#The way aether looks back breaks my heart a bit :'(
critterbitter · 9 months
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The twins and their starters may have grown slightly taller, but their love of shenanigans have tripled, no, quadrupled in size.
On that note did you know Eelectrik has a glow animation?? Perfect nightlight eel. Absolute gold standard for creature. Click here for the masterlist!
Bonus shitpost under cut ft @birdsaretoddlers’s incredible take.
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(plus a fanfic drabble that birds did while we were discussing in chat! Check out their funny writing @birdsaretoddlers) “Lam lam pentttt. Lam.”
“Language. I am not calling them that. This is a civil discussion about the capacity of a 284 Berkshire’s firebox, not a playground argument.”
“Lammm Pent.”
“If you possess my phone I will have to put you in time-out in your ball, and neither of us will like that.”
The argument over a literal online flame war was cut short by the door flying open, one of the hinges breaking off with the force and flying somewhere into the aether, never to be seen again. Or at least, not without a strong magnet.
Emmet stood there, proudly, holding his newly-evolved Eelektrik, his grin a mile wide. Ingo picked his heart up out of his femoral artery, where it had lodged itself, and gently removed Lampent from where she hid, hanging over his shoulder. Emmet stood there, eyes twinkling, clearly ready to perform the coveted Bit. Ingo opened his mouth, got halfway through a word, and his twin took the proffered delight of cutting him off.
“I am Emmet and I discovered something INCREDIBLE. INGO LOOK.”
Ingo looked, because what else was he going to do? He would allow his twin to complete his circus act, it was only proper and polite. Eelektrik trilled with delight. Emmet twirled like the best of Nimbasan runway models, clearly wrestling his eel, cooing platitudes to it as he writhed and squirmed to get it into position.
“Me beautiful slimy baby, my beloved pool noodle, my beeesstt conductor!~” Doing something that could generously be called ‘dislocating his shoulders’, Emmet managed to get his eel flipped up and around his neck. He flopped forwards, bonelessly, tipping his hat and giggling madly. He was grinning harder than normal. Ingo was a little scared.
“But now, Eelektrik can do MORE. OBSERVE.”
He threw his shoulders back, standing up as tall as he could, somehow not throwing himself ass-first onto the floor as the fifty pounds of eel he was currently deadlifting remained stationary over his neck. Emmet’s arms flew upwards and out, rocking back and forth in jazz hands. Eelektrik frilled its fans, made another happy little buzz and-
"Eelektrik boa."
There it was, clear as day. Eelektrik flashed it’s spots in natural bioluminescence, blinking like a neon sign. Bright beautiful yellow and clearly charged, Emmet’s hair stood on end, pushing his hat an inch off his head. They blinked in a rhythmic, pulsing manner. It was almost hypnotizing to watch, in a way. Ingo snapped back to reality, realizing his mouth had dropped open and Lampent had ceased questing for his Pokedex. Recognizing Emmet was looking for a response, he threw his arm out in a thumbs-up so fast his arm hurt, snapping his suspender against his neck.
“Brrravo! Ten out of ten! Majestic eel scarf!” He praised, Emmet’s expression only growing further full of himself and his achievement, which was well deserved. Lampent echoed the sentiment, flashing back at Eelektrik in response.
Now that both Pokemon could glow, they’d never have a problem in the caves again!
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hypnoneghoul · 19 days
Symbol on the Surface Chapter 1
WC: 1,4k
Relationship: SwissAlps
Tags: Transmasc Swiss, Early Pregnancy Symptoms, Fluff, Weight Talk, Brief Mentions of Vomiting
Soon after setting out for the second leg of the tour, Swiss starts feeling weird. His symptoms only make one thing come to mind, but, surely, he’s not pregnant… Right?
Notes: Here it is! Tysm to @jimothybarnes for beta reading :3
Read chapter 1 under the cut or on AO3.
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Swiss didn’t rest well between tour legs, he must admit.
There was a lot of things to do; helping Mountain in the greenhouses and gardens, catching up with Aether and Sunshine, taking care of all the gear. He could have planned it all better, because before he realized he was waking up at three in the morning to head to the airport again.
Still, it doesn’t explain the way he’s been feeling lately.
Maybe he’s getting old? Maybe it’s time for him to retire, too? It’s all so weird, Swiss starts to actually worry about his health, but as long as he’s having fun on stage every night he won’t mention it to anyone. Even Mountain—at least not directly.
“Mounty…” he asks, walking into the back lounge in the tour bus where Mountain is occupying a couch, and it breaks off into a yawn, “have I gained weight?”
“Hmm, maybe a little bit,” the earth ghoul admits after cocking his head to the side to assess. “Is that bad?”
“No, I don’t know, just–unusual on tour, no?” Swiss stretches and looks down at his stomach with furrowed brows. 
“Hm, yeah, usually we gain weight off tour and lose it on the road,” Mountain admits, waving his mate over to join him on the couch. Swiss is happy to oblige. “Still, I wouldn’t worry much about it. And you know I love your tummy.”
“Mhm,” he hums in acknowledgement and snuggles into Mountain’s chest the moment he lays down next to him. The fact that he definitely has gained weight and is actively gaining more and more isn’t as alarming as other…things.
Swiss has been feeling really fatigued, most of all. He’s not really tired—he can’t sleep when he tries and even if he manages a solid eight hours, he wakes up without improvement. It’s really annoying, if you ask him. Another thing that’s annoying is how his nipples started hurting. He loves having them played with, but—for some reason—they’ve been too sore to even touch for the past few days.
But the absolute worst are the mornings.
It’s hard to hide getting sick every other day from a bus full of demons, but somehow Swiss has been managing well enough. The first time he thought it was the croissant of a questionable freshness that he ate at the venue they played at the night before. The second time he thought it was a suspicious looking hotdog from a shady food truck. The third time–and so on, but then the multi ghoul realized he’s been sick more that single week than his entire life Topside.
“Sleepy, my heart?” Mountain asks and Swiss will not admit it snapped him out of an already half-asleep state.
“A little,” he mumbles. Like a liar—there’s a tiny wet spot on the earth ghoul’s collar from Swiss’ drool.
“Just a little?” Mountain teases with a small smile, not believing a word.
“Only a’little,” Swiss sighs and absolutely does not chirp in the sleepiest possible manner. His mate can barely keep himself from audibly cooing over him at that.
The earth ghoul starts a purr deep in his chest and holds Swiss just a little tighter against him, surrounding them in silence for a moment. When Mountain goes to move again and get them more comfortable on the not-so-comfortable sofa, a rumbly snore escapes Swiss.
“Only a little,” Mountain giggles quietly to himself. He picks his mate up and walks over to their bunk to lovingly shove him inside and climb after him. Swiss sleeps like a dead man so the earth ghoul doesn’t worry about waking him up as he adjusts his limbs to his liking and ends up spooning him.
It’s Mountain’s turn to hide his face in the crook of his mate’s neck, inhaling his sweet scent deeply. It’s ever sweeter than usual, the earth ghoul notes as he drifts off to sleep, too.
When he wakes up, his arms are empty.
Mountain is always groggy for the first…hour after waking, so he just grumbles something under his breath and falls out of the bunk to go hunting for his lost mate. His nose and instincts take him to the bathroom and he’s knocking on its thin doors before he realizes he’s leaning against it.
“Swiss? Y’alright?” he mumbles.
“Fuck–” Mountain hears his mate swearing quietly, “yeah, just had to piss, I’ll be out in a sec.”
Swiss doesn’t sound convincing in the slightest, but the earth ghoul is way too sleepy to notice. He shrugs and gets back to their bunk on autopilot to wait for Swiss to return. He does, after a few moments, and tries his very best to seem just…fine.
He’s not.
Only one thing comes to Swiss’ mind when he puts all his symptoms together and considers the possibilities, but…it is not a possibility.
Is it?
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Swiss’ ears perk up at the sound of the tour bus’ door opening and then shutting again. He sniffs the air and it confirms his suspicion—Mountain is back. The pack was craving pizza and he drew the shortest straw; he had to go out while it’s absolutely pouring rain.
The multi ghoul can hear Mountain all but dropping the stack of pizza boxes on the kitchenette counter and shaking the rainwater off of him like a dog—as he usually does. Swiss hopes no one’s in the striking distance.
He makes his way over from his bunk to the front of the bus with a grin and open arms, wanting a hug from Mountain as much as he wants that pizza he brought.
“Hi, darling!” the earth ghoul greets him when he sees him approaching. “Your favorite is on the top, help yourself.”
“I love you so fucking much,” Swiss sighs and hugs his mate with one arms; using the other to get to his pizza. Mountain laughs and helps him with the slightly stubborn box. Finally it opens; the multi ghoul rips away a slice and starts munching. He goes to sit on the couch and waits for his mate to join him as the rest of the ghouls filter in.
Mountain shucks off his wet pants and something falls from under his shirt.
“Oh, I nearly forgot,” he chuckles, walks over to Swiss and hands him the item. “Here, I saw it on my way back and thought you'd like it.”
It’s fluffy and black and white and–
“You…you got me a plushie?”
“That I did, do you like it?” Mountain sends him a sweet little smile. It’s a small panda bear, incredibly soft and absolutely adorable with its big eyes. Mountain watches as Swiss squeezes its body and notices just a bit too late that his bottom lip is wobbling and there’s tears in his eyes. “Hey, what–are you okay? Is there something wrong with it, do you not want it?”
“NO! No, it's–it’s good tears, I love it! I love it so much, thank y–you.”
“Oh, my heart,” Mountain sighs and brings an arm around the other to pull him into his chest. Truth be told he’s a little worried—while Swiss does cry from time to time, it’s not particularly often or over small things such as…a plushie—but he intends to blame it on his post-ritual exhaustion and whatever it is that’s been bugging him lately, “you're welcome.”
Swiss snuggles himself tightly into Mountain’s side and hides his face in the plushie. The earth ghoul looks down at him with his eyebrows furrowed and catches Dewdrop waving at him from the other side of the room.
“Is he good?” the fire ghoul mouths inaudibly and the rest of their pack have equally questioning looks on their faces.
“Not sure,” Mountain mouths back. He turns back to his mate as Swiss’ whole body begins to vibrate with the intensity of his purring. The earth ghoul leans down to whisper into his ear.
“Hey,” he pokes his nose, “I love you.”
Swiss can’t help but chirp happily before kicking the volume of his adorable purr up a notch. “I love you, too…”
He’s still hungry, though, so he goes back to devouring his pizza after a second. Mountain tries not to be offended by how the pizza makes Swiss’ purring stronger and louder than cuddling up to him.
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Taglist: @arkeusruin @skele-bunny @everybodyshusband @ratsummer @jazz-bazz @mac-and-thefox
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forlorn-crows · 1 year
crow. babe. darling. my love.
do you know what i need? i need aeon and dew reluctantly being sweet. all the tension that's hung in the air between them dissolving as one of them sneaks into bed because being alone is too much right now, even if their only option is someone who (they think) hates them.
i know you know what i mean.
oh wow how convenient of an ask. would you look at that. and from my sweet darling mal. however could you have known what i wanted to write today. that is crazy (tee hee)
what is ALSO crazy is APPARENTLY @miasmaghoul and i, onCE AGAIN, have the same braincell and wrote basically the same fucking thing at the same fucking time. no, i literally told her nothing about what i was writing beyond "aeon/dew comfort somethin somethin", and she told me nothing about hers. love you bitch
a little bit of aeon/dew Feelings. breaking down walls and such. @waywardsamaritan inspired me to write them with their fic about dew bein all sweet to aeon.
iimagazh means 'little light' in ghoulish; word so graciously borrowed from mal's big lore brain
Dew flips around for what feels like the hundredth time, smushing his cheek into his pillow with more force than necessary. Sleep continues to slip through his claws like fine sand, leaving a heavy weight of . . . something in its wake. Maybe it’s just insomnia or uncomfortable bus bunks. Maybe it’s the pinprick of emptiness gnawing at the back of his brainstem, a feeling that situated itself there as soon as they left for tour.
