#This went more haywire than I want it to be but well I'm not a native english speaker so...
jadeylovesmarvelxo · 4 months
Eddie is desperate to speak to you about what you saw in the woods but with Harrington guarding you at every turn how was that possible?
Jealous Eddie, 18+, misunderstandings, protective Steve. Robin is done with all this shit.
Part one here
You spend your time at Family Video trying to distract yourself from ever thinking you and Eddie could be something in the first place. It's hard though because at unexpected times the kiss will creep back into your mind and you were swept back into your deep feelings for Eddie once again.
It wasn't like there was an on or off switch to turn off how you felt. If only it was that easy.
Steve has been amazing, he's comforted you since you went into Family Video, tear filled eyes and lip trembling as you explained to him and Robin what happened.
The thing about Steve is since he's changed dramatically in the last few years, grown into a better man thanks to a knock on the head from various people (Nancy, Robin, You, Dustin and all the other little shits) he's also become more protective of everyone he cares about.
So seeing you teary eyed and that little pout on your face has sent all of his protective instincts going haywire, he can never resist a pout and puppy eyes-something the kids have picked up on and used to their advantage.
He's determined to do anything to protect you from Eddie hurting you even more, and it's not like he disliked the guy, Munson was cool. Hurt his friends though and any good will he had disappeared fast.
It doesn't help his irritation when Eddie is constantly everywhere he looks, he's driving you and Robin to school and Munson is watching with a pained expression.
Serves you right dickhead. He thinks to himself and wraps his around you, comfortingly when you freeze as you see Eddie.
The anguished expression on Eddie's face darkens into something else and he zeroes in on Steve's hand that is gently rubbing your shoulder.
Steve doesn't think it's the last he's seen of Munson, if his expression is any indication then he expects Eddie won't keep his feelings quiet for very long.
It takes less than a day for Eddie to show up at the store. You're working with Steve and watching IT to pass the long work day away.
"You know this feels so familiar" Steve smirks at you and you can't help but laugh, kids banding together to fight an ancient evil, it rings a few bells.
Eddie looks between you and Harrington, jealousy bubbles in his stomach and he grips the video he's holding tightly. Inside jokes, the two of you had inside jokes.
He swears under his breath, curses himself that he fucked up so badly. Wishes he could explain to you and tell you that Chrissy didn't mean anything, she was nervous getting weed for the first time and he just wanted to make her feel comfortable.
The only person he wanted was you but you had gotten things totally wrong. The jealousy twists in his gut again when Steve gently nudges your side as the two of you laugh over something.
He's itching to go up and talk to you but how could he when Harrington was like a guard dog.
Robin sidles up to him, returning tapes, she narrows her eyes at Eddie as he looks at her pleadingly all puppy eyed and pouty.
"Don't you do that look Munson, I'm as pissed at you as Steve is and I swear if you're hanging around to just break a certain someone's heart again then I'm borrowing Steve's bat and...' Eddie manages to intervene before she passes out from lack of oxygen.
"No, shit, that's not why I'm here Buckley. I came to apologise, beg for forgiveness. I am not interested in Chrissy. I've been crazy about princess for months and I'm kicking myself that I've messed things up" Robin deflates and softens just a tiny bit.
"Well why haven't you apologised?" she exclaims and then she turns around to look at Steve and sighs. "Yeah, it's not ideal when Steve is in "protective mode" but suck it up Munson" Eddie swallows feeling thoroughly chastised.
Suck it up and get his princess back. He could do that.
Eddie doesn't come back to Family Video after his talk with Robin. The thought sours your mood because you guess he really doesn't care that you're hurting.
Or Robin and Steve have collectively scared him off.
Maybe he really did have chemistry with Chrissy and he would rather pursue her. The least he could do is tell you so you weren't surprised one day when he walked into Family Video with her.
Robin is talking about Vickie and asking you and Steve about ideas for a movie date, you're distracted as Eddie comes in. Your heart skips a beat and his big brown eyes are full of nerves as he walks up to you.
Pissed off and despite yourself really missing Eddie you concentrate on rewinding the tapes that people had brought back. Ugh, be kind, rewind. It was right there on the video cover, there were so many tapes to do and that was annoying you as well.
It really was time for you and Eddie to talk. Steve looks reluctant as you head over but you assure him you'll be fine.
"We need to talk, I'll be okay Steve. Promise" he nods but is still glaring at Eddie, his gaze darkening even more when Eddie approaches.
"Do not fuck this up Munson or you'll have me to answer to" Eddie nods, his gaze is still on you.
Robin rolls her eyes as she looks between him and Eddie and gently pushes Steve back behind the counter. "Come on Steve, don't be a dingus and let them talk it out" Eddie throws a grateful smile Robin's way.
Once you're alone with Eddie he immediately launches into what he's been itching to say, he trips over his words a few times but he's desperate for you to understand that he's in no way interested in Chrissy, not one bit.
Eddie shakes his head. "I don't want Chrissy, I'm not interested in her, she is sweet but she's just my friend and she's not you. I was goofing around when you saw us talking because she was nervous, it was her first time getting weed and I just wanted her to relax sweetheart, the only "spark" I feel is with you"
You smile feeling the stirrings of relief build up inside you. "I've been trying to tell you all week princess but I didn't want to fuck up any more and well, Steve hasn't exactly let me anywhere near you" he looks past you to Steve and you squeeze his hand.
"He's just protective that's all" you soften as you gaze at him, can sense that he's worrying, "Eddie there's nothing between me and Steve, he's my friend that's all" Eddie nods and brightens considerably.
"As long as Harrington knows that" you roll your eyes amused as Eddie straightens and tries to look intimidating to Steve.
"Yes he does, we're friends Eddie. He's just as protective of Robin" Eddie nods and presses a kiss to your head.
"I've missed you sweetheart" you lean into him and his arms wrap around you. You've missed him like crazy, "Maybe we could try this again princess? A proper date?" You nod and press a gentle kiss to his lips leaving you both a bit dazed but smiling happily at each other that everything is going to be okay.
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lila-lou · 11 months
✨Needy - Pt. 1/5✨
Summary: Jensen finally comes home after weeks of filming and shows you how much he missed you.
Pairing: Jensen x Reader
Warnings: 18+ only! Language, smut, pregnant reader
Word Count: 2477
A/N: No hate towards anybody. It's just fiction.
English isn’t my first language, so please be lenient. 💙✨
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"How do you feel?".
You were currently laying on your large sofa in the living room, your head resting on your left hand while your right hand caressed your belly.
“I’m fine Jay, really”, you smiled at your boyfriend, who was walking over to you with a beer and an orange juice. He looked beyond tired and exhausted. Not surprising considering he only landed four hours ago.
Austin wasn't known for large snowfalls in the winter, so this exceptional situation had led to complications with flights. Jensen's already long flight landed over three hours late, which didn't help his mood. When he saw his pregnant fiancée curled up on the sofa with a broken rib, he was more than pissed. Jensen had only endured the last few weeks on set because he was clinging to the thought that he would soon be able to hold you in his arms again. You and your unborn baby. You've been calling each other every night for the past two weeks to pass the wait, but not once have you mentioned your broken rib.
“Here you go”, Jensen tried to say as nicely as he could while handing you the orange juice, but all the words that came out of his mouth were mumbled. He actually knew that he shouldn't ruin the evening with a bad mood, but the last few weeks had taken a toll on him and his nerves were frayed. Not only was everything going haywire on set, but he also missed you. You were five months pregnant and he felt like he had already missed everything.
You gratefully accepted the glass and took a long sip before setting it aside. Jensen stared blankly at the television, which was playing a horror movie.
“Hey”, you sighed, taking his free hand in yours. “I just didn’t want to burden you unnecessarily. You were always so worried about me and the Baby and with all the stress on set, I thought you wouldn't have to worry about more. I went to the doctor and it’s not that bad”, you tried to explain yourself, but Jensen just rolled his eyes.
“(y/n), you are carrying our child! Do you really think there is something more important at the moment than you and your well-being?”, he replied, still slightly irritated. Of course Jensen was worried and you loved him more than anything for that, but sometimes he could be really overprotective.
“If I promise you, that I won't withhold anything from you anymore, can we please end the evening somewhat peacefully? You didn’t even kiss me when you came in”, you murmur towards the end. Jensen took a long sip of beer and sighed in resignation. Of course he knew he was acting like an ass and that you absolutely didn't deserve that, but he was just worried and stressed.
"You're right. I'm sorry. It's just... the last few weeks have been really stressful and... I feel like I've already missed so much with the little worm", Jensen admitted a little desperately before gently pulling you into his arms. “Besides, I missed you terribly”, he kissed your head lightly.
“Jay… I’m only five months pregnant. We still have four long and wonderful months ahead of us before things get tricky with you being away. You haven't missed anything yet. Except maybe my morning sickness and trust me, you should be glad you weren't there". You tried your best to lighten the mood a little, even if it really wasn't easy. Slowly but surely you could feel him relax. “I hope so”, he murmured before pulling your face to his and finally placing his lips on yours.
“Now tell me about the shoot”, you whispered against his lips with a big grin. While Jensen started talking about his new colleagues and the set, you made yourself comfortable in his arms and pulled the blanket a little higher.
Almost a year ago you moved in with Jensen. You previously had a pretty stressful long-distance relationship. While you were completing your studies in Seattle, Jensen was mostly in Toronto filming “The Boys”. In his free time, he often took the opportunity to spend time with his three children in Austin. Since he was always on the plane, jumping from appointment to appointment, you were usually the one who visited him. It quickly became clear that Jensen wasn't leaving Austin to move in with you, so you had no choice but to leave Seattle.
Luckily you already liked Austin and settled in very quickly.
Jensen had no plans to have any more children, and you hadn't thought about children either. But after your delayed and somewhat escalated housewarming party, contraception wasn't particularly emphasized.
The moment you finally told Jensen about the pregnancy was probably the worst moment of your life. You were so afraid to tell him that it took you forever to say the words without them being swallowed up by your sobs.
Of course, Jensen was anything but enthusiastic, after all, he already had three wonderful children and after his divorce from Danneel, he was happy to take things a little slower with you. However, it didn't take long for him to come to terms with the idea of becoming a father for the fourth time. He still had bad days every now and then where he worried it would all be too much, but overall, he did very well. And now he couldn't wait to finally hold the little munchkin in his arms.
While Jensen told you about his time on set, now in more detail than on the phone, his hand, somewhat distracted, stroked your small baby bump.
“Are you coming to the doctor’s appointment tomorrow? My doctor said we might be able to tell the gender”. Jensen continued to hold you tightly in his arms, your legs crossed over his lap and your head resting lightly on his biceps as he looked down at you.
“Of course, I’ll come”, he kissed your nose. “It’s just the three of us for the next two weeks”. His gaze moved from your eyes down to your belly.
“Is it kicking yet?”, Jensen’s eyes sparkled slightly. You'd think that after three kids he would already know it all, but unfortunately, he was on set for most of his ex-wife's two pregnancies and so wasn't as involved as he would have liked.
“Well, I definitely feel the movements, but they are hardly real kicks. In about 6 weeks you should be able to feel the kicks”, you told him as you watched his hand move in light circles over your belly.
After a while Jensen looked up again. “Being pregnant suits you”, he grinned at you, making you roll your eyes with a chuckle.
“You know how to make a woman blush”, you replied, playfully hitting his chest.
Jensen leaned down to you and pressed his lips lightly to the spot under your ear.
“I know damn well how to make a woman come too”, he whispered harshly to you.
You couldn't help but press your thighs together as a shiver ran down your spine. Despite the fact that you had been together for so long, Jensen still had a strong effect on you. "You think so?", You breathed as he started kissing your neck.
You giggled, your breath hitching slightly. You did not receive an immediate response. Instead, Jensen pulled you onto his lap in one quick movement. As you straddled his legs, he grabbed your ass somewhat roughly with both hands and pushed you closer to him. His lips slid down your neck, leaving wet kisses behind.
“It’s been far too long, sweetheart,” he murmured deeply, his breath hot against your soft skin.
While he kept one hand flat on your lower back, he slipped his other hand into your sweatpants before leaning in to kiss you.
“Actually, I imagined our reunion a little differently”, you whispered against his slightly parted lips, which only lightly touched yours. “With fancy and hot underwear, you know?”.
Jensen couldn't help but laugh lightly, but he stopped with a deep moan when he felt how wet you already were. “Shit baby, I’ve barely touched you and you’re already dripping”, he grinned slightly arrogant. If you weren't so incredibly turned on, you probably would have rolled your eyes. Jensen gently rubbed his fingertips over your soaked clit, making you moan immediately.
“Jensen”, you whined as he continued to tease your clit.
Your eyes were barely open, but you knew Jensen was grinning to himself. You could feel it on your lips.
“Pleaaaase,” you grabbed his thighs and leaned back further so he could get a perfect angle, despite your little baby bump.
“I´ve got you”, he grinned, slipping his middle finger inside you. A soft gasp escaped you as Jensen curled his finger and hit your sweet spot. As he added a second finger, you dug your nails into his skin. “Fuck”, you let out a throaty moan.
“You’re even tighter than usual, baby. I guess I really left you alone for too long”. Your eyes were closed as you were completely absorbed in the feeling your fiancé was giving you.
“Ugh… you did”, you agreed as your eyes met.
With a jerk he pushed your upper body closer to his again and pulled his fingers out of you. No matter how much he loved teasing you, it had been far too long since the last time he could truly feel you.
His arms wrapped tightly around you as he pressed his lips to yours again. “Shit, I missed you so much”, Jensen murmured against your lips, making your heart beat faster.
“I missed you too”, you answered barely audible.
Within seconds, Jensen laid you on your back, tugging your sweatpants and panties off your legs before kneeling on the sofa in front of you, looking at you expectantly. “Touch yourself”, he ordered before you watched as he deftly unbuckled his belt. He loved watching you, almost as much as you loved watching him.
Even though you did this a thousand times, you couldn't stop the blush from rising on your face.
Nevertheless, your fingers found their way to your wet heat as if by themselves. Your teeth sank into your bottom lip as you felt your own wetness. You carefully dip a finger inside yourself, making you breath heavily. By now Jensen already had his throbbing erection in his hand.
“Just like this Babygirl”, he groaned, switching his gaze between your heated face and your spread legs. Your head fell back into the soft couch cushions as you adjusted to the feeling of your finger sliding through your wet folds. Jensen tried everything to hold onto himself and watch you longer, but the desire to bury himself inside you overwhelmed him.
“Fuck it”, he muttered, freeing himself from his jeans and boxers before leaning over you and pressing his lips greedily to yours. You could already feel his hardness against your pussy when Jensen broke the kiss to take off your shirt. “Fuck, they’ve gotten huge”, he whispered as he massaged your left breast over your bra. You couldn't help but grin when you saw his lustful look. “Do you want to keep talking and teasing or finally start fucking me, Ackles?”, you challenged him, your hands sliding under his shirt and tugging at the hem impatiently.
