#Today I got so fed up with him so I went and sat right besides him and ate my dinner there lol
Feral 3
Minors Do Not Interact!!!
Warnings: pregnancy, violence, murder (but it's the Baron so yay), mentions of the Baron being a pedo, mentions of Feyd being a victim of the Barons.
Feyd had a new issue with Friz. Ever since he had begun helping Y/N with the little beast, holding him securely while Y/N clipped his nails, frimmed the fur around his paws and butt, and held him in the bath water while Y/N scrubbed the filth and loose hair off of him, the shedding had become so much less of an issue. Feyd had even found a setting on the shower head that Friz actually enjoyed against his throat. With a lot of patience, an absurd amount of chicken liver treats, and many close calls by cat claws, Friz was… somewhat tamed. The cat didn't like getting his nails trimmed, of course, but Feyd and Friz has come to an understanding. Feyd trimmed exactly one of his claws every day, and Friz got a freshly fried chicken liver with catnip sprinkles for his troubles.
Y/N had been shocked at the improvement in her pet. "I thought he was too old to be tamed properly." She admitted.
"How old is he, exactly?" Feyd asked.
"About sixteen." She said. "I got him when he was a feral kitten, I was about five. He was passed being bottle fed, so he didn't bond with me right away. It took weeks of work for him to even eat in front of me."
Feyd hummed to himself, wondering why anyone would even put that amount of time into a cat.
"Oh, by the way, I saw the doctor today." Y/N said casually. "He ran some tests, and it turns out I'm pregnant."
Feyd felt his face go blank. "What?"
Y/N's pregnancy was… rough. Her cravings were for fresh fruit and cheese, things they didn't get often on Giedi Prime. Meat made her nauseous, something his uncle made constant jokes about. The bastard even hinted that Feyd's child might come out anemic and weak.
Ah, right, speaking of his uncle. Obviously the second Feyd realized his wife was pregnant, Vladimir couldn't go on living. Other than the fact Feyd hated the man, his baby might be a boy. And the idea of the Baron being on the same planet as a son of Feyd's, with his disgusting appetite for young boys was unacceptable. The Baron had a rather unfortunate accident. His normal nightly routine of smoking spice and soaking in his tub took a rather unfortunate turn. He indulged a tad bit too much, got a bit too dizzy, and drowned in his tub. The old man's body was so large it took a half dozen slaves to pull him out of the tub, even after it was drained.
Feyd inherited the throne, and life went on. Y/N looked practically ethereal with a baby bump and a crown on her head as she sat on her throne beside Feyd. The crown was only for the initial ceremony of course, neither of them could be bothered with dressing in ceremonial clothing every day.
Especially Y/N. Her pregnancy seemed to get rougher by the day. Morning sickness from the earlier months turned into near constant aches and pains in her back and legs. Feyd wasn't sure how women without servants survived their pregnancies. Who helped them tie their shoes? Their husbands? They must. Y/N's feet swelled so much, most days she didn't even bother with shoes. He came back to their newly renovated quarters (because even if Feyd wanted the bigger set of rooms his uncle had left behind after his death, he certainly didn't want any of the man's stench hanging around. Feyd had the place gutted and new floors and walls installed. Y/N had picked out the paint, of course.) to find her sitting on the couch with her feet propped up on an ottoman. Feyd tried to comfort her as best he could, but other than having the servants draw her a bath or bring in a foot tub for her feet to soak, there wasn't much to be done.
Thankfully she just seemed to want him to be close to her. And by the stars did he want to be right next to her all the time. His hand seemed to be permanently fixed to her belly, and he'd grin excitedly anytime he felt a kick from his son. Yes, his son. The doctor had confirmed it, and Feyd was both delighted and devastated. He had secretly hoped for a girl out of some misguided belief that it would be easier. Some vague idea that if his child was a girl then he wouldn't see himself reflected in her as much. So he wouldn't have some happier version of himself taunting him about what his childhood could have been.
But when he truly sat down to think about raising his son, Feyd found the idea soothing. No one would rip his son from Y/N's arms and take them away to a house of horrors. No one would mistreat him the way Feyd had been mistreated. His son would never doubt he was loved and cared for.
Y/N had commented on it over snacks one night. Nightly snacks might be his favorite part of pregnancy if he was being honest. Y/N always seemed to have a plate of something nearby and he was always offered some.
"I think it will be healing for you." She said, munching on a few strawberries. "Raising a little mini you, with all your mannerisms. And those beautiful eyes of yours."
Feyd chuckled, his face pressed against her belly as he felt his son kicking at his face. "He has strength, that's for sure. His kicks are getting stronger every day."
"Painful, too." Y/N said, wincing after a particularly strong kick from her baby.
Feyd turned back to her belly, patting it gently. "Easy now, my boy. Don't bother your mother so. She deserves rest after a long day of making you."
A little paw swatted at his nose. Ah. Right. His new problem. Friz stared at Feyd until Feyd sat up, removing himself from Y/Ns belly. The cat immediately started his nightly routine of massaging Y/Ns belly with his little paws, kneading at the baby bump for a few minutes before curling up and purring on it.
Y/N smiled, "It's like he's trying to keep them warm."
"We have blankets." Feyd said dryly, unhappy to have been chased from his wife's belly by a cat.
"It's instinct to him." His wife said, trying to soothe him by taking his face in her hands and peppering little kisses all over his cheeks. "Now, have a snack and tell me about your day."
Feyd took the bowl of strawberries from her, laying back against the headboard and sighing. "I've had such a day."
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finnsbubblegum · 1 year
Promise Me You Won't Fall In Love (Joel Miller X Reader)
Pairing: no-outbreak!joel miller x f!reader
Warnings: fluff, sweet joel, domestic joel, rom-com
Summary (Series): reader as Joel’s neighbor. Joel’s wife left him so Joel asked his neighbor for help in babysitting Sarah. 
Summary: Pov: Celebrating Joel’s divorce and he confessed his love for you.
Words count: 1.3k
A/N: I’m trying to make this as a rom-com, hope you like my new series! This is part 5 of Where It All Starts. But it can also be read as a standalone. I wrote this at work lol. I'm so so happy that many of you liked it so I hope you enjoy the next parts. Stay tuned and love you!
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Joel went to court today and he won the child custody. It was a certain thing anyway. Joel’s ex wife didn’t want her daughter. In fact, her daughter was one of the reasons she left and filed a divorce.
“How was it? Today?” You asked as you fed Sarah who was sitting on the baby chair. 
“Went well. I’m relieved actually. That everything is finally done. I have no reason to see her again.” Joel shrugged.
“I’m happy for you, Joel.” You hugged him.
“Thank you.” Joel hugged you back.
“I think I’ll head back now.” You patted his shoulder.
“You don’t have to walk me. It’s okay.” You stopped Joel as he followed you out.
“Okay. Good night, (y/n).” He kissed you on the cheek as he closed the door.
You walked to your house and grabbed your purse to get your keys but you couldn’t find it. You panicked. You hurriedly threw all your stuff out from your purse to get a good look. Yet you still couldn’t find it. You flipped open your mat in front of your door to find your spare key.
“Right, I gave it to mom.” You remembered you gave your spare key to your mom.
“Think. Think. Think.”  Your heart beat faster and you paced back and forth hitting your head gently.
“Joel.” Joel, your neighbor, was the only one you could think of.
You hesitated for a moment but you decided to go back to his house and knock on his door. 
*knock on the door*
“(y/n)? What’s wrong? Did you forget somethin’?” Joel raised his eyebrows.
“I-Uhm-Can I crash at your place tonight?” You put your hand behind your neck.
“Is there somethin’ wrong?” Joel let you in.
“Yes, actually. I forgot my keys.” You scoffed.
“Stupid me.” You shrugged.
“Oh.” Joel put his hands on his waist.
“I’ll call the locksmith tomorrow.” You said.
“Just for tonight.  Don’t worry.” You were worried Joel was uncomfortable with you sleeping under his roof.
“No worries. You can stay here as long as you want.” Joel slipped those words. He was shocked at himself.
“Uhm-” You didn’t expect him to say that.
“Sarah likes you around.” He dodged the topic.
“Of course she does. Where’s my sweet girl?” You turned around to find Sarah crawling on the carpet in the living room.
“Where are you going, miss?” You crouched and stroked her head. 
“Come here, babygirl.” Joel lifted Sarah, stopping her from crawling around the coffee table and she cried.
“You don’t like me? Did I disturb your play time?” Joel bounced Sarah on his lap while he sat on the sofa. 
“Come here. Give her to me.” You sat beside Joel and opened your arms.
Sarah stopped crying right away. It was like you had this magic that gave Sarah comfort.
“She likes you but she hates her dad.” Joel got envy.
“She doesn’t hate you, Joel.” You looked at Joel while bouncing Sarah as she giggled.
“Here, try again.” You passed Sarah to Joel’s arms.
*Sarah started crying*
“And..you said she doesn’t hate me.” Joel gave up.
You pulled Sarah back closer to you and she rested her head on your chest. You stroked her smooth head up and down and she fell asleep. 
“You’re amazing, (y/n). Anyone who marries you in the future is the luckiest man on earth.” Joel chuckled and shook his head. 
"Thank you. But the last man I dated cheated on me." You scoffed.
"He doesn't deserve you." Joel rested his hand on your shoulder.
The two of you were quiet for a while. Your eyes locked to Sarah as you cooed to her face.
"Hey, can I take you to dinner?" Joel mustered up the courage to ask you out on a date. 
You flinched at his invitation. Then you looked at him not knowing what to say.
"To celebrate I'm a divorcee now." He chuckled at his jokes.
"Oh right! Sure, I'd love to." You said yes as you stroked Sarah's back gently. She was sleeping so soundly on your chest now.
Dinner Day
You asked Flo to babysit Sarah while you and Joel went to have dinner just the two of you. This was the first time you spent time together without Sarah. 
"Congratulations on your divorce, Mr. Joel Miller. You are now officially a single dad. Cheers." You chuckled and clanked your glass of wine with his. 
"Cheers." Joel clanked his glass to yours.
"Thank you, (y/n). I couldn't have done this without you." Joel thanked you after he sipped his wine.
"You're always welcome." You smiled. 
After dinner
"Thank you for coming to dinner with me." Joel parked his car in the driveway. 
"I'm the one who should be thanking you. Thank you for dinner, Joel." You took off the seatbelt and faced him. 
The two of you felt the tension and your breathing were heavier than normal. Joel suddenly leaned in closer to you and kissed you. You kissed him back for a moment then you stopped. You knew this was wrong. Your heart wanted him, your body wanted him, but mentally you couldn't be with him. You were still scared to start a relationship. You were not ready to open you heart for someone because your heart had been torn apart too many times. 
"Sorry, did I-" Joel apologized.
"I-uh-it's-I'm sorry Joel. You're nice. If I'm being honest, you're the nicest guy I've ever met. I like you. Trust me. I really do. But I still need time to heal from my previous relationship. It felt good for a second imagining having a family with you and Sarah. But let's just keep us this way. Just see me as a neighbor who's happy to spend time with you and Sarah. I'm really sorry, Joel." You explained to Joel why you didn't want him to kiss you because you didn't want him to misunderstand. 
You liked Joel. You loved him. You had fallen in love with him but you were holding yourself back. He just got a divorce and you second guessed him. You didn't want to be hurt again.
"It's okay. I totally understand." He pulled away from you.
"Promise me you won't fall in love with me, Joel?" You looked at him and he sighed.
"It's too late darlin'. I'm in love with you. But it's okay. I understand. Take your time. It can wait. I-uh-I can wait." He looked at you with tears almost falling down.
Your lips shook and a tear fell down to cheeks. You sobbed. You felt guilty. You expected him to be mad at you but instead, Joel cupped your cheeks and wiped your tears with his thumb.
"Hey, just tell me whenever you're ready. I'm always here." He placed a kiss on your forehead and rubbed your back.
You squeezed your eyes and more tears fell down. You couldn't believe yourself. You just rejected the nicest man you had met on earth. You rejected him yet he still treated you so nice and respectful. Joel stayed with you in the car until you stopped crying and calmed down. Then the two of you went home acting like nothing happened. 
When you were finally home alone you wandered in your thoughts. You kept talking to yourself, 
"Was it a mistake saying no to Joel?" 
"It's the best for both of us."
"I should have kissed him back."
"No, no. It was the right thing to do."
You hoped Joel would still act the same tomorrow when you meet him. Crossing your fingers that your relationship stayed the same even after what happened that night. You enjoyed his company and you didn't want to lose it. If moving forward in the relationship might change it, then it was better to stay this way. 
To be continued...
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lewisthot · 2 years
weekends II
summary: feeling neglected as toto worked overtime, you decided to be a brat but he wasn’t having none of it. kinda a part 2 but could be read alone. here’s part 1 rating: 18+ pairing: toto wolff x fem!reader words: 2.5k warning + a/n: degrading, overstimulation + rough. it’s kinda shit but i hope you guys like it, feedback would be appreciated tho! tagging my toto girlies who i know wanted this! @oliviahoneymoon​ & @mauvecherie-writes
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all week you had been acting out and when you got away with it at first you couldn’t help but push toto’s button but he was too busy to really pay attention and give you the punishment you deserved. he let you get away with for the week because he knew he’d have you to himself this weekend.
after yesterday’s punishment, you spent the rest of the day in toto’s arm cuddling, kissing and being showered with love. he knew your brattiness was because you missed him and needed attention so he gave you what you needed, what he wanted to give you but your punishment wasn’t over. you’d been a brat all week and he had the whole weekend, why punish you once when he could punish you twice.
waking up in toto arms, you kept your eyes closed not quite ready to wake up, snuggling into his arms as he traced patterns on your body already awake.
‘morning baby’
‘morning schatzi’
‘let’s get up and i’ll make you breakfast?’
‘noo, let’s go back to sleep’
he held your chin tilting your head up, you scooted up you kissing him softly he pulled you in deepening the kiss. your body was on top of him now, his hands running down your body planting them on your ass he kneaded the flesh. you moaned against his lip, rocking your hips against him. you still felt sleepy but the way toto kissed you and touched you lit a fire within which was far more stronger, your pussy throbbing you were sure you were already soaking wet. toto wrapping his arms around you flipped you under him and now on top he pulled away from your lips.
‘let’s go eat’ he smirked at your annoyed expression, he was starting the punishing early and not letting you know just yet what he had planned.
‘seriously!?’ he chuckled, dragging you out of bed he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. 
you screamed slapping his back. ‘toto!’ he ignored you, slapping your ass which silenced you. walking to the kitchen he set you down. ‘i was getting up!’
‘you don’t like being carried?’ he chuckled as you lightly hit him again. ‘sit down and let me make you breakfast schatzi’ he leaned down pressing a kiss on your forehead.
as toto made breakfast you grew bored waiting, coming up behind him you wrapped your arms around his waist - you couldn't help yourself you ran your hands down his body slipping under his boxers you gripped his cock. it was half hard leaking precum, you smirked. smearing the precum around the head of his cock, you gripped him hard.
'y/n...' his tone a warning to stop but you persisted, pressing soft kisses onto his back.
'i'm hungry' he laughed turning around.
'sit down, you'll be fed with food and cock soon enough.' you grinned, pulling your hand out of his boxers you made a show of licking his precum off your fingers to which he let out a groan but regardless he turned back around and went back to cooking - he was far too disciplined for your liking, something you always put to the test and today you were unsuccessful. eventually, toto presented two plates of delicious breakfast sitting down beside you.
'why are you so far away schatzi?' he pulled your chair closer, replying sarcastically. 'so needy...'
he chuckled, rolling his eyes, 'you're right, what would i do without you!' scooting forward he leaned down pressing a kiss to your forehead. 'du bist mein schatzi' you grinned wrapping your arm around his neck, you pulled him back to you kissing him softly, you adored when toto affectionately spoke german to you - it felt more intimate.
you sat in a comfortable silence as you ate the rest of your meal, once done you and toto had a back and forth about who would clear up but of course toto cleaned up, he always took care of you it was just in his nature.
'i need your energy levels high for what i have planned for you.’
looking at the sink full of dishes you leaned over the sink switching off the tap. 'forget the dishes and have your way with me.' 
toto turned to you grabbing your waist and lifting you onto the counter, 'always so impatient'
you wrapped your legs and arms around him. 'but don't you like how desperate i am for your cock'
'oh schatzi, you've been very naughty and you need to be punished' you pouted while playing with his hair, you narrowed your eyes and scrunched your nose playfully. 
'that's why you were being a little tease this morning.' he gave your waist a squeeze smirking he picked you up, 'i'm just getting started schatzi' walking back into the bedroom he gave your ass a pat, you were at a point where a touch or a look was all that was needed instead of words. you unwrapped yourself from his embrace.
his tone was harsh his eyes dark and piercing, not wearing much you quickly stripped yourself till you stood there stark naked. he went into the drawer of naughty toys, pulling out a vibrator and nipple clamps and setting them aside, you gulped biting your bottom lip - you were in for it you thought. pulling off his boxers he leaned down grabbing your face he pulled you into a deep kiss, pushing you onto the bed he settled between your legs his hands and mouth were all over your body in an instant.
‘did you think you were going to get away with your brattiness this week?’ pressing kisses down your neck he made his way to your chest, one hand splayed over one breast, groping and pinching your nipple and the other in his mouth, sucking and biting your nipple.
‘toto…’ you cried out in a breathy moan, as he went to grab the nipple clamps you tensed, smirking he teased drawing circles around your hardened nipples. clamping one nipple you bit down on your lip hard sucking in a breath. 
'don't' he grabbed your chin sticking his thumb into your mouth, he forced your mouth open. 'i wanna hear every noise, every cry and moan from the pain and pleasure you're gonna feel. okay?' you nodded, his words sending a shiver down your spine, your pussy throbbing - you were sure toto could make you cum without ever touching your pussy. as he clamped your other nipple you let out a pained moan, his thumb still in your mouth he gave you a light slap.
  'see, i know you can be a good girl' tugging on the chain that connected the nipple clamps, you whined - he tugged again but a little harder. 'fuck!' he smirked as you bit down and sucked on his thumb which earned you another light slap across the cheek. 
'look at you rutting against me, so pathetic' your pussy ached, your hole clenching around nothing - you dreaded the moment toto would notice teasing you already, you knew he'd take great joy in your desperation to be stretched out by him. he went back to trailing kisses down your body taking his time till he reached your mound, holding your legs open he admired the way your pussy glistened and throbbed.
