#The Walking Dead Headcannon
bora-panda · 2 years
TWD Daryl Dixon Aroace
The Walking Dead Headcannon
Okay. I’ve had this headcannon for quite a while now and I can’t think of a better place than Tumblr to spew it out. 
I’ve been watching The Walking Dead for about a year now (I’ve almost finished season 10) And through the entirety of what i’ve watched I feel sooo strongly that Daryl is Aroace (or at least Aromantic)
He has never had a love interest despite him being a main character amongst many, most all of which have a love interest (or at least mention of one). Many people think he had a romantic relationship with Carol, Beth, and Connie (not all at once...) throughout the show. And you can see them however you want of course, but I never saw those as anything more than a very strong bond of unromantic love (similar to Daryl and Rick’s relationship). I feel like Aroace is such a hard concept for (non aroace) people to understand. Romantic love is shown in almost every single piece of media, and its forced so much into the spotlight, so many people don’t realize that non-romantic love is just as strong of love as romantic. The relationship Daryl has with Carol, Beth, and Connie throughout the show is such a unique thing to see in shows like this, where romance is forced so hard with every character to make things more interesting. But the fact that Daryl has multiple characters that we see him have a very strong bond with, and none of them are canonically said to be romantic, proves my headcannon further. 
Him and Connie are probably my favorite duo. And I was worried for a second that they would become romantic, but then I saw a scene that really solidified my aroace Daryl headcannon. S10:E6 (about 13 min in) Daryl and Carol are talking and Carol mentions Connie, asking if they’re anything special. Daryl replies “Nah, it’s not like that. Not at all” 
Not to mention that there are many canonically queer characters in TWD already. Obviously there could/should be more, but...as far as tv shows go I feel like they did a good job normalizing it within the series. For instance, Aaron has said on many occasions “the man I am in love with”, and there has never been a negative reaction from the characters to that.  Aroace is just such an unknown identity within the queer spectrum, so I feel like it wouldn’t ever happen canonically, purely cause they wouldn’t know it’s a thing.
I’m just sayin’ in a show where most every single character has a love interest or some sort of romantic thing, the fact that a main character that’s been there since the very beginning hasn’t showed even an interest in having one...in the span of 13 years since the beginning of the apocalypse, or even mention of one before then, sounds pretty aro to me.
Idk...I like it. He’s my blorbo and I love him. So I will indeed queer-ify him mmhm. If he ever gets a love interest I will...idk...not do anything I guess but I will be very very sad.
(ummm ok. Just found out he got a love interest.....but I stand by what I said, every BIT OF IT. Still a very valid headcannon. Like it makes so much sense, the creators are just cowards that probably don’t even know aroace is a thing. But if aroace was a more well known identity, I really feel like that is the path they would have taken with Daryl’s character. That is all :))
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greatfandom · 2 years
Thank you <3
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I don't know how to think you guys, this is the best almost Christmas gift I've ever been given.
I started this page on a wimp and I honestly didn't think people would enjoy it this much. I'm so glad to make people happy in sharing writing.
Thank you so much to my sporters, I can't wait for the future.
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liliesdiary · 6 months
"Not So Tough Now, Darlin?"
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"Not So Tough Now, Darlin?" Shane Walsh x You
Warning: dubcon, Shane drunk fucking you, inspired by that one moment at the CDC except it's mostly consensual, brutal fuck, hair pulling, darling/darlin, fem!reader
Words: 650
Special mentions: @versatilehater @sinsandsweetness @dustbunniess
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Daydreaming about Shane Walsh drunk-hate fucking you.
You and Shane never got along, he was always stubborn and a hot head, you saw his obsession with Lori and even called him out on several occasions. You and Shane have always butted heads, yelling at each other but neither of y'all could deny the sexual tension between you two. You always caught Shane staring at your ass in those short dresses and skirts you loved to wear. This time he wasn't letting it slide.
He continued his assault on your hole, tightening his grip on your bruised waist as you were bent over the counter. He was a drunken angry mess and abused your body as you trembled beneath him. Precum was slipping from his cock as he thrusted into you, making you a wet mess.
You moaned and whimpered, “Fuck, please slow down!”, you tried to protest but he covered your mouth and whispered in you ear, “You’re going to fucking take it look a good girl, you’ve been nothing but a brat to me, flaunting your ass with those tiny ass skirts you wear. You didn't think I’d snap one of these days and just bend over your ass and fuck you stupid, darlin?”
Your eyes widen and was filled with tears, your legs were shaking as he thrusted that big veiny cock of his, and fuck it was huge. You winced everytime he thrusted into your aching hole, moving your soaked panties to the side as you were still wearing them. You tried to protest again but his rageful drunken thrusts made you stumble and you couldn’t take it anymore. You fell to your knees and tried to crawl away but he grabbed you by your braids harshly and made you face him, his eyes were glossy and red, “Where are you goin, sweetheart? You ain't running away from me.” He then picked you up over his shoulders and sat down on a chair nearby.
He then bent you over on his chair and pressed his bulge against that tiny skirt of yours. You felt his bulge against his jeans, making you even more wet.
“Fuck,” He groans as he rips your soaked panties off, “You're so fucking wet sweetheart..”
His words sent a shiver down your spine, and you couldn't help but feel a mix of fear and arousal coursing through your veins. You were at his mercy, completely vulnerable and exposed in this moment.
Shane's hands shook as he pulled your skirt up, revealing your bare ass to him. He gripped your hips tightly, positioning himself between your legs. His eyes locked onto yours, filled with a raw intensity that made your heart race even faster.
"You think I don't know how much you want this?" he growled, his voice low and gravelly. "How much you crave my cock inside you? You can deny it all you want darling, but I see the way you look at me. The way you flaunt yourself around, knowing exactly what effect it has on me."
You bit your lip, unable to meet his gaze as shame and desire battled within you. You knew Shane was right - there had always been an undeniable attraction between you two, despite your frequent clashes. And now, here you were, about to be taken by force by the very man you couldn't help but fantasize about.
Shane's thrusts became more violent as he pulled your braids, his hips slamming against yours in a brutal rhythm that left you gasping for air. His rough hands dug into your soft flesh, leaving bruises and marks on your arms and shoulders. You struggled to maintain balance as he continued to pound into you, his cock stretching you wider than ever before. He drunkenly fucked your pussy, groaning and getting rougher with you by the second as you stumble and tremble beneath him, "Always acting so tough huh? Not so tough now darlin, ain't that right?”
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ysoandi · 2 years
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Maggie: Why are Y/N and Carl sitting with their backs to each other?
Rick: They had a fight.
Maggie: Then why are they holding hands?
Rick: They get sad when they fight.
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carlplsrailme · 1 year
𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐭 | 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐥 𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬
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carl grimes x fem!reader
cw: handjob, thongs, slight mean!dom!reader and sub!carl
summary: shopping for clothes should be simple, even now in the apocalypse. but when you can only find a thong in this heat you're forced to wear it, and when carl notices your straps wrapping at your waist, he about dies.
request: Carl and reader going on a run for clothes, and the only thing the reader can find that fits her is a thong, Carl can't stop thinking about it, and when he sees the waist hands peeking from her shorts while they're with the others, he gets hard and has to leave early but reader knows why and follows him;)
Maybe the Reader is more dominant in this one? :3
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"this is bullshit" you huff, nail gliding on fabric after fabric, trying to find at least one item that would fit you.
