#The Purification
lady-iizsil · 2 years
Random Lucien Lachance Headcanon - kinda long though! But it's about his grief over Cheydinhal. Wanted to talk about it because I didn't know if it would show up in the actual fanfic I'm writing.
In writing the fanfiction, I have a Google doc where I just slap down random scenes that pop into my head (keeps my inspiration flowing and documents them for use later y'know?). I don't fully intend on using all of them, some are to just get into Lucien and other character's heads for a bit for characterization practice.
Regarding the Purification of Cheydinhal, I was trying to explore the scene and how Lucien dealt with the grief.
I wrote him returning to the Sanctuary after the deed was done, kind of in a cloudy dissociative state as he was trying to separate himself from the task at hand - getting rid of the bodies.
But the more he looks at everyone, and sees Ocheeva and Teinaava, the thoughts just overwhelm him - and though he was trying to be angry and feel justified (there was a TRAITOR after all, something Lucien has a personal grievance against is treason), he couldn't do it. A pitiful mix of trying to force himself to be angry but being unable to fight the tears and the memories.
He still did the job, bitterly and silently, and because he was trying so hard to disconnect a lot of the memories of the event feel like a miserable blur to him.
But when he returned to Fort Farragut, he fully broke down - a blinding grief-filled rage where he smashed his mirror to pieces. He wanted to feel hate for whoever the Traitor may have been in the Sanctuary, most of all, he hated himself. He felt weak and powerless but knew the Purification was necessary. He feels as if he killed his own children, his family, leaving him alone and vulnerable again living with the guilt.
I am KICKING MYSELF for not thinking of this while writing Chapter 2 and I may go back and edit it - I want to hint more to this silent anguish. His knuckles wrapped in bandages because he'd smashed that mirror? Not eating?? Maybe the Silencer noticing some splintered glass he missed when cleaning up??
Makes me like that moment where he gave into the Y/N's tenderness a bit more. He doesn't think he deserves compassion after the orders he gave you - but damn, when the door opened to him, he found himself in incredible need for some comfort. Some company. Loneliness is the last thing he wants to feel right there.
ALSO probably made him realize in that moment that uh. "No. This is it. I'm keeping you, I'm not losing anyone else."
On top of having to give you the order to kill the Cheydinhal family I know he lost his previous Silencer, described it as an "emptiness", so... His connection to the current Silencer (us and you) becomes a bit more personally fueled. He doesn't want to lose anyone else.
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nickleback-fan · 2 years
I can't do it I can't bring myself to finish the purification quest I love my family they're the only people in the whole game that show you any fucking sign of liking you and they're all so kind i won't kill them I won't
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elucubrare · 9 months
saw a poll about whether you prefer corruption or redemption arcs and i realized that for me it's not really either, it's a distillation arc: when a character becomes the most intense version of what they could be, everything inessential falling away or being discarded so that only the core remains.
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zegalba · 1 year
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Hans Haacke: Rhine Water Purification Plant (1972)
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emacrow · 2 months
When 20 year old Danny moved into gotham for Space Engineer University, his apartment that was set up thanks to Sam had exploded due to a super villain. (joker)
Leaving Danny's only available apartment that was stuck to a seedy part of Gotham. Nobody didn't told him that most of Gotham's waters that wasn't from the rich area was very very pollution with nasty rancid junk ectoplasm.
Ellie and Dan were with him due to a core accident with a forgotten fenton trap that hadn't been torn down yet, but they were now 4 and 6 years old physically and mentally until The medicine Frostbite specifically made for them to take every once a month, help their core regained the loss energy to reform back to their natural state later.
Luckily he had the fenton ectoplasm water pipes filter to throughly clean out the nasty junk to turn back into normal pure ectoplasm mixed water which was a bit light greenish blue to the normal person's eyes but glowing green to liminals, ghosts and halfas. Though he had to sneakily goes transport down in the sewer to fixes those rusty ol pipes, made a undead zombie friend whom seem to be trapped in a terrible limbo of saying a repeated phase.
Then danny felt a bit terrible that some of the neighborhoods also had the same problems with the pipes. Whom is the mayor to not investigate this much rusty pipes that had a a few thousands spirits and feral blob ghosts of the deceased not properly buried!?!
Seeing sick looking children outside with a bad case of slow bad ectoplasm poisoning jerk at his slow beating heart. He knew that if it goes on, there is going to be enough corrupted ectoplasm to cause a lminals to go completely crazy with enough mixed dark ghostly intentions and territorial issues from the restless spirits (a certain leader of assassin sneezed)
The protection mixed space core in him was nearly feral at this point of all the harm that had been done to the people of gotham before Danny gave in, called in his parents to sent him a couple hundred of fenton ectoplasm water pipe filters and grab emergency fenton shovel smacker to start building proper graves for the restless spirits..
By next three month, just looking at his window to see the street kids playing outside actually acting like children, looking more healthy and lively, the anemic lady next door who just had a baby seem more calm and friendly instead of paranoid and scared when he first met her with a package of freshly baked fenton Brownies.
He had almost replaced 3/5 of gothams rusty ol waters pipes, had made nearly 10 thousands Graves more then what he had expected after diving deep in the Gotham's oceans, lakes, ponds, and abandoned public pools.
So far that Gotham has gotten a positive effect when the first morning of August came in, as that the Gotham's news went viral as the black smog clouds that mostly covered Gotham's skies had parted to reveal a beautiful sky along side with incredible decreased in Crimes in certain parts of gothams.
