#The Shimizu Family
drewlyyours · 1 year
to all the Nancy Drew characters who have lost their mothers.
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We love you!
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bryhaven · 2 years
Happy International Women's day 💃 ❤️
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rockintapper · 30 days
shimizu means spring water in japanese btw
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tesalicious2 · 2 years
So, something that really makes me laugh is the weird family that is part of the Tsukishimas/Tanakas
It’s starts out with Akiteru and Saeko getting married
Kei is not happy at all
Not only that but he’s supposed to do a speech with Tanaka (who insisted on being called big brother or Ryuu, (Kei called him Little Brother once and Ryuu threw a fit))
At the wedding, they give their speech, people cry and laugh, blah blah blah
Tanaka gets drunk as all hell and confesses his love to Kiyoko, he’s 21 at the time
It sticks with her this time because it’s not ‘I love you marry me!’ Kinda confessions, it’s a sweet soft thing, going through the whole list of why he like her (few are superficial, most about how’s she’s kind and sweet)
She tells him the next morning that she wants to go out
Yamaguchi and Yachi are at the wedding too, as a couple, they drink a little bit mostly watch others break down
Kuroo is there with Kei, as a couple too, but people think they’ve been together for about 4 months (that’s how long they’ve known) they’ve actually been dating since Kei’s second year
Drunk Ryuu and Drunk Saeko attacks Kuroo, going on and on about protecting Kei’s innocence and the shovel talk (he will remain suspicious for the rest of his life, but still loves him for Kei)
Kei laughs and pulls Kuroo away,
By the end of the night; Akiteru, Saeko, and Ryuu are wasted, Kuroo and Kei are missing, last seen drunk and kissing in a corner, Yamaguchi, Yachi, and Kiyoko are tipsy
The next morning, they all head to the Tsukishima home, Akiteru’s mom makes curry and a hangover cure for the wasted folks
Yamaguchi (the demon) plays the videos from last night, Kei admits that Kuroo and him have been dating for years
Everyone is shocked except Ryuu, Tadashi, and Yachi
8 months later, Kiyoko and Ryuu are getting married,
During their wedding, Ryuu somehow ropes Kei into getting black out drunk
It ends with Kuroo carrying Kei to the hotel, princess style, Kei babbling on about how he loves him and about their wedding
A drunk Kuroo cries and they end up getting a noise complaint
Kiyoko and Ryuu have two kids, a boy and girl, twins
They are confident and a little loud but the boy has more poise and the girl has more spunk; They both have their moms good looks but Ryuu’s eyes and hair,
Akiteru and Saeko have two boys and a girl, in that order
The eldest has more of Saeko’s personality but is quiet, and more enthusiastic about what he likes; has Carmel hair, Saeko’s eyes and Akiteru’s face shape and body, his hands are thicker
The middle boy is surprising like Kei in personality, more sarcastic but gets fired up easy; he has Saeko’s hair color, her more slender face, Akiteru’s body structure and more slender hands
The youngest is Akiteru in personality but can get quiet; she has oddly Kei’s bright blond hair to her shoulder, heterocromia (one eye Saeko’s, one Akiteru’s), Saeko’s body but less curves, Akiteru’s sharper jaw
Unfortunately, gay marriage isn’t legal in Japan but if it was Kuroo and Kei’s wedding would be formal
Kei would take Kuroo’s last name, their rings are black with a moon and a cat engraved on them, Tetsu getting the moon, Kei getting the cat
Their kids (if biological in an abo world), would be a boy and girl, not twins
Tetsu’s smirk, Kei’s sarcasm, but is very kind and mischievous, she will plan pranks on people; she has Kei’s long legs and eyes, Tetsu’s black hair, shoulder length and it’s a mess, she can get the length straight but her bangs get messy
The boy has Kei’s hair, Tetsu’s eyes and bad bedhead (but not in the same style) and bulkier frame; he is more quiet, and introverted but will add an occasional jab, and will go along with his sisters plans because he is just as mischievous as her
They also have two cats,
Yamaguchi and Yachi do get married and if it’s the summer, she wears a floral princess dress
Everyone from Karasuno is there (same as Ryuu’s wedding)
They have a one girl and a large dog
The girl has blond hair, Yamaguchi’s eyes and freckles, and Yachi’s petite frame; she is very nervous and has social anxiety, is sweet but gets roped into chaos, and eventually becomes confident, she protects what she loves and can get loud if pressed
Their family is odd and full of chaos but everyone loves each other, even if Ryuu is still suspicious of Tetsu
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hi it's me again lol i started watching spy x family and omfg. i get the hype now. it's so good
matchup(s) for spy x family, bsd and haikyuu pls!! i added some more details
some facts abt my appearance lol: im 4'9 (i am fr), kind of chubby, brown filipino, dark brown hair. also im an istj. 5w6 based on a quiz i took some months ago.
