#killed conversation and that. um. distracted me. anyway LOL
sydmarch · 1 year
Who is Angus to Evrart?
full dialogue of the scene that line is from:
You - "Tell me about Titus Hardie and his crew."
Evrart Claire - "Oh, they are simply fine young men -- all seven of them! Exemplary Union members. Always working to advance their position in the local socialist-democratic movement. Core members."
Evrart Claire - "Old Theo used to run them, but things really *kicked into gear* when Titus took the reins and named the group after himself." He starts laughing. "Gotta love his initiative." You - "What more can you tell me? Who's second in command? Who's the most violent?"
Evrart Claire - "Harry, they're almost all of them *great* guys, born leaders. Whatever happened, I'm sure they only had the best interests of Revachol in mind."
Evrart Claire - "Work with them -- hell, interview them! But don't fight them. They really are just like you -- men who like beer, women, and some *order* on the streets."
Half Light - Separate one from the herd. You - "So let me ask you this... Which one of Hardie's boys is your least favourite?"
Evrart Claire - "Oh, that would definitely be Fat Angus. His feet smell from a city-block away and he's always having noisy stomach troubles. Horrible, revolting guy."
You - "So let's say something happens to Fat Angus... let's say a citizen's arrest..."
Evrart Claire - "You would die, Harry," he says, grinning. "You would die and in the process start a bloody and completely unnecessary war between the Débardeurs' Union and the Citizens Militia."
Evrart Claire - "Angus, his ever-growling stomach, and his smelly feet are all part of the Union. You have as much right to *arrest* him as he has to arrest you... "
Evrart Claire - "...actually less, because it's his home and his backyard. You are a guest here, Harry. Please remember that."
Evrart Claire - "Oh Harry..." He starts laughing. "This is getting real grim and there's no need for that. We are friends." He sits back and looks you in the eye with a wide smile.
i love thinking about this dialogue in comparison to when you get his real opinion on the hardies:
Evrart Claire - "Harry, I bugged her cabin. I bugged her whole boat. I had cameras surveying her boat. Hell I even wanted to bug that thermal cup, but my boys advised against it."
Savoir Faire - They must have done it while Joyce was busy questioning the locals. You - "So you've been listening to our conversations all the time?"
Evrart Claire - "Not me personally..." he stretches his arms like a discus thrower. "I had guys recording and processing this information for me." You - "The Hardie boys?"
Evrart Claire - "Hell no!" he exclaims. "They'd fuck it up. They can't do anything right. I mean my *real* boys. My special task force boys."
Kim Kitsuragi - "Where are these boys?"
Evrart Claire - "They sure as hell aren't hanging out in the open with beers in their hands for the cops to question." He bursts out laughing. "They're pros, Mr. Kitsuragi."
he doesn't like angus & doesn't even like or trust the hardies as it turns out! and yet i do 100% believe that he meant it when he said harry would die & it would start a war between the rcm and the union. not because he really cares about the hardies personally but because it would reaffirm the union's power/obviously they would have to respond to something like that. but finding knowing his true thoughts about the hardies casts an interesting light on this convo:
You - "The remaining mercenaries are organizing a tribunal to take on the Hardies."
Evrart Claire - "Tribunal?" He appears aghast. "That sounds *serious* Harry. We Union men should be *shitting* ourselves..." He rubs his chin and smiles suddenly: "I wish you hadn't told me that. I'm gonna lose *sleep* over this. Let's change the subject."
Empathy - He's clearly happy about the tribunal.
You - "You don't *seem* too worried about it." Evrart Claire - "Oh, Harry, what do I *really* think about the tribunal? You're trying to climb to second base with old Evrart before you've even courted him properly."
obviously he's happy about the tribunal because his end goal is to start a war with wild pines but there's a total lack of concern for the hardies both here where they come up specifically or for the union in general when discussing the prospect of a war with harry:
You - "Have you ever heard what two Giant Seraise Hornets can do to an entire colony of bees? They destroy it."
Evrart Claire - "I have. It's a great story, Harry." He nods. "Did you also know how the bee colony kills the giant hornet? They swarm and blanket it entirely, until it suffers a *massive heat stroke* and dies." Empathy - He crosses his hands, contently, thinking of the interior temperature of the wasp rising. Endurance - They cook it alive in its exoskeleton.
Evrart Claire - "Harry, we outnumber them fifteen hundred to one. And that's just Martinaise. With all the unions in Revachol -- and with public opinion on our side -- we can hold off two men. Or fifteen men. Or even fifty men."
Evrart Claire - "The more they send, the worse it's going to look for them. They made a *huge* mistake hiring those guys. *No one* likes foreign mercenaries. The leftists hate them, the fascists hate them, even the moralists think they're *in bad taste*."
is he really just that confident in the union? does he view the hardies specifically as expendable because he doesn't have much faith in them? or are his real thoughts more along the lines of "yeah people are probably gonna die but if that's what it takes then so be it"? we already know he's willing to kill if need be but i'd imagine he'd view tiphaine holly (an ineffective leader who's his direct opponent) differently from the members of the union he's supposed to be looking out for... we can never get his opinion on the tribunal after it happens (screams cries throws up) but i could see him being overall satisfied with the outcome.
Evrart Claire - "What was always going to happen. We take the harbour and she fucks off to Ozonne, uncorks a bottle of wine, calls her partners and says they need to distance themselves from this nasty business before the big shit spinner splashes everyone."
Evrart Claire - "Only difference is the Union doesn't have to lose 2,000 men to machine gun fire."
like, 3-7 deaths compared to 2,000? anyways this is so much more than the question you actually asked i just love to think about my fucked up little guy.
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elsa-rain-world-stuff · 3 months
I don't care if you didn't want it, i'm doing it anyway!
today we have more people in the dialog (probably), so:
Doc - person from the previous post
Lily - new person who was also struggling with rw
Me - me, Elsa Fogen
october 18, 2020
Me [21:43] : you crawl out AND THERE'S THAT THING SITTING
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Lily [21:24] : ahhahha they're blind, but can hear very well Me [21:46] : that bitch sitting right where i need to go
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Lily [21:24] : throw a rock, it'll be distracted and go away Me [21:58] : threw at it and it ate me :)
october 19, 2020, new chat
Me [19:15] : Which wai is better..........
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Lily [19:25] : Hi everyone Can i scream here about stupid scavs Me [19:32] : Yes and i'm gonna scream about FUCKING OCTOPUSES AAAAAAAAAAAA DIE BITCH
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Me [19:44] : alright FUCK i'm tired of this shit fucking longlegs Me [19:44] : i like them, BUT THEY PISS ME OFF SO MUCH WHILE PLAYING AWJMLALMOWAJA Me [20:17] : SO, actual question, which way is better? Me [20:25] : chill
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Me [20:31] : fuck
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Me [20:39] : what the fuck...
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Me [23:09] : AH FINALLY
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NEEEEEEST Lily [23:09] : how you managed to lose all your karma as monk? Me [23:11] : two words FUCKING LONGLEGS scary
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Malevich's black square
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Me [23:11] : minus fucking eyes
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Me [23:40] : why hello
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Me [23:40] : you don't need a translation they said there's no dialog they said AND NOW I CAN'T UNDERSTAND SHIT
october 20, 2020
Me [00:02] : what happened????????????????????
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Lily [00:03] : he will kill you if you keep coming back or stay after he told you to leave Me [00:04] : UM
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Me [00:14] : um
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what's with karma Lily [00:15] : Five Pebbles made you maximum karma Me [00:16] : alright then. where do i go next? i don't understand shit Lily [00:16] : go after orange Me [00:18] : ?? Lily [00:18] : Well. That thing that shows you the way Me [00:33] : HAHAHAH IT WAS FUCKING KILLED AND I HAVEN'T SEEN IT IN AGES Lily [00:34] : It comes back after If it didn't that means that you ate neuron from Moon Me [00:38] : i don't think so... i didn't eat anything from Moon and it was killed in citadel Lily [00:38] : you're glowing It means you ate white fly Me [00:40] : i didn't eat from Moon Lily [00:40] : Ok, then why are you glowing? :D Me [00:40] : i ate those flies only at five pebbles, BECAUSE THERE WERE NO OTHER FOOD Lily [00:40] : idk then ahhh by the way Five Pebbles tells you where to go Me [00:51] : ahkepadwaha fuck would be great if i understood him Me [01:08] : rip my thing, good thing it was
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Me [01:08] : what the fuck
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After that i used a passage and teleported to outskirts, and saw my overseer again. I can't find any messages about that but i remember that i didn't visit chimney and sky islands on my first time lol. also i got very poor translation for the game yeah
Me [22:18] : what are these things
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Also this conversation i think it's funny
october 21, 2020
Doc [0:30] : ELSA I'M GONNA EAT YOU NOW Me [00:32] : why :0 Doc [0:33] : I asked you many times who would you be in rw. Just to draw. Me [00:33] : ah. idk. a cat mb, i don't know anyone yet Doc [0:33] : Which? 🗿 white. yellow. red. green. dark-blue. almost black. light blue. another light blue. orange. maroon. Me [00:34] : speckled purple 🗿 Doc [0:34] : purple Me [00:34] : kidding ЪAWHWAZH AWHZWHWHAHW SINGLE BRAIN Doc [0:34] : IT EXISTS IT FUCKING EXISTS *sends picture of sleeping spearmaster* -------- Me [12:51] : by the way, i will have this glowing forever? Doc [12:51] : What? Me [12:52] : well that appeared after i ate flies at Five Pebbles Doc [12:52] : I think yes. Me [12:52] : Nice By the way, overseer showed up And was killed by fucking scavengers twice
october 22, 2020
Me [0:12] : FUCK HEAR ME OUT HEAR ME O U T there's one place, very deep well and there no pipes to climb up and there's shelter up there i fell in that well couldn't go further and long story short i'm like sitting there thinking what do i do i had an option to die but i didn't want to and so i decided to wait till the rain and go up with water AND IT WORKED Me [0:18] : my genius plan worked here
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Lily [00:19] : AAAAAA NO WAY SO IT'S NOT AN EMPTY PLACE IT'S A PIT??? THANK YOU ELSA THANK YOU VERY MUCH SMOOCH SMOCH SMOOOOCH Me [0:19] : I'm just not afraid to take risk sometimes you can farm karma later anyway (but in some places you'll lose more while farming) Lily [00:20] : i just though it's gonna rain like in open place Me [0:21] : i believed and hoped that it's gonna be flooded and no rain Lily [00:22] : How did you HOW DID YOU EVEN GUESS THAT Damn You're my salvation Me [0:23] : i can't climb onto damn deers((((( they're slippery bitches Lily [00:24] : they also sit on you Me [0:25] : OR DON'T SIT AT ALL
and here you can see my internal explorer had beed awakened
Me [0:25] : h m what is this pipe and where it leads...
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Me [0:25] : and He R E
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Me [0:25] : standin
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---- Me [17:52] : i'm trying to make good relationships with scavengers
october 23, 2020
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oh, the bird was sucked into the ground Me [16:03] : - so what's with the money? - what money - money that i invested in in stopping rains (it's a reference to an old meme...)
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Me [16:07] : DUDEEEEE
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
I really love that tiktok dress post with the riddler I was wondering if you could do the same for the penguins? ☺️ would love to see their minds blown lol
A/N: I've been debating whether I should do one for the Penguins or not lol thanks for making it easier for me to choose. Hope y'all enjoy! Here’s a link to the website where you can get the dress and here’s the link to Heidi’s Tik Tok that inspired this idea in the first place. Here’s also the Riddlers reacting in case you missed it 😁 Oh also enjoy the two extra Ozzie's I've included 🐧💜
Trigger Warning: Highly suggestiveness…look at the dress like…c’mon and some crude language, mostly on my end cause kinda like the Riddler one it feels like I’m just telling y’all straight up what’s gonna happen rip and I have the vocab and diction of a sailor
The Penguins Reacting to Reader Wearing a TikTok Dress:
Arkhamverse Penguin:
This cheeky asshat.
Oh, he’s so fucking smug it’s not even funny.
His eyes are literally scanning your form up and down.
This Ozzie is also extremely handsy and groping every exposed inch of you every chance he gets.
He’ll ask you to spin yourself around to show off every part of the dress and your accentuated assets.
Honestly, wouldn’t put it past him to be the one who got it for you, but he wasn’t sure you’d have the guts to actually put it on.
He would insist you wear it when it’s a busy night at the Iceberg Lounge
Oz would want you walking around, strutting. 
They can look if they want, get distracted and have their money get swiped. 
If they even try to touch you, they’re dead.
“Don’t worry love, everyone here knows your mine, they treat you any less than the gorgeous bird you are, I’ll kill ‘em.”
Reevesverse/ Farrell Penguin:
Once you walk in wearing the dress, you immediately have him speechless. 
He puts his hand to his heart, making sure it’s still beating. That he hasn’t just up and died in his sleep.
“Bellissima…” He puts down his cigar and is automatically waving you to come closer. 
“I need to make sure you’re real, sweetheart.” 
He makes you blush more than you expected to make him blush. 
Oz is full of praises as he stands up, holding your hand, and twirls you around so he can see all of you.
He contemplates whether or not he wants to see you out in his club like this. 
Sure he wants to show you off, but he’s possessive and if you were to go out there, you’d have to stick to his side 24/7 (which you do anyway)
“You look gorgeous in anything you put on. But right now, this one is my favorite, just second behind you wearing nothing.”
He snickers as you playfully  his shoulder, but you both know it’s true. 
Expect Ozzie to go searching for more variety of this type of dress and gifting ALL of them to you. 
Gotham Penguin:
He’s literally flabbergasted. 
There’s no way this was your idea, surely some set up with Tabitha or Barbara. 
Whether that’s true or not, he’s brain is still short-circuiting. 
His mouth is constantly opening and closing like a fish out of water. 
His eyebrows furrow in confusion for some minutes. How does a dress like that even work? 
You’re gonna have to get closer to him and snap him out of it.
But you gotta be quick, once he’s conscious you gotta make sure he doesn’t get lost again.
You offer some conversation, “d-do you like it Oswald?” 
It takes him a minute to come back to lucidity, but he finally starts making sentences…somewhat.
“I-I uh, um, i-it’s stunning y-you look stunning! W-where did you get that?” 
“I found it out while shopping with Tabby.” 
Oz rolls his eyes he figured as much. 
He won’t allow anyone to see you in the dress, this view is for his eyes only. 
If anyone even caught you putting on socks, he’d kill them. Just imagine if they even caught a sliver of a glance of you in this dress. 
Something feral and possessive comes over him at the thought. 
The dress teases just enough to show all his favorite areas to kiss and nibble on you. 
He does love the dress but he needs it off of you – like now.
Batman the Animated Series Penguin:
Also another one stunned into speechlessness. 
You’re lucky if you get anything like a squawk out of him. 
Even his birds got silent when they saw you.
“M-M-My goodness…” such a soft boy, takes off his hat and is literally trying to wipe away the sweat with a handkerchief. 
“Do you like it?” You gave him a 360 spin so he could take it all in. 
I don’t know why but I can see him getting a nosebleed? His face is fire engine red and his blinking rapidly as if trying to make sure his eye balls don’t stretch out like a Tex Avery cartoon. 
“I-I-...I’m speechless, darling. You look absolutely alluring like a siren…” He breathes out breathlessly. 
You can’t help but giggle at his gentle and polite nature. He was just too damn sweet for his own good sometimes. 
This Ozzie will also be strongly opposed to anyone seeing you in the dress. He’s definitely one of the more possessive Oswalds (I genuinely think they all are pretty possessive and greedy)
He's honestly just so gobsmacked that you're with him and that you love him. The fact you love him enough to do things like this to surprise him and bless him with your beauty.
The New Batman Adventures: 
(I honestly wasn’t sure whether to add this one or not, the design is different and it's considered like both a revamped season of BTAS but also it's own thing since it takes place two years after events in BTAS, and the DVD collection just calls TNBA season 4?? so idk but he does have some difference to BTAS so there's that)
He's taken aback. You could hear his audible gasp.
Oz's mouth hangs for a second in just awe. 
"My, my, my…my gorgeous dove…you look absolutely ravishing."  
He may be speechless and stunned but at least he's more capable of functioning speech. 
Oz walks over to you, his eyes admiring you up and down as he circles around you. 
He removes his gloves and reaches out to hold you. He's surprised just how sheer and thin the material is. It's almost like he's just touching your skin. 
He is absolutely beaming with pride and adoration. 
He definitely doesn't mind either or if you wore it out to the Iceberg Lounge. 
He wouldn't mind showing off to everyone in Gotham that your gorgeous being was his. 
But he'd also be pleased to keep it as a naughty secret between the two of you
Also much like Farrell Oz, expect him to probably give you more dresses in a similar fashion for you to try on. 
Telltale Penguin: 
Also another cheeky asshat
He's dumbfounded but only for a second.
"Holy shit, love. What brought all this on?"
He's immediately up and on his feet to take a closer look. 
When you tell him it was just something you found and thought he may enjoy, he snickers.
"Oh, I do definitely enjoy it, love. Absolutely breathtaking, you are." 
He's quick to have his hands all over you. His calloused hands running up and down your sides.
Feeling just how little the fabric is. He could easily tear it off you in a heartbeat but he decides against it.
He wants to be able to see you wear this again. 
He's more determined than ever to leave love bites where your skin is exposed through the sheer fabric.
A part of me sees him both wanting to show you off smugly to his colleagues but also doesn't want to give them the satisfaction of seeing most of you like this. 
If you want to wear it out with him, he won't argue, but you can guarantee if anyone disrespects you in any way, he won't hesitate to knock their lights out. 
And introducing a new Penguin to the roster…One Bad Day Penguin (cause he can fucking get it, but no worries, no spoilers but if you’ve read it you’re in for a treat, and if you haven't yet, I genuinely can't recommend it enough) 
One Bad Day Penguin: 
Damn, just when he thought you couldn't be anymore attractive. 
You've already got him wrapped around your finger, and now he's wrapped up that much tighter. 
You were drop dead gorgeous. The exotic dancers at his club never could hold a candle to you.
And you in this dress further confirms that statement. 
You saunter your way over closer to him. Giving him a 360° turn. 
"What do you think, Ozzie?"
"I think I'm the luckiest man on the planet.." he replies with no hesitation. 
When you're close enough, his arms are immediately wrapped around you. 
"Damn, it's like you're not wearing anything at all…" He mutters as his hands roam across your skin. His finger tracing along the sheer patterns of the dress. 
His breathing is hitched and his touch to your skin was electrifying. 
It's a miracle he's keeping it together as well as he does. 
He usually adores showing you off but this dress may have to be just between you two. 
Oz can't guarantee he won't rip off anyone and everyone's head that lingered their eyes a little too long on you. 
In moments like this, so intimate and tense from arousal. 
He can definitely feel the little animal in him ready to pounce on you, immediately. 
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mejomonster · 1 year
Shen wei would kill to have Luo wenzhous set up (take me with a grain of salt though cause I've only got Drama Shen Wei to compare and the knowledge he's a bit Extra possessive in the novel)
Shen wei: he texts you where he goes, how long, and when he'll return?
Luo wenzhou nodding: of course
Shen wei: Zhao yunlan only answers when I call, but he is a bit messy on organizing, and I'd prefer to just not have him go into danger in the first place
Luo wenzhou: fei du stays home if I tell him to
Shen wei: !!!! How did you manage that?!
Luo wenzhou: ...not entirely sure. Actually I. I think maybe fei du just doesn't want to break my heart when he can tell I want him badly to be safe, maybe?
Shen wei: but he's less mature than you, presumably more selfish, and he still...?
Luo wenzhou: well does your lover not?
Shen wei: -.- he doesn't like directions. Very mouthy
Luo Wenzhou: haha I've been there. We love to argue ToT
Shen Wei: so anyway, I don't think we quite mean the same thing... I mean... my lover is a brat in bed
Luo wenzhou: oh, fei du is too. But he's good for me uvu or else he doesn't get any
Shen wei: ...so. how do you get him tied up? How do you prevent him from getting scared off?
Luo wenzhou, smiling and about to blather away happily then blinking: um. You're a...professor right? Or a... a member of the Special Investigation Division right?
Shen wei: I assist them, yes.
Luo wenzhou: then you should know better than most, it's not a good idea to forcefully restrain someone against their will... You're lover is... the Chief right?
Shen wei, nodding primly: that is correct
Luo wenzhou: right... so he probably would look the other way if you broke the law a little... (shen wei coughs) my point is though, you really shouldn't be tying Anyone up in a way that might "scare them off." Like... an illegal way
Shen wei, trying not to twitch about being a "monster" and how that might Scare people off anyway but it's not worth the argument of comparing himself to this human: I'm not... I... you tie your lover up though. How is that different?
Luo wenzhou: ...
Fei Du, coming in from the bedroom where he'd been eavesdropping (cause Luo wenzhou probably thought the conversation was too "inappropriate for fei du." Luo wenzhou blushing in shame when he notices fei du heard him bragging and being a Bit of a Prick when he really means it in a loving way or at least... he was being a dick acting all proud of how possessive he is ToT): Yes, shixiong, how IS what you do different?
Luo Wenzhou, fighting desperately to restrain the urge to snap "if it wasn't different you would've taken me to court already brat" but also knowing the way he just put it with shen wei he does come off as a bit of a hypocrite. It's different cause fei du is HIS person, and his responsibility to take care of and protect and Fei Du is okay with it or Luo Wenzhou really would notice fei du emotionally hurt and back the fuck off. But that's all not easily explained to an Intense Acquaintance with weird energy lol.
Fei Du, crooning in mischief when Luo Wenzhou fails to respond: oh, shen wei, I'll tell you how it's different. When he does it he's teaching me a lesson, just daddy scolding me
Luo wenzhou: *chokes* stands up and knocks a tea off the table on accident trying to figure out what the fuck to say to fix this or distract, ends up shouting "motherfucker! Oh, excuse me" when he sees the broken glass and starts Agressively Cleaning it up
Fei Du, absolutely giddy, smiling at the edges of his eyes: unless of course you're punishing Your lover, and he's into that. Then I'm sure you can also play daddy~
Luo Wenzhou, turning red, starting to say "Fei Du!"
Shen wei, also turning red: I ah... don't think my lover is as okay with being punished in... the same way...
Fei Du: I see uvu (Luo wenzhou physically trying to drag him out of the room now) so he prefers punishment during sex right? I wish shixiong would try that with me instead~
Luo Wenzhou: I think you should rinse the vegetables for prepping for dinner! While I clean up the glass! Now!!! (Shoving full body his scrawny ass lover fei du through the kitchen doorway and out of line of sight with shen wei who's turned full on tomato colored now)
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nineteenninety-six · 3 years
A Little Bit of Sunshine
↳ Hector x Reader
↳ Word Count: 3.09k
↳ Requested by @shadechu​
A/N: I have never written for Castlevania before but I really enjoyed writing this, it flowed so easily. Hector is probably OOC but who cares lol. 
Anyway, enjoy :D
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Hector had moved to a small town after everything had gone down with Lenore. After she died he realised how much damage she caused him, the lasting marks of her abuse and manipulation still scarred his body and mind and he could no longer stay in a place where they had lived and she had died.
The fact that he managed to escape the bond she had on him and that he was able to deceive her was only able to sustain him for a short while before everything fell apart and Hector was no longer able to act as if everything was okay, so he left and started anew.
The new town was on the smaller side but not small to the point where he would stand out. He easily blended into bustling crowds in the town centre and the residents treated him like any other local. For the first time in a long time, he felt normal, as working for Dracula was an experience that words couldn't explain.
He had his own little cabin in the woods where he could be at peace and the distance to the town centre was far but long enough for him to enjoy the sights as he walked past. All in all, he liked this new path of his life, it was almost completely different than it used to be and he expected to miss it but he enjoyed the calmness and serenity of this new path of his life.
On his usual weekly trip to town, someone called out to him, trying to catch his attention. it was a young woman, probably the same age as him and she was calling for his attention, waving him over to her stall.
"Sir! Sir!"
Hector looked up in surprise and as soon as the woman realised she had his attention a bright smile overtook over her face before she eagerly began to wave him over, swinging her arms back and forth over her head, gathering the attention of the other people around them.
Hector quickly shuffled over to them not wanting her to cause an even bigger scene and pull more attention their way.
"You're new aren't you?" Was the first thing out of her mouth.
Hector flinched in shock at her words, not expecting them. No one else knew he was new and that put him on edge.
"Oh don't look so surprised, I just know everyone that comes here."
Hector raises a brow at her words, " ... That's weird. You do realise that right?"
The woman shrugs, "Maybe but it makes for good business. People are more likely to buy something if I remember them from just previously meeting."
Hector realises that he's standing in front of a stall filled with baked goods, "You're a baker?"
"Family business," She clarifies, “I mostly do the selling due to my - "
"Charm?" Hector cuts in with a sarcastic tone.
