#Theo guest appearance
codychristiantreasures · 10 months
For the anon that asked for Cody and Tyler content.
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cartierre · 25 days
CHIHIRO | lh44
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synopsis: and if all is too late, is there still a way to salvage what we once called love?
pairing: lewis hamilton x fem!reader (formerly), theo james x fem!reader (mentioned) warnings: angst, heartbreak, (some) vulgar language, lots of dialogue, no use of y/n word count: 2.1k
author's note: yes this is inspired by billie eilish's song 'chihiro' and also a bit by nicole's and lewis' relationship/break up! tried to be experimental, please give me your honest opinion about this i beg you. this is also not proof read since i hate reading my own stuff!
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You’re fine. 
Everything’s fine.
You’re so close.
No one can take this away from you now.
Taking a deep breath, the only thing you could concentrate on were your shaky hands in front of you, the many voices behind you overlapping and blurring into each other. You couldn’t distinguish your mother’s voice from your sister’s, or your bridesmaid’s from your friend’s. Your dad was out there somewhere, getting everyone to take their destined place to take one worry off your mind. 
The dress you picked out months ago suddenly starts to suffocate you, the white blinding your eyes in an uncomfortable manner. You couldn’t decipher what happened. A minute ago you felt like the most beautiful woman on earth and the next you felt like ripping off your own skin. 
You have cold feet.
No, no I don’t.
“I think I need some fresh air.”
The voices behind you stopped at once. There was a split second of awkward silence before you could hear some feet shuffling over to you. Your mother’s concerned face appeared in your view. You could tell she tried to hide her worry. 
“Are you sure my darling?” She asked. You just nodded without looking into her eyes.
“Yeah, I'm fine. Don’t worry.”
Don’t worry, your daughter is just having a panic attack.
“Should Savannah accompany you?” She looked at your sister, waving her over to help you up. You shook your head no. 
“I just need a moment to calm down from all the excitement.” You lied to their faces, sending them your most believable smile you had in store. You were a great liar, the perks of being an actress. 
Throwing over a soft robe to at least conceal some of the wedding dress, you hurried out of the suffocating room. You smiled and nodded at some of the people you passed by, trying to hold up your act of a happy bride. This is supposed to be the happiest day of your life after all.
Getting out of the small house next to the main one, you fled the eyes of the guests and escaped into the big, blossoming garden, finding your way into the massive maze that adorned the centrepiece. The old mansion behind you disappears from your sight and with each step away from the buzzing preparations of the wedding, your breath starts to normalise again. 
Bending over and holding yourself up by your knees, you caught your breath. The heavy feeling started to disperse, your mind clearing up. Closing your eyes, you tried to focus on your surroundings.
The mild wind breezed through your hair and caressed your face, you could hear the leaves from the many hedgerows making up the maze and the water splashing softly against the fountain. Birds chirped in the distance and you could faintly make out some people’s voices up at the mansion. 
And some footsteps approaching you.
“The centrepiece of the hedge maze might not be the most convenient hiding spot.”
You tensed, your eyes snapping open and you straighten your back. He was behind you, so he couldn’t see the shock written clearly all over your face.
“I didn’t think you’d come.” You still hadn’t turned around. 
“It would be rude to turn down a wedding invitation without a good reason.” He answered, and you could hear his steps getting louder and louder behind you.
He slowly came into view. You had yet to turn your head into his direction, but from the side you could see him sitting down on one of the stone benches next to you. 
Finally, you turned your whole body to him. He wore a black suit, classic yet he made it seem so chic. His hair was braided back, his beard trimmed neatly and you could see some of his tattoos peeking out from underneath. Gold jewellery adorned his ears, his neck and hands.
He looked absolutely ethereal.
“And I figured if you didn’t want me to be here, you wouldn’t have invited me.”
You felt your body burn out of embarrassment. You didn’t answer him, you just kept staring at him with your most neutral face you could muster. 
“Theo was the one who suggested it.” 
He chuckled, and part of you wanted to melt right there. 
“He’s always been a gentleman.”
Silence. Birds chirping, leaves blowing, water splashing, the occasional yell from someone up the mansion. 
“I see you’ve got the venue you always wanted.” He looked around. “The waiting list must’ve been long.”
“They made an exception for us.” You kept your answers to a minimum.
“Right.” He nodded and kept admiring your surroundings. “The perks of being rich and famous.”
His eyes found yours again, you felt your heart stop for a second before returning to a rather fast speed. You hoped you kept your cool at least from outside.
“You look beautiful.” His eyes soften, the smile on his lips genuine.
“Thank you.” You gave him a nod.
“Theo is a lucky man.”
You could’ve been that lucky man.
“So they say.” 
He chuckled again. “You used to be more talkative.”
“Maybe I just don’t want to hold a conversation with you.” He laughed at your words, shaking his head.
“Say the words and I leave.”
You kept silent. He smiled.
“You have cold feet.” You felt like an arrow just entered right in the middle of your guts. “That’s why you’re out here and not up there.”
He analysed your body language. 
Fuck, he’s always been good at reading you like an open book.
“You’re scared.” He finalised his conclusion. “I’m just figuring out why… You always wanted this. Big engagement, great wedding, grand marriage…” He placed his chin on his hands, his arms resting on his upper legs. “What are you scared of?”
You bit your lip, your arms felt heavy on your sides, your fingers started to fiddle with the material of the robe. You felt so naked in front of him, so insecure and exposed. Your breath starts to pick up again.
“What are you running from, my love?”
He felt your body language change up in pace, your neutral stance completely flipping over. He stood up, his face painted in worry as he approached you. “Hey, I didn’t mean-”
“Fuck you, Lewis!” You took a step away and he stilled instantly. “Don’t fucking call me your love!”
You breathed heavily, as if you were close to exploding from all the emotions flowing inside you. Maybe you were.
You’re fine. 
Everything’s fine.
You’re so close.
No one can take this away from you now.
You calmed yourself again.
The birds are chirping.
The leaves are blowing.
The water is splashing.
The wedding is happening.
“I’m sorry.” You apologised. “I shouldn’t have said that.”
Lewis looked at you, you avoided his gaze. You could sense him sitting down again. 
“I think you swearing at me is the closest I’ve seen from the you I know.”
“Well, you don’t know me anymore.” You snapped. “You haven’t in years.”
He sighed. “Yeah, I guess I haven’t.”
You sighed too, your hands dropping to your sides again. You know you should just leave and return to your girls. They were probably already looking for you. 
Yet you took one step after the other and sat down next to him. 
“I am scared.” You confessed. You didn’t know why you were telling him this. Maybe because you felt like he was the only person you could talk to. “It was supposed to be you.”
Your mother would kill you for having such thoughts and your friends wouldn’t understand. Your sister would roll her eyes at you and god forbid your future mother-in-law knows about any of the doubts you had about marrying her son.
“I know.” His words made you smile sadly. 
You looked at him and he looked at you. You don’t think anyone has ever looked at you the way he did. No one, not even Theo.
“You were always meant to be a bride.” He twirled a strand of hair of yours between his fingers. “I just wasn’t meant to be a groom.”
You looked away and he let go of your hair, his hand lingering for a second in the air before dropping onto his lap. 
“I know.” Now he was the one smiling sadly.
You fiddled with the bow holding together your robe. Your thoughts were racing, but none made sense. 
“You shouldn’t be scared.” He took your hand in his, his fingers playing with your engagement ring. “You wouldn’t be wearing this if it was wrong to marry him.”
“Sometimes I catch myself thinking what ring I’d be wearing if you had been ready at the time.” You breathed out, leaning back against the bench. “And then I feel silly thinking that way about a man who has broken me in a way I thought I was never going to recover from it.” You snatched away your hand from his grip.
You heard him sigh next to you. He held his face in his hands and you could tell he was ashamed of his past actions. “I was an asshole.”
You chuckled at his words bitterly. “Yeah, you were.”
There was some understanding silence between you. This time it didn’t feel uncomfortable, no, more reassuring. He knew, you knew. There was no need to focus on your surroundings.
“I don’t think I want you at my wedding.” You breathed shakingly, unsure how he’d react to your words. You looked at him on your side. He was already staring at you. His eyes were sad, yet he understood you. He always did.
“Can you do me a favour?” He asked. “Can you show me your dress?”
Without any further words, you stood up and unveiled yourself from your robe. He sucked in a breath.
It wasn’t particularly extravagant. The simple cut hugging you perfectly as if it was custom made for you. Maybe because it was. The designer of your choice had outdone themselves, keeping it the exact same way you had envisioned it. 
Elegant, modern, ethereal.
It took Lewis a minute to compose himself. He never thought he’d see you in a wedding dress. Part of him regrets that he asked you to show yourself to him.
“You’re an angel.” You don’t look like an angel, you are an angel. You blushed.
You took your robe again, covering yourself up as much as you could. “Thank you.”
For a second you stood there and took a deep look at him. The way he sat there, it had changed. Before, he looked so confident, so sure of himself. After he saw you in your dress, you weren’t sure what to make of him.
He looked small.
“I should go.” You couldn’t bear it any longer. You’ve already talked too much to him.
Why were you still here? 
You turned around without waiting for his response. Taking the ends of your dress in your hand, you made sure to not get any dirt on it as you stepped away from the man you once loved. Once.
“I think-”
You staggered, halting in your movements. You were a few feet away from him, already at the entrance of the maze to make your way out of it. Turning around, you saw him as he stood up. 
“I think maybe I would’ve been ready.” He nodded unsure. “At one point.”
You stared at him, your lips pressed against each other. 
“I think I was overwhelmed by it all. My career, my team, you… That’s why I ran away.”
You kept staring at him without uttering a word, your dress still held up slightly. He continued.
“I think I see that vision of yours now.” He took a shaken breath. “It’s really beautiful.”
You felt your stomach twist and your hands grabbing the material of your dress more aggressively. Why did he tell you all this now? Was he trying to sabotage you? He’s done it once, you needed to make sure he wouldn’t do it again. Not this time, never again.
You cleared your throat. “I meant it, don’t come to my wedding.”
“Wait, I-”
“Lewis,” You interrupted him. “My love isn’t yours anymore. You’re the one who needs to let go now.”
And with that you turned your back to him, your face looking up at the mansion that stood upon you. Your future lay there. He couldn’t stop you anymore.
