#USJ Incident
Seat 21 - Chapter 5
A/N - Welcome to chapter 5! I’m sorting out a masterlist now, so y’all can access the chapters easier. Happy reading!!
Careful is not blood leaking from your hairline, flooding your face. Careful is not gravel leaving raw skin peeled off in chunks. Careful is not having your head slammed in by some,, monstrosity of a creature.
Taller than any person I’ve met, muscles bulging grotesquely from skin as dark as the deepest pits of the ocean. A bird-like beak, filled to the brim with canines has what can only be described as a grin etched on its face.
It makes me sick.
Seeing Aizawa sensei like this makes me sick.
My stomach churns, and I duck my head under the water to take a deep breath.
Oh my god.
Aizawa sensei is going to die.
We are all going to die.
The man of mist shows up.
“Tomura, one of the students have escaped. We should take our leave.” His voice hums through the thick silence.
“Ugh, that means the pro heroes will be here soon. It’s game over.” A man, boy? I didn’t notice him, steps from behind the creature. I can almost feel the pain of his rasp.
“It’s gonna be okay, we’re saved!” Mineta chatters, clinging onto Asui.
Disgusting, bulging eyes scan over us. Fear burns my throat.
“Huh, some of the brats made their way over. Maybe All Might will come if we start picking them off?” The young man - who surely can’t be that much older than us - stalks over. He crouches down, scanning our faces. I feel Tsu lightly tremble beside me.
“This one will do.” He sneers, reaching toward her face.
I don’t know who he is. I don’t know what he can do.
I do know that Asui Tsuyu is so unbearably kind. I know that she has been the first person to know who I am and show no care in a very, very, long time. 
I know I want to protect her.
At whatever cost.
“Get your fuckin hands off, get on out of your seat.” His hand stops, inches away from Tsu’s face.
“All eyes on me, all eyes on me.” Their eyes; both Tsu’s and the villains turn to look at me. But otherwise; they’re still. I see the disgust in the villain’s eyes.
“I said get your fuckin hands off!” I spit as I sing, frozen as if my own song affects me.
I need to move.
“Get on out of your seat. All eyes on me, all eyes on me.” My voice warbles, just enough for the villains face to fall into a scowl. 
“You say the ocean’s rising, like I give a shit.” I hate everything about this, but I have no choice. I wrap my arms around Asui’s torso and tug her backwards.
She moves seamlessly through the water, the only major movement since I’d started singing. 
I need to breathe.
I need to keep singing.
A quick shallow breath is all I allow myself. 
“Nomu, finish him.” The villain glares, seemingly speaking to the creature.
“You say the whole worlds ending,” Project. I need to project. 
Like Asui, Aizawa sensei is kind. He may not seem it at first, but he is. He gave me a chance. He protected us. Protected me.
He promised to be careful.
“Honey it already did.” My instincts scream against it, but I have to swim. 
“You’re not gonna slow it, heaven knows you’ve tried.” I haul myself onto the land, slightly winded.
Movement in the corner of my eye.
“Got it? Good, now get inside.” I cry out, holding the note as long as I can. 
He’s not too far. If I can just shuffle close enough…
“We’re going to go, where everybody knows,” The gravel scrapes my scales, stinging.
“Everybody knows, everybody knows.” I’m so close. I can almost reach.
“We’re going to go, where everybody knows, everybody knows.” I repeat, reaching out. And it blinks at me.
It blinks at me.
And then it bats me away.
Gravel digs and stings and I gasp. 
My webbing tears and I can’t breathe.
 “Aren’t you fascinating?” The rasp comes from closer than it should’ve. My hands, bloody, tremble.
“Hinode-san, move! His quirk disintegrates everything!” A desperate cry. Midoriya.
Large hands grab my hair by the roots. This is it.
Nothing happens.
“No.” Quiet. Pained. Firm. Frightened tears fill my eyes.
Aizawa sensei stares, eyes glowing and unblinking.
The villain drops me with a scoff.
“Hinode, go. Take the others and leave.” His voice is so,, quiet. I don’t like it.
“Wow, you really are so cool, Eraserhead.” The compliment is sarcastic, mocking. 
“You’d really die to save these brats?” Aizawa-sensei’s stare is more than enough answer.
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this is the time loop fic with aoba and the scene cracks me up so hard you need to see the whole of it
Izuku stares at the supermarket cheese he'd shoved into his bag to prepare for his day at school. This cheese is very important. It's going to be the bridge between him and Aoyama. Something to say, 'I am here.' and, 'If All for One is bothering you I can beat him up.' Nodding to himself, Izuku pulls the cheese out with determined focus and marches over to Aoyama's desk. "A-ah, Midoriya-kun," Aoyama says. He's sweating for some reason and his eyes look scared - probably because of the constant turmoil that All for One's put him through. "Do you...need something...?" Izuku shakes his head. He kneels down and opens the cheese. "I don't need something, but you do," he says, crumbling it over Aoyama's desk. Aoyama leans back, looking like he's about to start crying. "Look," Izuku says, arranging the crumbled cheese into a message. 'I am here.' Aoyama stares at the cheese message. "Woah," he sobs. "Merci beacoup. I've always wanted this."
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Creep "What dat tounge do?"
Tsuyu "Choke people out"
Creep *Get's strangled*
The fact that I imagined Mineta says something.
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delku · 8 months
not entirely sure where the oft-concurrent ideas that izuku's muttering is unconscious & he's embarrased when he realizes he's doing it come from. the only time he's ever really acted ashamed of it was when his middle school teacher whacked him for it, and there are plenty of instances where the narrative itself provides his thoughts instead of a monologue
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autumnmobile12 · 5 months
My Hero Academia AU: Ambush Simulation
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Aight, storytime:
So awhile back, I was thinking about Episodes 4 & 5 of the anime Soul Eater where the gang is tasked with capturing two villains, the zombie Sid and the guy who resurrected him, Professor Stein.  (There’s also the added stakes that if they fail in this task, they’ll be expelled from school.)  After a somewhat harrowing fight, defeating Sid and losing to Stein, the plot twist is this was never a real fight, Stein and Sid were not villains, and this whole thing was just a test that was orchestrated and sanctioned by the school and definitely skewed more toward hazing than actual education.
And I thought, what if that’s all the Vanguard Action Squad was during the Summer Camp Arc?  Just a test orchestrated by UA that skewed more toward hazing than actual education. (Note:  These are the traditional LoV members, so Muscular, Mustard, and Moonfish are not part of this line-up.) At the very least, that would probably be the meanest ruse Aizawa has pulled. And you can't tell me Principal Nezu wouldn't have been all in for this plan.
"It happened once at the USJ. Despite our precautions, it could happen again. Let's teach them how to prepare...by scaring the absolute shit out of them."
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"Ambush Simulation" is playing off my earlier AU comic with Shigaraki being the adopted nephew of All Might and leading a pretty normal life.  The rest of the squad is more or less in the same boat. For context, Touya’s canon divergence is he returned home after the three-year comatose and actually stayed there, but since nothing about that household environment really changed, he’s still an unhinged mess, but that is a whole other kettle of fish best saved for another comic. (Clearly getting a kick out of the prospect of scaring a bunch of kids, including his brother, half to death, though.)  Toga’s home life is rocky at best after ‘the incident,’ but she’s no longer a runaway teen.  Everybody else just kinda fell in with each other.
Their role as a vigilante team was inspired by the series Durarara!, specifically Kadota and his crew for anyone who's familiar. I genuinely forgot the Vigilantes spinoff existed...sigh, it's been awhile and I only recently got back in this fandom. The Vanguard is pretty much living by a 'you're only in trouble if you get caught,' philosophy. (And the nepotism has probably saved all their asses a few times because it doesn't look good for the No. 2 Hero if his eldest son is busted for vigilantism.)
Anyway, there's a few other details that I can't fit in this post, so head over here if you want to read more behind the scenes of making this thing.
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Whenever I remember that Tenya almost went full vigilante mode for Tensei I want to scream so bad like it's not even funny.
Bnha somersaults its way into saying "maybe heroes are just good citizens with the power to do good things" and "maybe heroism is not in the big notorious acts but in being kind and fair in the day to day details" AND THAT'S ALL TENSEI.
I'm not denying that the world needs the big ass heroism acts like defeating AFO or saving a city or all those flashy notorious feats. All Might is very needed, because there are threats that are too old and developed and have accumulated too much hatred and damage over the years. You cannot always prevent those things from happening and to believe so would be naive, right?
What I'm saying is that those big events are the lowest percentage. They are the consequences of a systematic failure.