“So needy”, he grinned down at you, pulling his shirt over his head so you could immediately run your hands over his strong chest and broad shoulders before pulling him closer to you by his biceps.
“I’m going to fuck your tight pussy so good”, he groaned, hovering over you again as he took his cock in his hand and lined himself up with your wet folds.
You shuddered as he pushed himself into you until he bottomed out, stretching you almost painfully and letting out the deepest moan you've ever heard.
"Shit honey, you´re okay?", he chuckled, but actually looked a little worried. It took a few seconds until you found your breath and therefore your voice again. "Yeah... I just... almost forgot how big you are", you admitted.
“Well, after tonight you won’t forget it in a hurry”, he winked at you with a grin.
With that, he withdrew completely and spread your wetness with his tip, sliding it between your glistening folds. Jensen's gaze was literally glued between your legs and you could see in his eyes how much that turned him on. “Jay…please,” you begged, wiggling your hips, trying so hard to get him back in. He responded instantly to your requests and pushed his swollen cock into you again, making you moan loudly. As he thrusted into you harder than he had since you were pregnant, he firmly grabbed your hips and pushed them up from the soft fabric of the couch to thrust into you from a better angle. He hit your sweet spot over and over again, which had got you close within a few minutes. “Jay… I’m…”, your hands grip his wrist as you arch your back desperately. "I know, baby. Just a few more minutes", he moaned, watching your breast bounce in your bra with every hard thrust he gave you. Your lips met again, taking the breath away from both of you. You could feel his hot breath in your mouth again and again as he tried to suppress his moans. “You’re so fucking tight, baby”, he groaned against your swollen lips.
By now you were just mumbling pleas and desperately wanted him to allow you to come.
“Cum for me (y/n)”, his lips trailed down your neck, sucking on your delicate skin. Those few words were all you needed to squeeze his cock even tighter. With loud moans and closed eyes, you finally came.
“Fuck baby”, his voice cracked as he felt you clenching around him.
Seconds later, you could feel him spilling his cum inside you as his head fell back down on your shoulder. His deep moan against your collarbone sends shivers down your spine, creating even more sparks in your stomach as you live out the rest of your orgasm.
It took you both quite a while to catch your breath, still overwhelmed by the feeling.
Jensen held his position a little longer. When you finally felt your heart stop racing, you let out a quiet chuckle, brought on by your thoughts, which you immediately said out loud. “I’m not on the pill”, you whispered, stroking strands of his soft hair while his face was still buried in the croock of your neck.
"Well, I can't knock you up any more than I already did, can I?", he grinned and slowly raised his head.
“I guess not”, you grin, pulling his face to yours and kissing him gently.
“I really missed you”, he whispered as your eyes met.
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penvisions · 6 months
by the grit of sandpaper {chapter 2}
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Pairing: Jackson! Joel Miller x Patrol Partner! Reader
Chapter Summary: It goes without saying that your first overnight patrol in years happens to be with Joel Miller. But the conversation doesn't flow easily like it normally does, with your haywire emotions and his unintentional eavesdropping...
Word Count: 7.5k
Warnings: canon typical violence, canon typical language, illusions to past death, illusions to past trauma, blood, hurtful language, town gossip, rumors, negative feelings, pining, unrequited feelings, joel a little daft in this, reader is a little daft in this, heart of gold joel, carpenter joel, woodworking joel, artisan joel, patrol partnership, mild injuries, reader snaps at joel, lots of feelings, slight angst, hurt and comfort, joel miller's hands need their own warning, jealousy, three (3) instances of joel miller gently touching reader, intentional flirting, unintentional flirting, casual intimacy, urges to kiss joel miller get their own warning, protective joel, minor injuries, fluff, this is so unbelievably soft, reader is described as smaller than joel (bc c'mon), reader has a commonly used nickname but no assigned name, joel and reader pov
A/N: i just really got caught up in these two after work yesterday. i hope this chapter reads as well as the first one, i'm super nervous bc i want to keep it soft, but i did say there was slight angst in this! love y'all ♡
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You were minding your own business walking back from the mess hall when you caught wind of the conversation.
It was a hushed thing, between two people right outside of the turn for the main street. Two women standing close to each other. You had been passing them by when your ears caught your nickname. And then your real one.
“Olive? What kind of grown woman willingly goes by such a silly nickname.” One quiet voice uttered.
“Tommy Miller gave it to her, on account of the trees in her backyard. Surprised she even knows what to do with them.” Another one, both of them faintly familiar. While Jackson was small, only a few hundred people, it was easy to recognize them. They were the ones you often heard while helping out with the gardens, offering trade with the owners as you all shared the spoils of your own personal ones tended to in backyards.
You knew you were intent on pulling your own weight to support and protect the town. Having been grateful for stumbling across the safe haven it provided all those years ago now. Partaking in the patrol rotation and helping out with anything around the town. You had made a life here, one that you had always wanted to try and salvage from the wreckage of the world.
But that didn’t stop people from being people. Rumors and gossip spreading as quickly as the virus that forced the world into small communities like this one. You just happened to be the star in the most recent bout, it seems.
“Yeah, but she does bring them to the markets and trade, so she’s not all that daft.”
“She’s going on the overnight patrol. With Joel Miller.” A whispered reveal, as if it was a death sentence, something that couldn’t be spoken at a regular volume lest it manifest into something.
“Hopefully she doesn’t get-“
“He’s so much more capable, they already saddle him with her for two of his mornings shifts.”
“And now they’re putting her with him for one of the most important ones, what are they thinking.”
“She’s a dear, truly, but she’s going to lose it. Just like she did all those years ago.”
“If she’s the only one that comes back…”
“Marsha, hush, you can’t speak that way. He’s capable enough for the both of them.”
Oh, they weren’t just talking about mundane stuff. They were talking about that. Your chest tightened as you realized they didn’t have any faith in your skills, in the risks you took every time you went beyond the gates to ensure their safety.
Turning back the way you came, not able to face walking past the two women huddled close together and talking so casually about the things that kept you up at night and made sleep hard to come by. You walked straight into a broad chest smelling far too familiar. Smelling like Joel. A grunt that sounded way too baritone and way too close sprung into the evening air at the contact much like your wheezing gasp.
“Woah there, sweetheart, where’s the fire?” Large hands skimmed over your back, arms encasing you, and making you feel a little light-headed, righting your balance as you began to waver from the sudden contact. Oh no, not that honeyed drawl, not that voice, not that tender nickname, not him, not now.
Your composure was already slipping, and you didn’t think you could hold on to what little you had left if he were to ask you if you were alright. The need, the want to answer his questions always winning out.
But you couldn’t, not this time.
“I-I’m fine, just forgot- something.”
“Hey.” And you stopped trying to step back. His hands came up from around your arms where he had grabbed you, cradling your face and tilting you to look at him. His features were softened, the wrinkles beside his eyes and in his forehead creased as he looked you over, making sure you were okay. But you weren’t and you didn’t want him to know. Spurred on by the sound of two voices that had caused all this rounding onto the street, you ignored the fluttering of your heart, the way your breath had caught in your throat, the way he had been touching you and fled.
“See you to-tomorrow!” You managed to squeak out as you stepped away from him, avoiding looking at him directly, his arms falling back to his sides. You weren’t sure if he was trying to catch your eyes, not raising them past his chest as you walked around him. His gaze was heavy on you, following you as you took off down the street in a roundabout way to get back to the streets lined with houses.
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“Tommy, please.” Your voice was small, an imitation of what it normally sounded like, and Joel stopped in his tracks. He had a bag of things for Maria, for his brother that he had wanted to drop off before retiring for the night. He tried to quiet his breathing, standing as still as a statue in the back part of the hallway of their house, your voice carrying in from the open sliding door that led out to the sunroom.
He had just run into you down by the shops, or more accurately you had run into him. Literally. His mind had blanked at the feel of your body against his own, the soft press of you up against his chest, the feel of your warm breath fanning over the skin of his neck. And not for the first time, he thought of how well you would fit into him. How well his body could wrap around yours.
He had noticed that while around town you were hesitant to let anyone so much as clap a hand over your shoulder. Aside from the children, whose hands you gladly held with kind smiles and whose arms you welcomed around your shoulders with laughter. Tommy and Maria being the only ones he had witnessed you embracing in quick hugs.
He was always so careful with you, not allowing for direct contact to linger. It always made his heart thunder in his ears, and he wasn’t sure if you were okay with it, the casual touching. You never shied away from him, from the skimming of his fingers against your own or the more recent indulgences he had given into with the touch of his hand or the touch of his lips to minor injuries. He wasn’t ashamed to admit it delighted him to see the way your lashes fluttered and the feel of your breath hitching. He was a man after all, and he was one who was a fool for the jittery feelings you stirred in him. Even if he worried for them at the same time.
“Olive, you can’t let their words get to you.” His brother’s voice was calm, assuring you of the worries you shared with the man.
“But they’re right, Tommy!” Your voice rose to the highest volume Joel had ever heard and then wavered to nothing. More hiccups and sniffling sounding through the door. A particularly harsh hiccup sounded, startling him as he realized you were crying. Chest tight, Joel couldn’t even picture it. The thought of tears running down your upset face steeled his heart. He clenched his hands tight over the handle of the bag in his grip as he heard the shuffle of movement. He couldn’t see through the glass for the curtain fluttering in the evening breeze.
Joel was turning on his heel as your sniffles grew into sobs, moving as quietly as he could back through the house. He set the bag atop the kitchen counter and closed the front door behind him as gently as he could to not garner your or his brother’s attention. He had already heard more than he had meant to, the sound of your distressed voice beckoning him to you as he felt the need to console you. To make whatever it was better.
He knew you had been acting off earlier, just moments ago. From your wild eyes to the way you had been so distracted, the stutter to your voice.
But you were a private person, indulging him in his silly, earnest questions while out on patrol. But this?
This was something you definitely would not someone overhearing, and he respected that. He knew all too well the things people kept to themselves, things that were never exposed to the light of day, spoke of in front of others. And he didn’t want to betray the trust you seemed to have in him by hiding behind a curtain while you fell apart in front of someone who already knew of your struggles and ghosts.
He only hoped that one day…you would feel safe enough and comfortable enough with him to help you shoulder their weight. Because he knew not every patrol went smoothly, how could they, when the whole point of them was to keep up with any possible threats.
Once back in his own home, he found Ellie fast asleep on the couch with a movie playing on the modest television and a sketchbook dangling from her fingers. He removed his boots and then his coat, catching a whiff of the scent of you on his clothing. Light, slightly floral, sweet. You must’ve been tending to the garden he knew you kept in your yard earlier that day. Or baking something like you were apt to do.
With a sigh, he turned off the movie and closed the sketchbook to set it atop the table in front of the couch before moving into the kitchen. The slice of pie you had given him the other day was somehow still in the container you had fumbled for. Ellie must’ve known it was from you because she hadn’t said anything or tried to steal it. Knowing Joel liked to enjoy the treats you shared with him in the evenings with a cup of coffee.
So, he did, as he sat in his work room and began to sketch out some simple designs. He would fill your whole kitchen with whatever you wanted if it meant he would never have to encounter your tears again.
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“They- they said I’m going to get him killed, that I shouldn’t even be on the no-normal patrol rotation.”
“It’s okay, everything’s going to be okay.” Tommy tried to console you, taking in the situation and your words a best he could. But you had rushed through them, explaining in bits and pieces. You were emotionally charged, worked up, and nearly trembling. You thought you had worked through this, at least enough to be okay on the day-to-day front. But those two women, Marsha and her friend, had taken you back to the wave of everything as if it had just happened.
You were scared. Because they were right, you were dangerous. There was the very real possibility that you could cause harm to Joel, and you didn’t even want to begin to entertain thoughts like that. He…he was good and you didn’t want to be the cause of the man’s downfall. A promise to his brother to fill a spot on patrol spiraling into the current situation and it hadn’t even happened yet. It was supposed to, first thing in the morning.
“No, it’s not, Tommy. Everyone in town thinks I’m going to get him killed. That I got Aiden killed.” The name was foreign falling from your lips after not speaking it for so long. It was something you hadn’t been able to do since that patrol so many years ago now. “I ca-can’t stomach the thought of him getting injured because of me, because I’m not good enough to protect him. He does so much more for this town, he’s important. He deserves someone alongside him that will be a help not a hindrance.”
“You listen to me, and you hear me,” Tommy’s voice was firm, wide eyes focused and mouth a thin line as he spoke to you. Soft undercurrents of assurance in his tone. And you knew what he was about to say. It was always the same thing, the same sentiment, reassurance that it hadn’t been your fault. It had just been the circumstances, the world operating as it tended to do now. Unfairly. “Honey, it wasn’t your fault that those people found you. You cover your tracks well, hey, you do, okay?”
“I had been so focused on him, I didn’t, Tommy I didn’t hear them come up on us. Not their horses, not their footsteps, I didn’t even hear the gunshot until he was falling over.” Footsteps on the wooden floor thudding as you pacing back and forth, arms crossed over your chest and shaking your head in the way that you did when the thoughts got too overwhelming.
“But it wasn’t your fault. It was a messy situation, they happen. Hey, honey, they happen even to the best of us.” Tommy reached for you, standing from the chair he had taken beside you when you arrived in a flurry. Ushering you to the sun room at the back of the first floor, furthest away from the main bedroom upstairs. Maria had been in bed all day, not feeling well and had finally found the peace of sleep after an early dinner. His arms were wrapping around you and you allowed him to pull you into his chest, face pressing into his sweater.
“I should’ve been looking! I should have been more aware…”
“Shh, it’s okay, the patrol is going to go okay.” He rested his chin on the crown of your head and felt your hands tangle in the front of his clothing. “Everything is going to be okay.”
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“You, ah, you…been okay?” Joel tried to break the uncharacteristically tense silence in an easy move, with a relatively harmless question. He had been up all night, wondering and worrying about this being the first longer route with you. Not that he didn’t trust in your skills and ability, but that he didn’t trust in the secrecy around why you didn’t do the longer routes. Of the things he overheard in his brother’s house just last night. Tommy had claimed that if he was to know, it had to come from you. That it wasn’t the younger man’s story to tell and Joel was trying to respect that.
And if that hadn’t sent alarm bells to rumble low in his mind, then your behavior this morning would’ve.
You hadn’t been at your house when he went to pick you up, the windows dark and the door locked. He had knocked, thinking maybe you had overslept. He had found you at the stables, cursing at the clasps of the saddle that weren’t cooperating with your ministrations to secure them. The way that you jumped when he cleared his throat and greeted you, wide eyes settling on him and body tense as if having expected someone else. Someone you had to protect yourself against, if the hand flying to your holstered gun was any indication.
Definitely concerning.
