#Turkish spying
im-lovin-bulges · 3 months
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
Now I was imagining the coffin as a cardboard box that cats sit in but now I’m imagining it as a giant Turkish delight box they stuffed him into and packaged.
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breitzbachbea · 2 years
Had an idea for a Jerusalem AU snippet about the beginning of Charlie's and Dilan's unlikely friendship. So enjoy their - supposed - first meeting while Charlie stays behind as a pawn in Jerusalem, so that the rest of the Pilgrims can explore the area around the city in peace.
Suddenly, the door opened and Charlie lifted his head.
He winced the next second when he was faced with a tall woman; her face was wrapped into veils, as was the custom for the place.
He didn’t know that the Na’ib was married, but of course he’d be. The woman seemed to have gotten lost on her way to or from the Harem.
Instead of that, all he got out was a “Greetings?” while she cocked her head.
She said something in the native language – Arab it must have been, though Charlie understood not one sound. As no time passed but she also made no effort to move, he realized it might have been a question. “I’m sorry, I don’t … I don’t … Translator?” he asked. When she frowned, he pointed to his mouth and then his ears while he repeated the word. “Translator ...” He kept eye contact, the brown eyes the only point in her face he could focus anyways. “Dragoman?” A spark of recognition seemed to light up. “Frank! Dragoman … “ he pointed to his mouth again. “Frank.”
She nodded. “Frank,” she said as if she spoke to a little child. Then the door closed and he was left alone again.
Not for long however, as she returned with another man, clad in the customary wear of a Christian or Jew of the place, but with features that very well would have made a French person of him.
And Charlie was in luck, since he did speak French, albeit it broken, and introduced himself as Nicolo. He knew he would have had no luck looking for someone who knew Irish or the Norse language in this place. Harry only ever had found a familiar tongue when he met another Latin speaker.
“She’s asking who you are,” Nicolo said.
“Oh! Well, I’d honestly love to know what I am, here, and all – “
“She means your name.”
“Oh. Right. Charles of the Higgins Clan, from the Liberties.” When even Nicolo gave him a blank stare, he sighed. “Tell her that. And that I am a knight.”
So he did. She seemed pleased with the answer, now interested in giddy. In fact, she squatted down to look at him on his eye level. Something about those eyes seemed familiar …
“She wants to know about the place you're from and your family,” Nicolas said.
“Well, the Liberties are outside of Dublin, which is in Ireland, which is a rich island next to England, Wales and Scotland,” Charlie said. “My father’s name is Connor. We come from Irish and Norse people … Vikings? Ask her about Vikings, does she know what a Viking is?”
Apparently she did, because she said something and then looked with big eyes at Charlie.
“She said that Vikings haven’t come here in a long time. And that … well, she said that the Na’ib did his job right.”
The next moment, the man in question made himself heard and she got up, before she shouted back to him. There was another voice, calmer and more quiet than either the woman or the Na’ib.
She gestured to Nicolo to come with him, so Charlie was alone once the door closed. There were however, windows in the room, and he let his curiosity get the better of him. At least it’d be a story to tell to the others.
And what a story! The woman was standing with her back to the room, but she evidently had taken her veil off while she talked with the Na’ib, just another indicator that she was his wife. Something about the silhouette seemed oddly familiar however …
She then turned to the side as she laughed about something.
Charlie’s eyes went wide and he knocked his nose against the grate in front of the window.
An action he immediately regretted when his eyes met the Na’ib’s. He wondered whether or not he should have ducked when he said something. She – or he? – in turn said something to him. The cheery expression on their face hadn’t darkened a single shade. At least their words seemed to change the Na’ib’s expression from grumpy to merely uninterested.
He used the chance to duck. The two talked for a while longer, sometimes a third voice cut through from further away. Then Charlie heard receding steps.
He wasn’t quite sure what to do with the revelation. His head was too confused to think clearly about what he witnessed.
So lost in thought was he that it came as a surprise to him when the door opened again.
In the doorframe, they stood. The Na’ibs right hand. That’s why the brown eyes had been so familiar. Nothing of the former appearance remained, however – They were clad entirely in the familiar uniform of a Mameluck official.
No veil covered the wide grin.
Half behind her stood Nicolo, who faithfully translated again.
“She tells you to get up. She’s in charge of you now,” Nicolo said.
Charlie forgot to get onto his feet. “She?”
Nicolo made no attempt to translate his surprise until she nudged him. She laughed and then responded.
“Well, only a man can do the job. So she’s a man in the military and a woman in the house.” Nicolo grimaced, obviously very unhappy with what he had just relayed. “She also said that no one in the city would believe you if you told of what you saw … So you might as well know.”
Another thousand thoughts ran through his head. She asked Nicolo something, who responded with “Up”.
She held her hand out to Charlie. “Up!” Finally he got onto his feet. She said something to him.
“We’ll show you the stables and the soldiers training – that should be of interest to a knight like you.”
“Sweaty men on horses? Sure is,” Charlie responded. He put all the confusing thoughts at the back of his mind for now as he followed her and Nicolo. One question had to be asked though: “What is your name?”
She turned around to him after Nicolo had translated. “Dilan,” she said. It was translated with the string of words that followed:
“Dilan, son of Kerîm, right hand of the Na’ib Sadık, son of Alaattin. A military leader.” She beamed with pride.
The mess in his head wouldn’t stay quiet. It was as if he had discovered both an enigma that only ancient philosophers and fairies could come up with and at the same time, the solution to a problem that had plagued him all throughout his life.
“Very well, Sir. Lady. I – “ Charlie looked to Nicolo for help, but received no reaction at all. “Dilan. Very well, Dilan. Thank you for your hospitality.”
She smiled as an answer and then gestured him to follow her again.