Take two of the biggest evil plots in the manga: AFO planning to still OFA and Overhaul with his quirk-erasure bullets. Both plans depended on an abused child being used as objects, Eri because her quirk was the base of the bullet working and Tomura because he was just meant to be AFO's new body in the future. In both cases, AFO and Overhaul were cornered after losing the child they were using for their plots. In fact it was the kids resisting the abuse that contributed the most to their failure: Eri prevented Overhaul from hurting Deku and Tomura prevented AFO from escaping his decaying body.
In that sense, the little unknown pro-heroes taking care of their neighborhood's children do a lot to prevent cases like Tomura or Eri from happening. Hell, AFO and Overhaul were also kids who went the violent route to survive.
Ingenium's silent heroism is probably the best example of what a hero looks like. They don't seek fame or glory. They regard heroism as their duty, their responsibility. No matter how little the act is, it's still important to do it.
At this point, we must admit the Tenya's crisis over what happened to Tensei is not only about their bond as brothers. Yeah, that was Tenya's big bro, but it is no less than when Deku and Bakugo saw All Might fighting AFO for the last time— the last moments of their role models.
The Iida brothers' crisis was deep rooted in the main issues of the story, so I'm still baffled at how people just tend to ignore it.
Before Stain, the "League of Villains" was just a minor threat. Dabi was a nobody with no real crimes to his name. Toga was just a lost little girl trying to survive the streets. Spinner didn't even think about being a villain. Before Stain, things were bad, but no one really thought they could change the status quo, you know?
The USJ incident was not the big deal because 1) how was attacking kids the answer? and 2) going for All Might was expected, since he was almost invincible and the biggest hero in the world and blah blah blah.
When Stain started attacking minor pro-heroes...
Stain was the opposite of Tomura. He admired All Might and saved those kids, but went after the pro-heroes with less powerful quirks. He gave the population a sense of control. It's like he said "hey, you don't have to go after All Might to change the system and why would you? The real problem are the ones on the lowest part of the pro-hero chain".
Suddenly, they could go against pro-heroes and win. Divide and conquer. Suddenly, there was a ladder to climb. Suddenly, you could target not the institutions responsible for the rotten ideology of your society, but the people who enforced the ideology with their daily work.
Stain defended his posture by saying that those people didn't want to be real heroes. They just wanted the money, the fame, they were not really committed to their duty.
And then attacked Tensei, of all people.
If big crimes are built from little crimes that are accumulated over time, what would happen if you decided to eliminate the people taking care of the little crimes?
The crisis of belief in pro-heroes was triggered by Stain. When Stain pointed out at Ingenium (the one in the suit was Tensei) and accused him of false heroism, it's when shit started to go south. He created the idea that pro-heroes should be punished if they don't perform correctly and that they deserve to die if they don't have pure ideas of their job— or whatever.
Tensei being the victim is supposed to show how hypocritical Stain is. Tensei is probably one of the only pro-heroes that never did anything wrong in the manga and one of the best family men to be presented. A man who was loved by everyone for being good in every sense of the word.
Stain projected his own fantasies on Tensei in order to accomplish his witch hunt, not truly caring to figure out who the person was. He just attacked for the sake of attacking, which explains why he was so popular: anyone could do the same and project their issues on him, fighting different battles disguised as just one cause.
When Tenya went after him, it could only make sense. The little of the Iidas is too righteous and noble, quick to judge and act, prone to making mistakes and getting carried away by the looks of it all. So easily his justice turns into revenge and he falls into the trap Stain set. Who knows what a hero student killing Stain would have caused...
At this point it's obvious I'm just ranting for the sake of ranting but 😭😭😭 give the Iidas the respect they deserve please.
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ph4ngz · 1 year
[DARK CONTENT] Dabi x ProHero!Reader
Warning(s): NON-CON, Reader is under a quirk suppressant, physical abuse, Dabi is kinda scary and psycho tbh, Reader is a very new hero, crippling corruption kink, use of fire quirk (he brands reader), mtf oral, ass play, nipple play, Dabi is a huge dickhead, cumming inside, talk of getting pregnant toward the end, kinda hurried to finish it lmao...
"Oh, good morning sleeping beauty."
Your restless stirring seizes the exact moment an unfamiliar hoarse, teasing voice registers in your brain. What the fuck?
Urging to find the source of said voice, you find an intense pain blossoming over the span of your right cheek when you attempt to lift yourself from the ground despite the handcuffs binding your wrists. You'd opened your heavy eyelids for a split second just now, all you saw was the blinding sun beaming through many jagged gaps of a wall made of cracked cement, but the sudden pain had made you clench them shut again before you could make any sense of your fleeting view.
"Ooooh, yeah... Spinner threw you to the floor last night. Impact do a number on ya, huh? Sa'shame none of your useless hero friends could be bothered to save you."
The scent of cigarettes and damp concrete surrounds you, the strength of it almost suffocating. Where the hell are you? Who is Spinner?
"F-Fuck off." hostility laces your words, yet your supposed kidnapper is rather amused by them, a scoff ringing in your sensitive ears. His heavy footsteps echo everywhere as he saunters around above your place on the cold floor, purposely keeping a certain distance so you can't see his face if you open your eyes. The ground's temperature is numbing your shivering body through your thin training getup. Goosebumps cover your chilled skin, although you're not entirely sure whether it's the flooring or the anonymous villain at fault for them.
"Unless you wanna be burnt to ashes, you better watch the attitude, bitch."
White pulses in your vision once the villain stoves the heel of his steel-toed boot into your side, the thick block digging into your ribcage and leaving a dusty, dark imprint on your shirt.
Your bloodcurdling cries echo within the confines of what you assume is some warehouse tucked away in the city, car horns and occasionally loud pedestrians fading in and out of your hearing capabilities. It's entirely possible that your screams will not be acknowledged from this distance, obviously decreasing your chance of gaining backup from other pros.
You consider unleashing your quirk, but deem your current situation grants too little information for you to use it yet. Best to wait until it's guaranteed safe and necessary. Even though, guessing this guy's quirk is heat or fire-based, your own powers wouldn't be of much help.
The heel bruising your side lifts slightly but not completely, relief only surfacing for a quick second before being dragged away by the villain ruthlessly nudging you around with his foot like a feline plays with it's prey. High pitched groans pass through your gritted teeth, making him close his eyes as if listening to the soothing whisper of each tree in a forest.
"God, can you tone it down? My ears might bleed from all that useless whining." Another gravelly voice enters the vicinity and you pause your involuntary wailing and thrashing. Once again, you open your eyes to be met with nothing but the ground.
You recognise that voice.
Flashbacks of what past UA students refer to as 'The USJ Incident' and "The Training Camp Incident" flicker inside your mind like a dying flame. Shigaraki. Holy shit, you've been captured by the League. You could've sworn your heart just skipped at least four beats.
"Oh boss, such a buzzkill." the pressure on your ribs finally disappears and the boots responsible for your noisiness step directly in front of your line of sight, albeit sideways which, when paired with your facial injuries, brings on some dizziness.
You're practically paralysed as the man you'd woken up to lowers himself into a steady crouch beside you, allowing his patchwork face to be visible. A pair of the most enthralling blue eyes seem to glow beneath a veil of messy obsidian hair. Dabi, the only member of the league who excels in long distance attacks. His quirk is basically fire, from what little findings you've heard from Hawks during your mere few weeks of being a number 6 hero. Wonderful.
"Is this the hero Spinner brought back for us, Shiggy? Woah, she's super adorable!" A petite, blonde girl lays a hand over the shoulder pad of Dabi's coat, eager to inspect. Toga. Deku had told you about this one as you'd volunteered to help at that infamous training camp during your third year, Uraraka too.
A faint shout from another room, “Not as super adorable as you, my darling Toga! Yeah, you’re totally smokin'!”,sounds before Shigaraki speaks up again.
"Fresh out of UA, her quirk would be an insanely helpful addition in order to achieve my goals, but her pain tolerance is something to be ashamed of. I suggest leaving the room before your ears are damaged beyond repair."
The chuckling man before you dons a sickening saccharine smirk as he holds eye contact, "She's a noisy one, ain'tcha? Kinda cute too."
You glare daggers at him from your place below him, soft and aching cheek smushed against the dirtied concrete still.
"N'awh, don't go lookin' at me like that..." Dabi tilts his head, pouting with childish ways lacing his every word.
