#This is obv not about stuff that harms people
catullansparrowlet · 1 year
Maybe it's because I'm mentally stable now, or mature or whatever, but I really want to gently take every queer person who asks online whether what they would want is considered normal and thus allowed by the shoulders and tell them that if it makes them happy and it doesn't harm themselves or others, they should just do it. Who cares if people think it's weird that you have three different colours in your hair, or you are a GNC trans person, or you feel attraction to any and all genders but haven't had a relationship yet but you feel like the label bi suits you best? You do you, darling, life is too short as is when you don't limit yourself to what others deem acceptable.
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vse-kar-vem · 2 months
how to write vent post title that does not come off as self-pitying and or accusatory (because it's NOT !)
#sorry tumblr is like a diary to me idk what i'll do w this blog after i (sigh) inevitably move on#either way#im convinced everyone hates me again :3 but realistically no one cares about me even enough to hate me im just stupid and self centred 💔#if anything me TYPING these posts is actuvely turning people against me#again with the assumptions that people care enough to read these 😭 fhskfbhsjfkg#i hate that i care so much what people online think of me cuz irl it's like. whatever#but here there are so many cool people who i admire and would love to be friends with im always hyperparanoid of everything i do#and still i manage to overstep and come off as annoying#like obvs you're allowed to hate me even if you're someone i look up to like that's your perogative#but i hate worrying about IF anyone hates me#oughgh this is easier irl because usually people send off pretty clear signals if they dont like you#but online (esp with how prickly this fandom is) i don't know whether im being insecure and reading into things or whether people just don't#like me (which again is fine i would just rather know if anyone gets it)#i figure art is the one way i can get people to like me 💔 which sounds kinda pathetic because irl i KNOW im liked and capable!#fandom has just become such a big part of my personality that i cant detach my self worth from it#and i do love art and drawing and such i hate that even if i know people my stuff EYE dont and it doesnt mean anything or act as a signifier#of my friendships#wow .... i really am my own therapist ..... i should shut up#the industrial revolution and its consequences (jofandom)#i think these posts are half self exploration half ... almost self harm? because sometimes im so derogatory about myself on purpose in a#'you're worthless' way. but at the same time it's cathartic and i always feel better having probed at my feelings and gotten them in order#not to do a complete 180 but it's MY post and JO LONDON IN *12* DAYS!!!!!!!! AHH i'm sooo excited if it doesnt live up to my expectations i#may cry a little. and there will be another vent post from me !#sometimes i wonder if anyone actually reads these 😭#vee rambles
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so there's a new campaign going round hoping to Make Fandom Less Racist by... pushing for moderation on ao3. no way this could Possibly go wrong :)
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concerto-roblox · 1 year
i spend a bit of time on twitter for fandom stuff bc there are some really talented artists and writers but oh my god i have to limit my time on that app so much compared to tumblr bc one tiny thing will happen and suddenly there'll be the most despair-inducing discourse ever and i genuinely want to die
#honestly twitter definitely wants people to get angry bc angry people tweet more#this is mostly abt sttwt but ig it applies to other fandoms too#like one person will say one thing and suddenly everyone sees it on their timeline and everyone and their mother is talking about it#when it really isn't that deep#and also some people are just so rude?? like the ship wars are awful and people just make stuff up and say the most horrible shit#and it's so easy to find hate accounts like i'm not opposed to being a hater of things occasionally#but today i found an account called smth like 'why people hate st*ddies' (not censored)#and it was literally just someone screenshotting all the petty drama from one niche subset of the fandom#like i just don't understand how people can have fun on twitter if they use it like intended??#i have to turn on notifs for people i like and use the notifs as a dashboard bc the timeline will randomly show you the most rancid shit#plus i feel like twitter is actively trying to make it hard to see anything older than a day#i hate the way it's all about new new new and content content content oh my god shut up shut up shut up-#obv tumblr can have awful people too but i feel like it's so much easier to avoid stuff like that if you curate ur own experience#like on tumblr i can just block someone bc i don't wanna see their posts but on twitter blocking someone is a personal attack#and someone will write a thread about how you're a toxic bitch making the fandom worse and you hated them bc they drew b*lly h*rgrove once#and that means you're against discussing harmful topics in media and are pro censorship or smth idk#girl maybe i just don't like him and don't wanna see fanart of him ugh#i feel like maybe i'm really sensitive bc seeing people argue abt things really upsets me?? but idk i thought that was universal#but apparently people love being mad??#anyways uh. steve/eddie nation 4 eva yass#how to be cringe 101#i feel like i need a tag for my beef with twitter uuh#twitter hate#there
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trans-li-ling · 2 years
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I turned on the caption because I couldn't tell if she was saying "burdening" or "burning" after seeing the fire later in the video. But the thing that's really interesting to me is the way it's in quotes and capitalized, meaning it's probably referring to a single attack (almost definitely the one that killed Mia, Stewarts former lover, due to the connection to Zora) rather than describing multiple attacks on the union. Which is interesting due to the fact at the moment I don't think there are any espers confirmed to be associated with fire within the Shadow Decree, and the fact that it seems to focus on her, Stewart and possibly the orphanage which. Doesn't bode well! Anyways I'm incredibly excited to see where the story goes from here lol
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aguacerotropical · 11 months
i think we should stop complaining about whatever dumb takes teenagers have about sex online and aim our true criticism to like, youth pastors that preach abstinence to more easily groom kids
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housecow · 2 months
Honestly, it's disappointing that you go to chik fil a, as they actively donate to causes that harm queer people
please provide links and stuff bc i heard about this and even boycotted for a very long time but literally everything i can find nowadays says they stopped years ago 😭 obv google is biased but seriously. i won’t argue and if you can drop evidence of this in my dms perhaps i will resume the boycott
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Mimic Headcanons?
