Mamamoo's whole discography
And she'd say 'get the fuck out of my way I'm gonna get paid' while strutting to Yujin's office
And just saying her fav song by mamamoo is wind flower♥︎, a few of her favorite songs are double take by dhruv, indigo by 88risng & nikki, and just most chase Atlantic songs.
I feel like her music taster is quite chaotic and there's not an exact genre but songs about money are very much no doubt her anthem
(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞ you rock anon
Thank you for this it really made my day ´・ᴗ・`♡︎
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Run and hide
Jock bully Sero x y/n
Inspired by @miggiisdumb (Ily queen❤❤)
Warnings : sex, primal play, blood, overstimulation, drug use +18
you ran, you had to. You didn't know why you agreed to this, you were just sitting on your couch only an hour ago, with your roommate Mina, who dragged you to a party. At the party, the host of it, Bakugo, had the grand idea of playing a game of truth or dare. A pretty stupid idea, you thought to yourself. But he was drunk so that might've been the reason he came up with this dumb idea. A bunch of people sat in a circle, you sitting next to Mina. Bakugo was setting the rules up, and you weren't listening. You had been spacing out for maybe ten minutes, until you noticed Mina elbowing you in the ribs. It jolted you out of your day dream to start paying attention to your surroundings. You noticed that one of bakugo's friends was pointing at you, with a big grin on his face. He had black hair tied up in a small ponytail and a piercing on his eyebrow. He wore a black hair of sweatpants and a jacket he got from being on the basketball team. He had dark eyes, with his scleras red from smoking weed. "Y/n. You got about an hour to avoid me around the campus."
"what?" You ask cluelessly. It was clear you hadn't been paying attention, at all. "And if you find me?" Mina sighed loudly.
"you're not allowed to ask, its his choice. If you had paid attention you would've known. Now go! You got about five minutes to hide!" She squealed happily. She pushed you up and out of the house. You were still dumbfounded. You came to the realization that they might've just kicked you out of the house because you were being boring. You sighed, annoyed and just started walking towards your hoise, because Mina drove you guys here. You started walking, but you felt some sort of anxiety, so you checked your phone to see the time. It was 1:43 am, you left the house two minutes ago by now. You started to walk A little faster, being a bit paranoid. You started to text Mina, embarrassed and angry. 'If you wanted me to leave you could've just asked instead of embarrassing me in front of anyone.' You pressed send and sighed, annoyed. About two minutes later you got a text back 'gurl, you better start running, Sero is about to leave the house to get you.' You scoff and text her back 'haha real funny asshole, just know when I get home I aint helping you with setting up your room anymore.' You check the time again. 1:47 am. You feel even more anxious, and Mina texts back, scaring you a bit. "He just left the house, you got about an hour Y/n good luck!" You almost yell, you're annoyed that she keeps going on with this stupid bit, but you still feel this feeling of unease around you. "Yeah sure, fuck you and your friends. " you put your phone in your pocket and keep walking. You hear a noise behind you and you snap your head back quickly behind you. There was nothing, you sigh and scold yourself for being paranoid. You keep walking to your house until you're maybe a block away from it. You go and text Mina again 'yeah, I don't see your little friend around here. Thanks for making me walk home btw🖕' you shove your phone in your pocket and keep walking. You hear a ding from your phone, she texts back 'you're no fun! And he is, you don't have to believe me until he gets you. Have fun, btw he thinks you're cute so I hope you think he is too.' You sigh and just look at the time. 2:03 am. Whatever, you shouldn't care. You get closer to your house until you hear a sound of footsteps behind you. You look behind you and see nothing, and take a deep breath. "No one is there, dumbass." You mumble to your self
"well now y/n you sound like bakugo right now. Don't know if it fits you chica." You freeze. Holy shit. You turn around to face Sero. He had a grin on his face still, but it seemed to be a bit darker. "Ill count to ten before I start running after you, Mi Amor." He whispers. You were still frozen, your face heating up. "Uno....dos..." He starts counting. You start running past him. He's now on 5, you keep running. Now were in the present, you're still running as fast as you can. You get to your house, but you know you can't make it through the front door, you didn't have a key and the password would waste time. So you go for the backdoor. You go through the fence door to the back yard and to the backdoor. You feel a sense of a relief. Until you see the reflection on you on the glass on the door... And Sero's. Your blood runs cold. You try to open the door but its too late. He grabs you roughly and slams you against the grass of your backyard. "Should've been faster Chica." He says darkly.
