#Tyr the Golden
tenrispoplar · 1 year
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Here he is at last, my big daddy troll who now finally has a name, Tyr.
He’s a big gentle softy that has seen multiple lifetimes worth of fights and always comes out as the victor. Accidentally becomes the leader of the Gumm-Gumms one day after their previous leader kept pestering him and eventually picked a fight with Tyr. After many, many…. maaaany years of being their benevolent leader he finally had enough and relinquished his reign to Orlagk and went back to his peaceful travels by his lonesome once again. No one knows of his whereabouts but it is rumored that he still lives to this day, being the only Gumm-Gumm leader that still lives and didn’t loose his life to his fellow kin or to a foe.
May post some info about him at some point since I’m getting asked about it.
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the-evil-clergyman · 2 years
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Illustrations from Our Father's God Saga by John Bauer (1911)
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I totally forgot that, for sake of necessity and a one-off joke, someone who ended up being a major NPC in my last campaign canonically sweats holy water out of his armpits until it was brought up as we were comparing him to Xenk from honor among thieves in terms of the role he played lmao
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tiredassmage · 2 years
semi-coherent 7.2 thoughts roundup/screenshot dump/’fuck this was fun, look at my boy!!!!!’ (short of the dailies because I had to dart off to work, so that’s a later in the week event for me) below the cut (and in a wacky order because ????? lmao what’s chronology fuck it we ball (in what order can i find my screenshots)
(I love reading everyone’s reviews, it feels like comparing notes xD)
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honest to goodness think there’s some real competition for most satisfying kill option here. i deadass almost thought they weren’t going to give me the utter pleasure and i was going to be SO pissed, tyr was NOT takin’ more shit. my friend could confirm i was ready to jump this option the second it popped up, lmao.
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genuinely some of my favorite cutscene action in a hot minute. not just because i got to watch my favorite bestest boy kick ass, take names, and maybe get his ass kicked a bit in return along the way (yeah, I’m predictable, sue me), but because it was genuinely some fuckin cinematics. showdown on ruhnuk for sure! genuinely impressed with the amount of action condensed into this patch’s cutscenes.
the atmosphere of the arena. hundreds, maybe thousands of mandalorians preparing to watch shae and heta duke it out. watching shae with bated breath. someone mentioned prequels-level epicness in their post and i wholeheartedly agree. this felt like watching an epic star wars showdown unfold, complete with heroic star wars action music, lol.
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felt incredibly indulgently good to go scouting with shae. assess, infiltrate, eliminate, damn it’s almost like we’re back in intelligence for a change (tyr relishes it almost as much as shae relishes the hunt).
i’m also incredibly interested in their borderline opposition over objectives.
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just when he’s maybe getting somewhere in de-escalating the situation, shae gets impatient and they both lose whatever they were hoping to gain. shae gets snappy, tyr understandably doesn’t quite appreciate it, but they move on. he respects her authority on dealing with heta, but he isn’t excited about losing leads on the bigger picture issue - especially on one that’s probably cost him a few good nights of sleep like malgus, lmao.
sir ur eyes are very pretty nd i love u anyway
i was incredibly interested in the amount of path decisions to be made along the way. heta mentions a round-up of your methods which i was all for.
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dot.exe has encountered an error. tyr, thankfully, doesn’t share my “issue” for powerful women xD. he’s happily married, thank you.
overall? i honestly feel SO FED. very seen, lmao. this was a LOT of fun to play through. glad to see everything sort of tying together by sa’har and ri’kan being here, makes its introduction feel a bit less jarring. i’m here for the ~vibes of something bigger playing out for these characters, pushing them together, putting them in opposition. no new big reveals about the whys or the hows, perhaps, but i feel like the insights into these other characters was worth it. and, again, the absolute cinematics of it all was REALLY damn good. ruhnuk looks beautiful, there was a lot more to it than i had been expecting, i am so far a big fan of the ui changes and map update that was VERY nice.
runs back to the front of the line my other characters, i’ll be looking forward to going through this ride all over again, lol.
and also maybe i just missed my boy a lot. i will always be happy to have a reason to see my boy. xD
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this was also fucking golden i fucking love this as a running thing i fucking LOVE that rass was SO DAMN EXCITED and also that the shuttle crashes are a running gag and tyr and shae were both equally (un)amused i literally just. i loved this. this was great for me, lol.
glad to not have another patch of endless alliance meetings summarizing information, basically, too. i can’t entirely blame shae for wanting away from all the mandalore clan running, can i? xD
also shoutout to the very real fear i felt for a good five minutes that they’d given us torian and akavvi back only for me to IMMEDIATELY fuck that up with comm silence don’t FUCK WITH ME LIKE THAT that’s my BOY (it was, in fact, fine in the end, but HOOOO). i don’t trust them to not let me pull something like that, okay, that seemed completely possible at the time. but they didn’t. so it’s okay.
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galedekarios · 1 year
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wyll: this was a hospital? feels more like a prison. gale: a common enough interpretation. sickness has a nasty habit of making you feel trapped, if only within the confines of your body. gale: i once spent weeks convalescing in the hospice of st. laupsenn after a nasty bout of ruddy pox. for all their kindness, leaving that place behind felt like freedom to me. wyll: i've always relied on the kindness of the healers and menders of the coast. better a cleric's healing touch than a chirurgeon's scalpel.
i'm assuming this banter is supposed to trigger upon entering the house of healing, but it hasn't triggered for me. still very much interesting. not only does it offer another insight into gale's past before the events of the game, but also the hospice he found himself in for weeks is interesting itself as well:
"The Hospice of St. Laupsenn (N73) is a Sancturary of Ilmater in the North Ward of Waterdeep. In the City of Splendors, worship of The Triad has long been subsumed by the Halls of Justice, Waterdeep’s temple of Tyr. After the Time of Troubles during the early stages of the Spellplague, large swaths of the citizenry were afflicted with fiendish plagues. While most recovered with clerical attention, for some the effects of the disease continued to linger, resistant to the healing effects of magic. As few Waterdhavians would have anything to do with the fiend-afflicted sufferers, for fear of catching the plague anew, the llmatari decided to create a place for the lepers. The Order of the Golden Cup erected the Hospice of St Laupsenn, named for the priest who tended those similarly affected in the aftermath of the Weeping War, and have continued in quiet service to this day. The hospice is funded by private charitable contributions (many of which come from the personal holdings of the Lords) and tithes from the Halls of Justice and the Order itself." [source]
i was at first playing around with the idea of gale suffering from such a long illness because he might have been affected by the spellplague. then again, the spellplague usually affected magic users mentally rather than physically, so this might really just be the pox, common in big cities and beyond of course, probably during his childhood.
if larian had kept to the lore and the timeline, the effects of the spellplague should have been more central to gale's childhood and made it much more harrowing, especially since he is so intrinsically connected and linked to the weave itself.
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sunraies · 1 year
hiiii can u do rafe x reader? she is really shy and a very nice person and maybe she is jj twin and one day she is just browsing on a second habd bookstore cause obvi she cant afford to buy books all the time and rafe sees her there cause he took weezy there and he buys the books that she looked more interested at and later he approaches her and jj all protective
idk where i want it to go🤣 u can be tyr judge
thank uuuu
This is so cute! I hope this does the request justice. x
Second-Hand Books
Rafe Cameron x Pogue!Reader
Warnings - Fluff, protective JJ, Reader is JJ's sister, but no description given. Hints of Luke being a shit dad.
