#Thea Queen Deserves Better
the-feral-gremlin · 1 year
Daily Reminder that Thea Queen was 12 when the Yatcht went down.
She was 12, watching her mother breakdown in the Queen family’s living room as she tried to explain that Ollie and Robert were gone, clutching a family photo to her chest as Walter rubbed her back. She was 12, watching two empty caskets that would never be filled be lowered into the ground. She was 12, being dragged away kicking and screaming from the gravestone by a sad eyed Walter as the sun sets. She was 12, watching her mother barely talk then stop talking all together, then stop leaving her room. Yet she was still expected to go to school with grief the size of the mansion she lived in. She was 12, listening to her friends complain about their fathers not buying them the latest toy or their brothers ruining their toys. Yet all she wanted was her family back, because it felt like her mother died with them. She was 12 and feeling like the entire queen mansion was going to swallow her whole. She was 12 when her entire world shattered.
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moonlight-prose · 9 months
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I have spent several days drafting this post because there's so much I want to say. 2023 was filled with some big moments for me. I graduated college, met my friend group, went on night time adventures, and actually acted like my age for once. I was chaotic and fun and carefree for the first time since I turned 19. But things have also gone wrong in many ways.
Which is why I write this to you guys. The incredible people on this site. Whether you follow me, are my mutuals, or have seen my blog in passing (or in your notes), I want to wish you a Happy New Year.
While this year might have sucked for a majority of it, the light I found in this community - on this site - is unmatched. I have met some of my greatest friends here. I've cried to fics, lost my mind over characters, and written so much more than I actually expected. It's been a hell of a year and an absolute honor getting to thirst with y'all.
So here's to getting sluttier in 2024! I'm toasting my champagne glass to you guys.
I also wanted to simply shout out some very important people to me. They've made 2023 bearable and I couldn't have been happier to know them through this place. A big massive fucking THANK YOU to my darlings. You're the greatest people I know.
@soulores my queen, my babe, my bestie. it is hard to believe we didn't start officially talking till summer of this year, because i genuinely feel like we've known each other for years. from our sunday morning phone conversations, to our screaming in the dms about these fictional men, and movie days with you. i couldn't have asked for a better friend to meet this year. here's to many many more memories in 2024 (and to finally meeting in person!).
@themarcusmoreno what would be a dedication post without mentioning you! my love i am so so fucking happy we met two years ago. all because of pedro pascal. crazy to think i would have found such an incredible person who happened to love all the things i love! you're the greatest friend and i am so grateful for you. thank you for sticking with me.
@sunflowersteves vic the absolute bad bitch. THE PERSON YOU ARE. i am so so so so fucking happy you and i are still mutuals. after meeting through marvel of all things and then pedro and now top gun. there's so many memories with you i cherish. and i can't wait to make more. and a massive thank you for being such a cheerleader for my writing this year. you and ash have managed to keep me going even when times were tough.
@karasong my first EVER mutual on this site. it's so hard to think that if it weren't for you i wouldn't be writing on here. you followed me two years ago and i flipped out and the feeling hasn't changed one bit. i couldn't be happier you're in my life. from starting up the server with you, to yearning for obi-wan, life with you in it is so much better.
@softanon it would not be a proper dedication post if i did not add you babes. dia you are one of my favorite people to exist. you're effortlessly cool, have the best ideas, and i always feel so lucky that i met you. from our talks about the moon knight bois, to tommy miller, to yearning over din djarin, i have loved every single convo with you. they bring me so much joy. you are an incredible person and i am looking forward to SO MANY more convos about our favorite men!
@saradika to one of the greatest people to exist in this fandom i love love love you. your graphics and the love you show to everyone around is so incredible and bright. we seriously don't deserve you, but i am so happy you are here and that you exist. you've made 2024 brighter just by being here.
@tarrenterror25 the spookiest darling ever! when you showed up on the server it was such a good day! and you brought with you so much fun and joy that the server was never the same. i am sending you an infinite amount of love this new years and here's to more chaos with you in 2024!
to my darlings in the dilf nation server:
@arctvrvs thea babes you are iconic, lovely, and are one of the best people to exist. you made 2023 so much better just by being around to yearn over joel with you. i couldn't be happier to know you!
@fluffyprettykitty selene you are the coolest people who has the coolest fics! the love you share on fics is so incredible, it never ceases to bring a smile to my face. also you're just so awesome i couldn't have asked for a better person to join the server.
@rae-gar-targaryen my fanboy lover in crime. i'm sure i've said it countless times, but you are so cool and amazing and beautiful. you are a goddess in real life. the talent you have is so fucking incredible it haunts me. i love each and every one of your creations and i love you as well!
@mostly-megan you are an absolute sweetheart and even though we haven't talked much in 2023, i hope to have so many more conversations with you in the coming new year. sending you my love darling!
@agirllovespancakes iris you lovely human being. i remember when i was first posting hurt you would reblog the greatest comments. and it made me want to continue, because i looked forward to each one. and now that i know you love tommy too! you're so amazing and i dedicate a new years kiss to you.
@inklore you talented insanely incredible person! i could make a whole list of good things about you. i am sending you SO MUCH love for 2024. i hope it's amazing.
@outercrasis birdie my darling i want to tell you all the things that i cherish about you. from the love you showed on black velvet, to the way we screamed about bruce wayne and even frank castle, i live for our conversations. here's to so much more fun in 2024 and infinite convos about saltburn.
tagging those lovely humans who've made 2023 so incredible. please know i love you so much and i am kissing you when the clock strikes midnight. thank you for making this year so incredible!:
@stargazingcarol, @cregan-starks, @lady-of-glass-and-bone, @fushic0re, @targaryenvampireslayer, @pennyserenade, @flightlessangelwings, @stargirlfics, @goldgilzean, @kalllistos, @flordeamatista, @perotovar, @my-secret-shame, @roamwithahungryheart, @galatially, @eloquentmoon, @starryeyedstories, @oscarseyebrow, @iraot, @zinzinina, @thefact0rygirl, @iamskyereads, @navybrat817, @ifimayhaveaword, @the-godparticle
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schrijverr · 4 months
Defining a Killer
Takes place during 3x14: The Return. After learning about killing Sara, Thea thinks of herself as a killer. Oliver tells her that she isn’t by opening up about his own bloody past.