"get off of me you Fuck!" You yell. This doesn't stop him, it fuels him more now. He grabs his phone and takes a photo of you and him. You feel humiliated and scared, and slightly.... Aroused?
"no can do Chica. I won, you were too slow, so I get to do what I want now. " he says with a smile. You look at him taking off his jacket, he had a black wife beater on. Fuck he looked good on him. You were just glad that the back porch lights were on. "Relax pretty girl, ill make it enjoyable." He whispers in your ear, sensually. You can feel your breath hitch as he starts to peel off your leggings. You feel yourself getting more aroused. Fuck, this can't be happening. He slid his hands down to your bare thighs. "fuck, so fucking sexy Chica. Can't wait to taste." You heard a ripping noise and felt your wrists being tied up. He sat you up against the backdoor. Your bottom now exposed to this feral looking man. He looked you straight in your eyes and without a warning shove two fingers in your cunt. You let a squeal of surprise " well, I need to prep you darling. " you glare at him "hey don't get mad at me, you lost." He grinned. He started to curl his fingers. You felt yourself tightening against this new feeling, You arch your back as a result. "You're so pretty like this." He coos
"fuck you asshole." You say breathlessly.
"that's the plan sweetheart." He throws your legs over his shoulders out of nowhere. You felt a soft tongue against your clit. You gasped and twitch at the feeling. "Fuck, so fucking good." He murmers something in Spanish that you couldn't understand and starts to suck against your folds. This makes you moan out loud and buck your hips, god why did it have to feel so good? He Slurped and sucked against your cunt, happy you were moaning, knowing it was a sign he was doing it right. You were sopping wet at this point and your eyes were brimming with tears. He kept kissing your cunt. "Good girl, wanna cum? Wanna cum for me, like a pretty little slut?" He asked, shoving his fingers in and out of you. You whine and nod your head vigourusly, you felt so close to coming. You needed to, you needed to cum so badly.
"please, fuck, please Sero." You beg, like a dumb slut. He pulls out his fingers, you were so close, so so so close. You start to cry. "You jerk! I was so fucking close" you cry out, this earns you a harsh slap against the ass. You hiss at the pain. He lays you down and starts to pull down his pants, you felt so hot and airy now.
"calm down chica, you will." He Pulls down his underwear and his cock springs free, slapping against his stomach, it was long and thick. You were worried it wasn't gonna fit. He rubs his hands against your cunt, making you squeal again, and rubs your juices against his cock. He positions himself against your cunt and puts one hand on your face. "This might hurt." He whispers. With no warning he shoves himself in, immediately bottoming out. You short circuit a little as your body clenched around his intrusion. He groans happily and starts chuckling "fuck yeah" he mutters breathlessly. "so fucking tight, Im gonna fucking ruin you, you sweet little bitch." He grabs you by the hair and starts pounding into you, you moan and scream with every thrust. He would bite against your neck and legs and ripped off your shirt like an animal. He dove right for your breasts while still pounding you without even slowing down. He licked and but at your nipples harshly and slapped your ass anytime you cussed. You were covered in hickeys and bite marks, which some of them even bled, which he licked obviously. You felt so close again, you wanted to grab him but your arms were tied up, so you lay your head against his chest.
"please let me cum.." you whisper in his ear, this made him even more feral. He started to pound into you harder. You felt him bite against your shoulder really hard as he pushed into you, he sounded like he was growling almost.
