#The Luminous Trio
screwzara · 1 year
Boboiboy Element Trio Name
Petir/Halilintar, Api/Blaze and Cahaya/Solar...
They are the three elements that have some relation to/produce a 'light' of sorts(electrical sparks and thunder flashes, fire... And the sun....)
I was thinking of calling them 'The Luminous Trio'
You can also call them 'Trio Luminous' if you like!
What do you guys say? :)
Psssttt.... There is an interaction scenario/set up in the tags about what i think these three would be like if they got summoned together
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luffysbasement · 1 year
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suns and moon trio ♡
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vaylit · 1 year
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aethon-recs · 5 months
Themed Rec List | Tomarrymort Recs by Horcrux ⚡👑🏆🔒💍
I wanted to put together a rec list of Harry/Tom fics with a core focus on horcruxes outside of Diary Tom (the most popular horcrux) and Voldemort himself. Please enjoy these 22 fics that feature one of Tom's horcruxes and their special relationship with Harry.
There’s a ton of interesting variation that can be explored within a Harry and horcrux Tom ship — from where the horcruxes are located and when Harry can conceivably meet them in canon (for example, the Cup horcrux is harder to access than the others); to what age they were made by Voldemort and how that would shape their personalities and interactions with Harry; to the different magical properties that they might embody, depending on the vessel that was chosen.
Finally, it looks like Scarcrux and Locket are the most popular choices (after Diary Tom), and we absolutely need more Cup horcrux fics!
⚡ Scarcrux
Amensalism by @cindle-writes (E, 6k, complete)
Scarcrux becomes sentient after the encounter in the Ministry in Harry's 5th year and takes Harry for an adventure.
Bolide by @vdoshu (T, 3k, complete)
On October 31, 1981, a tiny piece of soul attaches himself to Harry Potter in order to survive. This is his story.
Creatures of the Dark we are by @hikarimeroperiddle (M, 28k, complete)
Banished to his cupboard at age 4, Harry learns to listen only to the Voice in his head. Its teachings warp all Harry could have become until no more than dark magic and devotion remains. Visions of a wraith with red eyes complicate matters, especially when Harry and the Voice follow it to Hogwarts so Master can get his hands on the Philosopher’s stone.
Eulogy by @meles-merrivale (E, 6k, complete)
You run through the things you have to do for the day. It is, admittedly, a very short list. Wake up. Be clean. Be ready. An empty life, some might call it. You don’t. It is the life He has given you, and so it is what you deserve.
last rites by @cindle-writes (E, 5k, complete)
Harry has an hour before he walks to his death in the Forbidden Forest. The horcrux in Harry’s scar decides to take matters into its own hands.
Look at me. by @crowcrowcrowthing (M, 1k, complete)
A dark night of the soul.
Pitch Black by @kagariasuha (E, 2k, complete)
The proximity of Horcruxes can influence anyone - especially Harry.
sandpaper kisses, paper cut bliss by @xodahafez (E, 27k, WIP)
Harry Potter survives the Killing Curse, but so does the horcrux within him. And this horcrux has been dangerously infatuated with Harry for seventeen years.
saw you in a dream by @duplicitywrites (E, 2k, complete)
Harry has had this dream before.
👑 Diadem
A peculiar way of fitting together by @being-luminous (T, 2k, complete)
“Aren’t you going to ask me why I’m wearing a diadem?”
Dance Me On and On by @duplicitywrites (E, 19k, complete)
In his first year at Hogwarts, Harry overhears Quirrell interrogating Binns about an artifact from over a thousand years ago. Five years later, Harry uncovers Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem in the Room of Requirement and finds himself pulled into a kingdom in the throes of a mysterious masquerade ball.
In Just a Moment, You’ll Be Mine by @dividawrites (E, 34k, WIP)
Tom has been stuck inside the Ravenclaw's Diadem for decades, alone, with nothing but his slowly fading memories. One day he feels a pull towards someone and gets interested. And then he gets obsessed.
Death is not an Escape by @whitepinkdandelions (T, 2k, complete)
The Lost Diadem of Ravenclaw is full of endless wisdom, so it only makes sense that it gets its hooks into Harry much faster than the rest of them.
🏆 Cup
Thirst by @obsidianpen (E, 27k, complete)
Things go awry when the trio beaks into Gringotts. Harry finds himself trapped, locked in the Lestrange vault, wandless and alone... With a horcrux.
🔒 Locket
Arson by @rudehellion (M, 8k, complete)
The hunt for Voldemort's Horcruxes is going poorly. In need of some space to think, Harry offers to take the first watch over camp and slips out into the snowy night. Unable to shake his dark thoughts, Harry finds himself drifting and he begins to dream. What he sees changes everything.
knock it off (part 1) / crave gets slaked (part 2) by @theonceandfuturequeenoftarts (E, 6k, complete)
At some point during Harry's time with the Dursleys, pain got crossed with affection. A kick from Dudley or having his arm yanked by Uncle Vernon at least means they’re acknowledging his existence. It’s not love, but it’s something. Too bad for Harry he carries that through to his less dysfunctional relationships.
The Cost by Blood_Stained_Fingers (M, 8k, complete)
The cost of making a horcrux was steep and when Voldemort manages to kill Harry, destroying the horcrux within, Harry finds out the exact price of losing a piece of your soul. It made a cruel joke that if Voldemort loved his horcruxes, Harry should love them too.
The Dead of Night by @cybrid (E, 6k, complete)
An empty house. A glint of gold. A dream. Or: running away from Privet Drive goes terribly for Harry.
The Ties That Bind by @mosiva (E, 8k, complete)
Harry finds the locket at Grimmauld Place, but it has a curse laid on it. When Harry triggers it, he finds himself trapped with the locket version of Tom Riddle, both of them stuck within the enchantment until they can find the way out. Or so Harry thinks.
Whole by Emriel (E, 20k, complete)
The horcrux hunt goes wrong and Harry fails to destroy the locket horcrux. Tom Riddle hands him over to the Dark Lord as a present for they know he holds part of their soul. In their care, Harry learns that feelings, no matter how toxic, are hard to get rid off.
💍 Ring
Personal Assistant by @phantomato (E, 10k, complete)
“And that’s it? I call ‘Tom’ and you show up?” “Yes,” Tom answers.
shelter from the storm by @cindle-writes, @duplicitywrites (E, 7k, complete)
After being left behind by the Dursleys, Harry stumbles upon an empty shack in the middle of nowhere, where he finds a mysterious ring underneath the loose floorboards.
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deepdisireslonging · 2 months
Remembering the Forgotten
The Reader revisits the beach that looks up at her dig site. But on this trip, something or someone in the water calls to her. When she answers, who she meets is more ancient than any artifact she’s ever held. And all he wants to do is possess and pleasure her to thier heart’s content.
Pairing: Sea God!Loki x Archaeologist!Reader
Warnings/Promises: cw food mention, bad night-swimming safety, magic, SMUT, oral (female receiving), p in v, shadow tentacle/magic bondage, overstimulation, ritualistic-ish smut, divine sugar baby proposition, mutual pining, bad archaeology humor
Word Count: 5500 (oops)
Note: I had another dig in Cyprus and I got to revisit my favorite beach. Which of course gave me a few ideas. Unlike the reader, I did forget my water shoes. If you ever go to Cyprus, don’t be me. Sorry not sorry for this blatant self-insertion fic I came up with on my last day of the dig. Happy reading!
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With squeals of delight, you and your girl friends dashed into the waters. The waters off Kourion beach in Cyprus were barely rippled by waves. Last weekend, with the entire island lacking a breeze, the sea had been as calm as lake water. But this weekend, they managed several soft breaking waves. Which was a wonderful escape from the high temperatures ravaging the summer. And this year, you had not forgotten your swim shoes to combat the pebbles that outlined the beaches like a low defense wall.
And the beach was packed with tourists. And locals. Pooling your money, your little group had snared the last rentable chair and umbrella.
Your friend, Chiara, sighed as she let a wave wash over her shoulders. “This is why we let you talk us into these trips.”
The last of your trio, Lara, re-emerged after dipping her head under the water. “Almost makes all of those visits to your sites worth it.” She spun in place, digging a hole in the sand with her toes. “This is the perfect way to wash off all that sweat we made in Paphos.”
“Hey. I made sure you both wore enough sunscreen. And we all had enough water.” You pouted, a little hurt by Lara’s disdain. “I warned you guys that Paphos was luminous. The Romans loved white stones. Which unfortunately reflects every ounce of sunlight, but it was helpful back before electric light. Some of those stones were dimmed because the Romans also liked to purposefully weather the stone. They thought it gave their structures a worn, domestic look.” You were only a little miffed that both of your friends didn’t enjoy the archaeology of the site as much as you did. Then again, you were the one who dug here. They had to be bribed into this non-dig trip with promises of shopping in Nikosia and Omodos.
Lara dipped her head apologetically. Glancing up at the cliff-face that abutted the coat, she asked, “so where’s your site? Can we see it from here?”
“Oh, yeah.” You pointed from one side to the other. “That white tarp structure on the left is the House of Achilles, named for the mosaic inside. It’s next to the back exit of the site. And right there is where the paragliders take off, off the cliff. The whole stretch here is the city. And there, just right of that dip in the cliff, is my site. Past the curve there is the house of Eustolius, a rich guy who built a bathhouse for the city after the earthquake in the fourth century. But the whole top there is Kourion.”
A rogue wave nearly topped the three of you, making you all laugh even as you sputtered around the salt water. When the water leveled out, you could touch bottom again. The sand under your toes was soft and completely devoid of seashells.
Chiara looked back to watch for more rogues. “That’s still cool that you worked here. Have you ever thought about moving to the island? You obviously love it here. With so many museums, and all your professor’s connections, you could probably get a job. Easy.”
You dipped your head underwater to delay your response. This topic was a secret sore spot. “I don’t really have the personal credentials for the museums around here. My Greek is tolerable.”
“But it would get better the longer you’re here,” Lara added. She jumped with you as a wave rolled through.
“Perhaps. But,” you licked your salty lips, “I’m not a fan of the schmoozing you have to do at events. I would like a museum lab job. But not if it requires me to make… appearances. Makes me feel like I’m an animal in a zoo.”
“That’s fair.” As a preacher’s kid, Chiara knew what it was like to be constantly on display. Never able to step out of line in case it reflected bad on her dad. “Maybe we can find you a rich British guy who wants to vacation here permanently.”
You all giggled at that. Almost like they had been summoned, a group of three guys waved and hooted at your trio. It made you all burst out laughing. But before they could swim close, you all took off over the waves for “deeper” water. Being Kourion, the water didn’t actually get deeper. But definitely further from the shore.
Chiara didn’t let the subject go. “Come on. You’ve joked that a good, arranged marriage would be excellent for your school’s archaeology department.”
“Yeah,” you said, rolling your eyes. “But I’m more likely to get hit on by a Russian than a Brit here.”
Lara gracefully drifted the conversation to something less embarrassing for you. She and Chiara began to plan the next shopping adventure.
But your focus had been stolen. Further out, near the line of buoys that kept people from swimming out to sea, you could see a man. His dark hair stood out against the bright horizon. The longer you looked at him, the stronger you could feel the current pulling at your legs.
“Earth to Y/N?”
“Hmm?” You turned back to your friends, barely noticing the sudden drop in current. “What?”
“Are there any sites you want to see around Famagusta?”
“Yes… but we’re not going to Famagusta.”
“Why not?”
“It’s in the North!” While you re-gave them a quick history of the island and it’s split into more-or-less two countries, you could feel eyes prickling over your skin. When you looked into deeper water, you could have sworn that your dark-haired man was joined by someone with hair like the sun. But then Chiara was dragging you all back towards the shore for gelato.
A wave swelled up from out of nowhere, quickly overtaking your trio. It wasn’t a rogue. But it’s undertow fought your arms paddling in the opposite direction. Like the sea wanted you not only to stay in the water. But to go out deeper.
Which was ridiculous.
All the same, as the three of you crossed the small stones to the hot sand, something from the water called to you. You looked back. Your dark-haired mystery was gone.
 “Why can’t I have her?” Loki slipped outside the buoys to the deep-water side. From there, nobody on the beach would be able to see them. While the mortals had put the line there as a deterrent for swimmers, he had applied magic to the rope long ago. “Brother, it has been a long time since I called a mortal to me. I have been patiently waiting.”
At his side, Thor crossed his arms. “These days are not like the old ones. The mortals will miss her. We can no longer take who we want while their families consider it a blessing. Now they send boats and pray to younger gods.” He followed Loki’s gaze in your direction. “Forget her, brother. Like you have all others.”
Loki nodded, even if that last statement was wrong.
Sure that you were far out of his brother’s mind, Thor dipped under the waters and swam out to sea.
But the dark-haired god lingered. With his magic, he could see you clearly sitting under that gaudy umbrella. He could smell the sweet sugar of your gelato. The warmth of the sun on your skin was cooled by the shade. He could taste each remaining rivlet of saltwater running down your arms and legs.
Loki leaned over the buoy. “Look at me,” he willed. After an eternity of seconds, you did. He knew you’d barely be able to see him over the waves and the glare of the sun. But he saw your head tilt to one side; curious.
He willed toward you another command. There wasn’t a chance that you’d swim out that second. But he could wait. He could relax under the waves until you stepped back into his domain, called by his silent whisper in your ear.
“Come back to me.”
Nightlife on Kourion beach was less stressful than the daytime. With the sun gone, the waves took on a foreboding warning. The only light on the waters came from the few restaurants sitting on the sand. Your trio was sat at the more expensive one in the middle. Next to your morning’s umbrella. This was also the one with the good gelato and other sweets behind display glass.
Chiara and Lara were happily munching on their desserts. You hadn’t ordered one. Instead, you were content to stare off into the waves, counting the stars that glimmered overhead.
