#just her making bento boxes and giving you the keys to her apartment
drewlyyours · 1 year
ND #23
Yumi Shimizu - Kimiko Glenn
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Miwako Shimizu - Leah Lewis
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Takae Nagai - Tsai Chin
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Rentaro Aihara - Remy Hii
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a ghost doesn’t need to be real to haunt you
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sylusjinwoon · 5 months
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within your embrace.
no curses | college au
megumi fushiguro x fem.reader
when megumi spent the whole day without receiving a single text or call from you-
the young man knew that something was completely amiss within the universe. ever since he began dating you 3 years ago, your presence always remained the one stable part of his life.
sure, megumi would feign annoyance each time you would shoot him a good morning text, but little did you know, his smile would remain so wide and bright each time he looks down at the screen while reading your text over and over again.
and during those long nights where megumi had to pull an all-nighter writing papers, or studying for those last minute exams, he deeply cherished your calls while attempting to keep him company (not even minding when you ended up falling asleep in the process).
so the fact that he had to spend nearly 21 hours without any contact with you-
megumi knew that he had to act fast.
he looks at the time on his phone, with the time nearing 10pm. if he made a run for the closest convenience store, then he would be able to buy all of your favorite snacks and food before heading to your apartment. not wishing to waste even another second, megumi exits his dorm with his wallet and keys in hand.
megumi reaches his car, pulling out his phone from the confines of his jeans, getting into his car while dialing your number. he keeps his phone pressed against his ear even as he drove to the nearest convenience store. and at the tenth ring, your voicemail was heard echoing within his ear.
{ sorry, i can't get to the phone right now. how about you leave a message, and i'll get back to you later? byyyyye! }
"i'm coming over, you better be ready for me." megumi states while clicking his tongue, hanging up the phone while trying to fight back the anxiety that threatens to take over his mind.
please for the love of god, be okay!
megumi tosses aside his phone on his passenger seat, parking haphazardly when he reaches the store and kills his engine. as if he were running on autopilot, he stiffly gets out of the car and heads directly toward the brightly lit building, grabbing a basket while filling it with all of your favorite things.
from snacks, to candies, even ice cream and a variety of sodas-
megumi did not hesitate to buy all of your favorite items in bulk for you, adding your favorite bento boxed meal into the basket before proceeding to pay for it all.
when he dumps all of the food and snacks onto the cash register, the cashier lets out a low whistle while ringing it all up. "what's all this? you got a heavy study session tonight?"
megumi shakes his head while running a hand through his hair. "no, i'm worried about my girlfriend. she hasn't been picking up her phone, and whenever i text her, she leaves me on read."
the cashier hums, now bagging all of the items. "you got into a bad argument with her?"
"hell no. we've been fine. but she did start working recently-"
megumi's eyes widen with realization now. the cashier seems to realize his epiphany while grinning at him, handing him the bags filled with snacks and food. she tells him the total as megumi pays for it all with his card, and after waiting a few seconds for the transaction to go through, he takes out his card from the reader and grabs the bags.
"go get her, dude!" the cashier calls out to him just as he leaves the convenience store, placing all of the food within the backseat before returning to the driver's seat.
feeling a little more relaxed and confident in your reasoning for not contacting him today, megumi arrives at your apartment and parks in a random corner, taking all of the bags while making his way up to you. he takes the stairs two at a time, all too eager to see you again.
a few minutes later, he stands in front of your door while giving it several loud knocks. "oi, dummy, you better open the door!"
megumi hears what sounds like a gasp coupled along with some shuffling. after waiting a few beats, the door opens, revealing you as you had to be in the most pathetic state of your life.
your eyes were still rimmed red with tears, cheeks appearing damp from the sheer amount of times you had to have cried today. adjusting his hold on the bags, he transfers them all to one hand, using his free hand to bring your body closer to him in an embrace.
megumi softly whispers comforting words to you, brushing his lips against your temple, soothing you for a moment before inviting himself into your apartment.
once he was finally inside, he demands that you relax on your couch as he moved around your kitchen (after handing you the bags of your favorite snacks, first). he opens the bento box and works on heating it up, getting it to the perfect temperature before giving it to you with some utensils.
as you dig into the food, megumi takes sips from one of the bottles of sodas he had purchased, listening to you talk about your first week at work between bites of your food. he allows you to vent about your strict supervisor and almost lazy coworkers, listening to each and every syllable that comes from your mouth.
when you were finished talking about your first week at your new job, megumi flashes you a smirk. "shall i take you to work tomorrow and have a little talk with your coworkers?"
your eyes go wide, and megumi almost chuckled in response to your panicked expression. "no! absolutely NOT, 'gumi! i know you're going to want to threaten or beat them up...!"
megumi raises his eyebrows at you. "well damn, i guess you know me too well after all."
ah, there it was, the smile he had so desperately wanted to see the whole time. you were giggling while playfully hitting at his chest, and megumi couldn't help but feel relieved now. getting a bit emotional, he takes you in his embrace, causing you to stiffen slightly in response.
"you have no idea how worried i was about you... when you didn't send me an annoying good morning text, or even called."
a soft giggle was heard coming from you before you wrapped your arms around megumi, placing your lips against the side of his neck. "sorry, 'gumi... i guess i just needed some time to cool off. i didn't mean to ignore you."
"it's okay, don't apologize." megumi's voice takes on a deeper tone, gently moving your head away from his shoulder. he takes a moment to admire your beauty before placing a hand on your chin. "you're allowed to have all the time in the world you need for yourself... just... just let me know, so i won't have to worry, okay? can you promise to do that for me?"
he watches as you give him a nod, "i promise, megumi."
satisfied with your answer, megumi leans in forward to capture your lips within his, having every intention of helping you forget about all the stress your job had given you-
and you weren't one to complain as you spent the entire night basking in his kisses.
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a.n. - dedicated to @xbarrjallenx 🥰
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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thinking about mercury rn…
wah could you imagine like his sweet little partner happily coming to visit him at work with a homemade lunchbox, not knowing that he’d met a difficult investor that morning??
they’re so cute, fretting and worrying about the deep frown etched on his face, and jump at the opportunity when mercury offers to let them help relieve his stress, innocently unaware that his intent is to pick them up and fuck them against the huge window of his office, easily holding them in the air and bouncing them up and down on his cock like a toy as they writhe against the cold glass
his face remains impassive and you’d barely know he’s affected at all, but he’s really sadistically delighted by his partner’s tear stained cheeks and they way they cry and cling desperately to his frame, trembling in his arms and begging to be let down between their cute little moans and whimpers,,
omg sorry it’s so long i was hornier than i thought mercury does something to me fr TT
hi hi anon!
it's okie! i don't mind you writing and sending in long thirsts! i always have a blast reading those since you guys get really creative with them! also i sincerely apologize for not responding to your thirst in such a long time, but i'm trying to finish up any thirsts in my inbox so far,,,
also for mercury, yess!! i can see him as the type to remain pretty stoic during sex, but with you, his adorable and precious s/o, he can show his more hidden emotions and expressions, such as his lips curling back in a grimace when your tight walls clench around him tightly or a faint smirk when you start sobbing and chanting his name when his huge cock brushes against that spot inside of you that has you seeing stars. when he's finally finished fucking away all of his stress and frustration, he wraps you up in his oversized suit jacket and gingerly places you on his firm lap, and lets you fall asleep against him while he continues his work, only now with much less frustration.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤnsfw below!
" i wonder if he'll like the little sandwiches i made..i hope he does, the bastard hardly ever eats at work."
you grumble as you hurriedly arrange the small but filling foods in a presentable manner in the small bento box. you were on your break from work, thank god, and you'd taken the time to prepare mercury some food. he'd sternly told you he'd be fine until he'd get home, but he still ate the food and quietly commented that it was good.
" geh, i doubt my cooking's as good as his." you mumble, before glancing at the digital clock of the microwave. good, you still had plenty of time. to be fair, you'd put your car into fucking overdrive just driving home; it was a miracle you somehow weren't pulled over for a ticket or something. heh, you guess you were really that lucky huh? just thinking that has you smugly grinning to yourself.
" alright, off we go!" dramatically, you skip out the door of the rather luxurious apartment, making sure to switch off the lights before slipping out the finely smoothed door. slipping the key in the lock and turning it, you twist the doorknob a few times before the deadbolt catches in the strike bolt, and hum in approval before setting off. all you can hear is the thumping of your shoes against the pristine floor, and the rapid beats of your heart.
" good afternoon! is merc' available right now?"
" ah, good afternoon. mmm, he was meeting with an investor earlier, but i do believe that the meeting should be wrapped up just about now." the receptionist gives you a polite smile as she looks up from her computer, her short honey brown hair shining under the fluorescent lights of the ground floor.
" oh, thank you!" you breathily say your thanks, feeling relief bubbling in your stomach. most of the times you'd visit mercury, he'd always be busy and one of his secretaries or more trusted underlings to deliver it to him. you weren't mad however, you knew that he was an incredibly busy man and would have to deal with many..." troublesome" things, as he had often put it. sure it was lonely without him, but it wasn't like you would throw a fit over it. you weren't some immature, poorly written story character after all.
" oh yeah...i heard the investor was being pretty difficult with the boss." she mumbles, looking rather uncomfortable. you tilt your head in confusion and hum for her to continue, shifting the bento box to your other hand to prevent your wrist from tensing up. " i heard that they were being too pushy about the budget or something like that. and they were pretty inconsistent with their negotiations." sighing, she shakes her head before continuing. " i wouldn't be able to stay patient, i probably would've lost my shit or something.."
" ugh, same here." agreeing, you nod at her words, feeling a sense of pride at mercury's near-infinite amount of patience; you would know, you got to witness it firsthand. you'd call him a saint, but knowing him...he wouldn't like that.
" well, i'll get going. i don't want mercury's food to get cold." you flash her a hurried smile and a wave before quickly speedwalking to the shining metal elevator. ( eye color ) eyes dart up and down before coming to rest on the glistening translucent button for up and you push it. after a few seconds, a loud ding! resonates and the silver doors slide open and you step in hurriedly; you've heard stories about people's clothes being caught in the doors.
you shift to the side of the button panel and scan them before your eyes catch onto that oh-so-familiar button that'll take you to the top and where you'll meet that oh-so-familiar pair of green-grey eyes. you push it quickly but firmly and watch the metallic silver doors close with a mechanic hum, the floor begins to lowly vibrate, and up you go, up to the top.
the odd elevator jingle plays and wavers through in the air, faint enough to tune out but loud enough to still fill your ears with its soft melody. you grip the bento tighter as your body sways ever so lightly with the whir of the elevator and you lift your head up to the number indicator, glowing digits increasing at a moment's interval. you can't help but feel a bit nervous -- you know you shouldn't be since mercury had at least said that your cooking was improving and you'd barely seen the small ghost of a smile on his smooth lips. his...pretty lips. his kissable and plush lipsーgreat, now you really wanna kiss mercury.
clearing your throat, you jolt from your mini fantasy of kissing your desirable half-elf at the loud ring that pierces the air and the doors slide open. when you glance at the indicator, you realize it's already on the top floor and you hastily scurry out of the metal box, and your shoes echo against the pristine and clean floor. it wasn't surprising, since mercury always preferred to have his surroundings clean and organized, not that you blamed him.
it's rather spacious and luxurious, just breathing the air makes you feel poor, but you snicker at that anyways. the structure here is nice, and as you strut down the hall, you can see the familiar doors that you'd stopped by many times before and a giddy smile erupts on your face. god you feel like some kind of schoolgirl about to confess to her crush or something. but you clear your throat and stand up straight as you reach the doors. you're pretty sure that the desk lady buzzed mercury to let him know that you'd be here, and while you wanted your arrival to be a nice surprise, you understood why; just in case of any unwanted visitors coming up.
you almost hesitate to knock on the door, but you will yourself to quickly rap your knuckles against the wooden doors. the resounding thumps almost make you jump, but you quickly bring your hand back down to your side and adjust your wrist. your hands feel sweaty.
" come in."
with that, you pull on the silver handle and tug the door open, quickly slipping inside and making sure to gently shut the door behind you. when you look up, familiar green-grey eyes meet yours and you nearly jump out of your skin in surprise. mercury looks bored, sculpted chin resting on his gloved hand as he stares you down, but you can faintly see something akin to relief flicker in his eyes as he sets his hand down.
" afternoon sweetie! i brought you lunch!"
you quickly skip over to his side, the fluttering giddiness in your stomach returning once more. you gently slide the small plastic box onto his desk and he adjusts some of the paperwork situated on the surface to make room for his lunch.
" sorry i was late, the traffic over here was a bit hectic."
" mm, it's fine." he takes a look at the intricate clock on the wall." you're actually rather early today."
" ooh, about time. i did kinda speed my way over here, so..." he raises an eyebrow and you avert your gaze, sucking in your lips to throw off his suspicions. he faintly chuckles, but starts pinching the bridge of his nose as his gaze hits the signed contract in front of him.
" oh yeah, i heard about the investor you met with. heard they were being difficult and a stingy ass." he glances at you and you hold your hands up in defeat. " desk lady's words, not mine." okay, well, not really, but they sounded like a hardass and you were pretty sure mercury thought the same, because he lets out a sigh and sinks back into his chair, handsome features scrunched up in annoyance and frustration.
" well, not the words i would use, but in technical terms, yes, it was...difficult. i've never met a more difficult investor than them."
you hum and hover your hand over his, squeezing gently. he squeezes back in response, heaving a heavy sigh.
" has anyone ever told you how hot you look?"
he immediately shoots you a look, his face impassive but you feel all sorts of emotions being thrown your way with just his eyes.
" what? can i not tell my incredibly hot, skilled, and sexy boyfriend that he's hot?" you feign annoyance and scowl at him. you can see his lips just barely quirk up with a smile but he catches himself and quickly goes back to his usual grumpy face.
" heeyy, was that a smile?"
" please, i think i know when you smile. that's like the fifth one this year."
" ...i don't know if i should take offense to that or not."
" take it or leave it big boy." you huff, crossing your arms and rolling your eyes, and you can hear him chuckle in amusement.
" see? i'm funny! you're less stressed than before now!" he flashes you another look, but doesn't argue with you and pushes his chair back, standing up and right in front of you, completely towering over you. you audibly gulp, forgetting how intimidating and tall he could be.
" oh? you seem to know a lot about stress relief." he tips up your chin with his huge thumb, a faint smirk on his lips that has you trembling where you stand. " care to relive even more of my stress, darling?"
" m-mercury, w-wait..n-not-hiiiiii?!" you throw your head back against the thick glass window when said man gives a sudden and deep thrust into your spasming hole, his thick and throbbing cock rubbing up against your sensitive spots. your vision blurs from the cloudy tears that well up and trickles down your hot cheeks.
" hold still." is the only reply you get and you choke back another moan as his gloved hands dig into the fat of your ass, pulling you upwards and jostling the thick cum inside. he only grunts as your nails dig into his broad shoulder blades, but you decide to dig your legs around his waist even tighter to stabilize yourself. but each time you even so much as shift, mercury's huge cock rubs, and throbs against your oversensitive walls.
" 's too much-i-i'm gonna die..!" you sob, pleading and searching for any mercy in his stone-cold face, but whimper when you meet his unblinking green-grey eyes.
" heh, you won't die." is all mercury says, cruelly chuckling before pulling his hips back slowly, dragging his huge shaft out of your clenching hole, smirking at your choked whimpers, before he suddenly slams his hips against the rim of your clenching hole and you shriek.
" HIIIIIIIII?! m-mercury-n-not so rough-UNNMMMHH!" shame bubbles up in your throat from how loud you cry out, knowing that anyone who'd walk past could hear your lewd moans and cries. mercury doesn't even seem to care, he just continues to drag his hips and slam them back, watching you like a hawk as you sob and clench around him.
" hnmg...i'm barely moving my hips and you're feeling this good already?" mercury chuckles at your desperate state like he wasn't affected as well, and you moan in response, drool starting to dribble out of the corners of your mouth.
" y-you keep moving your hips like tha-agnnhh?!"
" oh? like what? use your words ( name )." he purrs, his long grey locks tickling your flushed cheeks and he gives a particularly deep thrust into your hole just to tease you. you envy the way he can speak so calmly whilst doing something so lewd, but you can whine about that later. right now you're too dazed and pleasure drunk to even truly care enough to make a fuss about it.
" y-you keep pushing your dick in so deep..'s in my stomach-!!"
" oh? like this?" mercury's already as deep as he can go, so each movement of his hips has your moist walls clinging desperately to his huge cock, creating a tingling tight sensation that makes your head spin. he grunts, baritone voice shuddering with faint composure as your greedy hole squeezes him tightly, and you can barely seeーthrough your tearsーthat mercury is gritting his teeth, his handsome face scrunched up in a grimace of burning pleasure.
" nmggg.."
the dual stimulation of mercury's fat cock stretching out your hole and his choked voice invading your senses has your orgasm creeping up faster than you'd expected. mercury, hearing the rising octaves of your moans and the way your wet walls clench tighter around him, begins slamming his hips into yours with rapid speed. the only noises filling the spacious office with your delicious and shushed moans and his deep groans.
the invading thought of someone, anyone, walking in had briefly crossed your mind, but mercury had assured you that any one of his subordinates would think twice before entering his office without at least knocking. and given his cold and unmoving disposition, you found it hard to not believe him; he could be intimidating when he really wanted to be.
" ughahhh--!!"
your orgasm feels so strong, coursing through your veins as your cum-soaked walls squeeze and milk mercury's huge cock, but he just continues to fuck you, the fluttering of your walls pulling him to another orgasm. he murmured sweet nothings mixed with teasing words, his fingers digging harder into your ass. one sharp thrust has him pressing himself as deep as he can go, spilling his thick seed into your hole with a choked moan that sends shivers down your spine.
the two of you breathe heavily, clearly spent after one mind-numbing orgasm after another. your limbs slump against his body, but you weakly moan when he doesn't pull out, in fact, he's still as hard as ever, throbbing and pulsing inside.
" i'm not done."
" h-huh--?!"
with one quick movement, he has you against his desk, broad hands carelessly pushing away the paperwork and accessories off to the side of his desk. the cool wood feels like such a contrast against your heated skin but now you can at least see his face properly.
" heh, you look cute like this ( name )..." he purrs, his deep voice just going straight to your throbbing sex. he raises a hand and thumbs at the corners of your eyes, wiping at your skin and you realize that he's wiping away your tears. you make a noise, not realizing that you'd been actually sobbing from pleasure.
you whimper when you feel his huge erection throb erratically as he gazes down at you and it only takes a few moments for you to realize what's going on.
with a groan, he starts snapping his hips against yours once more with more vigor, huge cock rubbing against your deepest parts and sensitive spots. you cry out; it feels too good, you already came so..!
" m-mercury w-wait..no more, i-i already-!"