You’re fine. 
Everything’s fine.
You’re so close.
No one can take this away from you now.
You’ve never looked back again.
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dramaticals · 2 months
untimely revelations
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pairing: theodore nott x reader
summary: you and theo are at a slug club party and theo has an unfortunate revelation (he likes you). theo pov! / requested by @hotchfiles.
word count: 561
author’s note: did my experience as rp-ing as theo come in handy here? let me know lmao
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Slug Club parties were supposed to be an honour.
Professor Slughorn handpicked academically bright or promising students to join him for a night of fine dining and socializing. He had an unbelievable track record of choosing the right wizards and witches to connect himself to in order to reap the rewards of his pickings in the future.
When word got around that Slughorn intended to invite Theo to his glorified networking social, he was more than ready to scoff and turn down the offer. He didn't need Slughorn's stamp of approval, nor did he want to stay connected to the goof after Hogwarts.
But then Theo heard you were invited.
You practically squealed in joy, jumping up and down foolishly as you accepted the invitation with your stupidly bright smile and excessive enthusiasm. "It'd be the greatest honour, Professor."
Theo wasn't going to let you enjoy Slug Club without him. Years of being head-to-head in marks had solidified quite the academic rivalry. It annoyed Theo to bits how intuitive you were at Potions, and he would rather jinx himself than allow you to gain any more of an advantage over him. 
So that was how Theo found himself here, at one of Slughorn's more lavish parties, by the refreshments. He sipped on pumpkin fizz. Stark blue eyes dulled and expression blank as he counted down the minutes until he could finally leave the gathering. Ensuring your night was not as great as his was an exhausting but very necessary activity. 
Theo scanned the group, his gaze lingering on you as you chatted with a Slug Club alumni. You were talking about something that excited you. Fervent hand gestures, sparkling eyes, and a radiant smile had the alumni captivated by whatever you were saying. You laughed at something the man said, covering your mouth with your hand. The apples of your cheeks warm, and your laughter flows through the room. Theo stared at you unabashedly, the corners of his lips tugging into a disbelieving smile. For someone so infuriating, you were captivating. You were clever, a pain in his ass, and devastatingly beautiful in the cream dress you opted to wear for the night.
Theo continued to soak in the sight of you, his heart stuttering at the sight of the alumni placing a hand on your arm. His fist clenched and his eyes narrowed. Theo wondered whether you'd swat his hand away just as you would his whenever Theo tried to tease you. 
Theo watched you exchange a small smile as Professor Slughorn appeared beside him, a god-awful expression on his face. "Ah, Mr. Nott." A glimmer of bemusement in his eyes. "You know, I had an inkling you had an eye for her. Though I do suppose it's rather obvious, isn't it? It's a good match, if I do say so myself. Top of the class and whatnot, though she's more likeable than you are. But I reckon that complements your... well, you know." He raised his brows and gestured to Theo's position away from the other guests.
Theo swallowed hard, his ears feeling hot. He shook his head, finally making a point to drag his gaze away from you, no matter how magnetic you were. "I don't know what you're talking about, Professor."
Slughorn chuckled and patted Theo's back. "Apologies, Mr. Nott." Though he didn't seem sorry at all, "It just appeared to me as if you had an epiphany."
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inportant-spam-rsvp · 3 months
So, a while back I had thought about Noise being the CEO of his own studio. This is canon?! So I started thinking about his content, his celebrity status, and how much of that is just him being The Noise and how much of Theo appears as an actor perhaps.
And then, it hit me. I can totally explore Noise the celebrity and the movies he does. And as a token of celebrity culture, I thought "do you think Noise has been hired purely for fan service to the young and gay demographic?"
Yes. The answer is yes. Take a peek at Noise's guest appearance in the murder mystery pastiche of Clue.
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And as I promised: @manicplank here you go
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bweeeb · 3 months
Enemies to lovers
Theodore Nott x Y/n Hilton
Notes: Heyyy, I'm sorry about this writing, I tried to write something good but I ended up realizing that I have to work more with Enemies to lovers 🤣 I hope you still like what is written a little, I know I can do better with it, but I didn't want to throw away this work, so that's it, my apologies
Summary: A forced marriage is synonymous with hate, but perhaps one of them started falling in love before
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Blood supremacy in the wizarding high society has always been a striking factor in the wizarding world. If you're a Muggle-born, you end up with nothing; some say their fate is to fade into oblivion. Conversely, if you are part of the blood supremacy, you'll have everything you want or whatever your parents desire. Y/n never agreed with her family's obsession, but she never intervened directly and that's why she claims she ended up where she was now. With firm steps, Y/n descended the stairs of her house with crossed arms and a scowl on her face. The low conversation echoed through the hall, and Miss Hilton's gaze went to the maid standing at the bottom of the stairs and a gentle smile was sent her way, which she kindly returned before speaking.— Your parents are waiting for you in the living room...with guests. The elderly woman informed, and Y/n gently patted her left shoulder.
— Thank's , Lydia.
She thanked her before walking towards the French doors leading to the living room where her parents awaited her future - literally, her future.
— Y/n, there you are! Y/n’s mother said, rising from the couch where she was sitting with her husband and two figures of which Y/n knew very well, Theodore Nott and his father.
— You've arrived just in time to meet your husband, dear. Her father said to her, and with a push from Mr. Nott, Theodore stepped forward and grabbed Hilton's hand, placing a kiss on the back of her hand.
— This is Theodore Nott, Y/n...
Y/n’s father said once more, and blood rushed to Y/n's head as she looked at her father with anger.
— I know who he is, father. It’s not like we didn't study at Hogwarts together. Y/n said harshly, and Mr. Nott's face tightened in confusion, as did Theodore's, who was no longer holding her hand. It had been a year since Y/n and Theodore had graduated, and it was no secret that their parents were desperate to maintain the pure-blood lineage. Both hated being there, but Y/n was more openly resentful about the situation.
— Y/n, where are the manners I taught you? Her mother looked horrified, and a sigh of regret escaped Y/n’s lips.
— I'm sorry, Dad. She apologized.
— It's okay, dear, I understand that the wedding nerves are getting to you. Her father said, and a crooked smile appeared on Y/n’s lips as she looked at her Givenchy boots, feeling nothing but anguish inside. Theodore wasn't an ugly man, quite the opposite; her friends drooled over Nott during school, and Y/n couldn't deny that even she found Theodore Nott attractive. But his reputation was terrible, which made everything worse. Y/n wanted to be with someone she truly loved, not just anyone for the sake of status.
— Perhaps you two should walk through the garden to get to know each other again. Mr. Nott suggested for the first time in that conversation, and all Y/n did was nod without looking anyone in the eye. She saw Theodore extend his arm towards her, which she accepted.
When they were far enough from their parents' eyes, Y/n released Theodore's arm and continued walking beside him without much intention of speaking, unlike Theodore, who was already uncomfortable with the fact that she hadn't looked him in the eyes.— Are you blind or something? The voice loaded with an Italian accent made Y/n stop walking and frown. Turning to face him and looking him in the eyes for the first time since the beginning of the interaction.
— Excuse me?
— You didn't look at me for a second, I thought you couldn’t see, but apparently, it was just ignorance... Theodore said bitterly, and Y/n’s face became more irritated.
— Ignorance? For the Gods, Theodore, the ignorance is yours for accepting this ridiculous marriage idea. The young woman said, rolling her eyes and continuing to walk into her garden.
— It’s not like I wanted this, Y/n. He said a little behind her.
— I know they asked if you agreed, Nott….
Y/n retorted without even looking back.
— How would you know?
— Because they always care about the man's opinion! Now answer me, did you at least have a choice? Y/n turned to face Theodore up close, and her face exuded truth, she could see it.
— It was either a Hufflepuff, Eloise Midgen, Pansy... Parkinson or you.
— You had three choices… I found out about this yesterday. Go to hell, Nott. How could I be ignorant?Y/n's voice was never loud, but she didn't need to shout for Theo to feel the venom spraying at him.
— I didn't want this, Y/n.
— Then stay away from me, Theodore.
Inevitably, staying away from each other wasn't easy until after the wedding. Their parents wanted to see physical contact and closeness between the two; it was important for the wedding guests to know they were happy with each other, even if it was a lie.
A year later, it was already common for both of them: no physical touch, no exchanged conversations, kisses only during sex, and that was their life. Theodore worked at his father's company, which after the wedding, was also associated with the Hilton name. Y/n had not been assigned any role like her mother, and she hated sitting where she was, feeling useless and alone. And that's how she felt at the charity party her parents organized. Theodore was with his friends near the pool, her parents were somewhere inside the house already drunk, and she was alone, occasionally looking at her glass of white wine.
She didn't want to look miserable, but she already was.
— Don't you think you should keep your wife company, Theo? Pansy, who was next to Theodore, asked him, glancing outside the friends' circle to where she had decided to sit.
— She's fine! Theo said, still looking at Y/n.
— She looks really bored, Theo. Daphne interjected into the conversation, and from there, all of Nott's friends were in on it.
— She's always like that, it doesn’t matter. Theo shrugged, trying not to give importance to the situation his friends were giving.
— Man, if you look into her eyes, she's miserably bored, where are her friends? Mattheo said, and Theo looked at Y/n once more until Draco's voice called his attention again.
— I'd be miserable too, imagine waking up every day with this guy next to you. — Horror movie.
—Someone can't make the little princess cum, I think. Draco provoked Theodore, who pushed his friend's arm — Shut up, asshole. I'm sure I do twice as much as you do. The group laughed and briefly forgot about the subject, but not Theodore, he kept his eyes on her all night and wondered why she were so alone.
At the end of the night, Theodore drove back to their house, and the strange air in the car bothered Theo. His left hand left the steering wheel and slid up her thigh, revealed by the dress that had ridden up when she sat down. Despite the warmth of his hand against her skin, Y/n’s gaze, much to Theodore's dismay, did not turn to him. She was quiet, quieter than usual.
— No music? He asked, and she shrugged, briefly glancing at him. Y/n might not talk much to him, but Theodore had gotten used to hearing her hum along to songs during the car rides. — Why didn't your friends come today? Theo's sincere doubt reached Y/n, who just kept looking at her ring-laden hands.
— They're very busy. "They're busy because they don't exist," Y/n thought before sighing tiredly.
