#Ty's wip ideas
anonymousfoz · 1 year
A sad wip adoptable
I didn't want to give this one away but I must. This was my WIP that was my first dabble into romance, Dragon Queen / The Queen of Beasts. Instead of explaining the plot I had planned and everything. Just going to paste what I had.
REMINDER: YOU CAN CHANGE THE NAMES OR APPEARANCES OR PERSONALITY! You just pretty much adopt the plot/ideas I had, or full thing if it was another story. I don't want credit for this one. This wip had just been sitting on the backburner and I want it to exist.
There was a kingdom named Midnight Solaris which had a huge dragon issue. The local dragon was constantly threatening the kingdom. One day, the king had enough and decided to make a deal with the dragon. He offered his queen for peace. The dragon accepted. However, this would only be the king’s greatest mistake.
The queen looked out the large cave, over the hills as the sun rose. A lush life in the castle was nothing like the wild nature. The last time she had been this close to nature, she had been an unruly teenager living on the farm with her Pa. Since being forcefully married to the king, her rebellious lifestyle seemly disappeared to fit in for his needs. It didn’t help that her Pa was exiled for disagreeing with the arrangement. Thinking of him made her sad. He would have loved this view.
She walked back towards the deeper parts of the cave and towards the huge pile of treasure that the dragon had been hoarding. Numerous types of coins, treasure chests, and jewels. The dragon appeared to be hoarding all of these things for some reason. Maybe the need to have possessions? All the metals combined together in one messy pile had annoyed the former queen, but she knew not to touch it. The dragon was clearly territorial over the pile. Speaking of the dragon, where was it? The dragon was typically back around this time. The dragon was very demanding towards the former queen, trying to get the queen to eat and be a little healthier. “Why haven’t you been eating, my liege?” The deep voice echoed through the wall as the large black and red dragon lowered its head to speak to her. Its golden eyes staring into the soul of a queen searching for an answer. The dragon seemed to care a lot. It bothered the queen a bit. Why would the person who took her as a prize, be caring for her wellbeing? She felt bad for thinking that way, but her mind had warped to thinking this way due to the king.
“I am not hungry. I’ll eat later.” The queen lied, and the dragon knew that. The queen remained at the wooden table while the dragon let out a huff of black smoke. It was clearly frustrated, maybe a little aggressive. Yet the queen couldn't care less. The queen tried to get up to leave from the table only to be stopped.
“You will eat! And I will not leave until you do.” The dragon nudged her back into the chair before laying down, encircling the table.
“That is fine. We can be here all day.” The queen crossed her arms as she sat back in the chair. The cave filled with tension for hours while the two sat in silence. The beast was slowly becoming impatient and before long, began talking.
“Why don’t you eat? I thought humans needed 3 meals a day.” The dragon growled in anger, waiting for an answer, but it wasn’t one they were expecting.
“I am conditioned to go days without eating food… on behalf of the king’s orders. Humans do need 3 meals a day; I can survive off a light snack for several days. Any more questions, my master?” The dragon’s expression changed for the worst. It let out another huff of smoke before it responded, possibly a mechanism to keep the dragon relaxed in front of company. Or a health issue.
“Starting today, we are changing that. No matter how long it takes. You do not belong to the king anymore, no vows to keep.” The beast had changed size to a human-sized dragon. Still a quadrupedal, but around the size of the queen. The dragon sat down in one of the chairs like a canine and took a bite out of food before letting the queen take one. The queen sighed and took a bite out of the mystery meat. The dragon went to get her some water to help wash it down, but the queen took another bite. It was deer meat. She recognized the taste. A flash of memories slowly coming back from the good days. Her posture relaxed, and she took another bite. By the time the dragon got back, the plate was empty. It would take more of this to fix the king’s conditioning, but this was a start. “You seemed to enjoy it more than any royal I met. They don’t like the taste of deer.”
“I wish I could have a little more. It’s a flavour I haven’t had in over a decade.” The queen stopped to take a drink out of the mug the dragon had offered her before going on about the times she went hunting back in her youth. She talked nonstop about the numerous adventures she went on, the pack of wolves she managed to befriend, the last remaining years with her Pa. The dragon quietly sat listening to it all, confused on why the queen gave up such a life to be with a bastard of a king.
“You seemed to had enjoyed that life… what if you could get it back?”
“How do you plan to do that?”
“Starting tomorrow, you will join me outside the cave. Getting you back to that joyous time you had before, and prepared for the wild.” The dragon stopped to see a smile on the queen’s face. She was dazzling. “Then and only then will I take you with me on treasure hunts and maybe introduce you to the other dragons.” The queen hugged the dragon with tears of happiness. The dragon was confused yet hugged back, making sure their claws wouldn’t stab the queen. The dragon got up on their hinder legs and took the queen over to the bed behind their pile of treasure. The queen was excited to get back to her old life, the life she had written about in books that would never be seen by anyone else.The dragon stayed, hugging the queen on the bed until the former royal had fallen asleep. The dragon had put her onto the bed and covered her up with blankets. She was precious and smart, only to be with some asshole for a decade. The dragon walked to the outside of the cave, turning into a humanoid form. Their scales turning into smooth skin. Various scars covered the sandstone colored skin. Long, luscious black hair surrounded their horns. They walked down the long hill, taking time to think about the day they had just had. She huffed out smoke from her nostrils. A new feeling arose in the beast; It wasn’t anger, but familiar to it. Its heart was rapidly beating and their stomach was queasy. What was this new feeling?