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scozthewoz · 22 days
mercs as cat breeds + kitty merc headcanons
inspired by/in collaboration with @joonliebe (i changed a few of them sorry pookie 💔)
kitty headcanons are from my cat fortress AU where all the mercs are cats that are foster fails because nobody wants those motherfuckers and now miss pauling is stuck with them all
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spy ▪︎ persian - fancy and high maintenance. the signature bond villain cat
likes to be alone. needs to be taken to the groomer once a week or he gets pissed off and starts tearing up the couch. he has a very strict schedule and if his terms are not followed he throws a tantrum. he also sneaks out of the house and dissapears frequently. a dick to the rest of the cats, except scout for some reason.
heavy ▪︎ siberian - big boys with big coats, comes from siberia
the most well behaved cat there. scarred up and scary looking from his time in the pound, but he's suprisingly very quiet and peaceful. naturally chunky and big boned. miss pauling's favorite. he's a bonded pair with medic, they can normally be found grooming each other. he tends to wrangle scout when he's being too much, he doesn't like to see miss pauling stressed.
pyro ▪︎ sphynx - just a weird lookin thing. also an affectionate and energetic breed that likes to wreak havoc
peculiar little intersex kitty covered in burns, owners died in a house fire (that she may or may not have caused). both eyes are gone, but she navigates just fine. knows how to turn the stove on and has set multiple small fires. miss pauling puts him in cute little sweaters since he doesn't have any fur to keep him warm.
sniper ▪︎ savannah - hybrid of a house cat and a wild serval
very solitary, like spy, but not hostile to the others. owners were an old couple that died and it shook up the already shy cat. miss pauling doesn't need to feed him like the others since he sneaks out and hunts his own meals. almost completely silent unless he's sitting at the window and chirping at birds. evident dislike for spy. quiet and low maintenence so not a huge headache, but he tracks mud in the house. he's very skittish too, runs off or hides whenever there's company.
medic ▪︎ turkish angora - graceful. very majestic. cunty, even
on paper, he seems like a very good cat! he's an ex-service animal that still carries out some service tasks, like deep pressure therapy when miss pauling is getting anxious or retrieving stuff. only problem is that he loves bringing dead things inside, and he goes out of his way to rip it to shreds and get blood and guts ALL over the house. he also has a temper issue, and he needs little kitty glasses because his eyesight is shit.
engineer ▪︎ munchkin - haha short legs!! oh yeah, and they're pretty smart
used to be a workshop cat around for pest control, lost a leg in an accident. workshop guys gave him a kitty sized hardhat he gets very upset without. he's got a hard time jumping up on stuff since he not only has short legs, but he's got a prosthetic one too, so miss pauling made him a few kitty staircases up to his favorite spots. he likes stealing tools from neighbors and and scrap metal from outside and stashes them under the couch.
demoman ▪︎ scottish fold - scottish, prone to eye problems
missing an eye and has some singed fur from teens with fireworks. little kitty eyepatch. he frequently gets into the bailey's irish cream miss pauling keeps on top of the fridge and has to be brought to the vet for liver issues at least once a month.
soldier ▪︎ ragdoll - developed in america !!🇺🇸 tend to rough house when playing and are very vocal
used to belong to a war veteran, then became a stray after he died. clipped ear. his body's kept shaved because of scarring and matting issues, so he's got furry boots and a puffball tail, but the fur on his noggin covers his eyes. he frequently bothers the others. a big sweetheart for miss pauling, but agressive with anyone else. likes fetch. dog in a cat body.
scout ▪︎ siamese - the extroverts of the cat world, very energetic and chatty, also very clever.
his ma and brothers are all siamese, but he's got an oddly fluffy tail like a persian.. he's a big fan of miss pauling, never leaves her alone. gets pissy and scratches the curtains or breaks a glass when she's giving one of the other cats too much attention. wayyy too clingly and always causing some sort of trouble or getting into places he shouldn't. he also meows CONSTANTLY.
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hadeth · 11 months
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 عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ ـ رضى الله عنه ـ أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ ‏ "‏ إِيَّاكُمْ وَالظَّنَّ، فَإِنَّ الظَّنَّ أَكْذَبُ الْحَدِيثِ، وَلاَ تَحَسَّسُوا، وَلاَ تَجَسَّسُوا، وَلاَ تَنَاجَشُوا، وَلاَ تَحَاسَدُوا، وَلاَ تَبَاغَضُوا، وَلاَ تَدَابَرُوا، وَكُونُوا عِبَادَ اللَّهِ إِخْوَانًا ‏"‏‏.‏ صحيح البخاري ومسلم حديث ٦٠٦٦ - ٢٥٦٣
Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said, "Beware of suspicion, for suspicion is the worst of false tales. and do not look for the others' faults, and do not do spying on one another, and do not practice Najsh, and do not be jealous of one another and do not hate one another, and do not desert (stop talking to) one another. And O, Allah's worshipers! Be brothers!" Sahih al-Bukhari 6066 In-book reference : Book 78, Hadith 96 - Sahih Muslim 2563a In-book reference : Book 45, Hadith 35
