#This country is making such a horrible choice giving the people who want to report a person just because they said that's what they fear
kjzx · 7 months
I was following a (personal and a Plague Doctor fanfic related one) tg channels of a girl for... A year or so, at least the fandom one, I was rather new to the personal one, a few months maybe.
One day earlier this week I find myself locked out of both of the channels, I figure she must've banned me, she recently made a rule about blocking people for whatever reason and I, well, have definitely crossed a personal boundary once or twice.
Turns out it's so much worse. Some less than human bastard reported her to her college for gay propaganda, I'm assuming specifically for dating a woman and writing gay fanfic/reading gay manhwa. She's probably going to be expelled from college, probably no legal prosecution because she was specifically reported to the college. It wouldn't hurt so much if I didn't know from her channel how hard working and smart she is, just how much she's put into all of it.
It hurts so much. I wish her the best. I hope there's some way out of it.
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soon-palestine · 5 months
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Israel, the world’s most innocent country, fell victim to a horrific attack from Iran with zero reported casualties on the same day Israel killed dozens of civilians in Gaza.
Israel had been minding its own business, quietly bombing hospitals, schools, universities, mosques, and an embassy, when the Iranian regime launched their outrageous attack for no apparent reason. Thankfully, the US and UK scrambled jets to defend Israeli airspace because it’s wrong to bomb countries in the Middle East, unless your name is Israel, in which case you can do all the bombing you want.
Every British and American ship in the region is now in grave danger and the risk of terror attacks on our soil has surely increased, but you will be relieved to know our countries have not benefitted in any way from our intervention. Personally, I can’t think of a better way for Israel to spend our tax money.
Our leaders have condemned Iran in the strongest possible terms, which is confusing because I thought we were supposed to remain ambiguous and say we’re investigating the matter when such an attack occurs. Perhaps this is one of those rules that only applies to Israel though.
When informed of the attack, a calm and rational Suella Braverman screamed: “WAR! I WANT WAR!” and when she’d stopped hyperventilating, she added: “This must be the end of western backsliding on Israel,” because she thinks we have not been sufficiently supportive of their genocide. Anyone who is not on the same side of the argument as Suella Braverman must ask serious questions about themselves.
Iran’s unprovoked attack involved giving Israel adequate warning and launching 30-year-old missiles, 99% of which were intercepted, and then saying the matter is closed unless Israel escalates further. The fact Iran would consider retaliating to further escalation from Israel shows just extreme these lunatics are.
Among Iran’s targets was the Israeli air base from which the missiles that struck its embassy were launched, killing 13 on April 1. As of yet, we have no indication as to why Iran carried out the attack, but we’re going to tell you it’s because they want to start World War III. Psychos.
Conspiracy theorists have suggested it’s actually Benjamin Netanyahu who wants escalation, but it’s unclear why the man who faces political oblivion, and possibly jail, would be incentivised to draw his allies into the fight and cause everyone to forget his many war crimes.
Israel, the country that definitely does not want war, has vowed an “unprecedented” response against Iran which will probably kill many more than zero people. If Iran expresses disapproval at Israel’s next mass murder, it’s because they’re trying to destabilise the region. At this point, we’ll have no choice but to help Israel do to Iran what we’ve spent six months helping them do to Gaza - launch precision strikes that destroy 70% of the buildings in the country and leave survivors living in tents.
Worryingly, we’ve just discovered at the most convenient moment that Iran has enough uranium to build 12 nuclear bombs. If it were true that Iran had so much weapon-grade uranium, it would be incredibly stupid to attack them, but we’re going to insist we must attack them because we’re weapon-grade idiots - and we think you are too.
Please just switch your brain off and accept what you’re being told, you simpletons! What matters is rich people can afford nuclear bunkers if this all goes horribly wrong. In the meantime, you can look forward to lots of exciting stories in the media about bringing back conscription and describing how you are likely to die in humanity's final war. Are you looking forward to radiation sickness and nuclear winter? Because they sound like brilliant fun! x
Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed this outstanding piece of journalism as much as I did, you can support my work here:
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petnews2day · 2 years
Ukrainian pets: Government ‘talking to vets to work out how to let refugees bring animals to UK’
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-industry-news/pet-travel-news/ukrainian-pets-government-talking-to-vets-to-work-out-how-to-let-refugees-bring-animals-to-uk/
Ukrainian pets: Government ‘talking to vets to work out how to let refugees bring animals to UK’
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Government officials are talking to vets and quarantine facilities to work out how to let Ukrainians bring their pets to UK, The Independent has been told.
Countless dog and cat owners have carried their animals with them as they left behind their homes and belongings to make their way to safety abroad.
Lobbyists in the UK have written to animal-welfare minister Zac Goldsmith and environment secretary George Eustice, urging them to relax entry restrictions on pets belonging to Ukrainians fleeing war.
Under government rules, to enter the UK, animals must be microchipped, have a pet passport or health certificate and have had a rabies vaccination.
But animal protection groups say it’s unreasonable to expect desperate people fleeing war, whose homes may have been destroyed, to meet the criteria.
They say to force people wanting to come to the UK to abandon their beloved pets – “family members” – would inflict further trauma on Ukrainians.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Peta) UK told Mr Eustice in a letter: “A rabies antibody test by blood analysis, which would be necessary to have these animals cross the borders in line with all legal regulations, can take days or even weeks.
“Many vulnerable animals are therefore being left behind without their guardians or other caring people, which will lead to terrifying and prolonged deaths.”
It added that pets “must be offered refuge, too, and are vital in giving comfort to fleeing, traumatised people in these horrible times.
Nina, 26, and her cat fled to Moldova
“The people of the UK would be devastated if forced to abandon their beloved animal family members, and we must ensure Ukrainians do not have to make this devastating choice either.”
Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia have all cut bureaucracy for allowing animals into their countries.
Another campaigner, Dominic Dyer, wrote to Lord Goldsmith: “This terrible conflict is ripping so many families apart, yet we are seeing an incredibly strong bond between people and companion animals that will not be broken by the evil brutality of Putin’s invasion forces…
“If UK policy remains that no companion animals can enter the UK with refugees, we could see tens of thousands of dogs and cats having to be euthanised in Poland, Hungary and Romania in the weeks ahead.
“Each of these animal deaths would bring further misery to the women and children who have escaped war and would make Britain’s immigration policy look extremely cruel in comparison to other EU member states.”
A refugee and her cat at the Romanian-Ukrainian border
A York-based veterinary company has started looking at how to set up a UK emergency protocol for microchipping, vaccinating against rabies and dealing with ticks and tapeworm.
Charities at the borders could create reception centres to do pet health checks and prepare animals to enter the UK under an emergency refugee pet passport scheme, Mr Dyer suggested.
“I am confident we can get industry funding for this programme, which will also have huge public support,” he added.
“I am sure we can come up with a system that protects public and animal health, but makes allowances for the desperate need to keep women children and their precious companion animals together.”
Anastazya from Kiev and her dog crossed into Poland
(AFP via Getty Images)
He said: “Most refugees were women who had left behind their husbands, as well as children and the elderly.
“They’ve suffered already enough – to lose the animals would make this even more devastating,” he said.
A government spokesperson told The Independent it was looking at how to support Ukrainians coming to the UK with their pets.
Rules are in place to prevent rabies entering the country, which has always been rabies-free.
A family leaving Irpin carry their large dog
But the spokesperson said: “We recognise the difficult and distressing situation that Ukrainian nationals currently face, and the UK government is working at pace to support them.
“We have strong biosecurity measures in place to protect the public and other animals from diseases which can be brought to the UK by animals from overseas.
“However, the government is looking at options to provide support to Ukrainian nationals who are entering the UK with their pets.”
It’s understood officials are working with vets and quarantine facilities while looking at how to support Ukrainian pet owners coming to the country.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
If I Fell For You (Part 10) - Take Care
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Summary: The reader gets to meet Danneel’s parents in a somewhat unorthodox way but receives a warm welcome to her surprise. Meanwhile, a minor medical scare makes Jensen anxious that he takes too much and doesn’t give enough to the reader...
Pairing: Jensen x nanny!reader
Square: Playing With Their Hair
Word Count: 4,800ish
Warnings: language, minor frightening situation, minor medical situation, anxiety
A/N: Please enjoy! Also written for @supernatural-jackles​​ Tell Me A Story Bingo...
One Week Later
“Y/N, can we get orange?” asked Arrow from where she sat in the shopping cart. She pointed at the tubes of frosting and you took one off, handing it to her as you went back to searching for a box of red velvet mix. 
“Come on,” you sighed, squatting down. You saw one shoved in the back and you bent down, reaching back to get it. You huffed when you pulled it back, the expiration date still plenty good. “Score. Okay Arrow what other color…”
She wasn’t in the cart anymore as you stood, her bright pink shirt and shorts nowhere in sight. 
“Arrow!” you shouted, people from the farther end of the aisle turning to look at you. You breathed hard and spun around, exiting the aisle and looking at the checkouts. “Arrow!”
“Mam,” said a man in a white dress shirt and slacks, walking over with a headset on.
“I had a little girl with me and she’s missing and she was in the cart and I would have heard her climb out,” you said, walking quickly, the man following with you as you checked down aisles. “Arrow!”
You heard the guy talk into his headset when you caught pink and a guy near the front of the store. She spun around and you ran over, the manager not too far behind you. You didn’t say a word when you kicked the back of the guys knee and grabbed Arrow, picking her up.
“What’d I do?” he said, Arrow turning away. He looked more angry than you were expecting and you swallowed, the manager urging you back. “She’s the one that took my granddaughter!”
“She’s not your fucking granddaughter, pervert. I’m her nanny and soon to be step-mom so you can back the fuck off.”
“Step fucking what?” he said, his face going blank. 
“Grandpa I told you Y/N’s my friend,” said Arrow. You blinked and stared at the man.
“Prove it,” you said. The man angrily pulled out his wallet and ripped out a picture, turning it around. It was a large group photo but you could clearly see Jensen and the kids in it along with… “You’re her father. Danneel.”
“Who the fuck are you,” he said. You took out your phone and went to your pictures, showing him one of your backyard bonfire from the weekend before. 
“Is there a problem?” asked the manager. You shook your head and he rolled his eyes and left.
“Sir, I’m so sorry,” you said. He nodded and glanced down. 
“Well, I can’t blame you. I understand the feeling,” he said. 
“Can we...talk?” you asked.
“I think that’d be best before somebody else gets their ass kicked.”
Fifteen minutes later you had your bag of baking supplies in your trunk, Arrow was playing on the jungle gym and you were sat at a picnic table with Danneel’s parents.
“You guys came down early for JJ’s birthday, huh,” you said.
“We had to come down this weekend instead. Something came up last minute next week,” said her mom. You nodded and took a deep breath. 
“I am so sorry. That is absolutely not how Jensen and I wanted to tell you both.”
“I’m old but I’m tough. I’ll survive,” said her father. You looked over to where Arrow was playing, gnawing on your bottom lip. “You said you were the nanny and soon to be step mom. Mind unraveling that for us?”
“I uh, I started working for Jensen in January as a nanny to help with the kids. The relationship part came a few weeks later. We’ve been engaged very briefly. Don’t even have a ring or anything yet,” you said, shaking your head. “Please don’t be mad at him. It’s taken him so long to stop feeling guilty for having feelings for me. Please don’t be upset with him. I don’t...I’m not trying to replace anyone or anything. I didn’t want to like him. But I did and I love him and he deserves to be happy again.”
They looked at one another and back at you.
“Good,” they both said. 
“Excuse me?”
“We think he deserves to be happy too. He was in such a bad place after the accident,” she said. “He’s sounded like himself again recently.”
“Plus if you’re willing to kick my ass for thinking I took Arrow, that gets you some brownie points,” he said with a smile. You nodded and looked down at the table, swallowing. “Not what you were expecting?”
“Your daughter’s husband is engaged to a younger woman. I wouldn’t blame you at all for whatever you might think,” you said.
“He’s got a lot of time left,” he said. “He doesn’t have to be miserable for it. We don’t want that for him. It’s not what she’d want. He’s doing exactly what she’d want from him and that’s all we can ask of him. Well and maybe stick around the country for a bit so we can see the kids some more.”
“Yeah, no plans to be anywhere but home right now,” you said. You looked over at Arrow and watched her jump off a high platform. She fell down to her knees but got up and brushed them off before she was running again.
“She’d like you,” you heard, your attention going back to the two of them. She was staring at you and you smiled.
“You don’t know a thing about me mam.”
“I think we know the important parts,” she said. You nodded and glanced down. “What do Jensen’s parents think of all this?”
“They know he’s dating but that’s it. I’m supposed to meet them next week,” you said.
“We’ll keep our lips sealed for the time being then,” she said. “What about your folks? What do they think of Jensen and the kids?”
“The kids probably haven’t met either parent yet, right?” he said. 
“It’s kinda complicated...I was adopted. My mom died a long time ago. I don’t have a dad or family really,” you said. You pursed your lips and picked at the corner of the table with your fingernail, the air heavy. 
“Well we approve of him,” he said. “He’s a good kid.”
“I know. He’s very special,” you said. “I just wish something so horrible didn’t have to happen to him and your daughter in order to meet him.”
“We can’t change that fact,” she said. “She’d want you to take care of him, keep an eye on him. Oh and remind him to take a break and slow down every once in a while. He always gets so caught up in work and being on the go. She had to calm him down sometimes.”
“I have noticed that trend,” you said. “I hope you don’t feel like he’s going to forget-”
“No we don’t worry about that. If we learned anything from this it’s just that you have to live while you have the chance,” he said as Arrow ran over.
“Y/N, I’m hungry,” she said. 
“Alright, munchkin. Why don’t we head home and maybe your grandma and grandpa will have lunch with us?” you asked.
“We’d love to,” they said. “We’ll meet you two there.”
“That went shockingly well,” said Jensen late that night when you were having an extra slice of JJ’s early birthday cake. “Those guys loved you.”
“I think we both got a little too worried over the parents situation. Dee’s parents were great, especially considering I nearly broke his knee. I’m really excited to meet yours next weekend.”
“It’s not too long of a drive up there. I haven’t been home in a long time. I’m looking forward to it too,” he said, a big smile on his face. “I’m really glad they liked you.”
“What’s not to love?” you said, Jensen smirking around his piece of cake. “You’re so hard on yourself. I’m really happy they like me too but even if they didn’t, there’s no problem there. You’re allowed to live your life. Dee wants you to keep living it.”
“I still wonder if she was just like ‘this boy is driving me nuts again, he needs a girl,’ and somehow shoved you into my life,” he said.
“Maybe. I mean, it was good timing that I was looking for a new job the same time you were looking for a nanny.”
“Did you ever report that last guy as an inappropriate employer?” he asked.
“I tell the agency but nothing criminal no. I mostly feel sorry for the families. Nannies are stability in the kids lives and leaving them isn’t easy. Unless they’re little shitheads but even then I don’t blame them, it’s the parents that turned them into it,” you said. 
“What’d you think of those three, when you met ‘em I mean,” he said.
“They’re all a little shy like you but they open up if they like you. They’re pretty damn funny. They got wit and sarcasm, even if they don’t know it yet. They’re kind and intelligent and they look to you in how to act like most kids. I knew they were good kids from the start.”
“You’re gonna be a great mom,” he said. You smiled and watched him eat a piece of cake, Jensen tilting his head. “You know they have called you mom before. All three of them. Accidentally but still.”
“Being a nanny has some of the roles of a parent but there’s still a difference,” you said.
“Yeah but you’ve never just been the nanny,” he said, scraping up some frosting with his fork. “Speaking of your sudden thrust into motherhood, the whole kids thing...how many of your own were you thinking of?”
“I don’t know. I don’t need to make a baby to love it. I was adopted and my mom loved me so much. I mean there’s already three of ‘em to chase after.”
“I’d like to have a baby with you. Someday,” he said. You dabbed your finger across some frosting on the plate and sucked on it, staring at him. “I know you do. Y/N there’s no more secrets. There’s never gonna be a secret between us ever again. Sometimes you get nervous but we have to talk about these things and everything. The big choices and the little ones we make together.”
“Honestly? I don’t want you to think I’ll love them less than a kid I make. I won’t. I will treat them all the same but I don’t know how to prove that to you.”
“You told me the day I hired you that I needed to hire someone I could trust, that trust was going to be so important. Y/N, I’ve never doubted your feelings for them. Shit, I’m pretty damn sure you were in love with them before me. And I get it because they aren’t scary. They can’t hurt you like the adults can. We wouldn’t be having this conversation if I had a shred of doubt.”
“I gotta think about kids more I guess. How many, when. I don’t know that right now.”
“We’ll figure out all that when we’re ready. Just let me know and we’ll come back to this conversation,” he said, wrapping an arm around your waist. “You know...hearing about what you did at the store...that’s kinda super attractive you know.”
“Uh what?” you said, Jensen pulling you into his lap.
“You, going protective badass...that’s very, very hot you see,” he said. 
“You’re such a guy,” you said while he picked up the last piece of cake on his fork. 
“Well we-” he said as you leaned forward and wrapped your lips around the dessert, pulling back with a smile. “Oh you shouldn’t have done that.”
“What are you gonna do about it?” you smirked. He narrowed his eyes and set his fork down before he was standing and flipped you over his shoulder. “Jensen! Put me down!”
“Do the crime, do the time!” he said, walking over to the stairs. “Hm...what to do with you...ah I know…”
“You know…” you said before he flipped you down onto the couch and plopped down on top of you, catching most of his weight on his hands on either side of you. “Troublemaker.”
“You love it,” he said. He leaned down and kissed you, your hands wandering to his hair, holding him close. You grinned and wrapped your legs around his waist, Jensen kissing you sloppy and cheeky and like a teenage boy making out for the first time. 
“Dad,” said JJ, rushing down the stairs. He dropped this forehead to yours and sighed.
“What is it?” he asked. He sat up and you both looked at her, spotting the pale tint of her skin. “Feel okay?”
“Jensen call an ambulance, now,” you said, pushing him off and going over to her. He sat up and you kneeled down next to her, her lips slightly blue. You put a hand on her chest and felt the labored breathing. “Did you eat something new tonight? Or did a bug bite you?”
“I stepped on a prickly in the bathroom a minute ago,” she said.
“Jesus,” said Jensen as he rushed into the kitchen. “She got stung by a scorpion.”
