#The Werewolf Of Manila
pedgito · 2 years
Cute prompt idea: Vamp!Eddie having a soft spot for paranormal investigator! reader (can be gn! or open to other pronouns)
Also lovely writing! 😍
author’s note: uh, this was meant to be short but y’all know how that goes with me. it took on a life of it’s own and i hope it isn’t completely off track from what you were requesting.
cw: sfw, vampire!eddie, gn!reader, all types of paranormal creatures exist, gang is basically monster hunters, dad!hopper vibes, eddie is just sweet and curious, mentions of injury/blood, fighting off ghouls and use of weapons, blood drinking (not how you think), light/silver still effect vampires, this is just super cute and a break from my smut momentarily
word count: 4k
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A normal work shift consisted of coming in, grabbing your assignment for the night, grabbing your gear, and heading on your way to whatever undisclosed location was sealed inside the folder. It was an easy routine to fall into; despite how dangerous the job actually was, you were good at, great even.
It’s part of the reason why Hopper chose you to train the new recruits—that and Dustin couldn’t be trusted with the new ones, he was incredibly skilled at scaring them away within the first few hours and it quickly turned into a problem. Hopper needed staff and staff didn’t exist whenever Dustin was training so, the responsibility fell on you.
“I’ve got a new one for you tonight,” He announces from the moment your foot crosses the threshold, his wide shoulder and head peeking out of his office door, “he should be here any minute.”
“You’re kidding?” You ask with a reasonable amount of disbelief, having only finished training someone last week. “I just finished up with Wheeler.”
“And he’s already doing great,” Hopper points out, “I just sent him off on his first solo and he’s loving it—says he learned a lot from you.”
You really hated being good at your job and loving it just as much—it meant that you were more inclined to feel obligated when asked to do things, like training another new employee for back to back weeks, which was a tedious enough task in itself.
“I really deserve a vacation,” You tell him, “or a raise—even a thank you would be great.”
“You know how much I appreciate you, kid.” Hopper says.
And you do, he’s always treated you like family from the beginning and that’s never changed. You always had a place to call home with him.
You sigh, loud and dramatic, “Okay—well, is there anything I should know?”
Hopper’s face changes slightly, contemplating his next words.
“Come here,” He nods toward the interior of his office, “you’ll probably want to take a look at his file.”
The red flags shot off in your mind immediately, but your feet moved for you, following him into his office, letting him slip the Manila file into your hands as you sifted through.
“Edward Munson,” You test the name on your tongue, glancing down to see the preferred shortened version of his first name, “—oh, Eddie. Eddie Munson? Am I saying that right?”
Hopper nods, pointing toward the bottom of the file, a portion that was usually left blank. It’s only been filled one other time, long before you, and it wasn’t something that Hopper took on lightly. There had to be a reason.
Your eyes widen, shoving the file back at him quickly, as if you’d been burned. “A vampire?” You say seethingly, “Have you lost your mind?”
“Look—the kid means well.” Hopper tells you, “I know his uncle—the boy has a good head on his shoulders; just a lot of unfortunate circumstances he’s been involved in. I told him I’d do him a favor—we can at least try it out.”
“And after last time?”
“It’s the last time I ever hire a werewolf during the week of a full moon,” Hopper admits his wrongdoing, but lowers his voice to level with you, “—just give it a chance, for me?”
“You’re lucky I don’t hate you.” You say begrudgingly, eyes narrowing. You pull at your bag, the weight of it slipping off your shoulders. “Is that all?”
“Don’t bring it up.” Hopper warns, “Kid gets real sensitive about sometimes. He’ll talk about it if he wants to.”
“You know I’m dealing with ghouls tonight, right?” You tell him, feeling that he should know, considering how much he despises the supernatural beings. “The ones out at the cemetery that we’ve been trying to contain for weeks.”
“Sounds like fun,” He grimaces, “seems like you’ll both be getting a real hands-on experience.”
You smile smugly, “Don’t worry, Hop—I’ll make sure to bring you back a souvenir.”
He sips at his coffee, fluffy mustaches covering his top lip, “It better be a goddamn keychain and not another severed hand.”
You shrug indifferently, “I’ll surprise you.”
“And I’ll put you on cleanup duty for a month.”
It was an empty threat. He’d never be able to go through with it, he relied on you far too much.
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Eddie is entirely too curious and touches everything, like those annoying kids with sticky fingers that love to find their way into everyone’s business. He asks too many questions, he talks far too often, and you almost forget that giant blinking red sign in your head that keeps screaming ‘Vampire’—nothing about him gives it away.
Well, maybe the outfit, the hair—but definitely not the personality. The ones you’ve met were always brooding, pensive, dealing with ventures of guilt and trauma. Eddie was brand new, practically a baby, fresh-face and untouched.
You smack at his hand with the tip of your flashlight, clinking against the dense metal of his rings. His eyebrows furrow, making a small noise of disapproval as he pulls his hand back.
“Stop touching everything.” You warn him, sorting through the gear in the back of your van, gathering the supplies you needed on your belt and vest, watching on as he struggled with his own. “Some of this stuff is used for lethal force.”
“You think they’d make these things a little more practical.” Eddie complains, pulling desperately at the clips, trying to force them to connect around his chest.
“It’s because you grabbed the smallest size.” You deadpan, dropping what you were doing to assist him, yanking at the clips until they click together, watching as his back straightened in discomfort.
“Well, good thing I don’t need to breathe,” Eddie comments idly, pulling a soft laugh from your chest. You weren’t sure why you were expecting him to be secretive about it. He was far too giddy to hide it, he was being himself.
“We can switch.” You offer, already pulling at your vest before he answers, watching as he silently unclipped his own in the process. You switch without a word, and the fit is more comfortable, for him, at least. “Is that better?”
“I’ve dealt with worse.”
It was only one minor inconvenience in the giant problem that was your life; you’d survive. You shoved the supplies into the vest, handing Eddie a flashlight before taking one for yourself.
“I don’t need one,” Eddie tells you, holding the flashlight up with a loose grip, “I can see fine.”
You pointedly shove it back toward his chest, “It’s not for you,” You say flippantly, “just take the damn flashlight.”
Eddie eyes you for a moment, trying to decipher you. He’d always been good at reading people, but you were giving him a harder time than he’d expected.
“Sorry,” He apologizes, clicking the flashlight a few times, light shining in your eyes obnoxiously, “—oh shit, I-“
You sigh through your nose deeply, eyes falling shut to calm yourself.
You speak slowly, face scrunching up in focus, “I’m begging you. Please stop.”
Eddie sets the flashlight down carefully, hands crossed in front of him as he stands back, forcing his curious hands to halt.
“When we get in there I need you to listen to me,” You tell him, trying to emphasize the severity as much as possible, “you might not be able to die so easily, but I can.”
“I wouldn’t let that happen.”
For some reason, you believe him—but his giant, doe eyes have seen nothing yet; they’re unscarred to the wonders of things that go bump in the night, aside from himself. There’s too many things discovered and undiscovered, and even you didn’t know everything. But, the job was serious—and you knew he’d take it as such.
“Let’s hope so.”
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The walk to the cemetery is long and quiet, for the most part, aside from the few attempts at small talk that Eddie tries.
“So, how often do you deal with—“ Eddie pauses, thinking of the name, the word slipping his mind.
He takes too long, “Ghouls?” You finish for him.
Eddie nods, curls bouncing against his shoulders. He smiles a lot, too—it’s only slightly alarming because his fingers are so prominent and he doesn’t try to hide them.
“Not often—only once a year, usually,” You tell him, “and they don’t always show up so close to Hawkins, but we’ve been tracking them for a while and they’re supposed to feed tonight.”
Eddie nods slowly, following your words carefully.
“They eat the dead.” You explain, earning an odd look from Eddie, it’s almost poetic. “Don’t worry—you’re safe. Besides,” You stick up the flashlight, shining the light back in his face, “I’ll be there to defend your honor.”
Eddie winces, shoving the light away gently. He blinks rapidly, like he’s struggling to see and you realize your mistake, quickly shoving the flashlight back into its secured spot on your vest.
“Shit—“ You start to apologize, “I didn’t mean to hurt you with that. Are you okay?”
“It doesn’t hurt,” Eddie lies, rubbing at his irritated eyes, “just burns a little—I’ll be okay.”
You feel bad and you hate it, because it feels like every moral in your body is turning against itself. In his defense, he was just as much a capable person as you, albeit some differences—and it wasn’t unusual for people like his kind to meld into and function in society to some capacity. It was new to the world, but it worked—he wasn’t the first vampire you’ve met, he wouldn’t be the last—but they usually ended up on the other end of spike after trying to kill you, so yes, things were a little different.
You take a step, slipping on the crack in the concrete as you’re lost in thought, nearly tumbling toward certain death, but Eddie catches you, one hand wrapping around your waist, the other grilled tightly on your bicep, pulling you upright and against him.
“Are you sure you should be out right now?” Eddie asks, “You seem distracted.”
You nod gently, not asking him to let go, his hands squeezing you reassuringly, just a soft touch that would go unnoticed if you weren’t so hyper aware of his hands on you, freezing cold to the touch.
“It’s a lot to deal with in one night,” You admit honestly, “This is more high risk than most cases and Hopper wanted me to train you—it’s literally your first, plus you’re a—“
“You can say it.” Eddie says, head tilting to meet yours as you look up at him. “You don’t have to feel weird about it.”
“I kill people like you,” You say softly, “all the time.”
“I’m sure they deserve it, though,” He offers, which couldn’t be truer, “I don’t want to hurt people—or you, at least.”
You smile awkwardly, eyes wandering to his lingering hands.
“You can let me go now.”
Eddie pulls away quickly, hands settling at his side.
“My bad,” He excuses, “—are you sure you’re okay?”
You nod quickly, walking the rest of the path until you meet the gate closing off the cemetery, pulling at the chain wrapped around the only entrance you have to get inside.
“Did you grab the bolt cutters like I asked?” You turn to Eddie, catching the telling and guilty look on his face as soon as your eyes fall on him. “Eddie, come on—“
“I got it, I got it,” He says defensively, nudging you out of the way to grasp the chain in his hand, but the moment he touches the chain he’s pulling back with a shout of pain, “—fuck, are you kidding me?”
“You didn’t think that one through, did you?” You ask, pulling at the tightly bound chain. Eddie’s face falls, staring down at his wounded hands, healing slowly in front of you. “Works well, doesn’t it?”
“Uh, yeah,” Eddie scoffs, hissing slightly at your touch, hands tracing over the slowly healing scar on his palm, “I’ve never—I didn’t think that was real.”
“Silver is pretty effective,” You tell him, his skin now fully healed as you let go, placing his hands back at his side, “it can take down a full grown man, if needed.”
“Good to know,” Eddie laughs weakly, balling his hands into fists a few times, testing that his skin was back to normal, “—so how are we getting in?”
“You forget the bolt cutters—figure it out.” You tell him. It was one of the best ways to teach, you’ve learned, allowing them to problem solve in situations that seemed impossible; it always spurred the best ideas.
“Well, I could turn into my bat form and fly over the gate.”
“Are you fucking serious?” You ask with wide eyes, “Is that actually a thing? I thought it was a myth.”
“You’re so gullible.” Eddie laughs, pointing toward the top of the gate where a few spikes had been worn down and left a convenient opening, “We’re climbing, right?”
“Bingo.” You smile, “You gotta lose the jacket, though. I’m not ruining mine.”
Eddie mumbles begrudgingly, shifting off his vest to reach his jacket, tossing the thick piece of clothing at you. You toss the jacket over the edge, pulling until it sufficiently covers the sharp edges.
“Can you do it?” Eddie asks, nodding toward the ledge, hands poised to help lift you. You shove him away, assuring him you’re fine. You push off with your feet, barely missing the edge—you sigh, take a breath, and jump once more. Eddie stifles a quiet laugh beside you, knowing that your pride was too high to ask now that you already denied his help. He’s silent when his hands grasp your hips, careful as he squeezes and lifts you up. You freeze, letting out a soft noise of surprise as he pushes you far enough to where you can grab the ledge, pulling and throwing yourself over with a little less grace that you intend, flustered by how easy he was able to lift you up.
Eddie climbs the gate in two movements, a large leap as he grabs the ledge and flips over with practiced precision. You’ve never seen anything like it before, his feet hitting the ground simultaneously. You huff in annoyance, watching as he yanks his jacket down, shifting his hand through the gate to grab at his vest, the biggest, smuggest smile on his face.
“Show off,” You remark, earning another soft laugh from him, “just hurry up.”
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You weren’t sure what to expect walking into the nest, but it’s eerily silent, like Hopper got it wrong and they hadn’t migrated here for the winter, but then you’re being blindsided, thrown off to your side and away from Eddie—leaving him to handle the hoard of them blindly, your body colliding with the stone buried in the ground, collapsing weakly onto the grass.
“What do I do?” Eddie panics, pulling the large machete from his belt, swinging wildly in an attempt to fend them off, your vision blurry as you search for him, focusing on his voice.
“Their heads,” You shouts, clutching your side to dull the steering pain, hand wetting with what you can only assume is blood, shirt tacky and damp as it stuck to your skin, “cut off their heads!”
There’s a loud commotion, screaming from Eddie and the hoard of ghouls, you can’t focus, the pain in your side is more overwhelming than anything you’ve felt. You close your eyes, attempting to breath through the pain—you hear the cracking of foliage behind you, an all too familiar feeling creeping up your spine as the creature leaps over your back, ghastly and horribly smelling, you push and fight, trying to keep it as constrained as you can while you search for your knife, only realizing once you find it that it’s the source of your pain, lodge in your side, just under the skin. It couldn’t have been more of a freak accident, somehow managing to miss anything fatal, but the pain was still unbearable.
“Eddie—help, please,” You plead in a moment of vulnerability, teeth gritting in pain as you groaned, using every ounce of strength to fight the thing off, only finding relief when the ghoul is being pulled off of your forcefully, shoved on the ground as Eddie shoved the machete through its skull, the disgusting squelch making your stomach turn, “—thank you.” You force out through a weak breath, clutching your side as you try to rise to your knees, only to be subdued by Eddie, gently forced back down.
“Don’t move,” He warns, hands hovering over your side, your own hands stained in blood, “you’re bleeding too much.”
“I’m sorry,” You don’t know why you’re apologizing, but it feels right in the moment, given the circumstance, “I can wrap myself up—or try—I don’t want it to bother—bother you.”
You can see his pupils dilate larger, eyes focused on the blood pooling against the ground, but aside from that, he’s calm. It’s unlike any other interaction you’ve had with someone of his mind—but Eddie had contradicted most of what you knew, even in the small amount of time you’ve interacted.
“I can help you,” Eddie suggested, “but only if you’re okay with it.”
Your eyes narrow, urging him to continue.
“I guess you’re unfamiliar with how healing works,” Eddie assumes, pressing his hand firmly to add pressure to your wound. He can hear the blood flowing through your body, the sound rushing through his ears, the smell invading his nose—normally he’d jump at the first hint of blood, feed on whatever unfortunate stranger was around at night, but there was nothing like this—he didn’t want to hurt you at all, he wanted to fix you, help you—he’s only ever done it once and he knows it works, but the process is…intimate, “are you?”
You shake your head weakly.
“My blood, it’ll heal you.” Eddie explains, “but you have to…”
He can’t say the words, seeing the way your face creases, a sudden realization hitting you. “No—no way.”
“It’s safe, I promise”. Eddie says, “But, we can always call Hopper—“
“No, no!” You stammer, shaking your hand out in disapproval, the movement makes you wince, your hand clasping over his own where it’s pressed to your side, the sharp metal of the knife pressing sharply into your side. “God—I need to take it out.”
“If I take it out, you’re going to bleed even more,” Eddie explains, “Look—I get how weird it is—I do, but I promise it’s safe. I wouldn’t lie to you.”
You’re not sure why you trust him so easily—maybe it’s his eyes, so innocent and pure, like there wasn’t a lie he could tell.
“Do it,” You say quickly, tired of lingering on the thought, “just do it.”
Rip the bandaid off, stop the pain.
“Are you sure?” Eddie asks, taken back by your sudden agreement.
You nod furiously, the pain and blood loss starting to take toll, feeling yourself go lightheaded and slumped, moaning softly.
You watch as Eddie pulls his sleeve back, the sharp point of his teeth digging into his wrist, carefully angling his arm as he pulls away, leading it toward your mouth slowly. You can see the blood seeping out—his other hand coming to cup the back of your head gently, tilting it back comfortably until your lips meet his skin.
“Slowly,” Eddie intructs, “just suck—but be careful.”
Your brows furrowed in concentration, lips pursed to suck gently—you’re not sure what you’re expecting, but it’s not the taste that hits your tongue initially; sweet and tangible, like a drug that would easily become addicting. It’s not bitter, or copper-tasting, and it throws you for a loop. It’s fuzzy, the feeling as it flows down your throat, your free hand comes to wrap around his wrist, eyes squeezing shut as you sucked harder, whining at the sensation, a type of pleasure you’ve never felt before.
“Hey, hey,” His voice is soft, but stern, “slow down—you don’t need that much.”
You pull back with a heat to your face, feeling embarrassed. Eddie releases the back of your hand, pulling quickly at the knife—you are numb to the pain, body already trying to heal itself as he throws the knife to the ground, letting it clammer loudly against the concrete.
“That was intense.” You admit honestly, letting Eddie wipe the stray string of blood away with his thumb, using the pad of his sleeve to wipe your mouth clean. It only makes the embarrassment worse.
“How does it feel?” Eddie asks curiously.