He wishes Aether were here. To pull him close with those big, warm arms. Aid his addled mind. Kiss him on his hairline and lull him to sleep with a few well-placed waves of quintessence. 
But he’s not.
Instead, Dew stares across the aisle at Aeon’s sleeping form. His eyes roam over his back, bouncing between his wide shoulders. His chest rises and falls evenly in sleep. Lucky bastard, the fire ghoul thinks. Envious. He can almost feel the tug of Aeon’s magick from here, the tiniest tingling at the edges of his awareness. Dew can recognize it well enough, even if it’s not the same brand, so to speak. It’s more subtle than Aether’s, more demure. For as big as his presence is on stage, his magickal footprint is anything but. Aeon’s is more of a low hum, stuck in a tight aura around his vessel. It doesn’t quite warm a room like Aether’s, big in energy and personality as he is. But Dew’s caught the edge of his quintessence enough times to start to get familiar with its calm, yet electric spirals. 
It’s dangerously tempting now, even with their strained relationship. Dew clutches the pillow in his arms a little tighter, scoots closer to the edge of the bunk. He could crawl in with Mountain, as he’s done already so many nights prior. Tucked himself into his nest of long limbs, drawing close to the steady, grounding beat of his heart in his rumbling chest. Putting him as close as he can to their oldest bond. 
He’s just not Aether. And as much as he hates to admit it, he misses the calming touch of quintessence in general, not just from his mate. 
Dew feels vulnerable. Like his longing has cracked open a chasm in his chest and left him open. Wanting. 
His body is moving before his brain can ruminate any further. He slips down from his bunk, careful to avoid the creak of the built-in’s edge. Dew pads across the small aisle, standing dumbly in front of Aeon’s bunk. Breathing as quietly as his lungs will allow. 
Fuck it.
Deftly, the fire ghoul climbs over Aeon and into his bunk, nearly launching himself into the back wall in effort not to jostle the other ghoul. The quintessence ghoul grumbles a little at the dip in the mattress but doesn't fully wake. Dew situates himself close to his front, moving to curl his limbs into himself so as not to touch. Just enough to be close. 
"Hmm . . . iimagazh. . ." Aeon mumbles, pulling the fire ghoul to his chest and throwing a leg over his hips. The lisp of infernal language makes Dew’s breath hitch, let alone the way Aeon easily slots himself against his suddenly over-warm body and presses his nose against the crown of his head, right between the horns, and sighs heavily. 
This is not how this was supposed to go. He can’t know it’s Dew. There’s no reason to elicit such an intimate reaction from someone he’s barely even touched beyond a civil handshake. The fire ghoul holds his breath and wishes he could whisk himself back to his bunk. 
It only takes a few more moments before Aeon unsurprisingly stirs, brow furrowing as he no doubt inhales the scent of fresh shampoo and burnt spices. The quintessence ghoul lets out a confused chirp, shifting back to blink open his eyes and stare at the ghoul in his arms. 
Dew’s eyes are as wide as saucers, fingers curled weakly into Aeon’s sleep shirt. Aeon flicks his gaze all over, realization blooming across his cheeks in the form of a lilac blush, visible even in the dim of the bunk. 
“Uh.” He clears his throat weakly. “Thought you were ‘Rora,” Aeon mutters, avoiding Dew’s eyes in the dark. He moves to pull away, but Dew interrupts. 
“Is it . . . okay that I’m not?”
Aeon makes a small noise, a cross between surprise and disbelief. He hovers between too far and close enough, breaths as shallow as a rabbit’s. Something unreadable crosses his face, but eventually he relaxes a little. Tentatively rests a hand on Dew’s hip. “S-sure. It’s alright.”
He’s not sure which of them moves first. But soon after he speaks the word they’re pressed together once more, skinny legs intertwined and Aeon’s arms holding him close. He’s surprisingly dense, if Dew had to choose a word for it. He’s not as big and soft as Aether—he’s closer to Dew’s own physique, with a dash of Rain’s height and limber joints. But there’s still a gentle edge to him, comforting in a different way—smells different too. Like the static in the air before a storm, like cool air and myrrh. Yet underneath the mark of quintessence is something else; sage, a hint of metallic tang, and the smell of sap that bursts from a freshly broken branch. Earthy. 
Dew doesn’t want to unpack how that makes him feel right now.
Silence passes between them, broken only by the shuffle of limbs, Mountain's snores from the bunk above, and the dull rumble of the tires on the road.
"Thought you hated me," Aeon whispers.
Dew sighs. Rubs his face into Aeon's shirt. "Don't hate you. M' sorry." 
A beat. Then: “I’m glad you don’t.” Dew lifts his head up, face now millimeters from Aeon’s, tips of their noses barely brushing. Copper eyes gaze into dark ashy brown ones, searching. The quintessence ghoul reaches up and brushes a stray strand of hair back behind Dew’s horns, touch feather-light. And though Aeon’s gaze dips down to his mouth, almost imperceptibly, he only leans in to place a chaste kiss to his forehead before tucking his head back under his chin with a slow exhale. In a way, Dew’s thankful for that. He slips his arms around Aeon’s middle, shuffling as close as possible before allowing himself to close his eyes and release the last bit of tension still straightening his spine. 
Mountain’s the first one up in the morning, dropping down from his bunk with a soft thud. He’s met with the sight of the two lanky ghouls absolutely tangled up in each other in the same small bunk, Dew notably flung across Aeon’s torso and drooling onto his shoulder. The earth ghoul looks at them with amused shock, fondness tugging at his heart a little. 
“Oh ho ho, look what we have—” Swiss is immediately silenced by a well-deserved pillow smack from across the aisle. Mountain frowns at him, miming for the multi ghoul to shut his mouth. 
“Not a word,” he hisses. Mountain presses into his mind instead. That, the earth ghoul points to them, is the best sleep he has gotten this entire time. 
Swiss holds his hands up in surrender, smirk tugging at his lips. Okay, okay. I’ll let the gremlin and his new friend have their beauty sleep. 
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kiri-tatsu · 1 year
The words I wish to have spoken
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you have found out the one you have loved for years; being there through thick and thin, when a person dear to them have passed, when they shared shy words with you, made you countless promises that they broke, and made you feel loved and adored, has fallen in love with the notorious blonde traveler (Lumine or Aether)
TW- angst, hurt no comfort, gn!reader, heavily implied traveler x Zhongli, Diluc, Ayato, Al-Haitham x Kaveh (Kaveh x Haitham is best ship fight me), told in first person pov as a letter, heavily implied immortal reader in Zhongli's part
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Dear Zhongli,
I’m sorry to tell you this way, but I think it’s for the best. I’m unsure of to tell you this, but do you remember when I told you I would be there for you through thick and thin when Guizhong had passed? I promised myself that no matter what had happened or would happen, but this time... I would no be able to do that.  
 I thought I would be able to push through with my unrequited feelings, and keep it all to myself, but I’m not strong enough for this anymore. When I worked up the courage to tell you, I went to find you during the Lantern Rite, but instead of being with the young director of the Funeral Parlor, I found you with someone else.  
A beautiful//handsome blonde with a floating child at their side, you had the same look you had back when Guizhong was still alive, and right then and there, I knew I stood no chance. Your somewhat stoic face was softened at their laughs, a smile full adoration, and your eyes looking at them as if no one else in the world had existed.  
That night we were supposed to meet, but I supposed you had a different plan that didn’t include me, so that night I went back home. And the next day you gave me a half sincere apology and said you had work, but I knew better.  
When this letter reaches you, or whenever you read this, I will have gone back to my homeland, and I wish you happiness with your newfound love. I’m sorry that I’ll be leaving, but it seems like I really won’t be needed dear.  
When you and that traveler figure out your feelings for them. Please do not find me Zhongli, I don’t think I will be able to handle you again for a third time, so I wish you the best for all your years to come.  
If we are to ever meet again, just know, I’ll still love you with all my heart, but I will do my best to forget you. And if it wasn’t clear then, then I’ll write it to you. Zhongli, Morax, Rex Lapis, I loved you then and I’ll love you now.  
My friend, my best friends, my love, and my dear, I’m sorry for the words I couldn’t say, and what I should’ve said back then.   
Y/n L/n 
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Diluc Ragnvindr
Dear Diluc, 
I wish I had the courage to tell you this to your face, really, but my heart won’t be able to stand the thought of speaking to you as of now. When I promised you on that night of your father’s passing, I promised myself that I would be by your side no matter what.  
And when you left Monstadt for those years, I knew that you would come back a whole different person, and I went back to you like an idiot in love. No matter what words you said whether you meant them or not, I was so foolish with my love for you, I ignored everything in my power to worm my way into your sheltered heart.  
I did everything to make myself believe that you had feelings for me, but I knew I was just lying to myself because I wanted to stay by your side without it hurting so much, but after a bit, I decided to take a break and go with Varka away from this city.  
When I came back from an expedition, I was told by Katheryne there was a new person in town, the honorary knight, and they were with you at Angel’s share, so I decided to try to surprise you by coming in from the upstairs entrance. When I seen you and them chatting, I knew I had lost to them; you had a small smile gracing your lips, your ruby eyes were soft while talking with them. 
You never looked at anyone like that, and I never experienced that look either, so when this letter finds you, I have fled the city of freedom to go back home to my family. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to say it to your face, but I love you so much Diluc, so, so, so, so much. I wish I could’ve told you to your face, but I would’ve probably broken down in front of you.  
So, when this reaches you, please know, me leaving is not your fault, I just need to finally go home after so long, so please don’t blame yourself. And tell the Traveler I’m sorry that I couldn’t personally meet them. 
My apologies, 
Y/n L/n 
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Kamisato Ayato
Dear Kamisato Ayato, 
When I first met you when we were children, I had come from Sumeru with my family, I was scared, terrified, and curious of being in a new place. When our parents introduced us, I knew we would be friends forever.  
When we were teenagers, and your parents passed, I told you I would be there for you no matter the time or day, I told you that you meant the world to me, and soon you got busy with overtaken your father’s job as the Tri-Commissioner. And I would got to the estate to only ever see Ayaka or Thoma, but never you, you were always busy with work.  
The one time I ever did see you, outside away from work, was when the Itadori Festival was held in Ritou. A blonde person stood by you and I knew it wasn’t Thoma, because this person was mjch shorter. They had a pretty face, lively honey colored eyes, your that were usually sharp and coy, was much softer as they laughed at something you said.  
In that moment, I knew, that your heart belonged to them, and I was too naïve to believe I could’ve won your heart, but I was too late. I wish I was able to say it to your face telling you how much I love you. How much I wanted your hand in marriage.  
I would tell Ayaka and Thoma that I would ask you out one day, and they would constantly tease me about. But once I had went to the estate to go see Ayaka after the festival, she brought me into a hug and I cried like a baby that night.  
I won’t be able to handle hearing your name or seeing you ever again, so I decided to go back home to Sumeru. My family had been wanting me back home for a few months now, so I supposed I just needed a little push.  
I’m sorry to say that when this letter finds you I will have already left. I wish you all the best, and I hope you settle down with them seeing as they have your love. I’m sorry I’m a coward, but I love you Kamisato Ayato, and goodbye.  
Y/n L/n 
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Dear Al-Haitham, 
I’m such an idiot for ever thinking that I could catch your eye, I’ve known you since our Akedemiya days, you caught my eye, but I didn’t catch your eye. Instead, our senior Kaveh caught your eye, you two were nice to each other at first, then came the bickering.  
I always thought that I was third wheeling whenever we all hung out together, I just figured I should just skip out on our hangouts. But there were times I caught you looking at Kaveh with your eyes softened for a moment before the same hardness returned when you looked at anyone else.  
Now that I think about it, I should’ve known I stood no chance against him, he is pretty, brilliant, and just overall just a big sweetheart, I could never be mad at him, so I just turned all that anger into hatred, not for you or him, no; for myself.  
