#The time is five o one am and i am once again worrying that i am not actually autistic but a fucking liar
meetmyothersouls · 1 year
Write a Timmy smut to celebrate 2K!!
Been thinking this up throughout today :)
Five in Five
Warnings: friends to lovers, smut, dirty talk
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It's around 2:45 am when the heat from Timothee's body wakes you. You untangle your legs from his and slide your arm from underneath his neck wondering how a man so lean can produce that much body heat. He groans softly in his sleep, and you wait until he's turned over to get up and go to the bathroom. You're sure that if he sees you creeping out of his bedroom, your only chance to go to pee will be blown.
You tip toe out of his room, leaving the door open for easy access when you return and as you cross the hall for the bathroom, your eyes wander downstairs to his front doors. They're massive double doors made of dark oak standing at least fifteen feet high. For a second, you think of leaving, like you always do. You never stay the night with Timothee...well not a full night. Having sex with him and leaving once he falls asleep was just a thing you guys did. You've always left, ever since he took your virginity in a vacant Marriot hotel room during the 11th grade La Guardia field trip to Los Angeles. It wasn't until years later, you realized Timothee wanted more than that. And it's not that you don't want to be his girlfriend...it's just that being his girlfriend could mean losing him completely if things turned shitty. Losing him as a boyfriend would suck. Losing him as a friend...you weren't sure you could handle. So, you always stuck to this. Sex. Great sex. Sex that you'd only be able to get with someone that loves you just as much as you love them. You sleep with him; you tell him how much you love him-because you do-and you leave when he falls asleep. He's never mad, he's never upset (that you can see and the thought of that gnaws at you constantly) and he never brings it up when you see him again.
Until a few hours ago.
You think about it as you remove your gaze from his front door and tip toe into the bathroom. You never thought he'd convince you to stay the night, but here you are peeing in his overly expensive, self-cleaning toilet and washing your hands with $60 hand soap that smells like vanilla and lavender. You drag a hand over your face as you make your way back out, avoiding the temptation of the front door this time on your way back to his room.
The door is open the way you left it, and you walk softly into his room, jolting a little when you see Timothee sitting up in the bed. He's got his thin, white sheet draped over his naked bottom half and even though he looks half asleep, he also looks sad. Your heart breaks a little as you realize this is what he looks like when he wakes up and you aren't there.
"Relax," you whisper "I'm still here." You crawl back into Timothee's bed, climbing over his body to get back to your favorite spot on his mattress. "I told you I'd stay," you tease him in a whisper and kiss his shoulder.
Timothee relaxes a little, laying back down, holding his arm out for you to cuddle into him.
"Would it be so bad?" he asks after a few moments of silence. You thought he'd fallen back asleep, but he must have been thinking.
"What?" you answer.
"Being my girlfriend."
"No seriously, what would be so bad about it? You're used to fame, so that wouldn't be an adjustment for you. We both have crazy schedules, so you wouldn't have to worry about one of us being busier than the other. And I know everything about you, y/n. Everything."
You laugh at his confidence. He definitely knows everything about you. You'd been sleeping with him for twelve years and been friends for longer. But you weren't going to let him think he knows everything. "You don't know shit, Chalamet."
"Oh yeah?"
"Mhmm, though it's cute that you think you do."
Timothee turns over on his side, facing you. He gives you a quick kiss that instantly turns into a deeper one. You whine when he pulls away, wanting his tongue in your mouth. He's close still, his lips grazing yours occasionally when he talks. "I know everything about you, y/n. Platonically, sexually, mentally. I know everything."
You study his face for a moment. He looks quite sure of himself. "Okay then," you say "five facts about me that no one else knows in five minutes."
"Go on then."
"Number one, I know that if I drag my fingertips across your back" Timothee slides his hands under the back of your shirt, demonstrating his words. "I can have you asleep in less than ten minutes."
You roll your eyes, knowing it's true. He's gotten you to sleep that way many times before.
"Four more, tick tock," you tease him.
"Number two, I know how much anxiety ordering food gives you, so I know your order at every restaurant we've ever been to, so you don't even have to say anything."
His fingers are still tracing lines up and down your back and it takes everything in you not to close your eyes against him.
"Number three, I know that if I kiss your neck right here" Timothee demonstrates his words again, placing the softest kiss to the side of your neck. "I can have you ready for sex almost instantly."
"Ugh, fuck off, Timothee."
He's right again.
You're pretty sure he takes two extra minutes just kissing your neck, the fucker, and you let him because it feels so good.
"Number four, I know that" he pulls you on top of him so that you're straddling his waist "when you're riding my dick, I have to hold your right here because it feels so good, they shake." Timothee's hands grip your thighs, his long fingers indenting the skin on your legs.
"Number five, I know that if I suck one of your nipples into my mouth" He removes a hand from your thigh and removes your shirt. Immediately, he uses his index finger to circle one of your nipples. It hardens instantly at his teasing and peppers your skin in chills "I can get you to do whatever the fuck I want."
You're silent for a minute, feeling his hard dick under you. You contemplate holding it and sliding down onto it but decide to show him he's not the only one who knows everything about the other.
"How'd I do?" Timothee asks.
"Not bad," you admit. You tease his cock with your pussy, sliding him through your wet folds. "But now it's my turn."
"Can I fuck you first?"
"No, Timmy, you can't."
Timothee groans, pressing his erection against your heat.
"You know, you can't call me 'Timmy' and not let me fuck you."
You smile knowingly, satisfied in the use of a secret weapon you learned about not too long ago while having dinner in a very public setting.
"Patience is a virtue, Timothee. Anywho, Number one, I know that when I whisper in your ear, it gives you these cute little chills all over your skin." You lean forward letting your folds slide across his hard dick again. Timothee groans softly through gritted teeth, shaking his head slowly at you. "Like this," you whisper once you're inches from his ear and like you said, you feel his skin prickle with chills. You run your hands over his arms, still gripping your thighs just the way you like, attempting to erase some of the chills you created with your warmth.
"Skip the rest and let me fuck you, y/n," Timothee begs.
"But I've got four more," you pout.
Timothee groans again, pushing his dick against you.
"Number two, I know tha-"
Your words catch in your throat as Timothee shifts on his bed, flipping you onto your back. His knees nudge your legs open, and he runs his nose along your neck until he finds the spot that makes you weak. He kisses it lightly before sucking the skin into his mouth.
"Give it up, y/n. You know it's me you think about when someone else is trying...and failing...to make you come. You know it's me you've been talking yourself out of for years. Over a decade worth of depriving yourself of the one thing you know you need the most. Why? I'm right here and I'm entirely yours. Take me."
Your eyes bounce back and forth between his, until your lips crash into each other's. Tongues winding and twisting fighting for dominance. You love him. You always have and there is no escaping him. There never will be. Timothee breaks your heated kiss and begins lining his way down to your breasts in kisses. He licks around your nipple once he's reached his destination, then suck it into his mouth. And just like he said, in that moment, you're willing to do whatever he wants.
"Be mine and no others," he says to you in between kisses to your soft skin.
"Whatever you want," you say breathlessly.
"No. Say it. Say you'll be mine and mine alone."
Timothee slides a finger along your folds of your pussy, gently pressing a finger inside to you see if you're ready for him. When he decides your wet enough, he lines himself up with you entrance. You're bracing for him; your legs are wide open and waiting but so is he.
"You can't leave me when things get hard. You can't give up on us, because I can't lose you, Timothee. If I tell you yes, then this is it."
"That's all I've ever wanted."
"I mean it; you can't leave me."
"Y/n," Timothee said, as he pushed all the way inside of you, "I'd never dream of leaving you."
Tags: @imnotoverlyobsessive @dayafied @soulofendlessbook @fashphotolife @scentedkittenperfection @weasleytwinscumslut @timotheel0ver @mxciscastleintheair @marvelmaniac2000 @lovelyrocker @divine-1 @louievr @love-poems-only @starberry-cake @inlovewithphantasy @alexagirlie @misswestfall @softhecreator @livresjaunes @timmymyluv @inannamoon @harrys-thick-thighs @s-we-e-t-t-ea @timolaurence @its-schmackin-dude @justagirlwhoneedshelp @kteezy997 @sufferingstarlight @xoxoloverb @tropicalrozmajzl @iloveneilperry @syirnge
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goldenwilliamson · 6 months
hard launch | leah williamson
pairing: leah williamson x reader
a/n: merry christmas!!! enjoy some christmassy awfc fluff x
summary: reader and leah film their parts in the arsenal christmas gifting video. reader receives a gift that shows everyone who's girlfriend she is.
word count: 1.3k
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The Arsenal media team had set up a Christmas tree lined with presents for all the girls to open for a video. You obliged happily, excited about having a present to open before Christmas. Leah however had to be convinced.
"It's bad luck! You can't have us opening gifts before Christmas!" She said, her voice firm.
"Ease up Lee, it's just a little present from the club," you said, rubbing the space between her shoulder blades while silently laughing at your girlfriends commitment to tradition.
"My Mum can't find out about this, she'll have a fit," Leah says, eyeing the tree scornfully.
"Well she might see this video when it goes up," Frimmy says from behind the camera.
You move out of the shot now and watch through the screen of the camera as Leah steps into frame and speaks directly to the lens, "Do I look as awkward as I feel? Because I'm sorry Mum, I don't normally do this before Christmas day, I'm being forced to."
Shaking your head, you and many of the other girls watch on in anticipation as Leah unwraps her gift, and when she pulls out the electric keyboard you all exchange knowing glances. It's no secret that learning piano has been Leah's latest mission, and you more than anyone have been along for the journey. Most evenings now your night was soundtracked by Leah sitting at the piano stool, reading her sheet music and practicing.
When she was preparing for her performance with the BBC orchestra you must have heard her play that Shania Twain song about 200 times before you had to cut her off.
"You've got it Leah, I promise," you had stressed to her.
"I'm just so nervous, I need to know I can do it perfectly!" She demanded, starting to play it again.
"Nope. No. I'm sorry, but I'm cutting you off. It's time for bed," you had said. Even though you were always supportive of her endeavours, you knew she was only stressing herself out with the drive for perfection.
"Baby, please just let me practice it one more time, then bed," she pleaded like a little kid asking for five more minutes of play time.
"Fine. Once more. But I am telling you it's been perfect 98% of the times you've played," you said.
She just waved you away and played it once more all the way through, perfectly of course, and then finally conceded to your request. When you finally crawled into bed together that night you turned towards Leah, murmuring into the darkness.