“Feels—fuzzy, tingly, I guess.” You tell him, “Like a high, maybe?”
Eddie makes a subtle face of surprise, laughing quietly at your description. “Well, looks like you’re all good now—like it never happened.”
“I’m not gonna end up turning in my sleep, am I?” You ask jokingly, letting Eddie pull you to your feet slowly.
“No,” He chuckles, “I meant what I said. I wouldn’t try to trick you. But—you might feel weird for a day or two, it’ll fade.”
“Oh—okay,” You nod, glancing around at the mess of bodies lying about, left for you both to clean up. “Well, we should probably finish up the job—Hopper is probably wondering where we’re at already.”
“Are you going to tell him—“
“No.” You respond immediately. “No one needs to know about it—or that I got hurt. I’d never hear the end of it.”
“Okay,” Eddie nods in understanding, releasing you when he thinks you’re stable enough, “our secret—got it.”
You smile softly and Eddie does too, you’ve never felt more nervous.
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When you finally drive back, it’s at the peak of early morning, sun still down and most of everyone has gone aside from Hopper, who practically lived at the place—Eddie grabbed most of the gear for you, lugging it in his arms as you followed closely behind.
“Looks like you two had a night,” He comments, stepping out of his office to watch your two frazzled, worn out faces walk down the hall, “how’d he do?”
“He’s alright,” You shrug and Eddie laughs to himself, continuing down the hall as Hopper stops you in your tracks, “—what?”
“You alright, kid?” He asks, “I know how rough ghouls are—you don’t have to play it down.”
You shake your head, “No, we’re good—he’s really curious but…he’s got potential.” You tilt your head slightly, watching down the hallway as Eddie turns the corner, “If you want to pair him up with anyone—it can be me, he’s not as bad as I hoped for.”
“Told you,” He teases, poking your arm gently. “—must’ve really had an effect on you, though.”
You shrug, “Someone’s gotta control the chaos,” You say, “and sticking him with Dustin is an accident waiting to happen.”
Eddie laughs quietly down the hall, unbeknownst to you as he listens in on your conversation with Hopper.
“Alright, if you say so.” Hopper relents, hands held up in defeat.
You weren’t sure how or why, but Eddie had quickly snuck himself into the soft spot of your heart, your thoughts—and maybe it was the blood, or the general effect that Eddie had on people, but you were fine with that.
“Looks like I’m out of here for the night,” Eddie comments, sneaking up on you two easily, enjoying the startled looks on your face, he smiles, “—made a good impression, I hope.”
“You’ll survive another day.” You tell him snarkily, “I guess.”
“Good—now if you don’t mind, I’ve got a coffin waiting for me at home—“
“Okay—now you’re just gloating.” You say tiredly, turning on your heels with a quick wave to Hopper, a smug smile written all over his face.
“I’m not joking.”
“I’ll believe it when I see it.”
“Is that a challenge?”
You smile, catching his bashful grin as you shake your head at his terrible flirting. You were game, fortunately for him.
“Yeah, it is.”
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cinebration · 2 years
Come Back To Me (Jack Russell x Reader) [Part 2]
Your Hunters’ Guild boss sends you out on the hunt for the werewolf.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Epilogue
Tagged: @lucy-sky, @faeoftheapocalypse, @theconsultingdoctor10, @starfirette, @bitchyglitterfox, @thefandomqueenuno, @scarlettsoldier, @russell-ed, @xasement, @stand-with-cap, @marvelenthusiast10, @supermarvelgirl15, @mobiusismyfav, @killeromanoff, @hawkins-2000​
Warnings: mention of blood and gore
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Gif Source: stedebonny
“I’m sending you after the thing that took out the Bloodstone hunt,” Jaeger announced.
You shifted in your chair, wincing as pain lanced through your abdomen. Gee, no “How’re you feeling?” today? “I’m not ready to go back into the field.”
“Doctor said you’re ship-shape.”
He most certainly did not. “Are you sure? Because he told me to take it easy.”
“It’s been a month and a half. All you’ve been doing is lying in bed.”
You stared at him, your expression caught between disbelief and disgust. “I’m not fully healed.”
“You don’t need to be.”
“Excuse me?”
Jaeger picked a pile of documents from his desk and dropped them onto your lap. In your mad scramble to keep them from falling, you pulled your slow-healing puncture, gasped aloud as the pain spread through you.
Jaeger returned to his seat behind the desk, unfolding his long legs before him. At six-two, the man virtually towered over most of the people you had ever seen around him. Admittedly, that wasn’t very many, but it was enough to give you the sneaking suspicion he never contracted or worked with anyone taller than him.
Brown eyes gleamed dark from underneath black eyebrows that matched his short hair. In any other context, he would have been handsome, his cheekbones chiseled and his frame lean and muscled, but the steel in his expression made him unpleasant to look at for any length of time.
“The wounds are consistent with a werewolf,” he said, gesturing to the glossy photos you were still marshalling into some order on your lap.
You glanced at the bodies captured in the harsh lighting of a lightbulb flash. Gouges from claws raked across limbs and chests, chunks of meat missing from throats, the gaping holes outlined by ragged teeth edges.
You frowned. “I thought they were hunting something else.”
“They were, but that thing escaped. They were left with a werewolf instead.”
Sorting through the photos, you counted the number of bodies, then turned to the manila folder Jaeger had also given you. A list of names told you what you needed to know.
“There’re two people missing.”
“Elsa Bloodstone,” Jaeger answered. “The Bloodstone manservant confirms that she won the hunt for the Bloodstone prize, but he seems to be hiding something.”
“And the other one?”
“Jack Russell. There isn’t much about him. All we know is that he’s responsible for over a hundred deaths.”
“And he wasn’t among the bodies,” you muttered to yourself, your gaze shifting back to the glossy photos of carnage.
“Man knows when to save his own hide, looks like.”
Against your better judgment, you were intrigued by the problem. How a werewolf had entered the premises was curious, as was the fact the original monster intended for hunting had escaped. You glanced at the date stamped on the back of the photographs, frowned.
“That wasn’t a full moon.”
“The massacre happened a few days before the full moon. The werewolf shouldn’t have been there.”
Jaeger shrugged. “Maybe it’s something new, then. Whatever it is, there’s a bounty out for it.”
You jerked your attention back to him. “A bounty? By who?”
“The Hunters’ Guild. It massacred some of our best.” Jaeger shook his head, rose from his seat to lean over the desk. “You won’t be the only one looking for it, but you’ll be the one to bag it.”
His tone brooked no argument.
There was no point speaking to Elsa Bloodstone. The daughter of Ulysses Bloodstone had all but made her position officially known on anything related to her family. That she had been at the hunt at all was a huge surprise, one that itched under your skin with hundreds of questions. Given that the heir had walked away with the Bloodstone itself, it wouldn’t surprise you if it had been some kind of “birthright” thing to show back up after all these years.
Regardless, you had no intention of confronting her. Her thorny personality was well-known and not something you were up to facing in your weakened state.
The next full moon wasn’t for another seven days, so you had time to figure out if you needed to talk to her at all. By then, you hoped, you would have regained some more strength and energy.
You focused your efforts on tracking down Jack Russell instead. The file folder on him had been unusually thin and lacked even a photograph. A free agent, then, not a member of the Guild.
Not that you were one, but you did work for one, so that made your position a bit strange.
Russell wasn’t that hard to find in the end, however. You called up the car service that the Bloodstone family had sent out to retrieve each of the invitees and sussed out the man who had driven the hunter to the mansion. From there, you succeeded in eliciting the address from the man.
Russell had been picked up from outside an apartment complex catering to the middle class. The building lacked a doorman, but it did have an apartment receptionist. The woman behind the desk lifted her head and greeted you with the familiar smile of a customer-service employee.
“How may I help you today?” she asked in faux chipper tones.
You smiled back, feigning hesitancy and an awkward demeanor you hoped spoke volumes. “I’m looking for someone.”
The other woman frowned.
“I’m supposed to be meeting Jack Russell,” you added hastily, your tone chagrined, “but I forgot the apartment number. I’m not even sure I’m in the right building, to be honest. But I can’t call my boss, because he’ll take one out of me, you know?”
The receptionist’s frown turned to sympathy. “What is with bosses?”
“I don’t know. It’s like they drink unhappy juice for breakfast.”
The woman laughed, nodding in agreement. “Become your own boss, honey, believe me. It’s worth it.”
“I don’t doubt it.”
“Mister Russell is in room three-fifteen. He should be home.”
“Thank you so much. Do you like coffee? Or bagels and doughnuts? I should bring back something for your help.”
The woman shook her head, dark hair sweeping in front of her face. “That’s sweet, but I’m okay. Have a nice day!”
“You, too!”
You chose the elevator over the stairs, your abdomen already sore from all the walking and standing. The car rose to the third floor. You stepped onto modest-quality carpet that could use replacing in some spots.
Scanning the doors, you found the right direction and headed for 315. It sat buttressed against the end of the hallway, directly across from the stairwell.
Squaring your shoulders and waiting for the twinge of pain in response to pass, you knocked firmly on the apartment door. Light footsteps sounded behind it, drawing near. A lock disengaged, and the door swung open.
“Mister Russell, I…” You froze, the words dying in your throat.
Jack recognized you immediately, his face lighting up with surprise and delight. “You’re alive!”
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theartofdreaming1 · 5 days
vickyyy!!! hey there! for whatever wip you're the most excited to talk about, could i ask for 🌈 ❄️ and 🌪️? ;)c
Changed up the order of emojis since 🌪️and 🌈 both refer to the same "5 times Laura had to patch up her bf + 1 time Max took care of her" Fic:
🌪️Sum up a WIP with a few fic tropes/Ao3 tags.
Max Brinly/Laura Kearney --- 5+1 Things --- Hurt/Comfort --- Funny --- an attempt at getting something useful out of all my embarrassing clumsy accidents
🌈 Share something soft/fluffy from your WIP.
Laura was at the nurse’s station with Nurse Kelly, chatting with the older lady about what injuries to expect while they were preparing for the first day of camp. A knock at the jamb of their open door interupted their amiable chat; it was none other than Laura’s boyfriend, Max, who had an anxious-looking little girl in tow. “Good morning, ladies!” Max greeted them cheerfully, gently guiding the little camper into the room with him, “Are you ready for your first patients of the day?” The little pig-tailed girl — who Laura thought might be named Isabella, but they had met so many kids yesterday that she wasn’t at all confident in her notion — was gingerly cradling her hand, clearly struggling to maintain a brave face. “Well, aren’t you two eager beavers,” Nurse Kelly replied playfully, exchanging an amused look with Laura, “breakfast has not even started yet. How can we help you?” “Little Izzy here has bravely stepped forward to officially open the great Splinter Season,” Max explained with exaggerated grandeur. Ah. Nurse Kelly had warned Laura that they would have to deal with plenty of these kinds of ‘emergencies’ during the summer. “Poor thing,” Laura winced in sympathy, putting a comforting hand on Izzy’s shoulder before carefully steering the little girl towards Nurse Kelly. “Well, then let us have a look at it and get it out real quick, yeah?” the experienced nurse proposed while patting the examination table invitingly. “And in an act of solidarity, I also got a splinter as well,” Max disclosed once the little patient had taken her seat. Laura couldn’t help rolling her eyes while beckoning her boyfriend towards the other, still unoccupied, examination table. “Of course you have.”
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And a glimpse into the next chapter of This Is Not Over, But Just the Beginning ... because I swear I'm still working on it! I'm just slow 🦥
Chris Hackett led Laura to a hidden room inside the lodge that could only be accessed through a closet in his quarters. (At this point, there was no denying that this guy was related to Travis — what was it with the Hacketts and their ridiculous, over-the-top attempts at secrecy?!?) The cramped hideaway into which the camp leader owner ushered Laura only contained a cluttered desk and chair, a pinboard that had a few notes and photographs attached to it and a few filing cabinets. “There you go,” Chris Hackett said, his eyes scanning the room, “you should be safe here.” Laura wasn’t exactly convinced that their definitions of ‘safe’ were exactly the same, but she guessed that “creepy-ass hick-bunker” was about as safe as she could get in Werewolf TerritoryTM.  “Sure.” Her gaze swept across the filing cabinets and the papers scattered across the cramped desk, trying to figure out the purpose of this room. “As I said, you should be safe here until morning,” Chrs Hackett repeated, his brown eyes following Laura’s with apprehension. He looked indecisive, then stepped forward to pull open the buttom drawer of the file cabinet and snagged two voluminous manila folders out of it, which he promptly tucked against his chest. This unexpected move made Laura raise a quizzical eyebrow. “You may help yourself to everything else in this room,” the camp leader announced magnanimously to Laura, who had no idea why he made it sound like such a generous offer until he added: “These are all my notes and records on the curse.” Ah. “Well, it’s not like I have anything else to do for the next couple of hours,” Laura said nonchalantly, while taking a seat on the rickety office chair by the desk, “I might as well read up a little to pass the time.” She raised her chin towards the manila folders in Chris Hackett’s grasp: “What about these?” The camp leader’s protective hold on the folders tightened. “These are private.” The expression on Laura’s face soured instantly and she didn’t bother hiding the bitterness that laced her next remark: “Y’know, I really wish someone had considered our privacy while Max and I were being held captive against our will, but I guess that’s just a luxury not everyone gets to enjoy.” To her surprise, her biting words did not induce the usual fleeting look of guilt on Chris Hackett’s face; instead, his stern expression remained unchanged. “These files,” the camp leader said firmly as he was holding up the folders, “are not mine to share.” With a softened look he added: “You’ll find everything referring to my personal experiences in this room, which should give you plenty of insight into what we’re dealing with.” Before Laura could reply, a beeping sound coming from the camp leader’s wristwatch reminded them that now was not the time to be arguing. “I have got to go — lock up behind me and stay safe.” And with that, Chris Hackett turned around and hurried out of the lodge, leaving Laura to shift through a plethora of research material covering this nasty curse that had become her life.
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43 Childrens 2.0 (fanfic)
The 43 Children
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#1. Luther Hargreeves
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Powers: Super Strength, Super Durability, Gorilla DNA
Birthplace: Stockholm, Sweden
#2. Diego Hargreeves
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Powers: Trajectory Manipulation, Absolute Lung Capacity 
Birthplace: Mexico City, Mexico
#3. Allison Hargreeves
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Powers: Mental Manipulation, Reality Manipulation
Birthplace: Cape Town, South Africa
#4. Klaus Hargreeves
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Powers: Mediumship, Evocation, Spectrokinesis
Birthplace: Pennsylvania, U.S
#5. Five Hargreeves
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Powers:  Temporal Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation
Birthplace: Dublin, Ireland
#6. Ben Hargreeves
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Powers: Eldritch Demon Portal, Demon Transformation
Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
#7. Viktor Hargreeves
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Powers: Sound/Energy Conversion
Birthplace: Moscow, Russia
#8. Lila Pitts
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Powers: Power Mimicry
Birthplace: East London, UK
#9. Marcus Hargreeeves
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Powers: Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Agility, Stone Transformation
Birthplace: Abuja, Nigeria
#10. Fei Hargreeves
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Powers: Bird Manipulation, Flight
Birthplace: Paris, France
#11. Alphonso
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Powers: Empathetic Masochism, Pain Manipulation, Wound Manipulation
Birthplace: Jerusalem, Israel 
#12. Sloane
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Powers: Gravity Maniplation
Birthplace: Caracas, Venezuela  
#13. Jayme Hargreeves
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Power: Oral Poison Generation, Mental Dectection, Snake DNA
Birthplace: Berlin, Germany
#14. Christopher Hargreeves
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Powers: Inducements, Cube Physiology
Birthplace: Greece, Italy
#15. Hai Katz
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Powers: Hydrokinesis, Cryokinesis
Birthplace: Hanoi, Vietnam
#16. Raya Van-Reyes
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Powers; Intangibility, Pain Suppression
Birthplace: Havana, Cuba
#17. Jade Jones
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Powers: Electrokinesis, Radiokinesis
Birthplace: Canberra, Austria 
#18. Henry Baker
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Powers: Pyschokinesis, Truth-Self Recognition 
Birthplace: Amsterdam, Netherlands 
#19. Jason Patch
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Powers: Super Alters, Sonic Scream, Magentokinesis, Werewolf Transformation
Birthplace: Baghdad, Iraq
#20. Benji
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Powers: Chi Manipulation
Birthplace: Barbados, Caribbean 
#21. Izabel Nowak
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Powers: Technopathy
Birthplace: Warsaw, Poland
#22.Kumiko Nakano
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Powers: Superhuman Body, Calm Mind, Energy Sensing, Reality Resistance
Birthplace: Tokyo Japan
#23. Anglophile
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Powers: Superhuman Speed
Birthplace: Edinburgh, Scotland
#24. Apollo Kwang
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Powers: Umbrakinesis, Limb Regeneration, Mental Shield
Birthplace:  Ryanggang, Northa Korea
#25. Carla Salazar
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Powers: Reality Manipulation, Mental Manipulation, Empathy
 Birthplace: San Salvador, El Salvador
#26. Lyra Iglesias
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Power: Zombie Transformation, Death Immunity
Birthplace: Lisbon, Portugal
 #27.  Skylar Kozak
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Powers: Aura Manipulation
Birthplace: Kyiv, Ukraine 
#28 Lena Tremblay 
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Powers: Elasticity, Shapeshifting
Birthplace: Ottawa, Canada
#29.  Achieng Keita
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Powers: Precognition, Recognition, Time Manipulation
Birthplace: Bamako, Mali
#30. Muspelheim Nord
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Powers: Pryokinesis, Magnakinesis, Flight
Birthplace: Bratislava, Slovakia
#31. Jennifer Chen
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Powers: Paper Manipulation, Art Generation
Birthplace: Beijing, China
#32. Cameron Salah  
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Powers: Photographic Transmutation, 
Birthplace: Cairo, Egypt
#33. Almos Habib
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Powers: Disintegration, Energy Slashes, Regeneration
Birthplace: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 
#34. Nova Sigurðardóttir
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Powers: Photokinesis, Stellarkinesis, Flight
Birthplace: Reykjavík, Iceland
#35. Ryder Vries
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Powers: Sound Manipulation, Voice Stealing
Birthplace: Wellington, New Zeeland 
#36. Dakota Cornfield
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Powers: Necromancy, Astral Projection
Birthplace: Guatemala City, Guatemala
#37. Emosi Tanjung
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Powers: Emotion Manipulation, Mental Manipulation
Birthplace: Jarkta, Indonesia
#38. Liva Nielsen
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Powers: Life Manipulation, Death Manipulation
Birthplace: Copenhagen, Denmark
#39. Isabel Alvarez 
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Powers: Lithokinesis
Birthplace: Bogotá, Colombia
#40. Karl Hansen 
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Powers: Metal Mimicry, Command Inducement
Birthplace: Oslo, Norway
#41. Mani Saetang
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Powers; Matter Manipulation, Weapon Summoning
Birthplace: Bangkok, Thailand 
#42. Alexa Ramos
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Powers: Story Manipulation, Unreality Manipulation
Birthplace: Manila, Philippines
#43. Tyche Wilson
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Powers: Luck Manipulation, Frigokinesis
Birthplace: Athens, Greece
Original Version/cannon version
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upper-admin-scp · 2 months
M!A: *Several photos in a nice, thick Manila folder appears. Each photo has many large werewolves ranging from 6'3" to 8'8". Each Werewolf is fully transformed and is posing in increasingly provocative poses, accentuating their muscles, genitalia, or breasts. Some cup sizes reach up to beyond DD and some penises seem to be well over a foot long and as thicker than a fire extinguisher, and some even have balls as large as watermelons.