He grabbed a bottle from the cabinet and started unscrewing it.
“Jensen go see what the scorpion is and get rid of it before the twins find it,” you said. He left the bottle with you and shoved the phone against your ear. “Hi, sorry how much of the anti-venom do I give her?”
“There should be a child dosage on the bottle, half the cap,” the person on the other end said. You unscrewed the lid and poured some out, having her swallow it down. She whined and you didn’t blame her based on the smell. “An ambulance will be there shortly.”
“Thank you,” you said, spotting Jensen at the top of the stairs. He was holding his wrist and had a slightly smushed object in one of the clear plastic cups from the kids bathroom. “We have the scorpion.”
“EMT’s should be able to identify it,” she said, Jensen walking down slowly. He took a seat on the bottom step and shook his head. 
“Jensen?” you said, his hand reaching for the bottle. You moved his hand from his wrist and saw two dots there. “Shit. My fiance was stung too.”
“There’s a nest in the bathroom vanity,” he said, pouring himself a dose and knocking it back. “I blocked off the door but get the twins out of there, please.”
“JJ,” you said as you saw her color get better while Jensen was getting paler. You took your phone out of your pocket and dialed, handing it to her. “Tell Uncle Jared to come over right now.”
Five minutes later Jared was there, JJ and Jensen sat in the back of an ambulance, Jensen getting a shot of something in the leg.
“We’re taking them to West County,” said a paramedic.
“I’ll see you guys soon,” you said, JJ staring worriedly at Jensen who has holding his wrist again. Jared looked around as they took off and you sighed. “Hey.”
“JJ said she and Jay got stung by a scorpion?” he asked.
“She got one as far as they can tell. Jensen got three. There’s a nest in the bathroom cupboard,” you said.
“Idiot,” mumbled Jared. You raised and eyebrow and he shook his head. “He forgot to get the pest spray done this year I bet. Dee always handled that kind of stuff. They’ve had a scorpion problem before when they first moved in.”
“I’m gonna take the twins and stay the night. I’ll call and get the spray guys in first thing in the morning. You go take care of those two,” he said. You nodded and he grabbed your arm when you headed for your car. “Wait five minutes to calm down.”
“Jared I’m fine.”
“No, you’re not. You just don’t know it. Go inside, get your purse, Jensen’s wallet, take a beat, okay?”
“Okay,” you said. “Make sure-”
“I got it. Go on,” he said. “Make sure he’s not freaking out. Last time he was at a hospital it wasn’t good.”
“Right. Okay. Call me if you need something. And stay away from the kids bathroom.”
“Y/N. I know. It’ll be alright, I promise.”
One Hour Later
“Is dad okay?” asked JJ from where she sat in your lap. Jensen peeled an eye open and smiled. 
“I’m okay. Sleepy is all. We’ll be home in a few hours,” he said. His wrist was bandaged and he had an IV in his arm but he’d taken the anti-venom soon enough that they had enough time to get the proper medication in both him and JJ. She was already discharged but you didn’t want to leave Jensen by himself.
“Mr. Ackles,” said a doctor when she walked in the room. “Your bloodwork came back and everything looks good.”
“Awesome,” he said, sitting up in bed. “Can I get out of here?”
“You got about fifteen minutes left on that IV drip but I’ll let the nurse know to start the paperwork. I want you to take it easy tomorrow. Nothing strenuous.”
“I got it,” he said with a nod. “Nothing strenuous.”
“Jensen,” you said around noon the next day, catching him unloading some wood from the back of his truck. “What are you doing?”
“I was gonna work on those shelves for the kid’s playroom,” he said. You crossed your arms and he threw his head back. “I feel fine. The nest got cleared out and the house got sprayed. I wanna work on this.”
“You have all the time in the world to do it. Work on it tomorrow,” you said, picking up the wood plank. He tried to take it out of your hands and you growled. 
“Sorry,” he mumbled.
“Please do what the doctor said and rest today,” you said. He bit his lip and you moved the pieces of wood into the garage, Jensen leaning back against the side of the truck when you shut the trunk. “You’re scared, aren’t you.”
He nodded and glanced at his wrapped up wrist, then down to the ground.
“Hospitals freak me out now,” he said. “I don’t like bugs. My body hurt and knowing I forgot to do something so simple put them in danger sucks. Knowing if she hadn’t come downstairs it might have been real bad sucks. If you hadn’t noticed I don’t know if I would have and it scares me not knowing.”
“Close your eyes for me,” you said. He shut them and took a deep breath, letting you take his hand and walk around to the back of the house. You spun him around a few times stopping him so he was facing the pool about twenty feet away. “Know where you are?”
“Somewhere in the middle of the backyard,” he said. “What are you doing?”
“You said not knowing scared you. Lots of times you don’t know. It’s kinda just how life works,” you said, dropping his hand and moving a few feet away. “Take a big step forward.”
“Y/N, I don’t like this,” he said, fidgeting his hand along the bottom of his shirt. 
“I know you don’t. But would I hurt you?”
“No,” he said. 
“So listen to me. Big step forward.” He took a step and you looked around. “Jump backwards.”
“Jump backwards.” He frowned and took a small bunny hop back. “Again.”
“I feel ridiculous.”
“Says the guy who plays pretend for a professional career. Now hop back and then step to the right,” you said. He groaned and did as asked. “Jog forward until I say stop.”
“Are you trying to kill me out here cause I feel like I’m about to break my neck slipping in the pool.”
“I’m trying to get your anxiety out in a non-life threatening way, okay?”
“By having me jump around the backyard like an idiot.”
“By having you get comfortable with the fact that most of life is spent not knowing and you can’t change that fact. You can’t see it all coming.”
He threw his head back but kept his eyes shut. He stared to run towards you and you wrapped your arms around him when he got there, Jensen peeling them open slowly.
“See? I wasn’t gonna let anything bad happen,” you said. He nodded and rested his forehead on your shoulder, pulling you into a squeezing hug. “You okay?”
“I’m sorry for being short and not doing what the doctor asked,” he said.
“Hey, it’s alright. I got scared too last night. Everything is fixed now so no need to worry over it. Why don’t you take a nap and maybe we have a real quiet lazy day while Dee’s parents got the kids for the day,” you said. “Sound fun?”
“Okay,” he said. “I’ll take quiet today.”
Three hours later Jensen was curled up with a blanket, his head resting in your lap as you watched a movie together. You played with his hair, Jensen turning into the touch every so often. 
“I know you’re worried about me,” he said. He turned and faced up at you, your fingers swirling in his strands. “I know I’m kinda clingy today which I’m normally not.”
“You can cling all you want, honey,” you said, stroking his cheek with your thumb. “I wish life would give you a break for a second. No work, no badness. Just some peace and quiet for you.”
“My parents lived here after the accident. For a few months. They were here, Jared and Gen were over every day, my siblings would stop down every week. The first few months I understood. I had an injury I had to recover from. But I felt like a child those few months once I recovered. Everyone taking care of the kids, of me. I was barely a father to them. Playtime. A story at bed. Someone else made most of their meals, did everything for them.”
“You’re a father but you’re still someone’s child,” you said. He blinked and you shrugged. “You were hurt, possibly the worst out of anyone. I know taking care of everyone else is your default but people get to take care of you too. I get to take care of you.”
“I feel like all I do is get taken care of by you,” he said. “I never give it back.”
“You’ve given me a family again. You take care of me every single day.”
“I never see you getting upset. It’s always me. I’m always the fuck up,” he said. You slumped down and took a deep breath. 
“I get upset Jensen. I got upset that very first time we fought, that night with the ice cream. I got upset when you got jealous of that nanny in Canada and we saw my father the first time. I got upset telling you the truth of it all because you of all people don’t need problems like that dumped at your feet. I got upset when we saw him again because I was scared and I was scared he might hurt you too. I got upset when we fought when you got home and I got upset when you proposed because you were so scared and I get upset Jensen. I get upset when you’re hurt. I get upset when I hurt. But I don’t have all those safety nets under me that you do, remember? I just got a couple right now and you’re my last resort. I’ve been my own support system for so long that I can’t undo that all overnight. I know it’s been months but the fact I even let you see me cry, the fact I can even talk about this stuff with you and know all you’re thinking about is how to make me feel better...I still need to heal too. You’ve done so much already. I’m gonna have my moments where this is switched, believe me. But today’s not my turn for that, it’s yours.”
“I love you,” he said, staring up with the softest green eyes you’d ever seen on him yet. “Even more than five minutes ago if that’s possible.”
“I love you,” you said, bending down and kissing him. “You’re the expert on the falling in love stuff though so I’ll leave that up to you.”
“It’s very...it’s what you think it is and it’s not at all what you think. There’s falling and nerves and then calm and then falling and calm and you spend the rest of your life doing that. It’s not magic and it takes work to keep it alive sometimes but all you gotta do is talk. Just talk and it always seems to work out for me,” he said.
“Can I tell you a secret?” you asked. He nodded and smiled as you went back to playing with his hair.
“You know I really like when you do that,” he said.
“I know you do. It relaxes you,” you said.
“Makes me feel safe too,” he said. “But what’s your secret cause eventually I’m gonna want to know them all.”
“I was very attracted to you when we met. But that kinda freaked me out a bit. I found myself liking you a lot that first day I was here. You got me a birthday cake. I realized how kind you are that night. It wasn’t for anyone’s benefit other than my own. I had a crush on you, even though I knew it wouldn’t go anywhere.”
“I had a crush on you from when you made me a cup of coffee. You’re so good and kind yourself,” he said. He reached up and cupped your cheek. “I’m really happy you had your mom eventually. I would have liked to have met her.”
“Maybe she and Dee are hanging out wherever they are.”
“I hope so. She won’t mind sharing me with you,” he said.
“You honestly think so?” 
“You gonna mind sharing me with her?” he asked.
“I’ve always shared you. Just hope that wouldn’t bother her.”
“I used to think maybe it would but no, she wants me to be happy and that’s you so you got all eternity to get to know each other eventually if you think about it.”
“Well when you put it that way we got nothing to worry about,” you said.
“Oh don’t worry about that. I think your mom was right. I get to have two people is all, kinda like she did,” he said. 
“She would have liked you. Would have said you’re a little old for me but she would have liked you.”
“Wasn’t she older than Ray?” he asked.
“Yeah. She was. She was only fifty,” you said.
“You grew up too fast,” he said quietly.
“Maybe. But it got me here and I don’t think I would have done anything different. I wouldn’t want to screw that up. Well I’d do one thing different.”
“Drop by this house, have a conversation with a certain someone.”
“Say hypothetically you had that ability, you’d really do that knowing what you’re giving up?”
“I’d give her back to you right this second if I could.”
“I appreciate that, really,” he said. He let his hand fall down and reach around your back, curling around your waist. “But she’s not more important than you are. I miss her. Everyday. But I lose one of you either way in that scenario. And I can’t choose. I’ll never be able to. If she were here and you weren’t, I’d still be just like this. It’d still hurt.”
“Make me a promise. I keel over early, you try again. Try for both of us.”
“I will if you will,” he said. He held up his pinky finger and you grabbed it with yours. “But he can’t be hotter than me.”
“Equally as hot?”
“Slightly less hot but that’s my final offer,” he said. 
“Eh, fine,” you said. “You’ve worn me down.”
“Always words I want to hear,” he chuckled. You slid further down the couch until you were practically laying back, your arms wrapping around him. He got up and lay down with you on the wrap around side of the couch, pulling you into his chest. “Can I take you to dinner tonight? Just us.”
“Yeah. I’d like that.”
“Okay, honey,” he said, kissing your forehead. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“Just thanks. For what you said. What you did earlier, just being with me,” he said.
“Lucky for you I like being with you a whole lot,” you said.
“Very lucky for me,” he said. “Very lucky indeed.”
A/N: Read Part 11 here!
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teamsarawatshusband · 4 years
God, I wish Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan weren’t continuously faced with having to make horrible choices.
It’s not fair that every choice they make will affect not only their careers but also their livelihood and well-being, as well that those of their families, friends and associates.
None of those choices happen out of genuine preference, personal ideology or patriotism. They happen because they have no other option.
The biggest part of their fanbase is Chinese, and most of this Chinese fanbase depends on what sources of information they can access despite the censorship of the Chinese government or due to the deliberate misinformation spread by it.
Those fans would never understand if Yibo chose to stay with the Nike brand in a political situation like this. The fact that they started boycotting him, simply for being a brand ambassador (who hadn’t said anything on the political issue at hand, neither pro nor contra) shows very clearly that he was given no choice but to cut ties with Nike.
And, even if Yibo or Xiao Zhan (or any other Chinese artists) tried to speak up, to educate their fans about what’s really going on, or didn’t care about losing a huge chunk of their fanbases by doing so little as remaining silent rather than siding with their government... it would still be the end of their careers, as well as a threat to the well-being of their families and friends. Anti-government actions aren’t tolerated in China. And the people in power have more than enough means to make sure of that. A Chinese artist can’t survive on the Chinese market and, at the same time, express anti-government attitudes. The works of artists that fall in disgrace with the government will never make it to the public eye, the artists themselves will be denied work and publicly shamed without a chance to explain their position.
It’s not a choice.
It’s sad that so many of their fans - both Chinese and international - aren’t aware of this.
I also have to get this off my chest, and I’m sorry if this offends somebody...
It’s so frustrating to see fans commenting on social media, trying to be supportive but phrasing it like, “Yibo has the right to have an unpopular opinion on this issue.” No, honey, that’s the entire point. He does not. There is one take on the issue that is accepted by the government and he is forced to present that as his opinion, whether it really is or not.
Also, I have seen lots of people state that there is no evidence for what’s really happening in Xinjiang because China won’t allow international investigations. And, yes, China indeed does not allow investigations, so I understand where that is coming from.
However, THERE IS EVIDENCE. There are first person reports from people who have escaped the “re-education” camps. There are medical reports of women who have escaped that confirm the mass-rape and mass-sterilization. There are reports from investigators who went in undercover. There are videos. There are satellite pictures showing how the camps have grown and still continue to grow. And all this evidence is coming from various sources from all over the world. This isn’t one country scheming against China. This is the entire world, all countries individually and independently from each other investigating the issue and all of them coming to the same result. It IS genocide.
So, please, stop saying it’s not clear what’s going on. It is very clear.
But it’s also not Yibo’s fault, and it’s not in his power to change it. Not unless he is willing to risk all the jobs, the financial security and ... basically the life as it is... of himself, all the people he has ever worked with and all the people who have personal connections to him or his family.
So, what we can do for Yibo is to send positive messages on the Chinese platforms, point out that we understand that the situation is complicated, that we know that he is a good person, that we are aware it’s a difficult choice to make and that we know that he did not want any of it to happen. Let him know that we understand the vast consequences of his and his team’s actions in this and the pressure that this brings. Do not get any more specific than this, keep it cryptic enough to get across support but don’t give any room in your words for people who try to interpret his fans’ attitude as anti-government.
As international fans, because we’re not at risk, we can share the political and human-rights-related information on Chinese social media platforms - but if you chose to do this, do NOT EVER do it in relation to Yibo or Nike! Anything anti-government you state on a Chinese platform while mentioning Yibo will fall back on him and he’s going to be the one to suffer the consequences.
If you do want to share human rights info on Chinese social media, get a non-fandom-related account, react to political discussions that have nothing to do with fandom, and do it by uploading pictures (links won’t work because they usually get censored and most international news resources are blocked in China), and still expect your account to be deleted as a result, obviously.
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x0401x · 3 years
Jeweler Richard Fanbook Short Story #26
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I had a hobby that I couldn’t tell anyone about. People like me were no rare breed.
Amongst the hobbies I had heard about from my friends until now, the one that made me think “this might be a bit hard to tell someone” the most was that keeping ice cream lids when they finished eating it. They said they would write down the date on each lid and store them in one of those clear files sold at 100-yen shops. They could only eat ice cream on special days when they were little, and they still couldn’t get over the habit of that time. The face of the person who had told me about this seemed simply satisfied in some way. Regardless, this may not have been something so difficult to say because it was revealed at a drinking party.
Now. Bringing the topic back to me.
If you were living alone in a foreign land called Sri Lanka, you could do whatever you wanted. I could get up at any time, eat whatever I felt like, study the things I enjoyed and go wherever I wanted with my Three-Wheeler. I didn’t have much, but the prices were cheap. My culinary repertoire was also noticeably increasing. Even if I danced alone in my room, no one would be watching. No, my dear dog ​​Jirou would stare at me with a bit of a strange look, but there were times when he’d eventually jump up and down and start dancing with me. Even if I listened to music at a loud volume, the same went for my neighbors.
Therefore, I was now thinking that maybe my stopper had come off a little.
I had bought the CD in Colombo, the real capital of Sri Lanka. As one would expect of the biggest shop in the country, they sold a lot of things that were unlikely to be available in Kandy.
The jacket featured a black-haired woman with a spellbound face, both of her arms outstretched. It was an opera CD with twelve songs.
I went back and forth in my room, shouting, “ah~, ah~”. What an opera was? No, I did know. It was traditional singing style – something like a musical, in which singers such as tenor, paritone, soprano and alto would perform along with a play. But something about them that diverged a bit from musicals was that the words used were old, the melodies weren’t excitable, and they were mainly either Italian or French, I believed.
I had no choice but admit it at this point. I liked opera.
Nakata Seigi had the words “I’m in love with opera” floating about in his head. I was driven by an urge to scream “gyaaah” and make said words disappear, but on the CD jacket, Maria Callas was making a spellbound face as usual, and that made me happy. I had purchased this CD after much hesitation over buying this or buying that. There was no way I wouldn’t be happy about it. Still...
Somewhere in my head, I recognized this as something embarrassing.
My dear boss was always telling me to think rationally at such times. He told me that whenever I thought my mind was moving in absurd ways, it always happened that there was some sort of timid development in me, which I either hadn’t noticed or, even if I did notice it, I’d ignore it – but once I understood it, it would stop being absurd.
Why would opera be embarrassing in the first place?
How I had come to like opera? The trigger was the radio. When I was staying at a hotel for a while back in Tokyo, I tended to feel down because I had nothing to do other than study, so I’d sometimes listen to the radio broadcast at the hotel while devoting myself to physics and English.
The singing voice I heard at that time was – how should I put it? – tremendously wonderful.