" you can go again, can't you?" a sharp thrust into your hole sends you reeling and forces you to moan out and clench tighter around him. " we've barely started after all."
you only sob from overstimulation, your fluttering walls sending shocks up your spine and mercury's deliberate thrusts aren't helping. each time he even so much as moves, the pleasure feels so overwhelming that it's a wonder that you haven't passed out yet. but yet you dig your legs into his waist, pushing him deeper inside and leaving him little room to pull away. not that he minds or even really cares for that matter.
" you want me to cum inside that badly, hm? i'd think you're enjoying this more than me darling."
" shut..up..!"
" hah, defiant are we?" he chuckles against your ear, and starts ramming his hips against yours with a bruising pace and you sob freely, clinging as tightly as you can to him. o-oh god, it feels too good-!!
" nono-'m gonna..unmhhh..unhhgg..y-you can't-!"
" ..so tight.."
to say that you were overstimulated would be an understatementーyour entire body felt like little electric shocks were pulsing and crackling inside of it, the pleasure that mercury was giving you felt like a tsunami wave crashing into and utterly drowning you in it. you could barely even think, you could only focus on the shivers of pleasure and the unending good that was numbing your mind.
" too big..merc..ry..feels good..! 'm gonna-♡"
" unmhh..squeeze tighter.."
he's losing himself; mercury, the man at the very top and who had everything in the palm of his hand, was losing himself to pleasure. and all because of you. you can feel a swell of pride bloom in your gut, but a sharp thrust of his hips has your mouth going slack and warbled moans leaving your mouth.
" uunmmh..?"
you squeak when he sneaks a hand underneath your back and firmly pulls you up, forcing you to sit upon the edge of his desk, but it just presses his thick cock up against your stomach, and you barely feel the tip making a bulge. f-fuck.. he's big..!
" you're enjoying this, aren't you?"
you don't respond, you don't have to. his impassive face, although still flushed, tells you that he knows you're enjoying this far more than you should. his green-grey eyes narrow when he sees your drooling and stupefied expression and feels the burning heat of your bare skin against his touch.
" look at your face now."
" haa...haa.."
you whimper when you see a pretentious smirk spread across mercury's smooth lips as he watches you crumble apart pathetically. you wonder briefly if he'd caught himself and this was his way of recollecting his composure before you could say anything. it doesn't matter though, because he's gripping your jaw with his hand and forcing you to properly look at him, and he looks like a predator about to dig into its meal.
" then, let's keep going, no? i'm far from done, darling."
" mercury, i'm gonna kill you."
" that's cute, but i don't think you're in the condition to do that."
" shut uppp." you groan and smoosh your face into his chest out of embarrassment and because he's really warm. he simply chuckles, stroking your head and wrapping his arm tighter around your body, hoisting you up and from slipping. your lower body feels fucking sore, and if you tried to walk, you'd probably fall flat on your face or something.
" my lunch break is already over...my boss is gonna kill me." you whine, and you hug mercury's thick coat around you. you're grateful he at least wrapped you up in it, but he didn't have to keep you going until well after your break. you'd smack him, but he has the reflexes of a cat, so you know he'll just block you with ease and just sit you down.
he hums for a moment, and you feel him shift forward as if reaching for something. you groan as you're forced to move and arch your back forward. you hear a series of small thumps on his desk as he settles something downーhis laptop you assume.
" what did you say your boss' email was again?"
" mercury, i love you, but i'd really prefer it if you not blackmail my boss into giving me a break or something."
you hear him playfully scoff, his chest rising and pressing against your faceーhis heartbeat is thumping so fastーas you hear the sounds of typing and clicks coming from behind you.
" what do you take me for? i'm not some brainless goon. i'll just let them know you won't show up for...personal reasons." he simply retorts, a faint tone of amusement in his smooth baritone voice. you let out a small " oh." and peek your head out of the thick coat to peer at his screen. he wasn't lying, he has his email open and waiting for your response, his sharp green-grey eyes peering down at you.
you give it to him with a mumble, and he hums out a "thank you." and types it in, the small clicks being the only audible noise in the spacious office. you do feel bad that mercury has to go this far just to not get you fired, but you're really grateful that he's doing this willingly.
" ...thank you sweetie.."
" hm?"
he pauses for a moment, and you can hear his heart hammer against his chest.
" you're welcome."
you whimper when you feel his warm and soft lips press against your temple, his velvety soft glove brushing away the stray hairs that streak across and stick to your forehead. it makes your heart go crazy and you start feeling giddy all over again.
" ...i can make dinner if you want..?"
" mm, i can help. i can offer some pointers?"
" ...yes please. my cooking isn't as good as yours.."
he chuckles but does little to refute that statement and lets it linger in the air. he feels so nice and warm against you, and his big coat wrapped around you only further lulls you into a drowsy state. that and...earlier's activities really exhausted you.
" you can go to sleep. i'll handle everything else."
you sleepily whine out in happiness and slump against him, your eyelids closing and growing heavier and heavier.
" ...love you..mercury.."
you're too tired to even hear his response, but you can feel him hug you even closer and his heart hammer against his chest. you feel safe and warm. it feels nice.
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espressokiri · 3 years
Can I request Aizawa with a popular hero s/o? Class 1-A loves them and goes crazy when they find out he’s married to their idol.
Aizawa x GN!reader
In which reader is Aizawa's married partner and is popular with crowds and loved by class 1-A.
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff
Note: (H/n) = Hero name
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Being a man who savoured his alone time, mostly spending it catching up with sleep due to his hectic scheduling of night patrol and teaching students, he was surprised to have fallen for a colleague who fell into the spotlight and enamoured everyone they came in contact with. They were the prime example of ‘opposites attract’ and it was oddly endearing. 
Y/n always emitted a comforting energy around them, their soft and nurturing nature drawing admirers and fans, hence shooting their rank in the Heroes poll right under the popular winged hero. Despite their popularity due to their personality, their strong ability to maneuver their quirk and quick thinking under stressful situations had gained them respect with both civilians and heroes.
Because of the awareness that Aizawa does not enjoy the spotlight, Y/n had always arrived to their shared home in secrecy to avoid paparazzi and crazed fans from finding out their humble abode, a comfortable one bedroom modern apartment that was perfect for the pair of them. Their odd schedules seemed to clash but the couple always made it work, sometimes sacrificing each other’s sleep to be able to spend time with the other -usually Y/n as they know Aizawa lacks enough sleep already.
“Sweetheart, it’s time for you to wake up.” Y/n whispers softly, leaning over Aizawa and tracing their forefinger around his facial features, easing him awake. A groan rumbles in the man’s throat before he slowly opens his eyes, a soft smile taking over as he’s met with the worried gaze of his partner. “Good morning.” Aizawa’s voice rasps out, throat dry from just waking up.
“Morning, my love.”
Aizawa takes their hand that was on his face and places it on his lips, giving it a peck before letting go.
“Breakfast is ready.” Y/n informs before trudging out of the room, leaving a sighing Aizawa as he dreaded dealing with a bunch of chaotic teenagers. 
When Aizawa came out freshened up and dressed in his hero uniform, he was met with Y/n leaning on the kitchen counter in their pyjamas, sipping on coffee in their favourite mug and focussing on their phone. Y/n had a late start in the morning for their shift in the agency, so they tried making the most of their morning.
Aizawa walked towards them, placing both hands on the counter, confining them in between his arms. Y/n raised an eyebrow at his approach, placing their phone away and looking at him while having the rim of the mug on their lips as they took a sip. “Need anything?” A smirk played on their lips as Aizawa scoffed at their question, swiftly swooping down and placing a kiss on their lips. 
Y/n placed their mug on the counter, besotted in the affection their partner was showcasing. Aizawa brought his hands to their hips and helped them up onto the counter, slotting himself in between them with both hands on their thighs. Y/n ran their hand through his hair as they gazed at each other with deep longing and understanding. “You don’t have much time.” Y/n murmured, leaning their head onto his shoulder, placing a soft kiss on his neck, making goosebumps arise on the touched skin.
“I know, I’m enjoying while I can.” Aizawa sighed, grabbing the mug Y/n had placed aside and taking a sip from it. Y/n let out a sound of disapproval, “you have your own coffee right there!” They pointed at the steaming mug placed on the kitchen table.
“Just giving yours a try.” He shrugged, a smile on his lips as he grabbed his mug and leaned back against the counter in between Y/n’s legs. Y/n ran their fingers through his hair, untangling the knots he seemed to not have brushed out. “I have patrol till six today, I won’t be home when you come back from work.” Y/n spoke.
Aizawa had his eyes closed as he savoured the warm beverage and the calm feeling of his partner working on his hair. “That’s alright, be sure to eat dinner early. Stay safe.” Aizawa was upset that they didn’t even get weekends to spend together to do normal couple things, it was a rare occurrence for both their schedules to align.
When Aizawa did enter his homeroom classroom, facing the rowdy students of class 1-A, he stumbled upon a conversation between Mineta and Kaminari, “(H/n) is so cool! I can’t believe they aren’t higher up in the hero rankings, they have an amazing record of defeating villains!” Kaminari gushed. 
“Forget that! Do you see how sexy they look? With that sweet nature of theirs, I’m sure they must be so submiss-” Bindings wrapped around the short grape boy as Aizawa held a menacing glare, the class hushing with the sudden change in mood.
“It would do you good not to speak of my partner in such a vulgar manner.”
A beat of silence was held before the class erupted in excitement and confusion, “partner?!”
Ashido raised her hand up high and wiggled it around before Aizawa sighed and beckoned her to speak, “sensei! Are romantically involved with (H/n)?!” 
There he’s done it, Aizawa was aware of his class idolizing Y/n and now he’s gotten his privacy breached. “Yes, we are married.”
Ensue more shock and raised hands.
After a gruelling day of being interrogated by his students and teaching, Aizawa made his way home before he would start his nightly patrol. Shoving the keys in the lock, he opened the door and let himself inside, upset that he would be home alone for the remainder of his time.
“Ah, shit!”
Aizawa froze as he heard the sound coming from the bathroom, eyes glancing towards the clock in the kitchen. Y/n wasn’t supposed to be home yet. He rushed his way into the bathroom to come across Y/n with a gash on the side of their head which they were tending to.
“What happened?!”
Y/n jumped at the sudden loud noise, turning around and finding their husband with a worried gaze settled onto their wound. “Nothing serious, I got caught off guard because of that stupid birdbrain of a hero.” Y/n waved it off, scoffing when they mentioned Hawks. Aizawa held their face in between his hands as he inspected the wound, it wasn’t deep but it would need to be cared for.
As Aizawa cleaned the blood around the wound and disinfected it, he brought up the incident today. “My class also really wants to meet you.” 
Y/n was aware of how much Aizawa adored his class, despite not wording it and pretending they were a lot of work. “I’d love to meet them too! I’m free tomorrow if you’d like.” Y/n offered. Aizawa swallowed nervously, “tomorrow sounds good.” Y/n had never visited U.A. while Aizawa was working, and he was nervous about the whole ordeal. 
To say he was nervous was an understatement, Aizawa kept glancing at the classroom door as he was teaching, wondering when they’d come in and how things would go. It wasn’t like him to be nervous but perhaps he wanted to show Y/n how well he could handle kids like they could.
As he monitored the class doing their worksheets, the door slid open revealing Y/n holding a small bento in their hands. “It’s (H/n)!” The class were bouncing with excitement and squeals could be heard. Y/n gave a friendly wave to the class as they made their way to Aizawa, giving him a kiss on the cheek, riling the students up more, before placing the bento box on his desk.
“Hello class 1-A! It’s great to finally meet you!” Y/n gave their brightest smile as they were excited to meet Aizawa’s ‘problem children’. They seemed to be a lively bunch with unique appearances, it was very endearing to see teenagers with bright smiles and a strong heart. 
“How’d you meet Aizawa sensei, (H/n)?” Ashido had questioned, buzzing with excitement as she gazed over what the hero was wearing. “You guys can call me Y/n.” Y/n winked, “also we met back in high school, but we were acquaintances until he started working with an underground agency and I gained the courage to ask him out.” 
“If Aizawa sensei can get someone like Y/n, then there’s still hope for us!” Kaminari wailed, a glare pointed at him by his teacher.
Y/n snickered, “despite his rugged appearance, he’s quite the charmer.” They praised, causing the girls in the class to swoon at the sweet words. 
“So Shota, are you going to show me how strong your class really is?”
Ground Beta never seemed to get awfully torn down when Y/n was in U.A., but it seems that Aizawa’s class held destructive and strong quirks that left their mouth wide open at the power a bunch of teenagers held. Especially the three Aizawa had mentioned once or twice in passing; Todoroki Shoto, Bakugou Katsuki, and Midoriya Izuku.
“Here dear, let’s get you hydrated.” Y/n handed Uraraka a bottle of water as the girl looked nauseas from the overuse of her quirk. “T-thank you!” Uraraka bowed timidly before shakily grabbing the bottle, Y/n just gave her a gentle smile and ruffled her hair, “you were so cool Uraraka, and your hero suit is adorable.” A fiery blush erupted on the girl’s face at the compliment and affectionate touch.
“What do you think of my quirk?!” An overexcited Kaminari ran over to the two, seeing his idol praise Uraraka had him craving for approval from the hero. “It’s very powerful, Kaminari! You’re doing great with the limited usage as well to not overwhelm yourself!” Y/n pinched his cheek, a slight static grazing the pads of their fingers as the blonde was jittering with joy. 
“Stop hogging her Denki!” Jirou had shoved the blonde away, “Jirou! I’m so excited to be seeing more of your quirk in use! I love how calm you are while IN action!” 
“Y/n! Can we train together?”
“Yeah! I wanna see what it’s like fighting a real pro!”
Y/n grinned at their enthusiasm and agreed, all of class A seemed to have brightened up and tried their best to show off to their idol.
Aizawa was watching from a distance, a soft smile on his lips as he watched his partner interact with his students. They were always good with kids, especially teenagers, as they claimed all the kids ever want is someone to listen to them and understand their thought process. Maybe he would bring Y/n along often to training during their off days. 
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itssleepyrabbit · 4 years
hi! wow i super love your art and i don’t have enough dabihawks in my life 🥺 was wondering if you had any fic recs for them?? 💕💕
aah thank you so much!! 💕💕 💕💕
BOY IF I DO HAVE!! alright buckle up this might get long (most are fluff and SFW~ i’ll put a NSFW warning but be sure to look at tags in all of them!!)
Bed I made (lie in it with me) by  silverwordswrites
“Touya is in desperate need of a plus-one for his brother's wedding and Keigo is infinitely curious about the man who he was sure used to hate him in college.” 
-- the summary says everything and honestly it’s one of the most romatics dabihawks fics i’ve read.
He Doesn't Love Me by  Fatally
“Dabi doesn't love him. He's accepted that thorny truth, swallowed it down and let briars grow in his chest, drinking down his blood like water.Or: The one in which Hawks settles for pining for his entire life and doesn't realize Dabi's been staring at him the entire time, too.” 
-- I love pinning Hawks with a burning passion.
sweetheart, is that you? by  fuckendeavor666
“dabi and hawks say i love you (without actually saying i love you) in five different ways.“ 
-- This is my absolute fave dabihawks fic
Deck the Halls With Boughs of Folly by  DrAphra
“In which the League has acquired a new fancy mansion -with all the heating and food and plush beds they could possibly need - but they still prefer to spend the day out in the wilderness with just each other. Plus Hawks.“ 
-- Honestly all Aphra’s dabihawks fics are more than worth it but this one has a special place on my heart.
fuck, im so young - orphaned
“Todoroki Touya writes poems.
Words upon words of heartfelt confessions, letters of sing song fantasies, syllables of feelings he never got to say out loud.
When Todoroki Touya hits sixteen, he burns himself to death.
When Dabi hits twenty four-
He meets Hawks.” 
-- i don’t know how to explain but this fic it’s pretty
Feathers and Feelings by  Toboe1087
“Hawks keeps leaving feathers on his pillow, and Dabi's about had it.
(like hell he'd let anyone else have them, though)”
-- Dabi preening Hawks feathers is a blessing
(this is not a) swan song by  bittermoons
“"Who's your favorite, then?"
"Hawks." Touya doesn't miss a beat. "Definitely Hawks."
"What? Seriously? How come?"
"He has his flaws, but at the end of the day, he's trying to do good. It's something he always strives for. Dabi, on the other hand...if it weren't for Hawks, he wouldn't be a hero, that's for sure."
[Or: How a secret is revealed, and what comes afterwards.]”
-- Adorable no quirks AU with manga artist Touya and oblivious Keigo! Another author i adore pretty much all dabihawks works.
You can't trap the sky in a bottle by thyandra
“Letting Toga organize the accommodations for their trip might have been a mistake. This particular truth becomes obvious to Keigo as he opens the door of his hotel room for the first time. There, staring back at him mockingly, is a single, king-sized bed. It’s only by virtue of all the years spent perfecting his poker face around his adoptive parents, that he manages to keep his face straight. At his side, Touya clicks his tongue. “They must’ve given us the wrong key.””
--(no quirks AU) I really love they way Dabi and Hawks are written here i can’t express it in words and so so much pinning
A Tale as Old as Time by  EloFromMars, Gotcocomilk
“Dabi and Hawks are hit by the most improbable Quirk: both are yeeted in Fairytales land and have to rely on each other to get out of this.“
-- this was such a fun read omg
A Romance Written All Over Your Body by  minatsukinoamayo
//NSFW mind the tags!//
“Hawks is assigned to infiltrate the League of Villains in order to expose them. Hawks usually never fails a mission, but Keigo usually never falls in love, either.A story of how Hawks falls from grace to become a villain, because hero society has failed them all.
5 times they're not in a relationship and 1 time they are.“
-- you know those fics you say “one more chapter” and it’s 3AM
it caught spark in your eyes by  youareoldfatherwilliam
//Mature - Implied Sexual Content//
“Keigo’s quirk is powerful, but sometimes it comes with unintended side effects.
Or: A 5 + 1 fic of five times the more…instinctively bird-like parts of Keigo’s quirk took over accidentally during his relationship with Dabi, and one time it happened entirely on purpose.“
-- I was screaming about this particular fic on twt the other day pls give it a read if you can it’s so so so good! Any fic that has Hawks with bird traits has a special place on my heart
The Others by  threesipsmore
//Mature - 2 sexual scenes, nothing too explicit but they’re there//
“"Skeptic's starting to think he’s more important than me,” Toga sneers, an acidic edge to her voice. “Making decisions on his own, sending out birdie without even talking to me first.”
She’d simply acquiesced to cooperating with Skeptic, but from day one the complaints had never stopped. In this tiny room layered with sushi and cakes, Dabi was forced to listen to her whining.”