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warnings: discussions of death and discussions of killing
After all the adrenaline of the day, the two Queen siblings sit quietly on the beach of Lian Yu as they wait for the day to come. Soon, they’ll be picked up and charted back to the mainland, but for now they sit by the fire, watching it crackle.
Oliver is intimately aware of Thea sitting hunched in on herself, hugging her knees. He knows the pain of guilt and wishes he could have spared her from it. She doesn’t deserve to feel like this, Sara’s death isn’t her fault, even if it were hands who carried it out.
He wants to say something, make sure she knows that it’s not on her. So, she doesn’t fall into the same trap he did of trying to make up for your father’s mistakes. He carries that burden, so she doesn’t have to and it kills him to see her do it anyway, just because Malcom wormed his way into her head.
Clumsily, he attempts: “Sara’s blood isn’t on your hands. You didn’t kill her, Malcom did by using you.”
The words are ones he’s said before and they haven’t worked then, but he needs to say something, anything, to try and break through to her.
“Tsk,” Thea huffs, hunching further into herself. “We both know that’s not true. I shot those arrows at her. Three of them. Right in her chest. How was that not my fault, Ollie?”
She looks at him, her eyes burning with rage and unshed tears. The rage isn’t directed at him, nor at Malcom, but at herself. And the rage isn’t actually rage, it’s just the emotion she feels, because it’s the emotion that’s easier than all the others.
Oliver knows, he’s been there. Which makes it all the harder to get through to her, because he also knows how many times he’s been in her shoes with someone else in his, and how he never listened to what the person in his position told him. Self-hatred and blame are hard to let go.
“You weren’t in your right mind, Speedy. He drugged you,” Oliver repeats, because it bears repeating, as often as she needs to hear it until she believes it.
“I’m a killer, Ollie,” Thea grits out. “Nothing you can say will change that.”
Unable to stop it and unsure why his brain thinks it’s a proper response to that, Oliver huffs out a snort of laughter at that.
Immediately he wants to take it back, reverse time so he can change it so he doesn’t do that, because it’s stupid. However, before he can say anything, Thea snaps: “You think that’s funny? You think it’s funny that Sara died. That I killed her? You think that’s hilarious, Oliver?”
Oef, not Ollie, but Oliver. Thea almost never calls him Oliver, one of the few people who still sticks with the name that suited him better before he set foot on the Queen’s Gambit. It’s a little bittersweet. She still sees him as who he was then, instead of the killer he is now. Bit ironic that she switched now surrounding this.
Though, it does give him more of an idea on what he wants to say next. “Speedy- Thea, I- I wasn’t laughing at you. Or Sara’s death. I promise.”
“Then why?”
“It’s just… you. You calling yourself a killer,” Oliver says, trying to explain the concepts in his brain with words.
“I killed a person. A person we both knew and loved. I did it in cold blood, she didn’t even get to defend herself,” Thea exclaims. “How is that not being a killer?”
“You’re all torn up about it,” Oliver shrugs, before cringing as he realizes how that sounds. He backtracks: “Which is good. I mean, not the, uhm, feeling bad part, but the feeling about it part. It wasn’t meant as a bad thing.”
Thea eyes him warily for a moment, then unfurls a little as she says: “You’ve been around Felicity too much,” breaking the tension as Oliver manages a genuine smile at reminder of the babbling blonde.
Then the two fall quiet again, staring into the fire.
It takes about five minutes for Thea to talk again. Oliver has been mentally beating himself up for putting his foot in his mouth during that time, unsure of how to start the conversation again, when she does it for him. “What did you mean by I’m all torn up about it?”
“You feel bad about killing Sara. It’s tearing you apart, I can see it. Killers don’t do that, Thea, they don’t. It doesn’t cross their radar that they took someone’s life,” Oliver tells her honestly, hoping the message lands without him having to get personal. He hates getting personal.
“I nearly killed Mr. Wilson today,” Thea says, not refuting him but not agreeing either.
“But you didn’t,” Oliver points out. “If you were a killer, you would have pointed that gun at him and pulled the trigger without giving me a chance to talk you out of it.”
“And how would you know,” Thea huffs, curling back in on herself from where her body language had been a bit more open before. Rejection to what he’s saying. She still feels guilty and she doesn’t believe him.
Another approach, then. Fuck, he really hoped to avoid getting personal. Trying to keep it to a minimum, he simply says: “Because I am a killer.”
Thea’s head shoots up and Oliver smartly chooses to ignore her gaze. He doesn’t want to look at her, never wanted her to know that about him, to look at him differently because of it. From the corner of his eyes, he sees her shake her head. “No, Ollie, you’re- you’re a hero. You’re not a killer, you stopped that.”
“I did stop,” Oliver agrees, because he is proud of how far he’s come in his battle against his internal darkness, but he knows that it’s there and that it’ll never fully leave. He knows who he is. So, he rightfully points out: “But that means I did kill before that.”
“That’s not the same,” Thea argues. “You weren’t killing friends, you were targeting corrupt shitheads. I worked with Laurel back then, I saw the files on some of them. You can’t compare that at all.”
Sometimes, Oliver forgets how little they all know about his time away. How much he keeps hidden, because sharing hurts, sharing shames. He’s a different man now, but that fear of everyone seeing him differently still lingers. Even if playing his old self felt uncomfortable, it had always felt safer than being himself.
Now, he finds himself on a crossroad again. He has to decide what to hide and what reveals will be worth it. Taiana flashes through his mind, how easily her neck snapped beneath his hands. Then she is followed by a slew of nameless faces that he cut through so easily, never feeling guilty or stopping for a second.
It’s not a pretty past, but he promised Thea no more lies, and he can’t risk loosing her. Not now, not over this.
Still, he tries to be vague as he says: “I’ve killed friends. Killed a bunch of people, who might not have deserved it. I wouldn’t know, I didn’t know them, they were just in my way.” He stares deeply into the flames, as if they might give him answers. “I’ve killed a lot, Speedy, during those five years. At some point, I stopped feeling bad. It was just a thing I did.” He clears his throat and looks at her. “That’s what being a killer is. I am one, I know that you aren’t.”