“Grim?” The beast turned, their golden eyes scanning the darkness behind them. “What are you doing out this late? You haven’t been looting with us in 2 weeks.” The beast took multiple deep breaths as a dragon, scales the color of storms, came forward. The beast glared into their aquamarine eyes before responding.
“Saxon, I have been busy with a new companion.” The beast hovered over the human-sized dragon. “But you shouldn’t be coming close to my cave if I haven’t been around in weeks… You remember last time.”
“The break up wi-”
“Don’t even state her name,” the beast snapped at the smaller dragon, causing him to back up. “She used me for my loot and I will never get that pile back.”
“I’m sorry, Grim.” The smaller dragon's voice began shaking as it looked up at the larger beast. The beast felt bad and went over to hug Saxon. Saxon was the smallest dragon they had, excluding the child. It was easy to forget that and easier to scare the poor guy.
“Don’t apologize. This is my fault; I shouldn’t have snapped at you.” The beast went quiet before responding, “they are a lovely person, but you cannot meet her just yet.” Saxon let out a whimper before the beast petting him on his head. “But you should go loot with the others. I’ll be fine.” The smaller dragon squeezed the beast in a hug before flying off to hopefully join the others in a ransack of some shitty kingdom; to extend their gigantic piles of treasure they had been growing other the years. The beast went to get an easy prey before heading back to the cave and transforming back into the black and red dragon.
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I am once again not immune to cunty Tim redraws
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kittlesandbugs · 12 days
FHR: Animal instincts Pairing: Chargestep Warnings: Canon typical violence and suicide ideation, and Sidestep is not in a great frame of mind fresh out of the Farm Word Count: 1103 Summary: Just a little bit of "Sidestep was found by Ortega shortly after escaping the Farm the second time" AU, Riley is having a great time lol
Flinch and freeze and no, keep going, don't falter, don't react, keep walking. Just a twitch you can smooth over feigning ignorance. No one knows you by that name anymore, and if they think they do, you'll fix them. It doesn't take much, you know that now. A tweak, a twist, a pull, you unravel the threads and become less than a memory. Less than a ghost. 
Lower your shield, open your mind, find that spark of recognition and cut the memory loose. It's just a tumor on their recollection, to be excised and—
Hand on your shoulder. 
Static-walled brain. 
Yours. Turn on your heel, throw a fist, soft flesh, startled grunt, pivot and run run run run. They can't catch you again, can’t trap you again. You won't let them, all you have to do is run! 
Heavy footsteps run behind you, but you're no rabbit now, you're the fox. You duck into an alley, throw a garbage can, hear the crash and stumble and swear. Good, like that, you'll escape, and if they corner you, well, you still have the gun. 
Use it on them or use it on yourself, either way you get away. 
“Riley, wait!” 
The name makes you flinch again. You, not, not you, you're nameless, name forgotten, number shucked. Riley plummeted to her death, forgotten, betrayed, alone. You're not her. Just no one. You need to be no one, no one at all, nothing, nothing of import, nothing worth perceiving. You need to not be, not until you're ready. 
But your pursuer won't let you go. 
They're gaining again, fuck, they're fast, the footsteps almost loud enough to drown the wet thuds of your own heartbeat in your ears. Your breath wheezes loud in your chest. Your muscles burn as you push through crowds that can't see you because you won't let them. You're a visage of your former self. Not yet fully recovered from years of isolation and wasting misery. The only thing sharp about you is your mind, and your pursuer is immune. 
You dart down another alley, trying to get away from the crowds so you can move and—
Bouncing off a fresh and new brick wall, instinct recognizes your fatal blunder just soon enough to stop you from concussing yourself on it. You land on your ass, breathless, arms aching from taking most of the impact for your skull. What was a throughway four years ago is a deadend now. 
And now, you are too. Dead. Worse. Trapped. 
You shake your head to clear it, scrabbling around, backed up against the brick like if you pressed hard enough, you could phase through it. You fumble through your disheveled clothes, your hand seeking and closing on cold metal as you fight to free the gun from the holster hidden beneath layers of loose fabric. You're such an idiot. 
A shadow looms over you, features darkened by the blinding halo of the sun slowly sinking into the cityscape behind it. “Jesus, Riley, what's—” 
The voice mercifully stops, as does the approaching figure, as you finally, finally, train the gun on them. Your hands are shaking, unsteady as you feel, but you know where the heart is, and you won't miss it. You can't. 
