#The end!!
fizpup · 6 months
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december delight 🌠 (12/12!)
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tooquirkytolose · 1 year
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You pull out the crystal candle from your pocket, and find it alit with a multi colored flame. You close your eyes, make a wish, and blow out the flame. The King of Fancies claps his hands in delight "See?? SEE?? I told you all hiding the candle in the vase was a good idea, I wanted someone who was equal parts mischief and a lover of fanciful things!" The rest of the the marital contenders grumble their congratulations as he continues, "Come, come, there is a grand wedding feast awaiting us, and I hear tell of a wonderful cake!" And so begins your eternal life as the spouse of the King of Fancies, demon wish-granter and lover of trinkets
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Thank you for playing! :)
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estelle-skully · 2 months
First Battle
Huge thanks to @isitwp for giving me the idea lol
for now i might just write short stuff like this but some day id like to write about the trainers! (The only thing stopping me from writing a Lee!Larry fic is because Im too flustered for that ugh ((and a lack of ideas)))
Summary: This is from the POV of the pokemon! But! Two trainers with a Shinx and a Minccino as their partners decide to do their first battle with their new pokemon! But Minccino knows a move that is surprisingly super effective on Shinx…
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It was a beautiful summer day. The afternoon sun warmed the fur on Shinx’s back and flocks of fletchlings danced in the sky, singing jovially. This was it. His first ever battle. Shinx had been waiting for this moment since the day he saw one of his older siblings obliterate in a battle against a wild tauros. He had been practicing like his life depended on it since then, mostly with his favorite moves- thunderbolt and quick attack- on his other siblings, and occasionally random rocks. That is, until he was caught. By the best trainer in the world.
“Alright Minccino, are ya ready?” The opposing trainer shouted, snapping Shinx out of his thoughts. The light grey, petite rodent-like pokemon flicked her tail and nodded at her trainer, trotting up to her side of the battlefield. Shinx took his place as well, flexing his claws eagerly. This was gonna be easy.
“Ill give you the first move,” the opposing trainer said with a small bow.
“Oho, you’re gonna regret that” Shinx’s trainer said with a small laugh. “Shinx, use quick attack!”
Shinx bolted forward at his trainer’s command, landing a hit on Minccino. Caught off guard, she stumbled backwards and fell. Perfect.
“Alright Shinx, take advantage of this! Use tackle!”
“No!” Minccino’s trainer exclaimed, “Dodge it!”
But she was too slow. Shinx landed on top of her and bared his fangs. Minccino was now pinned and completely helpless. Shinx’s trainer laughed triumphantly.
“u-um… uhh…” Minccino’s trainer was now nearly panicking. Bro did NOT want to lose that easily 💯. “Use uhh… t-tickle!”
Shinx smirked down at the slightly smaller pokemon, hearing his trainer laugh again in the background. “You really think that’s gonna do anything?” He asked, feeling extra cocky in this moment.
“I dunno, but it’s worth a shot. Gotta trust my trainer.” Minccino replied with a careless shrug, starting to twirl her fluffy tail into Shinx’s stomach.
Shinx tensed his entire body and flexed his claws again. Nope. He was not going to be defeated by such a silly, useless attack.
“N-not… working…” Shinx said, fighting against the urge to laugh.
“Not yet,” Minccino replied nonchalantly. She lifted her paws to Shinx’s belly, letting her tail flop down beside her, and started kneading at his fur. Shinx cringed away in response, curling forward a bit and lashing his tail. He flattened his ears against his head. It was getting really, really difficult to not just give in and start cackling. “You really have to get better at pinning your opponents,” Minccino said, seeming bored as she poked and prodded Shinx’s belly. “It was very easy for me to use my paws like this. Let this be a lesson to you to think harder next time.” She trailed her tiny chinchilla claws down his sides, and at this point, Shinx couldn’t take it. He threw his head back and laughed, falling to his side. The opposing trainer let out a victorious yell while his trainer exclaimed “What!?”, but he barely acknowledged them.
“Use tickle again!” The opposing trainer said as Minccino stood up and shook out her silky fur. Before Shinx could get out of the way, she pounced on him and swiped her tail along his back paws while continuing to use her little claws to harass his stomach and sides. Helplessly, Shinx kicked his paws and batted at Minccinno, but it seemed impossible to escape this ticklish prison.
“Come on, Shinx! Use thunderbolt!” His trainer cried, but he was too flustered to focus on the attack, so all he was able to do was send a few little sparkly shocks to his opponent, who scoffed and smirked for, Shinx realized, the first time in this entire battle.
”That barely tickled. But I’m supposed to be the ler here, not you.” She quickly turned around, now swirling her tail into his belly and scritching at his paw pads with her god damned claws.
That practically killed him. Shinx instantly gave in, no longer fighting back, and just allowed himself to be tickled silly. Minccino squeaked happily at the sound of his goofy laugh and seized her attack.