"just keep looking...you'll find something soon" carl hollers from across the store, you bit your lip to keep back your remarks about how it's easy for him to say with him finding everything immediately. he didn't have to sort through thousands of crop tops to not even find a full-length shirt.
wiping the sweat off your forehead as the dry heat sinks into your open pores, looking down at the pile of shirts and dust you start to consider that crop top.
but you don't need a crop top. you need underwear, embarrassingly enough.
yeah, some shirts would be fine. but switching through 2 pairs of panties in this summer isn't an option anymore
you sign and kneel back down in front of another box, tossing mix-match socks behind your shoulder before finally seeing some thin fabric.
you freeze before reaching down, one finger holding it up as you examine the black thong
it's all they had. it's all you can get.
"found something?" shit.
"uh..yeah" you ball the little number in your palms before whipping your head back and forth looking for your bag to shove it in
"woah, what's that?" you hear him say in almost a chuckle, for the first time this summer you feel your blood run cold as you stare into the box of clothing wondering what to say
"clothes. remember?" you try and say naturally to keep it together. it's not like he'd care, it's mostly you that would care with how sexual thongs are
"well...alright. let's get going, my dads gonna freak if we take any longer" he rambles and you reach over to drop the panties in your bag when you assumed he looked away
"oh. woah"
you clench your fist tight as you know there's no getting out of this.
"was that...a thong?" carl asks, flustered
"yeah, it was. it's the only one they had." you whisper slightly while grabbing your bag and standing
he stared wide-eyed at you like he's picturing the most lewd things imaginable
you check him with your shoulder for him to snap out and with him stumbling to catch up with you. as you sped walked to the car all you could think about was just going home.
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okay, this is more comfortable than you imagined.
you rest a hand on your hip as everyone packs up, they all just got here and seem to be already dying from the heat. you internally smile about how your shorts fit you today, looks aren't everything in the apocalypse but dammit wearing a thong makes you feel like it is.
anyway, the whole group is out today. and lucky carl got to test drive his way here so you know what that means. cocky. cocky. cocky.
it won't stop talking about how he was soo smooth and how even rick gave him the go-ahead to drive himself home -I think he was just as sick of hearing him brag-
as everyone started moving he kept talking to you, giving you pointers and tips because he's the all-knowing of course.
you let him have his fun but with almost an hour in you're sick of it now. you even noticed rosita side-eyeing you with a look of "really? he's still going?"
but once we made it to our location he seems to quite a bit, with boxes being moved to cars and cans being thrown into backseats we were finishing up with the first stop
maggie called out to you, pointing to a box in the corner that was seemingly forgotten, and asked if you could get it. you nodded and walked over to it just to hear footsteps following
"oh! y/n-" he goes off again and you tune out, bending over to grab it as you lift the heavyweight
you felt off and that's when you realized it was because he stopped talking. you almost spun around with a cocked brow just to see him staring at your lower stomach with the redess face you've ever seen
you almost smirk while looking down to see the hands of your thong wrapping around your waist
"carl, get over yourself" you mumbled while rolling your eyes, walking past him. with your hips swaying you smiled
sliding the box into carls truck bed you hop into the car to see him very carefully sitting down
"the fucks wrong with you?" with his hands on his lap you immediately knew the problem. good news is, you also knew how to solve it.
"seriously? from pantie straps?" you almost laugh at him, watching as he slightly squirmed from trying to hide his boner
"you can't make fun of me! do you know how hard it is for me when these summers roll around, now you're wearing thongs!" he babbles but you just reach over and palm him through his jeans, he groans out and you noticed the other cars have already left to the next location.
"fuck, we need to make this quick" you mumble before pulling him free, his cock almost red from being teased and strained so much just from his dirty mind.
his red tip oozed pre-cum as veins bulged out, you slide your thumb on his tip getting a jolt from him
"always the sensitive one" you murmured before stroking his cock, his eyes were screwed shut as your wrist works wonders
"do you know how fucking annoying you were today? tips? you think I need tips from someone who learned to drive a week ago? ya'know, I was planning to go off on you after you came into the car...looks like you had other things to worry about." your hand went faster, he mercifully bucked his hips into your hand as he whimpered and groaned
"getting worked up over some panties." you say almost through your teeth, he cries out sorrys and you feel a grin touch your lips
with one final groan, he came all over your hand, you sighed and wiped them off with a napkin nearby as you look ahead at the vacant road.
his breathing is still heavy as he tries to put himself back into his pants with shaking hands, he looked to you and you just glared at him
"wanna show me how great you can drive? or am I gonna have to blow you next?"
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an: HEYYYYY YOU GUYS! I missed you so much <3 I saw this request and it was too good not to do! I'm so sorry I dip in and out, If I'm gone for like 3 months after this I'm so sorry :( I'm trying to put school first and hope you can understand <3 I love you guys so much and I hope you enjoyed this <3 mwah!
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pastanest · 1 year
Daryl Dixon x she/her!reader
A/N: set in Alexandria, no spoilers of events, just one character who lives there
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For Your Hand
From the moment Daryl strolled into Alexandria with one hand holding yours and the other holding a dead opossum, he had made a statement, and everyone in Alexandria had understood it loud and clear. In truth, Daryl had not thought much about the deeper meaning behind his statement, he simply wanted the crowd of strangers to understand that you were under his protection and he was very capable of handling pests. In his own way, the gesture was very sweet and because you knew him so well, you took it as a compliment. 
Anyone that had looked at you and seen you as an easy target or - god forbid - available, had quickly been set on the right path upon seeing the large hand that held yours and the way in which you partially hid yourself behind what you had accepted to be your guardian angel while others saw an unpredictable, animalistic, territorial wild-man, and you didn’t mind that description, either. There was only one person in the crowd of strangers that had been stupid enough to misinterpret the display and, instead of taking the “back off” message and following suit, took it as a personal challenge.
Deanna’s eldest son, Spencer, was the furthest thing from your type you could have conjured up if you were to try. Clean cut, smooth talking, clearly views himself as charming; the perfect salesman, in a time where nothing would ever be sold again. But, you were never one to be impolite without good reason, which was something Daryl admired about you from day one. Being naturally standoffish, he could not understand the warmth you immediately offered every person you met, including him, until a person gave you a reason to treat them differently. As ridiculous as you thought Spencer’s attempts at wooing you were, he had not overstepped a boundary or acted inappropriately, he remained respectful and would accept your refusals at every turn, but would approach you again in no time from a different angle, trying out some new sales pitch on you. It became an inside joke within your group, everyone laughing and rolling their eyes when they saw Spencer approach you, and because you had made it clear to Daryl you had no interest in the guy and he trusted you wholeheartedly, he saw the humor in it, too.
