#This is all /p
thedo0zyslider · 11 months
(woe. Fanfic snippet be upon ye)
Fwhip looked at the hallway he'd just been shown, curious at how empty all the bedrooms seemed to be. "Why doesn't anyone stay over there?" He asked, casting a quizzical look at Katherine. The sheep hybrid seemed to shift uncomfortably at the inquiry, but she answered him anyway. Even if she did avert her gaze as she did so.
"Jimmy sleeps on that wing," She explained slowly, an old kind of worry creeping into her tone. "He wants to be alone down there."
"We think he gets night terrors." Shrub adds, quieter than their friend is. "Sometimes there's screaming at night, from around his room.." A little sound comes out of the gnome as she finishes speaking, and Katherine places a gentle hand on her shoulder. Gem makes a noise of her own, and shares a glance with her brother. Fwhip says nothing, just sets his jaw in thought.
They say nothing more of the hallway for the rest of the tour, but it weighs heavy on the dragon hybrids mind for the rest of the day. He ends up picking a room on that hall, making some stupid, crappy joke about separating boys and girls. Like any of them have ever cared for that, and like the whole Wither Rose Alliance hadn't crashed in the same room once.
All he gets in response is troubled murmurs, and Gem's steady gaze on his back as he retreats into his bedroom for the foreseeable future. When Jimmy finds out, he does nothing but blink, frown rather deeply, then seemingly move on with his day.
Not even two nights later, Fwhip is jolted awake by the sound of screaming. Jimmy’s screaming. The sound is horrible, tortuous, and sends the half dragon into panic mode as soon as he hears it.
Hurriedly, and without thinking, he's surging out of his bed. He throws the door open, not caring how loud the sound is, and prays Jimmy’s own bedroom door isn't locked.
After nearly running down the hall, and a frantic fight with the knob, the ginger manages to get his way into the cod's room. He thrusts the oak door open, right as the screaming seems to stop. And Fwhip is meet with a sobbing Jimmy, hunched over himself in bed, crying and hyperventilating like he'd never seen before.
Slowly, he takes a few steps further into the room. Even in the darkness, the ginger can see how Jimmy’s fins twitch. And how his head snaps in the general direction of the movement. Which means he should probably be as quiet as possible, and gentle as well. Not that he was planning on being anything but in this situation, even to the man who had once been his enemy.
"Jim?" He asks, staning hesitantly by the bedside. The nickname slips past his lips without a thought about it. "You there?"
"F-fwhip?" The cod’s voice is small, scared, and raw from all the use it just had. The half dragon can't help the pang of sympathy that pierces his heart upon hearing it.
"Yeah, yeah it's me. This is Fwhip." He places a tentative hand on the bed. "Are you okay?"
"I-I don't think so." The blonde chokes out. "Didn't mean to wake you up, sorry."
"No, no it's fine. Genuinely." Fwhip soothes without a second thought, his hand cautiously ghosting over the other's leg. He's uncertain if touch would help or make the situation worse, and he doesn't want to find out. Not unless Jimmy himself grabs for him. "Do you want me to stay?"
Those seem to be the magic words, somehow, as it what sets the cod into proper motion again. Without warning, the cod is grabbing him by the arm, and pulling him down for a hug. The ginger startles at that, but holds him back on instinct.
Before, he wouldn’t have dreamed of ever hugging this guy. But the explosion had done a lot of weird things to their relationship, so here he was, perfectly unbothered by this. Jimmy makes a strangled cry, one muffled by the half dragon's chest, and he holds the other back tighter. He holds him tighter than he thinks he's ever held anyone, even tighter than he had held his sister the day the world had ended.
They stay like that for heavens knows how long. It could've been a mere twenty minutes, or five long hours. All Fwhip knows is that he holds the blonde close to him the whole until, until his crying subsides and his breathing is even once more. He holds him and runs gentle fingers through messy hair, and whispers sweet nothing between sobs.
"Sorry for grabbing you." Jimmy mumbles. He's sat back now, no longer clutched in the half dragon's tight hold. Fwhip watches as he sniffles and rubs his eyes of any remaining wetness, and has to fight the urge to hold him again.