The way his large, shaky hand threads itself through the hairs on your head shouldn't be as comforting as you think it should be, especially after he'd stepped on you like nothing more than an empty soda can not even five minutes ago. You swallow dryly at the fact that his palm is covering the entire visible side of your skull, then sparks crackle inside of your veins, every part of you tingling at the villain's blunt nails barely scraping along your scalp.
Shigaraki mutters a few words whilst you close your eyes, something along the lines of: "Overhaul" and "forty-eight hours", to which Dabi responds with an ominous "how exciting". Maybe, maybe not. You don't quite catch anything they say, but you’ll stick with your guesses.
You're ashamed when you come to realise that the other members, even Toga whom was directly in front of you, had already filtered into another room as you'd been focusing mainly on the calming sensation. Some hero you are, you wonder if somebody had made a mistake by placing you at number 6 on the charts.
No, you don't have time to wonder this, wonder that.
Not when you're alone with him.
The cold hardly allows you to fully experience the next surge of agony, and you're somewhat grateful for that, when Dabi yanks your head upward by your hair to then fit his other hand beneath your arm, propping you up like a limp ragdoll.
You’re sat with your back against the wall now, legs spread slightly and wobbly like jelly. Your wrists seem to be as heavy as led, laid awkwardly on the gritty concrete.
“What’re you gonna do to me…” you exhale with utmost fear, lack of confidence visible to whoever wants to see it whilst he situates himself lazily on the floor in front of you, one leg splayed out and the other tucked in. The corners of the villain’s lips pull upward at your question. Dabi relishes in your wide eyed reaction to his joyous smirk. Shit, he hasn’t even given an answer yet!
“Fuck, I love this question. Alright…”
You strain to activate your quirk, whether this environment is safe enough to use it or not. It’s necessary. You perform everything in your power, every ounce of inner strength seeping from your pores… but it’s not working. Not on your first try, second, third nor fourth.
No, no, no!—
Azul, infernal threat emitting from the calloused palm of your captor immediately brings an end to your violent squirming, the instantaneous lick of scorching flames enough to stun you.
“Jesus Christ, have a day off. The boss wasn’t kidding when he said you were a fresh one.”
Despite the panicked currents whizzing back and forth within your state of mental whiplash, the features on your face relax. Your jaw, slack and vulnerable to snap with a single blow. Eyes drooped and void of metaphorical light, aimed his way.
Your kidnapper’s croaky chuckles bury themselves inside your poor head, his voice unforgettable.
“Pfft, perk up a little will'ya?” Leaning forward, Dabi pinches both of your hard yet covered nipples to elicit an adorable yelp from his newest muse. The sudden stimulation has you come alive once more, reacting in a way you don’t want to pay mind to.
“That’s better, riiiight?” The utterly disgusting, condescending mumble that falls from his lips when he’s tantalisingly peeling your skintight vest above your bare tits dares your brows to bow, but you manage to refrain.
What the hell is wrong with you?
“Nngh—! Stop it! Bastard!” The humiliating villain’s fingers rise to torture you with your pebbled nipples a second time, though now he’s carefully circling them with his thumbs as he observes you helplessly wriggling away from his touch. It’s making your clit throb, and you can feel the arousal starting to gather in sticky droplets before soaking into your panties.
Your captivating, fucking adorable, perky tits fully exposed to him, nipples painfully hard and sensitive thanks to the cold. Dabi's smiling still, like you're some tiny, mewling kitten in front of him. Stubborn but so curious, ready to play with him yet too proud and full of hero syndrome bullshit to admit how much your claws are begging to sink into the pleasure.
He's squeezing the fat of your breasts harder now, the soothing heat of his palms warming your chest. Or is that something else entirely?
“Hah, hah, h- AH!” An ear ringing slap to your already bruised cheek causes you to cry out in stinging pain. You can already picture the huge, pink handprint staining your face. During this moment, you sense him shuffle along the concrete floor to close even more distance between each other, kneeling between your legs.
The involuntary pout curling your bottom lip would probably be more than enough for the childish man to fall head over heels for you if he could, if he wasn't already out of his fucking mind. Two pairs of thumbs and forefingers grab ahold of your sore, puffed out cheeks and stretch them, squeeze them, mush your features which ultimately makes you appear even cuter. Dabi's patchwork face is directly above yours, hovering menacingly and casting a shadow over you as he begins to humiliate you once again.
“You're so precious, ain’t ya…” he nods and copies the fearful, pouting expression you’re blessing him with. He circles his thumb over the hot mark on your face then slowly trails it across to your bottom lip, playing with your mouth as the dirtiest thoughts play out in his vision.
You’re sat there, shivering uncontrollably and trapped under his predatory gaze, watching his other hand lowering closer toward the area between your legs in your peripheral vision. You’re about to break eye contact with the intimidating villain when he presses a few of his fingers over your clothed clit, making your thighs try to clamp together on instinct, although Dabi’s keeping them open with his body wedged between.
He giggles hoarsely, finding your pathetic body’s reactions so very cute. An experimental circle of his digits against your now pulsing bud has you holding your breath, doing your damn best to ignore the lowkey clenching of your leaking hole. After a moment or two, he swiftly discards of your sneakers to be met with the most endearing pair of socks, an array of tiny strawberries decorating the pink cotton. Soon, you notice him tugging at the hem of your joggers and images of what’s bound to happen if you let him pull them down project inside your muddled brain like a one second slideshow.
You’re scared. Absolutely terrified. But you have to acknowledge it now, the feeling has grown too much to disregard any longer. You’re so fucking turned on.
“Ass up.” Dabi orders whilst backing up a couple inches on his knees so there’s more room.
And you comply, willingly! Well, it’s not like you can make use of your quirk to escape, so…
He practically rips your bottoms off of your body in one fell swoop, leaving you almost fully exposed bar a pair of thin socks, matching underwear and the vest bunched up around your collarbones. He’s eyeing you like a starving vulture, faintly drawling out a “good girllll”.
Of course, your body reacts in the worst of ways to the villain’s praise, toes curling and fists closing and opening. He notices, and you swallow hard.
“Oh, so you get off on praise? Want me to tell you that you’re doing well? That you’re making me feel so good?”
Tears are beginning to blur your vision as he shuffles closer once more and leans in, pushes your panties aside to spread your pretty pussy with both of his thumbs. Your fingers twitch when Dabi dips his head into the side of your neck, lips ghosting upward until they reach your earlobe.
“Or do you want me to bully you? Make you cry, make you fucking despise me, play with your little virgin clit until you pass. The FUCK.” He gives a biting smack to your cunt, “Out?”
The tears escape at the sudden shouting and they don't stop, even if the rest of your face tells a completely different story. You can't tell whether your mouth opened in a silent moan or a silent scream just now. Dabi licks his lips at the view.
"Awww, know what? I like the second option much better." he coos softly, kissing the side of your head. It's his body heat drawing you closer into his affectionate kiss, the way it's radiating off of his entire form is making you crave his warm touch. Right?
In a matter of seconds his thumb is already back on your pussy, and the stimulation is so powerful that you can already feel your abdomen tensing. You’re gritting your teeth with panic, wide eyes observing his hand between your thighs as he’s biting your neck.
With a single buck of your hips, Dabi presses his forehead against yours, donning a mean smirk with his eyes closed.
“Desperate.” He almost whispers whilst positioning his other hand directly on top of your lower tummy, pressing slightly and creating an irresistible pressure which gets you that much closer to release.
Once more, the villain lowers his head to face your nipples, taking one into his mouth and watching your sweet face struggle to hide the truth. He circles your clit faster, his touch hardly there at all but enough to have you squirming. The near unbearable pleasure you experience when his tongue repeatedly swipes across one of your hardened buds is making you pant, jaw slack.
You’re almost laying down, only your head and shoulders leant upon the wall now, how easily you let your guard fall is terrifying.
“Stop, stop stop stop—” you gasp and plead for him to seize his actions, but it’s no use.
“Or what. Feel too good, sweetheart? You gonna cum for me? Heh, I can see it written all over your face, how pathetic.” Dabi muses, his words so condescending and hurtful.
You shouldn’t cum. You shouldn’t. You should be screaming and yelling and doing everything in your power to escape. Not just laying here willingly, letting this happen to you—
“C’monnnnn, I know you want to. You wanna let it all go, cum all over my fingers,”
“You want me to go faster, make my little virgin hero’s legs shake,”
“That’s it, that’s it, cum for me, cum for me—”
“Fuck!” You yelp, voice breaking after trying to suppress it for so long.
His touch is removed from your pussy as soon as your orgasm hits, only to be returned by his long middle finger rapidly brushing along and rubbing your inner walls. Instead of overstimulating you, it makes you yearn for more. More orgasms, more touch, more him.