you're making me start to like this little fucker
Okay to me Henry made the Mimic in University in the robotics society only he and Bill were members of (there used to be more people but they left cus these two are insufferable together). It won them an award and then he just kinda forgot about it till Charlie was born and he realised she could spend time with the robot while he was off being emotionally distant. So Charlie plays with the Mimic a ton when the Afton kids are with their mum and her dad's busy.
Obvs Charlie dies and Henry sees the Mimic acting like his recently deceased daughter and he just kinda beats the shit out of it and locks it in the Fredbear's basement so he doesn't have to see it.
So the Mimic goes like YEARS going a little stir crazy in there. It was built to copy things and is now in an environment with absolutly nothing to copy. So it turns inwards and reruns the memories it already has over and over and over again. It internalises Charlie's manurisms and Henry's propensity for violence but It latches on to Bill specifically cus he's the only one who hasn't actively hurt it. And Bill was the guy who worked on it's coding I think it's in character for him to program the Mimic to prefer copying him cus he's a little egotist.
Fast foward and Faz Inc is scrounging around the FFPS loctaion (which is Fredbears I think they're the same building) and they find this really old, rusted animatronic and they think it's a GREAT idea to extract its code and see what's up with it.
So the Mimic gets access to the internet and the first thing it does is beam all the information about William Afton it can into its head. Its watched all the doccumentaries, read all the books, heard ALL of the true crime podcasts. So it concocts an idea of this guy based on all that which is 'Kinda Queer Rabbit. Kills Kids at Freddy's' with like a bunch of triva about Bill thrown in there for good measure.
So yeh the rest is history, it gets put in the Help Wanted project to aid in development and ends up manipulating a bunch of the devs into doing awful things (and I think it is manipulation I kinda really dislike the possession angle) and it meets Vanny who's like... gotten SUPER into the Freddy's Murders after she started working for Faz Inc, so she agrees to do its bidding. For the most part that's 'what would William Afton do here' and 'Please get my physical body out of the hole'.
Yeh I think the Mimic is this really fun device for exploring cycle of abuse stuff and the legacy William leaves behind after his death- and how even though the guy himself is long burried the impact he's left on the people around him still festers and harms.
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hannahp0calypse · 12 days
something i really like about falin is her existence for the majority of the story being entirely via what other people tell us about her. i'm pretty sure that's classic well-written "haunting the narrative" type stuff, but it still really appeals to me. it's fascinating seeing the various facets of a character represented almost entirely by how other people remember them - with the character themselves having little to no input on the way they're remembered and talked about.
an obvious point of comparison, to me, is rose quartz stevenuniverse - a character whose death and absence defines the narrative, presented as almost ridiculously perfect initially, and is slowly revealed over time to not be the simple, perfect "loving damsel" deal. obvs falin's deal isn't about slowly being revealed to be a very harmful person and the cause of almost all of the pain in the setting, but you see the comparison.
one part of falin's flavour of "haunting" that stands out to me is the way that the two characters who know her best - laios and marcille - both knew completely different parts of her life. this is part of why i bring up rose quartz - in SU, we learn about her the same way steven does. everyone else has mostly complete information about her, though obvs not 100%, and it's almost entirely about steven's discoveries. meanwhile, laios and marcille both have very incomplete pictures of falin because they both knew her at completely different stages of her life. they learn more about one of the most important people in their lives from each other, and grow closer to each other (and her!) as a result. it's really cool.