Thea’s eyes are wide, her mouth hanging open slightly as she looks at him, shallow breaths puffing out her chest.
She opens and closes her mouth a few times with nothing coming out, her hands twitch, as if she can physically grasp something to say out of thin air. Oliver lets her process, preferring the silence over making it worse. He can quietly await her judgment.
In the end, she softly asks: “Do you- Are you- Are you still a killer now? I- I mean, you haven’t killed anyone recently, but- but is it still…” she trails off.
“Is it still something I do?” Oliver fills in the rest of the sentence for her.
Thea nods.
“I don’t know,” he shrugs. “I could still kill someone, if my life depends on it or the life of someone I love. I- I don’t know how I’d feel. I hope I’ll feel bad, but maybe it’s too ingrained now. I didn’t feel bad when I killed the Count. But he had Felicity. I tried to kill Ra’s, but I don’t know how I would have felt if I had succeeded.”
It’s quiet for a beat, then Thea asks: “How did you feel after the first time?”
“Sick,” Oliver answers quite easily. “It was an accident, I got lucky. We rolled down a hill, he hit his head on a stone, I didn’t. I took his clothes, never learned his name, but I’ll never forget his face.”
“That’s- that’s horrible, Ollie,” Thea says. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright,” he smiles at her, pretending that it’s not a lie. That first kill was a turning point for him and he knows it. It was necessary. He would have died otherwise. But sometimes he lets himself wonder who he would be, if he had never taken a life. He had hoped Thea would never have to wonder, but here she is.
Shado comes to him, and he says: “The second time was somehow less bad. I felt justified. I shot this man, who’d been tormenting us for a year. He had a knife to my friend. Killing him saved her. Saved all of us. It was heat of the moment. The third time was the worst, more purposeful. Beat a man to death with a rock. I didn’t have to. The others told me to stop, but I didn’t. I just kept hitting until he stayed down.”
He doesn’t look at Thea directly, but he sees her perk up with interest and a bit of horror and confusion. He knows he rarely talks about those years. Thea has always been curious about them, wanting him to open up, but having resigned herself to never knowing.
Oliver had resolved to never tell, yet being here, back on Lian Yu, it makes all those memories come to the surface. It makes him want to share a bit of it with Thea.
“A friend,” he continues, voice growing tight as he talks about Shado, “told me that nothing can make you something you’re not. Everyone has a demon inside of them. She talked about the Ying and the Yang; the opposing forces inside all of us. The darkness and the light, the killer and the hero.”
He gives himself a second to remember her, standing in that lake with him, gently cleaning his face of the blood he spilled in her defense.
Then he takes a deep breath and looks at Thea again. “I used to let the killer lead, now I’m trying to balance what I did as a killer by trying to be a hero. You’ve had your darkness, but you also have your light. You’ve killed, but you’re not a killer. You can become one, but you can also become a hero. And I know you’re more a hero than a killer, Speedy.”
Thea, for the first time since she found out, smiles at him. It’s a bit wobbly and watery, but it’s a smile. He’d give anything to keep her smiling, no matter how little. “Thank you,” she says.
She scoots a bit closer to him and he lifts his arm, so she can crawl under it like she used to do as a little kid, a small tear in his heart healing when she still does so, instead of recoiling away from him after all she’s learned about him today. Maybe this whole not lying thing is working. Maybe he’s finally getting his sister back.
They stare into the flames together, before Thea teasingly asks: “So, are you going to tell me more about this lady friend of yours that you made here?”
Shado’s death still haunts him, but he doesn’t want her memory to die due to his own guilt. She deserves more than that. Still, he’s said and remembered enough today already. So, he hugs Thea closer and promises: “I will, just not today.”
He is half expecting a fight, but Thea just huddles in closer and simply says: “Okay. But I do expect details when you’re ready.”
Oliver smiles at that, rewarding her kindness by saying: “I’ll tell you all you want to know. You already know her a bit, you know.”
“Hm? How so?”
“Remember that Hozen, I gave you?”
“Of course, how could I forget. The rock.” It’s a bittersweet joke and their hearts twinge in sync for the loss of Tommy.
Not wanting to dwell on it now, Oliver says: “She gave it to me.”
There’s a surprised inhalation of air. Thea likely gathered he hadn’t gotten it at the gift shop after finding out about all the Arrow things, but hearing its true origin is probably also different from what she thought. She asks: “And did you reconnect with her?”
Melancholy overcomes him as he looks to the starry sky of Lian Yu that he watched with Shado so many nights, knowing her grave is now nearby. He won’t see her again in his life, but coming here, passing on her wisdom to Thea, makes him feel a little closer to her again.
“I guess I did, in a way,” he says, then adds: “And I know that one of these days, when I don’t win, she’ll be there waiting. And I can tell her all about what I’ve been up to.”
“She’s dead?” Thea asks.
He nods.
“Is she…?” Thea is unable to ask if she is the friend he killed.
“No, not directly,” he says. He still feels guilty about Shado’s death, still feels responsible, but he’s been working to being in a better place. Working towards the light. He likes to think she’d be proud of him for not blaming himself.
Darkness and light. Killer and hero.
She saw his darkness, she saw the killer, but she knew he could be the light and the hero. He’s honoring her by working towards believing it for himself. And Thea will get there too.
Honestly, I’m so emotional about Shado and what she meant and I was so upset at her death and how she died, like, my girl deserved so much better </3
Also very emo about Oliver getting her tattoo removed post-season 3 to symbolize him not needing it as a reminder of his guilt, because he realized he isn’t guilty and he doesn’t need that trauma on his back. Which he’s already working towards here.