This is bad, very bad.
Your high has hardly calmed down at all when he orders you to stand, “up, face against the wall.”
You do as told, humiliatingly eager. Although a bit too slowly due to your hands being cuffed, so Dabi stations an iron grip on your upper arms and tugs you upward, most likely leaving a bruise to match the rest. He manhandles you into his desired position, an unmistakable glint of excitement in his eyes.
You catch the villain lowering into a crouch position behind you after arching your back and spreading your legs. You wince when his large hands painfully grab both of your asscheeks, spreading them to see both twitching holes. Arousal and cum are dripping from your cunt, his needy tongue snaking from his mouth on impulse, and he lets you take a good look at him too.
“Blehhhh.” Dabi almost taunts you childishly with his mouth from behind you, your head turned to witness his display, and your brain willingly burning the dirty image into itself. His blue eyes are captivating, so bright that they seem to glow even in the daylight. You notice his eyes begin to narrow as a devilish smile also rises on his lips, clearly having seen your moment of fascination.
With you still looking, he disappears from your gaze to hurriedly close his wet, soft lips over your puffy, throbbing clit. His hands are holding onto your ass for stability, fingernails clawing at the skin and leaving red, raw strips in their wake. There’s no time wasted, one heavy lick after another, more of your juices gather upon his tastebuds and he’s fucking ecstatic.
You’re in too deep to try and hold on to your resolve now, you know that, but maybe it’s just your nature. Strained moans escape your plumped lips, deep pink and sore from biting down so hard in order to refrain from enjoying your captor’s antics.
Lewd noises of suction and your wetness sound as his mouth pulls away from your cunt for the first time since he started.
“Ugh, fuck…” he groans lowly, his heavy breath fanning out onto your aimlessly clenching, drenched hole when he leans back on his heel to take in yet another view of your behind. A few seconds pass before he decides you’re too addictive to stay away.
“Mmph- Ah, you taste so sweet, so fucking innocent…” Dabi breathes, his skilled tongue flicking your bud back and forth so much that your knees threaten to buckle, and of course he wouldn’t let that go unnoticed.
“Look at you, mm, can hardly handle it.”
He’s eating you so fast that it’s getting more and more difficult for your brain to keep up, and before you know it you’re coming undone for the second time. You barely even registered your orgasm building up, so this time it’s much more intense.
Dabi’s irises swirl with unexpected surprise and pure elation.
Your eyes clench shut, harder than ever as you endure the way your hole spasms, the way your body jolts under the villain’s hold on you. Thighs so desperately trying to close again, you strain to keep them open for him, even as you feel something watery sliding down the plush skin.
Even as you’ve hit your peak, he’s still got his mouth on you, this time shaking his head with his long tongue lolling around and gliding over every inch of your sex. For a split second, you wonder why he’s riding you through this one. And for another split second, you internally thank the concrete wall in front of you for being something to lean your full weight on.
“Sh-Shit, you’re a squirter too?” He asks rhetorically whilst standing, using the back of his hand to wipe his chin. Man, he's starting to think he should keep you after this.
“I… I don’t know! I’m sorryAH!” Your apologies are cut short by a firm smack to your ass and a breathless chuckle.
“You’re so CUTE!” He yells with a crazed grin and delivers another smack, harder than the last and sure to turn your skin a darker shade of red.
You’re well beyond crying over the pain now, instead you’re starting to fucking enjoy it, crying over the pleasure. Broken sobs echo with each crisp smack he hurtles toward your ass until he stops completely.
Without any warning, Dabi leans over your trembling body to take your jaw in one hand, keeping it steady for his other thumb to bully its way into your mouth. He coats it with your spit, rubbing the pad of his thumb all over the surface of your tongue and eventually removes himself from you.
The silence is deafening, that is until you break it with a sharp exhale.
He’s slathering your asshole with your own saliva, circling around it and causing you to pant, who knows why. Exhaustion, anxiety, anticipation, fear… pleasure.
“Oh? You like that?” He places his other hand around your waist, his featherlight touch tickling you slightly and making you twitch.
“Filthy girl.”
The harder he begins to push against your puckered hole, the louder and faster your breathing becomes. He’s contently watching you clench around nothing from above your pathetic form, and it’s when he dares to slide his thumb past the rim that you finally break.
“Urngh! Pl-ease, please!” You beg, non injured cheek scraping slightly along the wall.
“Begging? For what?”
You pause to think for a moment. Mind blank. There’s no answer, and Dabi can see it on your face.
“Haha, my dumb little hero doesn’t even know what she’s begging for! What, are you all fucked out already?” His raspy voice is pleasant in contrast to the words he says with it.
Suddenly, the villain slips his slicked thumb fully inside of your ass, grabbing a handful of your hair and yanking it backward at the same time. He leans forward again, only to whisper in your ear.
“I hate to break it to you, precious, but I’m sure as hell not done with you yet.”
It seems like your entire world spins ten times faster, like you’re floating as he speaks.
“God, I’m gonna fucking ruin you…” he states, voice still low as his hold on your hair drops and he softly caresses the length of your spine in a way that’s frighteningly loving.
In a matter of minutes his coat is flung onto the ground, jeans are unzipped and pushed down with his underwear to free his throbbing cock, a sigh of relief from him indicating that his hard length was getting worse to deal with by the second.
You’re soaked, your cum spilling out of your hole without much of a push at all, and it’s driving Dabi insane. He wants to corrupt you, your sweet little cunt is practically calling his name, just asking for him to claim it. He’s sick of all the foreplay nonsense, all he wants is to split you in half, fuck you so dumb on his fat cock to the point where you can’t even form a coherent sentence.
So that’s what he’s going to do. Say buh-bye to the adorable virgin hero you are.
Quickly running both hands through his obsidian head of hair, he stares at his dick. Angry, long and jumping. Yeah. You’re destroyed. Your captor grips both of your shoulders, his cock level with your puffy, slicked up pussy without even having to align it. You’re the perfect size for him, now let’s see if you’re the perfect fit.
“MMPH! NNGH!” You squeal loudly, the searing pain originating from your sex automatically sending hot teardrops over your waterlines, the corners of your mouth downturned into a cute, wobbly pout.
“Oh, shut up. That was only the tip. Some pain threshold for a hero.” He says through gritted teeth, hiding his twisted enjoyment.
Dabi’s sinking you down onto his cock by your shoulders, his forceful grasp too much for you to wriggle away from. Inch by inch, he’s sliding in, the pain so overwhelming that you’re feeling lightheaded again.
“Almost done, don’t worry. You’ll be screaming for me by the end, virgin slut.”
That’s it. His attitude is getting to you.
“Get off on innocence much?” You backchat with a pained and hostile twinge.
“OI!” He shouts, pausing any movement for the time being, his voice making you jump in the process.
Good, that tormented look is back on your face.
The villain sucks on his teeth before slamming his hips into your ass, immediately nudging your cervix all the while branding your shoulders with burning handprints which evokes an agonised reaction from you.
A silent scream leaves your lips, the sensation so intense that no noise is enough to convey it.
“I thought I told you to watch the attitude, princess. Tch, stupid bitch.”
Fuck, you’re so tight around him that it’s hard to move. Inhaling through his teeth, Dabi attempts to thrust his twitching cock in and out of you. He succeeds, but only just. Looks like you’re growing accustomed without him having to touch your clit, how cute.
The pain is succumbing to the sheer pleasure, the feeling of his length brushing up and down your inner walls drowning it out. Whiney groans are erupting straight from your chest, playing like music to your captor’s ears. Every thrust is becoming more and more powerful, his cock dead set on finding release inside of you before anybody else ever can.
After a short while, your heated face is occasionally bumping into the wall as you’re bouncing on him, echoes of strained grunts and the sweetest moans mixing with each other and the sound of skin against skin.
“Sssshhhhit! You feel me? Yeah?” His gravelly questions pierce through your mind, every word he says so clear to you.
“Yes, yes! Hard-Harder!” You’re a blubbering mess now, letting yourself go, completely unhinged for your villain.
Your villain? THE villain. What’re you thinking?!
“Hahaha! You’re taking it like a bonafide slut! Turn around and I’ll go harder for you.” Dabi is loving this way too much.
Obeying orders, you turn around only to be picked up and manhandled once more, this time your back pushed into the wall with him between your legs. You’re left with an unbearable feeling of emptiness without his perfect dick stretching you out, but that feeling soon disappears when he instantly slams back into you. Wrapping your arms around his neck and scrunching your pretty face, you cry out, “Fucking hell!”