I couldn’t think that it was the voice of someone from the same world as myself. Someone was singing in a place just a few ways away, and as I listened to it, my body felt like my body was airily floating up – it was that kind of voice. I didn’t have any preferences for either male or female, and if anything, I liked both. The title of the song being streamed was written in the hotel’s guidebook, so I went to a video streaming site and searched for the same song by other singers and the songs that came before and after said piece. Faust. Madama Butterfly. Otello. Rigoletto. The Magic Flute. Don Giovanni. Whenever an opera song was used on a TV show, i became able to at least tell which prelude it was from.
And this passion hadn’t cooled down even now that some time had passed since then.
I walked around the room again, shouting, “Uuuh, uuuh”. Jirou energetically followed me from behind. It was almost as if he meant to say, “It’s fun to go a stroll even inside a room, huh, owner?”. Sorry but it’s not like I’m taking you on a walk, I thought, yet Jirou couldn’t care less, letting out a sweet voice as I held him up and rocked him, and then running off to the yard as if he had gotten excited. Just as I felt relieved, thinking about what a cute fella he was, I found myself imagining something. I could see myself at the drinking party, talking about how I liked opera. The reaction I pictured was an explosion of laughter.
“‘Opera’, you say. What’s up with that? It’s that thing where fat people raise their voices like crazy, right? You like that? Why? No way, Nakata, didn’t you just want to have a rich people hobby just ‘cause you’ve well-off these days? Like, those that feel like you’re superior. That’s exactly what opera is. Okay, I get it, but that ain’t very interesting, so how about we change the topic?”
It gave me chills.
I wasn’t creeped out by how people might talk about my hobbies. However, it was painful to have the whole genre of opera, which had saved me back when I was put in a spot like a light reaching out from the sky, be judged by people who didn’t even know the difference between Callas and Pavarotti and not be able to defend them. I had to protect what was important to me. Or else, it would get damaged. I wasn’t referring to the long-standing form of art that had been cultivated for hundreds of years. I meant my own heart. That was painful to me.
Yeah, I was somewhat aware that this wasn’t an “embarrassment”. But I was scared.
I was low-key terrified of having people pointing their fingers at me from behind with words such as “eccentric”, “weirdo” or “pretentious” for having a preference that was different from other people’s – and something that I seriously liked, no less.
With a deep breath, I took the CD’s vinyl cover. Unlike Japanese CDs, there was none of those convenient little ears that made the cover come off when you pulled it. I slowly cut it with a pair of scissors, set it on a nostalgic stereo radio and played it while referring to the table of track numbers on the backside.
Just from the intro, I already knew who was singing and what song it was.
Maria Callas’s “Casta Diva”. It was a song from an opera called “Norma”, and the meaning of it was “chaste goddess”.
What it made me reminisce to was a seriously horrible time, when I had to prepare for my death to a certain extent. Whenever this song played in the hotel’s radio program, which repeated itself over and over, this song would connect me with paradise, telling me that I didn’t need to worry about trivial matters, so I was able to leave it all aside and relax. It was that kind of song. Without a doubt, my biggest and best saver was that beautiful jeweler, but from the sidelines, opera had definitely helped me keep my sanity.
That was amazing.
I was grateful from the bottom of my heart that this form of art, which couldn’t be classified as mainstream at all in Japan and probably overseas as well, had maintained its thread of life across the centuries. It had saved me. Would the CD sales be of any help to it? Thankfully, I had some money to spend and was probably able to buy a set of all-track CDs per month. Would that be a form of repayment of any kind? It would be great if so, I thought wholeheartedly.
“Casta Diva” wasn’t too long a piece. With a voice that sounded like it was vanishing, the song ended. For whatever reason, it made me feel like crying, no matter how many times I had listened to it. It was too beautiful. It was an impossible speculation, but if Richard turned into a song, I felt that his form would change into something very close to this one.
Once I finished listening to the track, the “aaah”s and “uuuh”s had disappeared from my head. I liked opera. Opera turned into my strength. So I wanted to cherish it.
Even if someone ridiculed me for it, the problem was with the person, not with me or with opera. And my precious, beautiful shopkeeper had stated that “no discriminating other people based on their preferences” was one of the main principles of Etranger. What was I going to do by discriminating myself?
I was going to keep buying opera CDs from now on too, I swore proudly to my heart, yet secretly decided not to write about it in my blog or talk to Richard about it. Not because it was embarrassing. But rather because I had the gut feeling that I couldn’t predict what would happen in the end if I told him.
On that day, I was busy with preparations for cooking. First Saul-san, and then Richard would come to Kandy to hear the reports about the progress of my studies. It was also like a test. But I hadn’t studied half-assedly enough to chicken out at that. Above all, thanks to the negotiations in Ratnapura, I was conscious that my eyes were well-trained, if I could say so myself.
If it didn’t go well even with this, that was fine. I was happy to find new challenges. Lots of things became easier once I started feeling that studying was fun.
And since they were coming over, they wouldn’t get angry if I prepared a bit of a feast. More than anything, being able to cook a few people’s share in this house had me overjoyed. After all, I was basically living alone, so just how many times had I found delicious-looking and cheap food but had to tearfully give up because I wasn’t sure if I could eat it all by myself?
Being surrounded by things that made you happy was extremely good for the heart.
Deciding to go for an additional blow, I set the CD in the radio. A long aria began at the end of the first opus of all songs. It was a French opera called “La Fille du Régiment”, and being fond of this one had greatly helped me when I was studying French.
The man who started to sing that he was going to marry the army was a world-renowned tenor.
In the beginning, the man sang that he was going to do meritorious deeds in the army, cheered on by his companions. Since I had been listening to the words ever since back when I could only hear them as katakana spelling, my mouth moved without any reference. Of course, my voice didn’t sound like that of a tenor, but it had the same gist as somehow trying to sing in the range of a singer from some music show. Just that was fun enough.
A fish pie was baking in the oven. There were three types of curry in the smaller pots. My Nakata-style sliced veggies pickled in soy sauce, which were a mixture of chopped coconut sambal and dried fruits, were lined up on a cutting board, and the fresh fruits that I planned to make into mixed juice were all completely ready. The only thing I had left to do was preparing watalappan for dessert. It had to chill in the fridge for a while, so it was necessary to make it in advance. However, since it was my third time making it, I had the procedure memorized. No worries.
The tenor raised his voice amidst joy. The man who sang, “Ah, I’m going, I’m going to marry the army” didn’t like the army in particular, he was just in love with the abandoned girl that all the men from the regiment he was enlisted in were raising together.
The key switched to waltz. The true value of the tenor would ensue from that point onward.
The oven beeped, indicating that the pie had finished baking. With light steps, put on my gloves, took out the whole iron plate with the pie on it and gently slid it into a white porcelain plate.
A series of splendid high Cs. This referred to when the tenor raised their voice a great deal. If the composer was wonderful in reproducing the feelings of happiness into the music so keenly, then so was the singer who sang them so faithfully, I believed. The feeling of excitement turned into the melody just the way it was.
I arranged the dishes on the table and peeled the fruits. The high Cs continued one after another. I opened a can of coconut milk and mixed the contents with nut paste. The song was approaching the end. “What a fate, what a fate,” he sang, sounding merry. The highest note was near.
The song was coming to a close while celebrating happiness with the highest note. The feelings of the singer weren’t recorded in the CD, but I could hear them as comfortably as could be.
It wasn’t nearly high enough, but I sang along at a fairly loud volume.
At the same time as the song finished with a flashy grace note, I lightly kicked the open lid of the oven. It closed up neatly. With this, everything was all set. I was going to put away the CD set before the guests arrived.
Or so I had planned.
After the peak of my excitement, I noticed that someone was standing outside the window. He hadn’t come in from the front door. Hence the chime didn’t ring.
“Bravo, bravissimo.” A beautiful man wearing a white shirt and sunglasses, said glasses charmingly pushed up above his forehead, was smiling while applauding at my stiffened self.
The test was terrible that day. I didn’t think there was any issue with the contents of my answers. However, since I was stuttering so much, Saul, my mentor who was so picky about manner of speech as well as the contents of it, pointed out that I should “act more dignified”. I knew that better than anyone. There was too much noise interference in my head with things such as, “Why did I put opera on in such high spirits? What did he think of me now? As I thought, does he think that this hobby doesn’t suit me? No, that’s definitely impossible when it comes to my teacher, so I have to take control of my self-consciousness”.
And so, this is a story that happened more than half a year after that. Something that took place in Sri Lanka in May.
“Happy birthday, Seigi. Here is a little present.”
“A bank deposit transfer certificate?”
“Good job reading it. That is from the USA.”
“There was a seat that you would probably like, so I purchased a year’s worth of it.”
“A year”? This wasn’t potato chips or cup noodles. What kind of seat was that? Was there a truck coming to deliver it? While thinking about such things, I continued reading the A4 paper, and when I got to half of it, I roared loudly. I let out a voice that sounded like a crushed frog, I believed.
The seat that Richard had given me was indeed a seat. But at a music theatre in America, which was likely the world’s most famous. It was a one-year membership card.
This was proof that “a seat will be reserved for you”. A seat just for me, for any performance, that I could use whenever I went there.
I felt lightheaded. Just how much had this “seat” cost him? What was he trying to do by giving something like this to someone who sat in swivel chairs sold at mass retailers? I did have such rational retorts in my head, but above that, I was so, so happy that I started jumping up and down. I could go to a theatre that I only knew about from CDs. Anytime, as long as I had the plane tickets. No matter who was singing.
“Can I really have this?!”
“Do you think I’m some sort of boorish lad who’d take back the treasure after making the other person happy?”
“No way! Uoooh, I’m too excited; that’s bad!”
“You are reacting like a dog again...”
“I’m gonna run in the yard for a bit!”
As I, with a messy katakana pronunciation, sang to myself the chorus part of the aria that had just finished while rolling around in the yard, Jirou ran over and mounted on me without restraint. “Owner, we’re going to play here, right? We’re going to play here, right? Come, let’s play,” he seemed to say, energetically wagging his tail. I was so happy that I hugged him and rolled about, but then I could see Richard laughing. The yard was on a slightly lower level than the house, so the house was wholly visible, so I didn’t think I was mistaken. He really was making a happy-looking face. This might have been my first time seeing that man laugh with such a child-like expression.
At that moment, something suddenly came to mind.
When Richard told me for the first time that he “likes pudding”, did he also think for a bit that it was embarrassing or wonder about what I was going to say? This man had thorough knowledge about the so-called “society”. There was no way that he hadn’t considered the possibility.
But he had told me about it.
Did I not say anything weird to him back then? “A man, liking pudding?” or “Why would a foreigner like a Japanese dessert?” It gave me the creeps. Back then, I didn’t have as much care as now regarding how to handle such circumstances. I just had words jumping out of my mouth like knives. This still applies even now, but I wanted to think it had gotten better, even if just a little.
Had I not said anything to him? Had I not hurt him? I didn’t have any way to confirm that now. If I apologized without knowing what I had said, it wouldn’t be a sincere apology.
But right now, Richard was looking at my happy self and smiling.
So I decided to stop thinking about these things. And from now on too, I would keep making heaps upon heaps of the things he liked.
I had to protect what was important to me by myself. But if I happened to notice something that mattered to someone who was dear to me, I wanted to cherish it too. I had no other choice.
After stroking Jirou, I went back to where Richard was and bowed to him again. He reciprocated the bow with a “you are welcome” and seemed about to start laughing again.
“That’s right, I was gonna make pudding. Wait just a bit more.”
“Is there anything I can help with?”
“You already got me a seat at the MET; I can’t go along with that flattery even as a joke. I’d be happy if you played with Jirou, though.”
“Then, I will take you up on those words.”
Rubbing my chest in relief, I went back to my room, patting my whole body to remove the dirt and dog hairs, and after washing my hands with soap, I returned to the kitchen.
By the looks of it, I was going to be able to listen to an opera in person one of these days – at least within a year’s time. Once I watched it live, all the curtains would close, right? For real? Was such a thing possible? Apparently yes. Hard to believe but it was true.
That man who was like an incarnation of the worldwide definition of “beauty”, and above that, who was a genius at pleasing me, was fooling around with my hybrid brown dog in the yard, illuminated by tropical sunshine. It seemed that the preparations for our feast would still take a while.
“What a wonderful day,” I hummed tentatively in French. A gorgeous tenor voice wouldn’t come out of my throat, but the things I liked would firmly support my heart nevertheless. Almost like a backbone for it. And there was someone supporting this backbone. Honestly, what a wonderful day. For now, I’d be making pudding. And share at least a little bit of this feeling.
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ririkutai · 4 years
Saeran AE Good Ending Choice Walkthrough
Hello everyone! I’ve decided to share the walkthrough on Tumblr as well, because I received a message about reddit being blocked in some countries! I wasn’t aware! So here! Cheers!
I've since edited the guide to include some the Sad Endings, Bad Endings, Normal Ending, as well as the good ending. Currently this guide sits at 9/10 total endings for Saeran's AE. I've included chat times, save locations, as well as choices. If anyone complies the guide and shares it elsewhere, I'd appreciate a shoutout as this took some time! Feel free to @me anywhere as Ririkutai <3
The way to get Bad Ending 1 is by taking Rika's side and not wanting to leave Saeran's side. The trigger lies somewhere between day 2-3, but I'm uncertain of the specifics.
Day 1:
There are two sad endings on this day!
Time: 00:00 x2
Strange Meeting
· I’ll bring Saeran with me for the meeting
· Let’s save that part until Saeyoung returns
· Saeyoung owns all the rights
· Please be safe, Saeyoung
· I have a bad feeling about this
· Do you think the leader of Mint Eye is related to this?
· Did we, Saeran?
· Saeran, my sweet
· But first, we should discuss how to save…
· Is V still gone?
· Something’s fishy
· Make sure you check V’s luggage!
· Be careful on your way!
· We should keep our eye on V
· Let’s stay alert, Jaehee
· For some reason, I’m kind of uneasy
· What are you doing right now?
· I’m nervous, too
· I hope we can take plenty of pictures in the future
· I love you, too
Story Mode:
· Where is V?
· We never fight. I trust Saeran (Saeran Heart)
· Well, I did talk a lot
· Maybe it is her…
· I know it feels weird, but you must free yourself from your past
· Saeran, don’t you think we should tell them?
· What are you thinking?
· Is there anything you know about Saeyoung’s whereabouts?
· Try holding breath just a bit longer
· V… Why are you doing this?
Please Wake Up
No choices
Story Mode:
· Wake up
· Try to wake up
· Saeran
· I held my breath, like you told me
· I’ll help you
NOTE RELOAD THE PREVIOUS SAVE AND Select all options that aren't doubtful, don't hold your breath like Saeran suggests, fall like everyone else, and be sure not to move in the hospital. This triggers Sad Ending 1
Time: 9:45
Can We Trust Him?
· I don’t think I can rest, when I…
· I’m kind of tired…
· By the way, is there something wrong with the…
· Was it a hacker!?
· Could it be the secret agency...?
· Does that mean we need to be careful…?
· Traitor (Saeran heart)
· So you handed over the information of this…
· What did you expect? You tricked us.
· Prove to us that Saeyoung…
· And you are trying to pull Saeran into danger (Saeran heart)
· Are you talking about Rika?
· No! He will never do that! (Saeran heart)
· He’s gone again | (Selecting, "Maybe he really wants to help you." Gives a V heart, but I'm uncertain how it affects the rest of the route)
· But you can’t let yourself get into this (Saeran heart)
· I’ll be waiting, my love (Saeran heart)
Time: 11:23
Did She Change?
· Come on out, hacker! Fight me! | (Selecting "Go away, V!" Gives you a Saeran heart, but I'm uncertain how it affects the route)
· Oh, a bad guy! Time to say hi
· He knew we won’t ever trust him again
· Are you still obsessed with Saeran?
· And you’ve done horrible things to Saeran
· And you expect me to believe that?
· Sounds like you are inviting him into a trap | (Selecting "I must admit, you are persistent." Gives you a V heart, but I'm uncertain how it affects the route)
· You really don’t give up do you?
· Fact remains that you are far from normal (Saeran heart)
· No! Stay away! (Saeran heart)
Story Mode:
· The question is whether you should make... (Saeran heart)
· So, are you going to save Saeyoung?
Time: 16:05
Rika and V’s Reunion
· Rika! You can’t stop our love!
· Are you here to tell Saeran to leave again?
· Do you have any idea how bad she hurt Saeran? (Saeran heart)
· You should first explain about Rika | (Selecting "How is Saeyoung?" gives you a Saeyoung heart, uncertain how it affects the route.)
· Do you know Saeran does not have a family picture…
· But Rika's standing is very different from... (Saeran heart)
· But what about you? What about your life? (V heart)
· You do need balance for a relationship as well
· Are we witnessing the birth of a new savior...? (Saeran heart)
· It’s the prime minister isn’t it? | (Selecting "Could it be the agency?" gives you a V heart.)
· We will save everyone!
· There’s no doubt V, Rika, and the prime…
· Yay! Let’s talks! Just the two of us!
Time: 17:57
Rika’s Selfish Happiness
· What are you plotting with…
· I will go with whatever Saeran chooses (Saeran heart)
· He might leave by the time the rest of RFA…
· But we are always together (Saeran heart)
· Are you sure you have reunited with V?
· So nobody ever saved V (V heart)
· Maybe you wanted people to recognize you and tell you...
· That's good, but... V looked desolate
· What do you really want to become?
· Cough, cough calories
Time: 19:11
Secure Chat Just for Us
· Hey, we’re back
· Good job. Now lets use this room…
· What? Doesn’t that mean our enemies are huge?
· Of course you are… We have four bad guys…
· That's right! Let's go save Saeyoung! (Saeran heart)
· Then let’s get going! (Saeran heart)
Story Mode
· What if your trauma returns? (Saeran heart) | (Both options give a heart though!)
· I remember both of them (Saeran heart) | (Both options give a heart still!)
· I love you, Saeran
· This might turn out to be reckless (Saeran heart) | (Both options give a heart. This boi is full of love)
NOTE RELOAD YOUR PREVIOUS SAVE AFTER SECURE CHAT JUST FOR US And select "Then let's leave. Let's leave everything, instead of saving Saeyoung.", "Yes.", "I'll be fine. I want to be happy with you. That's all I'm asking for." To receive Sad Ending 2
Time: 20:44
Different Perspective on the Past
· Rika… You’re back
· I’m not sure if this is the best time…
· Do you remember what it was like back then?