"I'm starting to get worried that I'll have Shania Twain stuck in my head forever."
Leah giggled but reassured you, "I won't be playing it forever. And trust me, I'm sick of it too."
Now today she was sitting down, playing the little electric keyboard and trying to get everyone to guess what she was playing. You knew straight away it was Adele, because she had played it for you just last night, but it took everyone else a little longer to catch on.
Leah, pleased with her present moved along to allow for the next girls to go through. You stepped in, ready to unwrap your presents with Steph and Kyra, but before you got to pull off the paper one of the Arsenal media people pulled you out.
"We'll get you to open yours on your own, Y/N," they told you. You weren't really sure why, but you trusted their vision and waited for your turn.
When you were finally standing in front of the camera after Steph and Kyra, you felt your present through the wrapping and you could tell that it was a piece of clothing. As you pulled it out, you unfolded it to reveal a t-shirt. And you instantly realised why they'd got you to open it on your own. It seemed to be a fan made t-shirt that had pictures of Leah all over the front as well as LEAH WILLIAMSON printed in large pink block letters running down the side.
You bent over laughing, not even sure if you should show it off to the camera. While you and Leah were officially together, it hadn't really been confirmed publicly. The media team knew that and obviously got you on your own so they could easily leave your clip out of the video.
"Really?" You looked up at the small crew, holding the shirt up next to your face.
Leah, watching on began to laugh now, seeing what you'd been given.
"Best present of the day guys!" She exclaimed.
"So ridiculous," you said as all the girls behind the camera laughed.
"Hard launch," Kyra said, teasing you both.
"Shut up," you smiled, "This won't be going on the Instagram," you said assertively, pointing directly down the barrel of the camera.
"Why don't you put in on, Y/N," Leah suggests.
"You'd like that wouldn't you?" You narrow your eyes at your girlfriend, knowing how much of a kick she would get out of seeing you wearing the top, looking like a fan.
"Go on," Steph urges you.
Begrudgingly, you pull your training shirt up over your head, receiving playful wolf whistles from the girls before you pull your new t-shirt down over your body. When it was on you held your arms out, showing it off.
"How do I look?" You said, giving a little spin as the girls clapped for you.
Leah walked over towards you and held onto your waist, admiring herself on your shirt.
"I bet this inflates your ego," you say, seeing the cheeky sparkle in her eyes.
Leah didn't even say anything in response, she just moved to stand next to you, threw her arm around your shoulder in a very platonic manner and posed towards the camera.
"I love meeting fans," she said, smiling at her own joke.
"Ha ha," you said sardonically, rolling your eyes and nudging her away from you.
"We should get a photo of this though," Leah said, pulling her phone out of her pocket and handing it off to Steph who snapped a picture of you both. When you looked back at it Leah wore a very cocky smirk and looked as if you were posing for a photo with your favourite footballer.
Katie stood over your shoulder to peer at the photo, "Oh that's got to go in a photo dump girls."
"I don't think so," you said quickly, leaving it there. Though you did wear the top around for the rest of the day, finding it surprisingly comfortable, until you tucked it away into your bag before heading home.
You had honestly forgotten about it until Christmas Day when you were scrolling on Instagram in bed after the long day of festivities and you saw Leah had tagged you in a photo. She was right next to you sitting on her phone with a smirk on her face.
"What have you posted?" You asked, clicking onto it and swiping through the various Christmas photos until you saw your own bashful face reflected in the photo that Steph had taken of you in the shirt. The caption read, Best time of year (love my fans @Y/N.Y/L/N) x.
Katie McCabe had already liked the post and tagged you in a comment, President of the Leah Williamson fan club aren't ya? @Y/N.Y/L/N.
"Leah!" You said sharply, looking at your girlfriend in disbelief.
"What? It's a great photo," she said.
"You're fuelling the fire," you said, referencing the ongoing speculation online about your relationship.
"So what? I don't care if people know we're together, do you?" Leah said simply.
You realised that you also didn't care, in fact you would be proud for people to know, so you shook your head.
"Of course I don't," you said, reassuring her that you were okay with this.
"Good, then stop being grumpy about the photo," she said, leaning over to give you a kiss.
"It's such a bad photo! I genuinely look like a teenage fan girl," you laughed.
"That's what makes it so great," Leah says, giggling at her ability to annoy you.
You shake your head and pick up your phone again, feeling confident in your relationship with Leah, no longer caring if people know or they don't. This leads you to respond to Katie's comment with two simple words that are enough to send all the fans spiralling over the small confirmation: Hard launch?
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rosehxnt · 6 months
bonjour >:) requests are open, and thus i am requesting leona, vil (aster is converting me how dare) and idia (again, i am being converted) with a s/o who drags them out to buy matching outfits and accidentally revealing their secret relationship?
it’s just an outfit
ft. leona kingscholar, vil schoenheit, idia shroud summary: even with the attempt to hide their identity, your boyfriend is noticed in public shopping with you warnings: invasion of privacy via paparazzi, use of they/them pronouns for reader (idia)
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leona kingscholar  He seemed so nonchalant about it, only opting to wear a hat and insisting no one would care what a second-born prince was doing buying matching outfits with another person.  He seemed to be correct on that matter until five minutes after you got back to his dorm to lay down.  After changing into your couple’s black and yellow loungewear, messages began to flood your phone from your friends. Links to dozens of articles claiming to have the scoop on Leona Kingscholar's new relationship.  "‘Sunset Savanna Royalty Seen Shopping with Mystery Person. Could This Be a Budding New Romance?’” Leona read one of the titles over your shoulder, throwing in sarcastically shocked tone.  You glared at him as you turned to face him before your face fell in worry. "What if this…changes things between us? Since everyone practically knows now."  "I don’t think this changes anything between us. Not to me, anyway. We just don't have to sneak around anymore." He paused to rest a hand on your cheek. "You’re still okay being mine, right?"  You nodded. "Of course I am."  "That’s all that matters to me, love." Leona threw his arm over your shoulders to bring you closer to his chest, not missing the chance to leave a kiss on your forehead before continuing your impromptu nap.
vil schoenheit  It was his idea to both wear masks to reduce the possibility of being recognized. He was even smart enough to style his hair differently than usual.  Needless to say, Vil had a lot of experience trying to avoid paparazzi as one of the most famous teenagers in twisted wonderland.  You had insisted on going out and getting matching outfits despite your relationship not being public yet, he agreed but not without a warning of how overwhelming it could become if someone recognized him in public.  "It's no big deal, I can handle it," you told him.  "As long as you're confident, my dear."   The trip was going fairly well, you had picked out matching peacoats that would help keep you warm in the cold temperatures. It was when you were looking at sweaters that a fan of his recognized him and noticed your close proximity to each other.  Before you knew it, pictures were being taken as Vil took your hand to lead you away, tsking at the misplaced enthusiasm the public had for him. Once you were sure you were alone he turned to hold you.  "I apologize for the scene, I hope it wasn't too much for you."  "I'm sorry for dragging you out here." You glanced the ground. "People will probably start harassing you about being in a relationship now."  "I knew the risks before entering a relationship with you." He tilted your head up to look at you properly. "I don't mind at all, because now I'm able to be open about the fondness I hold for you."
idia shroud  It’s not like you were actively keeping your relationship a secret, it just hadn’t come up in conversation yet. Most of the time you and Idia spent together was either on voice call or playing games in his room.  You had asked him a few times if he’d be willing to go with you to get matching outfits. It never mattered what it was, just as long as you matched with him. One weekend he finally found the courage to go to the mall with you, as long as he could keep his hood up and face down the entire time.  You were almost jumping with joy at the prospect of getting your introvert boyfriend to do something he would've never done before meeting you. Yes he had stipulations, but you were just glad to have this bonding opportunity with him.  Idia quickly steered you towards the back section of a store that he claimed had "everything an otaku would ever want." You passed walls of shirts for every anime, video game, and vocaloid you'd ever heard of, and then some.  That's exactly when he spotted two students he shared occasional classes with. Said students noticed him back, saw how he looked at you with panic, and quickly connected the dots.  "Well if they're standing that close to Idia Shroud..."  "Exactly what I was thinking, they've got to be special to him for that kind of privilege."  You didn't get to hear the rest of the conversation as Idia dragged you out of said "otaku heaven," mumbling something about finding merch online instead.
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a/n: sorry that leona's is a bit shorter, i tried to mix up each scenario the best i could m.list & rules
© rosehxnt
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ghost-bxrd · 3 months
Keep going I want everything *holds up a note pad* give me angst
*slides glasses up higher*
Okay, you asked for it! Get ready for some really cracky ship content on the side of more Court Family au!
Bruce grows up learning high society and Court etiquette mostly from Alfred and some trustworthy Court members and quickly decides that some things need to change. (He may be morally flexible here but he still wants to change things for the better). He still puts up the Brucie mask in front of High Society, but now he does it with the goal to gather blackmail material from as many people as possible and indebt them to him for potential use down the line.
Bruce becomes Voice of the Court when he turns eighteen and immediately starts uprooting several of the more corrupt members of the Court, instating new people into the ranks that will benefit the city as a whole. He makes some enemies this way, naturally. And soon after the Cout’s Talon is tasked with Bruce’s safety at all times.
Bruce and Cobb do NOT get along. At all. Mostly because Bruce is determined to make Talon’s life even harder by trying to slip away from his sight every other second. It’s infuriating. Cobb considers literally sitting on the guy after only one week. (“Try bailing on me now, o’ honorable Voice”)
Bruce spends several months strategically implementing new laws and projects that will benefit the Court AND Gotham in the long run, making it a point to go to the most important meetings in person, even if they happen to be between criminals. (Cobb was so, SO tempted to let Black Mask shoot the idiot that day.)
Within two years human trafficking is close to nonexistent in Gotham City, lethal crime is down a good ten percent (which isn’t much in the grand scheme of things but for Gotham it’s almost biblical) and whispers of “Batman” are omnipresent. (Cobb considers asking if slapping his Voice would be considered treason but… it probably would. Even though Bruce really deserves it with such a stupid cover name. Owls HUNT bats… couldn’t he have chosen Owlman?)
(“What’s your name, anyway?” Bruce asks one day, flipping his tie into a neat Windsor knot that’s just passable enough to not be considered sloppy. “I am the Talon of the Court, my Voice.” Bruce hums, one elegant eyebrow raising in the stark reflection of the mirror, “No, your real name.” “It’s whatever you wish it to be, my Voice.” “You know what I mean, Talon. If you do not wish to answer, then I will not make you. But do not play me for a fool.” “… Cobb. William Cobb.” Bruce blinks, the left corner of his mouth tugging upwards, “Will… I see.”)
