#The fucking video games I would make if I had the braincells for it
calciumcryptid · 3 months
Decided my proposal for a We Are Series ghostship is Beer and Kleun. They could make a very chill couple.
#they might seem boring as a concept but that is why i love the idea of them getting together#imagine with me:#we all agree beer deserves good things#through his his screentime kluen was shown to be a green flag but he had a crush on the wrong person to have a crush on#so beer and kluen meet again independent of the group similarly to the beer and peem interaction#beer makes a comment on kluen disappearing after the volunteer camp and kluen awkwardly says he joined to hit on peem and beer sympathizes#they eat together and talk about the volunteer camp further and beer comments on how jealous phum was of kluen#kluen is in disbelief phumpeem aren't together yet and beer laughs#they have a good time and exchange numbers so periodically in the show beer would be on his phone giving kluen live updates#the two resonate over having braincells and meet up for lunch more and more frequently as tan and phum are enraptured#eventually mick catches them together and jokes he feels like he is third-wheeling a date#beer and kluen both say it is not a date and mick makes a face before going back to his video games#mick is so absorbed in his video games he doesnt witness beer and kluen agree to try and go on an actual date right in front of him#cue we are series typical nonsense as the cast keeps catching beer and kluen on dates without realizing they are on a date#until beer shows up with kluen to a gathering and reintroduces him as his boyfriend#everyone is surprised they got together so quick and beer has to explain to them not every relationship is a bl#then beerkluen becomes everyones relationship counselors because they hold the sacred braincells#at some point phum asks beer how he feels about kluens former crush on peem and beer stresses it was a former crush and relatively minor#and phum realizes he was really shitty and unreasonable to kluen and apologizes and they become friends#just the ghostship of beerkluen#we are the series#we are series#beerkluen#fuck it ill make it a tag
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Round 1 part 1: Lego Monkie Kid (multi-media) / Ace Attorney (video game series & anime)
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Qi Xiaotian "MK" & Long Xiaojiao "Mei":
1. Mei and MK are two kick ass heroes who have been best friends for years. They freely express their (platonic) love for each other a lot, they hang out all the time, they support each other in any way they can, they fight as a unit. They can take on anything together, whether it's their favorite arcade fighting game, or a demon show is determined to erase their world. 2. they're just so fucking good man, Mei gets basically a doomsday magic sealed into her body and nearly gets torn to shreds over it and MK braves the magical world-burning fire to hug her and calm her down and it instantly does just that enough to get some level of control over the the doomsday magic. also they're chaotic besties, not a single braincell between them, just lots of schenanigans.
Maya Fey & Phoenix Wright:
1. Quite frankly I don't think they will win. They are constantly being tormented and experiencing the horrors and this poll would be no different. 2. they literally cannot die no matter what hell canon puts them through. fall off that bridge n cliff to a deathly boy! get kidnapped like 4 times girl! when she gets kidnapped like the first time, they had to make a new sprite for Phoenix coz he didn't look devasted and depressed enough. Power of friendship though! and she is OKI! :) 3. The most iconic attorney and assistant pair in the series. Phoenix canonically ran onto a burning bridge to try to save Maya when she was in danger. His call with her got cut off once and he left the country to go make sure she was safe. She's been kidnapped twice to be used as leverage against him and both times she was more worried about him than herself. She once jumped in front of a taser to try to protect him. He's also defended her from murder accusations like four times. Their relationship defines the original game trilogy even more than the Wright-Edgeworth relationship does. Other Ace Attorney games wish they could replicate this dynamic. They got added to a fighting game as a single unit where they work together to fight. They both think they're the reasonable one in this friendship, despite neither of them actually deserving that title.
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boxenstopp · 7 months
it's 1 am, anyway time for walkthrough of my entire rewatch of czech it out. as my brain slowly melts into pieces. get ready for a long-as-shit post.
EPISODE 1!!!!!
can i say. first of all. wtf are these graphics. what were they thinking and why does it kind of work with the atmosphere.
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second of all. introduction of the coffee. does carzzy like coffee? is that his coffee? who made the coffee? all differs depending on the video.
introduction of the smiley "i agree to anything carzzy says" humanoid. he has that rookie vibe here like he's very unsure of himself but oh boy marek, carzzy is not a stable anchor.
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also, carzzy calling humanoid "marek brazda" every chance he gets, istg. he 100% says it just because he loves how it sounds. brazzzzda.
cut to carzzy calling him unskilled and we get the classic "i've been insulted by carzzy" face. i love that he has these patented modes. so far we've had "carzzy loml you can never do anything wrong (meant ironically)" and "carzzy loml 🥺🥺 spare me anything sir i haven't but a penny" (it has been 40 seconds)
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face is exemplified when carzzy goes out of his way to place his cup on (what i assume is) humanoid's desk, cause of course he does.
humanoid gets asked a question about mid and so carzzy is RESPECTFUL and lets humanoid speak.
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just leaving this here. btw: "marek brazda" counter: II
i realize at this point there are so many things to point out but i'm too lazy to screencap them. first of all, carzzy complaining about pantheon/taliyah and humanoid who was not listening at all just going "nice :)" and carzzy also needs a moment to register and then goes. "no." and then they start arguing about something with approx. 0 heart and 2 braincells of what they're arguing about. and then carzzy does the thing where he lets humanoid get the last word (thing he does all the fucking time) and just hums like a girl cause SHE IS down bad. (btw me calling carzzy a girl is not an insult it's an um actually? 🏳️‍🌈🤓 moment.)
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one of the most important things about carzzynoid is their nonchalant complete factually incorrect statements. can guarantee you they think it's the funniest shit ever, however, it's only funny if no one laughs. they have these voices where you can tell they're trying to make themselves sounds as uncaring as possible. anyway yeah guys, g2 is 10th, 9th place team for sure.
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CAN I SAY. carzzy's heterochromia is insane in these early videos. every close-up on his face i go woawwww!! idk if it's more noticeable or if i'm just going insane. anyway humanoid goes on to end the segment with "pojďme se na to společně podívat!" (according to software that seems about correct to me) meaning "let's take a look at it together" otherwise LITERALLY meaning "check it out." or something pretty close. as an EXTREME linguistics nerd and general languages lover i think hearing them speak czech makes me explode about 10 times anyway so. idk if that's a correct analysis :)
THIS carzzy smirk. i could write a paragraph here honestly. anyway humanoid asks a question and carzzy does not answer because why would he.
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then carzzy goes on a rant about how amazing their coach is only for his genius mordekaiser pick to be wasted on MAREK BRAZDA (counter: III)
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insulted marek left, "i'm not blaming anyone" marek right. (carzzy was totally blaming you dude. you're both so horrible.)
carzzy checks in on humanoid for that one, lmao. makes sure that he understands, yep.
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NEXT DYNAMIC UP!! the fuckin sad lions/chad lions thing. carzzy thinks they are "sad lions" cause they lost both games.
carzzy calls humanoid a czech, a clearly very embarrassing insult. also he hesitated a bit which meant he was SCRAMBLING for a different insult but really. czech? that's the best he could come up with. pussy.
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anyway he's bullied marek into participating in the content and so he actually has to give his thoughts and he thinks he's a bad chad bitch who actually LET them win. also "this guy" counter: I. because humanoid hates calling carzzy anything actually. carzzy is just a pest to him and he needs to express that to carzzy face. obviously.
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CONFLICT RESOLUTION!! i love how their dynamic is straight up insult each other until one person goes: actually you're the best i love you so much you're so hot so talented i agree with everything you say i'm a shit stain you're a saint i'll do anytthing-
final thoughts: ough it's 2:30 am now but it was worth it honestly feels fucking amazing to type all this out imma go to sleep hopefully nobody reads this because really you're wasting your time. if you did <3 thanks.
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sapphire-weapon · 9 months
U don't have to reply publicly to this ask but I actually need to get this off my chest somewhere bc ur like one of the only public blogs that doesn't ship Aeon
But I saw this tiktok saying 'Wesker knew about Ada liking Leon from the beginning and had to take precautions' like what?? What precautions did he take he doesn't gaf about Leon... if he doubted Ada's ability to carry out a mission over a man she only met once then I don't think he would employ her again...
And the text they were using was from the original RE2 which is almost 30 years ago and they were applying it to the remakes. Like it literally said IN THE FILE that Ada was sent to retrieve Sherry and Leon also got the g-sample of Sherry. I said it wasn't canon because... it's not like that doesn't even happen in the remakes?? Leon hardly interacts with Sherry. Then loads of aeon shippers were saying it was canon and that 'the remakes don't completely change the story it's just a reboot!1!1!1!'
It's like... u seriously think something that was written TWENTY SIX years ago. Applies to games released in 2019 and 2023? U don't think the writers changed some aspects to make the games more realistic? Like the relationship has so clearly changed and I'm so sick of Ada x Leon shippers who change the relationship to fit their narrative. I like Leon and Ada together and I think they care for eachother but I don't even wanna say that because I don't wanna be associated with those people. They're all so aggressive too like
Sorry this is rlly long I just wanted to speak about it😭😭😭u don't need to reply if u don't have anything to say
hit them with operation javier. that always shuts them up. not a single aeon has a comeback for that.
i'm kidding leave them alone LMAO
like the operation javier thing is true but honestly leave them alone. you're not going to win against mob mentality. you're just not. you're creating more stress for yourself by trying. that's just the reality of modern-day fandom. no one ever has a reason to leave their echo chamber, so they don't, and they're hostile to anyone who invades it.
that's why i don't leave this blog. there's no point to it. i'd just be picking fights for the sake of picking a fight. and i don't want to fight with people. people are fucking stupid LMAO fighting with them would just damage my own braincells, because i'd be exposing myself to their brain damaged takes.
wesker does harp on ada about leon in OG SW, so that's where they're getting it from. and if they're so convinced that OG and Remake are the same timeline, like... again, you're not going to convince them. it's a whole cult mentality where they have to come to the information/understanding on their own; you can't force it on them.
because they clearly don't understand what the word "reboot" means. resident evil is probably the first big video game franchise they've followed. every reboot in every game series is a new timeline. the dante from DmC isn't the dante from the original devil may cry games. modern lara croft isn't PSX lara croft. and REmake leon and ada aren't OG leon and ada. that's how video game universes work. it's how they've always worked.
but if you don't really play video games, you don't know that.
and that's not our problem. what other people think/believe about a game canon doesn't actually affect our lives. so just let them be stupid. people have a right to their own stupidity. block them and move on with your life, because it's not worth it.