· Were you happy even without Saeyoung?
· I guess you did miss her. You didn’t separate willingly… (Saeran heart)
· Family is not something you can replace like objects...
· Now I’ll be your family (Saeran heart)
· You’ll be a great parent (Saeran heart)
· Alike? How?
· You are still obsessed with him?
· Saeran is not like you (Saeran heart)
· It feels like you’re inviting us into a trap
· She might make you her prisoner…
· Can’t we stay a bit longer?
· Okay
Story Mode
· Don’t you think we should head straight to this…
· V provided his apartment to them?
· V would’ve thought everything by himself…
· It’s the agency!
Time: 21:56
Unbelievable Peaceful Chit-Chat
· V? What brings you back here?
· How come you own that place?
· Did you get scammed by any chance?
· I’d thought you plotted it
· I think it’s fake news
· But the prime minister and the agency are attacking..
· Jumin will be beyond shocked (Jumin heart)
· That’s where the root of all evil…
· You brought someone else to that apartment?
· I’m so glad Jumin did not turn out like…
· A dark magician!
· Do you think this news will be highly detrimental…?
· It’s not a good thing to play deaf to what you…
· Can’t you give me one last clue…
· If only Jumin…
· One day you will pay
Story Mode
· What is this place?
Time: 23:05
The Most Important Thing
· Saeran? You’re gone
· I’m fine. When I’m with you, my joy… (Saeran heart)
· Why not break through the windows?
· What do you think will happen to us… (Saeran heart)
· I hope by tomorrow at least one…
· Regardless of the truth…
· Do you think the other members of RFA…
· They’d be shocked mostly by the fact…
· But I chose to come with you (Saeran heart)
· Yes. Because we will never stop loving… (Saeran heart)
· You are also important to me, Saeran (Saeran)
· Please be safe, my darling (Saeran)
Story Mode
No Choices
Day 2:
There are two Sad Endings on this day
Time: 00:23
Unexpected Guest
· Saeyoung?!
· How did you get in here?
· Saeran! We have an intruder!
· Let’s find out what we can from him!
· Are you here to hack this room…
· Do you know Saeyoung?
· Charlie the 3rd?
· Is Saeyoung safe?
· Is Saeyoung in mortal danger?
· Are you going to tell the agency…
· Tell us something! Anything is fine!
· I think you were
· No! Please, help us! (Saeran heart)
· My heart breaks whenever I think (Saeran Heart)
· And you will make that promise (Saeran heart)
· Are you telling him to instead save himself?
· But we don’t want to spend the rest of our lives…
· Are you going to report everything from this…
· But let’s not give up (Saeran heart)
· No, I’m gonna wait for you! (Saeran heart)
Story Mode
No Choices
Time: 2:22
How to Use Vanderwood
· Is that why you wanted us to log in…
· I don’t think that guy is very thorough…
· Vanderwood betrayed the agency! Like this? (Saeran heart)
· What if he’s stupid? What if he…
· I know you said that because you care… (Saeran heart)
· That’s right. He might help us once he… (Saeran heart)
· And it was all because Rika brainwashed…
· I’m sure Saeyoung was also manipulated by false information (Saeyoung heart)
· It must have been awful after you… (Saeran heart)
· Back then you were not ready to…
· I’m also getting this strong feeling.. (Saeran heart)
· I also had a feeling they…
· Please help us once, Vanderwood! I know… (Saeran heart)
· And a good expectation will manifest… (Saeran heart)
· Please!!! (Saeran heart)
· Nah, you’re the only one who thinks…
· Yeah, and now let’s get busy with our…
Time: 8:00
Zen is Awake!
· Zen!! Are you awake??
· I’m just grateful you are awake
· Maybe Saeran and I shouldn’t have left (Saeran heart)
· Could you please report it to the media?
· That’s right! Bring it on… (Zen heart)
· Not yet… It might be a trap
· It turned out the agency is…
· Don’t be disappointed with yourself
· Thanks for trying to look
· Okay. Now we are going to save…
Story Mode
· Yeah. Are you?
· Yes. I am not letting you go by yourself
· Are you the boss…
· We were told you will be in mortal danger…
· What kind of deal did you…
· You mean you’ll send them to…
· You want them to live caged lives…
· Saeyoung… You’re sacrificing yourself… (Saeyoung heart)
· But we cannot leave you here, Saeyoung
· We don’t have a choice. There’s nothing we can do…
NOTE RELOAD YOUR SAVE AFTER ZEN IS AWAKE And select: "This seems familiar...", "You can go ahead...", and "Okay." To receive Sad Ending 3.
Time: 9:45
Vanderwood’s Suggestion
· Vanderwood?
· Are you here to help us?
· How do we know this isn’t a trap?
· Your agency is a nightmare
· But won’t you get in trouble…
Story Mode
· What do we do now?
· But he just won’t care for himself
· Do you think we can trust Vanderwood?
· Let’s do that. For some reason I have…
· Let's put our faith in him. We're not leaving...
Time: 11:37
Saeyoung is with Rika
· Why are you here?
· Is it because you were scared…
· He wanted to save his brother
· You kidnapped Saeyoung!?
· Poor Saeyoung… He was manipulated (Saeyoung heart)
· I will never forgive the agency
· But the prime minister might…
· What drug?
Story Mode
· Saeyoung told the agency about the top secret…
· Are you sure we can trust you?
· Is it to put him to sleep?
· I have to be away from Saeran? I…
· Why would you do that? That’s exactly what happens in…
· I’m scared…
· Why don’t’ we go back to the hospital and… (Saeran heart)
· Why don’t we go back to C&R and…
· …No. We’re in this together (Saeran heart)
· I'm going to keep you safe, Saeran
Time: 13:15
Jumin Han is Here
· Rika has Saeyoung.
· Sorry. I can’t tell you (Jumin heart)
· Wow! I knew you’d be fit! (Zen heart)
· I bet you felt betrayed
· On a scale of 0 to 10
· Is your father really related to
· You mean you might lose..
· He didn’t betray us. He’s become his father’s… (Saeyoung heart)
· Did you hear anything from Saeran?
· What’s your secret?
· But you must have an emergency plan..
· I understand… You have lost…
· But if you put yourself in his shoes
· Let me know once you hear something
Story Mode
· Where is Saeran right now?
· What do you mean, you lost the other…
· Why did you bring me here?
· You tricked me! (Saeran heart)
Time: 15:33
Vanderwood in Trouble
· You tricked me! (Saeran heart)
· Whose side are you on?
· Couldn’t you let both of us go?
· What do you mean?
· What happens if you get…
· Admit it – You’re a nice person
· But it’s adorable… I really want to see (Saeyoung heart)
· You’re returning the phone?
· Run and survive!
Story Mode
· I hope Vanderwood will be alright
· Saeran will never give up
· You are simply trying to make your dream… (Saeran heart)
· RFA might expose everything about
Time: 18:00
Rika’s Request
· Jumin, cheer up…
· They’re not coming
· Don’t you feel guilty?
· Yeah, unlike you. (Saeran heart)
· You were a great actress (Saeran heart)
· But do you really need those twins..
· But you cannot decide how they will (Saeran heart)
· I believe Saran will save… (Saeran heart)
· Saeran, if you read this… Don’t ever give up (Saeran heart)
· Just who led Saeyoung to the agency….
· Do you feel anything about RFA…
· Jumin will feel so betrayed (Jumin heart)
· Just because you say sorry… (Saeran heart)
· Saeran… I’m okay. (Saeran heart)
· V… Does that mean I cannot…
· Thank you, V (V heart)
· V… Are you really okay with everything..
Time 19:00
RFA in the Corner
· I’m waiting for Saeran
· You took in that gas again?!
· Maybe it’s a bluff
· Well, it’s not a perfect time for him to chat..
· I feel so bad for the twins…
· The agency is no easy opponent
· And we have no way to prove that we’re the good guys :’(
· That was a very brave…
· No talking on the messenger!
· How is Elizabeth 3rd? (Jumin heart)
· Maybe we should do that…
· We should stay away from…
· Calm down, Zen
· As soon as you do that he’ll be knocked…
· It’s okay. Don’t worry
· Vanderwood?
Story Mode
· Do you think Saeran will be here?
· Look behind
· Okay, okay…
· But you won’t be happy if someone tries to control
· Saeyoung? Are you awake?
· But he needs you
· Tell me.
· But how? You don’t have the right…
· I’m scared. That phone is the only tool you have…
· V, please… You have to help us
· V, you know this isn’t the answer
Time: 21:02
Why We Need Saeran
· You are so cold-blooded!
· Until when will the agency…
· Do you think he’s watching the messenger?
· Are you going to tell him to be silent and come find you?
· He will never give up… Not while he’s alive
· The problem lies with the life in a box (Saeran heart)
· But I don’t want to leave Saeran! (Saeran heart)
· This is too cruel… Finding this place…
· What are you gonna do now?
Story Mode
No choices
Time: 23:13
Did RFA Give Up?
· Did you hear anything from Saeran? (Saeran heart)
· You’ve made an excellent choice (Saeran heart)
· I feel bad for you, Zen (Zen heart)
· Is there really nothing else we can do?
· Please stay healthy, Zen (Zen heart)
· But we need Saeran here first
· :’(
Story Mode
No choices
Day 3:
Time: 1:02
Rika Wants Saeran
· The RFA won’t be using…
· They suffered a lot regarding…
· The agency is the biggest problem,
· You might think it’s protection, but..
· I wonder where Saeran is.. (Saeran heart)
· Maybe later
· No thanks lol
Story Mode
No choices
Time: 6:04
A Ticket Unused
· Saeran!!
· Are you safe?
· Are you really coming here?
· I love you too! (Saeran heart)
· You should be happy with me
· Why would you say that? I’m scared (Saeran heart)
· You’re gonna be here?
· But right now, we have to focus on surviving (Saeran heart)
· Okay… I’ll remember that
· Great! But...
· Okay… I’ll stay awake and wait
Story Mode
· I’ve missed you
· [Munch munch]
· If you keep making fun of me, you’ll pay for it
· No, we deserve to be happy
Time: 8:51
Saeran is Here
· Saeran! But this channel…
· Rika… Please let Saeran in…
· What took you so long?
· I think they’re putting him…
· We should be true to ourselves… (Saeran heart)
· But now RFA has nothing…
· I bet Rika doesn’t want to…
· She’s the seed of all pain!
· Are you avoiding the subject?
· One we reunite, I never want to…
· What freedom?
· You don’t want to repeat your past
· But Rika wouldn’t like that (Saeran heart)
· You hate Rika and V, don’t you? (Saeran heart)
· Okay, if that is what you choose… (Saeran heart)
· I’ll be waiting
Story Mode
· You should trust Saeran
· I’ve missed you
· Can’t you let me stay…
Time: 11:11
Rika’s Return
· Rika, where are you?
· You didn’t torture him, did you?
· Maybe he’s going to hurt them!
· Saeran will cause no harm (Saeran heart)
· I’m going to run with Saeran
· Ugh! I hate what’s happening!
Story Mode
· Do you have to do this?
· Saeran… wake up
· It must have been shocking and sad (Saeran heart)
· Saeran… one day you’ll be free and we’ll be… (Saeran heart)
· Only me and Saeyoung? (Saeran heart)
· What do you mean you’ll
· Why?
· RFA didn’t give up on you
· So did you make it?
· It’s too dangerous (Saeran heart)
· No, let me distract them!
· If Saeyoung brings down the agency..
· ….
· This so sad
Time: 12:48
Weight of the Past
· I’m so sad…
· And you left Saeran like this..?
· Hi, Saeran...
· Can I have your voice instead?
· Did you have to go this far?
· Saeran decide to leave past in the past (Saeran heart)
· It’s a good thing you left Magenta..
· Saeran changed himself. (Saeran heart)
· Trying to repeat a happy past can sometimes serve as greed
· She's not mad is she?
· You should reconsider (Saeran heart)
Story Mode
No choices
Time: 14:07
It Will Hurt, But We Will Be Happy
· Saeran! This is our love channel!
· Do we have to do this? (Saeran heart)
· I have a feeling we will fail (Saeran heart)
· Do you think they’ll get…
· But I don’t think I can live without you (Saeran heart)
· Please don’t leave me
· …
Story Mode
· Sniffle
· She might turn violent
· You can’t decide what Saeran will be like
· You are right… But please don’t die
Time: 16:25
I’ll Have None of This
· It’s a sad night
· Saeran’s will reached my heart (Saeran heart)
· To be honest, you’re…
Story Mode
· Feel what?
· But I want to spend as much time as I can
· I’ll be right back
Time: 17:55
I Promise You Will Be Happy
· Did you guys have an argument?
· I want you, Saeran (Saeran heart)
· Get one for Saeyoung (Seven heart)
· Do you have 2 tickers that will get us out?
· About what?
· No! Saeran is mine! (Saeran heart)
· Do you think you can make it someday?
· I’ll be having fun with Saeran
· What should we do now?
· Are we the only ones that know about this room?
· You mean including Jumin and Zen?
· I’m sad, too… Is there really no other way? (Saeran heart)
· Clouds? Why clouds?
· So your freedom was...
· Can’t you let me stay here? (Saeran heart)
· This is so sad. I don’t want to leave
· I was so happy I could meet them (Saeran heart)
· If you love me, why are you making me sad? (Saeran heart)
· Let’s think about a way to keep you safe?
· Yeah!
Story Mode
No choices
Time: 19:09
Rika is Changing
· I’m glad you released Saeran
· I think you mean tonight (Saeran heart)
· I want to live with just Saeran
· Do you think you can take another betrayal?
· I’m glad things loosened up
· Saeran is my love (Saeran heart)
· Please don’t stab Saeran… (V heart)
· Whatever happens, I hope you’d be happy, Rika
· I think I need someone to cleanse my head…
· Unlike his father
· If that’s what you want, you must one day…
· I’m glad I got to meet all of you
· Rika hurt your eyes…
· How long do you think this happiness will last? (Saeran heart)
· Do you think her hope is real?
· Is it related to Saeran?
· It’s okay. Saeran is strong (Saeran heart)
Story Mode
· Can’t I come with you?
Time: 21:39
The Weight of Truth
· V talked about this secret
· I don’t want to leave him
· Is Saeran okay
· What did you guys talk about?
· The death of their mother?
· Can’t you just stop
· You are pretending to be nice
· You can’t do this to him
· We must find Saeran! (Saeran heart)
· At least you didn’t wait any longer…
· You would still feel painful
· But that does not justify murder
· He didn’t talk to me
· You have until 11
· I’m so disappointed in both of you
· Saeran, are you okay?
Story Mode
· I don’t want to go
· Please don’t do this
· Please tell me you will survive
Time: 23:00
Rescue Plan
· Are we getting started?
· Is it okay to leave Saeran?
· Saeran
· I can't believe I must leave him... (Saeran heart)
· We’ll be back for Saeran, right?
· Saeyoung and Saeran didn’t even get to talk
· The prime minister won’t get to..
· What press conference?
· Thank you everyone
Story Mode
No choices
Day 4:
There are 3 bad endings, and one bad relationship ending on this day. The Normal end and Good end are also on this day.
Time: 2:16
Escape – Success!
· Saeran, I’m okay! (Saeran heart)
· I miss you Saeran
· I’ll be waiting
· I think I’m going to wait for Saeran
If you see "Story Mode: Savior" here then you haven't received enough hearts with Saeran and will trigger his Bad Relationship Ending (I feel this is the ending that brought most of us here, lolol... Help my heart.)
Story Mode
· I’ll go by myself if I have to!
· I’m coming with you!
· I will find Saeran
NOTE RELOAD YOUR SAVE AFTER ESCAPE - SUCCESS! And select: "Looks like there's nothing we can do...", "I think I'll stay here..." To receive Bad Ending 2
Time: 5:55
Vanderwood and Zen’s Argument
· Vanderwood, does this mean...
· You guys have such cute…
· You mean Yoosung?
· Looks like you have a lot of history..
· Come on, let’s be friendly
· Do you think Rika and V are not aware of this?
· I really hope Saeran is safe
· That’s what I heard
· I’m fine with anything as long as..
· I really hope that’d be the case
· Is there really no master key to get us
· I hope Saeran is okay…
· You kicked him out…
· I hope he can find a miracle for us
· Okay…
Story Mode
No choices
Time: 8:24
Saeyoung is Back
· Any news about Saeran?
· Are you gonna sign...
· It was so beautiful (Seven heart)
· I hope Saeran is safe
· Could you tell him I love him? (Two Saeran hearts)
· I’ll do that
· Good luck!
Story Mode
· The security’s changed…
· V, where is Saeran?
· Follow V
NOTE RELOAD YOUR SAVE AFTER SAEYOUNG IS BACK And select "Don't follow V" To receive Bad Ending 3
Time: 10:00
The Last Discussion
· Yoosung, are you okay?
· If you get to see her again…
· Like me and Saeran?
· Welcome Jumin
· We can beat them
· Do you think sweet and sour
· Please, go ahead
· But some people become stars without
· Yeah, but it won’t be easy
· So, Ray…
· Life
· From imprisonment to…
· That we are all responsible
· It’s so good to…
· Thank you for your sermon
· Let’s not lose ourselves
· Whatever it’s about good luck!
· We won’t be lonely if we’re together
· Hopefully I’ll get to…
· He is… He’ll be okay
Story Mode
· Where is Saeran?
· Embrace Rika
· But now you will change
· Go save Saeran
NOTE RELOAD YOUR SAVE AFTER THE LAST DISCUSSION And select "(Don't go save Saeran)" To receive the Normal Ending.
The Final Episode
· Saeran!
· Please stay alive
· He’s gotta be somewhere around here! I can feel it!
· He’s around here. I know
· I must go
· Leave the rest and run
· Saeran, please don’t go
· I love you
· Now you should be happy with me
· Wake up!
· Pity
· Saeran and Saeyoung simply wanted
· Your lonely heart…
· Saeran will forgive you…but
· You will pay
· I’m sure you had something…
· But can’t you see?
· Does survival matter that much?
· You must be so lonely
· We must get him to a hospital!
· Saeran, hang in there!
· Saeyoung, please
· Hopefully Saeran…
· But Saeran forgave him
· Okay. I’ll let you know once he wakes..
· Saeran?