The waves still called to you. Their relaxing pulse and crash pulled on you like a current, or like a string attached to your chest. You made up your mind.
“I’m going for a swim.”
Startled, Lara looked out into the waters. “Are you sure? It’s going to be really dark out there.”
You stood, shedding your wrap-around skirt and folding it over the back of your chair. “I’ll stay where you can see me. I promise.”
With the drop of the sun, the sand was cool under your toes. The water was pleasantly warm. Without your water shoes, you gingerly crossed the stones. Stepping into the sand on the other side was a relief. And further out, you could swim in waters less choppy than that morning.
Then you kept swimming out. And further. And further.
Looking back, you could still see your friends as if you’d never left the stones. And you could steadily stand on the perfectly smooth sand beneath the water. You could walk. Calmly, watching the stars and the shore, you kept walking backwards completely oblivious to how far out you were.
Until your shoulder blades bumped into the buoys.
With a start, you dove into the water to swim away. But when you came up for air, you hadn’t moved.
The dark-haired man on the other side of the rope slid his eyes over you. They were bright, the same color as the Mediterranean on a sunny day. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“I’m not sure what else you’d thought would happen. Poppin’ up outta the ocean like that.” Your heart thundered in your ears. The gentle movement of the water circled around you until you were calm again. “What are you doing out this far? In the dark?”
He grinned, dipping his head to face the water. “I was… I was waiting for you.” His eyes glanced over your lips. “The sea called to you, didn’t it? That’s why you came this deep. In the dark.”
For a split second, you considered diving under the waves to swim away again. But something about him… you had a feeling you would make it about as far as last time. “Who are you?”
Again, he grinned. This time, he kept eye-level with you. His canines were curved and sharp, like the teeth of a barracuda. He took your hand as you shivered. “I am known as Loki.” His hand, shimmery with salt water and the hint of scales, dragged you closer to the buoy. He kissed over your knuckles. “And you have nothing to fear with me.”
His kiss left your skin tingling. With a start, you realized why you had been so drawn to him that morning. “You… you visited my dig. Last season.” The tall, suited man. You had thought it odd for someone to wear so much black in so high a heat. But the kiss he laid on your knuckles was the same. The current of him was the same. As were his eyes.
Loki glanced back over the deeper call of the sea. “That – that I did. Though I would appreciate you not repeating it. I’m… I’m not supposed to visit land.” The water shuddered around him. “But, yes. We have met before. I was enchanted by you, Y/N. On land, I couldn’t call you to me. But when you and your friends came back to my beach,” he nodded, “I don’t usually believe in luck. Today has altered my perception.”
Your perception was changed too. The scales. The teeth. You should have been terrified. Instead, every word he said swam around your head like a sweet perfume. And like perfume, even if you did manage to get away, his thrall would linger. “Why me?”
“Why not you?”
“Because, I’m – I’m just—”
“Just you?” Before you realized what he was doing, the rope of the buoy drifted away, and he tugged you closer to his chest. The rope closed back behind you. “Just you: the archaeologist. The one who remembers the forgotten. Who gives stories to the lost. A woman who sees through dust and grime the beauty of the ancient and shares it with this new world.” He trailed his fingers across your forehead. “You chose this lonesome life.”
You started and reached back for the rope. When had it gotten so far away? “I am not lonesome. There was a whole crew up there with the same skills.”
Loki reached out, detangling your hand from the rope like a parent would their child from a sweet. “You saw things they didn’t.”
“It was my unit. My square of dirt to uncover. It’s my job to see things they don’t.”
His face drifted closer to yours. “But your view is unique.” Nose to nose, he smelled salty sweet. His grip moved further up your arm, leaving a tingling trail in its wake. “Let me show you ‘why you.’ Let me show you a unique view.”
This was crazy. He was probably dangerous. But, the scientist side of your heart, the one always yearning to learnt he unknown, wanted to see how this would play out. You wanted to know that ‘unique view.’
He smiled as you nodded.
The rope drifted further away.
Loki stopped.
“I need… promise me that you will return me to my friends.”
“I promise: I will return you to your friends.” His words made the still waters ripple. The same way water echoes around a crocodile as it calls its mate.
“Whole and in one piece.”
His smile deepened. “I promise: I will return you to your friends. Whole, and in one piece.”
When the water stopped rippling, his arms wrapped around your waist. Above you, the stars barely moved. Around you, the water dragged on you like the wake of a large ship. The next time you blinked, Kourion beach was gone. In front of you, a large white stone, shaped like a clamshell, stuck up out of the water. The final steppingstone in a trio from the beach.
“That’s,” you gasped, “that’s Aphrodite’s rock.” You pushed him away to spin around. “But- but that’s two hours down the coast!” When you swam back into his space, you noticed dark tendrils surrounding his shadow under the water. “Who are you?”
“I am Loki.”
“Loki… what are you?”
He circled his thumbs over your shoulders while he looked out to sea. “I am the forgotten. The story-less. Will,” he whispered, “will you remember me, Y/N?”
The eyes that bored into you were more green than blue. And they were filled with so much desperation that your chest ached. You slid your hands up his bare arms to his shoulders. You rubbed your thumbs into his skin, mirroring the movement that he had stilled. “But… Aphrodite. Isn’t this her… her territory?”
He chuckled. Giving you gentle push, the water moved out of the way until your back was against the rough rock. “She won’t mind. We’re just borrowing it.”
You reached up to cup his face. This was crazy. He was acting as if… as if he was some sort of god. Long forgotten. Maybe he was. Who knew who all the ancients worshiped? How many temples and high places had gone missing through the millennia? In your own excavated villa… it was missing ninety percent of its painted frescos. All that lost data.
He was asking you to remember him.
“I don’t know if I can remember you.” Your lips trembled with shuddered breaths as he moved closer. His chest was warm under your hands. “I’m not sure if I’m dreaming or not. If I wake up—”
“Why does it matter if this is a dream?” He ran his nose along your cheek. “Are you willing to dream it? To dream it with this ancient artifact?”
You grinned, mirroring his movement with your nose and his cheek. “Old? You don’t look a day over nine hundred.”
“Why thank you.”
As he spun with you in his arms, you laughed. He laid you on a flat place on the rock that jutted out into the water. The waves were picking up. They drifted over your chest, your breasts sticking half above and below their touch.
Biting your lip, you ran your fingers through his dark hair. “You know, they say if you swim around this rock seven times… Aphrodite blesses you with her beauty.”
“You don’t need such a blessing.” Loki crawled over top of you, kissing your forehead. “And you’ve been talking to a younger crowd. The older story is that she re-grants you your virginity for swimming around. Will you want such a blessing after tonight with me?” His mouth fell open as your tongue darted out to wet your lips. His heaving breath said he could taste the salt on your lips.
“Depending on how this goes…” you arched your chest up into his. “Seven laps won’t do the trick. And, if I am to remember you… why would I need the blessing?”
Eyes glowing, you couldn’t tell whether it was with moon light or desire, Loki dipped his head to press a deep kiss against your lips. Your whole body responded. Immediately, your hands dug into the soft skin of his back. Your legs wrapped around him, tangling you two together like old lovers. When he kissed the under curve of your neck, his sharp teeth dragging over the sensitive skin, you trembled.
Was this a trick? Had he brought you here to drain you?
“You have nothing to fear from me, Y/N.” Loki kneaded his hands over your breasts. His body rocked into yours like a beginning storm. He whispered, “nothing to fear.” With a snap, your swimsuit was gone. Which left more of your skin to slide against his. The soft scales that covered his body made him look like he was filled with moonlight. Their edges caught at your skin like thousands of tiny kisses.
And you could feel him.
His length laid across your lower tummy. You hesitated to look down at it. Chiara’s spicy books had nothing on the heat and weight of it. The weight of him, ready for you. Waiting who knows how long for your return so he could have you. You felt precious. Like a beloved artifact newly found.
You cried out as his fingers curled into you. Out to sea, the waves crashed higher and higher. As did your pleasure. Loki sucked deeply at the valley between your breasts. You arched into his taste and ground down into his touch. Impossible as it was, you felt more than his two pairs of hands traveling across your skin exposed to the water. You thought about the tendril shadows you’d seen. Your definition of impossible was changing by the second. Especially when Loki mouthed at the side of your breast, then licked your nipple into his mouth. You were receiving lovemaking from a god. Your mind spun.
Digging a hand into his hair, attempting to move him as you liked failed. Loki knew what you needed. How, you didn’t care. But his fingers curled when you needed. They scissored you open in time with your gasps and moans. And his thumb circled your clit before you could begin to beg. But you begged anyway. Here was a god. Pinning you down to a goddess’s rock in the middle of the night. You begged for more. More of him. You wanted to feel him. Wanted to be full with him.
“All in due time, my love.” He kissed you deeply, darting his tongue between your teeth to taste more of your mouth. “I need to prepare you.”
“I’m ready. Please. Fill me. Fuck me. I’m yours, Loki. Please.”
He growled. The rumble pressed into your chest, making your thighs tremble around his hips. Curling his fingers rougher, Loki hummed with delight as your slick seeped into the sea around his touch. He slid back into the water, disappearing underneath it. But he dragged your waist further down the rock, until your hips were underwater too. Only then did he dip his tongue into your heat. You cried out to the empty night sky as he ravaged you with his long tongue. Fingers and tongue toying with your walls and your clit, your vision blurred quickly. His tendrils pinned down your writhing hips before you could crawl away from him.
And he kept going. Through a second and a third of your release. The sharp teeth at the edges of his mouth teased with danger. When he finally brought his head up out of the water, he stared you down like a creature untamed. His green eyes shined like back-lit emeralds. He placed his hands on your tummy and rested his chin there.
“Do you still want more, mortal?”
Despite a voice screaming in the back of your head that you’d had plenty… your body begged louder for more. Every cell was alight. Every nerve ending crackled with desire for what Loki was offering.
You reached for him. His fingers tangled with yours. Leaning up, he pinned your hands to the rock on either side of your head. He kissed your forehead while his cock rutted into your sex.
“That wasn’t an answer, my love. I need an answer. Or perhaps you’d like me to take you back to your friends already?”
Frantic, you shook your head. “Please. Fill me. Loki… need you.”
“Of course.”
Despite your whimpered pleas, Loki entered you slowly. You breathed out one breath in time with his thrust. And had to inhale for another. The drag of him teased with your sensitivity. With a final thrust that Loki groaned through, you came again. Your hands clawed the air, still pinned down high above your head. Loki panted. He watched your face as it contorted in pleasure. His scales rippled as your sounds washed over him.
“I could keep you forever,” he murmured.
Was that a threat or a promise?
He didn’t give you time to consider it either way. Fully seated, he refused to move. Instead, his fingers slowly circled your clit. The stars disappeared from your sight as you closed your eyes. Pinned down by your wrists in his other hand, you did your best to roll your hips to inspire him to move. But dark shadows wrapped around your thighs. They pulled your thighs away from Loki’s waist, spreading you open and capturing your movements. Loki increased the speed of his fingers. Unable to move, your voice made up for the difference. You cried out his name, Begging. Pleading. For what, you could never specify. But he understood. Loki gaze focused on the place where your bodies connected. A few moments later, he watched your body spasm around him. Your walls clamped down on his cock, making him moan.
“Only a few more to go.”
“What?” You opened your eyes. Under the starlight, you barely saw the tendrils dart through the water. But you felt them. You felt them wrap around every inch of you that was possible of shifting or arching. They took hold of your wrists, pinning them together. A few wrapped around your waist, pressing you into the rock. More crisscrossed over your chest, between your breasts, squeezing them and pinning down your torso. Within seconds, you couldn’t move a muscle. Except for the ones currently wrapped around a god.
Loki slid his hands up the underside of your thighs. “Look at you,” he purred. His thumbs smoothed just shy of holding open your lower lips. “Gorgeous and spread out, just for me.  My brother be damned.” He thrust once, joining your cry with his own. “All mine.”
Every movement was his own. You could do nothing. Except make every sound that your body willed. Pinned as you were, it heightened every in and out. Every delicate tracing of his fingertips across your skin was like fire. And you were very willing to burn. Or drown. The water crashed against you with the same force as his hips. A tendril kept your head above water. But as Loki’s pace stuttered and faltered, the shadows lost their strength.
You whimpered, “cum with me. Loki, let go.”
“Not yet.” He restarted a steady pace.
“Why not?”
“You’ll see. It’s part of the view.”
The view. The only unique view you cared about at this point was how Loki, your great god of the sea, looked like he was about two seconds from going feral sea monster on you. His eyes were wild and wide. Like he could see every tremble and tremor of your body. His breath stuttered as if he could feel your crashing pleasure like earthquakes. Your eyes crossed, blurring your vision of him. But that was part of the view too. As pleasure once again crested over your body, Loki’s grip tightened around you everywhere. His reaction was a mirror of what you were doing to him.
As your body came down from it’s high, the tendrils lightly squeezed and massaged. You fought to catch your breath. When you opened your eyes, Loki was panting above you. He cupped your face in his hand, pleased when you pressed your cheek into his palm.
“Can you give me one more, love?”
“Oh, Loki…”
“Just one more. I know you can. You’re doing wonderfully.” With a flick of his wrist, the tendrils moved away until you could only feel him. He leaned down to kiss your forehead. The mixture of salt from the sea and your sweat made his mind spin. Quickly, he gripped the base of his cock. Still impaled within you, the fluttering of your walls kept him on edge. “Just one more. And then you’ll be mine.”
A smidgen of clarity tugged at your mind. “What?” What was he doing to you?
“One more, Y/N. Then all will be revealed.”