The first time a traitor nearly succeeds in killing Bruce is when he once again slips away from the Talon’s sight, and while Bruce is still well trained he’s no match against five people with guns, sedatives, and a mission. Cobb finds them right as they’re about to shoot Bruce in the head and goes absolutely feral. (He hates Bruce, he hates Bruce, he hates Bruce, he hates-)
Bruce wakes up back at the manor with a pissed off Talon standing in the corner of the room, keeping watch and refusing to talk to him anymore beyond what he’s ordered to. Sneaking away from the Talon after this becomes virtually impossible for Bruce.
Cobb keeps giving Bruce the cold shoulder for months to the point where Bruce becomes genuinely concerned, but the Court scientists assure him that their Talon is running at a 100% capacity. (That’s not what I’m asking, Bruce wants to scream. I want to know if he’s okay.)
(Cobb wasn’t worried, he wasn’t. He watched countless humans die in so much worse ways already. Inflicted worse himself. It’s just because he almost failed his mission and allowed the Voice to be killed that he’s so unnerved now. That must be it. That’s all it is. That’s all.)
Dick’s parents fall and Bruce is up and out of his seat the next second, pushing through the masses until he can clutch at the child and cover his eyes, shielding him from the view of his parents’ dead bodies. Social Services never get to put their hands on Dick Grayson.
The Court is ecstatic. Cobb is ecstatic. From tragedy, opportunity blooms like a rose with poisonous thorns, and the Talon stands ready to take on his apprentice as the Court broaches the subject with Bruce.
But Bruce (idiotic, stupid, bleeding-heart Bruce) refuses point blank. (“He’s a child,” Bruce says. Like that means anything. They were all children, once. He’ll grow out of it quickly enough. And the boy will make an excellent Talon, perhaps even surpass Cobb himself, with time and training. Maybe more capable at keeping the Voice safe than him, too. But then Bruce says, “He’s my child. My ward. And any of you who think to go against me will answer to the Talon and myself.” And, oh, damn you, Bruce. Damn you. But what else is Cobb to do but lift his head and stare down the Voice’s subject in silent challenge, daring them to object? Bruce is his Voice. Talon will never not side with the Court’s voice. (He pointedly does not think of the time he slit another Voice’s throat. He does not.))
Dick is anger and fury and sunshine and it drives Cobb crazy. The raw potential that is lost with Bruce’s refusal to allow him to train the boy… he cannot stand it. There will be another Talon before long (Cobb is not bitter about it, he is not) and with Dick the protection of the Voice would have at least stayed within the line of Cobb’s blood, but now… now Cobb can’t be sure the new Talon will take their task as seriously as the boy would have.
Dick is the one to approach Cobb for training before he ever goes to Bruce
Bruce nearly has a heart attack the first time he finds Dick training with the Talon, ripping the boy away and screaming at Cobb for nearly an hour about “orders” and “NOT a Talon” and many other things Dick doesn’t really get
Bruce asks Talon to bring him Zucco’s head and Cobb will forever deny the vindictive pleasure he felt when watching the smarmy man squirm and beg for his life (he didn’t get fond of Dick. Cobb doesn’t do fond. He hates him almost as much as he hates Bruce, thank you and good day.)
… okay I just realized none of this really qualifies as angst but— somehow this post got away from me. I’m sorry 😭😭😭 feel free to ask for more specific angst content tho? 🙏
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riseoftheangstywriter · 2 months
How do you think rise donnie would deal with his s/o starting to call him a tsundere as a term of endearment ?. (Cuz he is a tsundere).
Thank u for the ask!! Here's a little something I wrote on how I think it would play out. Hope you enjoy :))
"You know what y/n?" Leo tells you during one of your many reality tv watching sessions. "Ever since you and Donnie started dating, it's made me realize something... he's such a tsundere, don't you think?"
You turn to look at the slider, head tilting in confusion at the term. "What's a tsundere?"
Within seconds Leo's mouth has dropped considerably. "What?" He pauses the tv. "What do you mean you don't know?!"
As he shakes your shoulders, all you can do is awkwardly smile. "Am I supposed to?"
Leo shakes his head. "I really need to get you into more anime..." He sighs, pulling out his phone. "Don't worry, Leon's got it."
He shoves his phone in your face, and you read the text once your eye's adjust. "A tsundere is a character who switches from being tough and cold towards a love interest into being soft and sweet."
You look at Leo, who's wiggling his nonexistent eyebrows. "See? You can't read that and tell me that isn't describing Donnie."
"I mean, I guess you're right." You hum thoughtfully. "I've never thought about it like that."
Leo's considers your agreement a win, and he grins. "Exactly! I know these things.. it's a twin sense, you feel me?"
You nod, always finding humor in the whole "twin sense" thing when they don't even look remotely alike. They still debated about who was the "older twin" to this day. "Sure."
He nudges you. "Just means you're special, y/n."
His words make you smile. It was relieving to hear that Donnie's brothers thought you were good for him. "Heh. Thanks, Leo."
After your conversation with Leo, you decide to start messing with Donnie a little bit. It starts off harmless, the first time you call him a tsundere, he reacts as expected, extremely confused (and flustered) because how the hell did you know that word?
He suspects its Leo's doing immediately, but you act clueless, skipping off like it was nothing.
Then you do it again, and again, and again. Now, tsundere has been added to the long list of nicknames you have for the soft-shell. It started off as an innocent joke, but honestly, it was very fitting. Besides, you liked the reaction Donnie had every time. You enjoyed catching him by surprise.
Like tonight, as you depart his lab to head home, you whisper into his ear as you kiss his cheek.
"Goodnight, tsundere." You smile when you hear his breath catch, satisfied with yourself as you turn away, light on your feet.
"Y/n, wait."
You look back to see where you left him, sitting in his chair but facing you.
"In the past sixty five days you've called me tsundere a total of twenty eight times."
You weren't expecting that. You cross your arms, interested to see where he was going with this. "Oh, so you've been keeping track?"
He blushes, dismissing your words. "That's not the point. The question is why? Why that word, out of all words? I know Leo taught it to you, so don't even try to deflect."
You think about how to answer, before you settle on the perfect response. You laugh to yourself, smiling.
"I mean, it makes sense right?" You approach him, noticing how he looks you up and down, swallowing. What, was Donnie actually feeling shy? "When I first met you, you were all grumpy and closed off."
You're inches away from him now, and just to show the purpose of your next sentence, you put a finger on his plastron, right over the area that covers his heart. "Who knew I would be the one to peel back those layers to reveal my sweet, lovely partner?"
You knew you had succeeded once Donnie's left a stuttering mess. You've only rendered him speechless a few times, but it never got old.
"If it really bothers you, I'll stop. Promise." You add with sincerity. You had a feeling it didn't, but just to make sure, you say it anyways.
"No." He rushes out immediately. "I-It's fine."
You smile fondly at him. "Good. Well, I should go now."
He nods, but not before he gently takes your wrist and pulls you down, capturing your lips in a sweet kiss.
For a moment he rests his forehead on yours. "I.... like the nickname. It's cute."
The two of you part, and you can't help but get in one last tease. "Guess you'll be hearing more of it then."
Donnie rolls his eyes, but his tone is dripping with affection as he turns back around in his chair. "Bye y/n."
"Bye Donnie." You're almost out the door before departing with "I love you."
You linger just long enough to hear him say "I love you too."
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creabirds · 6 months
creabird's fics master post
your heart, love (has such darkness) | chaptered fic, roman empire inspired fantasy au, enemies to lovers, rated e, 48k [fic post | fanart]
“Who did this to you?“ The question escaped Max in a low growl, sounding more animal than human. Charles’ eyes widened for a fraction of a second before narrowing, eyebrows knitting together in confusion. “Your men,“ he answered, as if it was obvious. And it was. “No, who exactly?“ Max hissed, “because I ordered them not to hurt you and I will cut their fucking heads off for defying their commands.“ The provinces' war against the empire has been raging for years, but finally, Max Verstappen and his rebel army are close to bringing their enemies to their knees. The dire situation has the empire's most powerful warrior, Charles Leclerc, il predestinatio, running right into Max's arms in an attempt to stop him before it's too late. Max wants the empire's darling for himself, but their relationship is much more complex than that of a villain and hero, king and concubine. Though Charles is chained and collared, nothing is really as it seems.
bare your teeth verse | on-going series, a/b/o drivers au, enemies to lovers, rated e, 3-4k each [fic post | fanart]
part one: see me bare my teeth for you
It has been five years since Max gave Charles his mating bite on a rainy day in Val d'Argenton. Five years of Charles keeping his head down and ignoring it had ever happened. Until the day he set foot in the paddock, freshly signed to drive in F2, his dreams becoming true. Only there is one problem: his mate is too close for his body not to react.
part two: bound with the curse don't want this bubble to burst
Charles has finally made it to Formula 1. But reaching this milestone forces him closer to Max than ever before. On and off the track - they fight, and they clash. Grudging acceptance bubbles over into rage once again after the 2019 Austrian Grand Prix, with Charles on Max's private jet and nowhere to run.
part three: it feels better biting down
Charles has not stepped foot outside of his apartment for the entirety of the lockdown. He has not seen anyone, especially not Max, so he is shocked to find him attempting to break his door down, deep in his rut and desperate to get his hands on Charles. For once, the tables have turned and Max is the one out of his mind with want.
part four: i cut my teeth on people like you
Ever since spending his rut with Charles, Max's jealousy has been going haywire. It doesn't help that their relationship is more strained than ever. Winning his first championship and seeing his omega congratulating his biggest rival instead of him is the final straw.
late night devil (put your hands on me) | one-shot, vampire/priest au, rated e, 5k [fic post | inspo art | fanart]
Welcome to the Halloween Special! “Don’t worry, I’m a priest here at St. Fiacre, you are very welcome. I can call for a doctor in the morning, as well,” Max explained. As he turned towards the man, coming eye to eye with him for the first time he was suddenly struck by the beauty of him. “It is not that, I would love to come in,” the man offered, a shy smile curling over his mouth and creating a set of dimples on its corners. Max tried not to stare. “However, I simply cannot. I am not allowed, so to speak,” he explained. “What,” Max looked at him, eyebrows raised. “Why?” The man flashed a broad smile and Max could not avoid looking. What he saw were fangs.