-- You go birb, you get that man
Equivalent Exchange by  inexchangeforyoursoul
“Keigo blinks the blurry oblivion away from his eyes, although some part of it is oddly stubborn and to stay indefinitely. There's three things he's certain of: first, he’s alive. Second, just by looking at the bed and windows he can tell this is no villain hospital or torture room. Third: something feels wrong. Very wrong.
The silence… is deafening.
To obtain, something of equal value must be lost.
If so, what of a bird that has lost its wings?”
-- i had so many feelings reading i can’t physically explain them to you also PINK HAIR DABI PINK HAIR DABI
dabi's 5-step guide to being a better parent than endeavor by  twinkfrankenstein (orphan_account)
“A little voice inside his head whispered spitefully about how this was no place for a child, and how he was making a mistake and would only traumatize the kid, yada yada. He responded with an equally spiteful-
“Fuck off, its not like I planned to do arson today.”
(or: how Dabi becomes a good dad just to spite his own, realizes he kinda sorta maybe likes Hawks for realsies, begrudgingly admits the League cares and finally comes to terms with his protective side. Not in that order.)“
-- this legit made me laught out loud idk what else tell you
The Todoroki In-Laws by  aphrodaisyacs
“Over 10 years after the fight against the Paranormal Liberation Front, Rumi, aka the part-time hero Miruko and the proud wife of one Todoroki Fuyumi, decides it would be an awesome idea to create a groupchat with the significant others of the other Todoroki siblings.
Maybe things would be easier if its members weren’t two Pro Heroes, a former one and a rehabilitated villain, but…Honestly, where’s the fun in that?”
-- this is not dabihawks focused but it’s so funny pls
With Being Petty Comes Consequences by  CursedUndead
“"When we were saying fuck pro heroes, I didn't think you literally meant FUCK them," Tomura grumbles, kicking over an empty beer can.
"Pretty judgmental for someone fucking a pro twice their age," Touya says.
Tomura squints, and says, "Ten years is not twice my age."
Or, after spending Enji's money, Touya is forced to babysit for the number 2 hero to pay him back. Touya makes it his life's mission to fuck his new boss.”
-- this only has 4 chapters but i know it’s going to be one of my faves
The Truth series by  AmethystUnarmed
-- Hawks gets hit with a truth quirk and starts to be actually free by the power of love, friendship and a bit of crime <3
The last entry is on-going
and if we sit and count it up it's really not a lot by  sincerelysamedt
“Hawks finds a bento box in his messenger bag and almost cries.
"Is that a loving wife bento?"“
-- please PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD READ THIS ONE /sobbing noises/
steal your heart by  darlingest
“When infamous thief Hawks announces that he is going to steal the heart of Endeavor's son, everyone expects him to prey on Shoto Todoroki - nobody suspects Touya to be the actual target.“
-- Villain Hawks and civilian Dabi are my guilty pleasure and this one it’s so soft too i’m- djsahfdjkfhadf
darling, thank god it’s this universe we’re in (and you can annoy me as much as you please) by  juurensha
“ Todoroki Rei divorces Endeavor and moves all four of her children into a small apartment next to a boy with wings as red as the hair of her eldest son. “
-- This was one of the first dabihawks fics i ever read and, to this day, i come back to it when i feel i need the extra burst in happy feelings and check their other works too! Honestly all are such a good fucking read
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mooncademia · 4 years
Surprising Aizawa at U.A
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PAIRING ~ Aizawa Shouta x reader
GENRE ~ fluff!
SUMMARY ~  You have been dating Aizawa for many months now and since work has been piling up for your boyfriend, you decided to stop by U.A for a surprise visit! As you walk through the halls, you couldn’t help but reminisce about the good times the two of you had. Ah, nostalgia~
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Dang it, you thought to yourself as you stood there mindlessly looking down the halls as you bit down your bottom lip. You grew anxious as you stood there staring at the many rooms, wondering which room was the teachers’ lounge and office.
You came to visit your boyfriend, Aizawa Shouta, who teaches at U.A, the most prestigious hero high school there is in Japan, but as you stood their helplessly looking at the title of each plaque on the wall, you wondered if it was better to stay home and wait for him to come back at night.
You shook your head at the idea. No, you were determined to see him. Your boyfriend may not be what people say “ideal” since his cold stern face with his signature half-lidded eyes doesn’t exactly scream “IDOL” to many people, but to you, well…he was perfect. Beautifully perfect.
Aizawa dating was something definitely new to him in the beginning. Not that he hadn’t dated before (let’s not bring back the embarrassing stories), he just wasn’t good at it in the beginning.
He can still remember the first date you both went on: the romantic dinner, the sitting in the cafe eating sweets, talking for hours about life, the quiet dim night walk at the empty park, and most of all, when he stood outside your apartment thinking if he should kiss you.
Should I kiss her? Will she hate me for me kissing her on the first date? Does she WANT me to kiss her? Oh god am I taking too long thinking? How about—
You made the first move that night, leaning closer to his face as you closed your eyes and kissed him on the lips. You could still remember the exciting electricity flying throughout your body and the loud thumping of your heart pounding in your ears as you made that bold move. His lips were soft and sweet. He jumped slightly from your kiss but from the way that he melted in, he can for sure promise you that he was totally swooned for you.  
Despite Aizawa’s hard-looking exterior, deep inside, he was sensitive in every precious way possible. And you loved that about him— how he’s both hard-working and lovingly soft at the same time. You loved his grumpy grunts when you interrupt his work to tell him what happened at work today, and you loved his silent nods of satisfaction when you serve him a home cook meal.
Plus, you love teasing him. Like that one time when you pulled out a cat sweater from one of his old boxes at his apartment.
“Ehhh???!!!” Your eyes widened as you stared at the bright colors of the cat sweater. You held the cotton candy sweater up high to give a good look at it. The cat’s eyes were unnaturally big and it screamed “KAWAII” in every way.  You darted Aizawa a teasing smile as you see him glow a soft tint of pink.  “Wow, Aizawa. Isn’t this 2 cute 4 u?”
Aizawa rolled his eyes at you, muttered something you couldn’t hear, snatched the sweater off your hands, and neatly folded it back into the box as you laughed. (maybe a little too neatly, you thought to yourself).
But whenever Aizawa’s with you, you don’t know it, but his heart beats faster whenever he sees you. He loves your goofiness, your boastful confidence, your kindness, how strangely similar you both are, and how you are just…well…you.  
Lately, teaching at U.A wasn’t going smoothly. With students and villain issues, he comes back to your apartment past midnight now. So you decided to take a day off from work and visit him at the teacher’s lounge when he’s on his afternoon break. You even prepared him lunch! (“a cup of coffee is not lunch, Aizawa….no, jelly packets are not meals either,” you said to him the other day).
Your eyes caught sight of a pair of students. A tall young man with messy blond hair with a black streak on the right side and a short boy that had purple balls on his head.
“Hi!” You waved mannerly to signaled them.  “Uhm, I’m a bit lost, can you please tell me where the teacher’s lounge is?”
The boy with the blond hair looked surprised to see an unfamiliar face around campus but not only was he shocked to see a stranger having access to campus, but he was also more starstruck seeing a beautiful woman standing right in front of him.
“Uh-“ He straightened his back and cleared his throat. “Yeah! You’re close actually. It’s down the hall to the left, should be the second door.”
You smiled appreciatively to the boy and bowed respectfully. “Got it! Thank you so much!”
You waved goodbye as the boy blushed when he sees you walk off.
“Knock it off Kaminari!” The short boy to his left scolded as he elbowed his friend’s ribs and sneered at him.
“Who is that, Mineta?” Kaminari asked, twirling his head once more to see you walk down the hallway.
“I’m not sure, but she’s going to the teacher’s lounge…” Mineta replied with an eyebrow arched up.
You turned left down the hallway and found the plaque on the second door that labeled “Teacher’s lounge/office.”
You took a deep breath before sliding the door.  You have visited Aizawa at school before but no knows about the two of you except for a few teachers (that being: Present Mic, All Might, and Midnight), and you hoped that you weren’t bombarding in at a bad time. If there were a lot of students you were going to have to put on the stranger act that you did last month, and you weren’t anxious to pull that off again.
That was another thing about you and your boyfriend was how strangely similar you both are. You both enjoyed keeping your relationship private or low-key from a lot of people. Aizawa has always been a private guy, and although you were more open compared to him, you also prefer to keep some things just between the two of you. It made moments more special and electrifying. Though even if Aizawa wants to keep it low-key, he still likes to hold your hand in public or give you a hug, and when no one is looking, he gives you a quick kiss on the cheek (or maybe on the neck but let’s not go there ;) ).
You slid the door gently and when you stepped in, you can immediately see your boyfriend hunched over on his computer, sitting a couple of feet away from Present Mic. His long black disheveled hair poked out way too obvious and you giggled at his stern face staring at the computer. Thankfully, all the other staffs were not there and no students were to be seen either.
Present Mic looked up to see who entered and grinned widely when he saw you. He nudged Aizawa on the shoulder and whispered “Oi, your girlfriend is here!”
Aizawa looked up and sees you standing their ever so beautifully with your light cream floral blouse and navy blue jeans. He smiles at you as he gets up from the chair and comes toward you.
“Hey,” he said with a husky voice. His black eyes staring directly into yours.
“Hey,” you echoed teasingly with a cute smile. “Brought you lunch.” You lift your left hand, holding the carefully wrapped clothed bento.
You both walked toward his seat as you put down the bento on his desk. Aizawa hummed as he wrapped his hands around your waist, pulling you closer. He pulls you into a hug and whispered a soft “thank you” to your right ear and lets you go gently.
He definitely missed you.  
Along with liking to keep the relationship private, Aizawa is a bit different when he’s with you. For one thing, he’s way more talkative— He loves to chat with you, about his likes and dislikes. His latest “what’s been annoying me” rants to the “that wasn’t rational” conversations. He also loves to hear your voice. He treasures your nods as you listen intently because it makes him feel even more pleased that you were listening (of course you were). And if he drank too much coffee that evening, you two will often be snuggled up on the couch as you both talk about your days— the burdens that have been on your minds and the simple happiness that you two found. He didn’t mind Present Mic next to him to see his actions, after all, he was his best friend since high school, and plus, he was the first to know about you two as well. But that doesn’t mean Mic won’t tease.
“AWWWWW MAN, AIZAWA!!!! You’re such a softie!” Mic teased as he glanced a glimpse of the two of you holding hands, chatting with a small smile on both of your lips.
Aizawa turned his head coldly at Mic with a death glare. “Shut it.”
You laughed as you see your boyfriend slightly blushing. You grabbed a chair so the two of could sit down at his desk and you leaned forward to glance what he’s been up to. Aizawa slung his left arm around your shoulder as he talked to you about the assignments he has working on. As you listened intently, you couldn’t help but feel so warm by his presence. His half-lidded eyes were mesmerizing to you and you wrapped your arm around his lower back gently rubbing small circles back and forth.
“Sounds like a lot,” you said when he finished. “Good thing I’m here to cheer you on, right?” You said with a confident cheeky wink.
Aizawa rolled his eyes at you sarcastically but you could tell that his lips were trying not to tug upward.
“You look good today,” you said softly to him. Your voice came soft and low, that only he could hear it, and it was true. Never once were you not starstruck from his costume. The gray scarf dangling around his neck nonchalantly, the black on black long-sleeved shirt and pants, all tied together with his dark brown utility belt and black boots. You don’t tell him this, but even after dating for many months now and seeing his costume for the millionth time, it still sends butterflies to your stomach.
Aizawa looked at you, not saying a word, but rather leaning down to give you a deep kiss on the lips. It was soft and tender, but it left you wanting more (dang public places!).
Present Mic, only a couple feet away, turned red when he saw what was happening and tried to go back to his business. Though, he caught a few glances here and there.
“You look beautiful today too, as always,” Aizawa said to you when he parted his lips away from yours.  You rested your head on his shoulder and hugged him tightly as your cheeks heated up from the compliment.
“Go get a room,” Mic blurted, staring at the screen of his computer typing mindlessly away.
You laughed out loud with your hands on your stomach while Aizawa let go of you to shoot Mic another deadly stare.
You tilted Aizawa’s chin back to face you and with a smile, you kissed him again passionately, just for good measure.
But if you knew what would happen next, you wouldn’t have dared to make that move, because only a few seconds later, you heard a sliding on the door.
“Uhm, Aizawa-sensei, we were wondering if—“ a familiar voice said aloud, making you part away immediately from Aizawa’s lips with eyes widened in surprise.
When you looked up, you saw the two students that you encountered in the hallway, and from the look of their faces, you could guarantee that they saw their teacher kissing the woman that they met today. Though, the purple boy looked like he was having more of a seizure than a shocked look.
You sucked in a breath, realizing that two of Aizawa’s students just caught you two together, and it was definitely not the time to pull off a stranger’s act. But a grab of your hand underneath the table calmed you down immediately, and when you turned to see your boyfriend, you were shocked to see his expression.
His smirky grin and lustful eyes said: Well, they were going to find out sooner or later, right?
You gave a weary smile as Aizawa squeeze your hand a little bit and leaned towards you in a surprisingly upbeat tone:
“Well, today is going to be an interesting day.”
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koutarouthighs · 4 years
『 strawberries & wicker baskets 』
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S U M M A R Y ― sunny afternoons call for a basket filled to the brim with fruits and other treats, your lover across the blanket, sighing as they take in the sight of you with your skin glittering under the sun.
post type ➺ headcanons fandom  ➺ haikyuu!! characters  ➺ kuroo ⧾ akaashi ⧾ sugawara  genre➺ fluff tags/warnings ➺ established relationship ; alcohol mention ;  word count ➺ 1.9k+ request ➺ [YES/NO]     ↳ request status: *.·:·.✧ O P E N ✧.·:·.*
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⤭ kuroo enjoys getting outside now and again because his job can be very much a shut-in, indoor-only occupation. whether he’s going from arena to arena, or spending days behind a desk answering emails, he is stuck inside much more than he’s allowed outside. ⤭ he’ll set up the entire thing with no prompting. kuroo is a big dork, after all, and he loves to surprise you with some romantic gesture, such as an intricate picnic packed safely away in a large brown, woven basket, the neck of a bottle of wine peeking out.  ⤭ depending on how stressed you both are, kuroo will sometimes have it be a surprise. he’ll call your boss, get you the afternoon or weekend off of work, and manage to corral you into heading to the park or the beach or the lake with him. ⤭ kuroo is so ecstatic to get you out on the green with him that he forgets napkins and you end up having to use the checkered blanket to wipe off your fingers after tetsurou has offered to suck the strawberry sugar off your digits.  ⤭ the warmth cascading down from the rays of sunlight filtering through the trees is nothing in comparison to the absolute beaming light from kuroo’s smile as he looks down at you, where you lay on the blanket. there is not a moment where you are not completely, utterly loved in the presence of kuroo tetsurou. 
more below the cut ↴
your pinkies are linked as you stroll through the sand, heels dug into the beach when you find your perfect spot. kuroo is yanked by your fingers circling his wrist, eyes widening a hair as he swivels to turn and look at you, “here? this is the spot?”
you don’t even have to nod, he already knows your answer. you wouldn’t have stopped him otherwise. so he works at getting the blanket laid out perfectly so there aren’t any annoying granules of sand getting in your food or underneath your clothes. he strategically lays out your shoes, one on each corner, so the blanket won’t go flying at the first signs of blustering winds.
the beach brings serenity and clarity, both of which you disturb with loud laughter and busied hands. your giggles are interrupted by wine-drunken kisses, warm and wet and reminding you much of the ocean. the spray from the waves salts your hair and your face, but you don’t mind. not when you get to spend these careless moments with your lover. 
“i’ve missed you,” he sighs, framing your cheek with a large palm, encompassing your skin with a near unbearable heat. skin flushed, you lean into his touch, lashes fluttering against the tops of your cheeks as you hum, “i’ve missed you more.”
“there you go again,” he near growls, playfully smirking up at you as he rolls his hips to pin you down, knees on either side of your body so he can hover over you, blocking the sun like the clouds in the sky. “always have to one up me, baby, can’t you ever let me win?”
you reach up to squeeze his cheeks in your grip, playing with the looser skin near the center of his face, smushing his lips together playfully. you shake your head, rolling your eyes dramatically, “if i stop challenging you, you’ll get bored of me.”
his words are garbled thanks to your pressured palms, but he manages to husk out regardless: “i’d never get bored of you.”
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⤭ you are the one to set up the picnic, knowing that akaashi will spend all day and all night working on his publishing duties. sometimes it is up to you to drag him out of the work-filled abyss that blackens his days and elongates his nights. ⤭ he has dark circles under his eyes and he’s always sleeping in on the weekends when he gets a chance, so you spend the time in the morning one saturday packaging up a wonderful feast. fruits, sandwiches, champagne, all tucked away into a sweet little basket that you can barely hold up on your own. ⤭ akaashi wakes up and you’ve already got his pot of coffee put together, but you hold his cup hostage when he reaches out for it. his brow wrinkles and his eyes narrow, but all you can do is chuckle when you tell him to get ready, that the two of you are going out.  ⤭ once he’s had two cups of coffee and a shower, akaashi does not hesitate to stroll down the sidewalk with you, the basket in one hand and your palms linked in the other. he’s warm, inviting, and he’s always playing with the soft skin of your hand with his thumb, calloused pad drifting back and forth. ⤭ it’s nice for him to be able to take some time away from manuscripts and plotlines, to be able to enjoy the time alone with you. he’s a people watcher, and together you make up funny stories for all of the families and couples making their way through the park. after you’ve eaten, when you’re laying back and staring up at the clouds, he’ll tuck you under his arm and point out the shapes that remind him of anything significant.
“don’t you think that one looks like an owl,” he points to a cloud to the left, drifting through the air and dissipating more with each passing second. you laugh, pressing your cheek against his collarbone as your arm winds around his waist, “you think everything looks like an owl, kei. i think you miss bokuto.”
akaashi scoffs, resting his palm back against your shoulders to anchor you to him, “all of fukurodani remind me of owls, sweetheart, not just koutarou.”
“it’s the writer in you,” you murmur, tilting your head up to kiss his jaw nearest his ear, “always making an analogy out of something.”
he leans down, narrowing the space between your faces, and runs his nose against your cheek, “you have too much faith in me, darling.” you nip at the thin skin of his jaw, hitching your knee up slightly to rest on his thigh, the thick of it rippling at the sudden movement, “that would imply i believe without seeing, keiji. i’ve seen plenty of your talents.”
even though akaashi is not one for public displays of affection, he finds in this moment alone with you in the middle of a meadow, he is insatiable. his mouth finds yours and you taste of peaches and champagne, sweet but bitter, and he falls a little more in love with you then.
“i love you too,” you whisper, reading his mind and seeping into his bones with your burning touch, eyelids flittering, unwilling to open and break apart the serenity of your kiss.
the bow of your lips meet his and he swears your handprint is seared into his heart, strings tied tightly and begging for you to play him like a fiddle. 