Finally free, you reached up to wrap your arms around his shoulders. It brought Loki close enough that you could feel his breath on your skin. It made you breathless, his last first drag out of your sex. When he slammed home within you, his shout rang against the stone under your head. Yours traveled to echo against the sky. You felt blissfully numb. With so much thrumming of your nerves and how worn out your pussy was, you were about ready to pass out into your deepest sleep ever.
“Give me one more, Y/N. Can you feel it? How perfectly you fit into my arms? How every pulse and beat of your heart matches mine? Can you see it? How well we fit together?” Loki gripped your chin, making you refocus on his face. “Please. Stay with me.”
Something about his tone told you the plea wasn’t just for tonight.
Then he was moving like the sea in a hurricane and you couldn’t think. Your hands clambered to feel him everywhere. Your thighs tightened around his hips. Your legs wrapped around him, locked closed at your ankles. He had pinned you into place. Now it was your turn.
He moaned as your nails dragged down his back. Panting and falling forward, Loki glared at you with a smile as you clamped your walls around his length. He kneaded your breasts in retaliation. Pinching your nipples between his fingers, he tugged on them to guide your body into an arch. It deepened the reach of his cock. Delighted, he wrapped an arm under the small of your back as you wailed his name. He could feel your release coming. And this time, he had no desire to hold back on his own.
“Come with me, Loki.” You ran your trembling thumb across his cheek. “Make me yours.”
“Yes, my love.”
The waves crashed against the rock around you. Gently misted with sea foam, you finally smiled as Loki filled you. The rush and heat of his release sent you spiraling into an orgasm of your own.
Loki continued to thrust, chasing the final sparks of pleasure. When he finally stopped, he gently pushed your sweat-stuck locks of hair off your face. He kissed your forehead. You closed your eyes under the tenderness of it.
When you reopened them, Loki had you stretched out on your own square of soft sand on Aphrodite’s pebble beach. He stretched out beside you, finally giving you the view of his whole form. His fingertips ran up and down your arm. You splayed out your hand on the sand, steadying yourself. How many times had he made you cum?
He grinned. “One orgasm for each magic lap you could have taken.” Laughing with you, he especially watched some beads of water pool in the hollow of your throat as you laid back. “Stay with me.”
“You will want for nothing. While I am mostly confined to the water, on land you will have everything you need. You can do archaeology year-round, if you want. Or only once a year. I can arrange everything. You need not struggle with finding a place to belong. You won’t have to… how did you put it? Schmoozing.”
You laughed, but felt a weight grow in your chest.
“The mortals are building new villas near here. You can pick one out. They’re an area that’s going to be called Aphrodite’s Hills.” He scoffed. “Since when do gods stay in the place of their birth? I can assure you, the one they sometimes call Zeus does not visit Crete.”
“Loki… I can’t.”
He froze, staring up at you. “Why?”
“For starters… you promised to take me back to my friends.”
His body shuddered. “Whole. And in one piece.”
“Yes.” You licked your lips. “I’m sorry. It’s just… I need – I don’t know what I need.”
Loki took back his touch. He dragged his finger through the sand instead, carving runes and spirals into the granules. “You’re not leaving for a while yet, right?”
“We leave a week from tomorrow.”
He nodded. As his voice stuttered, his eyes bored into yours. Begging. “Then think about it. You don’t have to decide right now. But… before you leave, visit the beach. Any beach. And bring me an answer.” He looked back down at the sand. “Even if it’s no.”
You curled your finger under his chin, guiding him to look at you. “I will.”
It only took a minute to give you back your swimsuit and return you to Kourion beach. The glow of the restaurant illuminated your friends in the distance.  Loki held you close and pressed his lips to your forehead. “Come back to me,” he whispered.
“I will.” You kissed him back. It took everything within you to pull away. “And no matter what happens… I will not forget you, Loki.”
He smiled, dipping his head before he could overwhelm you with how much he didn’t want you to leave. You drifted away, back under the buoys. With a nod, he sent a wave that carried you back to the beach. When you looked back, he was gone.
Lara waved as you walked out of the water. “There you are. We lost sight of you for a second when the waves got big.” As you joined them at the table, she shrugged. “Still not much of a swim. You were only out for, what, five minutes. Was it too dark and scary out there?”
Five… five minutes?
Chiara interrupted, “hey, we were just talking: you sometimes lick pottery to see if it’s glazed right?”
“What’s the oldest thing you’ve licked?”
You stammered, trying to think while your body was trying to recover from your divine experience. “Um, two- no. Three… thousand years old. My first dig was in the Levant. An Iron age site. I couldn’t tell pottery from bone. Bone sticks to your tongue while ceramic doesn’t—”
Lara laughed. “The oldest thing you’ve licked was three thousand years old. Damn! Would make a good t-shirt: I lick ancient things. Am I an archaeologist or did I go down on the old gods?”
Slapping at her shoulder with a giggle, Chiara urged her to be quiet as the people at a neighboring table looked over. But you were too busy thinking to notice. If you took up Loki’s offer, perhaps you could be one archaeologist who could boast of having done both.
*** An earlier trip to Cyprus: Aphrodite’s Rock (S, Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Other Loki Fics:
When in Paris (S, AR)
Sweet Revenge (S)
To Love the Sea:  Y/N is the daughter of a sea-side innkeeper. The area is known for its draw for pirates, but one pirate is feared above all others: Captain Loki. He offers to take her on adventures; is she willing to take the plunge? [Series Master] (S, complete)
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fairykazu · 12 days
scaramouche debuts his second album, melodramatic. scaramouche comments on the album, "there's nothing to say about it." (when forced to elaborate) he added, "inspired by celeste's old demos. there are you happy? you forced an answer out of me. why are you smiling? im ly-" (his manager cuts off scaramouche with his mouth. when childe removes his hand, scr smiles)
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
a new and upcoming soloist was coming into the world of tevyat. but wait... isn't that one of the triple stars?! y/n was apart of the trio band called "triple stars" with aether and lumine. but due to mysterious reasons, they left the group with no explanation. however, they have come back with a new name: celeste
taglist: @pyrrhicgaze @d4y-dr3am3r @murderisokayforme @aeongiies @florakis @luvnoya @mellowknightcolorfarm @elikyeet @4leyn3 @imkaaayy @xiaosonlybeloved @kavxikitty @jayxncya @sakiimeo @theblueblub @whipped-for-fictionals @ynverse @eunchaeluvr @rifran @meowmeowmau @sweetstrawberrybabe @keiiqq
88 notes · View notes
sunofpandora · 8 months
Authors note:
Wow! I was not expecting all the kind comments and the taglist requests from chapter 1. I’m genuinely in shock, still. The comments and reposts got me teary eyed. 
                                                                   V I R A G O            
Word count: 6k       
Chapter 2
The son sun made of stone  
‘Y/n was made of fire. Oh, a goddess girl with lips of lightning and a caged Phoenix under her skin. Neteyam is just the ashes and remains of the heavens she crushed under her heel.’
General Warnings: na’vi reader/ reader is a war orphan/ as always, spider, the reader, and Lo’ak are a trio/ Lo’ak and Reader being platonic soulmates?/ Spider and Reader being trauma twins/ Neteyam being lovesic/ Neteyam being nervous and shy around reader/ Neytiri being mother/ Jake being the husband i wish i had/ Tuk being a little sister and looking up to y/n/ Mentions of grace’s school./ reader fell first but Neteyam fell way harder/ sun x moon relationship 
Chapter 2 warnings: jealous neteyam/ mentions or anxiousness/ mentions of war and death/flirting/ mentions of dead animals/ mentions of grief and injuries/
Extra info:
Y/n is one year younger than neteyam, she is 18 and he is 19.
Lo’ak is 18 and Kiri is also 19. Tuk is 7-8 and spider is 19.
Extra characters: 
Ka’lik (y/ns father. A deceased warrior of the Omaticaya clan)
Zensira (y/n’s mother. deceased best singer and head songstress of the Omaticaya clan)
Makeyo (a warrior of the omaticaya clan. The same age as neteyam and went through iknimiya the same day as well. A filthy simp for y/n)
Kailo (Y/n’s ikran. Your ikran is a male ya’ll. sorry.)
Popiti (tuk’s best friend according to the visual dictionary)
Chapter two synopsis:
Neteyam comes to return y/n’s bracelet and has some internal conflict about his feelings towards her. Makeyo attempts to make a move on y/n and Neteyam experiences a different type of burning in his heart.
Neteyams Pov (trying something new by writing from neteyams pov as a little experiment. Lemme know how yall like it.)
☾𖤓✮⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾𖤓 ⋆⁺₊⋆☾𖤓✮⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾𖤓 ⋆⁺₊⋆
For a moment the sound of my name leaving her lips in a breath is almost enough to forget myself and drop to my knees. 
The tuft of my tail thwacks the back of my head gently and i force my heartbeat to endure boundaries.
 I clear my throat, finding the words.
My eyes fan over her figure.
The moonlight contours the crevices of her curves. Her eyes, an amorous gold, spark themselves luminous. Almost Neon in the darkness of night. 
There's a bandage around her torso, and one around her left bicep. Her skin smells of grandmother's salves and wooden bowls.
It’s funny how fast the memories flood back. 
There was a time before she was made of fire.
Well, actually, I don't think that’s a fair statement.
There was always a spark. Always that small flicker refusing to perish even in strong winds.
I have memories of playing in the stream with my siblings and Y/n, and occasionally spider.  
She’d chase me. Her feet assaulted the shin deep water with the harsh sloshing of her feet. She tackled me and pulled on my tail. The sunburst air is sweet like nectar against our glistening skin and shrieks of laughter and springtime memories. 
Her laughter challenges the brightness of the sugared sun rays that danced through the canopy, it shakes the stars with its loud singing.
The scattered droplets of water seize on her skin as she chases lo’ak, carrying a smaller spider on her back.
Now she stands before me. Taller, stronger, a warrior in all its forms. 
I clear my throat once again, my eyes flickering over her body.
“How are you? Grandmother was able to treat you?”
She nods, leaning lightly against the wooden entrance frame of the marui.
“The wounds could have been worse. Mo’at was able to clean up the wounds just fine. Tsahik suggested i rest here for the night..’
She trials off, clicking her tongue as she gently taps her finger against the bandage.
The dwindling echoes of our breaths gently keep the silence afloat.
My eyes flicker up when her voice catches my ears.
“You? Any injuries?”
I shrug. “A few scratches. Nothing Serious. Lo’ak has a small bruise on his head but he’ll be fine. Mother treated us earlier.”
Something somber in her irises flickers. It’s small, but its not quiet. I open my mouth to speak but like most other things between us, she beats me to it.
“Why did you fly down there today? You could have been killed.”
There’s a hiss at the endnotes of her voice. And I don't blame her for being pissed. Not for a second.
I frown, I can feel my tail thump lightly against the ground.
“Lo’ak flew his way down there first. I wet after him.”
My confession trails a veil of blankness behind it that lingers in the air. She shakes her head, staring down.
“It’s not a thing of fault. I should have been more responsible. Im the older brother, after all-”
The suddenness of her words make me pause. It wasn’t unexpected, but it seems a bit more vague than usual. Even for her.
“Y/n i-”
“No. No, Neteyam this has to come to an end. You can’t keep taking the fall for him. How many times will you let yourself fall off a cliff before you learn not to justify the one who pushed you off the ledge?”
I’m quiet for a moment. I feel another frown etch itself onto my lips.
“I must hold myself accountable as well. I am the future leader of this clan. If i cannot even keep my siblings out of trouble, how will I protect my people?” 
I’m sure loak had told her of the scolding we received from my father.
She takes a step closer, the fire in her gaze challenges all it sees. My heartbeat speeds up its sympathy.
“Then who protects you, Neteyam?”
I’m still for a moment. My throat hitches quietly and my words come up short.
She takes a breath and shifts herself back a bit, rubbing two fingers to her temple.
Her eyes creased with exhaust. I can tell the day has drained her.
“I’m sorry. I spoke out of line.”
“You never have to apologize to me.”
I can tell it surprises her a bit. How fast my words chased after her own.
My hesitation creeps its way through the blanket of gray that treads along the silence.
I clear my throat once again, averting my gaze.
“I’m glad you returned safely. I was worried sick.”
She chuckles and gently flips the small spiral in her hand.
“Had my lucky charm on my bow today. I guess i have you to thank.”
I cannot help but feel an ache every time I see that damned spiral. Iv’e tormented myself with an object so small it's pathetic. Really. A substitution for the words i couldn't speak.
I force a smile, a gentle chuckle to follow along.
“Well. I see its made some sort of use.”
She nods and places it gently back into the pocket of her loincloth.
I find myself doing the same, fishing around my own pocket until i hear the small clatter of beads.
Ihold her bracelet out to her.
“Here. You lost this today.”
She gasps softly. My heart beckons for my unspoken yearning whenever i saw her eyes light up like that. And fuck, I curse myself for looking away.
She placed it back on her wrist.
“Thank you, Neteyam. I would have been looking for days.”
When her fingers brush my palm a new wave of sun-streaked warmth swallows my chest in the pale moonlight.
“You don’t have to thank me.”
I would do anything for you.
She chuckles softly and I swear I feel my knees buckle at the sound.
All I can do is stare at her for a moment. My eyes tracing her curves and imagine it’s my fingertips, kissing my small apologies onto her skin.
The small breeze wisps at the small loose hairs that edged at her forehead, scattered out of her braids. Her scent is sweet. Her eyes are wondrously doe-like. 
I wish i could pocket the sounds of her laughter. I wish i could reach for her and brush her skin against mine if it meant even a second of her warmth is relished in. 
I want her. All of her. I want her fire even if it burns me. I want her wild high-tide seas even if they drown me. I want her heart even if I must beg for it. I want her lips, and her hands. I want every rough edge and every smooth surface.
It finds a way to bind me in its threshold of longing before I even register what I've done.