Dabi bites his lip at the sight before him and licks up a few of your stray tears, then finally presses his lips against yours. Your teeth clash sometimes with the movements but neither of you give a shit, you’re definitely too fucked. The villain soon slows his pace, still keeping the strength in his thrusts consistent, the slight decrease in speed allowing you to force your tongue into his mouth without biting it.
He sighs loudly and pleased, undeniably happy with your little performance of courage. He’s keeping you, he’s decided. The kiss is broken, and the pace is increased once more.
“I’m gonna cum—” Your captor warns.
“N-Not inside! Ah! Ah!” You attempt to yell through every bounce of your ass upon his strong thighs, sweet panic arising on your features.
“Sorry, what was that?” He asks menacingly, the muscles in his arms tensing up as they secure your legs. You can feel his cock jolting inside of your tight cunt. No no no!
“Please! N-ot insi-ide—!” Your nostrils are flaring, heart beating about a mile a second but he isn’t pulling out.
Dabi hears you, loud and clear. But damn if he isn’t going to make a show out of this. With his plumped lips open and teeth gritted, he closes his eyes and bows his eyebrows, pulling the perfect face of release just for you.
“Nngh— fuck, fuck…” the villain pants with his nose touching yours. As soon as his eyes open to be met with yours, filled with terror, excitement, lust… all such emotions that contradict with each other playing on your face, he just laughs at you dryly. Dumb, tiny virgin bitch.
“Whoops. Too late.”
Your wide eyes are boring into his narrowed ones as a mixture of his and your own cum droops to the ground beneath you, not a thought present inside your head. Shock numbing your emotions. Still, you attempt to weasel your way out of his hold, which gets you nowhere.
“You didn’t think we were finished, did you? Don’t worry, I’ll be the one to tell your hero buddies you’re on maternity leave... Hey, what'd you expect? A fuckin' apology?”
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mettywiththenotes · 3 months
No cause I could talk forever about Tomura and Izuku's dynamic with each other...
Them first meeting at USJ. Izuku wondering wtf is up with this guy, and regarding Kurogiri as more dangerous at the time. Tomura wondering wth was up with this kid, but also noting how fast he was, how he said Smash like All Might did
Tomura's obsession over Izuku being someone who lost a fight in order to save his opponent's heart. Printing a photo of Izuku out, staring at it, trying to figure out why he pisses him off so much (it's because Izuku is not like the other heroes). The Mall Scene being Tomura holding Izuku hostage just to vent about Stain, meeting by chance being "fate or destiny". Izuku actually being honest instead of saying something else that maybe could have freed him (the guts on this kid I swear)
Izuku remembering what Tomura said about "smiling wide as if to say there's no one he can't save", remembering it because Kouta started hating society, and in the next scene relating Kouta's anger to his own struggles with quirklessness, effectively tying all 3 of them together with the connection being the struggle with rejection and pain society gave them
The Mall Scene being the very first instance where Tomura was triggered by memories of his past, something that was so blurry to him until that point, and then the memories fully coming back in MVA. Tomura thinking almost the exact same thing Izuku thought when he was a kid ("What I really wanted/needed you to say was...") which draws them together again
The back and forth between the both of them in the war arc. "I'll send you to heaven!" and why tf did he say heaven instead of hell. The LOOK shown between each of them when AFO possessed Tomura. And of course "I'll never forgive you!" "And I won't forgive anyone."
Izuku going to the void and seeing Tomura being choked and strangled and struggling to move and then seeing Tenko crying in his garden and the LOOK he gave Tomura when he saw that. The way Tomura said it's his body, it's his dream, to AFO but looked directly at Izuku when he said it. Izuku "raging for the sake of others", the concerned expression on his face and then leaping to push back against AFO's will, leaping towards Tomura to do SOMETHING
Afterwards, when Izuku watched Tomura fall and thought "Please don't get back up", not just because of the amount of destruction Tomura could cause now that Izuku couldn't move anymore, but maybe also because he saw that Tomura was hurting and in pain and he saw Tenko crying and maybe he wished not to cause him anymore harm if he could help it
Izuku trying to catch up to the Noumus and TomurAFO, yelling at AFO to shut up, falling from the Noumus and holding his hand out as if to reach for Tomura but failing to do so. The panel looking as if Tomura was also holding his hand out to reach for Izuku, though it's probably not what was meant
"You looked like someone who needed saving" tying back to Bakugou's sludge incident, to Izuku running in to save someone who bullied him, to Izuku who is the same person who would lose a fight just to save his opponent's heart, to Izuku who has always been like this, and the text itself being shown over a panel of utter destruction in the city and the area, yet Izuku refuses to let Tomura just drown in pain
Tomura crying out for help deep down from the beginning of the story and then saying he doesn't care anymore, that the heroes can't understand anyway, and basically resolving to just destroy everything for real. Ironically, Izuku at the end of this arc realizing that Tomura needs help, listening to him and resolving to save him as TomurAFO flies away
Izuku putting his foot down in the void and telling the vestiges he wants to save that crying child. He wants to save him, even if the future is uncertain, even if it comes down to it and he has to kill Tomura (and he doesn't know what he'll do if that time comes), he still wants to TRY. Gran Torino gifting his cape because it will remind him that "killing is a way of saving too" and Izuku giving him that look like he doesn't want to say anything to refute the gesture of being given a gift from his mentor's mentor, especially on what could have been his death bed, but also like he doesn't like the idea of killing to save when it hasn't gotten to a point of no return yet
Izuku being no thoughts head empty about Tomura the entire Rogue Arc. Once again thinking about Kouta with Tomura because of the way that Kouta, who was so angry and the world and society, was able to come back from that and be saved. How Izuku previously unintentionally tied all 3 of them together, and how now he implies that if Kouta can be saved, so could Tomura
When Izuku fought Lady Nagant and admitted that, yeah, maybe he was ignorant before but now he knows that it's all a lot more complicated, that the world isn't as black and white as society made them think, it's actually more grey and "a blend of anxiety and anger", and that's why he has to reach out and help people even more, and how he was thinking about Tomura in the war arc crying out for someone to hear him
Tomura's head being so scrambled during the S&S battle because of AFO's possession to the point that he's not even sure who he is. But all the same, S&S tells them "someone with a will of heroism will take you down" and Tomura immediately thinks of Izuku. Despite how he told everyone he didn't care if they understood anymore, it's not the truth. He still wants to be saved, he still wants someone to care and help, and the first person he thinks of in relation to that is Izuku
Tomura's eyes lighting up in the final war arc UA battle when Izuku finally appears. Tenko trying to reach out and run away from AFO and being pulled back. Izuku asking first and foremost if Tomura is still in there, and then the confirmation that he is
Izuku punching a hole through Tomura's body, this being the thing that allows Tomura to shed his skin and regain control of his body. Tomura just kind of smiling at him and saying "What would you want to do if I told you I'm here? Sit down for a chat at the mall? Not happening, hero. After all, I AM your villain.", the recognition of the mention of the mall being confirmation that this is Tomura's personality and therefore he isn't gone
Izuku pushing him off floating UA so he doesn't decay it and everyone else on there, Tomura saying the only thing that will save him is destroying everything that has to do with that house, "That will be my only salvation, hero" (Izuku remembering this later on) and Izuku responding "I can't let you do that but I won't pretend I didn't see you crying"
The constant single pages every other chapter or so of these two fighting. Tomura watching Izuku's reaction to All Might's "death" instead of watching himself. That little moment of "You know Bakugou won't make it in time, right? It's all over" as they both watch Bakugou fly through the air, then the shock when he saves him
Making it to Mount Fuji. Tomura so desperate to make it clear that he's the villain, he's the one who is too far gone, to leave him alone because he doesn't need saving it's too late for that, and Izuku putting his foot down AGAIN and telling Tomura unabashedly "You are human."
Izuku using Black Whip inside his body to move because he can't anymore and Tomura saying "Looking at you, I'd never guess you were a hero", a parallel to when someone said that about Izuku in the Rogue arc
Tomura thinking about how any normal person would have prioritized their life over someone else's, how Izuku isn't normal, like he's entirely different from every other hero in Tomura's view who just wants to take him down and ignore his cries. This being the thing that attracted him to Izuku because Izuku is the kind of person who will take others even his opponent into consideration, and scratching at his neck after ages of not doing so. The battle is stressing him out and Izuku is hitting him where it hurts, this being evidenced again when Tomura proceeds to frown throughout the next scene because, again, Izuku is doing everything in his power to get an advantage just to help him
Tomura decaying Gran Torino's cape, as worn as it was, and this showing that the "killing to save" ideology simply doesn't apply anymore, not with how determined Izuku is to save him now more than ever
And now they are watching each other's memories... how they view the other from each other's pov's... delving into backstories and trauma...