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felicitymegan · 9 months
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blog canon / divergence . s3 forward . **
** a lot of my felicity has been developed outside of arrow canon alongside @oliverjonas​ so this blog canon will reflect that & specific oliver & felicity canon with kris can be found here ( x ). but there will be au verses available .
she is working at tech village after she loses her job at kord industries after they all get fired from qc. once queen consolidated is aquired by palmer tech ( who’s work she has long admired for the strides he’s made not only in tech, but in building a company )she applies back to the i.t. department & begins to work her way up in the company, more aggressively than when she worked at queen consolidated. over the course of the year she earns her spot as vp as she & ray figure out that they work together really well & become good friends . 
after everything that happens with ra’s & the explosion at palmer tech, felicity is eager to get out of star city & travel the world with the man she loves . but she very soon starts to miss their live in star city, despite all of the bad memories that live there because their family lives there too. she misses digg & dinah & thea & starts helping them, not knowing that oliver is planning to propose.
when the ghosts attack the limo, after she and oliver get engaged, felicity is shot four times ( twice in the shoulder, once in the side piercing her kidney & once in the back near her spinal cord ) . it takes months of physical therapy & follow ups after her initial three month stay in the hospital with her doctors to get her body even close to being fully healed . despite that & her doctors warnings to take it easy ( not to mention the team ) she continued to work with the team from home & the hospital until she was strong enough to be back in the bunker for longer periods of time. 
felicity breaks up with oliver not because he didn’t tell her about william even though she’s still pretty pissed  … but so that oliver can figure out how he wants to deal with being william’s dad / being green arrow / being oliver / being with her. she feels bad that she made him come back because she didn’t want to stop & now ? there’s all of this to deal with & she is focused on getting better & work. neither choose to keep the loft & rent it out shortly after their break up.
oliver & felicity go through a two year separation while remaining team members / building new team arrow, they have hooked up intermittently on their break but that stopped as soon as she started dating billy ( probably ).
after getting help from helix to find prometheus & then realizing that cay.den ja.mes was a little more than cuckoo bananas felicity actively works to dismantle helix . 
she feels beyond guilty when billy dies & throws herself even further into her work & steps away team for a while to focus on it & deal with billy’s death. 
felicity starts working on starting smoak technologies in her apartment with curtis ( their first project is attempting to create the bio-stimulant implant in a way that is affordable & accessible for the general public ) 
once they get back from lian yu oliver & felicity start to really work on repairing their relationship & working to introduce william to the idea of them being together while honoring samantha’s memory.
also no one gets married at barry & iris' wedding except barry & iris you absolute ******* ********
oliver & felicity are legally separated but still married when she finds out she’s pregnant with mia & while they live apart they work really hard to give both of their kids the childhood they deserve & make sure they know that they are a family no matter what. 
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This one was posted August 27, 2023. And there are 3 more that have already been written to post. After that, I have no more backlog in drafts.
𝑺𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝟏 𝑬𝒑𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒅𝒆 𝟒: 𝑨𝒏 𝑰𝒏𝒏𝒐𝒄𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑴𝒂𝒏 (𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝟏)
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*Oliver's Voiceover*
My name is Oliver Queen. I was stranded on an island, with one goal. To survive.
Oliver Queen is alive.
Now I will fulfill my father's dying wish.
"Survive" says Robert before shooting himself in the head.
To use the list of names he gave me to bring down those poisoning our city. But to do this, I must become someone else, I must be something else.
Diggle wakes up in Oliver's lair, to see the vigilante without his hood.
"You're that vigilante." Dig gets off the table
"Easy Dig, you were poisoned."
"Son of a bitch." Diggle says as he swings at Oliver
Oliver dodges it "come on.. I could've taken you anywhere, but I brought you here."
"You really did lose your mind on that island." Diggle says
"Found some things along the way."
"What? Archery classes?" Diggle says with snark
"Clarity. Starling City is dying, being poisoned by a criminal elite who don't care who they hurt. As long as they remain at the top..
"What are you gonna do, take them out by yourself?" John asks
"I want your help, special forces out of Kandahar. You're a fellow soldier."
"You're not a soldier. You're a criminal."
"And a murderer."
Oliver walks through the door of the mansion and sees Laurel "Where were you? "
"What are you doing here?" He asks
"There was a shooting at your stepfather's auction, so naturally as a friend, I came by to make sure you didn't get shot."
"And what I found was a family worried with the same concerns."
"You need to start remembering something Oliver." She said
He listened.
"You're not on an island anymore. There are people here that care about you now, whether you like it or not. You need to show them the basic decency of letting them know you're okay in situations like this. You didn't even text them."
"I can handle that.. But your family doesn't deserve to be treated like that."
"Laurel, thank you for coming."
"Please.. Just do better." She says with a sigh as she leaves.
Oliver sighs with his head back and Thea walks up behind him "That was harsh."
"Are you okay?" She asks as she gives him a hug.
"Just.. It's the second time tonight a friend has taken me to the woodshed, it tires you out.."
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Yao Fei comes into the cage carrying a woven cage with a bird in it.
"Shengcún." He says
"What am I supposed to do with that?"
"Shengcún!" he repeats as he walks.
"I don't speak Chinese!"
Oliver looks at his little picture of Laurel. "I'm so sorry Laurel.. So sorry."
➴◉◉➴◉◉➴◉◉➴◉◉➴◉◉➴◉◉➴◉◉➴◉◉➴◉◉➴◉◉➴Oliver wakes up with a start, and walks down stairs where Thea is watching TV.
"There were no signs of forced entry, but later the police found the bloodstained kitchen knife in the trunk."
"Couldn't sleep either?" Thea asks as she notices Oliver.
"No" he says taking a seat next to her on the couch
"Forensic Analysis confirmed.. "
"What are you watching?" Oliver asks
"It's about Peter Declan, a man who murdered his wife in front of their baby."
"Despite the growing list of evidence, Declan remains in denial."
"Camille was everything to me, I couldn't kill her anymore than I could myself."
"Psycho.." Thea says before turning her attention to Oliver.
"So, why can't you sleep?"
"Just Bad dreams." He says
"So why don't you make a play? I mean she did come to make sure you didn't get shot."
"I have reasons.." He says
"What are they, other than you sleeping with her sister, who also died. Her father hating you, and you being a jerk to everyone since you came back?"
"Those.. Are the main ones."
He sighs "I know it may not always seem like it... But I'm not the person I was anymore."
"Then show her.. Show her your new self."
➳➳➳➳➳➳➳➳➳➳➳➳➳➳➳➳➳➳➳➳➳In the morning Oliver walks downstairs and sees his mother sitting on the couch and a man standing in the corner of the room.