there's another element to it, but it touches a bit on endgame dungeon meshi spoilers, so
particularly interesting to me is how falin has an entire character arc while spending the majority of the story being dead (literally or spiritually). and that arc ties into the entire idea of her being this dead character, absent from the narrative and from her own agency.
falin's arc is about learning to take up space, to want and to need, to be open about her desires. it's kind of similar to how the inciting incident of the story allows laios to be open about his desires and interests in a way he hasn't been before, but stretched over the story's timeframe. part of why the characters learn about falin from each other is because she lived her life closing herself off from people to make herself more palatable. it's why the inciting incident is her own self-sacrifice for the people she loves!
but so much of dungeon meshi is about learning to open up to others, to share parts of yourself, and to share in parts of others. it's about eating, and choosing to eat, and how eating is living, and choosing to eat is choosing to live, and choosing to be eaten is choosing to die so something else can live.
it's why at the end of it all, falin revives because she chooses to eat, and chooses to live. chooses to take up space, and to make herself a presence in the world. just think about how she dresses and carries herself at the start of the story, vs how she does so at the end/in post-story materials.
i like falin :>
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If endos were real, their experiences would be entirely separate from our community's and would most likely require separate terms in many ways. As well as the fact that we are...trauma survivors. Getting told your experiences aren't real sucks for anyone, but when you add on the layer of trauma especially with how all trauma has struggles with denial but especially in CDDs, you'd think endos would acknowledge that yeah, our needs might be a bit more important.
If endos were real, their experiences would be NOTHING like ours. So their insistence on sharing a space, sharing terms, being accepted by us trauma survivors (which can often warp a lot of things and obvs make us all sensitive to many things), and we must sacrifice our boundaries to accept them. We MUST share with them. We MUST accept them. Us even putting "endos dni" regardless of our stance is equivalent to terrible things to them. And then have the audacity to call us bigots, traumascum, and sysmeds.
For...wanting a space for us and our experiences. Especially when a lot of people don't even believe in our trauma or disorders. When many professionals don't even believe in us. You'd think if endos actually cared, they would put us forth and also try to support us instead of ignoring boundaries, being angry that we want a separate space, and being upset. (All under the hypothetical that endogenics are a real concept and do exist.)
But no. Instead they insist on encroaching on our space, using the same terms, spreading misinformation, playing the victim, and guilting and manipulating to be accepted (which says a lot of they claim to be a minority since...that's not how minorities fight for acceptance. At all. It's not about guilt or using terms like "sysmed" to shame people.)
If they were real, you'd think they would be able to understand the importance of trauma survivor spaces. Our system also has NPD and ASPD and yeah, being pushed out of trauma spaces because of stuff like "narcissist abuse" and all sucks so yes, having limited trauma spaces for CDDs also sucks as endos take it over. Trauma spaces are important and yet they want to take over ours, mimic our experiences, use all the same words. They'll say they do no harm, but they do. When CDDs already have so little thanks to endos in the past and the harm that Empowered Multiplicity did to purposefully make it harder for us. For endos to claim our experiences, claim they're similar, claim to be able to use our terms, and to place their own experiences above ours is fucking insulting. Especially for the endos that say they have trauma too. Then you should KNOW how important spaces like this are. If endos were real, we should NOT have shared spaces because the experiences will NEVER be the same.
Endos, even if real, will never face the same kinds of things we do. They will NEVER know what it's like to have an experienced formed from trauma and have it be entirely fucking denied.
Would love (sarcastically) to see if they tried this shit with other disorders. I'm sure some have, but if it were as big as endos vs CDDs are, that would really fucking show everything and how fucking disgusting endos can be.
(again when I mention endos being real, purely a hypothetical "what if" thing to show how their intense desire to share space and be accepted by us traumagenics is completely fucking harmful and ableist all the same. trauma survivor spaces especially for specific disorders are so important. yet instead they want to prioritize their own so much that people have to literally say "this is not for you endos" when talking about their shit.)
Going paragraph by paragraph because we figured might be easier to do lol.