“Hey. Hey, c'mon. Put that thing down. It's me, Riley.”
The voice is low and soft, like someone trying to soothe and cajole a dog on the verge of biting. Something familiar wiggles in your hindbrain like a parasite, and you refuse to let it latch on. Your hands shake harder as the figure tries to subtly inch forward. Too hyper aware of everything to let it slip by, you cock the gun. 
The hands are quick to come up, open and empty, placating and pleading. “Whoa, easy, easy…” He—your brain admits that now— he says softly, his voice raw like an exposed nerve. “It's just me, c'mon Riley…”
You know that voice. You know that stance. You know him. You lo—  no. You hate him. You pulse thuds louder and wetter in your ears, drowning out his attempt to soothe and de-escalate. Your eyes flood with burning salt, blurring your vision, but you can't wipe or blink it away. You should shoot him. You want to. He didn't try to save you, him or Steel, the other Rangers, the other vigilantes, all the rest of this fucking city. They all left you to rot and scream and suffer in the obscurity of the lab that made you just so it could eat you alive and spit out your bones. 
But he keeps inching forward, talking in that low and familiar tone that was always like novocaine to your fractious mind. Knees bending, he lowers himself down in front of you where you sprawl against the cold unforgiving brick. You train the barrel on his skull with a choked animal noise of distress, unable to put any more distance between you. And he just lets you do it, looking over your clenched and shaking hands with that heavy familiar hound-brown gaze. 
“What happened to you? Dios mio, you're a wreck,” he says, his soft voice cracking as he takes in your sorry state. He doesn't flinch as you press the cold metal to his forehead, cocked and loaded and ready to blow whatever brains he has out onto the street. 
You should. You should put a final nail in the coffin of your past. You see the weight of the last few years in the bags under his eyes and the harder plains of his face, smell it on the heavy alcohol in his breath. Your index finger strokes the trigger. Your hands shake so hard that you just might depress it by accident. Maybe you should just put you both out of your sad sorry miseries.
He just looks at you, that same way he always did. Like he has all the faith in the world you'll make the right call. Like you can do no wrong in his eyes. Like you hold his heart between your sweating quivering palms, and he'd let you… he'd let you… 
The realization makes you recoil like you'd been struck across the face, and the gun clatters to the asphalt. By some miracle, it doesn't misfire from the impact. He swipes it away, out of both your reaches. Before you can scramble away from him like the feral animal you are, he pulls you in tight against his chest. Caught in the trap of him, exhausted and weak, all you can do is bury your face in his shoulder and howl.
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daffi-990 · 6 months
Seven(ish) Sentence Sunday ✍️
Tagged by @diazsdimples @giddyupbuck and @wikiangela. Thank you lovelies mwah 😘
Have a little something from LA Lonely -> this is after the fun and orgasms of Buck and Eddie’s hook up. Still don’t know if I’m going to go full spice 🌶️ or just do a quick little run down of things.
Prev snippet & mood board here
Buck expects him to start pulling his clothes on and to give him the whole “this was fun, but I gotta bounce” speel, but Eddie surprises him by climbing back into bed and nudging Buck to roll onto his side so Eddie can scoot up behind him and hold him.
Buck freezes for a moment because no one does this. They have their fun and then they leave. They don’t stay and they definitely don’t cuddle.
Eddie must feel him go tense because his hold loosens and he moves as if he’s about to pull away. “Is this okay?”
Buck grabs at the arms that are wrapped around him, stopping Eddie’s descent. “Y-yeah. It’s-it’s okay.” He pulls at Eddie’s arms and the man settles back behind him, burrowing his face into the juncture where Buck’s neck meets his shoulder as he shuffles closer.
Soft kisses are pressed into his skin and Buck is helpless but to relax back into Eddie, letting the comfort and warmth of whatever is happening wrap around him.
“Stay?” He whispers, not sure if Eddie can hear him but not being brave enough to say it any louder. He feels like he’s asking too much.
A kiss behind his ear. “Okay.”
No pressure tagging: @hippolotamus @puppyboybuckley @exhuastedpigeon @spotsandsocks @devirnis @wikiangela @hoodie-buck @honestlydarkprincess @homerforsure @monsterrae1 @missmagooglie @mellaithwen @nmcggg @lover-of-mine @ladydorian05 @loserdiaz @bekkachaos @wildlife4life @watchyourbuck @weewootruck @elvensorceress @eddiebabygirldiaz @evanbegins @rewritetheending @rainbow-nerdss @captain-hen @jeeyuns @jesuisici33 @glorious-spoon @fortheloveofbuddie @fiona-fififi @disasterbuckdiaz @thewolvesof1998 @try-set-me-on-fire @theotherbuckley @steadfastsaturnsrings @tizniz @athenagranted @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @spagheddiediaz @sunshinediaz and as always, anyone else who wants to share something -> consider this your tag ☺️
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nebuladreamz · 4 months
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hey jesties
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emry-stars-art · 11 months
“He slid off his glove and offered his hand” oh my god yessssssssss mr darcy behaviour let’s gooooooo let’s touch them hands together boys let’s do it
maybe then Andrew will forget about heights and focus on his (future *wink wink*) eternal love, love of his life, soulmate, one true pair, confidante, friend, companion, heart’s desire, sweetheart, twin flame, mirror soul
his Abram
(I was giggling and swinging my feet while reading that part- they are so sweet your honour)
(Kinda wish you could have seen the little dance I did reading this ask lmaooo DARCY BEHAVIOR ABSOLUTELY. the boys get to hold handsss 😂 lets do it!) ⤵️
8 nov 2023 ww game
Find the royal au masterpost here 💕
The prince simply watched for a moment. The longer he was silent, the more worried Nathaniel became; maybe Day had been wrong. Maybe Nathaniel’s hands would once again be the exception, and he shouldn’t expose the prince to his scars at all.