— Busy on a Friday night? Theodore asked, confused.
— Your friends seem nice. Y/n said, changing the subject.
— Yeah, they are...
The rest of the car ride was silent, so silent that Theo thought the sound of his eyes alternating between the woman beside him and the road could be heard.
When they arrived, both got out of the car and went separate ways. Y/n went up the stairs so fast it was as if she had apparated, disappearing from Theodore's view. When he went upstairs, the bathroom door opened minutes later, and Y/n emerged from the bath with a towel wrapped around her body.
— Sorry, I didn't know you were up here. Y/n apologized, referring to the towel, and Theodore's face contorted.
— Why? This is my room too.
— I know, I meant about the towel, Theodore. You usually don't sleep here so i thought that i would be alone... She said, and Theo felt a pang of guilt fill his chest, looking now at the naked back of the woman as she sighed, realizing he was leaving her alone in bed more times than he wished.
— I thought you wanted space…. He said, and the silence remained between them.
— Yes, a year ago, you're right. Her whisper was so low that Theo almost didn't hear it, but hearing it, he knew something was wrong.
— What do you mean?
— What do you mean? Y/n asked, taking off the towel from her body and putting on her underwear.
— Why did you say that in that tone? I thought you wanted me away from you. Theodore was more harsh with his words, and Y/n shrugged, glancing at him over her shoulder.
— I don't know, Theodore. Y/n shook her head while putting on her pajamas, thinking she had finished the conversation. Theo held her arm and turned her to look at him.
— Talk to me, Y/n.
— I don't know what you want me to say, Theodore. She exploded, and Theodore laughed without humor.
— What is your problem? He asked, and Y/n freed herself from his grip.
— You are my problem, Theodore Nott.
— No, you are your own problem, you can't seem happy. Even my damn friends noticed your miserable face today. You have EVERYTHING. Theo huffed, and the woman in front of him clenched her jaw in anger
— I'm NOT happy, Theodore. I have NOTHING, I don't have good parents, I don't have friends, I don't have love, I constantly feel alone, and I can't seem happy BECAUSE I'M NOT. So don't come at me with this now, you have everything, not me. Y/n said angrily as tears shimmered in her eyes. — And I heard you're cheating on me with your secretary, which made me feel even more useless.
— What? I didn't cheat on you! — Theodore said desperately. — Y/n! I didn't cheat on you! I would never do that! Theo walked up to her, stopping in front of her side of the bed, where she was about to sit down. — Fuck it, who told you that?
— It doesn't matter…
— Dolcezza, I would never do that to you.
He said, placing his hands on her cheeks, wiping the tears that streamed down with his thumbs.
— You hate me, of course you would. She said weakly, so weakly that Theo almost felt his knees give way. He might not show all his love for her, but he had promised to love and protect her above all else, he had made that promise at the altar and to her father when he chose her, and all he was doing was the opposite of that.
— I don't hate you.
— Yes, you do…
— You don't hate me, how could o hate you? Theo whispered, stroking her cheek.
— You hate me because I hate you.
— Then say you hate me.
— I hate you. She murmured without conviction and sniffed afterwards.
— If you hate me so much, why are you crying for me, mia cara? We have to stop this hate game, you are my real wife, bella. Theo whispered and gently joined his lips to hers in a kiss unlike anything they had ever felt.
— That's not what I wanted, Theo. Another sniffle came from her nose when she pulled away from his lips.
— Don't you want me to kiss you? What did you want, Principessa? Please let me get it right with you once. Theo begged and Y/n closed her eyes trying to control her emotions, and so did she and shook her head in rapid movements. — Y/n, talk to me please.
— My whole life, my friends, my clothes, what I'd eat, were all my parents' choices, and the only thing that would really be mine was also chosen by them, Theo. I have nothing and there's no way you can fix it because you became something of theirs, not mine. — silence settled between them and Y/n replaced the smendel with hers, pushing away the tears streaming down her cheek — Shit, I'm sorry, I didn't want to be complaining to you. You should go to sleep.
She said turning her back on the man who stood behind her watching her take the blankets on the bed made and lie down.
— I can be yours! Y/n, I can be yours. — Theodore said it in a way that Y/n had never heard him say before, it was as if he was afraid that she would disappear forever.
— You don't have do this, Theo... And that was something they both didn't understand, he wanted to do that.
As soon as he sees her, Theo walks to the other side, takes off his clothes, leaving only his underwear and lies down next to Y/n. It had been so long since he lay there that he was amazed at the softness and comfort the bed gave him and once again he felt guilty.
— You don't have to sleep here out of pity, Theodore. Y/n said demonstrating less of her vulnerability as she stared at the ceiling.
— I want to be here, Y/n. Can't you see? — Theodore murmured looking at the woman's profile next to him.
— Theodore?
— Yes?
— Are you sure you didn't do anything with your secretary? Y/n asked and Theo took her hand which was above his belly.
— Look at me, please. He asked and so she did
— Do you know why I chose you? I know nothing was fair in all this, but I need you to know why I chose you.
— Why?
— I remember you in the fifth year, in the astronomy class, you were in a corner with two other girls and they wouldn't shut up and I saw you making a wish for shooting star that passed in the sky, I found it genuine and I started watching you and realized that you were beautiful and very interesting, I realized that you were worth it, I realized that I wanted you…— Theo sighed as if it had become a weight on his back — Pansy was never an option because she is my friend and is in love with Draco, my father would never make me marry some girl that I didn't approve of, you are incomparable to the rest and I saw that it was you when you started to hate me when I stepped in front of you and…
— I never really hated you, Theodore…I just realized that it was easier to hate someone who hadn't hated him yet than whoever caused it. Y/n said.
— Let me fix this. Theo asked pulling Y/n for more and eptonde his body.
— I'll give you five days to fall in love with you, Theodore Nott.
— I'll do whatever you want, Y/n Nott. Theo would burn the world if she asked, and now that he knows he doesn't hate him, he'd do anything to make her fall in love with him
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beegomess · 2 months
Dark Paradise || Theodore Nott
Don't forget to watch the previous chapters
Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated🫶🏼
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10. Sweet dreams This chapter has content for adults!
That night, Y/N needed help to give his brother a cold bath and then put him to bed. In her head it seemed like an easy task, but it was definitely the heaviest thing she had ever done, and Draco didn't seem to want to collaborate. Luckily, Theodore helped, taking the boy to the bed of one of the many guest rooms in the place.
Y/N was exhausted, borrowed one of Daphne's pajamas and took a shower, soon after, she went to the kitchen looking for something to eat. While she chopped some fruits in a small bowl, Theo leaned on the door holder in total silence, just watching Malfoy on her back humming some music.
- No sleep?
- Just hungry. And you? - Y/N said still without turning around to look at him.
- I heard the noise of someone walking around the house and I thought it could be Draco.
- If it were Draco, you can be sure that his bodyguard would be escorting him. - Y/N jokes when referring to Astória, which makes the boy laugh too. Y/N finally finishes the quick snack he made and turned to Theodore, finding the boy in his pajamas, which seemed strange at that moment. Y/N was used to seeing him with Slytherin's cape, quidball uniform and even less formal suits or clothes, but seeing him in pajamas seemed a little more intimate than usual. - Do you want to? - She offered a small fork and he nodded positively, approaching.
They started eating quietly and slowly, although a little strange, it was also comfortable. Theodore took advantage of every small flash of light that entered through the window in front of the kitchen sink to admire Y/N with his sleepy face, which in turn felt the look of the boy himself. In a brighter place it would be possible to see the slight blush that appeared on his face.
- Do you miss Hogwarts when you are at home? - Theodore breaks the fragile silence that reigned for a few long seconds.
- Usually not, but this last week yes. - She responded with a slight smile on her face, but still without looking at him. Theodore wondered if she missed school because she also missed seeing him every day, just like he felt about her in that long week. - Why? Have you missed me? - Y/N provokes, now looking at Theodore's angelic face, who just directed his eyes to the girl's pink lips.
- To be honest, lately you have been appearing in my thoughts more than I would like to confess. - Theodore seemed too close now, his breaths mixing and the slight touch of his fingers dragging a lock of hair away from her eyes made her shiver.
Nott's confession seemed more like a request than a de facto outburst. In his mind, he revisited every dream scene in which she appeared. That moment was different from the others when they were about to kiss, there was no hurry or tension at all. The distance between them seemed to decrease naturally. Y/N was waiting for Theodore, she wouldn't try any more proximity of this type if he didn't do something at that moment.
- You're so beautiful. - Theodore's hand went down from his hair to his mouth, dragging his thumb slightly over his lower lip. - I've been dreaming about you every night, Y/N. Even trying, I couldn't stop thinking about you for a minute. - The words were like butterflies that circulated inside the stomach of Y/N, increasingly lost in those eyes and confessions.
She decides to repeat what she did on the night of the dance, taking the initiative to have him for herself and touching her lips on his. Theodore corresponds with passion, bringing her body as much as he could, his hands snaked through all the fragile fabric of the sweater she wore, creating crumpled folds, hungry hands looking for the least amount of skin she could. Her hands, in turn, were in the middle of his hair, curling and pulling more to herself as the kiss deepened more and more.
Theodore pushed her against the sink bench, pressing more on the bodies and lowering the kisses down her neck as sighs fell from Y/N's mouth. The external lighting brightened a little the lascivious scene that happened inside the house, Theodore climbing the hem of the white silk piece she wore, squeezing her thighs to the point of marking them as his. - Merlin, I'm in heaven now. - That's what went through her head when she felt light bites on the skin of her neck and hands inside her legs, teasing her over her underwear with a torturous finger drag.
Y/N closed his eyes, hung his head back, stuck his nails on the bench behind him, and surrendered to the feeling of his hot hand invading his panties with his fingers, pressing in slow circles the most sensitive point between his legs.
Nott kissed her mouth again, swallowing every moan she let out, they were like music to him. In a short break during the kiss, he observed the mess he left in Y/N. Neck with the marks he left, a strap fallen from her shoulders, legs squeezing in her hand and half-open lips releasing all the moan she had.
- Please... - Y/N said between moans still with his eyes closed. He held her neck, just strong enough to make her look at him. - Theo, I want you so much now... - The boy thought for a moment if he wasn't in another of his hot dreams with her. Theodore was on fire to hear her call her name.