My hand reaches out. The planes in the lines of my palm rest against her cheek and the pad of my thumb rubs small circles on the small temple of a space in front of her ear.
I’d forget I ever existed if it was convenient for her.
There was a time I pretended she didn’t exist. Where fear and thought collided with my panic.
Years ago. After I gave her that spiral.
I made her mere presence become a voidance in my life. A small patch of blankness that traced her shape.
There’s a reason this void stands between us. I hurt her. And I will never forgive myself for it.
I was afraid. I was afraid of what my feelings would do to me. Of what it would do to the future olo’eyktan of this clan. I feared distraction. I feared devotion. And now i yearn for it. Call it a punishment, call it karma or something more. All I know is that I pushed her away. It of my arms, out of my circle, and I thought giving her that spiral would fix my mistakes.
It hurts me. The look in her eyes when I avoided her around the village. The way her gaze chased after me when i walked away
I was 15, afraid and stupid. I still haven’t forgiven myself from keeping her out of my circle.
Now I stand before her. This woman I may never deserve. This beautiful woman who will forever hold my heart in her hands.
She stares at me. But it's full of a sour memory that resonates on the edge of her tongue.
There it is. How she says my name.
Fuck, why did I ever think, even for a mere moment my heart wasn’t hers?
Say it again.
Say it again,y/n please i beg you.
But I don't dare say it aloud.
Instead I whisper to her, my thumb stopping its movements for a moment as i cradle her head.
“Y/n, yawne. I am so, so sorry I didn't protect you today. I couldn't bare the thought of you in danger. “
She pushes my hand away, and for a moment the moonlight feels bitter.
“I don’t need your protection.”
It’s not that I think I don't deserve that.
But is it wrong for it to still ache?
“Y/n. please-”
“It is late, neteyam. I wish to rest now. Please.”
Theres a small tremble in the endnotes of her voice.
And i want to strangle the one who caused her this.
But what more can i do when i caused it myself?
I take a step back, gently bowing my head.
My eyes linger on her for a moment longer.
“Good night, Y/n.”
“Good night, Neteyam.”
As the tent flap closes, I take a step back. Staring up at the moon through the large crevices that topped the mountain of highcamp.
Maybe she doesn't belong in my arms.
I ache for her at night. I dream of holding her. I beg for the figment of her not to feebly collapse into  stardust and watch her wither out of my grasp. Her arrow aims at my heart and I tell her of my heartache.
She says nothing as I’m on my knees for her. Her glare is a cryptic mockery. She weakens me. Every moment of this fleeting moment within my reverie is a punishment. The morning sunset is bitter and the sky feels skeletal. 
To her my devotion is a joke and all I can think of is how fucking beautiful she is when she laughs.
I had a dream once that I kissed her. I kissed her until I couldn’t breathe. She tasted dark and delicate. 
I am hers. I was always hers. 
I’d let her ruin me.
Unravel every piece of me and stitch back together what left is salvaged of those small fragments and watch as they spell out her name.
☾𖤓✮⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾𖤓 ⋆⁺₊⋆☾𖤓✮⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾𖤓 ⋆⁺₊⋆☾𖤓✮⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾𖤓 ⋆⁺₊⋆☾𖤓✮⋆⁺₊⋆ 
☾𖤓✮⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾𖤓 ⋆⁺₊⋆☾𖤓✮⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾𖤓 ⋆⁺₊⋆☾𖤓✮⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾𖤓 ⋆⁺₊⋆☾𖤓✮⋆⁺₊⋆ 
The next morning was calmer than yesterday to say the least.
Lo’ak went with my father to hunt.
Kiri went with my grandmother to help in the Tsahik tent.
Y/n was off with her own duties, and that left me to help my mother in our family's marui.
Oh yeah, did I mention Tuk?
It wasn’t abnormal that I often found myself conversing with Tuk.
She sits in with her smaller legs tucked under her body. Her hands are much like mine and my mothers, but small and juvenile. They lack gracefulness as they scramble with my braids, slipping the beads she made all by herself (Kiri helped) into my braids. She giggles when I tell her about my hunts. She smacks my forehead with her palm when I tilt my head the wrong way. She climbs over me in all sorts of odd ways while I wince every now and then at the occasional stepping on of my tail.
“Teyam. Stop looking down!”
Tuktirey huffs and my head snaps up, all my attention shifting to my youngest sibling.
“Ah. sorry tuk-tuk.”
She sighs dramatically and continues stringing the beads into my hair.
I smile at my youngest sister. I was close with Tuk. me and her being the only two children out of my siblings that closely resembled my mother’s na’vi features. I don’t credit myself completely. I don’t think it's fair to say that my mother and fathers genes are divided narrowly. Lo’ak my have my fathers appearance but he wields my mothers rebelliousness with pride. Her survival instincts. Her thrill for a chase. Her fire and her wind. Grandmother always found herself amused whenever my mother found herself annoyed with Lo’aks antics. Apparently my mother was no different when she was his age. Chasing rainstorms and dancing through fire. Grandmother always says lo’ak is my mothers shadow.
Me, on the other hand? i've always strived to be like my father. I still do. I remember sitting around a fire as a small child, listening to stories of his days of battle and heroicness. I don’t glorify my father as much as I did then. But he’s still the same man to me, all the same.
Tuk is in the middle of rambling about her morning gossip she gathered from Popiti, as she strings another bead onto my braids.
It's a bit of a guilty pleasure, I suppose. Being entertained by other’s conflicts.  Certainly not proper behavior for the eldest son of toruk makto. Alas, what kind of big brother would I be if I didn't let Tuk carry herself away with her words without worry?
I can’t hide that I enjoy it. But telling myself its for tuk helps a bit.
“And then what?” I query Tuk softly, urging her to continue her story.
She giggles before placing a green colored bead on my braids.
“Well, Popiti’s big sister, Kyuna, didn’t take Takuk’s courting gift!”
I gasp, over-exaggerating my shock to amuse my younger sister, she nods, equally as shocked.
“I know, right!?”
I shake my head, feining disappointment as Tuk giggles.
“My eywa. Poor Takuk.”
Tuk nods, patting down my braids gently.
I try to look over to my right side at where she sat without turning my head.
“Did she say why?”
Tuk shrugged.
“Popiti heard her mom and Kyuna talking. Kyuna said that she didnt want Takuk for a mate.”
I nod, fidgeting with my beaded choker.
“Huh. Well then, good for Kyuna. She knows what she wants, i guess.”
I trail off with my own internal theories.
I knew Kyuna. She was a young healer in the clan. I didn’t care for her much. She was a bit cocky. Always had some excuse for getting out of tasks she didn’t feel like completing.
I also knew Takuk.
I had been in hunting groups with him. We went through iknimaya training together. He was smart. A fine huner. A decent provider. He seemed like a fine mate for anyone. 
Tuk suddenly gasped, her ears twitching as she stared up at me with her big eyes.
“Teyam! You could be Kyuna’s mate!”
I still at her revelation, she blinks at me with baited breath for  response.
I cant help but chuckle as i ruffle the smaller girl’s braids.
“It's a kind offer, Tuk. But I'm not ready to mate yet. Remember what I told father?” 
Who could forget? The most awkward family dinner in the world where i pleaded with my father to give me more time before I choose a mate. My siblings watching as me and my father bickered for a good hour. I think its really the only time iv’e stood up to him. Disagreed with him. My father has been patient since then when it comes to finding my tsahik. But the only reason he is because of my mother finally convinced him to give it a rest.
Finding a mate can be a long process for some.
I already knew who i wanted my mate to be. There wasn’t any debate. And I will wait for her. I will wait to earn her trust back. For as long as it takes. I will be hers for when shes ready. I am hers even when she’s not. That is a promise I refuse to break.
Tuk huffs.
“But whyyyy? Kyuna is pretty. Not as pretty as mama or kiri or y/n-
But she’s not mated.”
I sigh and gently rub Tuk’s back.
“You’ll understand when you’re older. I promise.”
She huffs again but nods, going back to braiding my hair.
Shes in the middle of telling me about the big fish she caught when my father took her to the creek the other day when my mother enters the tent, a basket of fruits under her arm.
I straighten up a bit and Tuk gasps happily, standing to her feet and jogging over to my mother.
“Mama! You’re back!”
She hugs my mothers waist, and my mother places a hand on tuks head while trying to balance the basket filled to the brim with yovo fruits.
I stand up, gently taking the basket from under her arm, chuckling softly.
“Here, Sa’nok. (mother) Let me take that for you.”
She sighs in releif, nodding at me, now fully embracing tuk with two free arms.
“Irayo (thank you) Neteyam.”
Tuk sits back down in her previous spot and i carry the basket to the small wooden table, placing it down.
“Nice haul today?”
She smiles at me. “The new grove has almost completed its growth cycle. It's almost time for a new harvest.”
I nod, making a mental reminder to tell my father that later so he can organize more foraging groups. 
“Mama, look at how pretty Neteyam is.”
My mother gently examines my newly beaded braids with her fingers, gently taking each braid between her thumb and her palm.
“Very good work, tuktirey. You should help me do mine later. Why don’t you go to your grandmothers tent, hm? I left a large bowl of new beads on the far side corner, near her salve pouch.
Her eyes sparkle and before my mother can say another word, Tuk is racing out of the tent flap.
I laugh along with my mother, and she sits, starting to cut up some fruits.
“Ma’itan, could you help me with this?”
I nod, unsheathing my knife and sitting down next to her, helping her peel some fruits.
A silence fills the air for a moment, until my mothers soft, accented voice breaks through the gray.
“What troubles you, Neteyam?”
Of course she knew.
I was born from the pieces of my mothers ash-littered broken promises and my father’s guilt-ridden internal death sentence. 
My mother and i were tapestries weaved from the same colors.
I am my mother’s son.
She knew me like the back of her hand. She doesn’t have to recognize me by face. I know my father and my mother both love me. But when my mask cracks like this, my mother isn’t like my father. He tries to tighten it to ensure it doesn’t fall down again. My mother tries to mend the cracks.
I sigh, avoiding her gaze.
“Nothing Sa’nok. I am fine.”
I’m a shit liar. That’s just a known fact about me. She knows i’m lying. And maybe thats a good thing. Maybe she knows to just leave it be.
She chucks another fruit skin peel to the side as it forms a small pile with the other discadrded peels. 
“Is it because of your fathers words, yesterday? He was harsh, I know..But he is just afraid, Neteyam.”
That’s not what’s wrong, but I decide it's better than saying ‘hey ma i’m helplessly in love with a woman who probably hates my guts’
Daddy issues it is.
I nod, still avoiding her gaze.
“Yes. I know. Father just wants what's best for us.”
My mother sighs for a moment, pausing her movements, her knife ceasing its carving into the new fruit.
She looks over at me and she smiles.
There’s something about that smile. It’s like an echo that beckons your name. It’s like a face with lines scribbled over it. Sometimes when my mother looks at me I feel as if she’s seeing someone else. Flesh wrapped around the stories foretold under my bones. 
She see’s someone else’s shadow in my place. As if a ghost welcomes itselfinto the sequence of a wreckage of memories unknown to me. 
She speaks quietly.
“Your father and you are more alike than you may think, Neteyam.”
I can’t hep but smile at her words. Theres fanned flowers that grow under the gray cast of gilded clouds under the garden of her irises. She smiles too.
“I mean it, Neteyam. I see more of him in you every day, my son.”
I’m quiet for a moment, but my smile only falters slightly.
“What was he like, my father? When you first met him?”
My mother sighs, the infinite memories flickering past her eyes.
“When I first met your father, I was trying to kill him.”
I can’t help but chuckle. The story all too familiar to me from being told countless times as a child. But it’s not quite what im looking for.
“No, no- i know how you met but-
What was he like? Really?..”
My mother thinks for a moment, not sparing me a glance as she continues cutting her fruit.
“He was stupid. An idiot. I did not think he would survive a single day out here in the forest.”
I hum in agreement trying to visualize everything from her eyes.
“But he was..”
She sighs.
“He was persistent. Like a weak animal with no hope of survival. But it just refuses to die. Sometimes I thought the world moved twice as fast for him..he was eager. To learn, to live. To taste the wind and the sky..”
For a moment, I see a secondary shadow behind the  fragments of my parents love story.
My father told me he felt drawn to my mother from the first moment he saw her.
I see something else in place of the ghost behind the path of stars that led my mother to my father.
I see a man who yearns for a woman. I see a man on his knees, I see his devotion. I see his heart in his hands, i see his stained fingertips of an unfamiliar sleepless skin.
I see a woman so beautiful she might as well be a figment of the moonlight, and i’m jealous of the wind and the air and the breeze because of how easily it touches her skin.
I see her arrow aimed at his heart and the distrust in her eyes. I see her anger, and her betrayal as it echoes through a bitter blue heinous flame.
I see y/n. And I see her wall that kept me out.
I look at my mother, a shell of something that once was taking a new shape.
Was it possible? For history to rhyme?
“How..how long did it take you to love him? Even though he was an enemy.. Even though you didn;t trust him?”
My mother is silent for another moment.
She gently places her knife down, placing her hands on her thighs as she stared at the blank tented wall infront of her.
“I think it was foretold by the stars, ma’itan.
I hated him. I hated him because of what he was and where he came from. I hated his false demon body and i hated the way he walked, and talked. I hated his hair and his hands and his eyes. 
I hated him because of what his people took from me. I hated him because of the pain they caused my people..
The day I found him in the forest i was going to kill him. My arrow was aimed at his heart. But when the great mother spoke to me I knew better than not to listen.
I think i was always meant to meet him. To teach him my people’s ways..Because it led me to loving him. 
That morning when I returned from the tree of souls with him, 
My mother had told me if i choose this path, to be his mate, i could never be tsahik.
I told her, "He was my path.”