That was, until yesterday, when you went to Daryl nervously to tell him that the previous night, after Daryl had left to check the traps he’d set beyond the walls - not wanting to rely on the community’s food just yet - and Spencer took it upon himself to knock at your door. It was very late by the time your soulmate and protector had left your home, meaning it was no coincidence that Spencer was around when he left; he had been waiting for Daryl to go before he made his move. While the conversation he approached you with was nothing out of the ordinary for Spencer, you were made uncomfortable by the way in which he had snuck around Daryl, it meant he understood that your boyfriend would not approve of his intentions and that raised alarm bells for you.
Listening intently to your explanation, Daryl nodded only once, scowl already darting around Alexandria until it landed on the idiot that had dared make you feel uncomfortable. Fixing his icy glare on him, Daryl finally answered you.
“I’ll deal with ‘im.”
He considers running over and tackling the guy to the ground then and there, but decides against it in favor of a better plan, the thought of which leaves a smirk curling at the corner of his mouth for the rest of the day.
Daryl makes the executive decision to stick to you like glue for the rest of the evening. While he is not always at your side, he is never more than a few feet away, smoking a cigarette while you chat to someone else, helping you with your daily tasks, leading you over to his bike and having you sit on it while he works on it for absolutely no reason, solely to relish in the disdainful expression he catches on Spencer’s face from the corner of his eye when he stands up and you swoon over your greased up wildman. He ensures that, for the duration of the day when the sun is up, Spencer has no opportunity whatsoever to get you alone, for your sense of safety and his own personal enjoyment. 
Much like the previous night, Daryl spends the evening with you in the house you share, the two of you enjoying each other’s company, cooking up what he retrieved from his traps the night before, laughing and joking around like a married couple in the suburbs. As ironic as that description is, considering the state of the world and Daryl’s general opposition to that kind of dream, he cannot deny that, when that kind of dream involves you, it brings the softest smile to his face and the lightest dusting of pink to his cheeks. 
Around the same time as the previous night, Daryl takes his leave, kissing you goodbye at the door and swinging his crossbow over his shoulder before heading for the gate. This time, though, he intends to trap a different kind of pest. Instead of going to the gate, he turns left down a different street, then left again down another, then left one final time, between some houses that bring him right back to yours. There, he finds Spencer jogging up your porch steps with some flowers clasped in his hands. Daryl scoffs, approaching silently to stand at the bottom of the steps and right as Spencer lifts his hand to knock at your door, his voice cuts into the silence of the night.
“The hell you doin’?” His voice is quiet and gruff as ever, but the way Spencer’s stance stiffens tells Daryl he has already succeeded in making the younger man shit himself where he stands.
Clearing his throat, he turns to face Daryl, trying lamely to hide the flowers behind his back. “Daryl! Hey!”
Taking a drag of his cigarette, Daryl tips his nose, gesturing to the flowers. “Those for (Y/N)?”
Accepting that he has been caught in the act, Spencer can only nod.
Daryl nods back at him. “She don’ like ‘em, she likes pink ones best.”
Spencer’s eyes widen. “O-Oh…”
Dropping his cigarette on the ground, Daryl puts it out with a single drag of his shoe. “Course, ya’d know that if ya cared enough t’ ask ‘er, but ya dont. Every time ya talk to ‘er, yer tryna persuade ‘er that yer her dream guy, but ya know nothin’ about ‘er.”
Spencer frowns at this. “Hey, man, I never meant to-”
Daryl waves him off. “Save it, I’ve known what you were doin’ since the firs’ time I saw you lookin’ at ‘er.”
Spencer’s frown intensifies. “You knew and never tried to stop me? Isn’t she supposed to be yours?”
Daryl smirks at the idiot’s poor attempt to get under his skin. “Glad ya know that, at least. Never stopped ya ‘cause (Y/N) never asked me to, she didn’t wanna be impolite an’ as long as you stayed respectful, I would’ve had no problem laughin’ at yer attempts to get ‘er. Ya crossed the line las’ night, so ‘m stoppin’ you now.”
Spencer sighs, feigning defeat as he hangs his head and walks slowly down the steps, not meeting Daryl’s scowl as he passes him. “I never meant to make her uncomfortable…You win, man.”
At that, Daryl scoffs again. “She ain’t no damn prize to be won, asshole.” Then it’s his turn to jog up the steps and stand at your door, intending to guard it until Spencer is out of sight. 
Unfortunately, Spencer’s ego just won’t let him leave without taking one last jab. Looking over his shoulder from down the street, he calls out.
“I hope someday (Y/N) realizes what’s good for her and chooses someone that will actually fight for her!”
For a moment, there is silence, because Daryl allows it. He watches the silence lull Spencer into a false sense of security, waits for the victorious smirk to appear on his face, and then lets that smirk disappear at the sound of a crossbow falling against your porch. 
The steps towards Spencer are silent, but he turns to face the fast approaching wildman with an expression of a deer in headlights. Once only a few feet separates them, Daryl stops. 
“Ya think I won’t fight for ‘er?”
Spencer clears his throat. “W-Well, I just meant that you haven’t-”
Daryl shrugs, interrupting him. “C’mon then, gimme yer best shot.”
Spencer’s jaw drops. “Wh-What?!”
Daryl crosses his arms over his chest. “C’mon, man, you wanna fight for ‘er hand or whatever, go for it. I’ve got all night.”
The sound of your front door opening pulls Daryl from his current conversation immediately. As soon as his eyes land on the sight of you, stepping out onto your porch, his scowl softens into the loving smile that only you can bring him.
“Daryl? Is everything alright?” You call out to him, your concern for what is unfolding between the two men obvious by your tone.
“Everythin’s fine, almos’ done here!” Daryl calls back to you. 
Seeing your expression relax makes his heart sing, even from afar, but it doesn’t last long. A look of alarm flashes across your face and you’re quick to point behind him. 
Scowling, Daryl turns around just in time to duck out of the way of Spencer as he lunges for him, sending him stumbling. The moment Spencer is steady on his feet again, Daryl closes the space between them with a swift right hook to his jaw, Spencer landing on the ground with a thud. Standing over him, Daryl shakes his head.
“If ya wan’ed me t’ fight for ‘er, only had t’ ask.”
With that, he steps over Spencer as he sputters blood onto the gray street and rolls onto his back, staring up at the night sky in total defeat. Meanwhile, Daryl strolls over to you so casually, as though he hasn’t just made the most chivalrous and impressive display for your hand you have ever seen. Playing along, you hold your hand out to him and as he ascends the porch steps, he takes hold of it and gently kisses your knuckles, the two of you chuckling at the ridiculousness of it all, but both feeling heat rising in your faces at the intensity of your feelings towards each other, following such a gesture.
Hand still in his, you tug him as close to you as you can bring him and lean up to place a chaste kiss on his lips. You can both feel Spencer’s eyes on you as you do, bringing amused smiles to your faces, but a chaste kiss is the most PDA either of you want to give him the satisfaction of showing off. Leaning down to pick his crossbow back up, Daryl swings it over his shoulder, and you are quick to instinctively brush his hair from his face as you admire him in all his glory.
“My knight in shining armor.”