He stopped what he was doing, kissing the girl's soft mouth again. Y/N felt Nott's hands grab the sides of his hips, clearly feeling how needy he looked inside his own clothes. In a quick movement, Theodore turned her, leaving her Y/N back against her chest. His hands walked under the fabric on the girl's body, kisses and small bites were left on her shoulders.
Y/N felt Theodore's hands reach one of her breasts, squeezing it slightly and making her gasp with the sensation. She held it in his arms, as if she were fading down there.
The pressure of Y/N's ass on his dressed member made Nott hurry to take off her panties. The piece fell easily through her legs, which kicked her slightly to some corner when it reached her feet.
Squeezes were felt stronger and stronger on his thighs and ass. Theodore undresses just enough to fit into her, which he leaned slightly so that he finally entered.
- Don't do this to me, Theo, please...- Y/N moans low while he provokes her by crawling between her wet folds. Theodore smiles instantly when he hears the girl of his dreams beg for him at last.
- Sorry, love, you're so wet that I couldn't contain myself. - Theo's deep voice completely loaded with excitement near her ear made her squeeze around nowhere. He provoked her a few more times, making her temporarily hate him for it.
And then Theodore finally pushed himself into his entrance, hypnotized with the view of the sweater raised to the Y/N waist by his firm hands around his body. To Theo, it seemed like paradise, to feel it around him, the scene and the moans that came out of that beautiful mouth.
Y/N felt the ice cream from the countertop stone against her boiling skin when Theodore began to move inside her. He pulled her body back and she laid her head on one of her shoulders, making a point of moaning near his ears, which she realized made him react more intensely.
Theodore held Y/N's neck with one hand, ensuring that he had the control he wanted over her. The other hand went to the sensitive clitoris again, while distributing kisses on the extension of his neck. Y/N at this point only tried to hold on to his body, grabbing his arm stretched over his belly and feeling him release his neck, using his hand to hold it in place.
- Damn, you're fucking tight... - Y/N was super stimulated enough to squeeze only with Theodore's low moans, the things he said just made her closer to the edge. Her grips made Theodore smile convinced.
- Teddy, don't stop...- That's just what Y/N could say, and then the eyebrows came together, the lips opened, the muscles tightened and a small amount of a viscous white liquid ran down his thighs as he continued to hit his hips against hers.
That was too much for him, Theodore continued to move in the same way as she squeezed around him, which was the last straw. A few seconds later, he tried to move his hips away so as not to end up inside her, but Y/N used one hand to pull him back and spill himself inside her.
When he retired from Y/N, Theodore probably saw the most sexually attractive scene for him, which he made a point of keeping it mentally for another moment. Y/N recomposing himself little by little by holding on to the sink, the legs trembling and both liquids mixed flowing between the thighs.
- Merlin, I need a bath. - The breaths are still controlling when she turns around, still leaning on the bench. Both smile with the Y/N statement.
The clothes and hair were already properly tied when they both headed out of the kitchen. Y/N did not dispute and Theodore did not question, they just took a shower and slept peacefully in the room where the boy was
The breakfast table was set, the meeting of the Slytherin friends at the big table reminded Hogwarts once again, with no adults around, only them.
Luckily for Theodore and Y/N, the girl managed to return to the room without drawing attention earlier that morning, she took advantage of the fact that all her friends were passed out in their rooms and that they would not even wake up with a bomb. Most of them were destroyed the night before, Draco was certainly the most affected.
- Merlin, never let me drink like that again. - The blonde held his head between his hands with his elbows on the table.
- You'd better recover quickly, little brother, tomorrow we'll return to Hogwarts. - Y/N said while drinking a sip or another of your coffee.
- You don't need to remind me, Y/N. - The boy complains and when he was going to say something else he was interrupted.
Mattheo drew all his attention to himself, who came from the kitchen with lilac lace panties hanging from his index finger while a malicious smile adorned his tired face.
- Someone here had a lot of fun last night, huh? - Y/N and Theodore froze with the look of Mattheo and Pansy on them. - Astoria did you really do miracles here, Draco making a little scene to let the party do this in the first room they entered? - Y/N and Nott didn't understand, but they wouldn't take that in front of everyone. They took advantage of the fact that Draco was so out of patience that he did not make a point of answering, while Astoria received a stern look from her sister.
xoxo, bee🫶🏼✨
Next chapter>>>
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lelianasbong · 1 year
I'm finally watching Theo's guest appearance on Neil's stream and... arshfjgg;
"Let's check out Wyll. I mean, not check out Wyll- look at Wyll's stats. I mean check out Wyll, fuck."
"He looks like a cowboy. He looks wicked."
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slytherinqueen123 · 1 year
a different y/n
tw - parental absence, distant family. i don’t know if this affects any of you, but i just wanted to warn you in case those topics hit close to home ❤️ enjoy!
-mattheo's pov-
-another story in the mini series of y/n and her besties, mattheo, malfoy and blaise-
"hurry up, dumbass, or we're gonna be late!" i yell at malfoy, who's trailing behind flirting with a random muggle girl. not lying, she's good looking, but we have a y/n to surprise.
"ok, baby. call me." he says smoothly, his voice deepening a bit before jogging up to me.
"not cool, man. i was going so well!" he says, scowling. i give him a pat on the back that turns into a whack on the head.
"ok, ok, whatever. but we gotta get going. blaise is waiting and remember, we're surprising your best friend for her birthday. we already knocked it back a day becuase of your preciousness needing to hang with astoria." i shove him in the chest.
"fine. i guess that was my fault. but it doesn't mean you can destroy my chances with a fine as chick!"
i roll my eyes. "you literally have a girlfriend. that girl looks like she sells drugs. she's my type, not yours. c'mon, give me her number." i reach for the little square slip of paper he's clutching with his life.
"nah, i don't think so. besides, you've got y/n. you don't need another girl."
it takes a moment for me to figure out what he's saying, and when i do, i lunge at him.
he dodges.
"sneaky ferret!" i yell as he sprints away. “get your ass back here, malfoy!”
all i hear is his laughter as he dashes away, towards blaise.
• • •
-y/n’s pov-
“y/n, mattheos here!”
her words are muffled from the living room. “mama, i told you. i got his card. and his present. and blaises and malfoys.” i readjust my glasses and fix my apron. 
she appears at the door as i’m tightening my bun. “you’ve got guests, honey.” she smiles and laughs, moving to the side to reveal a grinning curly haired figure, with a familiar cut halfway up his nose.
my eyes widen as i discard the knife and stack of potatoes and run to him. i launch myself into his arms and he takes a few steps back to right himself. “oh my god you’re HERE!” i yell into his shoulder.
mattheo laughs and pats my hair. “hey kiddo, how you been?” i spring back.
“incredible since you got here! i’m so happy i could kiss you!” i shriek.
wait, what?
theo holds back a laugh as i stammer to fix my mistake.
“um- i didn’t mean- that’s not what i-”
he raises an eyebrow. “well, if you think that’s how you feel, we can continue this convo later”
i roll my eyes and try not to blush.
not now y/n.
in my attempt to seem cool, calm and collected i make eye contact with my mother. she’s grinning and giving me a look that makes me uncomfortable.
“umm- where’s the rest of you? or have you decided to go stag tonight?”
mattheo grins. “oh gosh no. malfoys picking up chicks numbers at the gate. i’ll go get him for yo-”
“-no theo, i’ll get him love. you sit down with y/n. who else is there?” my mother asks, dusting her skirt.
“just blaise, mrs y/l/n-” he answers, “-but it’s fine, i can get them.”
“sit, son. i’ll get them. you just relax for a little,” she says lightly, patting his cheek and wincing at the sight of his scar. “poor boy.”
she leaves the room. i awkwardly wait for him to follow me and lead him into the room off the kitchen. i think it’s a drawing room, even though i’ve never drawn in there. my father isn’t one for a child’s art.
mattheo sits down and i follow suit. “where’s your father?” he asks, leaning forward.
“umm, he’s out. with his boss.” we both know that his boss is theo’s dad.
“has he been home?” theo raises and eyebrow at me, cocking his head and waiting for my reply.
“oh-” i swallow. “-um, no. he’s been out since last tuesday.” something changes in his face.
“oh, i’m so sorry. i didn’t know. i thought he’d be here.” he looks sad, because we both know my dad couldn’t care less about me or my birthday.
“it’s fine. he said he’ll be here for my eighteenth.” i say slowly, counting down the years until he’ll be with us on my birthday.
“y/n, that isn’t right. it’s two years away! when was the last time he celebrated with you?” mattheo exclaims.
i suck in a breath. “the year before i met you…”
he explodes. “y/n, that was over ten years ago! even my dad is better than that! he’s only missed one of my birthdays. and that’s because he wasn’t quite… himself.”
“you mean because he was implanted in the back of quirrels head?” i giggle.
he rolls his eyes. “yes. but that’s not my point. he’s literally the worst wizard to ever live, but he still makes time to celebrate with me. his son. and i think your dad should too.”
i feel my eyes grow misty. “i know. but-” he cuts me off with a hug. “yeah. i get it.” mattheo mumbles into my hair.
“yo yo yo, where’s my favourite girly pop?” blaise yells from down the hall. theo let’s go of me suddenly and smiles weakly.
i nod and open the door, greeted with a grinning blaise and bored malfoy.
“dude, if she isn’t even here than why the hell are we- oh hey y/n,” malfoy gives me a salute.
“kids! dinner!” my mother yells. “DINNERRR!” blaise shrieks, running down the hall like an excited puppy. malfoy follows him, sighing and rolling his eyes.
“after you, miss y/n.” mattheo says, bowing and gesturing me forwards. i laugh. “thank you, sir riddle.”
• • •
-blaise’s pov-
“that was epic! i love mrs y/l/n’s cooking.” malfoy groans, holding his stomach.
“yeah, and y/n seemed really happy as well.” i sigh. i just want her to be happy. she’s like my little sister.
riddle makes a funny noise at my comment. “what riddle? you don’t think she was?”
he chews his lip. “yeah, she was. but before you got there, she was… different.” his eyes go lovey and dazed.
i pull him close. “you really like her, hey?” he brushes off the fact. “i just want her happy. like you.” he says quietly, not acknowledging what i said.