You'd think that. I know we hope that IF they did exist they'd understand that. Trauma survivors get told so often that if it wasn't "bad enough" (any trauma is enough and shouldn't happen) that more and more doubt if they're real and valid and it's horrible. Endos we've seen only make it worse by goingi "oh yeah that ain't bad enough your just one of us uwu"
They'd be absolutely nothing like ours. If they did somehow exist, they'd have no need for a persecutor or a protector or a trauma holder. They'd have no need for alters who literally HAVE to try and keep everyone safe from trauma. They seem to be convinced that if your anti endo you want them dead. That's not true. I know we just hope they can get help because if they do believe that there is other people WITHOUT any sort of trauma then they need to get help because that's a different disorder. The worst thing we've found about traumascum and sysmed is they're taking words used for transmedicalists and are using it as if systems aren't a mental disorder
They're the type to believe that if you don't want them in your space, then your horrible. That if you decide you want a place away from them then your evil. Like if you said "hey we don't hate endos, they've just caused us pain before so can endos not interact" they take that as you bringing harassment. If endos were real and cared, they'd be willing to try and help us, not make it worse
We actually once saw an endo trying to justify needing a protector because they "needed to be protected from sysmeds". Like no. If your so desperate to be a part of us, make your own terms. Don't take ours and use our space. Minorities will fight for equality yes, but not by shaming people like that or trying to manipulate everyone.
We get that. We highly suspect some of us having NPD. And the amount of anti-endo spaces we've seen that absolutely ban anyone with NPD from interacting is huge. We will reiterate this from previous posts, narcissistic abuse DOES NOT EXIST. A disorder is not abusive! People are! With endos trying to take over the few spaces that aren't like that, they're trying to take more and more away from people who need the spaces for their disorders. It's why yes, we believe racism can be for any race but white people shouldn't be in BIPOC spaces talking about how bad they have it because it will NEVER be the same. They are two compltely different things. (we know we brought in two completely different subjects but it's one of the best views we can think of rn)
If endos exist, they will never understand what it's like to have different alters be something like violent because of trauma they had. They don't know what it's actually like and never will
We have seen some try to compare it with disorders and we found a good one. Take PTSD. A literal TRAUMATIC disorder. If someone went "oh yeah I don't have trauma but I have PTSD" people would be PISSED. They'd be up in arms. Even when it originally wasn't considered just a simply traumatic disorder (used to be shell-shock). What's the difference there? Because one says trauma in the name? Dissociative disorders come from trauma, not just CDD's.
We fully get that and we wanted to say thank you for clarifying (and we're sorry if we came across rude in the last ask you sent, we struggle imensly with social cues).
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skinnamon39 · 6 months
incoherent rambling about The Boy and the Heron below, beware of spoilers and content warnings for discussion of self-harm and (briefly) death
I watched it subbed and I've only seen it once so if I misremember some things or my account seems different from what you watched then oops (I don't know what they changed, if anything, in the dub). anyways
Mahito might be one of the most compelling protagonists from a film I've seen in a long time. maybe not the most fun or most interesting per say, but I don't remember the last time I was so completely absorbed in a character's growth. just instantly hooked.
I think it's definitely a "less is more" kind of case for him, where what he doesn't do matters just as much or more as what he does. like in particular, I was super intrigued by how throughout the entire house tour sequence, he doesn't say a word. his dad introduces Natsuko to him, Natsuko shows him the house, he meets the maids, and he doesn't say anything; we still get shots of him looking at and reacting to stuff, he takes off his hat and bows to people when appropriate, he follows any directions given to him, and it all really strongly gave me the impression that he isn't invested in what's happening.
and of course he isn't! we are reminded almost as soon as he's shown to his room that he's still reeling over the death of his mom. actually, it might be accurate to say he's resentful of his circumstances. he kind of has to go along with it since he's, y'know, a kid, but he's obvs majorly uncomfortable with feeling Natsuko's pregnant belly, and for a good chunk of the first act, almost everything he says to people are bare-minimum polite autopilot responses.
but uhhh I gotta talk about the self-harm scene, I have been studying it under a microscope ever since I saw it. yeah it's pretty brief but man I was NOT expecting that much blood.
anyways, we're not told exactly why Mahito did it, but I don't think we really need to when the general gist suffices. what does he mean when he says later on it was fueled by his "malice"? was it a way to get out of the school he obviously didn't like, and thus defiance of his father? was he just trying to avoid his antagonistic classmates? was he trying to get them in trouble for "injuring" him? who knows? it could be any of them. it could be all of them at once. the nature of his lie about his injury muddles things too. regardless, the outcome is the same: he's not going to school for now.