I could’ve been better, I should’ve realized, I shouldn’t have been such an idiot, even when I went to Dehya of all people to talk with she said that I should take the chance to tell you before it’s too late, but it was just embarrassing to think about so I just ignore her advice and my feelings.  
But I knew back in the moment in the Akademiya, I knew I couldn’t capture your heart because of the most beautiful student, the nicest person, the most caring human being, Kaveh.  
But with my feelings, I can no longer stay in Sumeru, so I’m going back home because I can’t take it anymore. I don’t think I can handle seeing you two together, my heart won’t be able to bare it. But I love you Al-Haitham, and I’m sorry.  
Til next time,  
Y/n L/n 
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ramblingoak · 5 months
The Sexy Cardigan
Mushy May in Lucifer's Hollow: Day 6 - Blushing
Copia x Aether
This fic is set in an alternate universe in a town called Lucifer's Hollow. For Mushy May I'll be using the prompts to post little snippets of life for the humans and ghouls that live there 💙 Thank you to @forlorn-crows for putting Mushy May together!
~ In Lucifer's Hollow Copia teaches history at the high school and Aether is a firefighter. ~
Warnings: Copia being awkward and cute, flirty texts idk, nsfw 18+ mdni, 600 words (thank you to @ghuleh-recs for the dividers!)
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Aether:  What are you wearing?
Copia’s brain whited out when he read the text and he quickly slapped his phone screen down onto his desk.  He winced when the sharp noise made a few of his students look up from their tests but after he gave them an awkward smile they went back to work.  Unholy hell, what was Aether doing?  His phone vibrated again and Copia took a deep breath before turning it back over.
Aether:  Is it sexy?
He couldn’t help but look down at himself, seeing his usual button up and cardigan.  His pants had felt a little tight this morning but he blamed that on Swiss continuing to show up with pies from his new boyfriend.  Copia nibbled on his bottom lip before slowly typing out his reply.
Copia:  Are cardigans sexy?
The response was immediate and Copia could feel his cheeks heating up violently.
Aether:  On you?  Hell yes.
He bit down on his lip to prevent a delirious laugh from escaping.  Oh this was not an appropriate conversation to have right now.  Copia looked up at the clock on the wall, disappointed to see that there was still an hour left before lunch.  Maybe playing along just a bit longer wouldn’t hurt?  He slouched down in his chair while he responded.
“Mr. Emeritus?”
“Shit!”  Copia fumbled with his phone, cursing again under his breath when it fell to the floor.  With a sigh he looked up to see one of his students standing on the other side of his desk.  “Sì?”
“Can I go to the bathroom?”
He nodded and waved the student away, managing an awkward thumbs up when they gave him a funny look.  Copia looked down at his phone before bending over to pick it up.  This was ridiculous, he was terrible at flirting in person so continuing this on the phone would just be even more embarrassing.  Determined to delete the text he had typed out he was horrified to see that while fumbling with his phone he had accidentally sent it.
Copia:  What about off?  
“Merda.”  Was there a way to delete sent texts?  Copia stayed frozen in place, trying to decide if it was worth googling.  An alert from Terzo popped up but he ignored it.  He did not have time for whatever the fuck Terzo was up to.  “Uh, class?”
Obediently all their heads popped up from their work.  Copia began to make mental notes of who had been on their phones but decided today would be a good day to let that go.  He started to ask if anyone knew an answer to his problem but his phone vibrated again and the message had his heart speeding up dangerously.
Aether:  Even better.     
“I have to go to the bathroom!”  He jumped up from his desk, banging his knees in the process.  His chair shot out from behind him, hitting the wall and making one of his bulletin boards fall to the floor.  Lucifer, what was wrong with him?  Limping, he made his way over to the door, flinging it open and turning back to his class with as stern a look as he could manage.  “No phones!”
He barely avoided breaking out into a run, rushing into the teacher’s lounge and then into the private bathroom inside.  The students would be ok on their own for a bit.  Probably.  Long enough for him to get the nerve to suggest to Aether they continue this conversation that night at his house.  In person and hopefully naked.
Terzo would be so proud of him. 
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More fics in the Tales From Lucifer's Hollow masterpost
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humblemooncat · 3 months
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Since I have the whole place plotted out for Eros, practically, I decided to make the residents of the Burrows that Eros works with (and probably has a relationship with tbh). Mainly for gpose reasons down the line.
So, I present to you:
The men of The Burrows' gay branch
*Dumps a box of gay bunnies below the cut* Happy Pride!
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First off is Kestrel, a Hannish rava who came to the Shroud on business one day, and just never left. A former member of Troupe Falsiam, he decided to break off and settle into the city a while. Ever a wanderer at heart, but considering how many different folk blow through with the wind, he was content with setting roots.
After his final solo performance, Heimir approached him with an offer to join them in his establishment, and he happily agreed.
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Next we have Lucius, or Luci for short.
Not much is known about his past, and he prefers it that way. As far as he knows, he was always a resident of the Shroud.
Cloudlike in appearance, and just as soft in personality. He's a cuddler for sure, and delights in any affection he can get. He also tends to follow Yuki around like a lost puppy when he's not seeing a client.
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Up next we have Brann; Born and raised in Dalmasca, he took to the ways of the pugilist like a fish to water, developing a distinct tremor sense to make up for his blindness. There he trained and honed his mind and body. That is, until the Imperial occupation.
Forced to flee from home, he spent much time as a wandering bodyguard before he found a home in the Burrows. Here, he laid down his arms and found a bit of rest, though still takes them up for the boys should the need arise. Thus did Heimir name him a bouncer/bodyguard as well.
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And then there's Oberon...
You've already met my Void denizen, but to add on to that; Oberon found his way to the Source by way of a natural void gate out in the middle of nowhere. From there he roamed, taking on the visage of a viera after seeing one as his first encounter with a native of the Source.
So long did he wander, that he eventually came upon a settlement in the Shroud, and made his way to the outskirts of Gridania not long after. It was there that Heimir hired him on, and he found it was much easier to exchange aether through sex than to try taking it by force.
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Next up is Yuki, a Hingan-born veena who was slated to become a priest, but ran away from his sacred duty to find the quickest boat anywhere else. If the Kami had plans for him, it was not there at that shrine. Why else would they have let his heart leap out of his chest in protest?
And so he took the first boat to Eorzea he could charter, and never looked back.
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Then there's my favorite himbo, Jasper.
He is- was an aspiring Black Mage from Tural, but after an accident totally not of his own making he now spends his time lavishly in Eorzea.
If asked about the burns on his leftmost torso and arm, he'll change the subject as fast as possible. Almost as if he's hiding something.
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Next we have Kieran, born and raised in the jungle of Golmore, and an ex Warder.
He was exiled one day for reasons he's chosen not to elaborate on, and had to start a whole new life. Thus, he decided to wander as far west as he could, crossing over into Eorzea and on to the Shroud, where he met Heimir and started his life in the Burrows.
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And last but not least, the troublemaking fortuneteller, Asra.
Honestly speaking, he's where he's meant to be with the insatiable libido he has...
That said, he started out as an astrologist in Sharlayan, but tucked himself away on the first boat to Eorzea as soon as he realized the city of Knowledge just wasn't his style.
Eventually he made his way to Gridania, and while his fortunetelling gig went okay, it was Heimir approaching him that allowed him to thrive in a place that fully caters to his needs.
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Enjoy the overflowing box of new bunnies. I've been meaning to make them for a bit now, since Eros and Heimir aren't the only residents of the place they call home. <3
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dragon-queen21 · 1 month
Regressor Aether headcanons
+ a bunch of different caregivers
These also might be an excuse for me to share some of the ideas for fic's I have planned in my head.
tw: vent regression, meltdowns, general angst
~Wins the hearts of everyone and ends up with a bunch of caregivers and playmates across the land of teyvat. And how could he not? Sweetest little baby.
~90% of his regression is simply involuntarily, which is part of the reason why a lot of the people around him find out about it in the first place
~Vent regresses quite a bit, due to burnout, loneliness, pain, etc.
~Only a few very close people have dealt with him vent regressing. (mostly Mondstadt citizens tbh, Diluc, Kaeya, Lisa, though Xiao and Zhongli might have as well... Paimon is of course the exception) It comes as quite a shock to people when Aether breaks down sobbing over something minor when he usually is such an angel both normally and regressed.
~Beidou who would be the closest to find Aether vent regressed without meaning too. Noticing upon returning from his trip to Inazuma and coming back through the storms how much Aether is shaking and how young he's regressed compared to the times she's had the privilege of being the little's playmate.
~He doesn't want to play, doesn't talk, mostly hides and lets Paimon comfort him. And Beidou is very confused but never gets the chance to ask about, too worried about getting her ship through the storm, and by the time they make land Aether is gone
~Diluc and Kaeya look after him the most. They probably bicker a lot when he’s around though they try not to.
~But Kaeya pushes every one of Diluc's buttons. Carrying Aether around 90% of the time and being so smug about being the little one’s 'favorite'.
~Aether’s meanwhile in babyspace, sitting on Kaeya’s lap, playing with the floof of his caregiver’s cape because he likes the feeling of it and just oblivious to Diluc’s misery.
~Dainslief would 100% have taken care of Lumine regressed before in their travels together. He takes one look at Aether, who's regressed involuntary after the fleeting feeling of his sister being nearby, the rush of hope and then loss of it again, and instantly puts the pieces together that both twins must regress.
~I wouldn't say he tries to take care of Aether or anything, despite the way it's obvious that Aether isn't doing the best and could really use someone looking after him. He doesn't know Aether all that well and tells himself that it seems like Paimon's got it taken care of either way.
~But he's definitely more aware of the other, a bit protective and a bit softer with his words. Calling Aether a nickname, one he always used to call Lumine when she was small, by accident, (thinking like star shine or something else sweet) because old habits die hard and he nearly forgets that, 'no that's not Lumine, not his traveling partner, not his little, not his place.'
~Being told not to stim in public, or getting called out asking what he was doing. It wasn't a mean comment necessarily but it hurt. Not sure who would say it, maybe like Razor who genuinely is asking a question that's then taken the wrong way. Kind of like "Well don't do that. Draws attention." because he's anxious about being in public to begin with. Hmm not sure...
~It's something he masks a lot normally, but when he's small it's often times forgotten. He will be small and super happy, start stimming by shaking his hands, or tapping his palms together and have to force himself to stop because- that's weird, no one does that, quit it, you're just faking... which has gained him a couple of concerned looks from those around him who know him well enough
~Seeing as Paimon can't carry him, Aether takes to carrying her around like a stuffie instead as his own form of comfort. Also he’s just touch starved and likes having someone close.
~Paimon will complain about this, but decides inevitably that it's better than being seen as emergency food
~Speaking of emergency food, baby brain finds it hilarious to try and chew on her hair or her cape. One second she’s holding his hand the next she’s being bit.
~Venti upon finding out the Traveler regresses is like, 'Yeah I'm a great caregiver. ✨I've got this✨'
~He does not
~He ends up regressed alongside Aether and the two together unsupervised just spells trouble.
~Paimon has to go running to Diluc to come and get the two and stop them from causing a hurricane or something because they think it would be fun to play around with their powers. (Could also imagine Kaeya and Rosaria getting involved depending if they made their way over to the cathedral or not)
~Who needs storybooks when you have a dragon dad who's the equivalent of a living one?
~And yes Aether has gone all the way to Liyue from Mond in the span of one night because he couldn't fall asleep and wanted Zhongli to tell him a bedtime story. (It was that or going to Venti, but Venti's stories are usually a lot more lively and not the best to fall asleep to)
~Childe who wants so much to be Aether's big brother while he's small. Buys him a bunch of little gear, stuffed animals, toys, custom pacifiers, really anything he thinks of to try and win the little one's favor. He's is so sure that he's going to be Aether's favorite that he makes a bet with Zhongli over it. (If Diluc knew about this he would have a fit...)