Additionally a disc appears with a note attached. "Some were very willing to film themselves engaging in sex. F/f, M/f, and M/m as well as solo videos. I'm in some of them, although I'm purposefully off-screen. Don't want to spoil your surprise~ --Four*
[The Administrator takes the file and disc, goes to his office, and locks the door behind him, all without a word.]
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WTNV quick rundown - live show - A Spy In The Desert
Read the rest here!
Featuring the voices of Jeffery Cranor as Lee Marvin, Kate Jones as Michelle Nguyen, Symphony Sanders as Tamika Flynn, Joseph Fink as Telly the Barber, Meg Bashwiner as Deb the Sentient Patch of Haze and Emma Frankland as Sheriff Sam.
A tisket, a tasket. My god, what’s in that basket?! Welcome to Night Vale.
There is a infamous spy currently know as 'The Mink' in Night Vale. They are a master of disguise and have stolen many world secrets, only to hoard them instead of revealing them. NV, which is buildt on secrets, naturally does not want it's secrets taken. Cecil encourages people to report anyone they don't know to the SSP for possibly being The Mink.
Deb is running an add for Folger's today. During the conversation she reveals that she already knows all of NV's secrets and reveals one about a woman called Joanne to Cecil because Cecil is a gossip and wanted to know. Cecil also says he went to Italy on his vacation and had an authentic macchiato. Deb is unconvinced that Italy even exists.
Lee Marvin, turning 30 yet again, gives tips on spotting The Mink based on his knowledge of acting. One tip includes a simple disguise where one puts their hand over their face and just says who they are. This fools Cecil every time.
Wednesday is 80's night at Dark Owl Records. Michelle is not worried that the Mink will steal her secrets because she says she has none. She then reveals that her mother had access to a time machine, is the one who taught her about music, would encourage her to listen to whatever made her happy but only in private, elsewhere 'playing the game' of a disingenuous facade. One day her mother went back to prehistoric times and never came back. She also reveals that she knows, somehow, that Cecil does a chereographed lip-sync to Robyn's 'Cry When You Get Older' every morning and then cries, because he's gotten older.
Tamika's segment is unfortunately dotted with many Harry Potter references as they discuss how taking secrets and saying spoilers from the series are the same and a vague plan she has to disguise herself as a manila envelope with 'top secret' on it and then when someone tries to snatch her, to beat them with a book. She later chases and corners The Mink, who just about manages to escape.
Telly has apparently been giving haircuts to The Mink all week. He frequently mishears things (such as Carlos wanting a bit of a trim and giving him bangs and asteriks shaved into his head) and hurts himself a lot.
Archeology professor Joel Eisenberg and Jackie Fierro also have runs in with The Mink.
Sheriff Sam can read minds with a special 'ray' they have and plan to use that to capture The Mink.
The Mink tries to infiltrate Cecil's studio by pretending to be Deb but is figured out by Cecil. There is a huge chase between The Mink, Tamika and the SSP which results in Tamika capturing the Mink. Tamika has and can drive a motorcycle by the way, she's a very talented 16 year old.
Cecil says that his interest in The Mink was mostly because he had a two year secret he really wanted to tell someone who would not reveal it to anyone else. The Mink then escapes (for some reason Tamika brought The Mink to Cecil).
Weather: “Company Man” by Dane Terry, https://daneterry.bandcamp.com/]
Fitness Initiative Jin Housong says more kids need to get active outdoors, because they want to monitor them for sending to fight the Blood Space War.
In the children's fun fact science corner he says the moon was invented in 1872, to try and make werewolves real, but whilst catapulting it into the air the side that has a werewolf doing a thumbs up painted on it ended up faced away instead. Now there's a vaccine for werewolves (penicillin) and nobody really cares about the moon.
Citizen Bernadette Flynn loses Tuesday somehow.
Sports news describes a fairly normal run of American Football up to the spiked football splitting open, revealing a horrible creature which bites a lump of flesh from the player which spiked it, which the ref then blows into a new ball and play continues.
So stay tuned next for the quiet roar of your secret thoughts, some of which you may some day share. And for the secret heart of my secret self,Good night, Night Vale, Good night.
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newmiriamsmysteries · 5 months
[Blurb - "My Name Is..."]
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The Officer looked at me intently from across the table.  His cheeks were puffed and red from carrying around his hefty frame.  His belly hung over his belt, his shoulders nearly broke the seams on the suit jacket he wore.  He was definitely a desk cop.  A manila file folder sat open before him, I could see my own mugshot and criminal record looking back at me.
Nathaniel stood by the door looking defiant at my being there.  His arms crossed over his chest and his shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows.  His tie was loose and hung around his neck.  His hair was a mess from too many nights of sleeping on the couch in his office.
  “Let’s try this again,”  The Nameless Cop began.  I sat back in my seat, my teeth clenched and eyes narrowed.  This was not how I wanted to spend my Friday night -
“What’s your name?”  The Cop asked me, I kept silent and glanced at James.  The Detective nodded but offered no words. 
“My name is Miriam Wallace,” I said flatly.  
“Can you tell me, Ms. Wallace, what it is you do?”  The Cop questioned. 
“Miss.  It’s Miss Wallace.”  I replied, the Cop huffed but didn’t comment.  “I’m a Private Investigator.  My License number is 137596.”
“Go on.”  The Cop said.
“You want more?”  I asked, my eyes widened.  I took his silence to mean he did.  “I was born in Louisiana to Detective Robert Wallace and his wife, Monica. I have one older brother and one older sister. I moved to Williamsport when I was eighteen years old.”
“I am told by Detective Walton,”  The Cop said, gesturing his eyes to Nathan who hadn’t moved from his post by the door.  “That you are on Retainer for this very Police Department as a Crime Scene Investigator and Paranormal Consultant?” His eyebrows raised as he read the last part.  
“I can see ghosts.”  I shrugged.  “I also move in Paranormal circles.  I know Williamsport’s resident Vampire Clan and Werewolf Pack.  So if that’s all -  I’d like to get going, I’m late for dinner.” I started to get up.
“Uh-uh.  Sit down.”  The Cop said.  I sighed and did.  
“Captain, I don’t think this questioning is necessary.”  Nathan finally spoke up.  “I can make a full report of the situation for you.  There’s no need to keep her any longer.” 
“You would go to bat for your pet freak, wouldn’t you, Walton?”  The Captain said and looked back at me, “You were found standing over the body of a murdered man outside of an underground club known as ‘Heartbeat’.  Gunpowder residue on your hand.  Care to explain it.”
“Self defense,”  I said with another shrug.  My eyes narrowed as he called me a ‘freak’ and anger flared in my chest.  
“He was a Vampire, he was coming for me, I shot him,”  I added evenly.  
“But if he was a ‘Vampire’, how is he dead in my Morgue?”  The Cop asked.  
“My gun fires specially made silver bullets, forged in Holy Ash from the Local Catholic Diocese.  One perfectly aimed shot - one dead Vampire.” 
“You don’t get it, do you?  You’re under some serious charges, Detective.  You’ve got a murder wrap hanging over your head and all I have to do is say the word.  You’ll be on trial by next week and dead a week later.”  The Captain threatened.  
I stood up, put my hands on the table, and leaned forward.  “No, Captain, you don’t get it.”  My voice was cold and even. My anger had turned to rage as it grew within me and I didn’t like the feeling.
“I can read you like an open book.  I can feel everything you’re feeling.  I know everything you’re thinking.  You’re scared.  You don’t want to believe in the monsters.  You want to close your eyes and forget they exist.  Well, guess what, pal, I am one of those monsters.  The only reason why this city is still standing is because of me.  If anything happens to me, not only would you have the Alpha of the Wailing Moon Pack on your ass; but you’d also have Vampires making meals out of the very citizens you swore to protect.  Do you want that... Captain?”  
Nathaniel sighed and put his face in his palm.  The Captain stood up and met me face to face.  I wasn’t expecting that.  “Sit.  Down.”  He growled.  
I pushed back off of the table, grabbed my leather jacket from the back of my chair, and shrugged it on over the little black dress and tall boots I’d been wearing.  
“Catch me if you can,”  I said before pushing past Nathaniel and leaving the interrogation room.
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gameraboy2 · 2 years
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The Werewolf Of Manila by Vicente Segrelles, 1981
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themanilafolders · 3 years
At The Very Least Help Her Replant The Garden
If you tore up someone’s garden during full moon induced zoomies, the least you could do is help her repair it.
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shuttershocky · 3 years
if you could pitch an original story to type-moon what would it be? in my case i would want an odd couple mage with low quality mystic eyes that let her vaguely perceive the auras of magic creatures and a one-eyed gun-slinging priest hunting down a werewolf in Australia
A story where an ordinary (not-executor) nun who runs an orphanage in the countryside is forced to honor a promise to her old classmate who is now a freelancing bounty hunter by helping her take down an extremely high-profile target somewhere inside Las Vegas.
It turns out the two women are actually going after a powerful vampire, and while bullets and simple magecraft is often enough to kill a human being, a creature of the night needs heavier, consecrated firepower that a low-level bounty hunter simply doesn't have access to, which is where our protagonist comes in. All she has to do is say her little prayers and sprinkle her holy water while the vampire's hopefully still too grievously injured to move, and job done! Her classmate will be rich forever, while the orphans will never be told they can't afford to fix the leaky roof ever again.
Of course, they would first have to race other hunters to find, identify, and defeat the Dead Apostle first, and there's no worse place for a small town nun to get lost in than THE sin city.
A period piece set in the Philippines under Spanish rule. A biology researcher from the Clock Tower arrives back home in Manila hoping to get leads about a large phantasmal beast that has possibly survived into the modern era, having grown up hearing tales of various tribes describing a massive serpentine dragon that swallows the Moon and must be frightened away by bells and other loud noises. While no such phantasmal beast contains the power to devour the real Moon, beings like the Flat Snark have shown that the Moon in the sky isn't always the real Moon. If multiple different tribes believe it to be so, and continue to run out into the open fields to protect the Moon in a lunar eclipse, then surely some manner of creature must be out there, and if a phantasmal of that size does exist it would be the discovery of the century.
Unfortunately for the researcher, the Holy Church holds an iron grip over a vast majority of the country, and their legions of executors refuse to let an outstanding heresy such as that creature exist within their territory. What's more, rival mages from Europe are keen to steal the researcher's work, as no European magus from an "upstanding" family could ever let themselves be upstaged by a brown man who thought himself their equal.
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Stiles- If I Can’t Have You, No One Can (Obsessed Part 4)
A/N: When I was initally writing this series I had a set plan for where I wanted it to end and how. I was recently rewatching the last few episodes of season 2 and I got struck with some inspiration. Let me know down below if you guys want a part 5 so I can continue the series!
TRIGGER WARNING: Stalking, kidnapping
Here are the links for Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.
“Right there!” Stiles cried, frantically gesturing toward the computer screen on his dad’s desk. “Stop! Stop! See? There he is again.”
They were scrolling through hours of security footage recorded at the hospital the night one of Matt’s victims was killed. So far, all they had managed to capture were shots of him with his back turned. This tape was no different. 
“You mean there’s the back of his head again,” the Sheriff told him. 
“Okay, but look. He’s talking to someone!”
Scott followed Stiles’ gaze. His eyes widened. “He’s talking to my mom.”
He hastily pulled out his phone out of his jeans and called his mom, hoping she would be able to confirm that it was Matt. Stiles tapped his foot nervously as they talked. His shoulders slumped in relief when he heard her say that Matt was the one she had seen. 
“Alright,” the Sheriff said when she hung up. He picked up a manila evidence folder from his desk. 
“We’ve got shoe prints alongside the tire tracks at the trailer site...”
“And if they match, that puts Matt at the scene of three murders,” Stiles said. “The trailer, the hospital, and the rave.”
“Actually four,” the Sheriff told him, flipping through the documents in the folder. “A credit card receipt for an oil change was signed by Matt a few hours before the murder.”
Stiles let out a sigh of relief. “Alright, Dad, if one’s an incident, two’s a coincidence, and three’s a pattern, what’s four?”
“Four’s enough for a warrant.”
Stiles curled his fist in triumph. “We can find Y/n.”
“Scott, call your mom back. See how quickly she can get here. If I can get an official ID, I can get a search warrant. Stiles, go to the front desk. Tell them to let Scott’s mom in when she gets here.”
 “On it.” Stiles nodded hastily and turned down the hall. 
His whole body was humming with adrenaline now. He had spent the whole night terrified, wondering what Matt was doing to you. Stiles knew you were probably betting on the fact that they would find you. After all, it was what he would have done in your situation. 
You have saved each other plenty of times before, and now it was his turn again. He knew he could do it, he just wasn’t sure what Matt would do to you in the meantime. 
Stiles had tried his best to protect you, but he knew it hadn’t been enough. He should have pushed harder when he suggested you go to the police the other night. He should have kept a closer eye on you at the party, but he had been too caught up in his own issues. 
He tried to shake off those thoughts as he walked down the halls of the station, telling himself that he still had time to make up for it. He had told you the other night that everything he did was to keep you safe, and that was still true. 
As he rounded the corner of the hall, Stiles realized that the officer on duty was no longer standing at the front desk. 
“Hello?” he called, looking around for her. 
That was when he noticed her black combat boot sticking out from behind the corner of the desk. He felt a shiver run down his spine, and he realized she was lying on the floor among a mess of fallen papers. Her eyes were wide open, but they weren’t moving, and her tan uniform was stained dark red with blood.
She was dead, but as Stiles took in the horrific sight, he also noticed another chilling detail. The holster on her hip was empty. Someone had taken her gun. 
Stiles stumbled back, turning around, only to come face to face with you.“Y/n?”
Tears were slipping from your eyes, and your lip was trembling. You looked terrified, standing there in your disheveled dress. It was the same one you had been wearing at the party last night.
Matt was standing behind you, one hand one your shoulder as he pressed the dead officer’s gun into your back. 
“If you make one move I’ll shoot her,” he told Stiles. 
Stiles reluctantly held up his hands. “Okay. Okay, fine.”
“I’m sorry,” you mouthed, but he shook his head. You had to know this wasn’t your fault. 
Matt kept the barrel of the gun pressed against your back as Stiles led you further into the station. He turned into his dad’s office, and you realized that the Sheriff and your brother were also there. 
“Y/n!” Scott cried. 
He started forward, but Matt ordered him to stop, waving the gun so he and the others could see it. 
“Matt,” the Sheriff said slowly. He held up his hands. 
“It’s Matt, right? Matt, whatever’s going on, I guarantee there’s a solution that doesn’t involve a gun.”
Matt’s lips curled into a sick grin. “You know it’s funny you say that, because I don’t think you’re aware of just how right you are.”
“I know you don’t wanna hurt people-”
“Actually, I wanna hurt a lot of people. You four weren’t on my list, but I could be persuaded...and one way is to try calling somebody on your cell phone like McCall is doing.”
Scott ripped his hand out of his pocket, looking between you and Stiles apologetically.
“That...that could definitely get someone hurt.”
“Everyone?” Matt gestured with the gun, and you knew he was telling them to give up their phones. “Now!”
“Come on,” the Sheriff told the boys calmly. 
Stiles looked back at you. 
“Pretty sure he tossed mine out the window last night,” you muttered. 
Matt led the four of you to the tiny jail at the back of the station. There, he made Stiles handcuff his dad to a bench. You felt your stomach drop. Now the three of you were completely on your own with Matt.
He waved the three of you in front of him and forced you to walk up to the front of the station. As you passed by another hallway, you gasped.
Three other officers were lying in the hallway and all of them appeared to be dead. Their chests had been ripped open so forcefully that every wall around them was splattered with blood. 