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kuwdora · 4 months
Number 9 for the vidding ask game please!
9 What are some fandoms and/or ships you'd like to vid for but haven't yet?
I want to vid Poppy Li and Ian Grimm from Mythic Quest, the workplace comedy about video game developers. Their platonic friendship and professional working relationship is something I absolutely fucking loooooove. Poppy Li is autistic coded through and through and Ian Grimm is the posterboy for ADHD, they're hilarious and sweet and stupid together. I have my song already picked out, I just wasn’t able to scoop enough my braincells together with everything else I had going on last few years. But I really, really want to vid them to MC Frontalot's Final Boss, lmao. Make Poppy and Ian skip through unskippable dialogue lines.
I also 10000000% want to vid Scavenger’s Reign. I have a song for that, too, and I would need to have @sassaffrassa hold my hand the entire time while I make it because the show and the animation are so overwhelming and awe-inspiring. I need to try and replicate the experience of what it's like trying to watch the show. I also have all my witcher vids I want to do, and that's what I'm most likely to start and finish this year. Thank you for the ask!!!
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blackestnight · 1 year
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<Get to know the mun!>
1. Are you named after anyone?: nope. my middle name does come from my great-grandmothers on both sides of my family, though!
2. When was the last time you cried?: tuesday night when i was clearing the new panda raids with @nuclearanomaly and @karoiseka, we all three wound up sitting in voice as we finished up the epilogue quests/cutscenes, in total silence but for increasingly loud sniffles. what the fuck. (we of course immediately turned around and joined other friends for their story clears tuesday and wednesday and delighted in the agony.)
3. Do you have kids?: nope. no desire, no plans. 
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?: not as much as i used to, but yes.
5. What sports do you play/have you played?: i bounced around a lot of different sports when i was in school! mostly swimming, but also soccer and marching band/color guard. did some dance for a while, took a stab at track and field until i royally jacked up my knee. joint problems and other health issues have mostly meant i couldn’t continue, but i do want to get back to swimming, at least.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about other people?: oh gosh, i don’t even really know. hair? clothes? despite all the sports my proprioception is not the best, so i tend to be watching my feet rather than passersby when i’m out walking.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?: happy endings, i’m a total wuss about horror movies.
8. Any special talents?: i am really exceptionally good at tongue twisters. blame the competitive speech competitions.
9. Where were you born?: maryland!
10. What are your hobbies?: i’m going to put in a broad ‘gaming’ here, for things like ffxiv and gpose, as well as other video games (been playing a lot of zelda lately, as well as monster hunter) and tabletop rpgs (i’m in a couple long-term campaigns right now, and do local organized play, plus i’m running a campaign for a system called—and i cannot make this up—thirsty sword lesbians). writing, too, when i have the braincells for it, although i’ve been a bit burned out on that/directing my writing energy towards tabletop things. and of course reading! i’m making my way through the dresden files currently.
11. Do you have any pets?: my sweet baby panther kitty! her name is misty, she’s the sweetest cat i’ve ever known. (currently she is taking a nap on top of my feet.) we also have two other cats named london and camilla, as well as a jack russell named jojo, although they’re family pets and not mine specifically. (i voted for naming london palamedes instead but was shot down.)
12. How tall are you?: 5'10″! although my favorite shoes have heels so if i have to exist in public it’s closer to 5′11″.
13. Fave subject in school?: always a toss-up between english and social sciences, depending on the teacher. i also really enjoyed foreign language classes! in college i took a really good class on creative nonfiction essay writing that i still go back and browse my notes from.
14. Dream job?: my first job was working a circulation desk at the local library, and honestly being able to work organizing community events for a library would be the ideal. the one nearby hasn’t had any open positions for a long time, though.
15. Eye colour?: blue!
Tagged by: @dragonsongmakhali! thank you so much!
Tagging: YOU. 
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rmorde · 1 year
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I love this opening so much. Creative and accurate to how old computers start up.
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The smooth transition between these two images was so good. From old and grainy footage to the smooth and clear "reality". Also the water animation was amazing!
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My two faves working together for the first and last time. They would have been gremlins together. Yuji the movie dork and Kokichi the mecha dork.
They COULD HAVE BEEN MENACES TOGETHER! Talking about comic books and movies and animes and video games with Todo trying to get them into idols!
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This is an automatic fave. Why would it not? It's pretty iconic. But MAPPA really went EXTRA for this as usual.
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Words of wisdom from Mahito. Something to think about more because I can't believe I forgot this detail that jujutsu/sorcery may be bending reality to a sorcere's will as well. After all, the way Gojo's ability works is "bring Infinity" into reality - he acknowledges that technically "infinity" isn't real but his powers make it so anyway.
So, logically, the world of JJK functions the same ways as ours in terms of physics but sorcerers can play around it with their CTs. 🤔
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Very creative delivery of exposition by MAPPA as usual
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Sad but true and it's fucking awful.
The only reason why curse users would go all out is because they know Gojo isn't there anymore. This also applies to You-Know-Who as well. I swear the only reason he did what he did recently in the manga is because the ultimate threat to his You-Know-What is finally eliminated thru cheating with the CT he stole.
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The fact that Kokichi acknowledges that he did wrong, expressed regrets, and worked hard to redeem himself is why he is one of my faves. I'd defend his bad choices! And he is much better than Sugu-!
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I find Gojo's overwhelming faith disturbing. It's sweet but disturbing nonetheless.
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My two faves being happy together because they can retrieve Gojo. 😭
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I don't know. It just stood out to me so much how as soon as Gojo was mentioned, Panda suddenly looked worried.
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Gorgeous Nanami drawing! 😍
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Two faves sharing braincells. As much as I rag on Mahito, I still love (and hate) him so much.
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Two faves still sharing braincells bullying old man Jogo. Poor Jogo. ALSO! Gorgeous drawing of Choso of course!
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The love they have for Geto...
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Classic Karate-chop by Fushigiro
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I approve Ino. Give the loaf kitty attention!
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MAPPA. Fuck you for this one.
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One last pic of the ultimate gremlin!
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LMAO!!! Btw, this refers to Gojo! They're ragging on Gojo because he has gorgeous legs - long long lean legs! Ahahahaha
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2, 7, 8, 12, 16, 20, 23, 25, 27, and 29 Michinaga and Neon
2. When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you’ve sent me a character I don’t like)
Neon: she was always near and dear to me but when I realized she was kinda a dumdum. I love a girl with no braincells. I love her so much.
Michinaga: I recently reread my initial liveblogs when I called him "freckleface bitchboy" before I learnt his name, and I always meant it affectionately, so yeah. Always. But probably during the Concentration Game especially, when we found out more about his past
7. A quote of them that you remember
Neon: I can't recall it word by word, but I really love the scene when she grabs her mother's wrist as she tries to hit her again and asserts that she WILL escape
Michinaga: that simple. "And?" when Beroba points out he is just like those riders he hated. That made me feral and mental for many different reasons
8. Your favorite outfit of them
Neon: her outfits are always so cute, I really can't pick one
12. Sexuality hc!
Bisexuals, the both of them. Michinaga probably has a slight preference to men, but he is still Bi Bi Bi
16. A childhood headcanon
Neon: gosh this is difficult. But I imagine her to be the kind of child who wanted to be adventurous, but they didn't let her, for like. Obvious reasons. But also the kind where if you didn't look at her for two seconds, she was climbing on a cabinet
Michinaga: I do not think he has anyone. Like. Not at all. He had Tooru from childhood, and they basically grew up together, not having anyone else. I headcanon that they were foster kids who had trouble finding their footing anywhere else, until their boss found them, got them a job, and the rest is history.
20. A weird headcanon
Neon: can't cook. At all. You know that one discord video where the guy tries to make instant ramen and fucks up spectacularly and the entire chat loses their minds? That's Neon feat. her polycule
Michinaga: he definitely had more mutations from the Jyamato Buckle from what we had seen. Maybe there was a reason for that many layers. There is so much body horror that can be put into this bad boy
23. Future headcanon
It matches with what I want for the rest of their polycule. Happy. Alive. Together. Remembering. Healing.
25. When do you think they acted the most ooc
Neon: DEZASTAR ARC. No I do not mean her being the Dezastar, that's all well and good, but even BEFORE it, the way she acted like she didn't even notice Keiwa was there? Uhm what? Sis you just saved Ace alongside him a little while ago what the fuck was that? Keiwa is your friend? Huh?
Michinaga: uhhh Takahashi can I get some uhhhh fucking payoff to the hints that he cared for Keiwa and even the "make me believe in you" bullshit he said to Ace. Now that he obviously seemed angry that Neon and Keiwa remembered, and his displeasure at Neon being dragged through the mud by Beroba, I am HOPING we get something out of it but. Please.
27. If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet?
Neon: Poppy, because I think about that Ex-Aid crossover a lot and I think they would be Delightful. They could play DoReMiFa Beat together. Also maybe Izu for Artificial Girls purposes.
Michinaga: LET HIM HUNT KUROTO FOR SPORT PLEASE TAKAHASHI I BEG YOU, ZOMBIE ON ZOMBIE VIOLENCE, I NEED TO SEE IT. Also Rudi Wenders from Vamp because that would feel like headbutting a mirror. Also Olteca because they look so fucking similar, and I want to see what would happen.
29. How do you think they would be as a parent? (and if they are a parent, how do you think they would be if they weren’t?)
Again, I'm looking at this in an ot4 child context, but I think they'd both somewhat struggle. Neon because she doesn't want to suffocate them the same way her mom was overbearing, but she wants them to feel loved, unlike her... but she'd figure it out. Michinaga would be terrified of having a child, but like. He'd also figure it out. And hell hath no fury than Michinaga, if his child is hurt, he would be ready to go on a WARPATH, the others would have to hold him back. (Like they are all protective, but the rest are a bit more reasonable about it. Michinaga is ready to go scorched earth.)