"How did you sleep?" Moira asks
"Just fine." He says as he walks by her.
"We have a visitor." He says
"Mr Diggle's replacement"
"He resigned on account of you constantly ditching him."
Oliver walks over to the other man "Hi."
Mr Queen, Rob Scott." He says as he shakes his hand
"That's a firm grip you have Rob." Oliver says
"That's 5 years SWAT with Monument Point MCU."
"I feel safer already."
"Thank god we don't have to hear about this awful man anymore." Moira says as she looks at the TV.
Oliver unmutes it.
"The execution of Peter Declan is slated for midnight 2 days from now."
Camille's former employer, Jason Brodeur had this to say "I hope this gives Camille the peace she deserves."
A look of realization covers Oliver's face for a brief moment and "Jason Brodeur" slips out of his mouth
"What?" Moira asks
"The dead wife worked for Jason Brodeur." He says
"Apparently.. Why?"
"No reason."
Oliver speaks up "Rob, I'd like to go into town. May you grab the car for me?"
"No Offense Mr Queen, but I know you're a flight risk. If it's all the same, I'd prefer to keep you in my sights at all times." Rob says
"We're 20 miles from the city, how are we supposed to get there if you don't take me?" Oliver says
Rob looks at him and then walks outside.
"I like him!" Oliver says enthusiastically
Outside Rob is waiting by the car when Oliver races past him on a motorcycle as he waves.
Rob waves back until the realization hits him "Hey!"
*Oliver's Voiceover*
They say Peter Declan killed his wife in cold blood. He had no allibi.. And all evidence pointed to him.
In a warehouse, Jason Brodeur stands next to another man.
This would be an open shut case, except Camille worked for Jason Brodeur... And he's on the list.
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"Mr. Brodeur. "
"Admiring your handiwork?" Asks Brodeur
"You should've just let me kill both of them." The man says
"Declan is worth more alive."
Jason speaks again "Husband kills wife is a much better headline than whistle blower uncovers toxic dumping, don't ya think?"
"Besides, in 48 hours all of this will be over."
*Oliver's Voiceover*
The odds are good that Brodeur is involved with Camille's murder. Which means an Innocent man is facing execution.
He'll need a good attorney.
Back at CNRI, Laurel is packing up for the night when Johanna speaks up.
"So I take it there's no point in asking you if you want to get a drink?"
"That would be accurate. I still have to go over the transcripts in the Fernands case."
"You know, your chances of meeting someone are way better, if you go somewhere that isn't work or home."
"Mm. Could still get mugged on the way home." She says with a slight smirk
"Well, then I hope he's cute and single." She retorts
"Good night, Jo." Laurel said walking out the door.
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The scene changed as Laurel walked into her house. It was dark and the lights wouldn't turn on.
Her senses kicked in, she was very aware that someone was there. She readied herself to grab a knife.
She remembered this could be a simple threat, and didn't want to show everything she knew, so instead she reached for a pistol in a drawer, speaking up.
"If you're trying to be discreet, you're terrible at it. I've known you were here since I walked in."
She looked back and saw the hooded man looking back at her, and he said "Hello Laurel."
"You better stay where you are, Robin Hood." She warned.
Sure, she wasn't gonna outright attack the vigilante, but if he tried anything, he'd get a piece of her combat training.
"I'm not gonna hurt you." Said the deep voice
"You move, I shoot. And something tells me I can pull this trigger faster than you can shoot those arrows."
"I'm not the person you think I am. I need your help."
"Peter Declan is gonna be executed in 48 hours. I think he is innocent."
"His wife was going to report Jason Brodeur for Toxic dumping. Brodeur had her killed."
"And out of the thousands of Lawyers in Starling City, you choose me. Why is that?" She asked
"We're both trying to help."
"And what makes you so sure I'd help you?" She asked
He walked around her saying "Because I know you would do anything to save the life of an innocent man."
As she looked up her gun was lowered and he was gone.
Laurel is sitting at a table in Iron Heights across from Peter Declan as he looks at a picture of his daughter.
"A jury has found you guilty Mr. Declan." She started
"The evidence was stacked against me, but I didn't kill my wife. My daughter's mother."
"The murder weapon was a knife from your kitchen with your with your prints on it and your wife's blood."
"It was found in the trunk of your car."
"And your neighbors said they heard an argument that night."
He sighed "it was about Jason Brodeur. They were dumping toxic waste.. And Camille told me she went to a supervisor about it."
"I was afraid for my family's safety, so yes, we argued. Very loudly."
"Izzy started crying so Camille stayed with her over night. I came in during the morning to apologize, and that's when I found her.."
"....I just took Izzy, and I ran outside... And I called the cops."
"I'm innocent Ms. Lance."
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Back in his office at Queen consolidated, Walter is checking the records on his desktop as Moira walked in.
"Well, it looks like somebody forgot a lunch date with his wife." She said
"What do you mean? Lunch isn't for another.... Oh. 45 minutes ago."
"I'm sorry." Walter apologized.
"It's alright, the restaurant is still holding our table." She says, her smile faltering as she noticed a distressed expression on his face.
"Is everything okay?"
"It's.. Well Compliance department has tagged something.. A $2.6 million withdrawal from one of our subsidiaries in Vancouver."
"W-what? Are you saying someone embezzled $2.6 million from the company?" She asked
"Well, it's more likely a bookkeeping error, Compliance is understandably worried about an IRS Audit."
He saw her concerned expression and spoke again "But don't worry, I'm sure it's nothing."
"Come on, we'll be late. well, Later. " He said as he turned to leave.
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At the Police station, Laurel met with her father to ask about the old Declan case.
"I wasn't the lead on that investigation, but as I recall, we had prints, blood and there was motive."
"Brodeur seems like the kind of guy to have the right resources for a proper frame up." Laurel said as she looked through the file.
"In 24 hours Peter Declan is getting the needle in his arm. And he isn't getting back up."
"Don't you think if I thought for a second we had the wrong man, I'd be doing everything I could to get to what really happened?" Quentin asks
"Declan said his wife went to a supervisor on Toxic waste dumping allegations." Laurel says
"Yeah, but he said that never happened." He says as he looks through the file
"What was his name?"