‘i’m gonna give your pussy the attention you’ve been begging for'
he licked a stripe through your folds, latching onto your clit. arching your back, you moaned as he went between sucking and licking stripes up and down. Plunging his fingers into your wet hole, you rolled your hips against his fingers meeting the thrusts of his fingers. his thumb circling your clit, your body tensed.
‘toto, i’m gonna cum!’ 
gripping the bed sheets he pushed you over the edge, moaning as the waves washed over you he pulled his fingers out lazily running them through your folds. but before you could enjoy your first orgasm toto had one hand splayed out on your stomach holding you down as he continued his assault on your clit, sucking it between his teeth whilst he plunged two fingers back into your waiting hole. he was relentless and he knew just what you liked, you arched your back and gripped the headboard as another orgasm ripped through you barely having time to catch your breath after the first one. clamping your legs shut around his head as he continued to lap up your juices, your moans stuck in your throat and your eyes screwed shut - you were already so overwhelmed.
he pulled back slightly just so you’d unwrap your leg which the minute you did he got up and pinned them open with his own legs grabbing the toy he pulled out earlier.
‘you want me to stop schatzi? had enough attention?’ he chuckled as he mocked you, pressing the clitoral stimulator against your clit, you were thankful he started on a low setting. you reached out your hands running along his body, he leaned down giving you what you wanted - him. kissing you deeply he dialled up the power, nails digging into his sides you moaned into the kiss. you tried to sink into the bed, escape toto’s clutches all the whole kissing him roughly. it was too much but you still wanted more, it was driving you crazy you were a mess.
he pulled out your clit stimulator instead of dildo to watch your pussy clench and spasm around nothing, moaning at the sight as yet another orgasm hit you. you screamed as he pulled the toy away and slapped your pussy.
'isn't this what you wanted baby?' his tone dripping in sarcasm, he tugged on the chains connecting the nipple clamps, he couldn’t forget about those. your nails digging even more so into his back, he smiled against your lips giving you a quick kiss.
he had you pinned down, your writhing useless. leaving the toy running another orgasm hitting in quick succession your body shaking against his weight. your squirming was fun for him the way you put up a challenge, he could've handcuffed you to the headboard from the beginning but every time you slipped from his grasp dragging you back down to latch his mouth to your soaked pussy was a reminder you were his and his alone to use as he saw fit.
he stroked your face studying your expression, not that you'd ever lie or purposely push past your own limits and boundaries without discussion but forcing orgasms after orgasms took a toll and he wasn’t done yet. he kissed you softly before crawling back down between your legs, tossing the toy aside.
toto keeping your legs open with his hands and forearms dove straight in, you gripped his hair tight probably too tight. ‘mmm, schatzi you taste so fucking good. i could go all night.’
your clit throbbing at his words, he ran his tongue through your folds and plunged it into your hole. you rocked your hips against his face, you may have been overwhelmed but he ate you out so good you couldn’t resist but when it hit you so suddenly you whined trying to squirm away.
he dragged you back down slapping your pussy. ‘schatzi, stop moving you know you want it. be a good girl.’
‘i can’t toto, please!’
you were limp your limbs felt like jelly, you had lost count of how many times you had cum at the point. toto pressing soft kisses on your inner thighs have you a moment for your breathing to calm down, he tried to think had you cum 4 or 5 times now maybe it was enough he still hadn’t fucked you. he trailed kisses up your body, holding your face he kissed you passionately. you wrapped your arms around his neck kissing him back hard, you loved tasting yourself on his tongue.
pulling away he stuck his fingers in your mouth, sucking them clean as he dragged you up with him. ‘you took your punishment so well schatzi, you’ve been such a good girl’ you nodded your head, still sucking on his fingers.
‘you want my cock schatzi, it’s not too much?’ shaking your head he smirked, wrapping his hand around your throat he shoved you back down onto the bed and thrusted into your hole with ease.
he grunted as you stretched around his cock. ‘fuck schatzi, you feel so good.’ he tugged on the chain as he slammed into you, letting out a scream filled with a mix of pain and pleasure. throwing your legs over his shoulders, he pounded into you even deeper.
hissing and mumbling. ‘you’re so good for me. god, you take my cock so well schatzi.’ he was close, his thrusts relentless but lacking rhythm. you however came once more, it hit you out of nowhere. you let out a string of curse words, your eyes filled with tears truly at your limit.
clenching and spasming your pussy around toto’s cock drove him nuts, he squeezed your throat and tugged the chain of nipple clamps even harder ‘fuck i—‘ it felt you strangling his cock, he came hard filling you deep with his seed he groaned as you clenched around him milking him for every last drop.
he wanted to pull out but you just kept spasming, taking your legs off his shoulders he hissed as he pulled out groaning when his cum came dripping out too.
‘be a good girl and clean me.’ he shuffled up the bed, you were too spent to get up. you leant up slightly opening your mouth he shoved his still hard cock into your mouth, you swirled your tongue around licking your mix of juices and even though you had just been so thoroughly fucked you moaned on his cock turned on. he groaned too sensitive for your mouth and the skills that tongue possessed, pulling himself off.
he leant down besides you and unclamped your nipples. you sucked in a breath biting your bottom lip at the change of sensation. ‘it’s okay baby…’ his voice was soft and gentle now, he gently sucked on your nipples and kneaded your breasts. your eyes were heavy now, you could probably sleep for 12hrs you were exhausted. ‘you took your punishment so well schatzi, you tired?’
you nodded your head, unable to form sentences. he stroked your face, pressing a soft kiss on your forehead. ‘you still have cum dripping out of you, go clean up.’ you whined normally toto would’ve cleaned you by now. ‘you wanna be a brat you get treated like one.’
you lifted your head and forced your eyes open pouting at toto, he rolled his eyes chuckling. he knew you were too spent but he wanted to mess with you but of course you brought up the puppy dog eyes, he got up and came back with a wash cloth cleaning you up.
jumping back into bed he pulled you under the covers and into his arms, it may have been daytime but you needed a nap after all that.
‘i love you schatzi’
‘i love you too baby’
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mooodyblue · 2 years
here's a request! how about cg!jerry and little e having a hard week? maybe baby is exhausted and overworked so he slips into babyspace and baby has been having a big meltdown and just tantrums all day, and jerry is tired and trying to calm him down. maybe he gets to calm him down with some peaceful night routine with a bottle, nursery themes, comfort food and snuggles? just angst with happy ending
hope this is okay! idk why i struggled with this one, my brain wasn't working LOL ty for the request!!
wc: 984
elvis was on his plane back home from a long tour, exhausted and hurting and just ready to get back to the comfort of his own home. as they began to land, jerry shook elvis gently to wake him. "elvis, we're landin' soon." 
elvis let out a groan, stretching his arms to allow his bones to crack and pop in the right places. "hey, jer?" he cleared his throat, glancing over at jerry. "do you....um...think ya could stay with me for a while? i-i think-"
"need me to take care of you?" elvis nodded shyly in response, feeling the cloudiness slowly take over his brain. jerry gave him a warm smile and patted elvis's knee, "think you can make it till we get home?" 
"i-i can try. my heads just...gettin all...y'know." 
jerry nodded in understanding, giving his knee a gentle squeeze. "i know, prince. as soon as we get home, i promise." 
elvis felt himself fully relax the moment he stepped inside his home, letting the fuzziness fully take over and feeling much smaller than usual. he brought himself right on the floor, resting his head against the wall, too tired to walk up to his bedroom. jerry looked down at him sadly, crouching down. "let's get you upstairs to sleep, yeah? sound good?" he shook his head in his response, a tired look on his face. "don't wanna sleep just yet, huh?" elvis reached up for jerry, bringing his hands up. 
the problem is, jerry was also tired. he just wanted to sleep, but he wasn't going to let elvis roam free around graceland while extremely little. "you don't wanna take a small nap? maybe let jer' get some sleep too?" elvis i only let out a small whine, still begging to be picked up. "c'mon, it's been a long week. what could you possibly want to do with all that energy?" 
frustrated with himself for not being able to properly communicate, he spoke in babbles and whines. jerry had yet to get used to elvis's younger headspace, his babbling consisted of mostly 'ba''s and 'mmm!'s. elvis glanced over at the kitchen then back at jerry, pulling on the leg of his pants. "ah, hungry?" jerry asked, getting a happy babble in response. he picked him up, earning a squeal from elvis, and brought him to the kitchen, setting him at the table. 
he didn't feel like cooking him anything and he was far too gone to make him his usual pb&j. elvis tapped his hands patiently on the table and jerry prepared him food. he went with mashed bananas, opting with just hand-feeding him. he sat next to elvis and prayed to god he'd eat. "alright, c'mon." he brought the spoon to his lips, elvis shaking his head. 
jerry let out a sigh, "here comes the airplane!" he made a flying motion with the spoon and made airplane noises as he brought it to his lips once again, only this time elvis happily taking it and giggling at the sounds jerry made. 
"silly baby, aren't ya? just a silly, yittle baby." he chuckled as he continued to feed elvis. 
after getting him fed, elvis only got crankier. he thrashed in jerry's hold as he carried him up the steps. "good lord, what's got you so upset today? what's goin' on?" he muttered, finally setting him down on the bed. 
his eyes began to well with tears as he looked at jerry, reaching for him again. "stay!" elvis managed to blurt out. there was a look of fear in his eyes as if jerry was going to just set him down and leave. "stay! stay! stay!" he repeated over and over again. 
jerry frowned at him, sitting beside elvis and rubbing his back as he immediately clung to jerry's side. "stay." he said once again. 
"you thought i was gonna leave?" he said lowly. "is that what you're so upset about?" 
elvis nuzzled into his neck. "mmmm." he hummed out. "stay?" 
"of course, i have to get you changed though." he stood up only for elvis to cry again, stomping his feet rapidly. elvis yanked him down immediately. "honey-" he got up again. "i promise i'll be back. you have to trust me." he only cried more, wailing as jerry left the room. he didn’t understand the sudden tantrum. on the plane, he was about ready to go home and get some sleep. it had been a long week after all. 
jerry returned shortly to the bedroom with a bottle in hand, greeted by elvis still crying and begging for his attention. “see, look. i came back, didn’t i?” he said to him. sometimes he just didn’t want to be left alone, especially while in his younger headspace. that doesn’t mean it doesn’t make things more difficult for jerry. “can we get you in your pajamas? then you can have your bottle and i’ll come get in bed with you. doesn’t that sound like a good idea?”
he gave him a sad look, nodding slowly, and allowed jerry to help change him into his pajamas, still sniffling. despite jerry still being there in front of him, he was still worried he’d leave him for whatever reason. he got into bed, pulling elvis into his lap as he grabbed ahold of the plushie sitting in the middle of the bed. “you want your bottle now?” 
“mmm!” he got himself comfortable in his lap, pulling the covers over them both as jerry held the bottle to elvis, allowing him to drink peacefully. “you did so well holdin’ it together this week, hon. my good boy, you must be so tired.” he sighed, using the other hand to run through his hair. he smiled as elvis’s eyelashes began to flutter, the bottle slipping out of his lips as he snuggled into jerry, finally feeling comfort in his warmth and love.
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hells-favorites · 6 months
The Red Light (Episode 12)
Dante receives a cloak from Typhon with a note instructing stealth. He reads a letter from Typhon detailing Mercury's worsening condition and a new task regarding Alos's office. Dante attends class and befriends Nedrigo, who shares insights about Typhon and Mercury. Despite Dante's unease, he invites Nedrigo to his dorm. Later, Dante informs Nolan and Floyd about Nedrigo joining their group. Though unsure of Typhon's response, Dante is willing to proceed.
The next morning, Dante woke up. As he rubbed his eyes, trying to shake off the exhaustion, he remembered the box on his dresser. Dante reached over and plucked off the lid. A small note covered what seemed to be a cloak. It was a small note but it said: "Pass without a trace. Quiets your footsteps."
Dante should have been happy. He should have been excited to receive a gift from Typhon, but he wasn't. He slipped the cloak into his bag and sat up. He'd have to attend class today. So Dante stood up and got ready for the day, looking at himself in the mirror for just a bit longer, examining his features. His hand traced his jawline, the same as his father's, and adjusted his hair, tugging at the hairline, Typhon's hairline. But what Typhon didn't have was Dante's white hair. Typhon had black short hair, usually groomed back but not slicked, where Dante had long white hair, normally kept up in a ponytail. Dante reminded himself of the difference repeatedly. Ein had struck down into Dante's heart when he'd said he was becoming Typhon. It scared him.
Dante took time with his morning routine but once he'd finished, he finally plucked the letter from his desk that Typhon had left him.
"Good morning, Dante. This letter is a long one, but there is a lot to cover. I have an update, unfortunately, on Mercury’s condition though today I have reason to tell you this. As I said yesterday the condition has gotten worse. The aquamarine does not seem to be taking the pain away as it had before, nor does it seem to be putting him to sleep which was the only way for that to happen. I think that something might have gone wrong as he has lost all pigmentation and I do not have a reason as to why. Though I have been with him, I have to very briefly leave to speak with someone in a few days and I don't know if you'll be back in time. I do have reason to be telling you this of course, there is one more thing beside Alos's murder that I need you to do. I do not believe you guys went all the way into Alos's office as there are actions required to make it all the way in there. Axom has a wide range of, let's call them, *holy symbols* and I need you to abuse that. Along with this letter are two different variations of *holy symbols* but they're not Inchor's, the blood god. The *holy symbols* are mine. We can talk about it if you're curious when you return, however now is not the time to discuss godlyhood…"
Godlyhood? Dante stopped halfway through the paper and read the sentence over and over, as though if he saw it enough times, it would change. Typhon drip fed information about himself. As Dante read over the pages he realized he only knew the bare minimum about him. He knew his name, but only parts. As Dante thought, he realized, in war normally a last name is plastered all over everything but Typhon only ever used his first name. Dante didn't know his own last name!
Dante thought about what Ein said, that Typhon was lying to him and how he knew so little about him. Ein was right about at least half of it. Dante put his head in his hands, sliding the letter beside him and taking a moment to breathe. When Dante talked to Typhon next, it would be nothing but questions. Questions Nolan and that special eye would be present for.
After taking a few seconds to breathe, Dante took the letter in his hands and continued to read.
"You should be able to get down to Alos's office and cover it with blood just as you did with Axom’s journal beforehand. Though Dante I don't believe yours will work, I'm afraid that because of you being a part of my bloodline that you will not be able to do it, however you are traveling with a group, make them be of use. When you do get in there, drenched most likely in blood will be something resembling a heart, a real one, not the shape. I need you to bring it back to me as soon as possible. Good luck and remember if you're in trouble send me the Raven and I'll think of something. -Typhon."
Dante sighed and shoved the paper in his pocket. His classes had started already and the other two had no doubt left without him. Dante was fine with that though. The more silence, the better.
A few minutes later, Dante made it to a history class and laughed as he entered. Scrawled across the board were details of a war he had fought in. This would be an easy class, even if he was only there for a few days. Dante sat in a seat at the back and noticed a man looking at him.
The man looked friendly enough to not unnerve Dante when he sat next to him. Blue-ish skin and scruffy brown hair surrounding horns nearly the same color that pulled towards the back of his head. A small was plastered across his face when he sat down.
"You're new here, I haven't seen you," said the man. "I know everyone here and you're not one of them. I'm Nedrigo, what about you?"
Suddenly an idea pushed to the forefront of his mind. If he could get a student who knew all about Axom to join him, he'd have a new well of knowledge for Typhon to pick apart. But that requires betraying Axom.
"Dante. So, what do you think of all of this stuff? Are we talking about Typhon yet? I mean, his name is on the board," Dante gestured to Typhon's name scribbled across the board with a large number written underneath it.
"Yeah, we've had an entire unit on just him. He's impossibly cool. Like, to study. But he's long gone. I mean, the guy was responsible for the most deaths during the war and he had these dogs that weren't like dogs. They were massive! I think the Gods just liked him."
Dante took note of the comment about dogs, another thing to ask Typhon. "If Typhon was alive, would you work with him? To study him, maybe?"
"I mean, I wouldn't kill anyone for him but I would," Nedrigo looked confused, cartoon-ishly so, but he kept a smile.
Dante joined in the smiling, a thin and long grin. A smile like his father's. The face read happy but his eyes read Wrath. "Hey, after class, wanna go to my dorm? To help me catch up since I just got here."
The man shrugged and leaned back in his chair. A small chuckle came through as he spoke, "Why not? I think I still have most of the notes. Especially about Typhon. He's odd enough to enjoy studying. I mean, his old second-in-command became one if Axom's big names. And his new one is a twink! Like, have you seen the pictures of Mercury? He's curved like an hourglass. And I can say that, I'm straight enough to say that."
All Dante gave back in return was a nervous chuckle. He'd certainly gotten a good one to join him but maybe he was a little too… enthusiastic.
Despite Dante's sudden unease, Nedrigo kept going. "They found letters talking about how Mercury even got to work for Typhon. He was a bartender in a casino! And by how all over the place his letters were, he's hyper too. He went from slinging drinks to slinging guns. And have you seen his magic?"
Nedrigo had said it rhetorically but Dante hadn't seen Mercury fight. Every time he'd seen Mercury he was with Typhon, there was no need to use magic. "No, I haven't."
Nedrigo's jaw dropped, he was baffled. "How? He throws cards like daggers! Typhon apparently gave him the magic when he started working for him. I don't know how. That's just what his letters said. If I could somehow meet him, I'd love to have a game of blackjack with him. If it weren't for Typhon's ex-wife, I'd have said they'd make a great power couple."
"Ex-wife?" Dante felt so confused.
"Wow, you really do need the notes. You know nothing about Typhon. Shocking, you kinda look like him, I think it's just the horns though."
The sentence hit like a knife and the second twisted the blade. Nedrigo was right. He just didn't know how right he was.
Suddenly the lecture was over. Students were dismissed and Nedrigo stood up. They exchanged dorm room numbers and split. Dante ran his hand over the symbols Typhon had given him, over and over, keeping his hand in his bag. According to his schedule, he was supposed to be taking a fitness class, but Dante rounded up Nolan and Floyd.
Sitting in Dante's dorm, he spoke. "We have a new person working with us."
"Really, Dante? Here? That is so untrustworthy!" Nolan laughed. "And plus, don't we have to ask your dad about all this?"
"There's an ocean full of things I need to ask, Typhon. I guess that's just a new one."
The Raven popped up on Dante's shoulder and immediately disappeared. Even after repeated attempts, he got nothing.
"Well I mean, he didn't say no," Dante shrugged, that was good enough for him.