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The sound of twin sets of hooves the only sound for the last fifteen miles or so. You had been content, or as well as could be considering the circumstances, beside him. Wide-brimmed hat drawn low to shadow over most of your face, body on a constant swivel as you took in the new to you surroundings. The landscape covered in autumnal tones. It was beautiful, the warm reds, oranges, and yellows of the changing trees. But it was also deadly, threats hidden within the lush tree line, just over the rolling hills, waiting for the opportune moment to strike.
“Been okay.” Was your short answer, not feeling like you knew how to hold a causal conversation anymore. Not since seeing the man’s craft had cropped up in his brother’s home and the way in which he had denied your part in the idea. That paired with the anxiety of being so far out from the settlement wasn’t sitting well. “You been okay?”
“Yeah, of course. Just busy, you know?”
“You hardly ever take a moment, see you and hear talk of you bouncing around so much. Everyone must really appreciate you willing to help. The skills you have, they mean so much. They allow us a better chance to not just survive, but to live.” You wished he could see it, the way children would stare transfixed as him and Tommy led a team of people through creating things the way that they did. From foundations to frames, tiling roofs and securing windows into place. It meant growth, the ability to rebuild, it meant anticipation of the future beyond just a few days. And he helped to provide that for the settlement with the use of his hands and the skills comprised in his head.
He only hummed in response, as if he was disbelieving of the sentiment behind your words.
And then, of course:
“Is…is there a reason why you don’t do the overnight routes?” It was a cautious one, though you could hear the undertones of concerns that coated his polite curiosity. And undercurrent of worry in his beautiful eyes that had turned amber in the sunlight you caught sight of with a quick glance when he had continued to speak.
But his question was ill timed, everything too raw in you to indulge in it at the moment.
“Joel, that’s none of your business.” You felt the easy smile fade from your face as you turned away from the man. You ignored the inclination to face him, feeling the weight of his eyes watch the way you squared your shoulders. Searching for signs of something you weren’t quite sure of. You were always willing to chat with him, about everyday stuff and the heavier stuff should one of you need to vent or rant. Never talking about it back inside the walls and surrounded by the people you went out to protect. But this?
You couldn’t. It was too much, and you know your voice had turned hard, sharp.
“Shit, I’m sorry- we just, normally you’re okay with my questions. I didn’t mean to overstep a line.”
“Well, you did. Just drop it, okay?”
“I’m sorry, sweetheart, I didn’t-“
“I get it, just, stop please.” Snapping the reigns, you clicked your tongue to get Lowry to pick up the pace of her hooves. Moving ahead, following the path that was slowly coming back to you as the event you tried to block cropped up in your mind piece by piece.
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It was easy, comfortable to be beside him even in uncharted territory and land new to you after so many years. Because despite the rough start to the day, having reached the proverbial fork in the road that would take you farther from Jackson you had been in so long, it was easy to feel like things might just be okay with him mounted on his own horse ahead of you.
Even despite his rather invasive question.
You felt bad for snapping at him, for being too caught up in your own mind to enjoy the time beside him.
He was always so busy around town, but out here on patrol; he was yours.
His attention not being pulled in endless directions of so many who looked to him for help and advice, for his opinion on something or other. He was so willing to take the time and fix, mend, build, repair, anything that people called on him for. He had just been trying to do the same here, now. Ensuring you were okay. Because you knew your behavior wasn’t normal. You had jumped when seeing him this morning in the stables. You hadn’t taken the offered thermos, not wanting the caffeine to make you even more jittery paired with your anxiety and nervousness. And it was silly because you knew he meant well.
He couldn’t have known the question was a landmine.
He couldn’t have known it was the one, seemingly simple question that you were unable to answer him.
He had fallen quiet since you asked him to drop it. And you felt bad. There was tension about him, in his broad shoulders and the grip of his hands on the reigns in front of him. His legs shifting more than normal as the muscles tensed and relaxed in a pattern you couldn’t quite make out. You had bothered him, with your sharp words. And you worried that you had broken some part of what this was.
“Hey, Joel?”
A huff.
“Did you finish all the coffee?”
“No, got your thermos right here.” He patted the bag attached to the saddle. You couldn’t have known he meant that it was truly your thermos. Always nestled between his own and Ellie’s, in the cabinet, in the drying rack next to the sink. Yours, and not just while on patrols.
“May I please have it?” Nerves alight, you chanced a glance. He had to have been lost in his own head, his eyes coming back to the present slowly as he cast them toward you.
“Only because you asked so nicely, sweetheart.” He leaned down to retrieve it, holding it out to you. You were careful not to brush your fingers against his own. Thinking that maybe he hadn’t been too comfortable with the casual touching that seemed to have grown in occurrence, even if he had called on you and pressed his lips to your wounded head. Undeserving of the attention he had deigned to give you, you didn’t want him to think you were doing it on purpose. Trying to impinge on his personal space in such an intimate way.
“You-your from Texas, right?” Of course you were stuttering, nervous to interact with him, to try and bridge the divide you had caused. But you still tried, not wanting to lose the dynamic you two shared, even if you had been in your head. Even if you had no intention of physical contact, you still yearned for the easy conversations you two shared.
“Did you see a big change between the seasons?”
He seemed to deflate, the tension in his body ebbing just as the quick beat of your heart did as he turned to look at you for the first time in hours. Calming, reacting to each other, softening in the wake of what had happened.
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The village was just as you remembered, as the horses came up on a hill looking over it. It was small, a collection of long abandoned houses and businesses on the cusp of the national park that once boasted large crowds and endless visitors who came to enjoy the views. The mountains surrounding it were breathtaking, covered in the changes of the season. Looking for all the world a quaint little getaway.
Another hour and you found yourself working silently beside Joel to clear the buildings, searching for anything that could be of use for the town, for its inhabitants.
Another hour and you found yourself stood in the kitchen of a small house, rustling through the cabinets in search of whatever may be hidden within them. With a delighted hum, your fingers wrapped around the soft casing of canvas and you pulled it out from within the depths of the one you had crouched down to inspect. Joel’s jacket hushed as he turned to you at the sound, his eyes watching, ever vigilant and ready to strike sound something be wrong.
But nothing was wrong, you leaned back on your heels as you pulled the object out into the light of your flashlight. It was a canvas pouch, rolled up and secured with leather straps that had seemed to stand the test of time and decay.
“Oh my gosh, Joel!” You looked up at him with a pleased grin, teeth flashing at him as you did so. Giddy with the discovery. You set it down over your thighs and unfastened the straps, rolling out the canvas to reveal beautifully crafted handles nestled into small, slim pockets. His steps were quiet as he moved closer, shining his own flashlight onto the find. With nimble fingers you shut your own off and tucked it into the internal pocket of your dark green jacket, pulling one of the handles carefully from where it rested to reveal a sheathed chef’s knife.
The sheath was a little worse for wear, the plastic cover faded and brittle, but when you removed it, the blade proved to be in pristine condition if a little dull.
“Joel, these knives are so beautiful.” Your words were practically a purr as you checked the others to find them nearly perfect. The whole set. Each blade crafted beautifully with a wavy design of darker metal inlaid into a lighter one, the blunt side fading from dark to light. “These are classic Japanese crafted, perfectly balanced. A bit dull, but with some care and a good sharpening block they would be as good as new.”
“Oh, so you didn’t just dabble in the kitchen then.”
“You were a chef, weren’t you?”
“Oh, um, yes. But that doesn’t mean much these days, so I tend to downplay it.” You stood, the pouch rolled back up and secured.
“You let me go on about jarred tomato sauce and cereal.”
“I meant it when I said those were balanced meals, I swear!”
“Uh-huh, sure you did. Entertainin’ me, is what you were doin’.” He was delighting in the friendly banter, no true hurt or dismay in his words if the upturn of his lips on one side was an indication. The smirk allowed for that endearing dimple to appear in the pocket of his right cheek, much like his brother’s.
“Joel, no offense, but hush. Food is food.” You tried to make it seem like you hadn’t meant any harm, because you hadn’t. Food was food, back then and even more so now. It was a way to survive, important and so scarce a necessity these days. The abundance of it within the settlement still something that amazed you. The ingenuity of people to create and cultivate agriculture as a base function of humanity and community.
“I’d bet my left arm you didn’t used to think like that. Back when we had the choice between organic and fresh to mass produced and cheap.”
“Hey! Junk food was important too! You know how many times I had a family sized bag of chips for dinner?”
“No, sweetheart, how many?”
“At least twice a week.” Flicking your hand with two fingers raised up, you couldn’t help the bubble of laughter that sprung up from your chest. Fighting the wide smile threatening to break out on your face at the faux shock he displayed with a hand to his chest and a roll of his eyes.
“Which ones?” His brown eyes glittered in the shine of his flashlight, following your movement toward your bag left atop the couch.
“I was rather fond of sour cream and cheddar.” You could practically taste the tang of the sour cream on your tongue as you made room in your pack for the pouch of knives.
“I was a salt and vinegar man, myself.”
You just pinned him with a teasing look, one eyebrow raised up in question.
“That’s just gross, Joel.”
“And there she is, the food critic I knew you were.”
“Go to sleep, mister judgement. I’ll take the first watch.” You stuck your tongue out at him, waving him away with your hands as you settled on the couch and leaned back into the dusty cushions. His chuckle was the only response as he retreated to the only room in the house, the bed springs creaking as he settled into an equally dusty mattress.
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You were already back in the saddle on Lowry and moving when it happened. Joel was adjusting the saddle on his own horse and hadn’t heard the shuffle of the leaves. The tree line was just a few yards away. And a trio of infected had just breached the end of it.
“Joel! On your six!” You shouted, reaching for your shotgun slung over your back. Joel was reaching for his own laid out atop the saddle when the horse whinnied, kicking her front legs out at the infected. He reached for the reigns, quickly trying to console the amped up horse when he was knocked to the ground. Your shot missed, his horse freaking out too much and you worried for Joel on the ground.
Your own horse began to fidget, but you calmed her with soft whispers and a quick pat to her neck.
Rolling away to avoid being trampled on, one of the Infected left caught sight of him at the movement.
You were too busy leaning heavily to the left to get a good aim at the other two as they began to tear into the throat of his horse, cutting off the distressed cries of the creature. Heavy body thudding to the ground, you fired two headshots before searching for Joel. But he was blocked from your view by the downed creature.
Careening your body over the side of your own horse until you were practically hanging from the side of it with your feet secure in the stirrups, you used gravity to aid you in getting a clear view. Your middle burned with the effort as you tried to get vision of the man fighting against the Infected that had him pinned to the ground. When you did, your mouth went dry. The claws of the Infected had managed to rake down one of his cheeks, blood bright. Breathing in, you aimed and fired.
The shrieking of the figure fell silent, and its body went limp.
Grunting, Joel shoved it off of him and scrambled back away from it with a heaving chest. He looked over his shoulder toward you, his eyes nearly black from the adrenaline, his plush lips parted as he tried to get enough air in his lungs. Eyes frantically looking him over, you could see the split in his lip from the distance.
Slinging the shotgun back over your shoulder, you dismounted and rushed to his side. Your hands reached everywhere they could as you tried to sus out any more injuries. The intention to keep them to yourself short lived and fruitless. Joel was just staring at you, no words coming from him, only the sound of his panting breath as he pushed himself up on his arms.
“Are you okay? You didn’t hurt your back when you fell? Kiana didn’t step on you or kick you, did she?”
The questions flowed from you in quick succession, not giving the man a chance to answer any of them as you twisted to take a kerchief from your back pocket and began to dab at his cheek as lightly as you could. He let out a low hiss as the skin throbbed, but he let you do it anyway.
“I’m okay,” He finally croaked, sitting up completely when a few tears spilled from your lash line. One of his hands cradled your face, thumb brushing them away. “It’s okay, sweetheart, you did good.”
Through your tears, you worked at getting the blood cleared from his cheek, moving to focus on his split lip and the drops of blood that had trailed down his chin. He let you, his hand falling from your own face to your shoulder, anchoring him close. When you managed to wipe away what you could you sighed, blinking the tears from your eyes as best you could.
His eyes were so soft when you looked into them, watching. Your breath stalled for the barest of moments as you wondered if he would wear the same open expression right before a kiss. Heat flooded your face as you realized you had dug your other hand into the soft curls at the back of his head to help keep him steady and his eyes dilated at the sound. Your sore body protested as you leaned in impossibly closer, chest brushing against his.
The long travel had magnified the scent of him, cedar and sweat dizzying this close to him and it made you want to bury yourself in his arms. To burrow into him and just stay there, enjoying in the warmth and safety you felt when around him.
His eyes fluttered closed at the gentle press of your lips to the scratch on his cheek, tension leaking out of his own sore muscles at the feel. Nose brushing against his own, you were suddenly overcome with the urge to press your other hand to his chest and press him back to the ground, to straddle his thighs and show him how much he was beginning to mean to you. But that would be far too forward.
Heartbeat tittering, your eyes roved over his face, gauging his reaction to the uncharacteristic display. His face was so handsome, the trimmed scruff dusting his cheeks a mix of silver and gray complimenting the tan of his weathered skin decorated with sparse freckles, a patch vaguely resembling a heart low near his chin. And you fleetingly pressed your lips to it, unable to resist. The muscle in his jaw twitched at the pressure, but he didn’t move otherwise, eyes still closed shut.
Despite the journey from the day before and an overnight stay in an abandoned building, you still smelled faintly of the woody, floral scent. It was stronger due to the tense situation of a few moments ago, lingering in the sweat you had felt bead up along the back of your neck and the small of your back.
He seemed to breathe it in, his inhale catching in his throat when you couldn’t help the temptation of pressing your lips to where his bottom one was split in a chaste kiss, caught up in mingling of your scents and the effect he was having on you being so close.
“There,” You breathed against him, fingers clenching around the curls in your grip, surprised he hadn’t jerked away from the rather inappropriate move. His eyes remained shut, as you leaned back to look over the entirety of his face. You felt a nervous flutter of warmth low in your middle, mirroring the words he had whispered to you in your kitchen just a few days ago. “All better.”
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Your body was alight with the feel of his body behind you. His chest bumping into your back on every jaunt of Lowry moving over the terrain. You hadn’t been able to look directly at him, keeping your eyes downcast in embarrassment as you had helped him up from where he had fallen. Your hands small in his as you had done so, but immediately dropping the contact once he had been back up on his feet.
It had been silent for a long pause, no words coming from either of you as he gathered what he could from the saddle of the downed horse and you adjusted your own belongings to make room. Lowry had been rather worked up, deservedly so at seeing her friend and own patrol partner taken out in such a gruesome way. The beginning of the journey back to Jackson started off on foot, you on one side of her and Joel on the other, guiding her back at her own pace.
But somewhere after the first couple of hours, you had begun to drag your feet. The adrenaline of the morning waning and leaving you utterly exhausted. That’s how you found yourself seated in the front of the saddle on your horse, Joel’s firm body behind you. His height, even while seated, allowed for every other breath to rustle the hair atop your head. The wide brimmed hat you donned while on patrol hanging from the front of the saddle so as to not bump him or obstruct his vision.