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⤭ sugawara has picnics with his kindergarteners, he likes to take them outside for lunch at least once a month, if not more frequently. you’ve brought him his lunch to school at least once or twice and caught him mid teddy bear picnic, his bento box in your hand and a grin on your lips as he helps the youngest student tuck her napkin cloth into the front of her shirt. ⤭ it gives you the idea to create a picnic scenario of your own, only instead of on the playground underneath the shade tree, it is in the comfort of your own backyard as the sun goes down. ⤭ koushi is surprised to find you rushing in from the screen door that leads to the backyard when he comes home one evening, a late night after working on a new set of curriculum. he chuckles as he toes off his work shoes and finds the more comfortable house slippers to slide his feet into. ⤭ you grab him by the hand, eager to show him your masterpiece. he’s always been so kind and understanding, so easily excited by your innocence and wonder at the world. it reminds him of the wide eyes of his students, begging to soak in every word he speaks until they are gorging with information. ⤭ the way you bob on the balls of your feet makes him chuckle, his knuckles finding yours so he can slot your fingers together to the base. he squeezes before he turns his attention to the scene you’ve set before him.
“wow, love, this is-” his voice sticks in his throat, emotion overwhelming him after a long day at work, body begging to come home to you. you pull yourself closer to him, like a tether, a kite desperately trying to keep to it’s owner.
there is a spread near the firepit, a warm blanket laid flat with a plethora of food and drinks scattered across the entirety of it. he reaches around your shoulders to tug you into his chest, nose finding the crown of your head to bury his face into you, breathing in your familiarity. he realizes for what would feel like the infinite time that he is blessed with your saccharine presence, something he swears he’ll never take for granted. 
“d-do you like it?”
your voice comes timid, bashful. sugawara is quick to admonish you for your insecurities, tilting your chin up with the gentle tug of his thumb and index finger, and capturing your wavering tongue with his soft mouth. 
even when he peels away, you chase him, caring predator and cunning prey. your fingers wrap around the front of his shirt, begging him closer with a quiet touch. he smiles at your enthusiasm, relishing in the moment where you forget about everything else going on in the world but him.
sugawara places another kiss to your upper lip, gently guiding you to the blanket, “i love it, darling. of course i do. i’d love anything you do.”
you know he is not lying, not by the conviction in his tone and the searching in his touch. you lower yourselves to a crossed-leg position, close enough that your knees brush, and you begin to dig into every container set before you. even though you know what is splayed out, it is still a mystery as he unlocks the tops of the tupperware containers to display the treasures inside.
“i love you, kou,” you whisper after a glass too many of wine, but the words are honest all the same, regardless of the alcohol they’re tainted with. you grin lazily up at him, palm finding his pectoral as you seek his heat, “i hope you know how much i love you.”
sugawara brushes his fingers against your forehead, pushing away the hair that obscures your vision so he can see you in all of your glory, “only if you promise to know how much i love you.”
a giggle, like a champagne bubble rising to the surface only to pop when it gets too close to the sun, breaks the seam of your lips and you tuck your head underneath his chin to hide. sugawara draws you close, circling an arm around your waist until you are molded to his side, as if there were never even two people present at all. one soul inhabiting two bodies, stitched together by time and trials alike.
“i guess,” he murmurs against your temple, pressing a warm kiss there before turning his head to watch the sunset, “that just means we’ll have to spend the rest of our lives trying to prove it.”
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thisfoolwrites · 4 years
My World
Hello everyone and welcome to my new story. Based VERY LOOSLY on Shameless because I only saw one clip and it gave my inspiration. {Sorry for the crappy title I’m not that creative Dx} Disclaimer: I do not own Haikyuu or Shameless Character: Hajime Iwaizumi Genre: Angst with fluff Warnings: None for this chapter
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Mornings in the {L/N} household were usually calm and organized. Yuki and Shouta would be dressed for school and and {Y/N} would have had breakfast ready to go. Usually. Today was not that day. A certain older sibling had forgotten to set an alarm, causing the usually calm mornings to erupt into pure and utter chaos. “YUKI, SHOUTA lets go!” {Y/N} Hollered up the stairs. She clicked her tongue as she got their backpacks together. Slipping the bentos that she had made up last night. She was about to holler again when two sets of footsteps came down the stairs. She let out a sigh of relief as she slipped jackets onto the smaller kids. “No breakfast today?” Yuki's blue eyes bore into her older sisters eyes. This question was not said with any ill intent, but out of childlike curiosity. {Y/N} felt her heart break at the question and just shook her head. “Not today baby, but I promise tomorrow I will wake up bright and early and make you your favorites ok?” Earning a nod of approval from both kids. “Now, were all running late and all I have right now are pop tarts. I'm really sorry guys.” Handing them each a package she made a mental note to buy more just in case. After ushering both kids out of the house and on their way to the school she ran back inside to get her purse and work jacket. In her attempt to lock the door quickly she dropped the keys. As she was leaning down to get them her phone rang. She groaned and answered without looking. “Hello?” she grumbled into the phone. Hoping whoever it was on the other end could sense her frustrations. “That's not very friendly {Y/N}-Chan. And here I was calling to give you good news.” She froze hearing that voice. Almost breaking into tears. “I'm running late for work ShittyKawa, better make it fast.” came her snarky reply, hoping that he didn't hear the break in her voice. She looked at her watch and began to make her way to the train station. Running was no longer an option and she hoped she didn't get fired. Not that she was usually late, but that was always her fear. “Ignoring the out of pocket behavior from you,” So he did notice, she thought, “Me and Iwa-chan will be coming home for a little bit. He’s out of school for spring break, and the team gave us a month vacation!” He finished with a huge smile on his face. She couldn't help but smile. She missed her boys so much. “You both get to buy me lunch for leaving me!” she decided. “For all my pain and suffering.” “Says you Miss Tokyo U!” he laughed along with her. Upon hearing those the weight of everything came crashing back down. “Anyway 'Kawa, I am late for work so I gotta get off. Love and miss you both!” She said and hung up without waiting for a reply. Once on the train she let her thoughts take over. She knew that he would be worried, because her behavior was indeed off, but how was she supposed to tell him that she didn't go to Tokyo U and was taking online classes at night from a local community college? How was she supposed to tell her best friend and boyfriend that her mother up and left leaving her two kid siblings in her care? Sitting down on the seat she glanced out the window. “How do I tell you my life fell apart when yours just began?” She whispered. Hearing her phone buzz she glanced back down at her lap. It was a message from Hajime's mother.
Don't worry about the kids. I'll make sure they come here after school. Take care of yourself as well {Y/N}. She owed that woman so much, and she fully intended to pay her and her husband back.
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Oikawa starred at his phone. There was something in the way that she spoke to him. He sighed and closed his eyes. Before he could even form a thought the smell of coffee was right in his face. Opening his eyes he noticed his best friend with two cups. “You are the best Iwa-Chan!” she grinned taking the cup from him. “Yeah yeah. Did you tell her?” Iwaizumi asked him. Oikawa just nodded at him. Before freezing up. “Whats that look for Shittykawa?” “I may not have told her we would be home tonight?” Iwaizumi just starred at him, reminding him of high school. “Well just have to swing by Tokyo to see her tomorrow. It'll be a surprise.” He waved his hand brushing off his mistake. He was supposed to mention that but he was distracted by the break in her voice. “Iwa, have to talked to her recently?” he asked gently. “Its been a few weeks. I called her during finals week and she sounded stressed. To be honest I've been worried about her. My mom wont tell me anything besides its been stressful for her. Not sure what that means. I hope I can take away some of that stress.” Before either boy got a chance to say anything, their flight was called and they boarded the plane.
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Nine o'clock rolled around and {Y/N} walked up to the Iwaizumi's door. They had always lived on the same street so it made picking up her siblings pretty easy. When she walked up the steps she didn't even have a chance to knock on the door. Mai Iwaizumi smiled at her and called for the two kids. “Thank you so much for letting them come over today. I promise I'll be off in time to be home for them tomorrow. They just-” “I've told you before its ok. Besides I love these two like my own children. Now, they have eaten so don't let them trick you, and their homework is complete.” {Y/N} Just smiled at the woman. She had always looked up to this woman, hoping one day that this could be her mother. Before the two could converse more, her two siblings barreled into her giving her a bone crushing hug. The four of them just laughed and {Y/N} waved and led the two kids home. Upon reaching their destination they all hurried inside. {Y/N} took their backpacks and sent them upstairs to change and get ready for bed. Dropping her own stuff off at the kitchen table she pulled the empty bento boxes out of the backpacks. She placed them in the sink and silently made a vow to wash them later. She headed upstairs into her own bedroom, ignoring the empty master bedroom to the right of hers. She was about to slip out of her work shirt when she heard her name being called from the room over. Heading on over she noticed both kids curled up in Shouta's bed. Smiling she headed into the room and crouched down by the bed. “Whats up guys?” she asked softly, with a gentle smile on her face. Shouta just got a wide smile on his face. “We played volleyball today in PE and the teacher said I have a talent for it. I was wondering if there was anyway I could join the volleyball club.” Shouta asked. {Y/N}'s smile dropped a bit before she  placed a hand on his head. “I know you wanna play volleyball Sho, I understand, I do. But we just cant afford it right now.” she said softly, stoking the little boys head. His smile vanished but he just nodded his head. Money had been tight and his sister was working two jobs just to pay bills and put food on the table. Shouta mumbled a goodnight before rolling over and pulling the blanket over his head. {Y/N} Sighed and picked up Yuki and took her to the girls own room. The smaller girl watched as her sister tucked her in. “Hey {N/N?}” she quietly called causing the older girl to look at her. Yuki may have been only nine years old, but she could just see the sadness in her sisters eyes. “Do you think mommy will ever come home?” {Y/N} felt her heart break. She gently smiled and rubbed the top of Yuki's head. “I don't know baby. We'll cross that bridge when we get there.” She bent down to give her a kiss on the head. “Night Yu.” she said quietly closing the door. She peeked into Shouta's room to see that he was sound asleep. She smiled softly before closing his door and heading downstairs. She sat down at the kitchen table and put her head in her hands. Some days all she wanted to do was break down and cry, but that voice in the back of her head told her to be strong. She stood up and quietly made herself some food. Taking a glance at the coffee pot she debated whether or not to make a cup. Deciding against it because of the chaos this morning she grabbed her plate and headed on up to her room to work on schoolwork. When she sat down she noticed that she had missed messages on her phone.
Haji: Hey you up? Haji: If you are awake can you call me so I can hear your voice? I miss you. Looking at the time she decided against calling him. It wasn't that she was ignoring him, she just didn't know what to say and it was getting late. After setting a few alarms on her phone, to make sure they get up on time, she quickly set off on finishing up her essay for class. It wasn't the degree she wanted but right now she couldn't be picky. She needed to get a better job to provide for her siblings. And she was determined that she was gonna do right by them, unlike their mother. She glanced at the photo beside her laptop. It was her and her dad when she was 14. How she missed him. Fate worked in cruel ways sometimes and taking her father had been the cruelest to her. She shook her head to get rid of all the sad thoughts swirling around in her head. She would have all the time in the world to mope once she finished school. Once she did that she would work on getting the kids out of Miyagi and to a place where everyone wouldn't look at them in pity. Its the kids whose mother abandoned them. She wanted a place where they wouldn't look at her in pity. She didn't want to be known as the girl who turned down a full ride scholarship to Tokyo University anymore.
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jae-canikeepyou · 4 years
| serenity in us | j.jh | ch. one
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word count: 2.9k+ ( putting this now yay :3 )
a/n: hey hi hello~ i’m back with another series! i was gonna wait until my semester’s done but my patience’s killing me and i don’t wanna keep you all waiting so here you go! ♡ enjoy! ~j
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“serenity is found somewhere between the sky and the sand.” you read the font words on the minimalist frame. it was a quote you heard in an ongoing, constant dream that you thought was needed to be drawn and remembered. in it, the quote was a voice as if a narrator spoke those words to begin something new. the scenery you ask? every place was different but there was always a horizon. the dream was vague and raised a lot of question marks in your mind the moment you wake up.
you hung the item on the wall, marking the end of unpacking your things since moving in days ago. the mess was finally cleared out and the boxes were emptied and folded briefly, lined on one side of the wall. you slouched low in exhaustion, sliding your home slippers across the white marbled floor. it was squeaking even, that only explained how much of a neat freak you were. a new apartment, simple furniture and man oh man, you have an automatic vacuum with a sensor that you didn’t have to worry about the dirt at the annoying, impossible corners.
independence was something you were blessed with despite being an orphan as early as two. uncle caleb; a friend of your father’s and aunt jenn; your mother’s half-sister, gladly took you in as their own.
honestly the mention of your beloved felt like they were still alive and just working abroad, because they were always reminded and talked about from your uncle and aunt. you had a striking resemblance with your mother, but the ways were your father’s. ‘a perfect combination of the two’, was how they described the child they never wanted to leave behind.
the door bell rang and the small screen showed your childhood— and best friend, eunha. she waved at the super tiny camera and had some flowers and bento boxes with her, all packed and nicely decorated. you pressed the button for her to enter. whilst you waited, you played an hour long track list of soothing, chill, instrumental songs to make the apartment a little noisy. one thing’s for sure, silent cleaning was not a good habit since you tend to procrastinate, oops. 
eunha greeted you a hug so tight, placing down the things she brought with her. “y/n! i’m so glad we’re living so close to each other!” she hugged you and fanned herself as if that would stop her eyes from welling. “how’s everything with you? you should’ve called me honey! you know i’ll be coming straight away to help! i have a hotline like the powerpuff girls has.” she winked.
“i’m great! i crossed out the things i completed and now free from the stress. i’m ready for the new semester.” you gestured her to sit, inviting her for the meal you prepared. “well i am the bubbles to your blossom~ but it’s really okay! i managed and here we are talking freely without stressing over things.”
her hands held yours and swung them with excitement. “after we eat, do you want me to bring you around town? there’s a vinyl record store i think you’ll like.” her voice beaming as she singsonged, chewing on the pancake with whipped cream and blueberries.
“it’s still 9 a.m. we have loads of time in the world.” you showed your watch.
the leaves began to fall and you twirled around the sidewalk’s lamppost. eunha took pictures of you, happiness written on your face. you both entered the said shop. records displayed and hung on the wall, posters of legendary artists and worldwide singers encouraging customers to come in.
your hands trailed along the shelf that had new and limited turntables. as much as you were itching to pull out your wallet, there were other important things you needed to worry about and independence meant discipline too. your fingers curled and hesitated, just inches left before you could touch the surface of the one thing you’ve always wanted to purchase.
eunha giggled at your whiney, surrendered self. your back turning away from the product and walking towards her. “y/n.” she called your name, but this certain tone was serious and was more of a reminder.
“i know.” you smiled as you wiggled your phone with the ever precious wallpaper of yours.
“oh! your aunt’s calling you.” she hopped and pointed at the device, making you sliding fingers on the screen a second later. she gestured that she’d head out and wait for you.
“hi aunt jenn.” you greeted on the phone, only to extend your arm slightly at the baby’s cry on the other line. “aw he’s crying again?”
“yes y/n. i’ll be heading to work soon. can you come here?” she chuckled, though it was obvious she had the baby in her arms.
you exited the store and pulled eunha, crossing the pedestrian. “alright, i’ll be on my way.”
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the office was dead silent and not one soul dared to speak. three figures stood in front of the angered woman; their continuous fiddles of the fingers and tapping of the toes became faster as they tried to come up with a reason to tell. just one. only the ticking of the clock on the table was heard. it was getting harder and harder to breathe even in a hundred square meter room.
“where is he?!” she yelled. the three flinched and were taken aback, hands either behind them or wrapped around an arm. the door then flung opened, revealing the said guy.
“young man, how can you be so inconsiderate?!” the woman asked again, this time it was in an annoying range of decibel that the listeners had to endure the volume. 
jaehyun brushed past the ‘meeting’ and sat in one of the leather chairs. his legs rested on the centered table, obviously not bothering to listen. “so, being a minute late concludes my actions in general?” he chuckled bitterly, spinning the chair around before standing up again.
“i couldn’t care less,” he now glared at the woman. “about this damn meeting. what is it for, anyway?! wasting my time!”
he left the room and the woman rubbed her temples, swinging her palms to tell the rest of the three to follow the young man. “jaehyun.” yunho called his brother, reaching a hand out to grab him, successfully turning the lad around.
“what?” jaehyun snapped, removing the grip onto his body.
krystal rolled her eyes, the pungent smell entering her nostrils. “you reek, jae.”
“you went drinking again, didn’t you? i could smell the moment you came into the office.” yunho asked, pressing the button of the lift to head down.
“when will you learn, honestly?” jessica fixed her bag on her arm. “grow up.”
jaehyun clapped his hands, applauding the expected words that woman instructed his siblings to do. “me? learn? i already did. i just won’t follow orders from that silver digger.”
“gold*.” they corrected him.
“see you’re still drunk.” krystal meddled with her new manicure, earning a nudge from jessica.
“whatever, noona. you get my point either way.” jaehyun fished out his car keys to toss them up high, whistling his heart out at his favourite tune.
they exited the building and got on the car. he dropped off his sisters at the blanc and eclare flagship headquarters, then drove to a nearby restaurant for lunch with yunho. they entered the place and went to the reserved table. jaehyun sat and loosened the buttons of his polo, removing the neck tie and sat back.
yunho stared at his carefree little brother, he put the menu down so he could maybe give him a little serious talk. he understood why jaehyun acted the way he did earlier. even he himself could do the same but given the circumstances of his standing in the family, of course he’d be the mature one. he was the first child anyway.
“got anything you want?” yunho asked, removing his sunglasses then placing them in its case. “i’ll pay.”
“nah, let me pay for my own meal, hyung.” he flashed a small smile. “i got my pay check.”
“so you still do have a heart.” yunho jokingly stated the overseen fact.
“c’mon you’re smarter than that doctor jung.” jaehyun said the occupation title in a childlike tone. “you should know why i’m filled with hatred towards the woman.”
“hatred is such a strong word, offensive even. but seriously jae, how long are you going to keep up with this behavior? the next thing you know it, you’re out of the penthouse.”
yunho raised his hands to order. the young lad didn’t dare to answer and he sighed at the usual unresponsive manner whenever they hit this certain topic. “look i know for the longest time she treated us like how captain george von trapp did to his kids. i get it. you hated how she uses out-of-the-world discipline and i totally understand that-”
jaehyun scoffed, disbelief clearly written on his face. “i was six when she entered our lives. a kid that age couldn’t handle being shoved around just because he thought there was no difference between boxers and pajama shorts. the sound of music is cool reference by the way.”