"It's fine. You needed it." The half dragon shrugs after a moment. He was warned about the nightmares the former Codfather gets, he knew what he was getting into when he took the room next door, and he is determined to get to the bottom of this. Especially since all of their other friends seem to be clueless in the matter, despite living with Jimmy for years.
Also, he would be a pretty big dickhead if he did nothing more to help. And he was trying not to be a dickhead anymore. So there was that.
"When did they start?" Fwhip asked it gently, and paid no mind to the other’s hesitation. He had been keeping this a secret for so long after all, like the stupid fool he tended to be.
Jimmy's words are accompanied by one too many shuddering breaths, so much so that the half dragon reaches out to hold his hand. "Those have been happening, since the explosion. " The cod's eyes were fixed on the wall as he spoke, looking like he was properly out of it. "I dream of it happening again, and you're there, and a lot of times your dead. And I have to watch it happen. I have to watch you die, Fwhip. And I can't do anything to stop it."
The blonde's voice cracks on the last words. Fwhip squeezes gus hand tighter, and doesn't stop as he keeps explainin. Though the explanation is more of a panicked rambling at this point. "Then I wake up and remember you're not dead, or that you hadn't died in the explosion."
Fwhip is stunned into silence for a few minutes, the horrfied kind really. But regardless he swallows nervously, and asks yet anoher question. And the answer, no, the shy admission he gets afterwards is nothing short of horrible. "How often do you have them?"
"Every night or so."
"Jimmy." The former Count hisses out the cod's name, but with a lot less venom than he used too. This time it was just filled with worry. Jimmy flinches regardless.
"I know I should've told someone, but I felt like I couldn't.." The cod mumbles, arms being placed out of his chest in what looks like habit. Another pang of sympathy pierces Fwhip's heart at the motion.
"Why?" He asks, poorly holding back a worried little sigh.
Jimmy's gaze flicks from the walls to the blankets, as he twists a part of the fabric in his fingers. Fwhip has to wonder what it feels like for the other, to be so strangely vulnerable, and wonders why the cod is doing it now. To him of all people, his once mortal enemy. "Dunno, some old fears about being weak or somethin'"
"Well, I know now. And I don't think you're weak." He says, the raw honesty leaking into his tone like a rushing river, like it rarely had before with the man in front of him. "I think your rather brave, for dealing with them every night like that."
"T-Thanks. Thank you." Jimmy stammers. He takes another deep breath, one mre futile attempt to regain his composure. It doesn't work, because he's far too shaken up at this point. So the cod is forced to bend and fold, and ask for the one thing he was most scared of. The one thing request he was scared of being declined.
"....Can you stay with me until morning?" He whispered, leaning closer on what seems to be instinct.
Fwhip didn’t think any part of him could possibly say no. "I can." He forced a gentle smile, and the cod’s eyes got all wide. Like a baby cow's.
"Until the sun comes up?" Jimmy asks. Like anyone in their right mind would leave him after such a nightmare.
"At least until the sun comes up." The half dragon confirms, and says nothing when the cod is in his arms again, still shaking and taking shuddering breaths. He says nothing, and holds him till sun comes up.
A few nights later, Fwhip is back in Jimmy’s bedroom again. He’s clutching the cod to his chest, running gentle fingers through his messed up hair. Sobs wrack his friends whole body, and Fwhip can do nothing but hold him and mutter sweet nothings until it's over.
His panic is shorter than the previous one it seems. Maybe the nightmares had been slightly kinder that night, maybe it because he's here. He doesn't know the reason, and doesn't really care too. As long as his friend calms down, he is happy.
"Sorry, about that." The cod mumbles once it's over, his voice still raw and ragged from his sobs and earlier screams.
"You gotta stop apologizing for these." Fwhip sighs, and holds the blonde closer. Jimmy just sniffles, and buries himself further into the half dragon's warmth.
"I hate this. I hate having these so much." The cod complains, his arms once again holding the former Count’s waist.