~And Aether just- won't have anything to do with him small. He will either cry, or keep pushing Childe away and whining. He had a full meltdown once where he got overwhelmed enough to call Xiao. Easy to say that ended up in a fight and Zhongli having to step in to calm everybody down.
~His fits are mostly out of fear and distrust. Baby brain sees everything black and white and Childe confuses him more than anything because Childe should be the bad guy here.
~But on one hand he's always nice and he likes the idea of being doted on with little presents and being carried around, and Childe seems like the best big brother that Aether never had.
~But on the other hand their fights have scarred him mentally, and the fatui in general frightens him and he's scared that it's all an act that's going to crumble the moment he gets too attached.
~It takes awhile but he slowly opens up to the other, though only when someone else is around to ‘protect’ him. Probably Xiao. The adeptus wouldn’t trust Aether alone with Childe for a moment
~Xiao has been called multiple times on accident while Aether was small. He comes expecting a fight only to find a small and weepy baby who wants to be held.
~It's gotten to be a problem because the Traveler will refuse to call him when it really matters, like him being in danger, but baby brain will call out for him over something like a nightmare or feeling lonely and small, Xiao is terrible when it comes to anything dealing with delicate emotions.
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mirage-aera · 1 year
•°. *࿐ Rewrite the stars
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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Darkness at the heart of my love - Ghost
Aether x fem!reader
Synopsis: Aether gets sent back to the Pits so he and his s/o spend their last day together.
Word count: 4.683
Ghost masterlist
It hasn’t been that long since Aether received the news that he’ll be returning, thus leaving everything and everyone behind topside. He won’t lie, it hurts. It hurts that he suddenly has to leave everything that he loves behind. His guitar, the Clergy, the Papas, the sisters and brothers of sin, the band, the fans, his fellow ghouls and ghoulettes, and last but not least, his partner, his mate, his everything.
He starts reminiscing on all the memories that he has made topside. All the good, and bad. Thinking back on these memories, he realizes he has made more good than bad. He also realizes he might have difficulties adjusting back to life back in the Pits. Always having to watch his back, no matter where he would go. There would always be a feral ghoul waiting to pounce.
He looks back to the much smaller female laying in his arms, sleeping without a care in the world. The sun cracks through the blinds and frames her face perfectly. She's practically glowing under the minimal sunlight. He wishes he has more time, more time to spend with the people around him. He had so much planned for in the future, which all included the woman in his arms, his mate.
He lightly scoffs, so as not to wake her. ‘What a joke’ he thinks to himself. The Book of Ghouls mentioned that mates should never be separated. That wouldn't be good for them and the people/creatures around them. It's a joke that they're actively being separated from each other like it's nothing. The more he thinks about it the more irritated he gets. Of course, he's happy that she can remain topside. She’ll be happier here than down there. It's safer for her too. And that's all he wants, for his mate to be safe and happy. If it's without him, then so be it. Yet why does it hurt him so? Is he selfish to think this way? He doesn't know, nor does he dwell any longer on it. It'll just make him more miserable.
He feels her stirring in his arms, signaling him she's waking up. He loosens his hold on her a bit and waits for her eyes to crack open and stare back at him. Eventually, she starts rubbing her eyes and she peers back up at him. He can't help but smile at the cuteness being displayed in front of him.
You slowly wake up only to be met with a grinning Aether in front of you. You smile back up at him. Completely ignorant of what's to come in the next 24 hours. Perhaps if you don't think about it then it won't happen. You spend the next minute or two just taking each other in.
“Good morning, Aeth.” You eventually break the silence. He cracks a small smile, “Morning, my star. Are you ready to get the day started?” He always asks you every morning whether you are ready to start the day. Now it hits harder, it'll be your last day together for who knows long until you get sent back. You let out a heavy sigh, “Let’s go Aeth. We have a long day ahead.” He nods and with that said you both get ready. He gets ready first, to no one’s surprise and waits for you, wanting to go together.
You both make your way down the ghoul hall and to the kitchen to get breakfast started. Today is your turn to cook. So you decide to make his favorite, banana pancakes. Who knows when the next opportunity comes for him to eat something so mundane as bananas? You start prepping the batter and wait for the pan to get hot before you start cooking the pancakes.
After flipping ten or so pancakes you have finally used all of the batter. The first ones you have shoved into the warm oven to keep them warm. You take them out and start plating, making sure to leave some for the other ghouls and ghoulettes if they want any. Meanwhile Aether and you share a nice breakfast. Mostly spent eating and talking about plans for the day.
You can't help but beam at the way his eyes shine as he talks and shoves more pancakes and bananas in his mouth. ‘I’m going to miss this banana-loving man,” you think to yourself. A frown slowly settles on your face. He seems to notice the somber thoughts swimming around your head. He reaches his hand over the table and puts his hand over yours, rubbing soothing circles over your knuckles. “What’s plaguing your mind, my star?” He snaps you out of your train of thought. You shake your head, “Nothing, Aeth. Only happy thoughts today, I promise.” You give him a weak smile. He can tell that you're lying, you both know you're lying. But not wanting to argue with you today, he drops it. They quickly finish up their breakfast, before they head off their separate ways. After all, they still have responsibilities to look after. He has to make sure that the new ghoul, Phantom, will be ready to perform in his place. He also has to hand his guitar to him, a welcoming gift you could say. While you still have chores to do and errands to run.
As he walks to the band’s practice room. His thoughts start to stray. Phantom will do just fine, he has seen him perform. The young ghoul has a lot of energy. The people will love him, he's not worried about that. He starts to think about his bandmates. Will they miss him? Or will Phantom quickly replace him? The other ghouls in the ministry could care less, they barely know him. But what about them, would they care? Or was he that expendable? He doesn't know, nor is he about to ask either.
With these thoughts floating around he nears the practice room. He hesitates for a moment. He takes a deep breath and enters the room. Everyone is already gathered and tuning instruments. Usually, there would be a snarky comment from Dew. But he's quiet. More than he has been in a while. No words needed to be said. He grabs his guitar and starts tuning it. This time, Phantom will be practicing with the band. Aether is only there to give him some pointers if he needs them. He finishes tuning quickly and walks up to Phantom, guitar in hand. Phantom looks up from his guitar when he notices Aether walking up to him. He cocks his head to the side, Aether doing the same. They stare at each other in silence before bursting into laughter. Remembering what he had to do, he hands his guitar over to Phantom. “It's about time it gets handed over to you.” He blinks at him for a couple of seconds, as in disbelief. He hesitates but takes the guitar from his hands. He starts strumming and his face starts to light up. Aether can't help but smile at the young ghoul. He was once like this before, when Omega handed it down to him. He’ll miss it, that's for sure. But he's glad someone as adept as Phantom will be using it, honoring Aether’s and Omega’s names. And soon his legacy will pass with the guitar as well.
The band starts practicing, he gives a few pointers to Phantom. But overall he's doing great. He's confident that Phantom will give a fantastic show, perhaps the fans might not even realize Aether isn't the one playing. After the session ends. The ghouls slowly start to pile out of the room. The ghoulettes leave first, followed by the newly summoned ghouls. As Swiss wants to follow them, a voice rings out. “How about we have one last show, just us five.” Dew proposes in a small voice. They all stop what they're doing and stare at the smaller ghoul, “for the big guy. Since he's leaving soon. Why not go out with a bang?” One by one they all agree until it comes to Aether. All staring at him with hopeful looks adorning their faces. He smiles at them, “alright. One last show.” They all beam happily and go back to their instruments. “Setlist?” Dew asks. Aether smiles and nods. Dew starts off by playing Kaisarion.
As you were about to finish up the last of your chores you heard heavy footsteps walking towards you, ones that could only belong to your beloved ghoul. You feel his strong arms wrap around your waist and he rests his chin on the crook of your neck. He lets out a content sigh, “I have a surprise for you in the garden. Are you ready?” You put your hand on his bigger one, “I'm finishing up. Five more minutes, okay?” He lets out a quiet whine but lets you work. Not wanting to stray too far from you, he stays within arms reach as you work, following you like a lost puppy.
You work quickly, not wanting to keep Aether waiting. Plus, you’re curious about his surprise for you. Sooner than later, you finish up. You turn to Aether, who's still sticking close to you, and smile brightly up at him, “Alright, let's see what you have in store for me, Aeth.” He beams at you. He takes your hand in his and almost drags you to the garden with him. You laugh at his antics. As he leads you through the various hallways and rooms of the ministry. You stumble a bit, struggling to keep up with his big strides. Noticing your struggle. He slows down a bit for you. Eventually, you're nearing the garden. He abruptly stops and positions himself behind you. “Do you trust me?” He softly asks you. You nod, “of course I do.”
With that said he covers your eyes with his hands and starts to gently lead you through the garden. Without your knowledge, he gives a nod to Mountain. He helped Aether set up his surprise for you. He gives him a thumbs up and a wave as he takes his leave to let you two be alone together. Still covering your eyes, he leads you to the spot where he set up his surprise. He slowly stills as he nears his surprise. He lets out a shaky breath as he removes his hands from your eyes. He waits anxiously for your reaction as you take everything in.
The sun is starting to set giving your surroundings a natural orange glow. You see a cloth laid down with various snacks, wrapped gifts in numerous shapes and sizes, and a folded blanket on top of the cloth. You also see his acoustic guitar resting on a nearby tree. Fairy lights are hanging from the trees surrounding the little spot he reserved for you two. Your eyes start welling up with tears. You turn around to face him, he's still watching you with an anxious look in his eyes. You give him a big smile and wrap him in a hug. “I love it, Aether. Thank you.” He lets out a sigh of relief and wraps his arms around you. “Please don't cry. I didn't set this up to make you cry.” He jokes a bit. You let out a watery chuckle, “it's happy tears, I promise.” You look up at him to find he's already staring down at you. He sways you both side to side, just taking each other’s presence in. Reluctantly he pulls away from the hug and motions to the cloth that's waiting for you both. “Come, let's sit down. Before the ants eat all of our snacks. I don’t know about you but I would like my bananas ants-free.” You laugh at him. You make your way to the cloth and sit down. Grabbing a banana you peel it and offer it to Aether.
He plops himself down next to you and takes a bite of the banana still in your hand. “Why do you like bananas so much?” You chuckle. He gives you an incredulous look. “First of all, they're healthy and full of potassium. Second of all, they taste good. And last of all, who doesn't like bananas?!” You burst into laughter at how excited he gets over bananas. You spend some time talking about all the good times you've had with each other up until now while eating all of the food that he has prepared.
After a while, with the sun fully set, food is eaten, and gifts are opened. You are cuddling with your ghoul under the starry night. Until Aether pipes up, “It’s nearing my time to go back, my star,” he starts, voice cracking as he tries to sound calm for you. Your hold on him tightens, tears welling up again. “I have one last surprise for you.” He continues. He rubs your back as you try to press yourself further into him, not wanting him to leave you. He gently tries to pry you off of him. But you won't let go, “no, please. Stay, don't go.” You ask him in a small voice. He can feel his heart shatter at how heartbroken you sound. You both know this was bound to happen. It has been announced days ago, weeks ago. You thought you were prepared for his departure. Only it turns out, it's not that easy to let someone you love go. You are best friends, partners. You are lovers. You are soulmates. You are his, and he is yours. That's how it goes. At least, that was how it was supposed to be. It'll be all ripped away from you within the hour. It's the cruel reality you both have to face.
He presses gentle kisses to the crown of your head. “I just need a second to grab my guitar. I really want to show you something.” You hesitate on letting him, afraid he’ll just slip away from you forever. “Please, I don't have much time left.” He nearly starts to beg you. You loosen your hold on him, letting him grab his guitar. You sit up as you watch him quickly walk back to you. He sits down in front of you, positions the guitar on his lap, and starts tuning it quickly, wanting to make it sound absolutely perfect for you.
He starts strumming a few chords before starting to play your favorite songs. You recognize some of them from your playlist that you always play. Some of them are your favorite Ghost songs. Aether doesn't sing often, but whenever you ask, he sings for you in a heartbeat. You're going to miss his beautiful voice, how he plays the guitar, you're going to miss him. As he nears the end of the current song he’s playing. He starts singing a very familiar song. One that's important to you both.