You looked away, fighting the urge to vomit. 
“What, are you gonna kill everyone in here?” Scott demanded.
“No,” Matt said with a scoff. “That’s what Jackson’s for. I just think about killing them...and he does it.”
He forced you back into Stilinski’s office, where he made Stiles log into his dad’s computer. Matt had him delete every bit of evidence, including the video footage of him at the hospital. Scott was destroying the paper evidence in the shredder, including the shoe prints that would have matched Matt’s boots. 
Stiles glared at Matt from behind the desk, wanting to rip him apart as he stroked his fingers down your hair. He had forced you to sit next to him on the couch, and you were currently staring intently at the tiled floor. 
Stiles had already seen the bruises Matt had left on your throat. The only thing keeping him from jumping across that desk was the knowledge that Matt would have Jackson rip all of you to pieces at a moment’s notice. 
“Deleted,” he told Matt bitterly, gesturing toward the computer. “And we’re done. So, Matt, since all the people you brutally murdered deserved it, because they killed you first-whatever that means-we’re good here, right? I’ll just get my dad and we’ll go. You know, you continue on the whole vengeance thing, enjoy the Kanima.”
Before he could respond, the glow of headlights swept through the windows. You could hear tires crunching on the gravel of the parking lot outside.
“Sounds like your mom’s here,” Matt told you and Scott.
“Matt, don’t do this,” you begged. 
“When she comes to the door, we’ll just tell her to leave,” Scott added. “I’ll tell her we didn’t find anything! Please, Matt.”
The sound of the metal door creaking open echoed through the station, and Matt grinned. “If you don’t move now, I’m gonna kill Y/n first, and then your mom.”
He pressed the gun up against your back, and Scott glared at him. Matt pulled you up by the back of your dress and gestured for Scott and Stiles to go first. 
“Open it,” he ordered Scott, when you had made your way back to the front lobby.
“Please,” Scott begged one more time.
“Open. The. Door,” Matt told him, enunciating each word carefully. 
Scott reached out, shaking his head regretfully. When he turned the knob, the door slowly creaked open to reveal the person standing there. It wasn’t your mom, but Derek Hale. 
“Oh thank god,” Scott breathed. 
But Derek simply stared at him. Then, he pitched forward and slammed straight onto the floor below. Jackson was standing behind him, half transformed. He held up one scaly hand, still dripping with clear venom, and stalked into the lobby.
Matt walked over and knelt in front of Derek, flipping him on his back. He was now completely paralyzed.
“This is the one controlling him?” Derek asked from the floor. “This kid?”
“Well, Derek, not everyone’s lucky enough to be a big, bad werewolf.”
Matt straightened up, glancing between you, Scott, and Stiles. “That’s right! I’ve learned a few things lately. Werewolves, hunters, kanimas...it’s like a freakin’ halloween party every full moon.”
He smirked. “Except for you Stiles. What do you turn into?”
Stiles glared at him. 
“Abominable snowman,” he snarked. “But it’s more of, like, a wintertime thing. You know...seasonal.”
Matt rolled his eyes, and in seconds, Jackson was swiping his claws across the back of Stiles neck.
“Hey!” you cried. 
“Bitch,” Stiles swore at Matt, before his knees went out from under him. He crashed onto the ground, right on top of Derek’s chest. 
“Get him off of me,” Derek growled. 
Matt laughed. “Oh, I don’t know, Derek. I think you two make a pretty good pair. It must suck though, having all that power taken away from you with just a little cut to the back of the neck. I bet you’re not used to feeling this helpless.”
Derek glared up at him from the floor. “Still got some teeth. Scoot down here a little closer, huh? We’ll see how helpless I am.”
“Yeah, bitch.”
Stiles’ voice was muffled from being facedown against Derek’s chest, but you couldn’t help but smile. 
For the second time that night, headlights flashed through the windows of the sheriff’s station. You could hear another car pulling to a stop outside. 
“Is that your mom?” Matt asked. “Do what I tell you to, and I won’t hurt her. I won’t even let Jackson near her. 
“Scott, don’t trust him,” Stiles mumbled into Derek’s shirt.
Scott remained frozen in front of the door, but Matt was impatient. He reached forward, snatching you by your hair and tugging you back against him. He wrapped his arm around your neck, squeezing against your windpipe and cutting off your breath.
“This work better for you?” he asked Scott.
You reached up, scratching at his arms, but he didn’t even flinch. 
“Okay, stop, just stop,” your brother begged. 
“Then do what I tell you to!” Matt spat. 
“Okay, alright, stop!”
Matt finally let you go, right as you were on the verge of blacking out. You hit the floor on your hands and knees, gasping and dizzy from the lack of oxygen. 
“You,” Matt said, gesturing to Jackson. “Take them in there. You two, with me.”
He yanked you up off the ground by your arm, and gestured for Scott to open the door as Jackson hauled Derek and Stiles out of the lobby. 
When the door finally opened, Matt pulled you behind the corner of the hallway. You could hear the door squeaking open, and your mom asking “Scott?”
You were trembling as Matt held you back against his chest. What would he do to your mom?”
“You scared me,” you heard her say. “Where is everyone?”
That was when Matt shoved you out in front of him. Your mom gasped your name. As far as she had known, you were still missing. 
When she saw Matt come out behind you and press the gun against your back, she froze. 
“Mom,” Scott told her nervously. “Just do what he says. He promised he wouldn’t hurt you.”
“He’s right,” Matt agreed. 
Then, he raised the gun, and shot Scott in the stomach. You and your mom both screamed, but as she rushed forward, Matt pointed the gun at you. 
“But I didn’t say I wouldn’t hurt him.”
Scott was holding himself up using the wall, just barely managing to not fall to his knees. He had one hand pressed against his side, and blood was beginning to pool through his shirt. You knew he would heal from the gunshot wound, but your mom didn’t.
She tried to step forward, but Matt waved the gun.
“Back! Back!” he ordered. 
“Mom,” Scott choked. “Mom, do it. Please mom.”
You could hear Stiles' dad from all the way at the back of the station. He had undoubtedly heard the gunshot. 
“Matt! Matt, listen to me-!”
“Shut up!” Matt roared. “Shut up! Everybody shut the hell up!”
He gestured to Scott before training the gun back on you. “Get up, or I shoot your sister next.”
“Please,” your mom begged. Tears were running down her cheeks. “He needs to see a doctor.”
Matt tilted his head. “You think so?”
“It’s alright,” Scott insisted. “I’m okay.”
“No, sweetie, you’re not,” your mom insisted. 
She began to babble about how he was just feeling the adrenaline, how he needed to get to the hospital. You looked over at your brother, and he met your eyes. There was no way he was going to be able to keep his secret after this, provided you all made it out alive.
“They have no idea, do they?” Matt asked you. 
You didn’t answer him. Your mom was still trying to convince Matt to let her take Scott to the hospital. 
“Lady, if you keep talking, I’m going to put the next bullet in her head.”
He raised the gun to your skull. Your breath caught in your throat when you felt the barrel of the gun against your skin.
Your mom took a deep breath, and held up her hands. Tears were streaming down her face, leaving wet lines of black mascara. “Okay...okay.”
Matt shoved you in front of him, pushing you down the hall. He paraded you back through the station, and locked your mom into the cell next to the bench Stilinski was cuffed to. 
When Matt shut the cell door, your mom reached out through the bars, grasping your hand tightly. “You’re okay?”
You nodded, tears slipping from your own eyes. “I’m okay. Stiles and Scott made sure I was safe.”
“Back to the front McCall!” Matt barked. “Both of you!”
You glanced back at your mom reluctantly as Matt shoved you in front of him. He walked behind you and your brother as you headed out into the hallway. Then, he herded you into the station breakroom. 
There were a few tables and some chairs, but even though you were exhausted, you were too afraid to sit down. Scott leaned against one of the tables, still grasping his bloody side. You guessed the wound wasn’t fully healed yet. If the bullet hadn’t exited, it wouldn’t be able to close unless someone pulled it out. 
“The evidence is gone,” Scott told him. “Why don’t you just go?” Matt raised his eyebrows. “You really think the evidence mattered that much? No. No, I want the book.”
“What book?” Scott asked him,
“The bestiary!” Matt snarled. “And not just a few pages. I want the entire thing.”
“I don’t have it. It’s Gerard’s. You told him that, didn’t you?” He was looking at you now. You shrugged. “I tried.”
Scott glanced back over at Matt. “What do you need it for, anyway?”
“I need answers.”
“Answers to what?”
Frustrated, Matt yanked up the edge of his shirt, revealing his scale-covered side. “To this!”
Scott’s eyes went wide. If Matt was turning into another kanima, there was nothing stopping him from killing whoever he wanted. When you looked at your brother’s face, you had the sneaking suspicion that you two would be next on his list. 
Stiles laid on the floor of the station, staring up at the ceiling. The tiled floor was cold against his back, which was a welcome relief considering sweat was dripping down his neck. He wasn’t sure whether it was just hot in the station, or if he was nervous. If he was being honest, it was both. 
He and Derek had been lying there for what felt like hours, but Stiles knew it was probably only thirty minutes. 
“Hey,” he said, breaking the silence. “Do you know what’s happening to Matt?”
“I know the book’s not gonna help him,” Derek said grimly. “You can’t just break the rules. Not like this.”
Stiles tried to look over at him from the corner of his eye. 
“What do you mean?”
“The universe balances things out. It always does.”
“Is it because he’s using Jackson to kill people who don’t deserve it?”
“And killing people himself,” Derek added.
Stiles thought for a moment. “So if he breaks the rules of the Kanima, he becomes the Kanima?”
“Balance,” Derek agreed.
“Will he believe us if we tell him that?”
“Probably not.”
Stiles sighed. “Okay, he’s gonna kill all of us once he gets that book, isn’t he?”
“Yep...except for maybe Scott’s sister.”
Stiles gritted his teeth. “I’m gonna kick his ass the second I can move again.”
“That’s a great way to get her throat ripped out too.”
Stiles didn’t respond. He knew Derek was right, but a part of him wanted to go after Matt without thinking about the consequences. He knew he had left those bruises on your neck. He knew that the minute you shattered Matt’s fantasy, he would kill you too. He had to do something before that happened. 
“I know you’re in love with her.”
Stiles swallowed at Derek’s words. “Maybe.”
“I can tell. I know you’d do anything to save her, but right now, we need to be smarter.”
“Alright,” Stiles relented. “So what do we do? Do we just sit here and wait to die?”
“Unless I can figure out a way to push the toxin out of my body faster, like triggering the healing process.”
He glanced down, only to realize that Derek’s claws were now protruding from his fingers. They had grown into his jeans, right into his skin, where blood was beginning to ooze.
Stiles gagged. “Oh, gross.” 
Back in the breakroom of the station, Matt shook his head, letting his shirt fall back down. He glanced between you and Scott.
 “You know, I feel sorry for you guys. Cause right now you’re probably thinking ‘How am I gonna explain this when it heals?’. And the sad part is, you don’t even realize how incredible it is that you are healing. Cause you know what happens to anyone else when they get shot? They die!”
You and Scott exchanged uneasy glances.
 “Is that what happened to you?” your brother asked.
Matt was silent. He was staring at the ground, but he didn’t look as vicious as he had earlier. He actually seemed kind of tired. Scott seemed to notice this too, so he continued to press. 
“You drowned, didn’t you?”
“He shouldn’t have let them drink,” Matt muttered, still staring at the floor.
“What?” you asked. “Who? Matt, what do you mean?”
“Lahey!” He suddenly exploded. “He shouldn’t have let them drink.”
You flinched back, closer to your brother.
“What?” Scott asked. “Who was drinking?”
“The swim team, you idiot! I didn’t know what was happening. I didn’t know they had just won State…”
You and Scott listened to Matt as he went on and on. He explained how, when he was in eighth grade,  he had been heading over to Isaac’s to trade comics. Mr. Lahey was throwing a party for his swim team and letting them drink around the pool. All of Matt’s victims had been there. Tucker, Cara, Bennett, even Jessica and Shawn, the married couple.
 They were joking around when Matt came into the backyard, tossing each other into the pool. Isaac’s brother Camden decided to throw Matt in too. They didn’t know he couldn’t swim.
“And the next thing I know, I’m lying by the pool,” Matt explained. “And Lahey’s standing over me, and he’s saying ‘You don’t know how to swim? What little bastard doesn’t know how to swim? You say nothing. You tell no one.’ And I didn’t.”
He let out a sharp, bitter laugh. “I would wake up every night, gasping for breath. My parents thought I was an asthamatic. They even got me and inhaler. They didn’t know that everytime I closed my eyes, I…I was drowning.”
He was silent for a few moments, and then he looked back at you and Scott. “And then came Kate Argent’s funeral.”
His lips began to curl into a smile as he explained how he had realized he and Jackson were bonded. 
“I was taking some photos, and then, purely by accident, Lahey gets in one of them. I looked down at my camera, and I just had this unbelievable rage that filled up inside of me. I looked at him and I just...I wanted to see him dead.”
Matt let out a disbelieving laugh. “And the next day, he actually was! You know, Einstein was right. Imagination is more important than knowledge. It was like something out of Greek mythology, like...like the Furies coming down to punish Orestes.”
He looked over at Scott, who was staring at him, dumbfounded. Matt rolled his eyes. “You have no idea what I’m talking about do you?”
Scott swallowed. “Was that...was that the guy that stabbed out his eyes.”
“That’s Oedipus, you dumbass!” Matt barked. 
His gaze snapped over at you. “You know what I’m talking about don’t you?”
You nodded carefully. “The furies were deities of vengeance, weren’t they?”
 Matt nodded. “Their tears ran of blood and they had snakes for hair. If there was a crime that had gone unpunished, the Furies would do the punishing. Jackson is my Fury. You know, when I saw him the next night, I knew he had killed Lahey for me, and I knew he would do it again.”
Matt began to smile to himself again. “So I went to Tucker’s garage. I even paid for an oil change, and guess what? He didn’t even recognize me! So when he wasn’t looking, I took a shot of him with my camera...and in a few hours, he was dead. So I took more pictures. All I had to do was take their picture, and Jackson would take their life.”
You glanced over at Scott, who looked just as concerned as you were. Matt was giving no indication that he would stop the killings. You were pretty sure that he and Stiles were next on his list. 
Scott opened his mouth, maybe to try and convince Matt to let you all go, but he never got the chance to speak. The thick, acrid smell of smoke filled the air, and suddenly the room was engulfed in a white cloud. 
Sirens began to wail, echoing through the halls of the station. They let out a sharp, bleating sound that hurt your ears.
“What is this?!” Matt demanded. “What’s happening? What’s going on?!”
He suddenly reached out, snatching you by the arm.
“I don’t know!” Scott cried. “Y/n, where are you?”
“I’m right here!” 
He reached out, trying to see if he could grab you, but Matt yanked you backward against him. He pressed his gun against your side and forced you out the nearest exit.
Bright yellow emergency lights began to flicker, illuminating the breakroom. Jackson passed you and Matt as you left the room. He was headed right toward Scott. You tried to pull out of his grasp, but he dug his nails into your arm. 
“Scott!” you screamed.
“I’ll have Jackson rip your mom apart next,” he snarled. 
He dragged you through the halls of the station, keeping the gun pressed tightly against your side. The smoke was starting to dissipate now, and the flashing lights ensured that Matt knew where he was going. 
He shoved open a door and hauled you into a darkened garage. The long room was bordered by bay doors on one side. A few desks littered the room, but it was mostly filled with police squad cars or transport vans.
Matt dragged you past tool carts and spare tires, and you struggled not to trip.
“Please, Matt,” you begged. “Just let me go.”
“Shut up!” Matt snapped. He looked around frantically until he spotted a door with a glowing, red exit sign. He pushed you toward it and forced you outside. 
Cool air hit your face as you stepped out into the night, but you didn’t have time to appreciate it. He broke into a run, keeping one hand on your arm as he pulled you further from the building. Panic began to build in your chest.
  A couple hundred yards ahead, the clearing you and Matt were running through ended with a line of trees. There was a small creek running at the edge of it. Farther downstream, a bridge crossed over the water. Matt began to pull you in the opposite direction. 
Suddenly, you stumbled, falling onto your knees in the grass. Matt reached down to haul you up, but when his guard was down, you knocked the gun out of his hand. It landed somewhere in the grass, and he was unable to see where it went in the dark. 
You scrambled onto your feet as Matt felt for the gun in the grass, but when he realized you were running, he abandoned it. 
He tackled you to the ground before you could even make it five feet away, and the impact knocked the wind out of you. 
You squirmed, but he quickly pinned you down into the grass. 
“Get off me!” you gasped, but his hands were pressing your wrists into the grass. 
He smiled down at you, but there was an empty look in his eyes. Your heart began to pound even harder against your chest.
“Do you remember when I said that I’m not the type of guy that’s gonna say something like ‘If I can’t have her, no one can.’?”
You writhed under him, but your exhaustion had caught up with you. He was much stronger, and now that he was turning into another kanima, you didn’t have a chance of fighting him off.
Matt didn’t wait for you to respond to him. He just kept talking and grinning down at you with that sick look in his eyes. 
“See, that’s not entirely true,” he mused. “Because, Y/n, if I can’t have you. No one can.”
Then his hands were on your neck, squeezing. You fought him, gasping for air that wouldn’t come. He was going to kill you. 
You reached up, scratching at his hands and wrists. You could feel his skin peeling away under your nails and the warm, wet blood you were drawing. Still, it wasn’t enough. 
Your vision was beginning to cloud. Your attempts to fight him off were growing weaker by the second. All you could think of was Stiles. 
