#Tom Slime-ons
frozenpoppies · 3 months
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We don’t talk about these images NEARLY enough
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clamsjams · 7 months
interrupting my regular posting to say draw tiny tom with jevin you cowards
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phas3d · 3 months
Toxic Traits || Slytherin Boys
type :: angst
tw/cw :: manipulation, violence, almost dubcon (theo)
contains :: tom, mattheo, theodore, lorenzo
summary :: their worst toxic traits - i always see these but it's the same stuff everytime and i wanna add some new traits that are toxic imo (i need goddess by laufey to come out RIGHT NOW IM SOBBING ON THE TOILET)
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TOM RIDDLE overly controlling
You knew that getting with Tom meant a lot of things about you would need to be changed in order to fit his life style, because God forbid he change himselfIt was foul tasting, you went into this knowing how bad Tom was yet still craved him like how little kids eat slime.
Quitting some clubs was fine, you didn't care for them that much anyways and hanging out with Tom in the library to sit in silence was SO much more fun.
Seeing your close friends was out of the picture completely because Tom didn't understand why you would need anyone besides him. Having friends was an indirect insult to him since it mean he wasn't fulfilling you enough.
Picking your own clothes was banned from day 1 once you got together, because how you were perceived also reflected onto him. He was head boy after all, he had a reputation to keep up. Not to mention he was the future heir to Voldemort's evil plan, meaning you needed to be perfect in every way.
Everything you said from now on would be chosen by Tom. Every morning Tom would cast a spell to be able to enter your brain so he could give you every answer to say. It didn't matter that it was potions class or flying class, he would tell you what to say.
If he had any reason to believe you were being mischevious or planning anything without his knowledge, he would use "legilimens" at any time of day when he wanted to, because he had a right to your own mind. He forced himself in your brain, viewing every traumatic event and happy event you've had. And if he didn't like those memories, he would change them.
At first you thought he would take your traumatic memories, making you happier and fuller of life. But, he took your happiest memories and mended them to fit his face into it. Memories of your mother brushing your hair and calling you beautiful were wiped away and replaced with Tom calling you beautiful, despite him never ever saying that.
Dating Tom leads to you becoming a shell, an empty hallow shell with no life besides the life Tom planned. And no matter how much you tried to fight back, rebel, or plead for mercy, it was too late. Once you agree to be his, he forever has ownership of you.
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MATTHEO RIDDLE violent habits in front of you
Fighting was one of Mattheo's hobbies, no matter how much you begged him to stop. At first it was cute, he was saying it was so you could fix his wounds and so he could protect you from creeps. It was the first time you've ever felt protected by someone, safe to walk out at night and safe to wear whatever you wanted.
But overtime, his anger was seen in more places than you predicted. Gaming was a small one but you knew it was possible. He lost a game whilst playing with his friend and he angrily shoved him while laughing. You just though the was playing rough, but his friend got up whilst gently holding his new bruise that Mattheo just made. Mattheo said sorry and the two made up, simply "boys being boys".
In sports you would see this a lot too, but it was expected. He was the beater on the Quidditch team making him bound to be aggressive. But once Slytherin was down 50 points, he began to take matters into his own hands. He chucked a ball straight into the benched already injured Gryffindor team, earning him a red card and being benched himself.
Beating his own dorm room was unexpected since the dorms would heal any imperfections daily. But when you went to his dorm, you saw the huge holes in his wall that pierced through the drywall and almost into the brick walls behind it. He shrugged it off when you questioned him, saying he always does that to relieve stress when he runs out of weed or alcohol.
You ignored all of the red flags but then his ex girlfriend reached out to you over text. She wrote a long message sharing how Mattheo was toxic in every way possible. How he would gaslight and lie to her constantly, how he would cause scenes in public to embarrass her, and how he almost hit her. He got so angry to a point where he swung at her but she dodged it, running away from him and instantly telling the first professor she found.
After that, she broke up with him but he wasn't done with her. He spammed her with countless texts and calls, all of which were threats in some way about how if she ever spoke up he would find her. He even sent his friends to watch over her since the school separated the two. He even
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THEODORE NOTT will cheat on multiple times (and guilt tripping)
He was one of the most wanted boys in Hogwarts, so when you started dating you felt honored. Out of all of the girls he could have chosen, he picked you and wanted you. Of course a few girls began to become bitter towards you but you didn't care, they were irrelevant anyways.
Everything was perfect in the beginning. He showed you off, went to every event you had, and even took you on multiple shopping sprees to buy whatever you wanted. Compliments from him would come every hour and each was sweeter than the last. It was just like the fairy tales you read and the ideal couples online.
But as time progressed, he wanted to do more too quickly. To him, sex was just a casual thing he could have whenever he wanted. But to you, it was much deeper and you wanted to have more time, which was completely reasonable since you've only been dating for about 3 weeks.
You expected him to be understanding like he usually was, to reassure you it was okay and he would wait. But instead, you met a shocked Theo as he shook his head to snap out of it. He asked you again, to double-check that you weren't joking and when you repeated yourself he was even more surprised. He scoffs, as if you just insulted him and he poked his cheek with his tongue.
From that day on, you noticed a shift in his attitude. His hourly compliments turned from hourly to 3 every day to 1 every day to none. His hugs and kisses were completely limited and only done when he was in public. Hanging out became rare, meaning you only saw each other during your shared classes.
You did everything you could to get him back, needing his love once more because you knew no other boy in this school was capable of treating you as well. But no matter what you did, he never was as sweet as he once was. It hurt, but you knew exactly why he was acting this way and you felt guilty despite knowing you shouldn't. So you decided to let into his wishes, allowing him to have sex with you.
You went to his dorm, ready to talk to him about it and give him consent (which you barely felt). But as you stepped into his already open dorm, you saw him banging some other girl on his bed. The same bed you two used to cuddle and laugh on, the same bed that he brushed your hair so delicately on, and the same exact bed where he first ever said "I love you".
But for some reason, as if he casted a spell on you, you couldn't bring yourself to feel angry at him but only disappointed in yourself for not fulfilling his wants. The girl in his bed scrambled away, throwing on random clothes and apologizing to you as she ran out whilst Theo sat there staring at you with a cold and emotional look.
His eyes were something you loved dearly about him because they were so filled with emotion, as if his soul was trapped into his eyes. You always hated when people said their eyes changed colors, but Theo's genuinely did.
And from his eyes, you could tell everything he wanted to say without even hearing his voice. You could hear the silence. The piercing silence in the room silently said, "It's your fault for not letting. I needed it and you couldn't fulfill what I needed, so I got a replacement."
You were hoping you would hear him say "It's not what it looks like!" or "I'm so sorry! I don't know what came over me!" but he didn't say anything, no defense. If anything, the pure embracement of his cheating was 100 times more hurtful than denial.
But for some strange reason, a stupid and idiotic voice came into your head to forgive him. To give him what he wants to keep him. To give up your whole self to secure the temporary happiness he would offer.
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LORENZO BERKSHIRE prioritizes everything but you (and love bombing)
Everyone views Lorenzo as the boy who shouldn't be in Slytherin, the only good one, the pure and cute-sy one. But as you got further into your relationship, you realized it was simply an act. It wasn't fully wrong, Lorenzo did have sweet parts in him and he was better than 70% of the Slytherin boys but he still had major flaws. There's no way a man can be friends with Mattheo, Tom, and Theodore and not be toxic as well.
At first, he was amazing to you. Flowers, chocolates, dates, movie nights, and so much more. It was like the dream rom-coms you watched growing up. But overtime, he stopped showing love to you and focussed his attention back into his life.
You tried your best to be understanding, but once again you sat alone in your own room crying as you scrolled through everyone's Instagram stories. Post after post featured Lorenzo surrounded by girls and guys, drinking, smiling, and dancing. But you weren't even invited or even told of it at all. But Lorenzo seemed to be having fun.
It was like this every day for months on end as you waited for the sweet Lorenzo you once loved. It was as if his plan was just to woo you in and then continue on with his perfect life. All he needed to do to make it even more perfect was secure a beautiful girlfriend and then he was set,
No matter how much you begged or cried for him to come back, he never did. Not even when you were on your knees begging for him to at least spend the night with you because you missed him. He rolled his eyes and comforted you, obviously wanting to leave the entire time. His words were so perfect yet his facial expression and body language lacked, making you question how easy it was for him to say the perfect words only to never mean it.
Even when you threw up from stress of school work and insecurities stacking up on you, he sighed and held your hair back. His touch was so warm, you've been lacking it for ages. But once you barfed again, he instantly groaned and let go of your hair, letting your hair fall into your face and vomit. He quickly ran to the sink to clean himself and then leave the rooom, disgusted by you. He left you there, alone on the cold bathroom floor to clean yourself up.
Even when you were sobbing and having a full blown panic attack, he wasn't there for you. Your knees were shaking and you could barely stand, feeling as if your entire body was no longer yours. Air was impossible to collect into your lungs as if they were never inside of you in the first place. Tears streamed so heavily down your face that they crawled down your neck and your collarbones. But he never wiped a single tears, instead handing you a box of tissues while he stared at you with no expression on his face. Although your brain was running 100 miles per hour, you could tell his face was a mix of disgust and pity, as if he was a doctor helping his crazy patient.
And whenever you did try to leave, wanting better for yourself- he never let you. Once you'd say you wanted to leave, he'd get teary eyed and beg on all fours for you to take him back, chanting how he was so blinded and stupid and stress and blah blah blah. Yet you fell for it every time, because you knew that once you took him back it would be the honeymoon phase once again.