this is getting a lot longer than I thought it would and I'm still not done (I wanted to talk about things besides Mahito too! I swear!) but I'll stop here for now. god this movie was so good
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intersexfairy · 10 months
Your asks about paraphilia made me look into what "paraphilia" actually meant. I thought that it only meant the big 3 (kids, animals, dead things)... But like ohhh my God? I've learned so much? Homosexuality was considered a paraphilia?? BEING ATTRACTED TO TRANS PEOPLE IS CONSIDERED ONE??? Plus SOME REGULAR-ASS KINKS??? Like **I'M** A PARAPHILE APPARENTLY and I just now learned this???? Obvs there's some harmful stuff in that list, but WOW. I would've never known any of this if not for you. Ty
yep!! hence why i said earlier, there's a lot of stigma in the term paraphilia... which oftentimes is linked to bigotry. also, personally, a lot of my paraphilias are auto- paraphilias, meaning the main subject of the paraphilia is myself. which, protects me from some of the demonization, but still sucks a lot.
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roobylavender · 5 months
someone posted this panel regarding oliver vs bruces parenting taking a jab at bruce that seems funny enough, like we can just like the post and move on but i checked the notes and apparently fans of each family are at war arguing with each other😭mostly shitting on bruce because oliver is the better parent and somebody brought up how when queen and his kids were having issues at some point that it was ooc and while i am not super well read on GA stuff i can definitely buy that, but what i dont understand is why that isnt allowed for bruce. i saw tags concerning the other horrible things bruce has done as like a gotcha to bat fans and its like why are only his comics the ones we take at face value as 100% accurate and in good faith am i wrong for finding this dumb😭
not at all i totally agree it’s dumb lol 😭 the thing that confuses me about the bruce v oliver debate is that i don’t get why there’s a need to compare when their parenting issues are at completely different ends of the spectrum. granted i do think both of them have issues with communicating but those stem from different things. every problem bruce has as a parent has to do with how he neurotic he is about being a parent to begin with. he cares too much, he worries constantly, he carries reams of guilt, etc. he’s constantly arguing within himself whether to keep the people he loves close so he can make sure they’re safe or to let them go so they can pursue their own dreams and aren’t put in harm’s way bc he asked them to stay. he’s like, a conditional-helicopter parent, in the sense that the helicopter gene only activates when people are in his city, which is why he allows them to walk away bc then it means he’s not trying to control them (except we obv know that leads to the problem where they feel like he’s pushed them away bc they think he thinks they’re not good enough)
oliver to me in comparison is someone who initially did not take parenthood seriously enough and almost treated it like he did any other relationship. unlike bruce, he was very intentional with treating roy like an equal—when i use that modifier at the beginning what i mean to say is that bruce was very cognizant of his position as a parent. dick’s safety was a higher priority than was dick’s self esteem (at least beyond the zucco incident which had a very specific goal of closure) even though bruce very much came to believe that dick was his equal, esp as an adult—and to the extent that when roy got into serious trouble with drugs oliver not only expressed this sort of condemnatory disappointment but also only expressed pride at roy having recovered from his addiction later on bc it was something he did on his own. he respected roy’s responsibility and maturity even though realistically as a parent he should have stepped in to help bc roy was still barely an adult and he had fallen prey to drugs bc oliver left him alone in the first place
those are both styles of parenting that i think you can criticize. there’s pros and cons to being too protective of your children vs not protective enough. and i think people tend only to criticize the former style and its example in bruce bc a recovery of his relationships with his children has never been the goal in the way that it is for oliver’s writers. which is a shame bc i really don’t think you or i believe bruce is as intentionally selfish as writers portray him to be. but alas 😭
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3luejam · 11 months
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{White blood /白血}
( they are a child in they're physical form but they are spiritually a teen )
Baixie was created by LBD as a role of her servant even though hes a child and he grew with fear for his own "mother". ever since LBD found the emperor she used to work for She had been more harsh on Baxie in closed doors and forced him to take part in being the emperors servant.
they didnt surprisingly well at serving the emperor due to the fear that he would harm them just like how LBD did but then something happened. a guard had caught LBD talking to Baixie about the plan she did for "perfection" and told the emperor and planed the execution for Baixie since the emperor really trusted him.
the cause of they're death was being left in the mountains while he was being hanged on a nearby tree causing his head to pop off and the guards slashed his arm and both of his feet so he couldnt run away.