"We could share a bed every night, if that helps?" Fwhio suggests, resting his chin atop the blonde's head. He's usually not very affectionate, not even in the slightest, but he lets himself go for Jimmy. He thinks his sister would be startled if she saw him so much as hold someone, let alone cuddle them. (And maybe it feels nice to let himself go. Maybe he's just a bit touched straved, not that Fwhip'll ever admit to that.
"I don't want to keep you up every night." Jimmy shook slightly his head in protest.
"I don't want to come running in here every night." Fwhip snorted, noticing that the other's breathing had finally calmed down. Good, that was good.
"Oh. Yeah. That's fair." Jimmy said, removing himself a little. He always did this when he'd calmed down enough. The cod would remove himself from Fwhip, like he was forcing the other to comfort him. Like Fwhip wasn’t the one to hug him first nine times out of ten.
"We'll just see how it comes, okay?" He smiled, pushing the blonde downwards. "Now try and sleep. You don't get enough of it."
"You don't either!" Jimmy let out a small huff of amusement, and took the half dragon down with him. Fwhip couldn’t hold back his own giggles as his head hit the soft bedsheets.
Some time later, Fwhip wakes up with tear stains marking his cheeks. Great, that was great.
He let out a groan, and turns over in his bed. He presses his face until the coldness of his pillow, feeling his chest heave with left over sadness. The former Count hated crying in his sleep, really he did. It always gave him the worst feeling imaginable when it did happen.
After what feels like an eternity, there is the skund of his door opening. Curious despite his rather messed up state, Fwhip rolls over, and sees a very familiar man now standing in his roo. "Jim?" He asks, watching as the cod slowly approaches his bed. "Why're you in here?"
"I felt like I needed to." Jimmy shrugged, placing a head on the corner of the footboard.
The half dragon just huffed in reponse. "Well you don't. 'M fine." He can hear how his voice shakes, and knows that his words wouldn't have convinced anyone. Let alone this guy infront of him.
"Oh, Fwhip." Jimmy says delicately, and crouches on the bed next to him. Oh how the tables turn.
"What wrong?" The cod asks, and Fwhip decides he should probably sit up for this.
"Had a dream." Is all he mutters at first, a little reluctant to recall it.
"A bad one?" The blonde asks, shifting closer just in case. The half dragon shakes his head in response.
'Fwhip, what was it?" Jimmy pushed again, in a tone that sounds like Gem’s serious one. And the ginger knows he cannot weave his way out of answering anymore.
"I....I dreamed I was flying again." He admits, and cannot look ag his friend when he does so. There is something like shame in him, shame for not being able to do that. Old shame, for causing that for himself, shame for causing the world to end.
He can feel the way the cod dimply blinks in repsonse, and wonders why his tone had turned soft so sharply. "Oh."
"Sorry, I just...." Fwhip sighed, and shifted so he could bury his head in his knees. He wasn't going to cry again, he wasn't. Not in front of Jimmy. It's supposed to be the other way around, not like this.
What the cod says next surpises him entirely, though in hindsight, the half dragon doesn't know why he hadn't considered if before. "No, I get it. I miss swimming sometimes."
He shoots his head up in suprise, meeting the others soft brown gaze. "Can you not..?" He tries not to glance at Jimmy’s tail as he speaks. Keyword tries, it doesn't really work. Though the blonde doesn't seem to mind in the slightest, considering his own people have probably given him weirder looks. (Well, what's left of fhem anyways)
"No, I'm missing one tail fin, and half of the other. And the nerves are messed up as well." Jimmy explained. He changed positions, so Fwhip could properly seem the now damaged limb. And well, he'd never really looked at Jimmy’s tail before. He'd known what if had looked like originally, and had caught glimpses of it since he can back, buy never had the ginger really sat there and inspected it.
"Oh, I'm sorry." He reaches out a hesitant hand to touch it, to ghost over the scarred flesh, and Jimmy lets him.
Jimmy just give a shrug in response. "It's fine, I'm getting used to it. What about your wings? If you don't mind me asking?" And well, Fwhip doesn't really want to show them off, but Jimmy’s voice is just so kindly curious. And he had just showed him his tail.....