حثَّتِ الشَّريعةُ على الإصلاحِ بيْن المسلِمينَ وتَوطيدِ الأُخوَّةِ والاجتماعِ بيْنهم، ونَهَتْ عَنْ كلِّ ما يَدْعو لِلفُرقَةِ والتَّباغُضِ والعَداوةِ. وفي هذا الحديثِ يَنْهى النَّبيُّ صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّم ويُحَذِّرُ مِن بعضِ ما يُؤدِّي إلى هذه الفُرقَةِ والعَداوةِ والتَّباغضِ؛ فحذَّر صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّم مِنَ الظَّنِّ، وهو تُهمةٌ تقَعُ في القَلبِ بلا دَليلٍ، يعني سُوءَ الظَّنِّ بِالمسلِمين، والحديثَ بما لم يُتيقَّنْ مِنَ الأخبارِ، وقال: «إنَّ الظَّنَّ أكذبُ الحديثِ»، أي: يَقعُ الكذبُ في الظَّنِّ أكثرَ مِن وُقوعِه في الكلامِ، وقيلَ: المرادُ بأكذَبِ الحديثِ: حَديثُ النَّفْسِ؛ لأنَّه يكونُ بإلْقاءِ الشَّيطانِ في نفْسِ الإنسانِ. وقيل: إنَّ إثْمَ هذا الكَذِبِ أزْيدُ مِن إثمِ الحديثِ الكاذبِ، أو إنَّ المَظنوناتِ يقَعُ الكذِبُ فيها أكثرَ مِن المَجزوماتِ. ونَهى النَّبيُّ صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّم عن التَّجسُّسِ فقال: «وَلَا تَجَسَّسُوا»، والتَّجسُّسُ: البحثُ عَنِ العَوراتِ والسَّيِّئاتِ، والسَّعيُ في كشْفِ سَترِ اللهِ عن عِبادِه، ويُستثنَى منه ما لو تَعيَّنَ ذلك طَريقًا لإنقاذِ إنسانٍ مِن هَلاكٍ أو نحْوِه؛ كأنْ يُخبِرَ أحدُهم بأنَّ فلانًا خَلا برجُلٍ ليَقتُلَه. ثمَّ قال: «وَلا تَحَسَّسُوا» والتَّحسُّسُ: هو طَلَبُ مَعرفةِ الأخبارِ والأحوالِ الغائبةِ، «وَلا تَباغَضُوا» والمرادُ: النَّهيُ عن تَعاطي أسبابِ البَغضاءِ والكراهيةِ، والانسياقِ وَراءَها، وفِعلِ ما يُسبِّبُ العَداوةَ بيْنهم؛ لِمَا في تَباغُضِهم منَ التَّفرُّقِ المذمومِ، «وكُونوا إخوانًا» كما أراد اللهُ لكم؛ حيث جعَلَكم إخوةً في الدِّينِ، وهي رابِطةٌ تلتَئِمُ بها العلاقاتُ بين النَّاسِ، وتَزيدُ المحبَّةَ والأُلفَةَ بيْنهم، كما قال اللهُ تعالَى: {إِنَّمَا الْمُؤْمِنُونَ إِخْوَةٌ} [الحجرات: 10] الدرر السنية.
Hadith Translation/ Explanation : English French Spanish Turkish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian Bengali Chinese Persian Tagalog Indian Kurdish Hausa Portuguese Malayalam Telgu Swahili Tamil Burmese German Japanese Pashto Assamese Albanian: https://hadeethenc.com/en/browse/hadith/5332
قال أبو سليمان الخطابى: قوله: (إياكم والظن) فإنه أراد النهى عن تحقيق ظن السوء وتصديقه دون مايهجس بالقلب من خواطر الظنون فإنها لاتملك، قال الله تعالى: (إن بعض الظن أثم (فلم يجعل الظن كله إثمًا.قال غيره: فنهى عليه السلام أن تحقق على أخيك ظن السوء إذا كان الخير غالبًا عليه. وروى عن عمر أنه قال: لايحل لمسلم يسمع من أخيه كلمة أن يظن بها سوء وهو يجد لها فى شىء من الخير مصدرًا... والنهي عن التباغض والتدابر، وما أمرهم النبي عليه السلام فعليهم العمل به ومانهاهم عنه فعليهم الانتهاء عنه، غير موسع عليهم مخالفة إلا أن يخبرهم عليه السلام أن مخرج أمره لهم ونهيه على وجه الندب والإرشاد، وقد تقدم فى باب الحب فى الله قوله (صلى الله عليه وسلم) : (والذى نفسى بيده لاتدخلون الجنة حتى تؤمنوا، ولاتؤمنوا حتى تحابوا) . فذلك أن أمره عليه السلام ونهيه فى هذا الحديث على الوجوب، وقال أبو الدرداء: (ألا أخبركم بخير لكم من الصدقة والصيام: صلاح ذات البين، وإن البغضة هى الحالقة) لأن فى تباغضهم افتراق كلمتهم وتشتت أمرهم، وفى ذلك ظهور عدوهم عليهم ودروس دينهم. وفيه: النهى عن الحسد على النعم، وقد نهى الله عباده المؤمنين عن أن يتمنوا مافضل الله به بعضهم على بعض وأمرهم أن يسألوه من فضله، وقد أجاز النبى الحسد فى الخير، وسيأتى هذا المعنى فى كتاب التمنى، إن شاء الله تعالى. وفيه: النهى عن التجسس وهو البحث عن باطن أمور الناس وأكثر ما يقال ذلك فى السر. وقال ابن الأعرابى وأبو عمرو الشيبانى: الجاسوس: صاحب سر، والناموس: صاحب سر الخير.وقال سليمان الخطابى: وأما التحسس بالحاء فقد اختلف فى تفسيره فقال بعضهم: هو كالتجسس سواء، وقرأ الحسن: ولا تحسسوا ومنهم من فرق بينهما، وروى الأوزاعى عن يحى بن أبى كثير أنه قال: التجسس: البحث عن عورات المسلمين، والتحسس: الاستماع لحديث القوم. وقال أبو عمر: التحسس بالحاء أن تطلبه لنفسك، وبالجيم أن تكون رسولا لغيرك. وقال صاحب العين: دابرت الرجل: عاديته، ومنه قولهم جعلته دبر أذنى أى خلفها..شرح ابن بطال على البخاري
قَوْلُهُ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ (وَلَا تَنَافَسُوا وَلَا تَحَاسَدُوا) قَدْ قَدَّمْنَا أَنَّ الْحَسَدَ تَمَنِّي زَوَالِ النِّعْمَةِ وَأَمَّا الْمُنَافَسَةُ وَالتَّنَافُسُ فَمَعْنَاهُمَا الرَّغْبَةُ في الشئ وَفِي الِانْفِرَادِ بِهِ وَنَافَسْتُهُ مُنَافَسَةً إِذَا رَغِبْتُ فيما رغب فيه قيل مَعْنَى الْحَدِيثِ التَّبَارِي فِي الرَّغْبَةِ فِي الدُّنْيَا وَأَسْبَابِهَا وَحُظُوظِهَا  ... شرح النووي على مسلم
 أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال كونوا عباد الله إخوانا كما أمركم يعني أنه يجب على الإنسان أن يكون أخا لأخيه، بالمعنى المطابق للأخوة، لا يكن عدوا له، فإن بعض الناس إذا صار بينه وبين أخيه معاملة وساء الظن بينهما في هذه المعاملة اتخذه عدوا، وهذا لا يجوز، الواجب أن الإنسان يكون أخا لأخيه، في المحبة والألفة وعدم التعرض له بالسوء والدفاع عن عرضه وغير ذلك من مقتضيات الأخوة المسلم أخو المسلم لا يظلمه ولا يحقره ولا يكذبه ... وهذا الحديث الذي ذكره المؤلف بألفاظه، ينبغي للإنسان أن يتخذه مسارا له ومنهجا يسير عليه ويبني عليه حياته فإنه جامع لكثير من مسائل الأخلاق التي إذا تجنبها الإنسان حصل على خير كثير والله الموفق. شرح رياض الصالحين لابن عثيمين
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ascalide · 2 months
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Garden × Olympics
Hear me out, Matthew McMahon would make a very good candidate for the shooting sport of the Olympics. Been watching the Olympics these days and came to see that it has been viral all over the internet in regards of the Turkish shooter who completed his shootings without optical gears (and such) like other shooters. However, I cannot help to see the clear image of McMahon from Garden in the Spy × Family manga in the exact situation so here's an inspired work for it!