But he kept his hands to himself, save for when he gripped your hips when the horse tipped your combine gravity on the errant downslope of the route.
“Get some rest,” Joel’s words were a haze as you twisted to wave a parting at him. Safely back within the walls of the settlement and having completed the patrol write up. The loss of a horse something you were sure wouldn’t be overlooked, even in light of how it happened. You could’ve saved her, but had been too slow to find aim. But the only thing on your mind right now was a warm bath to wash away the day and then the comfort of your bed.
“You too, Joel.” You turned back to face forward, feet carrying you slowly even if the desire to be unconscious was a strong pull to pick up the pace toward your home.
“Hey, Olive?” Hesitant, the sound of your nickname was in his voice.
“Yes?” You pivoted once more, taking in the way he was looking at you. Concern in his dark eyes and softening his features. The feel of his lips sparking through you as you lingered on them. But you pushed it down, knowing it was one-sided and would always be so. He didn’t see you like that, couldn’t see you like that with all the attention he got from around town. So many other people to entertain and you were just another.
“You can always talk to me, you know, about anything. I’ll always listen to what you have to say.”
“Yeah,” The denial of you suggesting the cutting board washed over you, deflating you even more so in the late afternoon. “But I wouldn’t want everyone to think we do talk. Seemed pretty keen on hiding it from your brother the other day.”
“That- that wasn’t why I said it was my idea.” His jaw jumped, the muscle clenching and unclenching, his hands mimicking the motion at his sides. A heavy sigh deflated his own chest. “I was…embarrassed because it was the first one I made. It-it wasn’t very good.”
“Joel, everything you make is well done.” You assured even as you turned from him and walked away.
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“I’m so glad you came back okay from that long patrol, Joel. We would’ve missed your amazing hands.”
Joel tried his best to tune the woman out, Marsha liked to ramble to him when he called on her to fix things in her house. She was about his age, an appropriate age. Headed the gardens and yearly plantings, helped out in the mess hall, and tried to help Tommy keep up with the holidays in order to make the town feel a little more comforted. But today, her words felt weird. Like a backhanded comment to something he intended to figure out. Because it felt like it was about you rather than just a well-meaning sentiment.
“Excuse me, ma’am?” Joel tried to keep his voice even, tempered. But he could feel tingles of anxiety come to life in his chest.
“Oh, I’m just saying, everyone was rather shocked that you got stuck with Olive for Teton. She hasn’t been on anything other than her two morning routines in, gosh, such a long time n-“ He surged up from where he had been underneath the sink. The steady beading of water from the cracked pipe measuring the tense passage of time as he stood to his full height. The wrench in his hand pressed into his stomach as he placed his hands on his hip and looked directly at the woman who had been hovering over him as he worked. She had been idly peaking potatoes on the counter beside the sink, making sure to stick close to him like she tended to do when he was in her home.
But she had fallen quiet at the direct attention, a flush visible on the tips of her ears and the swell of her cheeks.
“Did you say ‘stuck with Olive’? Because I can assure you, she’s capable enough to not be talked about that way.” His brow furrowed as his lips tugged downward in a frown, unsure where this woman got the gall to sling around talk of you like this. To him, of all people. He wasn’t completely daft, he knew the women around town fawned over him. Both the younger ones like yourself and those closer to his own age and beyond. But he ignored it, because he wasn’t here for that, his heart didn’t soften for just anyone. And the woman in front of him was bad mouthing the one it had without him even realizing.
“I just meant that- since she’s so much younger and doesn’t have as much experience as you-“
“Hold on, lemme stop you right there.” Joel held out a hand, the wrench acting as a barrier between their bodies. “Olive is more than capable of being my partner on patrol. It don’t matter what her experience is compared to my own. And I don’t like the insinuation of her not being anything other than a hardworking person who willingly puts her life on the line for this town.”
“She just- there was an incident a while ago-“
“I don’t care what happened a while ago, she’s good to me now.” Anger flared, tinging his eyes into the deep, dark tone of fresh brewed coffee. His grip around the wrench was pulling the muscles in his hand, causing an ache that was becoming far too familiar a sensation. But he kept his focus on the woman in front of him, the one who had felt like it was okay to talk about you in such a way in his company, to him.
He was always polite, always lending an ear to what the people of the town wanted to say, allowing for easy conversation most of the time, but this was something he wouldn’t allow and the tone of his voice had shifted. It was assertive and left no room for interpretation that he didn’t share the sentiment of the woman in front of him. And then he thought back to the other night before the route in question.
Tommy had been consoling you, telling you to ignore the things people were saying about you, the rumors that had cropped up once your name had been added next to his on the assignment sheet. This woman had apparently been the cause of your tears, the fuel to your already present insecurities flaring and making you close in on yourself. This woman had taken the teasing jokes, sweet laughter, soft smiles, and easy-going conversation typical of time spent with you and stolen it from him. Tainted the air so badly that you had been decidedly not yourself on the last patrol and so wound up that you had snapped at him.
“She’s done nothing to deserve the way you’re speaking about her, and I would like you to apologize.”
“Joel, I- I’m sorry. I didn’t think it would upset you.” Her eyes shifted frantically over his face, realizing that she had offended him with her casual words. “I was saying that-“
“Not to me, to her.” He cut off her words with rough ones of his own. Past the point of caring about being polite and heeding everything the town needed his help with at the moment. All he cared about right now was you, and how you had been singled out as the most recent subject of town gossip. He tried to tamp it and he had gotten fairly good at keeping his frustrations to himself. Ellie being the recipient when she was particularly stubborn and bull headed, but she got that from him too. From traveling with him for as long as it had taken them, their entire journey now allowing for them to explore the softer and kinder parts of themselves within the safety of the settlement.
But right now? Joel felt like he was back outside of them, the need to protect and eradicate any perceived threat strong. Thrumming in him as he felt like what was his was being singled out and targeted.
“We clear?”
Marsha squeaked out an affirmative, her hands wringing around each other over her middle. Without a glance toward the open cupboards beneath the sink, Joel gathered his toolbox laid open beside them and his flashlight.
“Need a new pipe, nothing else I can do at the moment. Tommy will be by before nightfall with a replacement.”
He didn’t bid her goodbye as he walked through the front of her house and out the front door. Leaving the shell-shocked woman standing in her kitchen with her heart beating rapidly in her chest at his rather uncharacteristic display of anger.
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dividers by the lovely @saradika-graphics and @cafekitsune
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318 notes · View notes
bangchansgirlsblog · 9 months
hey hope ur having a great day!
could u possibly write an angst request with skz? (any member)
something along the lines of the reader having a terrible childhood and having to go through trauma and really dark days and maybe opening up to them about it?
ig I'm asking for it is cause I'm not doing so well recently and just need to feel something lmao
hope that you're doing well, if not then a channie hug for u <33
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Warning: Angst, toxic relationship, Chan being mean.
Paring: OT8 x reader
Summary: shutting down the boys was easy but fighting her demons aka her dad was not
AN: someone requested something similar to this and I can’t seem to find the request so I just joined the two 🥺
Enjoy! 🩷
"Y/n? You okay?" Hyunjin asked her again trying to get her out of her trance.
"Yeah-yeah," her voice is caught in a crack. The hot feeling of tears starts to build up. "I'm fine, where are the rest of the boys?" She cleared her throat and put her bag down.
"They went to get some coffee, I told them I would wait here for you. Are you sure you're okay?" He asked one last time to be certain. He could sense her vibe was off but yet again it was Y/n. She was the most mysterious yet energetic person you would come across. Oh? And she's the youngest.
"Yes I'm fine Hyun, we should head for practice. We don't want to keep the boys waiting," she gave him another comforting smile before grabbing her bag once again and making their way to the JYP building.
The walk was quiet. Her thoughts were currently running haywire as she try to peace everything together but she knew today wasn't going to be a good day. The argument she had with her father still played in her head.
"So, what do you have in your schedules today?" Hyunjin interrupted her thoughts trying to ease the tension in the air.
"I just have dance practice with you guys then I get a break and you?"
"I have a photo shoot later after practice, kinda cliché themed." Y/n giggle at this. Hyunjin gave himself a pat on the back for making her laugh.
"Well, I hope stay don't make fun of you because that'll be more memes coming out,"
"Yeah, yeah, as long as I rock the outfit no one can bring me down," he flexed his biceps earring a gag sound from the manknae.
"Hyunjin that's gross," she rolled her eyes as they both entered the studio to find the boys stretching. They all said their hello's and started their practice off.
"Y/n get your head in the game," Leeknow scolded her. She had been messing up a lot today and now that they were halfway through, she hadn't gotten anything done causing the whole group to get lost.
"I'm trying okay?" She snapped back at him. Han's neck snapped in their direction as he looked at her in disbelief.
"Don't snap at him like that, his older than you," Han joined in the scolding. Y/n was tired and frustrated now. She couldn't deal with them hopping on her back.
"Okay whatever," she walked away from the both of them and sat on the floor by her bag trying to look for her water bottle. The boys were looking at her from a far trying to figure what was bothering her today.
"Hey Y/n?" I.N finally gave in and sat besides her to check in.
"Yes I.N?" She replied in her soft tone.
"You okay? You've been messing up all day-"
That was all she needed. That little push to throw her off the edge. Her eyebrows furrowed in annoyance and she stood up still facing I.N. Her anger was at a 10 and she couldn't hold it back anymore.
"I'm fine okay?! What is wrong with all of you?! Don't you see I'm trying?! Can't you leave me alone for once?! Why does it seem like whatever I do is a problem-"
"Y/n. Out. Now." Chan's loud voice shook the room quite literally. She stormed off to stand outside by the door. Trying to keep her cool but she couldn't.
"Don't you see this is a waste of time? You're a girl! You won't survive in this industry!"
"But dad I- the boys got me. We're making it-"
"Those boys will soon leave you just like your mum did. You're pathetic and a waste of space. You don't even bring anything to the table!" Her father's voice was loud through the phone.
"Why won't you let me to what I want for once?" She begged.
"Because! I spent my whole life working my butt off to provide for you and now look at you? You've basically become a stripper"
"Dad don't say that-"
"Well it's the truth."
Her father's words echoed in her ears. She felt helpless. She felt useless. She felt disgusted by herself.
"What was that?" Chan storms out the room. He was angry. It was obvious.
"What is wrong with you? What's your problem? You've been so moody all day and whenever we ask you what's wrong cause we know damn well we didn't do anything wrong, you start acting bratty,"
"Chan I was just trying to-"
"No, I don't want to hear it. You will go in there and apologize. Understood?"
"Chan! You never listen to me. Your always taking their side," she snapped at him.
"I know damn well you aren't talking to me like that. I've given you time and time again to come talk to me but you crush it off and decide to be a bitch to everyone. So don't even say I don't listen to you-"
"I'm not being a bitch, I just want to be alone,"
"Okay then be alone. Stop bringing everyone down just cause you can't deal with you problems, you better go apologize to everyone and you can head home," the tears in her eyes started to fall once he left.
Maybe she indeed was the problem. Maybe she needed to learn a way to cope with her feelings. Maybe she just needed to shut up.
She slowly took steps back into the studio and everyone turned to look at her.
"I'm sorry if I snapped at any of you, I won't do it again," her sobs were heard. They were so painful to hear that even Chan was so close to stopping her and pulling her into a hug. He felt so bad but he knew he had to stand on business.
At first Chan thought that maybe her silent treatment would last a day or two but it dragged and it continued to drag till it was the 1 week stamp.
He grew worried because he wasn't not just talking to him but she wasn't talk at all. She would only say hello and then continue with her day. Not even taking to managers or staff.
She would just nod or say small thanks you's or goodbyes. It was almost like the fight he had with her shit her up completely and this was eating him up.
The stress of the VMA's performance coming up and having to deal with his members made everything 10x harder to cope with.
"She hasn't been eating," Changbin informs Chan who lets out a frustrated sigh. "Should I just talk to her? Maybe that'll fix things,"
"She's so mad, she won't talk to anyone. Even I.N," this caused Han and Changbin to gasp.
"They're like bestfriends, it's like they were never separated at birth. What do you mean he won't talk to her?" Han asked.
"He came to me in tears yesterday because he attempted to get her to talk but she shut him down immediately,"
"Then you're going to have to fix this Chan. She needs you even though she hasn't said it. Maybe it's something deeper than your fight,"
"I know that for certain Hyunjin but how can I talk to her when she keeps avoiding me and walking away,"
"Just go to the gardens," Felix suggested.
Chan hadn't thought about it and quickly gave a hug to Felix who he praised for a bit and run to the gardens.
There she was. Sat feeding ducklings. She had a soft smile on her face. Her cheekbones were becoming visible because of the lack of food and the stress of the shows coming up.
"Y/n?" He said while making his way to her. She remained still and quiet. Continuing to feed the ducks.
"Can we talk please?" Silence. "Look I'm sorry. I'm getting worried and you not being able to talk to me means that there's something deeper going on. Can you talk to me please? I'll shut up and listen."
"My dad," she sat up and looked over to him. Chan in disbelief after hearing her voice after so long. "My dad wants me to go back home,"
"What? What? He can't do that. We're a team. We're your family,"
"I never told you about him because of how toxic he is Chan, he won't leave me alone until I'm home. Where he can control me."
"But your legal and your on a contract-"
"He doesn't care Chan," she looked up at him. The tears in her eyes started to pour like rain. Chan's eyes soften as he grabbed her and pulled her into his arms.
"I won't let him take you. Over my dead body." Was all he said as she continued to sob.
"I'm so scared. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you Oppa,"
"Shhhh. It's okay my love. It's fine. You did now."
He continued to comfort her until she could calm down. A constant apology left her mouth. Chan didn't want an apology he just wanted to protect her and he knew the only way he could talk to her was if she had calmed down.
"Have you eaten?" He asked her knowing the answer. He just didn't want to make it seem like he was tracking her consumption.
"I'm not hungry," her face was squashed against his chest making the words come out a little muffled.
"You are. You've lost so much weight. Let's go buy you some ramen and we can talk okay? How does that sound?"
"That's okay Chan. I'm ready to talk."
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shycoffeeland · 1 year
Content tags: Reader is rescued, kidnap, mentioned torture, PTSD, petname of choice is "Love."
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All thoughts had left your head as you'd been wrestled to the ground. The butt of the rifle hit you in the temple, and the last thing you felt as your vision went blurry was blood trickling down your forehead, your earpiece going haywire as the team heard it unfold.
When you woke up fully, you were tied to a chair. It was broken in places and the splinters were digging into your thighs. Your braids were coming loose and your hair was sticking to your forehead with sweat. The chair was an old wooden dining chair with armrests, and you were strapped in by the waist, wrists and ankles with multiple rounds of a thin wire that dug into you in all the wrong places. Finally getting a decent look around the room you'd been confined to, it was obvious it was a torture room. No windows, one single light. The walls were dirty, with layers upon layers of grime and dried bloodstains. There were tools on the walls, and it'd not taken long for you to corroborate each one with a mark on your body. The bruised and cuts that lined your arms started to sting as you fully returned to consciousness, and your lower legs began to burn. You couldn't bend down enough to fully see them, but you knew it had to be bad. The pain radiated up your legs, and sank deep into your flesh, a burning ache that only worsened the more you breathed. Every second felt like a minute. Every minute felt like an hour. The nausea crept up your throat only aggravated by the stench of blood and burnt flesh. Did they burn you? You couldn't tell. Everything felt the same anyway. You were about to die.