"Wanna fucking cum? Wanna cum like the little slut you are? Ill let you cum pretty girl." You felt him bully your cervix even harder until you squirted everwhere, on his stomach, both of your guy's thighs and the floor. You moan out weakly from your high and you hear him huff. He went back to pounding you though. "wait! S-Sero! I just came I ca-" he silences you with another slap to the ass, that was definitely gonna leave a mark.
"you wanted to fucking cum right, Mi amor? Well your gonna cum until you can't fucking talk and Im gonna cum until Im all out, got it?" You nodded helplessly as he pummels into you relentlessly he made you cum god knows how many times now, and you couldn't talk anymore and everything was hazy. Your body was covered in hand prints, bruises, hickeys and bite marks. Once he finally came, his moan sounded so angelic to your ears. You felt his warmth in you, it was so thick and hot, and you wanted it all in your tummy, which he was planning on doing. He grabs you by the neck and slams into you again, this goes on for god knows how long until you two are finally fucked out. By this point the sun was starting to come up and you could hear Mina's car pull up. You didn't care at this point and you and sero looked at the fence and saw Mina poke her head of the corner and made eye contact with both of tou. You two were both completely naked and she covers her eyes and yells,
"I told you I wasn't lying!" Sero started to chuckle and finally released your hands and rubbed your wrists. "good work MI amor. Next time we do this, try to run faster though, its fun watching you get scared." He then kissed your wrist and put on his sweatpants and brought you inside the house, you still being completely naked and walked past Mina. He brought you to your room and laid you on the bed and kissed your head and whispered loving words to you as you fell asleep. You gotta thank Mina for dragging you to that party after all.
Tags : @miggiisdumb
#sero x yn #bnhasmut
21 notes · View notes
izzyfandoms · 4 years
Like Lipstick Stains On His Skin
SHIPS: Remile
CHARACTERS: Emile Picani, Remy Sanders
WARNING: Anxiety, references to heartbreak
GENERAL TAGLIST: @quillfics42 @aj-draws @phantomofthesanderssides @phlying-squirrel @sly-is-my-name-loving-is-my-game @because-were-fam-ily @imtryingthisout @a-creepycookie @emo-disaster @littlestr @spooky-scary-virgil @fuyel @mimsidoodles @soupgremlin @aroaceagenderfluid @birdsbookshiddeninrealbirdsskin @quirkalurk @gingers-trashy-stuff @iinyxtello @justaqueercactus @melodiread @mrbubbajones @glassferns @pun-master-logan @gayturtlez @k1ngtok1
A Series Of Soulmate AUs Masterpost
Emile Picani had been in love with his best friend for as long as he could remember.
The moment he had first laid eyes on Remy Sanders, his initial thought had been that that was the most attractive person he’d ever seen. And, after getting to know him better, Emile’s thoughts only solidified; Remy was funny and sarcastic, smarter than anyone gave him credit for, and casually flirty in a way that made Emile’s heart stop and pound and ache all at once.
And Emile’s feelings had only strengthened as they grew up together.
From awkward teenagers still figuring out their sexualities to adults with their own homes and jobs and independent lives, Remy and Emile had stayed friends through it all, sticking together like glue since they’d first met in middle school. They knew almost everything about each other, and they were best friends.
But that was just it – they were friends. Nothing more.
And Emile was... fine with that. He was fine.
He loved Remy. Loved, loved, loved Remy.
And, sure, it hurt when he was with Remy, but not really with Remy, not in the way Emile always wanted to be. It hurt to be around him and know that it would only ever be platonic, that his best friend would never love him back in quite the same he loved him.
But time spent with Remy was better than time spent with anyone or anything else. And Emile knew that Remy cared deeply for him, too.
Emile could take the heartache if it meant he never lost his best friend.