As requested above
You loved the second-hand bookstore in Kildare. It sometimes felt like a second home. Its name and sign was by no means magical "Secondhand Books" written in cursive golden letters, but the atmosphere was.
The old converted shop was a treasure trove of wonders, tucked away in a little side alley. It smelt like an old library with its shelves filled with countless stories and adventures waiting to be picked up and read. There were plants dotted all around, and even ivy tangled amongst the fairy lights on the ceiling.
Mixed matched lamps, tables, and plush armchairs were scattered around. If you caught Ms. Peggy, on a good day, she would let you sit and read until closing. The old lady enjoyed your company, often making you tea and giving you cookies.
You returned the favour by helping clean, unbox shipments, and take orders. You never accepted a penny from her, even if it was desperately needed it.
"Wheeze, why are we here?" You knew that voice as it carried through the aisles. "The store up the road has brand new books, not these dusty, old shit ones."
"They aren't dusty. Some are old. But none are shit." the youngest Cameron's voice protested. "I like it here. Plus, there is no chance of finding first editions of classics in that one"
"Just look online." Rafe sighed as you peaked around the corner.
He stood close to the door, which bell had jingled as they entered, with his hands stuffed in his shorts pockets. The backwards baseball cup gave him a boyish charm as his sunglasses were tucked into the collar of his pink tee.
He looked a little out of place, but only by his uninterested expression. Rafe Cameron would most likely fit in anywhere if he wasn't jugding his surroundings.
Wheezie, on the other hand, had a smile so bright as she practically skipped into the store. "There is no fun in that. You can't smell the books"
"You're a weird kid, Wheeze." Rafe shook his head, but you caught the small smile as he watched his baby sister happily search the shelves.
"Shut up and help look for Little Women." Wheezie called over her shoulder. "Make sure it's first edition"
You were shocked as Rafe chuckled and held up his hands before helping Wheezie look. He checked the higher shelves that she was unable to reach.
One problem with Ms. Peggy was her store had no order to it. You had offered to organise and arrange in alphabetical order, but she claimed it took away the magic of finding the perfect book.
"Here." You smiled as you approached Wheezie. Rafe had given up looking about 20 minutes ago and was slumped in an armchair, scrolling on his phone. "It's not a first edition, but the cover is beautiful."
"Oh. It's beautiful!" Wheeze smiled, taking the book and admiring the cover. "It's ok, I just said that, so it would give me more time in here." she whispered, making you laugh.
Your laugh caught Rafe’s attention as he quickly glanced up from his phone. His eyes looked you up and down.
Damn, how did you look so beautiful. He was sure he'd seen the crop top you were wearing on Kie before, but it looked so much better on you. He loved the way your shorts hugged your ass and waist. He even smiled a little at the shell anklet at the top of your greyish white Converse.
"You find it?" He asked, having shook the thoughts from his mind and tucking his phone into his back pocket.
"Yeah, Miss Maybank helped me," Wheezie smiled, remembering her manners, even if you were the same age as Sarah. "But I wanna look around some more."
Rafe sighed and rolled his eyes at her pleading look. "Alright, fine. One hour, and then we gotta go."
As Wheezie bounced around the store, he flopped back into the chair, even picking up a book from the table and glancing at it.
What you didn't realise was that as you looked away, he would glance over the top of the book every so often and watched as you moved around the store. He noticed that you would read the back of a book, flick to the first page before smiling and tucking under your arm if you like it.
"Just the one, Ms Peg." You smiled at the old lady behind the till before digging into your old, tattered, looking tote bag and pulling out your purse.
"I can put the others to the side for you, dear." She offered as you had walked up to the till with a pile of five.
"It's ok. If they are gone by next week, then it wasn't meant to be." You said as handed her the cash.
You didn't know why you even admitted to buying all five as you should have known your card would bounce. Maybe this time, you had just been hoping that Luke, your father, hadn't run up the credit bill.
You wished a goodbye to Wheezie as she walked up the counter with a pile of books and even gave Rafe a smile and wave as you left the store.
The sound of a dirt bike coming up the road broke you out of the world you were emersied in. You had been reading your new book on the creaky old porch swing on the porch outside. Enjoying the evening coolish before sunset.
At first, you thought it was JJ coming home, but then you realised he'd come home an hour ago with John B and Pope. You could hear them laughing in the house.
"JJ?!" You called into the window open as you stood up, placing your book on your blanket. "Are you guys expecting anyone?"
You were a little nervous as unplanned visits from people not in the Twinkie or Kie's car normally meant your father or JJ had caused trouble.
The rider stopped a few feet away, and your eyes widened in shock as Rafe Cameron removed his helmet. His hair tousled from the helmet and his cheeks little pink.
"Rafe?" You frowned and hugged your hoodie around your body as you hid your hands in your sleeves.
He looked a little unsure of himself as he walked over to you, a cotton tote bag in his hand. "These are for you." He held the bag out to you as he glanced around, not looking at you directly.
You took the bag, completely confused before gasping as you looked inside. It was the books you had to leave at the store.
Before you even had a chance to question it or say thank you, the screen door burst open as JJ came flying out "What the fuck are you doing here, Kook?"
You tried to pull him back as he got right in Rafe’s face "Jayj. Stop"
JJ looked between you and Rafe "What the fuck did he say to you?" He asked you before turning to Rafe again "What'd you say?"
"What's it to you, Pogue" Rafe looked like he was trying to hold back his anger but with JJ right in his personal space it was hard.
"Stay away from my sister, pretty boy" JJ pushed Rafe a little "Get the fuck outta here"
John B and Pope appeared in the doorway but before they could back up JJ, you got between the two that were squaring up to each other.
You stood with your back to Rafe as you spoke to JJ but could feel him breathing heavily behind you.
"Jayj. Go back inside" You sighed and got annoyed as he stared at Rafe over your head "JJ, go the fuck back inside. I will call if I need you"
It took you actually pushing JJ a little for him to snap out of it. He looked at you before nodding "He tries anything. We beat him. He's on our terf now"
You rolled your eyes "I'm sure, he won't. But sure, you boys can protect your territory if needed"
You knew Rafe was taking a risk being in The Cut, especially after the stunt he pulled the other week. You knew why the boys were bitter as you hadn't been too happy either after finding out he'd jumped Pope at the Country Club.
You watched JJ walk backwards and stand on the porch with the others. You sighed before turning to face Rafe.
"I can't take these." You held the bag out to him, but he stook his head.
"They're yours," He said, rubbing the neck of his neck. He seemed nervous and not because of the boys glaring at him from the porch. "Bin them, read them, do whatever you want with them."
You looked in the bag again before smiling. "Thank you, Rafe." You smiled at him.
"I better go." He sighed after nodding at your thanks. He looked like he wanted to say more but walked back to his bike
"Bye," JJ yelled. "Don't come back. The Cu- Ow!" You cut him off as you shoved into his shoulder
"You guys are fucking unbelievable" You muttered walking into the house, leaving them looking offerened at each other.
As you sat on your bed, you pulled the books out of the bag before finding a note, tucked into one of them. Your heart fluttered as you read it.