One time you did fully break up with him, tired of the mistreatment and love bombing. But once you went to class you saw everyone's eyes on you, whispering to each other about how you were apparently a "crazy ex girlfriend" who made Lorenzo ball his eyes out. When you went to confront him, you saw him panicking and barely being able to breathe: just like how you were when you begged for him to love you.
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sweetiecutie · 1 year
Pairing: yandere!Tom Riddle x gn!Reader
Synopsis: no one can take you away from Tom, not even Death itself
Warnings: yandere themes, obsessive behavior, non-sexual nudity, dark forces, mention of death and bodies, reader’s gender not specified
You felt weird. Your ears were filled with buzzing white noise, mind racing but also completely muddled up. You inhaled sharply, searing pain surged through all of your body at the feeling of your lungs expanding. It felt like your insides were set ablaze all at once. Rattling cough tore through your throat, filling your mouth with the some thick slime-like substance that you quickly spat out, gulping desperately on cold air in fast shallow breaths.
From what your overwhelmed senses could tell - you were laying down on some kind of flooring - which felt more like bare stone. You struggled to get yourself into sitting position, hard cobbles dug into your flesh painfully, causing you to shiver violently from both cold and discomfort.
You cracked your eyes open, blinking rapidly a few times to get the same sticky slimey stuff out of your eyes. It was very dark around- or was it your unstable state? Heavy steps could be heard, coming in your direction; your body tensed impossibly more, head snapping in direction of nearing man(?), hands roaming the ground underneath you, trying to find something - anything - to defend yourself with.
- Shhhhh, dearest, it’s just me. You’re safe, - a familiar voice spoke soothingly, your body relaxing at the dear sound of it.
- Tom? - you whispered, eyes flickering in all directions haphazardly, trying to distinguish male’s slim figure in thick darkness.
Tom fell to his knees next to you, muttering quiet ‘Lumos’, dim ray of light coming from the tip of his wand blinded you temporarily. You heard some soft shuffling before a thick woolen cloak was wrapped tightly around your shuddering frame.
You managed to crack your eyes open, finally being abele to look around. You peeked down at yourself - your body looked raw - as if you spent hours emerged in hot water - skin was a bringt pink color, extremely sensitive to the smallest of touches - just like an infant in first minutes of its life. You were completely bare, some weird slippery substance was covering every part of you, cooling your body down unpleasantly.
Your eyes wandered up to Tom. His face was gaunt - cheeks looked as hollow as ever; dark eyes you loved so much were unusually sunken, dark purplish circles you knew he got from sleepless nights were laying underneath them; his beautiful lips were chopped and pale, lacking their usual plushness; lush shiny waves of brown hair laying so elegantly on his forehead now looked bleak and brittle. Tom looked ill - as if he was struggling from protracted ailment. But even despite his miserable -you could’ve never thought of using this adjective for describing Tom Riddle- appearance, his eyes were sparkling maniacally, like diamonds in finest of the jewelry.
- Tom, what happened? I don’t understand… - you inquired quietly. Your throat felt way too tight, making your voice sound shaky and weak, and you struggled to get words out. You felt Tom wrapping his arms tightly around you, bringing you to his chest in a tight embrace.
- Everything’s all right now, my love. It’s okay, you are safe with me, - Tom muttered more to himself, rocking you from side to side gently.
You took a look at your surroundings - it looked like you were inside of a huge dark cave of some sorts, rough wet stones were forming walls and ceiling of the cavity, you could hear water dripping down the stalactites all around, hitting the rocks underneath with loud echoing sounds. What caught your attention were deep involute lines carved deeply into stone ground, forming an intricate designs all around you, slightest red glow was still visible emanating from them.
There were dead bodies laying all around. About a dozen of men and women, some of them you recognized as Tom’s devoted followers, were splayed around what seemed to be a transfiguration circle. There were no injuries nor blood on them visible. In fact, they looked fully normal if it wasn’t for their dull eyes and looks of absolute horror etched on their lifeless faces.
And then suddenly pictures flashed before your eyes - Tom’s face, still full of health and youthful beauty, covered in grime and blood, was gazing down at you, his eyes sparkling with shiny tears. What was that? Why was he crying? And then, like in some kind of drunken haze, you looked down at yourself - a huge crimson blotch was growing bigger and bigger on your robes, saturating soft cotton fabric in warm sticky blood. You looked back up at Tom - he was full on crying now, babbling “don’t leave me” and “please, don’t die” over and over again, trembling hands pressing down onto your chest, trying to stop the blood flow.
What was he talking about? Why would you die? You tried to say it, to console your silly boy, reassure that there’s no way you would leave him - but no sound came out of your throat, no matter how hard you tried. Your mouth filled with sickening metallic taste of your own blood, black clouding your vision rapidly.
And now you remembered. Those were your memories - your last ones - before you died.
But how was this all possible? Here you were, blood and flesh, warm and breathing and surely alive, in welcoming arms of your lover.
- Tom? What have you done?.. - horror mixed with shock slowly crept up your back, all the way to your chest and throat, making it even harder to breath than before.
- Nothing will ever hurt you again. I won’t let that happen, I promise, - Tom uttered next to your ear, his body shaking with soundless sobs as he held you even closer to himself,
- I will keep you safe, away from all dangers. You will know no worries nor fears. It will be just the two of us, in our perfect world we’ve always dreamed of. Forever.
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headspace-hotel · 4 months
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joe biden makes me want to throw up but the USA's actions under his admin have much less to do with him personally and more to do with the entire putrefying mass of USA policy and its entire history and the situation of a compromise-based government system half dominated by the most rabid, hateful fascists imaginable.
every day I see a hundred posts on here saying "look at how bad Biden is, the two sides are the same and he is no better than a republican would be" and the revulsion in my heart at my country's actions agrees, yet the Republicans are frothing over Biden being marginally less bloodthirsty and furiously demanding far more violence and repression.
Honest to God I don't even know what to do with this. I'm not telling y'all, because I don't know. This country is a suicide bomb and the whole globe is strapped to it.
Like, on a lot of policies, it seems like both parties are further right than the majority of Americans. I don't think I even know anyone IRL who is pro- helping Israel bomb Palestine, and a lot of these people would probably consider themselves "moderate conservatives" or "centrists." The government makes no pretense of representing us at all.
It's the exact same with the climate; majorities in EVERY state, even red states, support taking action to mitigate climate change, and even the moderate liberal folks support policies more radical than anything the government manages to do. Republicans are attacking the Endangered Species Act, one of the most popular laws Congress ever passed! How do we even BEGIN to get out of this mess?
I looked up this Tom Cotton's Facebook and it is just as the article says and worse
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I can't even begin to describe how monstrously Fox News has just straight up lied about the genocide in Palestine, calling any and all protests in support of Palestinians "Pro-Hamas." And there is a substantial minority of Americans whose whole grasp of the world is framed by Fox News, which turns their brains into a disgusting slurry like a racist plasmodial slime mold whose primitive network of neuron-like impulses responds to no other stimuli apart from fear and paranoia
When Ron Desantis was still running for presidential nomination one of his campaign promises was that we would stop sending humanitarian aid to Gaza and that we would not allow Gazan refugees into the country. It was on his Instagram back in November. How would Gazan refugees make it all the way over here??? Like sure we should take them if they wanna come but I think they just want their home back! That fucker had to INVENT a hypothetical opportunity for a compassionate act so he could demonstrate that he would choose the cruel option. He was widely despised, but still, it's terrifying.
And before you say "violently overthrow the government," the small percentage of Americans who are straight up openly Neo-Nazis own a LARGE percentage of the guns, and they love to organize into stupid little militias about it. You bet cops and ex-military overlap with this category a lot. A "leftist revolution" is a wet dream for these guys.
I know, I know, it's not unsolvable, I know the hateful folks are in the minority, I know a future is possible, I know violence and oppression cannot continue forever, but AAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUGGGHHHHHH
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Self-Aware! BSD x SAGAU Imposter AU Crossover ideas. The Guild Edition
Part [I] [II] [III] [IV] [VI] [Vll] [VIII] [XI]
💰 Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald is destroying people of Teyvat financially. Fine print, written in English ("Oh, it's just my special paper. It's an ornament") in a contract, and most of Ninguang's finances are now belongs to Fitzgerald. And he is sure, that slimes can only be destroyed with 10 000 000 000 000 mora punch.
Spoils you even more. Doesn't matter, what you want, he will buy it to you.
🦝 Edgar Allan Poe will use his ability to kidnap people. He will make mystery novels, that can't be solved without knowledge from real world. He will left kidnapped people in a wilderness.
He will write a mystery novel specifically for you. Karl will often curl on your lap.
🐋 Herman Melville stays in the real world and takes care of you. Makes sure, that there are food in the fridge, that taxes are paid.
Scared Fontaine's people with disguised Moby Dick up in the sky.
🐙 Teyvat's waters are no longer save. Howard Phillips Lovecraft is now there, lurking, waiting. He is destroying ships.
Brings you beautiful fishes from Teyvat. Now you have a huge fish tank with unique colorful fishes. If you wish, he will bring blubberbeast to you.
🍇 John Steinbeck destroy crops with his ability. It was discussed, that, in case, he and Kyuusaku will fuse their abilities again. Kyuusaku have agreed to participate in this plan.
Brings your fruits from Teyvat. Will pick the freshest ones.