I did add some casual detailings in the attire, as I imagined McMahon to wear the national jacket instead of just a t-shirt. Nevertheless, the theme of the jacket itself is only Garden-coded. Also if you're wondering, my reference originates from chapter 52 of the manga.
See you soon ✌
The original artwork belongs to Tatsuya Endo.
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sitp-recs · 3 months
hi! would you recs some fic where draco & harry are in a love/hate relationship ? thanks
Hi there! Some fics came to mind, you might also want to check these rec lists: enemies to lovers and hate sex. Enjoy!
Clean by @shealwaysreads (E, 1k)
Sometimes they fight, sometimes they do the other thing.
Defined Parameters by Amelior8or (E, 4k)
Harry is a security officer on a ship stuck in the far end of the Delta Quadrant. Malfoy is the Maquis First Officer they tentatively have an alliance with. If they're going to spend the next 70,000 lightyears together, they need to define the parameters of their power. They just so happen to define it on the Holodeck, during a bout of Turkish oil wrestling.
Between Two Fires of Beltane by secretsalex (E, 5k)
As the war drags on, Draco becomes a spy for Voldemort and works his way into Harry’s good graces—and his bed. When the Order prepares to invade Malfoy Manor, Draco is forced to examine his loyalties.
November Flush by @thecouchsofa (E, 5k)
Draco Malfoy might be an absolute raging arsehole, but he gives Harry exactly what he needs.
Let Me Have You and I'll Let You Save Me by Frayach (M, 6k)
Draco keeps coming back, and Harry keeps letting him. Draco can’t stay away, and Harry can’t live without him.
What I Do to You by gracerene (E, 9k)
These days, apathy fogs Harry's mind. Malfoy's the only one who makes Harry feel anything at all. Harry doesn't really care that the feelings aren't good ones. He deserves it.
I'll never be your chosen one by Andithiel (E, 15k)
Draco doesn't know what exactly he’s doing with Potter, he doesn't know how their unspoken agreement even started, and doesn't know where it will end. The only thing he knows is: he's not in love.
Vanishing Cabinets by Romaine (E, 18k)
Take one Wizarding Family Values politician who has a secret life, and add one Auror who detests discrimination of any type, but becomes a bit obsessed with said politician, and you have enough sparks to ignite a Beltane fire.
Another Mask Behind You by lettered (E, 116k)
Draco is a high-end prostitute who hides his identity. Harry unknowingly hires him. And then there is porn, questions about identity, domestic bliss, more porn, and truth as seen through a web of lies.
He Comes Like a Thunderstorm by korlaena (E, 140k)
Draco is doing his best to balance the life he wants to live and the life he’s forced to live. He’s nearing the tail-end of a long, post-war probation when Harry Potter crashes back into his life with all the grace of a charging Erumpent, breaking through his carefully constructed rules and routine. Caught up in a whirlwind of sex and lust, Potter unwittingly shows Draco that his life as an Incubus doesn’t have to be as lonely and unfulfilling as he thought, but how long can it last?
Temptation on the Warfront by alizarincrims0n (E, 180k)
Draco Malfoy is forced into hiding with the Golden Trio and dragged into their search for horcruxes. What ensues is a journey of redemption, unexpected friendships and an unwanted, turbulent romance with Harry Potter. Warnings for swearing, sexual content, and dark themes.
Bonus: Dronarry scene from a Dron series 👀
Hard to Explain by MildredMost (E, 6k)
Draco is so desperate to avoid the misery of post-war Malfoy Manor, that he and Ron and have fallen into an enemies-with-benefits arrangement. They don't expect Harry to catch them out.
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girlactionfigure · 2 months
🟠 Monday - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
🌡 HIGH (but not extreme) TEMPERATURES over the next 4 days.  Take extra care with outdoor activities.
▪️HUMANITARIAN SHIELDS.. IDF spokesperson:  Due to numerous acts of terrorism and mortar fire at the State of Israel from the eastern part of the (Gaza - Khan Yunis) humanitarian space, staying in the space has become dangerous. Therefore, at this time the space will be adjusted. The adjustment is in relation to accurate intelligence information according to which  Hamas has located terrorist infrastructure in an area defined as a humanitarian space.
The IDF is going to act strongly against the terrorist organizations, and therefore calls on the remaining population in the eastern neighborhoods of Khan Yunis to temporarily evacuate to the adapted humanitarian space in Mawasi.
▪️A BIT OF HYSTERIA OVERNIGHT.. after an X threat from the Houthis, a flock of large storks were video’d up high in the center, went around social media as a drone swarm from the Houthis.  Several “Air Force on high alert” and “Haifa and Tel Aviv on maximum Home Front alert” messages also went around.  As well a series of reports of power outages across parts of Israel.  ALL FAKE NEWS.