'I would buy you all the books in the world, just to see that smile - R'
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what-the-flux · 8 months
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- A Meaningful Gesture -
A little fluff comic with mine and @golden-golem's characters Tyraxeus Dropkick and Mister Door, respectively. Something about how for some, it can be hard to communicate feelings properly which is the case with these two. When words won't do, other things can speak volumes instead. My character Tyr here has had a rough life and has never felt terribly valued as an individual outside of a collective, be it the Legions or later on, the pirate crew he's a part of. He'll be struggling to process the feelings for a while.
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nikoisme · 5 months
In the carriages behind them the window is no bar to the giant raging fire of an ever-dying star that reaches rends seizes poor doomed frey no weapon no defense as his void-burnt flesh is flayed his sister freya watches but her new throat cannot scream as odr her husband fades as though a dream in the now-eternal instant of her loss her eyes grow wet but instead of tears what falls is golden red as the final sunset the silver and the platinum of etchings on the wall reach to her her melting skin their cold embrace appalls as she fuses to the core of this abomination train always watching but stripped of any way to voice her pain she sees as tyr regrows the hand he lost to fenrir's blade as he fights the teeth of rabid garm whose mind like sand has slipped away but no new limb will save his blood from garm's devouring jaw though his fingers find his heart and they mergw dead upon the floor and cosmic madness reigns
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hp-hcs · 9 months
fiendfyre — death eater! blaise zabini x male! order of the phoenix! reader
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written specifically with my king @gayaristocrat in mind. you didn’t ask for this, but yk i wrote it anyways. we can be blaise fanboys/simps together <3
Sometimes I wish I’d never rescued him.
I hadn’t even meant to, in all honesty. But what else could I have done? Just watched as the fiery serpent consumed them all?
No, no. Anything but that.
Sometimes I wish I’d never rescued him.
Who knows what would’ve happened?
Maybe if I hadn’t, the wonderful, perfect Golden Trio would’ve.
Maybe they would’ve saved the boys from the Room of Requirement.
Instead of me.
Maybe if they had, Harry James Potter would’ve had an answer for Narcissa Malfoy when she leaned down to whisper, Draco is alive?
Maybe he would have had an answer.
Maybe then Narcissa Malfoy wouldn’t have leveled her wand at Harry James Potter’s face and whispered Avada Kedavra through hysterical, never-ending tears.
Sometimes I wish I’d never rescued him.
Maybe if I hadn’t, the Dark Lord wouldn’t have won.
Maybe if I hadn’t, Harry James Potter wouldn’t have died.
Maybe if I hadn’t, Narcissa Malfoy wouldn’t have wrongfully assumed her son was dead and retaliated against Harry James Potter.
Who’s to say?
Sometimes I wish I’d never rescued him.
But sometimes I’m glad for it.
Like when I met his mother for the very first time.
An intimidating woman, as you might expect someone with a high body count—in both senses of the term—to be.
But she’d swept me up in a warm hug and thanked me over and over again for saving her son’s life.
I remember he blushed and grinned in that way that only he can do.
That shy little smile that I’m convinced exists solely for me and for me alone.
Sometimes I wish I’d never rescued him.
Like when he decided—after the fall of the Chosen One—that I was his.
Whether I liked it or not.
His family name became even more prominent than it already had been. A name of astounding political power and wealth.
And now, thanks to my teenaged savior complex and guilty conscience, I had not only his family in debt to me, but also the Malfoys, the Crabbes, and the Goyles.
My name was even more prominent than any of theirs.
It was power I didn’t want.
I never wanted my name to be tied to so many Death Eaters. That was the complete opposite of what I stood for.
But I didn’t have a choice in the matter.
Sometimes I wish I’d never rescued him.
When I have to wear those unnecessarily expensive suits for meetings.
I hate meetings.
He’ll always straighten my tie and button my jacket before we walk in together.
Because when aren’t we together?
It’s me and him. Him and me.
Whether I like it or not.
Sometimes I wish I’d never rescued him.
But now, as I look down at the richly shimmering silver band he holds as he kneels down in front of me, I can’t help but feel glad that I did.
After all, it’s me and him.
Him and me.
‘Till death do us part.
taglisters (aka my beloveds) @slytherinboysappreciation @lemonaderiddle @h-------n @yournogoodalone @knave-hearts @schaebickel @lexacantsleep @big-brother-problems @darkcharmx @cyberbl4de @amandajonhsson @megannxn @catz-80 @ghostiesen @fruityfrog505 @coysa @fruitypebblesstuff @mildlyuninformative @glittervame @cayaevans1 @lizeylavender @cloudydaysinmydreams @ironickarkatlover @ahead-fullofdreams @tachyon-girl @jaythes1mp @lovelyfandomqueen @ashisgreedy @mothermah3m @siuspider @ineedtogetalife11 @cherry-berry-ollie @cherriosxfish @a-hopeless-romantics-blog @fallingblackveils @ldrsog @linde0s @ghost-tyr @booksouflette @h0treader @maraudersforlife2005 @ahano @miah-macaroni @whatislifes-stuff @iara-ximena17 @goth-blackcat @dutifullyfuturisticwizard @docackerman @mizu-mc @tiacordelia02 @mingyuethesimp @luvlli @dracoshusband @verychaoticgay @thathogwartsjedi @lisbethpisbeth @remusily @daliah-xxo @rainy-darling @corinneeagles @sle1epy @averys-place @shibble @i-love-sirius-black7 @azu-202029 @artemismckinnon @lostboychimera @yukimaniac @annegrey @professionally-uses-escapism @slightlyobsessedwslytherins @seleo00 @nsbqujqkqiqm @artielemilkyway
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the-golden-comet · 25 days
✨😈Seven Deadly Sins Tag😈✨
Thank you very much for this tag here, @drchenquill , here @theink-stainedfolk , and here @thatuselesshuman , as well as anyone else who has tagged me for this !! This looks like a fun one! 💫✨
Rules: which of your OCs would you assign to which of the seven deadly sins and why?
Alright, here we go ✨
Peter from Peter Hart would have to take this one. He’s a treasure pirate, and captain of the Golden Phoenix Gang. That title alone shows that Peter is a fan of materialistic wealth, and has amassed a fair amount of coin on all of his adventures. One of the themes in Peter Hart is “The Price of Greed,” which is to say he has to choose between a moral good and his own self-indulgence quite often.
Noah from YWIMC takes this one. He is holed up in his apartment when he’s not required to attend class, takes online courses when that option is given just to avoid going out in public, and hates going outside of his comfort zone.
Tyr from ITROG fits the bill the best. He is one spiteful, vengeful, and angry OC that constantly fights for his own survival, and his defiant and bull-headed attitude has gotten him into lots of trouble, with the biggest act of defiance serving as the catalyst for his forced adventure.
Ali from YWIMC would fit this sin best. He is not only a glutton for knowledge, but is also incredibly self-indulgent once he is freed from the lamp. Taking life’s pleasures to the extreme, as well as his love of cooking, matches this sin very well.
Gustav from ITROG would be the most envious OC. Constantly searching and competing with nature, he’s always felt like an outcast to other giants. He often finds himself wishing to fit in, and wishing to have that sense of family that he doesn’t have as a wandering lone wolf.
Itazura from Tenshito would be lust on account of his occupation (porn star). Though he does wish to escape this job and become a chef, there’s no doubt that Ita has enjoyed the fortune that comes with this role, despite despising the fame. Being paid exorbitantly has had its merits, yet one of Ita’s struggles in the story is how much his current job is worth the risk.