@ruinedbythehobbit @iamburdened @evilbabyelf @of-storms-and-sadness @crossbowking @spidergirla5 @jodiereedus22 @thanossexual @captain-shannon-becker @cordialgargoyle @romanoffs-bitch @daryldixonandfrogs @just-always-tired @pillowjj @the-musical-doodle @likeablevillain @irrelevantyettopicalusername @notquitecannon @alyisdead @polkadottedpillowcase @twdeadfanfic @wishingtobeforeveryoung1994 @sigynlokiem @courtnytrash04 @thatwrestlingfan91 @buttsology @prettylittleblog13 @milariskanavasi @whatanicepanohthatsjustme @your-new-mom @daryls-angell @lilzebub @amaroho @bakedcrispss @yes-sir-hotchner @wasted-years @kpopandharry @madshelily @datidixon @dumandbass @savageneversaw
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banquetwriter · 3 months
I saw you were taking requests for Carl grimes so maybe a fluff with Carl and reader who has ADHD and they’re in Alexandria but she’s like hella overstimulated and overwhelmed because everybody and everything’s new and like “better” and she genuinely just does not know what to do with herself. You don’t have to do this btw! Have a wonderful day/night!
୨୧ Breathing ୨୧
pairing: Carl Grimes ♡︎ Fem!Reader
warnings: ୭̥⋆*。 crying, some angst, one mention of sex (incredibly mild) small mentions of canonical violence, reader has panic attack
summary: ʚ after being overwhelmed your favorite grime’s comforts you ɞ
Words: 1374
AN: RAAAHHH thank you sm for the request, i tried to focus on how i personally feel when i get overwhelmed and overstimulated. i didn’t make her very bubbly or stereo typically “adhd” however i tried to model it after mine lol
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You hated everything about the apocalypse. You hated never feeling safe, never having enough food, and never being clean ever. You hated being on the run always. You fucking hated it.
But still, you found yourself anxious. A nice woman named Deanna sat you down and Interviewed you. Your heart was racing, it had been for a long time. It was the same feeling you felt being adopted by Glenn and Maggie, the unofficial daughter of the couple.
Feeling like you might start crying but you can't pinpoint your feelings. Being so light-headed the air feels like it is made out of cotton candy. You had stayed quiet to avoid any meltdowns in front of anybody.
You had been assigned one big house. Michonne and Rick take one room, Daryl another, and you bunker with Judith. You found her little coos and cries comforting sometimes. They grounded you when you felt clueless.
Judith and most importantly her brother Carl were what got you through everything. Glenn’s death, a man who was your father. Carl had since you got to the prison. It was hard not to fall in love with him. Even if it wasn't the right time or place. You couldn't help it.
It's how you accepted the prison. It's how you accepted what happened at Terminus, and it was going to be how you accepted this new world you found yourself in. Carl got his own room. You weren't upset by it.
He needed his space. He had been through too much. It was after dinner. You were sitting on the stairs. It was all too much. It was going to go away at some point…
You knew it. Nothing was safe forever. You knew that, you weren't some stupid child. The feeling was back of unintelligible panic. The feeling of horror creeping up your throat. The dizziness, and now you couldn't help but cry.
The cool air of the nighttime clung to your skin. You were sweating even though the night was cold. Hot tears streamed down your face. How could you help these people? How could you possibly help? Hell, you were fear-stricken over being someplace new.
You let out a sob you had been holding in for weeks. Everyone was in the house either cleaning up or windowing down for bed. You told them you needed to go on a walk before bed.
‘You were too restless’ that's what you told them. But here you were sitting down on the steps. A full belly, sobbing your eyes out. Carl had noticed of course he had.
You heard the door close behind you. You stood up, the hot tears still streaming down your face. “Hey, woah,” Carl said, clicking the door shut and walking up to you. You couldn't say anything, fear holding your heart.
You speedily tried to wipe the tears away from your face. His hands come down to your shoulders. His fingertips ghost your skin and shirt. “I-I'm sorry,” you mumble out before the tears start spilling from your eyes again.
“Hey hey hey,” he whispers, pulling you into his chest. His strong hand finds its way to the back of your head, the other snaking around your torso. There it was again. His heartbeat thumped through his chest reaching your ears.
“I'm scared,” you whispered. He pulls away from you keeping his hands secured on you. “I-I know you are y/n. I am too. But it's going to be ok, trust me.” he said, his hand coming up to your chin and holding it up. “How do you know we are going to be ok?” you ask, shaking my head.
“I just know,” he said, his voice soft and comforting. “Because I am here. Because you're here with me.
Judith is here, so is my dad, Michonnee, and Daryl…” he said. “We are all here with you. I know how scared you are because-” he started. He shifted his weight on his feet.
You looked up at him. Your eyes are full of tears. The sight alone broke his heart. He promised himself he would always protect you. After you got separated from the prison. He was never ever letting you out of his sight again.
“Because I'm scared too. This place could fall, or not be safe. I'm scared too.” he says leaning much closer to you. “That's not it. It's all so new. Everything is better. I don't even know what to do. I don't remember how not to be so broken.” you whispered.
Your words hit like a confession to a preacher. “Y-Your not broken,” he said trying to comfort you. “No Carl I am. I think we all are. And I don't know how I'm going to do this.” I said, feeling the tears start to slip out.
“You don't have to do this alone, or even right now. Taking it one day at a time would be a good place to start,” he said, trying to wipe your tears away. “Ok.” is all you said, the heat radiating off of him calming your rapid and hyper thoughts.
“Tonight, how about you sleep with me? In my room?” he asks. “Really? What about Judith, what would your dad and Michonne say?” you ask, pressing your body against his. Time seemed to stop. His blue eyes shine into your soul.
“We can keep Judith in there too. Two people watching her is safer anyway. And don't worry about my dad ok? I will talk to him.” he says, moving both of his hands to your cheeks. Placing a small kiss on your forehead.
You swore you could feel your heart soar high above all the clouds and skies. You silently nod your head, “Go and get ready for bed and meet me in my room ok?” he says nodding towards the house. You smiled walking in.
The group looked as you rushed past them. Carl followed suit walking into the house. His hands were on his hips. “Y/n is going to stay with me tonight. In my room.” Carl said, looking at his dad.
Michonne’s eyebrow shot up. She looked at Judith with a smirk and turned around leaving the boys to discuss. “Carl-” Rick says in his stern voice. “It's not like that Dad,” he says, putting his hand out. Rick’s head turned to the side.
“She is scared, Dad. And I made a promise to protect her. She doesn't trust this place yet. I'm not gonna let her go.” Carl says, his face staying stern. He wasn't going to take ‘no’ for an answer. You were all that mattered to him right now.
Rick rubbed his chin, “Look alright. She can stay in your room as long as you take Judith with you.” he said, walking up to his face. Rick used his pointer finger and used it to tap his son's chest. “If I hear any funny business-” he says in full seriousness.
“Ew. Gross dad.” Carl says, rolling his eyes. Walking past him and running up the stairs to the bathroom. He gave a small knock on it. He heard your voice waver out a Small “Yes?” he smiled.
“It's me, Carl. You ready for bed?” he asked you. “A-Almost. Got distracted again,” you shouted from the bathroom. Carl felt his smile grow wider. “I'm gonna put Judith down now ok? Join me when you're ready,” he says, starting to walk away.