"Actually, I was going to say my good looks but yes charm too." The woman grins.
Hector couldn't help but bark out a laugh, the woman never missed a beat.
"I'm (Y/N) in case you wanted to know" (Y/N) informed him with a wink.
Hector had to twist his lips so that the smile that so desperately wanted to escape, couldn't.
"Hector" He introduced himself.
"Well Hector, what can I get you? " (Y/N) asked, gesturing to the spread of baked goods in front of her.
Oh, she was smart. Catching his attention, making him come over to his stall and
converse with her in front of everyone and now he could surely not been seen walking away with nothing after taking up her time. While he didn't really care about the local’s opinions about him, he didn't want to be outcasted more than he already was.
"I'll have a loaf and a sweet pie please"
(Y/N) shoots him a bright smile and packs up his items, then collects his money.
"Thank you, Hector. I hope to see you again soon"
"I'll see you again" Hector responded
As he began to walk back home, Hector thought back on how easily (Y/N) made him feel at ease, how he brought a smile to his face and drew laughter from and he got scared.
This is how Lenore got her claws in him, she manipulated and lied to him before tricking him into servitude and he never wanted something like that to ever happen again.
He decided for the health of his mind, he would keep his distance from (Y/N). He couldn't find it in himself to completely ghost her and ignore her so he'll keep cordial. He'll be friendly but he couldn't let himself become close to her.
.•° ✿ °•.
His plan worked well, every time he went up to town he stopped by her stall and bought what ended up being his usual order of a loaf and a sweet pie, engaged in small talk with (Y/N) before leaving and it worked well for weeks until he had a dream about Lenore one night.
A mere dream had knocked him off-kilter. He had awoken a mess and fell out of his bed in his confused and frantic attempt to escape his blankets. He only managed to crawl a few paces before collapsing on the cold floor, his remaining energy only enough to let him roll onto his back. Hector blinked lazily up at the ceiling as everything he had locked away came rushing back. He relived the moment when he fell for her, the moment he realised that she had tricked him, the moment when she realised he betrayed her and then when she had died by her own will.
Everything that had occurred over the last few years played in front of his eyes and he hated every part of it. He could never forgive himself for being so naive and trusting yet he missed those traits of his.
When he 'awoke' again, the sun was moving low, signifying sunset wasn't far away. He pulled himself up and washed his face at the basin before he left his cabin, his feet taking him into town. The town centre was still busy despite the late hour and so was she, the woman who he came to see.
Despite the other stall owners who had either left or were in the process of doing so, her stall was still set up with what remaining items she had left. She was sitting on a stall with a book on her lap in a different world and Hector felt bad about disturbing her but he needed her.
He didn't even have to call her name, as soon as he was a few feet away, she looked up at him with a smile and closed her book shut, though when she got a proper look at him, her smile faltered.
"Hector?" She made her way over to him, brow furrowed in concern, "Is everything okay?"
He must look like a mess. He certainly felt it on the inside and he had been in a trance since he woke up, not paying any attention to his looks.
"I... um, I -" Hector stumbled over his words, his tongue suddenly heavy.
"Why don't you take a seat" (Y/N) guided Hector to her stall and offered him some water from the pouch at her side.
Seeing that he was in no position to talk about what happened, (Y/N) changed the topic slightly, "I thought you were not coming today. I got so used to seeing you, it would be a shame if I did not see you."
"But do not fret, I set aside your usual order for you," She said as she showed him a little wrapped up basket.
Hector nodded, the change in conversation took the pressure off his shoulders and he felt more at ease to speak.
"What do you do with the ones you do not sell? "He asked
"Today these are going to the homeless. I usually alternate between them, the orphanage and poor families"
"That is kind of you. Nobody did anything like that when I was young"
"I think the world is horrible enough with the wars and death and it costs nothing to do a little good within your own community" (Y/N) then looked up at the sky and noticed the changing colours, “Do you want to come with me as I give these out?”
Desperate for more of a distraction, Hector agrees and he helps her clear up her stan before they set off to a different part of town, him carrying the basket of baked goods for the homeless.
“Do you have any family, Hector?” (Y/N) asked.
Hector shook his head, his grey hair swishing around his chin as he did so, “Just me”
“Hm, well if you want any annoying younger siblings, I’ll eagerly give you all of mine”
“Surely they’re not that bad-”
(Y/N) lets out a laugh, “One day I’ll take you to meet them. You’ll regret your words!”
As they walked around, handing the food to the less fortunate, Hector noticed the strange way (Y/N) behaved. Her head constantly twitched one way to the other, as if someone was calling for her attention but she stopped herself before fully turning around to see and her eyes were flickering about like seeing things that weren’t there.
“(Y/N)? Is everything okay?” Hector asked
(Y/N) froze when he spoke, looking at him with wide eyes, she twisted her head around to make sure no one was nearby before she grabbed his hand and pulled him into a hidden alcove.
There was fear in her eyes as she gripped his hands tightly, “I am telling you this because I trust you but you cannot tell anyone or they will kill me.”
(Y/N) casts one more precautionary look around her before speaking, “I can speak to animals”
Hector blinked in surprise, that was the last thing he expected.
“You...speak to animals?”
“Speak, understand, you know the whole thing”
“...The whole thing?” Hector repeated after her.
(Y/N)’s shoulder slumped in disappointment at his words, “You do not believe me. Of course, you don’t, I sound like a crazy woman.”
“No, no!” Hector was quick to reassure her, “I don’t think you’re crazy, of course not.”
(Y/N) gripped Hector’s hands tighter in relief and he suddenly realised that they had not stopped holding hands since she had dragged him. Her hands were soft but strong and steady and they fit perfectly in his, he never wanted to let go.
“I could do since I was a child and I told my parents but they thought I was a child with a large imagination so they ignored me,” (Y/N) began to elaborate on her talent, “And when I was ten there was a witch-burning in our old town, an older woman was accused of conjuring spirits and setting against the people of the village but in reality, she was just a sick old woman who needed help. After that, I knew I couldn’t let anyone know about you know what”
“Why did you tell me?” Hector asked.
“...I don’t know. There’s something about you, so understanding, empathetic, trustworthy. I know I can trust you.”
(Y/N) had revealed her deepest secret to him, made herself vulnerable yet he could not do the same to her, though the ability to communicate with animals was much different than being a forgemaster.
“You can trust me, I promise I will not tell anyone.”
(Y/N)’s shoulders relaxed and she gave him a brief smile, “Your belief in me means more than you know.”
“Now,” Hector lifted the basket up, “Should we finish what we started?”
It had progressively gotten darker, the sun only moments away from going down completely.
“Of course! We must finish before it gets too dark.” (Y/N) stepped out of the alcove and hurried down the street, dragging Hector behind her, still holding on to his hand.
It was dark by the time they began to walk home, Hector insisting on walking her home so that she wasn’t alone at night. She stopped in front of a little cabin, not unlike his, it also wasn’t that far away from his.
“You don’t live with your family?” Hector asked.
(Y/N) shook her head, “It is better for me this way. I love my family, truly but the chance of them finding out about me is something I can’t risk. I cannot truly say that they wouldn’t expose me… there are some things that are beyond even family ties.”
“Anyway,” (Y/N) spoke with a sigh, “It is late, I need to sleep. Thank you for today, Hector. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” Hector waited until (Y/N) had reached her door and spoke again, “Can we...meet again soon?”
(Y/N) gave him a toothy smile, “Of course. In two days by the lake? I can bring a picnic for lunch.”
Hector nodded, “I’ll see you then.”
He waited until her door closed before he made his way home, his heart feeling happy. He had forgotten how he felt earlier that day and (Y/N) had completely turned his day around. He did feel guilt though, he went to for help, a distraction which she provided and then she revealed a deep secret of hers yet he couldn’t even tell her about his nor his past with Lenore or history with Dracula and being a forgemaster. The things he carried were heavy yet (Y/N) had already been so understanding and kink that he didn’t fear telling them to her, he knew she would understand.
In two days at the picnic, he would tell her.
.•° ✿ °•.
(Y/N) was already by the lake by the time he arrived, speaking out loud to someone he couldn’t see but when he heard the responding barks and yelps, he realised that she was talking to a dog. He hurried his pace to catch up to her, excited to see her communicate to animals in person.
“Is that a dog you’re speaking to?” He shouted as he jogged over to her.
(Y/N) spun around with a smile, “Yes! I’ll introduce you to him!”
She crouched down and took the dog into her arms before turning towards him after he finally reached her,
“Hector this is- Cezar”
Hector and (Y/N) spoke at the same time. Hector stared at the dog he had not seen since Carmilla had dragged him away after Dracula died and (Y/N) stared at Hector, surprised he knew the little mongrel dog.
Cezar eagerly barked at Hector, his tiny body wriggling in excitement as he tried to escape (Y/N)’s hold, so she let him down and watched as he raced over to Hector barking like mad and when Hector kneeled down, the door jumped into his arms and wiggled some more.
“...So I guess you know each other then?” (Y/N) asked.
“Cezar is my dog,” Hector explained, giving the small dog rubs and pats, “I got separated from him a while ago but how did you meet him?”
“We stumbled across each other last year and then we became close companions...but I’ve always been curious about something about him.”
“Is it that he looks like he should be dead?”
(Y/N) laughed, “Yes, Hector. Don’t get me wrong, I love the little dog but he looks a bit beyond his years.”
Hector put Cezar down and together they began walking towards the lake so they could set up their picnic.
He took a deep breath before he began to explain what he could do, “I’m a forgemaster.”
“Forgemaster? What’s that?”
Of course, she wouldn’t know what that was, her world was not the same as his.
“I can bring back animals and humans from the dead and call demons from hell.”
“Wow...that’s uh...wow”
“I’m sorry for dumping this on you, I know it’s quite heavy stuff.”
“I did not know that was possible”
“Many don’t. It’s beyond comprehension.”
“If I wasn’t looking at proof right now” (Y/N) pointed towards Cezar who was trotting ahead of them, “I wouldn’t believe it either.”
“Is that what caused you such distress the other day?” (Y/N) asked as they found a place to sit down.
“No, no, that was about Lenore.”
(Y/N) kept quiet allowing Hector to speak at his own pace.
“I was taken captive, stuck in a cell and Lenore gained my trust, pretending that she was someone that I could trust only to betray me and me her slave to her and her sisters. I was under their or more specifically her control for over a year until I managed to trick her and end the ‘bond’.”
“Where’s she now?”
“Dead. She was a vampire and decided it was her time to go.”
“Did you love her?” (Y/N) asked
“No, I don’t think I did. After I realised what she had done to me any feelings that I may have had disappeared, they were not formed authentically. I still feel incredibly stupid about the whole thing, I was foolish to believe someone who was involved in sisterhood with the person who captured me would genuinely care for me.”
“You were not foolish, you were human Hector '' (Y/N) comforted him, “You were vulnerable and she took advantage of that, you should not feel ashamed. You are strong that’s why you’re here with me right now and Lenore is no longer alive. You will never be proud of yourself if you keep on diminishing what you’ve achieved so far. You’ll never be happy and I want you to be happy”
Hector takes her hand in his, “I want to be happy.”
(Y/N) smiles at him, “You will be, I know you will.”
“I want to be happy with you”
“Oh-” (Y/N) smile changes into a softer one that tickles Hector’s heart, “I want to be happy with you too.”
“Imagine it,” Hector falls onto his back and tugs (Y/N) down with him, “You, me, Cezar in a cabin in the woods and all the animals you wish to speak to”
(Y/N) laughs, “You wouldn’t believe how chatting animals are, I’m fine with just being me you and Cezar for the moment.”
Cezar jumps up on Hector’s chest with a bark before settling down with a huff.
“Sounds like he agrees”
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alirhi · 3 years
Loki ranting
Okay. I had this thought in my head of like just compiling links of all the Loki shit I've posted/reblogged so far so that when I get into a conversation about the show and how it fucking disgusted me, I can just be like "here. here's this masterlist post, go read all this shit. This is my entire argument, and not only mine, but a lot of stuff posted by people far more intelligent and level-headed and eloquent than I am, whom I happen to agree with." Because the alternative is constantly getting fired up all over again, and that is exhausting.
BUT! I'm stupid and don't know how tumblr works. Apparently I can't just be like "give me all the Loki-tagged shit I've got" I can only search all the Loki-tagged shit on all of tumblr. And I'm not scrolling back through all of my posts. I talk too fucking much for that shit 😂
So, I'll try to remember all of my grievances with how the MCU has treated Loki, and all of the excellent posts made by other, equally upset fans, and put it all together here under this nice, neat little cut for everyone else's sanity and scrolling convenience...
For people who actually read my shit fairly regularly - bless you, you crazy, patient people. I love you! - this is going to be a lot of repetition of shit you've already read. Probably at least twice. I'm passionate and I have a terrible memory lol. Sorry.
Anyway, first, for those who don't know me and haven't been following my explosions of rage for the past couple of months, some quick background: I do not read comic books, so Loki's Marvel comic canon means nothing to me. I know almost nothing about it. The reason I'm so in love with the character in the MCU is because I am an eclectic witch and the deity I've actively loved and worshiped the longest in my life (literally for as long as I can remember) is Loki. So when he was mentioned in The Mask, I squeed. When they named Matt Damon's character after him in Dogma, I cheered.
When Thor came out in 2011, I just about died from happiness. I was hungry for any representation of this underappreciated god, no matter what it was. I didn't even bitch about how underpowered he was, because at least he was there. But I'm getting slightly ahead of myself.
I can hear anyone reading this going "Why Loki? Isn't he, like, evil? Like basically the Norse version of The Devil?" Because I heard all this shit irl all the fucking time. And no. So let me give you a quick rundown of who Loki actually is.
Loki is a Trickster God. He's often referred to as the God of Mischief. He is not and never was evil, simply chaotic and hedonistic. Loki Laufeyjarson was the son of Laufey (that's mama; they changed her to a man for some reason in the movie) and Fárbauti. Right from the start, from his name, we get a sign of how Loki goes against traditional norms of the time, because in Norse culture, families were patrilineal, and surnames were "son/daughter of father" (which would have made him Loki Fárbautitason), not the mother. But Loki's surname is matrilineal. Feminist icon woo! lol
Though he's a Jotunn, Loki is counted among the Gods (Aesir) in Norse tradition. Depending on his mood, he is alternately helpful or disruptive to the other Gods. I'm not gonna sit and teach a whole text class on him lol but I'll use my favorite example of Misunderstood Loki - the conception of Sleipnir!
So, get this shit. This is also part of why I DO NOT follow Odin and never fucking will (a very small part, but still part of the reason). So, the other Norse Gods are petty motherfuckers, and they wanted some shit built but didn't want to pay the dude doing the building. So they were like "okay, if you can get it done in X amount of time, we'll pay you, but if you can't manage it NO MATTER WHAT, this whole thing is free." And they made sure he had NO help, nothing but him, his materials, and his Very Good Horsey. And this guy and his horse were fucking BAMFs. So it was looking like he was definitely gonna get it done in time, and Odin was like "nah, fuck that shit. I'm cheap." and so he sent Loki to distract the work horse. Loki transformed into a mare and lured the horse away, got fucked, got pregnant, gave birth to the 8-legged (for some reason) horse Sleipnir. Odin rides Loki's son into battle. Um. Kay.
So Loki helped Odin be a petty mf, and Odin got himself a new pet out of the deal.
Oh, also, because he's smart af and a shapeshifter and a master magician and genderfluid, Loki "fails" to fit the super fucking toxic and narrow Norse/Aesir view of "a real man". He prefers intelligence and manipulation to solve problems rather than violence, he's not afraid to behave like a clown if it gets shit done, and that grosses the Aesir out, so they constantly ridicule him for being "less than a man".
Loki is the God of the outcast and the misunderstood. The marginalized people from all walks of life. He is the God of the LGBT community. In modern terms, he's pansexual, polyamorous (married to Sigyn and they are deeply in love, but boy gets around and I've never seen any indication that Sigyn gives a shit) and genderfluid.
Okay. Focus, Ali. This is part of why I usually post multiple rants instead of one big long one XD The longer I ramble, the more I get sidetracked and forget the original point.
So. Loki's awesome, and being a Trickster, is powerful as all fucking hell. There's not much he can't do.
And now we come to Thor (the movie, not the deity). Loki's there! 24-year-old Ali is spazzing! All is right with the world!
Oh lord, they've actually done him justice?! Amazing! He's complex and nuanced and emotional, just like the real Loki! I loved this movie. Loved. It. The climactic thing with trying to blow up Jotunheim never really made much sense to me until someone made an excellent point the other day about Loki being raised in a racist society that was racist against his own race, he just didn't know it yet, poor child. Baby Thor was never corrected when he pledged to commit mass genocide, so Baby Loki probably absorbed the lesson then that Jotunns=evil and killing them all will win his father's love. Anyway, 2011 Loki was a beautiful, heartbreaking portrayal of the God I've loved all my life and spent 24 years longing to see depicted on the big screen.
Then The Avengers happened. And I saw another Loki very close to Norse mythology - mainly, how he's treated. In the beginning of the movie, he's sick, exhausted, and in pain. He can hardly stand, he stumbles and needs help when he walks. He was very obviously tortured, and the sickly blue light of the scepter's control is in his eyes. That gets less and less pronounced as the movie goes on, showing Loki working his way free of it, but in the beginning, he's a mess. Because he was tortured and used by Thanos. Marvel directly confirmed this, and that he was under the scepter's/Mind Stone's control. Loki's actions are not his own in The Avengers. He's under both threat and Thanos' direct control. The movie actually shows The Other directly threatening him to keep him on task, because this is not Loki's plan. It is not what he wants. He's being used and villainized... Just like in real life. It hurt to see this done to him, but the accuracy was too beautiful to ignore.
Thor: The Dark World comes out. I've heard people complain that this movie is the weak link in the Thor trilogy. I disagree. I think that's Ragnarok, for a bunch of reasons, but we'll get there. (And for the record, I loved Ragnarok, too. It was a funny movie. Infinity War and the Disney+ series are the only portrayals of Loki in the MCU that I truly fucking hated.) Anyway, good, fun movie. Had its faults, as all movies do, but it still followed Loki's real-life arc in a way. How? By having Loki dragged back to Asgard in chains and imprisoned underground. Again, not super happy that this happened to my love, and having to see it on screen was painful, but at least in the MCU he's not chained to a rock with venom dripping on his face for eternity, so there's that. (poor Sigyn. how tired do her arms get, holding up that bowl? best wife ever, amirite?)
In TDW, we're shown Loki's love for Frigga, who favored him and taught him magic as a child. We see his bravado; his attempts to mask his true feelings, especially grief. We see him slowly coming back to himself after the events of The Avengers, and slowly mending his relationship with his brother. He accepts that Odin will likely never love him, but Thor just might, because they were close when they were young. "I didn't do it for him." No, no my sweet, you did it for your brother, and a little out of guilt for what happened to your mother.
At the end, Loki fakes his death and escapes, taking the throne, and I have mixed feelings about this. Not the writer's choices here; I love that completely! A natural progression in Loki's story. But my joy is tainted by how closely they're following the Eddas now. Because Loki's escape from his prison heralds the beginning of Ragnarok. And Loki will die in Ragnarok. I don't want to see that play out in front of my face. I won't be able to handle the grief (spoiler alert! IW broke me. I almost walked out of the theater. Loki's death was legitimately fucking traumatic for me. I don't even care how pathetic that is. That grief was real, it was intense, and I still shake and cry when I think about it.)
Marvel announces that Thor 3 will be called Ragnarok. The internet treats this as a shocking revelation. I roll my eyes and mumble "duh" to myself and move on XD
Then they say Ragnarok will be a buddy comedy. I throw up a little in my mouth and no longer want to live on this planet. If they're going to make something called Ragnarok, could they at least treat it with even a fraction of the respect they've shown these characters thusfar? Jfc. I mean, I'll see it anyway, because I'm a whore for Tom Hiddleston lol. But come on, people!
I hated that they made Hel the long-lost older sister and Fenrir her fucking pet/attack dog. Those are my favorites of Loki's children! Hel is such an incredible badass that the early Christians named their dimension of eternal torture after her! They were terrified of her, to the point of naming the place that terrified them most after her. That's awesome! And Fenrir's just the best. I love wolves. Those two details, and Odin's retcon of "we're not Gods! ...lol, except your sister. she's totally a Goddess. and def gonna kill literally everything, so... good luck! byyyeeeee" pissed me off royally.
The rest was great. I genuinely liked this movie. Still do. And they finally used The Immigrant Song! That was pretty cool. If they'd thrown in Bring the Hammer Down and Thunderstruck, I might've called this movie perfect. XD
I wasn't totally in love with their portrayal of Loki in Ragnarok. Yes, the falling for 30 minutes line was funny, as was "I have to get off this planet" and "YES! That's how it feels!" And "Get Help" was funny as hell. But also, like... There is no way Loki would have been the dumb one in that first encounter with Hela. Also, he can teleport and project copies of himself and shit, so... He would not have been that desperate to go straight back to Asgard and bring her right along with them. Loki's not stupid. But whatever. Movie's gotta movie.
What I did love was seeing the slow mending of his relationship with Thor continuing, and the badass fighting on the bridge. I also loved that, like Real Loki, Movie Loki helped when help was needed, was quick and clever, and while he was carrying out the main plan, he was also planning ahead and grabbing the Tesseract. Yes, that drew Thanos right to them, but that's a whole other thing. Loki never would have left that thing on Asgard to be destroyed or lost.
And now Infinity War. Hooooly fucking shit. You know what? No. I'm not going into this. He was killed, years of character growth were erased forever, my heart fucking shattered. The end.
Endgame. IW hurt me so bad I didn't see Endgame until this year. I actually watched Civil War first (for context: I had actively avoided all Cap movies until this year because I fucking hate Steve Rogers. I find him insufferable. Did not realize what I was denying myself until I watched CW and finally saw the charms of Bucky. When he appeared in IW, I was so lost. XD I was like "...who dis? Murder Jesus?" also I just... didn't care. I was numb by then from crying through most of the movie over Loki)
So, anyway. Endgame. Loki picks up the Tesseract in alternate 2012, escapes, fans go "yay! he didn't actually die!" I go "yes he fucking did. Five years of his life, gone. Five years of growth and change, erased. Loki is dead. This will not be the same."
I was more right than I could have predicted. Now we come to the point of this rant. Sorry it took so long, but you were warned lol.
The Loki series makes me so angry I actually get sick to my stomach. It was fucking TRASH. When I praised Marvel for following Norse mythology so faithfully earlier? Yeah. I DID NOT MEAN TREAT HIM THE WAY THE OTHER GODS DID. I did not mean paint him as a pitiful clown, a joke, a caricature of who he truly was, with his pain and suffering played for LAUGHS.
This is supposed to be 2012 Loki, newly freed from Thanos' control. The Loki we saw in the beginning of TDW - snarky, exhausted, nihilistic. The Loki who rolled his eyes and said "get on with it" expecting to be killed.
The bumbling clown flipping on a dime from posturing to calling himself weak is not 2012 Loki. That is not ANY Loki. That is Tom Hiddleston in a black wig doing what he's told by a shitty writer who had no fucking idea what he was doing and was salty about his (bad) original script (for something totally fucking unrelated) getting killed.
In Episode 1, Loki is mocked, imprisoned, stripped against his will, tormented, belittled, and given a flippant summary of all the trauma Actual MCU Loki suffered that this one skipped out on, with no context, no acknowledgement of the trauma he's already lived quite fucking recently, and with the narrative twisted to not only erase all the abuse he's suffered, but to make it all his fault. And this is supposed to make him want to help these people?
Episode 2, he's a child. Mentally, this Loki is a fucking child. Now we've erased all the growth and development of his entire adult life. He's dopey, impatient, impulsive, desperate for a pat on the back and actually shows it. Yes, abused and neglected children crave the positive attention we never received, and we often grow up to be a bit emotionally stunted. But not all of us, and not Loki. Not as we've seen him EVER in the rest of the MCU. Playful and a bit callous at times? Absolutely! But not a big dumb fucking puppy.
Episode 3, a ray of hope, despite Sylvie! (I hate Sylvie) Loki casually admits he's pan/bi; labels never come up, but he admits to being with both men and women! He sings! Not really relevant to whether I approve of his portrayal or not lol but Tom has a beautiful voice, Norwegian ("Asgardian" lol) is a gorgeous, entrancing language, and I could watch that one bit on loop for eternity and never get bored. And then, finally, we see a glimpse - a glimpse - of Loki's power! He stops a falling building and pushes it right back up! Are we finally getting to see what he can really do? Will the next episode bring us Loki in all his glory?