The door opened, and the single lightbulb above you flickered on.
One of your captors stood before you, your own gun in his hands. You looked over his gear, and saw that he'd also stolen your combat knives and your earpiece. He laughed at you, and squat down to your eye level, taking a hand under your chin, forcing you to look at him.
"I'm impressed. A little girl playing soldiers should've broken by now." His voice was disgusting, like nails on a chalkboard.
You wanted so badly to headbut him and spit in his face, but you had to play this one smart, and no matter how much you wanted to kill him, he had the gun and you didn't. You kept quiet, and he moved his hand, the heel of it firmly underneath your chin and his fingernails digging into your bottom lip. You could smell the dirt and blood on him, and his breath stank something fierce.
'A little girl playing soldiers', knowing full well you probably outranked him. It was unusual to have such a highly decorated female soldier in any kind of specops, and it would always make you a target. Men like him would never be frightened by a woman. Its why they have to resort to taking you, tying you up and drugging you out of your mind while they torture you. You'd never break.
"L/N...," A second, thickly accented voice joined the haze, and you looked over to see another man tear the patch off your tac vest, reading your embroidered surname. Countless years in the service; being known only as your last name, and in recent years the ranks you'd acheived- but it sounded so wrong. Your vision began to clear slightly as you focused on him. "Where are your task force?"
"How the fuck am I meant to know? Do you honestly expect me to know that?" You looked up at him, trying your hardest to focus and not slur your words. You sounded drunk. "I haven't seen or spoken to the team since you've had me here, or even moved from this chair."
He didn't like that.
Somehow it hurt more to get a backhand across the face than the rest of your injuries, it left your head pounding.
"Don't be stupid. Do you think we don't know there's a plan in place? Where are they now?" He almost hissed, his notably rancid halitosis making you almost yak right in his face.
Your eyes fell shut, as the world around you began to swim.
"Plan probably went sideways because you took one of ours." That voice was unmistakable. You could practically see the flag on his cap. Gaz had come to get you.
Your captor stopped every movement as the barrel of a gun was held to the back of his head. The sudden movement caused you to creak your eyes open a little.
Ghost and Gaz had found you, leaving a trail of bodies in their wake as they got to where you were kept. Ghost's eyes shifted once he fully looked at you, and took in the sight of what they had done. He said nothing, his eyes boring holes in the wall behind you as the focus left them. He was barely there.
The man who had been messing with your vest was now slumped in a heap, kicked under the table. The only threat left in the room was cornered by two of the best.
"Ghost, mate," Gaz tried to encourage Simon to let go of the gun. "We need him alive. L/N, you okay? You awake?"
You mumbled, struggling against your restraints.
Gaz spoke into his radio. "Captain? Yeah we found her. She's not in a good way, we need medical." A pause. "Alright sir." Another pause. "Yes sir." A third pause that was longer than the rest. You couldn't make out what was being said. "Understood."
Ghost and Gaz swapped places, Gaz giving him a nod of understanding as they both moved to their respective tasks. Freeing you, and securing the now unconscious militia member.
Through the mask, you could usually make out each detail of his face. Now, you could barely hold onto the sight of his eyes. He said nothing as he worked to free you, his head bowed as he carefully avoided your wounds as he worked the wire back out and away from your wrists and from your ankles. You blinked, and he had gone behind you, using his bolt cutters to get through the thick accumulation of wire that bound you by the waist to the chair.
"Stay with it." You heard him say very quietly. "It's nothing." You couldn't figure out if he was speaking to you, or trying to get through it himself.
When you opened your eyes again, you were being carried. Your face was rubbing against the velcro on the back of his tac vest, the main sensation you focused on as you tried to make sense of the echoing conversation that was filling the empty building. The familiar sound of his breathing managed to calm you down a little, as you unconsciously had grown to associate it with rest and safety. His hold on you was firm, yet gentle, he didnt want to hurt you yet desperatly didnt want to risk dropping you, he knew you hated rescue carries. You were facing the floor, watching the dust and sand moving with each footstep of the two soldiers.
Suddenly, the doors opened, and a harsh light of the morning bled in.
"Fucking hell." You heard the Captain's voice as he caught sight of the three of you. It was distant, but still carried that familiar tone that made you almost try to stand at attention.
"You take her." Gaz kept both hands firmly on his rifle, nodding towards the vehicles that had gathered infront of the building. "I'll make sure that twat doesn't wake up."
Ghost felt you start struggling, and tried speaking to you, adjusting you so you were more upright over his shoulders than dangling off one, you'd fallen off the first time. "I can't put you down yet, just stay still alright? You'll be alright Love." His voice was quiet, but as he adjusted you he moved your head closer to him, a small but comforting gesture.
The medical team were ready to receive you. It took a good while to convince the lieutenant to let go of you. He watched as Price sent in another team to go meet Sergeant Garrick and retrieve the man from the enemy militia. The medics set you down and began working on you immediately.
"Go back to base." Price said, knowing the tone in his voice meant 'go with her, Simon.' Adjusting and reloading his guns, taking a drag from his cigar. "I need someone reliable to hold down the fort. We won't be far behind." He gave him a pat on the back before going to join the others.
The ride back to base was way too long with the supplies that were transportable. He sat in the front of the truck, knowing that the space to work in the back was limited. He didn't want to get in the way. He also couldn't bear looking at you in such a state. He'd barely managed to look at himself in the mirror after what he'd gone through in Mexico. He swore he'd never let anyone he loved go through something so awful, and the last thing he wanted was to be so helpless.
The second they got back, he all but jumped out of the truck, barking orders at anyone who'd listen. The rest of the medical team back at base had everything prepped and ready to treat you as per the reports they received en route. This time, Simon didn't even think. He went in with you, and stayed in the room while the treated you through your fleeting glimpses of consciousness, you could see that skull face, you didn't need to focus on his face, even as a blur, the skull was still there. Your Simon was with you. Everything would be okay.
A few days , a few sedatives and some heavy antibiotics later, you woke up to the faint sound of birds and humming at your bedside.
part two coming asap!
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kitchenisking · 2 months
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June Fic Rec
Hello my loves! I know that I'm about 2 months late and I'm sorry. My life went haywire and the being of the month along side the bridgeton/polin brain rot. (trust me the brain rot is real)
July and August fit recs with post tonight and tomorrow so keep a look out!
Happy reading😘
Come find me now, we'll hide out (we'll speak in our secret tongues) byGorgeousgreymatter - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 23,569, sterek)
It’s not often these days that his wolf and human instincts are at odds -- not when they’ve been living seamlessly in sync for so long now.
But the wolfish part of him is looking at that boy, pale and too-thin, wearing that ridiculous red sweatshirt that, for one thing, wasn't nearly protection enough in this weather, and for another, might as well be a flashing, neon sign that says chase me, and all it appears to see is want.
Or: Stiles's post-graduation road trip goes terribly wrong, and Derek has to save the idiot human from freezing to death.
Untouchable by Hedwig221b - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 17,107, sterek)
The day Stiles Stilinski entered the Berkeley campus was the day all the alphas went absolutely fucking nuts.
See, omegas were rare, even more than redheads. Got to be extremely fucking lucky to even see one in a lifetime. They were supposed to be these ethereal creatures of beauty and elegance, irresistible and blinding.
And Stiles Stilinski was exactly that.
Bundle of Accidental Joy by tearsandholdme - (Rating: Mature, Words: 69,901, sterek)
Stiles is just trying to live a simple life. Have a job, pay his rent, and survive enough to eat his next meal. But then he's fired from his job, watches a mother abandon her baby, tries to stop her and picks the baby up, and now everyone thinks the baby is his. Even his very handsome and moody boss, Derek Hale, who forces the responsibility onto him at the cost of keeping his job or else. 
Au of the 1956 film Bundle of Joy
Pack Night Out by jesuisgrace - (Rating: Mature, Words: 2,894, sterek)
What the fuck is my life? Derek thinks to himself. He’s standing in the corner, probably looking like a total creeper. The lights and the loud music drive his wolf crazy and he’s working hard to stay calm. But his pack is happy, and Derek loves seeing his pack happy. 
Derek takes the pack to Jungle. Stiles goes missing, and everyone but Derek seems to know what he's up to.
Derek Hale is Suffering Because of Stiles Stilinski's Oral Fixation by junixx - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 1,975, sterek)
"Stiles. You can't keep chewing on that." 
"Watch me."
Excess Energy by AClosedFicIsNeverRead - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 8,422, sterek)
What was he supposed to do about this? Wait… could he fuck Stiles? Derek’s brow furrowed as that question formed in his mind. Like… was fucking Stiles actually an option for him? 
- OR - 
The one where Derek has a bisexual awakening after a night of vivid, Stiles-centric dreams and decides to do something about it.
Come Alive by RisingQueen2 (FallenQueen2) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 2,352, sterek)
Stiles did not expect to run into Derek Hale again after all these years, let alone tumble into bed with him. It looks like dreams do come true.
The Will to Power by snarkatthemoon - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 3,406, sterek)
'“Let me see you, Stiles.” Derek coaxes Stiles to open his eyes with a hand on his cheek, careful to avoid the fresh wound on his face. Derek’s looking at him like he can’t believe he’s real, and Stiles feels his cheeks and chest heat up with a flush at the intensity of it.
“I can’t bear the thought of losing you too.” His face scrunches up in pain at the mere thought and Stiles isn’t sure how to reply, but now understands why everything feels so potent. 
This isn’t just sex, this is life-affirming sex.'
The Pain is for Pleasure by Staleinskii - (Rating: Mature, Words: 5,711, sterek)
Fuck Derek Hale. That’s all Stiles thought as he got out of his jeep and made his way towards the school. Fuck his smug attitude, and his sparkling green eyes, and his god-like muscles that have the ability to lift Stiles up and slam him against every surface of the loft many many times in many different positions. That was exactly how Stiles landed in his little predicament in the first place: his inability to take one step without the ghost of last night shooting pain up his ass with every step.
(or the one where Derek is packing, and he makes sure Stiles knows it throughout his school day)
Beginnings II by sffan - (Rating: T, Words: 1,138, sterek)
Stiles is sad that no one wants to kiss him. So Derek does.
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darkdarkstucky · 1 year
Enchanted, S. Rogers and C. Kent.
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SUMMARY: In a world where Omega's were scant and decent alpha's even more so, you think you're one in a million to be in a relationship with Alpha's who not only take care of your every whims and need, but also love and respect you unconditionally. However, your marital bliss of two years is interrupted by the concept of ‘true mates’.
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader x Clark kent.
Warnings: Cursing, Angst.
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“Wake up, buttercup!” Natasha cheerily exclaims, clapping her hands together after successfully pulling back the curtains to let the sunshine in your desolate quarters. You groaned sleepily turning your head towards the other direction, until she peeled the covers back from you.
“Uh-uh, we are not letting you sleep in the bed for days on end again.” the red head tuts, pulling your limp arm and ushering you towards a seating position. “Today, we're going out and walking on sunshine vampy.”
“No. Let me wallow in doubt and sadness.” you whine, eyes shut. You were still in dreamland, nestled in the covers with the ac on full blast— and you could literally spend days in the bed it feels like. You were always so sleepy and tired.
Part of you blamed it on over-thinking. Your brain must have been fueling up for all of your racing thoughts. Or it was only during sleep that you weren't thinking anything.
“Can't. The sun is up and the day is to be conquered. Where's your fucking spirit?”
“Oh wait! I remember where i left it, let me check.” you wiggled, making her hold loosen before you dived back into the sheets.
Comfy. So so nice.. you rub your face in Clark's pillow, sighing out in bliss. Just as you were about to doze off again..
“Nat!” you bellow, feeling yourself get lifted off the bed and towards the en suite.
“We're going out and fucking things up dollface! No excuses!”
“I feel like richard gere and you're my bitch- well, technically not one, but you get my point.” Nat nonchalantly puts down the menu, staring at you from across the table.
There was an astounding array of shopping bags placed neatly along the floor, both of you going haywire on different shops and swiping daddy's plastics, and only when you calmed down did you realize how much clothes you bought.
You'd feel bad, yet both Steve and Clark had gaslighted you early on that it isn't real money princess. So you went on your merry way each time and thought as if you were only playing pretend.
“Why can't i be a bitch?” you mutter, inbetween bites of garlic bread, basically inhaling the small tray of decadent pastry. It was crunchy, and soft on the inside with hints of melted cheese. Ohmy, you wanted to gobble it up.
Nat looked at you as if you were stupid. “Because.. you're rainbows, and butterflies and shiny shimmering glitter.”
You made a face, “You're saying i'm made of nice things? Aww, naty.”
“Yes, and if i put you in my mouth, you'll melt like a cotton candy.” she flippantly voices, which made both of you stare at eachother— silent and intent gazes, before bursting into laughter. Giggling at the unknown double entrede.
“Hello, madamme.” Your head snaps towards a slightly familiar older man decked in a pristine suit, an easy yet flattering grin on his face. “How are you finding your lunch? Has anyone taken your order yet?”
“Oh, hey ben. It's pleasant, as it always is. We've actually just placed our orders,” You smile in response.
“Oh that's great! and you're here with Mrs. Barnes, i see.” He politely nods to the red head. “Will you be joining Mr. Kent at the second floor? He's got an entourage, but i doubt it's concerning business. It appears to be more casual.”
“Is that so? I mean, Clark did say something about a lunch. Who's he with?” Your mouth moves faster than you could think.
In reality, the only thing you've recieved from both of them were casual goodmornings and update as to where they were. Steve was in France, Clark said he was in Russia. Atleast, that was what they told you.
“The usual, madamme. A couple of security details, and a new secretary. She seems to be new, atleast from who Mr. Kent usually keeps in his payroll.” The host narrates, thinking nothing of it. Everyone was already well aware of how much you meant to your husbands— to the point where nobody would bat an eye if they were seen out with another woman. Nobody could possibly believe they would replace you.
And you hated to jump into conclusions, but why would he need to lie?
Your heart wanted to lurch out of your chest. Nat's clearing of her throat made you snap out of your spiral; and you schooled your features back into a cheery expression once again.
“Well, if Mr. Kent wouldn't mind our presence.”
“.. I was actually a scholar of Kent foundation. Can you believe it? Our fates, so intertwined. It was really as if we were meant to be.” Lois gushes, leaning over in her chair, looking at him as if she were about to jump his bones.
Frankly, it made him quite uncomfortable. Nothing about this - if you could even call it a date, it was more like a formal gathering or a meet of sorts that he was inclined to arrange- felt natural, nor right.