Benjamin from Peter Hart would match this sin the most. Being raised as a prince has given Benji a sense of ego, which thoroughly gets checked on several occasions. His sense of self-worth on the surface seems inflated, but deep down Benjamin struggles with his identity, and wishes to escape his duties in order to freely express himself.
You may have noticed that Tenshi from Tenshito is not on this list. The cinnamon roll angel is no sinner; he is a saint. 🙏🪽✨
Going to gently tag (no pressure): @tragedycoded , @somethingclevermahogony , @oliolioxenfreewrites , @leahnardo-da-veggie , @kaylinalexanderbooks , @willtheweaver , @aintgonnatakethis , @honeybewrites , @illarian-rambling , @agirlandherquill , @theaistired , @lychhiker-writes , @jev-urisk , @wyked-ao3 , @alinacapellabooks , @gioiaalbanoart , @autism-purgatory , @48lexr , @badscientist , @rhikasa , @aalinaaaaaa , @dearunreliablenarrator , @swordslord , @worlds-tallest-fairy , @rotting-moon-writes , @tildeathiwillwrite , @mauannacreates , @moltenwrites , @asablehart , @dragoninatrenchcoat , @marlowethelibrarian , @sableglass , @cowboybrunch , @coffeexafterxmidnight , @words-after-midnight , @saturnine-saturneight , @smellyrottentrees , @lavender-gloom , @thecomfywriter , @mysticstarlightduck , @ominous-feychild , +open tag to whoever else wants to join! ✨
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simplysparrow14 · 2 years
Thinking about the fact that at the Start of GoW (2018), Atreus was the loneliest kid in the world — a dead mom, an emotionally distant father, no real friends aside from wooden toys, mysterious powers that make him sick, stuck in a small stretch of land protected by his mothers golden handprints.
And now in Ragnarok, Atreus has— a good loving father, an gruncle who’s a talking head, two 1 estranged dwarven uncles, a mentor in the form of Tyr, his girlfriend Angrboda, his three wolf-dog, a giant snake, badass god powers (that are still mysterious but not as life threatening), as well as a new home with a roof that isn't getting a Kratos-sized hole in it every few years.
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no one touch me, I'm emotional.
Edit: Listen, I know the twist of the game, you can stop saying yeesh in the comments. I wrote this well before the game came out.
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soft-for-them · 2 years
Hidden away - Týr x plus size reader
Summary: Whilst searching for a suitable breakfast you happen to come across the old god of war and justice hidden away.
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated and help more people read my works.
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A/N: This gif does not match with the story but there isn't many God of War Ragnarök gifs out there (understandable because the game just came out) and for some reason I don't like using still images. ALSO I haven't finished the game (someone has already spoiled it for me which is annoying) so don't spoil even more for me or anyone else thank you. I'm already thinking of a part two if people want it.
“Sindri!” you grumble as you finally come out your cocoon that is you little bedroom.
You’ve hastily put on a blue overdress, the same one you were wearing all day yesterday, with a fresh long sleeved underdress on of course. The big golden broaches that hold up the straps of the dress, one made by each of your brothers (you were adopted well after they were born but they still insist you are apart of their family) with the Huldra symbol moulded into each of the shiny metal rounds are the only clean part of your outfit, your dress covered in powdered paint and glue now dried clear.
Need to say you really need to give your dress a good scrub.
Bare feet hit the shallow steps that were really made only for your brother’s short stature lead down to the open planed ground floor, your bones clicking as you smooth down your clothes over your curves, not bothering to do your hair quite yet.
“Sindri!” you call again this time a bit louder as you head to the kitchen area.
The last you saw of your bother he had quickly popped into your bedroom, which is also your workroom where you paint your murals. He had excuse himself for he was going to go help young Atreus and his father. He said something about Tyr and Brok but really half of it went in one ear and out the other for you were painting and not paying attention to your non blue brother.
You lazily look around for some food to eat whilst also seeing who’s around, Sindri did say he’d be back with Brok, Atreus and Kronos but the tree house is awfully quiet without the bickering of your dwarven brothers along with the clinking of metal tools.
For a moment you stop and look around, you debate calling out again but you don’t.
Instead you find an apple to eat, a bruised one but an apple all the same. You don’t want to be cooking, it’s too early and you’re not the best at it (seem it runs in the family), so you take a big bite out the red and yellow fruit frowning at the chalky texture.
“Where are the porridge oats?” you wonder out loud as you rummage around for the food.
Porridge may not be the first or second thing you’d want to eat in the morning for its awfully bland on its own (and you still want to do as little as possible because you’re tired and in need to finish your painting) but you search for it anyway.
Mediocre apple half eaten you wonder over to the doors leading to what you assume is a pantry, well you thought it was.
You see this isn’t your home, well it is now that the end of times is coming but you didn’t live here before fimblewinter.
Before you lived out in a remote cabin in the middle of the woods living off the land and painting your artwork in peace. Now you cramped in your brother’s spare room for he insisted you move in with him when a group of raiders attacked you home.
“Brok?” you call out. Brok always shouts at you back, he’s your older brother and he loves you but he finds you and your shouting annoying. Sindri would say that you’re just as bad as each other with all the shouting and swearing, two peas in a pod but Brok insists you aren't.
You hear no shouting of your blue brother so you push open the door of what you think is a pantry the thing only open just a bit enough to squish you plush body through. It takes another budge from your shoulder to push the door inwards more, the something that once blocked the door moving away.
Either you’ve become very strong or whatever was blocking the door walked itself backwards.
“What the?” you whisper to yourself as you peak down around the door not see a random box or a weapon that Brok has left around, no, you see a big foot.
Eyes gone wide you slowly look up to see a man, a giant man, a man you have never seen in your entire life before waking up from his make sift bed in the small storage room.
Long dark hair drapes over his face that’s very sleepy looking, his glowing eyes barley open with little bits of sleepy in the corners as he peers up to you.
You want to act on instinct, grab the nearest blunt heavy object and throw it at him followed by running away but his eyes pool with confusion like a animal who has encountered a lost human in the middle of the woods only to run away themselves.
You assume you’ve just woke him up by barging in, his foot obviously being the object you though you moved to open the door just a bit.
You hope you haven’t hurt him in anyway.
“Who are you?” you ask in a stern but quiet voice, not wanting to scare away the giant man who now sits up from his slump.
“I could ask the same thing.” his voice makes you shiver, a warmth travels up your neck.
“I live here thank you very much.”
Already your eyes look the man up and down, his height sitting up taller than your brothers at full height, he must be a giant or part giant you think. The only part giant you’ve met is Atreus and well, Thor as well but you do not like to talk about that.
“Are you a giant?” you ask as you step a bit closer, your body now over the door frame, you now fully into the small room.
“Giant, do you mean Jötnar?” his voice, though laced with a sleepy croak one has when you’ve just awoken, sounds almost playful but also wise.
“I’m sorry, Jötnar, I’ve been around Brok and Sindri too long to remember the proper names for everything-“ you’re babbling but you do so to justify you slip up of calling him a giant, “I’m a human but technically I’m a Midgardian, I do not mean any offence.”
“I don’t take any-“ he talks with his hands, he moves them in a certain motion urging you to give him your name.
“(Y/n). Sister of Brok and Sindri.”