“Had enough?” She asked. Shinx nodded, panting and staring up at the sky. So much for winning his first battle. But for some reason, he wasn’t really all that upset about it.
“Oh, Shinx, we have a lot of training to do, don’t we?” His trainer said with an amused sigh, walking over and picking him up. He purred and nuzzled her cheek. Minccino’s trainer walked forward too.
“Good job, Mini!” He congratulated his pokemon, who looked up at him with wide, innocent eyes, as if she hadn’t just completely annihilated her opponent by using tickle. The two trainers looked at each other. “It was fun battling you, Sarah” Minccinno’s trainer said, sticking out his hand to Shinx’s trainer.
“Right back at you, Ricky” she replied, shaking his hand. “But dont get too confident, because next time, Shinx will be prepared for that tickle attack!”
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 2 years
A Hero's Judgement, Pt. 6 of 6
Kara doesn't return to the hospital. A week later, Lena is released-- wheeled out in a chair that goes home with her. Updates from Alex are brief, leaving Kara to stew in a lack of detail and her internal resentment.
She's never felt like this before-- so directionless, so helpless. The anger and hurt that had prompted her to cut ties with Lena is still there, simmering under the surface where it has lingered since that day in the lab.
Kara tries to push it down, tries to contain like she has for over a year. But it refuses to subside. Instead it churns and tumbles in her gut until she's nauseous with uncertainty.
She hasn't moved on, that much is clear. Nor has she moved on from Lena. And now she feels that familiar pull, that desperate need to be near. But that same hurt holds her back, this time for Lena's sake rather than her own.
Lena doesn't deserve to carry the burden of Kara's unresolved emotions. As she once said, her contrition has been demonstrated with every professional encounter, every time she agrees to help for no other reason than their need.
Lena has earned Kara's forgiveness. Now Kara needs to figure out how to give it.
Weeks after Lena's release from the hospital, Kara can't take the distance between them any longer. She makes her way to Lena's apartment, whose door opens long moments after Kara's knock.
Lena sits across the threshold in a low-backed wheelchair. She gazes up at Kara in surprise before her features smooth into indifference.
"If you're looking for Alex, she and Kelly left an hour ago," Lena tells her.
Kara steadies herself with a deep breath. "I'm here for you."
Lena doesn't respond.
"Can we talk?"
For a long moment, Lena doesn't respond. Her gaze falls from Kara's, sliding askance as her features turn sober. In the end, her answer comes in the form of Lena rolling her chair back to allow Kara to enter.
Walking into Lena's apartment feels odd. There are changes since she's last been here, but the bones are the same. It's still Lena's space. Kara closes the door behind her, and follows Lena as she rolls her way deeper into the room.
When Lena expertly twists the wheels of her to face Kara once more, Kara wants to ask how she's doing. How she's feeling, how she's processing. What comes out of her mouth is entirely different.
"I've never not cared about you," she says. Her words are blunt but her voice is as gentle as she can manage. Lena's eyes lock on her, and Kara holds her gaze for a moment before she lets it fall away. "I think, maybe, I cared too much."
Lena doesn't respond. Her expression remains wary, but she allows Kara to continue.
"That's why it hurt so much. Why I didn't see a way back for us. But when I saw you in that car, I-- everything seemed... different. Not that what happened suddenly didn't matter, but-- it now seems so solveable. I should have trusted us to heal. But Lena--"
Her voice catches. Taking a moment to collect herself, Kara closes her eyes and breathes.
"I need you to understand that it was never my intention to hurt you. And it tore me up for years to know that I did. That I was. But you... letting me believe that we'd be okay, and then trapping me in Kryptonite-- it was cruel, and malicious. And I... I didn't know what to do with a version of you who would do that."
This time, it's Lena's turn to hide her gaze. Her fingers fidget in her lap, squirming under the accusation. A year ago, Kara would have been glad to see it, to see Lena so uncomfortable to be confronted by her actions. But now-- it only breaks her heart.
"But what I realize now is... that version of you only existed because of the choices I made. It doesn't make it right, but-- now I understand."
When Lena still can't bring herself to meet Kara's gaze, Kara steps closer and lowers herself to one knee before Lena. Only then does Lena lift her eyes.
"I don't want to spend my life without you in it," Kara says softly. "You have every right to be angry with me for shutting you out, but..." Kara extends both hands towards Lena, palms up in offering. "Maybe we can overcome this time. Together."
Green eyes grow damp. After a long moment, Lena places her hands in Kara's.
"My anger burned out a long time ago," she admits quietly. "But that doesn't mean I don't want to send you packing." Lena offers a wan smile. "When Lex told me your secret, it felt like none of friendship was real. And when you so easily accepted that we were good that it only deepened my belief that it meant nothing to you."
There's a click in Lena's throat when she swallows.
"I grieved you, Kara. Our friendship... it felt like everything that meant anything had suddenly died. Twice. But-- I respected your choice to not accept my apology."
Kara wants to tell her that she loves Lena for that. As much as it had hurt that Lena didn't try again, that respect is so very Lena. Kara shouldn't have expected anything different.
