#Unique Indoor Snow
waterbeads1993 · 10 months
Unveiling the Magic: 15 Astonishing Facts About CiaraQ Water Beads Pack (50000 Beads)
Explore the fascinating world of CiaraQ Water Beads Pack, which are 5000 rainbow wonders for imaginative décor, spa replenishments, and sensory play. Uncover unexpected information and let your imagination run wild now!
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FAQs About CiaraQ Water Beads Pack (50000 Beads)
Q: What makes CiaraQ Water Beads Pack stand out among sensory play options?
A: The CiaraQ Water Beads Pack is a distinctive and captivating option because of its vivid rainbow mix, adaptability for a range of uses beyond sensory play, and its spa-like tactile feel.
Q: How can CiaraQ Water Beads be used for plant care?
A: CiaraQ Water Beads are a great option for taking care of plants because they release water gently. They give plants a steady supply of water, which keeps them hydrated and healthy.
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maysrinn · 4 months
Happy Mothersday! 💕✨
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Each Mother's Day brings its own unique blend of traditions and experiences for Lucy Gray and her family. In the Capitol AU, it might entail a luxurious breakfast in bed amidst the opulence of the Capitol, with Coriolanus doting on Lucy Gray with lavish gifts and cherished moments of solitude. Other times in the District AU, it's a simpler affair, embracing the rustic charm of District 12 and relishing the day for what it truly means with her kids.
That doesn't imply she doesn't enjoy spending the day with the children in the Capitol, she does. However, Coriolanus makes a point of encouraging them to give Lucy Gray the space and time she deserves to focus on herself.
This particular year, the young fledglings, eagerly anticipated a delightful outing to the lake with their mother. However, Cedar Fern, had to remain behind with his father due to the scorching heat. Lucy Gray, mindful of her baby's comfort, opted out of the hike, knowing that Cedar Fern would be better off staying cool indoors. Meanwhile Coriolanus would really love to spend the day with his wife…
Coriolanus: they left without me…they do this every year …why …doesn’t anyone love Coriolanus Snow the lonely commander of district 12?! LUCY GRAY! come back…please…
Cedar Fern: BA!
Coriolanus: you shall be my hostage-
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falmerbrook · 6 months
Snow Elf culture?
*pulls up a chair*
A wee disclaimer that I'm not particularly good or creative with developing cultures or societies, but my brain has just latched on to the snow elves in a way where I can't stop myself. But anyway
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I developed a lot of this because of a big ass draft for a fic I've been writing on and off about Gelebor and Vyrthur, so a lot of my headcanons are religion heavy. I'll start there:
Gelebor seems to place Auri-El and the Chantry of Auri-El as having significant importance to the Snow Elves over the other gods/temples. He's probably got a bit of bias in that regard since he's devoted his life to Auri-El, but in order to differentiate their religion from the other elven ones I like to think that their religion in general worshipped Auri-El as not even just as the figure head of their pantheon, but almost monotheistical, while the other gods (Trinimac, Syrabane, Jephre and Phynaster according to Gelebor) were like minor divine figures or just legendary heroes even more than in Altmer myth, depending on the interpretation. My idea is that if their culture had been allowed to continue on, it would've eventually become monotheistic, but by the arrival of the Nords they were in a bit of an awkward transition period with it.
I also like to lean into the sun motif with Auri-El that they established in Dawnguard and with Auriel's Bow, partially because it's another thing to make their depiction of him more unique, and in part because it makes some very juicy irony for Vyrthur. Some ideas include:
- The more religious folk tend to pray at noon when the sun is at it's highest. - The two biggest snow elf festivals happen on the summer and winter solstices. As far north as they are, the summer solstice is during a time of year where the sun barely sets and the winter one is during a time of year where it barely rises. The summer one is more jovial and celebratory, with a grand feast. With almost 24 hours of daylight, the festivities last up to three days straight, with folks commonly staying awake for over 24 hours. Most of it is spent outside, with the celebration being focused on making the most of the weather and daylight hours to spend as much time in the sun and the light of Auri-El as possible. The winter festival is as large scale but lasts longer and is lower-key. It also involves a feast but features more winter foods and meat and alcohol. It is more pensive. At this point in the year, there is no full daylight, and so this season is seen as a test of one’s faith and mental fortitude. This festival acts as a break from this trying time, taking time to relax, build community (a strong community will allow them to make it through the winter and strengthen their minds), and bond with family and friends. It is about a weeklong break, where leading up to the festival everyone works harder to prepare for it and allow themselves to have the break. There are activities and festivities, but they remain indoors for the most part and are smaller. - I've referenced this before, but with long winters with little sunlight (due to harsh weather and short days), they see that time of year as a reflective test of will and faith.