But just before Nathaniel could take his hand back, the prince took it. He all but crushed Nathaniel’s hand in his grip as he swung his leg over and slid the considerable distance to the ground.
Safely on his feet, the prince didn’t let go. He ignored his horse’s stable hand in favor of lifting Nathaniel’s hand, turning it in his hold to see the back of it. All the worst scars, from the little burns to the small knife cuts, or other signs of the genuine accidents of living a human life. The larger ones carved into his skin. The long cut over the back of Nathaniel’s fingers in a neat line from when his father had once threatened to cut them off. All were healed, of course. But still obvious.
The prince ran his thumb thoughtfully over the last one, then barely spared Nathaniel a glance before dropping his hand and going to join the rest, who’d begun the walk back to the castle. Nathaniel stood dumbfounded, until a passing horse jostled him and he pulled his glove back on quickly as he followed.
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smrtnik07 · 2 months
Could I maybe request a Dias and/or Moses?
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something is wrong with both of them
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delusionisaplace · 26 days
would LUVVVV to hear abt the psychological thriller story hello??? 🙏 also, love the new prompt list!
thanks for asking my love!! i’ll try not to disappoint 😭
It follows Lyvia—a composed, distant high school student—who unknowingly becomes the obsession of Seth, a deceptively charming and disturbed classmate. Their meeting is anything but normal. They are introduced to each other through a school shooting, where Seth, one of the perpetrators, sees Lyvia standing in the hallway, frozen with fear as she stares straight ahead at Seth's friend, the other shooter. Seth throws himself on top of her in an attempt to protect her, and this single action leads to a series of murders at their school.
Following the shooting, Lyvia struggles to maintain a sense of normalcy—her relationship with her friends become strained, her performance in school decreases, and her mental state deteriorates—while Seth slowly integrates himself into her life, offering support and comfort. Lyvia begins to rely on this, seeking stability in his kindness.
As they get closer, serial murders begin to start up at their school. Initially, they seem disconnected, random—a crime committed for nothing other than sheer thrill. But in actuality, Seth, with the help of his friend from earlier, is the ones instigating all of the murders, as a twisted act of affection. Driven by his obsession with protecting and possessing Lyvia, he's taken it upon himself to eliminate who makes Lyvia unhappy in some way, regardless of who they are. Unaware of this, she tries to investigate the murders on her own, with Seth's help, against all word of caution from her friends and her sister.
It isn't until Seth crosses a line in his murders, killing Lyvia's best friend, that Lyvia begins to spiral, throwing herself into solving the mystery in search of answers. Meanwhile, Seth's carefully crafted exterior slowly slips away—his behavior becomes more erratic and possessive, his alibis become inconsistent, and the evidence against him becomes substantial.
Eventually, Lyvia confronts Seth, who calmly admits to his crimes, explaining that it was done out of love for her. Lyvia is both afraid yet touched as Seth reassures her, framing his actions as the ultimate, purest form of devotion, leaving Lyvia with one decision: whether to turn him in, or live with his secret.
there's more of course but im not trying to spoil the ending or the whole story, so i'm just gonna stop right there, but thank you sm for being interested!! like i genuinely thought no one would care 😭🙏
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pixelatedraindrops · 8 months
RainCode Possible Planned SickFic MasterList:
It is unknown when I will start writing these nor if I will write them all, but I will try to get some of them done at some point this year! The order also doesn’t matter. This is just a planned list! Nothing here is final aside of the last fic on the list!