I’m still as i take in my mother’s words. But the clouds still creep behind my uncertain heartbeat.
“But hometree. And the war. How did you forgive him?”
My mother gently takes my hand in hers, and she takes a breath
“Ma’itan. You will someday learn that love is not easy. It is hungry. It is impatient. It is loud and it is often hidden.
Love gave me many gifts. You, your siblings, my home and my family.
But it has taken much from me all the same. 
Love is like swimming in the ocean at night. It's deep, it's dark, the shallows far from reach. But Within that darkness I found your father. I found my light, and someday you will find yours.”
Love is sacrificial. My mother was right. Love isnt easy. Love is sometimes caged and flightless, thick with bitter scents and tearstained starlight. Its bare, and its real, its bruised and blemished and its beautiful because its her. Its Y/n. My y/n. Her name is a hymn of scattered prayers lost to a dreaded dawn and a coppered colored sun. She’s made of every broken and perfect piece of the universe and the stars stumble over their words to describe her beauty
She’s the moon and i’m the sun. Withering myself away every night to allow her to shine. 
I will sacrifice. I will work. 
She has weakened me. The night sky canvases her skin while the bleakness of sunlight mosaics mine. Famined for her touch, I refuse to look away. I refuse to blink. The sky is a game of chance and the sunset swallows me whole. The scarlet screams in the hellish hues of cerise ablaze under her skin.
I will not settle for anything less than her.
Love is sacrificial. Then i will steal the night sky for her.
I softly smile at my mother before squeezing her hand.
“Thank you, mother.”
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(Y/n’s pov) 
Love was a funny thing.
You used to think your love for neteyam was forged from heartbeat-rhythmed nightskies and dripping orange soaked sunsets.
It was dreamlike. Bleeding through every crevice and hidden place with its incandescence. 
He was a part of you. Apart of everything you were and everything you did.
He was in your dreams when you closed your eyes at night.
He was in the shied morning sun rays that crept over the mountain tops. He was in the wild winds and draped under midnight melodies.
Its the memories of smaller things you remember most. 
Giggling while he fumbled with an arrow when he noticed you were watching him practice. 
Helping Neytiri stitch together his cummerbund to gift to him when he had completed his iknimiya. You remember the look of pride in his eyes when he wore a piece of your handiwork to represent this new chapter in his life. Concluding his training as a hunter, and becoming a warrior.
You remember taking walks with him through the forest, and the way he would hold a branch back out of your way.
You remember hunting with him, and racing him down the trailed path. 
You remember perching on a branch and watching the stars with him. You remember his warmth as he whispered to you all the constellations his father taught him. You remember his hands gently guiding yours to trace the patterns scattered among the stars.
You remember a spark.
And then, you remember a gust of wind that dulled the warmth.
Distance. You can recall distance.
It started out small.
Frequent training with his father.
Watching his siblings.
Hunting. Preparing. Working. 
His touch became something you started to crave. Not something that came granted. You remember waiting for him. Waiting for him to return from his hunt, waiting to go stargazing. Liek he promised. You remember checking the sky, the scarlet and blue collide to signify the subduing trials of daylight making its exit.
You remember your mother asking you what you were doing outside.
Is all you responded.
You didn’t tell her what you waited for.
He never showed up.
As the sky darkened, it started to rain.
There weren't any stars that night anyways. spider dragged you back inside. Complaining about how he wasn’t taking care of you if you got sick. 
Maybe it wasn't rain at all. Maybe the stars didn't come out that night because they were too busy falling through the cracks left in your heart.
You felt forgotten. Unloved. Unwanted.
Lo’ak told you that Jake was always on Neteyam’s ass about his training, and thats why he was so distant.
But it wasn’t just the distance.
His eyes no longer brightened when he looked at you. Its the gaze you give someone when they’re speaking to you, and you aren’t really listening. You’re just waiting for them to be done talking.
Spider watched you come home and cry one night, listened to you scream into your palms and rant angrily for hours about the boy who broke your heart.
Then, the night the sky turned red, a new kind of broken was born.
You remember hearing the whooshing of wings and panicked shrieks of stray ikrans, The unfamiliar scent of something metallic and sulfured. 
You remember running into the morning that barely crept ist light over the canopy tips, the still dark sky like a cloak encased the world.
You remember finding your mothers songcord on the ground. You remember finding her body. You remember seeing your fathers not but a few feet away.
You remember the feeling of the air being mercilessly ripped from your lungs.
You remember Jake running towards you, his own panic flooding your ears as he begged you to leave with him. That it wasn’t safe there.
He had to drag you away, holding you tight to him as you practically collapsed into his chest in the front of his ikran. 
You remember stumbling into the village upon return, Neytiri catching you in her arms and the blurred sight of her own tear stained face as she cupped your face in her hands. You screamed and cried and fell to your knees as Lo’ak rushed to your side, shushing you gently and rubbing your back.
You remember showing spider the song chord.
You think he cried harder than you did. You both lost your family that day.
You remember the hollowness in the cup of your palm as neteyam held your hand. 
You remember when he gifted you that spiral under the starlight.
You always thought he was the sun. And now you know for sure.
Forever out of your reach. Aching for the stretches of salvageable warmth blessed upon your finger tips. You could chase it to the ends of Pandora but every night it would abandon you. 
You loved him even if you didn’t know what he was.
Like the sky he was a mystery. Endless but in the midst of the universe it held many treasures he swore he kept just for you. Songs of starlight and supernovas.
You reached for nothing. Hoping to grab the sky and pull yourself into his light. Feel the sunlight on your palm and chase it like the golden hour was a game of chance. 
But now, you knew for sure he was the sun.
But he wasn’t your sun.
This sun was made of stone. It was heavy and roughed. 
The sky was no longer a mystery. The sun no longer honeyed your skin in favor. Tragedy prevailed the night sky and when his blanket of warmth tried to regain its sanctuary of safety to encase your tainted trust, all you saw was a trail of falling stars you called rain and broken promises.
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One of your tasks is to teach the younger children of the clan.
You didn’t mind it much. You often found it quite enjoyable.
You beat out most of the young warriors in your group when the clan was discussing who would train the young warriors. Only the best archer of your age group would have such a role.
It was down to you and a girl named Kyuna. She was skilled, but you were better
You chuckle as the little ones scurry past you, little shrieking giggles as they place their practice bows in a pile. 
You doubted yourself. You doubted your ability to train those younger than you.  What reasons can you give them for fighting when your own was grief?
Seeing the children and watching them learn gave you hope. Hope for a better future. 
The lessons today seemed to drag on. The thought of Neteyams words had lingered in your mind since last night. 
You sighed to yourself softly as you started to gather all the bows in a basket. Letting your thoughts run free.
“Need help with that?”
You swung yourself around, a hand instinctively resting on the top of your knife sheath, 
You found yourself face to face with a slightly taller na’vi boy. His braids to his shoulders. His smile hatched itself on baited breath, his white freckles that scattered across his face.
“Makeyo. For eywa’s sake don’t sneak up on me like that.”
He chuckled in mock surrender, throwing his hands up.
“I know better than to mess with the mighty Y/n. Don’t want to end up with an arrow in my neck.”
You roll your eyes and shoved him playfully.
Makeyo was one of your fathers students. He was a skilled archer, often competing with Neteyam. You grew closer after your parents death. Makeyo was your partner when lt came to training the younger children of the clan. Having already completed his iknimiya, and being a strong piece of the people, he was perfect for assisting you with your role.
“Great practice today, huh?”
The two of you found yourselves chatting while you walked back to the supply tent to return the arrows.
You nodded.
“Ya’here is getting better. Her form has improved.”
He smiled at you, his tail gently brushing your thigh.
“She’ll make a fine warrior one day. She always tells me she wants to be just like you?”
You try to hide the small shock that jolted through you at the sudden contact, with an awkward smile.
“Well, thats scary as shit.”
He raised a brow.
You shrugged.
“Knowing she wants to be just like me? I’m a wreck.”
He sighs, holding the tent flap open for you.
“Well, I think you’re perfect.”
The world seems to still for a moment, and your body feels stiff.
“You’re brave. And strong, and honorable…”
He took a step forward. 
“You’re passionate, and you care for others. Especially those kids.”
He gently places a hand on your arm, its firm, but its not demanding.
You feel your breath hitch, and your tail flicks behind you.
“Makeyo. We shouldn’t-”
“Are we intruding?”
You turn to see spider and Lo’ak.
Lo’ak glares at Makeyo, and spider marches in between the two of you, his smaller frame seemingly less intimidating, but you appreciate the effort.
“All right back it up lover boy.
No no, farther than that. far enough that i don’t smell your lack of personal space.”
Spider tugs at your wrist, shooing Makeyo away.
You groan, smacking  spider with your tail.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Makeyo.”
Makeyo nods, waving awkwardly to spider and lo’ak before making his exit.
“Uh huh. Keep it moving.”
Lo’ak ushers him away and you hiss at both of them.
“Hey. Dumb and dumber. what the fuck?”
You glare.
Spider throws his hands up in surrender, shaking his head.
“I don’t like that guy, sis.”
The three of you start making your way back towards the sully tent for the night.
You bickered the whole way.
Spider sighs,pointing his thumb in the opposite direction. 
“All i’m saying is, big mac over there-”
“His name is Makeyo.”
Spider shrugs.
“Same thing-
But anyways. I don’t like him.”
Lo’ak nods.
“He’s desperate. He wants you bad.”
You roll your eyes.
“Makeyo was just being nice.”
Lo’ak scoffs.
“Y/n, I love you. I really do. But if that’s nice, then flirting might mean getting you pregnant.”
Spider jumps and smacks the back of Lo’ak’s head, making him stumble and wince.
“Son of a bitch-
What was that for!?”
Spider glares at the taller blue boy. 
“Don’t jinx it! I’m not ready to be an uncle!?”
“Who’s going to be an uncle?”
Its the moment you hear Jake’s voice the three of you realize you’ve stumbled into the Sully's tent.
The three of you look at one another, then back at Jake.
Spider whistles, pointing to an imaginary watch.
“Oh boy. Would you look at the time? Time for me to go meet norm for dinner…I’ll catch you guys later.”
Lo’ak calls spider a bitch under his breath for abandoning the two of you two deal with the heap of awkwardness.
Jake resumes his task and Neytiri’s voice calls from inside.
“Lo’ak, Y/n. come on, its time to eat.”
You make your way inside, and Neytiri and Kiri come into view, steaming some meat over a fire.
Kiri waves and jogs her way over to give you a hug, her only slightly taller frame pressed against yours.
“Hey. how was your day?” She hums, tucking a braid behind your ear.
Kiri’s voice was melodic and soothing. It drips like the dew drops onto morning grass, kissed by the forest scent.
You go to answer, but before you can you’re body slammed by a smaller na’vi.
“Y/n! You’re back!”
It only takes a blink of an eye for you to open your arms for her, picking her up and putting her on your hip.
“Hey Tuk! How’s my sweet girl?”
Tuk giggles and nuzzles her head onto your neck.
Lo’ak rudley pushes his way between you and kiri.
“Excuse me, don’t i get a hug?”
He huffs dramatically, flipping his braids like some sort of diva.
“Of course you can, Ma’itan.” Neytiri appears behind him and kisses his head. You and the girls giggle and Lo’ak groans.
“Maaa. come on-”
He swats neytiri away and she chuckles, giving you a quick shoulder squeeze next.
“Did your lessons go okay today? How were the children?”
You take a seat next to Kiri, Lo’ak on your other side as Neteyam takes a seat next to Tuk, 
You nod in response to Neytiri as Jake hands everyone a piece of meat.
“Doing well. They are making progress. They are learning faster every day. I think they will be ready to try larger arrows soon. Possibly farther targets.”
Jake pats your back.
“Nice work, kiddo.”
“Speaking of targets...”
Lo’ak mumbles under his breath,you respond by smacking him with your tail.
Kiri raises an eyebrow.
Lo’ak shrugs.
“Makino or whatever his name is was flirting with Y/n.”
Kiri smiles at you, gently shaking your shoulder.
“Makeyo? He is a fine warrior.”
You groan, not noticing how Neteyams ears pinned back slightly.
His deep, accented voice pulls your focus towards where the boy sat.
All the sudden the space arounds you feels a bit shallow. Lo’ak answers for you.
“Oh yeah. He was really quite brave. He wouldn't have been so brave if he knew me and spider were planning to feed him to a thanator.”
Jake sighs.
“Must we plot a murder at the dinner table?”
Neytiri nods, swallowing her food and handing a piece of her fruit to Tuk.
“Your father is right. Besides, There is no rush for any of you to mate. Y/n, Makeyo would make a fine life partner but you need not decide anytime soon, my sweet.”
Tuk pipes up suddenly.
“Teyam is gonna be mated with kyuna!”
Neteyam nearly spits out his water, going into a coughing fit as he repeatedly brings his fist to his chest to attempt to stop it.
Jake immediately started patting his back, concerned.
“Jesus christ boy! Easy now, don’t forget to swallow.”
“You have chosen Kyuna?”
It comes out more bitter than you thought. The mere thought of another woman in his arms stinging an unfamiliar scorch in your chest,
Or maybe..it wasn’t so unfamiliar.
Neteyam finally breathes normally again and shake his head frantically.
‘“What? No! Of course not.”
“Kyuna? Really bro? Shes kinda a bitch…”
Lo’ak says, attempting to mask it with his own fake cough.
“Hey. Language.”
Jake scolds, pointing his knife he was using to cut Tuk’s meat with at Lo’ak.
“Its true though! She’s always hustling me to do her chores!”
Neytiri raises her eyebrow.
“If it happens repeatedly why do you keep falling for it?”
Lo’ak had no answer.
Kiri clicked her tongue.
“Y/n, didn’t you overrun Kyuna’s role for training the younger children.”