“Can you hear me say your name, forever?”
“Can you see me longing for you, forever?”
“Would you let me touch your soul, forever?”
“Can you feel me longing for you, forever, forever?”
It's as if you're hearing his confession for the first time again. When he confessed he asked you to meet him in the practice room that the band uses, claiming he needed an extra ear because he was struggling with a part in a song. He started like this and kept going. Occasionally looking at you nervously, but kept playing. When he was nearing the end of the song. He slowly stopped playing and looked up at you. He asked you in a very shaky voice if you could be his. After you got out of your initial shock, you immediately said yes. To Aether’s relief, he haphazardly threw his guitar somewhere and pulled you into a tight embrace. He spun you around a couple of times, before gently putting you down and running out of the room. You laughed and followed him to wherever he was going. Turns out he was going to the ghoul’s commons room. He nearly kicked the door down and proceed to shout, “She said yes!!” Whoops and hollers could be heard throughout the whole building. When the whoops and hollering died down, he turned around abruptly to you, almost giving himself whiplash. And very loudly yelled, “I could kiss you right now.” You started blushing at his bold statement. Realizing what he said a bit too late, the ghouls and ghoulettes started chanting, “Kiss!” Over and over until you had enough and pulled him in a for kiss. It's safe to say that Aether got teased and mocked a lot in the following days.
You’re pulled back to reality when you hear Aether choke up.
“This is the moment of just letting go, she said.”
“Can you hear me say your name, forever?”
“Can you see me longing for you, forever, forever?”
He shakes his head as if he's apologizing for choking up. You give him a watery smile and motion for him to keep playing.
You remember how he would always berate himself for messing up during shows. He would always go ranting about how he messed up, that he disappointed the rest of the ghouls, that he disappointed Papa, and that he disappointed the fans. You would always be telling him that it's alright. That it's okay to make mistakes. You would also always point out how Copia would mess up the lyrics and would just play it off to everyone’s amusement. He would always shake his head, saying that he should do better, that he should practice more. It'll always take a lot of reassurance and convincing that he's enough, that he won't get sent back, and that everyone makes mistakes. It always breaks your heart whenever you hear him saying that he’ll be sent back for making mistakes while playing live.
You focus back on Aether in front of you when he sings the last line, “If you had life eternal?” All of the walls break down around you as you erupt into sobs. His eyes widen when he sees you break down right in front of him. He quickly puts his guitar down and moves you on his lap instead. He wraps his big arms around you, making you feel safe, and content. He stays silent, letting you cry it out. You turn around so you can bury your face into his chest. You grip his shirt in your hands, “I don't want you to leave, Aether!” He feels his heart shatter all over again. He tightens his hold on you and whispers into your ear, “I'm sorry, my star. I'm so sorry. I wish I could stay, I really do.” You don't say anything, but your cries are starting to cease. He rubs soothing circles on your back as you calm down.
Once your cries fully cease, he pulls you slightly away from his chest and he looks at you. Taking you in one final time. He inhales sharply, “I have one more song for you, my star. If you want to hear it. I wrote it for you.” You nod and climb off of him and sit back in front of him, closer this time. He grabs his guitar again and rests it on his lap again. He was about to start, until he notices a figure approaching the two of you. He frowns and growls when he notices who it is. Sister Imperator. The one who has ordered him to go back. “Quintessence. I've come to remind you that you are to be sent back in minutes. Wrap it up.” He glares at her and scoffs, ‘Can't even be bothered to use my name.’ He thinks to himself. “Yes, Sister Imperator.” She gives him one last look before turning on her heel and leaving. He inhales shakily, letting all the frustration seep out before starting.
“You know I want you.”
“It’s not a secret I try to hide.”
“You know you want me.”
“So don’t keep saying our hands are tied.”
These lyrics sound familiar to you. You rack your brain, trying to remember from what song they are. But you just can’t remember.
“So who can stop me if I decide that you're my destiny?”
“What if we rewrite the stars?”
“Say you were made to be mine.”
“Nothin’ could keep us apart.”
Then it dawned on you. He was working on a new song in the practice room a while ago. Before it was announced that he is to be sent back. You thought he has scrapped it due to the news of his departure. But he actually finished it. You peeked at what he was writing a little before he noticed and shooed you away, claiming it was a surprise.
“So why don't we rewrite the stars?”
“And maybe the world could be ours tonight.”
You chuckle silently to yourself. ‘So this is your surprise that you've been working so long and hard on?’ you think to yourself. The past weeks he has been glued to your side. Never leaving unless he had responsibilities to do. He must have stayed up most nights to finish this. You continue listening to him, listening to the song he wrote for you. Time flies by and before you know it he's ending the song.
“And why don't we rewrite the stars?”
“Changing the world to be ours.”
“You know I want you.”
“It's not a secret I try to hide.”
“But I can't have you.”
“We’re bound to break and my hands are tied.”
He ends the song and puts the guitar aside. He pulls you into his arms again. He pulls away just as quickly, “I don't have much time, I sense them coming.” He hastily explains. He looks at his guitar and grabs it, “I want you to have it. I've already taught you the basics. All you need is practice, and you can practice just fine with this one. If you need help I'm sure Dew or Swiss will be willing to help you. I've made the TAB for you, it's in your room. So you can learn it if you want.” He weakly smiles. He's hoping you would learn it. He worked hard to perfect this song. Now you can hear footsteps approach quickly. Aether hears it too but ignores it. “We will see each other again. I promise you, (Y/n). I don't know when, or how, but we are soulmates. They can't separate us. We’ll rewrite the stars, and change the world so it'll be only us, I promise you my star. Believe in us, okay? I love you always. No matter what happens. As long as you can feel me, and I feel you. That means our bond is still there.”
The garden doors burst open, Aether finally lets a few tears fall. He's scared, you can feel it. To give him one last comfort, you wrap him in a tight hug. Hoping he’ll feel safe, and protected as you do in his arms. He visibly relaxes as he rests his head in the crook of your neck. Hearing their footsteps crunch on the grass, he lifts his head and pulls you in for one last kiss. You're so caught up in the moment that the few seconds feel like hours. Like it's your first kiss with him again. Only this time, it's your last.
He gets abruptly pulled away from you by the collar of his shirt. He tries to fight them off at first. Until Sister Imperator threatened to get Mountain to knock him out. “Ghoul! Cut it out! You don't want your mate to see you knocked out by the earth ghoul as her last memory of you, do you?!” He slumps as he gives in. He looks at you, and only you. You let your tears freely fall, no longer caring how weak you look. He lets a few fall as well. “I'll rewrite the stars for us, my star. I promise. I love you, forever.” He gets dragged away and before you know it, Aether disappears from your sight and the garden door closes in front of you.
You stay in the garden the rest of the night, laying under the stars. Hoping Aether can see the same stars from down there. It hasn't even been a day yet, but you’re already missing him dearly. The ghouls and ghoulettes all came to check up on you. And all of those times you give them the same answer.
“I miss him.”
As the night goes on, the air gets colder. Yet you can't seem to care. You don't care you're shivering, even under the blanket that Aether has provided. Almost knowing that you’d stay here the night. Slowly as you fall asleep, you suddenly feel something press up against you. You turn your head slightly only to find Dew snuggling up to you. You open your mouth, wanting to question him. He silences you, “It's too cold out here for you. Even under the blanket. Aether told me to keep an eye on you. He would kill me if you got sick under my watch.” You smile slightly, he really did anticipate you staying the night in the garden. Then you frown, he's always thinking about you and your feelings. Never did he stop to think about his own. Not when you're around. Sooner than later you feel other ghouls and ghoulettes piling up next to or on top of you. Soon you're out like a light.
The only thing you’re missing is your Aether.
In the upcoming days, you have been slaving over the guitar. Desperate to feel closer to him. You've been trying to teach yourself the song he wrote for you. His old room has practically become your room. Yours completely abandoned. The more mistakes you make the more frustrated you get. Eventually, your anger gets the best of you and you throw your pick across the room and start screaming which eventually leads you to breaking down. Hearing the commotion from his room, Dew comes barging in and wraps you tight in a hug. He shushes you as he comforts you. “It's alright, I'm here. I'll help you practice, I just need you to breathe.”
After a while, you do calm down and he fulfills his promise. He helps you with the song. And after a couple of more days, you have it mastered.
You're back in his room, moving your stuff into his room. Most of your stuff is already in his room anyway. You basically lived in his room when he was still here. You see the guitar in the corner, you smile. Deciding you need a break, you grab it and start playing the song. As you get lost in the song, you don't notice Dew standing on the other side of the door. You near the end of the song and start getting choked up.
“And why don't we rewrite the stars?”
“Changing the world to be ours.”
“You know I want you.”
“It's not a secret I try to hide.”
“But I can't have you.”
“We’re bound to break and my hands are tied.”
You finish up the song and let out a few sniffles. You start smiling sadly at the giant banana that's resting against his desk. “Are you proud of me, Aeth?” You feel two tugs, it's as if he's saying ‘yes’ over the bond. Then you suddenly feel three more. You smile happily. The happiest you've been ever since he got sent back. “Yeah. I love you too banana boy.”
Hearing your interactions makes Dew happy. Happy that you have finally found peace. After all, soulmates can't be separated for long. The bond will always find a way. He leaves and heads back to his room. Everyone misses Aether, the ghouls and the ghoulettes, the fans, hell even Papa misses him, and of course, his mate misses him. Perhaps he can convince Sister Imperator to summon him back. For it would be more advantageous than disadvantageous for the band.
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ghoulangerlee · 3 months
feeling inspired, this is not technically part of the dewther series but it could be if you really wanted it to be i guess. in my heart of hearts they're all fucking and they're all together but i know sometimes people prefer to keep the ghouls separate from copia which is why i hesitate to say this is canonically a part of the aetherdew series haha.
features copia, aether and dew w/t4t copiaether. dew is there he is their boytoy. contains: a bit of objectification, anal sex, face fucking, gratuitous orgasms for everyone involved. lots of oral stuff bc Dew is a menace with an oral fixtion.
cunt and cock/dick used for both copia and aether :) oh and there is a brief bit of sex magic at the end too haha
Dew sighs, shifts and spreads his knees wider at the first press of warm silicon against his rim, humming happily around the heft of Aether's cock against his tongue.
Behind him Copia laughs a little, warm palm gentle against his side as he circles his hips forward, the head of his dick sinking inside Dew smoothly, he exhales as if he can feel the warm clutch of the fire ghoul around him, gaze trained on where they're connected.
"S'always so good," Aether murmurs, "Watching him, feeling him," he sighs and grinds against Dew's tongue as his voice hitches, "Lets us keep our dicks warm whenever we want," his voice trails off into a low sort of rumbling groan, fisting his hand in the hair at the back of Dew's head to keep him in place.
He makes an encouraging noise around Aether's cock, slides his hand around the back of Aether's thigh and tries to tug him closer—and Aether laughs at him for it, but obliges, lets himself be pulled as close as he possibly can, with Dew's face shoved so firmly against his pubic bone that it's probably impossible for him to breathe now.
"Next time," Aether says on the tail end of a moan, as Dew's tongue draws out teasing shapes against the head of his cock, "Next time, we'll switch places. I'll let you have his mouth, baby," he pants, feels Dew double down with the teasing as he makes eye contact with Copia.
Copia who looks mostly wrecked though he's only partially inside Dew, petting at his hips and back as he sinks into him slowly—they're using a new one tonight, the harness shiny and red, crisscrossing over Copia's thighs and his hips, the cock on it is thicker than Dew typically takes when they're together, but something he'd wanted tonight.
He doesn't have to go slow, but he likes to drag it out, likes the way that inching inside him as slow as he can makes Dew whine petulant, that if his mouth weren't full, he'd be babbling about how he can take it, how he's taken bigger to try and rile Copia into breaking.