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floaroma-sanctuary · 1 year
Beau climbed the stairs, feeling a little more reassured today with how well his demonstration went yesterday. He stood in the middle of the stage, smiling out at the crowd.
“Now, let’s say you’re an individual who struggles with narcolepsy. It’s impacting your day to day life, and you’re having trouble being independent. What could you do? Well, one option is a service Pokémon. Please welcome to the stage our first assistant, Lyra the Jigglypuff.” Beau motioned for Lyra to join him, and she hopped up to his side.
Suddenly, Beau dropped. Lyra caught him and gently lowered him to the ground. He grinned at the audience from where he laid on the stage. “Lyra is trained to help people with narcolepsy live full and independent lives. As you can see, she takes care of their physical well being in the case of a narcoleptic episode. Since I’m completely conscious, Lyra isn’t doing anything else besides watching over me right now. Otherwise, she’d be either attempting to wake me up or fetching someone to help in the case of injury.”
Beau stood back up with Lyra’s assistance. He thanked her and asked her back to the stairs. “Let’s change it up. My vision is terrible.”
He slipped his glasses off his face and walked forwards until his feet were on the edge. “I can feel where I am, but I can’t really judge distance or any hazards that may lie ahead of me. While I can still see, our next assistant is trained to help people who can’t.”
With that, he started to step of the edge as a Kirlia came dashing onto the stage, grabbing his hand and pulling him back. The Kirlia guided Beau back to the middle of the stage, finding his glasses and offering them to him.
“Thank you, Halo.” He said, putting his glasses back on. “Halo is a seeing eye Pokémon. He’s trained to help people with vision loss navigate and fetch things they may need. In my case, he found my glasses. He kept me safe from walking off the stage and guided me somewhere safer.”
Beau then asked Halo off the stage as well. He whistled softly and tossed some items around the stage. A Minun and Plusle ran out and up to him.
“Addie, fetch.” Beau ordered, pointing towards a water bottle. The Plusle bounded off, grabbing the bottle and bringing it back to him. He thanked her and pocketed the bottle.
“Addie and Susie are mobility aid and cardiac alert Pokémon.” He explained as Susie started tugging on his pants leg. “Susie right now is telling me my heart rate is too high, so I need to sit down.”
He sat down on the stage, and Susie climbed into his lap as Addie ran off to grab a prescription bottle. The first one she came to was empty, so she left it and ran over to another one. When she found the right one, she returned to Beau with the bottle.
He opened it and popped one in his mouth. “Now, I don’t have heart issues, so I’m simply taking a candy. However, Addie and Susie are working as a team to make sure that I’m safe.”
He dismissed them, sending the pair offstage and standing back up. “My final assistant is Tangerine the Flareon. He is a trained to help those who experience seizures.”
Tangerine trotted up onto the stage to Beau’s side. He sat obediently and waited. Beau slowly walked him around the stage before falling onto the stage and not moving. Tangerine checked Beau first before running to the front of the stage and hopping off, grabbing someone from the crowd and leading them up to the stage. When they got there, Beau sat back up and thanked them for their help and released them back to their seat.
“As you can see, one of Tangerine’s jobs is to fetch help in the case of a seizure. He also is trained to alert when he can tell a seizure is coming. He’ll protect his partner during a seizure and can even use a special phone to call for medical assistance.” He explained, slightly distracted as Tangerine paced the front of the stage seemingly agitated. He recalled Tangerine and fed him a treat as a thank you.
“My point today is not to just show you some cool things these Pokémon are trained to do. Each of these Pokémon have a job to help their partner live a full and independent life. They are not pets or battlers. They are working Pokémon who are indispensable to the people who really need them. If you have any more questions about service Pokémon and their different jobs or have a need for one and would like to adopt any of these wonderful Pokémon, please stop by the Floaroma Sanctuary booth, and I’ll be happy to help. I have been Beau Rosalba, and you have been a wonderful audience. Thank you!” Beau gave a bow and walked Tangerine off the stage with him. He made sure to remove each of the Pokemon’s service vests before taking them back to the booth, making a note to check Tangerine in case something was wrong and give him some time to rest.
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datauthorress · 8 months
The Monster in Her Eyes [Chapter 8]
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pairing: alucard / original female character / alexander anderson
summary: years after the death of integra hellsing, a young woman moves into the hellsing estate to start a new life after events happened in her home country. a new butler has been appointed to take care of the estate, which includes the monsters that have been dormant since integra’s death. but her will states that the new owner of the hellsing estate also owns everything belonging to hellsing, including the vampires that lay within.
rating: e
When Thursday morning came around, Shelby woke up around 7 am so she could prepare for a day out with her family. She showered and dressed, then fed her reptiles, and cleaned up their enclosures before she finished getting ready. She slicked her hair back except for a few stubborn strands that fell over her forehead, but in the end decided not to mess with them.
         Afterwards, she went downstairs to meet up with Walter and Anderson. Walter would be driving them today and she had appointed Anderson as her bodyguard, even though she knew Walter was more than capable of protecting her should the need arise.
         “Are you ready to go, sir?” Walter asked. “We’ll be meeting your family at the hotel.”
         “Yes,” she replied.
         “How are you feeling about spending the day with them?” he asked.
         “Well, it can’t be any worse than the first night they came.” Shelby said with a soft sigh. “Honestly, I don’t think it’ll be that bad from now on. Except due to the restraining order I have on my sister, I could very well have her arrested if she makes trouble.”
         “What would ye have a restraining order on yer own sibling?” Anderson asked, arching an eyebrow.
         “Long story short, she’s the reason why I’m a cripple. And when I refused to forgive her, she continuously harassed me and even got my mother to start harassing me about it.” Shelby replied. “That’s mainly the reason why I moved to London. I’m letting her near me, for now.”
         “Aye, I see.” he said.
         “Let’s go,” she said.
         Once in the long car, Walter drove to the hotel where her family was staying at. Walter got out once they arrived and opened the back door for them, allowing her family to come into the car and make themselves comfortable.
         “Oh, hello.” Suzanna said when she saw Anderson.
         “This is Father Alexander Anderson,” Shelby introduced. “I asked him to come along with me today.”
         “A priest?” Alan asked, arching an eyebrow.
         “But you’re not religious,” Suzanna said.
         “No, I’m not.” Shelby said. “But some of my men are. Father Anderson came to my home and swore his loyalty to me. You’ll treat him with respect.”
         “Honey, we are, we’re just so overwhelmed with everything.” Suzanna said gently.
         How do you think I feel? Shelby thought, before letting out a soft sigh. She was too tired to argue.
         They arrived at the restaurant about fifteen minutes later and Walter handed the keys to the valet before they walked inside, letting the host know of their party. Shelby glanced around the restaurant, loving the look of the area. It didn’t look overly fancy, and there were very few people here right now.
         The host led them to a table in a quieter area, giving them menus and allowing them to look over their beverages.
         “Get whatever you guys want, I’ll pay.” Shelby said, as she sat between Walter and Anderson, with her mother across from her and the rest of her family around.
         “Are you sure, sweetie?” Alan asked.
         “I’m sure,” Shelby nodded.
         Their waitress came by after a few minutes to take their drink orders, writing it all down before going to grab their drinks, bringing them back about six minutes later. Shelby ordered coffee as usual, most of them ordering coffee besides Walter, who chose tea.
         “So how did your meeting go, sis?” Seth asked, sipping his coffee.
         “Better than expected,” Shelby replied, looking over the menu to try and figure out what she wanted. “Besides one of the members we might have some trouble with, but we’re keeping an eye on him.”
         “Why would he be trouble?” Suzanna asked.
         “Because he believes women can’t lead and he called me a whore,” Shelby replied, shrugging.
         “That bastard,” Allen huffed.
         “It’s done and over with, for now.” Shelby said, taking a sip of her coffee.
         “I bet we could all gang up on him,” Mary-Anne spoke.
         “Please don’t cause trouble for me, bub.” Shelby said, not even glancing in her sister’s direction. “The last thing I need is one of my family members causing trouble for my organization.”
         “It’s just…hard to believe with everything,” Mary-Anne said softly. “It feels like a bad dream,”
         “Maybe to you,” Shelby said, a hint of irritation in her voice.
         “Sir Hellsing has done very well, given the odd circumstances.” Walter spoke.
         Shelby sighed softly.
         By evening, Shelby was irritated with her sister.
         Mary-Anne had been adamant on speaking to Shelby, trying to get her alone so they could talk privately, but Anderson and Walter refused to leave Shelby’s side.
         “I need to speak with my sister alone,” Mary-Anne said, annoyed.
         “I’m afraid that’s not an option, miss.” Walter spoke. “If you would like to speak to her, you can do so here.”
         “Fine,” Mary-Anne huffed. “Shelby, you have to forgive me.”
         “I don’t have to do shit,” Shelby said.
         “Why can’t you just forgive me? I already did everything I was supposed to do. I went through therapy, and AA and even mom and dad forgive me.” she said.
         “I don’t have to forgive you,” Shelby said calmly. “You were drunk and you drove and ran through a red light and my side got slammed by a semi truck. While you got off with a few scratches and bruises, my leg was damaged to the point where all I experience is chronic pain all day long. If you hadn’t been drunk, I would’ve forgiven you, but seeing as you were drunk, it’s hard to forgive you.”
         “You’re letting it fester up inside of you. You need to see a shrink-,”
         “I do see a therapist, actually. And she told me that I don’t have to forgive the very person who made me a cripple,” Shelby said, tightening her grip on her cane. “And if you want to continue to do this, I’ll gladly have the authorities haul you off to jail, since you’re technically breaking the restraining order.”
         “You can’t do that!” Mary-Anne shouted.
         As Shelby opened her mouth to speak, she suddenly felt a shivering tingle run up the length of her spine and she glanced to the alley way that Mary-Anne was standing in front of. Shelby felt her danger senses going off and before anyone could stop her, she moved forwards quickly and pushed Mary-Anne out of the way of the alley way.
         And instead, took the hit as a vampire came out from the shadows.
         The vampire grabbed onto her arm and bit down into it, fangs piercing her flesh and causing her to cry out in pain. Walter and Anderson reacted quickly, with Anderson slicing the vampire’s head off of its shoulders and Walter pulling Shelby back from the scene.
         “Fuck-!” Shelby hissed, feeling rivulets of blood rolling down her arm.
         “What happened?!” Suzanna gasped, seeing the mark on her daughter’s arm.
         “I’ve been bit….by a vampire,” Shelby said quietly, glancing down at the wound in her arm.
         “So I won’t turn into a vampire?”
         “Not from the bite itself,” Walter replied, sitting next to Shelby on the couch as he cleaned her arm up.
         “Humans of the opposite sex can only be turned into vampires if they’re a virgin,” Alucard explained. “The bite itself doesn’t turn you, only if you’re drained of blood. Unless you’re not a virgin, then when your blood is drained, you become a ghoul.”
         “That’s good,” Shelby said softly.
         Shelby’s gaze went over to Mary-Anne, who looked awful and guilty. As the younger woman approached, the glare that Alucard gave her could have killed her if looks could kill.
         “Alucard, let her.” Shelby said.
         Alucard made a noise underneath his breath and took a step back, allowing Mary-Anne to approach Shelby.
         “Shelby, I’m…. I’m so sorry,” she said softly. “For everything I’ve caused you.”
         Shelby’s eyes softened and after a moment, she sighed softly. “Bub, you are my sister and I love you. I will always love you, but right now, I’m not in the right mental state to forgive you. I will listen to you, I will help you when you need it, but right now, I can’t forgive you. If you promise to not continuously ask me to forgive you, I will lift the restraining order.”
         Mary-Anne’s eyes widened with surprise, but after a moment she gave a nod of agreement. “I promise, sissy.”
         Shelby reached out with the arm that Walter didn’t have and wrapped it around her sister’s shoulders, hugging her gently. Mary-Anne seemed confused for a moment before she returned the hug, tightly. She had missed her hugs dearly.
         They parted after a few moments and Mary-Anne sat next to her mother.
         “Walter,” Shelby said, turning her attention to Walter. “Since a bite doesn’t turn humans, would it be safe for Alucard and Seras to feed from me directly?”
         “Feed?” Suzanna gawked.
         “Well, technically, yes.” Walter replied. “It would be safe, and they both have absolute control to not drain you dry, sir.”
         “Oh, I would never.” Alucard scoffed.
         “Wait wait, hold on.” Alan said, shaking his head. “Shelby, you can’t let two mon…..vampires feed from you. It’s not right!”
         “Perhaps not to you, but since it is my body, I can do whatever I wish with it.” Shelby replied. “Besides, virgin blood is much better for vampires than refrigerated blood.”
         “Even if she wasn’t a virgin,” Alucard spoke, red eyes gleaming. “Feeding from my own master is a privilege. It relays the trust between us.”
         “Even if I don’t agree with it,” Anderson spoke, accent lacing his voice thickly. “It’s not my place to interfere in what Sir Hellsing does with her body.”
         “I can promise you however, that I will be careful.” Shelby said, putting her arm down once Walter had finished wrapping it.
         “….you’re still a virgin?” Mary-Anne joked.
         Shelby shrugged. “Nothing wrong with it. Just not the right time.”
         Alan and Suzanna exchanged glances with each other before letting out soft sighs. “I mean, as long as you’re careful, sweetie.” Alan said softly. “But if you get hurt….”
         “I won’t,” she said, shaking her head. “I’ve got a whole security team, an awesome butler, two vampires and a powerful priest on my side. I think I’m going to be just fine.”
         It was about an hour later when Walter took her family back to the hotel, coming back about a half hour later. “It’s still early, sir. What would you like to do?” Walter asked.
         “I think I might go to my bedroom for the night. Respond to some emails on my laptop and just relax,” Shelby replied. “Alucard, can you grab my laptop and meet me in my room?”
         “Yes, master.” he cooed before vanishing through the wall.
         As Shelby went to make her way towards the stairs, she was startled when Anderson instead scooped her up into his large arms and Shelby was startled for a moment before she glanced at him. “What are you doing, Anderson?”
         “Yer leg doesn’t need the stress, sir.” he replied.
         “Hmph, very well.” Shelby said, letting herself relax in the priest’s hold. “Thank you for destroying that vampire today. Although if I hadn’t been quick enough to sense it, it would have bitten my sister instead.”
         “Yer senses are much more sensitive than I thought, sir.” he said.
         “Yeah, that comes with the Mediumship abilities.” She answered with a sigh. “I’m hypersensitive to things around me than the average person. It’s useful, but it’s kind of overwhelming sometimes.”
         “Do you think you may have some underlining psychic abilities?” he asked, glancing down at her slightly.
         “I don’t know, I’ve never really thought of it that way.” Shelby shrugged.
         When they arrived to her bedroom, Anderson pushed open the door with his elbow and walked inside, setting her on the edge of her bed. Alucard was sitting on the edge as well, giving a grin when Anderson met his gaze.
         “Thank you, Anderson. I should be good for now.” Shelby said.
         “Of course, sir.” he said, his green eyes meeting Alucard’s red ones for a moment before he left the room, shutting the door behind him.
         “Am I to understand that you two have come to an understanding?” Shelby asked, getting up so she could change into comfortable clothes.
         “In a way,” Alucard hummed.
         Shelby walked into her closet and changed out of her day clothes, tossing them into the dirty hamper by the door. She changed into a pair of simple black leggings and a tunic tank top, shutting the light off before she got comfortable on her bed. “Alucard, do you want to feed from me tonight?” she asked.
         “Only if my master allows it,” the vampire purred, scooting closer to her.
         Shelby nodded and grabbed a few tissues from her night stand and some bandages from the drawer. She placed them on the side of her before she held out her left arm to Alucard. “Just don’t make too much of a mess,”
         Alucard hummed, reaching out with a hand to grasp at her arm, just above the brace that kept her wrist and hand steady. He could see the veins beneath her skin, just waiting to be gulped from.
         “Gentle,” she said.
         Alucard let his sharp fangs rest just on her skin, waiting for a few brief moments before he sunk his fangs into her flesh. Shelby winced at the pain that lanced through her, but after a moment, the pain dulled into something much more soothing. A soft noise left her lips as her eyes fluttered close for the moment, a wave of light-headedness washing over her before fading. She finally opened her eyes once Alucard had retracted his fangs from her flesh, looking down at him as he lapped at her blood with his tongue.
         The sensation of the wet appendage gliding over the puncture wounds felt warm and soothing. Alucard sucked in the blood that came from them and she could tell he was being very careful about making sure not to take too much. Honestly, it wasn’t as bad as she thought it would be, since he was gentle about it.
         Alucard sucked one last time before he pulled his mouth away, lapping at the droplets of blood on his lips. A deep rumbling noise left him, reverberating deep within his chest.
         “Good?” she asked, cleaning up the wound and putting bandages around it.
         “Yes, master.” he cooed.
         He scooted closer to her and climbed up slightly until he was over her, before he laid across her torso with his face in the crook of her neck. Shelby shook her head with a soft smile, grabbing her laptop so she could start working on some emails.
         “Comfortable?” she asked.
         A purr was the answer she got.
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cmstars2 · 2 years
Symphony of Love chapter two
It was a few weeks later, and Manolo was serving food and drinks to the patrons of the Café Calavera. He sat down some plates of sweet treats, pre-made by Lewis, on the table. “So, that’s six Classy red cookies, and two Red Velvet cake milkshakes. Will that be all for you today?” Manolo asked the couple in front of him, fighting to ignore his envy of their love.
“No, this is everything we want.” The young male skeleton said. He picked up a cookie and fed it to his girlfriend, who giggled and then did the same for him. Manolo walked over and went over to Manny, letting his smile fall.
“They’re so in love it hurts to look at them…” Manolo said softly.
Manny looked at Manolo with a hint of pity in his eyes. “Sorry about that pal… Uh, so… Lewis spent the day with you yesterday, right? What did the two of you do?” Manny asked him to try and change the subject to take Manolo’s mind off of his pain.
Manolo smiled a bit. “Well, he helped me clean up my apartment, dragged him to the store, baked treats for me, and… We cuddled for a bit.” Manolo blushed a bit at the last bit as he remembered yesterday. Manolo rolled his eyes when he heard Jack gasp softly.
“So are you and Lewis-” Before Jack can finish, Manolo interrupted.
“No, we’re not dating. We just… Enjoyed some shared time together.” Manolo defented.
“Sounds like a date to me~” Jack sing-songed. Manolo rolled his eyes a bit.