“Oh yeah! That's right! Y/n made her eat dust in that archery trial. No surprise there.”
You felt a small heat spread to your cheeks out of embarrassment.
“It wasn’t that big of a deal…”
Neytiri chuckles and Neteyam speaks up.
“so..Makeyo. You work with him?’
You nod.
“He helps me train the younger group of children. He’s actually quite helpful.
You didn’t notice the way neteyams ears pinned back slightly.
But Lo’ak did.
“Yeah. But he sucks at Ikran riding.” 
You raised your eyebrow. 
Come to think of it, You don’t think you ever saw him ride his ikran.
“He is?”
Lo’ak nods.
“He and Neteyam went hunting one time. The idiot crashed into a tree while neteyam swerved it easily.”
You can’t help but laugh at the image, and Lo’ak winked at neteyam.
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Authors note:
HOLY FUCKKKK! I’m finally done! This actually did not take as long as i thought it would. 
It’s not as long as the last chapter ya’ll i’m sorry. But hopefully the close times in which both were posted makes up for it?
We’re gonna get some kiri and y/n bonding time in next chapter and hopefully some more jealous neteyam. Btw what did we think of the neteyam pov? Leave some comments about it so i can know whether to add it in later.
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neverchecking · 1 year
Hi!!! I have a request, but feel free to ignore it if it makes you uncomfortable ❤
So you know the muddle buds in totk? The stuff that confuses allies and enemies in a puff of smoke? How about instead it made ppl horny 👀 with twilight if that's okay? Maybe him and reader went exploring together and accidentally got a puff of that flowers pollen or something?
Idk feel free to ignore this!! Have a nice day <3
Not at all, Darling!
I freaking love the muddle buds. They are my favorite weapon in totk, honestly.
So I went Soft Yandere! Sub! Twilight last time, now we get to go a little more Yandere Dom! Twilight >:D
Slight totk spoilers, but not much! Just about a Muddle Bud!
Smut CW: Hard, rough sex. He pins you to the wall man. AFAB! reader, he has a country accent. Calls you darling, dumbification if you squint, breeding kind. Also, Twilight bites.
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Wild had given them the go ahead. He had said that though his Hyrule looked different, most of it was still the same. There were a few new thing, here and there, but it was still Hyrule.
So, obviously you had wanted to explore.
And Twilight wasn't going to stop you. Oh no. But he wouldn't let you go alone. No, he wanted to please you, but he wasn't completely crazy just yet. How could he watch over you if you went off alone? He couldn't! You knew he was Wolfie, so that wouldn't work either since you would catch him right away.
He was just lucky you seemed more than happy to have the company. He was just happy to see you so excited. You trotted in front of him, in some sort of leaky cave, looking at it all as if it was an entirely different entity. You awed over the bomb flowers and ooh'd over the luminous stone deposits. You even cooed over the Bubul frog before being dragged along once more. Twilight merely followed, growling lowly at a Horriblin that seemed to grow a little too cocky. It immediately backed down with a small whine, disappearing into a hole in the roof.
At least it wasn't black blooded.
Twilight remained just paces behind you, staying a steady pillar of security as you let your walls down in favor of exploring. He was more than ecstatic to do so, simply watching you. His Goddess.
Oh, how he adored the spark of life in your eyes as you skipped along, looking around walls and through vine blocked entrances. (Not that they remained blocked for long. One look at your pout had him gently pulling you back with a charming smile before slashing through them easily. When you smiled up at him with pure joy and unfiltered glee, his heart sang.)
"Look, Twi!" You called for his attention that he gave easily, pointing at a small trio of flowers. They were a gorgeous swirl of pinks and purples, almost seeming to shine in the light of the cave. He struck a nearby brightbloom seed to give you a better look.
One of your hands gently graced the petals as you looked up at him. Something inquisitive and endlessly curious lit up your irises, which he just melted over. The inner canine in him howled in admiration, tail wagging as it circled in an excitable circle. He just let himself smile since he doubted you would take too kindly to him just howling.
"What do you think they do?"
"Hard ta' say." He shrugged, crouching beside your own form and eyeing the plant. You gently bounced it on a finger, furrowing your brows at the prospect of a new mystery. "Wild would probably know." You hummed.
He nodded along, before standing, offering you a hand. "Probably. C'mon. We should probably head back before they start gettin' worried. Ya' know how Sky gets."
You giggled behind a hand, taking his before dipping into an exaggerated curtsy. "Why, thank you, Sir Twilight of the Twilight Realm."
Rolling his eyes, he played along-- because he'd be a fool not to. Whatever you wanted, he would give you. There was no question about it. Even if he feigned annoyance. "Why, of course, yer' highness. It is my absolute pleasure." He smiled, one of his canines gleaming.
You laughed again before waving him off. "Oh, shove it. Let's go, cowboy."
"After you." He bowed, making you roll your eyes before you were moving once again. Both of you stopped at the sound of something cracking above you, making you look up. A tip of one of the stalactites shivering before falling. It landed in the flowers, making a puff of lilac smoke bloom in a small cloud around the area. Twilight immediately reached for you, because he'd be damned if he let that hurt you, but unfortunately not even he could fight against pollen as you coughed into his chest.
He gently held your hands, scanning you for anything that could possibly be wrong with you, (Who cared about him? Not when you could be hurt. You could be in danger.). He was going to maim Wild if something happened to you because of something he failed to warn them about. Goddess, if this was something fatal, he'd never forgive himself. No Hyrule would withstand his pure rage should something happen to you. Nothing would survive his pure anger in it's rawest, most feral form.
But, outwardly? You seemed...Fine? Your cheeks were a little red, but you seemed...okay? It was a tentative and hesitant okay, but you seemed just so. "Darling? Are ya' alright? Aches? Pains? Anything wrong at all?"
"No, no, just...hot. Like it suddenly got thirty degrees hotter." That would explain the red cheeks. You gently cupped his cheeks, pupils blowing wildly. "You okay, cowboy?"
"'m fine." Come to think of it, it did feel hotter. Way too hot. And Goddess, he knew you were good looking. But it seemed something just made you positively radiant. Absolutely glow as everything around you hazed away. Your touch was like pure magma, hot and smoldering against his cheek, but he needed more. He couldn't breath without you at this point, but it was more like you were the very oxygen he needed. The atmosphere that kept him together.
He needed you. He needed you so badly. He needed your touch and your aura, for your nails to dig deliciously in his back as he absolutely ruined you. He needed...He needed-
He would fucking explode if he didn't kiss you right now.
So he did. He leaned down, smashing your lips together in a kiss that was more teeth and tongue than anything, animalistic and primal. You groaned against him, fingers tangling in his hair as you pulled him closer. Your groans lit a fire under him, urging him on as his own fingers tugged at your useless clothes. You honestly were doing society a disservice by wearing them. No, you were doing him a disservice because he, and only he, was the only one allowed such a delectable view. Only he could make you this way. Feel the way you clung to him like he would disappear should you let go. Relish in the feeling of you pulling at his hair to get him as close as humanly possible. To hear the way you absolute whimpered his name as he pulled away just far enough to rid you of your blasted tunic, dropping it to the side. To experience the electricity between you two as you ground against him.
He couldn't take it anymore. You were primed prey ready for him to take. He had been patient. He had been a gentleman. He had been everything you wanted. But he was little more than a wolf in sheep's clothing. Laying in wait for the perfect opportunity to strike. To bite into his precious little doe.
And now was this opportunity.
Your head angled up just perfectly as he latched to just beneath your ear, licking and sucking his own marks into the skin. A sign that you were his, his, his. All His. His rutting increased in ferocity and tempo, making you cry out for him as you pulled at his belt. It was dropped somewhere to the side with your tunic along with your own belt as your leggings were pulled to your knees.
Anymore would have to wait since he couldn't.
His pelt fell to the ground, discarded carelessly, as he pinned you against the stone wall behind you, holding your ass in his hands as he rutted and rutted and- If he didn't stop, he'd fucking lose his ever loving mind.
With another growled curse, he ripped those pesky panties away from your lips, leaving the shreds fall to the ground as you wiggled him out of his pants. "Darling, I can't- I need-"
"If you don't stop talking and fuck me, I'm asking for a favor from Warriors."
An absolutely feral snarl left him as he plunged into you, feeling you constrict against him as you cried out in either shock or pain. Didn't matter as you were eagerly demanding more.
And more was what he would give you. More. Until you couldn't stand the thought of being without him. More. Until you couldn't think of anyone but him. More. Until he had effected you in at least half of the way you effect him. More. Until you were nothing but a mindless, babbling, crying mess for him and him alone.
Just to see you, tears dripping down the crowns of your cheeks and drool shining along your chin, was a dream he had had many times over. But to have the real thing, clenching around him, marking up his back with nothing but mindless cries? That was a euphoria like no other.
It was what made everything worth it.
You just felt so...Cynefin with him. Perfect in every way. He just wanted to please you. To worship you. So just let him. He would treat you so nice! So well! Give you a nice home, let you do what you wished as long as he came back to you. Wanted to stay home a be a house wife? Perfect. Wanted to get a job? He wouldn't be ecstatic, but he's sure there's some odd jobs around Ordon, where he can watch you. Want kids?
He halted for a second. The thought becoming oh so domestic to him. The thought of you round with his own kid, his pup, a part of you and him put into one. It was something so domestically perfect and something he wanted. Oh, he wanted it bad. It kicked his hindbrain into a whole new gear as he picked up his tempo, hearing you cry out. You were dripping around him at this point, crying his name again and again before squeezing around him. It was as if you were milking him, asking for his children.
That must've been it, and if that was what you wanted, that was what you would get.
His fingers dug into your hip with a bruising grip, jutting as far as he could, biting into the junction of your shoulder and neck, pinning you there as he filled you to the brim. It was yours, all yours. He wouldn't let you waste a drop, oh no.
Besides, he was just getting started.
Dinner wouldn't be ready for a while yet and by the looks of it, you weren't quite satisfied yet either.
And that just wouldn't stand.
Small AN: Man, three in a day, you lucky geese you! I hope you guys enjoy these all, sincerely, I really enjoy writing for you guys and I love seeing your reactions in the tags. So thank you for being so welcoming. I appreciate it more than you could imagine.
With all my love,
Cinder XOXO
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naomeii · 10 months
Celestial Threads.
—Pairings: Morax x Goddess! Reader
Content : Angst to comfort, platonic! Xiao x reader, mentions of death, tiny bit of spoilers? about the archon war.
Synopsis: Threads of destiny lead to a revelation. As stars align, ancient lovers stand on the cusp of rediscovery, unraveling a tale of enduring love and divine destiny.
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In the age when gods walked among mortals, when the winds carried whispers of celestial tales, there existed a love that transcended the eons – a love between the Geo Archon, known as Morax, now Zhongli, and the Goddess of Stars, Y/n. Bound by fate and forged in the crucible of countless years, their connection withstood the tests of time and the turmoil of the Archon War.
In those ancient days, Y/n, with her luminous presence, stood as the Goddess of Stars, a divine being revered by both adepti and mortals alike. Morax, the stoic and wise Geo Archon, ruled over Liyue with a firm yet just hand. Guizhong, the God of Dust, completed their celestial trio, and together, they shaped the destiny of Teyvat.
The love between Morax and Y/n was no secret. Their hearts beat in unison, their souls intertwined like constellations in the night sky. As the Archon War raged on, their bond became a beacon of hope, a reminder that even amidst chaos, love could endure.
The turning point came when Guizhong, their dear companion, perished in the crucible of battle. The weight of grief hung heavy on their hearts. Yet, the war persisted, refusing to release its grip on the realm. In a desperate attempt to protect their people, Morax and Y/n, mourning the loss of Guizhong, sought to move their citizens to what would become Liyue Harbor.
However, tragedy struck again. In a heart-wrenching moment, Y/n, trying to save a human child, faced her demise right before Morax's eyes. As she was turning into dust, she spoke, "Hold my hand for the last time, my love," as her ethereal form dissipated, turning into stardust that scattered in the wind. Morax couldn't do anything as his lover vanished, and could only choke up sobs that could be heard everywhere, the ever so stoic God, on his knees, crying for the loss of his lover. Zhongli, now, could only hold her hand one last time as the battle continued, leaving him to mourn the love he thought he had lost.
Years passed, and the war eventually came to an end. Morax, still grieving and burdened by the weight of solitude, took on the mortal guise of Zhongli. By his side stood Xiao, the vigilant Yaksha, a witness to the eons of grief etched on Morax's face.
Meanwhile, Y/n experienced a different fate. Instead of succumbing to death, her celestial essence invoked a deep slumber, creating a domain where her powers could protect her. Even in her sleep, she remained connected to the events unfolding in Teyvat.
In the quiet emptiness of her celestial sleep, Y/n heard a voice that shattered the ethereal silence. The revelation that she hadn't perished but rather entered a deep slumber resonated within her being. Awakening after eons, she found herself surrounded by a peaceful landscape that hinted at the war's conclusion.
Fearful of facing Zhongli in his new guise, Y/n made her way to Wangshu Inn, knowing that Alatus, now called Xiao, often sought solace there. The Inn, perched in Dihua Marsh, became a refuge for the Yaksha adeptus. "Y/n!?" he was bewildered.
In the quietude of Wangshu Inn, Y/n found an unexpected companion in Xiao. The Yaksha adeptus, usually reserved and distant, was bewildered by the revelation that the goddess presumed dead for eons stood before him, alive and well. Although he would never admit it, Xiao had found a source of comfort and understanding in Y/n, akin to a motherly figure, though the words remained unspoken.
Y/n's sheepish smile greeted Xiao's perplexed gaze. The conversation unfolded as Xiao explained the passage of time, recounting how Rex Lapis had taken the guise of Zhongli and now worked at Wangshu Inn. He detailed Zhongli's unwavering grief over Y/n's presumed demise, a grief that had lingered for centuries. Y/n admitted she knew of Zhongli's mourning but wasn't ready to confront him.