the world is so much wilder than you think (all the mermaids have sharp teeth) | chaptered fic, siren charles au, get-together, rated e, 22k
Charles' eyes focussed on him, bright green, not in a scary, alien way, but more like the sunlight had caught in his irises, making them appear brighter and more saturated than usual. Only there was no sun. It was the middle of the night. Max felt an itch in his fingers and feet, as if he was being pulled forward magnetically. Charles blinked again, and it was gone. Max sat back on the chair with a grunt. He hadn’t noticed he had been in the process of standing up. “What?” he asked, not even sure what exact question to phrase. “Oh, you know, this is the part where you find out that supernatural creatures exist?”
i'm starving, darling (come and get some) | series, grid slut charles au, rated e, 5k
Well, it wasn’t like he was actively looking at his ass. It just seemed to always be in his line of sight. Like in Baku, when Max couldn’t stop himself from constantly glancing over to where Charles and Checo stood waiting for him to finish his interview because Charles kept dropping things. His racing-driver-instinct-eyes had immediately snapped over to the exaggerated movements in his peripheral vision and he couldn’t even tell what exactly it was Charles dropped because all he could see was a full view of butt in a fire-red racing suit. Max had considered whether he had gone insane and had started hallucinating due to a recent lack of sexual gratification (sue him, but he was a busy man) and Charles’ proximity and relative attractiveness (it was off the charts). And now this. Max was finally, thoroughly convinced. He’s doing this on purpose, he thought. His phone pinged with a message.
called to the devil (and the devil said hey) | one-shot, charles goes to red bull au, get-together, rated e, 16k
Charles joins Red Bull in 2025 in the hopes of finally winning the championship in a reliable car. Max is a suspiciously supportive teammate. Or: Max Verstappen's very secret retirement plan.
hot in it (no stopping it) | series, grid slut charles au, threesome, rated e, 5k
14:43 [from Max Verstappen] [image attached] come over and bring a long pair of pants for charlie Carlos opened the message to view the picture and had to suppress a groan, lest the mechanics next to him would suspect anything. It was a shot of Charles, he recognized by his bright red shorts, even shorter now that they were pushed up and bunched around his upper thighs by a big hand that could only belong to Max. Beneath Max’s hand was an angry-red looking bite mark. The perfectly straight row of teeth indented into the skin was easily recognizable.
maneater (make you spend hard) | series, grid slut charles au, rated e, 2k
“Do you like getting head, Carlos?” he asked, then. He had never claimed to be smooth nor subtle. He watched as Carlos’ eyes became comically wide before he narrowed them again, staring at Charles intently. “What?” “Blowjobs? Getting your dick sucked?” Charles tried again, a sly smile on his face, being very aware that Carlos’ question might not have been due to a lack of understanding of the terminology used at all. Carlos blinked at him and he swore the blush on his cheeks got a tad bit darker. “I mean— yes, doesn’t everyone?” he rasped, voice slightly airy. Charles’ tongue slipped out to wet his lips and he watched Carlos’ eyes flit down and back up to his eyes in a matter of milliseconds. “Sure,” he hummed, “but I also like giving it,” he grinned.
greed (i want it all right now) | one-shot, sex pollen, magical pussy, gangbang, dead dove for dubious consent, rated e, 9k [fic post]
Charles has to sneeze, and laughs. His Secret Santa seems to have had his fun with it, adding some fake snow to douse him in. He does not notice the nervous glances the producers behind the camera share. He reads the card, out loud, but falters as he tries to process what is written there in elegant cursive. “Since you are a lazy gift giver I will help you out this year,” it says. Charles furrows his brows. Or: Charles wakes up with a pussy. The grid is delighted.
inches in between us (i want you to give in) | one-shot, friends to lovers, rated e, 8k
4 times yuki sent pierre into gay panic + the one time he gave in alternative title: yuki being outrageous and pierre losing his shit (canon)
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gumnut-logic · 7 months
Five times Alan discovered a secret and one time he kept one (Part One)
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I wrote something! I'm a little rusty, but words happened!
Many thanks to the wonderful @onereyofstarlight for the read through and sanity check.
I hope you enjoy it :D
“Are you sure this is the right thing to do?”
Alan blinked. Virgil’s voice was little more than a low rumble through the wall. If Alan hadn’t been practising his handstands up against that wall, he probably wouldn’t have heard his brother.
Of course, Dad’s office was the best place not to be at most times, but for some reason this exact spot in the hallway was the only place Alan could stand on his hands for any length of time.
He’d tried his bedroom, Gordon’s bed, Virgil’s bed, John’s bed, three of the outside walls, the big tree out in the field, the kitchen wall - Grandma had growled so much - and the living room.
The living room wall wasn’t conclusive as Grandma had chased him out before the soles of his sneakers had touched the wall.
But this spot was the best. No-one hung around outside Dad’s office and Dad had never noticed.
“Scott needs this.”
“This isn’t just about Scott.”
Alan swallowed. Scott had been sick for a long time. It had all been so scary. There had been yelling late at night, and once Alan had heard his brother screaming.
It had been terrifying.
Grandma said that his big brother had been hurt while he was in the air force and he needed time to recover.
But Scotty had been so sad. He still gave great hugs, but he never smiled any more.
Alan wasn’t dumb. He had access to the information nets and he had looked up things that could cause his brother to be so sad. He guessed it was something to do with his mental health, but no one was telling him anything.
He’d asked Virgil and the look on his big brother’s face was almost as sad as Scotty’s, scaring Alan even more.
But Virgil sat him down and explained about someone hurting Scott and Scott just needing some time to get better.
Which was exactly what everyone else had said and didn’t fix anything! Alan wanted his fun big brother back. He wanted to find whoever had hurt Scotty and punch them really hard.
A bigger hunt on the nets pretty much confirmed it was a mental health thing, but the possibilities were endless and more and more terrifying. He had worried and fretted for weeks.
But then one day Scotty had started smiling again. It was sudden and it had Alan running across the kitchen to hug him.
Scott had grunted, like he always did when Alan tackle-hugged him, but this time his big brother picked him up and squeezed him ever so tight in return. He even messed up his hair.
Scott was finally feeling better! The days following proved it to Alan. But there was still something in his brother’s eyes that hadn’t been there before and he still tired more easily, the tap of his cane his constant companion. It was obvious that not everything was one hundred percent.
But Alan had been granted a smile and he was going to take it and run with it. He was ever grateful for it.
“You don’t have to be part of International Rescue, Virgil.”
“Are you kidding? I’m not letting him do this on his own. Or you, or John.”
“You are not responsible for any of us. If you do this, you have to do it for yourself.”
There was silence for a moment and Alan held his breath. What was ‘International Rescue’?
“I am, Dad.”
“But you don’t want to do it.”
“I didn’t say that! I’m worried about Scott. He is clinging to this like a lifeline. It’s not healthy-“
“Sometimes we need to make do to survive.”
There was a creak of furniture as if someone was sitting down. “Dad…”
Soft footsteps. “He needs this, Virgil. I need this.”
Alan froze where he was, upside down against the wall, all his blood rushing to his head, not daring to move and risk being heard.
His brother’s answer was a whisper. “I know.” So quiet.
“You are so much like your mother. She would be so proud of you.”
Alan squeezed his eyes shut. Their mother was a ghost in this house. Someone rarely spoken about but always there. Alan felt left out and guilty for asking questions about their mother.
Scott and Virgil had shown him the photos and videos. Dad didn’t talk about her ever.
Alan had also asked Gordon, but his youngest big brother had only been six and his memories were vague.
At least he didn’t have that weird look in his eyes when Alan mentioned her. His mom was a big hole in his identity, a mostly unknown, hurting black hole.
‘International Rescue’ had something to do with Mom.
But Virgil didn’t say anything Alan could hear.
He grit his teeth. Part of him wanted to flip onto his feet and get out of there but the rest of him wanted to know what his father and brother were talking about.
“So, we are on schedule for April?”
Alan let out a breath.
“Yes. It’s best to avoid the cyclone season and in the meantime finish our preparations.”
“When are we telling Gordon and Allie?”
Again footsteps, this time walking away. “Alan’s birthday, as planned. We’ll make it a surprise, a positive.”
Silence. “You know my thoughts about that.”
“Are you going to fight me on everything?! This is a good thing, Virgil! We will be saving lives!”
“We have lives here! We have family and we need to keep them safe!”
“How does telling them on Alan’s birthday hurt any of us?”
“We’ll be leaving everything Allie knows. His friends, his school, everything, to live on an island in the middle of the ocean. I think that has the potential to hurt. A lot.”
Alan found himself holding his breath. They were leaving the farm?!
“So we should tell them sooner?” It was sharp and mocking.
“Alan will need time. He’s only nine, Dad. This is a big thing.”
“For all of us.”
Again silence fell and all Alan could hear was the thudding of his own heart.
“Alan, Grandma is going to force feed you burnt cookies if she finds shoe marks on the wall.” His big brother’s jean-clad legs suddenly appeared near Alan’s head.
He should have heard the cane. Why didn’t he hear the cane?!
Alan teetered sideways and nearly took out the hall table beside him. Strong arms wrapped around his legs and saved the life of one of Grandma’s flower vases.
Unfortunately, Scott must have dropped his cane and, along with it, his extra support and balance. A squawk and clatter of limbs and Alan found himself in a heap on the floor beside his big brother.
For a moment he lay there staring at his brother’s profile - his nose, weird dimples and messed up hair. “You okay, Scotty?”
His brother let out a breath. “Yeah. Just checking the ceiling for cobwebs.”
Alan would have grinned at the joke (paraphrasing a Gordon much put out at missing the growth spurt that had almost every other brother scraping the tops of door frames) but his head was a mess of questions.
He grabbed his big brother in a desperate hug.
“Hey, Allie, you okay?” Warm arms were wrapped around him, holding him tight.
“Scott!” Virgil’s voice startled both of them. Hurried footsteps rushed over.
“I’m fine! Something’s up with Allie.”
Alan looked up from his big brother’s arms to find Virgil kneeling down between them. Behind him, tall and dark-haired, stood their father.
His grey eyes pierced into Alan’s head.
“Allie, what’s wrong?” Scott had worry in his tone, something Alan did not want to hear.
“I don’t want to move to an island.” It came out small and scared.
Scott stiffened beside him and pulled away a little.
Virgil whispered something Alan couldn’t quite hear.
Alan stared up at their father. “I don’t want to go.”
Part 2
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reggies-eyeliner · 11 months
THE CLASSIC MATCHUP - for @missmorosis!