The half dragon sighs, and decides to just get it over with and show him. He spreads what remains of his limbs, and can't help but move his gaze downward in shame once more. "They're mostly gone. And my tail is messed up as well. I can still move it, but it doesn't do much for balance anymore."
Jimmy nods along as he speaks, and maybe the half dragon reliazes that this feels nice. Maybe it feels nice to finally be vulnerable with someone, when he hasn't let himself for months now. "I see. Mine doesn't help with balance like it used to either." A moment later, he adds something else quietly. "My arm's also permanently damaged."
"Oh?" He cocks his head to the side curious. In response, Jimmy moves his right arm, his dominant one (arguably the worst arm to injure forever), and the movement seems a little slow and delayed.
The cod looks at the scars ligning his skin, a frown working its way onto his face. Fwhip can't even imagine what memories must be going through his head at the moment. "Used it to shield myself from the blast. It has scars, and I can barely feel one part of it."
"I have scars too, everywhere basically. All explosion shaped." He offers, and knows the ones on his arms and face have been on display a decent amount. They make him like wearing his coat even more than he used too.
Despite the earlier frown, Jimmy cracks a smile. "We messed ourselves up real good, didn't we?"
"Heh, yeah." Fwhip can't help but laugh lightly at it.
Slowly, Jimmy reaches a hand to his battered wings. Fwhip is catious about it, but he lets him, because it's only fair to, really. He flinches back a moment later on near instinct, and hates the looks of guilt that flashes across Jimmy's face.
Okay then, he doesn't like people touching his wings. Not yet anyways. A new boundary discovered at the worst time ever.
He doesn't know how to make Jimmy feel not guilty, so he just flops onto his back in defeat. "I hate this. This sucks."
"I know, I know." Jimmy mumbles, and it feels like he's moved farther away. Fwhip wants him closer.
"I want to fly again. I miss flying." He complains, gaze fixed on the white and pink celling of House Blossoms castle. Katherine really liked pink, is what he found himself noting again. He'd stared at this ceiling far too many times than he was comfortable admitting too.
"Why didn't you tell me you had nightmares as well?" Jimmy's asks quietly. Fwhip just shrugs in response.
"Never thought to."
"Idiot." Jimmy says, but not without a hint of affection behind it. "I'm helping you with them from now on."
"Do you have to?" Fwhip groans with a pout, and feels a light flick against his arm. It doesn't hurt much, but he still playfully kicks the other in response. Jimmy holds back a laugh before he speaks again.
"Yes! You help with mine, I help with yours!" The blonde exclaims, and it feels like he's moved closer again. There is a tail somewhere near his legs, one that's not it's own, and it seems to be flicking with some sort of happy emotion.
"Fineee" Fwhip holds back a laugh, and flexes his damaged wings under him. Maybe missing these won't be so bad. Maybe it can be manageable, if this guy keeps trying to cheer him up that is.
"Mind if I sleep here tonight?" Fwhip asks, standing in Jimmy’s doorway for what has to be the thousandth time. Be doesn't know what he looks like, but he assumes it's rather pathetic.
The cod shrugs, and moves the covers aside for him. "Nah. Get in."
He walks over quickly, and slides into the bed, the second he's laying down, arms are wrapping around him and holding him close. He must've looked really sad and pathetic, for Jimmy to do that without asking. But it's comforting, and helping his bad state of mind a little, so the former Count doesn't mind much.
It feels a little awkward sharing a bed when no crying has come before it, Fwhip has to admit. In his mind at least. But then Jimmy buries his face into the small of his back, and suddenly it's not very awkward anymore. Fwhip relaxes into it fully, and has to hold back a sigh. God he needed that. He's not sure why he needed to be held and cuddled so much, he just did.
At some point in the quiet, Fwhip turns over in Jimmy’s arms, so he can see the others face. This all feels so.....domestic. so intimate. With a man he used to hate and spit venom at, no less. He wonders when they got so comfortable with each other, to be all domestic like this. He wonders if it means something else, and finds that it doesn't. He wonders what their friends would say if they found out about all this. He wonders what Sausage would say, if he was here and seeing this.