“you did have confused mind back then. and what else can i compare it with? she probably took the idea from there.” yunho laughed as he handed the utensils and handkerchief. “but still though, i suggest you man up and act like you do with dad. just be yourself.”
“easier said than done.” jaehyun began slicing his steak and popping one bit into his mouth.
“what makes you so stone cold towards her anyway?” he asked, fixing the handkerchief by his lap.
“simple.” jaehyun stated the obvious even if he knew that yunho knew the answer.
“she’s not mom.”
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eunha brought you to the restaurant that opened not long ago. the interior was eye-catching yet even with its simplicity, it was able to attract customers from outside. the smell of dishes that were yet to be served was luring and probably the reason why eunha chose the place. the waiters led you to the a table and soon came back with a baby chair. you placed the little un in it and he smiled with pearls trying to peek out.
you fixed the bib around him and booped his nose. gurgles of his hoarse laughs made everyone at your area turn to him. “ooh you sure are the spotlight stealer, aren’t you? these people are already taking a picture of you.”
“gosh he has the cutest smile.” eunha melted at the sight of him grabbing the tissue. “looky here!” she aimed her camera at him. “y/n, what’re you getting?”
you pondered for a while before your eyes landed at the name your stomach was craving for the past week. moving apartments had a toll on you— that resulted in you unable to cook your favourite meal. up until this morning were you finally found the time to do that. hence the breakfast eunha devoured within seconds.
“i’m getting fish & chips, and the classic steak.” your stomach growled at the picture beside it.
“alright, i guess i’m getting the same as yours.” eunha raised her hand.
the waiter came to your table to kindly ask for your orders. when you did so and thanked the man, a wallet fell from your right side. picking it up to give it to the owner, a large hand lightly touched yours and you looked up to see two men smiling softly.
“thank you.” the man in a suit said, taking the wallet from you.
“you’re welcome.” you answered. the man looked awfully familiar, as if he was on every commercial the screen had offered to show.
you and eunha shared a look. the telepathic words exchanged between the both of you had your eyes agreeing with what you saw, confirming his identity.
“he’s that celebrity doctor.” eunha mouthed. “dr. jung yunho, a paediatrician.”
“he seems a happy child. how old is he if i may ask?” he waved at him.
“this little guy here, just turned one few days ago.” you said, wiping off the drool with the bib.
“oh precious. belated happy birthday buddy.” he greeted.
you turned to the little one and carried him in your arms, waving his hands to thank the man. as you continued have your lunch and taking turns in feeding him and yourself, you noticed some movement where other children would approach the child on your lap. they would pinch his cheeks lightly and made faces they thought would make him laugh.
then the two men beside you stood. but before they left, yunho took a something out of his pockets and handed it to you.
it was a business card of his own practice office with an address and contact information. “if there’s anything you need help with, just give me a call and this guy-” he pointed at jaehyun and pat his back. “-will pick you and birthday boy up and head to my office.”
“hyung!” jaehyun gasped loudly, later covering his hands at the volume of his complaint. “sorry, i don’t mean it in a negative way.” he smiled awkwardly at you.
“no worries.” you gave him a sincere smile and he swore he felt like the world slowed down. everything else blurred where the only focus was you; how your hair length waved below your shoulders and your eyes sparkled with the sun’s reflection.
this young fine man though, whom you thought wasn’t paying attention or interest to, was now staring at you like he had a thousands of questions to ask to fill in his curiosity. “see you around.” yunho bid you goodbye, and the other trailed from behind.
eunha poked your shoulder with an intention of a tease. she grinned and you knew where she would go from there. “i know what you’re gonna say.” you rolled your eyes, yet a faint smile was evident in your lips.
“really?” her tone was very challenging. “i’ll test you. go ahead.”
“‘dr. jung yunho is so handsome! he’s so dreamy in real life! i should’ve asked for his photograph and boast it to my friends!’ yeah, i guess it’s somewhere along those lines.” you mimicked her voice and expression, not to mention gestures as well, especially the hands.
“yah i don’t act like that!” she defended, but there wasn’t any denial as she said that. “well, maybe. you’re not wrong though.”
“hmpf. and here you went ‘test me’.” you giggled, giving another piece of fish fillet to the one-year old. “and for the record, i’m always right whenever i’m proving you wrong.”
“fine you win.” she sipped her juice from a straw. “oh! hey, the guy he’s with is also handsome.”
you nodded in agreement at the obvious fact, although he did have tiny temperment. but that was only due to dr. yunho’s sudden suggestion. “he looked young. maybe his younger brother perhaps?” you wondered.
“hm. i haven’t seen him before. not on screen at least.” eunha chewed on her food. you raised a brow since you have no idea what she was talking about. “that doctor we conversed with, is from a family of good looking people. he has two younger sisters; jessica and krystal jung. the older one is the founder and endorser of blanc and eclare, while the younger one is an nationwide actress.”
“wow.” your eyes grew at the far/fetched level of these people. “sounds like an ideal family out of a manhwa.”
“egg-xactly.” she pointed at you with a hard boiled egg by her fork.
“that guy called him ‘hyung’ though. looked like to me they know each other. plus they have resemblance too.” you wiped your lips clean from the possible stain.
“oh dear ms. y/n.” eunha called you, her palms touching her chest as if she was surprised. “you have the hots for guys like him, which was why you-”
“ah-ah.” you glared at her, making her shush and zipping the imagination by her lips. “don’t talk about that.”
“bummer, i wasn’t even gonna.” eunha pouted but held your hand anyway. “i’ll always be here for you, y/n.”
“thank you.” you gave her a warm smile.
jaehyun waited by the entrance while his brother paid their meal. although he was bummed out that he wasn’t able to pay for his, he was somehow relieved. because once that cash was out of his pockets, he’d be broke the next time he goes to drink again.
at the corners of his eyes, he could still see you and your friend, as well as the adorable child seated on your lap. you were giving him a spoonfuls for airplane feeding.
yunho gestured jaehyun that they were leaving the restaurant. “hyung, why did you say that i’d pick her up?” he asked as he took a quick glance at you.
“c’mon i’m just playing around.” he nudged jaehyun.
“by matchmaking me to some random girl?” he scoffed. “you sure got a lot of time in your hands.”
“don’t take it too seriously jae.” yunho went ahead, leaving his brother flabbergasted.
he then shrugged it off and looked at you before stepping out. his ears perked up at the three second long conversation exchanged between you and the child.
“jaewon, look! mommy’s got an airplane~”
jaehyun stopped in his tracks by the entrance. his head quickly turning to you again. your lips mouthed the one word that shock hit his entire body. you weren’t just some random girl,
you were the mother of that child.
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pod95 · 3 years
Pairing: Finn Balor X OFC (Ciara)
Word Count: 1981
Warnings: Mature to explicit as the story goes on.
Description: After moving to the USA from England to start her career as an NXT superstar, Ciara gets to meet her long time crush, NXT champion Finn Balor. It's clear the pair have chemistry, but when tensions start to rise, will they find they want more than a no strings attached relationship?
So this is the first piece of fanfic I have written literally ever. I will be posting them here periodically, but I already have 6 chapters out on my Wattpad, AO3 and FanFiction pages.
This series will involve romance, drama and (although it will take a little while) some smutt too. Hope you enjoy it! 😊
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Chapter 5: Prince Charming
I had a quick shower in my locker room before heading out to the car park, where Fergal was coolly leaning against his car. I was feeling kind of nervous. Up to now every time I'd seen Fergal it was down to pure coincidence. Now we were very intentionally going out for food together.
"Ready to go?" he smiled as I approached his car. I nodded sheepishly in response. "Good. We'll swing by your place so you can drop of your stuff and change if you want."
"That would be great, thanks!" I threw my gym bag into the trunk and climbed into the passenger seat. Fergal turned the radio on low and pulled out of the car park.
"So can you drive back in England?" he asked me.
"To be honest no, I never got my licence"
"Really? How come?" I hesitated for a moment before answering. The truth was simple: I could never afford to. But the reason why was something I wanted to run so far away from that I'd never think about it again.
"Well... I grew up in a poor area and money was tight for a lot of my life. I guess I just... Never got around to it," I lied, before lowering my head in embarrassment.
"Ya know," he piped up eventually, clearly noticing my discomfort, "I didn't learn to drive until I joined NXT. Dusty actually taught me" he admitted, with a hint of sadness.
"You must have some great memories with him"
"Oh I could tell you some stories, " he smiled at me before turning his attention back to the road.
The journey was filled with laughter as Fergal recounted his driving lessons, and soon enough we were pulling up outside my apartment.
"Right, won't be a minute"
I jumped out of the car, rushed inside and dumped my gym stuff in the washer. Knowing that this wasn't a date took a lot of the pressure off of choosing an outfit. I kept reminding myself that this was just a casual meal between work colleagues and not to overthink it. I returned to the car in a nice top and some jeans.
"So where are we going?" I asked.
"Well there's a nice sushi place near here, or we could get pizza-"
"I LOVE sushi!" I interrupted loudly before catching myself "I mean... Sushi sounds great, please"
"Sushi it is!" Fergal giggled, and pulled away from the pavement.
* * * *
As we entered the restaurant, the host greeted Fergal with a warm, familiar smile.
"Mr Devitt! Your usual seat I presume?" he asked, eyeing me before giving Finn a knowing look. It was obvious the host was not surprised to see Fergal here with a new face.
"Yes please, if it's available"
"Of course! Right this way sir. And might I say, your lady friend looks ravishing this evening" he flashed me a charming smile.
"This is Ciara, she's a new superstar. She worked her ass off today so I'm treating her," Fergal flashed that gorgeous smile again, but his quickness to correct the hosts mistake had me a little disappointed.
"Ah, my mistake sir! I assumed... No matter. Can I get you anything to drink?"
"Just a soda, please"
We took our seats in a quiet corner of the restaurant.
"Same for me, thanks" I nodded.
"Right away," he nodded and left the two of us alone.
Our table was next to a large window looking out across a small stretch of beach. Not one of the many that were overpopulated with tourists, but a quiet, peaceful piece of heaven. As the sun started to set, its light was dancing across the surface of the ocean. It was a beautiful sight. I could see why this was Fergals usual table, though I couldn't help but wonder how many women he'd brought here, charming them with the view.
"So, what looks good?" Fergal opened the menu and glanced over the pages.
"Honestly, all of it..."
"I usually just get a sushi platter to share and then order some ramen or a bento box for myself."
"That sounds perfect," I closed my menu and set it down, relieved that he'd taken the lead before I said something stupid. Fergal called a waiter over to give him our order before turning his attention back to me.
"So how did you get into wrestling?"
"My mum is a huge fan, we used to watch it together. She's basically in love with Brett Hart" I giggled.
"She must be incredibly proud," he smiled. I nodded in response, trying to hold back some tears that had started to form. Noticing my sadness, his tone softened, "I know it's hard, moving away from family, friends, boyfriend..."
"Oh, I'm single so that's not an issue but... Yeah, I miss them a lot."
It could have been my hopeful imagination, but the look in his eyes seemed to shift slightly from sympathy to devilish triumph.
"Really? That's interesting..."
"How so?" I asked, playfully.
"Well..." he hesitated before leaning in slightly closer to me. He squinted his eyes in thought, as if he were trying to solve a difficult puzzle. "You're beautiful, so I doubt you're short on options. You don't have any annoying habits that I've seen, but honestly you're attractive enough that most guys won't care-"
"And what if I'm only interested in women?" I teased, enjoying watching his attempts at analysing me. He chuckled cockily and licked his bottom lip.
"Well in that case, all that flirting you did last night wouldn't make much sense would it?"
"I... Suppose not..." I mumbled, my cheeks beginning to feel hot once again.
Every interaction between Fergal and I felt like a game of Tennis, passing flirtatious remarks and enticing glances between us until one of us (usually me) was left feeling embarrassed.
"So that means, you're choosing to be single. Why is that?" he leaned back in his chair and folded his arms, satisfied with his theory.
"I'm just not looking for anything serious now. My career comes first."
"That's smart," he nodded in approval.
We were interrupted by a waiter bringing our food to the table. Everything looked and smelled amazing.
"I just got out of something semi-serious so, I'm focusing on my career too."
I popped a Maki roll into my mouth to hide my surprise. He didn't look like he was lying to me, but Saraya had mentioned last night that he was seeing someone. Maybe she was just taking a dig at him. There was a lot of hostility there after all.
Ugh... Thinking about last night was giving me flashbacks of my piss poor attempt at being alluring. I shuddered the thought out of my mind.
"You ok?"
"Yeah just, kind of embarrassed about last night," I confessed. "I don't normally flirt with complete strangers."
"I could tell, you were really bad at it. Do you always get like that when you're drunk or are ya just that attracted to me?" Fergal laughed, doing nothing to calm my already crimson face.
"I'm always like that, sorry to disappoint. But I did want to thank you for not taking advantage, and for making sure I got home safe. It was really kind of you..."
"Wow. No wonder you're single. You really need to get higher standards for men love. If not trying to sleep with you when you're drunk is your idea of kind, you're gonna be dating a lot of assholes."
I knew he was right, but considering my last relationship, honestly at this stage I'd say almost anything was an improvement.
We continued eating and laughing until finally the bill came. I reached into my bag to get my purse out.
"Woah, what are ya doing? I said this was my treat." Fergal insisted, reaching into his back pocket.
"At least let me pay for half of it"
"Absolutely not."
"You are fighting a losing battle here miss. Mr Devitt is a gentleman after all," the host chimed in, leaving me with no choice but to concede. We thanked him for the meal and said our goodbyes.
It was only when we got outside and it was pitch black I realised how long we'd been here for. Time really felt like nothing when I was spending it with Fergal. The journey home was made in a comfortable silence, both of us stuffed from dinner as I hummed along to the radio, and before I knew it we were pulling up outside of my apartment.
"Here, it's dark. I'll walk you to your door," Fergal switched off the engine and got out of the car.
"Thanks again for tonight. It was nice getting to hang out. Made me feel a little less lonely being here," I reached into my purse to grab my keys.
"No problem, I know what it's like moving to a new country. If you ever need anyone to just hang out with, let me know," he suggested.
"And next time I will definitely pay!"
"Yeah, keep telling yourself that." he beamed.
In the moonlight he looked more gorgeous than I could ever imagine, and I couldn't stop my gaze from wandering. They travelled from the pale blue pools of his eyes, to that intoxicating smile, to the perfect contours of his chest, all the way down to-
"Ahem, my eyes are up here," he smiled cheekily, clearly very pleased with himself that yet again he'd caught me checking him out.
"I was just-"
"No need to be embarrassed love. I take it as a compliment. I actually find it really cute you can't keep your eyes off of me. Besides..." he took a step closer to me and placed a tender hand on my cheek, "You're not the only one who's thought about it."
"Th.. Thought about... What?" I stammered, feeling a pleasant tingling at his touch.
"Oh, you KNOW what" he brushed a strand of hair behind my ear.
"I don't..."
He pushed me gently against the wall and held me there, one hand still caressing my cheek, the other pinning my hands above my head.
"So... You haven't thought about me ripping your clothes off and throwing you onto the bed. You've not thought about how it would feel, me kissing every inch of your body," he moved his face closer to mine until our lips were mere inches apart. His eyes were staring intensely into mine, and the feeling of his breath on my skin made my heart beat faster.
"And you've never imagined how, when you can't take any more, I'd make you feel more pleasure than you've ever felt before."
I ran my tongue along my bottom lip in anticipation. Anticipation for a kiss that never came. A let out a small whine as he pulled his face away and released me from his hold. Hearing this he smirked.
"Yeah, that's what I thought," he sighed, looking very frustrated with himself. "Look, you're sweet... But I don't do sweet. Okay? I do broken and desperate and fucked up. It's just easier that way. Good girls always think they can fix me, and then treat me like I'm the bad guy when they get their heart broken in the process. If you know what's good for ya, you won't cross that line. I'm not your Prince Charming, love."
He walked back to his car, leaving me alone at my doorstep, confused and disappointed as he drove off into the night. I shut the front door behind me and threw myself onto the sofa in frustration. Damn, having him that close to me, talking about the things he was had gotten me all worked up. I needed to get that out of my system before the next time I saw him, otherwise I might just have to show him how wrong he was to call me a good girl.
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airquietworks · 4 years
Moving In, Moving On, Moving Up
Summary: For Izuku Midoriya, moving in together with Ochako seemed like the most natural thing in the world to do.
But advancing to the next phase of his life - and saying farewell to everything that came before - was far more heart wrenching and confusing than he imagined.
Thankfully, he has just the right person to give him a lift.
Izuku Midoriya had faced many challenges in his life. He competed at an extraordinarily difficult school, fought deadly villains, and even survived the many humiliations of dating.
But as he stared between the piles of boxes in the back of the truck and the massive, gray, 20-storey apartment building behind him, he knew nothing had prepared him for this.
Moving day, under a scorching summer sun. Quite possibly one of the greatest foes he had ever faced.
“This is really, really…” the energetic voice of his partner in life, love and heroics sounded from behind him. “Really a lot.”
Despite the daunting task, he couldn’t help but smile at Ochako Uraraka’s surly expression. It was strangely adorable, her rosy cheeks puffing out in a small pout.
“It didn’t look like it would be so bad when we were loading this up,” Izuku observed, before staring back up at the place that would be their home. “But now…”
“This is what we get for wanting a view,” she grumbled, stepping forward to grab onto a box. She scrunched her face up before donning a mask of determination, her eyes burning with sudden intensity. “Alright, let’s do it!”
Izuku grinned, her psyched-up energy infectious. “Right!”
With that, the two began the arduous journey of bringing each of their belongings into their apartment at the top floor of the building. Between their two Quirks, they thought better than to spend on movers. It was not the most glamorous home out there, but though they had started earning some money from internships, they wanted to keep things modest.
After a non-eventful elevator ride for their first run, they found themselves in front of their apartment, blocked by a plain, wooden door. Izuku stepped forward, wrestling the key from his pocket while holding a pair of boxes in one arm.
“We’re really here, huh?” Ochako said as he twisted the key, unlocking the door. “Our first day in our new home.”
“Hard to believe it,” he replied, his hand freezing on the door handle. They had already scoped the place out long before this, but stepping into it now seemed far more monumental.
This was his home now. Not his mother’s apartment. Not U.A High School. Those tearful goodbyes were behind him now. This is where he would try to become a real, professional hero.
He suddenly felt a warm hand over his frozen one.
“Together then,” Ochako suggested brightly, spurring him forward.
Izuku nodded, smiling back, snapped from his thoughts. He always appreciated her little pushes when he needed them. “Together.”
They twisted the handle and crossed the threshold to their new lives side-by-side.
Despite some anxiety, Izuku still felt blessed to be moving in with the love of his life. After everything they had endured, he knew it was right to take this step. The thought of getting to be with her was what had given him the strength to make those farewells in the first place.