“Ok! Thank you!” you shout from the bathroom, continuing to get ready to sleep. Carl brought his baby sister and a crib into his room. Making it all nice for her. That's when you walked in. You were so beautiful.
In a plain new outfit. Eyes red and puffy from crying. You still were the prettiest thing he had ever seen. You silently sat on the bed. Carl smiled at you, something you returned. He took his hat off, placing it on the bedside table. He crawled on the bed and behind you. Beckoning you to join him under the covers.
Something you did with ease. The comforting smell of Carl Grimes fills your nose. As his hands snake around your torso to hug you. His nose gently rubs against your neck.
“I love you.”
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honeypotblog · 4 days
thinking about DARYL DIXON hugging you from behind. his huge forearms encircling your waist and squeezing you slightly. the feeling of how big his forearms really are making you warm. he drops his head into your shoulder, hair falling into his face, and inhales your scent before moving his hands to your hips to bring you closer to him.
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twigg96 · 9 months
Hello my sweet lovelies. I’ve been trying to write some more Daryl X Y/N and thought what better way to get started than doing the Fluffy and Naughty Alphabet HCs! 😊 so please enjoy the start to my little 52 HC journey!
Daryl Dixon’s Fluffy Hc Alphabet:
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A - Attractive (what about their partner do they like most?)
Daryl loves a partner that cares a lot about other people. Those who put themselves before the betterment of the group are not people who Daryl can ever get along with. He finds kindness, compassion, honesty, and openness attractive in particular.
B - Banter (How do they tease each other? Is it always friendly/ flirtatious or does it turn nasty?)
Daryl doesn’t conventionally tease his partner. But in an unconventional world he thinks their version of teasing fits right in. Instead of the jovial picking other couples do, Daryl will often come over and say nothing but simply take a bite out of his partner’s food, smiling devilishly as he continues on his duties. While walking on patrol together, Daryl and his partner will go from walking hand in hand to playfully bumping each other to shoving each other off the path and into the plant life that lives along the side of the road. Neither partner can always read the other’s emotions so if Daryl is in a dark head space he will lash out if his partner tries to tease him. The same however can be said too for his partner.
C - Cute (Cuddles, Handholding, Sweet Touches, Caresses, Sneaky Moves)
Mr. Dixon is not into PDA. He doesn’t like people having the upper hand on him with information that could be used against him. Plus he’s really really busy a lot of the time. It’s not until the pair are alone either in the darkness of the night or shrouded in the forest that he allows himself to become more vulnerable. Taking his partner’s hand when there are no Walkers about he rubs his thumb over the back of their hand as he whispers plans about the day to come.
In the dead of night he’ll pull his lover close letting them cuddle close to his chest. He’d run his fingers through their hair. It would be a peaceful silence with a few shared kisses simply listening to their shared breaths and heartbeats. As sleep over takes them both and the last thing either of them hear is “I love you” from either partner.
But Daryl isn’t all innocent and shy all the time. Sometimes when things are good he’ll come around and smirk at his partner as they work. Walking up as they bed over he pinches their ass and covers their mouth telling them to meet him in the house in ten minutes.
D - Dates (What kind of dates do they like to take their partners on Are they creative with their date ideas?)
In the post apocalypse there isn’t really time for what we would consider real dates. There is no movie theater. No restaurants. No Pools. No beach. No hotels. Daryl couldn’t do the things he really desperately craved to do with his partner and it killed him. This topic has sparked more fights in your relationship than either of you would ever care to admit. Daryl wanted to provide for you and take you out on real dates. You however saw the sweet scenic bike rides you both took as date enough. His partner saw scouting ahead on a peaceful day as a date. Or even just doing nothing within the walls talking about everything. Eventually you both agree to disagree.
E - Eat (Do they have similar tastes in food or do they share food at the dinner table? I. E. Swapping the tomatoes on the burger for the pickles on their partner's chicken sandwich)
There is no room to be picky after the turn. With good food so scarce if someone didn’t like dinner that night they just didn’t eat. But Daryl hated it when his partner didn’t eat. So he went out of his way to find food they liked when dinner was something he knew they wouldn’t like. He’d offer them the stuff they like off his plate and took the food they didn’t like. No problems or fuss. He loved you.
F - Fire (What drives them the most in the relationship?)
Seeing you survive. Daryl couldn’t live with himself if he ever lost you. And he knew that it was unrealistic to try and expect that his partner would live well past when he would live. That he would die long before his partner and be waiting wherever it was on the other side for them. But it made him so sick thinking about the opposite so he simply did his best to keep you safe.
G - Generosity (How do they show their partner they care?)
Daryl was extremely caring in his love. He may not always show it or even say it but he is always thinking about his partner’s wellbeing. He looks for safer paths to take when they scout together, ones they can’t be ambushed on or that are easier to walk on. He always checks you over for cuts and bruises when he sees you before hugging you too tight or kissing you. He is on high alert outside of the camp at all times ready to protect. He gives his food to you when you need it.
H - Hot Head (Are they quick to anger? Are they spiteful in a fight? Will they say things they don't mean just to piss their partner off? Or are they easy going?)
Oh sweet lord. Yes. This man is a hot head. He is like a volcano. Full of anger and negative emotions that when placed under pressure will make him explode and cover other in the anger and negativity. But understand that this is a product of a horrifically broken home. He tries like hell to keep from erupting all over you. But sometimes it just happens and he never means for it to get as out of hand as it gets.
Daryl gets mean when he’s pissed. He gets nasty and spiteful. He will pull up shit from past fights just to fuel the fire of the argument and keep it going until he feels like you’re just as pissed off at him as he is at himself.
Whatever you do… do not give this man alcohol and expect him to be ok. He is an angry drunk and has no self control. He will get into an argument sometime into the night and it will be more than either of you can handle.
I - Interest (What are some of the interests they may share?)
Before the turn you both enjoyed bike rides and the occasional night out.
But now that the turn happened, you both like the time you spend together hunting and scouting. You both love providing for your camp. And you both still love riding.
J- Jealousy (Are they the Jealous type? How would they act if they were?)
Sweet God yes he’s very jealous! He trusts Rick more than anyone in the group but he looses his mind when you walk into Rick’s house alone to babysit Judith alone to just let the ex-cop sleep. One time when you all first moved to Alexandria a guy outside the walls approached you, Daryl, and Aaron asking if you wanted to go with two real men for a night of “fun”, Daryl beat him into a bloody pulp for thinking about it.
K- Kids (Do they want kids?)
Yes. If the world had never changed. If the dead never walked. He would give you all the children in the world, even though the thought of being a dad scared him more than anything. But now. He worried about the life his children would live. He worried for their safety. He wanted them so much but to put them through hell just because of his selfishness… he didn’t know if it was right.
L - Likes (Favorite things about relationship and partner)
Daryl loved waking up next to his partner each morning. He loved looking into his partner’s eyes and knowing that silent communication was all they needed. He loved the feel of their hand on his telling him it was ok. He loved knowing that without gaining to look you always had his back and he had yours. He loved feeling safe and secure for the first time in his life and he hoped with all he had he gave them the same feeling.