in terms of personality, im naturally quiet lol i can't help it. even when im around ppl i like, im still on the listeners side unless i have something good to say. otherwise im sorry but you'll have to be the one to start convos 😭
my jokes are mean so im kind of afraid to joke around unless ik they can argue back jokingly. and aren't sensitive. i'm also kind of blunt to the point that it's sometimes a problem. i'll apologize obv but man it makes me a little antisocial lol
in spite of istj stereotypes, i (try to) give my criticism very gently. i try to make sure that the other person knows im not judging or insulting but giving advice. i'm blunt but not that blunt
i like helping ppl out & taking care of others, actually. i like feeling appreciated/needed by others. tbh, it's why im aiming to become a nurse if i pass the exams. if i don't, i still want something along those lines. :))
hobbies: reading (aka prowling around in libraries), watching shows, i like cooking too but idk if it counts bc i don't have many opportunities to do it
aesthetic: coquette, femme fatale sort of thing. laces, bows, frills, etc. i like everything on me modest tho
likes : coffee, any hot drink, reading (tho i don't have the mind power these days lol) , scary movies, ghost hunting videos, history docs, romance but with awkward fmcs. taking walks, and... pink.
dislikes : cluttered spaces (i can't handle stuff just being thrown around. i need even a bit of organisation. not much of a clean freak but i need to know where everything is), crowded and noisy places, non-specific instructions (stresses me out fr), not submitting stuff on time bc its embarrassing, awkward situations (ex. meeting someone for the first time)
have a great timezone!! hope ur food is always warm unless u want it cold 🍲
Hi! Thank you for your request! I took out the Bungo Stary Dogs matchup since you mentioned you've already got one before. Sorry this took so long. I hope you like your matchups!
In Spy x Family, I match you with...
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This was a close call between Loid and Yuri, but I think you’d get along slightly better with Loid due to his less boisterous personality.
Loid loves cooking with you and taking walks. There’s not a lot in his life that he finds relaxing but spending quality time with you doing something as mundane as walking or cooking helps him take a load off.
Very clean so no need to worry about clutter. He does his fair share of housekeeping, so you also don’t have to worry about being run off your feet trying to keep the house clean all by yourself.
Admires your desire to help people. That’s one of the main reasons he became a spy, so he values that trait in others greatly. It makes him feel like he can trust you.
Loid is amazing at making you feel needed and appreciated without forcing you to work too hard for it. You hung up his coat for him? Thank you so much. You set the table for dinner before he got home? That’s great, it means you can cook together and have dinner earlier now.
In Haikyuu, I match you with...
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You and Kiyoko are the quiet (and kind of intimidating) power couple. While you can both be a bit standoffish, you do like helping people and genuinely care about those close to you.
I see Kiyoko as someone who enjoys watching history documentaries and ghost hunting videos. They’re very different from what people think of when they see her, but I think she finds them intriguing.
Loves taking walks with you! There’s nothing better than being able to finish up with the volleyball team and walking home with the person you care about most.
Speaking of the volleyball team, there’s absolutely no way there’s ever going to be a peaceful or quiet moment with them around. If you’re still uncomfortable in noisy places like this, Kiyoko’s more than happy to meet up with you somewhere quieter.
Sometimes she needs to vent about school or her commitments with the team so she’s very grateful you’re there to lend an ear. Please know that she’s there for you if you ever need to talk as well.
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lovesickdeadsims · 11 months
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Roland and Masato finally celebrated their wedding! Lots of people showed up, even some vampires since Roland had invited his ex Caleb (he went with his sister Lilith as plus one, while old Vlad was hired as the organist). Definitely a beautiful event! And Rupert seemed to get along with Lilith quite well...
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sugarcain-sims · 2 years
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but first, harvestfest!
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effemie comes over to make it a full table. sailor literally does not put his phone down the whole meal. idk, he’s probably on tiktok or something
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tanuki-kimono · 6 months
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Samurai's ranks and dress code in Late Edo period
AMAZING reference chart put together by Nadeshico Rin, showing the different attires worn by the men of the buke class in and about Edo Castle. OP stresses the chart is by no means exhaustive - but it helps picturing things SO MUCH!
For easier reading, I have adapted the chart with english translation. Rin has also created illustrations detailing each attire, I'll translate those in coming days under the tag "samurai kimono".
You'll find the transliteration below cut:
The court ranks - Mibun 身分 or Ikai (位階)
Find more about the exact titles here.
一位 Ichii (First court rank)
三位 Sanmi (Third court rank) and 四位 Shii (Fourth court rank)
Goi 五位 (Fifth court rank​)
Omemie ijô 御目見 以上, the "upper" vassals allowed to request audience with the shogun
Omemie ika 御目見 以下, the "lesser" vassals (not allowed to request audience with the shogun)
Rin does not mention the second court rank (二位 Nii) so I am not sure where this one is supposed to go ^^;
The clan/families - Kamei 家名
徳川将軍家 Tokugawa shôgunke (Tokugawa Shogun clan)
尾張徳川家 Owari Tokugawake (Owari Tokugawa clan), 紀伊徳川家 Kii Tokugawake (Kii Tokugawa clan), 水戸徳川家 Mito Tokugawake (Mito Tokugawa clan), 徳川御三卿 Tokugawa gosankyo (Secondary Tokugawa branch clans: Tayasu, Shimizu, and Hitotsubashi)
三奉行 Sanbugyô, & 下三奉行 Shimosan bugyô (magistrates, governors)
旗本 Hatamoto (general term for upper-rank vassals of the Tokugawa)
御家人 Gokenin (general term for lower-rank vassals of the Tokugawa)
Outfits TPO (Time, Place, Occasion)
第一礼服 (大礼 など) Daiichi raifuku (tairei nado) - Most formal outfit worn during State/important ceremonies, etc.