Holding out your hand and despite him sitting down he easily returns the greeting. His large hand wraps around your forearm, his digits squishing your soft skin lightly, his touch light as a feather like he doesn’t want to hurt anyone. You wrap your own hand around his forearm, your own fingers aching as they stretch around the wide width of his arm.
He goes to part from your greeting but you grip on his arm pulling on it like you intend to pull him up off the floor. You know you can’t, you’re not that strong, but it’s a kind gesture to say 'here, I can help you up' to the tall man.
When you were little and smaller than your brothers you’d try pulling them up despite not being able too, they’d get up just fine but they were always thankful for the so called ‘help’. Maybe it’s a childish thing to do, especially to a stranger, but the part Jötnar man looks so tired, so in himself like he doesn’t know who he is.
He pulls himself up just fine, your hand still lingering on his arm. He does not mind, he actually likes the feeling.
“Sister?” he asks.
“Adopted.” You say back with a smile.
“Ah. I see.” He looks down at you with his glowing eyes, not a bad emotion crossing his eyes as he looks at you, “I’m Tyr by the way.”
You mind runs wild.
Atreus and Kronos succeeded in freeing him!
“Well Tyr, would you like some breakfast-“ you raise you other hand that still hold the half eaten apple, “- I was looking for something more substantial to eat than this apple.”
“I would be grateful for one, I-I haven’t had a good breakfast in quite a while.”
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lostinwildflowers · 1 year
Romantic Flight
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
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Summary: Katsuki is the Chieftain's son, and a lot of pressure is on his shoulders to be the best. He finds comfort in you; as you do in him. He can't bring himself to tell you his feelings until a threat imposes itself on your friendship.
Word Count: 4.1K
Warnings: Swearing(it's Bakugou), mutual pining, harsh language, best friends to lovers, also kind of idiots to lovers, angst to fluff, also slightly hurt/comfort, happy ending!!!
A/N: HI GUYS!!! I'm so excited to share this fic with y'all! This is the first of 5 HTTYD x MHA fics that I'll be writing over the next while! Please let me know how you liked it! I don't really write for Bakugou that much, so any feedback is appreciated. Much love! -Birch<3
Useful Info:
Naugost - pronounced Nuh-gaw-st (not like August)
Tyr - Named after the Norse God of War
Romantic Flight - by John Powell - The inspiration for this piece!
Part ii. Dragon Island- Eijiro Kirishima x Reader
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This is Naugost. Most of the year, it’s warmer than the fire from an angry Nadder, with winds that will knock most people off of their feet, minus Mrs. Hoster, she’s sturdier than a Gronkle.
This island is so far off the maps that not even migrating dragons could find us. That’s how our village likes it, secluded and safe up in the mountains of Naugost, where we thrive off of the deep valley set in the middle of our island.
At the edge of the valley, set next to the waterfall that nourishes our farmland, is the house of the Chieftain, and his son, Katsuki. The chief is hardly ever around, always leading patrols to protect the edges of our territory, and making sure there is no contact with the outside world.
And his son? Well, Katsuki doesn’t always agree with him. He wants to expand our tribe, so he often sneaks out to explore. His desire to leave and escape made him competitive, and that’s where our story begins.
“Tyr, what the hell are you doing?!” the shout comes, the blonde-haired man’s voice deep and angry. The Monstrous Nightmare he was sitting upon, Tyr, was glaring up at him, smoke drifting from his nostrils in anger with his rider.
“Y/n’s getting away, she’s gonna beat us in this damn race if you don’t get your ass in gear!” Katsuki yells at the dragon, pointing to your disappearing figure over the small hill. The deep ruby-colored dragon growled at Katsuki, but lunged after your Deadly Nadder regardless, rushing forward so fast Katsuki yelped as he flew backward.
He managed to stay on, though, and clung to Tyr’s horns as he glared down at his dragon. Katsuki could hear your whoop and holler as your dragon threw the last sheep into your net, securing your win. Bakugou groans as he flies over the finish line, where you had landed your dragon, Gretta, and was smiling mischievously up at him.
“Shut your damn mouth,” Katsuki grumbles as he lands next to you, “This damn dragon won’t listen to me one damn bit.” A laugh falls from your lips as you pet Gretta on the neck, and you take in the appearance of your someday chieftain-to-be.
His golden locks were long and shaggy, with just a few braids at the base of his neck, one with a charm you had gifted him last year. He wore his flight suit, the deep red tones of his armor and padding matching the deep red set to his eyes, and the under colors of Tyr’s wings.
You blink once to stop your ogling, but a smile regains your lips as you snap back, “Maybe you should actually train your dragon instead of just ordering him around.” There was no malice behind your words, just a twinkle in your eye that you knew would just push Katsuki over the edge.
“You want to fight me?! I’ll whoop your ass right now,” he yelled as he slid down Tyr’s wing and to the ground, but as he marched up to Gretta, Tyr knocked him to the side with his head, the dragon heading straight for your outreached hand.
A soft chuff falls from the dragon’s mouth, and Katsuki frowns at the sight of his dragon being so affectionate toward you. You slide onto the ground as well, petting Tyr on the nose before glancing over at your best friend, who was picking himself up off the ground.
“Doesn’t look like I need to, Katsuki,” you giggle as you offer him your hand, which he rolls his eyes at, but begrudgingly takes your hand, knowing the crowd was watching you two.
You two were the perfect pair- the chieftain’s son and a council woman’s daughter. It was almost like the two of you were made to lead your island, but you both were set on being friends.
Katsuki grunts as you haul him to his feet, giving him a firm clap on the back as you smile and wave at the crowd, who was cheering for the both of you. The blonde was quiet next to you, and at first, you think he was sulking, but when you turn to look at him, he was already looking at you.
He’s looking at the way your (colored) eyes take in the members of your tribe. He’s noticing the way your hair is windswept from the intensity of the race. He sees the kindness in your body language as you wave to your family and friends in the crowd. He sees how beautiful you look.
He knew you were an amazing person, he wouldn’t be friends with anyone less than extraordinary. But he liked the fire to your soul, the sparks that seemed to fly when he was around you. In every way you were electricity and fire, everything he could ever dream of in a woman.
And that’s why he couldn’t tell you his feelings. You were too perfect for him, and he was already lucky enough to have you as a best friend.
“Kats? You okay?” you ask gently as you wave your hand in front of him, his frame freezing when he realized he was caught. He shakes his head back and forth to clear his mind before he nods at you with a frown.
“I can’t believe you beat me. Again,” is all he says as he stalks off, and you roll your eyes at him but follow his figure as he walks off. You give two short whistles over your shoulder, and the two dragons fly off, released from the pressures of the race.
“You’ll get me next time,” you say softer, a gentle smile resting on your lips as you playfully bump your hip into his own, his body not even flinching at your assault.
Then, fast as lightning, he moves.
His right hand comes up to pin both of your wrists above your head, trapping your body flat against a beacon tower. Katsuki’s knee lands between your thighs, parting them open as he leans in close to you.
Your heart slams against the walls of your ribcage, suddenly silent at the close proximity. You can feel heat rushing over your face, and you knew it wasn’t because of the Naugost winds.
“Gotcha,” is all he whispers, his voice deepening a few tones as his eyes drop to your lips and then back. Your mouth is parted open, your (colored) orbs dancing back and forth with his own red ones, panic and nerves running through you.
“Ehm, excuse me?” a soft voice cuts in, and Katsuki releases you slowly, holding your gaze as he takes a step back and spins around.