Only for Danny to arrived into his Apartment to see Gotham's City Spirit, who was absolutely jaw dropping gorgeous sitting on his Couch with Dan and ellie chatting her ears off.
Meanwhile a certain bat fam are becoming more and more anxious as the decreased in crimes at night became to the point that tim is becoming more paranoid then gollum from the rings, damian is becoming nearly feral with the lack of criminals to beat upon, dick is actually enjoying the break, dick had been commenting on the lovely colors that gotham had been getting lately, and Jason haven't contact them in weeks ago until last Friday coming by for Dinner feeling and seemingly like the ol Robin he once was before that Bruce had actually ugly cried clinging to him when Jason hugged him.
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naycelium · 1 month
Patch offers 3 Purification Disks in trade, what will you offer? 🐁 💾
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seraphiel-milk · 3 months
Convincing my friend to watch Dungeon Meshi and this is how its going
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nelkcats · 1 year
Blob Meditation
It was no surprise that Sam had the worst temper among the three of them, Danny thought it was because she worried too much, Tucker thought it was accumulative stress. The thing is, nothing she did helped with calm her down, which was why she suggested her friends to leave her alone for a few minutes, she didn't want to punch them.
They agreed and Sam sat on the castle stairs, she was stressed about her parents, college and Danny's safety. She was thinking about how to get him to move with them to Gotham, where Jazz was working but Danny wasn't comfortable with that. He wanted to help as much as they did, and it was obvious he wouldn't be able to contribute anything if he moved.
The fact that he had to hide from vigilantes who never paid him any attention before also frustrated him.
As she was thinking, some blob ghosts came bounding up to her, she pushed them away and continued on, but they swarmed and enveloped her. In a few seconds all her stress was gone and Sam looked at the blobs in dismay, though they gave her an idea.
Frostbite commented to her that the Blob ghosts were relaxing due to the fact that they purify, negative emotions were part of that. Sam smiled and offered Danny his business idea, the halfa looked at Sam doubtfully but hesitantly accepted.
Soon there was a new business popping up in Gotham. A relaxation and meditation center run by a young man, although it seemed to have a confidentiality agreement if you became a member. Strangely, both Rogues and regular people were attending.
The Batfamily became suspicious and sent Red Hood to investigate. A few days later, Jason was a member and was as calm as they had seen him in years, not even angry with Tim or calling him replacement for a whole week. Bruce began to worry that he had been caught in some kind of mind control.
Sam was happy that the business turned out good, seeing the room full of Blob ghosts was not surprising, they all floated around Danny and his "clients" happily, she guessed they were feeding well, Danny also seemed happy to contribute something to pay his University and their shared department so everyone was winning.
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todayintokyo · 1 month
Bowing to the gods at Takakomo Shrine by 和種馬ホースランド
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keepingitneutral · 3 months
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Water Purification Plant, Muttenz, Basel-Lanschaft, Switzerland,
Oppenheim Architecture Europe,
Photography Börje Müller
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Joan of Arc + Sam Winchester: PURITY/TRANSCENDENCE
John Everett Millais, Joan of Arc, The Maid of Orleans | 2.13 (trans.), "Houses of the Holy" | Luc Besson, Joan of Arc (1999) | 5.14, "My Bloody Valentine" | 8.23 (trans.) "Sacrifice" | Pascal Laugier, Martyrs (2008) |
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desertedwaterwitch · 1 month
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Reposting my old post from my old deleted account (desertwaterwitch).
This is an easy protection/purification spell I did a few years ago. I’m no kitchen witch, but I was sick and I wanted to gain something from the food I was about to eat, so I did this.
1. Choose your soup
2. Sprinkle some basil in it! You won’t taste it.
3. Stir it clockwise so you bring that protection/purification to you. Tell it (in your head or out loud) what you’d like to gain from it).
The end! 🥣
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angelsdean · 4 months
ok but the way jack is immediately like "don't tell sam" abt the cookie crunch like yes it's a funny moment but thinking abt it for one second longer it's like ohhh so sam is annoying abt Everyone's eating habits, not just dean's? insufferable man. to quote dean: these are your issues, quit dumping them on [others]
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oldschoolfrp · 1 year
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The Little Sisters of Purification, space marine chapter from Roger Hamlin's scenario "Sunstroke" in Challenge #36, "GDW's Magazine of Futuristic Gaming," 1988, illustrated by Tim Bradstreet.
Early White Dwarf had run many articles about Traveller; here GDW returns the favor in their own magazine that was a successor to The Journal of the Traveller's Aid Society. This "refereed Warhammer: 40,000 scenario for a small unit of Space Marines and opponents" is just one example of the highly imaginative directions players were taking 40K in the Rogue Trader days. This one has a lot of backstory and suggested modeling to run it as written -- 15 space marines from a new chapter, 20 Jokaeros (one of whom actually is a vampire in disguise), and an ancient Slann base on an asteroid protected by forcefields inside a sun.
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voices-of-favor · 1 month
An interesting bit of old 1st edition lore, putting it out here for those who havent seen it yet
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1st edition had a lot of female space marines, and even female-only space marine chapters, the LsoP being just one of those
And theres more: They are Ultramarine successors
Makes me wonder if they would be less pissy if GE never retconned this (Update: I found out that they didnt, oop)
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yan-yn · 8 months
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