Nope. 4 and 5 we see him mocked and pushed around and utterly irrelevant. Again. We see tiny reflections of what he could maybe theoretically do in other random Loki variants, but the "main" (lawl. main. it was the Sylvie and Mobius show. Loki was never the main anything.) Loki? Nothing. He wears his heart on his sleeve for no reason, bonds with the man who imprisoned, taunted, and gaslit him, is killed, and continues to be a moron and a joke. Always the clown. Always the dumb one. The one with the bad ideas. The inferior Loki.
Don't even get me started on that finale. I can't. This already took so much out of me. Fuck Marvel. Fuck this fucking show. I just... I'm done.
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blackberry-gingham · 3 years
Got to be honest... I love the mermaidau! theme too. Could you pls give us a pt2 cause I need to know how is their rlp gonna evolve. (Feel like even writing a hole 2k word fanfic with this au and im not ashamed 😂)
(Pst, anon is referring to this request!)
Mwaaaha yeeees... YEEEEES !!!! I'm so glad you guys like this au lmao 😂😂 All I have to say is, I hope y'all can come through with this mermaid au when summer hits, bc that's my JAM 😤
Even if I don't get another mermaid au request until then, like please y'all, I'm begging you lol
But anyways, tumblr has decided that doing all four on here is too long, so I’m posting half now and I’ll link Paul and Ringo before the day’s over! (Also bc I lost like half of Ringo's story last night, and I have to rewrite it, so rip :') ) Enjoy!
Paul and Ringo this way!
It's quite a bit before George can see you again
He had to take up a job, even with school, and practice, and family, and friends, and the occasional gig... just to save up
But when he finally got enough to buy that bike... It was all worth it
It's almost as prized a possession as his guitar, and the very next day after purchasing it, he loads up a blanket and some food and heads off for the lake
The ride from home to the water is a bit long, but nothing he can't handle
At long last, he arrives at the tiny pier and he can hardly contain himself as he sets the kickstand and grabs his things
He rushes down and sets up shop
In his excitement, George has forgotten to consider whether or not you'll even show...
But he doesn't want to give up yet
So he waits
And waits
And after a few hours pass by, he decides he might as well have his lunch instead of skipping rocks and wading in the water all afternoon
George swims over to the edge of the pier and clasps into the plank to hoist himself up
But before he can complete the maneuver, he finds himself jerked back down again
It's gentle enough that he doesn't get submerged, but it's certainly enough to give him a start
He splutters and flails a little, turning around as quick as he can to see...
Oh, it's you...
George breathes a sigh of relief, even as your eyes watch him from just above the water line, your hair floating on the surface like an angel
Your eyes go wide in excitement, and you peak your head all the way above the water, giving a soft gasp of surprise
"It is you! I can't believe you came back!"
George's heart hammers in his chest, whether it's from the surprise, the physical activity, or something else... He doesn't know
"O-of course I am! I said I would, didn't I?"
You laugh, "So you did! ...By the way, what have you got up there?"
George looks over his shoulder to the picnic basket that's clearly in view, then back at you
He waves you over and pulls himself up at last
When he's turned around, you've disappeared and George's heart drops
Well, not for long. A moment passes, followed by a huge splash as you jump from the water to the pier
It's not a perfect jump, as you need to pull yourself up a bit, but you make it well enough
George is halfway through unloading the basket, but he finds himself incredibly distracted by your tail
He doesn't mean to be rude it's just... It's almost like you weren't real before now
The tail is nearly twice the length that human legs would be. It tapers all the way down to a fine and delicate point that flares out into a transparent, forked fin
There are smaller fins like this along the rest of your tail, George notes, providing gorgeous accents to your shimmering iridescent scales
You swish your tail behind you, feeling a bit shy
George shakes himself out of his stupor, "Oh, sorry! I just... Wow"
You huff a laugh and mumble a thanks, not quite out of the awkwardness
"Um, here, I brought you something", George hands you a carefully wrapped sandwich
You give it a sniff and wait for George to taste his first
It tastes fantastic. Unlike anything you've ever had before
George tells you it's called a "ham and cheese"
Before you know it, the two of you jump into a whole conversation about life above and below water
You talk all afternoon and into the evening. George, doesn't even realize how low the sun's set until he takes a moment to stretch and look up
"Oh, I suppose you should be going..."
George looks at you and then the water one more time
It's like a pool of gold out there, the orange and yellow reflecting so beautifully on the water
"Say, how about one more swim?", George nods towards the water
Needless to say, you both race in for a last dip
You swim laps around George as he move slowly through the water, and you find yourself growing bored rather quick
"Ugh, here hold on!", You laugh and roll your eyes as you latch onto George from beneath
He doesn't protest, and you tow him easily back and forth through the water
It's not as fast as you could go, but it's faster then George has ever achieved on his own
It's actually great fun, but all things must end, and after a few rounds you glide to a stop surrounded by golden ripples
You sigh and look around, letting him go, "Sorry, it's late. I didn't mean to get so carried away..."
George wades just inches away from you, "No no, it's alright! I um, I had fun"
"Really?", You smile
"Really...", George floats a little closer to you, and you can feel his warm breath caress your hair, "In fact, m-maybe we could do this again sometime?"
Before he even gives a thought to what he's doing George's lips meet yours halfway, pressing far softer then you'd expect from a rough teddy boy like himself
It's one of those kisses where you don't even have to think, or give subtle hints
Everything just feels right
Your heart does a flip when you separate, and George sticks by his promise
It gets to the point where you have a schedule to meet each other, getting the most out of your daylight hours
From now on, no more waiting
Just you, and him.
John's been visiting you for quite some time now, bringing you shiny things on occasion, but mostly just enjoying your company
You're on a first name basis and everything
It's strange almost, John feels quite special
After all, he might be the only lad in all of England to befriend a mermaid!
Although lately, he's been feeling... Different about you
He must be mad
But it's just...
You're so sweet, and kind, and you listen and understand him like no one else ever has before, an-
He must be going mad
That would certainly explain why he's buying you a locket with his latest savings
It may be from a second hand store, but he knows you'll love it
The locket is shaped like a heart and made of brass
The metal is a bit tarnished but the small heart shaped ruby in the center is bright as ever
It's perfect
John takes it home and hides it away from Mimi
She doesn't know about you, but she has some suspicions about a girl...
That's certainly not something John wants to talk about, so he's trying to be as covert about you and him as possible
But before he can hand off his gift to you, he needs to sneak one of Mimi's pictures of him
She has a few up in the attic, which John is easily able to swipe and cut out to fit in your locket
There. Now it's perfect
John gets a good night's rest and heads out bright and early to your cove the very next day
He arrives to find you splayed out on a bed of shells and trinkets, sun bathing
"Hello birdy!"
You spring up and turn to face him, "Johnny!"
Patches of sand stick to your skin, shimmering like glitter in the sun
John whips off his leather jacket and shirt as he goes to sit beside you before removing his boots and socks as well
It's a bit of a custom for him ever since he started feeling comfortable around you
The beach is rather hot, yes, but more so, he likes that you make him feel confident enough to take all that off in the first place
You don't know this, but it's a huge sign of the trust he has in you
The two of you talk and catch up a bit on the few days you were apart
John tells you about school, and you about your adventures at sea
Both of you are equally fascinated about each other's worlds, and both wish a bit that they could live like the other does
You've offered to take John out to sea, but he's not to keen on wading that far out in the ocean
When the conversation starts to run dry, John remembers his gift at last
"Oh by the way, I brought you something..."
You perk up, not suspecting anything other then the usual shiny pebble or coin
But then again, John seems... Different
You could swear you see a blush climbing his cheeks
"I uh, saw this and thought of you...", He holds out an old, worn locket. The Ruby heart and tarnished brass flash and glint in the sunlight, mesmerizing you
You gasp softly, and reach for it slowly, as though you're dreaming
"Do you fancy it?", John asks nervously
"John, this is beautiful..."
You click the heart open and reveal a raggedly cut picture of John smirking back at you from behind a heart shaped lid of glass
You trace your finger along the picture's edge, a trance like glaze over your eyes
"I um, I thought maybe you could wear this one... You know, that way you could always have me with you when you go out to sea... Or... Something", John mumbles, wondering if he sounds even half as stupid as he thinks he does
He peaks over at you once, then twice as you look at it in silence
"It's alright, you don't have to-"
"Could you put it on me?"
John looks stunned, as though he's surprised you actually like his well thought out gift
"Uh, I- sure"
You hand him the necklace and turn
John lifts it over your head and lowers it slowly
The metal is warm from John's hands as it touches your skin, and John fastens the clasp in a jiffy
"There you are..."
You turn around again, eyes shining brightly with joy, the heart clasped in the palm of your hand
A knot forms in John's stomach, seeing you look so happy with him like that, and suddenly he feels sick
He has to say it
He knows be does
He has to tell you now, or it's going to kill him
And yet, if he does tell you, that might kill him too
"Ugh, I must be mad..."
You quirk an eyebrow, "Wha-?"
"I love you", John blurts it out as though it was tortured out of him
It's not very sweet, or romantic, or charming...
No, it's actually much more like he just spat on the sand and continued on
But you know John by now, and to you, it's more then enough
You put your hand over his and lean in to press a gentle kiss to his burning cheek
"I love you too Johnny"
John's breath hitches in his throat, and looks at you with a gaze he's never given any other woman in the world
"Really?" His voice is the barest of whispers
But you don't need to answer, John is already pulling you in for a kiss as he lays back on your small pile of treasure
It's not his first make out session, and it won't be his last
But with you? Right here, on the beach, in the warm sun, laying cozied up on his bare torso?
It's the one he remembers most, for all his life
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jeidafei · 5 years
D.Gray-Man Chapter 234 Translation Notes
I haven’t posted a note for many chapters, but this chapter dropped so many reveal-bombs I just can’t i just can’t aaaaaaaargh gurglegurgle
/regain composure /why am I listening to “Send In The Clowns” on loop while posting this?
Ahem. So, in short, this chapter is super LIT, but also a headache to translate. As with all reveal-heavy chapters, there is no knowing how disastrous the ramifications of one tiny misinterpretation can be on future reveals. Whoops! 
So let’s peruse the story page-by-page, word-by-word, unraveling the story plus a little ramble on the Japanese language. 
Warning: this post is incredibly long
(You can skip to 5 for my wild theory on The Pillar)
1. Gawd, I’ve always hated these opening captions T T
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Because they always give me this feeling of I think I kinda understand what this means but I don’t know how to translate this so it makes sense!  
I think I spent time on this one sentence even more than the rest of the chapter. Despite it being the first thing on the first page, this is honestly the last thing I translated this chapter.
Word-by-word, 紐解かれる (himo-tokareru) is the passive form of the verb 紐解く (himo-toku), which by definition means:
1) Unbinding and opening a new book 2) Unraveling (i.e. memories, history, the truth, etc.) 3) A flower blooming
紐 (himo) and 解く(toku) are also actually two separate words used normally in daily life. The first one means “rope” and the second means “to solve, to untie, to unravel etc.”
So, in essence, this word refers to something hidden, a secret being revealed. No surprises here, since we’re talking about D.Gray-Man. 
かつての (katsute no) means “Once”, “Used to be” whereas 別離 (betsuri) means “parting, separation” but the furigana indicates must be read as わかれ (wakare) for some reason, and means farewell or separation as well. 
I take it that as Mana and Nea were once separated by death, but now Nea has returned to Mana as he vowed to, the “farewell” is no more; it just used to be a farewell.
So now that we have all the pieces...
You saw how it turned out above. To be frank, I’m still not satisfied with it, but as my period cramps are killing me and I’m literally typing this to distract my mind from it because I can’t sleep yet with this pain, and my brain is out of ideas, as always...
I’ll leave it to you guys to interpret freely!
2. Nea’s last words 
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Just when I thought I’d skip that troubling caption and start on the dialogue right away, manga-kun messes with me again! Who was Nea talking to? In the background, Nea is reaching up to Mana while decaying away. However, on the next page, turns out it is Cross recalling those words. 
So I walked over to my bookshelf and picked up DGM volume 17 and 22.
In volume 17, in their last meeting before Cross disappeared, Cross told Allen that Nea promised him that he’d return to Mana if Cross kept watch over Mana. 
In volume 22, however, Road reveals to Allen that “Don’t stop, keep walking.” were Nea’s parting words to Mana.
Um...so...which is it, exactly?
So if context doesn’t help, then should we turn back to the literal word? If it were some other language I might’ve said great idea! But this is Japanese; a douchebag of a language that assumes all parties must be native speakers and privy to the conversation beforehand. And thus omits subject, verbs, and objects whenever it pleases to screw foreign learners and outsiders alike. 
Why, Nea’s sentence has no subject and object!
まってろ。必ずマナの元に行く。「アレン」が目印だ。 それまでは立ち止まるな。 
Literally this says “Keep waiting/Just you wait. (I will) definitely go to where Mana is. ‘Allen’ is the sign. Until then, don’t stand still.” 
While Nea using Mana’s name might imply that Nea’s not talking to Mana, but to someone else, otherwise he would’ve used “you/your”. But in Japanese, usually people will refer to their convo partner by name as well, i.e. Lenalee and Allen refer to everyone by name instead of “you”. This is considered neutral and politer than the textbook pronoun “anata” (which is kinda condescending actually...so why do they still keep it in the textbooks!?). 
In case you’re not that close with the person you’re talking to, and not sure which pronoun you should use, using their name is the safest bet to avoid offending them. (Don’t go calling your client omae, of course lol!)
So, back to Nea, going by this rule, he also could’ve been talking to Mana himself as well. See? Curse you, nihongo!!! 
Anyway, Nea didn’t talk to Mana/Earl that way when they met in recent(?  I dunno, my sense of time is already warped from too many hiatuses and hopeless waiting) chapters; Nea refers to Mana using the pronoun “anta” which is the shorter, more casual form of “anata”. And judging from his overall language, he’s not that polite or soft-spoken either, so the possibility is lower. 
Also it’s kinda weird to tell someone who’s sitting right in front of you that you’ll “go to” where he is.
So, using my spidey sense plus all things considered, I finally concluded that since it’s Cross’ flashback, Nea was talking to Cross this time. 
Looking back on this, I don’t know if I’d be able to translate DGM even with 50% accuracy had I not read the series from the start and have the volumes stacked on a bookshelf nearby just in case. Screw you, NIHONGO!
3. Pierrot, Clown, Auguste, Whiteface, Harlequin; What’s the difference?
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In Lost Fragment of Snow, Mana is described as a Pierrot whereas Cosimo is a Clown. As I’m not well-versed in clown traditions, I did some Googling and Wikipedia, and learned the art is even more interesting and richer than I once thought:
In this informative blog , it’s explained that while in appearance, the Pierrot and the Clown are almost the same, there is one rule that sets them apart: 
The Pierrot has tear marks under his eyes, whereas the Clown does not.
The Pierrot’s tear marks:
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(I just noticed Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker also has tear marks)
The blog is long and detailed and very interesting, but in short, though both the Pierrot and the Clown are supposed to make people laugh by doing foolish things, while the Clown intentionally acts foolish to be laughed at, and can also  joke back at and laugh at the audience as well, the Pierrot will always have to be laughed at and made fun of by the audience. 
Deep down, though the Pierrot is hurt and sad, he must act as if he’s not, to conceal it from the audience. Thus the tear marks indicates a deep, profound sadness.
(*pause to sob for Allen and Joker*)
Back to Mana, we can clearly see he has a tear mark on his right eye. But Cosimo has what looks to be a tear mark and a star under his eyes as well. 
So...aren’t they both Pierrots? Grrrrrrr! DAMMIT HOSHINO!!
Anyways, moving on. I think we remember that back in Allen’s epic showdown with the Earl in Edo, this scene happened:
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The Earl compares Allen to the White Clown/Clown Blanc and himself to Auguste. In classic tradition, Blanc and Auguste are often paired together, and it is said that this originates from the pairing of the Pierrot and Harlequin.
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No no no obviously I’m not talking about this one lol
Ahem, back to serious-ass clown lore: 
Both Blanc & Auguste and Pierrot & Harlequin are similar in that the former (Blanc and Pierrot) is more sophisticated, stern, serious and melancholic, whereas the latter (Auguste and Harlequin) is the happy, clumsy, grotesque, sometimes rude fool that does the former’s bidding, to comical results. 
In Lost Fragment of Snow, Mana is said to always be smiling and extraordinarily kind, and that he is an enchantingly elegant, beautiful clown, but when he smiles, he always looks as if he is actually crying, dying inside. 
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I mean, pretty much everyone has had that moment in their lives, no? 
Okay, back to seriousness, again; Yes, Mana is the ultimate Pierrot, the Whiteface, the Blanc. The sad fool who must always be laughed at by the world. 
And now Allen, who has taken on Mana’s personality, became the melancholic laughingstock of the world himself, constantly being pushed down and trodden on and used, but having no choice but to push on with a smile, hiding his pain deep underneath the white greasepaint.
Cue the music!
I started a joke, which started the whole world crying But I didn't see that the joke was on me. I started to cry, which started the whole world laughing Oh, if I'd only seen that the joke was on me.
(Bee Gees - I Started A Joke)
4. Great, Cosimo had a hard life too. One more confirmed-dead character I have to cry for!
I hated Cosimo. Still do. Heck, EVERYONE HATES COSIMO. I mean, until now, the guy totally has no redeeming qualities and no justifying reason behind his relentless cruelty.
But in the recent chapters, there are reveals not mentioned in LFS: 
Cosimo was bought and forced to work as an errand boy, like Red, before he somehow crawled his way out and became the circus’s top performer. While drunk, Cosimo would also complain about how he was actually born a noble (this last one is also mentioned in LFS).
Imagine that. Your parents abandoned you for whatever reason (maybe he’s a bastard child?) and you ended up sold to slavery in a circus. After years of being worked to the bone and abused, you struck it big and thought you had it all, then new guy waltzes in with his stupid dog and takes your spotlight. 
Heck, you don’t even have to live such a rotten life to feel bitter. In Toy Story, even brave and fair Sheriff Woody was reduced to a jealous wreck in the face of Buzz Lightyear stealing Andy’s attention from him, wasn’t he? And I think we can all relate to that. Most of us have been jealous of someone before.
Cosimo’s unforgivable actions towards Mana and Allen the Dog may have been fueled by insecurity, trauma and fear as much as jealousy. His abuse towards Red is a result of long years of being abused himself; his own way to cope. 
While Red/Allen blames himself for his pain and not inflict it back upon others, Cosimo did the opposite, because everyone reacts and adapts differently. However, to be clear, both of these traits are not healthy. 
There’s also the fact that Red was saved by the kindness of Allen the Dog and Mana while he is fortunately still young enough to regain faith; whereas Cosimo suffered alone all through his life, surrounded by selfish, two-faced scumbags like that guy handing out leaflets. Had things been different, who’s to say Red might not turn out the same as Cosimo?
In a nutshell, Cosimo is simply a product of his harsh environment. While I still despise him, I can’t help feeling some pity for him and understanding where all that evil had come from. I don’t believe he is inherently bad. Nobody is. Had he been raised with love, I’m sure he would have been a very different person.
5. The Pillar
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I know, this is what y’all are actually here for. I mean who cares about Cosimo’s tragic life or the difference between a Pierrot and a Clown when there’s an honest-to-gods HOLY LIGHT SPLITTING THE SKY APART AND OBLITERATING THIS WHOLE WORLD FULL OF SINNERS!? And it’s even teased, like, waaaaay back in Timothy’s Arc (gawd how old was I back then?) !!
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First, a recap of this chapter: 
7,000 years ago, The Pillar destroyed the world (which seems pretty modern). The Noah survived and held a grudge against The Pillar for forever destroying their world, leaving them with nowhere to return to. Once they found the reborn Millennium Earl, they pretended to be his family, but instead are using him to exact revenge on The Pillar, because it is predicted the Earl will one day become The Pillar and destroy the world again. Cross however took pity on the Earl and chided Road for believing in that prophecy and causing the Earl so much misery.
Some IRL tidbits: 
Hoshino-sensei revealed she traveled to Ground Zero of WTC for inspiration, now we finally get to know which scene that inspiration is for. And IMO, the instant obliteration coming out of nowhere on one fine day, the Pillar etching a line from sky to ground amidst the pile of rubble, reminds me of the A-bomb’s mushroom cloud over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And we all know which country Hoshino-sensei comes from, right? Could there be a link? 
Now, my personal analysis (or rather, pointless rant with no answers coming out whatsoever): 
This chapter both confirms, clarifies and also debunks important things we have believed from our time with the Order, listening to the Order’s side of the story. 
1) In the very beginning, Komui tells Allen about the previous end of the world 7,000 years ago. The Bible calls it “The Great Flood”. The Cube calls it “The Three Days of Darkness.” However, we now learn it is neither rainy nor dark. Nope, one day all of a sudden, a blindingly bright shaft of light struck down from the sky, and The Capitol suddenly became The Scorch. How did it achieve that? No clue! 
2) Komui tells Allen that the end of the world was caused by a war between the wielders of Innocence and the Earl + the Noah Family, and the ensuing flood that destroyed the world scattered the Innocence around the world. 
However, in this chapter, we learned there was no war. There was no flood. Just the Pillar that appeared suddenly one day. And surprise, the Noah Family hated The Pillar for destroying their beloved world, their only home (wait, aren’t they supposed to hate the Innocence?). 
Yet now the Noah are working with the Earl, who wants to destroy the new world and would someday become the Pillar and destroy the new world too? Yet Cross says they’re just using him for all this time? 
My super duper wild theory is that since 1) The Earl is the Pillar-in-Making,  2) The Noah show hatred for The Pillar as much as they do for the Innocence, 3) The Pillar, like Innocence, could trigger their Noah Memory to threaten to swallow them, then it’s kinda implied that;
Mana = The Millennium Earl = The Pillar = The Heart of Innocence
And the Noah, knowing this all along and wanting to prevent the end of the world from happening again, tricked the Millennium Earl into thinking they’re helping him fulfill his raison d'être of Harbinger of the End of The F***ing World (sorry, another reference, heh), not telling him that he’s actually the Heart of Innocence itself, watch him go after Exorcists he suspects are the Heart, and gleefully accept his orders to kill those Exorcists looking for the Heart, in order to prevent the Black Order from ever getting the Earl aka the Heart on their side. 
They also let the Earl create legions of Akuma to fight the Exorcists and destroy all the Innocence shards, literally using the Earl to destroy himself, keeping him away from his true allies, chipping away at his lifeline one shard at a time, like Harry crushing Voldemort’s horcruxes one by one, not knowing he’s a Horcrux himself. Until finally, when there is nothing left but the greatly weakened Heart with no army to protect it, then will the Noah have the chance to defeat it once and for all. 
And of course while they keep the Earl busy searching for the Heart, old man will never pause and think hmmm, maybe I am the Heart? 
Perhaps this is why Wisely said that all humans who have awoken into Noah will accept their duty once they learned of Noah’s mission. Since Noah’s mission now seems to be preventing the end of the world at the hands of Innocence, which I take as God’s power, and God’s weapon for “cleansing” the world whenever he deems it too sinful. 
After all, we have seen the horrors Innocence can do, the lengths Innocence will go to punish people it judged to have sinned. Innocence is said to be a crystallization of God, and like God, it has been foreshadowed numerous times to have that ruthless, merciless, unforgiving streak within it that could alienate even Allen himself.
Anyway, I typed this one without checking the earlier volumes that much. I expect there will be several loopholes, so be sure to point out any inaccuracies and also please, please do let me know what you guys think of these reveals as well! I’d love to hear differing theories!
Other tidbits
The Garvey Troupe, not Garbeigh. Sorry, everyone. Phonetically, Japanese does not have the “v” sound. Nowadays, you can write it out by adding the mark on the ウ (u) letter like this: ヴ, but most words would still transliterate it to the “b” sound, and most Japanese people will still have trouble pronouncing the “v” sound properly anyway. For example, “Violin” could be written both as (v)ヴァイオリン or (b)バイオリン, and most people would pronounce it like the latter.
Do you think Road’s memories of the End of the World has anything to do with Lenalee and Allen’s shared dream of the End of the World as well? Though Lenalee’s nightmare features the Black Order in ruins and not the modern skyscrapers of Road’s. 
So Cross knew Nea and Mana from childhood!? I’ve always thought he met Nea by chance when they are grownups and he was forced to do Nea’s bidding. Interesting!! 
So, that’s it for this chapter! Phew! That was uber long. Thank you so much for bearing with me this far. Hit me up in comments!
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oh-theatre · 4 years
Objection!: Chapter 21
Chapter title: A Winters Ball
A/n:  Merry Christmas Eve! Happy Hannukah! Happy Holidays to all! I hope this chapter is a nice something should you need it, it's a little longer so I hope that's ok! It's also bad but when are they not lol. Anyway, enjoy! Make sure to leave me some comments and Happy Holidays!