"Istook.. Matt Istook."
"He said he didn't even see Camille that day. Happy now?" He said looking up at her
"Yes." She said with a smile as she stood up.
"You know, I thought it would be a cold day in hell before you started defending criminals."
"Not so sure he is one.. But like you said, he's on a clock. I can't leave any stone unturned." She says as she walks off
"Oh yeah."
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John was sitting at a Table at Big Belly Burger, as Carly walked over with his food.
"So when are you gonna tell me what happened to your arm?"
"Oh, this? It's my shoulder. It's fine..." He said
"I had a feeling that Queen guy was trouble."
"Hey, I never said this happened protecting Queen." He responded
She looked past John as she spoke "Oh yea then why is he here?"
Oliver and Rob walked through the door.
"Are is secure, sir."
"Thank you very much Rob." He said, heading towards Dig.
"Hello Diggle's sister-in-law Carly. I'm Oliver Queen."
"I know who you are." She responded.
"No, you really don't." John said with a hint of snark in his tone.
Carly walked away as Oliver took a seat.
"I couldn't help but notice a distinct lack of police cars when I got home. I knew you wouldn't drop a dime on me." Oliver said
"So have you considered my offer?"
"Offer? That's one hell of a way to put it."
"It is an offer."
"It's a chance to do the kind of good, you joined the military to do." Oliver continued.
"Please. You were born with a platinum spoon in your mouth Queen. What, 5 years without room service and you find religion?" John said with a scoff
Oliver takes the tiny book out of his pockets and places it on the table saying, "This was my father's. I found it when I buried him."
Diggle's eyes widened slightly. "I thought you said he went down with the boat."
"We both made it to a life raft. But there wasn't enough food and water for both of us, so he shot himself in the head." Oliver began.
"And as much as he did it to help me survive.. I also believe it was his way of atoning for his sins."
"I need to right the wrongs done by my family... And I'm giving you the chance to right the wrongs done to yours."
"What are you talking about man?"
"The police never identified your brother's killer."
"Leave Andy out of this-"
"The bullets were laced with curare, the M.O. of deadshot, The sniper I stopped." Oliver said as he looked at John
"You're telling me you took down Andy's killer?"
'I'm giving you.. A chance to help other people's families. Do you remember when people in this city helped each other?"
"They can't anymore... Because the group of people like my father see nothing wrong with stepping on people's throats to raise themselves up higher."
"It needs to stop. And if not by the cops and the law, then it's gonna be me. And I hope you." Oliver finished as he stood up.
He walked by Rob saying, "I'm gonna go to the washroom real quick."
Rob nodded his head as Oliver walked off. After Diggle's and Rob stood in silence for a little bit, Dig spoke up as he looked at Rob.
"That boy's long gone."
Rob looked at him very concerned.
"Phew." He said imitating a speeding bullet taking off.
Moira walked into the Living Room where she saw Walter looking around with his glasses on.
She walked to the table nearby and said "Still following the money trail?"
She stepped towards a little table as she spoke again. "Don't we have accountants for this sort of thing?"
Not looking up, Walter said "Well, they're being singularly ineffective in this instance."
Moira poured herself a glass of wine as she spoke again, "I suppose it's fortunate I've solved the mystery."
She walked towards Walter.
"I believe I am the culprit... 2.6 million, it's a rather specific figure."
"It's the exact amount the company invested in the start up venture of a friend a few years ago."
He still wasn't convinced.
"I'll call accounting to clear it up."
"There's nothing to worry about." She said as she turned to leave the room.
"You're putting a lot of hours into this Declan thing... You actually think he's innocent?" Johanna asked Laurel back at the office.
"Somebody does." She responds as she looks through the file again.
"You haven't said who yet."
"Well..." She walks Johanna away and whispered "The Guardian Angel."
"The guy in the hood?!" She whisper tells
"You're joking, right?"
"He found me and asked if I'd look into this case."
"But you've met him."
"Look I know. He's a vigilante. He's killed people, and whatever else.." Laurel looked up from the file.
"And how do you know he isn't gonna do the same to you?" Johanna asks
"He won't. I can tell."
"When I said you should meet someone, this is not what I meant." Johanna sighed, exasperated.
Laurel meets with the Hood on a roof.
"I got your message, but did it have to be like this?"
"You've met with Peter Declan."
"I think you're right, he might be innocent."
"He said his wife told on Brodeur to the supervisor the day she was killed." Laurel says
"We'll need to get him to testify."
"Matt Istook. He did, said she didn't say anything to him."
"He could be lying."
"If he did, then he's very convincing. Enough to fool the police and courts." She said
"He hasn't been questioned by me."
"Look.. I didn't become a lawyer to hurt anyone."
"I do what I need to for people like Peter Declan." The Hood spoke.
Laurel looked at him.
"If what you're doing isn't wrong... Why hide your face?"
She had more than one reason to ask him..
"I need to protect the people I care about."
"It sounds lonely..."
"It can be.." He said as he walked towards the edge of the roof.
"But not today!"
He grappled off into the distance, off the building.
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ao3feed-tywin · 2 years
The Winter Kraken and the Cunning Lion.
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/hlOnyUx
by coldtime2000
Have you ever seen two characters and thought "humm... if they were to ally, a lot would change"?