The two of you always seemed to be saving each other in one way or another. This time, you had hoped he would be able to rescue you, but it looked like that wasn’t going to happen. You knew there was no use in hoping for anything else. 
Instead, you tried to think about something good. As your mind wandered, you thought of Stiles’ honey brown eyes. You thought of the surprise and delight on his face when you said something funny that he hadn’t expected. You remembered the way he had kissed you the night at the rave, his hands warm on your cheeks. 
Everything was beginning to go dark, but you were content. You swore you could hear Stiles’ voice, warm and soothing...and then it was gone. 
You opened your eyes, taking one painful, gasping breath. Matt’s weight was no longer on top of you. You rolled over onto your side, desperately sucking in air as you struggled to lift yourself up into a sitting position in the grass. 
You looked around, wondering what had happened. That was when you saw Matt being dragged down the hill by Gerard Argent, of all people. You didn’t understand what was happening at first, but then, Gerard threw him down into the bed of the creek. 
Gerard waded out until he was knee-deep in the water. Then he grabbed Matt by his t-shirt and thrust his head under water. You watched, horrified, as he drowned him in the creek. 
That was when you ran, occasionally glancing over your shoulder to make sure Gerard wouldn’t follow you. He didn’t even look up. Either he would come after you later, or he just didn’t care.
You sprinted past the bridge, only to have a pair of arms reach out and snatch you back. You opened your mouth to scream, but a hand clamped down over your lips, muffling the sound.
You were pushed up against the side of the bridge, the rough stone scraping against your back. When you saw who had grabbed you, your eyes went wide. It was Peter Hale.
It suddenly crossed your mind that maybe you hadn’t escaped Matt in the clearing. Maybe you were dead. Maybe that was why you were face to face with Peter, whose throat Derek had slashed open last month. 
He held one finger to his lips as he stared down at you, and while you should have been terrified, you had the odd feeling that he wouldn’t hurt you. 
“Watch,” he said quietly.
He grabbed you by the shoulders and spun you around, forcing you to look back at Matt and Gerard. You could see Matt’s motionless body floating in the water. Gerard was now standing up on the bank of the creek, his clothes still dripping wet. His lips were moving, but you couldn’t hear what he was saying. It didn’t seem to matter, because what you saw next told you everything you needed to know. 
The Kanima was creeping out from the shadows, wandering toward Gerard on its hands and feet. Instead of running, Gerard lifted one arm and raised his palm. The Kanima moved closer, hesitantly. Then it lifted up one scaly, clawed hand, and touched its palm to Gerard’s.
He was now its master. 
“Go,” Peter urged in your ear. “Tell your brother what you saw.”
You blinked up at him, confused. “Why?”
A smile played at the edge of Peter’s lips. “I have a feeling we’re all on the same team now.”
He let go of your shoulders and you slowly backed away from him, keeping your eyes trained on his shadowy form the entire time. When you were a few yards away, you turned your back and took off running toward the station.
Your chest was burning as you raced back toward Scott and the others. When you pushed open the doors of the station, several officers whirled around and trained their guns on you. You guessed Stiles’ dad had called for backup at some point. 
As you threw up your hands, you were able to see the Sheriff, your mom, and Stiles all standing in the lobby.
“Y/n!” Stiles cried. “Oh thank god.”
The officers lowered their guns, and Stiles rushed over. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you tightly against his chest. You froze in his arms, not quite sure how to handle his touch. The feeling of being caged against him made your skin crawl. Though you hated to admit it, it reminded you of Matt.
He pulled away suddenly, realizing you weren’t reciprocating. 
“Hey...are-are you okay?”
You shook your head, suddenly feeling overwhelmed. The lights of the station were too bright, and the sound of the deputies’ boots thumping on the floor caused you to flinch. You didn’t even know where to start.
Stiles watched in shock as you suddenly burst into tears. He wanted to reach out and hold you, but by the way you had just reacted, he was afraid to touch you. 
“Oh, uh…”
Before he could think of anything to say, your mom rushed over and put a hand on your back. “Let’s get you somewhere quiet, Sweetheart.”
She cast a sympathetic glance in Stiles’ direction and led you down the hall. The Sheriff followed after the two of you, no doubt planning to take your statement. Matt was nowhere to be found, and Stiles was willing to bet you knew what happened to him.
He wanted to follow, but he knew if he did, his dad would just kick him out of the room. You were a witness now, and they would need an official statement from you. 
Scott came jogging down the hallway. Stiles realized he must have heard you come back.
By then, the door to the office you had disappeared into was shut. 
Scott headed over to Stiles. “What happened?”
“I don’t know,” Stiles admitted. “But I don’t think your sister’s okay.”
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promisedneverwrite · 3 years
Until Dawn
A Vamp! Poppy x Werewolf Bea fic
A retelling of Queen B with added story plot
Tag list: @somewillwin @veenast @stanzoeywade @shows-simp-card @barnibumblr @tragic-tm @baexpoppy @noixngn @ashleyfenner @zeusasterion @captainpowerless @louvmin @maskedalienfreak @thescarycatishere @feliiix @depressedfrenchfry @spoonanarmadillo @amswanmills @frozelemonade  @waterinathermostat @rayvenz3 @wolfietheduckyou @chipo1804 @soft-round-bees @lazynightmareblaze @somin-yin @jiozkiii
Previous Chapter
A/N: GOD this was infinite. lol anyways this was a rough edit, hope you guys like it :) 
Chapter XX
Poppy surveyed the party from the staircase above searching for Bea before giving up, she’d show up soon. She walked slowly down the steps, her hand on the rail watching as people’s eyes moved to her as she descended. Poppy smirks as the light dims, music softening and the chatter quiets as she stands at the stage set up for the dj microphone in hand. 
“Welcome, revelers, and rejoice! It’s time for bacchanalia’s most time-honored tradition… The Human Sacrifice.” People whisper and look around trying to pinpoint who it would be this year. Poppy’s eyes land on Zoey who narrows her eyes at her but is still searching for Bea.
Whatever Poppy was going to say after was silenced as a large crash sounded from above and heavy footfalls thundered above them. A large figure jumped from the second floor and onto the stage crashing a hole through it and surprised screams sounded through the foyer. Poppy was still on the stage bewildered and surprised only to stop cold as the large figure righted and towered over her. With the lights dimmed it was too dark to tell what it was but those eerie yellow eyes stared back at her in the most unnerving way then someone screamed. A spotlight was shined onto the thing and it turned to the spotlight, revealing a bipedal form of a werewolf jaw opened in a snarl. 
The beast roared at the crowd, arms outstretched and chaos ensued. Girls screamed bloody murder as did all the other attendees all of them trying to rush out of the building, pushing and shoving. The beast grabbed a speaker and threw it at a column shattering the tech as well as the column. More screams echoed as the beast got to work destroying everything in sight, smashing things apart and crushing things in its teeth. Poppy was on the stage left for dead, her legs gave out and she fell to the stage floor as it continued its destruction completely ignoring her. 
The beast's anger lessened as there were no more things to throw or crush between its jaws, allowing Bea to regain control as she blinked the haziness away. The beast, satisfied with its work, retreated to the back of her mind but still skirting around Bea’s consciousness. Bea huffed as she looked around, licking her chops and shaking her large head ruffling the thick fur around her neck. She watched silently while the last of all the people had evacuated until she smelled something sweet and turned to the scent. Molten yellow eyes looked down at Poppy, and a deep growl emanated from her chest as she snapped her jaws shut in front of her. She expected a scream but what she wasn’t expecting was ending up being thrown across the foyer and into a vase. Bea shook her head growling as she got up confused, glaring at Poppy. Poppy glared right back, a bangle that used to be on her wrist bent and wrangled in her clenched fist.
“I don’t know who the hell you are but ruining my party was your last mistake.” Poppy’s eyes flashed red, fangs protruding from her lips in a sneer and then she ran at her. Bea dodged Poppy’s quick swipes before running up the stairs to Poppy’s room to escape from her balcony. The front door was no option, she was royally fucked now that she revealed herself to the student body. Albert was not going to be happy. She needed to get out of here, she already destroyed the manila folder after her change there was nothing left to do but leave. “Oh no you don’t!” Bea felt air swipe at her tail before Poppy tackled her, both of them crashing out onto her balcony and off it into the shrubs below. Bea righted herself quickly pulling Poppy off of her dashing away through the trees. 
“Stop running and face me you coward!” Bea growled at that but kept running till Poppy caught up to her tackling her again, both of them tumbling in the dirt. Bea pried her off with a warning growl, snapping and biting inches away from her face to get her to back off. Poppy swiped at her stomach and muzzle causing deep gashes to appear and Bea roared pushing her off. Poppy skids on the dirt using her hands to stop her from going any further and hisses at Bea. 
“Why aren’t you fighting back!” Bea just growled looking for a way to leave only for Poppy to get into her line of sight. Bea growls at Poppy who hisses at her in turn. They remained in a stalemate just waiting for the other to make a move when Bea’s ears twitch flattening on her head. Poppy tenses when the beast moves to stand in front of her stance wide as multiple smells rush towards them. Bea tries to pinpoint the smells but they move in circles around the edges of the forest around them. It isn’t until a large group of vampires tackle her down onto the floor from all sides. Bea struggles with the combined weight, she feels her skin prickle and her body getting weak, her wolf surged to the forefront of her mind pulling off a few vampires in a fit of rage. More and more vampires come rushing onto the scene tackling her back down. The sounds of rattling chains makes her thrash as she is held down on the ground, a lead of thick silver chains wrapped around her neck a blue glow emanating from the chains. Bea roars in pain as lightning crackles across her skin and Albert comes onto the scene, his face severe. Poppy can only watch as the beast struggles snarling and biting thrashing in desperation to escape the burning. Albert tuts as he walks to stand by Poppy’s side, taking off his long coat and putting it on Poppy’s shoulders with a frown on his face. 
“Your state of dress is much to be desired, Miss Poppy.”
“I was at a party, spare me the lecture Albert.” Albert turns to Bea a blank look on his face, fury filling his eyes.
“Honestly, is it so hard to do a single job Ms. Hughes?” Albert sighs as he walks up to her downed form. Poppy’s eyes widened. Bea snarls up at him teeth bared clawing at the ground. 
“Stop.” Albert doesn’t hear Poppy's small weak plea.
“I release you from your burden.” He raises his hand, ready to strike her down as she is immobilized.
“I said stop!” Albert turns to her hand still raised. 
“Miss Poppy I cannot do that.” Poppy turns on all of the grunts, a glare on her face.
“I said stop, all of you.” their eyes glaze over and they let go of the silver chain and step away from Bea’s downed form. Albert looks unaffected, a frown on his face as he watches Poppy move towards Bea cautiously, who just lays there looking up at her a small weak growl directed at her. Poppy gently removes the chain wrapped around Bea’s neck and throws it away. Bea shakes her body and stands eyes on Poppy before turning to Albert with a snarl. Albert keeps his eyes on Poppy.
“Keeping her alive is a mistake Miss Poppy, she needs to be dealt with.” Poppy glares at Albert. Bea just watches in silence going to slink away until she feels a hand on her fur keeping her still. Poppy grips her fur tight so Bea stays.
“I would have expected back talking from anyone other than you Albert, I’m disappointed.” Albert bows low. “And I already told you that we are not killing her, whatever the cause.” Albert still keeps his head low as he answers her.
“I am only doing this for your safety Miss Poppy, it is top priority over all else.”
“And you haven’t failed me yet, so why would that change now?” Albert doesn’t meet her eyes.
“I do not think I can handle it this time, Miss Poppy. Too many people have seen what has happened.”
“I’ll round them up and tell them to forget, I’ve done it before.” Bea looks between the two of them. 
“It has already been reported to local authorities, your mother’s people are already trying to do damage control.” Poppy stiffens before continuing.
“So what is the problem?” 
“Miss Lacroix is looking for her and this just confirmed that the beast is here.” Poppy bites her thumb. Bea just watches as Poppy thinks to herself before looking at Albert.
“You may leave.” Albert hesitates then bows.
“I will do what I can.” Poppy nods. The vampires with him bow robotically disappearing into the night with Albert being the last one to leave eyes narrowed at Bea till he leaves too. Bea stays vigilant listening, and sniffing the air just to make sure they were indeed gone. Bea huffs then turns back to Poppy who looks her over trying to find any injuries but finding none. “You can change back now, Bea.” Bea just continued to stare at her and Poppy stared back.
“Can’t.” Poppy’s eyes widened at her response, unbelieving that she could talk as she was.
“Why not?” Bea pauses then gives her a lupine grin before she changes back, naked in all her glory. Poppy’s mouth gapes eyes uncharacteristically averting away. 
“Don’t be so shy, Pop, it's nothing you haven’t seen before.” Poppy’s ears turn red and she turns to Bea face flushed.
“Change back! People could see you!” Bea thought for a second.
“Hmm nah, I think I’ll stay like this.” Bea puts her hands on her hips standing tall puffing her chest, she smirks when Poppy’s eyes follow the movement. 
“You know if you were so concerned about my state of dress you would have given me that jacket on you.” Poppy sputters and Bea laughs and her form changes again, fur and all back in place. Poppy shakes out of the hypnosis to take a breath of relief, but is turned away from her.
“You don’t seem surprised.” Poppy turns back to her, arms crossed.
“I had an inkling in the club, your eyes were a dead giveaway. Albert also told me, and this just confirmed it.” Bea huffed a laugh, a puff of hot air releasing from her snout. 
“Should have known. So you’re a…”
“Vampire, yes. And you’re a dog.”
“A werewolf to be exact, Pop.” Poppy only nods. 
“Right… Well I’m going to clean up. You may like being dirty but I rather not be seen like I rolled around in a pigsty.” Bea gives her a look. “Walk with me.” Bea trots beside her as they walk to the oasis Poppy had brought her to earlier. 
“You sure everyone won’t freak out if the resident queen b is missing after that?” Poppy scoffs.
“They can lose their heads for all I care, they left me to rot, and it’s your fault anyhow. I didn’t think you were actually dumb enough to actually reveal yourself like that. At most I thought you and that werewolf in the city were unrelated.” Bea winces at that information as they reach the pool house, it wasn’t her fault per say… okay maybe it was. They reach the front door and Poppy shoves her and Bea grunts looking down at her questioning why she did that.
“You broke my door.” Bea looks sheepish.
“Sorry” Poppy just huffs and walks into the house, the door fixed from what she had done to it. 
 Poppy moves with confident steps to where Bea thinks the bathroom is. Bea just waits by the bar going towards the sink by the bar to wash away the blood on her. “Aren’t you coming?” Bea turns to her curious but amused.
“Inviting a dog in your shower before bed, Pop?” Bea smirks but it's all teeth in this form. Poppy scoffs and turns leaving.
“There’s another bathroom but sure stay dirty, just don’t get it on my floors.” Bea just chuckles.  Poppy pauses back still to her. “Stay until I’m finished.” Bea smiles at that.
“Sure.” Poppy leaves and Bea changes back once again naked. Bea sniffs around for the other bathroom and finds it. She hops into the shower and just stands in the hot water for a second. Bea wonders how the others are doing and Zoey, they all didn’t have their phones and from what she remembered everything that happened there wouldn’t be shared due to secrecy. Ooo but she could now be claimed as the local cryptid which was in her opinion a life goal. She uses the shampoo and body soap scrubbing her body of the dirt, it oddly smells familiar. The door to the bathroom opens and Bea looks to see Poppy through the foggy glass, just standing there.
“You need something?” Bea lathers her body and she can see Poppy placing something on the counter of the sink.
“I brought you clothes.”
“Oh thanks.” 
“Whatever, just stop wasting the hot water and hurry up.”
“Yeah yeah, now shoo.” Bea finishes up and towels off with one of the clean folded towels on a rack. She looks at the clothes Poppy brought, seeing a pair of boxers, a large t-shirt, and socks. What a weird collection of clothes, no pants? Bea warily sniffs the boxers and finds no smell but laundry soap. Bea hums and slips them all on, loosely drying her hair with the hairdryer she found. 
Bea makes it back out to the pool room to find Poppy still absent. She busies herself with making them both drinks when the sound of the blow dryer signaled that Poppy was finished in the shower, she came out minutes later, her hair impeccable as always. Lingerie cleaned, either from a quick wash or having the same pair somewhere in the house.
“You’re still here… good girl.” Poppy teases smirking and walking over to the bar. Bea snorted and handed her a drink which Poppy took, eyebrow raised, suspicious.
“I didn’t poison it if that’s what you’re gonna ask. Unlike some people, I’d like my conversation partner to answer back.” Poppy takes a sip, eyes on Bea scrutinizing her a bit.
“That’s rich coming from someone who ignored my texts after I gave them a gift.”
 “I was going to answer your text, promise.” Poppy squinted at her as she took a seat at the bar beside her. 
“I don’t like being ignored, Beatrice.”
Bea just smiles leaning on the counter drinking from her own cup just watching her curiously.
“What’s on your mind, Farmsville?” Poppy questions.
“Well all that about someone being after me.” Poppy waves her hand while taking a sip of her drink. 
“It’ll be fine, we’ve done this before.” Bea frowns at her dismissive tone.
“Poppy, whatever's happening. I need to know if I did something that dragged you with me.” 
“It’s fine, you don’t need to worry about me. I can handle it, I’ve gotten this far without vampires coming after me.” Bea turns to Poppy and looks at her until Poppy turns to look at her too.
“Poppy, there wasn’t a werewolf involved back then. So spill what you know because Albert already told me I got someone coming after me and in doing so would bring attention to you.” Poppy frowns as Bea looks at her.