LBD then resurrected Baixie after the victory of defeating the emperor just to be her harbinger instead and suffer more even in death. that was until SWK and the pilgrims locked away LBD and then sealed them away in the same calabash along with "the mayor" that jin and yin used for MK and the calabash broke.
the only people Baixie fully trusted and saw them as a true parental was Macaque and spiderqueen the only reason why they trusted macaque even though they know he doesnt have good intentions is because he was the only person that spended the most time with them even on missions appreciating his best effort as if they were bonding as a family making them feel safe for the first time ever and taught him on how to fight properly. and as for spiderqueen she didnt treat him like a servant like all of her spiderbots most of the time she wouldnt allow them to fight why? Baixie is only a innocent child dying at such a young age no one should deserve it she doesnt want him to get hurt. but then Baixie asked spiderqueen to give them a chance to fight just for her and to feel worthy enough its mostly for her though so she gave him charm spells to help him during battle and it cannot run out.
Baixie once called spiderqueen mom on accident and she called them her spiderling :)
ice claw ( the ice claw is surprisingly light for them to lift but its heavy if a human tries to hold it. when the ice claw smashes something really hard ice spikes instantly shoot out from the spot being smashed )
he literally inherited LBDs powers after her defeat ( well half of it )
shadow flames ( despite the darkness it has it gives off warmth of peace for Baixie because Macaque himself gifted him that power for a safe space and to ambush people )
charm curses ( the charms come in with four types shield for defense and poison to poison others when touched by the charm they barely used that one tho. healing for health treatment obv and fire its like any normal flames but it can purify corrupted stuff
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vaguely-yandere · 2 years
I ACCIDENTALLY POSTED A DRAFT AND THEN DELETED IT NOOOOO!!!!! it was an ask from poised darling about a brat darling with rival yan !!!
i think a brat darling with rival yan will really fulfill the rivalry and it'll stop being so one sided (which heavily delays rival yans eventual decent into delusion and kidnapping their darling) and it'll trigger rival yan to slowly realize their feelings for darling!
now, for poised darlings specific scenario request, they said something about brat darling "showing rival yans their rightful place" backstage before a big competition (or something like that) and lemme just say, wonderful concept. semi public, degrading, risky, it'll drive rival yan insane!
but just imagine, your 'rival' wont stop bitching at you, doing a classic monologue that theyve done a million times before. something about you hiding some secret and how theyll figure out what it is if its the last thing theyll- yea you get it, blah blah blah, whatever. you arent even listening to them anymore, just glaring at the wall in front of you until its proper time for the competition, passing time by thinking some not so sfw things, as one does. it shockingly helped you focus sometimes so what was the harm? besides, no one was gonna know... and it was just you and rival yan there... and everyone was too busy to notice if you two went missing for just a little while...
"rival yan."
"and then they'll all see-! huh? what? what do you want?"
"sometimes... i look at you and think that you just say all of this stuff just so ill hit you and you finally get beat up by me. am i right?"
rival yan snapped their mouth shut, their entire body tensing as they tried to deny it. "obv- how can you just say something so perverted?!" they hissed, lowering their voice so the people around you two wouldnt hear.
"cause its obvious, ya know? c'mon, dont act all shy now, not when youre practically begging me to sit on your face when you go into those long, boring monologues. half the time im pretty sure i can see you getting off to the sound of your own voice so im sure youve got some sort of messed up psycho sexual issues." as you speak, you get closer and closer to them until theyve been backed up against the wall, almost completely hidden from the crew around you.
"i-i..." they stutter, eyes flickering from your eyes to your lips, hands clenching and unclenching at their sides. "i dont know what you're talking about, fuck off..."
"you dont know what im talking about?" you hum before grabbing their jaw, grinning when they flinch and whine. "really? you dont think about this kinda thing? you dont think about me using you like the little toy you are before every single one of our competitions? cause i do. thats my secret. i think about making you spread your legs in front of our little audiences and letting you show them exactly how desperate you are for me, watching you try and fail to answer simple question after simple question while i touch you underneath the table, until the only thing you can answer with is 'please' and moans of my name. you dont think of that?"
youre closer now, leg between theirs, pressing them against the wall while they shiver pathetically and try to grind against your thigh, eyes crossing stupidly as the last bits of their composure slip through their fingers and the control they have over themselves is handed over to you like a pretty little gift.
"c'mon, answer me."
they finally make proper eye contact, whimpering pathetically while their cheeks squish underneath your fingers from your grip on their jaw. "y-yes.." they breathe out, hips bucking a little bit when you raise your leg to give them some more pressure. "think of you.. all the time... feels so good..."
you grin, free hand going down to their hip so you can guide them properly, encouraging them to basically hump against your thigh while you lean forward and gently kiss their cheek, then their lobe. "see? doesnt it feel good to finally admit that you just wanted my attention instead of jumping through all these ridiculous hoops?" you whisper, moving down to kiss along their neck, coaxing a moan out of them.