☕ Lucy Maud Montgomery, same as Poe, kidnaps people. But she won't leave them in the wilderness, no. She will keep them in Annie's room. Forever, if situation calls for it.
Lucy will keep you company, will make you coffee. Will bring you plush toys from Teyvat.
🪶 Louisa May Alcott will create plan after plan to bring "Creator's" followers down.
She will bring you new books. Will read them together with you.
👒 Margaret Mitchell is using wings to destroy Mondstadt's mills and vineyards. Her ability has nothing to do with elemental energy, so, Venti can't stop her.
Mitchell will bring you new clothes. Will bring silk from Teyvat. Will try to make you something.
♊ Mark Twain will do some sniper work. He won't kill anyone, but will cripple Knights of Favonius, millelith solders etc...
Mark will try to make you laugh. Will let you use Tom and Huck as dress-up toys.
✝️ Nathaniel Hawthorne will try to make "Creator's" followers stop believing in them. He will point at how they can't stop Geo Demons (Chuuya and Verlaine), Anemo's Witch (Mitchell), Mechanical Imp (Kauai), etc. Slowly will make people lose faith.
He will listen to you whenever you need, even in the middle of the night. Will be supportive.
Tag list: @withered-blossoms
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z3nitsusgf · 2 years
like a leopards tongue in the mouth of a snake
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roman roy | reader - 3.2k 
cw: NSFW, fem.reader, bribery???, scummy roman, fingering, oral (f. receiving), slight power dynamics, office sex
a/n: blah blah intimacy issues, blah blah canon roman is scared of pussy I KNOW but let me have my fun
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Outside, tipped street lamps have buzzed awake and shine cones of orange light onto the roads. It’s past hours, the other workers long gone by now. The office is empty, save for the skeleton crew that cleans up when no one else is around, but they're on the lower levels. 
The sky is yawning into night, the dusty blue darkening with each passing minute. You can’t hear the bustle of New York from how high up you are in the tower, the shimmering golden lights of other skyscrapers mimic the stars.
You’d like to go home, like to just go to sleep so you don’t have to deal with these corporate douchebags any longer. But your boss is still here, still drinking in here his personal office like the rest of you don’t have lives. To him, you probably don’t.
He’s said it before, “What? Do you have more important things to do than me?”
Like most people at Waystar, you steer clear of having to interact with Roman incessantly, despite the fact you’re his assistant. It’s already hard enough, being his glorified babysitter. It’s even worse when he’s in a teasing mood, which is all the time.
He’s like his family, the classic “I’m too important to interact with anyone out of my pay grade” type. Only really indulging in you because you’re the type to just shoulder his weird comments without taking them seriously. Brushing off his crude, absolutely shit, remarks. And you have a great ass too, or so he says.
He calls you his “little paper pusher”, an oversimplified pet name for what you actually do. You’re so important to his well-being, if you left now you’re sure he’d dissolve into nothing. But you let him think all you’re good for is being an emotional dumpster for his whiny rants. He’s more clingy than he realizes, always calling you late at night for menial bullshit and practically nipping at your heels when you try to work.
You do your best to slip under the radar; typing away at your desk, bringing coffee when asked, shuffling, and shredding papers in the file room. Occasionally, you’ll be asked to accompany Roman to his home (where he’ll ask if you want to suck his dick or get finger-banged over his couch). But most of the time, you make sure he’s not getting into a lawsuit for making lewd comments at the interns. Which is hard when that’s his whole farce.
He’s not bad all the time. Sometimes, he buys you lunch, really expensive lunch. He’ll even sit with you while you eat, pointing out you have horrible taste and he should really help you with expanding it. Plus you get bonuses on top of your stellar pay, Christmas gifts, and your very own lovesick slime puppy who can’t help but be obsessed with you. The last part wasn’t in the contract, but you guess it’s not so bad.
Another perk of being an assistant to the Roys is that you can’t leave until they tell you to leave.
So you’re stuck in the Waystar building, watching your boss sip on Lagavulin Offerman malt, observing how he sits weirdly on his loveseat and makes crude comments to you about his brother or Tom or the fucking weather. Lavishing in the space, relishing in the fact he’s made another person listen to his bullshit.
You mostly drown him out, looking over invoices and discrepancies while he sips his whiskey, sitting in the corner while you contemplate what you’ll have for dinner. You don’t even look at the time, only knowing it’ll make you itch to go home more.
You hear him say your name, drawing you from the excel sheet of numbers on your screen. He’s lazily draped on the cushions, his sleeves rolled up to his forearms, and the first few buttons on his shirt are opened.
He beckons you over with the flick of his fingers. You assume he wants more alcohol, or maybe he wants you to fetch his driver. You don’t expect him to-
“Hey,” he drawls, lips curved into that cheeky bastardized smile, “I’ll give you a million dollars if you take off your shirt.”
You’re dumbfounded, standing in the office of the boss’s son, holding your little Waystar table like it’ll save you.  For a minute you think he’s joking. 
“Huh? What-“
“Yeah, come on. I’ll give you a million, in cash or check or PayPal- whatever, if you take off your shirt.”
Roman Roy has always had an absurd amount of wealth, you know that. Everyone from fucking New York to Timbuktu knows that.
He can make million-dollar bets like it’s nothing, throwing away pocket money that could very well pay off your student loans, that could make sure you’d never go hungry or have to worry about keeping the fucking lights on. It’s shouldn’t surprise you that he’d make stupid little bets with you. Especially, when he’s bored and slightly buzzed.
Your eyebrows draw up at his words, mouth dropping open in a mix of shock and incredulous.
“I- um, I don’t think that’s a good idea, sir.”
Not only would you get in trouble for having that much money, but you’re also not going to just strip because he asked you to, no matter how much you think he’s attractive.
Roman gives a mocking scoff, lips parting as he takes a sip of his stupidly expensive whiskey that you’re sure tastes like shit. Your confusion and disdain must show because he’s raising an eyebrow at you, looking up at you with clear moss-green eyes.
“Oh, don’t be such a prude. It’s only your shirt.” He says it so casually - like you’re the one being unreasonable, swirling the glass in his hand as he crosses his legs. He’s dressed with a casual cocktail of his usual confidence and mockery.
“Besides I can see your tits through your blouse anyways,” your eyes widen and you feel yourself get fever-hot in embarrassment, and Roman is still grinning, “not like I’m gonna see anything I haven’t already.”
He laughs at how you fluster, you can see his pearly white teeth in his mouth. His eyes crinkling to the point you can see the lines on his face. Mouth quirking as he watches your eyes get misty, it’s always been a strange hobby of his. 
There’s something fundamentally wrong with him. He’s always known that. He pretends not to be the slithering black snake that creeps from the underbrush, but he can’t help it. It’s just what he is naturally. 
“Mr. Roy-“
He waves his hand, your eye catching the vacheron constantin watch on his wrist as he uncrosses his legs so he can lean forward towards you. 
“Oh come on, how about 2 million?” He’s dead serious, his stare piercing through you as you gape at him. You hate that you’re actually considering it. Two fucking million-
“Don’t tell me you don’t need the money.” He’s got that confident ‘you’ll do what I want’ look, and you chew the inside of your cheeks till you feel it sting. Even if you didn’t, two million dollars could last you for a long time. 
“Just my shirt?” You ask quietly, despite the office being completely empty. Roman takes another sip, the large ball of ice clinking against the crystal. 
“Sure, unless you wanna take it all off, just let me see what’s underneath this fucking thing.” He makes a point to flick your skirt, grazing his fingers across the top of your thigh. You twitch at the feeling, there’s an icy hot shiver that runs up your spine, a dark whisper in the back of your mind that tells you it’s worth it in the end. 
You inhale before reaching up to unbutton your blouse, standing right between his knees. Slowly pulling apart each opal-colored button, watching how Roman is practically purring at how you strip. He’s set his glass down on the side table, uncaring that it’s not on a coaster and will leave ringed marks on the wood.
It’s a weird rush, the feeling in your tummy fluttering and your throat tightening. You peel off the cotton, dropping it to the carpeted floor and standing only in your pencil skirt and heels. Roman can see how the swell of your breasts move with each exhale, the subtle curve of your waist down to the pretty way you shift in your black heels.
It’s erotic in a debauched way. Borderline gross and repulsive, but arousing all in the same fashion.
You’re standing, waiting for… waiting for you don’t know what. Roman is well, Roman. He’s entitled, immature, and such a prick you’d feel more guilty about doing this if he wasn’t the coddled baby of a multi-billion dollar company. 
He's spontaneously compassionate and flips on a dime. He's so used to being mean, being cut-throat and crass - it's like second nature to him. Like most people, you can't stand Roman on a good day, even less on a bad. But there's something about him, maybe it's that air of frail egocentric bullshit, the sopping sweet stench of someone so high-strung on power and his own entitlement that shows you just how pathetic he really is.
You’ve always liked men who were a bit fucked in the head. Roman is no exception.
“Got a nice pair, prettier than a fucking pornstar.” You’re resisting the urge to cover up your chest, but for some reason, you don’t. Letting his eyes roam over the dips and curves of your body, staring ahead at the glass windows that gleam in the skyline of Manhattan.
Roman swipes his tongue across the plump of his lower lip, reaching forward to hold your skirt-clad waist, thumbs digging into your hipbones. Dragging the pad of his fingers over the band, where skin meets fabric. You’re sensitive, knees practically buckling from the feeling alone.