礼服 (正月など) Raifuku (Shogatsu nado) - Formal outfit, worn for events like New Year, etc.
通常礼服 (節句など) Tsûjô raifuku (sekku nado) - Regular formal outfit, worn during seasonal festivals, etc.
平服 Heifuku - Everyday outfit
Type of outfits
Rin has released separated charts detailing the different costumes. You'll find them translated here in coming days.
束帯 Sokutai - old ceremonial court dress, first worn by Heian nobility. Attire includes the 笏 shaku (flat ritual sceptre), and 冠 kanmuri hat.
衣冠 Ikan - old ceremonial court dress, much more simpler than sokutai
布衣 Hoi - "plain" 狩衣 kariginu (which were informal clothes worn by the nobility from the Heian period and onwards)
素襖 Suô - ceremonial dress of the lower-ranked samurai
直垂 Hitatare - ceremonial court robe​
狩衣 Kariginu - patterned kariginu (informal clothes worn by the nobility from the Heian period and onwards)
大紋 Daimon - 直垂 hitatare with large family crests
直衣 Nôshi - everyday robes which were first worn by males of the imperial family during Heian era, and then spread among nobility, etc.
長上下 Naga Kamishimo - outfit pairing a sleeveless ceremonial robe called 肩衣 kataginu, with trailing pants called 長袴 nagabakama
半上下 Han Kamishimo - outfit pairing a sleeveless ceremonial robe called 肩衣 kataginu, with ankle lenght pants called 半袴 hanbakama
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laious · 2 months
haikyuu characters formality guide
in general: speaking formally will change the pattern of your words and insert extra articles at the end of sentences. if you're older, you can address your juniors by either their first or last name (first is usually more intimate though; see oikawa calling hinata "shouyou") and you don't have to use formal speech patterns. of course, if you're the same age you don't have to do so either.
generally assume that everyone keeps to a standard level of formality with their seniors and will, most often than not, call seniors by their last names + san
hinata: obviously formal to his seniors (except kenma), but pretty relaxed about calling them by their first names or nicknames (e.g. noya-san, asahi-san, daichi-san)
kageyama: formal and does not deviate. calls his seniors by their full last names (even atsumu and osamu, who other characters usually differentiate by calling them by their first names, or sawamura, whom most others call daichi-san). he calls kiyoko shimizu-senpai, even though most others will say kiyoko-san (like noya and tanaka). the unusual part is that he calls his grandfather by his first name + san. miwa refers to him as kazuyo-kun, which is definitely weird. they've got an interesting family dynamic
tsukishima: formal. but also very snarky. he also calls his seniors by their full last names
yamaguchi: formal, same as tsukishima but much more polite
yachi: overly formal at times to the extent that she slips into ceremonial speech pattersn, but this is played for humor and is symptomatic of her overly anxious personality
tanaka: formal, but will call kiyoko-san by her first name
noya: same as above, except 1) when he fought asahi in s1, he didn't use formal language at all, and 2) he calls yaku "morisuke-kun." seems like nekoma third years are pretty casual! plus nishinoya tends to use people's first names for people he's close with (e.g. shouyou, ryuu, chikara).
everyone else
kenma: he explicitly doesn't like the hierarchical system. he calls kuroo by a nickname and doesn't speak formally to him at all. interestingly, he also doesn't speak formally to kai or yaku, and refers to them as kai-kun and yaku-kun. this is pretty unusual but it goes to show how accepting others are of his quirk (or that he's just really close to the 3rd years)
atsumu: formal with the third years, but not formal with aran, whom he calls aran-kun. this makes sense because they're childhood friends. post-timeskip, he interestingly refers to bokuto as bokkun, which is pretty informal, and as far as i remember he doesn't speak to him formally. also, he likes to call everyone by their first names + kun, which i guess is to be expected seeing as almost everyone calls him and osamu by their first names.
sakusa: his speech patterns is one of my favs bc it's all over the place. he's polite to his seniors and post-timeskip will use formal language with bokuto and call him bokuto-san, but then why the hell is he speaking so informally to ushiwaka? it's not even like they're longtime friends? he calls him wakatoshi-kun and doesn't use formal speech patterns with him at all. shocking.
that's about it for now i think
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19calicos · 1 month
tea for two – kiyoko shimizu ༉‧₊˚.
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they're sure that their newest artist-in-residence doesn't remember who they are. she, on the other hand, came to their teahouse just to see her muse.
status: in development, coming soon
content: teahouse owner! yn x artist-in-residence! kiyoko, gn reader with theythem pronouns, slowburn, timeskip, high school reunion but kiyokoyn are not on the same page
warnings: language, usage of weed + cigs + alc, kys/kms/die jokes, yn was raised in a wealthy traditional family but is now estranged from them, mentions of parental disappointment, angst + fluff
tags are added as story progresses, please check cw on individual chapters!
( 𖤐 ) denotes written portions.