.. These are intentional propaganda ops against Israel.  As we learned over last weeks spy scandal, Iran is paying some Israelis to post such things.
▪️PM LEAVES FOR US.. I am traveling while Israel is fighting on 7 fronts and there is political instability in Washington, telling Congress that regardless of who will be elected, Israel is the country that is the most important ally of the US in the Middle East.
.. CNN: it is not certain that the Netanyahu-Biden meeting will take place as planned.  AP: Yes he will.
▪️YEMEN COMPLAINS TO THE UN.. The Minister of Foreign Affairs in Yemen sent a letter of protest to the Sec. of the UN Security Council and called for Israel to be condemned for its aggression. (( .. in responding to Houthi aggression.  The nerve of those Jews defending themselves! ))
▪️MINOR EARTHQUAKE.. A magnitude 3.7 earthquake was felt in the Dead Sea region.  Felt in Jerusalem.
▪️SENIOR IDF OFFICIALS - DON’T WITHDRAW.. Senior army officials admit if Israel doesn’t maintain an armed presence in the Netzer corridor dividing Gaza, this will endanger Sderot again in the near future.  (Maariv)
▪️TURKEY THREATENS GREECE?  Erdogan says will establish a military naval base in east (Turkish) Cyprus, accuses Greece of intending the same in west Cyprus.
▪️DECREASE IN LEAKS?  Ch. 14’s Berdogo: Since National Unity left the war coalition, the leaks from the cabinet significantly decreased.
▪️POLITICS & MONEY.. Keren HaYesod, an NGO and charity which “does not contribute to political activity”, transferred donation money to Brothers in Arms, one of the lead protest organizations trying to bring down the coalition.  Hmm.
▪️AGAINST THE THREAT OF SOLDIERS BEING PROSECUTED FOR KILLING TERRORISTS.. the organization 'Mothers of the Warriors' is establishing an initial legal counseling system for the warriors.
♦️YEMEN WEAPONS WAREHOUSE EXPLODES?  An official in Al Hashd Al Shaabi reveals that the weapons warehouse that exploded last week was the target of an aerial attack.
♦️COUNTER-TERROR OP - Khorsa.. overnight, near Hebron.
♦️GAZA AIR STRIKES.. IDF: Air Force attacked about 35 terrorist targets throughout Gaza, including a rocket launcher in the Khan Yunis area that was aimed at the country's territory, military buildings, terrorists and other terrorist infrastructure.
♦️US CENTCOM - RED SEA.. US forces destroyed four Houthi suicide boats in the Red Sea in the last day.
⭕ 3 rounds of ROCKETS at the Golan from HEZBOLLAH this morning - nothing overnight.
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russiawave · 1 month
The Turkish Gambit (2005) (Subtitles: English)
The film is based on the second book from the Adventures of Erast Petrovich Fandorin series of novels written by the Russian author Boris Akunin. The film takes place in 1877 during the Russian-Turkish war. Erast Fandorin has just escaped from Turkish prison and is trying to get on the Russian side as soon as possible to give important information about the upcoming attack of the enemy. On his way he meets Varvara Suvorova, a young lady who is going to see her fiancée - a soldier of the Russian army. Erast also knows that there is a spy somewhere in the Russian army, everyone is under suspicion.
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I don't think i've ever done an introduction before so here's a messy one (I'll fix/add to it later)
Hey, I'm Snilk (It's a nickname my friend gave me that's short for snail milk)
I draw and write occasionally (My ao3 is the same as my username and is at the bottom of this post under the cut)
I'm only fluent in english but i also know some Spanish, French, Russian, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Turkish, Slovenian, Gaelic (in order of how much I know the language) Also working on learning Kumeyaay, Cherokee and Chiwere (The native languages of the places I've lived and love visiting)
This is mainly a bsd account because ✨autism & hyperfixations✨ but all the fandoms i'm in/shows/book/manga i've seen or read is under cut (feel free to recommend things to my read/watch list through asks or dms)
General personality info also under cut
Socials under cut
Fandom list
Fandoms (General)
- Bungo stray dogs
- Hazbin Hotel/Helluva boss
- The Amazing Digital Circus
- Ramshackle
- No.6
- My little pony friendship is magic (gen 4)
~ Jkk
- Junji ito
[Past Fandoms: Miraculous ladybug, Bnha, Danganronpa, harry potter, demon slayer, hunter x hunter, bloom into you, whisper me a love song, ways of the household husband, tokyo ghoul, Tbhk, spy family, chainsaw man, yuri on ice, sk8, idk if these are considered fandoms but i was also obsessed with yt animators for a while; jaidenanimations, odd1sout, let me explain studios, jelly jess, SO MANY MORE]
Manga/Light Novels
- Bungou stray dogs light novels (1-8; Kafka Asagiri... still haven't read tdipud)
- BSD Gaiden/Another Story (Kafka Asagiri, LOVED THE ART OF THIS ONE)
- No.6 (Atsuko Asano, UGH LOVE THIS ONE)
- Bloom into you (Nio Nakatani, THE AROACE REP 🔛🔝)
Recent/Fav reads
- Fahrenheit 451 (Ray Bradbury)
- Flower of Buffoonery (Dazai Osamu)
- No longer Human (Dazai Osamu)
- Setting Sun (Dazai Osamu)
- School Girl (Dazai Osamu)
- Time Machine (HG Wells)
(There's more i'm just lazy)
Currently reading/read list
- Crime and Punishment (Fyodor Dostoevsty)
- 1984 (George Orwell)
so much more (again i'm lazy)
I pretty much listen to anything and everything (Except super popular artists who only got popular because they're celebrities and not because they make actually good music, I can't stand them)
- Ado
- The Alan Parsons Project
- Alex G
- Alexander Vertinsky
- Alpay
- Conan Gray
- Chappell Roan
- Sufjan Stevens
- Mustafa Ozkent
- Psychedelic Porn Crumpets
(I'll finish this later, i'm eepy and this is too hard to pick my fav artists)
ENTP/INTP (It changes between those two every time I take the stupid test)
I'm technically Aroace and bisexual (Romantic relationships feel suffocating and cause me to have constant panic attacks and I'm fine with sex but I have to be on top and in control and refuse to take off any of my clothes so pretty much me giving cunnilingus or blowjobs👍 anything else👎 The reason being I have horrid sa trauma from when I was 8... lemme know if y'all want the story)
I've been told by everyone I know I am Dazai, no elaboration, I just simply am him