With a hesitant agreement, Xiao swore among the stars to keep Y/n's incarnation a secret from Zhongli. The pact was sealed, and Y/n, with Xiao's discreet assistance, integrated herself into the daily workings of Wangshu Inn. She took up a job, becoming a subtle presence in the background, observing the world she had missed for eons.
Wangshu Inn became a haven of sorts, a place where Y/n could quietly navigate the realm of mortals. She didn't forge many connections, preferring the solitude of her thoughts. Occasionally, she would encounter the Traveler, Aether, with his long braided hair and striking outfit, and his companion Paimon, a petite figure resembling a fairy with white hair and a star-flecked cape.
The exchanges with the Traveler and Paimon were fleeting, yet they brought a sense of warmth to Y/n's celestial heart. Aether's unknown years of existence mirrored Y/n's timeless essence, creating an unspoken connection between them. Paimon's playful demeanor added a touch of whimsy to the encounters, and together, they shared moments of camaraderie against the backdrop of Liyue's ever-changing landscapes.
As Y/n observed the interplay of mortal lives, she couldn't deny the growing curiosity within her. The world had evolved, and she found herself entwined in its unfolding tapestry, a silent observer with a heart that had endured through the ages. Meanwhile, Zhongli, burdened with the memories of love and loss, wandered Liyue Harbor, finding solace in the memories of his beloved. His mourning was a poignant symphony, echoing through the city he had helped shape, and the stars above, a silent witness to the enduring tale of a love that surpassed the boundaries of time and existence.
"Say traveler, do you ever feel the weight of a presence that lingers, just beyond your grasp?" Zhongli pondered, his eyes reflecting the depth of ancient sorrows.
Before the traveler could reply, Paimon, oblivious to the true nature of Zhongli's musings, quipped, "Well, there's a new worker at Wangshu Inn. She's got this ethereal vibe, you know, and her knowledge rivals even yours, Zhongli! I, ummm, I think her name was Y/n!"
"Y/n?" he uttered, a mix of surprise and disbelief in his voice. Zhongli turned to Xiao, who bore a guilty look, a fleeting expression that didn't go unnoticed by the perceptive archon. Before Zhongli could delve into the mystery, Paimon indecisively changed the topic, diverting Zhongli's attention elsewhere.
Xiao, meanwhile, breathed a sigh of relief, the weight of secrecy momentarily lifted. The adeptus yearned for the reunion of two souls separated by time and fate. Deep down, he wanted Zhongli and Y/n to rediscover the bond that had endured the tumultuous currents of history. Yet, bound by a promise made among the stars, Xiao found himself torn between the desire for reunion and the commitment to keep Y/n's incarnation a clandestine affair.
As fate continued its intricate dance, Xiao couldn't escape the persistent longing for a resolution that would bring solace to the hearts of the old lovers and bridge the celestial gap that had kept them apart for so long.
As days turned into nights at Wangshu Inn, Xiao found himself caught between the shadows of secrecy and the spark of longing that flickered within Zhongli's gaze. The Yaksha adeptus, ever reserved and distant, couldn't ignore the unspoken desire for the two ancient lovers to reunite. Xiao had sworn among the stars to keep Y/n's continued existence hidden from Zhongli, a promise he held with a heavy heart.
One evening, as Xiao and Zhongli were quietly conversing in a serene ambiance, a slip of the tongue threatened to unravel the carefully woven tapestry of secrecy. Xiao, usually composed and vigilant, found himself momentarily lost in the nostalgia that lingered in the air.
"Zhongli," Xiao began, his gaze fixated on the distant horizon beyond Liyue. "Have you ever felt the echoes of a long-lost presence, as if the stars themselves whispered tales of forgotten bonds?"
Zhongli, intrigued by Xiao's cryptic words, turned his attention to the Yaksha. "What do you mean, Xiao?"
Caught in the currents of emotions, Xiao hesitated. The weight of his unspoken words hung in the air like the fragrance of osmanthus blossoms. "There are threads that bind souls across time, Archon. Threads that withstand the ages, refusing to be severed."
Zhongli, his curiosity piqued, furrowed his brows. "Whose threads are you referring to, Xiao?"
In that moment, a gust of wind carried the celestial scent of osmanthus, weaving through the conversation like a delicate melody. Xiao, realizing the precarious ground he stood on, cast a brief, apologetic glance at Zhongli.
"I spoke in riddles, Archon. Pay it no mind," Xiao replied, attempting to steer the conversation away from the precipice of revelation.
However, the spark of realization flickered in Zhongli's eyes, a subtle recognition that Xiao's words were more than mere riddles. The Yaksha adeptus had unintentionally unveiled the presence of a celestial being, and the consequences of that slip lingered in the air like an unanswered question.
As fate continued its intricate dance, the celestial secret hovered between Zhongli and Y/n, an ethereal thread that waited to be acknowledged and woven into the tapestry of their shared history. Zhongli, with the wisdom accumulated over millennia, sensed the undercurrents of unspoken truths in Xiao's cryptic words. As the Yaksha adeptus faltered, Zhongli's keen intellect pieced together the fragments of information like an intricate puzzle.
He took a thoughtful sip of his osmanthus wine, the amber liquid reflecting the ages he had witnessed. Zhongli's gaze, sharp as the stone spears he once wielded, met Xiao's eyes. "Xiao, my friend, your words may be veiled, but the echoes of ancient bonds are not easily concealed. Threads that withstand time and space."
The Yaksha adeptus remained silent, acknowledging Zhongli's astuteness. The Geo Archon continued, "You may not have spoken outright, but the hints you've woven are not lost on me. Sometimes, the unspoken carries more weight than the spoken."
Zhongli, ever the perceptive strategist, understood that Xiao's oath among the stars was bound by the constraints of explicit revelation. With a thoughtful expression, he spoke again, "While you may not disclose her exact whereabouts, could you, perhaps, lead me to the threads you sensed? A subtle guide through the constellation of destinies."
Xiao, even if the name wasn't mentioned, knew whom Zhongli referred to. Torn between his promise and the desire for the two ancient lovers to reunite, he hesitated. The weight of secrecy pressed upon him, and he pondered the consequences of revealing even a fraction of the truth. Zhongli, patient as the mountains that stood tall in Liyue, awaited Xiao's response, knowing that unraveling the mysteries of the past required delicate steps.
In the inn's quietude, the celestial dance of stars continued overhead, casting a gentle glow on the Yaksha and the Archon, as the intertwined fate of Zhongli and Y/n hung in the balance. Xiao, torn between the weight of his promise and the desire to mend the long-separated lovers, wrestled with the nuances of his oath. He found a sliver of potential leeway in the wording of his vow. He hadn't explicitly sworn against guiding Zhongli to Y/n, only against directly revealing her presence.
As Xiao contemplated the moral intricacies, Zhongli observed the internal struggle in his companion. The Yaksha adeptus finally spoke, his voice carrying the burden of conflicting loyalties, "Zhongli, I vowed not to disclose Y/n's presence directly, but leading you to the threads of fate might be within the boundaries of that oath."
The Geo Archon, with a subtle nod, acknowledged Xiao's delicate distinction. "Lead me, then, Xiao."
With a somber determination, Xiao agreed, "I'll lead you to the threads, but it's up to you to follow them, Morax." The Yaksha adeptus, with a flicker of resolve in his gaze, prepared to navigate the celestial paths that intertwined the destinies of gods and stars, hoping that the reunion would bring solace to the ancient heart that mourned in silence.
The moon bathed Wangshu Inn in a gentle glow as Zhongli, with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation, approached the figure sitting by the edge. Y/n's silhouette, adorned in the celestial radiance, stirred something ancient within him. As he called out her name, "Y/n..?",
the goddess turned, and for a fleeting moment, time stood still.
Her denial hung in the air, "I do not know whom you are talking about, perhaps you are mistaken." The Goddess spoke attempting to mask the truth. However, Zhongli, now fully immersed in the recognition of his beloved, wouldn't be swayed. With words wrapped in the echoes of shared memories, he questioned her absence and the long years of yearning that had persisted.
Y/n, unable to maintain the facade any longer, confessed. The tale of her deep slumber, the celestial domain, and the fear that had kept her away unfolded. Zhongli listened with a mix of emotions – relief, understanding, and a love that time hadn't dulled.
Their reconciliation unfolded beneath the luminous embrace of the moon. Zhongli, overwhelmed by the return of his cherished companion, felt the weight of millennia lifting. As their lips met in a tender kiss, the stars themselves seemed to shimmer in approval.
Curious, Y/n asked Zhongli how he had discovered her secret. His gaze shifted to Xiao, who stood at a respectful distance, an awkward expression etched across his face. Y/n, in a surprising twist, approached Xiao not with anger but gratitude. She thanked him for leading Zhongli to her, acknowledging the complexity of the promise he had upheld.
In the quiet of the night, beneath the watchful eyes of stars and moon, the reunited lovers finally embraced the beauty of their shared past.
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throughtrialbyfire · 2 months
𝐖𝐈𝐏 𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 ♥
hello, i hope everyones having a good wednesday!! my brain, for some unknown reason, believes it to be late fall right now. maybe i'm just craving that chill in the air AHAH
thank you to the fantastic @skyrim-forever and @umbracirrus for tagging me this week!! <33333
tagging the amazing @thequeenofthewinter @oblivions-dawn @orfeoarte @changelingsandothernonsense
@viss-and-pinegar @saltymaplesyrup @archangelsunited @dirty-bosmer @totally-not-deacon !! as always, there's no pressure, but i'd love to see what you're working on. <3333
this is a section from the very rough draft of chapter 39 of Cycle of the Serpent. the trio are becoming intrigued about varnius junius' plea, and have decided to do something about it.
Falk Firebeard, the steward to Jarl Elisif, had been here a great many years. He said so as he talked to the trio, his voice inviting, with the faintest hint of surprise that they were back. At first he must have assumed they were here to petition for the Burning of King Olaf, a sigh heaving down his lungs and his hands rubbing at his face. When Emeros explained the real reason they were here today, he visibly appeared to relax, and made a comment about the man that the Bosmer had mentioned being jumpy at the best of times. "I'll be honest with you, I was planning to let that go," he admitted in a half-hush, apparently unneeded, as the court made it clear the prior day that they did share his opinion. "If it were anything, I'm certain that Sybille's scrying would have picked up on it." The court wizard, seated near the Jarl, gave Wyndrelis a curious look, her eyes practically luminous under her dark hood. He swallowed an uncomfortable lump in his throat. He didn't enjoy the way she scrutinized him, or his friends. Her eyes, a particular shade of citrine which looked to be peering right into him and down to the veins beneath his skin, set the mild panic to rise, sensation a slow crawl up his back of something very off about the woman. "Yes, but what if there's something the scrying hasn't picked up on? I'm no stranger to magic," Wyndrelis managed out, "if there is something going on, wouldn't it be better to investigate?"
The man rubbed his face, hands fidgeting with one another idly. His glances to Elisif, her housecarl, and other figures in the court landed him with approving nods, and Falk again spoke up. "There have been reports of... weird happenings near Wolfskull Cave. Travelers disappearing, odd lights. I suspect wild animals or perhaps bandits." "Travelers disappearing?" Emeros repeated, his eyes wide as the words left him half-breathless. "And you didn't think that this was worth an investigation?" "Again, I thought it might be wild animals and bandits," Falk justified, enunciating the statement. "We all did. They've taken advantage with the war going on, all this uncertainty, no one is truly safe. But I digress, if you really think it's worth looking into, then I will make sure that you three are repaid for your work." A housecarl nearest Falk scoffed into a drink, prompting the court wizard to scowl. "Is there something funny, Erikur?" "No, no, not at all." The man rolled his eyes as he sipped from his goblet, a sort of wine from the smell of it. "I just find it a bit interesting that we're sending three strangers to investigate Haafingar's matters. This should be the work of someone from our own Hold, not these elves who had to get a military pardon when they first arrived here." Phoebe, over at her desk, winced. She looked to Erikur, a sharp, probably dangerous gaze on anyone else that merely served to make her appear like a mouse scolding a wolf. "Besides, our coffers are emptier by the day. What can we even reward three would-be bandit-slayers when they inevitably return without having spilt so much as skeever blood?"
"Erikur," the hulking figure on the other side of the throne snapped, "that's enough." Erikur shrugged, and took another long drink from his goblet. Elisif looked over the trio, her face worn into a dreary resignation. "Then what do you propose? We've already sent a detachment to Dragon Bridge, and Sybille's scrying has shown nothing, yet, I must admit that the idea of leaving this uninvestigated makes me uneasy." Erikur's focus darted around the room. "We should send a handful of our own soldiers. Perhaps discuss it with General Tullius? See if he will offer some help." The room descended into murmurs of agreement, the idea clearly tantalizing to the court. Wyndrelis frowned. He looked to Emeros and Athenath, both equally unsatisfied with this resolution. "I will send word to Captain Aldis, and ask if he's any new recruits he might test by sending them that way. Phoebe, draft a letter to the Captain, and deliver it as soon as possible," Elisif commanded, tension leaving her as she watched the pale-haired girl scratch something down into a new roll of paper. Athenath spluttered, "but what if it's something- I don't know, important?" "Then our soldiers will have it taken care of, instead of recent strangers dirtying their hands." Erikurs cavalier reply left the Altmer again struggling for words, Emeros placing a gentle palm on his shoulder. Wyndrelis shrunk back, his steps taking him to the stairs. A few mutters from the Bosmer, and Athenath was moving to the stairwell, face scrunched in a look of intense frustration with the dismissal. As the trio left the Blue Palace, the sneer never quite fell from Athenath's face, and Wyndrelis swallowed down the urge to ask of it, or to pry into why Erikurs words prodded so harshly into them as to leave their features twisted, until the Altmer ran a hand down their face and features relaxed, like he'd wiped it all away and resigned to the outcome. This wasn't ideal, but when was anything the trio had been through in the past few weeks?
