wellfine · 2 years
Zoro & Sanji before Zoro got to see Sanji's fighting style
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no no lets hear her out
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saturncodedstarlette · 6 months
Y/N : I have a lot of bottled up emotions about you, y’know?
Barrage : Break the bottle.
Y/N : That’s- that’s not how metaphors wo-
Barrage : Where is it? If you’re too scared to do it, I can 😌✨
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For the record this is Barrage ⬆️
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mbmbimbo · 7 months
Here, an android apk for spotify premium. (via bestforandroid.com. this only works on androids btw) you dont have to remake your account, and you dont have to give that terrible company your money anymore
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fellow-queer-birdguy · 4 months
Did anyone else's chronic pain go from just bothering you to FUCKING everything up??
Because that sure happened to me. Went from "my hip kinda hurts when I walk and my joints crack a bit. Slight headache too." to "oww my hips gave out again, and hurt like hell. Also my joints are cracking and it's very painful. Can't walk anymore today. Oh and my head hurts for the 3rd month in a row."
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regallibellbright · 2 years
Headcanon: Literally all Keyblade Wielders, and frankly possibly all magic users in the Kingdom Hearts universe, have a baseline magic level SO STUPID HIGH that it makes the entire rest of the Extended Final Fantasy Canon look at them and go “yeah, no, let’s not touch that.”
Evidence: You know how hard it’s supposed to be to cast Flare, as a baseline? Much less higher-level Flares? You know how we all laugh about Donald Duck being the strongest Red Mage in the entire canon because he uses a prefix that has literally only ever otherwise been seen by an endboss in Bravely Default who was explicitly on significant powerups? With laser-precision?
Yeah, I remind you that up until Chi, the only version of Flare we see anyone use (except Duck Flare, which is just fireworks,) is the Mega one. You know, the version BAHAMUT uses.
Sora learns it starting in Chain of Memories. All of the Wayfinders can use it. DATA-SORA can use it.
I’m not even sure it always takes up extra slots in a command deck.
In conclusion: Keyblade magic is ridiculous and scary, and if you transplant any random magic user from Kingdom Hearts in the rest of the Final Fantasy extended canon, all the other magic users will either ask them to teach them or run away screaming, depending on their self-preservation instincts. It’s not just Donald, or that Minnie Mouse is a top-tier white mage, or that Mickey Mouse and Xehanort both use the strongest Stop spell we see ANYWHERE in the canon, they’re all Just Like That.
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 4 months
ARADIA: there are n0 nearby c0rpses t0 eat 0n0
FEFERI: Cod, t)(is place sucks. I’m going )(ive 38( 
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command0bey · 3 months
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When your assistant is a cat, every day is a big April Fools' joke.
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incorrectfexi · 1 year
lexi, seeing someone do something stupid: what an idiot
lexi: *realizes it’s fezco*
lexi: wait, that’s my idiot
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littlemouserat · 2 years
Ratter Jervis : “ I did, my dear Jonathan. I thought your coat was looking rather ratty. Our future heists are gonna take place in colder weather so I fixed the holes.”
CorpseCrow :……………………..
CorpseCrow : “ It’s a lovely pattern, Jervis. Thank you. The Crows are a nice touch.”
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osachiyo · 5 months
it did sound a little ungrateful ngl? no offense but it came off as i'm so famous i can't handle all my requests feel sorry for me, sounded more like bragging
you do realize people have a life outside of tumblr, right? im not a full-time writer on tumblr, and i don't think i ever will be. sorry if i came off as ungrateful or if i sounded like i was bragging to you, that was not my intention. im sure it's a problem most, if not all writers here face and it's honestly ridiculous how many people miss or just ignore the pinned post. i mean it's very hard to move your finger and scroll down a tiny bit to see if the requests are open, right?
my bad for feeling pressured by the overwhelming amount of requests when i already have like 27 wips in my drafts, mhm ! oh and did i forget to mention doing all of that and juggling things irl like studying and work? so im the ungrateful one for feeling pressured into rushing shit for people while trying to maintain my life outside of tumblr instead of some people who don't even bother to check if someone's requests are open or not, when it doesn't even take the least bit of effort? and ofc im ungrateful for making a post trying to remind people the bare minimum before sending an ask? no because that makes perfect sense !