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meet: insomniac central + cult of kiyoko
see: crescent teahouse
table of contents:
0 ⋮ just a phone call
1 ⋮ speak of the devil
2 ⋮ tba
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taglist: open! (11/50)
send an ask/reply to join. pls double check your visibility settings!
divider by @/plutism :-)
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tsxkkis · 1 year
# random relationship stuff w/ haikyuu
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a/n = i finally have more time to write and i'm gonna use it as much as i can before school starts
with = karasuno 3rd years (daichi sawamura, sugawara koushi, asahi azumane, kiyoko shimizu)
warnings = a teeny tiny bit suggestive for daichi, like one swear word? nothing else.
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daichi sawamura
"haven't we forgotten anything, love?" daichi's voice echoed from inside the bathroom, hurriedly brushing his teeth as he tried his best to button his shirt at the same time.
he was as stressed as ever at this moment. you planned this trip together almost two months ago now, and yet it felt like he left everything for the last minute.
he loosened up when he felt you wrapping your arms around him from behind, a sweet kiss left on the back of his neck as you drew small circles with your thumb, calming him down.
"we still have an hour till the train comes, daichi." you whispered, gently smiling at his reflection in the mirror. "the train station is a five-minute walk from here. no need to rush, sweetheart."
daichi's heart almost melted hearing the nickname fall from your lips. unlike him, you were never big on using pet names, but you would do it from time to time, especially if it was to make him calm down. and, to no surprise, it always worked on him. this time was no different; a big, warm smile crept onto his face as he turned to face you, his hands swiftly finding their way to your waist.
he leaned in, gently pulling you closer to him, with little to no space between your bodies as his lips captured yours, and you could feel the tension leaving his body with the kiss.
"there's no need to panic." you murmured between kisses, your right hand going up to cup his cheek, giving it a gentle squeeze. "i love you, daichi, but we need to find a quick solution to relieve your stress sometimes."
an idea popped into daichi's head, one that he definitely shouldn't think about, and you quickly caught up on what he was thinking, slapping him on the shoulder.
"hey! i didn't mean it that way. weirdo."
the boy laughed, planting a quick kiss on your cheek and smiling at you, a sight that always made your stomach full of butterflies, no matter how long you've been dating him already.
"i know, love." his hand reached out to gently ruffle your hair, gaining a huff from you in response. "it'll be hard to recover from the amount of stress kageyama and hinata gave me over this past year."
a chuckle left your lips as both of you exited the bathroom, sitting down on the edge of his bed, your eyes roaming around his room, tidy as ever. of course, it would be. daichi would never leave his room dirty before leaving for a longer time. he loved when everything was shiny and clean, and his room was a perfect depiction of that.
"we can go there earlier if that'll help calm your nerves more." his head turned towards you as he heard your suggestion, nodding quickly as an answer. "i'll buy us something to drink before we get there."
he gave you a knowing look, and you were ready to hear what he was about to say, his taller figure standing up, fingers intertwined with yours as he gently helped you get up, his other hand already grabbing your suitcase.
"love, if you think you're paying for anything on this trip, you're very wrong."
sugawara koushi
"honey, i think you messed the recipes up." sugawara stopped in his tracks at your words, a terrified look on your face as he turned towards you, his smile dropping in an instant.
he wanted to do something nice for today. after all, meeting your parents for the first time is a very important situation; one that requires a lot of effort from him to make himself look good in their eyes, so that when he leaves they can congratulate their kid on how good of a partner they found for themselves. so, to appear as a great boyfriend material, baking a cake for your family would be the right think to do, right?
"what do you mean?" he mumbled the words, the bowl of cake batter in his hands, ready to pour it into the form. you smiled at him, taking a few steps towards him, your hands gently grabbing his and putting the bowl down on the kitchen counter.
"koushi, how many eggs did you add to the cake?" your question echoed through the kitchen, and he felt a wave of embarrassment go over him as he realized just how big of a mistake he made. his face turned a bright shade of red as he looked down, an awkward smile finding its way onto his face.
"four." sugawara whispered, just loud enough for you to hear, a sigh escaping your lips right after. he didn't expect to hear you laugh right after, a short, rather quiet laugh escaping your lips as you leaned in towards him, ruffling his hair.
"you messed up the proportions, suga." your words sounded gentle and warm, no signs of disappointment or annoyance in your voice, which he greatly appreciated. "it was supposed to be two eggs for that amount of cake batter."
a frown appeared on his face, a wave of sadness hovering over him as he realized that his best attempt to impress your parents had just failed. he took a deep breath, exhaling loudly before looking up at you, his expression making your smile drop.
"i just messed up my chance for your parents to like me." he mumbled, both of your hands resting on his arms as you slowly rubbed circles with your thumbs. "what am i supposed to do now?"
"honey, they already love you."
you laughed softly, hand caressing his hair as you smiled at him, a questioning look on his face as he waited for you to explain just what you meant exactly by your previous words.
"they had to listen me talking about you so many times, i think they know more about you than you do about yourself at this point." she giggled, seeing as his eyes slowly lit up hearing her explanation. "i even showed them pictures from some of our dates. they're amazed by how much of a gentleman you are, and i had to listen to my dad blabbering about how he finally has a future son in law material. you don't have to do anything to make them like you, believe me."
relief washed over him like a wave of fresh air as sigawara let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding in, a sweet smile appearing on her face. he leaned in to press a quick kiss to your forehead, a silent thank you for helping him with his overthinking, very simple but also very meaningful for the two of you.