When Emile heard the knock on his front door, he immediately recognised it as Remy’s. He jumped up – perhaps a little too enthusiastically and excitedly, but the only person that could see him right now was himself, so there was nobody around to judge. He rushed over to the door and pulled it open. Remy’s eyes lit up when he saw Emile, and he grinned.
Emile would never admit aloud to the tremble of his heart in his chest at the expression on his best friend’s face, but he did immediately squish down the traitorous hope that emerged every time Remy looked at him like that. Which happened almost every time they saw each other.
“Hey, Remy! You’re here early,” Emile said.
“Hope that’s chill, babe. I was not watching the time.”
(Emile did his best to ignore the feelings that the use of the nickname ‘babe’ stirred up.)
Remy’s sunglasses were propped up on his head, as they often were, and his warm brown eyes were on display. He was wearing his signature black leather jacket, too, as he usually was, with a white crop-top – with the word ‘bitch’ across the front in block capitals – underneath, exposing his midriff.
It took effort for Emile to keep his eyes from drifting downwards.
“It’s fine, Remy,” Emile smiled, keeping his gaze firmly fixed on his best friend’s face. “You’re always welcome here, you know that.”
Remy laughed. “If you keep saying that, I’ll end up showing up here at 4am when I’m drunk.”
“Well, I would rather you came here than go somewhere else and get yourself hurt.”
“Even if that means I wake you up from whatever candy-coloured, cartoon-filled dreams you’re having?”
“Damn, gurl, you really are sweeter than sugar, huh? How the hell did someone like you end up being besties with someone like me?”
“Aww, Remy, I think you give yourself too little credit.”
Remy laughed again. “Nah, babes, I love myself. I’m just kinda an asshole sometimes.”
“Isn’t everyone sometimes?” Emile said.
“Not you, apparently. Come on, you’re basically an angel, like, 24/7 and I have legit no idea how you do it. You’ve got the patience of a saint and a smile that literally gives me toothache just looking at it. You’re downright adorable.”
Elation bubbled up in Emile’s heart, and those bubbles filled his chest and spilled over in the forms of happy giggles. He covered his smile with his hand, and practically melted on the spot at the soft, fond look that crossed Remy’s face for just a moment – almost unnoticeable, but Emile paid enough attention that he saw it – before being replaced with Remy’s usual grin.
“Do you want to come in?” Emile asked, still smiling.
Emile stepped to the side, and Remy’s arm brushed against his own as he walked past him. He hoped the stuttered breath at the contact wasn’t obvious.
“I like the new tie,” Remy commented as Emile shut the door and turned to face him.
Emile perked up. “Oh, you noticed!”
“Course I did,” Remy said. “I’ve seen every tie you’ve got like a million times. I could tell that one was new basically as soon as you opened the door.”
“Aww, Remy... you’re great. The best friend a guy could have!”
Emile’s smile was soft, fond, and so, so caring, and – for just a moment – he could have sworn that Remy looked flustered to be the recipient of it: wide-eyed and as still as a statue. But then, the moment passed, and Remy’s expression smoothed over and returned to normal, and Emile was sure that he’d only imagined it.
“It’s nothing, babe,” Remy said, waving his hand dismissively. “You noticed when I got that new skirt last week, even though it’s identical to my old one-”
“Your old one had a big hole in it! The new one didn’t.”
“Yeah, so I had to get a new one ‘cos it made my ass look great and I wasn’t ‘bout to give that shit up, you know? Ooh, and I especially love it paired with those heels that get everyone looking at my legs, ‘cos that combo makes me look fab AF.” Remy paused. “You know what, I think that’s kinda beside the point. Any-gay, you noticed ‘cos you’re cool like that, so me noticing your tie is, like, nothing.”
“Aww, Remy,” Emile reached forward, and poked Remy’s arm. “It’s not nothing, most people wouldn’t even be able to tell! You’re my best friend, and it makes me really, really happy that you notice these kinds of things.”
Remy’s expression softened. “Well, then I guess it makes it pretty special then, huh?”