It’s not the first time he’s touched you, he usually makes his quirky gestures at random times. It’s usually a pat on the head or a pinch on the shoulder. A peck when he’s truly drunk. Never like this, never so intimately. But you bite your tongue to keep from whining out that you want more.
His hands are soft, never having to do a hard day's work in his life. He trails the tips over your exposed stomach, fiddling with the zipper of your skirt. He smirks, leaning forward to brush his nose across your belly, up to your ribcage, his hair tickles the underside of your breasts, the licked-up strands wild.
He, thankfully, doesn’t comment on your peaked nipples, your skin flushed in goosebumps from his touch. Instead, he murmurs into your skin, “I’ll give you another million to take off the rest.”
A pitched whine catches in your throat, the vibration of his voice against your ribs is making you squirm, and you look down at Roman to see his blown pupils and rose-bud colored cheeks. The slicked-back gel in his hair starting to come undone, strands falling across his forehead. You resist the urge to run your fingers through them, biting your lip.
“Whaddya say, my little paper pusher, gonna take off your skirt for me?” He already knows you will, he’s just prodding you for more. Nipping at the exposed skin of your abdomen, dragging the tip of his tongue across it, wetting the flesh. He’s dipping his fingers inside the band, trying to weasel his way into your panties, which are fucking sopping.
It’s like Roman always says, there’s no point of having a babysitter if he can’t fuck ‘em.
You’re so hazy, head foggy and clouded over - you’d think you were the one that drank. You puff out what he thinks is a quiet okay. Giving him a soft nod, hands shakily going to unzip the tight fabric. He hums, already ahead of you and hooking his thumbs into the band and tugging down.
With it, comes your skirt. You squeak at the sudden rush, stabling yourself on his shoulders as he rolls it down your thighs, letting it pool around your ankles. He makes a muffled aw at your panties, a pretty lacy thing that makes him giggle. 
He snaps the band with a finger, teeth flashing at how you squirm and yip like a puppy. “Wear this just for me? You’re so sweet.”
It’s patronizing, like he knew all along you were weak-willed and soft for him.
Roman nudges your legs apart with his knee, making you stand out in the open like his just for him. He presses two fingers against the drenched spot on your panties and gives a little circle. 
“Jesus, you’re fucking soaked,” He throws his head back and laughs. Observing how you tremble around the pressure on your clit. Sliding them to the side so he can run his fingers over your slick folds, dipping them between the seam and feeling the honey-thick arousal that’s smeared against your cunt.
He pulls his fingers back and Roman looks at his fingers quizzically, spreading them to see the clear slimy strings that web along his knuckles from your slick. It makes a fluttery feeling settle in his tummy, one he hasn’t experienced. He ignores the raging hard-on in his pants.
“Get this wet because I’d pay you to take off your clothes? That’s kinda fucked, you’re kinda like my personal whore then.” Even now he doesn’t shut up, but his words make you clench around nothing.
He’s different like this, the air around him is electric and heavy and makes you want to just sink into the floor. He watches how your knees wobble, the way you grab his shoulders to keep from falling into him - he’s got you right where he wants you.
“Yeah, you’re a fucking slut.” He swipes his fingers through your folds again, hardly even caring if he brushes your clit or not. 
Roman curves a hand around your back, brushing along your spine and settling on your tailbone. He pushes you backward by leaning forward, allowing your back to meet the cushions. Your legs coming up to drape over his hips. You glance down at the bulge that’s poking at your inner thighs, the faint damp spot on them has you itching to reach down and touch.
You wonder, faintly, how your relationship will change after this. If it’ll chance at all. You know Roman isn’t… the best, when it comes feelings. Maybe this is a one-and-done kinda deal, even so - it’ll still be worth it.
You get drawn out of your head when he’s playing with your pussy, fingers swiping up and down slowly, making you messier and sticky with your slick. You inhale, the tip of your tongue ready to beg for more when he pushes two fingers in your cunt, eyes wide and watching how you gasp and grab his wrist.
“Please-“ The way you say it, so breathily and desperate, it’s making him get hazy in the head.
He pushes in, down to the base of his knuckles, immediately going to hook them up and rub that sweet spot inside. It’s effective because your knees jerk and you’re half an inch from kneeing him in the chin.
The way you moan is so fucking hot, it has him twitching in his pants. You grab at his button-up, twisting the fabric as you hump his hand, it’s cute.
“I bet this is your wet-dream, huh? Getting your boss to finger-fuck your pussy.”  
“So easy too, little corporate slut who’s been waiting for me to fuck her.” He says it with a pinch to your inner thigh, giggling when you flinch and try to snap them shut. 
He’s taunting you, scissoring his fingers open and shivering at the sound of wet clicking that reverberates in the office. You’re tight, gripping his fingers and gushing down his wrist. He’s never wanted to see someone cum so bad before.
“That right?” He asks, his other hand coming up to grope and squeeze your tits. You shake your head, not even able to answer him with how he’s punching the tips of his fingers into your spot, the gooey sweet one that has you drooling and starry-eyed.
He slides the hand that’s pinching your nipples down to your hip, trying to settle the writhing and bucking of your pelvis.
“Making a fucking mess,” he mumbles, his other hand is occupied by pinning your hips to his sticky couch, which you’re sure is drenched with your cum. Trimmed nails dig into the flesh of your hipbone. The feeling of wetness clings to your inner thighs liberally, soaking down to the curve of your ass.  You whine, hips squirming in his tight grip. 
He pulls away suddenly, it makes you want to cry. You look at him with glassy eyes, the lashes wet and you’ve got bitten lips that quiver when he doesn’t hurry.
“Rome, I need-“ 
He’s scooting down, scooping your thighs up. His face is right in front of your heat, and he leans forward, flicking his tongue against your cunt, it makes sparks shoot through your lower half. Your hand shooting out the card through his hair, nails raking over his scalp.
You wouldn’t expect him to eat pussy so good, but god- he does. He sucks a fold into his mouth, he nips the other. You’re panting, practically grinding down against his face. His tongue lapping at you with such fervor you’re almost embarrassed. It’s sloppy and wet, and his chin is covered and shiny.
“So good, so good, it feels so fucking good.” Roman shivers, he’s not used to hearing praise. But he likes it a lot more than he realizes.
The light stubble drags across your skin, pricks the inside of your thighs from how hard you squeeze around his head. It’s like lightning, the build-up. It gets impossibly hotter when he’s pressing back his fingers and sucking your clit into his mouth. Your tummy clenching and spasming.
“O-oh fuck, Rome, I’m gonna-“ He hums, doubling his efforts, suckling harder while curling his fingers. It pays off when you gush and clamp down on him, moaning and mewling with leaking tears down your face. You tug on his hair when he licks a stripe up the seam of your cunt, jerking from the sensitivity.
Roman pulls away with a dopey grin, mouth shiny and god- he looks lovesick. Dark lashes fluttering at he crawls over you, palms resting on either side of your head. He’s so different like he suddenly doesn’t know what to do anymore. Retreating as if he hadn’t had his face in your pussy.
He presses a light kiss against your mouth. He smells of Dior Homme, the powdery iris and lavender that bleeds into vetiver, it’s intoxicating. He tastes like whisky and your cunt.
“You taste so much better than I thought you would.” Your hands flirt with the buttons of his ruffled shirt, untucking it from his waistband.
“Fuck, I’m so hard I think my dick is gonna fall off.” You giggle at his admission, leaning up to press kisses along the column of his neck.
“Well, let me return the favor, Mr. Roy.”
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a-weird-writer · 2 years
I want to hear about being Rimuru's wifey 🥺
(How long would it take for you to be killed by his many jealous wannabe wifeys though LOL)
OK, FINE. I can give a little juice.
Rimuru Tempest is confident in a number of different things. Lords are not without their pride; Rimuru undergoes significant evolution-literally and figuratively-as a monster and as an individual playing his role as King of Monsters.
But marriage sure ain't one of them!
Can't tell the first thing about it, not diddly squat.
Not all hope is lost, however. You're a team in this, together till the end. Sworn by hearts, promised in bonds. Tethered by fated rings, by your fingers. Even with his face in the ground, glued in the sand, you're dedicated as ever, stubborn in the face of conflict. By his side forevermore, inspiring. He just has to get back on track, stand again, puff his chest to swallow some big boy pills; boost his esteem, maintain faith and confidence. Lovers help each other, so prop up! Words cannot describe his appreciation, his respect. And it's not just you, he isn't as alone as he thinks he is, never. A whole kingdom of monsters is watching your backs, a little too eager to lend a hand in serenading you both.
Rimuru isn't that stupid! There's a groom and bride with a bunch of lovely dovely flowers and shit, literally all he knows. His previous lifetime was kind of pathetic and unromantic. Pretty depressing in entirety, sad in truth. He never married or attended weddings in his lost world, let alone the current one. Is marriage even the same here as it is in Japan? For all Rimuru knows, marriage kisses ass and costs butt loads of unnecessary money.
So fucking clueless, tree stumped.
Rimuru is a slime, but a Demon Lord slime, not to be looked down upon. Power, wealth and a whole kingdom by his side! He can learn to husband, no sweat! He can do this! And do you.
Something he always does is dot on you like you're the next Tom Cruise. Bubbly and bashful, all to delight you. No strings attached, anything you might like; can only hope it hits a not too big dent in his wallet. He doesn't want to overdo, come across as too zealous. But doing so makes him do exactly that (Overthinks sometimes, stresses, running Tempest requires a great deal of weight and planning). Appropriate gifts left and right, showering you in attention. Things you favor, as if he needs to prove himself over every little thing. Things Shuna told him you favor. His wife is the best thing that ever happened to him since his rebirth. The closest thing to his heart, a part of his family, the family he would die protecting. Being King isn't paradise. Its plenty stressful and he worries, a lot.