Besides being on the top floor, their new apartment was humble. A small, open kitchen area overlooked their shared living space, which led out onto a large balcony. A side hall extended out into a basic washroom and two bedrooms. For now, it was an open and empty space, plain as could be. But that would quickly change throughout the day, as the heroes made their mark.
They both stepped forward at the same time, bumping their boxes into one another. Izuku laughed nervously, Ochako joining him after an awkward beat.
“After you,” he suggested, shifting out of the way.
She gave him a smile and a nod before taking a step, the sound ringing around the empty space. “Thanks. Going to be tricky moving stuff in this tight space.”“Yeah. It’s a little small.” Izuku let the word hang in the air. His mind whirred and he suddenly became nervous, wondering if the honest descriptor might offend. “But small is good! It’s cozy. Intimate, even. I love intimate!”
He realized the implications of the phrasing as soon as the rambling words left his mouth. He blushed and sputtered, trying to find something to say to regain his composure. He saw Ochako paused at his words, her cheeks also getting a bit pinker, as she turned to him with raised eyebrows.“Can we just forget I said that?” Izuku pleaded, smashing his face onto the top of his boxes. They were very close, but innuendo usually still tripped them up.
“Yeah, let’s do that,” she responded with a bit too much energy, sprinting forward to deposit her boxes in their future bedroom.
With a relieved sigh, Izuku walked forward, shaking his head, trying to calm his frayed nerves. What exactly was his malfunction? Why was he so tense?
Eager to distract himself and calm down, he stared grimly at the boxes in his hands and put all of his focus towards the task of moving.
It was not a simple process. Although he had super strength and she could make things weightless, the sheer volume of items and furniture to bring in was time-consuming. They frequently bumped awkwardly into one another or other people passing by. The summer heat did not help, and they quickly built up a sweat.
Stopping only for a hearty lunch of parent-made bento boxes (which they both shed a few tears over), they worked throughout the entirety of the day to get their belongings inside. They finally got started on unpacking in the early evening, slowly filling the empty rooms with pieces of themselves.
Izuku found himself pulling out a box of framed photographs in their shared bedroom. He was eager to place them somewhere before anything else; they were such a comfort to him as his school days became more difficult, and he felt he needed them now. The world might be hurtling ever forward, but he could take some solace in the preserved moments of the past.
He pulled out one picture featuring their whole class, gathered outside their dorm, beaming towards the camera, their faces filled with joy. It was a lot sillier than the formal class photograph they had taken earlier that day. This was a keepsake for all of them to remember each other by. He smiled down at the photo, fondly recalling the laughter-filled days living at those dorms, where he found the friendship he sorely missed growing up.
Placing it on a bedside table, he pulled out a completely different image of him and Ochako, pressed together with their faces glowing, dressed up in fancy outfits, wearing identical blushes. U.A. had mixed things up with a formal event in their third year. It was a fun evening, even if he was a bit clumsy when it came to dancing and ended up stepping on Ochako’s feet. Mina had forced them to take a photo together, and though it had felt awkward at the time, he had come to treasure it.
He still wondered how he had been so fortunate to find his relationship with Ochako. After mutual confession in their third year, their romance had been a breathtaking, chaotic whirlwind. Despite all the hardships they had to endure, they had lived to get to the other side of it, hand-in-hand.
The next photo he pulled out surprised him. He did not remember putting it in a frame, but it was certainly a treasured image. All Might, haggard as ever, beaming towards the camera. Embracing him, dressed up in cap and gown, as he held up his diploma proudly in his scarred hands. Tears flowed freely from both their eyes, the happiness of reaching that point overwhelming them, transforming them into blubbering messes.
It had been the last time he had seen his hero, mentor and father figure in person. They had talked it out, hugged and enjoyed their last hours together. Then All Might pushed Izuku out into the world to face it alone.
“You okay, Izuku? Oh, I love that photo!” The picture’s photographer came up behind him, resting her head over his shoulder. “I don’t remember seeing this in your room before.”
Izuku blinked, suddenly realizing his eyes were watering. He let out a breathy chuckle, rubbing a hand across his leaking eyelids. “Mom must have snuck it in.”“Aww, that’s sweet,” Ochako cooed, giving him a quick squeeze from the side before stepping back. “Do you need anything?”
“No, I’m okay,” Izuku sniffled, shaking his head to dispel the strange feeling of loss rolling around inside him. “Got a lot to unpack.”He noticed Ochako frown for a moment before she stepped away, turning her back to him. “Well, alright, if you say so. I’m going to go grab a drink. It’s way too hot. Let me know if you need a hand with anything in here.”
Izuku felt a sudden surge of affection towards his partner giving him some space. He was normally happy to be open with her, but he could not even process his feelings for himself.
He looked around their room, still empty except for the furniture. Eventually, the walls would be plastered with decoration. But for the first time, he knew his bedroom would not feature the visage of All Might at every corner.
Izuku pulled at his chin, pondering the situation. When he thought about it, it was the first time All Might would not be watching over him - not as a symbol, not as a hero, and not as a mentor.
Now, Deku walked alone, ready to begin carving out his own path as a professional.
He sighed, feeling the overbearing heat Ochako mentioned. Suddenly needing to cool down, he trudged out of the room, leaving the memories stowed away.
Izuku returned to their living area. He noticed Ochako was leaning back against the counter in the kitchen, her eyebrows furrowed, looking deep in contemplation as she idly ran her thumb along her phone’s screen.
Figuring it alright to leave her to her own devices, he headed out toward the balcony, eager to get some fresh air and time to collect his thoughts.
He took a deep breath as he walked outside, immediately leaning against the railing, feeling relieved as the breeze brushed across his forehead. The sight of Tokyo down below had been a big draw for them when they chose to live here. He appreciated the sights of the urban sprawl beneath him, with its bustling streets and impressive buildings. But the sweltering rays of the sun made the city of his destiny far hazier than he had pictured. After everything, he was finally here. A hero turning pro. Out in the world in Japan’s largest city, the centre of the action. The day was bright. The future should be even brighter.
But as he considered all the people below, that anxious, nagging part of his mind chimed in again. Millions were down there, counting on heroes like him. He would have to help them, working harder than he ever had before. This was it. No more time, no more tests, no more room for mistakes. No All Might over his shoulder, his mentor now ready to let him fly under his own strength. Now, he had to try and be the Symbol of Peace on his own. This was the real world. Everything here counted.
The moment engulfed his entire being, his mind getting lost in storming clouds, making it hard to keep calm. He stood on the edge of the world and his destiny. He knew he would need to plunge forward, but taking that step seemed all the more daunting.
“Oh, there you are,” a warm voice said from behind him. “Admiring the view?”
In a heartbeat, the spell ended, and Izuku found himself back in the present moment. He was merely a man standing on a balcony, with company approaching.
He did his best to push his melancholy aside and remain unphased by the intrusion. He knew he needed to just enjoy the present and not get too lost in spiralling thoughts.
“Yeah, definitely. The best part of the place,” Izuku replied quickly, eyes still staring forward as Ochako slid up next to him. He glanced at her, suddenly feeling smitten as he watched how the wind played with the bangs of her hair.
“It is really nice. But it’s still too hot,” she complained, wiping sweat from her brow. “I didn’t think this is what people meant by housewarming.”
Izuku could not help but guffaw at the lame gag which came so suddenly, and she soon joined him. He felt relief, pushing himself fully into the mirth, trying to let it blow the clouds in his mind away. “Well,” he began after a moment. “What did that article about our class say last week? That we were the ‘hottest new heroes around?’”
“We’re a couple of trailblazers, after all,” she replied with a grin, facing him.
“What’s the word they used for you? ‘Hot-blooded?’”
“Well, they called you a ‘blazing meteor.’”
Izuku paused, face scrunching in thought. “Okay, I think I’m out of puns.”
“I wish the writers had been,” Ochako muttered with a laugh, shaking her head and turning back to the gorgeous skyline.
The conversation fell away for a moment and content silence came upon them. Izuku watched her movements, curious, fascinated to see her thinking. She always could find a way to surprise him, and it made her one of his favourite people to study.
“What’s been bothering you today, Izuku?”
The tone in her voice was gentle, but he felt the energy between them shift, the easygoing mirth dissipating as quickly as it came. He groaned, realizing how silly it was to think he could hide anything from her.
“That noticeable, huh?”
“Well, you’ve always worn your heart on your sleeve. It’s not hard to tell.” He sighed, peering out over the edge of the railing to the streets directly below. “I guess it’s just weird, being here, you know? After all that time, all that work, to finally be moving and going pro, it’s just … a lot to take in.”
“I know what you mean,” Ochako nodded. She leaned her cheek into her hand, staring out. “This is really it. Things certainly didn’t happen the way I imagined them.”
“Me too,” Izuku muttered, looking towards the clear sky and picturing his idol. “All Might was always a solitary pillar of hope. I wanted to be just like him. Now, I’ll have to prove I can be.”
Ochako went quiet at that. She buried herself further into her arm, putting more of her weight over the railing. She murmured something unintelligible in her sleeve before poking her head back out.
“Are you…are you worried?”
Izuku frowned at that, his heart rattling in his chest in answer. He nodded. “I want to do everything I can to live up to him. I guess a part of me is still wondering if I can do it. Wondering how well I’ll do now that I won’t be seeing him often.”
From the side of his vision, he saw her head rise, her focus now intently on him.
“Do you want to know what I think?”
It was a simple enough question to answer. “Always.”
“That you’re going to do great tomorrow, Deku, and every day after that. Because you’re you. You’ve got this.”
“Ochako…” he felt his cheeks flush at the unabashed praise. They were never shy about giving that to one another, but he still felt bashful when he was on the receiving end.
“It’s okay that you’re feeling a little nervous now.” She stood up straighter, facing him head-on, a beautiful fire igniting in her eyes. “But I know the second you’re out there and someone needs your help, you’ll act without thinking. That’s just who you are. That’s Deku. Whatever you’re up against, I know you’ll win in the end.”
“I…thank you,” he whispered, his eyes starting to water again under her verbal onslaught. He wished he could convey his appreciation better, somehow.
“You know why I wanted to change that name for you, right?”
Izuku froze at the sudden question. It had been such a meaningful point in his life, but they had not talked much about her inadvertently giving him his hero name. It had helped create a powerful bond between them, that did not require words.
His mind flew back to them as school kids; naive, innocent, full of belief. So much had changed since then, yet Deku remained.
“I gave you that name because I thought you needed it. Because you couldn’t see yourself clearly. You couldn’t see how bright you shone, even back then.”Ochako stroked his cheek, holding him in her palm. He leaned in, his skin tingling at the contact, a pleasant chill making his way down his spine. He watched as her hand wandered down, over his shoulder, his chest and then right over his beating heart. “I’ll be there to remind you of that. Every day we’re here together. Every day of my life, if I have to. That you’re Deku. That you are the world’s greatest hero.” Her smile up at him was positively radiant. “And that you can do it.”
Izuku’s body moved on instinct, hugging her to him as he cried, trying to convey his appreciation with actions after she had taken his breath away. She chuckled beneath him, but melted within the embrace, sighing happily.
He realized despite all the fears that came with great change, he would make it through. Even if he no longer had All Might, his other teachers or the rest of their class with him on a daily basis.
Because he still had a guiding star, brighter than any other in the sky. He would grow and learn from her, as he had since the day they met.
The future was a scary thing. But knowing his hero would be there for him made it seem far less intimidating.
“And, you know, if you wanted to…to be more like All Might, I get it. Maybe we could try and keep some distance out there.”
Izuku’s eyes flew open at her words, his mind utterly befuddled by the shifting rack of the conversation. “What?”
“Well, we don’t have to tell people we’re a couple or we’re living together. We’re not working at the same agencies, either. We could make sure to hide our relationship if it would make you more comfortable. If you still wanted to stand more on your own like All Might, we could-”
“Ochako.” He stopped her by disengaging, holding her at arm’s length, looking at her downcast gaze. He saw now how his anxieties had spurred some of her own, her old nerves about their relationship coming to the forefront. But she pushed them aside to try and help him. It was so sweet and kind, but he hoped she could be more open with him in time.
“We’ve talked about this. I’m not having second thoughts about moving in together or being by your side.” He stared deeply into her eyes, imploring her to heed him. “My dream to help people, to be a pillar of hope, to become the world’s greatest hero - I want to do all of that with you. I never would have made it this far without your help. And I don’t know how far I’ll make it from this point without you.”
“Izuku…” she gulped, her mouth trembling, her eyes shining brilliantly beneath the setting sun.
“We’re going to help the world. Bring smiles to people’s faces, right?” It was a dream they shared and had discussed so often, it had become deeply ingrained in their memory.
“Rescue people,” Ochako continued, getting back into the spirit of it. “Including reckless heroes who need saving.”
Izuku chuckled, scratching at the back of his head at the pointed statement. “We have to inspire the next generation, too.”
“And make lots of money so our parents never have to worry again!” Ochako exclaimed, bouncing on her feet, never losing sight of her original motivation for heroics.
“And we’re going to do it….” Izuku continued, extending his fist toward her.
“Together!” she finished the pronouncement, bumping his fist into his with a flourish. They were friends, lovers, and most importantly, partners. They were Deku and Uravity, an unstoppable, unbreakable duo. They could both lapse in remembering that sometimes, but always found kind ways to remind one another.
“Now, I guess we should get back to unpacking,” Izuku suggested, before wiping the moisture from his brow. The intensity of the conversation, though fairly brief, was enough for him to work up an even heavier sweat. “I wish it hadn’t been quite so warm today.”
“I’d just rather cool down after all that,” Ochako grumbled, sticking her head out over the balcony again to absorb more of the breeze. She closed her eyes for a moment, focusing on the cool brush of the wind. They flew open suddenly, a wide smile lighting up her face, instantly capturing Izuku’s attention. “I have an idea.”
“Oh?” he perked up an eyebrow, listening intently. Her bursts of inspiration were always fascinating.
Without a word, she gently tapped herself in a practiced motion, before leaping over the edge of the balcony with ease thanks to her newfound weightlessness.
“Ochako?!” he cried out.
She responded with loud laughter, grasping to the railing from the other side and sticking the rest of her body outward, her hair blowing haplessly around her. “That’s way better! Come on Deku!”
She extended a hand out to him, her padded fingertips calling to him. A gateway to freedom and escape.
“I don’t know…” Izuku muttered, his eyes reflexively darting across the horizon - only lingering a moment to appreciate how brightly she shone. “What if someone sees us?”
“We’re on the top floor,” Ochako noted, staring up at the open path to the sky. “We’ll get high enough to avoid that. Come on, it’ll be fine. Just for a little while?”
It was difficult to resist her beckoning grin. He was reminded of how often she had pulled him forward, helping him break out of his social shell as one of his first true friends.
“Alright, you win.” Izuku grabbed her hand, letting her trigger her Quirk, delighting in the exuberance of her victorious cry. She pulled him over the ledge and kicked their weightless selves off, letting the rush of the wind surround them.
Izuku breathed a sigh of relief as the air brushed over his warm skin, instantly soothing it. The skyline below was even more beautiful as they began to rise higher, giving a better view of the sun starting to crest the horizon, bathing the cityscape in a pleasant orange glow.
“This is so much better.” Ochako giggled as she lifted the two of them towards the roof, giddy as the wind started to blow them about. As the breeze picked up, Izuku motioned for her to release him from weightlessness, triggering his own float Quirk to better stabilize them. His power was usually more draining than hers, but he wanted to be cautious and keep better control in the air.
But Ochako used it to her advantage, grabbing onto him tightly to anchor her weightless body, unabashed in pressing herself into him. She let out a shuddered breath, pushing her head onto his shoulder. Izuku responded in kind, holding her close, letting his eyes fall closed, content to float aimlessly. It felt wonderful to hold her.
Times like this were too rare. For just a moment, their worries about the world below faded away, and it was just them. Not Deku and Uravity. Izuku and Ochako. Two people in love.
Suddenly, he could feel her fingertips shove something deeply into his left ear, disrupting the tranquil moment. He opened his eyes quickly, startled by the intrusion. Her gaze was mirthful, a devious little grin plastered on her face. He noticed a long, white cord sticking between them, one end leading up into her right ear, the remainder plunging into the pocket of her jeans.
Then the music started.
The song was bubbly and up-tempo, some top pop number he had heard out on the streets patrolling a few times. Izuku blinked rapidly, his analytical mind short-circuiting as he struggled to put the pieces together.
“Dance with me?” Ochako asked, beaming up at him from beneath her eyelashes. She was irresistible.
He gulped, his heart beating fast, a powerful warmth overtaking his cheeks. In complete awe, he could only manage a question: “You planned this?”
“I thought it would be nice to do something memorable for the first night at our new home. Getting away from the heat was just an upside.” She spun herself around in the air in a show of flair, keeping within his arm’s reach. “And I realized we had never had much fun together in the sky like this.”
That was true enough. Floating was for travelling to scenes faster or getting an advantage over villains, not playtime. They had honed their Quirks to serve society; anything else was secondary.
But as the sun finally crested the horizon, bathing Ochako in a glorious, almost ethereal glow, Izuku realized he wanted this as much as she did.
Surprising his partner, he grabbed onto her hands, swinging her in close, enjoying the little squeak she let out at the movement.
“I’d love to,” he replied sincerely, placing a chaste kiss on her forehead. “Thank you. This was a great idea.”
She twisted herself around, pressing her back against his chest, pushing them towards the building.
“I’m glad. I really didn’t know how well my plan would work,” she whispered honestly in his ear, voice faint amidst the wind. “Just remember to watch your step this time.”
Izuku chuckled, smiling from ear-to-ear. “At least it won’t hurt if I step on your feet up here.”
“You better not anyway!”
The two moved together in the darkening sky, their bodies flowing with the freedom of flight. They improvised their dance, lacking any cohesion, but so long as they could be close to one another, neither of them cared. Their worries seemed so far away now, the weight on their hearts lifted.
As night fell and they became bathed in the star’s light, they came even closer, locking themselves in an embrace. They twirled slowly together, the music getting replaced by each other’s breaths and heartbeats. Izuku was sure the starlit city was beautiful, but he had eyes only for her.
On top of the world, the heavens shining down on them, Izuku and Ochako found peace.
They both knew: when they returned to the earth, they would overcome, so long as they were together.
AN: Written for the IzuOcha Temple Discord Server Summer Writing Contest. Prompt: Keep Your Cool. Thank you to the organizers for putting this on and motivating me to write.
This one went through quite a lot of changes; it was 6,800 words at one point before an overhaul. I may have more to add to this later.
Sorry it has been a while since my last fic! Writing blocks abound these days.
But I hope you enjoyed this one! ^_^ Please leave a like and/or reblog if you did!
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nicka-nell · 4 years
There is no such thing as a perfect world - Chapter 5: Your friend, my friend, our friend
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Words in this chapter: 1.626
Warning: none
Chapter 4 - What is your favorite animale?