Shattered Resolve (A Home Is Where The Heart Is Alternate Ending)-
What if Yuma got worse instead of better? And it shakes Yakou’s resolve to go through with the sacrifice/murder plan that he had in mind?
type: oneshot
Kanai Ward’s Not So Comforting Food-
Yuma gets food poisoning after eating a meat bun. Though his mind forgot, his body KNOWS something is VERY wrong with the food.
type: oneshot
A Sick Day for the NDA-
Sequel fic to Under the Weather; where everyone else in the agency catches Yuma’s cold. And a now healthier Yuma has to care for them all by himself.
type: unknown
I Can Always Rely On You (KokoWendy)-
During an investigation between the Detective and Informant, Yuma gets sick and Kurumi returns him to safety to care for him. But after Yuma gets better, Kurumi catches what Yuma had, and it’s worse. Yuma repays the favor by caring for her. And he finds out he cares a lot more for her than he thought.
type: two-parter/chapter
The Chilled Trainee-
Yuma gets put into an icy fridge for a while by peacekeepers until the NDA comes to his rescue. But by the time they return to base, he starts to suffer from hypothermia. The agency does what they can to keep him warm.
type: unknown
Truth Behind the Mask Under an Unfortunate Circumstance-
AU where Yuma finds out the truth to Makoto’s identity (and everything about Kanai Ward) sooner due to the masked individual collapsing on him from exhaustion, and his mask comes off.
type: oneshot
A Heartwarming Reunion (MakoYuma)- DONE
Postgame Fic where Makoto becomes almost dangerously ill due to overworking with no rest while already being sick. And a more serious Ex.Number One Yuma struggles to try and take care of him. He uses his memories of when the NDA cared for him before to help guide him. Finale Fic to the Sickfics of the Heart Saga.
type: multi-chapter
Note: For the fics I have that include ship names, it will be very platonic/tame as I’m not really into romance as a genre. But it will likely still be sweet enough for shippers to enjoy c:
But yeah this is a list for me to possibly attempt whenever!
Figured I’d at least have these written down.
Lmk which ones interest you or have your attention if you want to c:
(and who knows I may get even more ideas later in the year… xD)
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ladytauria · 11 months
💖 and 🧠 from the ask game <33
💖 What do you like most about your own writing?
my writing voice! i used to hate re-reading my own writing but now i can do so comfortably, even when i pick up on mistakes i missed or things i would change <3
i'm also fairly proud of my imagery, lol. that was something i worked hard to develop, and while i DO forget to like... describe things still when im writing, when i do remember/go back to add that in i feel more confident in my results lol
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
i have SO MANY of these
okay. i counted up the ones i have fleshed out outlines for, since there's more to talk about, and then i rolled a die <3
so! it's a jaytim fic inspired by the lyric, "why do you make me want to leave the world behind?" from the song stardust by new politics. the rest of the song doesn't actually fit, & i'll probs end up not using that line as the title, lol.
my outline for it is almost more of a not-fic than an outline, so... i'll just paste that in here, ig. pls excuse my brackets <3
why do you make me want to leave the world behind?
Jason couldn’t tell you what the final straw was. Maybe it was the last argument he got into with Bruce. Maybe it was hearing Joker’s laugh, again, echoing through the streets of Gotham. Maybe it was the gunshot he took to the shoulder, a few weeks ago. It— The point is, it could have been any number of things. Whatever the final straw, one thing is clear: he can’t do this any more.
And it’s not that he wants to abandon Crime Alley, or his people, it’s just—
He’s tired. He’s been tearing himself apart for the mission since he was twelve. He died, even—only to come back and keep doing it. And now… He’s just… done. He wants to live, and he can’t do that when the mission controls his life. He needs out.
Thing is…
He can’t leave Tim.
Tim is… somewhere along the way, Tim has become his rock. They’ve moved in together. When Jason suits up, Tim is at his side. When Tim needs stitches, it’s Jason holding the needle. When Jason comes home, knuckles bruised and lip split, it’s Tim there with the ice pack. And when they’re finished tending each other’s wounds, large and small, they fall into bed together—sore but together.
Jason doesn’t want to give that up.
He knows Tim won’t leave Gotham. Knows that Tim views Robin/Red Robin as the most important thing he’s ever done, the thing that gives him purpose, makes him feel real. He can’t ask him to leave it. He can’t.
But he’s not sure he can stay, either.
It’s a big, tangled mess, and Jason is no closer to figuring out what to do when Tim approaches him one evening. He sits down with him, holding his tablet, looking like he’s got something on his mind. He doesn’t bother with much preamble.
“My parents bought a place in [idk, some nice coastal or country area] a long time ago. A small vacation home, I think. It was one of those things we didn’t lose when Dad went bankrupt. I think… It looks like a nice place to retire, don’t you think so?”
Jason can hardly believe what he’s hearing, even as he agrees with feeling. He has to pinch himself once or twice, as they start making plans. They’re as methodical about it as they are everything else, hashing out all the details. It doesn’t feel real; not even when they inform the others, not when they start packing. Not even when they finally make the move, or unpack, or settle into the house.
It’s not until the second morning that it starts to sink in. This is real. It’s happening.
They grow roots. Befriend the neighbors. Tim gets back into photography, dragging Jason out with him on long walks to capture the scenery. He gets a job, too, working on cars, and talks Jason into pursuing a degree, the way he always wanted.
They gets visits and calls from the bats, and their friends—some more than others—and they usually even remember to leave business out of it. It’s… everything Jason wanted, honestly—though it’s not always easy. There are still nightmares, restless nights, and times when neither of them can watch or read the news without the urge be out there. Especially when there’s a crisis.