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sleeping-lilies · 4 years
robin era jason, dick, and babs headcanons because there’s too much comedic potential to ignore
- dick and babs were the ultimate gossip buddies. whenever dick was with the titans for long periods of time, babs always filled him in on everything
babs: dick you’ll never believe what hal said to bruce last night, i even have videos. dick, the look on his face please—
dick, immediately locking doors so his teammates don’t hear the mad shit about to be dropped on main: tell me everything
- vice versa too, dick filled babs in on everything going on with the titans and all they can say is thank god those lines are bat secured with no villains being able to listen in, imagine deathstroke hearing through bat gossip that joey’s dating who?!?! 😳
- batkids have been and always will be the holder of superhero gossip. it’s a business, you see, but we’re getting off topic 😡
- lmfao anyways this is literally how dick finds out about jason
babs: anyways, jason—
dick: who the fuck is jason
babs: ....
dick: barbara?!?!
babs: ok promise you won’t freak out
- babs and dick’s first reaction upon meeting jason being “why is he so small i wasnt that small” “dick you were literally nine when you were robin—“ “he’s tiny” it’s like those two share the same braincell
- i’m making it so that dick gave jason his number earlier because i feel like it 😡😡😡 (not that it changes much other than the fact that i want more gossip dropped in dm’s)
- when dick gave jason his number, he went to babs like “give me jason’s number” “didn’t you literally just give him your’s?” “ya but i’m gonna make sure he texts me” “ya ok that’s fair”
- whenever jason didn’t want to be in the manor (fight with bruce, boredom, etc) he went to wherever the fuck babs lived and they would facetime dick and talk mad shit. it was a thing.
- despite them all being able to drive, babs was the only one during this time with an actual, legitimate, legal license (jason was too young to have a license and dick is too lazy/busy/whatever-excuse-he-wants-to-use to take the permit and driving test) so babs drove them around everywhere and it was a mess™ consisting of a bunch of backseat drivers
- “dick omg look at this video i found from the batcave” “omg he said robin gives him magic” “robin gives him magic” they both cry about it for years to come
- babs sometimes kidnapped jason after school after telling the head of wayne manor (alfred) and took him to get ice cream, then to the library while she worked. jason was the greatest kid in the library, he even had his own throne special chair just for him whenever he came provided by library staff who adored this absolute angel.
- jason 🤝 babs 🤝 dick -> i believe in annoying yet endearing nicknames supremacy
- nicknames include (some used by some more than others or just one, or by both equally because they’re annoying pick and choose my good people)
little wing (iconic, we all know this one fellas and who uses it)
red (used for babs, absolutely fantastic, but in the future it gets confusing because some people with their goddamn hero names 😡)
boy wonder (classic, babs calls them both that)
barbie (for babs, jason uses this one and he’s the only one able to get away with it)
dickie (jason just really gets away with everything huh)
dickhead (jason’s lucky he’s cute)
baba black sheep (jeez i’m on a roll with babs’ nicknames she’s so nickname-able and that’s very cool and sexy of her)
jay z
jay allen
jay jay jay (shut up, dickhead—)
big bird
and a bunch more i’m too tired to look for them in canon or make new ones up, but you get the idea
- dick can totally bake, and babs and jason keep bugging him when he’s baking and add more chocolate chips while pretending to not notice that he can see them 😡😡😡
- headcanon that jason had hero worship for babs and dick because they’re so cool in and out of costume and it never really went away when he got older listen his older brother and pseudo sister are so cool and that’s not his fault but he’ll never admit it
- barbie movie marathons because barbie is an iconic legend and they all recognize it. they have the fucking “she’s the queen of the WA-A-A-AVES” song memorized along with all other barbie movie songs, they sing it on patrol.
- dick and jason’s sibling dynamic was and is basically “ur a little shit and i hate you but i will literally kill for you”
- dick had tension with bruce while jason was just a little shit who would totally cause drama for the sake of it, and people never take advantage of this absolute power duo for destroying bruce
- dick sending cryptid texts to jason through a burner phone because he’s dramatic jason totally knew it was him about things that drive bruce mad, like leaving the shower turned to the coldest setting before bruce got there, leaving the lights in the batcave on, etc. jason, a wise little child, totally took advantage of this. bruce came to accept his fate
- the gc names, guys the group chat names
- jason crashing into titans tower whenever he wants and dick doesn’t bat (hAH) an eye, occasionally he very sweetly asks babs to come with him and she agrees but only sometimes because some people have jobs, jason—wait dick is being flirted with by who?!?! i’ll leave it up to your imagination ;) and they totally crashed titans missions too
- one time bruce was busy with the league while alfred was on vacation and bruce absolutely could not dip (i’m imagining bruce getting a call from the headmaster during an honest to god fight and bruce just picking up while punching the daylights out of some asshole) (“mr wayne, what is that noise in the background?” “sorry, headmaster, the cat is having a seizure”), so when jason got into a “fight” (read: some jackass picking on jason before he snapped and yelled at him and the bitchass kid tried to punch him and jason’s no quitter) bruce called dick who was an adult and legally family (yes dick is adopted sometime after jason was, stay mad) like “son... son please” and dick was like “oh no need to plead with me, this is too good” but of course this bitchass doesn’t have an actual lisence yet and he was hanging out with babs anyways so he and babs rolled up to gotham academy and the kids stared at them like “holy shit they’re so cool” ya dick and babs are those power couple, whether romantic or not, that turn heads, they’re just that powerful strolled into the office, bailed jason out while intimidating the headmaster because the altercation was the result of school staff negligence of actual bullying like those cliche tropes, said “ayyy you got that brat good” and get him chili dogs or whatever the fandom made robin jason’s favorite food. omg i just made an entire fanfic in rough draft form someone please steal it and write it in full form and send me the link
- jason is very very tiny, you see. babs and dick pick him up and move him for any reason, whether because they want to sit on that chair or to just throw him out of harm’s way and take the bullet for themselves.
- jason and dick both get adorable blushes on their faces it’s genetic yes that’s how genetics work shut up meanwhile babs’ ears turn red when she’s embarrassed and all three of them clown each other for it
- i yelled about this to my mutual (cough cough @littlespaceboii) who also added to this absolute dogshit headcanon and then in the discord full of mutuals, but the basement of wayne manor is haunted. dick found it when he was a little gremlin (i stand by that dick was the original demon child) (“you see damian, before there was you there was me” the real reason he was good with damian lmfao) and was like “omg this is so cool” @littlespaceboii came up with that it was just alfred fucking with bruce and so when jason first came and dick was comfy around him he was like “so have you been in the basement” and jason was like “im literally robin i’ve been in the batcave?!?!” and dick goes “no the basement, the haunted one” and jason’s like “hAUNTED?!?!” cuz jason has at least some self preservations and knows not to fuck with the spookies until he too became a spooky and bruce was like “there’s no ghost it’s not haunted” because he’s a skeptic and a party pooper and babs is like “no go on let him finish” even though she knows full well there are no ghosts or does she? and uhhhh basically they becomes ghostbusters 2.0 but cooler and funnier
- this trio is basically baby pan/bisexual jason and two resident expert pan/bisexuals solidarity but that’s literally canon. they go to pride every year that jason’s alive what who said that?
- they all tease each other for their crushes like all siblings/family friends do, i don’t need to say it but it’s important that’s emphasized for my well being
- yelled about this in the discord to the mutuals who added onto this absolute train wreck too, but jason used to play baseball during his robin days, and dick never showed up to those games with being busy as an excuse, but babs always showed up with bruce and alfred and took pictures for dick so dick could be like “mlb players are jobless now that little wing is on the scene” babs (and sometimes bruce) always shouted loudest for jason whether he was in the field or in the dugout and jason would get this extremely adorable blush on his face (jason finds out in the future why dick never showed up (cough cough ptsd from two face’s massive baseball bat which led to everything that came after including being fired and veangance academy and nearly killing two face and omg that’s a ride) and is like oh my god my childhood is even more ruined—)
- remember when i said dick got adopted after jason did in this new absolutely fabulous canon i just created? bruce did that because “ahhh fuck that’s my kid and i want him to know i love him through every means possible since i have the ability to do so” i believe in good dad bruce supremacy and made a whole thing where he invited dick to dinner for like a week to work up the courage and bonding to ask him and show him the adoption papers and then everyone cried :) bruce decided to finally adopt dick after jason referred to dick as his brother and bruce was like “...oh” and alfred was like 👀
- dick, as the first child hero and one of the first heroes period like at least a year or two before babs, holds the “back in my day” card over literally everyone in the hero community in general and pulls it out to annoy babs and jason even tho babs literally joined the scene only a year or two after dick
jason, shaking in his panties: it’s so fucking cold
dick, standing strong in his tits out outfit, who had to wear the panties on his own decision: oh, you’re cold? back in my day—
babs, throwing her boot at his face: god shut the fuck up—
and then dick doesn’t give back her boot and it becomes a whole thing with lots of tackling and play fighting and someone nearly gets thrown off they rooftop for funsies but anyways
also on a side note, babs would take off her cape and wrap it around jason whenever she noticed his discomfort with the weather, or use the weather as an excuse whenever she saw him uneasy for whatever reason and they never mention it to each other
- yelled about this in the discord to the mutuals at some point too holy shit i have friends, but those three are team rocket. they went out as team rocket for halloween one year after bullying bruce to let jason out only jason because he can’t tell dick and babs what to do and jason is under his care and when they do convince him, dick and babs bully jason into being meowth. manifesting jason in a meowth onesie ARTISTS PLEASE—
- dick finally took his license seriously and took his driver’s test after babs became paralyzed.
- those were a rough few months for those three. and then another rough few months for those two
- yikes, sorry to throw angst at you (sorry (unfeeling)) anyways, in the future alfred finds those old photos and shows the rest of the fam, so dick and babs bully jason, 6’2 jason that towers way above both of them, and once again bullies him into being meowth “for tradition, little wing!” “shut up, dickhead” the rest of the batkids lose their shit over this, naturally. bruce and alfred stand in the back teary eyed reminiscing the old days when things were a little more simple.