To Rimuru, you work wonders just by sitting down with him. His wife's presence eases everything his horrible day threw at him, accepting a place shaped with your legs, fitting perfectly. A seat perfect for a king, your leggy pot full of bubbly blue jelly. Your hands drag across him in smooth feathery strokes, his slimy form flowing along the slow movements as thick ocean currents. Carefully gliding, washing away the negativity and pressure off his shoulders. Replaced with care and comfort, a love only a wife can give. In this embrace, a tangling of different bodies, your gentle pets are heaven. Warm water, slipping through your fingers like glass. Holding him so tenderly in your lap, afraid he will slide off at any moment. Don't worry, he stays right where he is. Careless of how "jealous" the others might get. Will get. Take a hint Shion. He just snuggles deeper, instantly relaxed. Chill in your own makeshift hug.
Rimuru especially loves travel. Sightseeing, a passion Satoru Mikami dreamed of before reincarnation. Exploring, experiencing and visiting every corner of the world, seeing places in the glorious landscapes of his thriving nation. A piece of Eden Heaven can't hope to compare. Beauty exists to be seen.
It won't take a mile to enjoy himself, Rimuru is a regular guy who likes regular things. Married anime couple things. Simple things. Like counting clouds and trees, wishing on shooting stars, telling fairy tales. Minty to your taste. Breathing fresh air and enjoying food together, basking in beloved company. Even with that in mind, still gives it the best he can provide, turn it more meaningful and loving, memorable. The best views, best stops, best everything. He can't go out to genuinely enjoy life with his wife as much as he wants to, until retirement. Every moment must be worth treasuring, so when he does have time aplenty, its twice as entertaining.
Nothing wins Rimuru over faster than a tasty meal. Consider food dates his favorite type of date; since Rimuru lost his sense of taste as a slime, he incredibly values taste. One of the few things left of his humanity. From breakfast, lunch, dinner and desserts. Bonus points if you cook for him; Rimuru quite literally melts, enjoying these get togethers is the prime of his day.
May even muster up the courage to do that cliche anime trope. You know the one.
That single trope all anime protagonists do; a classic, desperate loser move to flirt with their lover. Rimuru cringes at the mere thought of it, drowning in sweat. Shuddering. Makes him sink into himself and never peek back out. Embarrassed. Rimuru will blame it on cold weather. Wants to do it so damn badly but...
Fucking cliche, like his life isn't already an anime. He wants to run in the opposite direction and quickly slip into a lonely hole in the ground because he was not made for this:
Feeding you directly from his spoon.
Kill him please.
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syn4k · 22 days
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this is ABSOLUTELY jordan with jerry.
(for those unaware: jerry is a baby slime that jordan captainsparklez found in one of his minecraft letsplays a LONG time ago. baby slimes in minecraft are less than a block tall, have half a heart of health, and are in fact so small that they can't even hurt the player by jumping up and squishing them like bigger slimes do, thus making them utterly and completely harmless. after jerry hopped in front of jordan and took an arrow for him, jordan decided to take him as soon as the sun rose. when he got back, jerry the slime was gone. every series jordan has made after that one has either featured a reincarnation of jerry or had some sort of homage to jerry in it. i think about this extremely frequently. wow that got long)
anyways, in every season of mianite jerry has been there at some point and he has always been some sort of gift (either from the wizards (s1) or the gods (s2)). i saw the tweet above and i went okay. Jerry could be a perfectly normal baby slime who nobody fucks with simply because Jordan will literally summon all the powers of Heaven and Hell for revenge if they ever touch his boy. that makes sense. but what if jerry was secretly super powerful and nobody knows because he's so unassuming, kind of like the immortal snail that instakills you if you touch it?
the scenario i'm imagining is this: someone breaks into jordan's house in the middle of the night to get cheese or something. probably tom. he's being super quiet and super sneaky. he has an invisibility potion on and everything. everything is going great until he turns to leave when Suddenly,
jordan, from somewhere out of sight: GET HIM, JERRY!
jerry the baby slime (small) (baby) (pretty damn harmless) drops in from the ceiling and starts hopping slowly but ominously towards tom.
now, you see, at this point tom is like "is he serious?" which is a great question to ask because he knows (or thinks he knows) that jerry cant do shit. he knows that this is definitely a distraction and that jordan is about to wreck his shit. however, he Also knows that if he does anything at all to jerry then jordan will have a great reason to have it out for him for the rest of eternity.
jerry is still approaching.
tom double checks all the exits just to make sure, walks forwards, gently nudges jerry aside with his foot so that he can get the fuck out of there, and Instantly Fucking Dies.
he did not account for the possibility that jerry is partially made up of a very strong, very fast acting poison that kills everyone upon contact (except jordan obviously), which makes sense because that's fucking wild and no sane person would consider that while raiding their friend's house for bread at 3am.
(also nobody except for jordan has ever touched jerry before so how would they know?)
the worst part is that this sounds exactly like the type of thing tom would make up to explain dying after breaking into jordan's house, so he can't even go to anyone to bitch about it. when questioned about the incident, jordan just gives whoever asked a Look that says "you actually believe that Jerry the baby goddamn Slime killed Tom?? Jerry, who couldn't hurt a baby chicken if he wanted to??? Fucking Jerry?????" and they go "yeah ok" and drop it.
thank you for coming to my ted talk. i might write a oneshot about this.
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gatheringbones · 8 months
[“Feminists’ discomfort with proximity to sex workers reached a fever pitch during the so-called ‘sex wars’ of the 1980s and 1990s. In this era, radical feminists locked horns with ‘pro-sex’ feminists over the issues of pornography and prostitution. The radical-feminist perspective on sex work holds that it reproduces (and is itself a product of) patriarchal violence against women. This analysis could extend to all heterosexual sexual behaviours, as well as public sex and kink (commonly known as BDSM, for ‘bondage, domination, submission/sadism, masochism’).
The focus in this era was on censoring porn and ‘raising awareness’ rather than addressing prostitution through criminal law directly, but a nonetheless vehement anti-prostitution stance became commonplace in the feminist movement. Writer Janice Raymond stated that ‘prostitution is rape that’s paid for’, while Kathleen Barry said buying and selling sex was ‘destructive of human life’.
The defence of porn and prostitution that followed in response was based on ideas of sexual liberation through nonconformist sexual expression, such as BDSM and the ‘queering’ of lesbian and gay identities. Many ‘pro-sex’ or ‘sex-radical’ feminists posited that not only could watching porn be gratifying and educational, it could upend patriarchal control over women’s sexual expression. Moreover, that the sex industry was sticking two fingers up at the institution of marriage, highlighting the hypocrisy of conservative, monogamous heteronormativity. While some people who fought for sexual liberation were sex workers – such as LGBTQ and AIDS activist Amber Hollibaugh – many sex radicals advanced their arguments from a non–sex worker perspective. Defending porn often meant defending watching it, rather than performing in it.
Radical feminists famously described sex radicals as ‘Uncle Toms’* pandering to the primacy of male sexuality, while they in turn were derided as ‘prudes’ invested in preserving sexual puritanism. Rather than focussing on the ‘work’ of sex work, both pro-sex feminists and anti-prostitution feminists concerned themselves with sex as symbol. Both groups questioned what the existence of the sex industry implied for their own positions as women; both groups prioritised those questions over what material improvements could be made in the lives of the sex workers in their communities. Stuck in the domain of sex and whether it is ‘good’ or ‘bad’ for women (and adamant that it could only be one or the other) it was all too easy for feminists to think of The Prostitute only in terms of what she represented to them. They claimed ownership of sex worker experiences in order to make sense of their own.
Anti-prostitution activist Dorchen Leidholdt spoke to this feminist impulse; ‘this de-individualized, de-humanized being has the function of representing generic woman … She stands in for all of us, and she takes the abuse that we are beginning to resist.’ It was in this context that former prostitute Andrea Dworkin’s work became highly influential in the movement, and set a new tone for criticism of sex work. The Prostitute, she said
lives the literal reality of being the dirty woman. There is no metaphor. She is the woman covered in dirt, which is to say that every man who has ever been on top of her has left a piece of himself behind … She is perceived as, treated as – and I want you to remember this, this is real – vaginal slime.
Her confrontational writing style – and her experiences in the sex trade – helped to legitimise and normalise similar usage of graphic and misogynist language in ‘feminist’ discussions of sex workers and their bodies. Barry, a contemporary of Dworkin, likened prostitutes to blow-up dolls, ‘complete with orifices for penetration and ejaculation’, while Leidholdt wrote that ‘stranger after stranger use[s] her body as a seminal spittoon … What other job is so deeply gendered that one’s breasts, vagina and rectum constitute the working equipment?’ Academics Cecilie Høigård and Liv Finstad wrote of women who sell sex that ‘at the core they experience themselves as only cheap whores’.
Sex working feminists have long found themselves harshly excluded, and not only by de-humanising language in academia, but by explicit lack of invitation into spaces. Kate Millett recalls a feminist conference on prostitution, held in 1971. Disgruntled working women arrived to demand a seat at the table: An inadvertent masterpiece of tactless precipitance, the title of the day’s program was inscribed on leaflets for our benefit: ‘Towards the Elimination of Prostitution’. The panel of experts included everyone but prostitutes … all hell broke loose – between the prostitute and the movement. Because, against all likelihood, prostitutes did in fact attend the conference … They had a great deal to say about the presumption of straight women who fancied they could debate, decide or even discuss what was their situation and not ours.