The worst of it, though, is the itching, nagging feeling in Jason’s chest. The thing that tells him it’s too easy. Too simple. Eventually something has to break—and each nightmare, each restless night makes Jason more and more certain it’s going to be Tim. One day, he’s going to wake up and decide that a quiet life with Jason isn’t what he wants after all.
He’ll leave.
Jason keeps his worries to himself. Just—tries to bottle up the good days, tucking them close under his heart, to keep him warm when he’s alone.
Before he knows it, though, a year passes. Tim still hasn’t left. Jason wakes up first, like he always does, and puts on the coffee before starting breakfast. Tim stumbles out of their bedroom just after Jason finishes the pancake batter. Even with a regular sleep schedule, he’s still not a morning person.
He goes for Jason first; winding his arms around his waist and sneaking a kiss before he pours his coffee. He slips out of the way, leaning against the wall to sip his coffee and watch Jason. And somewhere between the first batch of pancakes and the fourth, he glances over, and—he sees it.
Tim is smiling at him over the rim of his cup, still a little hazy from sleep. His eyes are no longer laden with bags. His skin is clear, a little tan. He’s got freckles, just a few, dotting his face. There’s a light, a glow to him that once Jason only saw in glimpses.
He’s happy.
With Jason.
It knocks the breath from him. He doesn’t know what his face is doing—only that Tim is at his side in an instant, coffee forgotten on the counter. Wrapped in Tim’s arms, Jason finds himself spilling everything, every thought and fear that’s plagued him for the last year. When he’s done, Tim smiles sadly, his hold turning into something like a cradle, despite their size difference.
“Robin was the most important thing in my life for a long time. First because watching you both, knowing what I knew… made me feel part of something bigger. Something amazing. And then because it gave me purpose. I was doing something that mattered, and so that made me feel like I mattered. And being good at it… It made me feel like I belonged, like I was wanted.” He strokes Jason’s cheek. “But… It always felt like it could be taken away. There were times when I thought it had been. And then… us. Jason, I don’t need Robin anymore. You make me feel like I matter—and I don’t… I don’t have to… to be perfect, or prove myself. I can just be here, with you, and that’s enough. I’m enough. And that… It means everything, Jay.”
Jason is tearing up. Supposedly, he’s the one who’s good with words—and Tim has pages of love poetry and sweet letters tucked away that can attest to that—but right now? He has none. All he can do is kiss him, and hope that everything he wants to say comes through.
The gratitude. The awe. The agreement. Tim does matter, and he doesn’t have to do anything to earn it, because Jason loves him. And fuck—the reason Jason stayed, the reason he couldn’t just leave on his own was because with Tim…
Tim has always taken him as he is. He doesn’t ask Jason to be anything more than he is, and because of that… Jason wants to be. He feels like the best version of himself when they’re together, and to hear that he gives Tim that same feeling—
It’s everything.
Tim’s coffee grows cold. Breakfast burns.
Neither of them care.
[ fic writer ask game ]
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peppermint-moss · 3 months
13, 19, 22, 25, 32! :)
13. talk about a wip you like! wink wonk needletail amv!!!!!!!!! I'm determined to get him done by end of summer before uni starts again AUGH its gonna happen im gonna do it i SWEAR here's some thoughts
I was like 'why is this video taking so long' n then realized most of my amvs are 3 min tops and this one is 5 MINUTES WITH BACKGROUNDS like yea bud its gonna take a while afjskdlhg
I'm trying da vinci resolve again and with a new faster computer it's actually been going alright!! I hate. the gaussian blur it's doing weird things but I don't want to figure out how to use fusion to workaround it and it's not a huge issue so... just gonna leave it be
i hatee backgrounds and they're just kind of. im doing them out of necessity and shortcutting the hell out of them lol dont look at the backgrounds too closely when the video comes out LMAO
video itself is going good!! there's a lotta scenes im v excited to see come into its final stage and im v excited C: !!! sneak peak be upon ye!!
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19. where do you find inspiration? I have an 'art ref' tag on my main blog that I usually just kind of scroll through so its mostly a collection of art/photos/colours etc i find on tumblr c:
22. do you have a favorite color palette to work with? I love warmer toned like soft brown-tinted pieces but I've never actually drawn with that i don't think.. Cooler tones I think are trickier for me (I keep ending up with pink in there but I don't think I should be??? idk lol) but i Looove when I can add a pop of like cold piercing cyan to a warm piece hehe
25. what size canvas/paper do you use? I used to draw somewhere in the 3000x2000 px range, BUT my friends were like thats so small!! and they draw on like 5000x5000 px which sounded WILD to me but I gave 5000px a shot and WOW i do like it... i can get more detail in with my lil brush.. yea so I'm transitioning over to using bigger canvases now lol
32. have you done a lot of collabs? No not besides the occasional map part (which I only really stick to doing just my part anyways!) I prefer to work individually waay more which is like a strength and a weakness cause I don't think I'm very receptive to collaborative work lol (i have less patience for it and am less likely to voice my thoughts orz.. I'd like to be better at collaboration but because its smth I avoid my brain's like well no need to improve that then afjdsklgh) BUT im p baller at getting things done on my own
Something i DID do a while back is the art collab meme with some friends which I actually really loved how they all turned out!! C: (Jo is me btw lol) (idk if there's an originator for this meme ? closest i could find was this but lemme know if there's someone else to credit)
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ask game questions here
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anonymousfoz · 1 year
I have this wip idea stuck in my head
I been dabbling into romance and now I have these ideas that I cannot get rid of. This might become a thing where I give out WIP ideas. I will do not care if you write this idea.