(y/n) = your name  |  (l/n) = your last name  |  (h/c) = hair color  | (e/c) = eye color
The next day she has breakfast alone because her brother has received a new murder case and had to get out early. Slowly she gets ready for her day and the date with Ushijima when the doorbell rings. With quick steps (y/n) walks towards the door and opens it. "Hello (y/n)." Ushijima greets her. "Hello Ushijima-san. Come in and sit down. I am just preparing the bento box for my brother, and then we can go.” She calls to him as she turns to take him to the living room. Arrived in the living room, he sits on her sofa and watches her fill the delicious smelling food into a small box. It smells really great, and he would love to taste the food. She seems to cook very well and what he can see from the corner of his eye also looks very healthy. "You have a brother?" Ushijima's calm voice sounds from the living room. He didn't know that. "Yes, his name is Yato, and he works for the police. That's why he often works in shifts. I don't know when he'll be back today, but I want him to have a nice meal when he comes here for a break.” She looks up at Ushijima, who is watching her closely. "At the police ..." he murmurs under his breath. So he lives here with her in this apartment? That makes sense. Such a large modern apartment with a garden alongside the living room is not cheap here in Japan. Calmly he looks at the wall on which several pictures hang. (y/n) can be seen on them with a man. They seemed to be close. Unlike her, the man appears to be very tall. He also looks many years older than her. Is that her brother she was talking about? No. He is too tall to be related to her. A photo of her parents doesn't seem to be anywhere. "Do your parents live here?" he asks without really thinking about the question. "My parents? No. Just my brother and me." She smiles but her smile doesn't look like what he saw on her all day yesterday. What is that look on her face? Just as she puts the bento box in the fridge and wants to go back to Ushijima, the doorbell rings again. She looks at the door in amazement, since it is too early for her brother. Furthermore, he has a key and would not ring the bell. She didn't order anything either, so it can't be the postman as well. When she opens the door, she sees a face that she hasn't seen for a long time. "Satori! What a surprise! What are you doing here?” She greets the red-haired man in front of her and hugs him joyfully. "Hello (y/n). I haven't seen you in so long, I was longing for you. ~ “He whines and walks past her into the apartment. "Shall we watch a movie today? I have two films with me here. They are actually creepy but I think the actress is so cute. Let's watch them!“ he grins. (y/n) looks sheepishly into the living room. "Oh eh ... so I actually have some plans today and I also have a visitor here ...", she sighs and scratches the back of her head. "Visitoooooors? Is it a man? Do you have a date? Uh I want to see him!”, curiously he jumps back and forth and storms towards the living room. "Satori wait!" She calls after him, but he's already in the living room. Her head jumps past Satori to Ushijima, and she is about to apologize for her rough friend when the two men look at each other with wide eyes. "Wakatoshi-kun? What are you doing here?” Satori asks in complete surprise. "Tendou? I have a date with (y/n).”, he replies completely naturally. The two seem to know each other well, (y/n) thinks. "Wait Wakatoshi-kun ... when you said that you are going to physiotherapy and that you want to thank your therapist, you mean my dear (y/n)? Oooh how exciting. ~“ He sings and takes (y/n) in his arms. "Yes exactly. And what are you doing here at (y/n)'s house?” He asks curiously and does not understand his friend's excitement. After all, it was Tendou who told him to thank his therapist. "I also went to her for treatment once, and we got on really well and became friends. ~" He says, pulling her along next to Ushijima on the sofa. (y/n) sits between Ushijima and Satori and with a big grin Satori looks at his friends. "So, what were you going to do today?" He asks the two of them, resting his head on his folded hands. "I wanted to go to the park with (y/n)," Ushijima says before she can answer. "In this weather? Wakatoshi-kun it should still rain today. Moreover, I have a few films with me. Now the three of us are having a nice evening. Uh that's sooo exciting! Unite with my two best friends! ~” He sings again. While shaking her head, she puts her head in her hands and looks up at Ushijima apologetically. What exactly does Satori want to achieve with this? Besides, Ushijima certainly doesn't want to waste his time with her and Satori. He sure wants to go home. "Is that okay with you?" She then asks him. With his head leaning to the side, he looks at (y/n). "If it's okay with you. I wouldn't have a problem with that.” He answers her without emotion and then looks over at his friend. He doesn't care whether he goes to the park or stays here. The only thing that is important to him right now is that she is with him. Even if he doesn't understand why. Satori joyfully puts in the first film, and they start to watch it. All three of them stare intently at the screen, at the young man who is in an abandoned house and is looking for his wife when a strange creature suddenly attacks him. While Satori starts laughing because he thinks it's so funny, (y/n) is startled and grabs Ushijima's arm. Questioning, he looks down at her. Why is she clinging to his arm like that? "Everything ... okay?", his eyes get a little bigger than usual and her (e/c) eyes, which have just looked up to him, wander down to her hands that holding Ushijima's strong arm. "Eh! I'm sorry!”, hastily she apologizes and let's go of him embarrassed. He still looks questioningly in her direction. "Wakatoshi-kun you have to hug her. I think our little (y/n) is a little afraid of the scary scenes in the film.” Satori grins. "Oh?", it is not a real answer, but also not a question that he gives Satori as a response. She is about to contradict him, but (y/n) falls silent when she feels two strong arms on her body that pull her to Ushijima. "You shouldn't see something like that if you're afraid of it." she hears Ushijima's voice above her and looks up at him. For a brief moment she has the feeling that she sees a slim smile on Ushijima's lips. But she is probably wrong. Now she smiles at him and leans her head against his chest to finish watching the movie with the two men. With her warm body on his chest, his heart starts beating too fast again. He noticed that it only beats so unevenly when he is near her. With long breaths he tries to calm down and hopes that she won't hear his fast heartbeat. What he and (y/n) don't notice, is the observant look of their friend, who can't resist a triumphant grin. However, they have a nice evening and (y/n) says goodbye to Satori shortly before eleven, who suddenly had to leave again. Supposedly he has to go back because he has to feed his cat. As far as she knows, he doesn't have a cat. But well... Nobody knows what is actually going on in Satori's head. Ushijima also has to go home, because tomorrow he will have his first training after his injury with the kneecap. After putting on his shoes, he looks at (y/n). "I'll play volleyball again tomorrow." He tries to keep the conversation going because for some reason he doesn't want to leave. "Yes that makes me happy. Just don't hurt yourself again.”, smirking, she looks at him. With her words and her beautiful smile he can't help it and a small, tiny grin can be seen on his lips. "I'll do it. Do you want to give me your number? Then I can write to you how the training went." Did he really ask her for her number? What is wrong with him? Why do words come out of his mouth that he doesn't want to say at all? He just wanted to say goodbye. A little surprised, she stretches out her hand forward and asks him to give her his cell phone. He takes it out of his pocket and hands it over to her. After half a minute she gives it back to him with a bright look. "So then Ushijima-san. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.” A little awkward, he looks back and forth between his cell phone and the woman in front of him. Actually, he'd like to talk to her longer. But he should say goodbye now. "Just call me Wakatoshi. I will write to you then.”, he speaks softly to himself and turns around. Again he said something that was not meant for her ears. While shaking his head, he hopes that she didn't hear his words and sets off for home.
Chapter 6 - Just look, don't touch. No, looking is also forbidden!
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goodlucktai · 5 years
Something with natsume and food?? As always, love your work
The house is empty when Takashi wakes up. He’s lived in this sleek apartment for a week, and he’s almost gotten used to the silent mornings. 
He gets himself dressed for school. He doesn’t dare venture into the kitchen, very much his auntie’s domain, to search for breakfast. She must have forgotten to leave something out for him again. 
As usual, there’s money on the table for him to buy himself a lunch box. Takashi pockets it carefully, and makes sure he has his key, and leaves with enough time to stop at the combini he passes on his way to school. 
The familiar cashier at the combini helps him pick out a lunch box. They have his favorite kind in today, she tells him cheerfully, and she made sure to save one just for him!
Takashi stammers his thanks, and declines a plastic bag, and hugs the plastic bento to his chest all the way to school. He’ll put it away when the city blocks give way to residential ones, when there are other boys around to poke fun at him. 
He moves away two days later, his busy auntie admitting she just doesn’t have time to afford him the care he needs. She looks regretful for a moment and touches his hair while a cousin carries his box of belongings out the door, but then her cellphone rings and she turns away to take the call. 
It’s three years before he sees that combini again. Shigeru’s boss scheduled him on a day trip to the city, and Shigeru asked Touko and Takashi if they’d like to come. Then, after thinking it over for a moment, he added, “Why don’t we invite your friends, Takashi? That way you don’t get bored.”
Takashi nearly dropped his cup in surprise, and stammered in his haste to get out, “No, that’s okay, please don’t go to any trouble,” but Touko clapped her hands together in delight and said, “I’ll pack lunches!” and that seemed to be that. 
So while Shigeru and Touko have an important company lunch, Takashi and his friends have a few hours to themselves. They make it two blocks before they realize they managed to leave the bag of drinks behind, and Nishimura laments wasting time in turning around, but Takashi says, “That’s alright, there’s a convenience store just ahead.”
The worn sign of the combini is the same as it was three years ago, and the bell above the door rings just the same, and not much has changed inside, either. Nishimura and Taki make a beeline for the drink aisles, and Tanuma and Kitamoto start to peruse the odds and ends up by the register, and the woman behind the register gasps. The look on her face is one of recognition. 
“I know you,” she says, and her lined face shapes a kind smile that Takashi has never once forgotten. “Are you here to pick up lunch? We still have your favorite.”
Kitamoto and Tanuma are hovering watchfully, but Takashi doesn’t need protecting this time. He smiles back, and lifts the bento he’s holding by the furoshiki that Touko tied around it lovingly that same morning. 
“That’s alright,” he says. “I actually have a new favorite now.”
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Garou x reader
Hoevember #2 (this is trash. And im not proud of it)
You idly watch him in the shadows. Each time he beat the shit out of a hero, every time he walked aimlessly around looking for heros to just destroy, you were always watching. Right now you were watching him sit with a kid who was reading an hero encyclopedia. “Hey who’s that?” The kid asked Garou. Garou looked down from the sky to where the kid pointed to. You stood behind a tree not really trying to hide. I mean why would you, he knew you were watching him he actually caught you a couple of times. “Oh her. Some crazy chick.” He leant his head back to stare at the clouds. “Like a crazy ex girlfriend?” The boy asked and Garou nearly chocked on his breath. “Hell no!” Garou did admire your body but when he would get close to you, you would run away. You didn’t have enough courage to speak to him properly but you would buy him little bandages and food and leave it for him in some spots. He liked that you followed him, a hot girl flowing him around too shy to even approach him. You were teaching him. Today though, you had worked up enough nerve to approach him. You had made him food that morning and now that it was sunset it was already cold but you were just waiting for the perfect opportunity. But that kid was there. He’s just a kid YN, you can just punch him and he’ll go running away. No no you can’t hit kids! Just ignore the boy. You took the first step from behind the tree and nearly trembled when Garou stared at you. Your legs wobbled as you took small slow steps towards him. Garou got up though and started to walk away leaving the boy alone. You froze as you watched him leave the park. The boy ran up to you and started interrogating you. “What’s your business with him?” “Who are you?!” You stammered on one word as he kept asking you questions. Garou now lost from your view 😔. You pouted and decided to walk away. You hung your head as you walked away, sad that the first time you were not afraid to talk to him he walked away. You walked down the block, eyes glued to the ground and feet dragging against the concrete. Your wrist was yanked into an alleyway, nearly tripping over your own feet as you were pulled aggressively. Your mouth covered by a big palm and body pressed against the dirty brick wall. “What do you have in there?” The stranger asked you about the bag you carried food in. His hand removed itself from your lips allowing you to speak. “F-f-food” you stuttered out of fear. “Oh, for who?” His voice was right at your ears the breath from his mouth hit the bottom of your ear. “M-my b-boy f-friend.” You lied. “What his name?” The man asked again, pressing his body against yours. You bit your lip, fearful of lying about dating Garou to a random stranger. “G- Garou.” You whimpered out. “You don’t say?” The man let go of you and grabbed the bag. You turned and your eyes were filled with hearts 😍. Garou was digging through the bag, he pulled out a bento and a fork you left for him. He opened the food and his eyes widened. “This looks amazing.” He closed it back up and rubbed your head. Your eyes unable to leave him, taking in the best sight you’ve ever seen. His smile, he was smiling at you. Garou then grabbed your wrist and dragged you out of the alleyway. Pulling you along the street taking to you to an unknown destination. You couldn’t faght back but the touch of his warm hands was too good. He was so close and you didn’t want him to get any farther from you. His hand slid down to yours and entangled his fingers in yours. Your heart wanted to soar through the sky. Hand in hand down the block. 🥰 it was like one of your dreams. One of your sfw dreams 😏. You imagined baby angels around you singing and playing little angel instruments. You jogged closer to him and hugged his arm. Resting your head on his shoulder. He didn’t even push you off, no flinching or complaints. You tried to hide the big ugly grin that was creeping onto your face. As you both continued walking you noticed the buildings began to look too familiar. Once you rounded the corner you saw your apartment complex and you nearly stopped walking.
When entering the building your body began to sweat. You didn’t want him to leave just yet. And what about seeing him again? Everything was happening too fast, you wanted time to slow down. Like real slow. When he stopped at the elevator you hugged him tighter. As the elevator descended down so did your heart. You prayed in your head for just something to happen to make him stay. When the elevator dinged and opened you were pulled out of your thoughts as people exited the small box. You pouted as you both entered and just stood quietly. He pressed the button to your floor and you briefly wondered how he knew what building and floor you lived on. Maybe you can pretend that you left your keys in the house and locked yourself out. He wouldn’t believe that. His arm removed itself from your grasped which made you whine a little like a baby but you stopped when he only changed positions. Putting his arm over your shoulders and pulling you closer to his body. Your heart rate sped up and you moved closer. Your nose took in every whiff of him 😤🤤. The elevator stopped and opened allowing you both to exit. Before you can walk down the hall to your door you stopped him. He looked down at you confused. “I- I don’t want to go home just yet.” You said quietly. He put the food down and pushed back your curly hair to get a good look at you. You buried your face in his chest and held into him. You’ve waited to long to touch and talk to him. It’s only been about 15 minutes since the park. It wasn’t enough for you. “I’ll go in with you.” He said rubbing your back. Instant smile across your face 😀. Like a phsyco trying to look nice. You pulled him to your door and quickly unlocked your door and once again pulling him. It was a nice single bedroom apartment. Your parents got it for you when they went overseas to London. You’ve been on your own since sophomore year of high school. Now a senior, you we’re accustomed to living alone. You never had guest over so you wanted to impress Garou, a lot. You took the food and transferred it to a pan and let it heat up in the oven. You grabbed your nice plates, cups and silverware. You poured him sparking water and brought it to him. “So what’s with the stalking?” He asked suddenly. You blushed and almost didn’t answer. “You were never approachable until you were with that kid. I was just waiting on a opportunity to say hi but heros would always harass you.” You gritted your teeth at the word heros. You put the water away and waited for his food to cook. Garou got up from his seat at the table and walked over to you. “So my girlfriend was afraid to approach me because of heros? You scared of them?” He gently pushed you against the counter. You blushed more at the word girlfriend. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to use that word before I just panicked.” You blurted out. “What word? Boyfriend? You don’t like me?” He wrapped his arms around your waist not wasting 😉 anytime getting real physical. “Of course I do! I just didn’t know it was you I was talking to. I think your food is ready.” You went to turn off the oven but he stopped you. He tugged you back to the counter and sat you on top of it. “How much do you like me?” He asked getting really close, setting himself between your thighs. “Enough to let you in my house.” You scratched your hair. “Yeah, you were really eager to let me in.” His hands slide up your thighs and you flinched under his hands. “I don’t like being home alone.” You told him trying to find something besides his face to look at. He was extremely close, his nose just barely touched yours and his hands were at your waist. “Hmm, so you like my company?” He said. “I like your presence yes. This is the first time being around you but I can also say I like your company.” You placed your hand on his chest to push him back some but feeling his muscles under his shirt surely distracted your thoughts. “So what do I have to do to get my girlfriend naked in the bed for me?” He said lifting your chin to stop your gaze at his body and to his eyes.
“Huh?” You we’re too busy filling your mind with nasty thoughts you didn’t hear a word he said. “I said, how intimate can we get? You already established that we’re together and I don’t take that lightly, there’s very few people I keep around me and you added yourself to that group of people. And seeing how you’ve been trailing behind me for a couple of months I’ll take that as the beginning of our relationship.” “A kiss!” I interrupted him. “I want a kiss, please.” He laughed a little before cupping my cheeks and stroking it with his thumb. For such a violent man he was so gentle. “Your shyness seems to come after your bluntness.” I was about to speak but he pulled me in for a kiss. No tongue, no caresses just our lips touching. A regular first kiss, well as regular as it could get. You weren’t expecting him to be a lustful beast, he was still an 18 year old boy and your were the same age. But it was really nice, his lips weren’t chapped or busted and he tasted like gum. Kids bubblegum, from the park. The kiss only lasted seconds, he pulled his head away and smiled. But it wasn’t enough for you. You wrapped your arms and legs around him, “another”. He didn’t give it a second thought. His lips were back on yours. The kiss more heated, lips moving against each other as his tongue fought with yours. He let you be the first to play in his mouth before he would make your lips sloppy from his saliva. Your left hand trailed down his arm until you reached his wrist and brought it under your skirt. When his fingers rubbed the location of your clit you jumped a little. It was invited but unexpected at the same time. Like inviting a friend over for lunch and they show up in a corn costume. His fingers put more pressure on your core as he felt you getting wet from the kiss. Your uniform skirt hiding his hand making every move he made under there a mystery until you felt it. He removed his lips and dragged his lips down to your neck. “Bedroom?” He asked you for directions. “End of hall.” He quickly picked you off the counter and carried you to the end of the hall. Your back hit the bed and he was so quick to get his shirt off. You followed suit and began to unbutton your uniform. Taking your time and being very careful not to pop any button since you had limited supply of school shirts. When you had the shirt off he gazed down at your body. Breast sitting pretty in your lavender bra. Garou lifted your legs and spread them, kneeling at the edge of the bed putting your cunt in his field of vision. “You should see how wet you are. But I’m sure you feel it. Do you feel embarrassed? It being your first time being intimate with someone and you’re so easily letting me go to town on you.” You gasped when he pulled the fabric down your legs. “How would you know that?” You covered your face. “I could’ve had plenty of people before you.” It was true, you were a very attractive, smart and easy going girl. “You’re not the only one whose been stalking sweetheart. And you’re not the first virgin to like bad boys. But do indulge me on one of your previous encounters. I would like to hear who about who was here before me.” He sounded a bit possessive, you shook your head. “Why not?” He spread your folds and watched the sheets darker under you. “I haven’t done anything like this with anyone.” You weren’t embarrassed at that since you didn’t see anyone as a romantic interest until you saw him. “Was you saving yourself for me?” He teased, prodding a finger at your hole making you squirm in discomfort. “I was saving myself for a hero, I got distracted by you.” You were lying but Garou didn’t like the sound of that. He stuffed his finger in you and added another when he didn’t get the reaction he wanted. You Squeaked from the new intruders. “Not cute.” He said. You hissed when he stretched his fingers apart. Your hands grasped his wrist. He got up still making “animal puppets” in your vagina. Unaware of his sweatpants discarded amongst the heap of clothes that piled up. U jumped, feeling it by his fingers.