First | Previous | Next
words: 6082
summary: Patton throws a holiday party, with gifts for all!
pairings: Eventual logicality, eventual prinxiety, platonic demus, romantic remile
warnings: Alcohol, murder mention, drunk, implied abuse, gun, kissing, crying
Ao3 Link  
It started out so calm. Virgil arrived a little after seven looking happier than he had that entire week. He carried with him a small box, clutching to it as if it was his last hope. The kids pounced instantly, jumping forward as they drag Damian and Virgil further into the house only solidifying their stay.
“Ok” Patton laughs “Give Uncle Virge room to breathe '' He requests, the twins pout but let go moving away. Damian scurries back to his position, hiding safely with his father, clutching to the detective's legs. “Hey” Patton greets, a side hug is given.
“Papa! Can we play now?” Valerie asks, tugging loosely on her father's jeans. He chuckles shaking his head, he nods. Valerie races towards the living room where she has previously set toys and begins her game under the Christmas tree again. Remus sways in his spot, he watches Damian carefully.
“Uncle Virgil?” He speaks so softly, the adults almost miss his spoken words. “Would Dee like to play?” He wonders, Damian furrows his brows but pokes his head out ever so slightly “Dada let me buy a new game, it has snakes” he offers with a toothy grin. Virgil nods almost impressed by Remus’s calm manner, clearly quite taken to Damian. He turns to his son, lifting him carefully.
“Dee? Wanna go play with Remus?” He questions, Damian, shies away not wanting to meet his father's eyes “Damian” Virgil drags his name, he places his fingers on his son's lips, flubbing them gently. He giggles finally giving in.
“I'll play” He resigns, Virgil smiles letting him down. Remus, trying his hardest not to explode, bounces away with a frightened Damian. Yet Virgil sees something new in his son, a curious spark in his eyes.
“Happy birthday Virge '' Patton says finally once the kids are distracted. Virgil gives a coy smile following his friend into the kitchen. “Ok, we have got all your favorites.” Patton huffs triumphant, a proud aura around him. Virgil cheers silently, the sweet smell of each delectable treat making its way through his nose. “Alright what's with the smiles” Patton notes, Virgil's blush furthers
“Roman and I, may or may n-” Virgil stops as the door bursts open. The pair make their way to the main hall, Virgil quickly moves to his holster. Patton goes towards the now alert kids, their eyes fall on the figure that stumbles in. “Who are you!” Virgil demands, his gun pulled now. The kids squeal hiding behind Patton. Three pairs of hands clutch to him as he tries his hardest to breathe.
“I'm your worst nightmare” Is the simple, groan-inducing, response they receive. Soon enough the figure stands pointing his own weapon. Patton stifles a gasp, his hands placed protectively on the children.
“Pat, take the kids and go” He commands, Patton nods instantly picking up the three of them struggling as he races to the bedroom.
“I'm scared dada” Remus cries, not letting go of his father as they settle onto the bed. Patton nods through his own careful tears. Valerie and Damian follow Remus’s lead and grasp desperately to Patton. He cradles them, stroking their heads protectively hoping they can't hear the conversation arising outside. He takes a deep breath reaching for his phone, sending a quick text to Logan. He knows it's vague but he doesn't have space in his mind to worry about anything else right now.
“Is my Papi going to be ok?” Damian barely whispers, Patton takes staggered breaths before turning to Damian. “Uncle Pat?” He goes again
“Dee, I promise, he is going to be ok” Patton hopes, he knows Virgil never leaves the house without his gun and his bulletproof vest. Even then, the image of Virgil and that monster facing off rattles Patton.
“What do you want?” Virgil questions, hearing the door shut in the room.
“Not you, so I would get the hell out of my way” The figure speaks “You and your kids could get out of this safe. Just give me the lawyer” It requests, Virgil bites his lower lip. Fat chance, he re-asserts his gun. “Awe come on detective Tormine, you don't want this to escalate do you?” It mocks.
“No he doesn't” A new voice enters the ring, the absolute sigh of relief that emerges from Virgil cannot be described. “And neither do you, hands on your head, drop the weapon” Remy commands, the figure snarls but hesitantly obeys. Once Remy has control Logan and Roman appear, feared determination upon the judge's face. A quick look at the figure before Roman moves to Virgil.
“Are you ok?” He rushes, Virgil's eyes widen but he remains. Small nods increasing before he resets. “Virge?” Roman tries again, taking the detective's shoulders.
“Damian” Virgil utters, soon enough two small feet run towards him, Virgil turns scooping up his son immediately. “Oh my god,” He whispers, clutching tight wishing to never let him go. Roman rubs his back supportively, strokes through Damian's hair. A small family, safe.
“He was a very brave little boy” Patton compliments emerging with his twins in hand. Roman gasps, pulling the trio into a hug, Patton melts absolutely comfortable in his hold. “Thank you, for coming” He nods at them, Logan nods before giggling.
“You're ok!” Logan exclaims, he throws his arms around Patton, for the first time with Logan the lawyer flinches. Roman and Virgil freeze. “I was so worried” Logan pouts, Patton takes a sharp breath.
“A-are you...drunk?” He practically gags as the odor wafts from him. Logan cocks his head before grinning.
“I am l-lightly...tipsy” His teeth shine through the smile. Patton backs away, only securing his hold on the twins.
“I am lightly tips- tip..” Liam stops “What's the word again?”
“Patton?” Roman checks, Virgil gives him a grim nod. “Lo, why don't I...why don't we get home?” Roman suggests, Logan watches the lawyer, his naive smile draining away as he grounds himself. “Bud?” Roman tries again.
“Hey! Stop fidgeting” Remy fights against the intruder, the group turns and watches him. Virgil goes forward, handing his son to Roman, assisting Remy.
“A b c d E f g” the figure seethes, a disgustingly mischievous smile on his face “guess it’s time for a killing spree” Remy and Virgil share a look, a nervous swallow is shared.
“Yeah whatever, let's go” Remy directs, disappearing soon into his car. Roman helps Logan back into his vehicle, after much resistance and whiny behavior of course.
“Pat, I'm gonna head home ok?” Virgil checks, popping his head into the twin's room. Patton sits by Remus’s bed, stroking his hair delicately, he turns his eyes tired. Damian yawns, shuffling in his father's arm as he sleeps away. “You ok?”
“Mmhm” Patton hums “Night Virge...happy birthday” He celebrates weakly. Virgil gives half the effort for a smile before leaving, fearing what might come should the house fall empty and quiet.
“Merry Christmas Eve Lo!” Patton cheers advancing on Logan's position, the lawyer turns, his breath stolen as the bright figure walks towards him. A shining smile as he unwraps himself from his coat, revealing a neat yet festive outfit.
“Patton, I want to apologize once again, profusely” Logan begins, Patton hangs his coat cocking his head. “My behavior was unacceptable, it crossed a line and I am so eternally sorry for what happened” He laments, Patton's eyes soften as they take Logan's hand. He gives a quick squeeze.
“Logan, listen to me ok?” He asks, knowing its a big one. Logan nods eagerly to do anything he can. “It's ok, you are ok and...this shouldn't mean anything at all, but...I forgive you” He says, Logan can't help but fiddle with Patton's fingers. Clearly aching for this sense of normalcy.
“I'm not Liam” He asserts, needing to make that clear. Patton laughs softly, placing a cupped hand on Logan's cheek. Logan restrains every wants to buckle his knees and fall into the pool of love that fills Patton's eyes. His gentle touch caused a flutter they both dearly missed.
“I know, Lo...you are not” Patton smiles at even the thought “I was just scared, it happens. Virgil's done the same thing and I had the same reaction, it's really not your fault...just um…” He takes a breath, his lips pursed as he thinks. Logan exhales sharply, knowing exactly what he deems the occurrence as.
“Habit?” Logan hates how easily that clicks for Patton, it shouldn't be.
“Right” He agrees, he shakes himself out before a smile returns. “So listen, are you still coming over tonight?” Patton inquires, the pair begin their walk through the courtyard. The unspoken tradition needed no affirmation, every morning, a chilly walk with the promising reward of coffee.
“Tonight?” Logan panics only slightly, knowing his calendars are meticulous
“Yeah are you still-”
“-Coming over?” Patton wonders, struggling with an ornament. Logan tilts his head, his adorable eyes sparkle in confusion. “Christmas eve Lo, are you coming over?” Patton chuckles, the lawyer looks simply beautiful under the newly hung lights. A dim array of colors brighten the room.
“Oh! Um...yes. Absolutely, should you want me there” He replies, affirming his position. Patton stops, walking over to where the lawyer himself places stockings, each handcrafted.
“Of course I do” He smiles as his own blush overtakes, Logan was much better at hiding his light dust of infatuation. “Plus! Everyones going to be here” He adds, continuing the decoration of the tree. He hums quietly to the holiday music that plays in the background. It's funny almost, Patton can't remember the last time he got to do this with someone. Last year the twins spent Christmas with his sister due to an emergency, the three years before that they were much too little to help out and Patton was on his own.
“My star!” As if on cue, Valerie races by Patton's legs hiding quickly behind Logan, holding a shining ornament. “Nyeh!” She sticks out her tongue, Remus emerges pouting as he crosses his arms. “Lo! Up!” Valerie begs, fear yet determination crosses her eyes. Logan obliges lifting the young girl in protection.
“I wanna do the star!” Remus argues, he stomps his feet on the ground. Patton swoons at the sight of Logan and Valerie, engaging in a small game of their own. He picks up his son, trilling his lips, Remus lips against his own wishes. “No fair!” He cries
“You can do the star together” He compromises, they share a quick furled glance before agreeing. “Yay” Patton celebrates weakly, Logan takes this as his time. He moves forward, the pair stand side by side, children in hand. “Ready kiddos?” Patton questions, they nod. The lawyers move at the same time, lifting them, they take the star with their small fists. Carefully they place it atop the tree, giggling in excitement as Patton uses his foot to turn on the lights.
“Well done you two” Logan compliments, they set the twins down watching as they bounce around before retreating to their room. No doubt to continue their shrieks and bouts of fun. “That was...extraordinary” Logan realizes, Patton turns to him, a coy smile. “I...I don't know...why- Thank you, for allowing me to be a part of that '' Logan finishes, the memory burned deep into him.
“Hey, that was my first time seeing them do the star” Patton nudges, Logan adjusts his glasses, a soft ‘ah’ released. “Barb and I used to do it, now them” Patton smiles, kicking the ground below. Logan takes his hands, squeezing them. “Thank you for your help” Logan stifles a delicate chuckle, Patton's arms make there around his neck, relaxing as Logan secures Patton's waist. “Mistletoe” He reminds, his eyes flickering up
“What a shame” Logan teases, leaning in for a kiss. Their lips melting together, safe as the lights dance around them. Low yet ecstatic music playing, they trap themselves in the warmth of their...Patton's home. Should it start snowing right there, with fireworks going on Patton would see it fit. Fit for a perfect evening
“Right! Yes...I will be there” Logan shakes the distant memory away, unaware Patton's mind had wandered there as well.
“Yay! Oh, I'm so excited” Patton expresses, retrieving his phone as it buzzes. “Patton Hart” He listens, Logan stands idle observing his surroundings. He enjoys the simple pleasure, feeling a more relaxed Sherlock Holmes of his time. Watching jurors go by, frantic lawyers, guilty men dragged away. Everything is a routine, part of a well oiled yet destructive machine. “Em! That's amazing!” Logan blinks, returning his focus to Patton. The lawyer takes Logan's arm, the biggest grin upon his face. “We will be there” He nods some “Ok, bye, I love you too!” He hands up, practically vibrating gazing back to Logan
“Is everything...alright?” Logan fears the response
“Better than ok” Patton swoons “Oh! It's a Christmas miracle” The lawyer bounces, Logan sighs, keeping his temper.
“Patton!” He pushes
“Remy and Emile!” He delights “They're getting a son today”
“You're kidding!” James laughs walking alongside Roman, the judge shakes his head containing his own laughter.
“Nope, I swear” He continues “On multiple occasions, Joan has fallen asleep during a case, they just have” Roman affirms, James stops them placing a hand on Roman's shoulder. The judge freezes up, a shocking smile, a little flutter as a spark is transferred between them.
“That's amazing, my bailiff was never that interesting” James remembers, Roman nods listening to his delicate voice, he's sure the stories are interesting but the way James speaks just makes him want to fall asleep.
“Oh...you must be James'' Virgil approaches, extending a friendly hand towards the judge. Roman gives him a quick smile of greetings, trying to ignore the awkwardness his stomach plunges into him. They are just friends...friends. “Detective Virgil Tormine” He introduces, James returns the gesture.
“I've heard about you...Jame McCoy” He smiles, Roman watches the two, light ease. “Whatcha...uh, whatcha doing here detective?” James wonders, it seems stiff but alas the man is shy himself.
“I practically work here” Virgil jokes “I'm always here or the precinct”
“Papi! RoRo!” Virgil grows a giant smile turning, enveloping his child quickly. Damian hugs his dad, still having his arms around his neck as he looks to James. “Hello” He waves
“Heya” James greets, Roman doesn't mind them before allowing Virgil to hand him, Damian.``Is he uh...your son?” James inquires to Roman, the judge playing with Damian's hand chuckles.
“Oh! No...uh Dee…” He spins Damian “This is James McCoy, he's a judge, like me” Roman introduces them, James shakes the polite boy's hand, receiving a giggle. Virgil's is not sure why he feels the sudden urge to jerk his son away, he's never ever not trusted, Roman. And yet here he stood, on the outside watching his son.
“Is he your boyfriend RoRo?” Damian pokes, playing around with Roman's face. Virgil coughs, he takes Damian back. “No! RoRo!” Damian cries, making grabby hands towards the judge. Roman stifles a confused glance before waving a small goodbye.
“Sorry, uh...got to drop him off” Virgil laughs shakily, Roman nods. “Say bye Dee”
“Bye-bye Ro!” Damian grins, a gleeful giggle escapes. “Bye-bye Ro’s boyfriend!” Damian laughs into his father's neck, Virgil shakes his head a small smirk.
“Bye niño” Roman turns on his heel, much calmer. “Gosh I love that kid” Roman flatters, James chuckles. “Thank you for this uh…” He searches for a word to describe it.
“Our date?” James proposes, Roman nods slowly trying hard to squeeze back a smile. James takes Romans hand, squeezing it gently. “I enjoyed it, merry Christmas Roman” James lets go, lingering for a moment before disappearing leaving Roman with simple remnants.
“Merry...Christmas?” Roman finds himself confused, not sure how things could escalate and reach this moment so fast. Not that he has any time to process his thoughts as Patton taps him excitedly. “Hmm?” Receiving a simple bob in return.
“This is our son, Thomas Sanders” Emile whispers, cradling a small child as he displays him carefully around the room. Patton awes, not meaning to grasp to Logan, the excitement just builds.
“Thomas Picani-Nyx Sanders” Remy recites, his mind trying to make sure that it's all there. The group laughs, each making their own introduction to the baby. “Thomas these are some weird people who are gonna be around your entire life” Remy jokes, Patton sniffles laughing through his tears. Thomas reaches out wrapping what small fist he has around Patton's finger.
“That's Patton” Emile barely makes it through, not sure whether he's going to wake up in a moment. “He's your uncle” Emile informs, Thomas giggles through his motions, smiling widely in Patton's hold. Remy bounces on the bed, keeping a careful eye on his son. Virgil stands idle, not sure how to express how his heart feels at the moment.
“Thomas, this is Virgil…” Remy smiles, a coy one as he looks to his partner in solving crime. “He's your godfather” They announce, Roman and Patton, share small gasps, tapping excitedly on their friend. Virgil staggers his breath, pointing to himself. “If he figures out how to accept” Remy teases
“Hi, Thomas...I’m your...godfather” Virgile simply states, Emile, places Thomas into his arms carefully. Thomas feels a sense of comfort, as the warmth of Virgil wraps him.
“You want me to be his godfather?” Patton questions, Virgil nods. “Damian, hi” He introduces himself, kissing the baby's forehead softly. Virgil yawns leaning his head on Patton's shoulder, watching his son giggle at the lawyer's antics.
“I still can't believe you made me Remus’s godfather, and Ro is Vals” Virgil sighs, Patton chuckles. “I mean...what about Logan?” Patton hums lightly to Damian.
“He's...he's more than that...hopefully”  Patton continues humming as Virgil simply soaks in his delight.
“My turn!” Roman shouts in a whisper, Emile chuckles but transfers his child over to Roman now. “Oh, you're absolutely perfect” Roman marvels, the soft features alight with imagination as they fall into Roman's arms. He plays with his little feet, small mocks of gasps as they play.
“Please don't break my son” Remy only slightly jokes, Logan watches from behind Patton, his eyes following the child. “Hey! Four-eyes! Wanna meet my awesome son?” Remy throws a tissue at Logan.
“Yes, I would like to...however please don't throw things at me” Logan looks to Patton who helps him secure Thomas in his arms. And somehow, once again they fall into their own trance. And how selfish in the moment but Patton wishes he could have shared this moment with his twins with Logan. Not alone, struggling with no one to talk to. “Like this?” Logan checks softly, Patton smiles
“Yeah, you're doing great” Patton assures. Thomas’s smile turns to confusion, a bright curiosity lights them, as he watches Logan. “He likes you” Patton identifies. Me? Logan breathes, stroking a careful hand over the baby’s head.
“I like him too”  Logan returns the child, everyone's heart happy for the well-deserving pair.
“Kiddos” Patton tries watching as the twins circle around him, shrieking in laughter. “Hey” He smiles, scooping up Remus. “Everyones gonna be here soon, are you ready for the holiday party?” He questions, Valerie stops, just as Molly runs by taking the beagle in her arms.
“Molly's ready!” She announces, the puppy looks to her licking her face gently. Patton chuckles releasing Remus as he pushes against his father The boy antsy to play, he rushes helping Valerie pet Molly.
“Yay” Patton cheers weakly, the twins giggle before disappearing into their rooms once again. Playfully he rolls his eyes moving to the kitchen, double-checking everything once more as the candles and the lights wrap him tight, securing his safety. A quick trance before the door rings and it whisks away. “Barb!” He greets, taking his sister in his arms.
“Heya Patton” Barbara hugs back, moving away so Patton may greet Marcy. “Under the tree?” She asks, holding up what seems maybe too many gifts. Patton chuckles but nods.
“I told her not to go overboard” Marcy quips watching her wife place the presents delicately. “She does not listen” Marcy folds her arms, Patton nudges her softly
“Eh, you love her anyway” Patton jokes,  a small smile spreads across Marcy's face. Warmth to the house circling them.
“I really do” Marcy bites her lower lips, Barbara finishes preparing to stand quickly being attacked. The twins pounce instantly, an excited Molly yelping around them. The absolute joy that radiates from Barbara as she embraces her niece and nephew can not be matched. “I want to give her that” Marcy whispers, mostly to her own comfort.
“No update?” Patton laments, watching the scene unfold himself. His heart pounds in his ears, knowing how badly Barbara wishes for exactly what he holds. A family, but alas a cruel worlds fate deemed her unfit. How dare they? Patton thinks to himself.
“She just can't carry one to term” Marcy informs, the same thing they've heard for years. Barbara laughs as the twins poke and prod, excited as they interact.
“You can always adopt” Patton assures, he can't help but grin at the best thing he had ever done. The twins sing as they skip around the room. Marcy nods a deep sigh.
“We applied a few months ago” Marcy admits, Patton turns a quiet gasp and a smile. “Don't get too excited, we haven't heard anything” She looks back to her wife, a sudden somber dim upon the once joyful room. “I'm sorry, it's a celebration” Marcy looks to Patton, she plants a sweet kiss on his cheek. “Happy holidays Pat” She joins the group on the floor, greeting the twins.
“There's the door!” Patton chimes, opening it once more. “Hey you two- three” Patton corrects, his eyes falling on a snoring Thomas, safe in Remy's arms. “I set up Valerie's crib in the guest room if you need it” He greets both happily. They sigh relieved almost immediately traveling to the back room. Returning with a free glance after a moment. “Light the menorah?” Patton asks Emile as they venture through the house
“Mhmm, Thomas loved it” Emile can't help but gleam, Remy makes his way to greet the twins. They pounce on him the same, including him in their never-ending cycle of energy. “Remy's parents were awfully excited in their own right” Emile laughs, Patton squeezes his arms as the doorbell rings once more.
“Hey you two!” Patton greets, hugging Roman and Virgil as they enter his residence. “Gifts under the tree” He smiles as Roman holds up maybe too many gifts. “You okay?” He asks as Roman passes by, leaving an antsy Virgil with a calm Damian in his arms.
“Pat…” He looks behind “I'm sorry” Patton's heart sink as two figures make their way up the driveway. Gloria and Arlo tread carefully through the simply beautifully decorated front yard, judging everything that comes in their path. “I'm here if you need me” Virgil pats his shoulder before joining the group.
“Mom...dad” Patton greets, Gloria and Arlo barely glance towards him before squeezing through. “Yeah hi to…” He trails off his eyes falling onto something much more pleasant. Logan steps out of his car, his feet crunching the soft snow below him. He stops as he sees Patton. “Hi” Patton smiles, his aura glowing with a feathery blush.
“Hi Patton” Logan greets, he meets him face to face. Patton smiles from his corners, he gestures for Logan to join him in their safe bubble. Logan does just that, and they stand freely under the lights as they dance around the room.
“Dada! Is it present time yet?” Remus begs, tugging at his father. Logan chuckles picking up the small boy, much to both Patton and Remus’s joy. “LoLo!” Remus cries, his small arms wrapping safely around the lawyer.
“I fear you're going to have to exercise patience dear Remus” Logan advises, Patton watches him carry the boy to the couch. Patton takes a cautious breath as the party continues without him, he finishes up the treats in the kitchen watching everyone from afar. Marcy tries her hardest to amuse Gloria and Arlo, Barbara watches the twins as they marvel at the presents, Damian speaks calmly to his father and Roman expressing his own bouts, Remy and Emile continue to appear and disappear before making light conversation. Everything a well-oiled machine, Patton fears to break that.
“Dinner time!” He announces, Valerie scurries his way jumping delighted into his arms. Remus remains in Logan's arms, a quick smile as they pass each other. “Ok Remus, Val, and Dee are over here” He instructs, the proper arrangements are made accordingly. Soon everyone else fills in a chair. Patton sits next to the twins, Virgil in front of him next to Damian. Logan seats himself next to Patton, as Roman does with Virgil.
“Oh Pat, this looks delicious” Barbara compliments, already diving in as she helps Marcy. Patton smiles and quickly pairs are created. Logan and Patton discuss with one another while serving the twins. Marcy flirts shamelessly with Barbara, Patton watches giggling. “Oh I'm so sure” Barbara retorts, the table laughs at their antics. She leans in kissing her wife on the cheek.
“Barbara, would you care to refrain from...so much public display” Gloria punishes, Patton, sighs feeling Logan takes his hand carefully. A grateful glance is registered. “It's just...we’re at dinner dear”
“Mom, nobody else is bothered” Patton comments, Remus and Valerie pause, their eyes alight with curiosity. “Just admit you're h-” He bites his lower lip, Remus and Valerie. “Just, no one else is bothered mother”
“Pat it's fine, sorry mom” Barbara laments, turning quietly to her food and continuing. Her energy dampened. Patton turns to his children, assuring them everything's ok, Logan keeps a steady hand on Pattons. The doorbell rings and Glorias face improves, she stands with Patton.
“Oh! That must be Liam” She taps excited, Patton inhales sharply. “I'll get it!” She cheers, dancing her way to the door. Patton stands, kissing the twins gently on the forehead, begging his friends to watch them.
“Ill be right back” Patton excuses himself, a gentle squeeze to Logan's hand as he leaves to his room. Closing the door, he slides against it, a shuddered breath. “Take a deep breath Patton, you're okay, he can't hurt you, he can't hurt them” He recites, his eyes move to the windowsill, bunched clothes lay. “Something to do” he sighs relieved, he moves slowly folding the clothes neatly.
“Patton?” Logan creaks, the door squeezing open. The lawyer turns, a sweater in his arms. “Are you-”
“Anything else” he interjects, his soft eyes practically shattering behind the reflective light of his glasses. “Talk about literally anything else” He pleads, Logan nods instantly closing the door behind him.
“You say we’re moving too fast but I think we aren't moving fast enough” Logan decides, he has had one glass of eggnog, and yet his mind feels as sane as it has. Patton stops, a small opening to his mouth, not what he was expecting. “I have known you for ten years, Patton. I know you're scared and I know that you have every right to be-”
“The twins” Patton argues, a minuscule shatter to his voice. Logan moves forward, he takes the sweater leaning it on a chair, his hands interlace with Pattons.