So the idea goes that the MC starts college in this town with superheroes and villains. The town is normal but protests are pretty common against the shitty government. MC wants to help the town but doesn't know how, when not having any powers. They are in college aiming for a history degree when they meet their roommate, Aurora. Aurora is in the same major and they share majority of classes and the two get along pretty well. They have radically different ideals about the protests, heroes and government, but manage to still enjoy the others company. MC and Aurora go to the gym one day and MC finds out Aurora is fucking ripped (Aurora typically wears oversized hoodies and pants and MC has never seen Aurora's body type. MC is also into this and already has a crush on Aurora but makes the crush go crazy) The two enjoy a day at the gym and then head back to campus before being stopped by a police officer who attempts to knock out MC but Aurora stops them. It's revealed it's a superhero as the cop, specifically one MC looked up too and Aurora is a well known villain called Shadow, who is trying to take down the corrupt and evil government. The super heroes work for the government and have been using their powers for evil and stopping / hurting protesters.
MC has to deal with this and now is thrown into a battle againist the people they looked up to. But also has to fight in battles while having no experience NOR POWERS. Yet MC is a peoples person and can battle propaganda. So MC is kinda the brains and is good at engineering, which was their first major at college. So they can engineer suits and help recruit others who want change with powers and not. Using protests and super robotic suits to fight back.
Now I want to write that but I probably screw it up or get frustrated that it isn't going the way I want it to end up going. And I promise it's not an allegory, and I did not plan for it to end up like one. It just keeps happening.
I just needed to write the idea out to get it out my head. Could work as a 2nd person pov story.
Again, do not care if you write this. I just need to get these Wip ideas somewhere other than my head.
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stellorc · 1 year
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hello there c:
yes i'm in fact alive, and actually painting a lot (shocking i know!) but nothing is finished yet so please have these sketches. Look at this wonky little guys. I feel weird posting wips bc I never know if people actually like them. Too late now, I'll subject you all to my unborn creations.
Also, ty all for the support folks. I'm terrible at keeping a blog but know that every interaction is cherished <3
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shima-draws · 6 months
shima it's been so much fun seeing your art on my dash this year!!! genuinely so glad you got out of your slump and are passionate abt drawing again. good luck w/ the charms ! can't wait to see how they turn out (:
SOBSSSSS THANK YOU OMG that means a lot for me to hear!! Especially since like. Me personally, I was very frustrated at the lack of art last year. Ofc none of that was really my fault, like I’ve mentioned before I had fucking awful chronic back pain last year that lasted like six months so I couldn’t even sit down in a chair properly for more than an hour at a time. (And on the other side, depression was hitting HARD. It’s never easy to draw when you’re just Sad. Or when you have major art block which I ALSO had RIP)
So now that I’m doing art again and way more frequently I’ve been SO happy…mostly bc I just. Love to create!! I love making things!! And I love sharing them with you guys! And seeing and hearing your reactions to them!! It feels like it’s been forever since I’ve been in such a good place with my art. Hopefully I don’t run out of steam anytime soon and can keep drawing fun silly cute things 🥰
And thank you aaaa!! I just finished designing all of the One Piece charms I want to make, so things are progressing smoothly. Once I get closer to finishing all the designs I’ll be sure to share them with you guys ;)
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inafieldofdaisies · 1 year
“just hold me.” for the prompts? 🥺🥺
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Prompt from this post.
John wiped away at the steam that had gathered over the bathroom mirror, taking a deep breath as he stared at his reflection. "So what if she out there. You have everything under control.", he mumbled quietly, hands gripping the edges of the sink. He was yet to pop out of the bathroom to grab a change of clothes, something that had escaped his mind in his rush to put distance between him and Sabrina. A very irrational worry, really, considering she was fast asleep. Reminding himself of that fact, he carefully cracked the door open, the light spilling out into the bedroom barely illuminating the bed and the outline of a body beneath the sheets. It took an embarrassing amoung of willpower to tear his gaze away from her, focusing on the task at hand as he rummaged through his drawers in the dark, one hand holding onto the towel wrapped around his waist. In his refusal to turn on any of the lights, he relied completely on touch, feeling each piece of clothing until he got to his favorite pair of sleep pants. With the garment clutched in his hand, he tip-toed back into the bathroom, dropping the towel on the floor as he put the bottoms on. John was well aware that he was simply buying time, avoiding the inevitable after he had acted brazenly and crossed a line, brought her to his bedroom, left her to sleep in his bed.