Due to their proximity to dragons, it was hard to miss the connection between Auri-El (/Akatosh) and dragons, and so their depiction of Auri-El is either much more influenced by the iconography of dragons, or is a dragon (although their depiction of dragon Auri-El is much more benevolent than the Nord/Atmoran one). I got the idea for this one from this Reddit post (i know I dog on Reddit a lot but this one has got some fun stuff in it, even if it's a bit out there)
^On that note, later in the timeline (post Dragon War (the timeline is very fuzzy on when this and the Night of Tear happens. They are both sometime vaguely in the late Merethic Era I believe, but it's unclear which happens first or how long each conflict is)) some Snow Elves see a sort of unreturned, unofficial comradery with dragons, seeing themselves as both on the receiving end of the Nord's/Atmoran's brutality (disregarding whether it was warranted or not in the context of the Dragon War).
Ok here's some more general cultural ones:
I mentioned my reasoning for this in this post, but I like to think their general settlements were not as permanent, with a larger focus on wood and building into the sides of hills (good for warmth), while their temples tended to be made of stone and much more permanent. This is why there are so few identifiable Snow Elf ruins across Skyrim. Their cities and towns were easy to wipe out, scavenged for resources, or were in good places for Nordic cities (perhaps Bromjunaar was originally the site of a Snow Elf city?), and their temples were either very hidden (e.g. the Chantry of Auri-El) or eventually converted to Nordic temples.
I love this journal in general for gleaning ideas for Snow Elf headcanons for, but one interesting this is the use of "Old Ones" and "Young One". They're treated like established titles. From that I like to think they place a lot of emphasis on the respect of those older than you. The social hierarchy and whose opinions are most valued is heavily influenced by age. Folks call anyone older or more revered “Old Ones” as a term of respect, and anyone younger than them “Young Ones”. Old One is almost never used in a demeaning way, but Young One can be (not always). Typically, “Old Ones” is used in the third person (e.g. you wouldn’t refer to someone directly as “old one”) whole “Young One(s)” can be used as an epithet for someone directly or in third person.
When thinking about death/"burial" customs (needed for some scenes in the fic I'm planning), you have to consider that there probably wasn't a lot of land in a place like Skyrim where someone can be buried. Nords intern their dead in crypts or burn them to get around this, and I like to think Snow Elves participated in something akin to sky burials (at least sometimes). After preparation, the departed's body is left outside on a ledge, cliff, or the temple balcony to be scavenged by birds. This is seen as a metaphorical return to Aetherius, while their soul literally returns to it. They do this even in poor weather or deep winter. If it doesn’t thaw and rot/be scavenged until months later, so be it. The length it takes to rot is considered indicative of how long it takes for the spirit to let go and move on (not in a bad way though. It’s interpreted more in the way of the soul or body grieving). It's seen as if they may wish to wait until spring to finally rot if they want to experience one more warm, sunny day.
Food (I mostly wrote this in my notes in the context of the Forgotten Vale and Chantry of Auri-El, but I think it could work elsewhere as well to an extent): Plant-based food is grown in gardens in the spring and summer, and that that is able to be stored is carefully preserved through the fall and winter. Winter foods include some nuts, dried vegetables, and dried and preserved/fermented grains (like wheat, barely). These foods must be eaten slowly throughout the winter to last, and winter diets are more meat based. Summer foods include apples, cabbage/lettuce, leeks, tomatoes etc. Snowberries can be found in the wild out of season of most other fruits, and provide fruit in very early spring. Occasionally, fungus from caves is harvested, but this is seen as a delicacy (foreshadowing).