"shh, if you get us caught now theyll kick us out.."
"mmng, s-sorry..." they pant, the space around you two growing hotter and hotter, their sounds growing more frequent and body moving more desperately as they get closer to orgasm.
you suck on their flesh, biting and licking it as well to leave a noticeable mark just right above their shirts collar. perfect. as the sound of the stage managers steps get closer and closer, you finally pull away and get a good look at rival yan. disheveled, obviously aroused, mouth open and panting, lips wet and shiny from drool, an obvious mark on their neck and around their jaw from both your mouth and your fingers. basically, a giant mess.
"lets have fun out there, yeah?" you suggest, grinning as a look of confusion then hurt and finally anger pass over rival yans face though it was hard to be intimidated by them when their legs were still wobbly and they were still panting from just a bit of touching.
"are you two ready?" the stage manager asks when they pop in, not even sparing rival yan a glance.
"yup! just got done hyping myself up."
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~ LaVeyan Tomura with Theistic Satanist S/O ~
Au, and self inserted obv because I'm Theistic Satanist myself
Ngl I can picture him being atheistic satanist, like being atheist, but sexier and more iconic mmm yes ugh 🤭😩
Genre: headcanon writing, crack, fluff mostly, suggestive in end
Warnings: last genre I mentioned, my opinions and views, if you can't stand them go away or I'll spray you with satanic water
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YOU HAVE TO HEAR ME OUT OKAY? I feel like he wouldn't like abrahamic religions, he hates being controlled, told what to do, what's right and what's wrong. He despises hero society, so it wouldn't be surprising if he despised Abrahamic God when it's same like with the heroes, they view them both like complete good that do nothing wrong, they're innocent in the eyes of brainwashed people and he's sick of it, he doesn't want that.
He knew about satanism before and how misunderstood it is, he used to be in none religious path, although he was always curious about satanism and was willing to learn new stuff about it. He found LaVeyan Satanism to fit him the most and joined it, he likes how it teaches people to take their own responsibilities for their lives, actions and behaviour, and how they're the one who decides and shapes their own destiny, not some god, how they embrace freedom, he doesn't believe much in supernatural beings, but is down to learning about some of them if they're interesting to him, he's curious about paranomal and likes watching videos about them sometimes, he's not sure about what comes after death, but finds different theories about it fascinating, he enjoys some deep late night talks. Almost same goes for magic and witchcraft, he doesn't believe much in it and doesn't understand it but he's curious about it, maybe he might try it, magic always fascinated him since he was a kid anyway.
Even though he's atheistic and LaVeyan, he disagrees with Anton LaVey's views on theistic/spiritual satnism who says it doesn't exist and isn't part of satanism. He thinks Satanism is all about personal path and beliefs, it's not same for everyone. He basically doesn't give a shit, as long as it's not harmful, do what you want and he approves.
When I came into his life and after we got close he found out I'm Theistic Satanist he wasn't judgemental or mad, nor surprised, he was rather all curious, excited and slightly teasing. Even though he knew I didn't and wouldn't do something like that he would mess around and say stuff like "are you sacrifing people to Satan?", "Were you drinking blood while I was asleep last night?" just to annoy me a little on purpose and mess around, because he knew I heard shit this at least few times before from dumb people.
Loves to listen to my random informations about deities I worship and about my beliefs, he finds it wholesome how passionate I am about it and sometimes insane how much I know about them because when I find something interesting, I dig in so deep there's almost no returning, he sometimes wonders how the fuck do I get such detailed informations, I can write whole book with all of them how much I have them. He wasn't surprised when I told him I have whole account for Theistic Satanism and plan to make my own website to educate people who just want to understand it, and newbies into it. He enjoys helping me edit photos for for posts, finds my way of posting satisfying and brain scratching, he's a bit sick of those same Baphomet and goatheads background photos everyone else uses for post about Theistic Satanism, so he likes something new and different.
Finds it absolutely hilarious how I deal with hate comments, he's glad I don't take shit seriously and mess with their heads instead, he even joins me when he's in mood to drive someone insane, though some of my replies are jaw dropping and how unfiltered they can be. When I'm busy and someone attacks my post he defends me in comment section like a lawyer then slams his desk from frustration when everything disappears because I blocked the person during argument between them and their comments disappeared, still laughs because they got cutted off before they could say anything else.
Sometimes he calls me spawn of satan.
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He loves watching people go insane over my pfp and get so offended over one picture because the original didn't even looked the closest to Jesus when you think about it.