Clark wanted to rely on his base instincts for direction but he couldn't grope for a shred of connection. Not even a silver of fondness, which is strange, considering thag they were supposed to be compatible— the person oppsite of him bore the genetic compatibility, as per several tests.
Though, what she said piqued his interest. “Which part of town would you say?”
“Upper east side,” Lois responds. Clark shifted in his seat, a smile making it's way to his features which held a considerable sway in her judgement. He asks a few more questions in that honeyed voice of his, to which she absently replied at.
“Huh, would you look at that.” He leans back in his seat, gears in his head turning but he maintained an easy smile on his face, mirth dancing in the darkened blue of his eyes.
“How about i permanently move your residence in, say, one of my towers?” Lois' breath hitched at the proposal.
“I-i mean, sure if that's what you want.” she gathered herself for a while, before remembering to act bashful and blinking up at him rapidly, smiling coyly. “I'm yours afterall. Your mate.”
You can hear the jeers and the laughter, staying through the conversation, until you found yourself feeling literal pangs of hurt in your chest. Fuck. What does all of this mean?
“Let me kill this son of a whore,” Nat was about to angrily storm inside, but you managed to stop her, putting an arm out.
“Don't even bother.” you murmur, finding it hard to find your own voice. At that point, you felt almost numb— as if your brain was shutting down from what you've heard, finding it difficult to process at all.
You woke up with the hope of your marriage still intact. Thinking, rather stupidly, that this was just a rather difficult hurdle in your marriage. Thinking that perhaps, this was all just a big misunderstanding like what you were repeatedly assured of.
But this was beyond even your wildest dreams. Nothing made sense. It was as if your world was crashing down on you all at once. True mates? It mocks you repeatedly.
Steve and Clark told you that you were the one. You believed them, because why would they lie to you? They had no reason to!
To get in your pants, silly. The rational, or was it pessimistic part of you said.
You blinked away the tears, turning around, and indulging in the manical urge that clouded all your rationality— run.
So you fled.
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somber-sapphic · 1 year
hello! i’m like obsessed with your writing and would really like request another marina x reader with the 99.9% immunity and the milking it types of sickie. have a wonderful day/ night 😊
Sniffles and Snuggles
〖Notes: Wow, this is late. I'm sorry it took so long, please enjoy. I know the ending is a bit rushed.〗
〖Summary: Perfect immune system my ass.〗
〖Word Count: 1884 〗
〖Pairing: marina x reader〗
You couldn’t remember the last time you’d gotten sick. Not an exaggeration, you genuinely couldn’t remember. Maya had a stomach bug a few months ago and she had assured you that you would end up getting it, basically promising that you would soon be joining her on the bathroom floor. 
Not to brag, but you hadn’t. Instead, you’d managed to take care of the firefighter and Carina, who had succumbed to the same illness only hours after Maya. Your girlfriends were incredibly glad that you hadn’t gotten sick, both because they needed help (though they’d never admit it) and because you were….somewhat of a pain when you got sick. 
It didn’t happen often, it practically never happened, but when it did you got hit hard. And when you got hit hard, you got a tad whiny. They both agreed that you had the right to be overdramatic when you got sick it was never a minor cold, it was the flu, pneumonia, food poisoning, strep, and even chickenpox. The three of you were all confused about that last one, but you had been holding onto your girlfriends with everything you had. 
The morning you woke up with a stuffy nose and a sore throat you knew that you were in for a week of hell. The alarm blared in your ear, pleading with you to turn it off and get ready for the day. The sound hammered against your skull, pounding nails of fire into your brain. No matter how much you wanted to, you couldn’t make yourself get up. You couldn’t move, your stiff limbs absolutely refused the orders to move.
“Y/n, turn it off,” Maya grumbled, nudging you in the hip with her knee. She was wrapped around Carina with one of her legs draped over your torso. The woman was practically the definition of a bed hog, but you couldn’t help but enjoy it. The way she starfished out across the mattress was so cute (most of the time).
When you didn’t move to quiet the alarm, she sat up, groaning loudly as she smacked the stupid device. 
“I do not know why you’re complaining, it’s your alarm, Maya,” Carina said in response, a yawn following immediately after her sentence. The blonde smacked her phone until the blaring stopped and you let out a sigh of relief, curling back up so that you were a small ball. 
“Y/n? Are you okay bambina?” The brunette asked, sitting up beside Maya. You sniffled in response, rubbing your knuckles against your runny nose. A harsh cough erupted from your lips, your chest burning and your body convulsing with each expulsion of air. 
You leaned over the bed and spit a glob of mucus into the trash can, wondering what was wrong with you this time. The crackling in your lungs and what was probably a middle-grade fever suggested bronchitis. You’d heard Carina talk about medicine enough to diagnose yourself pretty well over the years. 
Tears sprang to your eyes and you touched your throat, the light probing of the skin causing more pain somehow. You turned to squish your face into the pillow, trying to seem less babyish than you felt. Every time you got sick your emotions went absolutely haywire and it was humiliating. 
One of your girlfriends (probably Maya, she was closer) laid a hand on the nape of your neck and gasped softly. You could practically see the worry on her face even though you were facing away from her. 
“Car, she’s burning up.” The blonde murmured, getting a soft curse from Carina. 
“She came to see me at the hospital the other day. It was overrun with flu patients.” The Italian replied, looking a little pleased with herself for remembering the expression. You rolled over, your lower lip quivering as you looked into the loving faces of your girlfriends. 
Carina leaned across Maya and laid the back of her hand against your forehead, her expression souring. She tucked a few strands of hair behind your ear and rested her palm against your cheek lovingly. 
You pulled away to sneeze into your pillow, the loud sound wearing you out even further. You honestly couldn’t remember the last time that you had felt so sick, but you knew that it would probably end in hospitalization if you didn’t cooperate. 
You began to cry in earnest, shaking with coughs as your sobs irritated your throat and lungs. Maya, who wasn’t always the most physically affectionate, pulled you into a tight hug, allowing you to tuck your head under her chin, against her chest. 
“Okay, babe. You chose the right time to get sick because Car and I both have the day off. Just lay back down and we’ll get everything taken care of. Does that sound good?” She murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of your head. 
You sniffled and nodded into her chest, beginning to feel more comfortable with the idea of being sick. It was almost frightening to think that you would be alone, but knowing that the women you loved would be there to make sure that you didn’t die was nice. 
“Did you feel sick yesterday Y/n?” Carina asked, prompting you to think back to the day before. Now that she’d mentioned it, you’d felt sort of heavy yesterday and a bit tired, but you’d chalked it up to a poor night's sleep the day before. 
Maya had had a particularly bad nightmare and had woken up screaming. It had just been the two of you so it had fallen to you to take care of her, to calm her down. It had been a long night for the both of you, after she finally fell back to sleep you had remained awake just in case the blonde needed you again. 
“Kinda.” You rasped, wrinkling your nose in shock at how your voice sounded. It was the first word that you had spoken during the conversation and you truly hadn’t expected to sound as bad as you did, especially in just one word. It was congested and hoarse and grated against your raw throat. 
“Geez, that doesn’t sound great. I’ll go make you some tea, see if we can sort that out a bit.” Maya pecked your forehead before slipping from the bed and padded out of the room on bare feet, seeming to forget about the slippers which she typically wore. 
You rubbed your nose against your fist and frowned over at Carina who was scooting closer to you, wearing what you liked to call her ‘doctor face’. 
“Hush. May I feel?” She asked, gesturing toward your throat. God, she was preparing to give you a full exam. You loved her very much, but you hated medical professionals. You coughed into your shirt and forced yourself to sit up, a rush of dizziness flooding through your head as you did so. 
“Yeah.” You mumbled, giving a weak shrug. Carina placed her hands at the base of your throat, probing swollen glands with incredibly gentle hands. She moved up to under your eyes, frowning slightly as you winced when she pressed there. 
“Your sinuses feel a bit swollen. Did it hurt?” You nodded and leaned forward to lay your head on yer shoulder. 
“Oh, cara mia. In a few hours if you do not feel any better we can go to Grey Sloan and get you seen.” She said gently, rubbing your back in a comforting manner. You didn’t want to go to the hospital, but if she was right about a sinus infection you knew that you wouldn’t have much of a choice. 
“Alright, I’ve got chamomile tea with lemon and honey and a thermometer,” Maya announced, walking back into the room with not only that but also a bottle of what may be the most vile thing on earth: cough medicine.
“Thank you.” You managed, taking the steaming mug gratefully. You blew on the hot liquid and took a careful sip, a soft smile spreading over your cracked lips. It was the perfect temperature and although you couldn’t taste it, you were sure that it was amazing. It soothed your throat and that’s all that mattered. 
“Of course babe, it’s the least I could do. What’s with the face, Carina?” The blonde asked, nodding toward the Italian woman who was gnawing on her lip with worried eyes. 
“We are going to end up in the hospital. It’s always the hospital with this one.” She grumbled, squeezing your elbow affectionately. There was no real malice behind her tone, just mild annoyance mixed with concern. 
Maya chuckled and sat back on the edge of the bed, scooting you over a bit. She dragged the thermometer across your forehead, resting it on your temple as the three of you waited for the beep. 
“We’ll try to avoid that this time, right Y/n/n?” You cracked a smile and took another sip of the tea, settling back into bed. For now, you weren’t going anywhere. “Oh, by the way, I snuck the medicine into the tea so you’re drinking it all.”
The look on your face must have been priceless because both women started to cackle, Carina even going as far as to double over as tears came to her eyes. 
“That was uncalled for.” You grumbled, eyeing the drink in a new light. It wasn’t like you could taste the medicine, but knowing that it was in there made you hesitant to drink it. Part of you debated trekking to the kitchen to dump the whole thing out. 
“Drink it all and I won’t help Carina make you soup later.” Maya threatened, reminding you of her utter lack of skill in the kitchen. She had given you and Carina food poisoning once over bad lasagna and you had vowed never to eat something she cooked again. 
“Fine, I’ll drink. But I want cuddles. Will you give me cuddles?” The brunette on your left wrapped her arms around your waist and kissed your collarbone, pushing her nose against your skin. 
“Of course bella. All of the cuddles. We can watch whatever movie you want and I’ll make Pastina with Maya locked in another room.” Carina chuckled, nudging the tea a bit closer to your face. You took a deep sip, almost finished with the mug. 
Now that you knew it was in there what was left of your sense of taste was picking up on the medicine. It was no longer the best thing that had happened in days, it was now disgusting. 
“You can’t taste for shit, stop complaining. Come on, one more sip and you’re done.” With a slight eye roll (which you regretted, it hurt) you took one big gulp, finishing the rest of the medicated tea. 
“You win.” You rasped, shoving the mug back towards Maya, who was wearing an amused expression on her face. 
“Thank you, my dear.” She singsonged, taking the mug as she leaned forward to kiss your forehead. 
A non-fever-related blush crossed your cheeks and you hummed quietly, curling back up under the blankets. For now, you could relax. Maybe it would get worse, but even if it did, these two had your back. Dating an EMT and a doctor could really come in handy. 
〖Join My Taglist!〗@lovelyy-moonlight, @bloomingflowersthings, @lots-of-pockets, @asiangmrchk13
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pooks · 18 days
straw hat!Ichiji during Whole Cake Saga, but he's having a very Bad Time™
He was locked up, like a feral animal in a cage.
Ichiji had always known that he was running on borrowed time, that it was only a matter of time until Judge caught him and dragged him back to Germa.
Panic and anxiety grew in his chest, making it harder to breathe. Out...he wanted out of here...he needed to get out of here! Every primal instinct went haywire inside him. His heart kept banging against his ribs, trying to break its prison. His skin felt hot and cold at the same time.
Cuffs on his wrists. They were different than the ones forced on Sanji's own wrists. No, these were Germa-made and instead of blowing off his hands, electric volts would be sent through his body. Judge didn't want him to be "harmed", but to teach him a lesson about loyalty and obedience.
The bastard wasn't going to let him escape this time. Not when he got his "masterpiece" back. Ichiji was, after all, the one who was most successful. He had taken on two sets of genetic modifications and surgeries.
He was Sparking Red and Stealth Black at the same time.
Ichiji shook his head. This place was already messing with his head. He had to get out, he needed to escape...back to the ocean.
He turned and looked at himself in the mirror. His long red hair had been cut, against his will. He sported the same hairstyle he had as child...before he became self-aware...before he realized he loved his little brother Sanji and was prepared to die for him.
'I'm going mad...I'm turning insane! This cursed place is driving me crazy!'
Ichiji sat on the window sill, staring out through his bedroom window and watched the ocean in the distance. He thought of the Sunny and felt homesick, he longed for the gentle sway of the waves and the howling winds of a storm.
He missed Franky's booming laughter, how he could easily sit on his shoulder and smile softly when the cyborg talked excitedly about the latest upgrade on their ship. He missed sitting in the library, typing away their latest adventures on his beloved typewriter and Robin, sitting next to him, reading her books and inquiring about his theories regarding the next Poneglyph.
The ones he loved most in his heart, filling the empty void Ace had left in him and showered him with so much love and devotion. More than he certainly deserved.
He would never see them again.
Ichiji stared at the metal bars covering his window, attached from the outside. His bedroom door was automatically locked from the outside as well, trapping him inside four walls.
It didn't matter how the room was like he had left it. All interior made of the best material in existence, decorated with the most expensive and rare items...it was still a cage. He was a prisoner inside a golden cage.
'Congratulations, Vinsmoke Judge.' Scarlet Ichiji, the archivist of the Straw Hat Pirates, thought bitterly. 'You've finally caught me.'
After the wedding, Sanji would belong to the Big Mom Pirates. but he'd at least leave Germa for good. His hand would be the price for a piece of freedom.
But he would never leave this hellhole again.
'My dearest Robin...was this how you felt at the Enies Lobby? Shackles on your wrists and chained to tyrants who would only use you as a weapon? Stripping away your humanity...was this exactly how you felt? This agony, pain and humiliation?'
Ichiji swallowed, his throat felt thick.
'Franky. I'm sorry. I don't think I will see you building the ship of dreams, after all. I hope you and Robin can forgive me one day.'
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electricdissonance · 25 days
I'm not supposed to return, but I've been catching stray answers you've been giving. Don't want to give much away but let it be known, I am eager to hear more about "Jade" and the "mysterious dissaperances that made headlines". From your perspective, how did everything play out? Any comments on "Sonny" and their actions?
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"i guess you have a right to know what went down that led me to how i am now. and how sonny got here, too..."
"i think he thought it was gonna be a standard procedure. he'd already done it successfully two whole times before, so..."
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"yeah... i, uh... didn't take very well to the process."
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"don't know if he got careless, o-or if i was more difficult to patch than he thought i'd be, but after everything that made me, me, was gone, and 'sam' was crammed in..."