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-> THE "you were my new dream" COUPLE
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#now playing ... "invisible string" by taylor swift
(saw it was you and said SOKKA'S GF????
u are so sokka gf coded
i cannot stress this enough bro u . i can't see you with anyone else except sokka it's my curse
you guys have been dating for how long now?? four years irght yes)
THERE IS LAUGHTER LIKE YOU GUYS ARE 6-years-old again at a sleepover when you're supposed to be asleep every😭single😭night😭💗💗and oh man genuinely this man is your number-one go-to guy for a good belly laugh before you go to bed. if you're traveling with them to go from one place to another, everyone else in the gaang places their bets on you and sokka laughing about the same joke until the sun rises, so you two are both always rubbing sleep out of your eyes once you actually have to go out and Do Responsible Stuff.
the way this man looks at you while you and the gaang are riding on appa is genuinely so criminal. he has this pathetically in love smile on your face because 1) pretty girl, and 2) pretty girl with nice personality that 3) tells him nice things all of the time and 3) gives him he best hugs that he could ever ask for (he does not ask for hugs so he always leans in for an extra second thinking that you won't notice😭<33)
and OH MAN your love language is words of affirmation and acts of service?? this man is THE NUMBER ONE GUY EVER to be the act of service. he used to only keep one extra hair tie around his wrist for himself, but now he keeps up to five at times, in all sorts of colors, and hands you one when it looks like the wind is in your hair AJSJCHSHAHJ AND AND OH MAN whenever you seem to be slightly quieter than usual in a public, crowded space, he'll slowly bring you to a quiter place so you can recharge your social battery. he doesn't make it a huge grand gesture all of the time, but he wants it to be enough that you know someone out there cares, but not so much that you waste more energy worrying that you're a burden (SPOILER ALERT YOu'RE NOT ILYSM)
sokka absolutely melts when he sees you get excited about your passions. he does not speak korean but he will learn for you. he will sing songs by txt and say "this one's a banger, check this out," and start singing his heart out AND he will learn the choreo for it too (and it'll be at the randomest times 😭like 7am in the morning while you're rubbing sleep out of your eyes and he just starts it's so funny he loves yous o bad)
the king of giving random compliments throughout the day ever. will tell you that he loves your smile and loves your smile lines and loves your nose and loves your hair and how you talk and how you say certain words and how you text and how
AND!! best part this man will never ever ever make you sit on the inside of the booths and will know so fast and immediately sit there first AUUAUSGCH and also if you ever do self isolate he'll be the first to know,, he's done it himself obviously, but he's learned that shouldering things alone isn't what people were made for. he'll come sit by next to you if you need it or just slide down the wall beside you and sit with you at his side. no prying, no demands, no "making it about myself," he will just sit and breathe and listen to you. he'll also try to cheer you up by getting you take out or boba BWHJABHC and if all else fails he'll hold you and tell you sweet nothings UAUAAUGGAGAGHSHCGH WAILING VIOLENTLY
this is so random but if you guys are like. at a really nice cafe i am so serious rn THIS MAN WILL CUT YOUR BREAD FOR YOU cut the corners of your toast if you don't like the crust and keep an eye on your teabag and put it out if it seems like it's been steeping for too long
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"domestic fluff"
-> waking up at six in the morning to head out for the day not to go to school or work but because he wanted to see the sunrise with you, his hands will definitely card through your hair and AUGH THIS GUY WILL hold you and carry you out the door because he's just . he is like that . he will be an absolute puddle on the floor of you help him with his hair too because he's very specific on who touches his hair ("i was having a GOOD HAIR DAY, KATARA.") and will make you a good breakfast (and will totally search up recipes for well-known meals in korea because he's doing his best AUGH) and will draw you tiny illustrations of you guys and sneak them in your bag. when you come back from school or work he'll come back with fried chicken or boba or maybe a combination of both and turn on a movie, but if you need to study he'll calmly be there beside you to help you out HJAJSHCB <333
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a/n BRO I AM SO SORRY I HAVEn'T FINISHED YOURS AND ITS BEEN ALMOST LIKE 10 MONTHS HOLY i am so so sorry but when i tell u i was grinning like an idiot while making this because augh you and sokka are genuinely the sweetest couple and you guys make me want to throw up in not a bad way like . holy moly why are you guys The Couple ever stop doing that WJABCJHAC okay but genuinely i hope life has been treating you well!!! and that things have been going okay for you AJSJJHAJA if you ever need anything let me know and remember that i love you so so much (i am not just saying this genuinely you are a gift and blessing to this planet there are so many people who love you please take care of yourself love you deserve it) PLEASE REMEMBEr to drink water and sleep well!! sending hugs and kisses mwah mwah!!
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haddonfieldwhore · 5 months
headfirst, fearless - will borgen
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will borgen x reader (welcome to the party pt.2)
summary: you and will go on your first date
warnings: none i think but i’m not super happy with how this one turned out tbh
word count: 1.8k part one is here
your head wasn’t pounding nearly as much as you thought it would be when you woke up, and you smiled at the fact that the drunken haze hadn’t wiped the cute brunette from your memories. after having a shower and some breakfast, you got out your phone and texted will, as you promised matty you would.
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you smiled at your phone as you texted will your address, and he replied saying he would pick you up at five that evening. it was 11 am now, giving you plenty of time to get ready.
you were excited to see will again, and thankful that you hadn’t been so drunk that you’d made a fool of yourself last night. at least if you did, it wasn’t enough to scare him away.
will texted you at exactly five o clock to say that he was waiting outside your place, and after one quick look in the mirror, you were out the door. you were wearing a simple outfit, just a warm sweater, your jacket, and some jeans, along with your winter boots and some gloves to combat the chill in the seattle winter air.
will was standing next to his car when you got outside and you greeted him with a smile as he opened the passenger door for you.
“thanks,” you smiled. “it’s really nice to see you again.”
“yeah, i had a lot of fun last night,” he agreed as he began to drive down the road. “i am looking forward to not being a drunken idiot in front of you today though,” he said with a laugh.
“you weren’t an idiot,” you laughed with him. “i was worried i was, so i guess we were both worried for no reason.”
“i guess so,” he smiled. at a red light, he took off his grey beanie to run his hands through his hair, before placing it back on his head.
“did you and the guys have fun celebrating last night?”
“yeah, we had a good time. matty was still barely awake when i left to pick you up.”
“you guys live together?” you asked, and he nodded.
“yeah, we have a house together next to yanni and his family’s. it’s nice being so close together.”
“that does sound nice,” you agreed.
you spent the short drive to the market getting to know eachother; mostly small stuff like where you were from originally, what kind of music you liked, what you did over the holidays.
the car pulled up outside the market, strings of thousands of lights decorating the trees, lampposts, and stalls for different shops.
“wow, it’s gorgeous.”
“yeah,” will smiled, thinking that as you looked at all the lights, you were still the prettiest thing there.
will held your hand as you walked through the thin layer of snow that coated the ground.
“i love the snow,” you smiled, watching as tiny snowflakes twirled through the air, falling from the sky and covered the roofs of each market stall. there were vendors selling baked goods, crafts, hot chocolate, and so much stuff that you couldn’t even see everything at once. there was even a small skating rink set up, not big enough for hockey, but large enough that people could comfortably skate around.
“what do you want to see first?” will asked.
your toes had gone quite cold after about two hours of walking around the market, and even the hot chocolate you’d bought only marginally helping fight off the chill of january.
you had bought a couple craft items, such as a handknit potholder from a sweet old lady, as well as some cookies that you and will shared while watching people skate around.
“do you know how to skate?” will asked, and you shook your head.
“no,” you said with a laugh. “i think i would hurt myself if i tried.”
“you said you trust me?” he asked, extending a hand to you as he stood up.
“yes, but we don’t have skates.”
“even easier then,” he smiled, leading you out into the ice. it thankfully wasn’t too slippery where you felt like you were going to fall down, but enough that you could easily shuffle around. will ‘skated’ backwards as he held onto both of your hands, making sure you didn’t slip. somehow, you knew if you fell he would catch you, and it took away any fear you had in that moment.
“i don’t know how you do this, never mind while trying to shoot the puck and not get hit.”
“practice,” he smiled. “it’s kind of like second nature to me at this point.”
after a few more minutes you felt a little more steady on your feet. still , you didn’t travel too far from the edge of the rink, and never let go of will. you couldn’t imagine the added difficulty of trying to balance on skates.
“you should come to a game sometime. the guys want to see you again almost as much as i did.”
“really?” you asked, and he nodded.
“yeah. just let me know and i can get you tickets,” will smiled. “and yeah, the guys think you’re great.”
“thanks! they seem really cool too.”
“they kept asking me when i was going to see you again,” he said, and the pink blush on his cheeks from the cold hid the slight embarrassment in his face.
“well you can tell them that we went out today. and i don’t know about you but i’m having a really good time,” you smiled, hoping he felt the same.
“me too,” he smiled, and you breathed a sigh of relief. “it is getting cold though, so it might be time for me to take you home.”
“okay,” you agreed, and he helped you off the ice. you walked hand in hand back to his car, rubbing you hands together once you got inside as you waited for him to start the engine.
“what is it?” you asked, his eyes lingering on your face with a smile as he waited for the windows to defrost.
“you have a snowflake on your cheek,” he said, and reached over to wipe it off your cheekbone with his thumb. his hand lingered on your face, and your heart sped up.
“you know all i could think about in the cab ride home last night was how much i wish i had kissed you,” you whispered, and his eyebrows raised raised.
“really?” he hummed. “that’s good to know,” he smiled. “do you want me to kiss you now?”
you nodded, and will leaned closer, gently pressing his lips to yours, the taste of hot chocolate on his tongue. you smiled as he pulled away, the kiss definitely worth the wait.
“i really wanted to kiss you last night too, just for the record.”
“good to know,” you repeated what he’d said, and he smiled before putting the car in gear and starting the drive back to your place.
it was only around 8:30 when you pulled up outside your place, and you didn’t want to say goodbye just yet.
“do you want to come in for a bit?” you asked, hoping it wasn’t too forward.
“sure,” he agreed thankfully, turning off the car and following after you up to your apartment.
his phone beeped in his pocket and he glanced at it with a laugh.
“matty’s asking where i am,” he smiled, and you laughed as you turned the kettle on in case either of you decided to make coffee or tea.
“you didnt tell him where you were going?” you asked, and he shook his head.
“no,” he said with a laugh. “i was worried he might try to tag along.” you laughed as you walked over to the couch and sat down.
“while i did like hanging out with your friends, it was nice to hang out just the two of us,” you admitted, and will walked over and sat down on the couch next to you.