Masochist yet scared of pain, constantly paranoid and anxiety ridden lil creature (I have horrid insomnia that causes me to hallucinate), I love driving, I have horrid misophonia and will often skip meals cause i can't stand the sound if my own chewing, automatic flight response when alone, fight response with someone weaker than me, i'm an extreme people pleaser and over thinker so as much as i wanna make jokes about something i wont because im scared of it going wrong and then will proceed to overthink my screw ups for the rest of my days :D, would deal with panic attacks through self-harm/self-sabotage and would purposely embarrass myself (Haven't done that in a while tho so it's all good) uhhhh this is too long so that's it lmao
Ao3 writer curse (I've never broken a bone but pretty much every week it's something new from giving myself a concussion and missing school for days without my knowledge cause i was in a coma that my family thought was just me being lazy to a random excruciating pain in a place i didn't even know could hurt)
I make jokes when i'm in pain cause i hate having people worry about me or feeling bad because of me, I am entertainment for you, i'm not real so just laugh at me like a sad movie
I go to an art school (unfortunately) and have class from 8:30am-5pm on a normal day; I'm in production & design conservatory which is basically just running everything behind the scenes of live theater, everything you see and hear in a show that's not the actors themselves I work to control and make as good as possible, my fav positions are A2 (putting mics on people and setting up speakers) Wardrobe (designing costumes and performing/helping with quick changes) and Deck/props (Make stuff and put it on stage)
Outside if that my favorite subjects are Science and History (I love memorizing things that make sense and work together, i love understanding facts about the world and using it to express and understand things through literature)
I used to love math as i was a child prodigy but lost my spark as instead of my teachers noticing my skill and helping me, they poured water on my flame and now i can barely solve 13 time 3 without a calculator (its 39)
When I was in kindergarten, I was bored with my lessons and my sister (who was in 3rd grade at the time) loved playing school with me so by the time I started first grade I had memorized multiplication tables, could solve any equation in my head within minutes (like 2 digit multiplied by 2 digit equations) and had a concept of negative numbers, my first grade teacher loved this about me and would give me harder equations separate from the rest of the class, then in second grade my teacher would lie to me any time i said something above second grade math, like one time i brought up an equation like 2-5 and she was like "oh you can't do that" and I tried to explain it and she just kept denying it until I finally got so fed up with her bs I shouted "YES YOU CAN ITS NEGATIVE 3 JUST LIKE YOUR IQ FOR NOT UNDERSTANDING THAT!" ... I got sent to the office. Third grade was the worst because instead of just letting me be my teacher made me write down everything on paper... I don't think in numbers when i do mental math, I think in concepts, so by the time i convert the concepts to numbers and but it on paper i've lost the entire equation and have to start over again and get super confused because i forget how i got that number and why that numbers there so i end up just breaking down and getting the question wrong. AND INSTEAD IF SEEING WHAT THE ISSUE WAS SHE JUST BRUSHED IT OFF AS OH YAY IM DOING THE WORK so i became stupid as a result (I also was in math olympians for a few years and would always get pissed off cause it was a group competition and i would look at the problem, solve it instantly and tell them the answer, they wouldn't believe me, take forever to solve it and low and behold i was right and because it was a timed competition i never got higher than second place...)
(I'm not really active on Twitter/X)
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eretzyisrael · 9 months
by Gary Wexler
I knew this guy was trouble. 
“And now, Gary Wexler,” he sat down, “let me give you more direct answers.” He looked me straight in the eye. “Just like you were a Zionist campus activist, we will create, over the next years, Palestinian campus activists in America and all over the world. Bigger and better than any Zionist activists. Just like you spent your summers on the kibbutz, we will bring college students to spend their summers in refugee camps and work with our people. Just like you have been part of creating global pro-Israel organizations, we will create global pro-Palestinian organizations. Just like you today help create PR campaigns and events for Israel, so will we, but we will get more coverage than you ever have.”   
He stood again this time, right over me. “You wonder how we will make this happen, how we will pay for this? Not with the money from your liberal Jewish organizations who are now funding us. But from the European Union, Arab and Muslim governments, wealthy Arab people and their organizations. Eventually, we will not take another dollar from the Jews.” 
Then he approached real close. “What do you think of this?”
I took a breath. I remained professional. “Nothing. I’m here on behalf of the Ford Foundation collecting information for a planned marketing institute.” 
He came even closer. “I am asking what does Gary Wexler think of what I just said. You, Gary Wexler.”
I repeated my answer. 
He came even closer. “I ask again. What does Gary Wexler think of what I just said.” 
Debra and I got up. I took my writing pad. “I feel that you are threatening me and we are leaving.” 
The next morning I received a call from the program officer at the Ford Foundation. “Gary, we have a problem. We received a call from Ameer Makhoul and we understand you spewed out all sorts of Zionist propaganda and he felt very threatened by you.” 
I told him it was a lie. 
The program officer continued to press me as to what I had said. I related the conversation word for word. He repeated what Ameer Makhoul had said. I told him to call Debra London who was with me through the entire interview, and verify it with her. I also told him that they better check their funding to these Arab organizations, because Ameer Makhoul appeared to be controlling all of them with some very hateful behaviors. 
He backed down. 
Debra and I wrote up our recommendations for how they needed to build the marketing institute, including a recommendation for using the pro bono work, worth nearly 1 million shekels, that we had secured from the ad agencies. The program officer, a former academic focused on the nonprofit sector, couldn’t understand the value of businesses being involved and rejected it out of hand. A few weeks later, he told Debra and me that he had hired an NGO consulting team to finish the work. They would be giving several hours of consultation to each organization. 