"i'm glad to hear that." he said, his signature smile back on his face as he ran his hand through his hair. "i am still buying flowers and chocolates for your parents on our way there, though."
you laughed, your hand squeezing his.
"alright, mr. gentleman."
asahi azumane
"here, let me help you with that." asahi popped up on your side the moment you entered his house, the sweetest smile ever gracing his face as he quickly took the bags from your hands, carrying them towards his room.
his mom let you in a few minutes ago since the brown-haired boy was currently occupying the bathroom at that time, and she knew that if she hears the doorbell on a weekend afternoon, the only person who could be standing behind the door was you. it was a tradition of some sort; every weekend you would stay over for the night, preparing a list of movies to watch with sugawara until you're too tired to keep your eyes opened.
"what genre are we watching today?" his voice reached you from behind the doorframe as you walked towards his room, grabbing a piece of your hair that just wouldn't stop falling down in front of your eyes. seeing the big grin on your face as you entered his room, the list of movies you chose opened on your phone, he already knew what the answer was.
horror movies.
they were your favorite, of course you'd use every possible occasion to watch them with your boyfriend. except that meant that asahi had to pretend like he definitely isn't scared of whatever is happening in the movie.
he was good with slasher movies. they didn't scare him almost at all, only making him jump a bit here and there if there was an overly bloody scene with too much gore. but paranormal horror movies with ghosts and demons? that was a whole different story.
and as if he just ran out of luck, that was exactly what you chose for today.
both of you were sitting down on his bed, asahi's head resting on your arm as he did his best at pretending that the happenings in second installment of the conjuring franchise didn't scare the absolute shit out of him. your eyes were focused on the screen, laughing when a very obvious jump scare happened in the movie.
you turned your head towards your boyfriend only to find his face absolutely pale, the color of his skin reminding you of that of a dead body. reaching for the remote to pause the movie, your hand went down to his to give it a gentle squeeze, a concerned look on your face.
"you know, i would laugh at how scared you got, but you genuinely look like something just sucked the life out of you." your words were quiet, a hint of humor in your voice as you gently smiled at him. "we don't have to watch it, if you don't want to."
asahi quickly shook his head.
"i know you really wanted to watch it with me." he said, an awkward laugh escaping his lips as his hand went up to scratch his neck, his hair getting in the way as he decided to let it loose for today. "i'll survive it for your sake."
"you're the sweetest, azumane." you leaned in to gave him a quick peck on the top of his nose, his cheeks flushing a bright shade of pink. "if you get through this movie with me, i'll get you a thousand kisses."
his eyes lit up at your words, a big smile growing on his face, as he suddenly seemed to be very determined to watch it.
"let's continue the movie, then. i can't wait to get my reward."
kiyoko shimizu
"can you give me your hand for a second?"
kiyoko adjusted the strap of her tank top, which seemed to fall from her arm when she was focused on her work, a small yet genuine smile on her face as she turned to face you. her hair was tied up in a high ponytail in an attempt to make the hot weather a little less unbearable.
you stood up from the bed, putting your laptop down as you walked over to her, sticking your hand in front of you the whole way, even though she could only grab it once you were already at her desk.
it was something that you always loved about shimizu; the two of you didn't have to necessarily do something together to enjoy each other's presence. of course, there was no end to cute dates like picnics or going to every single cafe around town between you two. but sometimes what you enjoyed most were the moments where you two could just sit in silence, both occupied with your own things, yet still deciding to find a way to do them together.
"what're you up to this time, hm?" your voice sounded soft, your eyes roaming around the black-haired girl's desk which was full of different charms, beads, and whatnot. even though it all seemed to be a mess, you managed to distinguish the two color stories that she chose for her next craft.
her free hand picked up what seemed to be a bracelet, one she hasn't finished yet, her other hand grabbing the other end carefully so as to not let any beads fall off. you observed closely as she put it on your hand, wrapping it around to measure if she got the length correctly. you didn't miss how her smile grew just a tad bit more as she realized she measured it perfectly, a satisfied huff coming out of her lips.
"give me two minutes, and i'll be ready to show you." she adjusted the glasses on her nose, hand gently squeezing yours for just a second before she turned back to her work, grabbing a few additional things from the desk. you smiled, leaning over her chair to watch what she was about to do, eyes carefully scanning her every move. normally, kiyoko would hate if someone just stood over her like that and interrupted her peace, especially if she was busy doing something.
but it was different with you.
a bright smile appeared on your face as you saw the finished product, eyes sparkly at the sight in front of your eyes.
"i wanted to make them for a while already, but i never had enough time for it." she explained, carefully putting one on your hand, and one on hers.
the bracelets were beautiful. she specifically picked beads in your favorite color to make them, using similar ones for hers so that you'd be matching. it was only when your hand got close to hers that you realized the best thing about them; a heart charm, which both of you had half of on your bracelet, magnetically coming together whenever your hands were close enough.
if shimizu thought your smile couldn't grow more, you proved her wrong, smiling so much that it almost hurt your face. so close to each other that she could feel your breath on her face, you quickly closed the gap, planting a quick, sweet kiss on her lips.