- discowing walked so terrifying handsome squidward red hood helmet could run (even tho the ugly helmet tripped and fell and missed the mark because discowing wasn’t ugly and will always remain superior, i feel i have committed a terrible crime comparing the two)
dick: jason what the fuck is that
jason: it’s fashion
dick: it’s terrifying
jason: i’m only following in my older brother’s footsteps 😔
dick: listen here, you little shit strangles him haha just kidding that illegal wait theyre vigilantes they don’t follow the law—
- these three and cass refer to the rest of the batkids as “the kids” (if she’s older than jason, sometimes she is and sometimes she isn’t and i’m really confused but whatever)
- babs and dick’s relationship with jason pre death literally shaped how jason treats his siblings post pit madness like he literally goes “what would red and big bird do?!??” when he needs to go into big brother mode over the “little ones” (“little” because tim and steph are adults and duke is nearly an adult himself oh my god he’ll graduate from high school soon and jason never got to do that himself he’s totally going to the ceremony legally dead or not) 🥺
- holy trinity continue hanging out with each other, whether lunch or games or whatever, and just enjoy each other’s company after long, rough years
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natsukitakama · 3 years
Hey you <3 I just wanted to request a headcanon for the 104th cadets, please : how do they act while playing co-op games (you know, the kind you have to resolve some kind of enigmas, like pressing two buttons at the same time, etc) with their s/o ? Thanks a lot !
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Author note : hi there ❤️ thank you for your request hope you’ll enjoy this ♡ Somehow I described them as a gamer ? Hope you’re fine with that, I actually really enjoy this 
i do not own those gifs credit to the owner(s)
Warning : rage quit / eren is litteraly me / Modern AU cause the canon-verse suck Lmao / I based this on my own experience 
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Eren Jaeger - impulsive 
How did you not end up dumping him ? The man is DANGEROUS 
You think that he is all screaming and yelling like all the FUCKING time ? 
Play a game with him 
Spoiler : it’s worst 
I mean at first he saw this as a challenge and just getting the possibility to do play a game with you ? 
He couldn’t say no to that 
The thing he just took this way to personally, so he had to finish this with the best score getting the things you had to unlock during a game. 
He had to 
Doesn’t mean you want to.
The whole idea of co-op game is to play together in order to finish the game
But he didn’t hear that : he wants to do everything by himself 
And when he can’t do it he would ask some help.
Don’t expect him to be good with synchro-enigma he can’t he is either too quick or too late. 
I’m sorry to say that but he might complain about your game (while he was the one who is losing all the heart because he can’t read an enigma properly) 
And you see me coming but if can’t resolve an enigma and if you can’t help him he would just stop and won’t play at this game until he feels like he can do it 
Oh and he sucks at game like Overcooked you know those kind of things were you’re supposed to work at the same Time as his partners he is either too slow either too quick (but always pretend he isn’t his fault) 
Don’t think I mentioned that but he cursed a lot, he complained a lot (to my fellow frenchie he is like Sardoche in real life I don’t make the rule here) 
7/10 because it’s funny to see him being angry at a game 
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Mikasa - skilful
i wanted to say that if you’re not eren she won’t play with you LMAO 
But if she is dating you, she would do it because she wants to please you and spend some good quality time with you (she is not a fan of video game but she can tolerate some RPG) 
She tends to be quiet while playing and only speaks when she got an idea about how to solve enigma or difficult game who implies being coordinate. 
You didn’t have to anything in such mission she will synchronise her game with you don’t question her. I don’t know how she is doing it but she can no matter if you tend to push way to quickly every button or if you’re a slow one. One look from her and she does it 
She is really god any games it piss me off
When you struggle at an enigma that you decided to resolve on your own she will either give you tiny tips or just ask you to just stop right now get some tea and try again later when you’ll be more relax 
The only problem with her is she wants to help so much that she might do everything on her own especially if one of your mission imply fighting (like kill a boss together to unlock another level) she would quickly get over it without questioning you and you end up getting so many xp and items while you didn’t ever touch anything 
She wants to help you so much poor thing ♡ 
Also if you’re hurt during a game or if you life are pretty low she would stop everything in order to heal you. Even if it’s very cute from her, it piss you off cause now you have to start again because both of you died together. 
9/10 she is the best she cooks cookie prepare some tea for you. 
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Armin - strategic 
i love him I really do 
But you can’t play with him 
He needs to make a plan on every mission, Like sweetie just relax you need to chill a little bit. 
Although he tends to overthink everytime He is very good when your goal is to kill a boss, cause he will do two jobs : healing and helping you to kill him. Give him 5 min and he will give you a whole tactics so you can fight the boss easily and earn even more xp. He won’t be afraid to go and heal you too if you’re in need and would never judge you if you’re struggling (even if he guides you during the game) he understand that the game is pretty difficult. 
He is good to with enigma like it’s just sound quite easy for him. All he has to do is read the thing and BANG he got the solution how can you do that ?
He will even explain the whole thing so you could also resolve enigma with him 
The problem is he is way too slow, if your level implies being coordinate it would take you forever until being able to finish the game. Especially because he is not comfortable with a joystick like they got way too many button and he is not good with coordination so he ends up being confused with the button 
When it came to videotgameswhere all of you have to work in coordination, he is always slow. He really tries but he is always way too slow, but he counterbalances his lack of skills with his minds so after you’ll lose because he couldn’t manage to do something within 30s he’ll find a solution to win 
It’s really funny to play a cop-game with him on Fortnite cause he’s like « y/n why would you play at such a game ? What’s the point of killing people ? » and he is the one who is throwing a grenade and shoot at the same time so a lot of people can dies with one shot or planing a trap so a lot of people might die at the same time. He is very dangerous when he wants to just saying. 
8/10 because sometimes mind isn’t enough and you need skill to win 
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Jean - Skill and minds 
Do not let him play with Eren 
I swear don’t do it otherwise they would spend the whole game yelling at each other « you should come quicker Horse face ! » « Oh yeah ? Who’s the one who though that would be wise to attack the boss without getting heal first uh ? Such an idiot bastard » 
It’s not comfortable if you’re playing while being on the phone but it’s so funny to see him getting angry because Eren (as usual) run without thinking about a plan
Like Armin he tends to be very good when it came to resolve enigma or find an enemy’s weakness : all he has to do is to let Eren, Connie and Sasha run at first so he could analyze the boss’ behavior (yeah he totally uses them as guinea pig and he doesn’t regret that especially when he hears Eren getting Angry or Connie complaining it’s so funny) 
Unlike Armin he is pretty food with a controller so he can actually being very efficient as long as Mikasa isn’t around 
He tends to be close to you EVERYTIME and he would even protect you, heal you everytime you got hurt because you protects Connie, Eren or Armin, it’s cute at first but very annoying then because he only focus on you and isn’t into the game anymore. When he turns like that, someone need to tease him about not being good like Eren and he will scream a little bit (how dare you as if he could even be worst than that suicidal bastard) but then he is on it. 
Watch him beating the shit out of the boss 
BUT when it came to games like overcooked when you have to share task he is bad. Not because he isn’t skillful but because he wants to be the chief so badly and of course Eren thought he could be the leader while everyone knows he isn’t coordinate enough to do that. So most of the time Armin is the leader in such a game 
Just give him a task where he has to be quick and he’ll be fine but don’t let him in the same group as Eren, they would argue about who should to this and you’ll end up losing because they argue. 
Also if you’re playing something like a RPG with him he gave you SO MANY things like everytime he drop something this is for you, at this point he doesn’t care about his character (he does but he can’t just not give you something) 
You didn’t ask it but I’m just say it, if you play animal crossing with him he would spoil the shit out of you, can’t blame him he just wants to help so badly. He’ll text you about his plan, the stuff he got he would even help you with flowers. 
8/10 because he tends to flirt with you or argue with Eren so you’ll lose precious time for the mission 
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Connie & Sasha - Funny 
I put them together because 1) they tends to play everytime together 2) because they play the same way 3) they share one braincell (meaning either you’re dating connie or Sasha you’ll have to play together) 
One word : a mess 
Always questionnaire why we’re doing this or why we shouldn’t do this, this way 
BUT they’re like very synchronized, it’s like seeing someone and his reflection (sometimes you’re even jealous cause you can’t do that)
They tends to be very effective when you need to coordinate something 
They’re pretty skilled too 
But they can’t make a plan even to save their life 
The number of life you’ll lose because them and Eren decided to run into the boss’ lair without asking permission 
It should be illegal to run that easily anyway 
If Connie is really dumb when It came to enigma 
Sasha is very good to notice tiny elements that actually was the key to resolve the problem 
She tends to be super good to drop every tiny things that was hide behind a tree too a really hunt (but won’t share her things with you if you’re not giving her puppy eyes I’m sorry) 
But Connie is your best allies to fight couple of ennemie at the same time, like you were walking and boom you’re surrounded by NPC and he will come to save you. 
Connie is a protector 
I mean Sasha is too but she more into prevention, safety than protection but if during a game you might be in danger of course she’ll run after you (ask you extra cookies for that) 
Dont expect any of them to be good at enigma or games like overcooked, I mean Sasha might spend her whole call luring about foods while Connie might try to do everything on his own since he is incredible (he says it) 
If you’re calling one of them during a game, it’s actually more entertaining than the game, I can’t explain they’re just super funny
If you’re playing in a RPG that might have a huge map you’ll definitely lose them at some point during your game, they don’t have any sense of direction and since they can’t read a map (that’s me don’t bully me I’m trying) well they get lost and will send you a picture of their screen so you could help them  
6/10 because they’re trying to their best but since they share one brain cell well it’s always more complicated than it should be 
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Bonus : Marco Bott - Motivating 
My cute sweetheart 
He is doing is best everytime you call him for a game 
He is so good at overcooked than I’m jealous of him 
Kinda good with Enigma but he is really good when game imply strategic (he also loves how focused you are and how he could motivate you with his plan) 
He doesn’t play at any games that involve war or anything so don’t ask him about a fortnite game he won’t do it 
He really love role-play (not put intended lmao), he is actually a good narrator and is so good at at owning xp : his character might not be the greatest when it came to strength but he is very balanced character 
Playing with him it’s actually relaxing, he never raise his voice and seemed to always find a way to relax anyone that might be too into it. 