“If I thought, even for a moment, that any of this” He looks between them “Would even dare hurt them, Id walk away. If there was even a chance that any of you would suffer, I would walk away” He assures, Patton watches with a fearful look. His lips pursed, his baby blue eyes shine with droplets of tears. “Patton, I love your kids, and I would be happy to just continue being in their life as I am now but…” He examines the lawyers face, taking his thumb to rub a delicate tear away. “I want to be with you, I want to hold your hand, I want to get lost in your eyes and have my mind consumed by you every waking moment” Logan admits, Patton scoffs through his sadness, knowing that broken desire well enough. Knowing the feeling, and knowing the absolute pain it causes.
“That's the stuff of fairytales”
“Then god dammit Patton, I want a fairytale” Logan laughs “That...monster might be your villain but beat him, Patton, fight for your happily ever after” Logan seethes, refusing to let Liam and his smug face, his undeserved boldness, ruin this.
“I'm so tired of fighting Lo” Patton shuts his eyes, a tickle as the liquid seeps out. They meet each other foreheads, the connection forcing through the barricades, joining them together once more.
“Then let me fight alongside you” Logan replies “You don't have to face every day alone, you don't have to force every smile” Pattons not sure what hit him, but in a seconds flash he felt Logans lips against his own. His hands move to Logans chest, the pulsating heartbeat he feels grounding him. The world could go on without them, they couldn't care less, they were fine-
They were happy
Is this what it feels like? A shared thought, a united question from an emotion they matched.
“I've just never met someone as forward as me” Roman quips, Virgil laughs. “I'm serious, I mean...I'm not complaining it's just...I'm not used to it” He thinks of James, the sizzling reminder of their brief hold.
“Oh I like him” Virgil teases, Roman nudges him, the pair turning back to the party.
“My turn!” Valerie cries, Patton nods sweetly from the couch, Remus sprawled across him and Logan, sleepily. “Papa! Is it this one?” She questions, hefting a big box up, Patton chuckles in affirmation. She tears it open, wrapping flies every which way. A gasp as her eyes fall onto the gift. A small groan is heard from behind Patton, where he knows his parents stand with Liam. “What is it?” She asks, a silly smile across her face, the group laughs.
“That, Val, is one part of your new kingdom set” He explains, she balls the wrapping paper in her fists bouncing excitedly. “The rest is waiting to be built, we’re going to put in the backyard and you-”
“And Remus!” She giggles, Patton stifles a sob, he was much too lucky. Valerie pushes past her other gifts, including; new art supplies from Logan, a beginner's clothes making kit from Roman and her own detective kit from Virgil (as requested).
“And Remus can play and live out all your fairytale adventures” He finishes, his daughter wasting no time jumping into his arms, hugging him with all she had. “You like it?” He jokes
“Thank you, papa! Thank you!” She celebrates. Once they part she moves to her brother, shaking him. “Your turn dummy” Remus mumbles awake, switching positions with Valerie. She sits in the middle of the lawyers, clapping her hands in anticipation. The night continues, Remus receives a slime lab from Virgil and Damian (almost an instant regret), a plethora of books of new words from Logan, a whole new assortment of costumes from Roman and the promise of a fish tank and fishes from his father.
More gifts are exchanged throughout the fast evening. Barbara and Marcy deemed the stuffed animal queens, each child receiving one. An octopus for Remus, a valiant lion for Valerie, a two-headed snake for Damian and a mixing bowl of teddy bears for Thomas. Remy and Emile find themselves gifted with many new items, mostly for Thomas but they couldn't be happier. Even Gloria and Arlo gain a few new things, Barbara and Patton don't skimp. Damian ends the night quite pleased with his new valuables and trinkets. Especially the new compass from his father.
“I have a gift for the Hart family” Logan announces, Remus and Valerie shoot awake, now fully present. Patton tears his gaze away from a suspicious Liam, eyes meeting Logans. “A family full of royalty and fairytales and it shocked me to find, you've never been to Disney world” He plays, Patton releases a soft laugh. The twins look to one another, giant grins plastered across their tired faces. “Four tickets for you two, your father and a special guest of your choosing” He looks to Patton, handing him the envelope, a careful shock as they meet across the promise of joy.
“I want LoLo to come with us!” Remus begs, he bounces on his father's leg, Patton scoops him up tickling him. “Aa!” He shrieks laughing, Valerie giggles falling onto her backside. “No Dada!” Even Damian finds the scene amusing as he rests his head on Virgil's shoulder, safe in his father's arms.
“That's up to Logan” Patton finally decides, releasing the red-faced boy. “And we can talk about it later, but it's getting late and you don't want Santa to think you're still awake right?” All three children gasp, Damian pokes his father alerted.
“Hold on” And there it is, Liam makes his way to the tree, his eyes piercing through Patton. “Before you go, I have a gift” He reveals, Gloria swoons clapping. Patton's shoulders recoil, his arms around the twins only stabilize. “I thought that you two should know where you came from” he smirks, evil oozing. Virgil feels Roman take hold of his arm, pushing him back as he growls. Patton sits forward, an immense frown, hinting annoyance as Liam talks.
“We know!” Valerie smiles, Remus nods. Liam steps back, tilting his head. “Papa told us when we were little a nice lady gave us to Papa. Papa wanted kids and he couldn't have any, but then she gave us to him. And he's been our papa since we were babies!” Valerie concludes, Patton shuts his eyes pulling them close. The others clap at Valerie's excellent storytelling skills. “What was the word again?”
“Adopted” Patton reminds, Valerie nods satisfied. “And I love you very much,” He tells them, knowing he would tell them even after words didn't make sense to him when his mind was old and grey, that would stay. “Now off to bed with you heathens!” He jokes, they race to their room after quick goodbyes to everyone. A special hug for Logan and an explicit farewell from Remus to Damian. Soon the house clears, a determined Damian dragging his father home, new parents Remy and Emile sludge home exhausted. Roman leaving soon after, followed by Barbara and Marcy. Then there were five. After a firm reprimand from Patton, his parents leave shortly after. “Now you” He points to Liam.
“Patton don't, he's not worth it” Logan speaks out, paying no mind to Liam's existence. “Your phone Pat” Logan identifies, a sweet tune snapping them back. Patton takes it, still watching Liam wary. “If I could kill one person, with no consequences, I hope you know, it would be you,” Logan says casually once Patton is not within earshot.
“Excuse me?” Liam furrows his brows, a tight face. Logan shrugs, folding his arms.
“You are, in the most eloquent way, an absolute monster” Logan names, his fingers snap “Or as I believe Virgil would say ‘A dick’” Logan settles, nodding, clearly liking this option. Sure he had had a few eggnogs, but it's not like he wasn't justified “Its really quite humorous, you came here expecting to derail a loving home and yet…” He looks around, the perfect room shaping the absolute care and happiness it contained wonderfully. “You failed because you don't know Patton or his kids-”
“Our kids”
“His kids, let's not even go there” Logan smirks, Patton returns a solemn look on his face quickly shaken away. “Patton are you alright?” Logan checks, his demeanor softens.
“Hmm? Yeah fine” he hums “Liam I think you should go” And so he does, clearly defeated. After a sloppy cleanup session, a hesitant Logan takes his leave as well, fidgeting all the way as he remembers the last few moments he spent with Patton. Something had changed after the phone call, something happened.
“Patton Hart!” Patton greets, putting out as cheerful as he could.
“Enjoy your last few moments of happiness mister Hart” And the line goes dead
104 notes · View notes
mittensmorgul · 4 years
eeeee I’m very happy that a dead Cas is now officially chuck's ideal ending. (Kind of? I mean,,,, he told Sam that what he showed him is what would happen if TFW won, but it was still the ending *Chuck* has been wanting.) either way! It’s now textually part of the What We Absolutely Can’t Let Happen package!
Lol, I mean, a dead Sam and Dean are officially part of Chuck’s ideal ending, so it’s kinda like... if Chuck is targeting you like that, if he specifically and horrifically wants you off the table that bad because he knows that with you alive then his plans fall apart... yeah...  
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Which, honestly... explains an awful lot why Chuck’s spent so much effort keeping Cas busy with other stuff in the past. I’m entirely rethinking s6 and s7 here, because this explains so much. It’s not that Cas was being controlled by anyone, but after 5.22, Cas... poked at things. He let (half of, anyway) Sam out of the cage, he stood up to Raphael who was scheduled to finish the apocalypse, and then he teamed up with Crowley to hoover all the souls out of Purgatory. 
I mean Chuck was probably giddy with anticipation over the leviathan getting freed, you know? He didn’t even have to interfere to bring on his monster apocalypse. Just sit back and watch the chaos. He didn’t even mind Death nudging Dean in the right direction a few times, because Dean was so busy with his own immediate problems he couldn’t figure out Death’s hints in time to stop Cas anyway... And then Cas inadvertently and conveniently cleared himself off the table once the monsters were free. And yet... something about this wasn’t entirely satisfying, and Cas was brought back without his memories and stashed away to what... to give Dean a bit of hope that Chuck could just dash again? Because then Cas stashed himself away AGAIN after fixing Sam and taking on the trauma that was killing him, and then stashed himself in Purgatory for a while before coming back as an unwitting pawn of Heaven.
I think Chuck enjoys watching Cas go through this over and over again.
“Punishment resurrection.”
But s15 TFW isn’t the same fractured and scattered TFW from s6. They know Chuck’s God. And they know he’s the antagonist who keeps pushing them through more and more horrific versions of his own ugly story.
Billie is not OG Death, and she’s willing to bide her time and plan.
Sam is not soulless. He’s been through all of this before, and he’s endured, and he’s gonna endure again. He may have had his hope shaken a bit, but I don’t think that’s something Chuck can actually take from him entirely. As long as he’s alive, there’s a chance.
Dean is not the grieving, out of the loop shell of himself he was in s6. He knows what’s going on now, even if everything seems kinda bleak... He’s already established that in addition to Sam (who’s not in hell or soulless now), he also needs Cas in his life, even if it’s just the two of them sitting at the table commiserating. 
And Cas... finally understands that Dean wants him to stay, needs him to stay, and that every time Dean has told him this before (even if it was worded differently, because Dean struggles to express himself directly) Cas had left anyway-- for Dean’s own safety, to shield Dean from having to do something terrible, to sacrifice himself so Dean wouldn’t have to-- Dean didn’t care because all he could see was I asked him to stay and he left anyway. I am not enough. I am not worth staying for. And now in Purgatory, they finally began to have that conversation. Cas got a win for Dean, a year worth of s8 prayers that Cas had heard have been condensed into a single prayer that finally brought them together instead of convincing Cas he needed to keep running away to protect Dean. Instead of shoving Dean through the portal and staying behind, Cas waited at the portal for Dean and they walked back through together. Almost like ALL of the things that have been haunting Cas and driving him to penance since s6 have at least begun to be addressed and resolved in s15.
What were we talking about at the top of this? I think I’ve gone off on a tangent again...
RIGHT! Chuck’s gotta nerf Cas for his plot to work out.
It’s wild, right? Because Chuck’s whole “This Is Your Future Life” episode he crafted to convince Sam that locking him away with a Mark is a terrible idea that can only end one way... Do you know how frustrating it must’ve been for Chuck to have to stop them from caging him? Because it was a double-edged sword. I mean, on the one hand, I’m sure he LOVED the idea of Cas slowly going mad with the Mark until Dean was compelled to lock him in a ma’lak box and bury him right along with his hope and happiness, but if they had succeeded in casting that spell, then CHUCK WOULDN’T HAVE BEEN ABLE TO WATCH HIS FAVORITE SHOW. Like Amara in that same cage, his fun would’ve been over.
Can’t watch all the suffering if you’re locked in a cosmic dungeon!
It’s incredibly funny to me that Chuck convinced Sam that his nonsensical “future” was a true seeing, that he “shared his omniscience” with Sam with that watch. Because the one thing the show has demonstrated over the years that Chuck sincerely hopes they’ve forgotten, is that you can’t change the past, but the future is never set in stone until it comes to pass. And the future is built on choices.
Chuck can account for a lot of things, but he can’t account for Free Will. He can nudge, he can remove options, he can create roadblocks leaving only terrible choices open to them that will have awful consequences or require painful sacrifices, but... TFW has never completely done what they’re told, you know? Cas is the original “spanner in the works,” and Edlund once commented that yes, he has a “crack in his chassis,” but it’s a crack through which great things come. But Sam and Dean also have this frustrating and fascinating gift to stymie Chuck’s plot. 
And this is the true power of TFW. I think this is the tool they need to fully understand for themselves in order to finally win. They’ve been edging around it for a while, but Chuck always finds some way to foil them when they start getting close to examining their own wants. Like every time Dean starts talking about being able to take a vacation, or feeling hopeful that the future looks a little less bloodsoaked for them, Chuck steps in and throws them a monster of a curveball. Last time Dean started up with the toes-in-the-sand talk, he’d been possessed by AU Michael by the end of the episode, and crushed like a bug, his free will rendered entirely irrelevant. No amount of fighting against Michael, of telling him to get out, was able to free him. And then Chuck showed up again to hammer the lesson home. Only they learned a different lesson from the one he was trying to teach.
Heck, that’s another frustrating thing for Chuck, isn’t it? TFW has a long, long history of doing that.
Dabb even tweeted lyrics from “The End” by the Doors before this episode aired. Because this was a 5.04 redux, in a lot of ways. The circumstances of the future that Chuck imagined to horrify Sam may be entirely different, but the premise, the themes, the structure of it all... it’s functionally identical. But that was a distraction of sorts, as well. The other episode this referred back to... was 9.18.
Metatron showed his hand, revealed his process, and it’s identical to Chuck’s, because Metatron was just playing God, in the exact same way Chuck always did. He was a writer.
CASTIEL: And you did all this to make me a hero?METATRON [laughing]: Ah, that's priceless. Um no. You are not the hero in this mess-terpiece. You are the villain. I'm the hero.
METATRON: Didn't quite turn out as I'd planned, but that is why we rewrite. That was God's problem, you know... he published the first draft. You got to keep at it till you get all your ducks in a row.GADREEL: Was the Winchesters grabbing me part of your plan?METATRON: That was a surprise. But, hey, what writer doesn't love a good twist? My job is to set up interesting characters and see where they lead me. The by-product of having well-drawn characters is...They may surprise you. But I know something they don't know...the ending. How I get there doesn't matter as long as everybody plays their part.
Chuck also thinks he knows the ending. He’s absolutely convinced-- a la Lucifer’s conviction in 5.04 that “no matter what choices you make, we’ll always end up here,” and Metatron’s conviction that the ending was always destined to happen, couldn’t account for the true nature of humanity. Lucifer never saw it, because he never bothered to look for it. Metatron only saw it after he’d been rendered human himself. And Chuck? He thinks he understands, that his “omniscience” gives him a complete understanding of his creation, and yet... there’s things that humanity has created that he could never have dreamed up for himself.
He was right back in 11.22 (oh, hello Bobo episode again) when he told Amara that creation needed to be born, that it became something better than them. And yet Chuck can’t stop inflicting his own tired, formulaic story on his favorite characters. Because Amara was also right about him, that he was also greedy, and selfish, and only wanted to feel “big.” Chuck admitted that to Becky in 15.04, until he got over his writer’s block and started writing with a vengeance.
Wait, what was this about again? *scrolls up*
OH! Right! Nerfing Cas so the writer can have his way with everyone else. Kind of a long-standing tactic, no? And it’s not even about limiting Cas’s angel powers, but about Cas himself, and what he means to TFW. And it’s taken Cas a VERY long time to even begin to understand this. It’s not what he can do for them, it’s not being “useful” or “powerful” or being able to wave a hand and whoosh away the bad guy. It’s about him being HIM. It’s about him standing up to Dean and telling him he’s being stupid, and Dean listening and following him when if they’d gone their separate ways they both probably would’ve failed in Purgatory. It’s about them having each other’s backs and anticipating each other’s needs, and knowing that they aren’t alone and are wanted and needed because they are the best friend the other has ever had. And there’s something to that very human connection, that very human concept of family and love that Chuck... is incapable of understanding.
Whenever love rears its ugly head, Chuck rushes in to crush it. Because in love lies hope, lies a power that he can’t beat down. It’s a plot twist he can’t write his way out of.
Amara tried to give the very beginning of that to Dean in 11.23, to give him a chance to understand Mary, and Chuck couldn’t abide it. Jack is too powerful in a mojo-way, sure, but his true power for all of TFW was love. And Rowena-- pushed into self-sacrifice after Chuck “pinataed Hell”-- her entire journey into TFW had been about love.
Remember the plot of Metatron’s narrative? Love, and heartbreak, and love? Yeah. Remember how he thought he defeated Cas? By killing Dean Winchester? Yeah.
Big picture themes time? Chuck tried to drive wedges between TFW and everything they love. And has been trying to force his own contrived romance plots on them. But Chuck doesn’t understand love at all.
That’s their one true weapon against Chuck, if they each can learn to wield it.
How did my intended lol response to your question turn into this? That’s the cosmic lol for you.
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A/N: I kinda, sorta combined two requests into one. They are pretty much the same, just a little different. Anyway, I want to thank @oscarwilde-hellyeah​ for editing it for me and giving me some solid writing advice. I can always use some. I should have another fic out tomorrow if I get my act together and finish writing it. Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist and requests are always open. You can request something here.
Nikki Sixx x Reader
Requested by: Anonymous & @jennahughes18
Request:  Hey I saw you did a Nikki imagine that was based on a queen song ,, I was wondering if I could request that the reader is related to one of the members of queen and Nikki finds out and gets star struck 😂 sorry this is a weird request lol
May I request a oneshot where reader is dating Nikki Sixx and she is best friends with Queen, especially Freddie, one day Queen makes a suprise visit? I am curious about the reactions of Motley Crue. I am rambling at this point but I would be really happy if you can write something like this🧡
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: Drinking, Language
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The glass toppled over, shattering as it made contact with the floor. The brown liquid inside leaking out of it as the small shards of glass littered the floor. Vince cursed, throwing one of Tommy’s drum sticks at the man. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you? That was a perfectly good bottle of whiskey!”
Tommy shrugged, ducking as Vince threw an empty beer can at him. Mick shook his head when the drummer took a seat next to him. 
“If Barbie throws something at me,” he glared at the younger man. “I’ll kill you.”
Y/n laughed as Tommy put his hands up in defense, but anything he was going to say to help his case wasn’t going to do him, not with Vince aiming his shoe at him. An odd silence fell over the group as a soft thud echoed around the room, the shoe missing its intended mark and hitting Mick instead. Before anyone could bat an eye, the drummer jumped over the couch and raced out of the room before Mick could get out a string of curses.
“You were saying something earlier,” Nikki started, walking towards the couch with a beer in his hand. Y/n nodded as he took a seat next to her, putting his arm loosely around her shoulders. “About some friends that are coming to visit.”
“Oh, great. More obnoxious people,” Mick comment, glaring at Tommy who stood outside the doorway, cautiously glancing in the room.
Nikki turned back to Y/n, seeing how music wasn’t going to be made with Tommy hiding in the hall. 
“Yeah, a couple of my friends from England are coming to L.A. and I thought it would be fun to catch up with them,” she smiled. “Maybe I could bring them by. They are musicians, after all, and everyone could probably learn something from each other.”
Nikki smiled, seeing how happy the idea made her. He wasn’t in any mood to have visitors, not when it was taking ages for them to get their next album done. If someone wasn’t late, then everyone was fighting, and if everyone wasn’t fighting, someone was missing. Normally, it was Vince and Tommy. If they weren’t throwing things at each other, they were screaming at each other, shouting insults until their voices faded to nothing. So, they didn’t need any more distractions. They already had plenty. 
But Nikki loved Y/n and, as much as he hated to admit it, she made him melt like butter. Growing up without any sort of love, it was weird for him. It was an experience that kept him on his toes as it was both unfamiliar and foreign. No matter how familiar he was with love, he knew that part of being in love was compromising and giving. He would give Y/n the whole world, the land, air, and sea, if he could. But since that couldn’t be done, no matter how behind the band was with the album, he was going to give her what she wanted; and if that was for her friends to stop by for a visit, then so be it. 
“That sounds like a great idea. Maybe they’ll teach us how to get along,” he stated, glaring at Vince and Tommy while he said it. Turning back to Y/n, he pulled her close. “What time are you gonna bring them around?”
She thought for a moment. Any conversation she had with them went seven different directions at once and it didn’t help that everyone tried to talk over each other. From what she could remember of their grumbled up conversations, they would be arriving in a few days. But who really knew?
 “I do believe I’m picking them up from the airport in a couple of days,” she told him. “I’ll probably bring them by that day if they’re willing.”
“I hope they’re hot!” Tommy exclaimed, poking his head in from the hallway, excitement shone in his eyes. 
Y/n laughed, shaking her head, almost as though she were laughing at an inside joke. “Oh, they sure are.” 
“Well anything’s cuter than you,” Mick pointed out, earning a laugh from everyone as  Tommy flipped him off.
Nikki stopped in front of the studio door, sighing when he heard something crash. He hoped that it wasn’t an instrument. If it was, no one would hear the end of it--especially if it was the drums. Someone (they never found out who, though Nikki had a strong suspicion it was Vince) broke Tommy’s drums and the man sulked, complaining about it for weeks. Whenever somebody thought they’d heard the end of it, he’d bring it up again. 
Opening the door, Nikki was met with the sight of Tommy at one end of the room, holding a drumstick like a baseball bat, and Vince at the other with a small plastic ball. Raising a brow, he looked at the two, both too focused on whatever they were doing to notice him. Vince threw the ball and Tommy attempted to hit it, the lanky man lunging to the side and missing the ball by an inch, before landing on the coffee table that had most likely been moved for their little game. The table crumbled against the weight, Tommy landing on its remnants. Nikki shook his head, not bothering to deal with the two at the moment, and went to sit by Mick on the couch.
“How long have they been doing this?” he inquired, wishing he had a table to rest his feet on. But no, Tommy had to go and break the only one they had. 
Mick shrugged, his eyes closed. He’d probably been trying to drown the pair out since he’d arrived. “Too long.”
Tommy laughed, brushing pieces of the table off him as he got to his feet. Looking down at the mess that was once a table, he shook his head. It was clear that he didn’t care. The table would be missed for a good five minutes, but they would learn to live without it.
 “Where’s Y/n?” he asked, brushing his hair out of his face.
Nikki gestured for Vince to hand him a beer as the singer headed towards the case they bought a few days before. 
“She’s picking her friends up from the airport.” Vince tossed him the beer and bassist caught it, pulling a bottle opener out of his pocket. He popped the top off and took a long sip.
“Dude, why does she get to bring friends around but I don’t?” Tommy whined, taking a seat on the floor. 
“Maybe because she doesn’t go around breaking tables,” Vince suggested, motioning to the wooden shards that littered the floor
“You are the reason I broke that table.” Tommy said, gesturing to the table that laid in ruins a few feet from them. 
“It’s not just tables! You break everything!”
“Not true!”
Mick opened his eyes, glaring at them as their volume increased. “They act like they have friends.”
Nikki laughed, choking on his beer. 
“Yeah-” He coughed, clearing his throat. “-they do.”
Heads turned as Y/n walked into the studio, her friends right behind her. All the friendly faces that normally greeted her whenever she stopped by, were twisted in confusion. She shrugged it off. That was quite the normal reaction she got when she went places with them. It wasn’t because they were some green alien, or because they were decked out in all the colors of the rainbow. They were just normal people, but their fame was almost forg,en to everyone. 
Y/n shook her head at those who were staring, hadn’t their mothers’ taught them that it was rude to stare? It would seem not, for they continued to do it. At least Nikki and the boys wouldn’t do that, she was sure of it. 
“The cats are doing just lovely, Y/n. They miss you terribly, though.” Freddie mentioned, earning a sad smile from the woman.
“I miss them terribly as well. Maybe I’ll come out a visit soon.”
“How many musicians record here?” Roger asked, running his hand through his hair, looking down the hallway they had entered that held at least 20 doors. He assumed that each had to lead into a studio.
She shrugged. “Your guess is as good as mine.”
Leading them to the end of the hallway, she stopped in front of one of the last doors. Opening it, she walked in and was met with dead silence as the people in the room dropped what they were doing. The drumsticks that Tommy had been twirling fell to the floor, his eyes widening. The rest of the boys weren’t much better. As Y/n surveyed them, it looked like Nikki had gone pale, all the color practically gone from his face, and Vince’s knuckles turned white as he tried to keep a strong hold on the drink in his hand. The only one that seemed unfazed was Mick, who hadn’t even turned around when she opened the door.
Looking back at the men behind her, they didn’t look much different. They eyed the other band up and down. The contrast in color-- in personality-- was clearer than the sky outside. The black Nikki, Tommy, and Mick wore clashed with the whites, blues, and yellows that Freddie, Brian, Roger, and John had on. The difference was almost enough to cause Y/n to take a step back, but she knew the differences between the two bands… she’d known for a long time.
“Um… so, these are my friends I was telling you about,” she tried to snap everyone out of their daze. All Nikki could do in response was blink. “This is Freddie, Brian, John, and-”
“Roger fucking Taylor!” Tommy interrupted. “That’s sick, man. Y/n needs to bring friends over more often.” 