The cod hums, having shifted their postion without the other noticing, and start to trace the scars that run up his arm. The scars he's been told stories about, the scars that they both helped form. Fwhip wonders if the other feels any guilt when he looks at them. Because he know he does whenever he catches a glimpse of Jimmy’s tail, or his own scars, or any of his torn fins and his permanently damaged right arm.
Suddenly, as if the cod can feel himself being stared at, he looks up. Their eyes meet, and the blonde frowns. "Stop thinking." He says, fingers still running over his skin.
"How do you know I'm thinking?" Fwhip asks, slightly amused. He wonders when they could start reading each other so well.
"Because you're looking at me all guilty like. Stop that and go to sleep." Jimmy sounds like such an expastered mother, the half dragon can't help but sigh and try to oblige.
"I'll try." He mumbles, and closes his eyes. Careful hands keep tracing over his scars, and maybe the sensation helps lull him to sleep. Maybe the sensation is becoming comforting, just a tad.
Maybe Jimmy is his comfort.
"You two share a bed a lot, don't you?" Gem asked one morning, brewing herself a cup of coffee. She had grabbed a mug for him without even asking, because she just knew that he'd complain if she didn't. Even the way he liked his coffee was gross, or whatever she had been calling it.
"Yeah, and?" He asks, already starting to sound exasperated. His sister must have seen him exit Jimmy's room this morning, his clothes probably decently (and suspiciously) rumpled. And if Gem was asking, she'd probably seen it more than once already.
The wizard clears her throat a little awkwardly, and asks the worst question shes probably ever asked him. "Are you two...um...involved in any way? More than friends I mean-"
"I am not fucking Jimmy." Fwhip groans, pinching the bridge of his nose. The thought hadn't even crossed his mind before, and thinking about it now made him physically recoil. Not that the cod wasn't attractive or anything, their relationship had just never been like that. And would probably never be, as far as he was concerned.
"Good to know." Gem says over the sound of coffee being poured. Fwhip doesn't even care much about the drink anymore, just leaving this situation as soon as he can really.
"Physical touch helps him with the nightmares." He explains further, carefully leaving out the information that he had them sometimes as well. Though Gem had seen some of them, before they were found and all, but she would worry less if she believed they'd slowly stopped over time.
"Ohhh." A lightblub seems to go off in his sister's head, and she starts preparing his coffee how he likes it. Fwhip almost tells her there's no need too.
"And if I was, it'd be none of your buisness." He grumbles, and stands from the table. He can drink cold coffee later, when he's less annoyed. It was not a good morning to ask him that.
He hears Gem sigh, but she doesn't chase after him. Fwhip only hears the faint clinking of a mug against the table, right as he returns to his own bedroom.
Fwhip crawls into Jimmy’s room one night, not even knocking before he opens the door. It's become quite a habit after all these months, a bad one as his twin would call it, but neither of them care much for her opinion on this specific thing anyways. (Because according to Gem, finding a counselor would do many more wonders, even if Fwhip’s pretty sure neither of them can sleep alone now. Night terrors or no night terrors.)
Jimmy is awake as soon as his door clicks shut, and greets him with a groggy hello. Fwhip says nothing, just sits down on the bed, and relaxes near instantly as familiar arms wrap around him. The half dragon melts into his friends warmth, and thinks he could finally fall asleep right then and there.
"What's wrong?" The cod mumbles, sleep stilling coating his voice. Fwhip says nothing for a moment, and buries his head into Jimmy's soft woolen t-shirt.
"Phantoms pains were bad today." He grumbled eventually. "And a bunch of other things, just felt like i was gonna have a nightmare."
"Mmm, I get it." Jimmy hummed. "Wanna lay down?"
"Please." Fwhip sighed, and let himself be pulled down. He laid half ontop of Jimmy, and nuzzling into his warmth had become habit by that point, it had become as natural as breathing.