"you're the best girlfriend i could ever ask for, you know?" you whispered, resting your forehead against hers. kiyoko smiled at you, nodding slightly.
"yeah. i know."
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taglist: @ox1-lovesick @moonswolfie @wyrcan
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drewlyyours · 1 year
ND #23
Yumi Shimizu - Kimiko Glenn
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Miwako Shimizu - Leah Lewis
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Takae Nagai - Tsai Chin
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Rentaro Aihara - Remy Hii
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a ghost doesn’t need to be real to haunt you
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cerine0357 · 2 months
i ask for Yandere ayano shimizu headcanon with a lazy and tired reader of course you can ignore and delete if your stuff is closing or for any other reason.
oc: Shimizu Family:-
Ayano Shimizu X Reader
✤ Summary: Ayano Shimizu finally has his darling, little sweetheart in his the palms of his hands and it appears that they're.....sleeping?
✤ Fluff|| headcanons|| blood, mentions of murder, invasion of privacy, noncon, dubcon?? since Reader does not care what he does to her as long as she gets to sleep, regular yandere stuff|| Yandere version of OCs
✤ Author's note: I loved writing this, it's been a while since I got back into writing!!! I love you all and thank you for reading!!
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Yandere!Ayano X Lazy!S/O HCs
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◊ Well, this was quite a surprise to Ayano when he realized how you did not even bother the kidnapping, only slept your way through the whole thing and kissed his forehead, thanking him for helping you escape your life and sleep all day. He was flattered and happy about it, but still surprised nonetheless.
◊ It took him a while to get used to it, he would honestly continuously in worry check your pulse and breathing to see if you're alive and well and sound, makes sure you're okay, thank god you are...It scares him and he gets spooked like a mama gets when her newborn sleeping for longer than usual...
◊ He is extremely concerned for you, so he makes sure EVERYTHING IS ABSOLUTELY OKAY! After he gets used to it, he takes his chances to smother you with his affection, kisses, hugs, snuggles, cuddles, anything that he wants, he'll give it to you with a bright smile.
◊ He has Xinyue cometimes check your head and memories to see if any of it is trauma related and how you think about him, if it's all okay, he's so relieved but still incredibly confused...don't you want to return home? Not that he's complaining, he loves that you're willing to be his little trophy doll.
◊ Sometimes he chases off his siblings when they try to see how deep you sleep by pulling pranks on you,he refuses to let them even do stupid shit near you, though he lets those siblings in who need to de-stress from the family shenanigans for self-care (Oshinyu, Oshinuza, Ilseong, Hyejun), he'll even let them apply skincare to you as long as you're not waking up, he wants you to be all freshen up even if you're asleep with drool out your mouth.
◊ Speaking of drool, he has those super absorbent and silk pillow covers for you, so drool dries easily and your hair is also not ruined..he's particular about things, okay?? He's a nepo baby! Leave him alone, by the end of a week you're becoming a nepo baby too, because you're basically family since you're so quiet.
◊ Ayano doesn't allow anyone in your room, fearing your sleep would be ruined, except his parents and some quiet siblings, so his parents sit there for hours. Both Kaiyo and Reo sit in your room with you to do their paperwork and other stuff otherwise they'll be constantly interrupted by servants, pets, the kids..
◊ Constant sleepwear shopping, he has SO MANY SLEEPWEARS FOR YOU!! Listen, poor boy never had a relationship and you're his first one and his parents always spoil each other, he thinks it's a sign of love and he loves you...Poor thing has no idea what else to do, because you're asleep half the time.
◊ He spends so much time snuggling you, de-stressing beside you, watching movies with earphones, doing homework or anything else where he wants quiet. He has a personal pool in his bedroom's large balcony, so he also spends time there, while watching you with lovesick eyes as you slept with drool, eye-crust or boogers, hair messed up and looking like a demon...Oh so gorgeous.
◊ Let's be honest, he even has specially made mattress, blankets, pillows, pillow covers, bedsheets and other stuff...all for you..all custom made, all for you to sleep, drool and fart in anyways...Yeah, pretty sweet, I know.
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© cerine0357. All characters belong to me; Aurelia, Moon, Cerine. Reblogging is appreciated, but plagiarizing or copying my works is forbidden, thank you for reading and if you like this check out my blog!
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this was taken from my main!!!
yandere! stalker who didn’t start out as depraved as they are now. they just couldn’t stand all the people you were interacting with.
yandere! stalker who just wants to keep your innocence intact. there are bad people in this world and you’re too trusting !!
yandere! stalker who placed cameras in your home while you were out with one of those vile people you call ‘friends’.
yandere! stalker who watches as you cook dinner and clean the house. you’d make such a perfect house(wife/husband/spouse)!
yandere! stalker who (if you have female anatomy) can’t wait to have children with you!! your kids/ adopted kids would be so cute!!
yandere! stalker who is literally planning out your life together before you ever met them.
yandere! stalker who thinks that you love them already/ will love them either way/ doesn’t care if you love them.
yandere! stalker who steals your things to put in the safe room they arranged for you.
yandere! stalker who kidnaps you in the middle of the night and takes you home with them.
yandere! stalker who lives in a fantasy world and thinks you guys will make the perfect family someday.
yamaguchi tadashi, mikey sano, kokonoi hajime, ran haitani, kazutora hanemiya, sugawara koshi, shoyo hinata, oikawa tooru, kinda iwaizumi hajime, bokuto kotaro, akaashi keiji, ayato kirishima, shuu tsukiyama, kuroo tetsuro, tanjiro kamado, gyutaro, rengoku kyojuro, kai chisaki, midoriya izuku, todoroki shoto, zero kiriyu, shimizu kiyoko, mitsuya takashi, hakkai shiba
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ninja-muse · 22 days
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August is over! My reading month felt like it took forever even though otherwise, the month flew by. I blame this half on my top two reads of the month, which I was only reading in short snippets, and half on a number of lackluster reads and DNFs. I'm hoping to get back into my usual habits in September.