You felt his penis work it’s way inside while his fingers stretched you open for him. You bit your bottom lip and tried to bare with the pain. “Ouch.” You say as he removes his fingers and slides his penis the rest of the way in. “Who was it going to be?” He shifted his weight over you, putting both hands by your head. He watched your face and made sure to make you as comfortable as possible. You wiggled your hips a little trying to get yourself together but moaned from his thrust. He began to move after he saw you move and kept a slow and steady pace. “Who was it?” He asked you again, a little aggravated that he had to repeat himself and the thought of you liking a hero didn’t sit right with him. “Stinger,” you moaned out. His hips stopped moving when the name settled in his ears. “You liked that hero?” He said disgusted. As if he had his mind on someone else. “Maybe. But that was before I saw you.” Your arms put themselves around his neck as if they belonged there. “So I was the second choice?” He muttered. He scooped your legs over his shoulders and removed your hands, pressing them against the sheets. He said something else under his breath but you couldn’t hear him. He was just talking to himself out loud, while his dick just sat in you. A perfectly normal situation. His grip on your arm got stronger and it almost started to hurt. You could feel the strangling of your veins, your nerves picking up an odd pounding as the blood couldn’t circulate properly. “Garou.” You called to him softly. Your forearm raised and tapped his elbow. He wasn’t bothered by your voice or you touch. His hips rose and fell back down ripping a strangled groan from you. It was so sudden. His dick pounding away at your cunt. Both areas heating up rather fast. Sweat making the claps of hips sound wet while the sliding in and out of his girthy length made the most nastiest of sounds. Almost like playing with slime. It made your eyes roll back, your spine arch up and toes curl. Your nails scratched his sides and he moved, he let out little grunts from the pain but he didn’t stop or falter his penetration. He did however move up, grinding against you as his body held you down. He released your arms and pressed his chest against yours. Taking smaller, faster and harder thrust. It nearly gave you an immediate orgasm but it was missing something. Like a topping on a sundae. You moaned in his ear and he just loved to hear it. It was like music to his ears, a serenade of high pitch sounds emanating from your vocal cords. Your body begged for him to touch you with his hands, wanting more physical contact than he was giving. You moved your hand between your bodies, trying to sneakily touch your clit for extra help. Garou felt your hands wiggling down against him and quickly got the message. His hand beat you there and rubbed slowly up and down your clit. You shuddered and sank further under him. He basically had your whole body in his hand and was giving it gently loving strokes with the tip of his finger. Your was pulsed around him, clenching and unclenching his cock. “Feels good huh? Tell me what’s going through your mind right now.” You were so close to an orgasm you couldn’t even speak. But you did put some words together between the gumble of incoherent crap that was flowing out your mouth. “....good...stinger...better...” what you really said was ‘you feel so good~ I never liked Stinger (😡). You were always better.’ But of course it came out as if you were saying stinger was better. Garou sat up and pulled out. He flipped you onto your stomach and really let you have it. His hands struck your ass. You bit your lip hard, it was so pleasurable. His hands came down with a open palm. And you waited for it. Hands gripping the sheets and ass raised asking for more. After a couple of slaps he had you sitting on his lap, legs spread, back touching his chest with his fingers back to rubbing you. You bent your head over his shoulder letting out every sound that was made from you freely into his ear. His dick tapping your back as it throbbed behind your ass.
“Garou, just fuck me please. I’ve been waiting for a long time. I never like stinger, I always liked you. Please take me, any way you want.” You said reaching behind yourself to stroke him. He kissed the side of your neck. His palm rubbed your clit as his fingers fucked your hole. Your legs shut on his hand as you came on his fingers. Your held his wrist as your body spasmed and your back arched the opposite way making your body curl up. Garou got on his knees and helped you onto your back. Your hand came up to his hair and rustled it out of shape. His dick went inside you no problem. The slick between you made nasty sounds and made you feel sticky. “Oh Garou, you feel so good. Please more.” You cried. “Oh look whose the little chatter box all of a sudden.” His hips met yours with harsh, rough thrusts. You smiled to yourself but it was clear as day on your face. “You like that baby? It’s nice to know you’re a masochist.” He sat up and picked up your hips. I hands lifted and pulled your hips to meet his with each thrust. It drove you crazy, you couldn’t speak. He sped up and you felt the biggest urge to pee. “You’re getting really wet.” Your thighs jiggled as they shook, “oh FUCK!” He stopped suddenly and pulled out. Your lucky gushed your orgasm on him as he came over your woman hood. Panting heavily from your previous orgasm. “I like you a lot Garou. You’re the coolest villain I know of. I don’t care if you don’t want a relationship. I just want to be around you, I’ll be here for any of your needs.” You said out of breath. Garou kissed you, “you’re mine.” He growled out. You hugged him and gleefully giggled, excited at your new relationship.
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magicalgirlsromance · 4 years
I was feeling terribly anxious because I couldn’t find any Saint Tail fan fictions that I liked so had to write one myself. Enjoy this drabble!
Breath in. Breath out.
She looked at her reflection with fascination while getting her orange bangs out of her view as they reached her bright blue eyes which were framed with luscious black eyelashes. She was trembling with nervousness but apart from that she felt completely beautiful.
—There you go—said the sweet voice of her mama behind her, who was softly placing a thick fishtail braid on her left shoulder, small strands of hair were coming out from all along it while a few white flowers were strategically placed on it.—You look like a fairy from the woods—that comment made her face pink—I’m sure Asuka Jr. will be pleased tonight—and that comment turned her cheeks to a darker red shade.
Eimi Haneoka smiled as her only daughter was shyly shrugging her shoulders. This was not the first time that Meimi asked for her help since she started dating Asuka Jr. It’s already been two years and her daughter has taken one and each of their dates as seriously as the first one which meant that she would help Meimi to look her best every single time.
However, this night was special. This was the night in which Asuka Jr. finally would formally introduce Meimi as his girlfriend to his father. While she has let him meet her parents after 3 dates, Asuka Jr. was more reluctant to let his dad into his personal life. After the first year, Meimi was terribly worried that she had never spoken to the man as nothing more than a cute classmate of Daiki as he would call her when they had the rare chance to meet at their school and when she tried to push the subject on her boyfriend, his only response was that it did not make a difference.
—I love you and that’s enough for me. You don’t need to impress anyone.—he said while he continued devouring the content of his bento box.
She was satisfied with that but still she couldn’t quite understand why Daiki was so unattached to his dad. She couldn’t imagine not telling her parents all the exciting events that happened to her so why?
The doorbell rang and she suddenly stopped breathing.
—Let’s go Meimi, you don’t want to make him wait, do you?—Eimi laughed softly as she saw her daughter walk as stiff as a store mannequin would.
When Meimi reached the stairs in order to finally go to the ground floor of the house, she could hear how his dad and Asuka Jr. were having a conversation.
—I can assure you that we are working very hard to catch him, Mr. Haneoka.—that was her boyfriend’s voice which sounded as excited as whenever he had a chance to talk about his job—But he’s quite good and almost never leaves a clue behind.
—Reminds me of that girl thief. What was her name again? —Genichirou interrupted himself when he caught sight of Meimi going down the stairs.—Meimi! You look beautiful, dear!
Daiki, who hadn’t noticed her before, turned around. His face went red as usual.
Meimi couldn’t stop looking at the floor while she played nervously with her hands.—Go-good evening, Asuka Jr.
The boy agreed with Mr. Haneoka, he thought everything she was wearing tonight made her look almost unreal. The lemony summer dress..., her long hair falling on top of the creamy skin of her left shoulder…
He swallowed hard. God damn him. He was a teenager and he was starting to notice more than the pretty face of Meimi who was growing up beautifully.
His eyes were glued to the floor as well.—Hi…
The Haneoka couple smiled at each other. Eimi decided to give them a hand.—Well then, aren’t you guys supposed to go somewhere? It’s showtime!
Both teens froze but none of the adults seemed to notice.
—Le-let’s go, Meimi!
—Please take good care of Meimi for us!—Genichirou shouted from the main entrance of the Haneoka residence once the young couple had reached the corner of the street.
The girl brought her eyes up to see his broad back while he was walking in front of her, she smiled a little when she noticed his red ears.
—Hey...—the gentle voice of Daiki brought her back to Earth. He had turned around and now, he was offering her his hand to take.—I’m sorry, you know I’m not good when we are in front of more people…
Meimi’s smile grew.—I know, I’m not good either.
She did not expect the light embrace to which he had pulled her to. One of his manly hands was placed on the base of her head, pushing her so very lightly against his chest while he buried his nose in her floral-scented hair.
When they restarted their walking, Daiki adjusted to Meimi’s peace so they could still hold hands.
—So, dinner at your place, huh?—The girl smiled at him, trying not to look nervous.
—Yeah, my old man prefers to eat at home. He sort of likes cooking so dinner was prepared by him.—he blushed.— I just hope it doesn’t taste like feet.
—It won’t!—Meimi almost sang, lovingly squeezing his hand.— What did he say when you told him I was coming?
Asuka laughed nervously while scratching the back of his head with his free hand.—Well, he’s not expecting you!—his girlfriend looked at him all confused.— I told him… I was inviting someone to have dinner but… I didn’t specify?—Meimi lifted an eyebrow.
—Does this mean that I’m invited as a friend?—Asuka noticed that she started to sound irritated.
—I’m planning to tell him when we get there. Anyways, it would be weird to invite just any girl friend to have dinner with your father, wouldn't it?—he said in a knowing-it-all tone.— Even if I don’t tell him, he would figure it out, right?
—Asuka Jr….
—But I will tell him! Relax!—this time a loud laugh came out of him, just another way to demonstrate how nervous he was.
A few more minutes and they were in front of the Asuka household.
Without noticing, both teens breathed in deeply. Daiki searched for the keys in his pants’ pockets while letting go of Meimi’s hand.
The door opened without the need of any keys.
—I was expecting you.—Tomoki Asuka said to his son, cigarette in his mouth. The professional detective blinked when he noticed the young lady standing next to Daiki.
It seemed like Detective Asuka wasn’t able to connect the dots, that or he really was expecting an explanation from his son.
Meimi elbowed Daiki in his arm while her face started to grow red.
—Dad, this… this is…she is...—the boy pointed out at the redhead.—This is Meimi Haneoka.
At least one minute went by.
His father smiled while lifting an eyebrow, there was no need to be a professional detective to see that Haneoka’s face’s redness was caused by her contained fury.
He didn’t blame her, his son was quite stupid.
—Daiki, we have met before—clarified the adult, feeling like he wanted to laugh at his son’s expense but stopped out of respect for the girl .—It’s nice to see you again, miss Haneoka.
What was so hard about saying that this was his girlfriend?
—To what do we owe this pleasure?—he asked her, trying to push the answer out of them. This question was enough for Meimi to forget she was anger.
—A-aah, we-we-well...—Daiki’s father was surprised to realise that she was probably just as nervous as his son and not really ready to confess.
—Are you really gonna make me say it?— Asuka Jr grumbled.
—the what?—asked the detective, smiling innocently.
Meimi wanted to magically disappear, if only she still had her silk hat.
—She… she is… she...—it looked like Asuka Jr was about to explode at any point and so he did.— SHE’S MY GIRLFRIEND, OK?!!! STOP BEING SO ANNOYING, DAD!!!
Detective Asuka patted him on the shoulder while his kid was trying to catch his breath.—That wasn’t that bad.—he smiled at Meimi who was speechless. She knew Asuka Jr wasn’t good at admitting feelings in front of others, but never thought it would come to this when she woke up that morning. Her train of thought was interrupted by his boyfriend’s dad.—Please take care of him—he said to finally give her a respectful bow.
Asuka Jr. grumped something no one was able to clearly hear as they went inside the house.
After getting her seated in the living room, both males momentarily disappeared with the excuse to bring her some tea and to check on the dinner.
—If you ask me, that was quite lame, son!—laughed Mr. Asuka, stirring the soup he prepared hours before.
—Shut up—growled Daiki while preparing a tray to bring out the tea service.
—But hey, this is great news. At least now I know you have great taste, just as your father—continued the detective, finding his ashtray and then putting out his cigarette.—Well done, Daiki—the boy looked at his dad’s sincere smile.—She’s beautiful.
—Tha-thank you—he wasn’t feeling akward, in fact, he was finally feeling relieved that his old man seemed happy for him.
—Now, remember that the Asuka men are cursed and we are destined to have terrible luck with women. Please don’t ruin it.—the older one said as a matter of fact.
—That’s ridiculous, dad!
Feel free to give me your feedback!
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ohshcscenerios · 5 years
Tomorrow is my 25th birthday so I figured this calls for a birthday headcanon for each host. Enjoy!
Tamaki Suoh
- Lots of balloons.
- Lots of streamers.
- Lots of confetti.
- Honestly, this guy is an environmentalist's nightmare on your birthday. 
- A “Happy Birthday my love!” morning text before you’re supposed to wake up so that’s the first thing you see. 
- Isn’t above gluing a bow on his forehead and saying “I’m your present” wink wink.
- Weeks prior to your birthday he had Haruhi casually ask you what you wanted for a present. 
- He goes above and beyond for you. 
- He’ll throw a parade for you.
- He’ll order a pilot to sky-write I LOVE YOU above your school. 
- He’s so caught up in celebrating your birthday he doesn’t notice if you’re embarrassed or tired. He has a whole day planned for you two and he’s set on going down the list.
Kyoya Ootori
- He isn’t one for PDA so he’ll look forward to celebrating in private. 
- He will still send you presents... He just won’t be the one delivering them. 
- A pastry & fruit basket waits outside your front door with a note that says Happy Birthday Y/N.
- A gift-wrapped box is beside it. Inside is a slim purple dress with another note that says For tonight. 5pm. (Your Favorite Restaurant). 
- Your day proceeds as normal. Nothing is out of the ordinary. Kyoya understands your need for personal space. He’s also far too busy himself to bother you with antics all day.
- He rolls up in a limousine outside your house/apartment. 
- “Y/N, you look beautiful tonight. Very nice choice in fashion.” wink
- Kyoya doesn’t like to do more than he should and unfortunately that extends to your birthday. He’ll vouch to take you out to eat instead of cooking you something himself. He’s a terrible cook anyway so you understand.
- Bouquet of roses.
- A golden necklace.
- A box of expensive imported chocolates.
- Everything a wealthy boy would be expected to give. 
- A kiss on your hand.
- He gives that just because. 
Hikaru Hitachiin
-  Wakes you up by standing outside your bedroom window with a stereo playing your song.
- “Wake up!”
- “Shut up Hikaru, you’ll wake the neighbors!”
- He doesn’t care you’re still in your pajamas, he wanted to be the first person you see today. 
- “My mom said you can choose whatever you want from last spring’s collection.”
- He’s extra touchy today.
- Holds your hand every time it’s free.
- Steals a kiss on the cheek when you’re not looking.
- His arm is always draped around your shoulder. 
- “You looking at my girl?” 
- He isn’t one to plan ahead so everything he suggests are last minute decisions.
- “Let’s eat there tonight. I hear they give you a free dessert for your birthday. You’d like that right?”
- Throws a fit at what you’re wearing for dinner and raids your closet for a better outfit.
- “I don’t care, you’re not wearing that!” 
Kaoru Hitachiin
- “Good morning Y/N! Hurry up, get out of bed!” - text from Kaoru.
- He’s waiting outside with a bouquet of lilies and baby breaths... and a giant grin.
- Kisses.
- All day.
- Cheek kisses.
- Lip kisses.
- Neck kisses.
- Kaoru knows how to pick up on subtle clues and he’s been watching you for days prior to your birthday.
- Roller skating through the park.
- Holds your hand while roller skating. 
- He treats you to dinner at one of your favorite spots. 
- “Order whatever you want, you deserve it.” 
Mistukuni Haninozuka
- cake.
- Chocolate cake.
- Strawberry cake.
- Mango cake.
- “HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N-CHAN!” swing hug
- He really looked forward to your birthday because he loves you and he really loves birthday cake.
- Let’s you have Usa-chan for the day. 
- In fact, he insists you have Usa-chan for the day.
- “Do you want to share a milkshake with me, Y/N?”
- Sits in your lap whenever he can. 
- Feeds you cake.
- So much cake.
- You wonder if he’s really celebrating cake instead of you. 
- But he surprises you by giving you the one thing you’ve wanted for a while now.
- “Mitsukuni... I didn’t know you remembered...”
“Of course I remembered Y/N! Whatever is important to you is important to me.”
Takashi Morinozuka
- A “Good morning Y/N. Happy Birthday.” text in the morning. 
- You two have already made plans for today. 
- He’s really shy so he’d prefer to celebrate your birthday in private. He hopes you don’t mind. If you really wanted to do something else he’d swallow his fears and go along with what you want. 
- He asked you a few days ago what you’d like for your birthday and was relieved when you said nothing big.
- Not that he doesn’t want to do something big for you, he’s just clueless when it comes to big romantic gestures. He’s better suited to the little things. 
- A walk through his family’s gardens.
- A homemade flower crown.
- A home-cooked meal for lunch.
- That’s right, Takashi cooks for you. 
- He dares to hold your hand while you’re walking in public. 
- Kisses on the forehead.
- Ruffles your hair every time he thinks you're cute.
- It’s your birthday and he’s so happy to be with you. He just wants to show you how proud he is to be with you. 
Haruhi Fujioka
- Everything is low-key. 
- She’s not one to make a big deal out of things, even your birthday. ouch
- She prepared a homemade bento last night for you filled with your favorite foods. 
- She stayed up all night making it but she’ll never tell you that. 
- A homemade birthday card because she thinks it’s sweeter and she forgot to buy one earlier.
- “Happy Birthday Y/N. What would you like to do today?”
- If you’re undecided she’ll take over and offer going to the mall to window shop or checking out the food vendors on her street. 
- “Here, taste this.” offers her ice cream to you
- Shares everything with you today. 
- She doesn’t mind kissing you but she doesn’t really know how to initiate it. 
- Usually she waits for you to kiss her but since today is your birthday...
- She surprises you with a sloppy kiss on the nose because she missed your lips.
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