Several years later, I learned Ameer Makhoul had been arrested by the Israelis as a spy for Syria. 
As the years went on, I began to see what Ameer Makhoul had laid out to me taking shape. The PR coverage was first: The Muhammad al-Durrah incident in Gaza, when a 12-year-old boy was shot to death on the second day of the Second Intifada, capturing global headlines. The Mavi Marmara, the Turkish Flotilla to Gaza that the Israelis stormed, killing several Palestinian activists, grabbing global headlines. I knew the Mavi Marmara was manufactured for the exposure it would gain. 
Then the campuses: The creation of Apartheid Week worldwide. The growth of BDS. The student volunteers who began by the thousands to work in the Palestinian territories and its refugee camps. The shocking creation of anti-Zionist Jewish student groups. 
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stardust-blossom · 7 months
Hazbin Hotel Headcanons (SHORT POST)
(Disclaimer: These r my headcanons and u don't have to necessarily agree with me at all.)
Charlie's favourite Turkish delights flavour is cinnamon, apple and pistachio
Charlie loves to do yoga and meditation as she see's this as a way to relieve yourself
Charlie's favourite Ice cream flavours are Matcha, cookies and cream, salted caramel and Pistachio
Charlie watches anime, with her favourite one being Spy x Family
Charlie has a bath bomb obsession ever since she was 7
Vaggie used to be a scene kid back when she was a human
Vaggie used to have a huge tamagotchi collection, she even gave one to charlie (I really need fanart of these two Marshmallows playing with a tamagotchi together)
Vaggie's favourite Turkish delights flavour is pomegranate, rose, strawberry and walnut
Vaggie favourite Ice cream flavour is Mint, coffee, red velvet and cookie dough
Vaggie used to shop at Bath & Bodyworks back when she was a human (with her favourite product being the "pink pineapple sunrise")
Hello blossoms
I decided that I wanna start making Hazbin content as I am a huge hazbin hotel fan (Don't worry i'll still post Miraculous content, I just wanna post something else other then miraculous)
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princesssarisa · 5 months
Heidi Ann Heiner's Sleeping Beauties now offers just two more Sleeping Beauty tales before moving on to Snow White tales.
*The first is The Story of the Prince In Love from Egypt, which is included in some editions of The Arabian Nights as The Ninth Captain's Tale. In this variant, the curse results from a rash wish by the heroine's mother before her birth, similar to the opening of Hans-my-Hedgehog by the Brothers Grimm. A merchant's barren wife prays for a daughter even if the smell or touch of flax should be deadly to her. Soon afterward she has a daughter, Sittukhan, and keeps her away from flax as she grows up. But one day a sultan's son sees Sittukhan and falls ill with love for her. An old woman goes to fetch her for him, but ignorantly gives her flax to spin, and Sittukhan catches a flax splinter in her finger and falls down dead. Her grieving parents build a palace in the middle of a river, where they display her body on an ivory bed. When the prince gets word of this, he goes to the palace to mourn, but sees the flax splinter in Sittukhan's finger and removes it, reviving her. They lie in bed together for forty days and forty nights. Then, every three days, the prince goes to meet with his Vizir, but then returns to Sittukhan. The girl finally becomes curious about where the prince is going, so she hides and spies on him when he leaves again. Unfortunately, when he catches her spying, he becomes angry and abandons her. But soon afterward, Sittukhan finds a wish-granting ring, and wishes for a palace next to the prince's and to become more beautiful than ever. When the prince sees his "new neighbor," he doesn't recognize her, but falls in love with her, and his mother the queen brings her gifts on his behalf. But Sittukhan scornfully destroys all the gifts and insists that she'll only marry the prince if he pretends to be dead and is carried into her palace wrapped in seven shrouds. He obeys, and Sittukhan unwraps the shrouds, then reproaches him in words that mirror his reproach when he caught her spying. This makes the prince recognize her and they happily reconcile.
**A comment for @faintingheroine: I wonder if this Middle Eastern tale influenced the choice in the 1971 Turkish Snow White film to have Snow White's glass coffin placed on an island in the middle of a river.
*Then comes The Petrified Mansion from India. In this tale, a prince goes on a long journey alone. Finally, he comes to a grand mansion filled with life-sized stone statues of people and animals. At last he comes to a room where a beautiful princess lies seemingly dead on a bed of gold. Beside her pillow is a golden stick, which the prince picks up to examine, and in doing so, he accidentally touches her forehead with it. At this, the princess revives, and all the statues change back into living people and animals, including the princess's father the king. He explains that the touch of a silver stick put the princess to sleep and turned everyone else to stone (no context is given), and only the golden stick could revive them. The prince and princess are married, of course, and joyfully go back to the prince's home kingdom. There they find that his mother is ill with grief and his father has gone blind from weeping, because their son has been gone for so many years. But a touch of the golden stick restores the queen's health and the king's sight, so they all live happily ever after.
This ends the Sleeping Beauty portion of the book, for now anyway. Next is the portion devoted to a tale that comes in considerably more variants: Snow White.