Unlike the hostile environment of radical feminism, sex radicals were welcoming and supportive to sex workers. This influence helped shape the movement’s growth. In 1974, COYOTE hosted the first National Hookers’ Convention. The bright orange flyer nodded to the way prostitutes had been shunned from the women’s movement: emblazoned with a hand touching a vulva, it proclaimed, ‘Our Convention Is Different: We Want Everyone to Come’”]
molly smith, juno mac, from revolting prostitutes: the fight for sex workers’ rights, 2018
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turvi · 1 year
Tom riddle and the ravenclaw heir thoughts gave me power couple vibes! I loved it so much! I think he might even like a little when they get a bit bossy with him(but I don’t think he would admit it) I don’t know about everyone else but I would definitely love a fic about it!(if you feel like writing, of course)
WARNING: Mentions of Sex, Mentions of death
Tom would not have paid attention to class as he looked expectedly at the students waiting
for the answer of this question. But he knew. He knew she was in this class. He saw how smugly she looked at him.
He clenched his jaw and answered before she could and enjoyed the scowl, she sent his way. Pride filled his chest. This was better than the yapping he would have to endure of his followers. He knew she was an Heir like him. He had the urge to pull her down to be the only one who rules the Hogwarts
She got up as soon as the class was over only to be blocked by Tom. His smirk grew as her frown deepened. “Slow as always Y/n”
She huffed “I’m not slow…. you are annoying”  
She walked away but Tom immediately tugged her back by her wrist. He smiled like a Cheshire cat when he heard her breath hitch, enjoying the effect he had on her. He wrapped his arm around her waist bringing her closer to him. He leaned closer his nose almost touching hers. She tried not to squirm under his featherlight touches. He discreetly took out her wand and twirled it around his fingers. “You should learn to be faster L/n”
Her eyes widened when they landed on her wand. She reached her hand out to get the wand only for Tom to pull the wand away. She smirked and cast a wandless jinx on Tom. Tom was drenched in slime, a look of surprise and amusement on his face. If it would have been someone else, they would have faced a fate worse than fate. Not Y/n. He no longer saw her as a competition but an equal.
Y/n finally walked away looking back once to see Tom cleaning himself with wandless magic. They didn’t break eye contact until she was out of the classroom. It only cemented Tom’s decision.
The following morning Tom walked to the courtyard to see that Y/n was sitting with a Gryffindor. She must have felt his gaze on her as she looked up at him with an elegant smile and continued talking to the Gryffindor.
The sunlight seemed to create a halo on her head. He scoffed. He knew she was far from innocent. The way she looks at him tells it all. He sat yards across from her feeling her eyes on him as he settles.
He wonders if the Gryffindor notices how she does not pay attention to a word he speaks. How her e/c irises keep stealing glances at the dark wizard. He sees the game she plays and is ready to turn the tables. He pretends he doesn’t notice her.
He wanted to see the scowl on her face he knew she donned. He opened his book so it could provide him the much-needed distraction he needed from her alluring gaze.
Weeks went by, and their interactions were limited but emotive. Her nights were haunted by his featherlight touches and the feel of his breath on her skin. Obviously, her parents made sure before she joined Hogwarts to not let her be in his shadow.
But her own soul betrayed her. She cursed herself for how she felt in front of him. She was royalty, it was expected of her to act with grace but in his presence, she felt like a teenage girl who doesn’t know how to contain her feelings. Unbeknownst to her he was facing the same dilemma.
She didn’t know how in the nights of his loneliness he tightly grabs his pillow, whining and wishing it was her. This felt so wrong, he was disappointed in himself with how his body writhed for her, how he longed to be in her presence, to burn down the whole world and present it to her as an offering. To his queen.
One moonless night he couldn’t take it anymore. Sure, he had taken lovers before but his soul and body never craved someone like this. Only because she left him speechless?  
He stretched his body in frustration against his silky sheets. He got up from his bed only to be interrupted by a series of light knocks. He raised his wand ready to attack whoever was on the other side of his door.
He immediately opened his door, and his eyes widened. There she was, standing under the dim light looking disheveled but lovely. Her eyes spoke more than her words could. Without hesitation he pulled her in, locking the door. He made her sit on the edge of his bed. He kneeled in front of her, almost scoffing at himself for being so vulnerable. But one look in her eyes made everything worth it.
Without a word he started pressing kisses on her thighs, his hands opening her robe. For the first time, she saw a different look in his eyes. They looked more beautiful, they looked softer.
For the world, he is the dark wizard, a threat, a madman. But if they see him now practically surrendering in front of a girl they will call him names, call her his weakness. But he has long accepted the fact that she is his equal, his better half, his queen.
He kissed her as she held him tightly finally in a union with her. He chuckles maniacally as she continues to kiss him knowing very well this could be her downfall. But she doesn’t care and he knows that.
He teased her “What about your parents?”
She bit his earlobe before whispering in his ear “You don’t have to worry about them my lord. They will do as I say”. He moaned when the words fall out of her lips. She gasped when he tugged her hair so he could see into her eyes. “Perfect. My queen”
They claimed the whole night for their union and didn’t care if the whole Hogwarts could hear them. With the dawn, Hogwarts will fall and they will watch.
Harry Potter. He ruined everything. Tom knew he couldn’t run anymore as his castle burned. He ran upstairs to his wife to see her standing on the balcony as the flames caught up to the castle. He ran towards her. “My love, leave this castle is going to burn down you have to leave. NOW!!”
He pushed her away but she remained still her gaze reminded him of their time at Hogwarts. She got closer to him, her green gown gliding across the white marble. “My Lord, I was with you when you only dreamt to build this world, I will stand with you too as your world burns”
Tears clouded his eyes “No. Please, leave I promised to never hurt you”
She cupped his cheek. “Surviving is a harsh punishment you are giving me. My lord, if I can’t die with you.”
He smirked. He kissed her passionately as the flames got closer, the fire burning their skin but their hold stronger than ever on each other as they repeat, their wedding vows until they see nothing but darkness in their eyes. Till death do us part.
Reblogs and Comments are appreciated
@watersquirtpewpewboomm @vivienisinfandoms @ravenclawwh0re18
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bugyjuice · 3 months
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Heyo! Im back on my bullshit and making more Slimon art (while also redesigning him because I didn't really care all to much for the original). I guess a little context for this AU, the Slime crown doesn't drive its wearer insane like the Ice crown does. Instead it alters the body a lot more than the Ice crown, basically turning the whole body into slime (similar to how the Ice crown causes the wearers body temperature to drop below zero) and giving them theropod traits (kinda like how dino Gunters love of bongos seemingly causing Ice kings drum obsession/hobby, except its a physical trait rather than a mental one). Since Simon isn't completely insane in this au, he ends up sticking by Marcy's side and ends up meeting Two-Bread-Tom and his group, whole all end up making up his kingdom when he eventually settles down. I think these two would get along really well
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kakusu-shipping · 9 months
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Emile Hides - He/She
Agender - Gendercute - Fray/Panromantic - Asexual - Polyam
24 years old
Autistic - OCD - URAD - Anxiety
Age Regressor - Permakid - Age Locked
Proship - Self Ship - Fudanshi
Art Tag: Emile’s Arts
Writing Tag: Emile’s Writing
Edit Tag: Emile's Edits
This is my Ship and Let Ship blog where I post about ships I like, Self Ship as loudly as possible, write X Readers curated to me and me alone, and ramble about my F/Os in the tags of other people’s posts.