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"my brain rejected it like a virus. hurt like hell. two sets of personalities, two sets of memories, one synthetic, one biological, forcefully mashed into one..."
"it's that dissonance that hurts so bad. feels like your skull is being split in two."
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"i gave him hell..."
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"...and then some."
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"don't know exactly how i did it, but somehow... i dragged that furry fucker in with me. my working theory is that i overloaded his soul-sucking piece of shit rra equipment and made it go haywire, and he was just a smidge too close to it all. serves him right..."
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notroosterbradshaw · 11 months
Number 3 - Instinctively pressing your hands against your lover's cheek as they passionately rave, only for them to stop talking and gape, completely distracted by the lack of distance.
I have no doubts you're going to kill it!
- XOXO Star
I haven't intentionally been sitting on this, I've just had a year and I'm sorry it's taken so long to get back to this, Star. I'm sure you've forgotten about it but thank you for submitting it:
Number 3 - Instinctively pressing your hands against your lover's cheek as they passionately rave, only for them to stop talking and gape, completely distracted by the lack of distance.
From Meaningful Gestures Prompts.
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You sat perfectly still from your spot on the kitchen bench, wine in hand as Bradley ranted about a training run maneuverer from earlier in the day that easily could have gotten someone injured... or worse. He rarely brought his work home with him, but the last few weeks with Maverick returning to his life... it'd been a very different story.
"And then, he has the gall, the fuckin' gall, to ask Phoenix where Mav is hiding," he laughed in spite of it all. The anger that seeped through his rasp made you quake to try and calm him, but you knew it was fruitless until he got it all out.
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"What did she say?" you asked, taking a dubious sip, watching his hard body in motion, tense in his agitation. You took all the steps you knew he needed to get through before he'd see any reason and tried to ignore how sexy he was when gruff, flight suit wrapped around his waist, the stench of the day's sweat still drifting from him, muscles taut from the punishment he'd put it through that day. Lactic acid building up as he had missed the gym to rush to his friends' sides.
He paused and licked back a grin, trying to deny his humour. "That she was dead and called him a dickhead."
"Well, Phoenix can't be accused of not having a quick whip of the tongue," you reckoned and you were so proud of her for giving as good as she got. And it was true - Hangman Seresin was a dickhead. She couldn't be accused of misinformation.
"But then it all went haywire, baby. I can't believe I get to say that she and Bob survived this," he pressed his palms into the edge of the bench top, knuckles white with anger and leaned over the bench, head dipped in sorrow. You gently took his cheeks in your warm hands and brought his gaze to yours. He sighed, his body edging towards you and resting between your thighs, his strong torso pressing against yours and you tangled your legs around him, not letting him get free for anything, waiting anxiously for him to melt against you.
"She and Bob are okay, baby. They've got the scare of a lifetime and angels on their shoulders, but they're okay. They will be released in the morning and probably have more to prove than ever before."
"How do you always know the right thing to say?" he looked up at you as he eased his big hands around your ribs, searching your face as perspective started to come him.
"Fluke," you told him as he couldn't resist the way his lip quirked, a slow smile coming to his face. "So tomorrow, you get up in the air and blow Hangman outta the sky. Make him the example, okay?"
Bradley nodded. "I don't think I'll have to, Phoenix 'n Bob will have him deep in their sights," he said, breathing deep.
"She loves a good grudge."
"She really does."
"Like someone else I know."
He made a face. "Don't start on Mav again, okay?"
"I'm not, I'm not," you told him softly, kissing between his brows, smoothing the lines with your lips as they calmed under your touch. "You don't need me to remind you he's your commanding officer and if you want to be picked for this mission - which I really wish you would renege on - you have to find a common ground for him or else you're no better than Hangman, okay?"
He nodded, staring intently into your eyes. "You're right, I know."
"I'm always right," you told him as he rolled his eyes and kissed you momentarily. He was interrupted by his phone pinging and he checked the message, relief evident on his handsome features. He showed you the words from Phoenix, telling him he'd better bring his A-game tomorrow because she and Bob were not going to let a blip like letting a bird strike ruin their intent to fly the mission. "Looks like you don't need to fight her battles, huh?"
"Nope," he grinned, a little proudly. "She'd blow me away even if I tried."
"Then you had better get your head right and worry about you because if I know Nat, she's not concerned about your grudges and only concerned about how she gets her and Bob on this team."
He nodded and kissed you. "You're right. You're always so fuckin' right."
"You knew this long before you married me, flyboy."
He giggled quietly. "S'pose so."
"And you're welcome."
"Wish you were up there with us..." he confided, so sweetly. And for a millisecond, you agreed with him and with the cry through the baby monitor beside you, you grinned. "Got something else to keep my feet planted firmly on the ground these days, thanks, Lieutenant Bradshaw."
He gave you that smug look of satisfaction when you teased his rank. "I'll go," Bradley whispered, wanting to see his baby girl for the first time today and he let you let go of him to head down the hallway to the nursery.
"You're a good man, Bradley Bradshaw," you said after him as he looked back with a wink over his shoulder before disappearing from your view and you'd never tell him how scared you were for him, because he didn't need the to compound the stress he was already under. You would only pray he came home safely, he had more to live for than ever before.
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azaarchiive · 1 month
Only The Elite; Hinata Shoyo
chapter four; 15 minutes
notes; smut warning. chapter can be skipped, just y/n and shoyo having sex lol. 1.3k words
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your lips both locked and the sweet pecks soon turned into a fiery make out session. clothes was flying off of each other left and right until you were left in nothing and he was left in his boxers.
"we've only got around 15 minutes, can you handle that?" you mentioned in between kisses.
"i'm a man of many talents" shoyo winked, this random burst of confidence even unknown to him.
"i hope so, otherwise this will be really embarrassing." you chuckled.
you left hickies all the way down until you reached his boxers, they had a slightly damp patch of pre cum stained on them.
you took them off painstakingly slow, soon, his cock flung free and shoyo certainly had nothing to be worried about.
it had a slightly curve to it, a lot more girth than length but his length was still quite impressive compared to others you've done this with. he clearly shaves but still had a small tuffle of ginger at the base, the long life question of whether the carpet matched the drapes was finally answered.
you finally got to work, taking your hand and holding his cock whilst immediately preceding to suck on it.
his moans bounced off the walls of your room, his hands flying to your head as he gentle pushed down while you bobbed your head up and down.
your tongue circled around his dick and you moaned, increasing the pleasure for shoyo.
you soon focused your energy on his red tip, sucking down on it especially hard as you moved your hand on the bits you were not sucking.
his moans grew louder, his hands gripped onto the sheets the more you sucked.
"fuck l/n, keep going." he muttered.
"call me y/n, feels weird when you call me my last name." you spoke breathlessly, before going back to his tip.
"y/n, you're doing so good." he muttered in response.
you paused slightly, it was weird.
you weren't used to getting praised during sex, most guys in the town were kinda expectant of good sex so they never praised you for doing well. you kinda liked it, but it still felt weird.
"are you ok?" shoyo asked, leaning up while his muscles tensed.
"..keep saying stuff like that." you said quickly before going back to his dick.
"wha- oh fuck." shoyo cut himself off with a moan as you swallowed his dick whole.
"you're so beautiful, i'm gonna cum soon." he whined.
you moaned in response as you kept bobbing your head up and down rapidly, fondling his balls at the same time.
within record time, shoyos moans reached his peak and his dick started spewing ropes of cum onto your hand and bed.
and it was a lot.
you watched amusingly and the river of sperm seem to continuously flow. the more you stroked, the more that would ooze out.
"wow, you have a lot in you, don't you?" you teased.
he flushed red as he reached for the tissues on the bed side table and wiped your hands as well as the bed.
this also surprised you, since when did a man take initiative to clean after himself? especially during sex?
this shoyo hinata was something else.
"come here, i wanna eat you out." he spoke as he brought you towards your pillows.
now you were confused, he wanted to pleasure you? why? he doesn't get anything out of it, is this how all the poor boys act? maybe you were looking for boys in the wrong area.
shoyo mirrored your actions earlier and went from your neck, leaving soft kisses that trailed down to your breasts all the way down to your cunt.
shoyo started at it in hunger, placing a chaste kiss on it to tease you.
"fuck, you even smell good." shoyo muttered, before diving right in.
he sucked and slurped on your clit, sometimes tongue fucking you with his thumb on your clit rubbing in circles.
your mind was going haywire, it was clouded in lust and your moans were so pathetic.
you had never been eaten out before, despite being with many guys. non of them had ever wanted to, but now that you're experiencing it, you were so angry you never demanded for it to happen.
"keep going" was all you could blubber out as you hand went into his hair, pushing his face more into your pussy.
"you taste too good." he groaned as slurped everything he could from your pussy.
"the best?" you whined.
"nothing short of it, princess." he replied breathlessly. 
you moaned in response, slowly riding on shoyo's tongue.
"you can handle two fingers right? be a big girl fa' me." he asked, slowly putting one finger in.
you nodded desperately, groaning as he curled his finger in you.
he moved in and out of you slowly, hitting all of your sweet spots without even much movement.
"more." you demanded.
"what do we say?" shoyo asked.
"please?" you pleaded.
"good girl." shoyo smirked as he added another finger.
he quickened his pace as his fingers moved in and out of you rapidly, the slight curl and stretch making you go crazy.
"can you handle one more?" he asked.
"mhm." you responded.
he added one more and that did it for you, your moans started to get louder and louder and soon, your legs was shaking as you squirted, everywhere on the sheets.
you panted as that orgasm took everything out of you, if this was how foreplay felt with shoyo, you didn't know if you could handle sex with this man.
"i'm so proud of you, you let out so much. must have been hard keeping all that in, tooru not fucking my pretty girl right?" shoyo leaned forward and kissed your neck, leaving more hickies on you.
you shook your head as soft moans left your lips.
"i'll change that for you, you deserve it honey." he whispered in your ear.
shoyo leaned back, one hand linked with yours and another on his dick as he lined it in with your pussy.
"are you ready?" he asked, you nodded in response.
slowly, he inched in, his dick twitching as he watched your pussy swallow his dick whole.
"fuck you take me in so well." he muttered as he felt your pussy pulse around his dick.
he waited as you adjusted to his size, soon you nodded at him to move.
he slowly started moving in and out of you, both your moans meshing together to form a beautiful orchestration of natures music.
both your hands interlocked as his speed increased, the gentle flicks of his hips turned into full blown pounding.
your legs wrapped around his waist, trapping him between your legs and he would happily live there with the way your pussy is sucking him in.
"give it to me." you drooled pathetically, your words barely coherent as your mind could only focus on the immense pleasure that shoyo was giving you.
"i'm gonna cum." shoyo whined.
"in me." you whimpered.
"are you sure?" shoyo asked between pants as he went even faster.
"on pill." you moaned.
shoyo nodded as started pounding into you so deep, his movements started to stutter as you felt the ropes of warm cum paint your insides white, his dick twitching uncontrollably inside of you.
your own high was nearly there, but it's fine. you usually left sex not cumming anyways.
which is why it surprised you when shoyo pushed through and started pounding into you again.
his moans were more whimpers as he kept repeating "cum for me please, princess."
not even a minute later, you came all over his dick, your legs tightened around him as he continued to pound into you during your orgasm.
soon, he pulled out and layed down beside you. catching his breathe along with you.
"i'll clean you up in a minute." shoyo spoke, wrapping an arm around you as you leaned into his chest.
"seriously, why aren't there more men like you in this area?" you sighed.
"i'm a rare breed im afraid." he laughed.
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prettynice8 · 9 months
Kinkmas Day 20: Hatefucking
Paring: Katsuki Bakugo x male reader
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This guy
Summary: after smashing Kirishima, Bakugo meets up with you to settle the score a little bit more
Warnings: Swearing, kissing, marking, smashing, creampie, hatefucking DUH
Word count: 886
(This is a part 2 to my day 12 Kirishima fic)
You were walking out of Kirishima's room that night at 2 am, wearing a borrowed T-shirt and underpants that you took from him. You two went at it over and over again, with the occasional break that was actually quite nice just talking to him, but not near as good as his dick plunging into you for hours on end. Though it did make you awfully sore. The bite marks all over your neck, the random bruises throughout your body, and not to mention the numbness of your ass.
It was near impossible to get back to your dorm, almost falling over at least 10 times. It was during this when you met that old shit head Bakugou.
"Fucking slut." He spit out at you, voice full of disdain at the thought of you having sex with Kirishima.
"Jealous?" You asked, smirking.
"What's there to be jealous about? Kirishima's just too fucking stupid and you're too fucking easy." He started bitterly.
"You know what dude just fuck off, if you don't like me so much then why are you here standing right next to me talking. Get a life for fucks sake!" You said with an exhausted tone, just tired of his bullshit. He answers by predictably shoving you into the wall and pinning you.
But then he surprises you by gripping your arm and taking you to his room. You don't fight back or anything because at this fucking point you're just too tired to deal with anything.
He throws you in and then closes the door behind him. You walk over to sit on the bed, having been standing for far too long.
"You're such a fucking slut." Bakugo stated, almost sounding disgusted.
"If so, then why did you bring me in here?" You asked.
"Because you being a slut is perfect for me." He confessed before getting on top of you and kissing you roughly, not a sign of romantic attraction in it at all. You reciprocate, already mixing saliva, his tongue dominating yours easily.
He then goes from your lips to your neck, noticing the many marks littered there. He makes some of his own, biting and nipping at your neck roughly, unlike the more affectionate way that Kirishima did, and honestly, you kind of like it this way more. You knew he wanted to fuck you for months now, not even being very secretive about it with the more than necessary attention he gives you constantly.
"I need to make some of my own, just so people know how much of a cock hungry slut you are." He exclaimed before actually tearing off your borrowed shirt, while neatly taking his own clothes off. You do have to admit that his dick is pretty impressive, it's not as long as Kirishima's but it's way more girthy, if that is even possible.
"Fuck, you really are a whore." He said honestly, noticing the bruises scattered throughout your entire body from your previous escapades that night.
"Well, are you gonna fuck me or just stay here talking about much a of a slut I am?" You asked, just wanting this to be over with so you can go to bed. "Even though you're literally the one who brought me into your room, and the one who started to kiss me first, and the one who always walks up to me trying to catch my attention. But no totally, I'm the man whore."
He answers this by flipping you over and sticking his girthy member straight in your ass. It slides in relatively easily, Kirishima's cum being a pretty effective lube. Though he is still massive, and you're extremely sensitive, so it still hurts a decent amount.
But Bakugo doesn't care about that, so he immediately starts slamming into it at full force, not giving you any time to adjust. You scream out in pain, your nerves going haywire from how sensitive they are.
After a few more thrusts from him, it does start to get better. Your yelps of pain slowly but surely, not to your liking, turning into moans of pleasure.
He's pounding like a highschooler would, slamming into you with little technique, just reckless pounding to chase his own sexual needs, not caring much about yours and essentially only using you as a human flesh light. Apparently, you're quite the good human fuck toy, because you can clearly hear his groans that he tries to hold back in vain.