Especially good when It came to help Eren and Jean to just shut up and play the game without yelling : don’t ask me how he does that the man is a genius 
If he teams up with Armin during game like Among us you loose any chance to win (I mean if you’re the traitor he would never say it but he noticed so does Armin but won’t say anything about it) the man knows everything, and is able to make you confess it’s really fun to watch but bother you when you’re loosing yourself in your explanation 
When it’s just you two playing a game together and somehow you struggle to resolve an enigma or a level, don’t worry your boyfriend Marco he is
The best cheerleader in the whole univers fight me on this 
+100 ego boost for Y/N 
In the end your resolve that damn enigma 
10/10 yeah I’m not impartial but I love him 
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designatedbreadbox · 4 years
The Bros. Pact Marks!
Note: I like to think that the human or demon in the pact bond can place it wherever they want it to be, rather than a random place.
Other note: all of their pact marks are on their hands since it's the easiest thing to have access to.
Placement possibilities: Between collarbones, nape of neck, shoulder or lower back
whatever your proud of affects him as well
so if your prideful if your outfit or makeup, he'll subtly get the same feeling; even if he isn't wearing makeup
pact mark will glow depending on how prideful you are
so imagine his surprise when he was in a meeting and his pact mark glowed like the fuckin' sun
I HC that whatever you feel is somewhat reflected back onto them when you touch the mark
so if you're ever nervous and you rub the mark for comfort, he'll get a sense of your nervousness and try to calm you down
romantic or platonic, he likes kissing the mark
you use the pact mark like a "get-out-of-jail" card whenever a demon gets hostile with you
no one wants to fuck w/ the human that made a pact with Lucifer, of all demons
those that still try are in for a very rude awakening the second Lucifer is summoned
if this was private he would end the demon as fast as he possibly could but in public? oh, trust me, he makes a show out of it
give him a break, he's a sadist for a reason; once he announced his next actions like a narrator and that shook everyone in sight. no one bothered you a good while after that
likes seeing his mark on you as much as possible, so he's always internally happy whenever you showed it
romantic/platonic cuddling with him would lead to him putting his hand over where the pact mark is, if he can touch it
Placement possibilities: hand, cheek, wrist or below ear
will be very blushy yet very proud if you put it on your cheek
demons don't think much of it since Mammon isn't threatening to most if not everyone
but those with more than 2.5 braincells know that Mammon is 2nd strongest for a reason
doesnt stop anyone from tryin something with ya. they regret it later, sure, but only after
he likes poking it randomly throughout the day if he has access to it
it glows when you spend money, touch money, or anyrhing of good value
so whenever that happens it glows like a fuckin' glowstick in the dark
makes you inclined to either buy the item or run off w/ it and the more expensive it is the harder to resist
you also become greedier over your items than usual especially if it has a hidden high value
since mammon's fsmiliar is a crow, you keep alot of shiny things. mainly candy wrappers buttons; maybe a piece of glass here and there
you keep these items in a box under your bed. mammon understands this and has a similar, bigger box in his room
though it goes unnoticed, your luck is slightly increased in anything you do like: video games, lottery, chance of finding a diamond randomly
also unnoticed: a few crows are also always near you to some extent. mammon didnt tell them to, they just do
your sense of conserving money fluctuates throughout the week; good luck in gacha games mc, good luck
Placement possibilities: inner wrist, outer ankle, thigh (side), or calf (side)
you adore the feel of water against it. it just feels so satisfying and its the reason you take so long showing/bathing
not that asmo minds if you ever join him in bathing/showering
you envy what he envies and vice versa
you had a one-on-one talk with him after he got envious over a plant
pact mark will glow like the brightest flashlight to ever exist if any others are used but his
more ya ignore it the brighter it glows and during a test run it glowed so brightly it almost put the celestial realm to shame
you like anything involving water and so does he
he, like mammon, also likes poking it
likes putting his cheek against it even though he blushes and stutters the whole time physical contact go brr-
people dont take the mark seriously since levi is also known for not being scary whatsoever
in fact most peoppe dont see him 90% of the time so they always assume he wont do shit
they're wrong bcuz he watches anime and plays video games; he knows how to make a face so scary it'll make lucifer proud
seconds after he'll need reassurance that you're alright and whatnot.
pls take him to his room he's been outside for a few minutes and he hates it here
when you sleep, if exposed, he likes to see it evee glows
if your dreaming about things you want or envy duh things that other people have
since levi is well, a leviathan, you can breathe underwater for a short period of time
Placement possibilities: hand, wrist, throat, or shin
if he chose placement, then his reasoning for the hand is because its what you use to punch/slap someone in rage, ya know?
same thing with the throat; except for voicing words of anger or wrath
he loves rubbing it and makes no move to hide it
or kissing it if he has the chance to. plus its a bonus to make you flustered so-
his pact mark begs for you summon him if you feel angry enough for it to light up
and by begging I mean it feels Very Warm and prompts you to use it
your words become a little sharper, eye little more angrier, punches and kicks a bit faster
is also used as a get-out-of-jail type card
the amount of audacity a demon would need in order to mess a human in a pact w/ a demon NOTORIOUS for his ANGER ISSUES is insane
you hardly use it much to satan's dissapointment but understandable
the times you DO use it is when he realllyy lets his gruesome torture fantasies come to life
he goes all out in theatrics for it and once made a script for it he forced you not to watch w/ sound canceling earmuffs
highly encourages to you punch people who piss you off via mark
it's medium sized, so ya can hide it fairly easily if you want to
if you try very hard, and feel very relaxed, satan gets sleepy
if you get too relaxed he falls asleep
you kissed it once to see what happens and he felt a tingle to up his spine
made him feel like static and lowkey wants you to do it again
Placement possibilities: jaw, chest (over heart), hand, or cheek
all places where you can show it off babey~
you and asmo can either make match outfits so the mark matches or you can make it match your outfit only
he also likes kissing it if he has access (other than chest)
it glows whenever you see anything you deem as pretty
so you werent necessarily surprised when you felt glow while looking at asmo
like levi, no one in particular finds him threatening since he's known for being the life of a party and not the scariest dude alive
everyone finds you slightly more attractive and this doubles in human realm
will get the subtle feeling if your horny. will tease as usual, but wont go any further
complete 180 when summoned to deal with whatever filthy demon is messin' w/ you
would either berate them til the sun goes down
or beat them, then demand a spa day with you
either he solves the problem and tada youre saved
flashes like beacon when you dont pay attention to it long enough
or just dont touch it enough
if he would most likely put his on his cheek so when you rub it, he feels it. so it mimics rubbing his cheek
Placement possibilities: chest (over heart), shoulder blade, arm or forearm
surprisingly it aint over your stomach
he knows he eats alot and though thats what he's mainly known for, he wants to also be seen as smthn other than a big appetite
his cravings pass off to you
so its kinda funny for you to guess what beel is craving before you think of it with him
if its strong enough, you end up at the same places as he does; usually madame scream
like satan, you get a bit of his strength
he doesnt even need to do anything but show up if harassed
the times he does have to do something always end up with him eating one person
mark glows faintly when you eat a food within your range of tasty
if visible, he likes seeing it shimmer when that happens so he pays attentions to your likes
his own pact mark shines when eating a cheeseburger or doing anything with belphie
shimmers also when he looks at food
this passes off to you and you had a serious talk with him after he wanted to eat a goat.
one that was alive, anyway
will know if youre hungry and thats the only time he willingly shares bits of his food
Placement possibilities: palm, stomach, outer thigh, or hand
you sleep better at night
but you get more sleepy the closer you get to the time you usually sleep
ya coordinate this w levi. he cant have ya fallin asleep on night binge runs
belphie cant force you to sleep but he can make you very sleepy. so he uses this to his advantage whenever he wants to take a nap with you
no one can really reverse the effects, so everyone lets him get away with it
if ya wanna wake him up faster, just hit the pact mark
sure he'll be annoyed, but he's up, right? he gets back at ya by making you sleepy
gets the urge to buy pillows and blankets when you come across them. especially if they're big, fluffy, and in cow print
would use it during class to make you fall asleep, then pulls you out of class bcuz the human isnt payin attention, dw guys belphie will take em somewhere safe
that somehwere safe is his room where you both nap the day away
can visit you in your dreams but only if you let him
mark does morse code to correspond to whatever dream your having
you both agreed that no one says anything if either of you is having a wet dream
like no mention, no hint, nothin. thats between you and your imagination
they can all pressure you both and no one would say shit
likes going on adventure dreams with you
like asmo, he does a 180 to harassers
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crackinwise · 3 years
This is a silly idea that wouldn't leave my head about Mondo being hesitant and Taka knowing exactly what he's about. Also I apologize to Leon.
The mixing of classes 77 & 78 in the rec room on a weekend should have been a chaotic party, but there was a certain Moral Compass in attendance who'd already vetoed many of the more rowdy ideas put forth.
The current spectacle was Nekomaru arm-wrestling Sakura. The intense screaming from the two made it sound more exciting than it was: they'd been locked in the same position for like five minutes now. At least Hina was happy cheering on Sakura's straining bicep.
Bored with it, Leon moved his eyes away from the stalemate to narrow them instead at Kiyotaka, who was being felt-up as he watched the match. Okay, not felt-up. That'd actually be fun. No, Mondo just had his hand on the hall monitor's upper back, thumb moving in slow circles.
Watching the couple in public was also a disappointment, in Leon's opinion. They'd been officially together a few months and their rules for "PDA" seemed arbitrary to anyone observing. They could look at each other in ways that'd make the most romantic person gag, but wouldn't even hold hands. It appeared Mondo was only allowed to touch Taka from the shoulder-blades up. Or that's all he had the guts to do, maybe.
'Well,' Leon thought, 'I can at least work with this.' Messing with Mondo just enough to be entertained, but not enough to be killed, was a tightrope act. Say something the biker deemed a personal attack and he's a goner, but phrasing it as a challenge or dare could usually get Mondo to go along with anything. 'I just need the one carrying the braincell to leave.'
"Hey, Ishimaru!" Leon whispered to Kiyotaka. "I think I saw Souda spiking girls' drinks."
"WHAT!" Kiyotaka immediately left to find and possibly stomp the mechanic to death. Hopefully Ultimate Nurse Mikan was around.