“It wasn’t a date. Besides, why would he even want to date me? He’s so… Sweet, and adorable. He deserves someone full of love… Not me.” Manolo said, his voice becoming sadder and quieter as he spoke.He lightly hugged himself, knowing he had gained some trust issues and a bit of a temper after being murdered by the one he once loved with all his heart. Manny and Jack looked at each other, silently talking to each other about how to help Manolo.
“Manolo, I… Understand your heart still hurts from what Maria did to you, but… Maybe Lewis can help with that. Having a bit of a temper and some trust problems doesn’t make you a bad person.” Jack patted his shoulder, causing the younger skeleton to sigh.
“If you say so Jack…” Manolo muttered softly. He remembered when he first came to the land of the dead, how he would drink, cry, and then fight with random people.
Manolo hiccuped softly as he took another swig of the whole bottle of tequila. He slammed it down on the table and sobbed. “She killed me! I gave that woman years of my life, I tried so hard! I-I was even gonna FORGIVE her for cheating on me! B-but she just killed me!” He began to sob again, when he felt someone touch his shoulder. He turned around and decked him in the face. “Don’t touch me!”
He sighed and rubbed his face to shake off the drunken memory of starting a bar fight here… Again. He sighed and watched Lewis go around taking orders with a warm smile in his eyes. Manolo developed a soft smile as he watched him.
Lewis saw him watching him. He turned to Manolo and waved a bit. He then got back to work, walking over to a dirty table and cleaning it. Manolo watched him with a soft blush, watching as he bent over to better reach the other side of the table. Manolo licked his boney lips as he stared at Lewis’s shapely ass. “His figure is great! Nice wide hips, broad shoulders and chest, strong body… Not to mention is sweet, gentle, but no bullshit taking personality, I can’t help but wonder what he would be like in bed under someone…” Manolo chuckled softly as he imagined it.
“Well Manolo, I sure boner what you’re thinking about! Yohohoho!~” Brook punned softly as he stared at Manolo, who glanced down and blushed brightly at the sight of his own hard-on.
“I’m going on break…” Manolo walked away to the break room, and shut and locked the door behind himself. “Why here, of all times?! Ok, just, calm down… Ice, I need ice.” Manolo walked over to the fridge, opened it, and took some ice. He stuffed it in his pants. “GAH!!” Manolo waited for a while, and felt his boner die. He took out what ice hadn’t melted, and put it in the sink. He sighed, took off his pants and boxers, and stuffed them in the dryer. He turned it on and waited for a while. He picked up his guitar to both hide his shame and entertain himself. He hummed along as he strummed a few random melodies as they popped into his head until his pants and boxers were dry. After about fifteen minutes, he pulled them out and put them back on. He sighed and rubbed the back of his head. “I won’t live that down for a while…” He looked at the time and saw it was about time for his afternoon show. He sighed, and grabbed his guitar. He left the break room and went to the stage. He sat down on his stool with his guitar, and looked out at all the people in the room and smiled. He began to play a soft love song, and smiled at everyone.
Wise men say only fools rush in But I can't help falling in love with you
Manolo looked over at Lewis and saw him watching, blushing softly at the light shining in his glowing pink eyes.
Oh, shall I stay? Would it be a sin Oh, if I can't help falling in love with you?
Memories of the day before flashed in Manolo’s mind, making him smile a bit as he thought of Lewis.
Like a river flows Surely to the sea Darling, so it goes Some things are meant to be He looked over at the young couple he served not too long ago. He watched as they held each other in a love filled embrace and he looked down at his guitar.
Take my hand, take my whole life too Oh, for I can't help falling in love with you
A memory of Maria standing over him with a knife, the pain he felt in that moment, hit his heart… But then another memory flashes before his mind's eye, and he sees an image of Lewis in a cute and frilly pink apron stirring up some brownie mix.
Oh, like a river flows Surely to the sea Darling, so it goes Some things are meant to be
Manolo blushes a bit more when it dawns on him that he’s definitely having deeper feelings for Lewis than just friendship, and can’t help the smile that lands on his face at the idea.
Oh, take my hand, take my whole life too For I can't help falling in love with you Oh, ooh, oh, for I, I can't help falling in love with you
Sadness hits his heart as he realizes Lewis likely doesn’t feel the same and probably still loves Vivi, and sighs as he finishes the song. He stands up and smiles at the crowd. “¡Muchos gracias! Esta canción fue para todos los amantes que veo aquí esta noche, ¡espero que se sientan felices el uno con el otro por toda la eternidad!” Manolo got off stage with a sad smile.
“Manolo, that was amazing! You always sing so great!” Lewis praised him, a warm smile shining brightly in his glowing pink eyes.
Manolo smiled softly at Lewis. “Thank you Lewis… I’m sure you sing well too.” He said softly, causing Lewis to blush softly.
“I guess, but… Well, I only sing for special people…” Lewis said softly, looking away from Manolo. He shook his head softly. “Come on, let me make you something.” He led Manolo to a table and sat him down. He left, and came back with a plate of cookie sandwiches. He put it down in front of Manolo. “They’re the same cookies I made yesterday.” He then put down an ice cold soda. Lewis smiled at Manolo with his eyes, and then walked away.
Manolo watched him leave and smiled. “Yeah, I’m definitely in love again…” He muttered softly as he watched Lewis attend another table.
“Are you sure you’re in love with him?” Someone asked him, Manolo turned around and chuckled, seeing that it was Joaquin.
“Yes, I’m sure. He’s… Different. What I feel for him from what I felt with Maria is different. With Maria, it was hot and burning, but with Lewis, it’s… Warm, but passionate. He’s… Precious, to me.” Manolo explained to his oldest friend, watching as he took a cookie from the plate.
“Well, he’s hot. You should make a move before someone else does.” Joaquin warned him. He rolled his eyes good naturedly when Manolo shot him a light glare.
“I doubt it, something tells me Lewis doesn’t give his heart, let alone his body, to anyone easily… Also, I can’t just ‘Make a move’ on him, as you said… I have to earn it, make sure he feels completely safe around me, and ask him gently. I don’t wanna speed things along like I did with Maria…” Manolo explained softly as he watched Lewis clean up another table whose tenets left.
Joaquin nodded in understanding. “Yeah, take it slow, but not too slow or else he might lose interest in you, assuming he has any… Maybe take him somewhere nice to hang out? You know, like a date, but not exactly.”  
Manolo hummed softly. “Maybe… But what if he thinks it’s a date and he leaves?”
Joaquin shrugged as he munched on a cookie. “Beg him to stay?” He said through a mouth full of cookies, making Manolo sigh.
“That’s… Alright, I’ll give it a try.” Manolo stopped himself from being rude. He took a cookie and began to eat it quietly. He looked around, and saw people talking, eating, and drinking with smiles. It made him smile softly at the sight of all the joy. He continued to eat his cookie, when Lewis placed a cup near Joaquin.
“Hello again! I’ve seen you around here a lot, but I don’t think I’ve ever gotten your name. May I know what it is?” Lewis asked him gently.
Joaquin smirked. “My name is Joaquin, but you can call me the man of your dreams~” He shot Lewis a wink.
Lewis laughed softly. “Well Joaquin, you’re quite forward, but… I don’t think you’re quite the person I dream of…” He poured Joaquin some water. “Manolo, do you need a refill of anything?” Lewis asked Manolo softly, a barely noticeable blush dusting his cheekbones.
Manolo stopped glaring at Joaquin to turn his attention to Lewis. “No thank you.” He smiled at Lewis warmly, a few loose strands of his hair framing his boney face.
Lewis smiled gently at him with his eyes. “That’s good. Call me over if you need anything.” He walked away, letting his hips sway a bit more than usual.
Manolo watched Lewis walk away until he heard Joaquin chuckle. “Manolo, he likes you. He would have at least blushed when I flirted with him.” He said as he took a sip of water.
Manolo shook his head. “No, he… Was most likely referring to the woman he loves, Vivi. He's still in love with her from what I know…” He said softly as he watched Lewis serve another couple.
Joaquin chuckled. “If you think so…” He ate another cookie, and then got up. “I’m going over to the bar to drink, see you later.” Joaquin walked away and sat down at the bar.
Manolo looked at him and sighed softly, glad his friendship lasted as long as it has. He felt guilt eat at his heart as he remembered how he used to hook up with Joaquin, only to break it off when Joaquin wanted something more…
Manolo was holding Joaquin closely in his arms, humming softly in the warmth of the afterglow. “...Hey, Manolo?” Joaquin softly softly, causing Manolo to open his eyes and smile warmly at him.
“Yes, Joaquin?” He gently ran his hand through Joaquin’s hair to soothe him.
“I… I want to be more than this. I want to go on dates and stuff, like a real couple…” Joaquin confessed softly as he blushed.
Manolo sat up in the bed, and looked down at Joaquin. “I… I’m sorry, but… I don’t feel that way about you Joaquin, you’re important to me, but… I don’t feel any romantic feelings towards you…” He gently reminded him. Joaquin sighed and turned away from him.
“...Get out of my apartment.” He ordered Manolo softly, trying to fight back his tears.
Manolo gently kissed his cheek. “Come on, we should try and talk about thi-” He was cut off when he was slapped hard by Joaquin. He looked down at his friend in shock.
“I SAID GET OUT!!” Joaquin shouted at him, his orange eyes filled with unshed tears. Manolo scoffed.
“Fine, I’ll get out. But understand this, we are no longer doing this. No more hookups, no more quickes when we hangout, and no more making out when one of us feels frisky. Call me later…” Manolo got out of the bed and put on his clothes, he stormed out of the apartment, slamming the door shut in his rage, ignoring the brokenhearted sobs…
He sighed and rubbed his cheek, remembering how he ignored Joaquin crying. He shook himself out of the more painful memories, and went back to his plate of cookies and ate them quietly. He munched on them as he thought about places to take Lewis. “He likes baking, right? Maybe an old fashioned bakery with me paying for everything would be nice… And maybe walking over to that park he sometimes goes to… Wait, what about taking him on a picnic? No, that definitely sounds way too much like a date… Yeah, just going to the bakery and then the park should be enough…” His thoughts were interrupted by a commotion. He turned his head in confusion.
Lewis had punched someone. The skeleton on the ground was a few inches shorter than Manolo himself, had small green irises, his bones were completely white, and like some of them, had a mouth that had teeth inside. He had shaggy brown hair that was greasy, and was wearing a light tan hoodie with jeans. “Don’t grab my ass!” Lewis shouted at him. The guy groaned and sat up.
“Fuck man, maybe you shouldn’t have gotten a  butt job if you didn’t want to be grobed! Plastic ass bitch…” The skeleton grumbled as Lewis crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.
“I’m not plastic. Everything on my body is completely natural. Now I suggest you get out of here before I beat the crap out of you.” Lewis told him coldly. He pointed at the door as he glared at him. The skeleton walked out the door, passing by Manolo.
“What a fucking bitch…” Manolo reached his leg out and tripped him when he heard what he said. He stood up and glared down at him.
“Would you like to say that again?” He asked him, his orange eyes glowing in a menacing way.
“N-no! I-I’m sorry man!” The green eyed skeleton said as he rattled with fear. Manolo rolled his eyes and pointed to the door.
“If I ever see you in here again, I’m going to hurt you. Now go.” He commanded, and couldn’t help the chuckle as he watched him run out the door like a scared cat. Manolo sat down and went back to eating his cookies. He watched as everything went back to normal, and it made him smile a bit. He leaned back in his chair, and ate his cookies in peace, his drink being refilled by Lewis every now and again. Manolo soon finished his treats and drink, and took it all to the kitchen. He hummed softly as he washed the dishes, taking care to make sure each dish was cleaned properly. He smiled as one of the deadbeats floated over to him. He chuckled as the little thing perched on his head.
“Well hello there, enjoying the view?” Manolo asked the small ghost-like creature.
“Purr” Came the soft reply as he felt it nuzzle into his hair. Manolo chuckled softly. He fed the little thing a tiny treat with a warm smile. “You sure are cute…”
Manolo continued to clean dishes, and once down, dried them, and put them away. He then went back out, and began to take orders. As he fell into the motions, he lost track of time, and soon, it was time to close. Manolo hung up his apron and picked up his guitar. He looked at Lewis and chuckled. “Do you wear anything other than suits?” He asked him softly with mirth in his eyes.
Lewis nodded. “I do, actually… I could wear another outfit I have tomorrow if you wanna see it?” Lewis offered him gently.
Manolo blushed a bit and nodded. “Actually, yeah, it would be nice to see you in something a little more casual.”
Lewis smiled at him with his eyes. “Alright, something other than a suit is what I’ll wear tomorrow.” Lewis walked over to the front door, and held it open for Manolo. Manolo walked through with a smile. Lewis closed and locked the door, and then they both walked down the path that takes them out of the strange land that Manny made a long time ago. “Do you know how Manny connected whatever this place is to all other planes of well… Death?” Lewis asked Manolo softly, knowing very well Manny would never give him a straight answer.
Manolo hummed softly and shrugged. “All I know for sure is that Manny is pretty much a reaper and has a lot of power. That’s pretty much it.” Manolo explained. They soon arrived at a fork in the road, one path covered in marigolds leading to the land of the remembered, and another path that was of a gray mist with dead ground under it. Manolo turned to Lewis with a smile. “Well, we part ways here. Um… Say, this weekend, on our days off, if you’re not busy… I know this nice bakery, and I was wondering if maybe you want to go with me? Everything is on me, of course.” Manolo asked Lewis softly.
Lewis blushed a bit and smiled with his eyes. “I would love to go! I’ll make sure to wear something nice for it.” He hugged Manolo, something they started doing when Lewis first came to this realm. “See you tomorrow.” He pulled away and walked down the path that leads to his home.
Manolo sighed and walked down the path of marigolds quietly, hoping that the weekend comes soon.
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casspurrjoybell-29 · 10 months
Healing Ties - Chapter 42 - Part 1
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*Warning Adult Content*
Yore woke up with Fanner laying so close he was almost pressed up against him.
He was still asleep, so Yore was careful not to wake him as he got up.
"You're awake already?" Duran asked.
He'd been sitting against the side of the cave, watching them sleep.
"There's something I need to do. Can you stay here with Fanner?"
"Sure. I promised I'd keep an eye on him while he sleeps, so I'm not moving until he wakes up."
"Thank you. I won't be far."
Yore wandered down the bank of the creek and as expected, he didn't have to go far to find Cookie.
He picked up a snail and handed it to her when he got close.
"So," Yore said as Cookie shoved her entire fist in her mouth, completely unnecessarily, in order to eat the snail.
"If I'm right and I think I am, you already know what I'm thinking."
Cookie flopped down in the middle of the creek, letting the shallow water just barely push her along as her body brushed against the pebbly bottom.
"Maybe I'm wrong but I don't think I am," Yore said.
"Fanner saw an apparition that led him straight to you, which on its own isn't much but Kit said a couple of things in that dream that turned an inkling into a strong suspicion. They said that their intention in appearing to Fanner was to help a friend, which is an odd thing to say if they had never met Fanner before helping him. And then they said that, contrary to popular belief, they never meant to scare anyone. I seem to recall those dwarves telling us that you fed off of fear, which I don't think is actually the case. You've spent quite a lot of time today eating snails and while I don't always know why you do the things you do, I don't think you're doing that just for fun."
Cookie let her mouth hang open further and gave no response.
Yore sighed.
"I want to be a good friend to you because you've been a good friend to us but it's hard to know what you want. Do you want me to forget what I've figured out, never tell Fanner and let you just be Cookie from now on? Maybe. You're acting like it. But... I don't know. I don't want to make assumptions when I know so little about you."
Cookie hauled herself up, strode to the bank, and picked up a long stick.
She prodded Yore with it.
"Ow," Yore said, though it hadn't hurt.
When Yore didn't move, she prodded him again.
Yore started walking back towards the cave, earning himself another prod when he turned to look back at her in confusion.
She continued slowly pursuing him with the stick until they reached the cave.
"What's she doing?" Duran asked.
"I think she's telling me to go back to bed."
"Fair point, honestly."
An involuntary yawn escaped Yore's mouth.
"I do need to rest."
"Get some sleep, buddy. I'll keep watch."
"Hmm," Yore said as he laid back down beside Fanner.
Yore had half expected Cookie to use the opportunity to unleash Kit on him and have a proper conversation but when he drifted off, he fell into a much needed deep and dreamless sleep.
The sun was setting when Fanner woke up. Yore was still asleep and Duran was still sitting, watching him.
"Good evening," Duran said when he saw Fanner stir.
"Good evening," Duran said when he saw Fanner stir.
"Sorry," Fanner said as he sat up, careful not to disrupt Yore.
"I made you sit and watch me, didn't I? I didn't expect to be asleep for hours."
"It's okay. It's probably better that I just stay put anyway."
"Yore's still asleep?"
"He woke up briefly not too long after you went to sleep but Cookie made him go back to bed."
Fanner laughed.
"Wow. I've never seen her do anything like that before."
"She prodded him with a stick. It was hilarious."
"Is she still around?"
"I don't know, actually. I haven't seen her since then."
Fanner frowned.
"Well, hopefully she comes back. She often wanders off."
"Hopefully. Did your dream ghost show up?"
"They did. They even brought Yore into my dream. They didn't really tell me much, if I'm honest but I don't think I'm worried about them being anything dangerous anymore. I think they were just doing what they could to try to help me. Though... I don't really know why? Why me?"
Duran leant his head back against the dirt wall of the cave.
"How did I get this deep into this much craziness this fast?"
"I don't know. I haven't been out here for much over a week myself."
Duran rolled his head back down to look at Fanner.
"The weird part is, I don't even hate it. I like a challenge, experiencing new things and I've spent most of my time alone in a small room for over a year now. This isn't bad, it's just a bit of a shock to the system. I mean, I did see several corpses earlier and now you're friends with a ghost, so. You understand."
"I know. Believe me. It's been a lot for me too. I'm just grateful that Yore was the one who found me. He's made everything so much easier."
"He's a good man. I'm glad those exist. I wish more of them were human. I mean, I'd be happy to simply abandon the human race and never look back but I do like a good sexual high."
Yore rolled over onto his back and cracked open his eyes as he stretched out.
"There are good humans, too."
"Hey, you better not have been eavesdropping on us saying what a good person you are," Duran scolded.
Yore smiled sleepily.
"Sorry. We have a few good humans with us, though."
"How many of them are single and attracted to men?"
"Hmm... Hamish is and Tris and Roope aren't single but they are in an open relationship."
Yore sat up and winced as he stretched out his back.
"Though Hamish has a rule against having sex with ex-Companions and Tris and Roope may follow his lead on that one."