"You comfortable?" The cod laughed, his breath ghosting over the others face. Fwhip just made a tired noise in response.
"Yes, you're very warm and comforting." He mumbled, and squeezed his eyes shut. The phantom pains from earlier were still there, but focusing on the cod's breathing was helping keep his mind off it.
"Good, that's good." Jimmy said, and his night felt a lot more manageable than it had before. Not good, but more manageable, and that was more than enough for now.
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deadpoolsmom · 2 months
as far as one piece antagonists go Crocodile truly gets absolutely scooby-doo’d at unmatched levels
He immediately falls for a phone scam and from basically little garden to rainbase he doesn’t even know the strawhats are alive (and clowning towards him at incredible speed). As soon as he does, they’re in his house tearing at his walls and bringing marines into his villain lair.
He uses a literal floor trap door over a gator pit to catch them, gets phone scammed again, full scooby-doo chase scenes after Chopper through the streets while still missing him, and suddenly his prisoners have escaped his impossible cage, and his giant bananagators are dead. and Nico Robin saw it all happen.
He then spends rest of the arc complaining about those meddling kids and their dog “strawhat pirates and their weird pet” and at no point does he even know how many strawhats there are.
Like yeah he keeps having plans on top of plans to stop everything Vivi can do but also she keeps coming up with a new thing to do (Tom and Jerry ass dynamic).
Part of it is that he’s underestimating them and keeps grandstanding villain monologuing but also teens keep killing hundreds of his grand line bounty hunters and he straight up does not know what is happening.
Cause he IS trying to kill them he’s sending top assassins after them and ripping out luffy’s organs, the whole time he’s yelling HOW ARE YOU ALIVE?? DIE. as whack-a-mole Luffy keeps inventing new ways to hit him.
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egophiliac · 16 days
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last chance to guess what the new round of birthday outfits will be!
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jupiterlandings · 9 months
“How is 12 year old Annabeth head of the Athena cabin??”
1. Demi gods have the life expectancy of a lemming.
2. Gifted kids often burn out by age 16 & I doubt any of the Athena teens have the energy or desire to argue with their little sister who willingly takes care of all the family paperwork.
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zivazivc · 9 months
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I feel like I have some of the most random headcanons. but I am lowkey obsessed with the fact that John Dory is so much older than Branch that he potentially could have dated their friends'/peers' parents, and/or anything else funny and possibly entertaining that the large age difference entails lmaokskssbcdsbcjdh
edit: part two
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jabesa0 · 4 months
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My Siren By The Seashore 🌊🐚
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junotter · 5 months
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Part 2 of my modern avatar au, The Gaang (part 1)
#avatar aang#atla katara#atla toph#atla sokka#atla suki#atla#avatar the last airbender#modern avatar#atla modern au#my art#atla fanart#kataang#CAUSE THEY ARE IMPORTANT IN THIS AU#lots of inner debates on how to deal with aang's tattoos and if to make him say an actual buddhist#decided that he and monk gyatso (plus a handful of others) are/were part of a largely dying religion of a nomadic group#from the himalayan/tibetan plateau region that's a mix of buddhism hinduism and other religions (plus air nomad culture)#due to the politics of region aang and gyatso traveled around the world which is how he met katara and sokka#who were on a fieldtrip in the south (of canada)#they live in the Qikiqtaaluk Region originally in a smaller northern town but to continue their schooling they moved to iqaluit#Toph is from China and she met the gaang during the first big trip sokka katara and aang took together (at aangs begging)#meet her the summer before katara's first semester of college (so she was 18 aang 16 sokka 19 toph 16)#also by 16 aang is his own guardian cause of gyatso's death so he just does whatever p much#suki from okinawa and they meet briefly another summer of college when traveling to a bunch of islands in the pacific#suki specializes in and teaches ryukyuan martial arts (she's ryukyuan)#all reunite after sokka and katara's graduation (katara graduates a year early) during aang sokka and kataras celebration world tour#where they come into full actual contact with the fire nation crew#they are all in their twenties in these expect for monk aang who is a teen#hehe i cant wait to make more for this auuuu
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notaplaceofhonour · 4 months
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Not At Odds
Ceasefire Now + Bring Them Home Now
Jewish & Palestinian safety & freedom are not at odds with each other; they are interconnected. These things can must coexist.