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wolfes · 1 year
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—The Screaming Staircase, Jonathan Stroud
[Caption: 3 gradient gifs of the main trio from Lockwood & Co. Each gif has a ripped paper effect revealing words from the novel. 1: A yellow-to-orange gif of Lockwood leaning against the wall and smiling. Highlighted text: “Lockwood’s teeth aren’t quite as luminous as my watch, but when he grins it’s a close-run thing.” 2: A blue-to-green gif of George speaking impassively. Highlighted text: “His face was uniquely slappable—a nun would have ached to punch him—while his backside cried out to heaven for a well-placed kick.” 3: A purple-to-pink gif of Lucy speaking earnestly. Highlighted text: “I was quick on my feet, if not especially clever with a rapier, and ambitious to do well.” End caption.]
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rorja · 5 months
synopsis. you, suguru, and a window left open— or, the soothing lullaby of springtime.
a/n. very much self-indulgent and probably with a lot of mistakes (be patient please, i’ll correct it first thing in the morning!) but i really needed to write a moment of peace after a troubling week…….. also, i’ve been very sick and this is my first attempt at writing after a long time so i apologize if it’s not that good TT — 🐣
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it was comforting, watching the thin but sturdy branches of the plum tree stretching to the glittering dots adorning the sky. regulus's fiery mane moving delicately as the evening breeze's note echoed in the air. waking up every sleeping blossom, cradling in a motherly embrace each of its sons and daughters that were yet to be awakened.
spring. where your eyes landed you could spot significant signs of its long awaited arrival, from the night sky to the grass steadily growing inches in your neighborhood's garden. it made a smile bloom on your lips, the same way pink and whiteish buds littered every branch of the plum trees.
you traced the astronomical asterism one more time, drawing an imaginary line that connected the three luminous stars of the evenings to come. an invisible triangle that linked arcturus with spica, just to finish on the other side of the sky and meet with the last component of the brightly lit trio: regulus. many people (and internet. mostly internet) would argue with power points at hand and scientific theories that the white star of denebola was a better choice than regulus. more suited to close the imaginary triangle, resulting in a nearly equilateral one at the price of brightness.
but you didn't care. that place belonged to regulus because that is what you saw the first time you used a telescope. and no one could've made you change your mind, of that you were sure. stubborn just as much over something that wasn't even real but dear to you.
your chest danced slightly— a breathy chuckle finding its way out as you eventually lifted your growing aching arms from the windowsill.
(you know a person who would've found that stubborness of yours endearing.)
a yawn parted your lips and the door cracked open. it had been a long day— a long week even, for both of you of course. but this time around it had been particularly rough for suguru. he was the one to come home with an aching back and tired limbs, though it was not that hard to see how fatigue latched on his body. a voracious snake that found a comfortable nest in between his chest, refusing to leave him alone.
it was the main reason as to why dinner was made a little earlier today and the dishes were left on the counter to dry for the night. you will put them back in the respective cupboard tomorrow as the first thing in the morning. for tonight, you decided to prioritize your rest.
it was also the reason why suguru took a longer-than-usual shower and got out of it only now. the noticeable difference in his shoulders made relief bloom in your chest— no more slumped, or a tad bit droopy but instead relieved, back to their natural stance as if the weight holding them down had been lifted. a minuscule change that probably would have gone unnoticed by others.
he walked toward the bed, phone steady in one hand while typing an answer to satoru and ieiri. it was easy to tell who suguru was writing to. you noticed overtime that when he texted the two of them he wiggled his nose a lot and (if gojo ended up saying something stupid or sending weird memes) his frown lines became more wrinkled, like a child trying to comprehend the meaning of a new word. it was adorable.
you followed his steps, raising the duvets and moving away the excessive amount of pillows on your side of the bed. suguru did the same on his own half.
"satoru giving you a hard time?" a breathy chuckle. he didn't answer, simply shaking his head in resignation and placing the phone on his bedside table before collapsing on the bed with a content exhale. you took that as a sign to join him.
"just satoru being satoru," you didn't fail to notice how his eyes softened when looking at you, "i think yuji should stop teaching him about internet slangs. he's been doing the deez nuts thing for two weeks already"
though there were traces of hopelessness heavily lingering on his words, you couldn't help but notice something else— something that you recognized immediately after as fondness. a familiar feeling that he reserved only for the few people he truly cared about. you didn't even try to stop the laughter bubbling in your chest.
(suguru watched as your eyes crinkled in amusement. the sound of your laughter lulling him to further relieve- soothing away every stubborn trace of stress still sitting heavy in his bones.
spring waltzed from the opened window, attracted by your presence. he couldn't blame it; you were the spring he eagerly looked forward to seeing each day.)
when your laugh eventually dimmed, his phone lightened up with new messages to read. suguru retrieved it and you did the same with yours, wordlessly shifting in a comfortable lull and a familiar embrace. a satisfied hum broke momentarily the blanket of silence falling on the room when you felt his free arm around your shoulders. fingers playing absentmindedly with the strands of your hair, messily splayed on the pillow.
you nuzzled closer to his chest, your cheek now resting on the thin fabric of his white shirt he had been recently using to sleep with. phone clasped in one of your hands while you scrolled mindlessly through the feed of your favorite social media.
and it's gentle. serene. a moment of shared complicity that carried the veiled scent of blossoming flowers and stardust. a needed addition to the relationship that brought somehow a welcomed sense of mundanity.
when suguru eventually fell asleep first, his chin resting on top of your head, you didn't have it in yourself to get up and close the window. too pleasant, too cozy to even entertain the thought of leaving it for a few seconds. you will close it tomorrow, first thing in the morning. as of tonight, you'll let yourself be cradled by the sweet lullaby happening outside that very same window.
(suguru's arms never felt so much like home before.)
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ravolix · 1 year
- Now you see me...
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lyney x gn!reader social media / modern au !
SUMMARY - Visiting your home city for summer vacation calls for nostalgia; especially when it comes to reuniting with your childhood best friend. However, it seems that she's not the only one who missed your presence - in fact, her brother looks to be just as (if not, even more) eager to see your face.
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Lyney: A rather popular actor in Fontaine who happens to have a talent in sleight of hand! Lynette and Ferminet's wonderful older sibling. You know, he seems rather happy to hear of your return to Fontaine.
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Lynette: Graduate of University of Fontaine! Has a degree in stage production and design, which allows her to work with Lyney in certain shows. Also happens to be Y/N's childhood friend - it's wonderful that you two are meeting up again!
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Freminet: Second year of majoring in marine bio! The introverted and thoughtful youngest brother of the trio seems to be caught up in all this drama. If only all this slowburn could be solved by Lyney simply gifting a pebble to you...
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Aether: Lumine's dearest (and way COOLER!) twin brother. The two work together as travel influencers around Teyvat. Good friends with Lyney and probably set this whole thing in motion. Sneaky guy, right?
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taglist! (open)
@kunikya @rainswept @lunavixia @sakiimeo @sketcheeee @coyvxen @tkooooop @anny-bah @almond-t0fu @jihyuniepark @wisteriaa-heree @idontevenknow129 @yaoizee @romyoia @signedbyhira @ros3nrot @kunikuzushiu @sammybeefangirls @duckyyyx @moonplethxra @mizokowashere @h3iz0uu @aeongiies @shiny-chan2 @vomaii @tridentgumfreshy @flowzel @reyy-chanx @lemo-nadde @rionah @moon-z0ne
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book-girl4evaaa · 2 months
Wall you love me?
Don't ask. Tw: a high level of what the crap, read at your own risk, this is a joke!
Also all turtles idea, I BLAME THE GC!
Tags: @sleep-can-wait @fish-ofishial45 @the-slowest-turtle @the-ultimate-bookworm
Ugh here we go.
Archivist snuck through the darkness. Midnight was the only safe time to see them. It had always been, but now with the new laws restricting love of their kind, secrecy was even more crucial than ever. 
  In fact, to her, midnights were more than just the safest time, they were special. Irreplaceable. It was midnight 5 years ago they had met, under the glittering moonlight. They had spent countless nights sat together. Vista had talked and they had listened; they were a great listener. It was strange to think that she was just 13 then. It was so long ago, and things so different to how they were now. Both between them and the world. 
   Eventually, something grew between them. It was always going to happen, they both knew it, but something in them resisted. They stood stronger than archivist, almost as if they were made of stone. But of course, in the end they crumbled. They both fell in love.
  Now, Archivist stalked through the backstreets, silent and driven. Every step was a step closer to the things she loved the most, every stride having more push, more drive. She knew exactly where she was headed.
  Before all of this, Archivist had never understood “love”, or at least the concept. People spoke of it as a fairytale, a hole you fell into and couldn't escape, a series of choices you made for someone else, a gift and curse rolled into one. She still wasn't sure what she believed. But when she thought of them, her heart felt like it was glowing and brain felt peacefully chaotic and she just felt so, so alive. Maybe that's what love was.
  Archivist was almost there now. Just a little further… and she had to be careful.
  After all, love like theirs was forbidden in their world. No one would ever let it happen if they knew.
  Love between a girl and a wall was forbidden, and it would stay that way.
  The wall was the same as always, a pale pristine white, almost luminous in the moon's rays. Their gown of potato chips curved around their generous figure. They were beautiful, but that was nothing new. 
  Archivist shrugged back her cloak to get a better view of the one she loved. They were painfully stunning, from the small snags in the eggshell paint to the brick pattern behind. She saw little reminders of the wall - her wall - everywhere. But it was nothing compared to seeing them in person. They were solid, a single strong lifeboat in the turbulent seas of the world around her. This wall was her lover, her secret haven. Noone knew about them except…
  “Hey Vista! How are-” Bea jumped over a log to land alongside Archivist, before noticing the wall. She let out a low whistle. “So this is the mystery girlfriend… no wonder you got together.” Archivist flushed, affectionately stroking the wall, trailing her fingers along their paint.
  Bea and Vista had been “dating” for the past year now, to help cover for Vista and her true love. After all, it would be the perfect cover story for all the sneaking out in the middle of the night. But over time, real feelings developed. So vista decided it was time to introduce them.
  “So… hey kitten…” Bea leaned against a tree, not looking away from the wall for a moment. “How's it going?” 
  Archivist put her palm against the wall's side. This is how they talked: Vista could hear the wall and interpret their thoughts. “They say good… also that you have no rizz.” Bea chuckled.
  “So should we get to know each other?”
  “Yeah,” Vista translated. “That would be nice.”
Bea sat down next to Vista, squeezing her hands gently.
  They spent most of the night sat, talking. They did the same thing the night after, and the night after that. Slowly they grew closer, all of them. They became a trio over the course of those nights.
  Every evening gave Vista a hope for a future. A life.
  A day they could spend time together come down.
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floylia · 7 months
Overworked & Underpaid
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[name] — Has been in the industry for the past 7 years under Fatui Entertainment. You were scouted through your youtube account where you used to sing covers and originals. With no intentions of pursuing music, you ignored it, until Lumine and Aether dared you to audition as a joke. Audition day came and you sang the “banana song” from Despicable Me with Aether’s dead-beat ukulele. 2 months later, you received an acceptance letter.
Ayaka — Used to be a part time model for her older brother’s clothing collection before becoming a renowned actress throughout Teyvat after starring as a lead in one of Hutao’s shows. Brand deals were sold left and right. Every product she showed on camera became out of stock.
Lumine — Began vlogging during your senior year to “capture the last moments of high school.” After uploading her first video, thousands of views, likes, and comments flooded her inbox within 12 hours. The viewers loved seeing the chaotic chemistry between the three of you, earning you the nickname, “Golden Trio.”
Hutao — Famous for producing fantasy or historical based films with tragic endings. She has mentioned in multiple interviews that she owns a cup that said “tears of my viewers.” It’s a bit sadistic, but every time she uses it, new ideas come to mind. That’s when her co-workers know that a new hit movie is in the making.
Aether — Was a former trainee who was set to debut in a boy group, but instead quit to became a producer. No one truly knows why, not even Lumine. However, he seems happier with his job now—meeting new people and traveling between places seems to be his calling.
Thoma — The famous manager of DCKZ. He was caught walking towards the company building, wearing a black mask, while scrolling through his phone when suddenly reporters camping outside, told him to stand and wave for the camera, thinking that he was one of the DCKZ members. Still confused, Thoma did what was asked before the reporters realized their mistake. The video blew up and ever since that day, many fans greeted him eagerly during concerts.
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Synopsis: After 7 years of enduring the media’s relentless pursuit of painting you as a villain, you’re forced to go through an indefinite hiatus with a tainted reputation on your head. However, just when you thought your career was over, a certain 5WIRL member wants you to feature on his solo album. Surely, this won’t affect your reputation once more, would it?
scaramouche x fem!reader
masterlist | next
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luxthestrange · 1 year
G.I Incorrect Quotes#27 Fatui Vs Klee
Childe*Walking around the Liyue to get stalk spy on the adventure trio*Huh?What is this?*Looks at a Champion belt on the floor, picks it up*
Klee*Being thrown into the air in a luchador mask and outfit turns around mid-air*EXPLODING SENTON!?!
Childe: WHA!?-
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Childe is smacked face on the ground with Klee on his back, You come in with Stripped white and black shirt
Y/n*Tapping the ground*1!...2!...3!
Klee*Grins holding the wrestling champ in one hand while you hold her other hand up in victory*
Lumine*Hitting the Bell to indicate she won, In A shirt that says 'Coach'*
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