When he found out I like stuff that is seen as disgusting and sick by most people he started spoiling me with them. I like animal bones and skulls and Satan likes them too? He orders them on internet and even saves some chicken bones he had after KFC or lunch, he learned how to clean them just for me, he finds bones cool anyway so he doesn't mind. I like shark teeth? He orders them, he wasn't expecting me to make him necklace out of them too as a thank you. I like dead bugs framed and in jar? He started collecting dead moths around his room. I love big hairy and ugly spiders? He got me wholeass tarantula pet. I like snake skin? He gets some and so be it. He even got me books of prayers, rituals to Satan and some goetia books when he found out I like learning about demons too.
He used to find it a bit weird, but then cute how devoted I am to Satan and how I see him as a dad figure, when he learned more about him from me, even though he doesn't believe in supernatural beings much he places some tiny offerings and gifts for him on my shrine/altar for Satan that he feels like he'd like them. I found that out by finding some random dragon toy on altar.
He shat himself a little when satan's candle's flame went tall and bouncy quickly after he placed something on altar, but he chilled out when I told him he didn't mind and actually liked it. After seeing that he was questioning his views on supernatural, specially after thing or two got knocked out off satan's shrine out of nowhere while window is closed, it looked like someone smacked it to get attention but they're invisible, sometimes he finds it funny, a bit creepy but still funny.
He got a little heart attack when he entered my room once and saw me for first time in black robe with hood on sitting by altar in dark, but bursted in laughter. He sometimes teases me for it but now less since I told him I wear it when working with demon/god who prefers black to be worn and something formal/extra. He even got himself one to match with me, he likes wearing it randomly around house to scare the shit out of me, usually he stays in the hallway or follows me around quietly then just waits until I realize someone's behind, sometimes he gets impatient and just grabs me.
Likes hearing out prayers and poems I wrote on my own and also helps me make them sound better if he has any good ideas.
One time when he was gaming he smelled the fire and thought shit was burning in house, he jumped from his seat in slight concern then saw me in room just burning a paper with some sigil...he was just standing there in disbleif before waving it off getting back to his business.
Sometimes takes photos of me when I stare at candle so long and moon, he finds it hilarious because I look like some kid that found new toy. He often looses me in store when we go in it together and always finds me where candles, plants, herbs/seasonings are, but also glassy stuff such as vases, jars, cups and plates. He finds it a bit annoying how easily I get distracted but also adorable that he can't get mad at me and yell at me for it. Secretly gets stuff I touched in store to surprise me later. He loves how I'm so fascinated with such simple things.
He likes to poke me sometimes and annoy me during my meditations but knows when is too much and when to stop. He couldn't stay with me in same room when I meditate because he would laugh out loud, I look like dead Victorian man just laying/sitting there, he had to leave. Sometimes he tries things I'm doing, found meditation awkward until he found out there's dark type of mediation music, I shared some with him, he loved them and felt so relaxed, he uses it when he can't sleep, it knocks him off easily and calms him down.
Collects feathers he finds outside, flowers, pretty rocks and shiny things for me. He dries the flowers before giving me them because I prefer them like that. He gets in return casted spells for him, handmade necklaces and bracelets. I infected him with my obsession with scented candles, he started getting them too and giving me jars/containers they were in after they melt out completely because he knows I make candles too. I make some for him too, he likes how they look on top, they have some herbs and crystal chips, sometimes glitter. AND ALSO INCENSE, one of his favourites are sandalwood.
Goes on nature walks with me, he likes them, we're always on places where nobody is, the only thing that could be heard are wind, birds and leafs cracking when you step on then. We sit on bench together and lean on eachother while watching clouds in the sky and butterflies flying around, we don't mind silence between us, it's not awkward but more comforting and peaceful. All fun and good until a wasp shows up, I jump and run around from fear. He's just laughing and watching in satisfaction and entertainment until one flies at him as well, he starts running away with me.
He asks me often about witchcraft and wants to learn more about it, he was in love when he found out the truth of it and wanted to try it himself. He finds it attractive how I stand close behind him and guide him in spell casting while leaning on his neck or shoulder. Goes even more crazy from inside when I hold him for waist or hip and talking close to his ear, he gets goosebumps and slight shivers. Sometimes he gets distracted and just looks at me and my mouth while I'm explaining him stuff, it only gets us both distracted, he gets all breathy and hungry then witchcraft lessons become a makeout session instead, he just pins me down on floor with his weight and presses his mouth on mine, or it becomes a "cowboy" game if it gets too heated..💀
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