M- Marriage (Are they interested in getting married at all?)
At one point before the turn he actually bought a ring for his partner. He wanted to marry them and do the whole family thing. But once the turn happened that all got shoved onto the back burner. And while you and Daryl never really “got married” you both consider yourselves one step above boyfriend and girlfriend in this new life. Whatever that means to you both and no one opposed it.
N- No (Pet Peeves in a relationship)
Daryl refuses to tolerate a partner who intentionally hurts someone he loves. Betrayal is something he’d been through a lot in his life and he can’t imagine if his partner ever betrayed him.
Letting Daryl protect you is crucial. He can’t stand to loose you and if your constantly throwing yourself into harms way even when he advised you not to it will spark arguments
He must truly and fully trust his partner in their entirety. He wants full honesty from them. If they lie once he considers it a complete breach of trust and it will take a long time to heal that.
O - Orange (What color reminds them of their partner?)
Blue - he sees his partner as the color blue. They are truthful, merciful, loving, tranquil. They remind him of the sky on a clear day. They are calming and serine and they always manage to make him smile even when he wants to scream. He thought of you in his darkest times and felt the most free from all his problems.
P - Proposal (How would they or how did they propose?)
If Daryl would have gotten the chance he would have gotten down on one knee in your favorite spot after a long bike ride feeling you pressed up against his back.
But now it was in the Prison that you two talking jokingly about marriage. What it must have been like to do such a thing and have children. Daryl pulls an old ring on a chain out from behind his shirt. It’s aged. A little tarnished. He tells you about his failed plan. Smiling he tells you that he kept the ring as a piece of you to hold close you his heart.
Q - Queen (King) (What traits makes them a KING or a QUEEN?)
He is the ultimate King! Daryl goes out of his way to make sure that his partner is well taken care of and happy.
God forbid the day that the two of you are ever separated either by accident like at the Prison or by force. He will put his body through the ultimate test and hell in order to get back to you. Everything that stands in his way are simply obstacles to overcome. Day and night he will search until he finds you and if someone has you... god rest their soul.
He is always willing to share. Food, heat, shelter, water, medicine... whatever you need in order to survive.
Daryl can communicate with his partner with just a look. He loves them whole heartedly. He can just feel when something is wrong. It's like a sixth sense. No words are ever needed to be said. However he is always willing to listen if you need to talk.
Family is direly important to him. If you ever were to start one with him he would become all the more protective.
R - Rain (What was the most romantic gesture they have ever done for their partner?)
He made you a necklace...
The day that a good friend of yours turned...you were heartbroken and distraught. You refused to leave your cot in the prison for a full day. You had seen it before. You had even seen other friends turn and it affected you but never like this. Daryl hated seeing you like this. So taking a walk and giving you space he started looking. Looking for things that reminded him of you... Of brighter days. It was then he realized... that was exactly what you needed.
And so he started to look for things to brighten you. To make you smile. Things that reminded you of your lost friend based entirely off of stories you told of them. He found a shiny stone deep in a river bed recounting the tale you told him of the day you and your friend went tadpole hunting when you were young, splashing each other with the mud. A blueish black feather laid perfectly on a rock and reminded him of the myths his mother used to say about the crows and ravens bringing peace to those who grieve. A discarded bear tooth reminded him of the first time you had introduced him to your friend, the three of you hunting into the evening only to find a hare and two squirls.
Tying his treasures onto a long piece of twine he fashioned a necklace and brought it home to you placing it around your neck and telling you it would all be alright.
S- Smooches (Who gave the first kiss? When do they kiss their partner? How often do they kiss their partner?)
Having met Daryl before the turn, you both had more than your fair share of kisses. But your first one... well Daryl claims it was an accident. A heat of the moment reaction of passion.
Merle had been hounding you all day. He had known you were dating Daryl but to him it was just a word until he saw the proof. You were outside with Daryl at the time. Watching him work on Merle's POS truck when Merle came home from work on his bike. The older Dixon immediately swooped in and tried to get fresh. Playing grab ass and trying to get you to go inside with him. Daryl flipped his shit. Throwing the tools to the ground Daryl flew into a rage, pushing Merle away from you and into the house. He was still pacing for 20 minutes before you were able to get him to look at you. Before you could say anything he grabbed you by the hips and pulled you close, gripping your hair and kissing you deeply, muttering that you were his and his alone and if any man touched you like that again he'd cut their hand off. Needless to say he didn't get done with Merle's truck...
Now that the world is upside down Daryl tries to be more purposeful with his kisses, he wants them to mean something if they're the last they are ever to share as a couple. It was hard for his partner to understand at first... but he explained that he would hate it if he kissed his partner simply to end a fight no other meaning behind it and something happened. He wanted passion and romance behind his every action while they had the time.
T - Travel (Do they like to travel with their partner? Where do they dream of traveling to?)
God... does Daryl want to travel with his partner. He often dreams of the days before the turn. Dreams of taking you to far away places. Safe places. But the world is no longer that place... and so he tries to stay realistic in his waking life. Safety means stability. If he can have a stable life with you then he can start a family... He simply wants a safe stable place to settle... but he knows that may not always be possible. And so he roams looking for the perfect place for you both to live out your days.
U- Universal (How Public are they with their affection? Are they very open with PDA? Do they brag about their partner?)
Daryl is incredibly reserved. He always has been. He doesn't like the attention that PDA brings. He would much rather recede to the privacy of the forest or a darkened room/hallway than to make his move in front of the others. If Daryl was ever to talk about his personal life it would be to Carol (for advice and advice only about his partner's wellbeing) or Rick (To ask for dating advice/ and maybe to brag)
V- Valentines (First holiday together. How did they prepare? How did they celebrate?)
While holidays no longer exist and have no meaning after the turn, he often thinks to the only holiday he ever got to spend with his partner, properly.
It was Christmas. A holiday he and Merle had long since forgotten. One they had abandoned long before either of them were out of primary school but still knowledgeable enough to decipher that Santa Claus was a classist jackass. You had insisted they each give it a shot. For you. No religion involved just free shit. Daryl was hesitant. He didn't want to be disappointed again. Merle however was defensive. He wanted nothing to do with the holiday and often ridiculed the entire idea of it in it's entirety. But... the two relented after hearing that you would be cooking for them all weekend long. Merle complained and bitched the entire time you decked the halls of their trailer. "This sparkle shit better come out of my God damned carpets! I don't need ta find it in June!" You couldn't find a tree at a price any of you could afford but Daryl cut the biggest limb off a nearby pine and hoped it would be good enough. You were able to make stocking for each of the boys and on christmas eve you stuffed them with gifts and laid their presents under the makeshift tree. In the morning... they both stared at you nervous and akward. Like they both wanted to move and tear into shit but were scared they'd get in trouble. So you sat them down and handed them gifts. It wasn't much. You were working with a waiter's salary... but it was more meaningful to either of them than you ever knew. When Merle growled, embarrassed he didn't get you anything you simply said that spending the day with them meant more to you than any gift and you thought... for a second, that you watched both men's hearts grow three sizes that night.
W- Wicked (What do they do that purposely pushes their partner's buttons?)