I did do better on reading off my physical TBR though! Even though one book was a "aw man, what do I read now?" and two more were, "I'm behind on my goal, quick, read something fast!" Plus the T. Kingfisher, which was graciously provided by my work, as was Running Close to the Wind. (Finally a month where I didn't spend money to add to my library!)
As for my top reads, The Salmon Shanties would be near the top of my list even if there wasn't a degree of reverse-nepotism involved. Absolutely excellent poetry collection, very layered and complex. If you're into Canadian poetry or poetry-of-place, pick it up! And Rose/House, once I got it back from the library because my Libby hold ran out, was absolutely fantastic! As was the quality of the French translation, because it sounded like Martine. So very, very glad I had the nerve (and linguistic ability) to read it. Super-creepy and I'm glad Tor's picked it up so I can hype the heck out of it next year. And then there's Jinn-Bot, which I wrote an actual review for.
On the other end of the list, sigh. I DNFed one book for feeling kind of trite, and another for being too predictable, and probably should have DNFed Voyage of the Damned for being uneven but I needed to know who the killer was. The Library Thief I'm also counting as lackluster—very good book, just wasn't for me or what I was expecting. Still deserves a 7.
Lula Dean, on the other hand, was surprisingly good! Fun and satirical and just plain entertaining. Read it in a couple days and it would likely be higher on my list except my reasons to be "glad to have read them" this month are less about quality and entertainingness than usual. I can't put "really liked this" above "finally I get to read a new book by X!", for instance. Or necessarily above "learned stuff!"
You might notice a distinct lack of any other news, and that's because there is none. September may be marginally more exciting, we'll see. (I know there'll be a bigger book haul.)
Anyway, on to September now, and in the meantime, here's my list everything I read this month, in the rough order of how glad I was to have read them.
The Salmon Shanties - Harold Rhenisch
A collection of poems centered on and celebrating Cascadia in all its facets (or taking it to task, as the case may be). Out in September.
warning: mentions racism, colonization, genocide
digital reading copy
Rose/House - Arkady Martine
There is a body within Rose House—two, if you count its architect, who ordered the house shuttered with his passing and left to its AI. Only one person is allowed to enter now, and she’s accounted for. And yet there is a body within Rose House….
🏳️‍🌈 author
warning: descriptions of a dead body
library ebook
The Jinn-Bot of Shantiport - Samit Basu
Lina and Bador want freedom: from surveillance, from power structures, for their city, for all bots, or just for their family. This might come from cunning, or revolution, or a lost ancient artifact, or an underground bot-battle, or swaying a visiting space hero or the Not-Prince. Much more than an Aladdin retelling.
🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters (multisexual, achillean), Indian-coded cast, Indian author
warning: discusses colonization and oppression, references police violence
reading copy
Unwritten, Vol. 8 - Mike Carey with Peter Gross, Dean Ormston, Yuko Shimizu
When Tommy Taylor learns that Lizzie is trapped in the land of the dead, he goes to rescue her—but he’s unprepared for his adventures there, or the wider implications.
Indigenous Australian secondary character
off my TBR
All Quiet on the Western Front - Erich Maria Remarque
Paul Bäumer recounts his time serving in the German army in WWI.
warning: war, death, animal death, gore, injury
off my TBR
A Sorceress Comes to Call - T. Kingfisher
Cordelia’s terrible mother has decided to marry a squire. Cordelia knows he and his sister don’t deserve that—but how to stop her, when she can do magic?
warning: child abuse, torture, murder, animal cruelty and death
finished copy received through work
A Man and His Cat, Vol. 4 - Umi Sakurai
Kanda gets the courage to make a new friend and revisit an old situation.
Japanese cast, Japanese author
off my TBR
A Gentleman from Japan - Thomas Lockley
The true story of a Japanese man who was brought to the court of Elizabeth I and influenced early modern English science.
warning: slavery, orientalism, war and violence
library book
Lula Dean’s Little Library of Banned Books - Kirsten Miller
In Troy, Georgia, the fight for public decency is kicked off by Lula Dean, who craves attention and loves her Southern history—and her fencepost library, where someone’s put wholesome jackets over books she’s tried to ban….
ensemble cast including Black, 🏳️‍🌈 (gay, lesbian), and Indo-American POV characters
warning: Nazis, anti-Semitism, anti-Black racism, homophobia, rape, suicide
reading copy
The Library Thief - Kuchenga Shenjé
Florence talks her way into a job repairing a lord’s library, but is quickly drawn in by the mysterious death of the lady of the house. A gothic novel centering race, gender, and other marginalizations in late Victorian England.