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Full F/O list under the cut (Very Long)
Romantic F/Os
Koro-Sensei - Assassination Classroom
Toshinori Yagi (All Might) - My Hero Academia
Nezu - My Hero Academia
Mashirao Ojiro + Neito Monoma + Hitoshi Shinso - My Hero Academia
Taishiro Toyomitsu (Fatgum) + Kendo Rappa - My Hero Academia
Atsuhiro Sako (Mr. Compress) + Jin Bubaigawa (Twice) - My Hero Academia
All For One - My Hero Academia
Makarov Dreyar - Fairy Tail
Toma E. Fiore + Mako - Fairy Tail
Jackpot - Fairy Tail/OC
Zanoba Shirone - Jobless Reincarnation
Leuvis - The Promised Neverland
Kyube - Madoka Magica
Isaac - Castlevania
Ginko - Mushishi
Takashi Morinozuka - Ouran Highschool Host Club
Tetsuo Takahashi - Interviews with Monster Girls
Kometani Chushaku + Naruse Shisuto - Komi Can't Communicate
Shouko Kirishima + Yuuji Sakamoto - Baka and Test
Masato Hanzawa - Sasaki and Miyano/Hirano and Kagiura
Gonzaburo Taishiro - Sasaki and Miyano/Hirano and Kagiura
Franky Franklin - Spy X Family
Riri - Romantic Killer
Junta Hayami - Romantic Killer
Harunobu Nikaidou - March comes in like a Lion
Otsu + Minegishi - Manly Appetites
Muta - The Cat Returns
Scorpia - She-Ra
Bismuth + Peridot + Lapis - Steven Universe
Eda Clawthorn + Raine Whispers - The Owl House
Hieronymus Bump - The Owl House
Good Billions + Bad Billions - Kipo and the age of the Wonderbeasts
Tad Mullholand - Kipo and the age of the Wonderbeasts
Alfur - Hilda
Big Macintosh - My Little Pony
Ruby Gloom + Skull Boy - Ruby Gloom
The Snork - Moominvalley 2019
Lynn Angel + Nick Hoult - All Saints Street
Teddy - Bob's Burgers
Sisu - Raya and the Last Dragon
Zack Binspin - Moshi Monsters
Allhands - Drawga
Gyorik Rogdul + Grendan Highforge + Rosé - Drawtectives
James - Pokemon Anime
N - Pokemon Black/White
Drayden - Pokemon Black/White
Lillie - Pokemon Sun/Moon
Molayne + Sophocles - Pokemon Sun/Moon
Guzma - Pokemon Masters
Milo + Gordie - Pokemon Sword/Shield
Clavell - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
Jacq + Saguaro + Salvatore + Hassel - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
Kieran + Drayton - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
Hydreigon - Pokemon Black/White2
Chesnaught - Pokemon XY
Inteleon - Pokemon Sword/Shield
Armarouge (Charlos) - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
Bloodmoon Ursaluna - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
Sirfetch'd - Pokemon Anime
Captain Pikachu - Pokemon Anime
Heracross - Monster Mind
Smeargle + Kecleon - Monster Mind
Mario + Luigi - Super Mario
C.Q. Cumber - Splatoon 2
Mr. Grizz - Splatoon 3
Jel La Fleur - Splatoon 3
Isabelle + Tom Nook + Redd + Brewster - Animal Crossing
Papyrus - Undertale
Vulkin - Undertale
Swatchlings - Deltarune
Viktor Humphries - Slime Rancher
Dick Gumshoe - Ace Attorney
Raymond Sheilds - Ace Attorney
Phineas Flilch - Ace Attorney
Hifumi Yamada + Celestia Ludenburgh - Danganronpa 1
Teruteru Hanamura - Danganronpa 2
Toko Fukawa + Genocide Jack - Danganronpa UDG
Ryoma Hoshi + Gonta Gokuhara - Danganronpa V3
Monokuma - Danganronpa series
Shirokuma - Danganronpa series
Kyle Klim (K) + Luna - Virtue's Last Reward
GTM-CM-G-OLM - Virtue's Last Reward
Kazuaki Nanaki + Hitori Uzune - Hatoful Boyfriend
The King - Hatoful Boyfriend
Zenyatta - Overwatch
Ramattra - Overwatch
B.O.B. + Bars - Overwatch
Maximillien - Overwatch
Lynx17 - Overwatch
Iggy - Overwatch
Toy Freddy + Funtime Freddy - Five Nights at Freddy's AU
Nightmare Fredbear - Five Nights at Freddy's 4
Sun - Five Nights at Freddy's Security Breach
Leshy - Inscryption
Magnificus - Inscryption
Theodore DaCabe (The New Prince) - Chzo Mythos
Anna (The Huntress) - Dead by Daylight
Al-An - Subnautica Below Zero
Mae Borowski - Night in the Woods
Candyman - Lethal League
Gabocha - Suikoden 2
Richmond - Suikoden 2
Neclord - Suikoden 2
Luca Blight - Suikoden 2
Andras - Hell's Library
Jill Wolcott - Wayward Children
Reed + Leigh - Middlegame
Aguri Yukimura - Assassination Classroom - Queerplatonic
Mei Hatsume - My Hero Academia - Queerplatonic
Rikiya Yostubashi (ReDestro) - My Hero Academia - Queerplatonic
Reedus Jonah - Fairy Tail - Queerplatonic
Pantherlily - Fairy Tail - Queerplatonic
Peridot - Steven Universe - Queerplatonic
Nemona - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Queerplatonic
Raifort - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Queerplatonic
Bowser - Super Mario - Queerplatonic
Cobb - Animal Crossing - Queerplatonic
Genocider Syo (Genocide Jack/Jill) - Danganronpa UDG - Queerplatonic
Winston - Overwatch - Queerplatonic
Goobert - Inscryption - Queerplatonic
Neito Monoma + Hitoshi Shinso - My Hero Academia - Metamours
Naruse Shisuto - Komi Can't Communicate - Metamour
Minegishi - Manly Appetites - Metamour
Baron Humbert Gon Gikkingen - The Cat Returns - Metamour
Lapis Lazuli - Steven Universe - Metamour
Nick Hoult - All Saints Street - Metamour
Brassius - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Metamour
Princess Peach + Princess Daisy + Prince Peasely - Super Mario - Metamours
Shuu Iwamine - Hatoful Boyfriend - Metamour
Abra - Monster Mind - Friends with Benefits
Grovyle - Monster Mind - Friends with Benefits
Buizel - Monster Mind - Friends with Benefits
Rhydon - Monster Mind - Friends with Benefits
Sandslash - Monster Mind - Friends with Benefits
Lucario - Monster Mind - Friends with Benefits
Drayden - Pokemon Black/White - Trainer
Wilkstrom - Pokemon X/Y - Trainer
Salvatore - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Trainer
Shiintonic - Pokemon Anime - Partner
Stoutland (Rusty) - Pokemon Black/White2 - Partner
Mincinno (Nezu) - Pokemon Sword/Shield - Partner
Armarouge (Charlos) - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Partner
Koraidon - Pokemon Scarlet - Partner
Ogerpon (Clementine) - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Partner
Weavile - Pokemon - Partner
Heatran + Entei - Pokemon - Parents
Marlo + Dora - Animal Crossing - Parents
Ginko + Adashino - Mushishi - Parents
Tony Mario - Mario Movie - Father
Mr. Grizz - Splatoon 3 - Father
William Afton - FNaF Series - Father
Ridley Wizen - Suikoden 2 - Father
Frank Columbo - Columbo - Father
Opal - Pokemon Sword/Shield - Mother
Briar - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Mother
Beware - Pokemon Anime - Mother
Toriel - Undertale - Mother
Reaper Leviathan - Subnautica - Mother
Alder - Pokemon Black/White - Parental Figure
Toadsworth - Super Mario - Parental Figure
Mondatta - Overwatch - Parental Figure
Nezu - My Hero Academia - Parental Figure
Clavell - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Grandfather
Rizzo - Animal Crossing - Grandfather
Craig Cuttlefish - Splatoon - Grandfather
Kaoru Toudou - Baka and Test - Grandmother
Elvin Gadd - Super Mario - Uncle
Drayden - Pokemon Black/White - Uncle
Petri - Animal Crossing - Aunt
Elizabeth Afton - FNaF Series - Big Sister
Mitsuki Bakugo - My Hero Academia - Big Sister
Sekijiro Kan - My Hero Academia - Big Brother
Boris Wizen - Suikoden 2 - Big Brother
Micheal Afton - FNaF Series - Big Brother
Molayne - Pokemon Sun/Moon - Big Brother
Jelonzo - Splatoon - Big Brother
James Ratari - The Promised Neverland - Big Brother
Peter Ratari - The Promised Neverland - Little Brother
Victini - Pokemon Black/White - Little Brother
Arven - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Little Brother
Mirai Sasaki (Sir Nighteye) - My Hero Academia - Twin Brother
Kyoya Ootori - Ouran Highschool Host Club - Found Sibling
Cyrus - Pokemon Platinum - Found Sibling
Genji Shimada - Overwatch - Found Sibling
Ramattra - Overwatch - Found Sibling
Micheal Bleak - Wayward Children - Found Sibling
Mario + Luigi - Super Mario - Cousins
Ingo + Emmet - Pokemon Black/White - Cousins
Callie + Marie - Splatoon - Cousins
Sophocles - Pokemon Sun/Moon - Cousin
Samson - Animal Crossing - Cousin
Ira Blood - All Saints Street - Cousin
Cosmog (Nebby) - Pokemon Sun/Moon - Daughter
Amy Rose - Sonic Series - Daughter
Berdly - Deltarune - Daughter
Akito Sohma - Fruits Basket - Daughter
Julie - Jobless Reincarnation - Daughter
Jack + Jill Wolcott - Wayward Children - Daughters
Bede + Allister - Pokemon Sword/Shield - Sons
Pecharunt (Momotaro) - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Son
Rabbid Luigi (Louis) - Mario + Rabbids - Son
Espio - Sonic Series - Son
Neito Monoma - My Hero Academia - Son
Inasa Yoarashi - My Hero Academia - Son
Ichiban Natsuno - Mix; Meisei Story - Son
Black Hat - Villainous - Son
The Collector - The Owl House - Son
Hastur - The Baby in Yellow - Son
Sam - Trick R' Treat - Child
Luz + King + Hunter - Kids
Bowser Jr. + Koopalings - Super Mario - Kids
The Lab Kids - Animal Crossing - Kids
Boss Salmonids - Splatoon 3 - Kids
Warriors of Hope - Danganronpa UDG - Kids
The Monokubs - Danganronpa V3 - Kids
Rosalina - Super Mario - Niece
Sonic + Tails - Sonic Series - Nephews
Jelfonzo - Splatoon - Nephew
Katsuki Bakugo - My Hero Academia - Nephew
Snufkin - Moominvalley 2019 - Nephew
Laxus Dreyar - Fairy Tail - Grandson
505 - Villainous - Grandson
Zanoba Shirone - Jobless Reincarnation - Student
The Squidbeak Splatoon - Splatoon - Family
The Rising Volt Tacklers - Family
Danganronpa V3 Cast - Danganronpa UDG - Family
The Fairy Tail Guild - Fairy Tail - Family
Class 3-E - Assassination Classroom - Family
Fatfam - My Hero Academia - Family
League of Villains - My Hero Academia - Family
The Sohmas - Fruits Basket - Family
The Evil Slasher Orphanage - Various - Family
Toshimitsu Kubo - Baka and Test
Irina Jelavic + Tadaomi Karasuma - Assassination Classroom
UA Teachers - My Hero Academia
Lucy's Celestial Spirits - Fairy Tail
Samuel - Fairy Tail
Yuuko Ichihara + Kimihiro Watanuki + Shizuka Domeki - XXXHolic
The Host Club - Ouran Highschool Host Club
Ritsu Sohma - Fruits Basket
Makoto Katai - Komi Can't Communicate
Miyano Yoshikazu + Sasaki Shuumei - Sasaki and Miyano
Hanazawa Masato - Sasaki and Miyano
Entrapta + Hordak - She-Ra
Grime + Sasha - Amphibia