“What do you want?” his voice is harsh, not soft like how it was with you a few moments ago. You see red hair over Katsuki’s shoulder, and recognition runs through you.
“Kirishima!” you yelp as you slide around Katsuki, lunging toward the tall redhead in a makeshift hug. Kirishima laughs as you jump into his arms, swinging you around once before setting you on the ground.
“Great job out there, Racing Queen,” Kirishima jokes, and Katsuki frowns at the simple nickname. When did you start talking to Kirishima? Katsuki thinks, taking a step back and watching the two of you chat for a moment.
The blonde sees the way your eyes light up when you talk to the burly blacksmith, how excitedly you talk with your hands as you explain how you won. It pissed him off. He hated how at ease you seemed with this other guy, this guy that he didn’t know that well, but knew couldn’t treat you as well as he could.
“Oi, Y/n, I’m leaving,” is all he says, turning on foot before walking away from you. You can see the dejected slope to his shoulders, and you assume he’s upset from his second loss to you at the sheep contest.
Kirishima also watches him go and mumbles, “Kinda feel bad for him, you know? You’ve been him twice in a row now, that’s hard on the chief’s son.” You sigh and shrug, “Yeah, but he’s my best friend, he’ll pout for a bit and then get over it.”
But would he? What was that moment against the beacon tower? He was… different. 
You can’t stop the swirl of thoughts in your head, but you are interrupted when Kirishima rubs at the back of his neck and bashfully starts, “So, I was thinking, we’ve been hanging out for a while now, and I think you’re pretty cool. Would you maybe want to go on a date with me?”
Your body stills at the question. A date? With Kirishima? You blink up at the burly man. Once. Twice, and then it clicks in your head that you need to answer him.
“Sorry!” you blurt out, rubbing at your eyes before glancing in the direction Katsuki left. You put on a bit of a fake smile but reply, “Sorry, I’m a bit tired from my race. I’d say that sounds nice, but I really need to go check on Katsuki right now. I’ll chat with you later? At the Great Hall?”
You don’t miss the way Kirishima’s face drops, and you feel your chest tighten at the crestfallen look on his handsome features. It wasn’t that you didn’t like him- there wasn’t anything you disliked about Kirishima.
He was tall, handsome, and had a great job. He worked hard to provide for himself and his mother and even helped out the other farmers when he had time. Kirishima had one of the best personalities in your tribe, and there were plenty of women lined up to talk to him.
He was sweet, kind, and overall a gentleman. But there was something missing, and you didn’t quite know what it was.
Kirishima wasn’t anything like Katsuki, you reasoned. Katsuki was your best friend, and strong in so many other aspects. He was an incredible fighter, he was very strong, and always protective over the weak. He had empathy but only showed it to those who deserved to see it.
As the chieftain’s son, you knew he bore a pressure on his shoulders, but he did it so well you hardly could notice. Katsuki would make an excellent leader and father someday.
Father? Where’d that come from? You wonder, a soft warmth rushing over your cheeks and a wave of butterflies flooding your belly. You’re brought back to Kirishima in front of you when he shuffles on his feet and nods, “Sounds good, Y/n, I’ll catch up with you later. Great job on your race today!”
You thank him as he turns away, his shoulders also slumping down in defeat. You watch him walk away but glance back to where Katsuki disappeared too.
Little did you know, Katsuki had stopped around the corner, listening to Kirishima ask you out. After the word “date” came out of the redhead’s mouth, Katsuki left. He didn’t want to hear you accept another man’s courtship with him present.
You were his best friend. You were the one he had axe-throwing competitions with. You were the one he raced against to catch the most sheep. Hell, you were even the one to challenge him to see who could catch the biggest fish bare-handed.
You did everything together, so why did you want to choose Kirishima? Katsuki couldn’t help the thoughts from flooding his brain, so he set out to where he knew no one would find him.
Three long whistles fell from his lips as he settled into his saddle on Tyr’s back, the Monstrous Nightmare seemingly having calmed down from the race. The sun was setting over the central ravine of Naugost, and Katsuki knew most people would be setting out for the Great Hall for dinner after the race.
He didn’t really feel like having his loss shoved in his face, so he set out for Brokeback Point, the furthest edge north of the island, where the cliffs were steep and no one dared to rest. Waves crashed against the steep red crags, the roar of the water helping to quiet the racing thoughts in his head.
His thoughts of you. He knew he needed to tell you eventually, but with how happy you seemed with Kirishima, he didn’t think he could ruin it. A sigh falls from his mouth as he rubs at his eyes, and Tyr lays down next to the chieftain’s son, resting his head on Katsuki’s lap.
Katsuki huffs once, but keeps his mouth shut, instead rubbing the dragon on his snout and watching the sunset to his west. It was peaceful, being out here alone. It was half the reason why Katsuki didn’t want to become chief.
He enjoyed his freedom, being able to fly off to other islands, and mark all the different kinds of dragons around, and what habitats they liked. He wanted to know if there were people around, and if they were going to be a threat to his home. To you.
It was so much, sometimes, being the chief’s son, and that’s why he found so much solace in you. You understood him better than anyone, you were there for him when he needed a shoulder to lean on.
That’s why he-
No. Katsuki’s crimson eyes flutter shut at the thought, his brow creasing into a frown. He couldn’t think those words about you, not yet at least. Not when you were wrapped up in the arms of another man.
The sound of wings flapping a moment later has his eyes snapping back open. It was the figure of a dragon that was headed straight for him, the sun setting behind the beast, only leaving the figure outlined by its silhouette.
Tyr raises his head but takes a deep breath to smell the air before relaxing his neck back to the ground and shutting his eyes to rest. Katsuki glances at the relaxed state of his dragon at the approaching shape in front of him.
A Nadder. Not just any Nadder. Gretta.
The purple-tinged dragon lands further inland than Katsuki and Tyr, and you slide off of her silently as you walk toward the pair. Katsuki sends a silent prayer to the gods to help him stay calm and normal as you walk up to him, a silent air about you.
“How did you find me,” is all he says. It’s not even worded as a question, it’s more an open-ended statement. Your face is stoic, but you take a step toward him, shrugging your shoulders once.
“I have a Deadly Nadder, remember? One of the best trackers out there. And,” you glance off toward the sunset, where you see a Thunderdrum jump up out of the water and fly off toward a distant island. But you continue, looking him straight in the eye, “You weren’t at dinner, and you didn’t seem okay when Kirishima showed up.”
Katsuki groans and turns away from you before muttering, “I don’t want to hear about that damn redhead.” You’re quiet, calculating a response. You don’t get the chance to say anything, because he pipes back up, “Listen, I know you’re here to tell me about how you accepted his courtship invitation. I’m happy for you.”
Katsuki’s voice was anything but happy though. It was strained, a tension to his voice you’d never heard, and you place a hand on his shoulder to try to get him to face you.
You try, “Kats-” “Just leave it,” he cuts you off and knocks your hand off of his shoulder, “I want you to be happy, even if that means you marry that big dumb blacksmith.” “Katsuki!” you yell, your eyes closing in frustration.
The blonde turns toward you then, shock evident on his features at the heightened sound of your voice. You sigh and take a step forward, facing him shoulder to shoulder.
You grab his right hand with your own, his palm rough and calloused from his training. Katsuki is silent as he watches you, his eyes sharp and waiting, not so different from Tyr’s fiery gaze.