"Ba--Taka?" Mondo called, confused at the sudden departure.
Leon swooped in and took his arm to pull him away from the main crowd a bit. "Mondo, buddy, want to have some fun?"
His buddy suspiciously glared down at him and answered, "Depends. What's yer idea of fun?"
Leon smiled, knowing the other's curiosity was a great sign for this plan working. "I noticed your wandering hands don't wander very far," he quickly waved his arms and continued when Mondo started puffing up to yell at him, "SO I wanna help you get them to second base tonight!"
Mondo deflated and stared.
"Y-Y'know, it's a baseball metaphor because I'm-"
"I KNOW WHAT THE FUCK SECOND BASE MEANS!" Several students turned to them, unimpressed, prompting Mondo to lower his voice again. "The hell are ya gettin at?"
"Well, either you got shy hands or Taka has you whipped. Which is it?"
"Is yer idea of fun gettin ripped in half, dude?"
"Er, let me start over," Leon back-pedaled quickly. He could do this. "What's stopping you from touching Taka more than a nervous twelve-year-old on the first date?" Shit. "Shit, wait, don't hit me! I'm just curious why you've been together so long and I've never seen your hands reach the promised land!"
The other boy paused with right arm still raised in mid-punch. "Wha?"
"By 'promised land' I mean his butt." Leon took a step backwards in case he had to dodge.
Something about that made Mondo briefly look more insecure, "One: I ain't lookin to get dumped. I still dunno how handsy he'll let me get."
Then his attack-dog mode returned and he brought his raised arm to his chest to crack his knuckles. "And two: if you've been lookin at Taka's ass, I'mma tie ya up in front of the fuckin ball machine an' leave ya there."
"What? No! Gross!" Leon had been, but it was like admiring a work of art, and also not the point. "I just want my pals happy! Trust me, every time you touch his back, go lower than before. You can watch his signals or whatever, but if you go slow it'll be fine!"
Leon was proud he sounded so supportive. It was a complete lie, of course. Leon was 99.9% sure the second Mondo passed the belt line, Kiyotaka would loudly explode at his boyfriend, making the guy explode right back, and ensuring Leon finally had his entertainment for tonight.
Leon just had to make sure he won his little Mondo game first, "You should at least try before he finds someone else man enough to grab dat a-"
Whoops, Leon found himself suspended off the ground by his shirt. That's going to stretch. He shouldn't have gone the toxic masculinity route. But Mondo exhaled through his nose and set him back down when he saw Kiyotaka marching back over to them. 'Whipped.'
"Souda swore his innocence, but I've made all the ladies get new drinks to be safe! And Hiro is oddly asking everyone if they need ice but it's not for the drinks...?" Kiyotaka's expression changed from bemused to wary. "Uh, was there a problem here, Mondo?"
"Nah, y'know how Leon is," Mondo's voice was disgustingly soft all of a sudden. "C'mon, I think I see Chi playing a game."
As they walked away, Leon caught Mondo rest his hand on Taka's neck then slide down to mid-back without issue. Smirking, Leon adjusted his now loose shirt collar and followed at a distance.
An hour. A whole damn hour passed watching Mondo slowly achieve touching Kiyotaka's hip! Leon wanted to scream. He didn't mean go that slow! And Taka acted like he didn't notice or care either. Leon wished Souda really was spiking drinks so he could down three.
Sayaka appeared at Leon's side, startling the redhead. "You're disappointed in him," she stated.
"Of course I'm disappointed! Dude's a gang leader and he acts like the Ultimate Gentleman!" Wait. "Wait, what do you mean? How do you...?"
"Psychi~c," she sing-songed innocently before she pointed to the couple Leon had been stalking. When Leon looked over, Kiyotaka's hand reached back to purposefully guide Mondo's hand from his hip down the short distance to the swell of his behind, and kept it there.
What? The fuck? Happened? He'd been expecting jumping, yelling, possibly some face-slapping to get on video, but definitely wasn't expecting Taka to push Mondo to the goal line. Mondo himself looked dumbstruck.
'Sonuvabitch,' Leon thought. Good for them and all but what was he supposed to do, not tease them? He sauntered up behind the two and stage-whispered, "Oi! Ass-grabbing is not welcome in a school environment!"
They yelped and jumped apart, then just as quickly whirled on him. Mondo's red face especially said Leon was in danger, but it was Kiyotaka who spoke.
"We're outside of school hours, in the rec room among friends! If public displays of affection made you uncomfortable, you could have asked instead of disturbing your peers with vulgar mockery." His arms were crossed and his eyes appeared almost aflame. He was not happy being interrupted.
"Ha," Leon pointed at the proud model student, "It was just funny catching the school mascot initiate groping. You been wanting that a while?"
There was a low growl coming from the direction of Mondo now.
Sayaka grabbed Leon's shoulder and murmured a warning, "Kuwata, you should probably let it go."
He ignored her.
Kiyotaka's eyebrows furrowed as if ready to pounce and maul Leon's face. "It was not groping. Why is it surprising I'd want my partner to touch me?"
"Babe," Mondo had stopped growling at Leon to put all his attention on his boyfriend, "it was really ok? Ya knew what I was tryin t'do all night?"
"Of course," Taka said warmly. "You were only holding me, and I'm yours, so obviously you can-"
"M-MINE?!" Mondo honest-to-god squeaked.
Leon reacted just as loudly, "Did I just hear Taka imply his ass belongs to Mondo? Kiyotaka?? Ishimaru?!"
Whoops, he was being lifted again. Only this time Mondo brought him all the way to the door and literally threw him out.
"Owww. So much for my fun."
Sayaka sighed as she walked out to Leon and handed him something. "You can thank Hiro for the ice."
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daisukissed · 4 years
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❧ pairings: karasuno x gn!reader, nekoma x gn!reader, seijoh x gn!reader
❧ synopsis: living in the same house with the boys for content sounds cool and all until you realized just how tiring it could be
❧ genre: headcanons, fluff, crack
❧ warnings: cursing, questionable thirst comments
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Karasuno High
- it's a fucking mess
- none of the furnitures match???
- like you can see tsukki's huge godzilla statue by the front door and beside it could be asahi's peonies or something
- y'all get roasted by fans because of your taste but it's also what makes you special than the other houses yknow *cough* nekoma *cough*
- being rich tiktok stars and all, of course you own a jacuzzi
- which is a HUGE mistake cause kageyama drowned hinata once during a live
- you tried to help i swear but it's kinda hard when you have to record everything at the same time :>
- content >>>> anything
- it doesn't help the fact that nishinoya and tanaka are just there ogling at the sight of you and kiyoko in a swimsuit
- no one really cleans it now so it's left there to rot smh
- honestly y'all would be living off of takeouts if it weren't for suga and the girls
- they're in charge of cooking while daichi and asahi does the financial stuff for the house
- the others just kinda stay there ig,,,
- videos mostly consists of pranks and vlogs
- something like the vlog squad?
- asahi and hinata being the no.1 victim cause they always fall for it
- y'all made asahi mad once because you went too far
- it's a cursed subject in the house now and no one dares to talk about it
- you guys also went to disneyland for a vlog once and almost left kageyama behind skhcdijcid
- you and the others were literally halfway home until you read one of the comments
- "where's kageyama????"
- daichi DRIFTED the fuck out of the car
- the whole team had to buy him a carton of milk each to compensate
Nekoma High
- most of you guys started from twitch
- everyone was literally minding their own business and all, until kuroo rushes in and goes:
- "let's make a streamers house!!!!"
- y'all had some decent followings but you guys just didn't reach that hypehouse level y'know??
- until you made a tiktok account and blew up immediately, the others joining the bandwagon
- the amount of shippers you guys have are insane
- kuroo did the 'kissing my bestfriend' trend on you once and they went NUTS
- "what happened to kenma???? :("
- "did lev and y/n break up????? ??"
- "yamamoto's punching the air rn"
- lit rally a harem luv xx
- you still haven't forgiven kuroo 'til this day
- but hey at least y'all got clout
- not even a surprise but you guys have mad beef with karasuno
- mainly friendly rivalry though, we stan an uncontroversial household <3
- there's a series going on rn called "karasuno vs nekoma" and it's really just duets of you guys throwing random insults at each other
- there's even a special episode where karasuno visited your house and played games with you!!!
- playing overcooked does not end well when kuroo and daichi's always at each other's neck
- honestly your followers are theirs too by now
- your house is surprisingly super organized and clean, unlike karasuno's
- sure, lev may break some vases here and there but it's nothing to worry about when you got yaku and kuroo watching his every move
- if he does do some stupid shit though, all you really need to do is just lock him out of the house and boom, problem solved!!1!
- all in all, nekoma shares one (1) braincell and it's yours and kenma's
Aobajohsai High
- the Fuckboi ™ house
- the boys gained hype for being shirtless and using gray sweatpants
- i mean, you can't blame them when they have bodies that resemble greek gods
- but you really question some of your life choices when you read the comments
- "you think oikawa would let me swallow his kids if i ask nicely?"
- "iwaizumi's arms are getting so big pls i want him to smash my head to smithereens"
- "i'm tryna get y/n to break my neck into two but ig we just don't get what we want in life"
- you guys mainly do tiktok dance trends
- and by that i mean swaying your hips or doing body rolls
- you tried to teach them how to throw it back but they all end up looking like mf grasshoppers
- besides hanamaki tho, homie gets an A++
- okay, but amidst their fuckboy personas the boys actually care a lot about you
- sometimes you get more hate than the usual and it really decreases your self esteem
- oikawa's already replying to the comments with his shady ass. kunimi, matsukawa and kindaichi's by your side comforting you, iwaizumi and kyotani preparing to throw hands
- it was these moments when you're really thankful of them and would not replace them any other way
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Hiiii! I saw that Halloween matchups are open and thought I'd join!
My name is Crys
Likes: I like to draw, make food, chocolate, play video games, and hang out with my friends
Dislikes: I don't like close-minded people, broccoli or Brussel sprouts, or running
Qualities: I'm very encouraging of others and optimistic most of the time. I like hanging out with friends, but I always have to recharge my batteries sometime since I don't socialize for long periods of time outside of my friends. I try to be as kind as I can to everyone, but I won't tolerate people putting others down. I love animals, and my dream job is to be a famous artist. I'm very emotional and try to be open with how I feel.