"Maybe you can convince them, depending on what you want out of the situation. I think Hamish is just worried about the emotional side of things because he doesn't do commitment."
He glanced at Fanner.
"Most ex-Companions want commitment."
"Hmm. I bet I can bring him around. I'm a master of emotional detachment."
"Well, we'll be heading in the same direction they are, so hopefully you can meet them soon. How do you two feel about travelling at night?"
"We can make mage-light, so the darkness isn't too big of an issue," Fanner said.
"What about you, though? Have you recovered enough to start moving again?"
"I won't claim to be back up to one hundred percent already after losing half my blood just hours ago but you did a good job of healing me and werewolves are resilient. Maybe I shouldn't be travelling right now but it won't kill me and that's about the best we can ask for right now."
"Eat some food at least," Duran said as he retrieved his bag.
"There are some apples, some bread that's pretty smooshed because everyone's been using this bag as a pillow and some dried dates."
"I'll have a bit but I'll also stay on the alert for hunting and foraging opportunities while we walk," Yore said.
"You did a fantastic job in getting that food but we'll be walking for a few days, so we'll need to find more."
As Duran tore the bread up into portions, Yore walked over and sat down next to Fanner.
He leant back slightly, arm held out and Fanner got the message and shuffled in close against his side.
As Yore's arm wrapped around him, Fanner let out a sigh of relief.
He had been really worried that at least part of what he'd experienced had just been a dream.
Like maybe the part with Kit had been real but then his mind had drifted off into fantasy and made up Yore saying he wanted to be boyfriends.
That was why Fanner had asked Yore to hug him at the end of their shared dream.
Yes, he had wanted a hug but mostly he had wanted a way to be sure they had really had that conversation without having to ask.
He felt fairly confident that Yore wouldn't have offered him a hug like that completely unprompted, especially not when he was naked.
"Ready to go?" Yore asked when they were done eating.
"Give me one moment," Duran said as he dug through his bag.
"I want to change into some pants before we head out again. Robes aren't the best hiking clothes."
"Sure, go ahead. I'll wait outside."
While Yore headed outside, Fanner made sure the bag was neatly packed, including the robe Duran had been wearing after he took it off.
Duran turned and Fanner got a look at his back, covered in deep scars that criss-crossed over one another.
Had he been lashed?
Fanner averted his gaze and swallowed around a lump in his throat.
He would fix those if Duran would let him.
He couldn't change the past but he could get rid of the physical reminders of it.
Duran finished buttoning up his shirt and then clapped his palms against the sides of his thighs.
Despite everything, the smile he offered Fanner looked genuine.
"Ready for another adventure?"
"I guess so. You seem more enthusiastic than you were earlier."
"I had a long time to sit and process everything I've experienced. I understand none of it any more than I did before but I've found peace with that. Everything may be unpredictable and dangerous out here but I feel like at least that's balanced out by mysterious forces working equally hard to help us. Maybe I don't understand how a cat can magically teleport us or why our captors very conveniently decided to shoot one another but those things happened and now things are back to being fine. It doesn't matter that I don't understand because for once in my life, I feel like I matter."
"You always mattered to me," Fanner murmured.
Duran's expression softened.
"I know. You mattered to me too. You still do, very much. That's not what I meant, though. That emotional support we gave one another meant so much to me but it could never change anything. It didn't have the right power. Now I feel like... I don't know. Like the universe itself is finally on my side."
"I know what you mean. I felt so alone for so long, like nobody would ever care about me. Or... at least not anybody who wasn't in a similar position to me, like you and Danya and I thought Danya was dead and I wouldn't see you again anyway. And now I'm out here and it feels like almost everyone I encounter wants to help me. Even people who maybe don't like me so much seem like they're open to talking to me and changing their minds. And it's not even just that humans were bad and these aren't humans so it's different. I've met humans out here and they were kind too. It's just... a whole different world."
"There's all kinds of crazy magic out here and the most shocking thing is just... not being treated like I'm worthless. Even those weird little people who I didn't get the impression cared about me all that much still talked to me like I was just another person."
"That's just how everyone is here. I haven't encountered anyone who I felt was really looking down on me. I was briefly kidnapped but even that was mostly cordial."
Duran made a face and shook his head but he was smiling.
"That sounds like quite a story. Come on. You can tell me while we walk to wherever it is we're going."
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wildxlily · 2 years
Christmas at Home
They got back home after a short drive and Harry parked before grabbing their bags from the back of the car. “Have to feed Finny once we get inside too.”
  Lily helped Harry since they came home with a good amount of bags and then closed the trunk for him. Then she walked with him up to the door and held her hand out for the keys. “He’s probably starving. He’ll be hungry meowing at us the second we step inside,” she laughed softly.
 “Angry little man,” Harry smiled, handing the keys over. Just as they expected, Finn was jumping off the couch once the door was opened to greet them with a loud meow and pacing around their feet. Harry stepped inside after Lily and slipped off his shoes first. “One second, Finny, then we’ll feed you.”
  Lily laughed when Finn did just as they predicted. He really could be quite vocal. She quickly kicked off her shoes by the door and then went to set the presents she had in her hands by the tree for now. “Come on, Finn. Let’s go eat,” she called as she headed to the kitchen, the kitten right on her heels, still meowing away.
  Harry set the rest of the bags down by the tree while Lily went to feed Finn. He was a little tired after a very busy day but was glad to finally have the night to themselves. Spending time on the holidays just the two of them was always special. He made himself comfortable while he waited for Lily, hanging up his keys and trying to get warm again after being out in the cold.
  Lily fed the kitten and then happily retired to the living room, plopping down onto the couch next to Harry. She snagged the blanket from the back of the couch, but didn’t put it over them just yet. “Present time?” she asked, tilting her head back to look up at him.
  Harry sat up beside Lily and turned his body slightly to look down at her. He automatically smiled a bit while raising his hand to brush her hair back slowly. “Sure,” he agreed, “You get to pick one of yours first.”
  After today, even the smallest touches from Harry had Lily swooning, so it took some serious self-motivation to get her up. “I’ll just bring all of our gifts over by the couch so we don’t have to keep getting up and we can stay bundled in the blanket.” It took her a few short trips from the tree to the couch, but that’s because she didn’t want to accidentally drop anything. Then she sat back down and threw the blanket over their laps. “Okay, ummm…how about this one?” She decided on one in golden wrapping paper.
  “Sure, lovey.” Harry smiled, looking at the gift she picked up. “Umm,” he looked at the gift bags he had for Lily and picked one out before placing that in front of her as well, “This goes with that one.” The bathtub tray he got her was in the wrapping paper, and inside the gift bag was a bottle of her favorite wine, a couple small candles that he knew she liked the scent of, along with some bath bombs and bubble bath liquid. He knew how much she liked her baths and she even got him hooked, too; he thought maybe those gifts would make her baths even more enjoyable.
  Lily paused as Harry looked over the gifts and eyed him suspiciously. “Okay….” She couldn’t help the grin that tugged on the corner of her lips. Then she was ripping the paper back, her eyes widening when she saw what it was. “Oh my gosh! I always see these and think it would be so handy!” After carefully setting it to the side, she reached for the other bag. “Oh, love. You are absolutely spoiling me,” she giggled. Of course, she had to open the candles and smell them. Harry knew her very well; that much was obvious. “You’re going to enjoy these things with me, right?”
  Harry sat back to watch Lily open the presents, warming his hands underneath the blanket that they were sharing. The more holidays they shared together, the more difficult it was to find something for Lily that was special and he hadn’t gotten for her before, so he smiled seeing her reaction. “I would love to,” he answered with a grin, “You’ve got me loving baths almost as much as you do.”
  Lily looked back at the tray, trying to judge the size. “Maybe we can even stick one of our laptops on it and watch a movie while we soak,” she offered up as an idea.
  “Yeah, I think it would be big enough for that.” Harry nodded with a smile. Relaxing in the bath with Lily and a movie sounded really good. “We’ll definitely have to try it, babes.”
  Since Harry had his hands tucked under the blanket, Lily took it upon herself to grab a gift for him. She picked up a box that held a pair of brown boots in it. She’d seen them when out Christmas shopping with her mum and knew Harry would be able to rock them. They were a bit more on the dressier side and Lily thought they’d look great with some of his outfits he wore on their dates or to events.
  “Thanks so much, lovey.” Harry told Lily when she handed him a gift and he began to unwrap it. He took the lid off the box and immediately his face lit up seeing the boots inside. “Babe, these are so nice!” He said and took one out of the box to get a closer look, “I absolutely love them, darling. I’m gonna look so cool now when I take my lovey out on dates.”
  “I hope they fit. You know how shoes are,” Lily waved her hand. “But I saw them and they just screamed you.” Not everyone could pull off certain looks like Harry, but he did it with confidence. Which of course Lily found extremely hot.
  Harry nodded and moved the box out of the way so he could bend down and slip the boot onto his foot. He stood up and took a few steps and then wiggled his foot around a bit too, clearly showing off his new shoes that he loved. “Absolutely perfect, darling. Thank you so much,” he grinned before setting another gift next to Lily that was slim but much larger and much more difficult to wrap than the last present.
  Lily sat back to watch him, smiling at his little pose even if Harry didn’t realize he did it. “Called it. I knew you’d look good in them,” she grinned. Her brows furrowed, though, at the next gift and she eyed Harry curiously. “What on earth, babes?”
  Harry smiled big at Lily and then returned to his seat next to her to take the boot off. “Umm…yeah, I don’t know, sorry if it’s not much of a present.” He laughed a little, “I hope you like it.” He had one of their favorite engagement pictures, which they had gotten done with a photographer a few months prior, printed and put in a nice frame to hang it wherever Lily wanted.
  His hesitancy just made her more confused, so she didn’t waste any more time and began to unwrap it. She paused whenever she pulled enough paper away to see their faces, gasping softly. “Babes…” she breathed. She carefully pulled away the rest and then held out the frame so she could see the picture. Having it on their phones or seeing it on a computer was one thing, but having it blown up some and in a frame was another. “And you picked my favorite one!” The love and excitement was evident on their faces and they were obviously in their own world where only the two of them existed; as was normal for most of their day.
  Harry was relieved when Lily was excited opening it. He loved the picture; he knew Lily loved the picture. He was just a bit nervous hoping she’d like it as a gift. “Of course! One of my favorites too,” he grinned and rested his hand against her back before rubbing it slowly, “We can put it wherever you want, love.”
  “Oh gosh. You can’t give me a decision like that,” Lily laughed with a shake of her head. She tore her gaze away from the picture to look around the living room, trying to imagine where the picture may look best. Or maybe even if it would be better in the bedroom.
  Harry laughed and gave a glance around the room as well before refocusing back on Lily. “Good thing we don’t have to decide tonight, yeah? We have time,” he smiled and leaned in to kiss her cheek.
  “You might look up from your laptop every night and realize I’ve moved it somewhere new,” Lily giggled before sneaking a quick kiss. “Thank you, baby.” The gift that she handed him next, she had to slide across the floor towards him and pray that the paper didn’t rip. Inside were new gloves for him to wear to the gym, a blender bottle, and even some weights and bands for him to use at home if going to the gym wasn’t a possibility.
  “I’ll have to find it in it’s different spot every day,” Harry laughed softly and returned the kiss. “What in the world is so heavy in there?” He smiled and helped her slide it closer. He began to open it, first the gloves and bottle, then the equipment that he could keep at the apartment. “Lily, holy shit, that’s a lot of stuff. How did you know I needed new gloves and a bottle?” He grinned, the excitement clear on his face. He loved his gym time; Lily knew that well. “And I will definitely be using these weights and things here once classes start up again and I don’t have much time to go to the gym,” he nodded, “Thank you so much. It’s perfect.”
  Lily smiled innocently, “I may or may not have popped by the gym and talked to your friend at the front to see what you typically used or what would be good ideas. So, he shared all the good brands.” She gestured to the bands, “And I thought maybe those would be something I could manage, if you wanted to show me how.” Working out together had obviously been a turn on for each other and it would be much easier if they were already at home.
  Harry’s eyes went wide as Lily explained and he was sure his smile couldn’t get any bigger. “You went to my gym? How did I not know?” He laughed and then glanced at the bands, nodding. “Of course, babe, yeah. I’d be happy to show you around all this,” he grinned, shaking his head in disbelief, “Wow, my darling, you are sneaky.”
  “I just stopped by whenever I was out running errands while you were working,” Lily explained. She loved how excited Harry got about the gym, even more so about her working out with him. It was absolutely adorable.
  “Unbelievable,” he teased with a smile, “I cannot wait to use those, though. Especially with you.” He had a few more gifts for Lily to open including a bracelet, a sweatshirt that was also like a really fuzzy blanket to keep her warm, and some of her favorite coffees for at home as well as a new travel mug for work, among a couple other smaller things.
  Lily continued to open gifts back and forth with Harry, having gotten him a new watch, fuzzy socks and insanely soft joggers to keep him warm, and some other random things he’d said in passing that he liked or wanted. But there was one last gift she had for him in a small gift bag. She bit her lip to keep her grin from getting too big as she passed him the bag, a pair of black, silk boxer shorts inside. Really it was a gift for her, too.
  It was obvious that they loved to spoil each other. Harry really loved every present that he got from Lily and thought they had finished until she was handing him another bag all while biting back a grin. “I don’t know about that look on your face,” he teased with a smile and began to pull the boxers out of the bag. Apparently, Lily was really, really good at shocking him that day. “They’re silky!” He grinned, brows raised as he looked between the boxer shorts and Lily. “Oh, baby. You’re in for a ride. I’m gonna be wearing these twenty-four seven.”
  Lily was pleasantly surprised by Harry’s reaction, not expecting him to be so excited. “Finally found some lingerie for you,” she grinned. “I chose black since we both love it so much. We can totally get more, though, if you really end up liking them.”
  Harry smiled looking at the boxers and had a fun time just feeling the material. He never really had anything other than his typical boxers or briefs. “Oh, babes, we can match,” he realized and held the boxers out to her to feel, even though she must have before, “I’m gonna be so silky.”
  Lily raised her brows at him, many many thoughts coming to her mind with his words. She still reached out and ran her fingers over the fabric even though she’d done it when first picking them out. “I wasn’t expecting you to be this excited,” she smiled.
  Harry smiled watching Lily and then sat back, resting his arm along the couch. “I will try anything, you know me.” He was very excited. Lily always looked amazing, especially in her lingerie sets that he loved, and he often wished he could do something more for her.
  Lily rested her shoulder against the back of the couch so she was facing Harry. “May have to try ‘em out tonight, then.” She’d be lying if she said the boxers weren’t for her pleasure as well.
  Harry’s eyes remained on Lily and he smiled, slowly leaning closer to give her a few kisses. “Maybe I’ll have to give you a fashion show like you do for me,” he pulled away to laugh.
  Lily stayed where she was and happily returned the kisses. “Oh, I would absolutely love a fashion show. Even if it is just one piece,” she grinned at him, completely serious.
  “Oh no, what have I gotten myself into?” Harry laughed, his arms loosely crossed over his chest as he held his boxers in one hand. He knew she was serious, too. “A fashion show right now?”
  Lily shrugged. “Doesn’t have to be now,” she answered honestly. “It could seriously just be you walking from the bathroom to our bed and I’d be content.”
  Harry smiled and lifted his free hand to brush some of Lily’s hair behind her ear. “Okay. I can do that,” he promised, gaze on her own.
  Lily leaned into his touch before she was distracted by Finn playing with some of the wrapping paper. He batted at it with his hands, clearly enjoying the sound. “See? We didn’t even need to get him gifts,” she teased. “Think we can take them all back to the store without him noticing?”
  Harry looked down at Finn and shook his head but with a smile. “I think so. Could’ve just gotten him a pack of tissue paper,” he chuckled, “He’s really gonna like that blanket I think, once he gets used to it.”
  “Oh yeah, he’ll love it when we go to bed and he has his own blankie.” They just needed to remember to take it with them. At the moment there were gifts scattered everywhere but that was something for future Lily to worry about. Right now, she just wanted to be close to Harry, so she happily snuggled into his chest.
  Harry held Lily close by wrapping his arm around her shoulders. He looked down at her with a soft smile, kissing the top of her head, while Finn continued to make noise with the paper in the background. “Thank you for another amazing Christmas,” he grinned and leaned in for a kiss.
  Lily nuzzled his neck in response to his kisses and then smiled up at him. “First and last Christmas engaged,” she got out before his lips were on hers. Which is really all she’d wanted all night, so she happily returned it and reached up to cup his jaw.
  Harry shifted how he held Lily so that both of his arms were around her waist. He very much missed her kisses after being able to sneak only a few throughout the day. He smiled into the kiss, giving her a few lingering ones, “Can you believe that? Married by next Christmas…”
  Lily’s heart did a flip in her chest at that. “I’m going to focus on the exciting part of that and not the stress of finding a dress and all the other things we need to get done,” she giggled. She just pressed her lips harder to his, wanting to forget all that and just focus on the gorgeous man in front of her.
  “Good idea,” Harry laughed softly against her lips before he was kissing her again. They both were eager after a long day of going without this kind of touch, so each kiss was already deepening a bit more than the last, Harry bringing a hand up to cup the side of her face.
  Lily leaned into Harry, trying to get as close as she could despite them being fairly tangled up in the blanket. It had been a long day with minimal touches and very few kisses according to their standards. Even at work, they were able to sneak in more.
  Harry’s grip returned to her waist and he pulled her into his lap to get as close as they could at the moment, keeping the blanket wrapped around Lily at least for now. His hands went to her back to press her against him, their lips remaining connected all throughout.
  Lily wasn’t the most graceful when she moved into Harry’s lap, too desperate to care. She was definitely getting hot, though, between her dress, sweater, and the blanket. She pulled away and instantly reached down for the hem. “Just a second, babes. I’m dying.” She pulled it over her head and tossed it onto the other end of the couch, not caring if her hair was a staticky mess.
  Harry pulled away when Lily did, watching as she pulled the sweater off over her head. He didn’t realize how many layers Lily had on until just then. “Better?” he smiled, combing back her hair as he attached his lips to her jaw.
  “A little. I’m sure I’ll need the rest to go soon,” Lily breathed, tilting her head to the side for him. Meanwhile her hands were slipping between them to slide under his sweater and feel his bare skin. Hopefully her hands weren’t cold anymore.