“mate, don’t deny it. i can see how much you like her. just tell her already. it’ll make you feel better.” i don’t know when i became the inspirational therapist friend, but i’ll take what i can get.
“i was gonna tonight. but she was so sad when we where talking.”
his eyes darken. “blaise, does your dad love you?”
i stammer for a second. “well, yeah, i think so. does yours?”
“yeah. i think so too.”
we’re quiet for a moment.
“i don’t think y/n’s dad loves her.” mattheo says quietly.
“i guess so. but mate?”
“you love her. and that’s more than enough.”
he smiles a little. “yeah. yeah, i do.”
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thedanytorres · 21 days
closed event starter for @theo-barclay when: during the wine tasting
when it was announced that the evening would start with wine tastings, dany decided to sit this portion out. she spent her whole day around these wines, tasting them for herself and selling them to guests, she didn't feel like fitting in with everyone else by joining them in the tasting. instead, she figured she would sneak out for a quick smoke before the evening really began, better now than when she should be mingling and putting on an appearance around the entire eversley family.
dany was about to head out when she spotted theo. he cleaned up nicely in his tux, fitting in nicely with the rest of the important people here. she had been meaning to have a word with him but it was hard to find a moment alone when there were always so many people around. maybe this would be the best moment to, while everyone is distracted with wine and conversation. "theo," she greeted with a nod. "want to take a walk with me?" she asked as if it was just a friendly little meet up. "i need a smoke," she added, holding up her pack of cigarettes, just for added cover that no one would think twice about them leaving for a moment.
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sydmarch · 1 year
Who is Angus to Evrart?
full dialogue of the scene that line is from:
You - "Tell me about Titus Hardie and his crew."
Evrart Claire - "Oh, they are simply fine young men -- all seven of them! Exemplary Union members. Always working to advance their position in the local socialist-democratic movement. Core members."
Evrart Claire - "Old Theo used to run them, but things really *kicked into gear* when Titus took the reins and named the group after himself." He starts laughing. "Gotta love his initiative." You - "What more can you tell me? Who's second in command? Who's the most violent?"
Evrart Claire - "Harry, they're almost all of them *great* guys, born leaders. Whatever happened, I'm sure they only had the best interests of Revachol in mind."
Evrart Claire - "Work with them -- hell, interview them! But don't fight them. They really are just like you -- men who like beer, women, and some *order* on the streets."
Half Light - Separate one from the herd. You - "So let me ask you this... Which one of Hardie's boys is your least favourite?"
Evrart Claire - "Oh, that would definitely be Fat Angus. His feet smell from a city-block away and he's always having noisy stomach troubles. Horrible, revolting guy."
You - "So let's say something happens to Fat Angus... let's say a citizen's arrest..."
Evrart Claire - "You would die, Harry," he says, grinning. "You would die and in the process start a bloody and completely unnecessary war between the Débardeurs' Union and the Citizens Militia."
Evrart Claire - "Angus, his ever-growling stomach, and his smelly feet are all part of the Union. You have as much right to *arrest* him as he has to arrest you... "
Evrart Claire - "...actually less, because it's his home and his backyard. You are a guest here, Harry. Please remember that."
Evrart Claire - "Oh Harry..." He starts laughing. "This is getting real grim and there's no need for that. We are friends." He sits back and looks you in the eye with a wide smile.
i love thinking about this dialogue in comparison to when you get his real opinion on the hardies:
Evrart Claire - "Harry, I bugged her cabin. I bugged her whole boat. I had cameras surveying her boat. Hell I even wanted to bug that thermal cup, but my boys advised against it."
Savoir Faire - They must have done it while Joyce was busy questioning the locals. You - "So you've been listening to our conversations all the time?"
Evrart Claire - "Not me personally..." he stretches his arms like a discus thrower. "I had guys recording and processing this information for me." You - "The Hardie boys?"
Evrart Claire - "Hell no!" he exclaims. "They'd fuck it up. They can't do anything right. I mean my *real* boys. My special task force boys."
Kim Kitsuragi - "Where are these boys?"
Evrart Claire - "They sure as hell aren't hanging out in the open with beers in their hands for the cops to question." He bursts out laughing. "They're pros, Mr. Kitsuragi."
he doesn't like angus & doesn't even like or trust the hardies as it turns out! and yet i do 100% believe that he meant it when he said harry would die & it would start a war between the rcm and the union. not because he really cares about the hardies personally but because it would reaffirm the union's power/obviously they would have to respond to something like that. but finding knowing his true thoughts about the hardies casts an interesting light on this convo:
You - "The remaining mercenaries are organizing a tribunal to take on the Hardies."
Evrart Claire - "Tribunal?" He appears aghast. "That sounds *serious* Harry. We Union men should be *shitting* ourselves..." He rubs his chin and smiles suddenly: "I wish you hadn't told me that. I'm gonna lose *sleep* over this. Let's change the subject."
Empathy - He's clearly happy about the tribunal.
You - "You don't *seem* too worried about it." Evrart Claire - "Oh, Harry, what do I *really* think about the tribunal? You're trying to climb to second base with old Evrart before you've even courted him properly."
obviously he's happy about the tribunal because his end goal is to start a war with wild pines but there's a total lack of concern for the hardies both here where they come up specifically or for the union in general when discussing the prospect of a war with harry:
You - "Have you ever heard what two Giant Seraise Hornets can do to an entire colony of bees? They destroy it."
Evrart Claire - "I have. It's a great story, Harry." He nods. "Did you also know how the bee colony kills the giant hornet? They swarm and blanket it entirely, until it suffers a *massive heat stroke* and dies." Empathy - He crosses his hands, contently, thinking of the interior temperature of the wasp rising. Endurance - They cook it alive in its exoskeleton.
Evrart Claire - "Harry, we outnumber them fifteen hundred to one. And that's just Martinaise. With all the unions in Revachol -- and with public opinion on our side -- we can hold off two men. Or fifteen men. Or even fifty men."
Evrart Claire - "The more they send, the worse it's going to look for them. They made a *huge* mistake hiring those guys. *No one* likes foreign mercenaries. The leftists hate them, the fascists hate them, even the moralists think they're *in bad taste*."
is he really just that confident in the union? does he view the hardies specifically as expendable because he doesn't have much faith in them? or are his real thoughts more along the lines of "yeah people are probably gonna die but if that's what it takes then so be it"? we already know he's willing to kill if need be but i'd imagine he'd view tiphaine holly (an ineffective leader who's his direct opponent) differently from the members of the union he's supposed to be looking out for... we can never get his opinion on the tribunal after it happens (screams cries throws up) but i could see him being overall satisfied with the outcome.
Evrart Claire - "What was always going to happen. We take the harbour and she fucks off to Ozonne, uncorks a bottle of wine, calls her partners and says they need to distance themselves from this nasty business before the big shit spinner splashes everyone."
Evrart Claire - "Only difference is the Union doesn't have to lose 2,000 men to machine gun fire."
like, 3-7 deaths compared to 2,000? anyways this is so much more than the question you actually asked i just love to think about my fucked up little guy.
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esta-elavaris · 11 months
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Flufftober Day 30: Self-Worth/Self-Love ~ James Norrington/OC [1.973 words]
My Flufftober '23 masterpost can be found here, and my behemoth of a main fic about these two is here 💜✨
This is the final bit in the little mini storyline I had going on with these - it's first referenced in day 10, it builds a bit in day 21, and we dig into it properly here!
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On their final night in London together, Theo had to concede that she hadn’t had half as bad a time as she’d expected. In fact, she hadn’t had a bad time at all. Sure, she spent the first couple of weeks waiting for all to suddenly turn bitchy towards her, using things she’d said when her guard was down to mock the begloved Irishwoman who may or may not have been a witch, but…it didn’t happen. And now their final social occasion, their farewell dinner, was drawing to a close, and she had to accept that it simply was not going to happen. Screw interdimensional time travel, this was the real miracle.
She’d even taken to dressing how she actually wanted to dress. Alright, leggings and band shirts were still out, but to her own tastes as far as fashions of the time went – rather than cosplaying as whatever she thought people would expect Mrs Norrington to appear. Which often meant dressing how Elizabeth would.
The last of their guests, Lord and Lady Montague, remained in the drawing room as the others left in order to finalise business, and everything was looking decidedly golden.
“I’ll confess, Admiral Norrington,” the older man insisted on continued use of James’ former title – a mark of respect, she thought, “I was prepared to come here, listen to some hare-brained scheme, before throwing what little gold and help I possibly could at it merely as a personal favour to Governor Swann.”
“Oh really, Henry,” his wife scolded, very half-heartedly, from where she sat beside Theo.
“I wouldn’t say it now if it had all proven true,” he pressed on. “I confessed myself impressed, by your plans, by your lovely wife, by you, by all of it. And very optimistic. You go forth with my full backing, and not just the sort that I offer out of obligation to save any awkwardness.”
Theo smiled, bowing her head as Lady Montague – or Alice, as she insisted she call her – squeezed her arm as if in agreement. Her experience with the upper crust of English society had begun with Beckett, and he was an act she had no wish to see repeated.
The Montagues stood, James and Theo following suit as Henry continued.
“I wish you luck, not that I think you’ll need it, going forth – and going forth with all the support you might need, from myself at least. And my contacts in the north. I’ve already written to them, I did so last night so I could reassure you of that fact before we saw you off.”
It was taking all Theo had not to start literally jumping for joy. As James expressed his thanks, Alice rounded on her and pulled her into a tight hug.
“Speaking of writing, you must promise to do so! You’ve been such a breath of fresh air, Theodora, I’m going to miss you sorely when you’re gone! You must come again. I insist, I really do.”
“I will,” Theo laughed. “I promise, I will.”
Her penmanship with a quill was improving, so with any luck James wouldn’t be obligated to scribe whatever letters she had to send.
The goodbyes were lengthy, but the moment they were out of the door and well out of earshot, Theo was hooting a laugh and throwing her arms about her husband in celebration – not content to let him downplay his success here. Only after that did the tiredness that had been culminating over the course of their time here really hit, and she returned to the sofa and sank down onto it with a sigh.
“You made an enthusiastic friend in Lady Montague. For life, I should think,” James said as he followed her in.
“Careful, James, you’re brushing against condescension – all that’s missing is a pat on the head and a good girl.”