This way, at least, Copia can slide his hands along Dew's back as he leans over him, pulling out a little and then sinking inside once more, over and over again while Dew whines, stuck between their cocks.
It feels like time slows down to a crawl and everything goes syrupy and sticky in Dew's mind by the time he feels Copia's hips press against his ass, feels when Aether leans forward too—he can't see it, but he can hear when they kiss, the way Copia sort of gasps airily into Aether's mouth, the low hum that follows most likely because Copia bit at Aether's lower lip.
(He's watched them kiss, many, many times. Pressed between them like this or stretched out along beside the two of them as they make out and rut against each other.)
He hears a hum, a wet sound as their lips part and then Copia's hands settle at his hips, his weight pulling back as he settles on his knees behind Dew again—not that Dew can really do much, still pinned in place by Aether's hand on the back of his head.
"Ready?" Copia asks, and Dew goes to nod but realizes he can't, and that Copia isn't actually talking to him, when he hears Aether hum, feels the way his thigh flexes in his hand as he steadies himself.
"Ready," Aether echoes, and then none of them proceed to do much talking after that—with each thrust of Copia's hips, it shoves Dew further onto Aether's cock, his mouth full and jaw aching, his own cock neglected and untouched the entire time, but hard, oh so hard.
Lips, dry and smiling press a kiss to the center of Dew's back as Copia leans forward, and it's just enough that Dew's aware that maybe they should switch positions soon, to give their knees a break, but then Copia's cock is hitting his prostate and the thought slinks out of his mind along with a choked moan around Aether.
Aether's hand is gentle in his hair for how hard he's fucking into Dew's mouth and Dew can smell his arousal, thick and heady and good and when he shifts his grip on Aether's thigh, his fingers slip against Aether's sweat and his own slick, damp and there, making Dew's mouth water for a taste despite the fact he's already got his mouth on him.
He feels insatiable with the want coursing through him, pinned between the two hot bodies of his lovers, letting them use him for their own pleasure.
It's almost no surprise that Aether comes first, grip tightening in his hair as he cries out, a litany of swears falling from his lips as he fucks into Dew's mouth several times, thighs shaking, the muscles bunching under Dew's fingers, it's only when Aether's pulling him off, does Dew actually make a sound.
It's a pathetic sort of thing, his mouth empty now, his tongue hanging out as if waiting for more and Aether has to shush him, guide him closer so he can mouth at Aether's inner thighs, always eager for a little bit of overstimulation as long as Dew doesn't get too close.
The taste of Aether's sweat and slick appeases him and he sinks into it as he sucks bruises into his skin, knowing it'll be too much and Aether'll probably not let him around his thighs for a few days after, always so sensitive when Dew gets his teeth on them.
Copia makes a sort of punched out sound behind them, hips flush against Dew's ass now as he grinds against him—it sends shivers down Dew's spine and he clenches around the cock, swearing loudly when Copia's hand wraps around his cock all of a sudden, thumb pressing firm against the ridge along the underside of it.
"Come for us," Aether murmurs, his voice sounds fucked out and low, raspy in a way that reminds Dew of the aftermath of a good blowjob, when Aether easily takes him and keeps him in his throat, swallowing around him until he comes.
Between the constant pressure of Copia against his prostate and the thought of Aether's mouth, he's a goner, teeth digging almost viciously into Aether's inner thigh as he comes with a growl, fucking himself between Copia's hand and cock until he feels the tell-tale signs of oversensitivity and he tries to pull away from it all.
Copia pulls out almost immediately, his hand falling from around Dew's cock, giving him space to come down peacefully—though Dew doesn't flop onto the bed like he expects, instead, he pushes himself up and sits back on his knees, already starting to soften.
He glances downwards, where Copia's cock, shiny with lube, sways teasingly from the o-ring on the harness, "You need a hand?" he asks, ignoring how his own voice sounds as he knee walks into Copia's space.
A smile, small and genuine crinkles the corners of his eyes as he stares into Dew's, "I won't say no," he murmurs, cupping Dew's cheek and pulling him into a proper kiss—the first of the night, eagerly licking the taste of Aether from his tongue.
Dew hums into it, lets him deepen the kiss for a bit before he hooks his fingers into the straps on Copia's harness and tugs on them, making him lose balance and fall onto his back with a soft oof.
"Pretty thing," Dew murmurs, nudging Copia's legs open enough so he can settle in between them, wrapping his fist around the base of Copia's cock, "So good to me," he continues, though he's looking at the skin tone colored silicone in his fist, pressing the base of it downwards against Copia's cock, nestled under that.
"Oh!" Copia gasps, hands fisting in the blankets as he watches Dew lean downwards, wrap his lips around the head of it—it tastes of lube, of Dew himself and he almost thinks he could get hard again, just from this. From his own fixation with having things in his mouth.
But that's a thought for later.
Copia tangles fingers in his hair, pulls a little too hard, too eager when Dew hollows his cheeks and sucks hard while keeping up the continuous pressure, circling the base of the cock just over Copia's own.
Behind them, Aether's got a hand between his legs, breathing heavy and labored as he jerks his own cock between a few fingers, feeling his second orgasm on the fringes of his consciousness and as he looks across the bed at them, with Dew's mouth stretched so pretty around the head of Copia's cock, he pushes out tendrils of magic towards them, of sentience, of feeling.
A sort of satisfied look takes over his face when he hears Copia gasp, hears him swear and thrash under Dew's ministrations, the unexpected feeling of gaining sensation so suddenly too much for the man as he comes with Dew's name on his tongue.
Dew seems to catch on, hums happily around Copia's cock and hollows his cheeks, sucking at him until Copia's pushing at his head, chanting no, no, no over and over, his hand cupping the dildo protectively.
Aether's nearly there, half out of his mind when Dew sinks in between his legs again, nudging Aether's hand away and sinking his mouth back down over the heft of Aether's cock, easily pulling him into another orgasm.
Dew makes a petulant noise when Aether finally pushes him away, and goes to say something but Aether just pulls him into a kiss, just until Copia's made his way over to the two of them, now harnessless, collapsing half on Aether's chest.
Aether laughs a little as he pulls back from the kiss, turning his head and nuzzle Copia's temple, "Did'ja like my magic trick?" he mumbles, a hint of deviousness in his voice.
Copia makes a strangled sort of sound, throws an arm over both Aether and Dew, "If I say yes, will you do it again when I'm actually fucking him?" he asks, half sleepy.
Dew makes an eager sort of noise, his cock giving a valiant effort to get hard again and Aether laughs, fond and happy.
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nagoyatriste · 2 years
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word count: 371
contents: fluff, a bit suggestive in one of the parts.
a/n: for my ibf that wanted Childe's content, this is the best I can give you for now, take it and go away I've done my job 🫡 I tried to add the most characters I can so there are a few that I don't know well, sorry if you feel someone is out of place t__t
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The shy troupe, they usually give you little pecks that make their whole face go red, the fast pace of their heart resounding into their ears, scared that you can hear it. If they take courage maybe can give you a long kiss, their hands positioned on both sides of your face as they kiss you embarrassed, inexperienced lips were given to you, but clearly, you take them with no problem.
— AETHER, Ganyu, Thoma(?), Gorou, Ayaka
Flirty kisses pass through your lips, the heat getting to your face and making you look so embarrassed, your cheeks being painted in pinkish tones, look at you! So timid by just a few kisses, they love it. Playing with you by making you go all red it's for sure their favorite activity of the day, how they can make you all weak with a playful peck… It's something to not get bored about~
— Lisa, YAEMIKO, Venti, Ningguang, AYATO
They are so rough with you, a little kiss transformed into a make-out session, a heated one, a firm hand on the back of your head making sure you will not escape their hungry kisses. Usually, this chain of events triggers the situation into something else, something more… hectic (yes, MORE hectic, y'all know what I'm talking about), but when it isn't, you have to take your time to recover and compose your breath, both of you lips all red and swollen.
— CHILDE, Kaeya, Yelan, BEIDOU, Al-haitham
A kiss from them has all the emotions they can give to you through actions, you can feel the love in their touch, but also the fear, their lips catch yours into full of feelings, their touch so soft but protective, like they want to hold you so you can't escape, so you can't disappear. A kiss full of emotions that can cure their souls, just by the contact of your lips with theirs.
— DILUC, Xiao, Kazuha, DAINSLEIF
It's not a normal kiss but a quiet one, they touch you so delicately like you were going to break, their hand on your chin, lips connecting so softly but at the same time both feel it so strongly, the closeness between your bodies in the finest way, nothing rude, just two persons kissing and feeling all from the other. A smirk can be seen on their face after finishing.
— ZHONGLI, Jean, Shogun Raiden, CYNO
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windupiceheart · 15 days
4: reticent
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wc. 845, B'ig and Rori, Some time in post-shb
They lie face to face on his bed, close. Rorichaux gently pushes a stray lock of white hair back, out of B’ig Nunh’s face. He looks down at him, his eyeshadow slightly smudged, his eyelashes long— actually they’re quite short, must be his eyeliner. He’s paler than he remembers him being.
He rubs the miqo’te’s ear with thumb. B’ig tilts his head up and leans into his hand. He shuffles closer against him, his hand on his chest. Rorichaux flushes slightly, but tries to calms himself down.
How embarrassing. He wonders if he can feel his heart beating. If he knows that he’s the reason it’s beating so hard. He’ll take it to the grave if he hasn’t already figured it out. He hopes he hasn’t. How long has it been already? He stops thinking about it.
He drags his hand further back and runs his fingers through B’ig’s hair. It’s grown past his shoulders again, around the length it was when they first met.
He fixates on it. White hair, not the few white strands he assumes would be normal for someone in his stressful field, but the majority of his hair is white, only his grown out roots and his ears are still the dark blue colour he was used to. It’s odd, it doesn't feel dyed like his own unnaturally red hair.
“B’ig,” the miqo’te looks up at him, his eyes bright. Now that he’s able to take a closer look, they’re a little bit brighter than they were before, but he couldn’t be sure. It had been quite a while since they last met up. What does catch his attention is the scar that ran down from his chin to his abdomen. This one he’s sure has gotten lighter, more prominent. He remembers B’ig mentioning it starting to fade the year before.
“Rori,” he responds.
“You never told me what happened while you were gone,”
“Ah! I haven’t,” B’ig Nunh’s surprised face is cute. Rori winces from that thought. B’ig doesn’t seem to notice, instead he adjusts himself so he’s lying on his back. “So me, Vertical, and the scions, you know them right? We were taken far, farrrrrr, far, far away. To a different world entirely!”
“Uh huh.”
“It’s true!”
“It is! So when we were teleported there, I actually landed in a completely different place than Vertical. A place called Eulmore, city of.. pleasures.” He awkwardly smiles.
“It was wild there. Almost got arrested immediately after waking up. Luckily one of the free citizens kindly covered for me... But he did make me his servant— Wait! It was how things worked there, I swear.”
he raises an eyebrow.
“Really!” Rorichaux keeps looking at him. “Okay, we did also do that stuff, but it was mostly the working thing! They had me sing and dance for my life!”
He continues to stare, B’ig Nunh slightly panicking. “Okay, there was a lot of the other stuff,” he admits
“Was he hot?” Rori rests his cheek on his hand.
“Uhm,” B’ig thinks for a bit. “Yeah, I’d say so, but he’s probably more your type? Middle aged rich Auri man, tall, muscular— did you know they’re not called Au Ra over there, it’s Drahn.”
“Really? Are you just changing the topic.”
“Hehe, yeah. Honestly he was into some intense stuff, could not catch a break. It made me miss you, actually.”
“Are you calling me boring again?” Rorichaux says accusingly, lighthearted, trying not to think too hard into ‘made me miss you’.
“Noooo,” he chuckles. Fuck, too late, he was thinking about it. He turns his head slightly into his pillow, subtlety trying to hide his blushing cheeks, unfortunately failing to realize that his ears also get red. B’ig doesn’t notice or he’s pretending to not notice, either way, Rorichaux was grateful. “Well after I got out of there, me and Vertical went around and killed a bunch of monsters filled with light aether.”