Flaws: I'm a people pleaser and have a hard time saying no to people, especially my friends. I procrastinate on tasks until the very last minute even though I don't want to, and I can be very forgetful, often needing to be reminded to do something more than once.
Dislikes in a partner: someone who isn't open with me and doesn't communicate with me, someone who doesn't put in the effort of being in a relationship, someone who berates workers
Deal breakers: someone not telling me what's bothering them/ someone emotionally closed off
Pet peeves: talking over someone who was already talking, chewing with their mouth open, talking during a movie
In 10 years, I want to... : have a job that actively pushes for change in how we dump waste into the ocean. I want to have my college degree and have another pet.
Favorite pet: my smaller dog, Lucy! She's a mix, but has a lot of pitbull husky DNA. She looks like this
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Favorite food: Pasta with Italian sausage, instant ramen, spam musubis
Well, Papyruses since to be big favorite for this match up event ahah.
In the very close one, you could have had HT Papyrus, Disbelief Papyrus, Dustale Sans or UT Alphys!
But the highest score is...
It was not a big surprise for me ahah. I knew almost instantly it would be him.
Honey matches your artist points of interest. He likes drawing, cosplaying, video games, and he is following closely what artists are doing online. He will be your fan number one and will even help you to promote your art everywhere, like... Like on this giant public screen because why the fuck not. He's full of surprise and a bit unpredictible.
Honey is very chill, kind, patient, honest and very emotional. He's crying over Disney movies and he is glad that now the two of you are doing that. He likes your optimism and your encouragements, since it's motivating him to get over the last sparks of his depression. He will rely on you a lot, so some nice words from time to time to say he's doing good is all he needs. He can't help you with your difficulties to say no to people, he's like that too. You always find yourselves in akward situations you didn't planned.
He loves cooking, especially sweet things, and he is addict to chocolate too! And honey, obviously. He likes animals, and dogs more especially. He has three labradors, so now you have a pack at home. Don't say yes to his harrasment to become foster family. He can't give back the dogs. You will end with 15 dogs at home.
He is quite forgetful too, but with your two braincells, you manage to remember each other the things you had forgot. You're sharing all your pet peeves, except for the loud chewing, but Honey is working on that. He's quite shy, but introduce you to your friends and he's stealing the attention. You both had peaceful plans for the future, and Honey will follow you in whatever you want to do. He's happy when you're happy.
Honey is completely the best candidate for you and that's a fact!
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pirate-kwazii · 3 years
Watching Ring Of Fire now so here’s more of my thoughts
Is that a fence in the water
Is everyone groaning about the sea urchin and crab or yawning? I can’t tell
Okay I’ve had the Vegimals song stuck in my head for awhile now
Kwazii’s alarm clock shoots tennis balls at him- same
And Dashi starts the day with yoga
Tweaks fell asleep playing video games mood
Shellington what the fUCK
Tf is that- is that lava?!?
Oh ring of fire like the volcanoes- I feel stupid now
They’re doing their role call out of order
What the fuck Kwazii why did you eat 17 kelp cakes
Is the only thing you eat is seaweed
*terrible accordion playing* *everyone winces*
How many cousins do you have peso?!?!
Kwazii: I’m going out and FAST!!!!
Captain: *eyebrow raise*
Kwazii: I mean I’m checking the engine
“Don’t push the Z button” Kwazii is definitely going to press it I bet all 3 of my dollars
Wait why did Peso and Barnacles need a Gup if they were taking the octopod?!
How much time does Tweak have to keep making all these gups?!
Aw Kwazii loves that Gup so much
Kwazii’s copying it omg-
Shellington and Dashi are such nerd friends it’s actually adorable
Tremors those are probably important
Ring-shape? Like the ring of fire-
Oh no comms are down
Mateys you should’ve stayed at the Octopod
Kwazii saved Tweak’s life and now it’s flooding
Why don’t they know about the Ring of Fire if they LIVE in the ocean
Oh no the comms are down they can’t reach them!!!!
Damn at least no one is alone...
Of course the Chinstrap Penguins live on a volcano
Well at least Shellington and Dashi are alright and above water so there’s a lower chance of drowning
“How does he know I’m an octonaut?” Maybe it’s because you’re wearing the octonauts colors and the logo all over it
Wow itd be faster to push the stupid thing
Last time you guys followed the screaming sound there was a tsunami
Well at least you found the whales you wanted to find
“I’ve always wanted to see a whale but not like this!” I’d sure hope so Shellington
Of course the volcano erupts
Tweak Kwazii are ya okay?!
Now is not the time to copy Barnacles- holy shit it worked
She just noticed that?!
Shit you guys are stuck
Kwazii beggars can’t be choosers
Why is that the only way to get across Tweak
No Tweak pay attention
I really hope you guys can hold your breath
She’s pulling a Ladybug and the things she looks at glow now
Improvised fire extinguisher
Eww they landed in seaweed and a banana peel
Why does everyone end in the garbage disposal- sorry compost
Oh he almost fell in-
*opens door and floods room* Guess we’re swimming after all
Tunip leave him it’s natural selection
Grouber just sits and eats during a panic- same
“Lesson Nine- dealing with disasters” what
Why is the background of those videos so bad
I mean it’s rad but also bad
Tunip: *hands the Vegimals a bunch of shovels* good luck
Mateys how did that dirt pile work-
*quickly unplants all the seaweed*
*vacuums the animals*
“You gotta save us!” Why didn’t you get their attention sooner?
Why do none of them notice the volcanoes that they live on/near
We’ve seen the rafts it won’t work
How the hell did you think of that
Is that even possible
They only leave Inkling in charge when legit no one else is there
Kwazii and Tweak: *mimic pirates, rabbits and Barnacles*
Peso and Barnacles: *mimic penguins*
Wow Inkling is not good at this I see why he’s never in charge
Even Kwazii and the Vegimals have managed the octopod better than that
Why is there is Disco Ball
Why does it always switch to the training videos
“Dashi’s so good at this” yeah it’s almost like it’s her JOB
Took you long enough jeez
What is they fall off of the “slide”
“Mothers and babies first” anyone else can perish
Well that egg is dead
Oh never mind he got it
I mean she and Kwazii are trying not to be set on fire so I’m sure she’d get it
“I just hope everyone else is okay” well shellington and Dashi are stuck on a volcano that’s exploding trying to get a beached whale out on a very slow Gup, the Vegimals are trying to evacuate the garden, and Tweak and Kwazii are trying to get out of the burning and flooding repair area so no I don’t think anyone else is okay
“This isn’t working” no really Dashi
Oh the crabs know Kwazii that explains so much
Another Training Video?!
The crew all look so nervous when they appear in a training videos
Oh now Dashi and Shellington are mimicking Tweak
Poor Shellington he’s clumsy
“I have to say I.. really like that plan” yea cuz it’s the one that doesn’t involve you burning in the lava
Shellingtons getting a workout in oof
He’s about to fall into the lava
Now the crabs about to fall into the water
Oh god he’s screwed
Crab jump on the whale- now he’s flying
Shellington get out of the lava!!!
Alright some people are safe
Oh never mind the other volcanoes are erupting too
That water level is dangerously high are they gonna be okay
Kwazii don’t phrase it like that it sounds like you’ll die
Oh god oh no his tail
Mimicking Barnacles saved the day
Oh they are alright thank god
They’re gonna be traumatized from this- *angst time*
“And how will we get up there” Kwazii making good points again
Kwazii with a grappling hook is a terrifying idea please get one
And now they find out the comms are down
Kwazii trying to be helpful
Another video but this ones useless-
They sounded the octo alert together!!!
Kwazii and Tweak: ya we’re good
Also them: *trying to not to drown or burn*
They are all gonna connect to each other like Voltron aren’t they
Tweak: I got a plan
*crashes through the hatch*
Kwazii: *excited cat sounds*
Yeah they’re going together naturally
“Mega Gup Z” epic naming skills Tweak
“Seat swap” “wait a minute- WHOA”
“It’s completely covered in sea creatures” there’s no way you get all of them
Oh good some are swimming away
“Sit tight” they can’t really do anything else Captain
Do we know where they go after being S U C C E D into the mega Gup z?
And now rocks are everywhere
Kwazii’s excited cat noises are giving me life
Couldn’t the crabs walk away?
Oh no they’re getting stuck in the volcano-
Oh they’re good thank Neptune
Dashi: yea it’s bout to erupt we gotta go
Peso: I saw something inside there we gotta go look
Does Peso want them to die
Of course the animals sound snobby
“Why ever would we do that” CUZ ITS ERUPTING i swear all the creatures have the IQ of a walnut
“I didn’t even make a button for it” bruh
Yeah just like Voltron
Kwazii: *even more excited cat noises cuz he gets to destroy things*
Why do you all name the moves with the word “mantis” in front of them?
They all share one braincell and Barnacles and Peso have it 90% of the time
Tweak gets the other 10%
Everyone else runs on pure chaotic energy
“Tweak Status Report!” Tweak: WE ARE FUCKED
Let Tweak say “Fuck” 2k21
Kwazii: *e x c i t e d c a t n o i s e s*
*throws sea creatures at whale*
*blows up into five gups in massive explosion in front of erupting volcano*
Is all that sea urchin thinks about is food
“You know what I’d like? Dinner” “you know what pal, that sounds great”
“Have the eruptions stopped” “yea but that’s not what I called about”
Is Inkling trying to be more than that guy who sits in his library all day?
Yea it’s not hatching because of the bandage all around it
Please say the egg doesn’t die
Oh it’s alive good
Octonauts: remember that island that got destroyed by a volcano? Would you like to live on an island that volcano created?
Penguins: not really
Octonauts: too bad
Vegitoa? Wow
“It still felt like we were working as a team” maybe cuz you were all copying each other the whole time
“You really, really need to update those training videos” yeah fair enough
Of course the Vegimals still remember the dance
I see what the hype was about that was a fantastic movie mateys... though everyone’s probably gonna have some problems after that
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z-1-wolfe · 3 years
Parhelion Headcanons (sir this is all for you) @greenbeany
Putting 'em under the cut because they got very long O.O
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I- the gnome is Neon I take no criticism. They are often good-natured souls with a more mischievous side, and if that doesn’t describe Neon I’m not sure what does. Playful, funny, good intentions, that my good Bean is our lovable cat personified. Okay Parhelion dnd au with gnome Neon please /j.
