#Twitter Nonsense
anna-neko · 9 months
while muskrat is takin out the tweetapp behind the shed and shooting it in the head (while making sure to stream the act live frm every angle) ...... have u seen this????
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nicoleanell · 9 months
Renfield 🤝 Elon Musk
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r-michelle-a · 2 years
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angelltheninth · 9 months
According to MAWS twitter, Lois isn't allowed to have a character arc, or much of a character at all. She can't have feelings, revelations, insecurity, doubts, conflicts with other characters (god forbid Clark), no, none of that cause that makes her a bad character. But Clark can have all of that, Jimmy can have all of that, not Lois though cause she's just supposed to stand there and be saved by Clark and nothing else ever.
I don't know if these people aren't watching the show, are just misogynistic, don't know Lois as a character at all, are stupid, or are just saying these things for likes.
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lazy-cat-corner · 1 year
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You’re laughing. This American christian demands to know why the pagan god isn’t a Christian and you’re laughing.
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Genshin Fandom Leave the VAs the Fuck Alone Challenge.
Elliot’s been part of the community for barely a week. Y’all didn’t even give the poor man time to breathe before pulling some bullshittery on him. Yes, a lot of the English Genshin VAs are active in the community (some a bit too much so), but they’re not your buddies.
Who the fuck in their right mind sees lewd fanart of a character and goes “You know who would really like this? Their voice actor!” The only VA I can think of who might be fine with that is Griffin, and even then it’s just common fucking decency to not do that. He’s a grown man. If he wants to see R34 of Childe he can look for it himself. He doesn’t need some Twitter rando tagging him.
Randomly tagging VAs in shit is not normal behavior, and if you think it is, you need to get off of social media for a while. I’m being completely serious about that. That kind of attention seeking is a sign of someone who’s not getting enough offline social interaction.
I am literally begging at this point, leave the VAs alone. This is why the rest of the internet fucking hates us.
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He’s so unbelievably lame.
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magepixels · 4 months
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I love that twitter's not working right now and this is what's currently trending
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psi-spectacular · 13 days
why do all character designs have to be conventionally attractive. why cant people just draw "ugly" characters
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geekalogian · 1 year
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BEHOLD: A normal website, functioning normally!!
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nootcatt · 9 months
My friend *puts hand on my shoulder*: you really need to get rid of the ex.
Me *pulling out my phone from my pocket*: you're right.
Me: *deletes X* bye bitch
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apocalypse-angel · 1 year
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I absolutely cannot.
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angelltheninth · 1 year
My friend send me this and I've been laughing for the past 20 minutes
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And even more the fact that people are falling for such an obvious troll post
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lazy-cat-corner · 1 year
I like how Tumblr users are acting like we need to make an effort to keep Twitter from migrating here by making these ridiculous shitposts when the shitposts we normally make is probably enough.
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I don't care all that much for South Park, mostly because I think the show has done way more harm than good when it comes to political discourse. But watching Alt Right chuds unironically praise Cartman on social media is fucking hilarious.
Even as a teenager I understood that the audience wasn't meant to sympathize with Cartman.
You're meant to laugh at Cartman's fucked up antics and world views. Not root for him or aspire to be like him.
Also, when South Park, a show that spent decades "Both side"-ing every major political issue is making fun of reactionaries who get worked up over women, people of color, and LGBTQ folks in nerd properties, you start to realize just how pathetic a lot of these Alt Right losers actually are.
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silver-wield · 5 months
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Oh look, it's my fans back again 🙄😮‍💨
I actually resent having to explain myself because it's literally none of their fucking business, but obviously people are using a single like to make blanket statements about my entire character. People who don't even fucking know me are acting like they know me better than I know myself.
Yeah, resentment is up there.
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So this is the original bit between Nojima and this angy horizon fan. Yeah, Horizon, not FF. They're not in the fandom, not a shipper, and their twts and replies stick to gaming.
Weirdly enough, people outside of the shipping community like FF and have opinions about the game and characters, and that includes Tifa.
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Idky I have to break down my actions, but these are the two replies I made on the subject after the fact. I only saw the final reply because twitter is shit. Taking that into account, my opinion is that Nojima handled it, so people getting angry were going overboard, but also it wasn't okay for that person to go off at Nojima in the first place. There's ways to bring up the subject without insulting him, although he did reply, so you see it's not black/white. All in all I think everybody else should've stayed out of it. Nojima's not a baby.
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The part I liked was to do with this sentence. Just this sentence. Weirdly enough twitter doesn't let you isolate parts of tweets. Crazy, right? So you either like the whole thing or you don't.
From my pov this came across as someone kinda angry but respectful. More importantly, Nojima replied to them more than once. He's having a conversation with them, which I found very decent of him considering this person isn't owed a response and usually Nojima doesn't give them one.
With that in mind, and the fact Nojima's literally 59 years old, a grown ass man and can handle a bit of aggro and has stated in the past that while he appreciates all the "protection" he can manage because he's literally a 59 year old grown ass man and doesn't need constant babying, I decided this was a civil thing and moved on. Everybody else decided Nojima should be bubble wrapped and went on the attack, called in the protection squad for Nojima's "safety" and then the asshole cleriths and Jairus did what they do best which is make alts and use them to make people think things that didn't happen.
Ftr while I think there are times it's nice to voice support to Nojima, especially when he seems insecure about his work, it's not okay to dogpile people and do to them what they did to him, only worse because there's hundreds of you and only one of them, no matter how nasty they've been. Y'all ain't better because you're defending Nojima. And he's still almost 60 years old and knows how to use mute/block. Stop infantalising him.
It doesn't help the stink of oppression about the fandom. People can't express their feelings unless they're stepford wife gurning with glee. They can't say or do anything without approval from some fat head who thinks they're fandom mom, wagging their finger and telling people to shut up because they don't like what you're saying. Harassing the devs isn't okay. Ever. But it's also not okay to act like the fandom is a police state.
And I'll express myself how I want. If people think they know me from a like, they're fucking idiots. Although the cult are always idiots, so 🤷
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