Emile felt like screaming. Or kissing Remy. Or kissing Remy and then screaming.
(Though, really, if Emile ever got the chance to kiss Remy, he’d be too busy savouring it to even think of doing anything else. Too busy savouring the feeling of warm lips against his own, of Remy’s gentle hand against his cheek, of a chest pressed against his own, of being so close to the one person he wanted to be close to more than anything else in the world. But he never thought he’d ever get the chance.)
Emile stumbled over his words, awkwardly shifting from one foot to the other as he fiddled with his hands. He had no idea how he was supposed to respond to that, and wasn’t sure if he even could without losing control of his mouth and accidentally confessing his undying love for his best friend.
“Um...” he trailed off.
Remy laughed awkwardly, running his fingers through his hair and glancing away.
“So, uh... what did- what did your patients think of your new tie?”
“Oh!” Emile perked up again, at once both disappointed and relieved by the return to the original topic of conversation. “Yeah, two of them complimented it. And someone said the red was a nice change from the usual pastels, so I think it was a big hit!”
He smiled, and Remy immediately smiled back.
“I think the pink tie’s still my favourite, though.”
“Mine, too. It’s a classic Emile colour.”
Emile laughed. “There are classic Emile colours?”
“Sure, there are! You’ve got your baby pink, baby blue and, you know,” Remy reached out, tugging gently on Emile’s cardigan sleeve. “You’ve got your cardigan-colour. I’ve, like, barely ever seen you without this thing. How many of these do you have? Like, a hundred?”
Emile giggled again, covering his mouth with his hand. “I have two. And they’re both a little different!”
“Right, right,” Remy nodded. “One’s, like, a little bigger.”
“Mhm! And this one’s a bit softer.”
Remy nodded again, slowly and with an amused tint to his smile. “So, are we gonna, like, move, or are we gonna stand in your hallway forever?”
“Oh, right!” Emile said, like he’d only just remembered that they were still stood at his front door.  
He moved past Remy, gesturing for his friend to follow as he went into the next room and sat down on the couch. Remy immediately flopped onto it beside him, getting comfortable on the soft, squishy cushions. He leant back lazily and stretched.
“Ooh,” Remy finally said, straightening up. “I bought a new lipstick yesterday!”
“Ooh, what colour?”
“It’s, like, pink. It matches the shoes I bought last week, and it makes me look killer. I’m gonna get all the guys’ eyes on me, so it sucks that I can’t wear it when I’m, like, actually looking to kiss strangers, you know?”
Emile ignored the pang of pain in his heart, and did his best to smile encouragingly.
“Yeah, you’ve mentioned,” he said. “I- I bet you look great in it. And it- it's a shame you can’t wear it when you want to.”
“Yeah, I’m kinda tempted to, you know, but, like, if I’m wearing lipstick, then I won’t know if any marks my lips make are ‘cos of my lipstick or ‘cos of soulmate shit, right?” Remy continued, gesturing vaguely with his hand. “And, like, what’s the pointing of making out with people if I can’t also know if they’re my soulmate?”
“So, I can only wear lipstick when I’m not looking for people to kiss. Sucks, but it’s gotta be done.”
Emile nodded slowly. Then, he paused, and his brow creased in thought.
“You don’t usually wear lipstick when you’re with me,” he said. “Even when we’re going out and it’s just us, no- no kissing strangers involved. How come?”
Remy froze in place.
Emile blinked at him. He tilted his head questioningly. “Hmm?”
He could practically see the cogs turning in Remy’s head, while he searched for an answer that he obviously did not have or did not want to share. He looked... flustered, in a way that Emile had almost never seen him before – opening and closing his mouth a few times – and Emile just couldn’t seem to figure out why.
Remy and Emile just stared at each other, neither knowing quite what to say to the other. Emile was confused, not wanting to speak up at the risk of interrupting whatever Remy wanted to say. He also absolutely would not let his mind wander to the any possibilities that would fill him with hope.