“He contacted you?”
“Yeah, before the whole Benji thing, after you gave me your gift.” Poppy clicks her tongue.
“And what did he say?” Bea tilts her head trying to remember.
“In exchange for protecting you, he’d erase all traces of me to the people looking for me.” Poppy looks at her incredulously. 
“And you just accepted?”
“Well yeah, I didn’t want you getting caught up in my mess if I could help it.” Poppy sighs tiredly and turns away.
“You’re such an idiot.” she muttered it under her breath but Bea heard it all the same, the barest hint of a fond smile on her face from what Bea could see. 
“But you still like me~” Bea grins, nudging her. Poppy pushes her away, annoyed.
“No, go away.” Bea hums and they sit in silence when a thought comes to mind.
“So do you know what happened to me, how I got to the hospital I mean.” Poppy is silent for a minute then answers.
“Well what do you remember?” Bea plays with her cup.
“I went for a walk, I smelled vampires so I came over, you were there and they wanted to kidnap you so I-” 
“Kidnap me?” Poppy interrupts a frown on her face.
“Yeah I was just as surprised, they were moving in so I intervened then everything went red, then black and I ended up at a hospital with a bite scar on me.” Poppy bites her lip then sighs as she turns her chair to face the pool.
“I found you naked and bleeding, one of mine was about to eat you. I had them removed.” Bea keeps silent at the small anger in her voice. “I was going to bring you to the hospital, but…” Bea takes in the silence, then it clicks.
“You bit me didn’t you?” silence.
“... yes.” 
“I thought I killed you.” her voice sounds small, a bit fearful even. Bea glances at her and just smiles softly. 
“It’s gonna take a lot more than your mosquito bites to kill me Pop.” Poppy turns to her anger surfacing at her dismissal.
“I did it twice.” Bea snorts into her cup as she drinks again.
“Are you bragging?” Poppy glares at her.
“Stop playing around! You could have died!” 
“I doubt that, I’m still here aren’t I.” Bea grins. Poppy scowls at her.
“Unfortunately.” They sit in silence until Bea speaks.
“Would you have missed me?” Bea keeps her eyes forward as she asks.
“What are you saying?” Poppy says in a whisper. Bea looked at her eyes searching, Poppy looked startled by the question.
“Would you miss me?” Poppy stiffens at her looking so earnestly at her.
“I…” Bea searches her eyes a bit more before turning to the pool, watching the water move softly. 
“Sorry, I’m just… nevermind… so vampires can’t have children once they’ve turned, so?” Poppy stays silent. 
“Yes… I would.” Bea glances at her seeing Poppy looking at the water, hands in her lap playing with her hands. “I would miss you.” Bea turns to her and smiles softly, bumping her shoulder with a grin.
“I would miss me too.” Poppy rolls her eyes. “Thanks for not killing me.” Poppy scoffs turning away.
“You're welcome, I guess.” Bea sits closer to Poppy leaning on her a bit, Poppy let’s her, leaning on her as well. Bea chuckles at that.  “So what about you? Have you always been…” 
“A werewolf?” Bea supplies.
“I was going to say hairy.” Poppy teases her a smirk on her lips. Bea squints her eyes at her.
“Har har, so funny. I was born with it, I come from a long line of lycanthropes so to speak.” Poppy hums.
“I must admit I don’t know much about your kind, they very rarely come out or at all. With the city having vampires almost everywhere and all.” Bea raised her brow, a small smile on her face. 
“Taking an interest in me?” Poppy rolled her eyes.
“Looking for weaknesses more like.”
“Pity.” Bea tipped her glass and downed her drink. “But what makes you think I’d give you any of my weaknesses?” Poppy rose a brow.
“Well what makes you think I don’t already know them?” Her voice is low, sultry even. Bea doesn’t look at her as she stares at the water of the pool illuminated by the lights below but smirks. 
“You’re bluffing.” Bea pours herself another drink but is stopped by Poppy’s hand on her own. Bea looks up and Poppy is staring back with a look on her face. Bea can’t quite comprehend it. “Name one then.” Poppy gives her this searching look before she smirks like she knows something Bea didn’t.
“Me.” Bea snorts. Poppy gives a light frown at her reaction, eyebrows furrowing a bit. 
“That’s pretty presumptuous of you to say.” But Poppy notices her fingers playing nervously with her glass cup and she smirks.
“Is it though?” Bea’s eyes squint at her as Poppy smirks.
“What are you playing at Pop?”
“Nothing… unless you’d like to play?” They stare at each other waiting, Bea’s eyes flicker from her usual dark brown to a lighter almost glowing honey color. Poppy’s eyes light up with wonder seeing it. Bea doesn’t remember who moved first but by the time she regained whatever consciousness she had she was between Poppy’s legs kissing her, one hand on her thigh and the other on the bar counter top. Poppy had one hand clutching the hair on the back of her head and the other on her bicep pulling her closer. Teasing bites and heated kisses exchanged as their tongues swirled together when Bea pulled back abruptly, a low growl erupting from her chest, head snapping to the front door. Poppy was panting, trying to pull her back only for Bea to remain rigid still. They both hear the sound of voices calling out from the surrounding woods
“Poppy are you there?!?” Poppy clicks her tongue. Bea blinks eyes returning back to their usual dark brown as Poppy slips on a bangle she pulls from her bra before fluffing her hair onto her shoulders. Bea looks at her questioningly.
“It’s so I don’t kill them.” Bea looks up seeing Poppy’s eyes watching her. Bea chuckles.
“I was going to ask about how you pulled it out of there but okay.” Bea’s head tilts to the door. “I guess I should go.” Poppy just hums sitting cross legged, arms crossed and looking straight to the front door with a dark look on her face. Bea chuckles and softly kisses her cheek which startles Poppy, her dark look lessening. “Try not to murder them in the house, it’d probably be a bitch to clean.”
“Not if I suck them dry.” Bea grins and Poppy realizes her mistake glaring at her waiting for her to say it. Bea raises her hands in surrender.
“You said it, not me.”
“Shut up, Farmsville and go.” There is a tilt in the corner of her lips and Bea gives her a salute. 
“To be continued.” Poppy watches her leave with a thoughtful look on her face before her head turns to the front door face pulled into a scowl. Oof Bea wishes them luck. 
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agustdakasuga · 4 years
You Never Walk Alone | Chapter 17
Genre: Werewolf!AU, Poly!AU?, Mate!AU, romance, fluff
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: Student!reader, Omega!Seokjin, Alpha!Yoongi, Beta!Hoseok, Alpha!Namjoon, Omega!Jimin, Beta!Taehyung, Alpha!Jungkook
Summary: You live a quiet life in your late grandfather’s cabin in the woods. You go to school just to graduate and get your diploma, not to make friends or stand out from the crowd. That was until one day, you enter your home to see a pack of wolves that need shelter.
It’s time to find out the truth. The truth about everything that has been hidden from you. And maybe, the best people to tell you that are the very people who knew your grandfather before you did. 
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With a gasp, you sat up from the bed that you were laying on. You drew your knees to your chest as you remembered the fear that bubbled in your chest and the amber flames that claimed your home. Thick sobs escaped from your lips and the door burst open. 
“(y/n)...” Jin placed the tray of food down and rushed to your side, wrapping his arms around you as you sobbed into his chest. 
“Shh, it’s okay, my love.” He whispered as he stroked the back of your head, hushing you softly. The other 6 boys stood by the doorway, broken as they watched Jin comfort you. 
“Tell me it’s not true.” You cried. 
“I’m sorry.” Was all Jin could say. So it really did happen, it wasn’t a nightmare. You cried out for your grandfather, apologising to him for letting that happen to your precious home. After all, he always boasted that he built it himself. 
“I’m sorry we couldn’t protect it.” Jin kissed the top of your head. 
“No. It’s my fault. It’s all my fault that this happened.” You shook your head. Of course, you were not unreasonable, you knew you couldn’t blame the boys when you were the one that sent them away and asked to be alone. The only person you could blame was yourself. You only hoped they got the people that did this to you. 
“Yoongi, Namjoon, Hoseok, Kookie...” You looked up at him, not yet realising that the 4 were standing there. 
“We’re right here, angel. We’re okay, nothing happened to us.” Jungkook sat beside you, cooing softly. He cupped your cheeks, wiping your tears away with his thumbs. 
“There’s something else I need to tell you all.” You looked up at all of them.
“You can tell us later. You should rest more, it’s been a long day.” Jin tucked a lock of hair behind your ear. 
“No... I need you all to know.” Your lip quivered. 
“Okay. But have a bath and some food first. Then we’ll talk.” Jungkook kissed your knuckles. You nodded your head and the boys left you to your privacy. Digging through your bags, you found some clothes and a towel. You headed into Jin’s bathroom to take a bath. 
“You’re done.” Jin smiled softly as he saw you descend down the stairs. You nodded your head, keeping your head lowered. Jimin led you to sit down. 
“Here. Careful, it’s hot.” Yoongi placed the bowl of soup and rice in front of you. Picking up your spoon, you slowly dug in. Even if the food was good, you didn’t have the appetite. Your stomach churned. 
“Boys, whatever she tells us, whatever reaction. Let’s try to keep it in and hear her out, alright?” Namjoon said. 
“She’s already broken enough.” Hoseok looked at you sadly. 
“I can’t even imagine what she is going through right now. Poor mate, she doesn’t deserve all this pain and suffering. But you’re right hyung, we will keep our emotions to a minimum. She doesn’t need more things to worry about for now when she’s clearly shaken up.” Taehyung nodded his head. The rest nodded as well. 
“I’m done.” You said softly. While the boys cleared up, you went upstairs to get what you need and came back down. 
“Sorry, just let me take a breath.” You said shakily. 
“Take your time, baby. Breathe.” Namjoon held your hand, squeezing it gently. You took a deep breath and nodded your head, reaching into the manila envelope you had with you. 
“I searched my grandfather’s entire room yesterday and found... some things.” You placed an envelope with your name and some photos on the table. 
“This... belonged to him.” You took the last item out, holding it tightly in your palm. Hoseok took it. 
“It’s a pack crest.” Hoseok said in disbelief. 
“Only the older generations use this. We don’t give out pack crests like these anymore.” He tilted his head and you nodded your head, understanding. Hoseok handed it to Yoongi and Namjoon, the ones that would probably know what crest it is. 
“It looks like ours but... it’s different.” Yoongi stated and Namjoon nodded. 
“I’ll send a picture of this to my parents. They know people who work for the royal archives.” Namjoon took a picture of the crest. 
“Wait. That means, your grandfather was a werewolf too? Wouldn’t that mean...?” Taehyung trailed off and all 7 pairs of eyes were on you. You gulped as you reminded yourself to stay calm. 
“I thought so too. But I’m not my grandfather’s real grand daughter. I-I’m adopted.” You whispered. 
“I’m sorry, baby.” Jimin hugged you and you wiped your stray tears. 
“This letter holds all the truth. My grandfather wrote it to me before he died, in case I find out the truth about everything. It’s so messy. Everything is a mess.” You held your head in your hands as you remembered the feelings you felt when you first read the letter, seeing your name written on it. It was clearly your grandfather’s writing. 
“My parents were hunters... But they abandoned me during an attack and while escaping, my grandfather found me and raised me.” Your whole body shook. You felt so much anger towards the people you considered ‘parents’. 
“I’m sorry.” You covered your eyes as you cried. You didn’t want to see their expressions. After all, their mate descended from hunters. 
“Shh, it’s okay.” Yoongi wrapped an arm around you. 
“My parents are hunters.” You cried. 
“That’s your parents. You were a victim too, abandoned when you were just a baby. No matter what, you were are still your grandfather’s grand daughter. He didn’t raise you as a hunter. He raised you as a normal human girl. It’s not your fault. We don’t blame you.” Yoongi comforted you. 
“Do you think that couple came to look for you then?” Jungkook asked. 
“If they’re hunters. Maybe.” 
“Could they be...?” Jin gasped. 
“No. Grandpa said my parents died, they died shortly after he took me in. That’s what his pack told him. They’re better off dead anyway.” You wrapped your arms around yourself. 
“(y/n), the intruders that set fire to your cabin... it was the same couple from this afternoon. It is safe to assume that they did know your parents or at least, your grandfather. They knew that he was a werewolf and that you are the child of your parents.” Hoseok said and you nodded your head. You couldn’t believe they did that, they tried to kill you. 
“But I don’t even know them. Before today, I have never seen them before in my life. W-What happened to them?” You asked. 
“The explosion was bigger than they expected. We believe that they died in the fire while they went in to look for you.” Yoongi informed. You looked down at your lap. 
“I see, that’s good... I guess.” 
“What’s wrong?” Taehyung knew your expression and tone of voice. 
“I mean, it’s good that they’re dead but if they knew something about my past, where I came from. I could have asked them. But it doesn’t matter now. That’s the least of my worries.” You shook your head.
“I don’t have a home now...” You sighed. 
“What are you talking about? You always have a home here.” Jimin held your hand. You looked at him then turned to look at the rest. 
“Thank you.” You hugged him. 
“Don’t thank us. There’s no way we’re letting our mate sleep in the streets or be homeless. You can stay here for as long as you need. Don’t worry about it.” Jin patted your head. Namjoon’s phone rang, breaking the silence. He excused himself and stepped aside to answer it.
“I see. I understand. Thanks for calling.” Namjoon said and hung up. he had a serious look on his face as he sat back down. 
“That was my dad. We should go home tomorrow.” He informed. 
“Is it because of the crest?” You asked softly. 
“I’m not sure, he didn’t say much. Except that we should head over and we should bring you too, (y/n). Don’t worry though, I don’t think it is anything serious. Besides, it may be safer for us to go.” Namjoon decided. 
“What do you say?” Jungkook asked you. You nodded your head. There was no where else for you to go anyway. And if that couple is really dead, people may come looking for them. If they are alive, they may come looking for you to really kill you. Sticking with the boys and going to visit their parents may be the best option for you. 
“Great. We’ll leave tomorrow morning. 8 am.” Namjoon instructed and everyone nodded their heads. You shuffled over to Yoongi’s room. 
“Hey.” He heard you come in and turned around in his chair to face you. Holding his arms open, he welcomed you onto his lap. You leaned your head against his chest as he kept his arms around you. 
“I’m scared.” You confessed. 
“I know. But we will get to the bottom of this, I promise. We’ll protect you.” He stroked the back of your head. 
That night, even as Taehyung cuddled you while you slept next to him, you couldn’t sleep for more than 15 minutes. You were scared of hearing footsteps or waking up to find the house on fire. It haunted you, the incident that happened or could have happened. 
“Tae, it’s time to wake up.” You smiled tiredly as you turned the buzzing alarm clock off. He groaned and just snuggled closer to you. 
“We can’t be late or Namjoon will lecture us.” You laughed. Pulling yourself out of his grip, you yawned and rubbed your eyes before brushing your teeth and washing your face. 
“She didn’t even sleep.” Taehyung looked at your tired back. 
“I’ll go see if the others need help with anything.” You leaned down to give him a kiss on the cheek before exiting the room. Taehyung got out of bed and went to the bathroom to get ready. You went to the kitchen to see Yoongi and Jin making kimbap rolls for the road. Although, you still didn’t know how you were going there or how far their hometown was. 
“Need help?” You asked. 
“Good morning.” The two greeted and you went over to pour yourself an iced coffee, hoping the caffeine would give you a little more energy. 
“Jungkook and Hoseok left earlier to get the vans that we rented to drive there.” Jin informed and you nodded, leaning back against the counter as you sipped your drink. 
“We need to head down to the main road though. Since there’s no road here.” Yoongi said. You helped wrap the kimbap rolls in foil and separate them into 3 stacks while the boys started loading the bags outside. Once everyone as ready, they locked up the house. 
“Who’s going in which car?” You asked. 
“She’s with us!” Jimin and Taehyung hooked arms with you, leading you to the van before the older ones could say anything. You slid into the passenger seat while Jungkook came into the driver’s seat. 
“Since they’re stealing you, give me a kiss.” Namjoon came to your side. You leaned in to give him a peck on the cheek. You repeated the action with Yoongi, Jin and Hoseok. 
“Let’s go.” Jungkook laid a small blanket in your lap to keep you warm then started to drive. 
“Get some sleep, love.” Jungkook turned to you as they stopped at a red light. Immediately, Jimin began to hum a soft lullaby and his best friend, who was beside him, and Jungkook, joined along. Together with the fatigue from not sleeping the night before, the 3 of their voices were able to send you to dreamland rather quickly. 
“Babes.” Someone stroked your cheek lightly. 
“Kookie?” You yawned and opened your eyes, focusing your vision on Jungkook, who was standing beside you with a bunny smile. He had almost an apologetic look on his face. 
“Sorry to wake you.” He threaded his fingers in your slightly tangled hair. You shook your head, stretching your slightly stiff limbs.
“Have we arrived?” 
“Afraid not but we’re halfway there. We’re at a pitstop now. The hyungs went to get some more snacks and use the restroom. Just thought if you would like to come along?” He offered. You blinked and looked around at your surroundings before nodding your head. 
“Come on.” He held your hand and helped you stand on your wobbly legs. Jungkook locked the car and headed in with you. 
“(y/n)!” Hoseok ran to you, pulling you away from Jungkook to hug you. 
“Hello, Hobi.” You smiled. 
“Want snacks?” He held open the plastic bag he was holding, which had hot french fries inside. You picked one, putting the hot treat into your mouth. You browsed the rest of the stalls to see if there were any other snacks. 
“Sleeping beauty is awake.” Taehyung came beside you. 
“Hello.” You said, your cheeks turning pink. 