Black British main character, Black British secondary characters, 🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters (trans woman, sapphic), Black British author
warning: racism, including slurs; rape, abuse, misogyny, queerphobia
library book
The Voyage of the Damned - Frances White
A grand state voyage is upset by murder and it’s up to the lowly, non-Blessed Ganymedes to catch the killer before they dock. Goddess help them all if he doesn’t….
🏳️‍🌈 protagonist (multisexual), fat protagonist, 🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters (nonbinary, ace, trans man, sapphic, achillean), Indian-, African-, and Japanese-coded secondary characters
warning: murder, injuries, blood, colonial thinking, attempted genocide, suicidal thoughts
reading copy
Remedial Magic - Melissa Marr
Safe and ordinary Ellie meets a mysterious woman in her library, and is whisked to a fantasy world where she’s probably a witch—and almost certainly in trouble.
🏳️‍🌈 protagonist (sapphic), 🏳️‍🌈 secondary character (sapphic), 🏳️‍🌈 author
reading copy
Casket Case - Lauren Evans
Garrett stops to ask for directions at Nora’s casket shop and they hit it off. Unfortunately he works for Death…. Out in September.
African-American secondary characters
reading copy
Currently reading
A Natural History of Dragons - Marie Brennan
A memoir by Lady Trent, renowned natural philosopher and adventuress, but covering her childhood and first expedition, to the mountain highlands of Vystrana, and the troublesome dragons encountered there.
library book
Music from the Earliest Notations to the Sixteenth Century - Richard Taruskin A history of early written European music, in its social and political contexts. The Penguin Complete Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle Victorian detective stories.
disabled POV character (limb injury), occasional Indian secondary characters
warning: racism, colonialism
Monthly total: 11 Yearly total: 70 Queer books: 1 Authors of colour: 3 Books by women: 6 Authors outside the binary: 0 Canadian authors: 1 Classics: 1 Off the TBR shelves: 4 Books hauled: 2 ARCs acquired: 3 ARCs unhauled: 6 DNFs: 2
January February March April May June July
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causenessus · 6 months
binary stars
part 0.05. intros. GROUP COUNSELING HOURS
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y/n l/n .°˖✧
manager of the seijoh volleyball team after she quit playing in secondary school to focus on her studies and because she did not appreciate the radioactive energy of the girls' volleyball team. grew up alongside tooru and hajime due to proximity and their shared love for volleyball. now co-parents the boys’ volleyball team alongside hajime as she tries to convince herself that what she feels for tooru is just platonic </3 - her private is where she gets a little silly or tries to cope w her feelings - tooru used to be on it but after he accidentally leaked a photo she had posted on it, he lost his privilege (in his defense he thought she looked stunning and didn't see the point of sharing it with only like, 7 people but it was over for him) - currently allowed to see her private: seijoh 4 minus tooru and her group featured below <3
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kiyoko shimizu & sugawara koushi .°˖✧
karasuno’s volleyball manager. shimizu first met y/n when they were both starting out as managers in their first years. they bonded during that time together, taking notes during a match together and then exchanging numbers to keep in contact. suga came a little later but ever since then, the three have been close friends. if y/n co-parents seijoh’s volleyball team with hajime, shimizu and suga co-parent y/n. shoyo noticed how much they cared for y/n and wanted to be apart of the family too <3
setter, pinch server, and karasuno's vice captain. he’s not even entirely sure how exactly he and shimizu became co-parents for y/n. he definitely gets multiple evil stares burning into the back of his skull from karasuno’s third years + tanaka and noya but he wouldn’t give up his bond with either managers for anything. along with kiyoko, they give y/n advice on everything she’s going through and are always there to support her <3
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kuroo tetsuro & hinata shoyo .°˖✧
captain of nekoma’s volleyball team which is currently manager-less </3 as a result, since they're close to seijoh, if they really need a manager, y/n helps out if she can. over time, she grew closer to kuroo who also hung around with tooru a lot. kuroo views her as a little sister which is why he works along iwa as a double spy ❤️ is also besties with bokuto who has somehow been looped into this trip (he’s not complaining)
aspiring ace !! karasuno’s tiny giant <3 wing spiker, and 50% of the weirdo duo. like bokuto, was lowkey looped into whatever this solar system is but he’s also not complaining. he kinda let himself in because he was upset that he was left out whenever shimizu and suga started talking. then, in his first match with seijoh, he realized who they were always talking about. he introduced himself when he saw suga and shimizu talking with y/n who immediately adopted him - also means that he does not get added to the gc until after karasuno's first practice match w/ seijoh </3
not featured:
iwaizumi hajime </3
a price he must pay as a double spy along with kuroo. haji’s known tooru and y/n since forever so it’s to be expected that he hears both sides but he can’t be in two places at once. he was glad when kuroo entered the picture because he could be sent to take care of y/n while haji sat through tooru’s woes. the two then share information and scheme, just like kiyoko and suga. the four sometimes all share ideas and worst comes to worst, makki and mattsun also join. haji also sees y/n as a little sister and would give her anything (snacks from a vending machine or gas station) <3
full picture sugawara's using to make fun of shoyo bc everything hates me </3
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