“yeah, it was.” he watched as you shivered slightly. “are you still cold?”
“a little,” you grabbed a blanket from the basket next to you couch, but will pulled you gently into his side, wrapping his arms around you as you pulled the blanket over your laps.
“better?” he asked.
“yes, thank you,” you hummed as you snuggled into him.
“maybe i just wanted to steal the blanket from you,” he teased, as it now rested over his lap as well.
“well if that was the case you could’ve just asked,” you laughed, looking up at him.
will leaned down and pressed a sweet kiss to your lips, and then another on the tip of your nose.
“i’m kidding,” he smiled. “that’s just a bonus.” you hummed softly as you grabbed the remote and passed it to will, deciding on something to watch together.
about an hour into the movie, will looked down and noticed that you were asleep, and smiled to himself.
he sent matty a quick text saying that he wouldn’t be home, and not to wait up for him, before kissing the top of your head.
he ignored matty’s response, and took of his beanie, running a hand through his hair to smooth it out, before he reached over and shut off the lamp. the movement caused you to stir, and he smiled at you.
“hey,” he whispered. “uh, i told matty i was staying out because i don’t want to wake you, but if you want me to go that’s okay.”
“no, that’s okay. i want you to stay,” you stood up, grabbing wills hand and leading him in the direction of your room. “but this couch is terrible for sleeping.”
“bedroom on the first date?” he teased. and you pushed his chest lightly as you grabbed pyjamas from your dresser, finding and old grey t-shirt that would probably fit will as well and handing it to him.
“you’re lucky you’re cute, or i’d make you sleep on the couch for that.”
“sorry,” he raised his hands with a smile, and you went to the bathroom to get changed.
you came back out to see will sitting on the end of the bed, having changed into the shirt you gave him. you walked over and stopped in front of him, and will placed his hands on your hips, his fingertips gently brushing against your skin under them hem of your top. you leaned down to kiss him softly, and he smiled as you yawned slightly after pulling back.
“tired?” he asked, and you nodded, crawling into bed and pulling him down to lay next to you.
“come here,” you giggled as you pulled him into your arms, his legs tangling with yours beneath the blanket as he kissed you again.
“goodnight will,” you mumbled as you snuggled into him, your face resting on his shoulder as his arms wrapped around your waist. he hummed softly as you placed a kiss on his neck.
“goodnight,” he smiled.
disclaimer: all screenshots, events, and/or interactions depicted in this are a work of fiction. i have no association with any parties mentioned
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peachjagiya · 2 months
I don't know if this is in response to the ask i sent you yesterday but if it is, please understand that i wasn't trying to tell you to stop believing in ur ship. That is your prerogative and you have a right to believe in what you want to believe in. It's not like my "essays" are going to change your mind anyway.
I was only pointing out what is think is a flaw in your logic especially because i saw u complaining of jikookers talking about a pic being deleted and i was pointing out that if you think Jk posting a pic only with Tae on his instagram is "special" then couldn't the other group of shippers say the same thing about Jk only having a selfie with Jimin on his WV ? What is the difference? I don't think who Jk chooses to post and not post on his socials is what determines who is most special to him and i'm sure in real life, most of you know this. If he takes a picture which he thinks is cool, he would most probably post it regardless of who it is. I am married and have been for over 5 years but i only have one picture of my s/o on my socials but i have tons of pics with friends and acquaintances. Do u think i posted more people than my s/o because they mean more to me? absolutely not lol. I even rarely take photos with my s/o at all so if someone had to judge how special my s/o is to me by looking at things like socmed posts they would probably think i hate him lol.
You created a blog to talk about and appreciate the bond of two people u believe could be in a relationship and it is normal to like seeing only or mostly people who agree with you but please don't think that anyone who disagrees with or questions your logic on certain things is out to disprove your ship or make you stop believing in them. Look at my ask again, not once did i ask you to stop believing in your ship. i only asked that you stop making big deals out of things that could literally apply to any other pair. Some of u talk about those things and see them as decisive proof that these boys have to be together but the truth is that, it really isn't mainly because those things aren't exclusive to the two you ship, that's the point i am trying to make.
So please stop coming out with your pitchforks and knives whenever someone challenges your logic because we all know the excuses and excess copium that will follow, the moment Jk wakes up and does something "special' for some other member especially if it is Jimin.
Plus if you had an answer to the question that i asked (which imo is a fair question) you would have provided it but you don't and deep down you probably see some sense in what i am saying and that is why you responded the way you did.
sorry about the "many words". I am just passionate i guess.
So please stop coming out with your pitchforks and knives whenever someone challenges your logic
It's less pitchforks and knives and more... tired of being condescended to.
I really don't mind my logic being challenged. I've answered plenty of questions about my logic. But I think you must see how condescending it is to assume that I'm absolutely blind to logic so it's your moral duty to correct my brain. It's my brain! It's not your brain! You really don't need to worry what I'm doing with it!
That's why I am kind of dubious when it's a lot of words because I feel like one question would be challenging my logic and I'm happy to get into it. Paragraph after paragraph is like being hauled in front of the headmaster at school and told I'm stupid. I wouldn't waste my time if I didn't have valid reasons for finding Taekook a bit more than friends.
because we all know the excuses and excess copium that will follow, the moment Jk wakes up and does something "special' for some other member especially if it is Jimin.
Especially if it's Jimin? Huh? I don't differentiate between Jimin and the other five? I don't know what experiences you've had with other TKKrs but I don't have the same grudge against Jimin you've experienced. If he comes out and posts a bathroom picture with Jimin at an OT7 dinner, I will be like "Oh look, a selca of JK and Jimin" and probably some thirsty comment about one or both of them being hot tbh.
Plus if you had an answer to the question that i asked (which imo is a fair question) you would have provided it but you don't and deep down you probably see some sense in what i am saying and that is why you responded the way you did.
It was 5am. 5am Peach wasn't up for it but I'm more alive now.
I think the mistake a lot of people, TKKr and JKKr alike, make is that they hinge their entire argument on individual moments. Atomix becomes this huge thing and the second it gets challenged, everyone melts down gloating or getting defensive.
So often, one will come at the other with "Here's why this particular 0.6 seconds in time was NOT special." Ok? Great? You got me? I try to look at them as more of a whole picture and that's how I end up thinking it's different.
So there's a picture of Jimin and JK on Weverse. I don't know the context of it, I have to admit. Was it at an OT7 event? Were they just together? (I don't think your point about deleting instagram applies here because I don't think he can delete Weverse when BTS are entwined with it really.)
But let's take it as it is: A selca of Tae and JK in 2021, a selca of JK and Jimin in 2019.
The reason I find one of them special and one of them less so is not because it's a selca but it's a selca alongside all the other stuff I believe to be true. Does that make sense? Its not just a selca. It's a selca and seeing each other in their hiatus a decent amount and touching and closeness and some suspicious instances and a history of interaction that feels different to me. The selca is just a part of a wider picture.
And this applies to any one piece of the jigsaw. I'm sure you could find JK snuggling Hobi or Jin too. You could find examples of JK spending time at Jimin's house. Does the REST of the picture apply though? I don't personally find that the wider picture of his relationship with any other member rings out as romantic to me. I do find Taekook to be romantic based on a lot of different things, not just individual pieces. That's what I'm saying.
I've now said selca so many times that it doesn't look like a real word anymore. 😂
Ultimately, this is a Taekook blog. I don't want to live in an echo chamber but I didn't really start it to feel like I'm being told off by people I don't know. I don't think you should leave as such but is this the space for you?
Please don't worry about my logic. I'm either wrong and we'll all survive...
Or I'm right. And we'll all survive.
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maaikeatthefullmoon · 3 months
As promised to my darling friend @tismrot, here is the first of The Holiday Diaries *insert ominous music here*. Hope you enjoy it, dollface.
The drive was four hours. I can’t drive. Essentially, I lived in a country where I couldn’t speak the language when I was of an age to learn to drive. After that, once I moved to the UK at age 18, I’ve always either lacked the time or money (or both) for driving lessons. So I’m a frustrated passenger.
The destination was somewhere I said I’d never go again. A few years ago I ended up in A&E (not self inflicted - it was a treatment-resistant migraine, which means I end up on a morphine drip. It happens roughly every 4-5 years) and I can’t say my memories of this place are great as a result. On top of which I vowed last year that I wasn’t doing this type of holiday again and I’d be taking the kids separately from then on. Oh yeah, and then I lost my everloving shit last night as well. Oops. Meant to have that conversation AFTER the holiday.
Big words, big breeches…aaaaand here I am! On holiday! Fucksake. But hopefully it’ll be entertaining.
Hour one.
Kids argued within five minutes. Googled car games for them. They just looked at me like I grew an extra head. Felt like a dinosaur. Googled if I can do EMDR to myself. Results inconclusive. Atmosphere in the front of the car very awkward. BBC Radio 2 on.
Hour two.
Kids still arguing, although son has helped daughter build a rollercoaster on Minecraft. Told them about Rollercoaster Tycoon. Once again felt like a dinosaur. Messaged a LOT of people to pass the time. Still listening to Radio 2. Atmosphere obviously still awkward. Ignoring the burgeoning migraine that’s been bugging me on & off for the past week+. Definitely stressed. Saw someone with amazing green hair in a service station. Exchanged smiles. Kindred spirits. Despite being young enough to be my daughter. Do wonder if these people smile at me in a condescending way, wondering if grandma’s escaped from a home…Oh look, that was an ellipsis. And I DIDN’T PUT A SPACE AFTER IT. Ha. Anyway.
Hour three.
Fuck the migraine, took a triptan. Radio 2 still on, did pretty well on Ten to the Top. Dollface, you won’t know what this is…don’t worry about it. Read through the edits @tismrot made on my chapter I’d been struggling on. Felt like the shittest writer on Earth, but needed that kick up the arse. Realised by the end of the hour that the new triptans pack a punch and I was stoned off my nut. Is that a phrase? It is now. Atmosphere was…ah, fuck it, I didn’t care any more. It certainly passed the time.
Hour four.
Put my own playlist on. Well, a modified kid-friendly version. Still occasionally get caught out as I just filter songs out that have an ‘explicit’ tag, but sometimes the tag is missing, and sometimes they’re just fucking crude without using any swear words. Whoops. Oh well. Anything was better than Jeremy Vine. Was NOT listening to him. Took the kids for lunch at McDonald’s. Embarrassed the 8yo by putting on a silly hat, and singing, and dancing. It’s too easy. 11yo gives zero fucks, nothing embarrasses him.