“I didn’t,” you whisper. Katsuki’s red gaze bores into your own (colored) one, but no recognition flashes over his features, so you insist, “I didn’t, you know, accept his offer. I couldn’t.”
“Stop joking,” is all he replies with, moving to tug his hand out of your own, even though it's the last thing he wants to do. “Katsuki Bakugou, shut the hell up and listen to me,” you state firmly, your grip tightening on his large palm.
-Start music-
He freezes at the use of his full name and the curse words, something you never say, and you take the opportunity to thread your fingers through his own. You can feel the intensity of his gaze on you, and you know how tense the moment is just by how still he is.
“I didn’t accept his offer,” you say again, and you shuffle on your feet as you squeeze his hand, “But I didn’t deny it either.” You can see the hope in his eyes start to fade out, the idea of you still wanting Kirishima lingering in his mind.
“Kirishima is nice,” you murmur, “He’s kind, and handsome.” You can feel Katsuki’s body harden at your praise of the redhead, but you continue, “He’s always nice to the dragons when fitting them at the smithery, and he even picks flowers with the village’s little girls.”
Katsuki shuts his eyes and whispers, “Please, Y/n, don’t tell me how much you like another man to my face,” and then they reopen and he finishes, “I don’t think my heart can take it.”
You just give him a smile and bring your intertwined hands up to rest over your heart. You hold his gaze evenly and you push, “Kirishima is great. But he’s not amazing.”
The blonde-haired man swallows thickly, but stays quiet as you mumble, “He’s not the chieftain’s son. He’s not a hardened viking that knows every in and out of our island.”
This catches Katsuki’s attention, and his eyes widen as your voice and words overtake his brain, “He’s not my best friend, he’s not the one who whoops my ass in axe-throwing competitions, and he’s not the one who takes me fishing in the summer.”
The smile is growing on your face, and you suddenly get shy and look down at your boots as you mumble out, “He’s not you, Katsuki.”
You hear your name fall off Katsuki’s lips, but you don’t look up. He says your name louder this time, using his free hand to cup your cheek and tilt your face up to meet his crimson gaze.
“What are you trying to say?” is what he says. He needed to know if you were saying what he thought you were trying to say.
You lean into his touch, somehow both familiar and foreign, there was a softness to this touch you’d never felt, and you gaze into his eyes as you utter, “It’s you, Kats. It’s always been me and you.”
You see his gaze soften, and the weight of you being with another lover is lifted off of his shoulders. He leans into you, his nose brushing against your own as his forehead rests against your own. You can feel a new, intense wave of butterflies rush through your stomach at the intimacy of this touch, one you’d never experienced before with anyone.
Katsuki’s voice comes out deep and gravelly when he asks, “Y/n, how will you have me? Will you have me as your own? Or just as-” “Shut up and kiss me already,” you rush out, pulling him closer to you by his shoulder.
A groan falls from his lips at your demand, but he’s not one to argue as he leans forward, capturing your lips for himself. It’s everything he’d ever imagined and more, different. Your mouth was sweet, the tang of apple cider hanging onto the edges of your mouth.
You were warm against him, soft and pliable in his hands. Katsuki slides his hand from cupping your face to the back of your head, grabbing your neck, and pulling you flush against him. You gasp at the movement, and he takes that opportunity to deepen the kiss, his teeth coming to bite down on your lower lip before swiping his tongue across it as an apology.
The growls and rumbles of your dragons behind you make the two of you pull away, and while you swivel your head to look at the two peeping flying reptiles, Katsuki is left watching you.
When you turn back toward him, you see an intensity to his gaze that makes you lower your eyes, but he tuts and gains your attention before whispering, “Lady Y/n L/n of Island Naugost, will you do me the honors and go on a flight with me?”
You giggle at the cheesiness of his ask, something so out of character for him, but you nod with a wide grin and respond, “Chieftain-to-be Katsuki Bakugou of Island Naugost, I would love to go on a flight with you.”
He smirks down at you, leaning in slowly to press a chaste kiss to your lips before pulling away, throwing out three short whistles, and bringing Tyr to your sides. He rubs your neck softly before releasing his grip on you, climbing up to sit in Tyr’s saddle before offering you his hand.
“Milady?” he asks, his fingers reaching for your own. You glance toward Gretta before looking back at the blonde waiting for you and you give her two short whistles, and she immediately heads back towards the mainland.
You clasp onto Kastsuki’s hand, and he pulls you up into the saddle behind him, giving you the chance to wrap your arms around his waist. Tyr reaches back to nuzzle your foot, and you smile down at the moody Monstrous Nightmare as you settle into your seat.
“Are you ready?” Katsuki checks in, glancing over his shoulder only to find you resting your chin on the pad of his armor. He feels his heart flutter in his chest at the distant look in your eyes, and turns back straight to hide the pink dusting his cheeks. And it wasn’t from the sunset.
Tyr shuffles to the edge of the cliff, the deep oranges from the sunset glinting in harmony with the deep red of his scales, and in a few large flaps of his wings, the three of you are airborne. Katsuki lets Tyr fly smoothly around several small islands and rocky outposts on the outskirts of the island, the only sound being the pull of air on your clothes, the flapping of wings, and crashing from the water below you.
While flying wasn’t new to you in any sense, there was something so intimate and caring about the way Katsuki flew Tyr around. You could feel the connection between the two of them, and while they disagreed occasionally, like earlier in the day at the race, you knew they had a deep and intricate bond.
You lean forward from where your chin was resting on Katsuki’s shoulder and gently press them against his cheek in a soft kiss. His cheek is warm under your touch, and he turns toward you as you pull away, his eyes catching the shyness in your own (colored) gaze.
“C'mere,” he mumbles, turning so that you could slide up and into his lap. He made sure Tyr was flying smoothly before pulling you around to sit in front of him, with your back to Tyr’s head.
You were facing Katsuki, and with the sun setting behind him, he was gorgeously backlit. His features were hardened, yes, but the soft light helped smooth out his usual frown and scowl. 
He looked down at you and brushed a stray piece of hair behind your ear before whispering, “I’m not sure where we go from here, but we go together, alright?” You nod and offer him your hand, “When we get back to the Great Hall, I want us to be together.”
Katsuki cracks a smirk and taking your hand, mutters, “Hell, you can’t get rid of me now, Y/n/n, you’re stuck with me.” You giggle, which quickly becomes a playful scream as Katsuki grabs back onto Tyr’s horns and you are whisked off into the light of the dying sun.
A lifetime of memories of just being friends with Katsuki would remain at the front of your mind, but you were excited to see where this flight would take you. And while your future was uncertain with the tough blonde-haired viking, you knew that he was going to protect you until his last breath.