· What is it?
· Are you saying…
· Saejoong Choi!
· Why did you find…
· Did you have a change of...
You’ve made it! Select whatever you like!
216 notes · View notes
fu-aki · 4 years
Chapter 5
So this is going to be my attempt to summarize part 1 of the beginning part of chapter 5 (episode 1 to 21) of twisted wonderland.
Again, spoiler alert since I’m about to write out everything that happened, and I apologize for my grammar and horrible French in advance.
 You heard someone singing -> it was the scenes from snow white when the evil queen asks the mirror on the wall and snow white singing into the well  -> player choice: a beautiful women was watching from the window…/ I felt like I’ve meet that beautiful person before… -> you woke up from dream -> in the main street, you meet up with Ace and Deuce -> after seeing the statue you realized you’ve seen them in your dreams before
In classroom -> Ace felt it wasn’t weird to have dreams like that when you see those statues everyday -> you mentioned about in your dream “mickey” appeared in the mirror -> Ace and Deuce never heard of that name before -> Ace suggest to take a photo of it with the “ghost camera” you got from Crowley since it can even take pictures of ghosts
Crewel showed up and explained about “nationwide sorcerer training school culture festival” -> it’s a 2 day event with representative students from all the sorcerer training school, a festival with speeches and debates all about magic related music & art topics -> for NRC, all the 4th year students will be send all across country for internship and research study -> they will all come back on that day to share their experience and result -> end of the homeroom -> fight Crewel for the defense magic class
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In the dorm leader meeting -> Malleus is not there again -> Lilia mentions how he couldn’t find Malleus anymore after class so he’s here instead -> Idia questions if Malleus is missing meetings on purpose -> Lilia talked about how fairies feels time different from humans, and how Malleus have some troublesome karma on him as well
The meeting starts -> Riddle started reporting everything about the event -> but the “vocal & dance championship” has surprising amount of media focused on it -> Riddle was surprised since he thought it was just a chorus competition -> because of the time change and consideration for different types of music, now it includes singing, dancing, and performance -> and because of how popular it got, it becomes one chance for students to professionally debut -> and now it’s getting extra notice because the famous influencer Vil and Neige are in it -> Lilia commented how Neige is getting really popular online and on TV -> Idia surprised that people in Diasomnia actually go online -> Lilia “kuhuhu, of course, we are still just students in high school, we watch dramas and play games.” -> Crowley “Vila and Neige, 2 world known famous celebrity are going to appear in VDC, it won’t be an exaggeration to call it the highest degree of attention we are going to get in this event.” -> Crowley ask Riddle to make preparation in case of troubles -> Azul offered to help since he learned all about it from magic shift event -> Leona “hey octopus bastard… do you want your flappy tongue to turn into dried food or what?” -> Azul “oh my how scary” -> Riddle refused Azul’s help since he don’t want Azul ask for something later -> Kalim “just tell us if something is bothering you, we’ll help you anytime.”
-> Kalim “I can’t wait for the day of festival~!” ->  Idia “sign~~~… the popular guys just looks so happy everyday. I had to think about the day to announce our research result… if I just step on stage, everyone would be like ‘hey isn’t his hair burning?’ ‘could he be Shroud family’s…’ ‘what kind of dark research is he doing?’ aah I can’t… for person like me to do a speech on stage is just challenge level EX.” -> Riddle mentioned how the rules said student have to go on stage themselves and offer to train Idia for speech after school -> Idia said he’ll manage something himself (whispering) “I really don’t wanna have a farming event with demonic trainer Riddle.” -> end of meeting
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In Vil’s room -> Vil “Mira, Mira” -> Mira “what can I help you with?” -> Vil “who is the fairest of them all right now?” -> Mira “the account with the most mention of fair in web currently is… Neige.” -> Vil “Neige…! Finally… this time have arrived.” -> Mira “sorry, I couldn’t quite hear you. Could you please repeat what you said?”
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Few days later in cafeteria -> Ace, Deuce, Grim, and you saw the poster for the VDC audition -> the reward for wining the championship is 5 million Madollar to spilt among the members -> Crowley popped up and explained many corporation sponsored this event -> Grim wanted to join for the money so he can buy tuna cans
The song for audition is “piece of my world” -> Ace wanted to try so if he got accepted he don’t need to help set up the places anymore -> Deuce wanted the reward money to help his family -> but he never did singing or dancing before so he didn’t want to join ->
In courtyard you heard someone singing beautifully -> you saw Epel ->Deuce remembered the time he bumped into Epel last chapter -> He asked Epel why is he practice singing here -> it was because Vil told Epel to practice singing to the well so Epel can hear his voice clearly -> Deuce “does Pomefiore have some rules where you have to be good at singing?” -> it was because Epel has to take the audition for VDC and practice for a more lovely voice -> Epel (whisper) “event like that should just disappear…” -> “oh my Epel, are you skipping practice and talking with pigeons now?” -> it was Vil -> Grim “that guy’s leg looks like it’s 1 meter longer than MC’s!” -> Vil “there’s only 2 month left till VDC, Epel have no times play with muddy potatoes like you people.” -> “Epel, you too, if this keep going on you won’t be able to become the ‘red poisoned apple’ let’s go.” -> Epel “…But I actully don’t!” -> Vil “did you forgot the promise with me? Just come here already.” -> Ace and Grim was pretty mad and wanted to fight -> Vil “It’s not bad for a walk after meal. Come at me, I’ll make you into mashed potato.” -> fight time -> you are beat up by Vil -> and he only gives you 5/100 for the fight since you lacked the beauty when fighting -> Epel has to go back with Vil and Vil mentioned how it ends up like this because Epel skipped practice in break
The next day -> Deuce decided to try the audition -> so if they are accepted, Epel might got eliminated and don’t need to practice anymore -> Deuce “as a honor student, I can’t just watch him being forced into the things he don’t like.” -> Ace “I don’t think it’s very honor student of you to call yourself honor student.” -> dance practice time
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Kalim and Jamil showed up practice for audition too -> Kalim “honestly you guys are pretty bad at this, you look like a panicked elephant trying to stand on 2 legs! Ahhaha!” -> Deuce “man this really hurts when he’s not even try to be mean.” -> Ace asked Jamil to teach them how to dance -> Kalim “oh sure! Jamil is really good at singing.” -> Jamil “why are you replying for me! … well it is also review for me when I’m teaching someone, fine I’ll do it.” -> teaching time -> Kalim “hey, how about we practice together tomorrow too? Jamil is really good at singing, we’ll show you.” -> Jamil “! You just decided that yourself too…!” -> Kalim “it’ll be fine, besides isn’t it more fun when you have more people for dancing, singing, or partying?” -> Jamil “fine, just don’t expect me to be so kind.” -> Jamil “for now, let’s just clean up, take some mops from the storage room -> Deuce, Ace, Kalim “okay.” -> Jamil “Kalim, you don’t have to do it… sigh.”
Azul showed up -> Grim mentioned how Jamil’s evil plan was streamed worldwide last chapter.” -> Azul “why do you think the merciful me would end my classmate societal life like that?” -> Jamil “…you would.” -> that day Azul was just on phone with Jade -> Azul “different from Leona, I don’t have an interest to beat down someone more than necessary, besides it’s a secret that I’ve finally got, I won’t do anything to make the price fall like that.” -> Jamil “hate to say it, but thanks to Azul’s mercifulness, my parents and Asim family didn’t know the real reason I overblot. But the dorm students…”
Flashback -> Scarabia students questioned why Kalim don’t change the vice dorm leader after what happened
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-> Kalim “are you guys worried about me? Thank you! But… he was not the only one wrong this time, I’m also at fault. Besides, is there anyone in Scarabia that have not received help from Jamil?” -> student “that, that is true… if there’s something going wrong we would always just ask him…” -> Kalim “I know right? He is an excellent vice dorm leader. A lot better than me, the dorm leader. His judgements might be clouded back then, but he is still great at his work. He did try to expel me by manipulating you guys but… up till that incident, he has never hurt me even once before. He has many chances to do other much more horrible things to me, but he didn’t. Not once, in 17 years. I won’t call him a good guy but… it’s hard to explain but would you please give us more times?” -> students “…if that’s what you said so…” -> Jamil “…”  -> end of flashback -> Jamil “the chance I had for holiday was once in a lifetime, thought my life would be over if I failed, but in the end it didn’t change that much… surely something to be ‘grateful’ for. So unless I’m fired by Kalim, I’ll continue to serve him. And I’ll continue to show everyone how useful I am.” -> Grim “Jamil… your character really changed a lot after the holiday.” -> Azul “if you are fired by Kalim, Octavinelle will always welcome people like you with open arms.” -> Jamil “thank you for the offer, but no matter what happened I would never go to Octavinelle.” -> Kalim “Hey you guys~ if we don’t head out soon we are gonna be late for class!”
3 days later -> everyone is getting better at dancing and singing -> Jamil reminded them to sign up for audition with Rook in class 3-A -> Grim saw Leona and called out to him -> Leona: angry lion noises -> Grim asked where is Rook Hunt -> Leona “why are you trying to find that weird guy.” -> Rook suddenly popped up from behind -> Rook “hahaha, did I surprised you? Pardon. Conceal my footstep sound was a habit I had. I am Rook Hunt. The hunter of love that set his life theme as looking for beauty, helping beauty.” -> Leona “tsk, there it is, that weird guy.” -> Rook asked where is monsieur dandelion -> Leona “no way we are together 24/7, just take those herbivores and go.” -> Deuce questioned who is monsieur dandelion -> it was Ruggie -> the reason why Rook calls him that is because last spring, Rook saw Ruggie picking dandelion in the sports field. Ruggie plans to eat those since his budget is a little tight this month -> so Rook calls him monsieur dandelion out of respect -> Leona “that guy… is he really fine with eating everything that’s not rotten? He didn’t make me eat dandelions too, right…?” -> Rook “non non, it’s not poison, it’s not good to be picky like that lord lion.” -> Ace brought up the audition for VDC, we almost forgot about that because of what happened -> Rook “I apologize, so you guys are, human species Ace Trappola, height 172cm, from class 1-A with student number 25. Human species Deuce Spade, height 173cm, from the same class 1-A with student number 24. And human species MC with demon beast species Grim, height 70cm. right?”
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-> Deuce “how did you know our class and student number!?” -> Ace “and even height too!?” -> Rook “huhuhu. As a hunter, I have to at least know the species and heights about the students.” -> there’s no need to write anything to sign up, you only need to show up to the audition 3 days later in Pomefiore’s ballroom -> Rook ask why don’t Leona try for the auditions too -> Leona “who would go to a game event like that, besides, that annoying Vil is also there. I would never go.” -> Rook “the Vil with the beauty of metropolis, and Leona kun with the beauty of wilderness. If both of you dances and sings together it would definitely be beautiful. The competition between different types of beauty, it’s just tres bien!” -> Leona “this guy really doesn’t listen to other people at all…”
3 days later -> in Pomrfiore dorm lounge, you saw around 50 students who’s also trying for audition -> Cater was also one of it -> since he wanted to go to the event with the famous celebrity Vil -> Ace “isn’t that reason a little too light hearted?” -> Cater “really? I thought everyone is like that, I mean look.”
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-> pointed at Ruggie who’s clearly here for money -> Lilia popped up again -> you recognized him as the person who handed you the holiday card -> Grim “he wasn’t the sender?” -> Lilia “the initials are different from mine right?” -> Lilia is here since he’s in light music club and it just makes sense for him to try -> he tried to invite Malleus too but he said he don’t want it to become the exhibition of some kind so he refused -> Lilia “that guy is kind of shy” -> Cater “I feels like that’s a little bit different from shy…” -> Lilia asked why didn’t Cater brought Trey along -> Cater tried but Trey has to help Riddle with all the works
they saw Ortho by himself for audition too and was surprised -> Ace commented on how Ortho looks like an elementary school student -> Cater said Ortho is accepted into this school with Idia, and they always take classes together -> Grim “how much of a brothercon is Idia…” ->Ortho “don’t talk bad on my brother!” -> Ortho explained how everything was approved by the principals, and is not like Idia brought him just because he’s lonely by himself -> Cater “sorry sorry, we kinda got to excited while talking about it since the Shroud brother is like the 7 mysteries of this school.” -> Ortho “I want to apologize for getting too upset as well, I just don’t want you to misunderstand my brother…” -> Cater asked if Ortho is also here for audition -> flashback -> basically Idia made a software with his voice to read out everything he typed -> for the speech since he just can’t talk in front of everyone -> but Idia also got pretty interested in the sound editing world -> Idia “since virtual idol is getting popular, should I put vocal synthesizer in Ortho too?” -> Ortho “sounds fun! I wanted to sing too.” ->Idia “alright~ let big brother handle everything.” -> so to test how far the vocal synthesizer can go, Ortho is here to take the audition -> Ace was surprised that they can just make singing sounds from programs -> Cater said those got quite popular and he likes it too, and wanted to show Grim a video of it -> there was an ad
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Neige is promoting in the ad -> Cater mentioned how popular he is getting -> Vil, Rook, and Epel kicked in with sparkling effects -> Vil started introducing himself and explains how he will be the producer for the members appears in VDC
Auditions starts -> Ruggie sung and danced
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-> Rook “monsieur dandelion. Such a light step and bright smile. With manliness and loveliness combined perfectly. Beaute! 100 points!” -> Vil “his way of moving isn’t bad, but his dancing and singing is still messy… next!”
Cater -> Rook “monsieur magcam. Your voice sounds just like the elegant sparkling diamond! I wanted to listen to it forever. Beaute! 100 points!” -> Vil “singing and dancing wasn’t bad, but I can’t feel any passions… next!”
Lilia -> Rook “monsieur curiosity. Such a lovely form and singing voice with an alluring aura… Beaute! 100 points!” -> Vil “I don’t know why… but I can’t feel any freshness of a high school student from Lilia. Next!”
Ortho -> Rook “monsieur doll. What a brand-new style…! Your robot dance and singing voice, will be sculpted into my eyes. Beaute! 100 points!” -> Vil “no matter how genre-less this event is, there’s a limit… next!”
Kalim -> Rook “lord gold! Your dance were just like the breeze that blow through the hot sand! And the singing that make me felt like flying. Beaute! 100 points!” -> Vil “hmm, it’s a little bit better than the vegetables that’s just rolling around.”
Jamil -> Rook “monsieur mulch. As expected… I can feel your buring soul underneath your cool mask! Beaute! 100 points!” -> Vil “not bad, he’s the most normal one out of all of them.”
Epel -> Rook “monsieur crabapple. So lovely! Beaute! 100 points!” -> Vil “that kid, misstep again, no matter how good was his rehearse, it would be meaningless if he can’t do good in the real deal. Also, Rook. aren’t you giving out nothing but 100 points? Are you judging seriously?” -> Rook “of course, but it’s so hard to pick a first when everyone are so wonderful. There’s beauty in the neatness, and there’s also beauty in the twisted. Don’t you think so?” -> last group -> Ace, Deuce, and Grim -> Rook “…I see I see.” -> end of the audition -> result will come out tomorrow -> Rook recommend the trio to Vil
Next day, Ace, Deuce, Grim just got off from class -> suddenly an arrow flies across barely missed Deuce’s nose -> Ace realized there’s a piece of paper on the arrow -> Deuce “what!? Is it a challenge to fight!?” -> Ace “stop connect everything to a fight, let me see…” -> both Ace and Deuce are accepted -> you are also asked to go with those two
You all headed towards Pomefiore -> you saw both Kalim and Jamil -> they are accepted as well -> but after going in Pomefiore, students keep showing up asking for fight -> finally you arrived to the ballroom
-> Vil showed up with sparkling effects again -> apparently the students are fighting with you because you are accepted members, it was a warm up Vil prepared for all of you so he can start the lesson right away -> Vil “listen up, start from now on we would be the representation for NRC, and aim for the first place in the VDC. The members that can’t even win a fight like that is not needed. The battle has already started and all of you should be prepared to be whipped to shape!” -> Kalim “I don’t really understand but okay!” -> Grim asks why are him and you here when you are not accepted -> Crowley showed up and explained, in order to practice for the team work, all of the members will live together in Ramshakle dorm -> Grim wanted to refuse -> but Vil and Rook said they will give you all of their reward money since their goal in this event is not money -> which is around 1.42 million -> you decided to accept the deal after all ->Vil “now let’s start the lesson!” -> Ace “I thought the lesson starts when we starts living together?” -> Vil “don’t get a big head, new potato number 1. You are still an amateur at singing and dancing, we can’t waste a single minute.” -> practice time.
 End of this update.
Oh man it tooks me a whole entire day to do this… and to think this is just like part a of part1. The chapters are getting so much longer…
I Honestly felt like I missed up half of Rook’s nicknames since I don’t know French at all, basically got everything from google so please correct me if I’m wrong.
Also, Rook’s nickname for Epel is kinda weird, he call Epel hime ringo which directly translate to princess apple, but it is also a type of apple. In English it’s called crabapple, which kind of feels different then the Japanese text.
Can I just say I love the fact that we can fight Crewel now? And I just love how he call us zasshu while fighting, it probably referenced to like mixed blood dogs and all but it only reminds me of Gilgamesh lol.
Ahhh I really want Crewel to slap me.
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Eleven days ago, Dr. Akbari was at her clinic in the northern Afghan city of Mazar-e-Sharif when she got a call that made her drop everything. It was a member of the Taliban who had been threatening her from afar for months because she had given a birth control shot to his 13-year-old bride.
"This time, his voice was actually really soft," recalls Akbari. "He said, 'We're entering the city. Soon we'll come and get you.' "
What led to this moment — and what happened next — offer a window into what the Taliban's takeover may hold for Afghanistan's women. Taliban leaders have promised to moderate the harsh restrictions that the group imposed the last time they ruled Afghanistan. This time, they say, they'll allow women to be involved in government and work in sectors such as health care. But women on the ground say the reality is more complicated.
For Akbari — who asked NPR to protect her identity by using only her last name, which is a very common one in her city — the troubles began there about eight months ago.
That's when the 13-year-old arrived at her clinic. While examining her, Akbari learned that the girl had been married to an older man as his second wife. "She told me her husband wanted to get her pregnant."
Akbari says the medical guidance in this situation was clear: "She is a child. It's risky for any child to get pregnant. And this girl was also physically very weak."