Daryl will pull shit up from the past and use it against his partner to start a fight. He does this the most when he's feeling shitty about himself or a situation he's in and can't fix. He wants his partner to be just as upset and angry at him as he is with himself.
He has a really... really bad drinking problem. He is a mean drunk. If he wants he will find alcohol and drink in front of his partner knowing they hate it when he acts vindictive and hateful.
He gives the best silent treatment in the entire apocalypse. He could exist completely silent for literal weeks. (please do not mistake his need for space with the silent treatment. He gets over stimulated a lot and needs space)
Straight up disappears for days without ever telling his partner where he's going or when he'll be back. This gets worse after the Sanctuary.
Calls them pet names they despise (this is normally in retaliation to pet names they give him)
X- Xylophone (What song fits the relationship?)
Y- Yearning (When do they miss their partner the most? What do they do to placate themselves in the mean time?)
Daryl misses his partner so much when he's out on a run that lasts longer than a day. He worries about them constantly. If he can't bring them then he tries to bring a part of them, something to remind him of them. A trinket he can worry until he can get home. But if he can't or it's an emergency and he didn't have time. He always has a matching tattoo on his arm that you both got on your one year to remind him to come home to you...
Z- Zipper (Do they let their partner pick their outfits?)
If you find clothes that fit him out on runs he'll look at them and choose to wear them or not. Sometimes you bring home baby clothes to pick on him when he's being a big baby bitch. Other times you bring him clothes you know he's never going to wear just to fuck with him. He never says it out loud but he thinks this is funny.
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rimunagenius · 2 months
Rimunagenius’ Masterlist
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ʚ Hi, i’m Ri. Welcome to my blog. I write age appropriate and non age appropriate (NSFW; SFW) fan fictions and headcannons!! You will be able to differentiate them with the warning labels at the start of each fiction or headcannon.
ʚ Common occurring themes are LGBTQ+ relationships but there are hetero relationships (you just have to know the person or character; be aware to look at gender conforming labels where the pairing or warning is)
ʚ RPF!! (real person fiction)
Women’s Basketball
Naomi Mcpherson
Josette Maskin
ʚ Fanfiction
The Walking Dead
Mayans MC
Sons of Anarchy
Triple Frontier
links are being added…not fully complete or updated!!
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tinzuho · 2 months
sorry to all the new d.d fans, but i am never leaving season 1-5 daryl behind. like OBVIOUSLY his long hair suits, but imagine the grease and shit in it 😶 his short-ish- hair would be abit cleaner, and makes him look so irresistible!! 🙂‍↕️
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oohh i love number 2 on ur ideas list .. im pretty deep in my twdg hyperfixation rn so id love that x clem, marlon and louis maybe? happy to see theres still writers for the game
(Hello anon! Thank you for requesting and I jist finished it so here ya go! Enjoy!)
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She wasn't scared of you
But she wasnt that trusting with you
She didn't think ill of you, just didn't really know you
But you very much so did have her attention
You were pretty hard to miss
With the height, numerous tattoos, scars along your body and what seemed to be a permanent scowl on your face
When she was new to the school her eyes immediately caught you, you had been lugging some firewood in the courtyard and when you looked up caught her eyes
She had been staring at you, what she didn't know was that you had also been staring at her
She did have quite the introduction
But you also noticed how she acted towards you, you got it though
You were a stranger after all and growing up you always knew people acted different around you
You knew it was about how you looked, made you a bit sad but what could you do about it?
Until she finally actually spoke to you
Clem looked around the courtyard, every one here was different but she immediately noticed the one person who looked to be 6'0, maybe even taller.
'Holy hell.' She then noticed the tattoos, the scars and you turned around. Fuck, you looked right at her. She had been caught.
But she wasn't very alarmed when you squinted at her, your face forming a bit of a scowl. She wasn't scared, but kinda made a mental note that you weren't someone to be messed with.
After time went on she saw more and more of you, when speaking to you, you were a bit blunt and cold. So she got the hint, thinking you didn't like her. 
Didn't bother her that much, but it did bother you.
You felt a bit guilty when you were a bit rude, you didn't mean to but you were sorta anxious. When Minnie and Sophie went missing you guys hadn't seen anyone else, and then she just came outta nowhere.
You liked her but you also thought she didn't like you and you wouldn't blame you. You also knew a part was your appearance, you knew from literally anyone at the school you came off as intimidating.
Lots of kids were scared of you, hell, Tenn was terrified of you for a while, not Willy. He was a weirdo. So you were shocked when after a few days AJ came up to you, asking to play a random game.
And you happily accepted.
Clem had walked out the admin building, looking for AJ when she spotted him. But with you, she wasn't shocked, more surprised as you held a small firefighter toy in your hand and played along with AJ's dialogue for his game.
She walked over, looking at the sight amused.
"What's going on?" She asked, AJ and you looking up as the boy smiled. "Y/n said they would play firefighter with me!" He smiled, Clem softly smiling at the boy as you chuckled.
"AJ!" Tenn called out, you all looking over as he waved his friend over to him. AJ lit up, immediately going to his friend and leaving you two alone.
"Thanks, for playing with him. You didn't have to." Clem thanked, looking over at you as you shrugged. "No problem, he reminds me of my little brother." You smiled, chuckling a bit as Clem looked at you surprised.
Not only did you enjoy playing with AJ, but you were smiling and laughing?
"You had a little brother?" She asked, sitting on the picnic table beside you. You hummed, nodding your head a bit as you leaned back on your hands. "Yeah, I lost him a while back. I think at the beginning?"
"Sorry about that." Clem said, sympathetic as you waved her off. "It's cool, he just reminds me of him." You smiled at her, your eyes soft as she returned the smile.
You then saw Vi waving you over, sighing you sat up and hopped off the table. As you walked away you waved over your shoulder.
"See ya around, Clem."
She shook her head with a small smile, her eyes lingering on you as your frame got smaller.
She realized that even with your intimidating appearance, you weren't actually. Hard to be when a 6 year old asks you to play firefighters. Maybe she was wrong about you, you were pretty cool in her book.
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The boy was fucking terrified of you
I mean who wouldn't?! 
When you first woke up after being taken in with Clem and AJ you were scowling at everything!
You also at one point had a knife to his neck
You were like a caged lion on steroids when you woke up from the crash
You started a ruckus the moment you woke up and didnt see neither AJ nor Clem in the room with you
They were all you had so you panicked, and you had a hidden knife in your boot so you took it out
Louis was unluckily the one in the room first and as he entered he was thrown against the wall, knife to his neck as he looked up at you terrified
You were tall as hell too, towering over Louis by a bit
He didn't hate you, he understood why you acted the way you did
Also you were pretty but he didn't wanna get on your bad side
Didn't wanna find out what it was like on it
You didn't smile a lot, he heard how you talked with AJ and Clem, all soft
He also noticed the way you would take care of AJ, when someone even looked at any of you wrong thry always met your glare
Kinda scary when a 6'3, tatted, scar filled and muscular teen is standing behind the ones behind thrown dirty looks
He sorta wished he got to see that soft side of you but understood why he didn't
He loved your tattoo's though
Thought they were amazing pieces of art
And he kinda wanted to know the stories behind the scars
But he knew they eere probably personal
He didn't think he would get close to you at all
Until a game of war…
You, Clem, Louis, Vi and Marlon were all playing war the first night after you guys had woken up. You noticed the looks the others gave you, but eh, who cared?