“Is that why your hair’s white?” the elezen picks up a piece of B'ig hair.
B’ig shrinks down and rubs his neck nervously “Ah, yeah…”
Rorichaux feels like he said something he shouldn’t have. He lets go of B’ig’s hair and rests his hand on his shoulder instead. “Then what?” He changes the subject.
B’ig shakes out of it. “Oh and then whenever we beat one of these guys, the night sky came back. It was beautiful!”
“There wasn’t a night sky?”
“Oops, I forgot to mention. They didn’t have a night when we got there because of light aether imbalance. Everything was blindingly bright.”
“Mhm, and then?”
“And then?” B’ig looks down to think again. “I guess we beat them and then got everyone home.”
Rorichaux doesn’t pry, but he accidentally lets a worried smile crawl onto his face. B’ig suddenly takes his hand and puts it on his head.
“Aren’t you glad I’m back though?” he huffs, he has his stupid smile on his face.
Rorichaux grabs a fist full of hair and shakes him around. “Don’t be so full of yourself,”
B’ig laughs.
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hypnoneghoul · 1 year
The One You Are Looking for Is Not Here
WC: 1,2K
Pairing: MountainDew + Dewther (but it's twisted)
Tags: Heavy angst, murder, non-consensual mind control
Dew changed a lot after his elemental transition and Aether couldn't accept that
Notes: Edit: There's now also a small "epilogue" written for an ask.
Read under the cut or on AO3.
“Get off me, I don’t want your fucking quintessence!” Dewdrop yelled, his voice echoing between the old walls as he tried to wrench his arm away from Aether’s tight grip, “Stop fucking with my head!”
“No, Dew, it’s okay,” the quintessence ghoul said, pumping the small ghoul full of his power. He plucked away all the doubt and hateful thoughts from his mind, until the embers of anger in Dewdrop’s eyes faded away, leaving his gaze an empty one, body sagging into Aether’s hold. 
A puppet.
Mountain saw it all, heard it all, Aether didn’t notice him this time. He was furious, striding through the corridor, pushing Aether off of Dewdrop and into a wall.
“Mounty?” the fire ghoul asked quietly, so small, terrified. The earth ghoul felt his heart shatter at the ghost of a ghoul that Aether made Dewdrop.
“It’s okay, love, go to your room, I’ll be there soon,” Aether said, voice sweet, poisoned honey, smile on his lips. A bit reluctantly, but Dewdrop obeyed, walking away from them on heavy feet, shoulders slumped.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Mountain growled when Dewdrop’s shadow disappeared behind the corner, crowding Aether against the wall.
“Don’t you miss him?” the quintessence ghoul asked, reaching his hand out to place it on Mountain’s cheek. He slapped it away with a snarl.
“Don’t you dare try that on me, don’t fucking touch me,” he spat, green eyes glowing in fury, “I don’t have to miss him, he’s right fucking here!”
“You know what I mean,” Aether sighed, way too calm, casual, for Mountain’s liking, considering the situation. “Don’t you miss how sweet he was? So clingy, always demanding cuddles. He was never a brat, never threw a temper tantrum. He was just-”
“Shut the fuck up!” the earth ghoul cut him off. “I remember very well, thank you very much. He could’ve came back to himself if you gave him time to recover, but you were just so selfish you couldn’t wait, just love him as he was, you had to mess with his mind! You fucking broke him!”
“Mountain, but it’s working, can’t you see how-”
“Stop that, or I’ll fucking kill you,” he growled, straightening up, rising to his full height. “I swear to Lucifer, Aether, I will kill you.”
The quintessence ghoul opened his mouth to, presumably, spit out some more fucked up opinions which Mountain definitely didn’t intend to listen to.
He tried so hard to protect Dewdrop. He always did, but even more when he found out what Aether was doing to him.
Yes, Mountain sometimes did miss the old times. Ifrit, Zephyr and the ghoul that Dewdrop was, when he was still a water ghoul. But Dewdrop survived, he stayed. Even if changed, he was still Dewdrop, and the earth ghoul cherished that, cherished him, loved him still. 
But Aether didn’t see it.
He deemed Dewdrop dead, as much as Ifrit and Zephyr and was keen on getting the sweet, calm and docile water ghoul back. It was, realistically, impossible, but that didn’t stop Aether from trying, from breaking Dewdrop’s mind.
Mountain did as much as possibly could. 
He dragged Dewdrop to the other side of their line for bows every show, hand gripped tight onto the smaller’s, but he couldn’t do anything to stop Aether from rubbing himself on the fire ghoul for the remaining show time. Seeing Dewdrop bully the quintessence ghoul on stage, being mean to him did help a bit, Mountain thought that Dew was breaking through the haze of Aether’s magic and manifesting his hate during their guitar duels. 
At home, he followed Dewdrop like a lost puppy, taking him to his bed for the night at every possibility. But they weren’t exclusive, none of them were, he couldn’t hold Dewdrop as a prisoner. It would make him nearly as bad as Aether. Nearly.
Mountain never told any of the other ghouls about what was going on, maybe he should have. He got furious every time he saw Swiss or Cirrus, or anyone else, get touchy with Aether, clueless of his doings, sure of his pure heart. 
Mountain also got sad, his chest squeezing painfully when in some moments he let himself forget about who Aether became. When he was remembering their life before Ifrit’s and Zephyr’s death, Dewdrop’s transformation. 
He still loved Aether, deep down.
The earth ghoul didn’t go to the commons for dinner, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from mauling Aether to death on their table, not today. He went to his greenhouse, destroyed a few empty flower pots, and cried.
Mountain cried, because he knew what he had to do.
Dewdrop went to bed alone that night, despite the gnawing feeling of needing Aether. Maybe that’s why he couldn’t fall asleep for hours. He knew he needed him, but he also had a feeling of wrong, of not wanting to even be in the same room with the quintessence ghoul. 
He had no idea where it came from, it was almost like hate, but it was so distant he couldn’t really name it. 
Dewdrop decided to fight it though, so tired of tossing and turning in his nest. He just wanted to sleep, and he was sure he would sleep really well with Aether, he always did.
He got up, padding to his door, and across the corridor to Aether’s. The feeling of needing him was fading away with each step, giving way to that weird, bad one, but the fire ghoul already got up, he wasn’t going to go back now.
Just as Dewdrop stopped outside the door, hand ready to turn the knob, he froze. Out of nowhere he realised he hated Aether. 
Really, deeply hated him. 
No need, no affection left for him, just pure hate.
He remembered everything.
It was like all Aether did to his brain retreated, fixed itself in that second.
Tears gathered in Dewdrop’s eyes. He was about to run back to his own room to cry himself to sleep, thinking of how much Aether screwed him, how he killed their love.
But the door to the quintessence ghoul’s bedroom slammed open. 
Mountain stood there, hiding his hands behind his back, his cheeks wet, “W- what are you doing here, Droplet?”
“I- I thought I needed him,” Dewdrop mumbled, starting to shake. “But I remembered everything, out of nowhere and I- I hate him, Mounty.”
He broke down on the earth ghoul’s name, tears flowing down his cheeks as heavy sobs shook his entire body. Mountain gathered him up in his arms, catching him before the ghoul fell to the floor, “Shhh, I know, I know, Droplet. It’s okay.”
He took the little ghoul back to his own nest. Dewdrop didn't stop crying for a second, mumbling ‘I hate him’ over and over again, like a mantra, into Mountain’s tear soaked shirt. He crawled onto the bed with the fire ghoul still cradled tightly in his long arms, curling around him protectively, “I’ve got you, Droplet, you’re safe now, it’s okay. He won’t mess with your pretty head anymore.”
Dewdrop’s breath hitched at his words, lifting his head slightly. He looked deep into Mountain’s eyes looking for a confirmation of what he already assumed. The fire ghoul took one of the earth ghoul’s hands into his small one, pressing his lips to the bloodied skin, the blood he didn’t notice earlier in the dark, with his tear blurred vision.
“Thank you,” he whispered, burrowing his face back into Mountain’s chest.
He did what had to be done to keep Dewdrop safe, that’s all.
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lookbluesoup · 2 years
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(Spoilers for EVERY expansion to follow)
I have been thinking about Alisaie again and I just. Have an ache over how terrified she is of losing people she loves.
I also really do love how insanely protective of the WoL she is, as much as hurts how desperate she is for you not to leave her.
That antagonism toward loss is such a recurring element throughout her story. Her fear of losing the WoL comes up frequently, and she's shown to be much more overtly afraid of harm coming to them than most of the other Scions (not that the others don't also worry, Alisaie's just so loud about it.) Which, personally, I really like about her. She may idolize the WoL, but she never forgets that they're human, too.
Anyway, this is a theme for her from the very beginning, and Alisaie is faced with a major loss in every. single. expansion. Her grandfather, Emery, the Call taking the Scions, Tesleen, and Ultima Thule. And throughout those she learns to keep her heart open nonetheless, to keep trying, to keep caring. That's what she tells the Endsinger. "We take each other's hand. Share in each other's courage. Follow in each other's footsteps. And turn sorrow into strength!"
I'm gonna shove some rambles and a BUNCH of quotes under the cut, here, because they make me emotional and I like having them in one place. This isn't all of them, but it's some of the one's that stuck out to me most in my 95987324876423 screenshots (since Tumblr only lets me put in 30 per post >_> )
The Coils of Bahamut, where she begins to hope her Grandad is still alive, only to find his body has been possessed and turned into a tool for his enemy, and the man she loved is beyond saving, and that his body is now a puppet being used to try to kill her...
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The loss of Emery in "A Malm in Her Shoes" official short story, when Alisaie shuts down and stops looking for companionship:
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In Stormblood, trying to dissuade the Qalyana from following Lakshmi after the death of the leader's daughter:
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As the other Scions get Called to the First, their souls kidnapped and their bodies left behind:
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When it's just the WoL and her, about to face Garlemald on the battlefield:
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That her instinct is to reach for the WoL when you're both Called again...
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In Shadowbringers, when Tesleen is corrupted by the Sin Eaters and transformed into an aether-hungry zombie:
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Later, when you have to kill "Tesleen", if you run the dungeon with Alisaie in your party, at the end of it she will be facing back down the road, where her friend's body was, and wishing her a peaceful rest. (And if Alphinaud is also there, he will notice, too)
Then, when the Fuath kidnap and attempt to drown you, she searches for you frantically:
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When the Light in you starts to break free and the WoL collapses, she's the first to speak, "Are you alright? Say something!" and is also the first of those gathered to take even a step toward you. She doesn't walk, she runs, and only stops when the Exarch interferes - but she's immediately ready to throw hands with him too when she starts to think he means harm:
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She lashes out in frustration when trying to find a way to save the WoL from the Light doesn't turn up anything
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By Endwalker, you can see how much she's opened up to the WoL and the rest of the Scions. How she invites you to join her around Sharlayan, surprises you with food, and is just generally so much more open and happy.
After you go missing in Garlemald, her and G'raha are the only two who run to meet the WoL on the road when they're spotted returning to camp.
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And when you don't answer immediately, she asks if you're alright, with a much softer concern.
If you speak to her before chasing after Fandaniel and Zenos in the Tower, a battle you will have to undertake alone, she will give you some bonus dialogue and pray in front of the WoL:
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If she's the one that visits you the night after returning from the Moon, she has a really touching bit of dialogue to offer the WoL (if you have not watched this cutscene please go to the Unending Journey book to replay it and pick the Alisaie route, there's so much inflection the text just can't capture):
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And once she's out of the WoL's immediate view she SPRINTS away, she's the only potential visitor who will do that, as if opening up to you so much was still frightening and her courage only lasted so long.
Finally at Ultima Thule, as your friends are taken one by one, she gets progressively more distressed... (I am running out of image space so I'll type a couple of the shorter ones)
"No... Not Estinien too..."
"Y'shtola, no! You mustn't!"