Although that last part might be worth revisiting at a later date. He chuckled, walking to the bar cart and pouring them each a drink before he sat down on the couch beside her, handing her the crystal tumbler of whiskey.
“I know these things are tiring for you, but if it’s any consolation you handled it all marvellously.”
Theo made a humming sound, taking a sip and sighing. He was right – they were exhausting. Not even just because of the cultural differences, which one wouldn’t expect to exist between two such small neighbouring islands, but because of her origins, too.
“It wasn’t so bad as it was when I first arrived,” she admitted. “I…have more stable footing now, than I did back then. Don’t need to be paranoid that if I say my favourite colour is blue, it’ll be a secret code for I worship the devil every Tuesday night in these times.”
“No, that would be red,” he said drily.
“Duly noted.”
Back when she first arrived, it had been toughest. Having to constantly self-edit and really think over what she said before she said it, thinking of how she could skew an anecdote to fit the time – or if she could at all – by which point, the conversation had often moved on and she was left standing quietly like a lawn ornament to the side. With James, it had always been surprisingly easy. Even before he knew, when they were just talking, and he wasn’t trying to finagle details of her past out of her. And now she didn’t have to worry about it with him at all. A safe haven in human form.
It was Theo’s own humble opinion that she was at her best when she could speak her mind and crack her stupid jokes and, well, breathe. That hadn’t often been possible in Port Royal. Because they were of this time, and because they seldom shared her sense of humour – and going into this, she’d expected it to be more of the same. Amplified, perhaps, because this was London, where all of them had hailed from.
But either island life had made those there less friendly towards newcomers, or the old lot just really resented her for what she’d found with James. Then again, maybe arriving as a castaway, living in the jungle for a bit, and then running off with a pirate…multiple times…had something to do with it, too. Who knew?
In any case, she’d lucked out here – and she was relieved, but exhausted still. And more than a little sheepish.
“I’m sorry.”
“For worshipping the devil?”
He had not sensed her change in tone, thinking she was still joking. There was a precedent for that, wasn’t there? Theo was content to let it rest there, unsure if it was really a conversation she wanted to have anyway. But then he turned his head and regarded her fully, and the silence became a little less comfortable than it usually was between them.
“Sorry for what?” he asked, and then when she did not respond, asked again. “Theodora?”
“It…doesn’t come naturally to me. Not here.”
“What doesn’t?”
“The social side of it. Here.”
“She says as we sit here, drinking to her success.”
“We’re drinking to our success, don’t be daft.”
“I’m drinking to yours. Now tell me what you meant. Was someone unkind tonight?”
“Not at all. But…”
Well, they were having the conversation now. What good would it be to sit and make him pull teeth and figure out what was bothering her via a series of yes-or-no questions?
“…this is what wives are supposed to do, isn’t it? Here, I mean. Take joy in organising dinner parties and playing hostess and filling every spare hour of every day with luncheons and dinner parties and balls? Representing the team in the sophisticated social circles – the ones not inhabited by pirates and sex workers, anyway. It’s not exactly…”
A marriage to a fine woman. But she wouldn’t use those words – because they weren’t meant for her ears, because it would appear the matter of Elizabeth still weighed upon her (which it genuinely did not), and because it didn’t exactly convey how she felt. That made it sound like she doubted his feelings for her, or like she had no self-worth…which had never been one of her problems. God bless her dad and how he’d raised her.
“I don’t fulfil the traditional job requirements,” she finished lamely.
Then, though, she saw how he looked almost outraged by her words and winced.
“I’m not saying I don’t think you’re happy. Only that it would be understandable if you were…oh, I don’t know. Frustrated, now and then, at having a wife who you always need to explain to people.”
In all of their time together, they hadn’t ever really had a chance at living in a normal manner up until now. There’d always been some sort of grander game at play – some new adventure-slash-mortal peril tugging at their tailcoats. The bits in-between that kinda sorta resembled normality had been breathers. Blips between storms – between maelstroms.
James smiled a little as he bowed his head, and Theo wasn’t sure how to even begin taking the gesture. Had she really sounded that ridiculous? God, she shouldn’t have opened her mouth at all. But when he raised his head again and looked to her, the smile slipped away, and she knew her worry had shown on her face.
Sighing, he bent forward to set his glass down on the floor, and then took her free hand in both of his.
"Do you think I have none of the same fears? Three centuries of progress lies between here and where you hailed from. Between myself and then. And you have given up much for me…have sacrificed much for me..." as he spoke, he ran his thumb over the knuckles of her gloved hand. “I believe that you are happy just as you know that I am. But, sometimes, I do fear that one day you may grow to question whether it was all worth it. For you have sacrificed plenty, and I have gained much. I have gained everything.”
“Everything you’ve gained, I have too,” she insisted. “I never regret the choice I’ve made. Not even in passing.”
“And nor do I. I do not wish for a wife, Theodora. I want you. As you are. However you are. However you will be. And as for needing to explain you to people – if they do not possess good taste, that is their own affair. I enjoy being among the lucky collective who do.”
Theo felt herself flush, but he was not finished. He slipped one hand away from hers and brought it instead to cup the side of her face, thumb running across her cheek just as it had with her knuckles, urging her towards him so that he could kiss her – a kiss that was so slow and filled with such adoration that she was sure she wouldn’t be able to string another sentence together for at least an hour.
He pulled back, but kept her close, pressing his brow against hers.
“And I confess, if you suffered a head injury and began to take joy in little other than place settings and the town gossip, I should still love you but I would mourn it,” he teased. “You take little joy in these sorts of gatherings? Good. Nor do I. So I know I will never need to suffer through them unless entirely necessary – and when those times do come, I’m afforded the opportunity to witness you, to use your own wording, charm the pants off of those necessary. Now tell me, what facet of any of this is supposed to disappoint me?”
“What if I tell you I really am a witch?” she teased, pressing another kiss to his lips as if to prove her mood had lightened.
“I shall carry your broomstick for you with great pride,” he promised.
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Links: AO3 -- FF.net -- flufftober masterpost -- dividers by cafekitsune
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mariacallous · 18 days
It’s been one year since New York enacted a law that barred most whole-apartment rentals for short-term stays on platforms like Airbnb. Since then, the number of stays under 30 days has plummeted in the city, but Airbnb is raising questions about whether the lawmakers’ stated goals—lowering rents and opening up apartments for full-time residents—have been achieved.
Airbnb fought New York’s Local Law 18 in court, calling it a “de facto ban” on the platform, but failed to block it. Now, the company is asking New York to reconsider. In a recent post, the company called the outcomes of the law “predictable.” In the city, rent prices remain high and housing availability low; hotel prices have seen small increases, too. “The data is showing the law isn’t working,” Theo Yedinsky, vice president of public policy at Airbnb, tells WIRED. “We’re asking for what I think are pretty reasonable, sensible changes.”
The law only allows people to rent out rooms in their homes to two guests for stays shorter than 30 nights, and requires hosts to register their apartments with the city. For stays under 30 nights, hosts must be home. (Entire apartments and homes can still be found on platforms like Airbnb, Vrbo, and Booking.com, but must be rented for 30 nights or longer.) Yedinsky says Airbnb is calling for New York to let people rent out their full primary residence when they’re away for short periods of time, and to undo a regulation mandating that there be no locks on internal doors.
When New York passed the law, it was seen by many as a test case for ways to rein in short-term rentals. Other cities around the world have grappled with how to regulate rentals, which can bring noise and parties, and may siphon off housing for locals to tourists. (In 2022, more apartments were listed on Airbnb than were available for long-term lease in New York. Many of those listings were illegal, but the city lacked an enforcement mechanism until last year.) This summer, Barcelona went even further than New York, announcing that all short-term rentals will be barred from the city come late 2028.
Those opposing the law say the regulations are onerous. They block not just megalandlords, but many one- and two-family homeowners from making spare income to offset their own housing costs. In the days after the law took effect, the number of short-term rentals on Airbnb fell by 15,000, a nearly 70 percent drop. The impact has been most dramatic outside of Manhattan. Some neighborhoods in surrounding boroughs have seen the number of short-term rental listings drop by 90 percent since the law took effect, according to data analytics firm AirDNA.
As of July, in New York there were just over 5,000 short-term rentals on Airbnb, but more than 32,000 stays available for 30 or more nights, according to Inside Airbnb, a housing advocacy group that tracks the platform. Those figures suggest that many short-term stays haven’t been converted to yearlong leases, but instead remain on Airbnb as mid-length stays.
The law hasn’t appeared to provide relief to New York renters either. The median rent in New York is down by about $100 a month compared to August 2023, according to Zillow. But the average rent has increased about $100 year over year, according to Apartments.com, and now sits at nearly $3,900 for a one-bedroom apartment.
A report from real estate firm Douglas Elliman found that average rent in July was down around 7 percent compared to the prior year across Manhattan, Brooklyn, and parts of Queens, but attributed these changes to a “continued pattern” of rentals on the market getting smaller (in Manhattan, the price per square foot rose to the second-highest price on record in the borough).
Hotels have seen a small bump in rates in the past year. In July, average daily hotel room rates were up about 2 percent year over year, according to CoStar, which tracks commercial real estate data. The law also had an unintended effect: sending visitors to neighboring New Jersey, where demand for short-term rentals jumped.
In response to questions about the impact of the law, Christian Klossner, executive director of the Office of Special Enforcement, which handles the short-term rental registrations, claims that Local Law 18 has led to a massive reduction in illegal short-term rental listings and informs short-term rental operators on how to host legally. “This program has been pivotal in protecting the city’s housing stock from illicit activity and keeping New Yorkers safe.”
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shmilestprower · 7 months
Hello Guest: Sometimes Conversation Is A Raven Nest
Part of my Hello Neighbor story, we learn more about the Guest in this headcanon and the story.
Mr. Peterson glared at the creature in front of him, not in the slightest bit. Did he like it, Peterson was a 50 year old man with a well trimmed mustache, always curled at each side. His hair was brown, but near to greying. Forming a swirl at the top, wearing a yellow shirt, with a stain on it. The stain was unspecified. Theodore had green, piercing eyes staring at the thing. He had a strong cheekbones, something his childhood self never possessed. And he had a round chin, an swirl on his chin. He had grown a stubble, as he was older.