Literally they have so much going on, so much symbolism and meaning in their interactions and how they see each other, and they've only interacted canonically 3 times throughout the story. That's not even to mention the stuff outside the story
Like volume 25's obi sketch and both of them being on the front cover AND back cover. The 306 double spread with AFO in Izuku's TV and All Might in Tomura's and Tomura looking at Izuku. The volume cover 15 25 35 pattern with Izuku on volume 15, Tomura on volume 25 and then both of them being on volume 35 (the implication that not only did Hori like the wsj version of that cover so much that he put it on this one, but also that there was no appearance of Izuku or Tomura in this vol35, suggesting that the only reason they are on the cover in the first place specifically is because it completes the pattern). Both of them appearing on volume covers at least 4 times that I can remembers (volume 3, volume 23, volume 10 and volume 35). And then there's the official art and sketches, like the jump festa sketches and that one sketch where Tomura and Izuku cosplay horror characters and show up to 1a filming studio ghibli my neighbor totoro, more like gatecrash with the way Bakugou yells to cut the scene
What the fuck. What the FUCK. I can't handle them *collapses*
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xxx-caliber · 8 months
a kurogiri theory/hc.
I have a theory for why Tomura was so much colder towards Kurogiri than he was towards the rest of League. We see Tomura be very accommodating and, dare I say, kind towards most of the League. He doesn’t get angry when Spinner gets up in his face and yells at him, he doesn’t lash out when Toga pulls a knife on him during the Overhaul arc, he never gives Twice shit for the self imposed limits of his quirk, etc. But with Kurogiri we see him be very angry, I remember him even calling Kurogiri stupid and threatening him during the USJ incident.
I think that this anger towards Kurogiri is likely a consequence of how Kurogiri’s programming effected his an Tomura’s relationship when Tomura was growing up. We don’t know much about Kurogiri’s programming (there might be more info about it in Vigilantes but I haven’t read that, if someone has and there is more info about how he was made/what AFO did to him please let me know!!) so I am going to guess what sorts of things he is forced to do and not do.
Kurogiri was made from Shirakumo Oboro’s corpse, someone who (from what little i know about him in Vigilantes) is very kind, great with kids, and a hero hopeful. I’m sure if Shirakumo saw little Tomura and how he was being raised (read: groomed) by AFO, he would try to put a stop to it, so AFO would want to ensure that Shirakumo’s personality does not break through (as has been known to happen to Nomu).
So the first bit of programming I think AFO did to prevent that is pretty obvious: I think AFO programmed in that Kurogiri cannot deny any order given by AFO to either Kurogiri or Tomura.
I think something else AFO would have been worried about is Tomura growing too dependent on or too affectionate towards Kurogiri. The reason grooming works is because groomers chose a victim who is isolated. They usually don’t have good relationships with their peers or their parents, so they latch on to their groomer who is giving them the attention that they don’t get anywhere else. Because of this lack of a relationship with anyone else, it also means that the victim does not have anyone to talk to about their relationship with the groomer, so no one will be there to point out that what the groomer is doing is inappropriate.
This leads me to my guess on the second bit of programming Kurogiri was given: do not show Tomura affection.
Showing Tomura affection would make him more attached to Kurogiri, and consequently not solely dependent on AFO, thus making the grooming less likely to work. Kurogiri obviously took care of Tomura’s basic needs and protected him, that is his job, but I think anything beyond the bare minimum was likely not allowed. No hugs, no bedtime stories, just what would keep him alive, so that AFO is the sole provider of all of the “love” and affection that Tomura craves.
Now, how would that cause Tomura to have the tumultuous relationship that he has with Kurogiri by the time of USJ? Well, from what little we see of Tomura’s childhood after being taken in by AFO, it was pretty fucked up. Getting beaten up in the streets, frequently physically ill, constantly scratching his own throat out, being forced to kill… not great to say the least. Couple that suffering with a “caretaker” who can only do the bare minimum, who cannot comfort him when he is in pain, who cannot step in when AFO is pushing him too hard, and some resentment towards said “caretaker” is likely to form.
I don’t think that Tomura hates Kurogiri, and I think that logically he knows some of Kurogiri’s coldness towards his pain is a result of AFO’s influence, but feelings don’t always listen to logic. I think that the planning of AFO in harboring a tumultuous relationship between them worked, and Tomura now has some deep seeded resentment starting from a very young age towards Kurogiri that can’t just be removed by the logical understanding he has as an adult that Kurogiri is just doing what he has to.
anyway, that’s my guess. I’d love to hear what you guys think and any other bit of programming you think AFO did.
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artemis32 · 3 months
Myriad • Aizawa
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I kind of hate this, but also, it was fun to write - that being said, which character should i do next (after shiggy)
also, these will all be drabbles because I can't commit to fics. It just never works out
myriad masterlist
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You were an enigma.
Aizawa, in all his years as both a Pro-Hero and a teacher, had never come across someone like you.
What was your quirk?
He'd been your teacher for nearly a whole semester, and he wasn't any closer to guessing the nature of your quirk.
The Quirk Registration Database had, shockingly, been little help. You were barely mentioned in the directory - your name was only accompanied by the vague mention of the number of quirks you possessed.
Was it a quirk passed down by one of your parents? A combination of both?
The longer he observed you though, the more certain he became that you were one of the few anomalies within society, someone who'd mutated a quirk, rather than had one passed down.
If pressed for an answer, he, quite frankly, wouldn't be able to tell what your quirk was. Of course, he had his suspicions (many of which were proven wrong), just like the other teachers and students (also wrong), but no one ever really knew for sure. And they wouldn't know until you told them yourself.
That same uncertainty that surrounded your quirk was a large part of the reason why you were paired against him in the semester's final practical exam.
With such an unpredictable quirk, the only way to truly gauge your proficiency as a hero was to take that quirk away.
It was more than obvious to everyone, teachers, and students alike, that your quirk was always active. It seemed instinctual, active without so much as a thought from you.
This time, Aizawa would test you, find out just how reliant you were on this mysterious quirk of yours.
Aizawa didn't curse, especially not in front of his students or fellow faculty, but he felt that, in this particular situation, it was warranted.
He'd been wrong. So laughably, terribly wrong.
Your quirk wasn't a crutch. Far from it.
He'd caught up to you quickly, neutralising your quirk almost immediately, and had gone in for the kill, capture weapon slicing through the air with a swift swoosh, and-
You'd evaded it.
Too fast.
As far as he was aware, your quirk didn't include speed enhancements. Even if it did, your quirk was neutralised, made useless.
So why then were you so fast? How did you manage to evade his capture weapon in an instant?
He didn't have time to linger on it at that moment.
You were fast, yes, but he was faster.
Talent would only get you so far. In life, experience tended to trump talent.
As much as he hated it, he'd have to get in close.
He jumped down to street level, intent on ending things quickly.
He'd underestimated you. They all had.
Honestly, it was foolish of him to believe you relied on your quirk that heavily. It was clear to him now that while your quirk, whatever it was, might have been strong, your endurance and physical capabilities far exceeded even your fellow classmates.
It made him wander why you held back so much. Because you did.
The entrance exam, the USJ incident, even the sports festival - you seemed to hold back during all of it.
Aizawa didn't understand.
If your goal was to be a hero, to do well, why would you hold back?
You'd defeated him with little to no effort, barely breaking a sweat the entire time. He'd managed to wrap you in his capture weapon, with a lot more of a struggle than he'd anticipated, and it'd be pointless. The moment he blinked, your quirk had reactivated, and he'd been back to square one.
It was embarrassing - the fact that it seemed so easy for you to beat him and complete the exam without a quirk. Even your classmates had been shocked.
The only person who hadn't broken out into a cold sweat was principal Nezu, the small animal-like mutant cackling like a maniac, as if he knew something they didn't. He probably did.
"What exactly is your quirk?"
He'd finally reached his limit. He had to know.
Not only to satiate his curiosity, but also to determine exactly how they'd test you during the training camp. He'd held off for as long as he could, but enough was enough.
"Your quirk. What is it? Tell me."
You tilt your head, looking an awful lot like a small cat, even with that ridiculous blindfold he was certain you couldn't see through. How could someone so formidable in combat look so innocent?
"You don't know?" you ask, mouth pulling upward into a small grin.