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I AM SMACKING THE GUN OUT OF YOUR HANDS [runs into a glass wall] dammit,, guess I gotta talk now
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I- oh no,, time to fail the exam I guess (turns all your head canons upside down)
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Okay they do sleep yes they do. Actually that’s a lie only Ciel sleeps, the other two are insomniacs. Ciel has all of her day to day life planned out to the minute, so she heads to bed at a certain time and wakes up at a certain time, the other two are more of a “we’ll sleep when we’re tired” kinda duo. Unfortunately due to Ilia’s night terrors and Neon’s ADHD they almost never rest. No they do not sleep in a SANE bed, ha why would they have a bed? They sleep in a hammock all tangled up with each other. It’s hard to tell what order they sleep in when they kinda curl into each other. They do not use a duvet, why have a duvet when Neon is a space heater? There are no pillows on the hammock X). OKAY THEIR ROOM, THIS I GOT, it’s a funky mess that is somehow organized thanks to Ciel. Ilia doesn’t own a lot in general but it was her life’s dream to paint her bedroom rainbow so guess what they have now. The other two are too soft and they supported her efforts and they love her despite her poor design sense XD.
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I- why closet ASDFG I mean— No they do not share a closet they all have completely different fashion sense and if that was all in one place people would be genuinely terrified. But since they’re broke they had to make do with one walk in closet that they partitioned off into sections. YES THEY DO HAVE MATCHING OUTFITS THEY ARE SO CUTE LIKE THAT. They tend to be like those cute couple outfits with a few variations to match their own personal style. But their favorite matching outfit are these duck hoodies they own courtesy of once again Ilia living out her childhood dreams. No they don’t own many outfits because like I mentioned earlier they are broke x). Hmm thinking about each other’s styles… Ilia think both of her girlfriends have great taste, she loves the well, neon of Neon, and the prim and properness of Ciel. Neon just doesn’t care XD. And Ciel is just, she’s just standing there wishing she could help their fashion sense, but she holds back because “It does suit them in an odd way.” Ciel gets the most compliments on her style hands down, she looks organized and you can bet she saves money to buy outfits that actually accentuate her cuteness. They don’t wear makeup no time for that (in which you learn Z has little to no knowledge in how to apply makeup and doesn’t know how to answer that question)
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OH OKAY I LOVE VIDDY GAMES. Ciel likes real-time strategy games because she’s insane and that’s literally all she knows in life thanks to being raised in an upper class family in Atlas. Neon likes open world games, something something she likes the chance for adventure and determining one’s fate for themself. Ilia has never once played a video game until after she defected from the White Fang but I can see her playing something light like Stardew Valley, low stakes kinda games. Hmm, they might play Animal Crossing together? Since it has aspects they all enjoy. They each have an individual switch (Ilia has a coral switch lite) and one shared PC. Okay game with most hours, maybe Minecraft? They still haven’t beat the enderdragon because Neon keeps getting distracted XD. Neon is the bomb at party games though, you can bet she has a perfect score on all the songs in Just Dance. Ciel is a sharpshooter, god knows who taught her how to shoot like that. The biggest splatoon fan is unfortunately not Neon it is Ilia, she loves all the colors in the game ^^. But she and Neon have wracked up quite a few hours in co-op.
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Uhhh books!! Ilia likes fanfics :) it’s unfortunately one of the only ways for her to see positive representation of herself. Neon for some reason reads Epics?? Like her favorite is the Epic of Gilgamesh what is up with that?? Ciel reads webtoons :), she reads enough serious stuff for school work and such, she likes to just kick back and relax after all that. Yes they have schedules reading time courtesy of Ciel :). Uhh, they relax by baking together. None of them had many chances to indulge in sweets while growing up so they make full use of their time now. ?? SPOON?? Cuddle hours happen on a whim, the one thing that Ciel can never schedule because she never knows when it’ll occur. They relax the most in the kitchen x) because that’s where they bake, it’s not unusual to find Neon asleep on the counter while she waits for their sweets to rise. They read in the light, Neon is afraid that by reading in the dark that they’ll all ruin their eyesight. Ciel likes the sunrise because she’s up the earliest and is the only one to see it, the other two prefer sunset because that’s usually when their day is about to begin XD.
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Favorite spot for dates! The park ^^, they like to go on picnic dates with all their baked goods. There is no plan, usually one of them will randomly pull the other two out of the house because they haven’t touched grass in a while XD. There are no ideas, they share one braincell and they spend too much time doting on each other to use it. Uhm favorite movie genre,,, they like comedy movies :). Their favorite place to eat is this tiny store on the corner of their street that makes mean gyros, they heccin’ love them. Coping with horror, Ilia is desensitized to horror because of the things she’s seen in life, Neon treats it like a game because she knows it’s not real, Ciel, is okay with it, but she gets shook more easily than the other two and they often have to reassure her. No they do not like theme parks, there are too many people around for Ilia and Ciel and Neon respects their boundaries so they tend to go to more quiet places. Uhm heights, Ciel is used to heights because she’s friends with Penny and woah can that girl toss her in the air like she’s a couple of grapes. Ilia doesn’t mind heights but she would prefer to have her feet on the ground. Neon loves the ground so damn much if it leaves her she will cry because man she can’t roller-skate in the air can she, what will she do if the ground is suddenly gone? They like evening dates because it’s normally the only time all three of them are awake enough for it XD. They end a night by sleeping I am not quite sure if there are other ways to end it lmao. They absolutely despise Neon’s roller skating dates but they love how excited she gets about them so they end up becoming as good as professional roller skaters because the smile on Neon’s face when they join her is dazzling.
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I am slowly going insane. Yes each girl has a hobby I sure hope they do. Ilia knits, Ciel paints, and Neon writes. I would like to imagine that Ciel would try to schedule time for their hobbies she ends up giving up because all their sleep schedules are wack. Designated chef is Neon (probably made food for FNKI back in atlas), designated driver is Ilia (I mean I like to imagine she stole cars and stuff in the White Fang XD), designated decorator for stuff is normally Ciel though Neon does try to hijack a few of her plans occasionally, designated shopper is Ciel because the other two have no concept of Saving money, and they all work together to clean :). They don’t work together, they believe in keeping their work life and home life separate to prevent their feelings from getting in the way. They do not have pets, none of them have the energy or responsibility to do that, but Ilia did once bring a moose home one day for some reason.
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I am nomming on your arm sir. Ilia and Neon get along with Penny surprisingly well, though I do think Ilia would get along with Weiss better? Ruby and Weiss look at Ciel and see a beacon arc Weiss and more or less adopt her despite Ciel being older than the two of them. They might like.. play board games together? Like some of those more team based board games I can’t think of anything off the top of my head, may the best polycule win. I cannot see them in a cuddle puddle to be honest ajcnjsanjs I am so sorry— hmm Ruby and Neon do not know the meaning of formal, as far as they are concerned these are their girlfriend’s friends and that means that by extension these are their friends. Weiss would like nothing to do with Neon after Neon insults Yang during the Vytal festival but she begrudgingly goes on outings with her and hey, now they’re make up buddies for some reason. The parhelion gals take the fs gals to the gyro place they like :). Parhelion gang Is a lot more vocal on their dates because their love language happens to be words of affirmation while the fs gang’s happen to be physical touch. Both polycules are very very affectionate though I will die on this hill.
(Parhelion angst! How do Neon and Ciel react to the news about the dust mine? How do they find out about Ilia getting expelled? Do they find out about the white fang? Is there any faunus stigma afterwards? How does Ciel react to people bullying her Faunus GFS? Does Neon talk to Ciel much after? Do they ever reunite? Does Neon attempt to help Ciel while she grieves Penny? Where the fuck is Ciel now? Is Neon still alive? Does Ilia ever think about them? Does Blake know about them from Ilia?)
BUDDY I CAME TO THE LAST ASK AND NOW ONLY DID I REALIZE YOU MEANT PARHELION BACK WHEN THEY WHERE IN BEACON THIS WHOLE TIME I’M CRYING. (This ask is answered under the assumption that they are already dating back in Atlas Academy) Ciel is fiercely protective of her girlfriends, though people only know that Neon is a Faunus because Ilia masks her traits during her time at the academy. Neon and Ciel are horrified about the news about the dust mines. They know that Ilia is a Faunus and that her parents were working there so they rush to see her as soon as possible. But they’re too late,,, Ilia’s already been expelled for attacking her fellow students. They don’t hear from Ilia for a few years after that and the two slowly drift apart, each blaming the other for not getting to Ilia soon enough. They don’t find out about the White Fang until they reunite with Ilia unfortunately, but they feel sad that Ilia had felt that they only way for her to get revenge for her parents was by joining a militant group (I’m working under the assumption that Sienna only took control of the White Fang shortly before Ilia joined). When Neon learns that Penny didn’t make it after the Fall of Beacon she hesitantly reaches out to Ciel for the first time in a year, and she does try to help. But for Ciel it’s blow after heccin’ blow and she pushes Neon away in a rage. Ciel leaves the Academy after that and goes rogue, working as a huntsman without a license for the poorer parts of remnant. Ilia is unaware of all this drama during the Beacon arc. The next time she hears of any news is during the Fall of Atlas, and she’s scared, scared because she’s still recovering and she just heard Ruby announce to the world that Remnant is under attack, and oh my gosh her ex girlfriends live in Atlas. Neon makes it out alive, though not entirely in one piece, she now has a prosthetic leg. Ilia is the first person to see her, it’s a tearful reunion and they haven’t fully made up yet, but hey it’s a work in progress, now they just have to find out where Ciel is, but when they do they’ll BOTH be there to greet her. Blake has no idea who the fuck Ciel and Neon are lmao, Ilia never told her anything about her past romances when she was in the White Fang.
Oh gosh I think that's it-- And that is it thank you for listening to me ramble about Parhelion you get a juice box for making it this far. Sir I am sincerely sorry for turning your ship upside down please forgive me.
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