What's more, the girl did not want to get pregnant. "She begged me for help," says Akbari.
So Akbari decided to give the girl the contraceptive injection, which would last for three months.
The angry husband began calling — and threatening her
Soon after, she got the first furious phone call from the girl's husband.
"He said, 'Why did you do such a thing? Now I can't have babies!' "
From then on, the man would call to rage at her almost every day.
Akbari soon learned he was no ordinary citizen. He was a leader of a Taliban contingent that was active in the area outside the city, even though the contingent did not then control the city itself. But as the Taliban started to make military gains, Akbari noticed a shift in the tone of the man's phone calls.
"The stronger the Taliban got, the stronger the threats got," she says.
He'd point out that Akbari belongs to the ethnic Hazara group — which generally follows the Shiite sect of Islam — and which the Taliban, which is predominantly Sunni, has a history of targeting.
"He would say, 'You're an infidel. You're against Islam. You're killing generations. We know what to do with you.' "
Soon, other Taliban members were also sending messages.
Ruchi Kumar, a journalist from India who was staying with Akbari for part of this time, saw some of the texts.
"They would send her these really horrible photos of dead bodies, telling her that this is how she's going to end up," says Kumar.
Other times, the Taliban members would try to extort Akbari.
Says Kumar: "They wanted her to pay money or buy them motorbikes or guns in exchange for her life."
And they'd claim she owed it as zakat — the traditional Islamic tithe.
Akbari says the fear was constant. Every time a patient arrived escorted by a man in traditional Taliban-type garb, she'd worry he was an infiltrator coming to kill her.
But Akbari was also determined to stick it out. When she was 20 years old, her parents had gotten permission to immigrate to Canada — and she could have joined them. But at the time, the Taliban had just been pushed out of power, and Akbari decided to get her medical degree in Afghanistan.
"I wanted to serve my people and establish myself in my own country," says Akbari.
The Taliban's advance made her feel she had no choice
But on Aug. 8, when she got the call from the husband saying he and his men were at the point of conquering the city, says Akbari, "I decided that this is it."
She headed straight to the airport — not even stopping at home for a change of clothes. She managed to buy a ticket on the spot for one of the last flights out. Boarding the plane, she was shocked to see it almost entirely filled with other women traveling alone, a rare sight in Afghanistan.
"That's when I knew for sure the Taliban had taken the city," she says.
Now she's in a neighboring country. But racked with uncertainty. She has just $400 on her and is staying with a friend who is the only person she knows there.
And she's mourning the loss of everything she has left behind. Her family. And the medical practice she spent more than a decade building.
"I haven't been able to sleep since the day I arrived. I can only sleep two hours in a day," she says, her voice choking up. "Overnight, everything I had has vanished."
But she says returning is not an option. She has heard from relatives in Afghanistan that the girl's husband is still calling, demanding to know Akbari's whereabouts.
And even if Akbari could relocate to a different part of Afghanistan, she says, it would be impossible to practice medicine.
"If I see a woman in trouble, I will want to help her," she says. "And the Taliban will say it's un-Islamic."
NPR researcher Ayda Pourasad contributed to the reporting of this story.
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xoxo-ren-xoxo · 4 years
Tommy’s (and Tubbo’s) Character /rp /dSMP
This is a bit of a rant so like be warned. I have nothing against any CCs mentioned in this, this is all roleplay, lighthearted, and just a bit of fun analysis. Mostly this is a ramble about how I see certain people analysing Tommy’s character on tumblr and twt, and why I think they’re wrong. This isn’t directed at anyone specific, just a trend I’ve been seeing that kinda irks me. I don’t dislike the fandom, just a few ‘takes’ have been really weird for me.
TW for everything below: analysing the effects of trauma, abuse, manipulation, gaslighting, and lack of therapy.
I’m not really liking how victim-blamey everyone is getting currently in the dSMP, both in fandom and canon. In canon with certain characters but especially in fan analysis posts and especially about Tommy and Tubbo. People legitimately celebrating that Tommy might start ‘apologising’ for his actions more and 'growing as a person' somehow don’t realise that hes been made this way through a tonne of negative reinforcement. abuse, and gaslighting. And people blaming Tubbo for actions he had no choice in, rather than the actions he did choose.
Currently, as I see it, Tommy is so scared that anyone would find a reason to be pissed off at him that his fighting spirit has been completely crushed. He was exiled and abused when he should have been helped and given an understanding figure to guide him and teach him how to deal with things non-violently. In everyone’s eyes, the problem was that Tommy was creating violence with no real reason, acting recklessly and commiting crimes. Tubbo, having made him a part of his cabinet, knew that this would only harm the country. So instead of talking to him reasonably, he got angry, put him on trial, and punished him with the logbook (humiliating him by making him report back to Fundy, which he obviously hated). Tommy’s actions were, of course, bad, but did he deserve everyone ganging up on him? No. Especially when Tubbo was supposed to be in his corner, helping him out like he always said he would (”It’s me and you vs Dream” etc). This is the first betrayal of trust from Tommy’s POV. He doesn’t understand what he did wrong to its full extent, and no one can explain it to him. 
However, Tubbo was under a lot of pressure from Dream and George, and he’s a literal child President, so his ‘safety over friendship’ actions are understandable. I don’t believe Tubbo is solely to blame for anything he’s done in season 2, but it can’t all be excused. If you are to blame Tommy for his recklessness, you have to blame Tubbo, at least partially, for his disregard for Tommy’s feelings and mental state. There were other ways to go about the entire thing, including the trial, which was just horrible to watch, and agreeing to give Dream the disc, something Tommy gave him in pure confidence that it would be safe with Tubbo. Yikes moment.
At that time, Tubbo knew a lot of things about Tommy. In fact, he probably knew the most about Tommy out of anyone on the server. He knew the discs were incredibly important and a comfort item for Tommy. He knew Tommy had trauma from being exiled in the past. He knew Tommy was abused, or at least manipulated by Wilbur, in addition to growing up in war. Wilbur once told Tommy to stop being reckless, and Tommy listened, changing his attitude because he looked up to Wilbur so much. Then Wilbur said ‘let’s be the bad guys’ and stopped trying to mentor Tommy. There’s a conflict here, because Tommy was told by Wilbur that he wasn’t good enough to be President (links to the idea of ‘not being strong enough’) but he knows that Wilbur was a bad person. But Tommy is never given the chance to reconsile his feelings surrounding Wilbur, both because of Ghostbur and because of the conflict he starts with George. So he is harbouring a mixture of emotions about his mentor and brother, not understanding how to untangle the ‘real Tommy’ from the manipulated boy he became. 
What was going through his head when he stole from George and griefed him? Perhaps the thought that he needed to show he was still the same old Tommy. Maybe the need to ‘prove himself’ as a strong person? It could have just been an outlet for his trauma. He’s grown up in a world where everyone is either a friend or an enemy. George isn’t a friend. How was he supposed to know that hurting him was bad?
Tubbo was pressured into the actions he took against Tommy, but he was pressured far too easily. There is no moment where Tubbo turns to Tommy and makes sure he’s okay, he views him as ‘selfish’ and overdramatic, and sees his actions that way. This makes sense from Tubbo’s POV, he’s struggling to be President in ways that Wilbur *knew* he would, but in Tommy’s eyes this is the worst betrayal he’s ever known. The moment Tubbo (rightfully, but poorly executed) defies Tommy’s plan to hire Technoblade (ahem, seeing Techno as a weapon again) and exiles Tommy is the moment their friendship shatters. They’re two people who don’t understand each other anymore. Two people who are technically in the right, but only hurt each other. 
What Tommy needed was a therapist, instead he had Dream, who put out the fire of rebellion that made him so strong, and Techno, who was trying to help but doing it in the wrong way. 
People see tommy's change post-exile as a good thing because he's not as rebellious anymore and he’s thinking things through a lot before he does them, but they will soon realise that his rebellion was one of his best traits and the fact that no one saw it as anything but a problem really shows. He now second-guesses himself so much and is so scared of being wrong that everything seems too difficult and too dangerous. Every trait can have a positive and negative side. Tommy's defiant nature would have made him the perfect negotiator with a little practise. In fact, he had plenty of good ideas before he was exiled (using spirit against Dream, though it didnt work in the end, for example). The negative side of this was recklessness and the desire to cause problems on purpose, but what he needed was a friend (looking at you Tubbo) who understood that hes been through several wars, was manipulated by Wilbur, and hasnt known a time of peace where everyone who wasnt on his side was out to kill him. Now that ‘fight’ is gone he's just become easier to manipulate.
He may be getting better (see: telling Dream to go fuck himself) but there hasn't been any long-term growth because he was never told what kind of rebellion was good and what was bad. He was just told it was all bad. By Dream (and by Tubbo). Who he doesn't trust. So he's just going to revert back to his old ways because no one told him what was bad in a way that didn't make him feel like everyone was against him. Dream is the enemy (though Tommy’s feelings towards him are complicated, they make his brain go all ‘flippy floppy’) and Dream told him that rebellion was bad, so rebellion must be good always, right? 
And then there's Techno. Techno did nothing wrong except for when he did. Techno is 100% right except for when he isn’t. He doesn't understand Tommy because Tommy was never fully open about what Dream had done and how it affected him. That's not Tommys fault though, because who the fuck openly talks about their trauma? So neither of them are to blame for pretty much anything up until the confrontation at the community house. 
However, Techno's methods and ideology were not what Tommy needed. He was thrown from one extreme to another over and over again, from complete subservience to total rebellion. Neither of these inforce good attitudes in Tommy. One, as stated before, makes it so that he will regain his negative traits again. The other reinforces those violent traits as good, just like Wilbur did. The only difference is that Techno had good intentions, he wasnt trying to use Tommy, which is why he feels so used when Tommy 'betrays' him (Techno doesnt realise that he himself betrayed Tommy by teaming with Dream, he sees it more as a transaction than a personal thing). Techno feels so hurt by Tommy ‘viewing him as a weapon’ that he goes on with his no-mercy attack, completely dropping Tommy at his lowest point. 
Tommy says he doesn't want to be like everyone he's hated. In fact, he say's he is 'worse' than all the villains. This is very obviously untrue, though he was clearly going down a dangerous path with Techno's influence (see: bullying Fundy, spawning wither, kidnapping Connor, and saying that the discs are more important than Tubbo, more on that later). He's not a villain but who exactly has said he's not a villain. Dream? Techno? Neither of them can be trusted in his eyes. They say he's a good guy, Wilbur wanted to be the bad guy, who's right? He doesn't know. He has a crisis of morality. 
And? Some people want to point at that and say 'aha! Character development! He's finally realising his actions have a negative affect on others!' OH GOD NO??? He's a *child* who thinks that he is worse than his abuser. Does that sound like positive character growth to you? 
Lastly, the discs. We know theyre a comfort item blahblahblah. He hates himself for valuing them more than he values Tubbo. He's literally innocent in this. He’s been horribly manipulated by Dream to believe that the discs are worth anything. Theyre really not worth anything if they are being used as tools rather than, yknow, discs. My poor boy. He doesnt trust people, so what can he trust? The discs. But then he says it out loud and realises he misses Tubbo and he wants to be with his best friend again and and and WAHHHH. This also isnt really character growth its just fucking sad leave me alone. 
Anyways what the fuck guys. @ Niki and Jack what the fuck. Yeah we get it it’s miscommunication but wtf. Kinda worried that the actual lore will make Niki and Jack’s hatred of Tommy justified in some way and take on a big victim-blamey vibe, but I’m hoping that everyone is smart enough to not do that. I cannot praise Tommy enough for how he’s portrayed his character. I’m currently hoping that he himself understands the true complexity of it all. I’m sure he does.
Mostly though im actually pissed off at all the people praising tommy's character for 'maturing' when hes literally just got trauma. Nice one, tumblr and twt users. Thanks. Great job. He hasnt 'learnt his lesson', he’s traumatised. What the fuck.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk, leave your responses in the reblogs and comments.
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kdramachitchat · 3 years
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Episode 7 - Shows how our past experiences shapes up the person we become today. A look back on Ms. Jung and Gaon’s backstory.
The episode starts right back from the previous episode wherein Yohan exposes the SRF and the people around it involved in a scandal for the Dream Home project.
War against false accusations
To whoever gives them a tip Yohan will compensate all the money to them. All the members except Ms. Jung are in shock. She was in a calm state manner as if she expected this to happen. Ms Jung reminded them to calm down as it’s all groundless accusations. 
The Blue House holds a press conference and they are carefully looking into it. The President breaks into the press room and tells the reporters himself that the accusations are all false. The President is also fired up and told the press different kinds of reports he found about Yohan. He also copies Yohan and if anyone gave the President tip he will provide the tipper a significant reward.
Gaon and Yohan talks about how Yohan is basically against a entire country. Yohan pointed out on where they spend the rest of the money and they used it through advertisement. They use it to the different kinds of media outlets to advertise and exaggerate noblesse oblige. They create a wealthy image of the social responsibility. They use it as a weapon to take over. The Dream Home project is just a front of creating a large asylum by using the citizen’s money to put the homeless, poor and social discontent all in 1 area and out of sight. Once they set aside those people, they will advertise a widespread redevelopment of the city.
Gaon decides to help him under a few conditions. Subornation of perjury, abduction, blackmail and making a fool with his lies to the citizens is not something he’ll abide on. He’s not a shady law-maker. Not infront of his parents who died because of a conman and Soohyun. Yohan’s next step is to create division against the people.
Yohan visits the Minbo group. He then gets a call from the Chairman of People Media Group Mr. Park to meet up, same with Mr. Min of Minbo Group.
Yohan also visits the President’s office and does a impromptu livestream. Yohan tells President Heo that he will look into the foundation’s corruption. Yohan diverted the public and tells them that the President invited him to the Blue House to give a joint statement.
After Yohan’s visit at the Blue House, he went home and found out that GaOn has found a weak spot. They spend too much on PR. They release articles saying that the foundation has donated 10-20m dollars to the Dream Home project. Gaon comments that the money is too big for the donations to be solely from the public. GaOn suggested that they need the foundation’s financial date. The date from Park and Min are fake so it looks like the others embezzled money. They also havent been receiving proper tip offs although Yohan still wants to pay them. To Yohan it doesnt matter if they dont get the content what matters is the number. He wants the number of tip offs to be known to the public. Yohan says that they need to fool people by having confidence. GaOn commented that he sounded like a experienced con artist. Hmm. Yohan although mentions that this is a bit different because he’s spending his own money and he clearly knows that GaOn has been effected by a con artist in the past. This surely hits home. GaOn at night starts having nightmares about his parents.
Social Responsibility Foundation Healing Mentor Lecture
A proper introduction about Ms. Jung from Ms. Jung herself. She talks about the meaning of her name and how her mother thought she would grow up to be a ordinary and good person. She talks about her childhood, how her mother used to beat her up everytime she’s drunk. Seeing the children brings her back memories and one of the visitors shared their similar stories. Ms. Jung as a child got into fights and got in trouble. Everyone around her insulted, teased and beated her so she had no choice. She was hungry too. When she was 12, she worked for a wealthy family with nice children. They were nice and never swore. If she’d be good as them her mom probably wouldn't beat her. 
To become a good child, she advice that you have to be rich. You can only be nice if you were able to meet ends. The world is a jungle, when you have a prey you have to survive by all means. Bite back if they bite hard, steal something if you have to. She also gives them a reality check that the world is tougher especially for lonely girls like them. Beasts are everywhere no matter how educated and respected they are. If they are surrounded by scumbags they should take advantage of it. The law is never on their side and they must secure evidence. Record the evidence if they must. To end her statement, they should torment that person until the day they die. Threaten them and destroy everything they have along the way until the person becomes tame as a dog. A female guest ask if Ms. Jung’s mother love her now, she mentions that her mother passed away when she was 12. She was drunk and fell down the stairs at their neighborhood.
The head of the lecturer complimented about her speech and tells her to come back. Ms. Jung suddenly pushes her down the stairs with one of the guest witnessing her. I guess her mother wasn’t exactly drunk? Maybe Ms. Jung was the one who pushed her own mother down the stairs. The female guest wasn’t shocked but was happy after Ms. Jung winked back at her.
Ga On’s past
GaOn’s parents passed away when he was 16. He told Elijah that his parents were conned by a horrible con artist. His father took his own life and the mother collapsed from shock. Elijah says that it’s something that he won’t be able to forget easily. They both compared their past and how difficult it is for them to forget. He talked about how he hated being alone and so he slept, hung out with anyone anywhere. He compared himself to a stray dog. Ga On complimented Elijah how she’s a strong and incredible person. How she used to deal with being lonely in the house. Both seem to get along well now.
Yohan starts reading books on how to handle talking to a teenager like Elijah. He prepares himself before entering Elijah’s room. Even to the point on having to memorize the things he’d learn. He starts to ask awkward questions which made the scene funny. Elijah shut the door but then eventually asked about Ga On’s parents to Yohan. Yohan with a smile explained to Elijah that his parents were conned of hundreds of millions of dollars through a pyramid scheme. The result leaded to 10 victims who committed suicide from it.
Live show
During the live show, Yohan shows a recording of him meeting with Mr Park and Min handing over a envelope. Yohan revealed that they gave a subcontract to a company run by a family member. They bought a site for their future business venture in advance. The documents had opposing details that will be looked on. He also revealed the status of the donations. Yohan puts a spotlight on GaOn and adds his previous comment that the donations didnt add up. If they dont embezzle the money, then they never donated from the beginning. Yohan then exposes GaOn’s family history to the pubic. GaOn looked shocked and mad, Yohan certainly didnt ask for consent to reveal it and now the reporters are flocking him for a statement. They will reveal the contents of the tip off they receive next week. After the show Yohan and GaOn argued once again about GaOn’s principles.
Visiting Doh Youngchoon
Yohan and GaOn arrives at the correction facility center to visit Doh Youngchoon without GaOn knowing. They arrive and the police mentions how they support the 2 judges. GaOn couldnt believe his eyes, he is shocked by Doh’s appearance. The police officer incharge of the visitation mentioned that he received extra charges and was sentenced to 17 years. GaOn was floored and is completely emotional on the system works.
Ms. Jung as the new SRF Chairwoman
Ms. Jung is psychotic as hell too. She forgives Mr. Seo then stabs him at the end. They released a statement that he committed suicide due to the embezzlement scandal and have destroyed all the evidence. They announced Ms. Jung Sunah as the new chairwoman of the SRF.