Words: 150, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Major Character Death, Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Theon Greyjoy, Tyrion Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Cersei Lannister, Joffrey Baratheon, Myrcella Baratheon, Tommen Baratheon, Renly Baratheon, Loras Tyrell, Stannis Baratheon, Sandor Clegane, Gregor Clegane, Robb Stark, Grey Wind | Robb Stark's Direwolf, Sansa Stark, Jon Snow, Arya Stark, Rickon Stark, Tywin Lannister, Davos Seaworth, Aegon Targaryen (Son of Elia)
Relationships: Theon Greyjoy/Tyrion Lannister, Renly Baratheon/Loras Tyrell, Stannis Baratheon/Davos Seaworth, Cersei Lannister/Jaime Lannister, Jaime Lannister & Tyrion Lannister
Additional Tags: Theon Greyjoy is Thea Greyjoy, Tyrion and Thea are married, Robb Stark isn a good friend, Sweet Rickon Stark, Robb Stark Being an Idiot, Robb Stark is King in the North, Catelyn Tully Stark Bashing, No Starkcest | Stark Family Incest (A Song of Ice and Fire), Myrcella Baratheon Deserves Better, Minor Tommen Baratheon/Margaery Tyrell, Married Stannis Baratheon/Davos Seaworth, BAMF Arya Stark, Bad Parent Balon Greyjoy, Tyrion Lannister is Hand of the King | Hand of the Queen, Female Theon Greyjoy, Minor Cersei Lannister/Jaime Lannister, Aegon Targaryen (Son of Elia) Lives
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/hlOnyUx
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ao3feed-westallen · 2 years
Skeletons in the Closet
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2yux8g4
by GomeraHatesMath
Oliver rummaged through his mother's drawer, not believing the documents in his hands. His mother would never do this... right? Right?! But this was proof of everything he'd ever feared. He knew without a doubt that his father constantly sneaked off to cheat with his secretaries, but it was different, knowing his own mother was like his father.
But here in his hands was the adoption papers that said she'd gave up her baby to one Henry and Nora Allen.
Words: 1175, Chapters: 1/20, Language: English
Fandoms: Arrow (TV 2012), The Flash - All Media Types, The Flash (TV 2014)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Barry Allen, Oliver Queen, Moira Queen, Robert Queen, Thea Queen, Nora Allen, Henry Allen, Malcolm Merlyn, Tommy Merlyn, Iris West, Joe West, Eobard Thawne
Relationships: Barry Allen & Moira Queen, Barry Allen & Oliver Queen, Barry Allen/Iris West, Barry Allen & Nora Allen, Barry Allen & Malcolm Merlyn, Laurel Lance/Oliver Queen, Laurel Lance/Tommy Merlyn, Barry Allen & Thea Queen
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, barry allen is oliver's brother, Adopted Barry Allen, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angry Oliver Queen, not oliver/felicity friendly, Barry Allen Needs a Hug, Married Barry Allen/Iris West, Implied/Referenced Cheating, Bad Parent Malcolm Merlyn, police officer barry allen, Laurel Lance Deserves Better
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2yux8g4
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Inktober day fourteen: fierce
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poc-movie-supremacy · 4 years
Oliver the friendly ghost
ok I only saw the crossover eps + season 8 of arrow so I can’t do this fic justice, but maybe someone else can!
Anyways the fic premise is that after crises Felicity + William + Mia +Moira (did Felicity and Moira get along? would this be like enemies to friends???) all live in the Queen mansion.
Felicity is not only trying to grieve the loss of her husband but also raise two kids. Donna moves in to help so the occupants of the Queen mansion are Felicity, William, Mia, Moira and Donna. 
Then she starts feeling her husband all around her, but doesn’t think much of it, grief you know? The feelings ampt up smelling hearing then seeing???Felicity thinks she’s going crazy and is then put on medication.
It doesn’t stop.
Oliver is actually, you guess it, a ghost and doesn’t know how to control his ghostly-ness. 
Shenanigans ensue
(oh also felicity still has and runs smoak tech) (idk if anything happened to it, so I thought I’d make that clear) 
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tommyscurls · 5 years
Arrow is finally over tonight
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yesokayiknow · 6 years
20 and platonic thea and laurel?
20. breaking the rules
“I don’t think,” Laurel says, delicately, “that that was supposed to happen.”
“Really,” Thea says, flatly. “Gee, thanks for the info.”
She tugs at her bangs, unsticking them from her face, and then pulls a disgusted face as they flop straight back down again.
And then she sneezes.
After a moment of this, she huffs, looking up at Laurel. “Go ahead,” she says, scowling. “I know you want to.”
Laurel finally lets go off the laugh she’s been biting back; Thea’s scowl deepens. “Sorry,” she says, once she’s got a hold on herself again, “but you should really see yourself.”
“Can’t believe we’re working with a sadist,” Thea mutters, sneezing again.
She rubs her nose before she can catch herself, and then looks at her hand in horror.
Laurel rolls her eyes. “It’s just paint, you dork. And that’s what you get for trying to break into Felicity’s chocolate stash. She’s literally the smartest most paranoid person we know, and you didn’t think she’d boobytrap it?”
“But I’m hungry,” she whines. Her puppydog eyes are only slightly undercut by the neon pink paint liberally splashed against her face.
“Well, then you went looking in the wrong place. Because this one? Just a decoy.”
Thea groans, loudly, dropping her head. The movement sends little paint drops onto her shirt. “I hate her. I hate her.”
Laurel waits until Thea’s looking back at her before she grins.“Luckily for you, I know where she hides her real stash. And how to get around that trap,” Thea’s mouth drops open, “because I cleared it out weeks ago. I’ll split it with you.” She tilts her head, wrinkling her nose. “Though uh, maybe you should shower first.”
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macman521 · 6 years
Laurel becoming Black Canary was NOT a mistake.
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zorro-rita · 6 years
How do I miss them both and their strange, but vivid and interesting interaction...
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bi-bard · 2 years
I Know I’m Probably Better Off All Alone - Oliver Queen Imagine (Arrow)
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Title: I Know I’m Probably Better Off All Alone
Pairing: Oliver Queen X Reader
Based On: Better Man
Word Count: 1,291 words
Warning(s): mentions of Oliver being a bad boyfriend
Summary: After coming back from his five years in hell, Oliver is seeking to fulfill his father’s wishes and correct some past mistakes. He just wasn’t sure how difficult that was going to be.
Author's Note: Honestly... I just didn't want to give this a sad ending. This is very far off of the lyrics... I usually take them a little more literally than I did with this one.
Masterlist for From the Vault - Taylor Swift Writing Challenge
My first encounter with Oliver Queen wasn't as memorable as he had hoped it was.
I was in the middle of a day of work when he walked in with a few friends. I served them their meal, barely catching onto Oliver's... attempts at flirting.
It was ridiculous and it made me laugh more than it had flattered me.
But I was dumb and young, so when I found his phone number scribbled on a napkin and stuck in the check presenter, I gave it a shot.