Irritation creeps into his expression, making his brow twitch. You seemed shocked, amused, as if you'd given him any sort of indication regarding your quirk. To be frank, certain aspects of your personality grated his nerves.
You were, to put it bluntly, annoying. Childish beyond words, playful, and you often tended to tease others to the point of furor.
"No. I don't."
"Oh. Well, I have two quirks."
You speak slowly, as if using big words would confuse him.
He feels his jaw tick.
“Yes, yes,” he says impatiently. “I know. But what are they?”
“I can’t just tell you sensei. That’s no fun.”
You’re still grinning, but your tone has taken on a whinier quality, one that makes him rethink his choice to become a teacher. He feels a headache developing in his temples, fingers uselessly massaging the throbbing area as he groans.
“Just tell me.”
“Nope. I’ll give you three hints, and you can guess!”
Aizawa grinds his teeth together.
She’s a child. You don’t hit children.
Patience. Have patience, he reminds himself, sighing heavily.
You were like a more annoying version of Mic, except Mic didn’t make everything a game. You were like a toddler stuck in a demons body.
“Fine,” he sighs again, gesturing for you to continue.
You hold out your hand, holding up one finger.
“Hint number one!” you say, in a tone similar to a game show host.
“I’m like Buzz Lightyear!”
That’s… extremely unhelpful.
“Buzz… Lightyear?”
You pout slightly, flopping down into a chair opposite his desk with a groan.
“Aw, maaaan, you’re no fun sensei. How old are you anyway?”
A noise of disbelief rumbles through his chest.
“That’s not- Obviously I know who Buzz Lightyear is! I just don’t see how that’s relevant!”
That infuriating smirk finds it’s way back onto your face, and you kick your feet up on his desk while you lean back in your chair, the absolute picture of nonchalance. From somewhere inside your blazer pocket, you pull out a lollipop, mindlessly gnawing the red candy.
“Fine. Next hint then.”
You show him two fingers, head lolling back as you speak around the lollipop in your mouth.
“I’m like a dragonfly.”
Aizawa closes his eyes, a disgruntled sigh of disbelief escaping him despite his best efforts.
“What do dragonflies and Buzz Lightyear have to do with one another?”
You shrug, biting down on the hard candy, crushing it between your molars.
A toddler. An infuriating, know-it-all toddler. That’s what you are.
“Just… give me the last hint.”
You hold out three fingers.
“I’m like a combination of pi and… Hm…”
You pause for a moment, sitting up straight.
“And a sonar scan!”
“I give up.” Aizawa responds plainly.
“What?! But you didn’t even try to guess!”
He shrugs, arms crossed over his chest. “I give up.”
Your mouth pinches into a scowl, and he was sure that if you weren’t wearing that blindfold, you’d be frowning.
“Tell me, or don’t. I have no guesses.”
“Not even one?”
You groan and slump in your seat, grumbling about how boring he is, and he has to fight to hide a small smile.
Okay. Maybe you were endearing. Slightly.
“Fine! You’re no fun.”
To say he was overwhelmed was a gross understatement.
Your quirks were terrifying. There was no other way to put it. They were powerful, and overwhelming, and just plain terrifying. You really had been holding back all semester.
When he asked why you hadn’t told anyone about your quirks, your response was simultaneously simple and off-putting.
“No one asked.”
As if you’d expected them to.
But… you had a point. In the entire four months you’d been in class 1a, no one had openly approached you and asked what your quirk was.
Come to think of it, you weren’t exactly friends with any of your classmates either. Was it because they were thrown off by your mysterious quirks or your personality? Maybe.
Now that he knew though, he felt strangely… protective of you.
It wasn’t as if you needed his protection or concern.
Regardless, he decided that during the summer training camp, he’d pay you some extra attention. Not to help you improve your already flawless quirk, rather, he wanted to… observe you. You’d piqued his interest.
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bibibbon · 5 months
UA teachers suck and UA sucks as a school
UA literally just sucks. Honestly this school has failed so many people especially izuku in particular.
Maybe it wouldn't of actually earned this title if we got more academia arcs but from the canon stuff we have so far it sucks!
No bullying policy?
So you see a student outright bullying another student and you decide to do nothing?!?!?! The student then doesn't even get any concequences for his actions?!!!!?!?!
Exposing students to the whole world after a villain attack?
So right after usj you have the sports festival and you don't even decide to delay it because UA's security measures have to look like their on top and apparently that's the logic behind it. Also, reminder that the UA sports festival is MORE POPULAR THAN THE OLYMPICS. So watching 15-18 year olds use their quirks to harm eachother is alright???! Like aren't you basically using minors for other people's entertainment?!?!
I mean realistically speaking you could of tried to delay the festival or just make the first years not do it that year. Just have them do tournaments with only heros present so you actually protect students safety and don't have people and villains watching/witnessing their weakness
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Lying to the public about students being psychologically fine?
We never saw the phycological evaluation that the students did after the training camp incident and saying all students were psychologically fine was such A big lie considering you had a GROUP of students go and try and rescue another student because they couldn't trust the teachers enough to handle the situation which idk about you but that says A LOT.
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Chaining up bakugo?
Look I hate bakugo I really really do but muzzling a whole student and making him a whole public disgrace has to be illegal? ...Right. like if bakugo wasn't going to cooperate then just disqualify him and make todoroki the winner and save yourself from attracting villains to kidnapping the kid.
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Acknowledging that your entrance exams are badly done but then not changing them?
Seriously, we get aizawa talking and talking about how useless and illogical the entrance exams are but then nedzu does nothing... ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT IT. aizawa had a point about the exams favouring people with offensive quirks but can he really talk about that when all he does to teach his class is just play sick and twisted logical ruses on them? Also shouldn't the exams focus on different aspects of heroism instead of defeating villains?
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Aizawa and his teachings being accepted?
I don't know about you but aizawa being a teacher is wild to me. Like this is the guy who actively does NOTHING to help his students but trains a student that's not even in his OWN CLASS!! He then goes on to not even read his students files which contain some very important information that could explain some or majority of his students behaviours that he isn't bothered to understand!!!! Also the amount of expulsions he has even if they are on paper they are literally a death sentence to students as it permanently destroys their records and ruins their chances in finding any normal job let alone becoming heros. He also only points out the problems with his students and then does nothing to help LITERALLY NOTHING!!
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Is therapy a thing in UA?
No like this is actually a serious question because if you're telling me that hound dog is a therapist then I might as well leave because how is he a therapist when he offers nothing and is cannonically seen as threatening by all the students?!?!? Also were 1A or 1B even offered therapy after what they went through?!?! Like some of 1A literally showed some clear trauma responses and UA does nothing about it. Oh and this isn't even mentioning what hound dog done to izuku ( izuku is a gag and so is his pain) oh and what about mirio did he get any support after nighteyes death
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Midnight in the anime?
We all have our own problems with midnight but her in the anime is totally different then the midnight in the manga. In the anime she continually flirts with students and you get it she does stuff she isn't supposed to. In the manga its a bit different but there are some scenes like the final exam arc where it's a bit weird
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Seat 21 - Chapter 3
A/N - another chapter ready and raring to go! i’ve also started posting this story to Ao3 :) enjoy!!
Somehow, class feels lonlier the next day.
I swear I can feel people staring at me, even though Tokoyami assures me that they’re not.
Home is even lonlier.
It’s a two and a half hour train ride to my home town, and it only runs three times a day. It wouldn’t get me to school in time, so Mama’s renting me an apartment in the city. It’s small and old, and in the bad part of town.
But it means I get to go to U.A.
I miss my brother today. Seeing me, most people are surprised with how Jun can be. He’s a little ball of energy, just finishing up elementary school now.
Some days I wish I was him.
I would give up my quirk any day to be as carefree as he is.
Udon is lonlier without his excited yells, and mama’s following laugh.
But time moves on, and so do I.
Midoriya recovers swiftly, thanks to recovery girl.
He gets voted in for class representative, but passes the role onto Iida.
The press invades school grounds.
I pray its not my fault; even though Aizawa assures me it isn’t when I try and apologise.
Before I can recover, its time for our next practical heroics lesson; this time off site. 
I spend the majority of the ride to U.S.J fiddling with my translucent skirt, occasionally signing confirmation to Tokoyami and Dark that yes - I’m fine, there’s no need to worry. 
Loud talk of everyone’s quirks fills the bus and has me like a deer in headlights. I get afraid at somepoint I’ll tear my skirt.
I would be lying to say I wasn’t scared out of my mind for whatever All Might would say about me today.