The shock had clearly washed off him as he picked his drumstick up off the floor and was beaming like a child. Roger laughed, a smug grin appearing on his face. At least someone was appreciating his presence. 
Even Tommy’s carefree attitude did nothing to snap Nikki out of his daze. Y/n approached her boyfriend, rubbing his arm in an attempt to get him to look at her. “Nikki, are you all right?”
He nodded, looking down at her. The color slowly coming back to his face. 
“These are my friends, not some superstars like everyone else sees them as. They are just like you and the boys,” she assured him, hoping that it would help with the shellshock. “We all know that Tommy was expecting them to be hot, what were you expecting?”
“Dude, your friends are better than hot!” the drummer voiced, interrupting the conversation he had started with Roger. 
She shook her head, biting her lip, waiting for Nikki’s answer.
He sighed, blowing out air.
 “Definitely not Queen,” he said, looking at the band. Everyone laughed at his answer. That’s probably what most people would say.
“It’s alright darling,” Freddie told him. “We’re a lot to take in.”
(Let me know if you want to be added to the permanent taglist!)
Permanent Taglist: @rexorangecouny @jennyggggrrr @zestygingergirl
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girls-scenarios · 5 years
Bear With Me
Idol: LE (EXID)
Prompt: LE is the scariest girl in school, the only people she's close to have known her since they were children. That is until you find her holding an umbrella over a soaking wet cardboard box with a tiny puppy inside one-day after classes and start taking care of it together.
Writer: Admin Kiwi
A/N: Me&You is a bop y’all. I might be in love with all the members? In case you can’t tell, I meant to have this up forever ago but just got around to it. Also the title is a pun and I’m sorry. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy!
Warnings: Minor cursing because I’ve never met a high school student who didn’t curse at least a little bit.
♡ Tip Jar♡
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“God, she’s so hot.” At your friend Bora’s words, you looked up from your book. The two of you were studying in the library for your upcoming literature exam, but she seemed distracted. Now, as you followed her gaze, you knew why.
“Hyojin! LE! She’s over there talking to Hani and she just looks so badass and hot and-.”
“Like she could totally beat you up,” you said, shaking your head and turning back to your book. “What is it with you and bad girls?”
“I just think they’re hot, let me live my life,” Bora said, sighing and playfully kicking you under the table. “I don’t see how you don’t find her attractive! She’s really hot even without her bad girl status! Just her face!”
“Just because she’s attractive doesn’t mean I have to be attracted to her.”
“So you admit she’d attractive?”
“I’m not blind, Bora,” you said, huffing a bit. “Can we please get back to studying now? I don’t want to get beat up for talking about her.”
“I doubt she’d actually beat you up.”
“She’s beat people up before.” You raised your eyebrows as you looked over the top of your book, knowing you were right. “Remember? She beat up that Jason guy.” It was a vivid memory in your mind of accidentally walking onto the scene because you usually walked around the back of the school to get home. You’d decided to take the long way home after that scene.
“Yeah but he deserved it, I heard that she beat him up because he was harassing Hani.”
“Still. She has the power to beat people up and I’d rather not be one of those people. Also we have to ace this exam if we don’t want our grades to slip.”
“Fine,” Bora said with a sigh, slumping back into her chair. “We’ll just study boring old Shakespeare instead.”
“Thank you.” Even though you had been the one to suggest studying, a little while later you couldn’t help looking back over at Hyojin’s table. She was sleeping now, her head pillowed in her arms, and you noticed the bandage on her arm. Shivering, you quickly looked away, not wanting to know. You’d seen Hyojin fight before and you never wanted to see it again, so you quickly buried yourself in your book, trying to get the scary memories out of your mind.
It was raining. With a sigh, you let your shoulders slump as you looked out the windows at the torrential rain that showed no sign of stopping. You’d forgotten to bring an umbrella, which now meant that you’d have to run home through the rain. Just the thought made you miserable as you followed your fellow students to the doors, watching as everyone else pulled out their umbrellas.
“Do you want me to walk you home?” Bora asked as she pulled out her umbrella, looking worried. “I don’t want you to get sick.”
“No, your house is in the opposite direction,” you said, giving her a grateful smile. “I don’t want to inconvenience you.”
“Seriously, I can walk you home, it’s no big deal.”
“I can call my parents and see if they can come get me,” you said, waving your hands. “I’ll be fine.”
“If you say so.” Your best friend didn’t seem like she believed you, but she left in the opposite direction anyway, waving goodbye, knowing that you were too stubborn to argue with. As you turned back towards the doors, you sighed once again. There was no way your parents would be able to get you, so you’d just have to make a run for it. Thankfully, your house was nearby, and you could stick near the overhanging roof of the school as you walked around back as to avoid getting too wet, plus there were plenty of trees and-.
There was a sound at the back of the school. Your mind went back to the conversation you’d been having earlier with Bora and your heart began to pound. No way, was there really a fight going on in the pouring rain? Half of you wanted to back out now, but you knew going to long way today wasn’t an option. You’d definitely get sick.
So mustering all of your courage, you took a deep breath and turned the corner.
There wasn’t a fight going on. Instead, you saw Hyojin squatting on the ground, holding her umbrella out in front of her. She was still mostly under the school’s roof, but her side was getting wet, and you couldn’t help staring with your mouth hanging open, wondering what in the world was going on. For a moment, you wondered if you could just sneak past without her knowing. But then, as soon as you took a step forward, she turned around and her eyes caught yours.
Immediately, your heartbeat spiked and you panicked a bit, wondering if you were going to get beat up for seeing this, but Hyojin stayed seated, raising her eyebrows.
“Is this your puppy?”
“Huh?” Were you dreaming? Did those words really just come out of Ahn Hyojin’s mouth? What was going on? “What puppy?”
“There’s a puppy here.” It was only then that you realized what she was holding her umbrella over. It was a soaked cardboard box that shook like something was moving around in it. Your curiosity got the best of your better judgement and you walked over, on the side with the overhang, to peer inside. Sure enough, there was a wet little puppy inside, wiggling around and shaking. There was a wet blanket in the box as well, but that was all. No note, no anything. Just a puppy in a box.
“It’s not mine,” you finally said, crouching down beside her. “Who would leave a puppy out in this kind of weather?”
“He’s been here since yesterday, actually. I just moved him over here today to try and get it out of the rain.”
Your eyebrows shot up and you turned to look at her, only to quickly look away, heart pounding. For a moment, you’d forgotten that this was Hyojin you were talking to. “U-um, how did you find him?”
“I heard him crying yesterday on my way to school and gave him some food and water. But then my parents said I couldn’t bring him home, and none of my friends can either. Then it started raining today.” She let out a sigh as she reached in to pet the furry dog. “I’m worried that he’s going to get sick and die with no one to take care of him. I don’t know any no-kill shelters either, and I don’t want to give him to the pound.”
You looked into the cardboard box at the puppy, and it blinked back at you, shivering ever so slightly. Its big, scared eyes made your heart hurt, and you reached in to pet it too. Your parents probably wouldn’t be too mad, right? “I think I might be able to keep it.”
“Really?” Hyojin’s face lit up, and you jumped a bit, taken aback.
“That’s great! I can help you take care of him, so don’t worry about buying him anything.”
“You don’t have to do that,” you said, laughing nervously. Although the money would help, you didn’t know if you wanted to be indebted to her. Also, there was an idea in your head that the money might be dirty, and you didn’t want to deal with that either, just in case.
“I would feel guilty making you take a puppy and then doing nothing to help you. Plus, I’m a bit attached to him.” For the first time ever, you watched as she smiled, looking down at the puppy. “Puppies are expensive, at least let me help.” There was no way you could argue with someone as scary as Hyojin, even if she was smiling down at a puppy. You still remembered all too well seeing her beat up a guy.
“Um, you aren’t making me take him or anything....” You trailed off as she picked the puppy up out of the box and stood up, only to step back a bit when she sent you a smile.
“So, which way to your house?”
“Hey, why are you wet? Did you not bring an umbrella or something?”
And that was how you ended up under the same umbrella as the infamous Hyojin, nickname LE, holding a soaking wet puppy as she walked you to your house and promised to help you parent him. As you walked, feeling a bit dizzy, you wondered how it had all come to this.
Taking care of a puppy was exhausting. You’d only had it for one night, and even after (reluctantly) going to the store with Hyojin to grab all the necessary supplies, you’d still been up all night trying to make sure the puppy didn’t accidentally kill itself or pee on the floor or overeat or eat something it wasn’t supposed to.
Now, you laid with your head pillowed on your desk, barely running on the three hours of sleep you’d gotten and staring at the text message on your phone.
LE: Yo, did you name him yet? I just realized that we forgot to name him.
Having Hyojin in your contacts was weird enough, but the fact that she was actually texting you was even weirder. And your tired brain wasn’t helping anything, stumbling over the contents of the text as you tried to remember. Unless you’d decided to name him “troublemaker” or “no” or “brat” you hadn’t named him yet.
(Y/N): No. Not yet. He kept me up all night though.
LE: Lol that’s how puppies are. Sorry for making you parent him alone. Want me to bring you an energy drink or something?
For a moment, that almost sounded nice. But then you remembered that this was Hyojin you were talking to, and your brain quickly backed out. There was no way you’d be able to survive her randomly coming up to you during school hours.
(Y/N): I was going to get coffee so I’m good. Thanks though.
LE: Sounds good. Meet after school in the same place?
You wanted to cry a little bit, but you sucked it up because raising a puppy was tiring and more expensive than you’d thought it would be and you kind of needed her help because you weren’t about to dump the little guy off at a shelter. With a sigh, you typed out your reply and closed your eyes, turning off your phone to let it lay beside you.
(Y/N): Yeah see you there.
Your little before-class nap was interrupted, though, when someone sat down loudly beside you, making you jump a bit and open your eyes. Bora grinned at you from her seat next to you, looking much too awake for your liking.
“Wake up, sleepyhead. Did you stay up all night watching anime or something?”
“No.” You rubbed your eyes and sat up, wishing you could just crawl under the desk and sleep. Half of you wanted to tell Bora the truth, but you knew she’d never shut up about it, so you bit your tongue. “I just couldn’t sleep.”
“Lies. You were watching anime all night, weren’t you.” Her eyes moved down to your phone. “Who were you texting earlier?”
“Uh. A friend.”
Bora raised her eyebrows. “A friend? If it was Soyou, please tell her I want my sweatshirt from the sleepover back.”
“No, no.” You waved your hand. “She’s, uh, from another school.”
Your friend stayed quiet for a moment before shrugging her shoulders, deciding it wasn’t worth prying into anymore. “That’s cool. Hey, did I leave my pencil case at your house? I can’t find it anywhere.” Relieved, you sat back into your chair and closed your eyes again, shaking your head. Maybe you could get a little bit of rest before the teacher came in.
“Nope. Not at my house.”
Somehow, Hyojin was half as scary when she was playing with a fluffy little puppy. You sat on your bed with hooded eyes, watching sleepily as a girl you’d never talked to before yesterday played with a fuzzy little puppy on your bedroom floor, cooing at it with a high-pitched voice you’d never heard her use before. It was weird, but you were too tired to give it much thought, eyes drifting closed as your mind went elsewhere.
“Oh yeah, we need to name him.” She looked up at you and you blinked, snapping out of whatever trance you’d been in.
“Right. Did you have anything in mind?”
“Not really,” she said, and you looked down at the puppy. He was a dark, furry little thing, and you assumed he had to be a poodle of some sort because of how curly his hair was. His eyes were big, although mostly hidden by the long hair on his head, and he bounced around when he was excited, ears flopping around and tongue hanging out. Although he was silly, he also reminded you a bit of a really furry bear somehow, and you leaned forward, studying him.
“How about Bear? Since he kind of looks like one.”
She leaned back, studying him. “You know what? I kind of see it.” The puppy jumped around, and she smiled. “I think he likes that name too. What do you say, Bear?” He ran around her in circles before tripping over his blanket and sprawling out on the floor, and both of you laughed. “I think it fits.”
“Bear it is, then.”
“We should get him one of those engraved dog tags.”
“They have those?”
“Yeah, they’re super cute! I’ll get him one.” She grinned as she spoke, scooping him up into her arms, and you wondered if this was really the same girl you’d seen beating up a kid at the back of the school. “He’ll look so handsome in it.”
“He’ll look even more handsome once he stops peeing on the floor,” you said, shaking your head and flopping back onto your bed. “I never want to clean up another pee spot ever again.”
“True. We’ll have to really focus on potty training him. You can do it, right Bear?” Bear jumped around once again, obviously not understanding a single word, but she cheered nonetheless, making you laugh.
“If he wasn’t so damn cute, I’d be more mad at him.”
“You can’t be mad at this face, (Y/N).” She held him up beside her own face, and he licked her, making you laugh again. It felt a little weird, still, to be talking to her like this. But it was also already comfortable. Something about Bear being there made it easier to chat with her without being scared, and you wondered what it was as you grinned and sat up to move to the floor beside her, taking him into your own arms to coo at him.
“You’re so, so right.”
“Listen, you aren’t getting enough sleep, so I’ll spend the night so we can take turns watching the puppy.” Hyojin was laying on the floor with Bear on her stomach, petting him slowly, and you turned to look at her from where you were sitting at your desk, raising your eyebrows. Sure, the two of you had gotten closer over the week the two of you had been raising him, but you weren’t sure if you were ready to spend the night in the same room with her.
“I think I’ll be okay, I’ve gotten the hang of things now.”
“You have terrible dark circles under your eyes,” she pointed out. “I told you I’d help you raise him and I intend to do just that.” Smiling, she looked down at the puppy. “It’s not fair that you’re the only one losing sleep when I asked you to take him in.”
“Again, it was my choice. It’s not like you forced me to do anything.”
“Still. Let me help you.” If there was anything you’d learned while getting closer to Hyojin, it was that she was too stubborn to argue with when it came to these things. So you sighed and gave up, turning back to your homework.
“Well, if you insist. I’m sure my parents wont mind.” You almost wished they were strict enough to tell you no, but you knew they’d be excited that someone was spending the night, especially since you usually went to your friend’s houses these days instead of the other way around. “Do you want to run home and get some clothes and things?”
“Yeah, I don’t live far. Want to come with me? My little brother wants to see the puppy anyway.” She sat up, Bear wiggling around in her arms, and you looked over your half-finished homework, debating with yourself before giving in and standing up.
“Sure, why not? Let’s get Bear’s leash.”
Bear was all too excited to be going somewhere. He always loved walks, tugging at the leash to try and go faster, but today he seemed especially excited, bouncing around as he walked and making the two of you laugh.’
“Why are you so excited, Bear? Do you know where we’re going?”
“I think he’s just excited to be outside,” you said with a laugh. “He’s a mess.”
“It be like that sometimes,” Hyojin said, agreeing with you, and you laughed again, this time with a tinge of surprise because you’d never thought that she was the joking type.
Hyojin’s house really wasn’t far, and as the two of you approached the door, you found yourself getting nervous again. What would her family be like? What would her room be like? Were you the only person outside of her friend group to ever step foot inside her house? What did this mean?
As questions whirled around inside your head, Hyojin threw open the door and held the excited Bear back from walking inside. “Yo, brother! Get down here, you have to meet him outside because he’s going to pee everywhere!” Her words made you laugh, knocking you out of your worried state because that was really so true. Feeling a little bit less anxious now, you stepped up behind her and greeted her younger brother, watching with a grin as Bear hopped around before doing exactly what Hyojin said he would.
By the time you finally reached her room, a lot of your anxiousness had worn off and you were able to look around and take everything in. You’d expected Hyojin’s room to be dark and grungy, maybe, but it wasn’t. She had some rap posters up on the wall and a bookshelf full of records and albums, but for the most part, it just looked like a hipster room full of folded blankets, photos of her and her friends on the walls, and cat pillows. It was less like the Hyojin you saw at school and more like the Hyojin you saw with Bear, and it made you wonder if she was just acting tough at school.
“Alright, I’m ready. Let’s head back.” Her voice snapped you out of your thoughts and you nodded, face flushing a bit as you remembered exactly what the two of you were heading back for. Hyojin was going to be spending the night. In your room.
“Let’s go,” you said, hoping your voice didn’t shake as you scooped your puppy up into your arms and took a deep breath. You could do this.
Finally, you couldn’t hold back anymore. You had to tell someone. So you did.
“What? You and Hyojin are raising a puppy together?”
“And she spends the night at your house?”
“Guys, shhhh, I don’t want the whole school to know!” You brought a finger up to your mouth, shushing Bora and Soyou, who sat in front of you with wide eyes and open mouths.
“Still, that’s incredible,” Bora hissed, leaning forward. “Are you guys, like, an item or something?”
“No! No, we’re just. Friends raising a puppy, I guess.”
“That’s not weird at all,” Soyou commented, clasping her hands together. “I need all the deets.”
“I’ve given you all the details. I found her holding her umbrella over a puppy and offered to take him in since she couldn’t, and she insisted we raise him together. So that’s what we’re doing.”
“Is she scary even with the puppy?” Bora looked all too excited by the idea, and you wrinkled your nose, kicking at her under the table.
“No! Actually, she acts a lot different when she’s with me and the puppy. She loves him a lot, she coos at him like a baby and cuddles him and everything. Her bedroom has cat pillows and pink blankets in it.”
“You’ve been in her bedroom?” Bora’s cheeks colored and Soyou sent her a look.
“Is that the only thing you got out of that?”
“No, I just got excited. I can’t imagine her like that, though.”
“I thought it was weird too. But now I’ve just gotten used to it. I think she’s just a softy on the inside with RBF or something.”
“Resting Bitch Face, dumbass,” Soyou said, and Bora kicked her, whining and making you shush both of them again.
“Sorry, sorry. Continue.”
“Like I was saying.” You gave both of them a pointed look. “I think she’s actually a nice person. A bad person wouldn’t pay for all the supplies to raise a puppy, you know?”
“True. Is she even more attractive when she’s nice?”
“Bora. Stop being thirsty,” you said, face flushing at the thought. Hyojin was attractive when she played with the puppy, but you weren’t going to admit that.
“It’s cool that you guys are raising a puppy, though,” Soyou said with a sigh, leaning her head on her hand. “I want to raise a puppy with a hot girl.”
“Me too. Sign me up for that!”
Shaking your head, you buried your face in your hands. Why were your friends like this?
Now that dating had been brought up to you, you couldn’t look at Hyojin in the same way. Somehow, she looked even more attractive now, and you found yourself getting nervous around her for an entirely different reason. Especially because your friendship was now extending to school too.
The class watched with wide eyes as Hyojin strode up to you, hands in her leather jacket, only to pull out her phone and show you the adorable photos she got of Bear with a hat on. The two of you shared energy drinks after particularly hard nights, and one day, you accidentally used her shampoo in the shower and came to school smelling like her. Even her friends had started smiling at the two of you like that and it felt like you were going to go crazy.
You felt like you were hiding it well enough from Hyojin. At least, you hoped she didn’t notice the way you sometimes avoided her eyes or tried to sit away from her, or the way your face heated up when she got too close or said something cute.
But apparently you weren’t hiding it well enough, because one day in your bedroom, when Hyojin went to sit beside you and you flinched, she suddenly stilled, that scary resting face of hers replacing her smile. For a moment, you wondered if she’d noticed your feelings, before she sighed and ran her fingers through her hair, shaking her head.
“Hey, did I do something to make you afraid of me?”
Your eyes widened and your grip on Bear went lax, allowing him to jump out of your arms and run around on the bed. “Uh, what?”
“I’ve noticed that you’ve been avoiding me and trying not to look at me and I wondered if I’d done something wrong.” She looked genuinely worried, eyebrows furrowed together, and you swallowed, heart beating out of your chest. “I’m sorry if my reputation might sully yours, so if you want me to stop talking to you at school or whatever just-.”
“No!” Your sudden outburst startled her, and she jumped, looking at you with wide eyes. Flustered, you searched for the words to say. “I-that’s not it! It’s nothing that you did. I like talking to you and raising Bear with you and I’m not scared of you. At least, not anymore, since I know the real you.” As you spoke, Hyojin’s face began to color, making you flush in return. “I-I just started to notice a lot of things about my own feelings and stuff and it was making me nervous and I just-.”
“(Y/N), I like you.” This time, it was you taken aback by her words, and for a moment, you felt like you might melt. Were you dreaming? Was this really happening? “Um, sorry if that wasn’t what you were getting at.”
“It was,” you breathed, knowing that your face was a deep color of red by now. “I like you too, Hyojin.”
A smile broke out on her face and she pressed a hand to her chest, letting out a sigh of relief and leaning back against your bed frame. “Oh my god, good. I was so scared that I’d done something bad.”
You began to smile too, letting out a giddy laugh. “Sorry that I scared you.”
“Nah, you don’t have to apologize.” She sat back up, quickly picking up Bear as he perched at the end of the bed, ready to jump off. “Does this mean we’re dating now, or?”
“I mean, if you want to.”
“I want to.”
With a grin, your heart pounding in your chest, you reached out to take one of her hands. “Then let’s date.” Had someone told you a month ago that you’d end up dating Hyojin, you would have laughed in their face. But now, those words made you happier than you could have ever imagined they would, and as she squeezed your hand and Bear laid down, stretching himself between both of your laps with his paws on your thighs, you knew you wouldn’t want this any other way.
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shirtlesssammy · 5 years
14x19: Jack in the Box
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All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
We open to Mary’s wake at the bunker. Hunters from all over have gathered to say goodbye. Dean gives his eulogy, and I want to briefly pause and really absorb it. He now sees Mary as a hunter, someone who’s tough and brave --and who can’t cook. She’s real to him and her loss isn’t just a symbolic loss of a hypothetical childhood anymore. Also, while Cas is still possibly dead to Dean, he’s standing up there with his brothers saying goodbye to his mother-in-law Mary.
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Just as they toast Mary, a hatchet comes flying in and kills one of the hunters. Bobby’s back, and he just killed a wraith, because Cas couldn’t detect it I guess. *scrambles to find all the wraith talk from earlier this season* (also bless Jim Beaver for putting up a poll on who we liked better: OG or New Bobby. There’s nothing wrong with New Bobby, but he’s not Bobby.)  Anyway, Bobby and Sam talk. Bobby asks about “the other one.” Sam says he “seems to be doing ok.” Lololol. Sam wants to break open some Scotch and keep talking about Mary. Dean deflects -he’s all talked out. Sam, Bobby, and Cas reconvene in the kitchen and start to talk about Jack. Dean wanders in and Cas goes through the face journeys of face journeys before asking if he needs anything (*crying noise, crying noise*). Dean needs a drink, and to get out of the bunker. (Spoiler alert: He does not, indeed, need a drink.)
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Sam and Bobby continue to talk about Jack. “There’s only one way this ends,” Bobby insists. Cas, YOU BLESSED ANGEL, agrees. They have to find and help Jack. Lol, Bobby is under a different impression.
Jack, meanwhile, is still grappling with what he did to Mary. He’s sitting in an alley against a blue wall --much like he was when he was first navigating the world, wondering if he was worth all the effort. He prays to his mom (and on a rewatch, I do think he’s talking to Kelly here. Sam invoked Kelly in the other scene and Jack has always looked to his mother’s good nature to guide him), but Lucifer shows up.
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He pushes against Jack’s better angels, but Jack thinks he can still talk to the WInchesters, and make them understand what happened was an accident.
Cut to THE second MOST HEARTBREAKING MOMENT OF THE EPISODE. Dean is alone, out in the woods, with only his car to keep him company, crying his eyes out. He’s not drowning his sorrows in booze, he’s not falling back on any vice to cope. Sure he’s hiding from Sam and Cas, but he’s full on grieving for his mom here. He’s letting himself feel these emotions. He’s also blaming himself and hating himself for failing her again, I’m sure --and good lord, I need to wrap him in a blanket right now.
*Jarring scene change alert*
Cas is now in heaven. Ok. He meets with Dumah and is looking for Naomi. She’s locked up because The Empty invaded Heaven under her watch. (Um, this entity is bigger than Heaven...locking up one of your few remaining angels because she happened to be in charge at the time seems really stupid.)
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Back at the bunker, Dean’s back. Sam wants to talk about Mary -where she is. Dean is not willing to talk about it.
Jack is visited by Dumah (sidenote: How did she find him? Where did she come from? Why can’t I just handwave this bullshit away like I’m supposed to?) Dumah tells Jack what he wants to hear. They head to an atheist author to tell him to renounce his heretical ways and when he doesn’t, Jack turns him into a pillar of salt. No, Jack bby!!
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Cas  is back at the bunker letting Sam and Dean know that heaven is helping with Jack. Cas, you poor trusting fool. Sam tells the others about the now pillar of salt professor. There were other deaths too.