A crushed hope was definitely not something Emile wanted to deal with, not right now.
Remy cleared his throat. He swallowed.
“Um- there’s...” he then huffed, looking down at his lap and running his fingers through his hair. He let out an awkward laugh, and then looked back up at Emile. “I... okay,” he sighed. “There’s something I think I should probs tell you.”
Emile stared at him, blinking. “What is it?” He asked.
“It, uh...” Remy sighed again. “I have no idea how you’d react to this. The thing I want to tell you... it could probs mess up our friendship.”
“Remy...” Emile said softly. “You’re my best friend. You can tell me anything, and I promise you this won’t mess anything up, okay?”
“You don’t even know what I’m about to say.”
“I don’t need to. I know you.” Emile leant forward slightly, giving Remy his best attempt at a soft, reassuring smile.
Remy stared at Emile for a second. Then he laughed again, a strange mix of awkwardness and nervousness and with a hint of slight joy, too – with a confusing, even a little alarming, effect. His eyes never left Emile’s smile.
“Jeez, babe. How are you making this so much harder but so much easier at, like, the same time?”
Emile blinked. “Um... is that good?”
“Dunno. But...” Remy took a deep breath. He clenched his hands into fists, looking up at the ceiling for a moment before he turned back to Emile. “Okay... wow, I’ve wanted to tell you this for forever, but, like, fuck, this is terrifying.”
Emile’s expression creased with concern. He reached forward, looking him over worriedly, and rested his hand on his best friend’s shoulder, squeezing reassuringly.
“Remy, are you okay? You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to,” he frowned slightly.
“No, I- I want to tell you. God, you have no idea how many times I’ve thought about telling you about my feelings.”
Feelings. Feelings, feelings, feelings.
Did that mean what Emile thought it meant?
The hope rose up, though he tried so hard to squash it down, but it was like trying to fit something large in a container too small and he could hardly keep it from filling up and overwhelming him. His breath stuttered, and he was sure he tensed up and froze in place for a moment, before he finally regained his composure and physically relaxed.
“Feelings?” He asked, in a voice slightly more strangled than before. “What feelings?”
Remy let out a bark of laughter. “Yeah, that’s- that’s what I’ve gotta talk to you about. My- my feelings... for you.” He took another deep breath. “I... I love you, Em.”
“I love you, too,” Emile answered back immediately. “Haven’t we said this before?”
They had. The two best friends had been friends for so long: exchanging ‘I love you’s was practically part of their routine, by now.
But it had always been platonic, at least from Remy’s side.
“We- we have...” Remy said slowly. “But that’s not what I meant. I love you. Like, love love. Like the head over heels in love kind. The- the I can never stop thinking ‘bout you kind. The, fuck, you’re so gorgeous kind. The kind that means I’m, like, basically always thinking about you and about kissing you and about how, wow, you’re- you’re just amazing. I mean, damn, I know last week when I told you that you’re my favourite person, I kinda said it like a joke, but I meant it. I like really, really meant it.”
When Remy realised that he was rambling, he clamped his hand over his mouth, like it was the only way to get the words – the pretty, pretty words that had set Emile’s heart aflutter – to stop tumbling out.
Emile was frozen.
He stared, wide-eyed at his best friend.
“Oh,” was the only thing he could say, in a strangled voice.
He was sure that his face was already bright red.
“Great.” Remy sighed, removing his palm from his mouth and burying his face in his hands. “I’ve really fucked this up, haven’t I?” He mumbled just loud enough to be audible. “I- I know you don’t feel the same way, babe, and it’s fine. It’s totally, totally fine. I’m happy just being friends with you, ‘kay? You- you don’t have to return anything. It’s- it’s whatever. It’s chill.”
Emile’s brain had broken. He could hardly think anything other than the words ‘Remy’ and ‘love’ just over and over on repeat.