I ended up at a bar that was far too expensive for my taste. Oliver and I sat in the corner and spent most of the nice just talking about anything. Looking back on it now, I could see that it was mostly Oliver talking about himself. I was just happy to listen because I wasn't aware of how strange that was.
The rest of the relationship was history.
It wasn't healthy. I knew that, just not while I was in it.
Oliver was.... for lack of a better term... obsessed with himself. He loved to show off his money. He would party and drag his friends along with him everywhere. We rarely got a night to ourselves. We were constantly surrounded by people that would listen to him talk and talk just so they could get free stuff from him. That included the girls that seemed to sit a little too close.
It just never felt like I was in a relationship with him unless it was convenient to him.
I dealt with a lot of guilt when Oliver went missing.
I had felt like an asshole for complaining about our relationship now that he was gone. I felt like I didn't deserve to be upset with how he treated me anymore.
I did a lot of work.
I accepted that I could grieve him and miss him, but that didn't change what he did. No matter what happened to him, it didn't excuse him mistreating me. I wasn't responsible for his behavior. He was. I had to accept all of that. And I did, or I was getting to that point. I was getting to the point where I felt completely fine with being on my own.
And then, Oliver was found.
I saw the coverage on the news. I was hoping the entire family would kind of forget that I existed. Thea didn't. She called me.
So, for the first time in years, I found myself walking up to the front door of the Queen residence.
I knocked on the door and stepped back.
I yelled when someone came running out the door and hugging me.
"I missed you," Thea shouted as she tightened her hold on me.
"Please tell me you didn't do this to the mailman when he showed up," I joked.
She stepped back, "Sorry."
"It's fine," I said. "How are you?"
"Fine," she shrugged. "Bit overwhelmed."
"I'd expect that," I nodded.
"Umm," Thea pointed back over her shoulder. "Oliver is waiting for you in the sitting room."
"Okay," I replied quietly. A familiar sinking feeling took over my stomach. "I'll see you later."
"Good luck," she said as I walked past her into the main room.
Oliver saw me as soon as I walked in. He quickly stood up from the couch and grinned at me.
"Hey," he said quietly.
"Hi," I replied awkwardly.
He only took a moment before running over and pulling me into a hug. I let out a sigh and closed my eyes. I slowly hugged him back. I wasn't going to lie. I had missed the soft moments.
"I missed you so much," he muttered into my ear before stepping back. "How've you been?"
"Well," I shrugged, "I did a lot of work over the last couple of years. Work on myself."
"That's good," he nodded. "I'm happy for you."
"Thanks," I replied.
"Can we sit," he asked. "I have something important to talk to you about."
I paused for a moment before finally letting out a quiet sigh, "Sure."
As I walked to the couch, I finally noticed the other man standing in the room. I stopped for a moment.
"Umm, hi," I said, waving at him. He grinned and nodded.
"This is John Diggle," Oliver explained. "My mother hired him when I got back."
"Oh," I muttered. "Nice to meet you."
"You too," John replied. "Oliver talks about you a lot."
"Alright," Oliver said. "Diggle, will you give us the room?"
"Are you going to sneak out the window?"
"What," I asked, looking at Oliver. "Why would you-"
"He doesn't like having a bodyguard."
"Never really did," I shrugged.
"Diggle," Oliver jumped in.
The bodyguard nodded before walking out of the room and closing the door.
I finally walked over to the couch and sat next to Oliver. He seemed nervous. That was strange. He had never been super nervous before. Even when he wasn't confident, he was good at faking it around people.
"Listen," Oliver started and stopped. He closed his eyes for a moment, pulling his thoughts together.
"What is it," I asked.
"I missed you, a lot," he explained. "But... I know that I was an asshole when I was with you."
I blinked at him a few times, "I wasn't gonna mention it."
"Yeah," he muttered. "I just... I want to apologize. I'm so sorry for how I treated you. It was awful. I know that."
"Umm... well... thank you for saying that," I replied.
He grinned at me.
We sat in silence for a while. I looked away from him, instead opting to stare at a pattern on the carpet. I didn't know what else to say or do. It was a conversation that I never expected to have.
"(Y/n)," I looked back over at him when he said my name. "Could we... Could we try this again?"
I completely froze up.
"I know that I wasn't good to you," he continued. "I was an absolute ass. But I want to be better. I think I can be. I just... I don't want to lose you completely. Please."
"Oliver," I sighed. I closed my eyes and looked down for a moment. "I... I don't know."
Oliver nodded, "You can decide how fast or slow we go forward. You decide when we're done. If I start being awful, then leave."
I felt like I was going to throw up. Not because I was disgusted at the idea, but because I was completely caught off-guard. I never thought I was going to have this conversation. I never thought I would have to consider this.
"We can start with one date," he offered. "Just dinner?"
I took a deep breath, trying to relax.
"Okay," I said.
My mouth was just a few seconds ahead of my brain. Still, I wasn't unhappy. I grinned at him. He smiled back at me.
"One chance," I clarified.
"Thank you," he reached over and grabbed my hand. "I'll call you with the details."
I nodded before standing up, letting his hand fall from mine, "I'll await your call."
"Okay," he excitedly nodded before standing up. "Can I walk you out?"
I nodded.
We walked back out to the front door slowly. I was about to walk out when Oliver said my name to stop me. I turned around for a moment. He leaned over and kissed my cheek. It was only for a matter of seconds before he stepped back.
He looked down for a moment, blushing a little. I grinned at him.
"Bye, Oli."
"Bye," he waved as I finally made it out of the house.
To whatever power there was controlling the world, please let this dinner go well. Please.
Masterlist (Includes links to All Writing Challenges)
What I Write For
Some Original Characters
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angstywriterangst · 4 years
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@kylorenvevo IDK who this anon ask was from on September 4th 2018 but shit... they were a time traveler trying to warn us weren't they?
Sadly even they could not forsee JJ and Terrio's dumbassery of cutting their lines!
(I was organizing my photos of my dog and found this ancient screenshot, idk why I kept it but... I'm sorry time traveler, you tried to prepare us, but we weren't ready)
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talkingtomyquiver · 7 years
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Little touch 💙
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