Writing this in a caravan now. At least I have good reading material. I’ve finally got my over-arching plot & everything planned out for the first original book & these two books are great reading.
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After the blowup argument last night I’m essentially spending time with the kids alone, reading alone or writing alone. A L O N E
Although there appears to be a case of amnesia that’s set in already. I’m choosing to laugh hysterically at this
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cabinofimagines · 8 months
So it begins (Halloweek 2023)
A/N: I'll be expecting lots of comments and likes on this or we won't post the rest you've been warned -Danny Words: 1,167 Warnings: This ofc follows our Halloweek timeline therefore everyone is of age but it's all platonic dw
next >
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Apollo is worried.
Meg asked him to deliver the invites for this year's Halloween party to all of their friends, and he thought it would take two, maybe five seconds to visit everyone. He was wrong.
Now that he's a god again, he's able to visit everyone at the same time, but since we don't have the power to read all of the interactions at once, let's start with the ones at Camp Jupiter.
Apollo—dressed as Lester—knocked on Hazel's front door and waited. Now, time's a bit funky when you're a god, so he could be wrong, but he kind of felt like it took way too long for Hazel to show up and open up.
When she did, she looked like she'd spent the whole month hybernating.
"Lester," her expression changed right away, and she tried to reach for her sword except she didn't have it at the moment. "What is it? What happened?"
"Greetings, Praetor!" Lester smiled, handing her a bright orange envelope. "You are cordially invited to Meg's Halloween party! Costumes required, drinks are optional."
Hazel blinked, her mouth forming a silent "O" when he explained the reason of his visit.
"Anyway, the invite's for you and Frank, obviously, we're not wasting paper if you guys are coming together anyway," Lester paused and studied her looks. "You okay?"
"Y-Yeah!" She fixed her posture. "Sorry, I was taking a nap so..."
"Got it, got it," Lester grinned. "Well, see you at the party!"
Hazel tried not to look as freaked out as she felt, she nodded and smiled. "Sure! See ya!"
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Next up was Jason. He opened right away, but he looked just as tired as Hazel. When he saw Lester at the doorway he frowned.
"This is the worst kind of deja vu," he muttered.
"Good to see you too!" Lester replied happily, though he was starting to sense that something wasn't quite right with his friends. He handed Jason the envelope. "Party at Meg's, costumes, food, you know the drill."
Jason took the invitation and stared at it for a little too long, Lester cleared his throat to get his attention.
"Have we misspelled Jason, or...?"
The boy shook his head and tried for a smile, but he was a terrible liar. "No it's fine, I was er... just thinking about some stuff I gotta do before I leave for the party."
"Busy man, aren't you, little brother?" Lester patted his shoulder proudly.
"Please don't ever call me that."
"I'll think about it," He winked at him.
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Since Grover offered to take the invite to Percy and Annabeth the last time he'd visited Meg, Lester's next visit was to Piper.
This time he made sure not to show up at an inconvenient time, which meant he showed up when she was just coming back from her last class of the day.
Piper was so done with everything that she didn't even panic when she spotted Lester on her bed. She nudge him to the side and fell face-first on the mattress.
"What?" She asked against her pillow.
Lester looked at her with worry. "Am I missing something? All of you look really tired, is there a new war going on?"
"Yeah, it's called midterms," Piper groaned. "Why are you visiting us?"
Lester placed her invitation on the pillow. "Halloween is this weekend."
The girl lifted herself up abruptly and seized the envelope. "Crap," she stated.
Lester started to feel anxious. Had everyone forgotten? They weren't thinking about ditching Meg's party, right? That would suck.
"I take that none of you remembered?"
Piper's face was easy to read. "No, no! Don't worry, I'll be there."
Lester didn't want to pressure anyone, but he also didn't want Meg to get hurt. "Well, if you need any help you can call anytime."
Piper smiled and placed the invitation on her nightstand. "Thanks, man."
"Yeah," he got up to leave. "Take your nap."
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Leo was the only one so far that looked the same as always. He was fixing a bike on the rooftop of the waystation, and when Lester showed up, he seemed happy to see him.
"Hey, man!" The young man got up and grabbed a dirty cloth to sort of clean up before shaking Lester's hand. "What's up?"
"Halloween party at Meg's," Lester handed him his invite.
"Oh, right!" Leo seized the envelope and read it briefly. "Cool, yeah," he looked up and smiled. "You guys need help with the decorations or something?"
"Nah, the dryads and satyrs took over," Lester said.
Leo raised a brow. "Really? And they did a good job?"
"Hey, don't use that haughty tone, they are experts at parties!"
"Alright, fine!" Leo raised his hands in surrender. "Well, yeah I'll be there. You told everyone else yet?"
"Yeah, I'm on it," Lester tilted his head, paying attention to the other interactions. "They don't seem excited this year."
Leo grinned knowingly. Truth be told, he was freaking out a little as well, but he was good at hiding that sort of stuff. Time had gone by way too fast this year, he hadn't even realized it was October.
"We're all adults now, man, stuff get in the way, but we'll be there no matter what."
"Yeah," Lester sighed, humans had the bad habit of aging too quickly.
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Nico and Y/N were a whole other story. They were together on the rec room, and when Lester showed up Nico welcomed him with a crooked smile.
"About time! We were starting to wonder if Meg had forgotten."
Lester pulled out the two orange invitations and smiled. "Never!"
"Nice!" Y/N examined the piece of paper with excitement. "Can't wait! It took Cal like a whole week to finish my costume, it's gonna be amazing."
"Meg said she was cool with me summoning a few ghosts to act as waiters for her party," Nico grinned, pushing the letter on his pocket. "It's going to be awesome."
"Are you taking the cocoa puffs with you?" Y/N asked with curiosity.
"Of course," Nico snorted. "Already have their costumes planned out."
"Aww, that's cute," Lester beamed. "I'm glad you two didn't forget, everyone else seems... sort of dead."
Y/N frowned. "What do you mean?"
Lester shrugged. "Doesn't look like they're feeling it this year, Piper mentioned some midterms, whatever that means..."
Nico and Y/N shared a look, but whatever they were thinking, they didn't mention it to Lester.
"You probably caught them in a bad moment," Nico brushed it off.
"Yeah, we'll be having our monthly meeting tomorrow, I'm sure everyone will want to talk about how excited they are about the party."
Lester cheered up at this. "Yeah, that's probably it! Well, see you guys this weekend!"
"Bye, Lester!"
"See you."
The god vanished and left the two demigods alone. Y/N looked at Nico and scowled.
"They definitely forgot."
"Definitely," Nico smirked and fell back on the couch, eating a fistful of popcorn. "Can't wait for tomorrow's meeting."
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Can you do Platonic Big brother Jotaro hcs with a 14 y/o little sister?
Jotaro Kujo with 14 y/o! sister! Reader
Warnings: fem! reader, spoilers, a little bit of angst, mentions of death and fights
Notes: just to clarify, he would act like this if he had a brother or a sibling, gender doesn't matter to him
Jotaro Kujo
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When Jotaro entered a more or less conscious age, he took on the role of an older brother with full responsibility
He did what a normal older sibling usually does- he helped his mother with taking care of you, you played together and he could stand up for both of you if necessary
He almost never even felt forgotten or left out, Holly wouldn't let that happen
But in the end, he distanced himself from you
This did not happen at once - the cold in the family grew gradually, so no one had time to come to their senses as everyone realized that Jotaro was no longer the kid they knew
These changes were inevitable, but still, you and your mother were kinda hurt
You both know that he's not doing it out of malice and you can see through his facade, but still sometimes it's hard for you to interact with him
Meanwhile Jotaro had a whole storm going on in his head
He realized a lot of things in his life and they just pressure him down
He feels so many emotions about everything and everyone that often he can't even identify them
Although a difference of three years may seem insignificant, in reality it often plays a role
Sometimes it seems to both of you that you speak different languages
Sometimes it may even lead to fights between you
So I guess you have a stand
But if you're in the same situation as Holly, Jotaro will be just as worried about you as about his mother
You will also be a great motivator for him to get to Dio
And when time starts to run out, he will be even more irritable and in a hurry
But if you can normally manifest your stand and vocalize your desire to help the Crusaders he will definitely say "no"
Just no
He'll be willing to knock you out if you'll keep insisting/j
But if you somehow magically find yourself on a journey with them-
He's gonna be pissed
Or at least he acts like that, because he's freaking terrified
Jotaro Kujo? Terrified? No way/sarc
He gonna act like a boss about it
"Yare yare, keep in mind I am not your babysitter, kid. You yourself signed up for this, so you'll take care of yourself without my help."
And five minutes later he, according to a long-forgotten habit, checks your backpack to make sure everything you need is there
He won't let you join most of the fights so you're just kind of a team mascot
For him, you won't be strong enough to fight anyway, even if you have the strongest stand in history, you're like a toddler to him/hj
But despite all this, you are the closest people to each other in the team, it is immediately felt
You understand each other better than (essentially) strangers around you (excluding Joseph)
Angst time! You can skip it if you want!
If you die during SDC...
He's gonna be devastated
He knew he should have tried harder, should've been faster, stronger-
The fight with Dio will be even more brutal than the original
He is certain that he will never be the same again
That this guilt will torment him forever
But sooner or later the pain subsides. He can take a deep breath again
He can get better. He can improve himself, in the name of those who have fallen
OKAY, if you survive SDC-
Don't you dare prank him like Joseph did
He won't show it fully, but he's so happy
When you get back home, he's gonna help you out if you have any injuries
This adventure taught him to appreciate his loved ones more
Therefore, you can notice that his attitude towards the family has changed, even if others do not notice it
He is already less irritated and less involved with you in quarrels
I haven't watched part 4 (I just started), but I know he will be a marine biologist
So I guess he won't mind taking you on his expeditions (but making sure that you won't mess anything up)
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blurscolours · 1 year
The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea | Part Seven
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Summary: An attack on Arthur’s imprisoned brother Orm leaves him with no choice but to rely upon you, a friend made due to unfortunate circumstances nearly a decade ago, to provide safe haven while he restores peace to Atlantis. Suddenly tasked with sheltering a sullen former king results in a very different summer vacation than you had originally envisioned, but changes both of your lives forever.
Warnings: Feats of Atlantean Strength, Discussion of Orm's Injuries, Almost-kiss, Dog
Word Count: 1317
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As you opened the curtains the next morning you were surprised to find the dock empty. There was no evidence of water on the dock, or freshly caught fish. You stepped out of your room and looked into his…empty…Frowning, you headed to the back deck and heard a rustling in the trees.