  “I have no problem with that.” Harry kissed along Lily’s jaw and down her neck. He was tempted to leave marks along her skin; he didn’t know how he collected his thoughts enough in that moment to remember that she had a dress appointment the following day, but love bites all over her was the last thing he needed to draw attention to, so he resisted. He rid them of the blanket as well, setting it aside, as they were more than warmed up then.
  Lily pushed her hands up higher to his chest, taking his sweater with her. She couldn’t help but smile when she glanced down and saw his newest tattoo, gently running her fingers over it. Specifically, the date of their wedding. The date that she would become his wife; Mrs. Lilian Styles.
  Harry gave Lily’s skin plenty of kisses and attention and he pulled back only once she pushed his sweater up even further. He noticed her looking at his new tattoo, causing him to smile as well, and sat up to slip the sweater off over his head. “I’m glad you like it,” he grinned, sitting back against the couch and pulling her in for another kiss.
  Lily looked up to meet his gaze and then returned the kiss. “I love it,” she corrected softly. Then her focus was back on kissing him, but her lips didn’t stay on his for long. Now it was her turn to trail down his neck, not having to worry about leaving marks on him. She made it her goal to leave one right above his new tattoo, between it and the swallow.
  Harry grinned at her correction and rested comfortably against the couch with her mouth on his skin. He brushed Lily’s hair out of the way as she focused on leaving her mark, which felt incredible, and let his other hand wander under the hem of her dress to trace along her skin.
  Lily finished up her mark and leaned back with a satisfied smile. Her attention was then drawn to under her dress. “I was loving my layers earlier today, but they are really inconvenient right now,” she laughed softly. Another con about winter.
  Harry grinned glancing down at the love bite on his skin, then returned his gaze to Lily. “Yeah, you look so good in this, but it’s gonna take a half hour to get it off,” he joked with a laugh and sat up, “I may need help navigating these layers.”
  Lily sat up straight as well, moving her hands to rest on his shoulders. “Should we move to the bed? I can undress on the way.” The couch was littered with gift wrapping and presents; not exactly the best spot for being intimate.
  “Wonderful idea.” Harry stood with Lily, an arm around her waist while he pushed up from the couch. He carried her until they reached their bedroom and then carefully let her down to stand so she could begin to undress more easily.
  Of course, Harry didn’t just let her walk to the bedroom. No, that would be too easy. Lily wrapped her arms around his neck and then hooked her legs around his waist when he stood. The dress was easy enough to just pull over her head. Her tights, though, were a bit more difficult so she had to sit on the edge of the bed to get them off.
  Harry let Lily take care of the dress, assuming he’d just make it more complicated than it needed to be. But he stood in front of Lily when she sat to take off her tights, helping her to slide them off one leg at a time. “That wasn’t too bad after all,” he grinned.
  Lily appreciated the help and was completely happy to be just in her underwear and bra. “It’s a lot harder when we’re distracted with kisses,” she allowed. Then she was making grabby hands for Harry.
  There was a little pile then of Lily’s clothes on the floor and Harry was ready to be close to her again when she grabbed for him. He moved Lily to lay back further on the bed before moving over top of her and reconnecting their lips.
  Lily shifted back on the bed and settled down into the mattress, happily kissing Harry back when he leaned down. Her hands cupped his cheeks for a few moments and then they were wandering along his torso.
  Harry held himself above Lily and their kiss quickly deepened once they got back into their rhythm. He settled against her, laying himself between Lily’s legs though he still had jeans on himself.
  Lily spread her legs for him to fit between, always wanting him as close as possible. It wasn’t long before her hands found the waistband of his jeans and began undoing his button and zipper.
  Harry focused his kisses everywhere he could reach, trailing them down Lily’s neck and having just reached her collarbones when he felt her hands at his pants. He sat up in front of her once she got them undone, shifting until he had his jeans off completely.
  Lily drank in the view as she helped Harry get his pants off. She’d always take advantage of being able to watch him strip. And while she would like his skin on hers and his warmth back, she was okay with just enjoying the view for a bit longer.
  Once Harry got his jeans off, he was back over Lily with a soft smile and wrapping her up fully in his arms. “Hi,” he grinned, reaching behind Lily’s back to unclasp her bra as he kissed down the middle of her chest, “Are you warm enough, babe?”
  Lily arched her back up so he could easily get her clasp undone and then helped him pull the fabric away from her skin. “You’re making me plenty warm,” she assured him, smiling down at him and absently reaching up to run the tips of her fingers through his curls.
  “Just making sure.” Harry smiled softly against her skin. He spread his kisses across her belly and then switched between each of her breasts as he slowly slid her underwear off as well.
  Lily bit her lip as she watched him, back arching up once more to encourage his kisses. And then she was wiggling her hips to help him get her underwear off. “Yours too, lovey,” she requested softly.
  Harry slid Lily’s underwear down her legs and then did the same with his boxers, setting them both to the side. Once they were both fully naked, he leaned in to softly kiss her, his hand moving between her thighs.
  Lily hummed quietly into the kiss when she felt his hand. Her own hands were all over him, but not in a desperate way like earlier. This time she was admiring every curve of his muscles as they settled together.
  Harry was eager to be close to her, but this time didn’t feel as rushed or desperate as the last couple times they’d been together. He comfortably settled above her, using a forearm against the mattress to hold himself up, while he slowly touched Lily between her thighs and inched a finger into her.
  Lily’s lips parted against Harry’s as he pushed his finger into her. One of her hands gripped his hip slightly. Normally she’d be rocking her hips towards him for more, but not tonight.
  Harry kept his lips on Lily’s as he began to move his finger and then introduced a second one into her once she was adjusted, curling them both each time. They were more able to take their time that night and Harry was fully enjoying it.
  Like most things in bed, Harry knew exactly what to do with his fingers to get a reaction out of Lily. She whimpered softly when he found her spot, brushing against it with his fingertips in a way that just made her desperate for more.
  Harry pulled away from Lily’s mouth to kiss along her neck, focusing most on those sweet spots under her ear, as he just wanted to hear more and more of her sounds. He built up a pace with his fingers, always doing whatever he knew to have her in pleasure under his touch.
  When Harry pulled away, Lily was able to get her mind a bit more out of the haze he had her in and focus on bending her legs and tilting her hips in a way that would hopefully help him reach that spot better.
  Harry leaned up a bit so he could look down at Lily, propping himself on his elbow. He loved to watch her, not only to see her being pleasured, but to gauge how he’d touch her. The new angle Lily provided allowed Harry’s fingers to go in deeper, reaching that spot with each curl of his fingers, and he applied his thumb to her clit to give her extra pleasure there as well.
  Lily’s jaw dropped in a silent moan and her eyes flicked up to Harry’s. Finding him looking at her just made the pleasure even higher, her grip on him tightening at a certain spark of pleasure. “Babes,” she gasped.
  Harry grinned softly as he leaned in a bit closer, brushing the tip of his nose against her cheek before kissing her jaw once. “Yes?” he teased, stimulating her clit and g-spot simultaneously and repeatedly.
  Lily’s eyes fluttered between his kisses and his touch. “God, you are driving me…” A whimper interrupted her. “Absolutely mad.” She couldn’t help but squirm now.
  Lily’s words had Harry grinning. He loved seeing the effects his touch had on her; the moaning, the squirming, all of it. He held her thighs open and in place with one of his own legs. “Oh, am I now?” his fingers brushed her hair back, “Looks to me like you’re enjoying it, though.”
  The knot in Lily’s stomach just grew tighter and tighter. All she could do was nod in response to his assumption, no longer able to put together a sentence. Surely, he could tell that she was close by the way she clenched around his fingers and her nails dug into his side.
  As much as he loved to watch Lily, he looked down so he could control his movements better. While he curled his fingers, he made quicker circles against her clit and added a little more pressure against it, knowing that Lily was right on the edge.
  Lily’s head fell back with a loud moan as she came, back arching off the bed and hands holding onto Harry wherever she could. She definitely didn’t worry too much about what her hips were doing.
  Harry stayed right there beside her, glad to have her gripping onto him when it all became overwhelming. He kissed at her jaw and gradually slowed his fingers as she came down, stopping and pulling them out altogether eventually. “My Lily,” he grinned and moved so he was directly over her, “So gorgeous.”
  Lily panted softly as she came down. Her grip on Harry loosened and she now slowly ran her hands over him as she recovered from her orgasm. “Mm…hi, baby,” she hummed as she looked up at him with a soft smile.
  “Hi there,” he smiled down at Lily, giving her all the time she needed to calm down. He loved getting to watch her ride through her pleasure and to hear her soft moans and pants. He was so lucky. “You’re so pretty,” he said without thinking, brushing his thumb against her bottom lip.
  Lily smiled shyly under his thumb. “Gorgeous…pretty…” she repeated him. It was no secret Harry loved how she looked post-sex. He’d made that very apparent over the years. “Could say the same for you, handsome.”
  Harry loved seeing Lily’s smile, he’d do whatever he could to have her grinning. “I don’t know, darling… I don’t think it’s possible for anyone to be as gorgeous as you,” he grinned, moving his hand down to cup her jaw.
  Lily couldn’t help it when she rolled her eyes. “Love…now you’re just being ridiculous,” she laughed. Though his words had her cheeks staying flushed. Thankfully she could play it off as being from her orgasm.
  Harry smiled and sat up in front of her, leaning back on his heels, so that he could cup her face in both of his hands now. “Don’t you roll your eyes at me!” He teased playfully with a grin, unable to resist rubbing his thumbs gently over her pink cheeks, “Miss blushy.”
  Lily subconsciously reached up to gently hold his wrists, keeping his hand there. “You weren’t supposed to notice,” she mumbled, her cheeks burning even more under his touch. This was Harry; of course, he noticed.
  Harry smiled softly down at her. He would stay there all night like that if she wanted him to. “Well, you always blush a little when you come,” Harry reasoned, “It’d be hard for me not to notice.”
  Maybe he didn’t think it was from his onslaught of compliments. Lily would take that and run with it. “We each have our tells,” she agreed. She let go of one of his wrists to run her finger between his brows and down his nose. “Like you furrowing your eyebrows.”
  Harry smiled and watched her hand, tilting his head up slightly to kiss the pad of her finger. They knew each other incredibly well, probably more than their own selves in some ways. “And you usually hold onto some part of me,” he listed, “Which I love.”
  “I have to. You keep me grounded.” Lily meant that in more ways than one. She was known to have her thoughts run away with her, but Harry always brought her back. Which proved to be especially helpful with planning their wedding. It was all too easy to get overwhelmed.
  Those words alone had Harry smiling even more. “I love you, darling,” he spoke softly and leaned back in towards Lily, pushing his lips out for a kiss. They balanced each other out well.
  Lily eagerly kissed him, lifting her head to meet him halfway. “And I love you, babes,” she murmured against his lips.
  Harry smiled against Lily’s lips and, of course, had to press a few more lingering kisses to them. He sat up, taking a moment to just have his eyes on her while he brushed her hair back behind her ears.
  Lily returned every kiss as well as the adoring look Harry was giving her. Even if it did make her cheeks warm. “Are you going to make love to me, darling, or just look at me for the rest of the night?” she asked softly, a smile tugging at her lips.
  Lily’s question pulled Harry out of his trance and got him laughing as well. “I didn’t know what the plan was. We got too caught up in complimenting each other,” he grinned at her and leaned in for some deeper kisses, having got a little soft while they sat and talked, “Kiss me a little first, darling.”
  Lily giggled softly, but it stopped quickly once Harry’s lips were back on hers. She easily melted into his kisses and reached up to cup his cheek while the other rested on his chest. Before long, she was using that hand to push against him, signaling for him to lay on his back and easily following without breaking the kiss. For now, at least.
  Harry was quickly pulled back in once their lips had reconnected, all of his focus on Lily. He followed her nudge and moved to lay down beside the spot where she laid previously, his head on the pillow and his hands going to her waist.
  Lily swiftly moved over him, hands braced on either side of his shoulders as her lips began to wander. He had asked that she kiss him, but didn’t specify where. So, Lily began to dote on him with kisses placed from his neck and down his chest to the butterfly in the middle of his torso.
  Harry slowly opened his eyes when Lily pulled away, curiously watching to see where she was headed. Regardless, her lips on his skin felt amazing. He combed his fingers gently through her hair the further she traveled down and hummed softly whenever she found one of his more sensitive spots.
  Lily flicked her gaze up to him when she felt his fingers and her lips curved into a smile against his skin. “Is this helping?” she murmured. “You said to kiss you, but didn’t tell me quite where you wanted me to.” She was being coy, but she knew it was a surefire way to get Harry hard again.
  Harry looked down at Lily and a soft smile slowly returned, dimples out and all. All of her attention and kisses on him had him easily growing hard again. Lily could turn him on doing just about anything, it was almost ridiculous. “Yes, you little tease,” he grinned and gently squeezed her cheek, “Can’t tell it’s helping?”
  Sure, Lily could feel him against her lower stomach, but her attention had been more on his beautiful torso that she was obsessed with. “I’m not teasing, I’m doting on you. If you can do it to me, I should be able to return the favor,” she argued gently.
  Harry nodded, deciding to not push it any further, and shifted to rest one of his arms between his head and the pillow. “Okay,” he smiled softly and traced his fingers along her shoulder before admitting, “I do love it when you dote on me.”
  Lily’s heart squeezed in her chest when he adjusted to lay like that and subsequently, her thighs squeezed together as well. She couldn’t keep herself from attaching her lips to his skin once more. “That’s what I thought,” she mumbled, ghosting her lips between his abs to the fern leaves near his hips. She then placed kisses in a row, tracing the stem.
  Harry smiled a bit, having gotten into a more comfortable position for Lily to spend her time on him, as long as she wanted. He wouldn’t complain. He was fully hard then as he watched, which became more apparent the lower on his body that she kissed.
  Lily couldn’t resist letting her lips wander even lower, sitting back on her heels and stroking her hands down his sides to rest on his hips. Then she placed the lightest pecks to his member, completely being a tease now. Especially when she moved back up onto her hands and knees and crawled her way back up to be face to face with Harry.
  Harry’s eyes were glued to Lily then as she kissed past his hips, wanting to see what her next steps would be. But when she abandoned his length after only a few quick kisses, his mouth dropped a little before turning upward into a smirk. He surely had evidence of her being a tease after doing that, despite her denying it moments ago. “Want me on top?” He asked anyways, gaze meeting Lily’s as she hovered over top of him.
  Lily reached up with one hand to cup his cheek, thumb stroking over his light stubble, and nodded. “Yes, please,” she asked softly. “I loved it earlier when you wrapped me up and held me close. Want to be like that, but with you inside me.” Lily knew they could never get close enough for her own liking, but that was the closest they could get and she loved it.
  Harry’s gaze and attention were fully on Lily as she spoke and he nodded slowly. He always strived to give Lily what she wanted, including sexually, and it helped that their needs were often the same. “Of course, darling,” he sat up and kissed along her jaw as he slowly pushed her onto her back, “It would be my pleasure.”
  Lily moved with him to lay on her back and got comfortable, spreading her legs for him to settle between once more. “If you want lovey, I can pleasure you in the morning. I feel like it’s been a while,” she mused. Much like Harry, she didn’t like to go long between the times that she got to properly pleasure him with her mouth.
  Harry followed Lily, moving over top of her and resting one of his hands against the mattress next to her body. He settled comfortably between her legs. “You know I’d always love that,” he gave her a soft smile looking into her eyes, and began to rub his length slowly along her core.
  Lily inhaled softly at the feeling of him, trying not to react too much, but oh it felt good. “It’s a date,” she grinned at him. If he recouped tonight before they fell asleep, she’d happily pleasure him tonight. But otherwise, she could definitely plan on giving him a morning blowie to start his day off the right way.
  Harry loved that years in, they were still so eager to pleasure each other. In this case, it gave him something to look forward to, and knew he’d be even more wanting to repay the favor afterwards. However, the feeling of Lily’s wetness currently against Harry had him so distracted and wanting to feel more of her, so he neglected to respond and instead slowly, yet easily, slipped the tip of himself inside of her.
  Now Lily moaned softly and one of her hands moved to grip his hip eagerly. “More,” she requested. Harry could continue to move slowly, just so long as he continued to move and fill her more and more.
  Harry smiled a little and wanted only to meet her request, so he pushed his hips towards hers slowly until he bottomed out and filled her completely. He couldn’t wait to be tucked into her more or to press kisses to her skin, but was content currently watching Lily take him, at least initially.
  Lily seemed to hold her breath until he had finally filled her and then she released it. The ache between her legs increased at the sight of Harry watching himself disappear into her. They were both quite obsessed with it, so it was no surprise a sex mirror was mentioned often. Anything to allow them a new view.
  Once Harry filled her completely, he began to move his hips in a slow rhythm and the feeling already had him moaning softly. He pressed himself against Lily and wrapped his arms around her, holding her just as she wanted, attaching his lips to her neck.
  Lily’s arms wrapped around Harry in return, one hand coming up to bury her fingers in the curls at the back of his head. Once he set the pace, she was able to match it with her own hips, making sure he bottomed out each time.
  Like Lily enjoyed being all wrapped up in Harry, he could admit he loved being this close to her just the same. He kissed at the hinge of her jaw, moaning every few times that their hips met and her fingers in his hair only amplified the pleasure he was feeling.
  Of course, Harry’s moans drove her crazy, but especially when they were so close to her ear. He practically had her melting in his grip.
  Harry held Lily close, tucking his head momentarily in the crook of her neck as they moved together. They had set up a consistent pace, quickly figuring out what worked best for both of them that night.
  Lily was breathing heavily in no time, noises of pleasure scattered throughout. She placed light kisses to Harry’s neck and shoulder as she moved with him, content to enjoy this for as long as they could.
  One of Harry’s favorites was hearing all of Lily’s noises and he’d simply never get enough. He picked his head up after a bit, their noses brushing together before he was leaning in to kiss her. He couldn’t keep the pleasure from building in his stomach the longer they went.
  Lily groaned softly into the kiss, knowing that she was nearing her end. “Babes,” she breathed out against his lips. “I’m getting close.” She wasn’t quite ready for it to be over, but she would be more than happy to get Harry to his end. Especially if they could reach their orgasms together.
  Harry gave a small nod as to not disrupt their kiss, moaning against her mouth. Lily felt too incredible and Harry was glad to know she wasn’t far behind. “Me too. Really close,” he breathed, their kisses getting a little sloppier and his brows beginning to furrow.
  Lily’s fingers now gripped at Harry’s curls as she began to clench around him, barely able to hold it back. But she was so desperate to come with Harry or as close as she possibly could.
