#The Trio Story
corvondog · 2 years
Okay, how do I start talking about my boy Nick? His name is Nicolas aand he's definitely one of the most fleshed out characters rn.
He's what you'd consider a shy extroverted, usually failing to make new friends bc of his own self doubt, but really really wanting to. Even tho, he still has one best friend since they were around 12/11, and thats Bia (but we'll be talking about her later)!!
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Althought shy, Nick can be a bit of a bisaster of a hopeless romantic, aways crushing in one person or another, a concept Bia doesn't quite understand (how does he move on so easily??). He's a goofball, aways triyng to crack some questionable pun, and being mostly... well, kinda optmistic.
One of Nick's goals is to be the best person he can be... and that to him means being very empathetic and altruist, even if he dosen't feels like being so... wich brings us to his main emotional conflict in the story.
The thing is, Nick does feels some very negative things towards people, but it's just that... it's nicer if he's quiet about it, isn't it? Why bother anyone with his own conplaints, that would be so... selfish! And, well, what if they have a really good reason to being that way he dosen't know? Everyone hides stuff, right? He does, so they must too.
So, he just... internalizes every negative feeling and thoughts to himself. He wants to be a Good Person, very much, even if he feels like a liar sometimes... But that's okay, and, just like his fire powers, won't have any negative consequences if he keeps it quiet, right?!
OH YEAH. Did I mention he has fire powers???
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So, a big thing in my story is, a lot of the characters do have powers (I don't know if I'll come up with some alternative name to it, but let's just call tem powers for now)!!! And Nick is one of them!
He does tries to hide it, because his sister told him to, but he still uses his finger tip to warm his coffe every day, to burn little pieces of paper and, more rarely, liting up candles if the lights go off.
That, however, changes when the storie begins, and he start's to unravlle more of the past, his parentes incident, and find out not so pleasantely what those powers actually mean to him. Also, he makes a second friend, Allice!
And, yeah, I think that's most of what I can say about him in one post!! If you have any questions, please, feel free to send, be they lore questions, clarification questions or simply fun questions!
Nick's a little bit alike past me, so he means a lot to me personally, and I hope you guys like him too! I'm planning on writing more scenes, so that you can see him in action.
That's pretty much it for now!! Ty for reading!
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critterbitter · 5 months
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Local pachirisu child attempts to befriend two patrats (because they know the chopsticks game, and therefore must be cool, right???)
Alas. The children do not know how to communicate. (Want comics that aren't sad child hours? Check out the masterpost for my submas content!)
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Okay so I've seen people write Danny being able to store things inside his body, just reaching his hand in and out pops a phone.
That sort of thing!
But I wanted to take it a step further!
When Danny reaches into his body he's reaching into his haunt,
So he can grab anything or even better anyone who is in his haunt, likewise he can store away things, these things sometimes are too big to physically fit in his body, so it looks very weird.
Danny is Halfa, stuck between life and death, the perfect balance,
His being is a Doorway.
Sam: "Just a few more things and we'll have packed up everything."
Tucker slowly pushes their 11 foot couch into Danny
Danny: "When did my life turn out to be a glorified storage unit?"
Sam &Tucker: "The privileges of being married Boo!"
Danny: "At least it's easier and way cheaper like this."
Danny: "Hey love you forgot your lunch!"
Pulls out different plates filled with steaming food and utensils from his chest.
Tim who was about to ask Tucker about the new project: " Wtf ! Did I get drugged again from my coffee."
Danny was kidnapped by the Joker trying to help the others who were also kidnapped, trying to be discreet.
An entire car phasing out of him with Sam and Tucker doing a wheelie and running over the Joker
S&T: "We saw the news and decided to make this rescue part of our date, get in lover boy!"
Bats in the ceiling who were about to help:
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Just an Idea
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prokopetz · 2 months
My knowledge of superhero comics isn't deep so much as it is frustratingly eclectic. Like, I might well completely fail to recognise a character who's been a regular member of the X-Men for thirty years, but if you need somebody to explain from unprompted memory the complete plot of Spanner's Galaxy, I'm your guy.
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dex1o · 4 months
the third semester of p5r is wild if you think about it from sumire's perspective, and that's without even getting into the whole sumire/kasumi thing.
imagine you wake up one day and the entire world's a little bit fucked up for some reason. you see a building flickering in and out of existence (the same one where you awoke to some crazy JJBA stand powers, except last time it wasn't visable from the outside). so you call your friend/crush (??) because he knows more about this shit than you do, and he shows up with the idol and ace detective, trademarked 'pleasant-boy' goro akechi?? for some reason??? but hey, if he knows about the metaverse then that's good enough for you. he's a nice enough guy anyway but then you get INTO the metaverse, and his outfit is the edgiest thing you've ever seen, and the moment you get into a fight he's releasing what looks like years of pent up rage by screaming and laughing maniacally while absolutely tearing through shadows. and hes flirting (?) with your friend/crush (??) the whole time
but while he's literally calling your friend/crush (?) a loser and an idiot straight to his face, the meanest thing he calls you is a scardy-cat. he never refers to you by your first name and always uses the honorific '-san,' even while he's yelling. he commentates on every one of your kills like a deranged and zealous sports commentator. you think he respects you (???) youre not sure
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Lan Wangji Goes To Lotus Pier AU: Part 2: Indocktrination
(Part 1, Part 3)
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Who wants a prompt entirely in memes.
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nerdpoe · 8 months
Jason Todd is stealing the tires off of the Batmobile, when a man walks up on him doing it.
The man stares at him, nods, and just says "I'll keep a look out, man, go go go!"
So Jason does, and he gets all four tires with the man's help.
The man introduces himself as Danny Foley, and asks Jason if he wants to go get some burgers.
Danny, meanwhile, has decided that yes. This is the child he will adopt. He just has to convince the kid of that.
Batman has to call in Alfred to bring around his backup vehicle with spare tires, and little Timmy gets some wonderful shots of Batman having to replace his own tires.
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mugiwara-lucy · 5 months
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The captain trio's FIRST moment together 🥹
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justcallme-ange · 1 month
Got some feelings about c!Dream and his whole arc. So I’m making it everyone else's problem XD
The Beginning
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The End (Wishful)
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Also for those that like Angst: The End (Actual)
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sasha042 · 1 month
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Ignite the love.
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corvondog · 1 year
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mid afternoon view
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cruxxio · 2 months
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Mattheo x You x Theo core
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shadowfear-art · 3 months
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Animated for terror Au (One Piece): An angels advice should be discarded.
How many times have the two brothers sneaked into Crocodile's large home? Enough times to almost feel routine like, much to Luffys enjoyment to see both often.
Ace and Sabo come in trying to find a way to free their younger brother from Crocodile but get caught every time.
As much as the large toon crocodilian would like two to leave him he can't do anything violent or "mean" (as Luffy puts it) to them unless he is willing to suffer through the monkey's strong migraine inducing negative emotions invading their "telepathic bond".
So now we have Doflamingo suggesting to add them to their flock of criminals, there are flaws to the idea. Mainly due to without help this could end terribly for the boys.
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"Ignore the Narrator, they forget they can sometimes be seen by toons"
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lightprkdraws · 1 year
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FINALLY I drew these three
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ianthoni · 5 days
My favorite couple and their favorite third wheel 🥺 shourtney shipper Ian had my whole heart 😭
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