"But to do so I had to set boundaries of my own," Lena continues. In the pause that follows, Kara thinks that's the end of it, decision made. Lena surprises her again.
"Even so-- what kind of person would I be if I didn't give you the same chance I so desperately wanted for myself?"
A sob of relief bubbles out of Kara. She sniffs, shrugging to rub the tears from her cheeks without breaking the seal of their joined hands. It takes long minutes before Lena can gather her voice again to continue.
"There's no way to go back to the way things were. But maybe..." Lena's breath stutters in her chest. "Maybe we can grow into something better."
Kara offers a tearful smile. "I'd like that."
"I don't have much experience being the bigger person," she murmurs, huffing a quiet chuckle. But her gaze is guardedly hopeful. "I may need some of your guidance."
Kara nods as a fresh round of tears leaks from the corners of her eyes. "Anything you need," she vows.
She squeezes Lena's hands.
"I'll be here."
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teleostuber · 2 years
!!! i loved your take on eyeless jacks backstory @__@ do you have any other lore headcanons 4 creepypasta characters?
Thank u a lot :] HERE is my Jane the killer lore
Jane is an independent killer for hire who had a traumatic run in with a Jeff the killer copycat mercenary during one of her jobs
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Even tho she ends up killing the copycat, she’s badly scarred and his visage haunts her years afterwards so she hunts the real Jeff down to ease her obsession BUT
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He’s not what she expected! so she just gives him some break-in and gutting tips then fucks off
Because as much as this funny kid reminds her of herself he also reminds her of someone else a lot more
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super-ion · 1 year
Werewolf Facts for April 1st:
She beckons to me and we run wild through the forest. We hear the song and I know its meaning. Together we add our own voices to the ancient melody. We are bound together now by the curse and our love.
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ninzied · 2 years
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(let me) love you
In which a night of tequila leads to Frank in her bed, and Karen comes to terms with loving him and letting herself be loved in return.
“Took you two long enough, you know.”
Karen looks up from bustling Sarah’s wedding gown. “What?”
Sarah has the flushed, happy look of someone who’s just married the love of her life. Both of them do; David’s halfway across the reception hall, getting surrounded by his new in-laws, but they keep stealing glances at each other and smiling.
Karen’s probably been guilty of doing the same thing with Frank all night.
“You two.” Sarah gestures toward the bar, where Frank has just gone for more beers. “Remember when I kissed him at that party? Junior year, I think it was.”
“Yeah,” says Karen, frowning at a particularly stubborn bit of lace. She could probably name the exact month and day that it happened. She can also remember the bio test she failed the next morning, and the way she couldn’t quite meet Frank’s eye for a good week after it happened. “But what does that have to do with—”
“That’s how long it’s taken you two.”
one. two. three. four. five.
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moonfromearth · 2 years
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And the Bard siblings have aged up!! 😄
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chiisana-lion · 4 months
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sayruq · 3 months
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like to charge reblog to cast
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pjharvey · 4 months
making fun of americans is pretty much always ok if youre not doing it in an edgelord “you guys have so many school shootings” way or acting like we’re the only country that has racism. but like posts about americans and hamburger get me every time
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witchywitchy · 4 months
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Keep talking about Palestine!
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intersectionalpraxis · 4 months
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redstonedust · 5 months
yknow AI art has ruined an entire genre of painting to me, i saw one of those smooth anime-realism pieces and immidiately thought ''ugh, AI art'' until i noticed it was posted by an established deviantart user 6 years ago. like ive never been a huge fan of that genre but it looks like a pretty difficult style to master and i feel bad for the artists who specialized in anime-realism only to have their entire market jacked by people typing keywords into midjourney.
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oneshortdamnfuse · 3 months
One of many pieces of information rarely discussed that has stuck with me in studying the Holocaust in a literacy class is that people who survived the death camps often did not survive starvation. It is very difficult for a severely malnourished body to recover from starvation. A severely malnourished body will struggle to process food at all, and many people die in the process of “refeeding.” This is called refeeding syndrome for this reason. Reintroducing food can and often is fatal without careful, medical guidance.
Starvation is one of the most common and effective forms of genocide. What makes it effective is that past a certain point, even if aid has been delivered, it is not enough to save someone from death by starvation. What also makes it effective is that withholding food is viewed as a passive consequence of political turmoil rather than an intentional act of violence among a people. You will see more people die from starvation in genocides across history because it is an effective way to kill many people without the use of state resources.
The starvation of Gaza is intentional. The United States and Israel may gesture that they are delivering or allowing aid into Gaza, but in reality they are active participants in the starvation of Gaza by destroying medical infrastructure, limiting the amount of aid “allowed” in, and blocking aid trucks from entering. Throwing food into Gaza by airdrop at this point in the genocide will not be enough without medical infrastructure to refeed a severely malnourished population. Many will die anyways. Many have already.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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The math just adds up!
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