“Fuck, not again” You muttered, taking a step backward toward the cabin then stopped and blinked your eyes several times. You doubted your sight as Orm stepped out of the woods with, essentially, an entire tree propped up on his right shoulder. You started openly, undeniably impressed.
“Good morning” He called to you, somewhat smugly, and continued toward the wood pile out of your line of sight. You stepped inside and went over to the other door, shocked to find he’d collected five fallen trees while you’d been sleeping. You slid into your shoes and walked over to him.
“This is incredible. Are you…is your arm ok though?” You looked to it, concerned about the strain on the steri-strips.
“I am not even using that arm do not worry.” He nodded.
Oh of course, he was just hauling trees one handed. You shook your head in awe.
“Well, I guess we need to break down the trees before they can be chopped into firewood.” You mused. “There are a few options – chainsaw or hacksaw…” You looked to him. “I am assuming you would prefer the option that does not use fossil fuels?”
“You are correct, that is absolutely my preference.”
“Ok then.” You grabbed the sawhorses from beside the shed, thankfully there were multiple sets that could accommodate the length he was working you. Next, you grabbed the three hacksaws of varying sizes. “If you lift one up, I’ll put the supports under it?”
He nodded and moved to the middle of one of the trees, lifting it smoothly. You can see it did cost him some effort, but it was still an incredible feat. You wasted no time propping the sawhorses at intervals under the tree and he carefully settled the weight of it into them. You held out the hacksaws for him to inspect.
“I am thinking you will want the one with larger teeth?”
He took it from you and tested it out on the trunk of the tree. It was once again a display of his strength as he was able to make a sizable cut into the wood.
“This will do quite nicely.” He commented before returning to cutting. You felt awkward just standing there, gawking at him, so you headed back inside to make breakfast.
As the pair of you finished eating, you asked him to collect his clothes into the laundry basket so you could wash them. While he headed back to continue his project, you did a load of laundry. Once it was finished, you brought the basket out to the clothesline to dry in the sun. Well, not all of it. The underwear you put in the dryer, not wanting to display it in the yard.
Of the five trees he’d collected, only two remained intact. The rest lay in pieces on the ground. When you’d finished clipping the clothes to the line, you headed over to tidy the logs into a pile to keep the path clear and make it easier for him to break down the last two. You really should have worn gloves, you reflected, as you felt a sliver pierce the skin of your palm.
“Damn.” You muttered to yourself, angling your palm in the sunlight to try and figure out where the track was to push it back out. Your curse summoned him to your side, and he took your hand in his.
“How has your kind managed to dominate the surface with skin as weak as paper.” He muttered in a mixture of affection and annoyance.
You laughed a little and shrugged.
“Violence and utter lack of respect for nature?” You offered. “Aha!” You exclaimed as you found the splinter’s track and, using the thumbnail of your other hand, you pushed it back out of your skin.
His fingers brushed the offending piece of wood off your palm, and he nodded.
“I find no fault with your argument.” He replied.
You grinned and shook your head affectionately.
“I’ll go grab a pair of gloves and be right back.”
Returning from the shed, your hands protected by a pair of work gloves, you continued stacking the logs. Once the trees were broken down, you put the sawhorses away together, and he returned to the axe, breaking the logs down into firewood. The two of you worked rather well together as he quartered the logs and you stacked them in the woodshed. The day past quickly, even though it was turning into a hot one, and you were able to ignore the growing boat traffic on the lake, signalling yet another Friday wave of weekenders. You took a break for lunch and a swim midafternoon, but both seemed more than happy to spend the rest of the day working.
By the time the sun started sliding behind the treetops, the pile of logs had been reduced by half. The law was covered in sawdust and wood chips, but you could not help but feel a great sense of accomplishment. The family was going to be very impressed with your contribution to the winter fuel. You turned to grab some more firewood from beside the chopping block, but the wood chips beneath your feet shifted and you stumbled awkwardly, catching yourself on the nearest thing…which happened to be Orm.
Reflexively, he wrapped an arm around your hips and steadied you against him.
“Sorry!” You exclaimed and moved to step back, but he was still holding you to his side. You looked up to him to find he was already looking down at you. You blushed as you realized how close you were, his eyes peering into yours. You saw them flick down to your mouth before looking back to your eyes. Your breath became shaky as you unconsciously licked your lips. He began to close the distance between you until something warm and soft slammed into both your legs.
He froze as he heard someone calling from down the path and took a hurried step back to put a respectable distance between the two of you. You were not able to contain the look of disappointment as it flowed across your face, but the enthusiastic licks of the intruder on your legs caught your attention. You crouched down to scritch the neighbour’s dog behind the ears as it sat on the ground, panting happily as you at last give it attention.
Orm eyed the creature skeptically but looked over as your neighbour finally came into view on the path
“There you are you rascal.” They said to the dog, who romped over to them happily. “Sorry about him, he’s just happy to be here.”
You laughed and shook your head.
“No worries. Just a heads-up, though, we ran into quite a large bear on the other side of the tracks the other day.”
Your neighbour thanked you for the warning before dragging the enthusiastic ball of fur back to their yard.
“I’m going to clean up these woodchips.” You murmured and fetched a rake and a garbage bag. You raked the chips out of the grass into piles before putting them in the bag. They would be useful as either kindling or to fill in muddy patches on the path.
Your meal that night was once again leftovers, as you don’t have the energy to make anything new. You also insisted on changing his bandage before bed and couldn’t help but marvel at how quickly the wounds had closed. You wrapped them up again, so he didn’t disturb the healing in his sleep, before bidding him goodnight.
Sleep came again quickly after such a physical day.
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Read Part Eight
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morose-melodies · 2 years
on a rainy day | yandere! ayato x reader
summary: it's about to rain, ayato is about to go home but something caught his eyes.
content warning: none
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the grass was moist underneath your body.
you had not expected anyone to pass by this small village at this time of day, or at all. especially someone as wealthy as he looked.
as he passed you, he spared you no glance, but no one did so it didn't bother you, he took a few more steps away before pausing.
he just stood there, so you wondered about what he was doing and why. you stood up, wiping off your wet clothes, and approached him.
"Hello," says you, he offered a small nod but nothing more.
When you figured he'd say nothing more, you leaned closer to him, uncomfortably closer to him. you parted your lips to speak, but he cut you off by asking, "where are your parents?"
you were quiet for a few moments before replying, "they're dead... well... my mom is, where are your parents?"
He glared at you, his eyes judgemental as he looked at you, seeing you were wearing rags.
you were a mess. when he remained silent after looking at you. you sighed, "I'm just talking to you. I won't ask for anything."
He thought about what you said for a moment, before completely turning to face you, "I have five minutes..."
"You'll talk to me?" your head tilted aside, your messy, tangled hair falling down your back and shoulder, "for five minutes, yes."
"a lot of people don't talk to me, you know." you were grateful for a moment of company. He watched you for a moment, noticing how squirmy you were, before asking, "if your parents are dead, who are you with?"
you scratched your nose, and shrugged, "no one... who are you with?" you question him, glancing down at his watch, watching the small hand tick.
"how old are you?" The man questioned, feeling a small bit of worry for you, "oh... I'm... twenty-four."
surely you weren't being truthful, and he knew it. he released a deep sigh, as he tilted his head, hoping to at some point get the truth out of you, "where do you live?"
"um... here? Where do you live?" he picked up on how you answered his questions and then asked the same questions to him.
"I live near Mt. yougou ." He reached into the pocket of his coat, and pulling out a small handkerchief, he began to wipe off your face, cleaning you slightly.
"What's your actual age?" He questioned, as he folded the handkerchief and put it back into his coat.
you mumbled your true age, shrugging repeatedly as your spoke, before asking, "what's today?"
"It is the 4th-" he was cut off before he could finish, "Of?" Asked you, tilting your head slightly, "December. "
you nod, though knowing what day it was meant nothing to you.
"What's your age?" She asked, her legs grazing his, due to how close she was to him, "I am twenty-four."
you whispered a small "oh", before looking up to him before you went silent.
He sighed, as he turned to stare ahead of himself once again, listening to your sweet voice as you spoke, perhaps even letting his mind roam a little. "what's your name?"
"i am kamisato ayato, and you?" there was something about you that entertained him, that made him want to speak with you but he wasn't sure what us was, "spell it," you commanded.
"k-a-m-i-s-a-t-o a-y-a-t-o" He grumbled under his breath, as he felt a small drop of water hit his hand, and placed a hand into his pocket.
"My name is (y/n)." you then grinned, asking him to spell your name.
after spelling it, he asked, "am i correct?" you were shocked at how fast he spelled your name, "you're right." you laughed softly, before feeling a drop of rain hit your nose.
It was very cold out, and all you wore was a baggy, thin dress and a thin coat, he felt terrible for you.
"I have to go..." You backed away from ayato, giving him a soft smile, "thank you for talking to me," you turned and began to walk away, towards your village.
ayato waited for a few minutes, watching as you walked away. as you began to get farther away and farther away, his eyes never left you.
he has a feeling this wouldn't be the last time he saw you.
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magpies-gold · 3 months
Blessings be upon me. I have scored a week off from work in early April. \o/ I haven’t been able to take a break since September, this year has been bananas, December almost killed me, and I am t i r e d.
Jokes on me: I get to do my taxes that week (hhhhh) and we have a slightly stressful doctor’s appointment mid-week. I hope it goes okay because getting this slot required calling five clinics and the one we got in with only let us because A) we’d been there before (no new patients allowed - and this is at what’s on paper as a “walk in” clinic, hahaaa :| ) and B) they happened to have one opening. Just one. For a phone call with the doc. Otherwise nothing until at least May. If we gotta try again after this… well. Argh.
The healthcare situation in Victoria is kind of ludicrous and somehow getting worse? I’m perpetually astounded. It feels like someday it’s going to be just Emergency Room or perish for literally everything.
I’m just gonna work hard to zen out the rest of the week and not exist in the places of worry. To that end, I’ve been outlining Alpha Base for the… fifth? time? But focusing on each character individually this time, like I’m their damn therapist. Get Paul to sit in the chair and tell me all about his childhood so I can have a little map of how these characters interact and where they’re coming from.
The end result is going to be the prequel that’s been threatening to become a thing rearing its head and demanding to be given life and I know it. I was rotating young Errick and Jacob’s relationship with each other in my mental microwave all day. Might have overcooked them both.
I will try to remember to go outside and blink at the sun at least once during my brief but good staycay.
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