Instead of saying anything in response to that – as he wasn’t even sure if he could – he just suddenly burst into nervous, delighted laugher. Emile was sure he sounded like he was crazy, especially when Remy turned to him with a bewildered expression.
“Did- did you really mean that?” Emile asked when he could finally collect his thoughts enough to speak, which took slightly longer than he would have liked it to.
Remy blinked. Then, his expression softened.
“Of course, I did,” he said. “I’d never lie to you about something like this, Em.”
“So, you... you really mean it?” Emile asked hopefully.
“Yeah. Yeah, I did,” Remy said. He hesitated for a moment, before nervously adding: “Do you- I mean, is it-”
“I love you, too.”
There was a beat.
Remy stared back at him, wide-eyed. The moment of silence was somehow simultaneously nerve-racking and also soft and so, so exciting, because, oh my gosh, Remy loved him. Remy loved him, he loved him, he loved him!
Love! Love! Love!
And, oh, heavens above, Emile was about to start wiggling excitedly because, gosh, he really, really just had to kiss Remy, right now. And maybe – maybe, maybe, maybe – Remy would say yes if he asked.
Emile let out another giggle, covering his mouth with his hand.
“You... you do?” Remy asked, eyes wide and hopeful, and Emile was suddenly glad that the sunglasses were propped up on his head, as his expression was always much easier to read that way.
“Yeah,” Emile responded, equally soft. “I really, really do.”
“Wow. Just- just wow.”
Emile reached forward, impulsively cupping Remy’s cheek with his hand, and Remy froze. His eyes widened to the size of dinner plates.
“Oh, gosh- sorry,” Emile apologised. “I should’ve asked-”
He moved to take his hand away, but was stopped by Remy covering Emile’s hand with his own.
“You’re good- you're- yes. Yes.”
And, well, that was exactly the answer that Emile had wanted to hear.
He leant forward, and finally – finally! – did the thing he’d most wanted to do for years. Years. Since the moment he’d first laid eyes on Remy, he’d thought about it.
He kissed Remy.
Softly. Carefully. Holding Remy’s face so delicately like he was holding something precious.
And the way Remy was kissing him back...
Emile had seen Remy kiss people before – strangers, friends – and he’d always kissed them like he was doing it for fun, not love. He’d never seen Remy kiss anyone as gently as Remy was kissing him, right now.
Bubbles of delight and fireworks of excitement were going off in Emile’s heart and his mind.
He sighed happily into the kiss, and he could suddenly feel Remy smile against his lips.
Emile broke the kiss with another delighted giggle and Remy couldn’t help but just start laughing with him, too. And, of course, that just made Emile’s giggles louder and more enthusiastic.
He was so focused on the laughing and the delighted feeling in his chest from the fact that he had just kissed Remy, that Emile didn’t immediately notice that Remy’s lips were suddenly pink – a light, pastel pink that certainly hadn’t been there before.
And, in fact, it was Remy who halted the laughter first, by freezing in place and staring – yet again wide-eyed – at Emile’s own lips.
Emile paused, and tilted his head in confusion.
Remy opened and closed his mouth a few times, never taking his eyes off of Emile’s lips.
“Em... your- your lips.”
Emile blinked. He reached a hand up to his own lips, and swiped a finger across them. He then looked back down at his hand, and found nothing – no blood, no anything.
He paused, and then turned his head to look at the mirror that hung on an opposite wall.
His eyes landed on his reflection, and he finally noticed that there was a smear of shiny silver across his lips that definitely, definitely hadn’t been there before.
Emile sucked in a breath as Remy turned his head to look into the mirror, and he realised that Remy’s lips were now a lipstick-like pink, when he certainly hadn’t been wearing any just before the pair had kissed.
“We’re-” Remy started.
“Oh,” Emile breathed.
“Oh,” Remy echoed.
They turned their heads to stare at each other, equally wide-eyed and shocked and excited.
They were soulmates.
And then Remy surged forward, and kissed Emile again.
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