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Jack and Dumah are now in heaven because Jack can totally be in heaven while not dead now. Jack starts listening to people praying to God. Jack then flaps in to visit a prayer group. He asks if they want to go to heaven. YUP! He’s here to make their dreams come true.
At a hospital, male modeling Team Free Will stride through the hallways, Sam’s hair blowing romantically in the---
Sorry. Got distracted.
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They’re here to check out the pastor who was attacked by worms. We are relieved to see him alive, ya’ll. Still super grossed out, but relieved. The pastor tells them that Jack took the prayer group to Heaven to become angels. While Cas heads off to Heaven to get to the bottom of this, Dean and Sam head back to the bunker. Dean’s hatched a plan to stop Jack. It’s hugs!
Er, actually, it’s the ma’lak box. Sam’s dubious, but Dean is absolutely certain: the only way to stop Jack is to trap him in the archangel-warded box. Dean proposes that Jack only has to stay in the box long enough to “finish the spell to fix his soul.” Which is, he admits, pure fiction. Dean assigns Sam the task of lying to Jack because he’s “always been in his corner.” It hurtses Sam...it hurtses me… Sam reluctantly agrees.
At the heavenly portal playground, Cas talks to an angel huddled around a burn barrel. Aramael informs Cas that Heaven is closed...to Cas. BURN. Cas shifts into his fighting stance. This can only end poorly.
Upstairs, Jack zaps blue light into each of the human’s eyes, to Dumah’s delight. Aramael arrives - NOT dead, only for Cas to toss him aside. Surprise, peeps! Dumah is NOT AMUSED.
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Jack is super proud of his work. Oooooh honey. (Cue Death drolly saying, “I don’t see an angel, I see a mutated human.”) Cas asks to talk to Dumah with his smitey face on. I’m expecting a polite, measured conversation, followed by an exchange of pleasantries.
At the bunker, Sam continues to struggle with Dean’s plan. He worries that it will fail and, fidgeting, he prays to Jack. He appeals to Jack’s notion of family: “Sometimes bad things happen but we’re your family” and together they can “get through this.” Dean watches Sam, his battle mask on.
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Upstairs, Cas accuses Dumah of using Jack. She doesn’t deny it.
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Dumah insists that she’s saving the world through her use of Jack. Cas insists that Jack is a child and needs guidance now that he’s without a soul. Dumah threatens Cas with the fate of Mary and John Winchester if he doesn’t let Jack stay in Heaven. While Dumah gloats, thinking she finally has him with that threat, Cas stabs her. She erupts in light and...well...don’t fuck with Cas. You’d think angels would learn that by now? I guess Aramael did. Good job, Aramael.
Sam tells Jack that his mother would want Jack to flap down and speak with the Winchesters. Honey, baby, you KNOW that’s not true if she knew what you were up to. Still, the invocation of Jack’s mother is what convinces Jack in the end. He flies to the bunker.
Jack tells the Winchesters that he was “so glad” to hear from them and that he missed them. He reports on his Heaven-led activities like a kid delivering a book report. Dean and Sam, clearly freaked out, approach slowly. Jack brings up Mary’s death and none of his agonizing from the last episode and a half appear now. Faced with the Winchesters, he calmly tells them about Mary’s death. Though he’s still filled with confusion, and doesn’t remember exactly what happened. “I guess I snapped,” he concludes.
Hatred and pain blooms on Dean’s face. If there was ever any doubt in his mind, it’s gone now. MAN, Jensen Ackles, you are K I L L I N G me. I’m so sad for Dean, but I am also chilled by that look on his face. I mean, if looks could kill, right? I admit that I’m less sad about Jack, and more worried for the state of Dean and the TFW family, here.
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Dean tells Jack they forgive him. Sam grimaces and does a truly terrible job acting his part. Oh, Sammy.
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Still, Jack buys it. I mean, WWWD? Locking themselves in torture boxes for the greater good totally checks out. (Although they lock him in with no actual intention of helping him get better so…….that does deviate from the standard “family” M.O.) They lead him to the ma’lak box and close him inside.
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I would like to take this moment to state that I got claustrophobic driving down a tight parking garage ramp this week so watching Jack get closed up in this box is NOT COOL for me. I should not be recapping this before bed.
They lock him in and leave the room. Jack calls for them and pulls out his phone to look around in a scene terribly reminiscent of Dean’s nightmares. The Winchesters stand outside the door and listen to Jack calling for them. They don’t answer.
Instead, they go have a drink in the kitchen.
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Sam confesses that he’s not sure he can lock Jack in the box for an eternity. Dean comments on the liquor. I die a little inside. Dean, bby!
While Jack starts to freak out in the box (JACK I WAS ALREADY THERE LIKE 3 MINUTES AGO UGH), Lucifer chats him up. Lucifer tells Jack what the Winchesters were up to, solidifying Jack’s loyalty to him. Lucifer tells him to break out of the box.
Cas arrives at the bunker and tells Sam and Dean that Jack was being manipulated by Heaven. They need to find Jack and tell him not to trust the other angels. Er…….Sam reveals that Jack’s at the bunker. In the box. Cas is horrified.
Cue Jack, breaking out of the box with his powers. The bunker rattles. The box glows. When they arrive at the room it’s too late. Jack emerges, eyes aglow. Because, you know, it was built to contain an archangel. Not a nephilim.
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Surely it will be hugs and rainbows for the season finale. Only good things happen in cemeteries on this show. I’ll bring the snuggly teddy bears and chocolate fountain!
Ask Not for Whom the Quotes Toll, They Toll for Thee:
A hunter’s burial memorial complete with monster. Mary would have appreciated that.
So he lost his capacity for good through an act of goodness?
Heaven never really had any mercy, Castiel.
Long shots are kind of our thing.
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staytheb · 5 years
More Time
Pairing: PTG’s Wooseok x OC [Melanie] || PTG’s Yeo One x OC [Serena] Genre: slice of life, slight fluff Word Count: 3,208 Summary: After spending some time and learning of feelings, the boys just need more time to express things further. part one {The Night’s Not Over Yet}
Warning: none … just a few swear words and very minor violence and empty threats (lol) not proofread and i wrote different two years ago than i do now… so yeah.
PTG was actually the first group where i would actually write a part two for my one-shots because of my sister. it was a deep motivation back then for me to write. kinda crazy. i miss writing like that and for PTG. just haven’t written then in a while and i think it had to do with how things had turned out like last year. anyways, happy reading and kthxbai, Admin Lia~
Once the Ferris Wheel came to an end both couples exited their carts one by one. Serena and Changgu got out first with Changgu assisting Serena. "Watch your step, Serena." He warned while holding onto her hands still as Serena walked out carefully. "Thanks, Changgu." "Of course." He shot her a smile as she smiled back while the two made their way away from the ride. "So what do you wanna do next?" He asked her and Serena shrugged her shoulders. "How about we just walk around for now?" "Sure." He grinned as Changgu still held onto Serena's hand and she just let him for now not wanting to be mean or awkward about it.
Meanwhile, Melanie watched as Wooseok struggled to get out of the cart due to his height with a laugh. "Hey, Melanie, don't laugh." He grumbled once he finally got out and Melanie stepped out a second later with Wooseok's help. "Thanks, Wooseok." She thanked him still with a smile on her face. "You're welcome." The male eyed her. "It wasn't that funny." "I know." She laughed as he groaned, but recovered. "So what do you wanna do now?" "Um, let's go play games. You can win me a giraffe or something." "Why a giraffe?" "It just popped in my head." "Alright, leggo." The two made their way to the first game booth they saw hand in hand.
"So, how long are you going to hold my hand for?" Serena asked once the two have been walking for several minutes now. "Hmm, I dunno. I quite like it." Changgu grinned as he gave her a hand a small squeeze before letting out a loud laugh. "I figured that you'll run away if I like go or something." "Stop. I won't." Serena said in a neutral tone, but the possibility was still there and Changgu knew that. "Yeah, I'm not going to risk that. Your sister told me some things." "Like what?" "Just some things that concerns how you behave when you're around people you like." "Yeah, right." She scoffed, but caught Changgu's knowing gaze. "Shut up."
Serena tried to move on ahead, but Changgu pulled her back to his side with a laugh. "Don't worry, Serena. I think it's kinda cute." "Psh, yeah right, Changgu. Maybe I should be conscious around you." She teased with a nonchalant face as Changgu's face fell. "What do you mean? What did I do?" "I remember Hongseok saying something about a stalker, so maybe you're not who you say you are and you're just waiting for the kill." "Oh, right, Serena. I'm going to kidnap you and locked you up from everyone else so that you'll always be with me no matter what." He said with a roll of his eyes as Serena laughed. "Are you that obsessed with me?"
"I'm not obsessed. I was just curious since someone didn't want to talk to me even though I always tried to initiate conversation with her, but she would always make excuses and leave me hanging." "What? I did not. That's a total lie." "Sure it is." "I hardly ever hung out with you guys so you're a stalker." "I'm not a stalker." Changgu rolled his eyes as Serena restrained a laugh from erupting. "Anyways, that's not important. What is important is that we're hanging out now and you're actually talking to me." "Because I have to, Changgu." "Don't act like I'm keeping you prisoner and holding you here against your will, Serena."
Serena held up their joined hands while pointing at it with her other hand to prove a point. "This is a date, Serena. Of course I'm going to hold my date's hand while walking around the amusement park." Changgu reasoned with a laugh as Serena shook her head with a laugh as well although she eyed him a moment later. "Who said this was a date?" "I figured I could call it that for the time being since the night's not over yet and that I still got time for you to admit your feelings for me." "Wow. Besides I don't have any feelings for you." "Then your sister lied to me?" "Ugh, I hate her." Serena grumbled. "Be spilling my secrets and shit."
Changgu was about to say something, but he suddenly felt her hand slipping from out of his as she ran off while calling out their other friends' names. He watched as their other group of friends were only a few feet away, but had scrambled away in different directions upon seeing and hearing Serena coming after them. "I'ma kick all of your asses when I get my hands on you!" Serena screamed after them as she wondered who she should go after with Changgu chasing after her a second later with a shake of his head and let out a chuckle when she targeted her sight on Hongseok. "Need to go save him. I do owe him one."
Melanie had just beaten the dart game winning herself her own medium sized giraffe plush doll. The game operator handed her the blue toy as Wooseok watched the exchange a bit envious. "Isn't he cute?" Melanie said as she held up the doll up for Wooseok to see. "It is, but how were you able to hit any of the targets when I barely could?" Melanie grinned at him with a sly look. "You have to know how to play by their rules and around it. My brothers taught me some things." Wooseok rubbed the back of his neck with a confused look while the two began walking around again. "What rules are those? I didn't know they had rules."
The female shook her head as she snuggled the doll closer to her while Wooseok looked at the doll a bit envious which Melanie caught his look. "Are you jealous of Blue, Wooseok?" She teased as Wooseok looked at her weirdly. "Who's Blue?" Melanie waved the animal doll around as Wooseok scoffed. "Yeah, right, Melanie. I ain't jealous of some stuffed doll." "Oh, I see. Okay then." She said as she walked on ahead with a skip in her step while speaking to the doll to teased the male some more. "Hey, Blue, so what do you wanna do? Do you wanna ride the Tunne of Love with me?"
Wooseok rolled his eyes as he caught up with Melanie and took a firm hold onto her free hand that she had purposely left for him to take a hold of. "You are not going to the Tunnel of Love with a stuffed giraffe, Melanie." He stated in a matter-of-fact tone as she side-glanced him. "Oh, Wooseok, do you wanna go with me instead?" The question made him flustered leaving him unable to speak. Melanie was about to tease him some more when she felt someone brushed passed her abruptly before grabbing a hold of her shoulders and hid behind her. "She's not following me, is she?" The person asked as she turned to see who it was. "Jinho?"
"Who do you mean by 'she', Jinho? Did something happen?" Wooseok asked once he and Melanie stopped walking and Jinho moved away from hiding behind Melanie. "Ah, I'm safe." Jinho left out a relieved breath before looking at them with a smile. "Serena was chasing after us earlier, but I think once we split up she chose to go after only one of us." "And I think I know who that may be." Melanie laughed already figuring out who her sister ran after. "Who?" The male duo asked as she grinned at them. "Hongseok, duh." "Why?" Wooseok asked confused as Jinho laughed. "Because she's closer to him and knew it was his idea." "Yeah." Melanie agreed.
Jinho then noticed the pair's held hands and took a few steps back with a giddy look. "I'll just let you two continued on with your date now." "It's not a date." Melanie confirmed as Wooseok sulked upon hearing that. "He hasn't officially asked, so we're just hanging out as friends for now." Jinho chuckled with a shake of his head. "I'm assuming that you both confessed, but you're just giving him a hard time, right, Mel?" "Maybe." She cooed while holding the giraffe before handing it to Jinho. "What do you want me to do with this?" "Give it to Yuto to hold onto it since he has the other stuff."
"Melanie and I have to continue on our date, Jinho, so if you don't mind we'll be leaving now." Wooseok interjected giving Jinho a curt nod before leading Melanie away with Jinho chuckling due to Wooseok's behavior before heading in the opposite direction in hopes of running into the others. "Never thought of him as the jealous type." Meanwhile Melanie nudged Wooseok in the ribs. "Don't be jealous. We're just friends and I see him as a brother." "I'm not jealous." "Uh huh." "I'm not." "Okay then. I'll just hang out with Jin-" Melanie was interrupted as Wooseok pulled her closer to him. "You're staying with me." "Ooh, possessive much?"
"No." Wooseok answered before casting her a wide smile. "I just need to make sure that it's just you and me hanging out. I don't need the others to distract you from me." "Oh, I see." Melanie said nonchalantly before pointing to his left. "Oh, look. Yanan and Shinwon are over there and heading this way." "Where?" He asked alert as Melanie slipped her hand from out of his and ran off but not before turning around to stick her tongue out at him playfully. "Just kidding!" And she turned back around and ran for her life with Wooseok finally registering what just happened. "Hey! Melanie!" All he could hear was her laughter as he chased her.
"Hongseok!" Serena still chased after Hongseok who was surprised that the female was able to keep up with him. "Serena, just go back to your boyfriend. I'm sorry!" Hongseok said out of desperation to distract his female friend so that he could make his escape with the last bit of energy he still had left in him. "He is not my boyfriend, Seok! I'm gonna b-" Serena yelling was interrupted in mid-sentence before she could actually tackle her friend because she felt arms wrapped around her waist and lifting her in the air causing Hongseok to make his escape while shouting out a 'thank you' towards Changgu in helping him.
"Gotcha, Serena, finally." Changgu said in a breathy tone as he still held onto a struggling Serena within his arms. "Why, Changgu?" Serena cried in a groaning kind of way when she realized what had just happened. "You let Hongseok get away! I thought you said I could torture the guys as much as I want? What a liar." Changgu laughed as he set Serena down and turned her to face him, but continued to hold onto her. "I'm sorry, but I owe Hongseok for helping me with getting a one on one with you." "Ugh, so dumb. You couldn't save him another time?" Serena made a face as Changgu shook his head with a smile. "Nope."
"Just for you, but how annoying." Serena sulked as Changgu laughed again while pulling her closer against him. "Yeah, sorry not sorry as I really do like how it ended up with us being right now." Serena took noticed of their situation and she eyed him suspiciously. "I really do think you have some sort of obsession about me." "Please, Serena, don't think of it like that." Changgu laughed in disbelief. "You're totally misunderstanding me." Serena laughed while patting his shoulder in reassurance as she was enjoying making the male a bit fluster like he has been doing to her earlier tonight. "I'm teasing, Changgu, but it's kinda cute."
Changgu eyed her upon realizing what she was doing. "This is just a little payback for everything that has happened tonight, isn't it?" "Of course." She grinned before she tried to wiggle out of his grasp. "Um, could you let me go, please? This is kinda awkward." "What? Why? I thought we were getting along nicely." Changgu pouted as Serena rolled her eyes while unconsciously revealing her feelings for him. "This is too much skin-ship even if I like you, Changgu." His ears perked up upon hearing her words as he moved his face closer to hers with a cheeky grin. "Um, did I just hear you say that you like me, Serena?"
"I think you heard wrong." Serena denied as she backed away, but of course that was futile while Changgu continued to grin even more than he already was. "I think not." "Ugh, fine, whatever, Changgu. I actually do like you." Serena re-confirmed while avoiding eye contact with Changgu. "Now let me go so I can go home and suffocate myself with a pillow." Changgu laughed as he removed his arms from around her, but held onto her hands instead. "You're really cute and different, Serena. It's one of the reasons on why I like you." "Yeah, well, your eyes are your best features that made me like you." Serena confessed still avoiding eye contact.
"Oh, really?" Changgu amused as he continued to speak. "Why don't you looked into them as you say that again, Serena?" "Can I not, Changgu?" "No." He chuckled when he heard and saw her huffed in slight annoyance, but Serena slowly directed her eyes into staring into his with a shy demeanor. "I really like your eyes." Changgu giggled as he looked down before looking back into Serena's eyes with seriousness. "I really hope you don't take me for granted, Serena." "I guess we're not gonna work out then, Changgu." Serena continued her sarcastic teasing, but Changgu's expression turned into one of an angry pout.
Serena sighed as she gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. "I'm really sorry, Changgu. I really need to watch what I say and how I say it. I'll make sure to not come off so hostile and weird towards you, Changgu. It's been awhile since I've last dated and so I don't know how to act or behave with the opposite sex that isn't in a friendly and brotherly way." "Don't you mean the sisterly way?" Changgu corrected as Serena laughed with a shake of her head. "No. I'm pretty sure you've seen how I am around Hongseok and Jinho and that's not sisterly at all." "I have and that's true." Changgu said as a smile broke out onto his face.
"It's okay. We'll work it out since we're getting to know one another face to face now." He smiled as she returned it. "Alright, but no more asking my sister about me." "Unless it's about something that concerns like anniversaries, birthdays, gifts, and etc." "Please don't. You can still ask me." "Then it won't be a surprise, Serena." "Then we won't last long." "Don't do that to me." Changgu pouted as Serena chuckled. "I couldn't help it, but okay, Changgu." "Good. Now about an actual date with grilled pork belly?" "Just for you, but you're taking me home after since I came with my sister." "Yay! More time for our date." "Sure."
"Melanie! Where are you?" Wooseok called after Melanie who was now playing hide and seek with the male and watched his every move as he tried to find her. "This wasn't at all what I was expecting tonight would turn out like." He muttered as he scanned the area for the female, but couldn't spot her with the other people and stands around them. "Is this what she does with the others when they hang out?" He asked to the air with an annoyed look. "Play games?" "No, just for you." Melanie answered from next to him as she held up an index finger so that it would poke Wooseok's cheek when he turned around and it did.
"Gotcha." She giggled as Wooseok moved her hand away from his face with a slight frown directed in her direction. "Are you done playing games, Melanie?" Melanie sighed as she caught the annoyed tone in his voice. "Yeah. I'll just let my sister know that I'm ready to leave to head back home. We can wait for the others at the front entrance, too." Wooseok's panicked and wondered if what he had said made Melanie want to go home early. "Wait, why? There's still a lot of games and rides to play and go on." "Oh, I thought you were done hanging out with me since you seemed annoyed." Melanie stated with a nonchalant look.
"Ahh, yeah, that." Wooseok shot her a sheepish look while rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Sorry. I was just a bit mad about having to chase you all over the place and then you going around hiding and what not even when I was calling your name." "We are at an amusement park, Wooseok." "I know, Melanie, but it's not that amusing when you're not the one having fun while others are." "Oh, I see." There was a moment of silence as Wooseok cast his eyes onto the female who was looking elsewhere. "Do you still wanna hang out?" "It's up to you. I drove and Serena hasn't messaged me to leave yet."
"So, you're going to leave once Serena's ready to leave?" He asked for confirmation as Melanie nodded. "Yeah, something like that." "Can't Changgu take her home so that you and I can spend some more time together?" "I mean, we can hang out more since we already know that we like one another, Wooseok. It's not like I'm Serena and take back about telling you my feelings or whatever." "Well, I mean you could since you are sisters." "I could, but I won't." She laughed as Wooseok became a bit shy although quite happy. "So..." He trailed off as Melanie looked at him. "So, what?"
"Continue our date?" Wooseok asked hopefully while Melanie smirked. "I mean, I kinda like my single life, but..." Melanie trailed off as Wooseok's hopeful expression dimmed. "Yeah, we can." She chuckled as he grinned while taking her hand and started leading them both around the amusement park with Melanie eyeing him teasingly. "Despite your tall stature and somewhat brooding face, you're quite cute and boyish." She laughed as Wooseok smiled. "Thanks, but try not to say that when the guys are around." "They should know, too." "They already do, but they don't need to know that you think so too." Melanie laughed. "Fine. Just for you."
"Anyways," Melanie began when she spotted a place that caught her eye, "Wanna go in the haunted house?" "Why?" "Because it's fun." "How is it fun when people jump out at you to scare you?" "Because the reaction of the other person makes it fun and it is a haunted house, Wooseok." "No thanks. I rather not get jumped at." Melanie rolled her eyes as she spotted something else. "Ooh, basketball. Let's play that." "Are you gonna be good at this game, too?" "Dunno. Let's try, but if I win I'll make sure to get you the prize." "I think that's supposed to me my line to you." "Same difference." "As long as we have more time for our date." "Obviously."
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Chaos of Life
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Yoongi doesn't do things he doesn't like to do. He doesn't talk to people he doesn't like. He doesn't go to class if he doesn't want to. He doesn't even bother to look at those he doesn't think deserves his attention. So, Jimin can't help but wonder what on Earth he did to deserve this strange boys attention.
Chapter  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Yoonmin University Fanfiction. Multiple Chapters. Warnings Don’t Apply. Good for General Audiences.
You can also read it on: Archive Of Our Own and Fanfiction.net
Chapter Nine:
Jimin woke up at three in the morning to his phone buzzing softly by his head. It jostled him from a particularly pleasant dream, but that didn't make him hesitate to drag himself out of bed and into the hall to take the call. He didn't even check the caller-id. He knew that to get a call at three in the morning it must be important. Whatever it was anyway.
The door clicked shut behind him and he slid the green call button across his screen.
"Hello?" He mumbled groggily.
"Is it true?"
The voice wasn't in any way familiar and it made Jimin's brain do a quick mental restart.
"Is what true?"
"Is it true that… Oh, you know! Don't make me say it!"
Jimin wasn't really able to keep up with everything happening. Partly because he was too tired to wrap his head around it. Partly because the words made no sense to him whatsoever.
"Who is this?" Jimin finally asked.
"Don't be stupid," the voice responded. Why didn't he sound tired at all? It was way too early for anyone to reasonably be up. "It's Kim Minjun!"
Jimin vaguely remembered graduating with someone with that name. But he knew that he hadn't been very close to them at all. Maybe one of his friends had? He could somewhat picture a face.
"How do you even have my phone number?" He continued. At this point he let his back hit the wall and slide down to the floor, tiredly palming his face with his hand.
"It's free domain on the Facebook page. Anyways, is it true that you're a prostitute?"
Jimin fell silent for a moment, suddenly feeling wide awake. He noted the way that his breath hitched in his throat, how his body stiffened at the words.
"What are you talking about?"
"Don't tell me you really don't know? This is a little awkward…"
Minjun went silent for a moment.
"I guess it doesn't hurt to catch you up," he finally decided.
Jimin was pretty dazed but the end consensus of the whole situation was clear. Jimin's best friend in high school, Hajoon, one day recently created a facebook group exposing everything he had ever disliked about Jimin and invited almost everyone in their school to join. It evolved into everyone describing how shitty Jimin was and everything Jimin had ever done that could be considered bad. The group was apparently extremely active and had been so since the first day it was opened. The fact that Jimin hadn't found it on his own, or that his friends here hadn't yet discovered it was nothing short of a miracle.
After hanging up with Minjun, Jimin opened up Facebook to look at the group and suddenly realized why his phone had been going off. Apparently, just about everyone who had gone to school with him had something bad to say about him. Even the people that Jimin had been relatively close to had made a post. Some of them. A lot of them, even had the guts to tag him in their posts.
Park Jimin the pretty boy…. Can't imagine he is doing anything productive nowadays…
God Park Jimin was the absolute worst, has he not killed himself yet? He was so pathetic in high school I just imagined he'd get around to it soon.
Okay but, one time Park Jimin chose food over me. FOOD OVER ME. Why does he think he's too good to hang out with his girlfriend?
I don't even know why people liked Park Jimin, he's got such a feminine way about him, I'm not convinced he isn't a girl even to this day lol.
The longer Jimin scrolled the page the further his heart sank.
He had always known he wasn't perfect. He'd have to be more self-absorbed than many people thought he was to think that he was in any way so. Still, he hadn't thought that given the opportunity so many people would have something bad to say about him.