To be fair, he must be doing something right too, because after only a few more rough thrusts, you already climax. Bakugo follows soon after, shooting his load into your already filled ass.
"Now fuck off!" He screamed after pulling out of your ass. Before he needs to say another word, you've already left, taking one of his T-shirts to replace the one he destroyed.
While you're walking the halls with even shakier legs than before, you trip, well almost, because luckily Izuku is there, leaving his room to go to the bathroom, to catch you.
"Are you ok?" He asked, putting you back on your feet, fairly certain on what happened, you two were pretty loud. "If you want you could stay in-"
"Shut the fuck up and get out of my way, I'm done with fucking for the day!" You denied.
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xoxoavenger · 9 months
Welcome To New York
pairing: Peter Parker (Tom Holland) x Fem!Reader
summary: the lights are so bright but they never blind me
word count: 950
warnings: none
1989 masterlist
12 Days of Christmas masterlist main masterlist
Peter didn't want to be ice skating. He would have rather been in the lab, working on his new web shooters prototype that he had discovered before MJ and Ned had forced him out. They had never been to the Rockefeller Center to ice skate, and Ned insisted that this would be his Christmas present and would not shut up until MJ and Peter agreed.
So there he was, determined to make the most out of the overpriced skates they rented for an hour. Ned was quickly discovering he wasn't very good at skating, so MJ was practically holding him the whole time. Peter had been trying not to laugh at Ned almost taking MJ to the ground as she reached for Peter as well when his sense started to go haywire. He skated forward as he looked around, and then a girl tripped right into him going the opposite way.
The two fell to the ground, Peter shifting to break her fall. She lets out a cry as her wrist hits the ice, but his hand protected her head. She was breathing heavily and had her eyes squeezed shut when he got onto his knees.
"Are you alright?" He asked, waiting for her to open her eyes.
"Oh my God." She whispered, opening her eyes and sitting up. She looked at her wrist, but deemed it fine when she used it to get to her knees. "I'm so sorry! This is my first time skating and I still haven't gotten the hang of it. Are you okay?" She felt so guilty, which made Peter feel even worse.
"Yeah, I'm fine." He smiled as he stood, sticking his hand that had protected her head into his pocket and helping her up with his other hand, trying to block the blood on the ice from her seeing. His hand was fine, he barely felt it anyway, but he wouldn't be able to explain the way it'd heal in a minute. She slipped as she got up, causing him to grab her waist to steady her. Her hands went to his biceps, squeezing.
They separated quickly and tried not to look flustered.
"I could teach you if you want." Peter offered, hoping he sounded cooler than he usually was. The girl smiled slightly, cheeks warming.
"That would be helpful." She showed teeth as she smiled wider, and Peter hoped he wasn't blushing obviously as he felt. He held out a hand, and she took it quickly.
"I'm Peter," He told her, beginning to skate forward.
"I'm Y/N," She slipped as she followed him, but he pulled her up in time. He caught MJ and Ned staring at him, trying not to blush more when they winked at him.
"Where are you from?" She asked, squeezing his hand while she slipped around.
"Queens." He told her, assuming she's a tourist. "Born and raised. What about you?"
"I just moved here." She admitted, looking around Rockefeller Square as if it were the coolest thing she'd ever seen. She tripped on the toe-pick, causing Peter to grab her other arm and help her up before she even hit the ice again.
"How did you even get on the ice?" He asked, laughing. She scoffed.
"I had just gotten on when I ran into you." She told him, watching his feet so she could get the hang of it.
"Have you ever been rollerblading?" He asked, and she turned to him and looked at him as if he had asked the most stupid question. It caused her to trip once more, and this time they both went falling. "I'll take that as a no." He said from the ground.
"I don't think I'm ever gonna learn." She laughed, getting on her knees and staying.
"It may be a lost cause." He joked, noticing she was shivering. "They sell hot chocolate right over there." He suggested, not wanting this to end.
"That sounds much better." She smiled as he stood, putting both hands out to help her up. "Thanks," She felt her cheeks blaze as he skated backward and pulled her to the exit so she wouldn't fall again. Her knees were sore now.
"Peter!" Someone yelled as they stepped off the ice. His eyes widened as he realized that he had completely forgotten about MJ and Ned. He was supposed to be there for Ned's Christmas present.
"Shit," Peter muttered, dropping Y/N's hands and turning to his friends.
"Where do you think you're going?" MJ smirked, knowing exactly what was happening.
"Right," Peter tried to figure out what he was going to say. "Uh, hot chocolate?" He asked, as if that explained anything.
"I'm Ned." He stuck his hand out to Y/N, who looked shocked as shook his hand.
"Y/N," She smiled, looking to Peter's other friend. "Nice to meet you."
"I'm MJ," She nodded, hands stuck in her pockets. "I'd shake your hand, but I think my own will freeze off if I take them out of my pockets."
"We were gonna get some hot chocolate. That might help?" Y/N offers. She missed Peter behind her giving wide eyes to his friends in order to show them that he wants to go get hot chocolate with Y/N alone.
"We actually," Ned starts, looking over at MJ to finish the lie. She's better at lying than he is.
"We have to go get Peter's Christmas present, so this is perfect." They say their goodbyes then leave, and for a moment Y/N and Peter are in the awkward quietness that comes with meeting a new person.
"So, hot chocolate?" Peter shrugs, holding his hand out.
"You know what they say," She smiles and grabs his hand. "When in New York."
tags: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187  @one-sweet-gubler @thefandomplace @punzoquack @mcueveryday @icequeen1371
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skywriter97 · 6 months
Farewell, My Friend💔😭
(PSA: Possible spoiler warnings for The Murder of Me by the Zielo Cave. Only a couple panels, but still...)
So, on Monday night, I was at work, and I checked my phone, mostly out of habit. (I don't recommend doing this, btw, it's a good way to get you written up or worse.) And I saw that I had a YouTube notification on my lock screen. So I open my phone and pull down my drop bar to have a look. And literally saw the absolute worst news.
TMOM is over from The Zielo Cave
Now for those of you that don't know: The Murder of Me, AKA TMOM, is a Sonic the Hedgehog fan comic that first debuted I think 15 or so years ago, give or take, and as much as I would love to claim that I've been a fan since the beginning, I only discovered TMOM about a year or so ago. (I have the worst luck when it comes to finding things; I'm always late to the party 🥺)
When I discovered TMOM I was in a terrible rut. I hadn't posted anything in YEARS, and the writing I had done I kept locked away in notebooks, never to see the light of day. I had no inspiration, no motivation to tell stories. It was a horrible place to be. (-10000/10 recommendation.) Then I was scrolling through Pinterest one day, and I saw a panel of this random comic.
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You could probably imagine my reaction. It's so random. Then more cropped up:
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My thoughts went HAYWIRE. "Why is Sonic fighting his mother? Why's he dressed like that? WHY IS HE DROWNING?? WHY ARE KNUX AND TAILS LETTING HIM DROWN??? WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING???" So I went hunting, and came across The Murder of Me by Gigi-D on DeviantArt.
I was HOOKED. The plot was so well thought out, the characterization was incredibly done, and as you can see, the art itself was BEAUTIFUL. I couldn't get enough. I flat out ignored life and read through 14 issues in one sitting. It took me all day but it was so worth it. AND THEN: I discovered the dubs on YouTube, and found that Gigi-D had decided to put together a creative team to produce the issues of The Murder of Me as episodic dubs, and I fell head over heels. The cast and editing was absolutely phenomenal, and The Murder of Me had my heart, hook, line, and sinker. What was even better was that they turned Issue 15 into an animatic episode.
Episode 15 Part 1: Purpose released on October 30th, 2022, and since then I have been anxiously awaiting the next episode by rewatching the series and all the prequels and bonus episodes I could get my mouse on. I even forced my best friend one night to binge the entire series with me, and she's not nearly as much of a Sonic fan as I am!
TMOM was more than a great watch or story for me. It was inspiration. I had an itch in my fingers that grew from writing a TMOM fanfiction that would stay hidden away into it's own complex project who's rough draft is now in production. (And could very well be released this summer if all goes well.) It was life breathed into my creativity. It was hope. For the first time in a very long time, I wanted to write. To tell a story like Gigi-D and the Zielo Cave.
And then that notification came. It was like a punch in the stomach. I was terrified and without watching it, I reacted and sent it to my best friend, wailing that once again, a story that I loved was being abandoned. That the writers were giving up. I was indignant. Screw that, I was angry and hurt.
Then I watched the video. I listened to Gigi's story, and immediately felt shamed by my own reaction. The Zielo Cave had been saying that Part Two was taking a while because of personal situations, and when Gigi revealed what had happened, that her inspiration was gone and couldn't bring herself to even sketch these characters that she loved so dearly...my heart shattered for her. While I might not really know or understand the pain of her personal situation, I do know what it is to completely lose the passion for your story. For the characters you still love, but can't bring yourself to engage with.
And while my heart of hearts aches, I know Gigi is doing the right thing. No one wants a story that it's writer is dragging their heels to share, can't bring themselves to write. God knows I've tried that, and trust me, it only hurts everyone. The writer, the fans, and the story itself. By ending TMOM here, she's protecting TMOM and its fans, and even though my heart breaks for TMOM's fate and (mostly) for her, I couldn't be more proud of her. The courage and strength it takes to walk away from such a huge part of your life in search of something more, something better?
Not only that, but honor the work and effort her team has given for Part Two and post it anyway, even though it's unfinished? To offer a written conclusion for the series for the fans that want to know what happens? I've never heard of any creator doing that, ever. All that I have seen would NEVER post any unfinished content, or unveil the unwritten plot and ending. And while I'm devastated for what that means, that TMOM is well and truly concluded and Gigi will probably NEVER return, as a fan of this series, I'm so grateful that what happens to these characters won't remain a mystery.
And to repeat what I said in the comment section of the announcement video: I pray a future that is bright and beautiful for you, and you discover what an amazing person you on this journey of healing. You're going to be magnificent because you are already an incredible person, Gigi. I can't express how important TMOM has been for me, how inspiring the story has been when I was down and unable to pursue my own creativity in my writing, and I just want to thank you for the years of dedication, passion, and love you and your team have given us through The Murder of Me. I bless all the paths you walk from this day forward, and all my love and support for you goes with you on your journeys for all the rest of your days.
The Murder of Me is over. I will always be a TMOM fan, and I will always love Gigi-D and the Zielo Cave for giving me inspiration, passion, and hope for my writing again. It's because of TMOM that The Three Sovereigns even made it to development and is now currently being written with the hope of release this summer, and The Three Sovereigns will always be a tribute to The Murder of Me and the hope this story has given me.
Thank you so much, Gigi-D, the Zielo Cave, and The Murder of Me, and fare thee well, my friend.
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fatuismooches · 1 year
HIII OH MY GOD im sorry for sending another one but i was just in the bathroom cleaning up and an idea fucking struck me. (yeah, bright ideas always hit me while i shower)
im thoroughly convinced that zandik, at some point, genuinely believed that you didn't love him. it was probably a year into your relationship after hitting on him for too long in the akademiya.
then, zandik got his hands on a book about manipulation tactics and shit, and he read a portion about pretending to be nice and loving just to gain something from him.
and hence him kicking you out and screaming profanities at you, saying that you don't truly love him. yeah, i know, brash decision by zandik. his older self truly regrets it and doesn't know what he would do in his life if you weren't persistent enough to keep reaching out to him. but to younger zandik, it just made sense.
how could someone like you could ever love him? he knows that sometimes you think he's going a bit too far with his experiments, you call him crazy (in an adoring way ofc), you sometimes look at him in fear as well. you have to be pretending, it just can't be. he has spent all his life unloved, outcasted, hated and feared- he can't comprehend such a wonderful thing such as love would ever be something he'd truly experience, deserve.
zandik stood his ground with his decision, glaring at the wall as you knock on the door repeatedly, asking what was wrong. then when he hears you curse under your breath, sounding mad, his heart fucking breaks.
and it just sinks in that he did something incredibly stupid and probably hurt your feelings for acting out. he's just so not used to being loved, and even if a year has passed, he still can't wrap his head around it.
really, you only got mad from the other side of the door is because your groupmates saw you and began walking towards you after you escaped to hang out with zandik...
dw you make up eventually if you're determined enough to prove that you genuinely love him!! (i mean cmon, it's not that hard. just point out that you literally cook him, wrestle him from his desk and onto his bed to sleep, go on illegal expeditions with him and all you wanted from him was kisses, hugs and affirmations of his love for you)
I'm thoroughly convinced that as well, and from his perspective it makes sense considering he went his whole life without receiving any kind of genuine love (which he grew not to care about anyway) and any kind of sweet words directed at him would usually have some kind of ulterior motive or to get on his good side... He's a very cynical person and even after a while the whole situation just baffles him. Not to mention sometimes Zandik himself has trouble understanding that he truly loves someone else and that this isn't just one big lie... it's hard for him to process it all.
Ugh you just know he'll be researching relationships and shit just so he can justify thinking this way and then he gets to a portion to be wary of your partner possibly being fake and manipulating you. And then he just goes haywire on you and you're just like "wtf are you even talking about" and Zandik's literally just going off on you without letting you get in a word. (I bet the clones cringe whenever they remember this moment too 💀 just bring up this moment in an argument and dramatically walk away and he'll feel a bit bad which is more than he should be capable of)
Zandik tries his best to ignore your heartbroken and confused expression - surely you must be faking it, he thinks as he slams the door in your face. This just must be one of your games again, and now that you've been called out you don't know what to do, he tries to convince himself. Your frantic knocks were just a scheme to play with whatever heart he had left. Because in no world, no universe, would you ever love someone like him. He knows he shouldn't be considered human anymore, he's a monster, and surely you see that too. The one who had been with him for ages, the closest one to him. Zandik doesn't understand - you have nothing to gain from being with him. It was 99% an act. Yes, 99%, because he was secretly clinging onto the 1% chance it was real.
And the 1% chance beat all odds when he heard how genuinely pissed and upset you were from behind the door, which was both a fortunate and unfortunate thing - the former because he knew you really loved him, the latter because even he realized that he fucked up big time. But Archons Zandik, out of all possible times, you had to do this when it was the time you were trying to avoid your annoying classmates 😔
On a more angsty note, you might start cursing back at him about all the reasons you love him and why you stay with him and just end it with the fact you're going to be staying somewhere else now, and it's up to him if he wants to see you again, because you ain't doing this again without some kind of apology. A few days later you come back with a whole fucking research paper about every little thing you've ever done for him and why you love him with a whole-ass explanation and just chuck it right at him and dip.
Thankfully present-day Dottore doesn't pull these kinds of stunts anymore and is much, much more secure and confident in the relationship (which is good cuz sometimes you wanted to slap him for being an idiot) Both of you are just glad you can look back on it and laugh (mostly you because Dottore hates thinking about the times he acted completely braindead)
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