Peterson had thick, arching eyebrows. Which gave him an intimidating appearance, and they pointed straight downwards, to his nose. His unusual head has numerous wrinkles and creases on his forehead. The mustached man also wore thick, and greasy rubber gloves. Of a black color. He wore a blue diamond patterned vest, with a argyle style. The very small part, the comprising material of his shirt was a rain-resistant material. The edges of the vest are dark blue and ridged, while the diamonds are a lighter blue. There are white dotted lines crossing the vest as part of its pattern. Theodore's pants are an orange color with darker orange stripes, and his shoes are black and white sneakers.
"Explain your actions, especially after you possessed MY son. And chased me." The black sheep of Raven Brooks asked, adjusting his collared shirt.
"Theodore, relax. I think you and I can speak, whilst we remain civil."
The creature in front of him ironically looked somewhat similar, but vastly different, beefier. Wearing a purple, dirty dark striped sweater with a red pocket on the front. The top, inside this pocket was a tissue. There was the presence of yellow stitching, around the armpit area, as if somebody created the sweater. The sweater had light red sleeves with lines on them, the sleeves were significantly dirtier than one expected. However they were incredibly dirty, one could not tell if they were red or orange. In opposite of Mr. Peterson's muscular form, and limbs. The creature had lanky limbs. Wearing, similar gloves. But shredded, the fingers resembled talons of a raven or a crow. And these gloves have dirt on him. It wore brown lined pants, with black shoes with yellow laces and soles. However, as one would expect. Because of the body shape. The entity had lankier limbs. The hood was pulled past the head, and for a face. Was a raven beak, resembling wood, but if you were stupid enough to touch the beak, it was certainly organic. The figure wore a black, hooded cloak. Held together by a circular clasp, with an eye symbol. Theo knew the symbol all too well. Forest Protectors. However as a man could not think the same way a insect could, one would wrongfully think this cloak is brown.
The Guest. The Raven Man, the mysterious urban legend of Raven Brooks. Who had existed for ages, a demonic supernatural entity. And dealmaker who had complete control over Raven Brooks. Some doubted his existence, because Raven Man, Raven Brooks. However this simply didn't deter the mind of believers or conspiracy theorists.
Beside the creature were three men, wearing black hooded figures, with hundreds of feathers attached to their cloaks. They had their hoods up, obscuring their head, and they wore white, curved beak masks. Resembling a plague doctor mask from medieval times. These figures also wore long black gloves with claws. Forest Protectors.
Peterson knew why they wore these raven like costumes. Because they worshipped The Guest, and sacrificed people to him. Representing his legend and existence through the cloaks.
"I merely gave your son an opportunity, one he should have been grateful for, an escape from that prison you hold him in." The beaked creature said. His voice was full of envy and greed, contempt. He didn't speak by words, but spoke with telepathy. As his beak didn't move. Ethereal and sadism, but with multiple voices. Of various emotions and feelings. Giving the Guest an unearthly way of speaking. The legend lacked eyes, but he could still see Theodore.
Mr. Peterson rubbed his stubble, listening to the demon speaking. Having to hear multiple voices and emotions at once was annoying, but he had the opportunity to question The Guest. "You think it was an opportunity? One you think Aaron should be grateful for, I know you. You don't play kid games. You tried linking my son to a curse."
"I thought you humans knew the meaning of sacrifice. Do you not know the meaning of "it's for the greater good?" The bird-like beast laughed. His laughter echoing in Theo's mind. The crow creature adjusted his cloak, as he stared. Eagerly waiting.
"So. What are you, trying to make me understand the weight of my actions? I'm no saint, as I have framed Nicky. I have kidnapped him, buried my own daughter in my backyard. And chase anyone I see off my property. Kept Aaron locked in the basement to protect himself from the authorities, if so. You're just making me think different things." The neighbor stared, he didn't care about The Guest. Nor did he care about the cult. The bird society and it's God was like a thorn in his side. He had mixed emotions about The Guest, he loathed him. But he also feared him.
A chuckle of multiple voices, laughing with sadism could be heard, the mustached man clenched his gloved fist. As he didn't find that funny. "Way worse. I may be enforcing and influencing someone's thoughts. But it's actually to torture, haunt and break you." Theodore stared, sternly. Holding a pitchfork at the creature. He shook with a small bit of fear, but kept his composure. Clearly determined.
"It does not matter what I was taking, if I'm lonely, because you don't appreciate it, don't deserve it, or if you love it. What matters is, those who or what is taken. Isn't destroyed, grew distant from or even died. They are gone."
"Right, like making a kid linked to your cult and possessing him is good, you're nothing without bad luck." The man said, sarcastically.
"I might be, I could be a lot of things. Small things, big things. It doesn't matter. What matters is what I'm becoming, little Theo. I'm the monster; I'm the monster that manifests when you think your God takes away your crops, I'm the monster that takes away what you don't deserve. I'm your life's betrayal." The Raven Man claimed it was life's betrayal, one of the Forest Protectors wanted to kill Peterson here and now. But the Guest held him off.
"Why not kill me anyways, instead of being a clown? And not going with your word?"
"New toys to play with. Torture, despair. DEATH! Taking what you don't deserve. As much as I wish I could take credit, your wife wasn't my work. But I did see it."
This set off the green eyed, and suspicious man. He rose from his seat, his well built frame rising up. As The Guest cawed. Peterson was increasingly frustrated.
"Do not bring up Diane into this. Or Mya. But there are kids. I have to deal with, they are trying to send me to prison again."
"Oh, you think you can negotiate with me? I give the word, and my Ravens pay a visit to your son. At a certain house. Consider your position very carefully, Theodore. Because you are not with the power."
He took in the Guest's words. Mr. Peterson didn't at all want Aaron dying by the Forest Protectors, especially after such a threat like that. But he chuckled. Which caught The Guest by surprise. "Maybe I need your help more than you do, feeding off bad luck." A laugh, with opportunity. The Guest turned to Gordon Cleave, a 6'1 blonde man with fierce brown eyes, wearing a brown suit. Cleave also had a tooth pick in his mouth and turned to the Forest Protectors.
"And just, what did I tell you about him? Bold mindset. How have you lived like that? Especially when I and a representation of your guilt attack you?! Your mind and head is mine. Alright. Deal. Help you get rid of Trinity, and Aaron is my host." The Guest referenced The Thing, the representation of Nicky's fears and Theo's guilt.
"Deal." Mr. Peterson shook hands with The Guest, as he warned the creature. Giving it a cold look.
"I will warn you, only once. This is solely a partnership and business. No emotion." The bird like creature warned him.
"I am aware."
Mr. Peterson walked out of the catacombs, and sewers. Heading back to his house. Whilst the Guest transformed into a Raven and flew off to the Forest.
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wolfboy88 · 8 months
Seven Sentence Sunday
(or really Monday for me)
Tagged by @ksbbb @mmoosen @kingofangst
This is from an untitled WIP where Theo disappeared after the showdown at the hospital and Liam’s spent the last few months searching for him and finds Theo working as a go-go dancer… this also loosely falls into the Theo Wears Pink on Wednesday tag from so long ago
Liam’s mouth flails open, once, twice, mouth watering as his eyes go wide, captivated, feasting on the truly unbelievable sight of Theo Raeken - the big bad evil chimera - in a barely there, teeny tiny pink thong that is bulging obscenely while he dances, no gyrates his body on the pole.
Theo Raeken is a fucking go-go dancer.
Liam's pants suddenly feel uncomfortably tight as his mind - his filthy perverted brain - tries to process this unexpected revelation. Theo looks absolutely irresistible, covered in a glistening layer of sweat and glitter, his muscles flexing under the vibrant lights.
Theo shamelessly twerks and gyrates his body, reveling in the attention from the party-goers. They surround his platform, eagerly stuffing money into his thong straps and garters around his thick thighs and bulging biceps, some even throwing it onto the stage floor.
It has been months since Liam last saw Theo, and he never would have imagined finding him in a place like this. However, Liam feels an irresistible force propelling him forward, through the crowd, until he reaches the front row, where he stands, gazing up at Theo.
Theo's eyes widen briefly before darkening with a sinister allure. He smirks, a sight that weakens Liam's knees and quickens his heartbeat.
"Well, well, well. What a surprise to see you here, little wolf," Theo says, his voice dripping with amusement.
"Likewise," Liam replies, voice thick with anticipation. "I need to talk to you."
"I'm a bit busy at the moment," Theo retorts, rolling his hips as a patron slips money into his thong string and playfully slaps his ass. "I'm working."
Liam clenches his jaw, desperation evident in his pleading eyes. "Please?"
"Either pay up or move aside, so I don't lose my tips," Theo demands.
"I don't have any cash on me," Liam mumbles. "Please, there must be something I can do."
Theo's smirk widens as he signals for someone to join them. Suddenly, a tall, dark man appears by his side.
"I have a special guest tonight, and he's going to join me on stage," Theo announces, leaving Liam speechless. "Give Tyrell your valuables."
"Theo," Liam hisses, but Theo raises a challenging eyebrow, his lips poised for a response.
"If you don't hand over your phone and wallet, you'll regret it," Theo adds, and reluctantly, Liam hands over his belongings.
"Tyrell, put these in my locker," Theo instructs, and Tyrell nods in acknowledgment. "Thank you, Tyrell."
Liam gulps nervously as Theo grins, pulling him onto the platform. "Now, let's have some fun."
That was more than seven sentences but I had to make it worth while. There is also a moodboard that goes with this for those who want a sneak peak…
Tagging @unsanedes @rd-eternity @chasing-chimeras @theoceanismyinkwell @outcastpack @transdunbar @thiamsxbitch
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Sandii & the Sunsetz were a Japanese synthpop band that collaborated from 1979 until the 1990s. The Sunsetz, led by Makoto Kubota, and Sandii started as separate artists, and each has a separate discography. However, their collaboration provided a particular body of work that is representative of the period, and which successfully blended Eastern, Western and pop influences.
Early days
Sandii (サンディー) - born Sandra O'Neale - was born in Japan to an American father of Irish and Spanish ancestry and a Japanese mother. Her father was in the U.S. Navy, and she spent her early life in Japan, but moved to Hawaii in her early teens and began to study hula and Pacific dance.