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duality of man
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sewercentipede · 1 year
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incorrectdmp · 4 months
Charlie: There are no nearby corpses to eat.
Zephira: God, this place sucks. I'm going home.
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fellow-queer-birdguy · 3 months
Really long ramble about ahead!! feel free to read! (also there's a TLDR at the end)
The reason why I feel like I can't get a "better" mobility aid (I really want forearm crutches since the cane doesn't feel like it's enough stability and support anymore) is because I'm scared of walking "too comfortably". Now, I'm pretty sure there is no such thing as walking "too comfortably", there's no reason for me to feel bad about wanting to walk without pain, but I do anyway?
I mainly think this thought process comes from internalised ableism (example; "that person is using a mobility aid! they are being lazy!")and it makes it really hard for me to even use my cane because it makes me feel like I'm a faker and I'm just "lazy". None of which is true. I just want to walk so that I'm not in pain!
And every time I remember people usually aren't in pain when they walk I realise just how much I need support and help. The fact that the majority of people around me see walking as an usual and worry-free activity while every time I have to go somewhere I worry about if I'll be in pain and how badly it's going to affect my week. It's very exhausting (And this is not even mentioning all the other symptoms I have).
I really miss when, a few years ago, I was able to run around and walk long distances. heck, I was even in a long distance jogging class in school. And now I can't really do that. It feels really weird, almost like grief. And I wish people would take me more seriously when I say stuff, but also, I have such a hard time understanding that what I am experiencing is not normal and that causes me to not take myself seriously, and I guess that also fuels the internalised ableism I'm dealing with.
I look at people around me with envy and awe. Everything they do is easy for them, their not in pain all the time and when they do have pain a simple pain killer helps. It all just feels so unfair.
I do need help and support from the people in my life, but I'm just so scared I'll be looked at differently or seen as weak. Or that they don't understand how much this unexplained disability is affecting my life. I personally don't think I even fully understand.
But I do understand that I need to speak up and explain to doctors what I'm dealing with so that they can help me. I'm just so scared, I'm not used to being listened to. I'm not even going to talk about how hard it is when I try to tell anything to my mom.
And then it gets even more complex when I think about it just going away and then I'll be "back to normal". At this point I'm so used to being in pain that the thought of not being is scary. I hope it makes sense. I do hate being in pain, but it's my every day life. I don't think there is a "magic solution" to it, but some people around me seem to think that. And I hate being wrong, so if one of the solutions would actually "cure" me I would feel so bad for not doing it earlier. I have no idea if there's a word for this experience but I have a feeling it's related to my autism.
But yeah, I general I just feel so much about my physical wellbeing right now, since I'm soon turning 18 and then everything will start to cost money. Also I've been thinking about this years pride event, I've been worrying since last year because we had to stand for almost 3 hours last year. I could still manage then, but I don't know if I could manage now.
I am really thankful for the community here on Tumblr for being so supportive and feeling like a home.
TLDR; I feel like I can't walk pain free or get a "better" mobility aid because of internalised ableism. Also I grief all the things I can't do anymore and how unfair that feels. And I'm aware of how badly I need to tell my doctors about everything. also I'm afraid of being "magically healed" even though I know it's probably not possible at this point and I'm so used to my pain. I'm soon turning 18 and I don't know how bad or good my situation is going to be by then. AKA too much stuff is happening in my life right now.
I think I've rambled enough now, thanks for reading.
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purplecelestial-buddy · 5 months
Changing your username in ao3 is like changing identity
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