“What do you fancy?” He asked, rocking back and forth on his heels. You hummed, looking at the menu. 
“Hmm... The cheese corndog looks good. But the fried potato balls with cheese sounds tempting too. I can’t decide.” You tapped your chin. Frankly, you were just hungry now and you were sure the boys had finished all the kimbap that the two oldest prepared this morning so you had to make sure you got your fill for the rest of the trip. 
“Let’s get both and share.” Taehyung thought you were so adorable trying to decide what to get. 
“Sure. Thank you.” This time, you let Taehyung pay. Holding both snacks in your hands, you waited for him to be done and found the other boys all sitting at a table already. 
“Yoongs.” You giggled at his messy hair and reached out to adjust it for him. He yawned tiredly, blinking, leaning into your touch. 
“Make sure you get your fill.” Yoongi turned you back to the food, continuing to lean his forehead against your back to take a snooze. You bit the cheesy potato ball in half and met the eyes of an anticipating Jungkook. Chuckling, you held it out to him and he grinned, eating the other half. 
“Some things never change.” You giggled. 
“Here. You can steal my food now.” Taehyung held the corndog out to you for you to take a bite. 
“Thanks, Tae.” You chuckled. Once the food was done, you and the boys got some drinks and other snacks to eat on the way there. In an intense game of rock, paper, scissors, you were again in the car with the younger 3. 
“What was your grandfather like?” Jimin asked. 
“Well, he was stubborn. Never liked admitting that he was weak or getting people to help. He liked to be independent and prove that he could do things himself. But he did things for me. Not once did I ever question if I was adopted or not because he did so much for me. He made life happy for me.” You smiled as you remember him. 
“I think we all see a little bit of him in you.” Taehyung smiled fondly. 
“Just like how he made life happy for you. You make life happy for us. We want to do the same for you.” Jimin softened. 
“There was never any awkwardness. I made fun of him for being old, he made fun of me for always not making friends. After all, we only had each other.” You shrugged. 
“He seems like a great person.” Jungkook said. 
“I agree with Kookie, I wish we had gotten the chance to meet him.” Taehyung said and you stopped. You felt tears start to swim in your eyes but you swore you wouldn’t let them fall. No more crying. 
“Y-You really mean that?” 
“Of course.” You saw Taehyung’s head bob in agreement through the rear view mirror and smiled to yourself. You knew your grandfather would have loved to meet the boys, especially since they were all werewolves, just like he was. You couldn’t imagine what it must have been like for him to not be around other werewolves. 
“We’re here.” Jungkook stopped the car. 
“Woah.” You were expecting a forest village, almost like the situation you were in with the boys. Instead, you saw a gated community that just screamed wealth. You gulped and you headed into the big mansion at the end of the road. 
“Boys!” Couples spilled from left and right, tackling the boys in hugs. You stood at the back awkwardly. What did a parents’ embrace feel like? 
“You’re so muscular, Jungkook!” You saw Jungkook smile at who you assumed was his mother. 
“Short stack. Have you put on weight?” Yoongi’s mother questioned, making the boy roll his eyes and you snicker. You watched on as the parents showered their boys with affection. Was it self pity you were feeling?
“Is that her?” You turned to see Namjoon’s mother pointing at you with a kind smile on her face. Namjoon nodded and stepped over to hold your hand, leading you closer to where all the parents stood. Clearing your throat, you gave them all a deep bow of respect. 
“Good evening.” You said meekly. 
“You’re so cute!” Hoseok’s mother cooed as she pinched your cheek. You blushed at her straightforwardness. She was like Hoseok. 
“Don’t be so formal, (y/n) ah. We’re all family here.” Taehyung’s father, who was a carbon copy of Taehyung, smiled kindly. You were stunned for a few seconds. Family? 
“Thank you.” You gave a small smile. 
“You’re right, Chim. She’s so beautiful.” Jimin’s mother studied you. The parents led the 8 of you to sit down while the staff that worked at the mansion brought all your things away. There was a huge sitting area and you sat in between Yoongi and Jungkook as you were all served some tea and an assortment of sweet treats. 
“Help yourself. Don’t be shy.” Yoongi’s mother grinned. You nodded your head, squeezing Jungkook’s hand lightly. 
“Is that it?” Namjoon father asked. You blinked in slightly confusion before looking at where he was pointing to. You had pinned your grandfather’s crest pin on your bag and completely forgotten about it. 
“Yes. I found it in my grandfather’s belongings.” You removed the pin, handing it to him. 
“Hmm.” All the parents surrounded it. 
“This crest is actually our pack’s old crest. You grandfather was from our pack. During our parents’ time, the royals had guards. He served our parents. This was given to them as a title piece almost.” Namjoon’s father said. So your grandfather was really from this pack. 
“Do you know anything about him?” You asked. 
“Well, he did live with you for years, dear. Wouldn’t you know?” Jin’s mother gave you a soft smile. 
“Finding all this out now, I feel like maybe I didn’t know him at all.” You whispered, looking down at your lap in shame. Yoongi wrapped an arm around you to pull you close for a comforting hug. 
“(y/n), he raised you, fed you, clothed you. Even if he did hide this from you, I’m sure there was a good reason behind it. No matter what he hid, he’ll always be your grandfather, alright?” Namjoon’s mother tilted your chin up. You nodded.
“Did you know him... personally?”
“We did.” They nodded. 
“Your grandfather was retired and during a hunter invasion, he found you, abandoned in the middle of a fight. He took you in but with fear that you may get hurt in another battle, being human, he asked for permission to leave the pack and settle down elsewhere. He wasn’t going to leave you.” Namjoon’s father explained. 
“He did that... for me.” You held your head in your hands.
“Your parents led the next invasion shortly after the both of you left but I’m sorry to say that they didn’t look for you. They died in that invasion.” Jungkook’s father said. 
“Don’t apologise. What those people do or did is nothing worth apologising for. My parents aren’t like that.” You shook your head. 
“Now I see why she’s the perfect mate for our boys.” Jimin’s mother giggled and the others agreed. 
“Your grandfather was a great man, (y/n). You may not be his biological family but all of us can see a little bit of him in you. He did great as a guard and raising such a beautiful young woman.” Jin’s father complimented. 
“Thank you. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about him.” You bowed your head to them. 
“Here. We thought you might want these.” You were handed an envelope. Inside, were pictures of your grandfather. 
“Sorry.” You turned away as tears slipped down your cheeks. 
“It’s okay, dear. It’s a lot to take in. But you’re so strong.” The mothers all softened at the sight of your tears. Yoongi hugged you his chest, not caring that your tears were staining his shirt. 
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prettybea · 2 years
Part 1: https://prettybea.tumblr.com/post/685422195777880064/chapter-1-alexandra-treses-pov-manila-a-common
Part 2: https://prettybea.tumblr.com/post/686041403771453440/chapter-2-professor-abraham-van-helsings-pov-i
Part 3: https://prettybea.tumblr.com/post/686357916772696064/chapter-3-lewis-peppers-pov-i-look-at-the-window
Part 4: https://prettybea.tumblr.com/post/687415997652779008/chapter-4-victor-frankensteins-pov-its-been-203
Chapter 5
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Alexandra Trese's pov
Me and Dr. Jekyll finally made it in Bromburg Grove. We both entered the forest not knowing the location but all we know is that this is will be the location where we will meet our teammates
"Did someone told you where to go? " Dr. Jekyll ask, I simply shook my head as we ventured through the forest. It took us hours until we heard some sounds and noises from the forest, we followed it and followed until we finally saw the others
"Ah... Detective Trese, there you are and you've brought the doctor with you " Said the man with black skin and wearing a suit and a hat. Behind him are a hunter and a tall man vampire presumably to be Van Helsing and Dracula. I look around to find a man with stitches on his face and a man who is really nervous and scared presumably Adam and Dr. Victor Frankenstein
"Hi Jekyll " Adam greeted Dr. Jekyll, he waved his hands like a friend who meets his old friends but then again Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde did mention that they have a good friendship with Adam. I glance at Dr. Jekyll who waved back at him with a smile on his face and then place his hand on the pocket of his black overcoat
Then, we heard a loud hunk which made us turn around to find a blue car. The car stopped as two doors opened to reveal a woman and a man whose head is a skeleton, he has no jaw, magenta eyes, magenta flames to resembles a hair, a black suit, a magenta tie, and a golden heart locket. I think this is Lewis
"Cecilia, glad to see you and... where's Griffin? " The guy who is beside with Dr. Victor spoke but then he ask this question to this... Cecilia woman. When the man ask this question Lewis immediately opened the car door and then pull out a man who is actually the Invisible Man
The Invisible Man who is called as 'Griffin' was tied with a white rope and he was half naked with brown leather pants and black boots. When Lewis gets him out of the car, Griffin groaned when Lewis accidentally dropped him
"S-sorry! " Lewis immediately yelled out, Cecilia grabs a tiny knife as she cuts the white ropes in half. Once she get rids of the white ropes, Lewis helped him get to his leg. Cecilia grab something at the back of the car it was a black bag, she unzipped it and revealed a black turtleneck, black leather overcoat, and a black hat
"Here, have some clothes. It's pretty cold this year " Cecilia said, as she she tossed those clothes at Griffin along wit a black sunglasses and a some white makeup
"You're late "
"I know, I already recruited Lewis and we are on our way on the forest until I receive a supernatural case and long story short: we found this guy on the house pretending to be a ghost. Good thing Lewis threw some white paint at him and then knock him out with a bucket "
"Wait, we only 8 members. Where is the werewolf?"
"You mean Lawrence. The Boss told us that we have gather them first and we have them recruit him "
"Really, you make us meet up here and let us captured the beast? " Van Helsing stepped up, he was kind of offended that we will do the dirty work for them
"You called us out to meet here and told us that time is running out leaving us so clueless but we agreed anyway but we have so many questions right now but you guys don't listen and don't answer our questions " Van Helsing argued, he walk towards to the guy that I saw his name tag named Robbie. I heard Cecilia and the other girl there guns gluck which made me tense but I could feel Dr. Jekyll and Dracula were tense when they heard the gun
We weren't paying attention at Van Helsing's complain we were just staring at Cecilia and the other girl. I held Sinag, my dagger as they were about to get there guns and aim the bullets at Van Helsing but then our focused were interrupted when we heard something...a growling and some sound at the trees
"Do you guys hear that? " Griffin ask, we look around to find some creatures growling. I released my Sinag as we all look around and follow the sound of the growling. I glance at Dr. Jekyll who is about to transformed into Mr. Hyde, I glance at Van Helsing who pulled out a sword and then toss it to Dracula to defend himself, I glance at Adam and Dr. Victor, Adam pulls out a weapon while Dr. Victor grab a gun that was given to Van Helsing, I glance at Lewis and Griffin who is trying to pay attention at the noise
It was dead silence on the Bromburg Grove Forest. There was no wind, no chirps from the birds, we didn't talk, move, and even panic we just focused on the sound. The entire atmosphere was silence
It was only moment when...we saw them. Our heads turned to the sky to find demons flying straight at us, my eyes widened. The demons has wings that was stick on there hands, sharp claws, they have red eyes, and sharp teeth. The demon let out a screech which echoes through the entire forest
"Ready yourself! " I yelled, suddenly they immediately went down towards as they started to attack. The first attack was from Lewis who both fist his hands to summoned fire on his fist when the demon went towards him he punch it in the face which makes the demon instantly burn with magenta fire and that's when the fight began
It's hard to explain how the boys fought those demons but all we did was just defeating some demons. We decided to hit for the head or the heart since that was the most important organ to keep there body moving and alive
I look at Dr. Jekyll who already transformed into Mr. Hyde already and that's when I saw Mr. Hyde's appearance. Dracula uses the sword alongside his vampiric abilities as he used his body as a swarm of bats and slice them using with his claws. Van Helsing used his crossbow to shot the demons in the head but he eventually run out of bows as he used his shotgun to shoot it to the head. Adam used his weapons to slice those demons in half. Dr. Victor tried and managed to shoot them at the head even though he missies he still tried his hardest to kill those demons. Lewis uses his magenta fire to punch and summoned a large of fire to burn them while the demons screech in pain. Griffin uses his stealth as he stabs, throws, and slice those demons apart he really wanted to take off his clothes and run up to them as an invisible but can't. While I, on the other hand used Sinag to slice, stabs, and throws just to defeat those demons but I sometimes uses some physical attacks
The fight was brutal, rough, and difficult. There were too many of them they were like bats that was about to surrounded us any minute but a plan just pop into my head
"Boys! Cover me! " I yelled at them, the boys and even the three humans looked at me. I know they were confused but it was no time to react, they did what I want them to do and now being surrounded by demons they formed a circle just to cover
"So, do you have any plans, detective? " Mr. Hyde ask, I kneel down as I removed some leaves on the ground
"What are you doing? "
"I'm going to perform a spell " I simply answered. I placed Sinag on the ground as I began to scribble the symbol in order to perform the spell. The symbol is a crescent moon and a star when I finished drawing the symbol I began chanting the spell in Filipino
"Mga elemento ng araw, Mga elemento ng araw. Tinatawag kita, upang tumawag sa iyo, Upang protektahan ako! Kaya mote ito maging! (Elements of Day, Elements of Sun. I summon thee, I call upon thee, To Protect me! So mote it be!) " I chant those spell three times and then the symbol began to glow into a light bluish color. It was only a few seconds when my surrounded by light and the sound of flapping wings, screeches, and sounds of there weapons were gone. It was only nothing but silence
I gently opened my eyes as I found myself at the same spot where I chant the spell. All of us were frozen in place as we saw was nothing but the corpses of the demons were there like birds who have been killed by the side of the road
"W-what just happened? " I heard Dr. Victor ask, the boys were stunned as to what happened. I stand up as I removed the leaves and dirt out of my knee. The boys started to look around while Cecilia, Robbie, and the other girl and boy still has there guns just to be sure if the demons are dead or not
As I examine the dead bodies of the demons I look at the boys, they were completely shock and stunned I noticed Dracula turns around to look at me with a stern, serious, but also confused look onto his face. His arms were crossed as he let out an exhale
"Did you do this, detective? " He ask, I gave them a chuckle as I walk past to every single dead bodies
"We're being serious here, detective. Did you do this? "
"Of course I did. I'm not just any normal detective that you boys walk into...I'm a Babaylan-Mandirigma "
"What's that supposed to mean? "
"It's a translation of Healer and Warrior. I usually take supernatural cases and what I did there is magic. It's a magic from my country called Philippines " I explained to them, I could sense that they are interested in my abilities. It looks like that they've never seen someone like me
"But... enough about that, I want to know about your abilities and weakness " I said, changing the subject I must admit I'm rather curious about there abilities. I know that Dracula's abilities is just like in the books and films but there are abilities that really surprised me. For Mr. Hyde and Dr. Jekyll I know that they are just two personalities in one body but I've never seen them perform such strong physical attacks and perform spells that an alchemist can do
"Well, we should continue. There is one member left and after that maybe we should do the case now " I said, the boys noded there heads in agreement. I glance at the four humans that recruited us I notice that they are saying stuff in there walkie talkie telling someone that they got us
I have this gut feeling that something isn't right. I walk away from the boys who were having a conversation, I walk at the humans as they place there walkie talkies onto there belt. The man with the hat notice me approaching them
"Is something the matter, detective? "
"I saw the four of you talking to someone in your walkie talkies. Who were you talking to? "
"It's the boss. We just reported that we got attack by demons and we got you guys in the forest "
"I didn't catch your names actually. Who are you guys? "
"The names Captain Robbie Walton but call me Robbie If you want. Here are my colleagues, Jessica, Detective Cecilia Hansley, and Renfield. Sorry we didn't introduce ourselves very properly there are so many stuff that has been going through our head " The captain by the name of Captain Robbie explained it to me, I really want to ask more questions but suddenly we heard trucks going towards us in a high speed
Our heads turned to the eight cars that surrounded us in a circle
"What the f*ck!? " Griffin exclaimed, when the parked there trucks there are soldiers wearing in black and they have stunned guns. I realized that they are going to shoot, I quickly yelled
"Wait- " It was too late. They started shooting at us. When the electric guns shoot me it was painful as I screamed as well as the others who were yelling as they collapsed onto the ground. My ears are started to ring as I was starting to lose my composure and strength. My consciousness started to fade and the only thing that I remember before my vision turns black is a man who steps out of the car and approaching Captain Robbie, Detective Cecilia, Jessica, and Renfield and everything faded to black.