Louis had noticed your look, you were intimidating as hell with the height. He could tell you had been through some things, you had the scars to prove it.
But as you all played war he saw you come out of your shell a bit, but when he was really in awe was when you laughed.
He had made a small joke, the others laughing while Vi gave a sarcastic remark, he laughed too before he abruptly stopped. There was an unfamiliar sound mixed in, your laugh.
He slowly looked over at you, seeing the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. You were laughing, holding your side a bit as your smile was a bit crooked.
You were laughing? At his joke?!
He stared at you like you were a goddess/god for a moment before a smile broke out on his face. He made a promise to himself he would make you laugh as much as he could.
And he succeeded, something he is now and always will be proud of. Cause he got the intimidating, scar filled, tattoo covered goddess/god to laugh. If that ain't an accomplishment he doesn't know what is.
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He was sorta put off by you
He didn't hate you, just didn't know you
He was mostly intimidated, you were way taller than him and he was one of the tallest at the school
But that doesn't mean he didn't absolutely love your tattoos
Even if he didnt know you he loved 'em
Before it all he had been into all those heavy metal, punk bands and all that
You sorta gave him a feeling of nostalgia when around, he liked it
He thought you would be a great addition to the school
And he had been right
Ever since they found you roaming the woods, taking out walkers left and right
It took a while to convince you but eventually they came back with you in tow
It took a while to get used to having you around, you were cold and blunt at first with a glare on your face
But that was because you were in a new place, you took a while to settle in but you were grateful they gave you a chance
And Marlon one day realized you were actually not that bad
Thanks to Rosie
Marlon had been looking for Rosie for a bit. The dog had run off and he hadn't been able to find her at all.
He tried everything, asking everyone and nobody seemed to have found her. But he also noticed you weren't there either, kinda suspicious.
He walked around the admin building, looking around for her before sighing as he began to walk back. He then paused his step, hearing the sound of laughter and Rosie's familiar bark.
He was confused, looking around the corner before freezing at the sight of you tossing a stick and Rosie coming back with it, her jumping up a bit and accidently knocking you down, barking before starting to lick your face.
You laughed. "Rosie!" You giggled, trying to cover your face as you got mud on your clothes. You then shrugged, you'll wash them later. You then began to scratch behind Rosie's ears, the dog laying on her side as you began to scratch her belly.
From by the wall Marlon watched surprised. You were so cold but when with Rosie you seemed so nice and sweet? He didn't know what to feel but couldn't help but smile.
You actually looked peaceful as you sat on the ground with Rosie, scratching her belly as the sun began to set. 
He actually liked it, he would like seeing you like this more. You didn't seem to care that you were getting dirty, playing with his dog and tossing a stick.
Hey, maybe he'll join you guys one day. But for now, he'll just watch from a distance.
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enid-rhees · 7 days
Good Luck, Babe! is about Enid Rhee actually if you think about it hard enough
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liliesdiary · 24 days
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put me in a movie
this one was winning the poll so I made it already <3
I'll make a moodboard for second place <3
🎀 : @taylormarieee @silk-spun @2svnder @movidita @dustbunniess @sinsandsweetness @dilfsandmartinis @daryldixonsboy @daryldixoncankickmeintheface @daryldixmedown @hannahkay-411 @versatilehater
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ysoandi · 2 years
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Y/N (older than Carl by two years): When I was your age-
Carl, mocking Y/N: When I was your height.
Y/N: Listen here you little shit.
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carlplsrailme · 2 years
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐭 | 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐥 𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬
summary: getting caught kissing rick grimes son, by rick grimes is probably the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you.
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Carl Grimes x Fem!Reader
wc: 600
request: can you write something like carl and reader getting caught making out ITS BEEN ON MY MIND ALL DAU😭🙏🏾
cw: kissing, getting caught.
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The heat was prominent as you stood crossed armed in the middle of Alexandria's walls. The summer warmth collecting on your skin, nipping at your cheeks and nose while your warn out white tank and blue jeans didn't help your situation.
you watched as people ate their lunch and moved on, not hungry yourself. 
"I'd expect you to be down there eating by now, it's your favorite" you looked to the side to see Carl, long brown hair sitting on his shoulders as his smile, ah, more of a smirk held upbeat on his lips.
"yeah, well, not really in the mood right now..I'll have some later" you smiled, turning back as Carl laid his back on the wall as well
"ya'know, watching people eat isn't really that great of a hobby" he pried, you rolled your eyes as he pushed and pushed before you asked him what he really wanted
"I have new comic books, new ones we can read together!" he grinned like a little boy, you scoffed as you wore a smile back at him.
"you could've just led with that"
now, you sat crossed-legged on his bed. he tossed around his desk, talking to you about the new comics and all, you listened intently as he twirled around with a...gift in his hand?
pink paper wrapped a book-shaped figure with a thread tying into a bow. your furrowed brows were enough for him to realize how oblivious you were
"uh..this is for you.." he suddenly became shy, cheeks red and it wasn't from the suns rays coming from the window
"for me? why?" 
"ugh, just take it..it's a...present for you" you grabbed it and started to tear the paper off, slowly peeling away to see a book cover that was all too familiar
"oh my goodness, Carl! holy shit you really got it!" you squealed as you see the "1" on the cover, the book you've been trying to get for the longest time as you only had the other ones... except for the first one of course.
"yeah, well, I was on a run and uhm..it was just...there" yeah, it wasn't just there. he had to kill a small herd of walkers that were in the store just because he saw a glimpse of it through the window..but...he'd never tell you that
"that's amazing! thank you!" you kicked your feet liked a little girl as Carl became flustered at the pure sight of your happiness, something he doesn't get to see often
you ran up and gave him a hug, pulling away to look him in the eye, emotions getting the best of you as you contemplate finally acting on your feelings...and...you do.
you lean in and finally. fucking finally kiss him. his soft lips you've always looked at sucked into yours as your both held each other tight, soon you both found yourselves on the bed, with you on his lap, nothing sexual, just loveness and pureness.
you held his face as he held your waist, your head twisting as you attempt to kiss him even deeper, and then..
"Carl, you never-" Rick opened the door up, and with raw fear you tumbled off him and Rick watched with nothing but shock
"Oh..Oh...um..my bad" he walked back before closing the door, and then opening it just an inch before running down the stairs, you felt hot but not in the way before, hot with embarrassment
"I-I'm so sorry" Carl stuttered, upset and embarrassed that that was how your first kiss went
you burst out laughing as you tried to put yourself together, Carl joined you in a couple of seconds, your laugh too intoxicating not to. 
so maybe not the best first kiss, but certainly one to remember..
oh and, Rick gave the...talk right after to a very shameful Carl
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an: hiii guys! i haven't wrote fluff in a while <3 had kinda a bad day so this was really nice for me to write...ilysm! ♡
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