The further he got in, the worse Jimin's heart sank. Sleep was now a thing of the past. He didn't think he would ever sleep again after reading all of this.
He considered not thinking about it too much but sadly thinking about not thinking really just meant him thinking about it more and more.
He closed his eyes and he just saw the Facebook page in his mind, scrolling through every post again and again. When he opened his eyes, he couldn't prevent the words swirling around in his mind, reminding him of what he had been looking at. He looked at the clock.
He felt like he had been up for days. It was only 7 am.
7 am, the cafeteria was open.
Jimin got to his feet, hesitantly packing his bag for the day. He took everything he would need for the day… He didn't imagine he would come back anytime soon, he had a lot of classes to go to and in-between… He'd probably just try his best to distract himself.
He crept out of the bedroom and made his way down the hallway. As he did he brushed past someone in his hall who he didn't know. They murmured something after him, but Jimin figured it was a coincidence, other than an actual statement. It was too early for anyone to be fully functional anyways.
Not that Jimin is capable of doing anything properly on his own. He always asks for help and then stares at everyone with that stupid smirk of his while everyone goes out of their way to help him.
Jimin groaned and rubbed his head with the palm of his head aggravatedly.
"Get out of my head," he grumbled to himself. It didn't make the thought go away. Jimin was so lost in his thoughts like that all day that nothing really seemed to establish well. He couldn't study or watch television. He couldn't focus on his classes, and it only got worse when he skipped his Economics class. The intention had been, well completely honestly it had been to avoid Yoongi.
That boy could read him like a book, and so could the rest of his friends. He had to avoid them as much as possible today, what if they found out that he was not actually a likable person? He couldn't imagine one of his few new friends in college finding out about the Facebook page… If his current friends were okay to pretend like they liked him… Maybe that was okay for now, but if Yoongi who didn't pretend to like anything for even a second found out about the page. If he heard his flaws… He would leave him.
Oh, god, he could lose Yoongi as a friend.
Jimin took a deep shaky breath and paused outside of his bedroom door, feeling a little dizzy. Maybe he shouldn't return to his dorm. He wasn't in a good place, the others would detect it, the others would leave him if they knew he knew that he was awful.
Even in his haze, Jimin knew that he was being dramatic. He swallowed deeply and raised his hand to the doorknob, his fingers were trembling. He closed his eyes.
Don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious.
He pushed the door to his room open and immediately attracted the attention of pretty much everyone there. He smiled.
"What's wrong?" Taehyung asked immediately. Jimin scrunched his face together in confusion.
"What isn't wrong, am I right?" He joked with a smile.
"You left really early this morning, we were a little worried," Taehyung insisted. "And then we saw you but you didn't see us…"
Jimin shrugged it off.
"You're being dramatic," he insisted. He sat down at his desk and began to pull his homework out of his bag. He thought that the studious behavior would make him seem better, but apparently, it just made him that more suspicious. In an instant, Namjoon had placed his hand on his shoulder. It made Jimin jump.
"Jimin, are you alright?" Namjoon finally asked. "You've been high strung all day."
The rest of the room nodded their agreement. Jimin didn't respond so Jin added to the conversation.
"Yoongi says you've been avoiding him today."
Jimin bit his lip nervously, he hadn't thought that Yoongi would notice.
"It's nothing," he mumbled, but even as he spoke the tears began to drip from his eyes. He sniffled, a little too loudly. "It's just been a really bad day."
The tears began to flow more freely and he sunk to the floor in an attempt to bury the sorrow from his friends. He hadn't wanted to drag anyone else into this stupid situation, but even so here he was. In an instant Hoseok and Taehyung were on him, their arms wrapped around his body as it shook with strangled sobs.
"Jimin, what happened?" Namjoon asked him softly. Jimin wanted to keep lying about it, but he knew in the end that now he might as well just tell the truth.
"I got a call last night from Minjun," he explained.
"Minjun?" Taehyung interrupted his eyebrows scrunching together.
"We graduated with him," Jimin explained, even though he was crying he was able to muster a rather nonchalant look and a shrug. "I didn't remember him at first either."
"Jimin," Jin hissed. "What did Minjun say?"
"Oh," Jimin replied. "Right um, he told me that Hajoon started a Facebook page against me and pretty much it's just a bunch of posts talking about what an awful person I am."
The tears rolled down Jimin's cheeks again as he thought about the posts.
"Why do any of you guys even bother with me? Why do you pretend to be my friends?" He asked desperately. "I'm awful, I'm clearly utterly and completely awful-"
Jimin suddenly got up, pushing his friends away from him.
"I-I should move out, I can still do that. Why do you guys spend any time with me at all? Why does Min Yoongi want to get to know me?!"
"Don't start," Jimin blurted. "You guys must hate me."
A commotion from Jimin's bed dragged him out of his state of reverie. He didn't look at the bed, he just paused, fat warm tears rolling down his cheeks as he stared at the first person, he could make eye contact with. It ended up being Jin.
"Is there someone else in this room?"
Jin nodded silently. Jimin shut his eyes tightly.
"Please tell me it's not Min Yoongi."
He heard the bed shake a little as someone climbed down it, and in a moment, there was an undeniable presence right next to him.
"It is."
Jimin wasn't sure what to say, so instead, he didn't say anything. He just turned around a gazed at Yoongi, feeling pained.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Yoongi demanded. Jimin found he couldn't look at Yoongi very long without feeling guilty. Not because he had initially felt bad about keeping the information from the boy. He didn't really- well, he hadn't not until he saw that look on Yoongi's face. His gaze was a little harder then Jimin was used to seeing it, his eyebrows drawn in towards one another tighter. He was actually upset by this.
"I didn't want to worry-"
"Who is doing it?"
Yoongi's interruption was curt. It was clear he wanted to explode but was holding back significantly. Jimin appreciated that.
"You don't-"
"I don't care if I know him or not, what's his name?" Yoongi reiterated. Jimin didn't hesitate.
"Kim Hajoon."
Yoongi exhaled sharply from his nose, which gave Jimin an uneasy feeling in his stomach.
"Why didn't you tell me about this when you first found out?" Yoongi asked, his voice still a little scary. Jimin lowered his eyes from Yoongi's again, so Yoongi moved to force Jimin to catch his gaze. "You should have told me as soon as you found out. The moment you knew."
Yoongi's hand suddenly shot forward, stopping not far from Jimin's own hand. Jimin squinted at it, realizing after only a few moments that Yoongi had wanted to grab his wrist, but needed permission first. He moved his hand forward, and Yoongi took it.
His attitude was odd, to say the least. He was clearly angry, his nostrils flustered a little, and he couldn't keep eye contact with Jimin for long. He was being rougher than usual, and he wasn't as soft as Jimin had gotten used to him being. Even so, the warm touch was clearly supposed to be comforting. It was a gentle momentary caress. Warm skin against cold skin. Jimin found it to be very welcoming.
"Yoongi hyung…"
Yoongi dropped Jimin's hand and turned around.
"I've got to go."
And without another word, he left the room. All eyes fell on Jin when he left but Jin clearly didn't have any answers for them.
"I don't keep secrets from Yoongi," Jin explained with a shrug. "I've never seen him react like this to anything."
Jimin's heart sank in his chest. Suddenly, he was worried about something different than his friends hating him. Suddenly, it didn't matter if anyone else in the world hated him. Not all of his Facebook, not every single person he had ever gone to school with. Suddenly, the only person he didn't want to hate him was Min Yoongi.
God, he really hoped he hadn't messed everything up.
Yoongi wasn't at class the next day. Jimin only went to economics that day, and he only went to economics to see Yoongi, and Yoongi wasn't even there. He spent all day worrying about it. Was Yoongi mad at him? What had he meant when he asked for Hajoon's name? Why had he just left?
He rubbed his hand against his face and tried to focus on his work. He was in college dammit, he had homework to worry about, he didn't have time to just stress over Yoongi all the time.
He was finally settling back into his work… Did 7+7 equal 14 or was he delusional? Should probably check. That was of course when something jostled his attention away from his work and to the tall boy who had suddenly joined his side.
"Let's go out Jimin," Namjoon suggested softly. "We can go to a party, you can get your mind off of everything. I'll keep an eye on you."
Jimin brushed off the suggestion, barely glancing up from his Math.
"I should focus, I have an exam Monday," he said instead. He could feel the doubtful look Namjoon was giving him so he turned around and offered him a smile. "I'm okay. I just need some time alone."
Namjoon was hesitant, but he nodded slowly.
"Okay," he agreed quietly.
The others were even more hesitant to leave Jimin alone. They seemed to think that if he was alone, he would get worse. He appreciated the concern, but deep down he knew that it would be okay. He was already worrying less about the Facebook page. Everyone on it was acquaintances and people he hadn't known well or at all. The people he had been closest with in high school weren't in the Facebook group. The only one who was was Hajoon, and honestly, Jimin didn't care what he thought anymore. There was a reason Jimin wasn't friends with Hajoon any more and if he had hated Jimin so much, he clearly wasn't a good friend in the first place.
What now bugged Jimin, more than the bullies, more than anything else, was what happened to Yoongi.
Jimin was jostled from his thoughts by a sharp knock at the door. He wrinkled his nose and set his pencil down.
Before he opened the door, he peeked through the peephole. Dark curly hair, wide brown eyes, eyebrows creased, lips trembling. Hajoon?
Jimin practically ripped the door open. He knew Hajoon well, they had been best friends for four years, and he knew a concerned expression when he saw one.
"Hajoon, what are you doing here? Are you alright?" He blurted uncertainly. Once the door was open, he was able to really assess the situation. He scrunched his nose. "Yoo-Yoongi?"
Hajoon opened his mouth but Yoongi spoke first.
"Hey," he spoke softly.
"You weren't in class," Jimin murmured. He suddenly remembered how messy his hair was and ran his fingers through the strands to try and tidy it. Of course, once that was fixed Jimin realized that he was dressed like a total slob, cause he hadn't expected to see anyone other than his close friends that night. He shrunk behind the door a little.
"I was busy," Yoongi responded. His eyes briefly wandered away from Jimin, floating towards Hajoon.
"Right!" Jimin blurted. "Hajoon, are you okay?"
Something flickered through Hajoon's eyes, but he looked away as soon as it happened.
Jimin couldn't help his concern. He reached forward, grabbing Hajoon's wrist.
"Seriously, Hajoon, what's going on?"
Yoongi had a strong glare fixed on Jimin that he mostly chose to ignore. He'd deal with Yoongi in a moment.
He may be glaring at him, but nonetheless, Jimin had a feeling the boy wasn't actually mad at him. So, he didn't mind coming to a compromise in his brain, deciding that he would get to the one he cared about the most about later.
"I came to… apologize."
Jimin squinted.
Hajoon noded, but the action was strained. As long as Jimin had known the other boy, he had always been bad at apologizing. It was pretty difficult to apologize, after all, when you never thought you were in the wrong. Jimin had never seen his friend apologize sincerely to anyone. So seeing him even attempt to apologize when he knew Jimin knew he couldn't so do was odd.
"Look, the Facebook thing was overly cruel. Truth is, I… I missed you, and I was made because you were doing so great, and you're so smart, and you've got all kind of friends, and you're such a damn pretty boy-" Hajoon interrupted himself, and took a soft shaky breath. "And I'm struggling a lot. Honestly, I was only really mad for ten minutes but the Facebook page grew out of control."
Even odder, this apology (aside from the tangent) seemed to be sincere. Jimin knew it was he couldn't emphasize enough that he knew Hajoon. He knew what Hajjon said and thought and did better than he knew himself because being friends with Hajoon meant that everything was about Hajoon.
"I never meant to hurt you Jimmy-" Another reason Jimin didn't really miss Hajoon. He knew Jimin hated to be called Jimmy. Yet, he still did it. "I'm really sorry."
Despite it all, Jimin wasn't upset. He wasn't happy or reassured, but he was no longer upset. All he wanted was to get Hajoon out of here and to talk to Yoongi. Yoongi. Wow, he had been really worried about Yoongi…
"I accept your apology," Jimin said forcing a smile onto his lips. "But you didn't have to come all this way just to apologize and… Why is Yoongi with you?"
"I drove to your hometown. Nice city. We ran into one another," Yoongi explained. Jimin's jaw dropped.
"You what?"
"He threatened me," Hajoon murmured. Yoongi shifted at the comment, which in turn made Hajoon yelp.
"Get out of here, I don't want you seeing Jimin anymore."
That, definitely explained why Hajoon had been so freaked out earlier. Jimin had honestly expected Hajoon to argue with the order, or at least ignore the statement. He wasn't in anyway obedient. Jimin couldn't think of a time in which he had listened to anyone else. Not at all, much less right away. But the minute the command left Yoongi's lips, Hajoon was bowing deeply.
"Thank you, for your time," he blurted. "See you around Jimin."
Jimin opened his mouth to protest, to say that it was ridiculous that Hajoon was actually afraid of him, but before he could Hajoon had disappeared down the hall. Jimin stared after him.
"Didn't you drive him here?"
Yoongi's eyes were on Jimin and Jimin only. He tried to ignore that as he stared after his ex-friend.
"Yes, yes I did," he agreed. Jimin quirked his head towards Jimin and raised an eyebrow at him.
"How's going to get back home, we're a few hours out." Yoongi shrugged offhandedly. Jimin thought it was cute… Nice really to be in Yoongi's presence again, when he noticed that he was coming closer.
He wrinkled his eyebrows a little, and subconsciously shifted away from Yoongi, finding his behavior a little odd. It didn't help in any way though, because Yoongi just grew closer. There was an off-air about him suddenly. He kept staring at Jimin, seeming like he didn't care about anything other than that moment right then and there. Jimin wasn't used to anyone being this… Intense towards him. Only him teasing people like that his way.
Somehow Yoongi's fingers found themselves tangled in Jimin's hair, sliding the rough the strands until his warm hand found itself to the back of his neck. Jimin was in the moment lost in Yoongi's wide thoughtful eyes, unable to think of much other than the fact that Yoongi was right in front of him, touching him, making his heart pound at a hundred miles an hour... What was he going to do? The boy in question put pressure on the back of Jimin's neck with the palm of his hand, pushing Jimin's head forward slightly. Then he pressed his lips gingerly to the boy's forehead.
When Yoongi pulled away, Jimin almost didn't notice. The warmth of Yoongi's lips burned in the center of his forehead. Jimin raised a hand to touch it, feeling bewildered. Before he could question it, Yoongi was speaking.
"Were you upset?"
Jimin nervously ran his fingers through his hair ruffling up the strands that Yoongi had tidied. He considered speaking but… He decided he didn't trust his voice enough to. He just nodded slowly.
"Next time you're upset, come to me first."
Jimin's breath hitched in his throat. He couldn't think right about the sentence, and he certainly didn't have time to respond. Yoongi glanced at his watch and then withdrew from Jimin.
"I have to go, I'll see you in class."
And then he was gone, and Jimin was breathless.
Chapter Ten
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jercythesiscrying · 5 years
Tsukki <3 is calling... | KuroTsukki, Slash, G, 1.7k
NaNoWriMo Day 28: Fic-ception (aka fic about a fic)
Summary: A continuation of The Last Red Scribble by @doggonneit. Definitely necessary to read that before reading this~!
Read on Ao3
A/N: Couldn't help but write about doggoneit's adorable single parent au for this prompt. Please do read that before reading this one because it’s so worth it  /)w(\  Unbeta’d because I’m tired. Mistakes galore especially since I'm not used to formatting chat fics like this /o\
Italics is Tsukishima. Bold is Kuroo. Regular text is Kageyama.
Tuesday PM
(5:11) Akiteru is bringing Tobio for class tomorrow because I have to work a late shift, but I’ll be able to pick him up afterwards. (5:12) Please do not teach my son anything violent.
(5:13) tsukki!! so mean!!! (5:13) i would never!!
(5:14) Surprisingly, you’ve yet to prove otherwise so please keep that up.
(5:14) see! (5:15) can akiteru stay and watch? i could gossip with him about you more
(5:16) Do that and they’ll never find your bodies.
(5:17) do what? whose bodies?
(5:18) Glad you catch on quick.
(5:18) only for u babe <3
(5:20) Also I don’t think nii-san can stay tomorrow. He has something with a friend apparently?
(5:21) aw (5:21) oh well (5:22) see you and tobio tomorrow!
(5:24) See you.
Wednesday PM
Kuroo is calling...
“Hey, so! I forgot to tell you when you came by to pick up Tobio earlier, but a little bird told me an embarrassing secret of yours...”
(muffled laughter)
“Who do I have to kill?”
“So violent!”
“I asked a question: Who do I have to kill?”
“Really, Tsukki? You’re gonna murder your own son? Your only offspring? The apple—I mean—blueberry of your eye? The –”
“Okay, I get your point, please stop talking.”
“What did Tobio say now?”
“Oh, nothing much... just that you reeeally liked me before we started dating.”
“I can hear you grinning over a verbal conversation. How is that possible?”
“Aw, baaabe! You didn’t deny it! You had a crush on me!”
“We’re already dating.”
“Dad, why is Kuroo-san making weird noises?”
“Because he’s weird.”
“Oh, Tobio’s there? Hi, Tobio!”
“Hi, Kuroo-san.”
“He just finished his glass of milk before bed so he came to say good night.
“That’s good, kid! Keep drinking milk and maybe you’ll be as tall as me one day! Anyway, Tsukki, don’t change the subject—you’re very cute and totally had a crush on me.”
“He really did.”
“I think that’s enough from both of you now. Good night, Kuroo.”
“‘Night, babe! You too, Tobio! Have sweet dreams about me!”
“I said good night!”
“Good night, Kuroo-san.”
Saturday AM
(11:15) Was Tobio good today at volleyball this morning?
(11:16) hes a fuckin champ he watched kenma like a hawk the entire time he was teaching everyone how to set (11:16) freaked kenma out tbh lol
(11:17) I meant if he behaved well.
(11:17) of course he did babe (11:18) Tobios always well behaved for vball
(11:18) Thank goodness for that.
(11:18) why (11:19) is he acting up in school again?
(11:19) No...?
(11:20) then whats up?
(11:20) Nothing. (11:21) just looking out for my son, that’s all.
(11:22) omg thats so cute
(11:22) What? Caring for my child? (11:23) That’s called being a parent, Kuroo.
(11:23) lol i know (11:24) i mean how you worry for him (11:24) make sure hes doing well and stuff
(11:25) That’s called being a *parent*, Kuroo.
(11:26) its called being a very sweet father who loves his son a lot
(11:28) Feeling sentimental, aren’t we.
(11:28) im just (11:30) so glad im with a guy that really cares for his loved ones the way you do (11:31) :)
(11:33) I (11:35) I don’t know what to say to that.
(11:35) babe (11:36) ur supposed to say something nice back to me now
(11:36) ...
(11:37) im waiting :3 (11:38) here all night if i have to be
(11:40) You are the most annoying person on the planet.
(11:40) :3c
(11:41) *rolling eyes emoji* (11:41) Fine. (11:45) I like how you can keep up with my humour, and how you treat Tobio. (11:47) You’re very patient and considerate with the both of us.
(11:50) Ah, yes the good old “you’re a decent human being” compliment. (11:51) Absolutely groundbreaking in societal niceties.
(11:52) ...
(11:52) !!!!!!!
(11:53) I’m not dignifying that with a response.
(11:56) Do you always gossip like a middle schooler with Bokuto-san?
(11:59) *rolling eyes emoji* (12:00) Love you too.
(12:00) !!!! (12:01) <3
(12:03) <3
Thursday PM
(2:32) Kuroo?
(2:34) shimizu! whats up
(2:35) Tsukishima told me the news. (2:36) Thank you *so* much.
(2:39) ... ur welcome? (2:40) not sure for what exactly lol
(2:41) He told me you said you loved him.
(2:41) oh
(2:42) He also told me he said it back.
(2:44) um yeah (2:46) its really easy to, u know? (2:46) i fell very quickly :)
(2:47) And I thank you for that.
(2:48) why?
(2:51) I don’t remember if I told you this, but I was worried my decision to keep Tobio would affect Tsukishima’s future relationships.
(2:52) o ya you did say that (2:53) i mean, tsukkis one of the most hardworking and caring people i know (2:54) and its obvious he loves tobio a lot (2:54) cant help but love him
(2:55) I’m glad you think so too. (2:56) I may not love Tsukishima the same way but I’m sure you already know how much he and Tobio mean to me.
(2:57) i do (2:58) thank you for letting me love them
(2:59) It’s not my place to be thanked.
(3:00) then its not mine either :)
(3:05) :) (3:06) Please take good care of them.
(3:06) i promise (3:09) take care in america!!
(3:10) Thank you.
Sunday AM
Tsukki <3 is calling...
“Hello? Tsukki?”
“... Tobio? Is that you?”
“Hey, buddy! What’s up? Why are you on your dad’s phone?”
“Dad’s sick.”
“Oh no! Is he in bed right now?”
“Yes. He’s asleep.”
“That’s good. He needs plenty of rest.”
“Hey, uh, Tobio, how did you call me? Are you learning how to read in school now?”
“Yeah, but also your picture is on Dad’s phone.”
“Really, huh! Do you remember which one? Can you check for me?”
“Uhhh, the one where you’re showing off your arm.”
“That just made my entire day, oh my god.”
“Kuroo-san? I can’t hear you because you’re talking too fast.”
“Oh, sorry, Tobio! Just got distracted. Anyway, was there a reason you called me?”
“Dad’s sick.”
“Yes, you told me, kiddo. Is Akiteru-san taking care of him?”
“Nuh-uh. Aki-jiichan had work. He said he was gonna get someone but since no one’s here yet I took Dad’s phone and called you.”
“Oh. OH! You need me to come over, Tobio?”
“Yes, please. I don’t know how to heat up my lunch.”
“I’m on my way, kiddo. I’ll check on your dad too, okay?”
“Okay. See you, Kuroo-san!”
“Bye, Tobio!”
Sunday AM
(11:49) tobio just called me bc tsukkis sick (11:50) why didnt you tell me? i would be omw in a heartbeat
(11:51) I thought I did???! (11:52) CRAP MY MESSAGE DIDNT SEND (11:53) PLEASE LOOK AFTER KEI AND TOBIO, OH GOD
(11:54) already on it, akiteru-san (11:57) send me their address please!
(11:59) Gotcha! (12:01) Thank you Kuroo-kun!!
Sunday PM
Tsukki <3 is calling...
“Hello? Tsukki, already calling me? I just left your place –”
“Oh, Tobio! Hey, kid, what’s up?”
“Thank you for coming.”
“Oh, it was no problem! I’m glad I could help!”
“Dad forgot to say thank you earlier so I’m calling to tell you.”
“Tobio? You still there?”
“Sorry about that. Tobio took my phone.”
“It’s fine. You got a smart kid there.”
“I’ve got a kid who’s out to make my life hell is what I got.”
“You love him though!”
“Wouldn’t trade him for the world. Still, I did not tell him to tell you I said ‘thank you’.”
“Great! So that means you can tell me yourself now!”
“Seriously, I cannot believe I can hear you grinning on a phone conversation. How are you doing that?”
“Doesn’t matter! Now tell me ‘thank you’!”
“Please, Tsukki!”
“Dad, you should tell him ‘thank you’.”
“Listen to Tobio!”
“Quit it, both of you.”
“Um... thanks, I guess, Kuroo.”
“Laying it real thick there, Tsukki. It almost sounded like you weren’t having your teeth pulled.”
“You’re the one who asked!”
“You did, Kuroo-san.”
“Tobio, can you play in your room please? Dad’s gotta have a conversation with Kuroo-san.”
“A ‘conversation’, huh? You’re voice still sounds too rough to be talking, you know.”
“I have tea with me right now, I’ll be fine.”
“Good! And you’re welcome, by the way, I was happy to help. You can call me next time too, you know? Instead of asking Akiteru to do it.”
“I told you I thought Yamaguchi was coming over. I didn’t know nii-san asked for you instead.”
“But he did and now you can too! So just, you know, ask.”
“... I don’t like depending on people.”
“I know, Tsukki, but I swear you and Tobio can count on me, okay?”
“You can’t promise that.”
“I can: I promise I’ll be there for you and Tobio. There, just did it.”
“You can’t guarantee that.”
“Maybe not, but I’m gonna try my hardest anyway.”
“... I couldn’t stop you even if I wanted, huh?”
“Please stop grinning—I can still hear you.”
“Wanna see it?”
(8:01) *image attached*
“That is the derpiest look I’ve ever seen, oh my god.”
“Glad you like it!”
“I. I guess I’ll count on you... sometimes... or whatever.”
“Don’t yell when you’re on the phone, jeez.”
“I love you!! You can totally count on me!! Tobio too!!”
“Oh god, what have I done? Whatever, it’s late and I have to put Tobio to bed still. Good night, Kuroo-san.”
“‘Night, babe!”
“‘Night... I love you too.”
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