@ariel-seagull-wings, @adarkrainbow, @themousefromfantasyland
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gellavonhamster · 3 months
Reading Dracula in Istanbul (originally Kazıklı Voyvoda (Impaler Voivode), Ali Rıza Seyfioğlu's Turkish translation/adaptation of Dracula) was such a fascinating experience, because at times it is really, really close to Dracula, to the point of individual sentences being recognizable, just paraphrased, at times it reads like a short summary of the source text, and at times omits certain parts of the source text completely. Renfield, for example, isn't there - presumably because the way other characters, especially Seward, treat him in Stoker's novel paints those other characters in less than favourable light, and Seyfioğlu was clearly striving to make his characters role models for his readers. Dr. Afif does not specialize in mental illnesses and isn't nearly as much of a mess as Seward. Azmi and Güzin (Jonathan and Mina) do less than Stoker's Harkers, especially Güzin - there is no attack on her, no threat of turning into vampire, no hypnotism and subsequent spying on Dracula - and Dracula, who is explicitly Vlad the Impaler, is killed by Arthur and Quincey, who doesn't die (yay). Also, it's set in the 20s, so sometimes the characters drive automobiles and talk on the phone, and the flag on the Demeter belongs "to the new Bolshevik Soviet government". And, of course, it's a deeply patriotic text, propagandistic even. But it's still so Dracula. It retains the heart of the text by having the Crew of Light sincerely admire and deeply care about each other, and that made me so happy :')
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lafcadiosadventures · 6 months
Madame Putiphar Groupread. Book Two, Chapter XXXVI
ℑ𝔫𝔰𝔦𝔡𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔖𝔢𝔯𝔞𝔦𝔩 ℜ𝔬𝔶𝔞𝔩𝔢
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Jean-Dominique Ingres, le bain turc + study for the bain turc, source, wikipedia
{fellow readers: @sainteverge @counterwiddershins }
Borel puts into practice his theory of parallels between despots of different nations. As I said before, his thesis is not without huge etnocentrism problems, mostly for how he formulated it, but there is something to it imo. It is licit to seek similarities between despotic/oppressive systems, the problem was that Borel made it about a foreign Race corrupting the virile primitive monarchies with its luxurious ways :d
So, here he ellaborates a complex comparison between the serails (his sources, according to my edition are: Six Voyages en Turquie, en Perse et aux Indes, and my editor adds, exceptionally volume VI, Nouvelle Relation de l’interieur du serail (1713), by Jean-Baptiste Tavernier.)and the parc-aux-cerfs. Some parallels, (like the green livery) we are to understand, are made by the King himself who has tried to fashion his brothel after a fantasy harem. Others are parallels (like the selams) cannot be literal, but drawn by the narrator himself.
I don't think the rational explanation for the green annuls the connection I made between the other green wearers of the novel and the guards. However, on an literal level we learn that the green here is taken from the codes of the serails that inflamed the libidos and imaginations of white men all over. Green equals servants of the high born concubines. While the baltagis (literally "man with the axe," the guards of the serail) wore grey. Agiam-oglams were children between the ages of nine and ten, “selected for their physical strength” according to my translator. The Kislar-aga was the chief of the eunuchs, his main role was leading the concubines to the bedchamber, and there also was the Kutzlir-agasi, the chief of the black eunuchs. Then we return to french, to nominate he who was jokingly called monsieur de Cervière, the guardian of the virgins, like a loup-cervier, the wolf that attacks the does in this case. De Cervière (a retired army major) is the boss of the Parc, he rules over everyone else. His task is to punish and thwart any exterior attempts made to rescue the women. He also had to capture any possible “selams”-> in the actual serail, flower arrangements with codes and secret meanings, so, he will frustrate and punish any attempt to hide hidden secret messages by the women to the exterior or vice-versa. He had the authority to summon the sphahis, a regimient of mounted soldiers in post conquest of Algeria France, selected from the arab and bereber population. [This word came to france from ottoman turkish, the original word is sipahi, which is turkish merely means horsemen, but that aquired a super insulting meaning in spanish, still in use (the word cipayo, literally a mercenary, figuratively a person from the periphery who defends the interests of the imperial metropolis against his own nation)(not only they force draft colonial soldiers, they also transform their words into insults)]
We learn that the Madame functions as a female kutzlir-agasi, she has to prevent contact between the odalisks, she is, as it had been hinted, a low born, “vulgar” woman, who thanks to her extreme organized nature has earned the confidence of Pharao, who joking with her sexuality implies she will one day transform into a man and then he will make her his CHASNATARBASSI
Under the Madame operated two chambermaids who educated the wards/pupils in etiquette, manners, music,dance, literature and painting (not very different from the regular femenine education of the day, they had to know these basic things to be agreeable to the king in case they were not highborn) below the two chambermaids were the dueñas, who fulfilled "any task or service", and had to spy on the pupils. The vile and harsh jobs were done by servants + the horrid and old baltagis. They were very well payed but any minor failing they could be sent to the dungeons. (a terror regime, well payed but very high risk for those enforcing order as well)
“There were odalisques of all age, from nine or ten to twenty years old. When they reached their fifteenth year the town they were living in was no longer kept hidden from them; but they were diverted from believing that they were destined to Pharaoh’s bed. When they were suspected of knowing their destination, which they had learned, either by chance or through confiding, they were sent away and put in a cloister or a chapterhouse, or, when they were pregnant, were married off.”
(tr. Sainteverge)
we know that about the ages to be true, sadly. After reading this we can be hopeful for Maria degli Angeli to have made it alive after all.
Then Borel details the monetary cost of the serail, which is not irrelevant, while the people starved, as corresponds to a monarch, the king spent large fortunes in his idle pleasures. Its also interested to note his dispassionate tone here, no rage, just numbers. It is a well oiled machine after all, a perfect system of sale and purchase of women and a whole system of payed servants and jailkeepers, recruiters and bribers meant to keep the whole thing working. A perfectly rational and dare I say Enlightened enterprise, nothing random or capricious here, not very different from japan's comfort women or the joy divison in nazi germany. Sex is a right of the monarch, but also, these are people being terrified having their lives stolen from them. This creates a rethoric of power and an aura of terror. I would not be surprised if people constructed the parc into a fairy taleesque opportunity for the women (a bit like Maria reconstructs her experience) but historians try to claim a bit of a black legend surrounding it, which implies a general popular rejection of it. 8however we know much of the horrors to be true)
Borel states: the royal brothel with its comerce of nubile flesh lasted 34 years. 34 years and no one ever payed for the various crimes commited within it.
Borel also remarks, drawing one last paralel with the convents: the last superintendent who succeded mme Putiphar had been a canoness
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CorpMedia #Oligarchs #MegaBanks vs #Union #Occupy #NoDAPL #BLM #SDF #DACA #MeToo #Humanity #FeelTheBern
JinJiyanAzadi #BijiRojava US-backed forces seize parts of 'IS' capital Raqqa [UPDATES]
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