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bluegiragi · 5 months
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early access + nsfw on patreon
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shyhandart · 5 months
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philinof · 3 months
how did we as a phociety move on from “can phil express an opinion?” that was literally one of The most insane moments ever.
phil just wanted to get a word in and dan was literally so irritated that people kept speaking over phil that he did not gaf anymore. he reached his long ass arm all across that table to steal someone else’s mic, without a single “excuse me”. then he doesn’t say “phil has something to add!” or something else normal.
no, instead he asks, mad as fuck, “can phil express an opinion?” like hey can phil fucking speak. is he allowed to say something. can he express a single fucking opinion during this panel.
and he knew how’d he come off. people were a little shocked. it definitely came off as rude to some. but it was so jarring that they just had to shut up. like damn okay i didn’t know you felt so strongly about your fellow youtuber, mr. danisnotonfire.
dan knew that phil was just way too nice to interrupt everyone else & stand up for himself. so he took matters into his own hands, he didn’t mind looking rude if it meant phil got to speak his mind. & i think that’s just so loving & kind & i’ll never get over it. <3
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braisedhoney · 1 year
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okay but can you imagine—
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stoopidstapler · 1 year
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typicalsimswhore · 5 months
Your favourite creators are raising money for Palestine !!!
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["Creators for Palestine is raising money for Palestine Children's Relief Fund, a registered 501 non-governmental organisation established in 1992. With the current state Gaza is in, we are looking to raise $1M to address humanitarian needs and immediate relief, including providing essential medical treatment/supplies, food, clean water and other necessities for families affected by the genocide. Please donate and share now!"]
Some notable figures: Hasanabi, Kurtis Connor, Eddy Burback, and many more!
You can donate here -> https://tiltify.com/@creators-for-palestine/creators-for-palestine
When they reach their $750K goal, there will be a livestream to get to $1mil! Don't miss it!
Thank you for supporting Palestine <3
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caffichai · 9 months
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Polar bears are like, legendarily chubby! So here's my artistic take on Aurora
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mzminola · 3 months
Every time I see news of crowds agitating against Israel outside a synagogue, or museum, or Jewish day school full of children, or restaurant, or educational event, and so on in the US, every time my thought is why the fuck aren't you holding this 'protest' at city hall? Or your state legislature? Or your federal reps' offices?
A random Jewish institution in the United States has absolutely zero power to affect the decisions made by Israel's parliament or military. You're not "raising awareness" or "drawing attention to the issue" because the general public of the US is already at least somewhat aware thanks to the news, and Jewish people are in fact one of the groups in the US to be the most fucking aware of what's going on.
If you are upset by US military aid going to Israel, you need to convince your federal representatives to change that. Those reps do not base US military foreign aid policy on random US citizens harassing other US citizens.
If you want the US to provide more civilian relief in the form of food, medicine, or helping refugees come here, you need to convince reps at every level. Can your city partner with a refugee organization to arrange housing? Can your governor arrange scholarships or exchange programs to state universities? Can the feds channel more funds to Doctors Without Borders?
Do a write and call-in campaign. Hold your protest at legislatures. File a petition. Do something to directly express your desires to the elected officials who have a direct say in policy.
We've held protests at city halls and state legislatures and federal buildings for centuries. Why aren't you doing so for this issue?
Why are you macing people attending synagogue? They have no more power over elected officials' choices than you do.
Why are you screaming at schoolchildren? They have less power over elected officials' choices than you do.
Why are you blocking entrance to a museum? Hold a fundraiser to build your own, if you want to educate people so badly!
I know the antisemites don't actually care about US military & foreign aid policy. I know the racists are simply reveling in an excuse to whip up a mob to attack Jews. It's obvious.
But if you really, truly want to help the people of Gaza, you need to stop being part of that hateful mob, and organize your own, real political actions that directly engages with your elected representatives.
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