It would be another lie if I said Aizawa sensei’s presence at this lesson wasn’t oddly comforting.
But to my guilty relief, it isn’t All Might that greets us at the stadium-like centre. Pro hero Thirteen is a much more grounding figure. She calmly explains that the USJ is primarily used for rescue-based training - her primary line of work. 
My shoulders sag as she goes through the different environments. Earthquakes, floods, avalanches (both snow and rock), severe weather, sea wrecks and more. The opportunities for scenarios are endless. Awe overtakes me.
I can’t stop gazing at the water.
This is what I want. This is what I can do.
Surrounding gasps tear my attention away from the still blue.
“Is this apart of the exercise?” A voice I recognise as Kaminari’s asks. Aizawa weaves between Tokoyami and I, standing in front of the class.
“No, it’s not. This is a real villain attack. Thirteen, evacuate the students, and call the school for backup. I’ll try and hold them off.” He grumbles, pulling his goggles down.
My entire body trembles.
Actual real villains.
Stumbling up to Aizawa, I finally see what everyone else has. A black and purple abyss, with waves of people emerging left, right and centre. Sneers and eyes that can only be described as hungry are trained on us.
Shaking hands reach up and tug his scarf, gently but frantic.
“What, kid.” He sideyes me, sparing me a second of attention. There’s so much that I want to say, but my hands are shaking too badly.
Careful. Is all I can sign. Over and over and over again.
Careful. Careful. Careful. Careful.
A calloused hand warms my shoulder.
“I’ll try.” Aizawa sensei’s voice is rough. Sparing not even a second, he leaps into battle.
“Come one everyone, we need to evacuate.” Thirteen ushers us towards the door, but the same dark mist starts to appear before us.
Piercing yellow that can only be eyes is trained on us and my body freezes. 
My breath quickens as Bakugou and Kirishima attack the mist, Thirteen quick behind.
At first, I think the darkness is a result of my fear; but then my eyes catch a swirl of deep purple.
We’re inside the mist.
Spiders crawl up my skin as I twist and turn to escape.
Freezing cold is my reward for escape.
 My lungs feel free, and I feel strength seep into my bones. A blur quickly becomes a villain hurling toward me, but with a simple flick I’m far out of his way.
Oh god, I didn’t want them to know so soon. 
But my frantic eyes spot mossy green starting to go limp, and my comfort is no longer priority. 
I push as hard as I can and launch myself towards Midoriya, trying to grasp for anything. An arm brings me to the leverage of under his arms as I swim as fast as I can to the surface.
We breach surface and the unmistakable tongue of Asui carries Mineta onto the shipwreck. Midoriya, still spluttering, can’t speak.
I have to.
For his sake.
I rip off my mask.
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deusvervewrites · 17 days
Ground Zero: So what exactly are the League of Villains up to? The USJ is obviously a bust. And with Bakugo gone, I doubt they’d have enough motivation to attack the training camp. And with All Might retired, would there even be a Kamino Incident at all?
All For One established the League with two goals: let All Might know that Shigaraki is Nana's grandson, and then steal Shigaraki's body. The USJ Attack was either meant to test All Might and learn about his weakened state or it was a genuine murder attempt he expected to work, but I doubt the latter since they he can't do the whole taunt thing.
The real problem is that All Might retired. Even if he attacks Might Tower, he can't be sure that'll lure him out because he could simply not be there.
Actually, All Might's retirement might clue him in that the student who died had One For All. Meaning that all of his plans are ruined now. Given the strange circumstances of his revival, the fact that it was OFA that did it, and the possible media circus around it, Midoriya's resurrection might not be publicized. It wouldn't change the response of the media even if they learned because he still died.
So now All For One has a vessel that has no purpose because there's no OFA to steal with it. No All Might he can track down to taunt with it. What's left for him?
Actually, knowing All For One, he'd track down All Might anyway for one last throwdown to mock him over a student's death. But if Midoriya's alive again by the time that happens, then he's not fighting a defeated old man but a very determined, very pissed All Might.
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I hope y'all know that the 'Izuku and Kiri get into a flame war' chapter of Chaos Children is coming up soon-ish.
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jellyfishandry · 6 months
Toshi w/ a nurse crush
CW: Unestablished relationship, injury, gn reader, crappy writing?
A/N: It's my birthday today so here's some stuff about my favorite character :DD This also might be written differently or oddly, idk why
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I cannot get this man out of my head-
He first meets you in Recovery Girls office
It's right after the USJ incident, and he's talking to Tsukauchi
Recovery girl is also there, so when you needed her help with something, you went to talk to her
But you were unfamiliar with his small form
It's awkward for a few seconds, but you ask Recovery Girl a question, and she quickly answers
You leave the room fairly quickly, as you didn't want to disrupt their conversation further
Despite only being in the room for a few seconds, you used context clues and eventually came to the assumption that he was in fact, All Might
And after that, he would often see you helping students or staff occasionally
He really just thinks that you're a responsible and caring person at the time
If he had the chance to talk to you, we would, but he wouldn't go out of his way to
Just like a friendly acquaintance relationship
Though he always talks to you in is muscle form, cause he didn't know if you knew about his true form or not
But there was a time he was talking with Izuku, and they walked into an empty room
But you were there taking a quick break cause the last few hours had been rough
You greeted him with a small smile and asked about his day before excusing yourself to get back to work
And that's when he (and Izuku) realized you knew
He liked the fact that you treated him like any other staff member
Eventually the small talk would become more frequent, and he felt a stronger urge to protect you
And not that you were incapable of doing that yourself, but there was this unexplainable worry he had
But it's really when you scold him for being so reckless as you bandage him up
His heart and brain finally aligned, and suddenly he knows why he's been feeling like this
He was in love with you
Very much a "He fell first and harder" situation
He's a great patient when it comes to bearing the pain or staying still
But he can't help but feel bad that you have to waste time on him when you could be helping students
He stays silent about his feelings, cause he's afraid that if he gets rejected, it would make both of your jobs harder
But Recovery Girl catches on soon enough, considering he was coming to the nurses office more frequently, even when he wasn't injured
She doesn't say anything to him, but she does point out his behaviors to you
Basically leaving you to think through the interactions you've had with him
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|| Intro || Masterlist ||
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delawaredetroit · 1 month
Hello. First I want to say I love your blog. It includes both thoughtful and funny bits and is a joy to read.
Secondly I would like to hear your thoughts on Izuku's ruthless streak.
First time we see of this is when he is against fodder in USJ. Not all of them seem to be equipped to breathe underwater yet he doesn't hesitate to advocate and use a method that can result in some of their heads remaining underwater and thus resulting in them suffocating.
2nd time is when he first meets Shigaraki and he grabs Asui's face. He only cares about Asui not being harmed and never once tries to control the output of OFA. He only assumes he controlled the output when his arm doesn't break but that most likely is due to First Nomu not due to any form of control.
Third time is against Muscular. When he is about to strike Kota Izuku uses %100 without a second thought even though knowing most people would die from it. It can be argued that he knew how durable Muscular is but it is unlikely.
There might be other examples that might not be coming to my mind as I am giving examples from the things that first came to my mind.
His utter willingness to murder in name of saving someone else is something very interesting in the earlier arcs and something I don't see much discussion of.
I would like to hear your thoughts regarding this. And whatever it might mean.
You raise an interesting point.
And I would say that Izuku's ruthlessness comes from the same place as the villains' cruelty: a lack of faith in the hero system.
I've spoken about it a bit here. While Izuku says that he always had help, in reality his actions reflect the lack of support he had as a child.
The children in their society are supposed to believe that a hero will always come and save the day. So needing to use deadly force would be unthinkable as a civilian/student because of course there will be a hero to come save you.
The characters that act outside of this framework (the ones that receive any significant focus anyway) are largely people who needed help and didn't receive it. And it's mostly villains, but the same logic applies to Izuku. There is not a single indication in any flashback that anyone tried to help Izuku until he met All Might.
Izuku's actions during the sludge villain incident were brave and heroic. They also signaled a lack of faith. His body moved on its own because subconsciously he determined that no one was going to help. In the fights you mentioned, Izuku doesn't believe anyone will come save him or his friends. So when he is backed into a corner, Izuku doesn't think anything of resorting to the use of deadly force.
Many of the villains, particularly those like Shigaraki and All for One, made their destructive life choices because they believed that salvation didn't truly exist at all.
Izuku has more cognitive dissonance on this issue compared to the villains in that he genuinely thinks he believes in heroism in the same way as his peers. But in truth, Izuku's heroism comes from the same place as Shigaraki's villainy: a lack of faith.
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