Iris + Misery + Frank and Len - Ruby Gloom
The Joxter - Moominvalley
Flug Syls - Villainous
Jessie + Meowth + Wobbuffet - Pokemon Anime
Cheren + Bianca - Pokemon Black/White
Hau + Gladion - Pokemon Sun/Moon
Dendra + Miriam - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
Team Star - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
The Leauge Club - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
Grimer - Monster Mind
Elvin Gadd - Super Mario
Metal Mario + Gooigi - Super Mario AU
Doctor Mario + Mr. L - Super Mario AU
Pearl + Marina - Splatoon
Spyke - Splatoon
The Mad Scientist Team - Animal Crossing
Chara - Undertale
Kris - Deltarune
Chihiro Fujisaki + Kiyotaka Ishimaru + Mondo Owada - Danganronpa 1
Kazuichi Soda - Danganropa 2
Ultimate Imposter + Ryoma Mitarai - Danganronpa 3
Hiroko Hagakura + Yuta Asahina + Taichi Fujisaki - Danganronpa UDG
The Nightmare Animatronics - Five Nights at Freddy's 4
Bonbon - Five Nights at Freddy's; Sister Location
Moon - Five Nights at Freddy's; Security Breach
Helpi - Five Nights at Freddy's; Security Breach RUIN
Huggy Wuggy + Mommy Long Legs - Poppy Playtime
Jamison Fawks (Junkrat) + Mako Rutledge (Roadhog) - Overwatch
Younster Squad (All heroes in their early 20's) - Overwatch
Team Talon - Overwatch
Gregg Lee + Angus Delaney - Night in the Woods
Nina - Suikoden 2
Klaus Windmier + Sierra Mikain - Suikoden 2
Claire + Brevity + Hero + Ramiel - Hell's Library
Thankyou very much for Reading
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Crush List - Fictonal Foe List - Agere List - Ship Lists - Kin List - Koro-Sensei's F/O List
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shadowbrightshine · 5 months
Thinking about alternate timeline Tim's dying in different ways.
A failed Pokotho invasion before Tgwdlm proper, a young, 12 year old Tim crawls across the island on all fours, blue slime dripping from his face. His limbs have long since given out in terms of walking from overuse in the dance numbers. The singular voice has left them. It moved on, they were a rehearsal, not even the dress rehearsal of the story. Tim is losing the last shred of a mind he could have without the hive singing to him. He can't get out any notes himself, his voice doesn't belong to him anymore. The silence is killing him. He will starve.
An older Tim, an adult, who learned to dance and prrform onstage. He's in love, and he and his girlfriend decided that when he goes to participate in the Nectar King contest, she would go with him. He just wants to make his parents, Tom and Becky, proud. They love him, but he doesn't feel like they've seen just how good at performing he can be. They come to the place of the sacrifice. Nibbly consumed her first, and Tim bites down on Nibbly to free himself and reach for her, jumping into the maw. The bite of the God instantly absorbs into his body, but it doesn't have time to do anything. Nibbly has thousands of needle, shark, and grinding down teeth stretching into the black abyss. Tim's last moment is spent watching his girlfriend be crushed and stabbed through by the constricting jaw/throat snapping shut. Just before it does the same to him. He dies reaching for someone he loved. Someone he brought along to make sure they would be together. Who he led to die with him on accident.
In Watcher world eventually the island is abandoned, everyone is dead, has fled, or is part of the theme park. It's time to expand to the mainland. Tim has walked back and forth on his path for years. He watches the people, every day, every night. His mouth has been stitched shut. He killed his father. Blinky loves family dramas the best, Alice was not a unique case. The others are deconstructing parts of the park to bring with them. Tim wasn't even a sniggle. He's a background element. He's a set piece for a game that already ended. He looks at the engagement ring he stole from his father's body.
He leaves the park for the first time in years, and decides that the ring will be the last thing he ever sees. He goes to his knees, feeling the dirt in one hand. The other is held to the light. It sparkles. He closes his always open eyes. Five seconds pass and the Lord in Black tells him to open them. He feels bugs crawling across his face. He feels breaths of air against his cheek. He feels fingers and tiny bug mouths pulling on his eyelashes. Wordlessly he tells Blinky that he is done, and he will not look at anything else in his life. Blinky decides he no longer needs to see. The bugs are immediately burrowing through the soft flesh of his eyes. Severing the optic nerves. Through a stitched mouth Tim screams, eyes open. But it doesn't matter, they can't see. They're gone. Purple blood drips from his sockets and he is dying, bugs crawling into his brain. Or maybe not bugs. Whatever they are he is already dead.
There are worse ways than dying alone in a car.
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So I did a thing
So yk how there’s an Eddsworld AU where everyone’s pet slimes?
I made one based on that where everyone’s pet dragons
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Tord is v scaly, Tom’s v spiky, Edd is fuzzy, and Matt has a fluffy body with a spiky tail.
If yall like them enough I’ll make a blog based on it.
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candidapple · 2 years
I’m just at camp to get railed by Floyd in his mer form. On another note am I the only one who thinks it’s kinda hot when he pulls his scary face?
cw monsterfucking, adult content. minors dni 🔞
floyd leech x gn!reader
you are absolutely not alone, anon. his pupils shrink and his fist clenches and i get on all fours and bark. same goes for that one deranged smile of jade's whenever his genteel mask slips far enough to flash sharp teeth. scary eels hot.
now, floyd's well aware of just how attracted you are to his true form -- and this delights him to no end, because most humans find him frightening (well... more so than usual) when he's like that. even so, it's going to take some serious cajoling on his part to get you into that lake for a slippery good time, for several reasons.
for starters, it's broad daylight and you're in public, and while you might get an exhibitionistic little thrill out of the possibility of getting caught in the act, it's not something you actually want to happen. god knows you'd never be able to look any of your classmates in the eye again. your other concern is that the lake is... a natural lake. who the hell knows what's in it? and i'm not even talking giant catfish. it's just unsanitary.
so, yeah. floyd's got his work cut out for him convincing you to take part in some aquatic playtime, though he's got a bit of a (proverbial) leg up because, as i've already pointed out, he knows you're a total slut for him when he's like this. (alright, you're a total slut for him pretty much always, but especially when he's in his real body.) and because floyd can be terrifyingly adept at getting what he wants when he's actually motivated, you are at a serious disadvantage.
he's already gotten you as far as the lake's damp, loamy bank, smiling beatifically up at you with half-lidded, almost hypnotic eyes that make you understand all too well how the sailors in the stories were so easily coaxed to their fully embraced doom. his long tail skims lazily through the murky water as he wraps both arms around your legs and hugs you just short of bruisingly tight, his skin cool and viscous against yours because you rolled your pants up to your knees to dip your feet in the lake. he rests his cheek in your lap and whispers to you, claws skimming the backs of your calves, his voice soft and persuasive and punctuated by hungry, serpentine hisses.
why not come for a swim with him? just for a little bit. he's the biggest, scariest thing in this lake, and he won't let the small fry hurt you. he'd gut anything that tried and feed it to you after. c'mon, shrimpy. he wants to feel you sssqueezing him from the inside and he doesn't wanna wait till later.
and you... well, you are persuaded to forget all about scummy lake water and peeping toms, at least for the time it takes floyd to drag you gasping and flailing into the lake, laughing gleefully with every last one of his serrated teeth on gleaming display -- yes, even the second set of teeth in his pharyngeal jaw. his skin's so slippery you have to dig your nails in deep, deep as you clutch at his shoulders, and even then you might have fallen right off his dick if he hadn't wrapped his tail securely around your waist to keep you right where you are. right where you belong, getting your shrimpy little brains fucked out in the middle of his element.
and while we're talking dick, floyd's is always good -- proportional to the rest of him, which means big, with a slit that just waterfalls oddly opalescent precum and a curve that hits just right when he pushes your knees level with your shoulders and all but drills you through whatever flat surface he's laid you out on. but in this form? it's even better, flushed a pretty green and textured in a way human dicks just aren't, slippery as hell thanks to the slime that secretes from his skin, smoothing the way for the teeth-rattling thrust of him. the water's splashing so violently around the two of you that anything approaching floyd's size and strength that might've been living in this lake has probably been scared off.
when you dry off as best you can and stumble back to camp on noodly legs with a burning sort of ache in your hips, the quality of the thunderous silence that greets you -- you don't even hear any birds chirping -- banishes any remaining hope you might've had that you somehow weren't overheard. floyd is predictably unrepentant, but you make an immediate beeline for the tent in which you'll be hiding for the foreseeable future -- until floyd drags you back out of it, that is.
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