After becoming accomplished as a singer and dancer, Sandii released her first record "Perusha Neko" under the name Sandi Ai. Returning to Japan in 1975 she was befriended by Kyu Sakamoto, who helped her to get a job as a DJ on NHK TV in Japan. Sandii performed during the interval of the "World Popular Song Festival" in late 1975, and secured a record deal with Toho. Sandii's debut album, Sandi Ai, is a mix of Japanese originals and covers of well-known songs by John Lennon and Olivia Newton-John. The album was not a great success, and Sandii left Toho for Discomate Records.
In 1976 Sandii performed at the Yamaha World Popular Song Festival as a non-competitor interval act, and the next year she won the prestigious “Grand Prix Best Vocal Performance” award with the single "Goodbye Morning", her best selling record to date.
Sandii met Makoto Kubota in 1976, when he was a guest on her NHK TV show and afterward joined his band Yuyake Gakudan ("Sunset Gang") as a backup singer. Makoto was an accomplished musician with broad influences, and the collaboration went on to be critically acclaimed, though never quite achieving the popular success expected. The music of The Sunset Gang was very influenced by blues, Southern and West Coast rock, but later they became increasingly interested in Hawaiian and Okinawan music. At this time Sandii also became friends with the future members of the Yellow Magic Orchestra, frequent collaborators with the Sunset Gang; Haruomi Hosono naming her "Sandii" because of the connection with Hawaii. However, until 1980 Sandii used a variety of names for different sessions e.g. "Sandra Hohn", "Sandi A. Hohn", and even "Sandy Ayako".
On the soundtrack of Lupin The Third Sandii performed the songs "I Miss You Babe" and "Love Squall"; the latter was a single release paired with the theme of the TV series by Yuji Ohno.
In 1978 Sandii sang the end title theme for the Japanese release of Agatha Christie's Death on the Nile, which became a top 20 hit in Japan. This gave Sandii and Makoto the opportunity to record a follow-up album. With limited time and budget, the album Mystery Nile consists of disco and pop cover versions including "Dancing Queen" by ABBA. Sandii and Makoto used fake English names on the record - "Sandy O'Neil" and "Theo Layer".
Other guest appearances include the albums Dead End and Monkey Magic by Godiego plus Melting Pot by Yamamoto Sho, whose backing band became Ippu-Do (including future Japan member Masami Tsuchiya).
In 1979, again using the name "Sandy O'Neil", Sandii released the disco track "Hey! King Kong", which failed to become a hit. The same year saw Sandii's first guest appearance with the Yellow Magic Orchestra on their album Solid State Survivor. Right at the end of '79 the Y.M.O. and Sandii began to record her debut for Alfa Records, Eating Pleasure, featuring lyrics by Yellow Magic Orchestra lyricist, Chris Mosdell, who, as he had done for YMO's Solid State Survivor also wrote the bulk of the lyrics for Eating Pleasure. At this point Makoto also wound up the Sunset Gang and Sandii & The Sunsetz were born. The two groups had the same members, but Sandii became lead vocalist. The collaboration with Mosdell would go on to produce some of the band's biggest hits over the next four years.[1] Sandii and Makoto are on record as saying they were influenced by the sound and success of Blondie and later became friends with Debbie Harry and Chris Stein.
1980s: The Sunsetz
Their first show as Sandii & The Sunsetz was opening for Yellow Magic Orchestra at Budokan in December 1980. In 1981 their next album Heat Scale, again featuring lyrics by Chris Mosdell, was released in 17 countries - most international releases adding tunes from "Eating Pleasure". From the release of "Heat Scale" until the next album release "Immigrants" (with a title song penned once more by lyricist Chris Mosdell) The Sunsetz spent a lot of time in the UK, recording with David Sylvian and Fun Boy Three producer Dave Jordan. Sounds, NME and Melody Maker gave The Sunsetz extensive coverage which gave the group a lot of credibility in Japan, leading to increased record sales. Their live act gained many fans in the international music industry following their support slot on the final Japan world tour. The Sunsetz went on to tour and play festivals with Eurythmics, INXS, Blondie and David Bowie. Their extensive touring and TV appearances in Australia in 1983 allowed them to achieve the #11 charting hit single "Sticky Music" (lyrics by Chris Mosdell).[2] Sandii & the Sunsetz also wrote songs for pop idol Akina Nakamori, including her hit "Babylon". The group had problems with international distribution and promotion and was unable to replicate that success worldwide, but it had an avid cult following.
Steve Cropper saw Sunsetz guitarist Keni Inoue play in his distinctive plucking style (as heard on "Open Sesame") and asked to be taught the technique.
In 1985 Sandii & The Sunsetz left Alfa Records for Toshiba-EMI, whose greater financial muscle gave the group a better budget to work with. Following a collaboration with Stephen Duffy ("Something Special") the group released the rock influenced "La La La La Love", released as "Banzai Baby" outside Japan. Although a strong album musically the group was disappointed that it was not promoted internationally, despite following the guidance of the record company, and opted to follow their own creative vision for subsequent releases. This led them to reggae, dancehall and other Jamaican styles which heavily influenced the final Sunsetz albums "Rhythm Chemistry" and "One Love".[1]
1990-present: Latter days
In 1990, the group had another re-invention, just using the name Sandii, although they would carry on using "& The Sunsetz" for live appearances well into the 1990s. Sandii and Makoto decided to concentrate on the Asian market and subsequent releases sold in greater numbers, helped by Sandii recording key songs in up to four languages. In 1996 Sandii recorded the first of her "Hawaii" albums and became increasingly involved in Hula culture.[3] Sandii now runs two Hula schools, in Harajuku, Tokyo and Yokohama and has a TV series on NHK, contributing to the popularity of Hula dance in Japan and allowing Sandii to release roughly two albums a year of Hawaiian and other Pacific style music. In late 2005 Sandii achieved the rank of Kumu Hula and celebrated with an event at a shrine in Ise, with old friend Haruomi Hosono providing the music.
Makoto Kubota is still a major music producer in Japan, always exploring new directions in world music.
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anabdaniels · 9 months
Cultural tradition
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Paring: Agent Whiskey x Female Reader
Word counting: 840
Rating: +18
Warning: Brief implied smut.
A/N: Let's pretend I ain't late with this. I'll already apologize for any possible mistake related to Christmas celebrations in the USA because Google may have confused me a bit hahaha. This is based on the Christmas traditions we have here where I live (south of Brazil), but I believe it can work with any other cultural habit if you ignore a few details.
Main Masterlist | Cowboycember Masterlist
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You always had wondered what it would be like to have your own Christmas night, at your house with people you really cared about, and that moment was finally becoming a reality.
Of course, you bugged Jack’s mind for a moment when you started to talk about your plans for December 24th, and only then did you remember that you two had been raised into different Christmas traditions.
“I understand that this might be confusing to you, but it’s so weird for me to just celebrate on the 25th.” You shrugged with a soft expression, playing with one of Jack’s hands.
“To be honest, I liked the idea of having celebrations.” He chuckled softly “I’m totally up to do it.”
“Fine!” you sounded excited “Then we’ll have to do some groceries tomorrow and I hope your barbecue skills are not rusty.”
“Barbecue?” Jack questioned with a raised eyebrow.
“Yes, because turkey ain’t an item of the party.” You answered calmly.
“This gonna be quite interesting.” Jack shook his head with a smile.
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The further you got into the grocery list, the more confused Jack was while trying to realize what would be the result of it, since you bought some stuff he couldn’t promptly associate into any familiar recipe like rice, corn, peas, and short ribs.
As time passed in the kitchen, Jack could only get more interested as the whole dinner started to take shape. The peas and corn jointed with potatoes, mayonnaise, and a bit of parsley, turning into a salad; the rice would be cooked to be a side dish, and the short ribs having the barbecue grill as their destination, but not without you making Jack surprised and confused once more with your instructions to season the ribs only with coarse salt and nothing more.
“Honey, are you sure about this?” Jack questioned one last time with the salt jar in one hand, making you laugh.
“Yes, Jack. I’m sure, I’ve helped my father and watched my uncles do this a thousand times, I’m sure about what I’m telling you.” You affirmed while moving your attention from the onions you were cutting.
“If you say so…” he chuckled and started to add the salt to the ribs, then looking at what you were doing “What’s that?”
“Well, back home we call it vinaigrette, even though it has nothing to do with the French dressing.” You shrugged after finishing chopping the onions and added them to a bowl with chopped tomatoes, gently mixing them.
“Only gets more interesting.” Jack said sincerely.
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Not that later, the guests showed up, your dear best friend, Ginger, Tequila, Jack’s parents and sister, and Theo, their dog. You were a bit worried if they would engage the idea when you made the invitations and all of them accepted without thinking twice, then suddenly you had been transported back to your child and teenagerhood, having a lot of people you loved and cared about sitting on the backyard and having a good time while drinking and eating.
You were prepared for any strangeness from them about the unusual meal, but as you listened to the compliments and saw the food you were sure would result in a bunch of leftovers disappearing, you couldn’t be happier for having been able to provide a good Christmas dinner for your family.
Which, for sure, included your cowboy.
Of course, you knew that Jack was a man of appetite, that soft stomach hadn’t appeared out of nowhere, but he definitely exceeded your expectations, eating everything as if it was the best thing in the world, probably because it tasted very much like that. He liked the food he had grown up eating on Christmas period, but something prepared by you with that whole emotional meaning would unquestionably be his favorite, what with the addition that everything on that dinner had hit right on his tastes was the recipe for a complete success.
“Finally, I can break free.” Jack said while watching the cars leaving the ranch, undoing his belt and opening the button of his jeans.
“Maybe you should try a non-vacuum-packed one next year.” You joked holding one short rib, finishing eating it.
“I’ll ignore your audacity because that dinner of yours was a masterpiece of food.” He shook his head and sat on the chair in front of you, taking advantage of the fact that you were sitting on the table to caress your thighs.
“Wise decision.” You chuckled and cleaned your hands on a napkin.
“I can’t with you sometimes.” He smirked and leaned forward to plant a kiss on the side of your knee.
“Daniels…” you sighed quietly as his lips moved further on your skin.
“C’mon, sugar, y’really didn’t expect me to want some dessert after such a good dinner?” Jack concluded his question with a nibble on your inner thigh.
“Can’t say you don’t have a good point.” You smiled already running your fingers on his hair and relaxing on the table, more than happy to be eaten out by your once more hungry husband.
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