  Harry’s grip on Lily tightened the closer he got to his high and could tell she was on the edge as well, neither having to verbalize it. They just knew. “Lily,” he panted and moaned as he released into her, eyelids fluttering shut and eyebrows knit together.
  Lily was right behind him, a complete goner the second he released into her. Her hips no longer moved at a smooth pace; instead, they bucked up to Harry’s as they desperately chased their highs together.
  Harry kept their pace as they reached their highs together, moans filling the room. She felt so good, thrusts becoming erratic along with her clenching around him. He made sure to only slow his movements once they began to come down, doing that together as well.
  Lily’s chest was practically heaving as she came down. But she had a tired smile on her face, her eyes on Harry to watch that crinkle between his brows relax. She couldn’t help but lean up and place a kiss there.
  Harry thoroughly enjoyed watching Lily not only reach her highs but come down from them too. He looked down at Lily, smiling softly when he saw where her kiss was headed, and pressed his own to the corner of her mouth as he caught his breath.
  Lily giggled softly at his sneaky kiss. “I love you,” she whispered, a giddy grin on her face. She was more than ecstatic that she got to spend the rest of her life with Harry.
  Harry smiled even bigger. “I love you moree,” he playfully argued. Still on top of her, Harry re-nuzzled his head between her neck and shoulder, his eyes closing. He was perfectly content. “Think I’m gonna stay right here for the rest of the night.”
  Lily shook her head slightly. “That’s not possible,” she argued. Her arms instinctually moved to wrap around him further, fingers running through his curls and her lips pressing a kiss to his forehead. “I am more than okay with that.”
  Harry was so comfortable in Lily’s arms and his own were still wrapped around her. “But what if I crush you?” he mumbled with a soft smile, growing more tired after their extremely busy day and night.
  “Promise you won’t,” Lily murmured. Half of his body was between her legs anyways. Although he was still inside her which caused Lily quite the dilemma; on one hand it could be an issue if Harry fell asleep, but on the other hand, she didn’t want him to move.
  “Okay, cutie,” he grinned. Harry laid there for a little longer before he knew he’d have to move, at least to pull out of her and move to the side. So, he did just that, keeping his movements gentle, and reaching down for the blankets once he was at Lily’s side.
  Goosebumps sprung up on Lily’s skin when Harry moved and subsequently took his warmth with him. So, she was definitely eager to get under the blankets. She’d started to somewhat doze laying with Harry and now her movements were slower and more languid. “Come back,” she asked softly, lightly tapping at her collarbone.
  Once next to Lily, Harry was moving to be as close as possible, his body against her side. They were sleepy and cuddly and all loved up. “Don’t worry, I’m coming,” he smiled lightly. His arm draped over her waist once he pulled the blankets up to cover them, his head resting just below her collarbone and slightly tucked into her neck again. “Love you.”
  Lily held her arm out and once he’d laid his head down, she wrapped it around his shoulders. “Love you,” she whispered back. It had been a long and busy day and the two of them were more than ready for sleep.
  Harry closed his eyes as he snuggled into her. Their busy day had them exhausted and Lily would have another full day the following one. He quickly fell asleep within minutes, being all warm and cozied up with Lily.
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genshin-obsessed · 2 years
Hello! :)) I hope this ask finds you well.
Could I please have Tsukishima, Kuroo and Kenma react to their s/o having an extreme stomach ache? I'm having one right now and it's the worst thing in the world D:<
Tysm for reading this, and have a lovely day. Don't forget to stay hydrated :))
I am so late but I hope that nasty stomach ache didn't last very long! When I got sick, I think I had a stomach bug so I was miserable the ENTIRE 2 weeks. Also, thank you very much! I hope you have a wonderful day too <3 Warnings: As mentioned in the request, this is a stomach ache fic so it mentions vomiting. I think that's usually something others tag as a warning? idk
He takes care of you when you're sick
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Tetsuro Kuroo
“What’s wrong?” Tetsuro asked as he walked to you with a frown. You were currently curled up in bed with the worst stomach ache in your life. You felt as if you were going to die!
“My stomach hurts.” You frowned, tears pricking your eyes at the thought of your rather crappy situation.
“Have you taken medicine?” You shook your head at his words as he walked towards you.
“I haven’t eaten.” Tetsuro always made sure you ate before taking medicine (unless it’s one you take on an empty stomach), but right now you couldn’t stomach anything.
“Do you want to try any soup? It’ll go down easy.” He said, giving your forehead a small kiss. Though you didn’t really have an appetite, you decided to try something anyway. If the medicine made you feel better, you’d try and eat a full course meal. You went to the kitchen with Kuroo, which you soon learned was a bad idea as the smell of food made you sick. Within a few minutes, Kuroo was back with some ice and your chicken noodle soup. The ice tended to help with the vomiting- which was odd but it was just comforting to lick.
You did your best to at least get half of the soup out of the way before Kuroo gave you some medicine. After that, he got right into bed with you and played your favorite movie. And if you were hungry again, he didn’t mind getting up and making you some more food.
Kei Tsukishima
“Uhh what’s wrong with you?” Tsukki asked as he entered your shared room. You frowned at him before gagging a little.
“Stomach ache.” You said quickly as you sat up, wondering if you’d be rushing to the bathroom in a minute or so. Normally, Tsukki would make some sort of sarcastic remark but just from the look on your face, he knew it was bad. The blond walked to you and crouched in front of you, making sure to give you room as he took your hands.
“Have you eaten anything today?” You shook your head, looking at him with a frown. You hated stomach aches with a passion and you were dealing with the worst one in history probably! “If I make you some soup, will you at least try it? Little sips at a time so you can take some medicine.” You did gag at the word soup, but you nodded regardless. Your stomach ache was probably getting worse because you didn’t eat anything, so you were willing to at least try. “Ok, good. I’ll go get some cold water and then I’ll make you some soup.” Tsukki kissed your forehead as he stood up before he left the room.
Not long after, he had your soup prepared and he even fed some to you. Normally, Tsukki was great at being the jerk, but he was genuinely worried about you. So today, he was uncharacteristically sweet. You didn’t complain though.
After managing to drink a little more than half of the soup, Tsukki gave you some medicine and put on your favorite show. He sat right beside you, holding your head and giving you kisses every now and then. Eventually, you fell asleep on his shoulder and he tucked you in. Though, he didn’t go anywhere. He just laid down beside you and watched another show until he fell asleep too.
Kenma Kozume
Oh man, he didn’t know what to do! You were in the bathroom- and had been there for almost an hour now- throwing up. Kenma felt awful and quickly decided to research some stuff. After gathering sufficient information, he let you know that he was going to go to the store extremely quickly. He hated the idea of leaving you alone now but it wasn’t that far. In fact, Kenma was back in less than 15 minutes. The first thing he did was check on you and you were exactly where he left you.
He gave you some nausea medicine when you mentioned you hadn’t thrown up in twenty minutes but just needed to sit in the bathroom. After that, he went to the kitchen and immediately made you some chicken noodle soup- following the world’s easiest recipe. When that was done, he returned to your shared bedroom and placed down the bowl before walking to the bathroom.
“Hey, feeling any better?”
“A little,” you muttered as you stood up. He led you to the bed where he offered you the soup. You managed to drink half of it, which was great. Leaving the rest right on the table for when you’d eventually get hungry- as well as a glass of ice water- he decided to play some video games to get your mind off of it. Eventually, you ended up falling asleep and he carefully tucked you in before laying down beside you. He decided to put on your favorite show, which he watched until he fell asleep, himself.
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earlgreydream · 3 years
| marauders x reader | fluff |
anon requested. poly!marauders where the reader has a migraine or is just not feeling great and they take care of her & poly!marauders helping reader through a fainting episode
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You fastened your robe, feeling a little weak as you left your dorm. The loud common room made your head pound, and you groaned as a migraine began to set in. The weather was nasty, a storm howling outside and whipping rain into the corridors of the castle. 
You rubbed your eyes as you made your way to charms, and James moved over on the bench to make room for you. 
“You don’t look well, are you alright, bunny?” He asked, touching your forehead. You gently batted his hand away, insisting you were fine. You didn’t want to miss class, especially not so soon after you’d returned from Christmas break. You missed your friends, your boyfriends, and classes, and you didn’t want a headache to get in the way.
You rested your head on your hand, and your mind drifted away from the charms lecture as a painful throbbing set in at the base of your skull, spreading through you. Nausea rose in your chest, and you broke out into a cold sweat by the time you were headed for lunch in the great hall. 
“Y/N, I’m really worried,” James griped, and you ignored him, trying to focus on breathing.
“Okay, fine, I don’t feel well, but I can make it through today then just sleep it off!” you insisted as you walked to meet Remus and Sirius. 
“Bunny, you look ill!” Remus immediately touched your face, feeling how clammy your skin was. You were off-balance when you tried to step away, and James reached out to steady you. Sirius’ stormy eyes were concerned, and he stepped beside you. He asked you if you were okay, and you barely heard him. 
“My head hurts,” you confessed, and the floor started to sway under your feet.
“Y/N?” Sirius caught you as you fainted. Students gasped and shrieked, and James pushed them away. He gently lowered you to the ground, cradling your head before you could hit the unforgiving stone. 
“She’s alright, just back up!” 
It wasn’t the first time you’d fainted, and your overly attentive boyfriends were able to handle it. Sirius lifted your body, cradling you gently against his chest. They took you to their dorm, and Remus got water and food for you when you woke up. James and Sirius helped get you out of your clothes, setting you down on the mattress. 
“Come on, wake up for us, love,” Sirius cleaned your face with a cold washcloth. Your eyes slowly opened, blinking slowly to adjust to the light. You shivered, looking down to see you were undressed. 
“Where are my clothes?”
“You were overheating. You fainted, bunny.” 
You relaxed a bit, thankful that your migraine had faded to a dull ache. You looked up into three sets of worried eyes, and you suddenly felt horribly guilty for worrying them. 
Tears welled in your eyes and spilled down your face, your chest shaking as you started to cry. Remus pulled you forward into his arms, holding your damp and shaky body. 
“Crying is just going to make you feel worse, bunny. Can you try to calm down for us?” James asked, smoothing his hand over your leg. You shook your head, in no mood to be reasoned with.
You sobbed into Remus’ shirt, soaking through the white fabric. James was right, your sinuses ached and got stuffy, making your chest and head pound. You tried to relax, and eventually your sobs reduced to little hiccups. Remus kissed the top of your head, feeling bad for you.
James encouraged you to drink the water and take a few bites of bread, his emerald gaze begging you not to fight him. You were uncomfortably cold, shivering in Remus’ arms. You tried to pull the blanket over you, but James kept it out of your reach, worrying you’d overheat. You shot James a venomous look, and Remus turned your face into his chest.
“How does a hot shower sound?” Sirius asked, running his fingers through your hair.
“It’ll open up your chest,” He tried when you protested.
You relented, following him into the bathroom and getting in with him. The steam did help clear your congestion, and the hot water warmed your body. Sirius’ hands were gentle, and you leaned forward against his chest in the shower.
“I love you, bunny,” Sirius hummed, kissing your warm cheeks. 
“No, you’ll get sick!” you protested when he tried to plant one on your lips, and Sirius frowned.
“Oh, love, it’s more than worth it,” he whispered before kissing you sweetly. 
“I want to lay back down.”
He reached around you and shut off the water, helping you dry off. He pulled a jumper over your head, rolling the sleeves up at the end so that your hands were free. He kissed your fingers, making you giggle, before digressing into a fit of coughs. 
“Let’s get you in bed,” he sighed, helping you to his bed. He pulled back the duvet, letting you settle in the pile of pillows. Remus made you tea, and James sat on the other side of your body. 
“You’ve got class,” you protested their presence, and Remus just laughed.
“We’ve got to take care of our girl.”
He sat at your feet and handed you a steaming cup of tea. It helped ease your headache and your raw throat, but you turned away the food they tried to offer. Sirius read aloud to you, making you grow sleepy. James eased you onto your side and slid his hand under your jumper. He rubbed your back until your eyelids were heavy, soothing you into sleep. They all were relieved when they finally got you to rest, despite your determination to stay awake.
James convinced the other two to catch their last class, opting to stay with you and make sure you didn’t wake up alone from your nap. He snuggled you against his chest, spooning your warm body. You writhed in your sleep, having fever dreams that made your heart race.
“Shh, you’re okay, bunny. Deep breaths,” he tightened his arms around you. 
Your heart rate slowed, and you relaxed against him, waking up. 
“I’m here. How are you feeling?”
“Sick,” you sighed, rolling over to face him. He brushed loose hair from your face, resting his hand on your cheek. You looked around for the other two, wondering why they weren’t in bed with you. 
“They went to potions. They should be back any time now.” 
You pushed yourself up on trembling arms, running your fingers through your hair. His hand went to your leg, squeezing lightly. 
“I’m sick, don’t be getting handsy with me,” you giggled, covering your mouth as you started to cough.
“Oh, bunny, I’m sorry,” he laughed, rubbing your back as you bent forward, coughing. 
“What did you do to her, prongs?” Sirius sighed, walking in and hearing you struggle to breathe. 
“He was feeling me up!” you accused, and Remus smacked James.
“You’re fucking kidding-” Sirius started to lay into James, growing extremely protective of you.
“No, it wasn’t-” James began to defend himself.
“Stop, that’s enough.” Remus ended the fight that was sparking, all three of them stressed and worried for you. 
“Slughorn told me to give this to you,” Sirius said, holding up a vial of green potion. 
“No!” you immediately shook your head, not wanting to take the nasty medicine. 
“He promised it will help you feel better. Please do not make me force feed it to you,” Sirius begged. You knew the threat wasn’t empty, and there was no way you’d be able to overpower all three of them.
You opened your mouth, and Sirius gave it to you, helping you tilt your head back. You gagged as you tried to swallow, and Sirius murmured apologies, pulling you to lay back against his chest. 
“I’m sorry, bunny, I’m sorry.”
You pulled his arms around you, and the potion began to make your headache fade. Sirius hugged you tightly, and James fed you small spoonfuls of soup while Remus did your homework for you. 
“Thanks for taking care of me.”
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mooodyblue · 2 years
hiiii! i just had this thought stuck in my head about taking either little!e or austin to like the aquarium or the beach for their birthdays! i just think it’d be so cute! 🖤
ty for the request!! here are little!aus aquarium headcannons i did a while back! went ahead n did little!e at the beach <3 enjoy!!
wc: 1k
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you begged and begged for this vacation. it was elvis’s birthday week and he deserved a proper break, to be able to finally relax with just the two of you alone. you were over the moon when you finally got everything into plan, booking a flight to hawaii and surprising elvis the moment you landed privately and headed straight to your private rented home right near the beach.
the day of his birthday, he got so overexcited that he slipped into his headspace and was on you all day about going to the beach. he was also excited about cake and presents and ice cream and-well, everything. it’s his birthday, he loves that he gets a day all to himself. you woke up to elvis hovering over you, still in his jammies, his hair sticking all over the place with a wide smile on his face. “momma? you awake?”
you squinted your eyes at him, glancing at the clock behind him and then up at his smiling face. “i guess i am now.” you raised your head up slightly to peck him on the nose, “g’mornin’, silly boy. is today a special day?”
he nodded quickly. “it’s elvie’s birthday, momma! elvie day!”
“oh, is it? is that right?” you grinned. 
“mommy promised elvie a trip to the beach today.” he giggled. 
“that’s right. i did. but maybe we can get some breakfast first. what are we thinking?” you asked.
elvis thought for a minute, thinking hard. “pancakes! a-and um, maybe eggs!” he decided.
you cooked him a big birthday breakfast and made everything just the way he liked it. he insisted on having both juice and milk, thankfully you brought a couple of sippy cups and filled them both just for him. you fed him happily, wiping off the sticky syrup from the corners of his mouth every time. 
after getting him washed up and ready for the day, he still begged and begged for you to take him to the beach. he didn’t care about cake or presents, he just wanted to go out to the ocean outside the house. 
he watched as you packed a beach bag, his eyes glimmering with excitement as he caught on to what you were doing. “are we goin’ to the beach now? please? pretty please?”
playfully rolling your eyes, “yes elvis, we're going to the beach. go get ready.” you chuckled. elvis bolted out of the room, rushing to get himself changed and ready for his day at the beach. 
the moment you stepped out onto the sandy beach, elvis darted for the water and jumped right in before you could open your mouth and stop him. “christ, elvis! seriously?” you sighed as he completely ignored you, swimming around with all the happiness in the world as you got yourself settled in your chair. 
“momma! look! look! are you lookin’?” elvis yelled from across the water. you sat up and glanced at him floating on his back, kicking his feet in the water.
“oh, look at you! don’t stay in too long or you’ll get all wrinkly.” elvis giggled and swam back up to the shore, pushing his wet hair back and padding his way to you. you smiled and waved him over, digging out the towel next to you in your bag. he caught it once you threw it to him, wrapping it around his shoulders as you used another towel to ruffle and dry his hair. “you getting tired yet?”
“nope!” he exclaimed, sitting on the ground next to you to get to work on his sandcastle. “momma, can you help?” he asked, looking up at you with his big, blue eyes.
you couldn’t say no to that face. setting your book aside, you crouched over beside him. “what should i do?” 
elvis hummed, patting at the sand with his hands as he molded it into a shape. “shells! any kind. wanna put some on the outside of the castle. a-and maybe on the top a-and on the floor and-oh! maybe i can make a river…” he trailed off, coming up with ways to decorate both the castle and outside on it. 
you chuckled, ruffling his hair with your hand. “okay, i’ll get you as many shells as i can.” you picked up a bucket and headed to the shore, picking up all the various shells you should find as you walked along the shoreline. meanwhile, elvis was already hard at work on the second layer of his castle, doing his best to shape everything perfectly to make it even and stand tall. he then called for you, asking for the shells. you returned quickly gasping at the small tower in the sand. “baby! you’re so talented!” you sat on the ground with him, setting the small bucket beside him. 
“‘s gonna be the best castle ever, momma! you’ll see. can you put the shells on the outside?” he looked inside the bucket and pushed it back over to you.
you both worked on the sandcastle together for awhile. all the way up until the sun began to set. truthfully, in between building he would often toss sand at you or tell you to do something differently. he had completely forgot about it being his birthday just as you lost track of time. “i know you wanna keep building, but we have to go back, honey. we have to do cake and presents.” you frowned. 
“oh.” he looked down at his castle and then up at you. “can we come back tomorrow?” 