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jordanr770-blog · 3 years
America Needs Some Talent
 I just needed someplace to write down my thoughts so here we are!
I have been watching America’s Got Talent since season 11 when the ukulele girl won. I personally didn’t vote for her but can understand why she won. Same goes for season 12. I was rooting super hard for Diavolo but can understand why puppet girl won. Season 13 had some of the best acts ever (Shin Lim-winner) and I know a lot of people disliked her, but Courtney Hadwin should have at least  gotten 5th place over sob story “I’m such a good person and I hit my wife” Michael Ketterer. Kodi Lee was the obvious winner of season 14 and I personally thought he deserved it over the other acts. Other people did not think it was well deserved, and that’s ok too.  
Last season we got a spoken word poet in the form of Brandon Leake. I did not enjoy the act AT ALL and was kind of mad that he won, but I will say that even though I did not enjoy him, spoken word poetry is indeed a talent.
Now, you may be thinking that season 16 would be a smidgeon of an improvement over season 15. Talent and reality shows should probably strive to become better every season. But if you thought this show isn’t capable of getting any worse, you haven’t been paying attention because this show will always find ways to disappoint. Last night we were told everyone voted for an INSPIRATIONAL speech giver as the winner. Or I’m sorry, apparently he does magic. His name is Dustin Tavella. But the thing is, he was HORRIBLE at both storytelling AND magic and nowhere near deserved the win. “It was well deserved.” How? How is a kindergarten level “magician” worth a million dollars and a Vegas show? I believe the show in Vegas is about an hour and a half and I am curious as to what is he going to do in that timeframe? Talk about how the folks living in Vegas are living in sin while simultaneously throwing paper in the air MAGICALLY? I’m sure the audience will go wild over that. Or maybe during all of his shows he will adopt a kid a day from different countries and then spend about an hour talking about Little ZimZam’s harsh life and while he’s babbling  he’ll be semi incorporating his poor magic skills into the act in the last minute so the poster stating he’s a magician didn’t TECHNICALLY lie so nobody is getting their money back. I really don’t know. I have a lot of thoughts. 
Plus, his sob story just did nothing for me whatsoever. Good for you for adapting 11 children, unless it has to do with whatever your act is, shut the hell up and do the trick! Not once did this guy impress  or give even the best of a performance of the night. It was always 8+ minutes of “inspiration” and tirades about how we as a society need to be good to one another whilst doing crappy magic. Let me tell you, I know next to nothing about magic but even I could tell he was a less than stellar magician. Even calling him a magician is somewhat laughable. In reality he's a motivational speaker who does terrible magic tricks and  who always somehow manages to suck at said terrible magic but America apparently doesn’t notice him screwing up his terrible magic because he’s too busy telling them to look at a crumpled up piece of paper or a ladder or the new photograph of his adopted son who has an extra eyeball or whatever. It’s stupid.
Last night for his final performance Dustin’s act was, and I kid you not, telling us all to be nice. FOR SEVEN UNNECESSARY MINUTES. And I do believe he started to fake cry. Dude, you’re acting is about as good as Heidi Klum’s. You can't act and you can barely do magic. Why are you here? What is your talent? Did he really join a talent show to become some type of inspirational God of obvious wisdom? If that’s the case, he should have gone and done a Ted Talk, many less victims of mediocrity that way. America somehow  put him in the top 5 with actually talented people? I think not. The act itself was not impressive and he did the same thing every time, just told a different sob story. If you have to rely on a sad story to win, you don’t deserve to win a show where talent is the main objective. 
In case my last few paragraphs were not made abundantly clear, I am not a fan of this dude. At all. I read a comment which stated that a message is not a talent and whoever said that is 100% correct and summed up my feelings pretty accurately. I'm not a fan or boring and basic tricks combined with even worse stories. He's the living embodiment of a motivational meme and anyone who voted for this guy is  gullible and can fight me. Maybe people “voted” for him because he attempted to pull on the heartstrings? But because I sold my heart long ago his act didn’t effect me as much. /s But I swear every year they make it more clear that the entire show is rigged. 
Well, maybe the voting ISN’T rigged entirely and all the boomers  (first time I’ve ever used that term) and antivaxxers and easily swayed by sob story people on Twitter and Facebook voted for him. Doubtful, but you never know. HE WAS SO FREAKING BAD!!!
We are all allowed to have opinions and just because you don’t agree with me that doesn’t mean I am an awful person who deserves DEATH. I keep getting responses and messages on Twitter from angry folk who are calling me heartless because I questioned WHY they voted for him. “Well, IIIII gave Dustin all 10 of my votes!” That’s nice Karen. That is also not an answer and I cannot stress enough how much I do not care that you voted for the phony used cars salesman. Go tell your Prince from Nigeria all about it. Another guy got mad and reported me for “yelling at strangers.” Which is kind of a typical thing people do on Twitter. And I wasn’t even yelling! Lol. 
And another point I’d like to make (about this and  in general) is people really need to stop using the terms “all of us” and the word “we.” I am my own person and you do not get to speak for me. 
“We were all crying when we saw him perform!” - No WE most certainly weren’t. I was seething with anger, yes. Crying? Not even close.
His win was a complete insult.
* I personally voted for Aidan Bryant, but I really wanted Unicircle Flow to win before they got kicked off due to the judges having a tendency to suck at picking during judges choice. *
Edit: I apologize if this wasn’t articulated very well or if it seems I basically said the same thing over and over. To be fair it was 3 am when I wrote this and I was still irritated and questioning everything. Still doesn’t excuse the fact that this guy was lame and doesn’t deserve a Vegas show. My mom told me earlier today that people on the Internet are mad about his win and that it’s not fair to take it out on the guy, which I suppose is kind of true. Not exactly his fault the general public has failed and shown their stupidity yet again. If anyone is to blame it is the people who actually voted for this doofus. And AGT. And yeah, I guess I will blame him as well. But I’m not saying go to his Twitter or Instagram or whatever and call him out for being a con artist and bully him. 
I think the MESSAGE =P I’m trying to display here  is that someone has no business being on a talent show unless they have talent; self explanatory. A message isn’t talent. Being a narcissist isn’t talent. Exploiting your kids and wife isn’t talent. Speaking can be a talent (comedy, that poetry guy, acting, improv, probably a lot of other stuff I’m forgetting about) but one shouldn’t call themselves a magician if one is really a way less cool garage sale version of Talky Tina. Magic IS talent but if you want a million dollars you better have skills that are on par or better than the professionals. 
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croa20an · 3 years
“It seems to me that many of the people who were hippies and flower children in the 60s and 70s are now ultra-conservatives. What made those people have such as huge change in their opinions and outlook?”
“My mother said they learned they couldn’t fight “The Man.” She said her generation didn’t expect that their parents and grandparents would let the government do the things they (FBI, CIA, National Guard, police) did when the kids in the US started revolting in the 1960s and 1970s.
You’ve got to remember that the 1950s-1970s was a period of global instability. The Colonial Powers of England, France, and the Netherlands struggled to recover from WWII and their colonies around the world started pushing for human rights and independence. The CIA saw communist Soviet and Chinese boogeymen in all the uprisings and supported dictators whose greed and ruthlessness could be appealed to in order to prevent “communism” from overtaking fledgling countries. Civil Rights, Human rights, democracy— these were things we supported ideologically as Americans, but in practice, our military and intelligence communities considered communism/socialism a greater risk to “American interests” than the dictators and fascism who stood between their people and democracy. The Blacks pushing for civil rights was upsetting enough, but then the Indian Rights Movement picked up, the Anti-War Movement picked up, the Black Panthers militarized, etc. Focus turned to suppressing “the kids” by hook and by crook, by kettling protestors in the streets, assassinations, and setting people up for arrest through entrapment and falsified informant reports.
Baby Boomers, hippies and flower children, saw their friends going off to Viet Nam or resisting the draft by going to jail or Canada/Mexico. They saw their friends busted for murders they didn’t commit, drugs they didn’t run. They saw them beaten in the streets, hit with fire hoses and tear gas. Some went back to nature. They moved to Vermont and Montana and Alaska. Others gave in and joined the economy. They became Alex P Keatons from Family Ties. Good little capitalist consumers. Because really, what choice did they have? Their faith in the government and their parents was shaken. They took the path laid out for them, and bucked the system when and where they could, and some, some gave in entirely, and drank the Koolaid. They became Uber-conservative because they became Believers. It beat disillusionment and poverty.
In the late 80s, freshly graduated from High School, I yelled at my mother for giving up when they’d gotten so close to changing everything. And she sat me down and told me the US History I hadn’t been taught, and that still isn’t taught, but is readily available, if you take the time to look for it.” -Kelly Graham 
I found this interesting. I’ve been wondering about this a lot lately, because I know the Boomer/Millennial stereotypes are BS to make people hate each other, and I know the typical answer you hear from a tumblr user, a teen, a tween, or someone with a popular social media account is completely made up out of bitterness. 
But this level headed answer makes me realize something. 
We, all the people alive now and in the future, regardless of “generation” or birth year, the masses who actually want the human race and the planet to survive pandemic and climate change, are going to have to be a lot more crafty if we’re going to get out of this alive. The system, the society that puts money and the rich and powerful above all, has had hundreds of years to be perfected, to be upheld perfectly. Just protesting or in-fighting won’t work. Asking people to care and shaming them or even threatening them won’t work. No modern form of government or economic system has ever worked, obviously. This needs to be action, it needs to be secret, hidden in plain sight, it needs to happen fast and it needs to happen now. Infiltration and action on all levels, we need to learn from the organized people and systems in power and we need to dissolve it from the inside and the outside including by using their own tried and true methods against them. And it has to be decentralized, no leaders, no figure heads, no manifesto, nothing. We just have to KNOW. All of us equal and wanting the same thing. Peace and safety and a planet. Leaders can be turned, smeared, framed, jailed, murdered. Labels and calling cards can be used against you. Don’t make this your identity. Live your life and have your money and home and safety and hide and plain sight but know what you want and spread the word. Not based on identity. Talk to your neighbors, no matter who they are. Talk to your coworkers, no matter who they are. Don’t give this a name, just know what you want. If we spread the word on this and don’t make it about an identity or a name or a leader or a type of government or a manifesto, they can’t use it against us, they can’t find us, and they can’t stop us. We want peace and safety and a planet, and it’s that simple. We can start taking this apart and fixing it from the inside out. That’s the only way it’s going to happen. And we have to stay focused. Don’t accept bribes. Don’t turn on people. Don’t judge people based on any aspect of their identity, or expect people with the same struggles as you to be “safe” for you. We need unity. They separate us on purpose. All of us together, we can do this fast. Don’t lose hope. Keep our secret and do the work because getting this done before they even realize it’s happening is the only way we get out of this alive. “Climate Change” is a nice way of saying we’re having more natural disasters in more places than we have in a hundred years, and it’s going to kill most of us fast. “Pandemic” is a nice way of saying most of us are going to die horribly, and there won’t be any society left, at this rate. It’s getting worse fast. Spread the word. Now or never. Fix it or we all die. The people with money and power aren’t going to change or feel pressure. They’re so high they don’t even feel anything anymore. This is all a game to them, it will be for their entire lives. We have to do it. Alone. Not through government avenues, not through pressure, not through complaining, not from the outside alone where we’re easy to smear and kill. Action. From the inside out. Unseen. No glory, just a mass of people from every kind of background and lifestyle dedicated to the same thing. 
Find loopholes. Change the laws quick. Take advantage of the system to the fullest extent. Block the people destroying the world at every turn, until they give up and join us in equality and environmentalism and peace, safety and healthcare. Not through protest, not by asking, but by screwing them over with their own methods and beating them at their own game. We need to get creative to win these figurative battles and then and spread the news about these kinds of successes as much as possible. And stay dedicated, ignore the setbacks. We’re used to it. Keep going. Push through. This is our last chance. It’s this or death, and nothing left of us or anyone like us. No legacy, no peace or life, nothing. 
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ask-iamnotanalicorn · 4 years
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Previous: The Discord Timeline
The Industrial Devolution Timeline:
The road to economic domination was creeping and insidious.
First, Nightmare Moon returned. Celestia and Cadance were able to subdue her, locking her in a (very comfortable) prison while Celestia sought a way to free her sister of the evil influence warping her mind. With the monarch so distracted and Princess Cadance struggling to take up the slack, a few opportunistic entrepreneurs began getting their roots into the market.
Then the Crystal War began, dividing Celestia’s and Cadance’s attention even further. The Changelings attacked, sowing destruction and distrust until Cadance defeated their queen. Tirek cut a swath through the countryside before being stopped, increasing the economic struggles. It was as if a domino of assaults on the Equestrian daily life had started, with none able to stop the ever-larger dominoes from toppling.
Celestia was terribly injured during the final fight that destroyed King Sombra. Luna finally overcame her rage and the parasitic magic fueling it, but went into seclusion out of shame and a desire to tend to her wounded sister. Cadance’s focus was split between post-war rebuilding in Equestria, assisting the confused, freed, and much-distrusted crystal ponies with stabilizing their crippled city, and tending to her own first child. With their leaders so distracted and the country still reeling from so many attacks, ponies desperately reached out for any kind of financial and necessities stability. 
Perfectly fertile soil for the country’s most hostile economic takeover in its history.
Flim and Flam’s tactics were simple yet effective: move in wherever large numbers of companies had collapsed and fill the void with simple, cheap necessities that anypony could afford. As their finances grew, they began to expand, beating out surrounding competition with their rock-bottom prices until they could either buy out or crush their competitors. They continued this strategy further and further out, their influence spreading like hives across Equestria until hardly any retailers of food, drinks, household goods, small machine parts, and pretty much every other goods reseller below industrial level still operated. (Although who knew what the future might hold for FlimFlam Industries?) Once competition decreased to almost nill, they raised their prices to just barely affordable, swelling their already full pockets.
By the end of the Crystal War, they had such a grip, so much financial and political power, that even if the princesses should realize the toxic hold this company has on the market, it will be a long road back to rebalancing the economy. The country has, regrettably, come to rely on Flim Flam Industries, and their stranglehold would not be easily broken.
Sales always dreamed of being a traveling salespony. He’d even gotten a taste of it before the war. But now... well, there was no one to sell for. Companies kept dying out from under him. And if it weren’t bad enough that FFI already sold cheap, unexciting product options, the further lack of competition gave them even less incentive to TRY. They could cut costs on everything from packaging to flavor to color options; there was absolutely no consideration for variety or improvement or innovation. Soon everything in those blasted pop-up depots came in bland, uniformly labeled containers, with names like FLOUR and SOAP and TOWELS. There was no ART to it, and worst of all, no heart. And certainly no need for a door-to-door sales technique - not when F&F Depots were on every corner and people already had little choice but to get their goods from them.
So that’s how Sales ended up here, running one of those blasted depots. It is barely salesponyship, but it was still the closest thing he could find to his special talent. Meanwhile pollution and unchecked labor laws are creeping out from the cities, and farms are being consumed for their timber and factory locations. Quills & Sofas went under, leaving Sales’ father without a job and one more worry for Salespitch. Everypony prays that Celestia would heal, that Cadance would realize the depths of what was happening and make some move to stop it, that even the once-evil Princess Luna rumored to be tending her sister in the castle would take a stand. But for now, FFI is taking full advantage of the rulers’ distraction and obliviousness to tighten their hold on the country’s economy. Sales works and keeps his head down; it’s too great an issue for one pony to tackle, especially a pony whose only real talent is talking.
He tries to remind himself that things could be worse. Despite crummy wages and the soul-deadening monotony of just grabbing standard crap off a shelf when asked, Sales IS making a living. He makes an effort to keep his depot looking like the pony who works there actually cares (a façade FFI has long since abandoned.) Black took up work as a stocker in the store, so at least they get to hang out. Pollution isn’t as bad in Featherhorn (yet), although the deforestation and smog have been spreading nearer. But Sales just can’t get around the fact that there’s a briefcase-shaped hole in his soul where good, honest, smart salesponyship was meant to be. It’s hard not to be bitter and miserable when your purpose has been almost completely taken away from you.  Still... if Sales can find a way to get a new company going without being ground under Flim and Flam’s hooves... maybe he can go back to doing what he loves, and the world will feel a little more right again. Fun Facts About The Flim Flam Timeline:
- I got my idea for a total economic takeover from a book 6 of the Pendragon series, “The Quillen Games” by D.J. MacHale. Its setting is a world where a single corporation has such control that they even own the people to an extent, but I didn’t want to go THAT dark (although this is still darker than my initial draft), so I stopped at just owning all of the selling outlets. Lack of competition in capitalism breeds complacency, leading to high prices with minimal improvement or variety. (That book may have also stuck in my mind because it was the first time an author so thoroughly pulled the rug out from under me that I was too depressed to finish the series. I can’t HANDLE that kind of catastrophic reversal, MacHale!!!)
- Sales’s dad, Sales Patter, lost his job as Head of Sales at Quills & Sofas after the company was eaten by FlimFlam Industries. He currently lives at home taking care of Pitch Perfect while Pitch Forward does her best to bring in funding through her competitive high-diving sponsorships. Sales and Black contribute money as well, although Black has a surprisingly well-stocked savings account that he refuses to explain to anyone.
- Flim and Flam offered Sales a job as their company spokespony, mainly because they loved the idea of having an ‘alicorn’ as their mascot. Obviously he turned them down, but he did still grudgingly accept a position at the Featherhorn depot since it’s the closest thing he can find to what he’s good at. (Flim and Flam do still like to give people a show, especially when it comes to the smoke and mirrors they must use to keep the wealthier populace and government from paying too much attention to some of the ways FFI cuts their spending - at the expense of their workers, mostly.)
- I’ve seen others do this timeline harsher; there’s a fimfiction that had an interesting take on Celestia being injured in her fight with Nightmare Moon and then IMPRISONED by Flim and Flam’s company so it could take over, which led to an ever-rising problem with pollution, underage workers, poor labor laws, and backhoof politics. Some of that does exist in this timeline, but I went with a severe injury and seclusion in the palace. The Princesses are still AROUND, but being carefully shielded from the truly dark nature of some of Flim and Flam’s machinations. It may just take someone getting their attention drawn to the right things to start the ball rolling...