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I wish I could post the whole cutscene here but - in Endsinger, when you send your friends away, the amount of screen time dedicated to showing Alisaie realize what you are about to do, and begging you not to do it. The shock and desperation as she recognizes that you're taking away any chance she has at fighting by your side - at protecting you. That same outstretched hand:
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And when she thinks you're going to die...
“[Sobbing] You can’t leave us... Not like this... If you do, I’ll never forgive you… So come on! Open your eyes and get up!”
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Of all the companions fighting desperately to revive them and call the WoL back, her's is first the voice the WoL hears clearly through the fog, too. It's the first uninterrupted line and actually gets a text box, where the half-finished fuzzy sentences you hear companions shout before do not. If Dynamis played a part in bringing you back, her desperation may well have been a tipping point.
And then she sounds angry enough through the tears that she might just murder you again anyway
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I could probably fit another 30 in here but those are some big ones.
I think it's a big part of what makes Alisaie such a favorite of mine, the struggle she goes through and the courage she has to keep caring anyway - something you can go back and see her learn throughout the series.
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houndslayr · 2 years
Kinktober - Day 3 + 4
M.list | Rules | Navi. | Kinktober list
Gender: Male reader
Prompt: Biting + Mutal masturbation
Character: Xiao
Warning(s): Possessive Xiao, probably ooc Xiao, 18+, all consensual
Words: 1,144
A/N: I thought the first person for my first kinktober should be my main also this might be bad cause I have been really busy this week, I promise to try to make the others better. I will try to release days 5 and 6 tomorrow if I have time, if needed I will go slightly into November or combine some days together.
Fem aligned, yaoi/fujoshi supporters, pro/comshippers, mlm fetishizers dni you will be blocked
You wave goodbye to the traveler and paimon as a sigh leaves your throat as you rub the back of your neck, the commissions today with Aether were tiring and you just wanted to lie down. The trek up Wangshu inns stairs felt like hell as you finally make your way up to the balcony where Xiao usually rests.
Throwing your travel bag to the side by the entrance, you make your way over to lean on the wooden rails, waiting to see if the Adeptus will make his appearance tonight. It was your last day in Liyue for a while before you start to make your way to Sumeru with the traveler and his little flying companion.
You watched as the sun slowly started to fade from the sky, soon letting the darkness of night take over but there were still no signs of Xiao. You decided to wait a little longer, if he didn't show up you would just book a room tonight and see if you could say bye to him tomorrow.
After waiting a bit longer, you determined that the Adeptus was a no-show, you turn around to make your way to grab your stuff, and leave. A gust of strong wind whooshes past you, arms wrapping around your torso pulling you back into the person's body. As you turn around, a gasp was ripped from you lightly hitting Xiao on the shoulder. "Xiao! You almost gave me a heart attack, you can't do that!" Even though you scold him a smile still sits on your face as you relax in his grip, although something worries you.
Xiao didn't look happy, not at all in fact. "Xiao? Are you alright, love?" You straighten up, holding his face in your hands making him look at you. His cheeks heat up, a light pink blush across them as he tries to look away from your concerned gaze.
He shakes his head 'no', pulling you closer to him so that his head rests in the crease of your neck. You tried to push him back a little so you could look him in the eyes but he wouldn't let his grip budge on you if he didn't want to let you go then you had no choice but to stay there. You were strong but not Adeptus level strong, sighing again you just let him be, gazing up into the night sky as you rock the two of you slightly.
Gradually, you started to feel tired, just wanting to go lay down and rest till morning. All that exhaustion left your mind at once as you felt something puncture your neck, hastily looking down you see Xiao latched onto your neck. Squirming in his grasp to get out, he finally lets go of your neck, planting a kiss on the fresh bite mark. "Xiao, what has gotten into you tonight!"
His golden eyes just briefly glance at you then back down to your neck, starting to leave small bites then kisses promptly after. "Who were you with? Why is their scent all over you?" He finally voices what was concerning him, leaving you there stunned for a second before bursting into a short giggle. "Is that really what your all worked up about? I was just with Aether today doing commissions, why are you jealous?"
He lets out a huff, one of his hands sliding down to hold yours. "No, I don't like anyone's scent on you but mine." You roll your eyes at that, and at last, he finally lets you out of his grip. "Xiao, it's not that deep. I'm yours and you are mine, that's how it will always be." You lean over kissing him on the diamond on his forehead, before breaking away from him to grab your stuff. "Where are you going?" He ask you confused, usually you would stay out there with him longer but you felt so tired.
"Sorry Xiao, I'm tired, and tomorrow Aether and I are traveling to Sumeru for a bit." At that Xiao's face goes from confused to angry, and possessiveness swirls in his eyes. A growl leaves his lips before he grabs you and all but pushes you onto the rails. Gripping onto the rails, you look back at Xiao in shock as he immediately jumps onto you, pulling you into a deep kiss. Normally you would fight to be on top with him but you didn't feel like it at the moment, so you just let him take over.
Breaking the kiss he turns you around so that both of you are facing each other, before smashing his lips back onto yours, sometimes nipping and biting at your now puffy bottom lip. One of his hands slowly traces under your shirt moving to cup your chest as the other holds the back of your neck in place.
He lets go of your neck as you break away for air, taking the chance to drag his other hand to the rim of your pants pulling them down a little. Xiao moves to kiss from the edge of your mouth down your neck and to your unmarked side, starting to bite at it again as he pulls your now erect cock out.
His slender fingers slowly rub your slit, before sliding his hand down to your base and starting to jerk you off with precise movements. You let out small whines and huffs trying to be as quiet as you can so you won't alert Verr or anyone else. Your head softly falls onto Xiao's shoulder as he still indulges in marking your neck and wherever your shirt doesn't cover.
Moving his unattended hand to guide yours to his now prominent bulge, you slip your hand into his pants pushing down the fabric and pulling out his cock starting to jerk it off as well. He starts to jerk you off faster, and you follow to match each other's speed. A tightening feeling starts to grow in your gut feeling about ready to snap, you whine out Xiao's name as he pulls his head back and returns to kissing you. Both of you enjoying sucking up each others moans, you can feel that both of you are close. "Let's cum together, please" You whine which Xiao could only nod to as he uses his thumb to rub your slit, making you slap your other hand against your both to suppress the loud moan that comes out as you cum.
Xiao cums with you, biting onto your shoulder to muffle the moans that came from him, as you both come down from your highs his arms wrap around your waist, your legs shaking from the past activity. He pushes your head against his shoulder whispering sweet things to you, telling you that you could fall asleep, and he would clean you two up.
[Not my best but thanks for reading :)]
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Have y'all heard of our traveler's siblimg has a record in Irminsul... Like.. Ain't that weird? Anyways, angst potential 😍✨
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After hearing all of what Buer had said to her, Lumine still couldn't quite grasp at the fact that her own brother belonged here.. Then, what about her? What was she? Was she truly alone since the beginning? Or was her memories playing tricks on her... She wanted to cry but hold off those tears, she doesn't want to be seem as fragile.
What was it.. What was the reason that made her want to cry when she finally sees her brother again.. Just why isn't she at least feel a bit of happiness other than this devastating feeling of wanting to fall apart.
"Who... Are you?" Her voice almost broke but it didn't, she's still trying to hold on.. But for how long?
Aether looks at her confused, well slightly.. He still covered it up quickly with the emotionless facade, "I am your brother, Lumine."
"Don't. Lie to me. I asked once and I never want to repeat this again." Her voice was boarse. It almost felt raw.
"Who. Are. You?!" Her glowering eyes was filled with pure loathing, betrayal and devastation. Questioning their very existence and purposes.
"You're not my brother. No, Do I even had one in the beginning? I can't tell anymore.." she covers her ears, eyes shaking in fear. It began blurring her vision but that wasn't the only reason, her tears were finally out. She's breaking... Into pieces just like a brittle gem.
Aether wanted to get close to his sister but the moment he did, she drew her sword and backs away.
"I don't know what my purpose is anymore.. All the things I had done was because of my determination to find you..
In hoping that we could go home, but I guess..
This is Your home.."
She smiles whilst her tears were like waterfalls, falling down nonstop. Shutting her eyes close again, her voice was shattering just like her heart.
"Maybe I could love you like I used to.. Eventhough, you're different."
Aether fell into silence, seeing his twin sister cry over him. She looks like she's about to just give up
"I don't know.. If I can hendle the truth anymore, if this is enough to break me."
"You have to, Lumine. This is the only way-"
Aether was shocked hearing her scream. She's frustrated and in rage. Sorrowful and Alone.
Her tears never stopped flowing, like a broken pipe. But she was quite, eerily quiet. Her weapon in hand but still unmoving, her eyes were dull, hollow and dark. Just like the Abyss, as if she had fallen down in it before.
"What was my purpose.. In doing all this eventhough I know it will only be useless..
Right.. I just wanna go home.. I just.. want.. Happiness."
-The End-
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beantothemax · 9 months
The time has come
The blorbo posts are moving out of tellius, who knows how long it will be until they break even the fe containment
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Back to the basics, list time!!!
She is in literally every game except fe2 and it's remake fe15
I adore her little finger chin touch that she does in every game
Every iteration of her is actually a different person and they're all a big family of sisters
^this also has the implication that Anna has interdimensional travel powers (and also time travel)(this is also hinted at in engages epilogue)
I believe there's two eras of Anna, pre and post-awakening. With pre-awakening being more down to earth and existing a lot more as the menu and secret shop person, with post-awakening being more high energy, and I don't want to say one-note, but more, let's say focused on a specific gimmick, which in Annas case is being a cuttthroat buisnesswoman, and this often comes along as borderline psychopathic (/pos imo), but I don't think this was the intention. I love both versions
Post-awakening she's actually a playable character in almost all the games, including Awakening (Very fun to use, trickster class which is staves and Swords, she does especially well with Levin sword and that's always fun), Fates (haven't used her, dlc), Three Houses (kinda sucks and has no supports, also dlc and one of the other dlc characters is just better in everyway gameplay wise) and Engage (also very fun to use, uses axes at base and bows on promotion which is very nice, she also has great magic and can be very good as a mage)
Sells you drugs
So Anna huh, the most reocurring fe character by far, and I love reocurring characters. She's a shrewd buisnesswoman and always have been, but she's a pretty chill gal pre-awakening and just hangs around and gives you tips. And sells you drugs, don't forget about that. Then in awakening she returns once again, but now with a more, high-energy personality. The reason I called her borderline psychopathic is that she here begins to make a lot of quips and jokes about killing people in ways that are some kind of money puns in a very lighthearted tone, "prices aren't the only things i slash" for exampel. I personally find this kind of endearing (this holds up with my other blorbo Henry also from awakening). Then in engage she shows up as a child who has been lost from her family (her anna sisters) Here in engage she has a wonderful childlike feel when doing all her merchant things, while still having that dash of psychosis. And I find this very endearing as well.
She also has a boyfriend who is also reocurring, just not as much has her. Meet Jake! His personality and looks vary a bit.
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Then there was the final dlc to awakening, bringing one final challenge to all who played the game. Apotheosis, featuring the final final boss...
Anna the merchant
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This is an insane boss, probably the single strongest boss in all of fire emblem, with insane stats like 99 hp, 60 str, 50 mag, 70 skl, 70 spd, 65 lck, 55 def and 55 res. So insanely much.
But that's not even the worst part, her skills are. Counter dealing all physical damage back, Vantage+ to always attack first, Aether which is usually only a main character skill, dragonskin (????????) which halfs all damage dealt and RIGHTFUL GOD
rightful god gives 30% extra proc chance to all proc skills
yeah, insane boss
But overall yeah I just like her, great vibe tbh.
I think me liking her might also have something to do with that she reminds me a lot of an oc I made a loooong time ago with pie who has a special place in my heart.
Anyway finishing picture of all of anna
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I find it extremely hilarious that Anna just. has time travel powers. The single constant of the fire emblem universe is the presence of silly capitalism gal
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