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tiredassmage · 2 years
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Return of the King, the Old Guard’s back together, the boys are back in town, etc etc etc, I’M SO FUCKIN FRAGILE Rishi class quests my beloved. Dad’s back dad’s back dad’s back
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noxcorvorum · 11 months
The train arrives, and the mechanisms leave, perhaps getting cosmically irradiated in the process, unable to see the collapse of yggdrasil before the metal of their bodies peels the scourge from their systems and the rainbows from their eyes, before aurora gets out of range of the exploding oil slick in colors unseen and imperceivable covering every planet like a shroud and bringing snapping mouths and hungry teeth and rending claws ripping into the fabric of space as loki and sigyn join each other in death and the bodies of the occupants of the ratatosk express spill into physical space, frey's corpse flayed and frayed and split at the seams, freyja fused with the wall, bones and flesh merged with metal dripping with golden-red, heimdall's empty sockets gazing at nothing and everything, seeing to all the edges of the corruption, tyr and garm entwined, tyr's new hand gripped by garm's sharpened teeth and garm's heart clutched in tyr's ragged fingers, odin's serpentine form slumped on the floor of the observation deck, single eye wide and staring out into the abyss as her blood tinged with acid and deadly rainbow drips from thor's borrowed hammer and mingles with his own where he lies nine steps from her corpse, and the knot of cosmic horror spreads, and spreads, and spreads until it encompasses yggdrasil and all its nine planets, and still it creeps forth. No one goes near yggdrasil, anymore. Just like fort galfridian, abandoned during its fall and left to rust and rot and burn and plummet into avalon, the yggdrasil system is left alone and watched and monitored as the squamous things creep closer. They seem to slow, as they get further out, but it never stops, an oil slick spreading infection and mutation and horror over everything it touches, for the flutes have stopped, the doors have opened, and azathoth awakens. The sole survivor, an inspector second class of the midgardian transport police, must move often and quickly, as they drip corruption behind them like a cloak, like so much water on soaked earth, and it spreads and screams and rips and rends if they do not leave whatever planet they stop at before it puts down roots. Everyone they encounter can tell they have been fundamentally changed, by the swirling colors in their eyes and the slight echoed song in their voice and the chromatic smudges that leak from their fingertips onto everything they touch. The void does not let them die, knitting their flesh and sealing their bones back together on a tide of vivid color and nauseous patterns. They take to music and storytelling, narrating the fall of their planetary system as a way to commemorate its existence, and as a warning to any who would listen of the distortion and decay raging its way forth, for they are herald and harbinger for the squamous things, and it will never let them go.
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veryace-ficrecs · 1 year
Xedgin Fic Recs Part 1
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
Click Here for general recs
and Here for Part two of my Xedgin recs!
he loves me, he loves me not by phiroths - Rated T
“What?” Edgin’s response was snarky, carefree with a hint of annoyance as he ties his last knot of his gift of golden strings to his aging instrument.
Doric sighs, her attitude shifting, “Ed, he keeps buying you stuff. They’re not even things you can use on quests or something, they’re specifically designed for you. They’re tokens.” Her explanation is slow as if it’s common sense that flew over his head.
He snorts, testing his lute and tuning it accordingly. “Okay? It’s not a bad thing, they’re great tokens, and it’s even better since he doesn’t expect anything in retuーoh shit.”
A note came out flat under his fingers.
Edgin was being courted.
It's Him Again by Triss_Hawkeye - Rated G
  Edgin is finally feeling at ease, which is instantly interrupted when a familiar figure enters the tavern. 
tenets of devotion by weatheredlaw - Rated E
Ed leaned forward and put his head in his hands. “This is ridiculous. You know that, right?”
“Eh, I think you’ve done weirder things.”
“Weirder than marrying a paladin and infiltrating a cult together?”
Holga shrugged. “You’ve done a lot of weird things. Don’t make me list them all.”
or: xenk needs edgin's help to take down a cult. absolutely nothing can go wrong. right?
Braided Threads by stele3 - Rated M
Turning, Xenk watched Edgin enter the stables at a jog, then stumble to a halt. He looked at Xenk’s face and visibly blanched. It had been some time since he had done thus; Xenk could hardly blame him. The mark on his forehead had caused so many to recoil from him over the years.
“Nice, uh, nice horse,” Edgin said after a moment.
“Greetings, Edgin Darvis,” Tyr said aloud.
“Nice talking horse.”
Xenk wiped tears from his face. “Edgin, I present to you my god: Tyr, the Sword Above the Clouds, Keeper of the Door.”
“Your god is a horse?”
Beckoning Life by Mirach - Rated T
  When Xenk learns that Edgin was hurt and needs him, he rushes to him hoping to help with his healing touch. But healing is not effective against a wound caused by a Red Wizard Blade and Xenk has to face his own demons to be able to save Edgin. 
We can burn much brighter (if we don't look back) by enchantedsleeper
- Rated T
  Xenk learns that Sofina tried to unleash the Beckoning Death on Neverwinter, and grapples with the fact that his past almost repeated itself while he was too far away to help. Restless and unable to sleep, he goes for a walk, and finds that he's not the only one struggling to come to terms with recent events. 
Not If It's You by G_Moore - Rated G
touch-starved xenk
touchy edgin
not even quite romance
maybe romance eventually
half your life (you've been hooked on death) by roundtriptojupiter - Rated T
Almost six months after the events of Honor Among Thieves, Xenk shows up on Edgin's doorstep. 
if you get lost, i'll hold your hand by yourstrulytay - Rated T
If you get lost, take my hand and I will guide you.
The words keep swirling around in Edgin’s head, and he’s unsure as to why he can’t seem to get them to stop.
He almost wants to ask further questions; get clarification on why the paladin had felt the need to even say such a thing.
It’s- not bothering him, per se, but it definitely- okay well, bothering him a lot, actually.
Does he seem so helpless? Do they all? He knows their group is somewhat ragtag, all of them pieces belonging to different puzzles, but they all have their strengths. They won’t need help from some big, dumb, strong, handsome-
Nope. No. Ed’s not going there, thank you very much. He’s annoyed at the paladin, not attracted to him.
or, the three times that Xenk holds Edgin's hand for totally platonic reasons and the one time it's absolutely not for platonic reasons
  it's always darkest (before the dawn) by puffvisionary - Rated G
Xenk is not the type of person you can expect to come home every evening, a tired smile on his face and a request for a hug on his lips. He's not the type to step through the threshold of their home and shake off the heroic. His dedication and single-minded focus to his oath doesn't come on or off along with his shiny breastplate.
Edgin knows this, understands this, and accepts this.
That does not mean he's ready for the day when Xenk comes home without any recollection of him, of them, of what they have.
Well, shit.
Touching in the Dark by Bestbuds55 - Rated T
Edgin isn't the biggest fan of Xenk Yendar, but that is obvious to everyone. Well, except maybe Xenk himself. 
Odd Little Family by hollyjolly_42 - Rated T
"Kira found it practical to believe that her father would someday remarry, and even more so to believe that it would be to the woman who was already a trusted, guiding figure to his child.
Therefore, it was much to her surprise when a tall, handsome man interrupted her lute practice to ask her blessing in his proposal to her father."
Someone Lit From Within by BlackEyedGirl - Rated T
Edgin takes a detour when he realises they're near Mornbryn’s Shield. Xenk brings him along on a side-quest and the two of them have a number of enlightening conversations. (Holga has some concerns) 
Solitary Burdens by cupiscent - Rated T
Edgin's wife died years ago, but he's only just now letting go. He can't talk about it with any of the others, but Xenk - aggravatingly - understands. Perhaps neither of them need to carry these burdens alone.
Windows XP love confession by veryace - Rated G
  It wasn't common for Ed to wake up in an unfamiliar place, but it also wasn't uncommon. He had his fair share of unfamiliar bedrooms and houses in his years of barding before he found Zia. It was, however, his first time waking up in a seemingly endless field, with no landmarks to help him figure out where he was.
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