- Sales and Patter do team up to create a small startup company, selling goods made by Featherhorn’s citizens to the local area. Black uses his connections as a Royal Service agent to sneak them into the palace, where they get an uber-rare meeting with Princess Celestia, who is blessedly awake enough to recognize the little AI and hear their plight. She convinces Luna, who has been taking care of her this whole time, that something needs to be done. Luna is grossly undereducated about modern economics and business practices, but she pulls Cadance in, and while Cadance works on investigating these horrible labor practices they’ve reported, Luna begins brushing up on her education and offers some protection to Sales’ little company. She does, in fact, find some obscure ancient laws that give them a leg up in the fight against FFI when they inevitably try to buy out, sue, and/or bankrupt Sales’ and Patter’s company into the ground. But they start making some headway. 
- It’s a long road back to a balanced market, and much of the work will be done by the Princesses. But the inspiration ponies draw from the changes they see starts the dominoes again - this time, in the direction of positive change.
Next Week: The Wasteland Timeline (finale!)
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Ducktales Treasure of the Golden Suns Reviews: Wronguay in Ronguay (Paid for by Patreons)
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Hello all you happy people and welcome back to the genesis of magillicutty   Ducktales with the second part of my months long look at Treasure of the Golden Suns, the mini series that kicked off the series. These reviews are a result of me hitting my first patreon stretch goal. I just did a LONGGG post outlining those here on tumblr so hit that up and help join my patreon so I can reach them and make some more moolah to help keep this my primary job. 
So speaking of that job we’re back to The Treasure of the Golden Suns and the first chapter, while not bad, was a tad disappointing, especially since I really liked it on first viewing. So will the second chapter fair just as bad or be a massive improvement? The only way to find out is under the cut. 
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Previously on Ducktales: Donald shoved off with the navy leaving the boys with Scrooge, with both growing to care about one another... both out of nowhere
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The boys ended up embroiled int he Beagle Boys theft of a wooden ship for a mysterious gentleman named El Capitan whose preferedd method of dealing with enterlopers.. was to use a chair like a lion tamer. After being falsely blamed for the theft, the boys ended up chasing the beagles to Scrooge’s candy factory, were vindicated and fought them off with Scrooge’s help , ending with the boys getting covered in choclate.  while El Capitan escaped vowing to find the gold. Now knowing the wooden ship was a map, the family prepared to set off
And that’s where we pick up. The reporter from last episode comments on the beagle bust and while the Beagles are hauled off, with Burger asking if they have any milk after eating his chocolate prison. Because his only  character trait is that...
The camera does linger on an impression the ship made in the chocolate... hmmmmmm.
Meanwhile we meet FLINTHEART GLOMGOLD. As I said with Catch as Cash Can, he’s not BAD, just not NEARLY as memorable as the triumphantly insane 2017 version. He’s sitll a good villian and we’ll see why soon, he just has the unenviable task of competiting with a far more iconic versoin made decades later whose far more my type of bad guy. El Captian calls him and offers to make him the richest duck in the world, which he naturally is happy to hear him out on. El Captian as a character i’ll get into more.. but for now let’s talk about his weird fucking voice. For some reason, Jim is doing a Dr. Claw impression, to the point I thought this was Frank Welker. I will grant it’s better than a horrible latinx sterotype, and given the grand kishke and a minor character in this very episode, they were NOT above those, but its’ still just.. weird. He just sounds like he’s possesed with about 80 or 90 demons for no explained reason. 
Back at the mansion, Scrooge and the Boys are both preparing to go after the treasure on the boat map: Scrooge is practicing vacuming it up using the pool and a sea safe vacum likely invented by Gyro, while the boys find the right coordinates to the treasure. Scrooge naturally.. is a bit of a dick about it, refusing to take them along despite them having found it, and saying they can stay with Duckworth. Duckworth’s response is about what you’d expect:
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However before they can argue about this, there’s a bang at the door: It’s Flinty and here’s where the parts of this Glomgold I DO like, that do make him standout, if not as much sa his succesor shine: He plays scrooge, offering him 2 million for the Candy Factory. Naturally not realizing what Flinty’s getting out of the deal, Scrooge jumps at a quick and easy 2 million, since he knows it’ll cost MORE than that just to fix up the place. Flinty then proposes a contest: the two of them try to make as much money as possible from scratch in two days. No rules, no barriers, just whoever dosen’t have more money than the other by the end has to eat Flinty’s hat. Scrooge accepts.. but then realizes he has to eat crow and allow the boys along. With Scrooge sufficently blackmailed, the boys reveal where the treasure is: Ronguay, a made up south american county. Why they did so.. well just wait a second. And no it’s not just for the tile... but your close. 
No we find out why as they take the cheapest flight avaliable to Ronguay, only for the boys their going the Wrong way to Ronguay. 
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Yeah I love a good pun but I draw the line at desinging an ENTIRE COUNTRY for a really obvious one. I have standards on this blog! Standards that include thirsting after Keith David , DBZA refrences up the whazoo and posting this gif of David Byrne at every given opportunity. 
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Look my standards are weird, but their still standards. I draw the line at making a stupid pun when there’s a rich number of countries in South America. I’m not saying Carl Barks was ever against making up a country, he probably did, could be wrong, but more often than not he did his homework instead, as did his succesor Don Rosa. It feels lazy to just make up a country when you really don’t have to and could’ve just found one with a massive rainy season for your children’s cartoon. It’s not hard. I mean it’s harder than now: now I could just google “what south american countries have torrental rains”.. but it’s not like you guys could’n’t just go to a bookstore and buy a refrence book or a library and rent one. I mean if they ran out of time to do anyresearch fine, but even for the 1980′s it wasn’t that difficult to at least TRY. 
Regardless it turns out the pilot is a robot pilot.. who looks amazing but  as it’s a flintheart glomgold company joint is purposfuly tring to keep them off path. Look they didn’t have to unplug the poor guy. I know what he wants. 
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So now on the right way to Ronguay our heroes lan only to find the locals all fleeing in terror of something. Scrooge heads in for suplies anyway and finds... a VERY racist sounding clerk. Seriously just to picture this.. picture say .. Michael Scott trying to do an mexican accent. You good and cringing? If not, adapt that to your doofus sitcom character or republican senator of choice There you go. You see my point. It’s not the WORST i’ve seen.. but only because I sat through the Rediculous 6 with my best friend, one of three, Cory, for a podcast we tried doing a year or two ago. I’ve seen Rob Schinder do  this for an entire movie. In 2015 no less. So my threshold for HORRIFCALLY offensive is vast and deep. But this is still garden variety racist and should not have been okay then or now. 
And it really SHOULD have the warning label on it. I’m fully in favor of the content warnings Disney started using, and it’s why I got so fucking annoyed during all the talk about it when it happend to the Muppet Show, ESPECIALLY when the republicans got a hold of it and accused them of “Canceling the muppets”. This is NOT fucking cancelation, this is a way to have the past there for posterity, while acknolding it sucked and was NEVER okay. It’s the best way to do this in my opinon, and it bothers me a LOT that a bunch of jagoffs coopted it and threw a hissy fit about Disney trying to do the right goddamn thing. And i’m also okay with leaving some media out. Disney + is a family platform. While keeping classic movies and shows on there with a proper warning is one thing, it’s another to not put song of the south or that episode of the muppets where the host later turned out ot be a pedophile on there. Some things just don’t have nearly enough worth to outpace the harm they can do. And it’s up to companies and consumers to figure out what fits where. 
Anyways our heroes find a llama for transport and that the map is seemingly a dead end to the desert. But Scrooge is determined to press on... and while he does El Capitan and Glomgold are following him, though the two clearly don’t agree on whose in charge, or if El Captian sounds like dr claw or not. They followed with their own copy of the map taken from the chocolate. 
As things progress the rain starts.. and our heroes find out via the JWG that this is what the citzens were all running from. They loose the llama, though are able to salvage some of their suplies it was carrying, and Scrooge nearly gives up to dispair. It’s a good, if sudden, character moment: Scrooge genuinely laments that he was worried one day he’d loose his step.. and stop being one step ahead of everyone. It shows some much needed vunerablity.. that beneath his boisterious and cantankerious usual personality he’s deathly afraid his age will eventualy mean he’ll have to stop..and having to stop adventuring and stop working and stop doing eveyrthing that makes him Scrooge McDuck is a fate worse than death. 
Thankfully he dosen’t as via a figure on the ship, Huey, Dewey or Louie figures out, in a REALLY amazing twist, that the desert itself was the ocean: the ship that has the treasure simply sailed here and hid it. So while our heroes reflect, Glomgold decides to take them out NOW while he has the chance over El Captian’s protests, as the good captain only cares about the gold. But Glomgold is right.. from a villianous point of view at least. leaving them alive is a waste.. granted he does so.. in a way that makes my brain cry out in pain and want to run. He lights a stick of dynamite. In a torrential rainstorm. 
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I mean i’d expect 2017 Glomgold to try it and have it fail.. not to have the actually clever 87 version not only try something this stupid BUT HAVE IT WORK. THE FUSE LIGHTS. IT’S READY TO GO OFF. HE ONLY STOPS IT BECAUSE HIS MAP GETS EATEN AND THEY NEED SCROOGE’S IN TACT. JUST HOW DO YOU WHY DO YOU AUGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-
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Okay i’m.. i’m good now. So after that bit of nonsense and some taking my medication, our heroes take shelter in a cave. The grusome twosome try to sneak in while their asleep.. only to trigger the alarms the boys set up using their pots and pans, a “junior woodchuck alarm”. Clever little bastards. 
The tables quickly turn though as Thing one and Thing Two trap our heroes in the cave.. as i’ts flooding. Scrooge has them press on in hopes of finding a way out, and it rises further and furthe ran excenelty tense scene. But eventually our heroes manage to find somewhere safe in time: the shipwrecked boat with all the gold. Scrooge even puts on a nifty golden conquestador’s helmet. 
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Naturally since we have minutes left in the episode the bad guys show up and have a gun... they never had before. 
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Regardless our heroes are lowered into the lifeboat at gunpoint as the ship goes out to sea and i’ts revealed el captain worked on teh ship as he knows the full manifest.
However both villians personal flaws end up doing them in: Glomgold’s need to gloat means he gives Scrooge a golden coin as he mocks him about winning the bet... only for El Captain to fly into an insane rage demanding he swim out and get it despite just how LITTLE he really needs the coin. He and Glomgold struggle over the ships canon, both no longer needing the other and eventually fire off a ball that capsizes the ship. El Captian seemingly drowns while Glomgold is forced onto the life boat with the McDucks.. and finds out he lost as while he and Scrooge both lost the treasure the coin he tossed scrooge means Scrooge still has made more money. So Glomgold prepares to eat his hat and El Captian prepares for vengance and to get his gold back. 
Final Thoughts on Wronguay in Ronguay: The iffy bit with the store clerk aside.. this episdoe is easily the best 87 Episode i’ve seen.  It captures the spirit of barks perfectly with plenty of intresting twists that kept me engaged the whole time, some great jokes, and two great villians who are done in soley by their own greed and neurosusi> it’s really great stuff and what I expected more and remember more from the 87 Series: top notch adventure in the barks style but wiht it’s own unique touches. While the pilot was a bit rough due to all the ground it tried to cover, this episode, now having the basic formula of the series pretty much set, is allowed to just be a fun, daring adventure story that brilliantly builds off the last episode but can be wholly enjoyed on it’s own. Hopefully this momentum keeps because I don’t remember being the fondest of the next two episodes.. and given that content warning I think we’re in for a rough time next month. 
If you liked htis join my patreon, etc etc, I went into that mor eup top. Till All Are One, See you at the next Rainbow. 
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atlasgaveup · 4 years
This is a good read.
I found this interesting. This is an open letter to all Democrats from a Democrat. I did not write this, but it needs to be shared...
I just have a few questions for you....Let me start with, I already know you don't like President Trump...that's a given, SO
let's move on from that...
How about the division of America....
Do you really blame Trump for that?
How about when NONE of the DEMOCRATS showed up for his inauguration? Don't you think that started the division? He hadn't even been president yet, and EXCEPT for Clinton and Obama, not one democrat showed up....Is that when Trump divided America? Can you imagine if the REPUBLICANS didn't show up for Obama's inauguration because they lost??? Can you even start to imagine what would have happened?
How about when 19 minutes after Trump was inaugurated, the Washington Post declared the IMPEACHMENT CAMPAIGN has STARTED? Was that when Trump divided America?
How about when Nancy Pelosi ripped up Trump's state of the union right in front of the world, showing complete disrespect for the President of the United States? Did that bring the country together and is THAT when Trump divided America?
How about when America had to endure, 3 years and over 30 million dollars spent on trying to PROVE that Trump only won because of RUSSIAN COLLUSION and NOT because America voted him in and 17 democrats did EVERYTHING in their power to PROVE that there was Russian Collusion...and came up with ZERO...?
Was THAT when Trump divided America?
I can't even start to go over the NEGATIVE PRESS he's received since his surprise win...
Remember, the DONORS, the likes Bloomberg, who gave 27 million, Tom Steyer who gave 17 million, George Soros who gave 9 million and MANY MORE that gave MULTI-MILLIONS to Hillary, wanted a return on their investment...
Do you really think that donors give MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS just because they love Hillary?
NO, these weren't campaign donations, they were INVESTMENTS into what HILLARY had promised them when she became president....
They were so sure she would win and they would be SHOWERED with HUGE RETURNS, and when it didn't happen and they LOST all those millions, they went all out to TAKE TRUMP out of OFFICE by any means possible...
DID YOU KNOW that 90% of the Mainstream media and the corporations that own them, are owned by or run by BIG DEMOCRAT DONORS? You can verify all of that for yourselves...I did...
Since the moment Trump won, even before he was inaugurated, the mainstream media's reporting was 92% negative on Trump, do you know why?
It was those big donors that lost their dream of MILLIONS of dollars, on their returns that they were going to receive when Hillary was president and they weren't going to take that loss lightly...They needed to PUNISH TRUMP and those that VOTED HIM IN...
I've said this since the night he was elected...
"There is NOTHING the left won't do to take down our President”, our country and us, no low they won't go to, to get their power back", and sadly, we have seen this every single day since his election.
Let me ask you this...Have you ever listened to Trump or appreciated any accomplishment or campaign promises he's kept, have you ever gone to one of his rallies or have you just closed your mind to ANYTHING he does?
Please ask yourselves the following questions, if you dare...
What has Joe Biden done for America for the last 47 years that he's held an office?
What did Joe Biden ever do for BLACKS when HE and Obama were in office?
What has Joe Biden ever done in his entire life to create a private-sector job?
What has Joe Biden done to help the American middle class worker?
Let me also ask you this...Why do you think there are so many people tearing down statues, our burning flag, beating up police officers, disrespecting our founders and hating our country?
It comes straight from our SCHOOLS that have slowly been tearing down our history...
If there is a teacher out there, please tell me the following:
Do you teach the truth that it was the DEMOCRATS that were the KKK?
That the GRAND LEADER of the KKK was Robert Byrd, who was elected to congress and served for decades, and that it was Hillary, Bill, and Obama that gave his EULOGY praising him?
That the DEMOCRATS fought the Civil war to KEEP SLAVERY?
That the inner-city ghettoes were created by DEMOCRATS to keep control of slaves after they were freed?
That planned parenthood was founded in inner cities to CONTROL the BLACK POPULATION?
Is any of this in your history books?
Let me ask you this as well.
Can a student speak up when he/she disagrees with a teacher when they say that Trump is a horrible president or the electoral college has to be eliminated? I don't think so?
Well, I know a student that actually happened to...When the teacher said it had to be eliminated because Hillary lost, and he stated the reason it should stay,
She ripped him apart and gave the entire class a 5 hour test, and stated it was because he DARED to disagree with her...
Is that happening in your schools?
I'm only asking questions....I'd like your answers..
President Trump and his entire family has been vilified, demeaned and disrespected, for one reason and one reason only.......HE WON...
Have you noticed the DEMOCRATS only throw tantrums and OBJECT to everything he does and have NEVER ONCE gotten behind him to make America the best it can be? WHY?
They can't afford to get behind him...he would WIN AGAIN, and they can't let that happen....if he wins again, the Democrat party will be destroyed and they know it...
Did you notice that the "CAGES" the left claimed that Trump built to put Illegal children in, WERE BUILT BY OBAMA for the very purpose of PUTTING ILLEGAL CHILDREN IN?
Was THAT all over the news when Obama did it? The very same "CAGES"...but the media was silent!!
How about when Trump commuted Roger Stone's sentence, and was DEMONIZED 24/7 but NOT A WORD when Obama commuted 1715 inmates, which included 330 that he granted on his last day in office...
DID WE EVEN HEAR one WORD about it?
Were there reporters even reporting it...NO! Just look at the difference in the reporting. By the way, since Trump's been in office he's commuted 10 people...compare that to Obama...Is that reporting fair?
How about when Biden and Obama allowed the H1N1, the SWINE FLU, to INFECT MILLIONS of Americans before declaring it a health emergency....
Was the press losing it's minds and calling it the OBAMAFLU AND BLAMING OBAMA and BIDEN for the spread ? SILENCE!
Compare this to the NEGATIVE COVERAGE that Trump got when, he immediately halted travel from China when, in February, Nancy Pelosi went to Chinatown and said come on down, or when DeBlasio, in March, said ride the subways and go to broadway...BUT those same people are blaming Trump for the spread of coronavirus..
What have the DEMOCRATS done to help make America the best, to get behind a president that works tirelessly to care about WE THE PEOPLE instead of using us as political pawns..
What have the democrats done for people of color EXCEPT for GIVING ILLEGALS more rights than citizens and having us pay for it...
JUST imagine what this country could accomplish if the Democrats worked with him on the economy, the coronavirus, the inner cities where he's created opportunity zones, job training etc.
When Trump tried to get school choice for inner-city students they ran Betsy Devoss out!! The dems running those innercity schools wanted no part of school choice.
Have you ever wondered why it's cities that have been run, for decades, that have the MOST HOMELESS, the MOST CRIME, the most MURDERS, the worst INNER CITY schools, ARE ALL RUN BY DEMOCRATS???
If you haven't started asking yourselves those questions, maybe you should..
As I said, my entire family used to be democrats, but NOT ONE will ever vote for a democrat again....They asked themselves the same questions and the answer was clear....
I'm not looking for debates on this. I'm a Christian, and will not support the Democrats in Nov.
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