“if you’re good, i promise.” you stood up and wiped the sand from your shorts, helping him up as he helped you pack your things. 
he kept a towel wrapped around his neck, securing it tightly around his body. “momma, look over there!” he pointed behind you at nothing.
you turned around, trying to see what he was pointing at. “huh?” you looked around then turned to look at elvis, who was giggling and running away from you as fast as he could. 
“i’ll race ya!” he yelled.
“you’re going to be the death of me!” you groaned, leaving to chase after him.
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harryhoney-bee · 3 years
I'm feeling really soft and fuzzy today, So if I can request something I want to do that abeja 🐝💓
#Concept: Nightly routine with y/n and Harry- parents of two little babies.
Tag me if you write this baby ✨✨
Adore you alot 💕
Night Routine
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Warning: your ovaries might explode... mine did 🤚🏻 I would give this man 9 children if he asked.
Word count: 1.7k
I have a kofi, so please consider buying me coffee if you can <3
I hope you enjoy it!! Let me know what you think 😚
“But I want to take a beth with him, daddy,” Cecília whined to Harry, while he undressed her, putting her new pajamas and towel on the bathroom counter.
“My little darling, he is still little, he can’t take bath with you,” Harry explained, taking Cecí on his lap and putting her inside the warm tub, handing her some of her favorite toys. “Lorenzo is just 6 months, he’s not as big as you.”
Harry made a bowl with his hands, wetting her curly hair and applying shampoo, a pout still on her face. “Please, daddy?” she said, her chubby hand grabbing his arm. Cecí had already mastered her puppy eyes technique, and she knew how much her dad had a weak spot for her.
“Alright, alright,” He finally gave in, “but he will stay outside of the tub, he doesn’t know how to sit by himself.”
“Thank you, daddy!” The girl splashed water around in excitement, which made Harry smile. That’s how he always wanted to see her: happy and healthy.
Harry went to the door, keeping an eye on the girl in the tub. “Baby? Are you done nursing? Cecí wants to see Lorenzo,” he tried to call his wife as loud as he could while being mindful of Lorenzo, who could be asleep by now. He never wanted to alarm any of him or Cecília with his loud voice.
In a matter of seconds, Y/n appeared in the hallway, a confused expression on her face while Lorenzo was calmly laying down on her arms, his little hands resting on Y/n’s shoulders. “What’s wrong? Why does she want to see him? We just had diner together,” she asked, heading in Harry’s direction.
“I’m not sure, guess she just missed him,” Harry answered, giving his wife a kiss on the forehead and bending down to talk to a very awake Lorenzo. “But who wouldn’t miss you, huh? Such a cutie, right buddy?” he was aware that using a baby voice wasn’t the best, but he couldn’t help, Lorenzo was just extremely adorable.
“Mommy! Enzo!” Cecília called, from the opposite side of the bathroom, “come here mommy, miss you too.”
Y/n sat on the bathroom floor, Lorenzo still with her. “Hey, my heart, having a good bath with daddy?” she asked at the same time Harry sat down by her side and hugged her from the side, laying his chin on her head.
“Yeah! Daddy always let me play,” Cecília took one of the yellow ducks and showed her mom, “This is Mc Duck.”
“Wow, he’s a very beautiful duck isn’t he?” She asked, giving Lorenzo to Harry while kneeling near the bathtub since Cecí still had to wash her hair, Y/n gently took the excess of shampoo from the girl’s hair, while Harry tried to keep Lorenzo entertained by singing him a silly song.
“He is, I love yellow,” the little girl admitted, “I think Lorenzo loves yellows too.”
“And why do you think that, Cecí?” Harry asked amused while pretending to eat the boy’s fingers.
“Because we’re are best friends,” She said as if the answer was obvious, “and friends like the same things.” Y/n and Harry looked at each other and laughed, for a five-year-old girl she knew a lot about relationships.
“Oh, how do you know that?” Y/n asked, finishing washing her hair, letting Cecília enjoy her time in the bath.
“Because you and daddy are best friends, you wear the same clothes sometimes, listen to the same music, and watch the same movies,” with every new topic she would count down on her fingers, it was quite a comical sight.
Harry’s chuckle filled the room, the baby on his lap giggled too. “Well, my little lady, you are right. But friends can also like different things, too,” he told her. “Me and mommy like a lot of similar things, but we also have our preferences.”
“Exactly, daddy loves bananas, but I don’t” y/n complemented, getting Cecília out of the tub, helping her into some warm clothes, “I don’t like to work out, but your dad always wakes up early to go for a run, see? We like different things but we still love each other.”
Harry got up from the floor, rocking Lorenzo softly, his heavy eyes indicating how sleepy the baby was. He took the combing cream in his hand and began combing Cecília’s curls with one hand, while his other arm held Lorenzo. Being a father of two made him very talented at doing two things at the same time. While he did that, Y/n was getting Cecí’s toothpaste ready.
“Daddy, do you love mommy even if she doesn’t go running with you?” Cecí asked, before opening her mouth so Y/n could brush her teeth. Normally they would let Cecília do it by herself, with their supervision, but it was already late and the couple desperately needed to get the children to bed, or else their routine would be messed up. Good thing Lorenzo seemed to be falling asleep already.
“Of course I do! We don’t love people just because they do the same things we do, we love people because they are kind and respectful to us, yeah?” Harry said, looking at Y/n and blowing her a kiss. This is what he loved the most about parenthood: watching the kids growing into their best version.
Parenting was made in many different ways, but the couple especially loved having these kinds of conversations. Even though Cecília was still young, she was already beginning to comprehend what love and friendships were, and Harry and Y/n had the privilege to teach her that.
Harry finished her hair, putting the brush and the products in their place under the sink while Y/n put on some socks on Cecí’s feet, the little girl was yawning, seeming tired. Lorenzo started to fussy on Harry’s arms.
“Guess it’s time to sleep, huh?” Harry said, caressing Cecílias head, “Tired, my baby? Want daddy to read a bedtime story to you? Or do you want mommy?” At the same time he mentioned Y/n, Lorenzo started to soft cry. “Hey, what’s wrong?” Harry asked, looking down at the upset’s baby face.”
Y/n took his from Harry’s arms, cuddling him closer to her chest, “What do you want, Enzo? Mommy just fed you” she looked at her husband, “I’ll nurse him again on the bed, he’s probably just a bit agitated, will you put her to sleep?”
“Yeah, of course.”
The woman kissed Cecília on the forehead, “have a good night, ok, baby? Mommy will take you to the playground tomorrow, alright?”
“Ok mommy, I love you and little bro too,” she said, giving a hug to her mom before she disappeared through the door with the crying baby.
Harry took Cecília by her small hand, leading them to her room, just by the side of the main suite, where the couple slept. He guided the little girl to her bed, giving her all of her favorite stuffed animals, and covered Cecília in her Lilac duvet.
“What story do you want today?
“The pirate one, please,” she asked, laying her head on the pillow as Harry went to her bookshelf, picking the one with the title Pirate’s cove. He sat by the end of the bed and began telling the story.
“I have a story for you, a story of untold riches and a young lad who found them. And who am I, you ask? Well, I am the spirit of the sand-dollar, a pirate and a buccaneer, Captain of the seahorse, the finest ship to ever sail the seven seas…”
Harry would occasionally stop to answer any questions Cecília had, but after 15 minutes he was done with the book and the girl was fast asleep, hugging tight to her little lamb. He made sure she was tucked in and turned off the lights (besides the one on the side of Cecília’s bed, she was scared to sleep in a pitch-black room), he closed the door and headed to his bedroom.
To Harry’s surprise, Lorenzo was sleeping in his bassinet by the side of the mattress. He usually would sleep in his nursery, but today just seemed like an off day to the little boy. Harry got closer to him, stroking the chubby cheeks, “Oh my little bug, did mommy let you sleep here with us? You’re not feeling fine?”
“I think he’s teething,” Y/n said in a raspy voice, taking her head from the pillow, “he’s even a bit warmer than usual, I think his gums are itching.”
“My poor baby,” Harry mumbled, turning his head to Y/n, “I hate seeing him upset, maybe we could make some homemade Popsicle, it helped when Cecília was teething.”
“Yeah, we can try that, we can make them tomorrow.” she patted the mattress, “now please come to bed, he did a number on me, I’m so tired.”
“Alright baby,” Harry took off his shirt, standing only in sweatpants, he went to the bed, laying by Y/n side, one arm hooked on her waist as she cuddled to him, placing her head on his shoulder.
“I’m so lucky to have you,” Y/n said against his neck.
“Oh baby, I am the lu--”
“--I mean, how many husbands would still love their wives even if they wouldn’t go jogging at 6 in the morning?” she said teasingly, her giggles reaching his ear.
He rolled his eyes playfully, “you are making a lot of jokes for someone who is tired,” he kissed her temple. “I’m gonna wake you up at 5 am tomorrow, so we can be fitness together.”
“Don’t you dare! You do that and your plan of being a father to three it’s over.”
“Damn sweetheart, that’s not very nice, huh?”
“You’re the one who started,” she said, before closing her eyes, snuggling to Harry’s body. The man placed a hand on her belly, falling asleep minutes later.
Tag list: @sunandherflores @elenagilbert01 @bellelittleoff, @cheshire-salvatore-mikaelson
If you don't want to be in the tag list just let me know, please!! <3
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rommahh · 3 years
{Harry….this show…the purple…I am a changed woman. Also this is a tame fic. More soft. Nothing flashy.}
Harry was quick to rush to his dressing room after sending his fans off with multiple air kisses and waves. He was ready to be back in his hotel room so he could call his love.
Tonight’s show left him feeling extremely confident and happy. The fans energy fed him to be louder and rowdier on stage. He read so many funny signs and sang happy birthday to some girls who, now that he thinks about it, probably didn’t actually have a birthday today.
He waited for his band to come off stage before giving them all a small hug and running to leave the venue before fans started crowding outside. His driver waited outside the venue waiting for Harry to exit. Harry couldn’t be more grateful for how quickly the driver was able to get Harry to his hotel.
Inside his hotel room, he closed the door behind him before letting out a long sigh. Walking into his room he was met with a beautiful bouquet of purple flowers. He knew they were from you which made his night even better.
He pulled his phone out to send you a quick text.
Just got back to hotel, you mind if I shower before calling you?
You do whatever you need to do my love. If you’re too tired, I can wait to talk to you tomorrow.
Never too tired for my princess, I’ll be quick in the shower then I’ll call you!
By quick he really meant a 45 minute shower to get the sweat grime off of his body. Harry lambert also requests that Harry has his outfit of the night hanging on a hanger right after the show to air out.
With his body clad in his favorite sweats and hair clipped back with one of your pastel hair clips, he climbs into the lush hotel bed. Your soft blanket you used on the tour bus sat beside him. He often snuggles with it because he like that it smells like your perfume.
You awaited your call from Harry clad in your own sweats, cuddled on the couch in the living that sat in front of the big windows that showed you the big ocean outside. The sun was finally coming down on your part of the country, three hours behind Harry.
The familiar FaceTime tune rung from your phone and you wasted no time answering.
“My bubby!” You exclaimed with excitement. His exhausted face pulled into a large smile, a soft blush smattering his cheeks.
“I’m so happy to see your face.” He comments. You were looking better than you did a few days ago. Your skin had a shine and you looked more at peace.
“We just talked a few hours ago silly boy.”
“A few hours too long.” He grumbled cozying into the blankets on his bed. You slipped a blanket of your own over your legs. “What have you been up to?”
“What do you mean? I’ve been watching you all evening.” Harry’s eyebrow shot up in surprise.
“You watched the show?”
“Of course I did. I wouldn’t miss it for nothing. You’ve got some really amazing and dedicated fans who live-streamed the whole thing. I watched you dance around on stage, quite scantily if you ask me.” You joke with him. Harry’s dancing was the highlight of your night. He shimmied and shook his butt for the audience and it was hilarious.
“Im never inappropriate. I put on family friendly shows.” He jokingly scoffs with his nose turned up.
“Mmm…right. Anyways, I saw you pick up some fun stuff as well. People were really throwing a lot up tonight.” You got worried watching people throw things at him on stage but you just had to trust that no one had any ill will or intentions.
“I did catch some fun stuff. Caught a pretty sunflower, a few boas, and some flags. That’s it. The usual things.” You saw the way his eyes were fluttering with sleepiness.
“Oh ok. Could’ve sworn I saw you play with some handcuffs on stage.” You chastise with a small smile. Harry’s eyes opened wide as he started to laugh.
“Oh yeah! I forgot about those. That was a weird one.”
“Well did you at least keep them? I could’ve found a really good use for them.” Harry tsks at you.
“You naughty, naughty girl.” He lets out a large yawn sinking further into his pillows. You could see the way he turns to lay on his side and grab the soft blanket beside him. You thought he would cover himself with the blanket but instead he brought the blanket just under his nose. He snuggled the blanket into his face- melting into the softness.
“Ok baby, I can tell you’re tired. Would you like me to leave you to rest?” You whisper softly. You wish you could be in bed with him, caressing his cheek to lull him asleep.
“No please don’t hang up. Just- just tell me about your day.” You could hear him drag his words as he struggled to stay awake. He needed a moment with you to feel grounded.
You listened to him though. You only got through a few minutes of your day before his hand went dead weight with sleep and the phone plopped on the bed beside him. You giggled quietly.
“Goodnight Bubby. I can’t wait to be with you again.”
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ameliora-j · 3 years
not rly expecting anyone to see this bc it’s so late but anyways poly!rarry angst to break your hearts :) all hurt no comfort [PART 2]
today was a good day. everything was going perfectly, and you hadn’t been a brat since ron and harry set you straight about two weeks ago. everything was going great. you were hanging out with ron, harry, and hermione in hogsmeade for the day and it was all around just a good time.
until ron and harry went to grab the food at the three broomsticks and left you and hermione sitting at the table. she never did like you. she claimed that you stole ron away from her and you were selfish because you had harry already. but that just isn’t true… harry asked if it was okay that ron joined because he had a crush on you, and you didn’t mind. you would do anything to make your harry happy. 
when your boys left, hermione had a go at you. called you stupid. slut shamed you. any mean name in the book you could think, she said it. and once ron returned, you murmured something along the lines of having to use the bathroom and snuck away. hiding in the bathroom where you released all of your emotions in the form of tears. 
when you returned, the air in the group changed. ron looked pissed, hermione looked like she had been crying, and harry just looked confused. you sat beside harry and looked down at the table as you rolled your eyes. you already knew what happened. she had fed ron lies about you, attempting to drive a wedge in your relationship. you knew she hadn’t told harry because you already told harry what she did to you. but ron wouldn’t believe you he thought hermione was an angel. 
you let out a sigh and intertwined your hand with harry’s. “you okay bubba?” he whispered. 
“later,” you murmured into his shoulder. harry left it at that, pressing a gentle kiss you your head and returning back to the conversation with ron and hermione. 
you planned on talking to harry as soon as you got back to hogwarts. truly, you did. but suddenly he was being pulled away by the weasley twins and ron was dragging you up to the dorm. you made no room to protest when ron got you in the dorm and locked the door. not even when he looked at you and asked what had gotten into you. or when he told you that your behavior was unacceptable and you couldn’t speak to hermione that way. you just shrugged indifferently and kept your gaze trained on the floor.
ron pulled you over his lap and pulled off your skirt and panties and that was the only warning that you got before ron began to lay into you with his belt. you held in your sobs but you couldn’t stop the tears from flowing down your face as you tightly fisted the sheets in your hand. ron was nice enough, and so you only got forty. it was only supposed to be twenty, but he started over anytime you stuttered, messed up, or forgot one. 
your head had been floating since around the tenth one, but you didn’t feel light or happy. you felt sad. broken and dejected… like a worthless object that ron only used to punish when he was angry. you registered him doing his routine aftercare, but you didn’t feel the love behind it. you felt numb as he rubbed the cream on your bottom and sat in the bathtub with you. the tears were still flowing down your face silently as you curled into yourself while he gently washed you off. “stop crying dove,” ron whispered. “it’s okay,” he kissed your head gently, and you only returned his words with a nod before reaching up and rubbing your eyes, forcing your tears to stop. 
“sorry,” you whispered with a quiet sniffle. 
“y’know you’re gonna have to apologize to hermione, right?” he asked. you only nodded as he drained the tub. “what do you want to wear?” he asked.
“i can dress myself thank you,” you whispered as you kneeled in front of harry’s trunk “i’ll see you downstairs.” he nodded and pressed a kiss to the back of your head before going down to the common room. once he was gone, you really let the sobs take over.
they were loud and heart wrenching as you released akk the emotions that you held in during your punishment. you went silent the second you heard the door open. quickly, you wiped your eyes roughly and pulled on one of harry’s shirts along with a pair of panties and a pair of shorts that you had in his trunk. “bubba?” harry’s voice asked quietly.
“hi hazzie,” you murmured monotonously. 
“hi baby. you wanna tell me what happened today?” he asked.
“no thanks. can i just have a hug please?” you whispered. harry pouted and kneeled on the floor in front of you.
“you can always have a hug my love,” he kissed your head gently as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and laid on his chest. 
“hazzie?” you murmured softly into his neck. 
“yes bubba?” he whispered as he rubbed your back.
“i don’t… want this anymore,” you whispered with a sniffle.
“you don’t want what angel?” he asked confused.
“um… us. me and you a-and ron… i don’t… i don’t want it,” you murmured.
“angel… are you breaking up with us?” he asked.
“yeah…” you whispered, voice breaking “yeah i am. i’m um… i’m sorry but… can you tell ron? i… i don’t want to look at him again,” you sniffled as you stood from your place knelt in front of him. you bent down and kissed his head before turning and walking out of the dorm. you kept your head down as you passed ron sitting with all his friends, bragging about how he’d just punished you, only working to break your heart even more, and prove to you that you’d made the correct decision. 
you went back to your own dorm and buried yourself under your covers. cuddling into the teddy bear harry got you as you used your wand to lock your door and put a protection charm on it, as you stared at the wall. you didn’t want to feel anymore, no actually… you couldn’t feel anymore. you were uncomfortably numb.
the only thing that you registered was the pain blooming in your backside and the hole that felt as though it had been ripped right out of your chest. you loved ron weasley… probably more than you should’ve… but you couldn’t keep letting him hurt you by taking hermione granger’s side over and over again. and punishing you before even listening to your side of it. 
so there you laid, dejected and heartbroken, wishing with all your might that the tears would just stop. that the pain would go away and you’d stop caring about ron and harry as much as you did. but you knew that you couldn’t… life didn’t work that way. and somehow… it’s always the things we love most that end up breaking us the hardest.
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