"She asked me to.", he whispered as he hung the wet towel on the drying rack, cursing the part of him that had suggested it in the first place. His fingers wrapped around the door handle while he imagined the alternative - stirring her awake so she can- Do what? Leave because you're afraid you won't handle her sleeping in your bed?
No. He was going to face the challenge head-on, prove to himself he was strong, stronger than temptation, stronger than the parts of him that wanted her more and more each day she spent at the ranch. Seconds later, he was on the other side of the door, no light to guide him over to the bed this time around aside from the moonlight and his memory. Whatever estimation he had of the distance between the bathroom doorway and his bed turned out to be a bit off, and he bit back a yelp when his toes met the wooden footboard, cringing at every little creak of the floorboards that sounded louder in the silence as he rounded it. Sabrina had shifted to the side of the matress that faced the balcony, the light coming through its windows teasing her form as she lay facing him, looking completely at home with her face nestled into his spare pillow. Any plans he entertained about kicking her out of his bed vanished at the sight, at how right it felt to have her there.
"I'm strong, Joseph.", he breathed out before lifting the sheets and crawling beneath them, the transfer of his weight doing nothing to wake her up. John settled onto his side, too, sticking one hand beneath his own pillow and putting as much space as he could between him and Sabrina without rolling off the matress and onto the floor. He could imagine her laughing at his hesitation, how she would tease him about the way he was acting had she been conscious. Minutes ticked away where he willed himself to sleep, his eyes slowly adjusting to the darkness and barely making out her features, the hand that wasn't trapped under his head itching to reach out and brush away the strands of hair that had fallen across her face. Then he heard it, amids his own quiet breathing and the rain pattering outside, a small whimper, followed by her shifting in bed, her fingers gripping the ends of her pillow. What alarmed him more was the indistinguishable low mumbling that he could only describe as panicked, more than he had ever seen her be, even when she was in his Reconciliation room.
"Don't.", it was the first thing he could make out as word, and before he could stop himself, he was shuffling across to Sabrina, arms reaching out and pulling her into his embrace, ignoring the idea he was yet again crossing a boundary. His hand stroked her back while her heart raced so fast he could physically feel it resonating through his own chest. "Deputy.", John called out quietly, pushing down a wave of dread. He had witnessed so many people in distress and pure agony in his chair, yet the alarmed feeling he was experiencing at that moment was something he had never dealt with before. "Deputy.", he tried again when she pushed at his chest, palm making contact with his bare skin, the same way she had touched him nights before in his kitchen, only this time it was like she was trying to get away from whatever she was seeing in her sleep and he was unintentionally embodying it. "Sabrina.", her name was a plea as he shook her shoulder gently, having absolutely no experience at dealing with other people's nightmares or any idea what he was supposed to do, why he even cared. A tiny gasp left her lips before her hand that had formed a fist over his peck unfolded and spread across it. "John?", her voice sounded small, confusion seeping into it and making him resume his reassuring stokes over her back. "I'm here.", he retorted queitly, "You had a bad dream." "You're in my space, again.", the words made his hand freeze as her breath ghosted over his neck, reminding him of how close they actually were. "I… I didn't know what to do." Despite her observation, Sabrina made no move to pull away, craning her head back so she could meet his eyes, her silence as she regarded him putting him on edge while he battled his own urges at the way their bodies touched. "I will go back to my side, Deputy." "Don't.", the word this time around had quite the opposite effect on him. "What?", he mumbled in disbelief, telling himself he was hearing things, that surely his mind was playing tricks on him to make him stumble. "Just hold me." Sabrina rested her cheek against his chest after uttering that out, her own hand straying until it stopped at his waist, the heat emitted from it traveling across his skin.
The man he was before she ever came to Hope County would have pushed her away, blamed her for attempting to tempt him, instead he ignored the quips about what Joseph would think of his actions as he settled into the pillow she had claimed as hers, breathing in her scent. All he could think about in that moment was the fact she needed him, that she wasn't reeling back at their nearness. "We're not crossing any lines.", John argued over and over the faint voices that spoke of sin and abandoning his path as he fell asleep with her in his arms.
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mossistyping · 4 months
moss how are your titles so eloquent and mine are just so stupid LOL
i wanna know ab "what have you been watching?" it sounds intriguing
chords you are too kind :')
5. What have you been watching?
I'll be honest this is more of an idea than a WIP at this point, the few words I've written are fighting among themselves and they're all losing.
BUT! Essentially it's about a few of the drivers going home in Max's jet. They have had amounts of alcohol that their trainers would disapprove of. Among all the silliness, possibly during a half-assed truth or dare game, Max asks Charles what kind of porn he's been watching. The problem is that he hadn't expected Charles to be a little freak :)
Very likely plane sex.
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