Captain Robbie's pov
After the whole screaming from the team members I watched them as they collapsed and they were unconscious. The soldiers started carrying them straight to the organization
"Is that everyone? " Our heads turned when we saw the boss himself. He wore a slick and well combed black hair, he wore a black suit, he has brown eyes, and he speaks in a British accent
"There is only one member: The Wolfman "
"We were planning to have them recruit the Wolfman considering the fact that we saw them fought those demons for the first time " Jessica explained, the boss has an impressive expression on his face it was as if he was impressed at the team's abilities. Maybe he choose the right team after all
"Hmm...we'll talk about this later at the organization but right now...we need to explain. I suspect that they are very curious about this case. Let's go! "
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vicecityhq · 2 years
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WITNESS(ES) SAY THEY REMIND THEM OF: the gentle waft of cologne, the wail of a guitar, and the feeling on your back that you’re being watched . With a slight resemblance to NAKAMOTO YUTA of/the NCT 127/U.
last name, first name: nanami kakuzo, alias: kuzo , black . kakuzo black, elias realm of birth(if earth, nationality): the inbetween (underworld), japan age: in between age about 80 years old, earth age 27 gender: male preferred pronouns: he/they species: mixed-blood (werewolf, child of the realm: son of melinoe, goddess of ghosts and nightmares) occupation: detective at apd/special forces sexual orientation: not applicable any associated/owned businesses:
skin color: tan eye color: marble grey with a black ring around it in human form, acme grey in wolf form scars: scar over his left peck from being stabbed, many on his knuckles and one on his cheek bone piercings: many in his ears, belly button tattoos: two on either hip, one along his back hair color: naturally white, goes in between black and white based on mood bc he can  (like his wolf form), abnormalities: pointed canines horns/ wings/ etc: transformed form: a large grey black and white wolf, in the in between/the underworld: long white hair fading into black tips past his mid back, curved obsidian black horns, usually adorned in ruby jewels and black fur. (inspo x , x ). when he’s comfortable he tends to walk around in a  sort of in between form mostly at home. (inspo x , x)
RELIGIOUS BELIEF: greek mythology, otherwise some form of atheism
SINS:  greed  /  gluttony  /  sloth  /  lust  /  pride  /  envy  /  wrath
VIRTUES: chastity  /  charity  /  diligence  /  humility /  kindness /  patience /  justice / temperance
KNOWN LANGUAGES:   Greek, Japanese, English, Korean is still a bit intermediate stage as he didn’t bother within the first year or so of being in the country
SECRETS:   His father is Nanami Kento, former Howler Alpha. His aura causes weak willed people to decent into madness. the speed depends on how much they can handle and how long they’re around him/frequency
SAVVIES:   guitar, drums, singing, boxing and other fighting forms of combat, math and probability
Powers & Abilities:   Claw/Fang Retraction, Contaminant Immunity, Transformation, Enhanced Body/Supernatural; Body, Agility, Durability, Endurance, Leap, Reflexes, Senses, Hearing, Smell, Speed, Stamina and Strength. Night Vision, Regenerative Healing, Wolf-Physiology, Dark Divinity, Daemon Physiology, Corrupting Presence, Madness Manipulation, Madness Embodiment. Insanity Inducement, Illusions (for a period of time), Madness Aura, Nightmare Inducement, Nightmare Magic, Ghost Lordship, Ghost Companionhip.
Traits:  +observant, -tsundere
Date of Birth:   per his most recent life 041294
Date of Death:
Crime Record:   sealed away in an manila envelope somewhere in the precinct it reads: wanted by the japanese government for crimes such as theft, murder, laundering, and intent to move goods across country lines
tw: mentions of child abuse, domestic abuse and infant death
The legacy his father held didn’t start in the Howlers. Nanami Kento lived his life as a dictator, a bully and tyrant, and it translated into the people he’d claim to love.
The legend says; It had been just the two of them at first, Kakuzo, born originally as Elias, lived in the underworld with his mother for a much longer time than he had on earth, all four times at that. The lives he’d lived never sated his mother’s hunger for the human realm. Melinoë’s world was a constant state of black, white and red, the screaming of souls and the heat of flames.  She was able to watch her mother ascend to the heavens every spring season, and see the glow around her once she returned to their world every winter.. And even as she was given Elias to continue her legacy, her world seemed to continue in its dimness. 
She craved to ascend like Persephone, but too afraid to go alone, she sent Elias out into the other world, communicating then solely in the In-between. Elias lived out his life, but it was hard for him. Melinoë’s aura still surrounded him, a deafening madness that drew people to him or scared them to the point of traumatization. The longer they indulged in him, like a drug he gave the most blissful high, but soon they’d all begin to deteriorate, their minds falling into shambles. He could never truly love, truly laugh, truly care as he walked amongst the humans. Each era he endured meant nothing more to him and he couldn’t be bothered reconstructing psyches while trying to exist. 
His first time on Earth had been short lived, their conditions hadn’t let his little baby body last much past a week. Upon his return Melinoë had decided to wait until they advanced in their lives to put him in another vessel. His second life was a bit smoother, the woman he’d met had a strong will, and they married and even attempted a child, but her own devastation led to his demise. The life in between hadn’t been quite notable, it wasn’t until his current one where he’d decided to make it fun, living for his pleasure. And like the mother she was, upon this agreement he was given something he hadn’t had before, since he planned on taking life into his own hands. Twin guardians, large dogs  of unknown origins that made their way to the house of the young woman that carried him. 
But Melinoë hadn’t known the type of monster that was believed to help create her son in the living world. She hadn’t anticipated the beatings, and the tyranny. Never thought to see him fighting for his life for monetary gain. And yet he always refused to leave. She begged and begged Elias to return home to her, leave that vicious man that had become his father, but he was adamant, it was his life, and he was to see it through. He completely became Kakuzo, knowing well his mother’s eyes were constantly on him. He attended every cage fight, took every punch, until Kento decided he had better things to do than break down his teenage son. 
In Kuzo’s eyes, they dodged a bullet and he went on attempting to live through the trauma he’d experienced under that man's care. He’d dove head first back into music, even going abroad to study it around the age of  fifteen. A year later he joined a Japanese-American band.
 At his young age and being the guitarist of the group he gained popularity fast even being able to go back to his home country to continue the career with his bandmates once their hype died down in America. But of course as he expected, it wasn’t just his ability to be so young and talented that kept the crowds around. Weak willed supporters were drawn to the point of madness, and Kuzo felt the brunt of it all. He enjoyed the life, the drugs, the women, the men. The slice and roar of an electric guitar was a fuel to the high life but the heaviness of those who craved him was too much to deal with.
By twenty, six albums and three tours later, Kuzo decided to wrap it up, using his connections through the industry to simply exist as he wanted to. But Kento’s darkness remained, always there to linger over him as he promoted the need for violence, and left Kakuzo craving it when he wasn’t occupied. It was like an itch, an addiction, when he could cloud his  mind with other things it was a distant memory, but the absence of screams and shrill music forced him to crave it all over again.
To Japan’s underground he went. Back into cages, leaving with broken noses and scarred knuckles, wanting something, anything, to keep the hunger sated. But these rings were tied to something much more dangerous, something that led a young  Kakuzo to being the delivery boy for something, or someone deeply tied to the Yakuza. And his undefeated status in the underground led to his promotion from simple delivery boy to bloodhound, bounty hunter, collector. He was no longer Kakuzo but Black. Simply a dark smudge in the foreground that drives you completely mad.
But of course when things hit the fan, delivery boys are the first to be cut as the line gets caught, and Kuzo was facing the rest of the life he so desperately wanted to live, behind bars. His saving grace came in the dank, darkness of an interview room, it came with sleek black hair, tied into a tight bun and the click of heels. It came in a language he couldn’t understand, and badges he couldn’t read but in that moment he was given a fighting chance. That was, if he was okay with handing the reins of his life over to another type of gang. 
He owed the Agdoeg Police Department his life.
“We’ve been watching you awhile,” they said, something about his father that he hadn’t cared to hear at the moment, but they wanted to use him, and his skills.
With his mother’s guardians in tow he left in secret, known purely to the rest of the force as Black. Kakuzo Black., had anyone asked, to erase his relation to his father for their benefit. He was to be on their beck and call, told to tell the world he transferred agencies to follow a lead that connected Agdoeg to the Yakuza, giving most of the precinct the run around, save anyone of note. 
Now, three years later he’d grown a knack for it. Doing the same for the APD as he did for the Yakuza so long ago, only here he felt he was making some sort of a difference.
He was able to live freely, his charms and aura still driving the world around him mad but now he basked in his finesse.
INTERVIEW QUESTION (para sample): “Just run us through what happened that night”. - Officer
Kuzo leaned against the wall and waited for everyone to settle down. His eyes flickered over to their Lieutenant with a nod, moving to push himself  off the wall to stand in front of the white board. It was covered with multiple faces of victims in their morgue and those of some suspects and crime scenes.
“If I’m honest I have no idea why you guys are making me do this, my job is to get the guy right?” He said in a comical tone. Grey eyes flickered over a tough crowd and he rolled his eyes and began.
“Viktor Sonegroff our suspect of unknown origin is said to be tied not only to the Ivory Lotus but the Night Bloods as well. He is also known for the disappearance of two of our informants. So I did as I always do, and previously stated before, I got the guy.” Kuzo motioned to the open windows of their meeting room, framing the eyeline of their holding cells. 
“Now was he within an inch of his life when I got there or after, I can’t confirm nor deny, but I did what I was hired to do. He’ll be fine. Have him walk it off or something.”
A heavy sigh came from officer Soh, and Kakuzo looked at him as if he was confused on why he’d feel such disdain. “Black. That is not what we- you know what, just meet them at the hospital for the interview.”
“Okay but I can’t grantee he’ll be alive if I do that...I’ll try my absolute best...sir.”
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wolfs-hunt1 · 4 years
Wolf Kisses 3
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Pairing: Stucky x Shapeshifter reader
Word count: 1897
Warnings: none on this chapter, sorry for any typo.
A/N: ok ... I think I already know where I want this fic to go. I have currently 3 more chapters planned, but since I got stuck writing this (it covers only half of what I had planed for this specific chapter) I might take longer with the others. I’m just publishing this one like this because I feel like I’ve been stuck long enough and I might need a new perspective. I hope you all like it!
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Part 2
You were in the communal kitchen, having breakfast with Bucky and Steve when Tony walks in and stops when he looks at you. he whistles slowly and looks between the two men.
"You go Capsicle, finally getting on with the times I see." he winks at them and slaps Bucky on the shoulder when he passes him on the kitchen, going in for the coffee pot to make himself a cup. This makes Steve choke on his coffee and a scowl to appear on Bucky's face.
"What is that supposed to mean, tin man?" Bucky grumbles, turning on his seat to look at Tony. Tony merely looks at the three of you and makes an obscene sign with his fingers, making a collective groan to leave you all.
"First of, eww, we're still eating!" you say "And second of, I'm still recovering from an injured leg, I don't think those activities are advisable." you sass back, looking at Tony's shocked face when you tell him you're the injured wolf the two super soldiers brought home.
"What? But…"
"Wolf got your tongue?" you are now openly laughing at his reaction, with Steve and Bucky snickering beside you. "By the way, I have some really strong words for you if you think I'll let you do any testing in me without me bitting back." you are glaring at him by the end of your sentence, making sure he knows you don't want any probes anywhere near you whatsoever.
"Will a bite from you make me turn?"
"I'm not a werewolf, I'm a shapeshifter."
"Sure thing Lupin, whatever you say." he picks his cup and leaves the kitchen, trowing that comment over his shoulder.
Tony didn't talked more to you that morning. But in the afternoon you did got a manila folder under Steve's door with information about your species, that Tony had collected from one of Shield's servers, along with a written note that a room would be prepared for you that same afternoon so you wouldn't have to sleep on Steve's couch. Yeah… like you had been doing that anyway. But maybe a room would be nice. You would be able to give them their space and you could have yours.
You have dinner alone with them in their apartment that night, and after, you are shown to your new room. There were some clothes set out for you, that seamed about your size, so you wouldn't need to keep wearing Steve's and Bucky's oversized shirts, although to be honest, they were quite comfortable.
You take your precious time in the bath that day, making sure you are thoroughly clean and relaxed before sleeping on some clothes and flopping belly up on the bed, just staring at the ceiling. The soft shadows caused by the lights from the buildings outside made the room appear cold, dark, and empty. Made you feel alone. When did you stop feeling like you were alone in the first place? You had barely noticed it… but now that it was missing, you craved it once more.
You didn't want cold and dark and alone.
You wanted toasty warm, and cuddly. You wanted the comfort both men provided without really asking it of them. You wanted the security they gave and how they made you feel like you didn't have to be alone ever again.
You get up and walk to the door before stopping abruptly. No. You couldn't. You had intruded on their lives enough already. And now you had your own room, and not even one excuse to go and see them. You were alone once more and you had to live with it. So you crawled back to bed and pulled the comforter atop your head, hiding underneath them to keep warm.
Your night was restless, you got little sleep, and had sore muscles from the lack of rest. Your eyes were still a bit puffy from the time you burst out crying with no idea what you were even crying about. Overall, you looked like a freshly crawled out of a grave zombie. That was plainly clear when Tony and Sam spent the entirety of breakfast teasing you.
"So… where's Steve and Bucky?" you ask, not having seen them yet that morning.
"Last I saw them was when we went on our morning run." answered Sam, between bites of his toast.
"FRIDAY, were are Capsicle and Barnes?" Tony quips from his seat, eyes never leaving his tabled and occasionally sipping his coffee.
You looked at him weirdly until a disembodied voice ranged all around you. "Captain Rogers and Sargent Barnes are currently on the training floor."
"What was that?" you ask a bit startled with the voice that came from thing air.
"That was the AI that powers this building. You can ask her anything if you ever need help around here. She'll also let you know what floors you have access to and what floors are off-limits." that could come in handy.
"Cool… do I have access to the training floor?" Tony merely hummed, and so you went back to finish your breakfast. Sam comes with you to the training room when you both finish breakfast, him going to the locker room first to change to something lighter than the sweater he was wearing.
You go ahead and open the door, the sound of flesh hitting flesh and grunting could be heard right away, the overpowering smell of the leather of the machines hitting your nose with the slight tang of sweat. You can see both men in a sparing mat, trowing and dodging punches right and left, with barely time to take a breath.
You don't want to distract them, so you lean against the wall, just watching them. Roling muscles expanding and coiling with each new movement an entrancing sight. Sam shows up a few minutes later, wearing a black t-shirt with the Avengers logo on it… subtle. He walks up to you and smiles.
"Do you spar?"
"Oh… not really. I only fight when others get too close for comfort. And even then I have sharp teeth and claws to help me out. Like this, " you point with a hand at your body, "I'm basically useless." he chuckles at you and nods at one of the punching bags.
"Care to help?" you nod, following him and grabbing the bag so it wouldn't move too much whenever he punched it. You could feel the strength of his punches traveling through the bag, and you could also tell he was holding back, maybe so he wouldn't make you fall down. "So… wolf girl. What's it like to live as a wolf?"
"It's thrilling. The rush I get when turning, when running or hunting, it's amazing. The power flowing through my veins, making me faster and stronger, making me be able to see better in the dark, and to ear and smell more enhanced than when I'm human? It's addictive really." you can see the fascinating in his eyes with every word you say, his focus on punching the bag slipping away so he could better hear your story. " But all extremely draining, the more time I spend as a wolf the weeker I progressively became, and if I get injured, my body can't even turn back."
"So like, you can only be a certain amount of hours turned?" he asks, resuming his punchings when he notices he had fully stopped his training to look at you.
"No, with experience, and by pushing my limits I get to extend that time. The most I've staying turned was about three weeks, it was during a blizzard, and honestly, being human in that situation would have killed me." a loud bang reverberates in the room, making the both of you look over to the two super soldiers. Steve was pinned to the ground, whit Bucky's metal arm in his throat pushing him to stay down while he straddled the blond's hips, also pinning his legs so he couldn't move.
"Ready to give up, Stevie?" Bucky taunted, leaning furder down to whisper something on his ear, making him shift his head softly to look in yours and Sam's direction before looking back at Bucky.
"I can do this all day." Steve manages to topple Bucky over and get the upper hand, pinning him now to the floor mats. Gripping Buckys arms to the side of his head, sitting on his thighs.
"Get a room you two." Sam throws at them, making you laugh at the light blushes on their faces when Steve helps Bucky up.
"No need to get jealous birdbrain, we can share you between us." Bucky quips back, just to rile up Sam. Your friendly bickering is stoped when Natasha walks in, with a serious face.
"Fury is calling all of us for a meeting. Now." she leaves the training room without waiting for an answer.
"(Y/N), why don't you go up to your room and order something for lunch from FRIDAY, we'll probably take a long while at the meeting." Sam leads you to the door, while the three of them go to the locker room to change before the meeting.
--- --- --- --- ---
Being cooped up in this fancy room wasn't your idea of fun. In fact, you've been living so long on the wild that being in this place as long as you have is starting to make you climb the walls. Almost literally.
Maybe you should have taken Sam's offer to throw some punches and let out some pent up anxiety. Maybe a walk outside would help you calm your nerves. You walk to the elevator and after some awkwardly pacing around, you speak up.
"FRIDAY, can you take me to the ground floor please?" you can feel the moment the elevator starts to move, and a short few minutes later the doors open up to a massive lobby. "Thank you." you step out and walk along the vast space, boots making some squeaky noises every few steps. The doorman tipped his hat at you and opened the door, bidding you farewell.
The air outside was warm, but the cool wind that was blowing felt refreshing on your skin. You pick a direction and start walking, not caring much about where you're going. The streets were busy, but no one really paied any attention to you, making you blend in naturally with the city.
You are so distracted by your own thoughts that the next thing you know you are walking at a park, the lush green canopies of the trees making the air cooler and more refreshing. You walk to a bench and sit there, looking at the small playground infront of it, watching the children playing.
You longed to be able to run as a wolf once more, but it wouldn't be smart to do it here, the bystanders would only call for the authorities and you would be shot on sight. So running freely would have to wait. You wondered how the meeting was going, what they were talking about, and if it involved you. You where living there rent-free after all, and with a questionable background to warrant you lots of questions about it, none of the superheroes were doing.
Taking a deep breath once again you decide to return to the tower, you had been away for far too long without having told anyone.
--- --- --- ---
Part 4
Tags:  @hidden-treasures21 @jelly-fishy-babie @thedarkplume @fallenoutofrose @animegirlgeeky @salveangeli @lokilokilokilokilokiloki @artemis629 @buckysknifecollection @glimmering-darling-dolly @ rebekahdawkins @amiets2  @tite-rose @ animegirlgeeky
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