Ok, that's it for now. I gotta go to bed. Thanks for the ask!!!! :D
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Hi! Sorry to bother you, but I'm wondering if you could help me? Do you know of any (Sterek) fics where Scott joins Derek's pack? I just really want to see Stiles and Scott interacting w Hale Pack 2.0! Thank you.
Hi anon! @kevaaronday made this list for us.
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Turn back time by A _pretty_good_pair (23/23 | 49,715 | Teen | Sterek) There's no one left. No one. Stiles decides in his grief to try and fix everything he did wrong the first time around. Will he be able to save everyone or will he relive the pain of losing them all once again?
True by inatshej (1/1 | 38,760 | Explicit | Sterek) The point is, anything can be believed to be true now. If magic can convince Stiles that he loves Derek – weird, angry, too-many-issues Derek – then how is he supposed to know what is actually true, and what is him being mind-screwed?
And Derek can go fuck this mates concept.
Spaz and the Sourwolf by TheRealDanniX (9/9 | 24,674 | Teen | Sterek) When Stiles comes across something he shouldn't in the Preserve he ends up on four legs. Not that anyone in the Pack knows it's him. He's just hoping they can figure it out before anything else bad happens.
clenching my jagged jaws (over the capture) by Marishna (1/1 | 21,495 | Teen | Sterek) Derek Hale was never supposed to be alpha, but he's a good one. He doesn't need any help and he definitely doesn't need an emissary. 
Stiles Stilinski is Derek Hale's emissary and come hell or high water he's going to see the Hale pack through the impending arrival of the alpha pack, even if it means he can never return to Beacon Hills after.
The Vasov Heir by neil4god (12/12 | 20,665 | Not Rated | Sterek) It was summer vacation. He was supposed to go to bed late and sleep even later, he should not be in a car at the ass crack of dawn (12:30) on his way to who know's where. That was not part of the plan, but then he hadn't planned on introducing the pack to his sort of fiance either or introducing them to his family, but his darkest secrets are being dragged into the light and Stiles may not survive it.
When the Wind Blows (the Grass Must Bend) by V1p3r_Qu33n (9/9 | 17,845 | Teen | Scallison) “Why is it a problem that he doesn’t know I’m here?” Scott was just getting more confused with every sentence she spoke and everytime he asked a question the answer just resulted in even more confusion.
She looked past him to a sleek black car that had just pulled up outside the house across from hers. “I think you’re about to find out.” - - - aka: the packs a dysfunctional family. Scott doesn't have a clue what's going on (though he's starting to figure it out), Derek's just trying to keep his betas in line (though they don't always like his methods), and Isaac's just trying to survive.
Learning Curve by Inell (1/1 | 6,050 | Explicit | Poly Pack) When Scott stops by to check on Stiles after he misses school, he isn't expecting to be introduced to the world of polyamory or to agree to become part of the Hale pack in such an unique way.
Heart Smart by Simplistically_content (1/1 | 3,578 | Teen | Sterek) Scott wasn't book smart like Stiles, he wasn't werewolf smart like Derek (was meant to be), he wasn't genius smart like Lydia, his decision making hadn't really given him the best track record where those kind of smarts mattered. No. Where Scott believed he was smartest, was in his heart, in his good nature. Sometimes he screwed up, but no one's perfect, are they?
A place you call home by TalesoftheEnchantedForest (1/1 | 771 | Gen | Sterek) Derek takes a walk through the newly built Hale house and is suddenly overcome by memories, both older and more recent ones. Then he realizes what was missing all along - his pack. Now with Stiles and his friends by his side, he has a home again.
(This is all flashbacks and feels, my dudes.)
Ice(d) Cream by LizzieLance (1/1 | 500 | Gen) “This is indoor snow, baby. Dodgeballllllll.”
“ Throw it, throw it!”
“Stiles, no!”
“Stiles, yes!”
“Over here!”
“Ohhh shit.”
Wait, what?? By hugs4saturn (1/1 | 424 | Gen | Sterek) Scott isn't the Alpha.
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hexora · 10 months
Winter Associations
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Snowflakes: Symbol of uniqueness and individuality, each snowflake is considered magical.
Icicles: Used for spellwork related to clarity and insight.
Winter Solstice: A powerful time for rituals celebrating the return of the sun's energy.
Evergreen Trees: Symbolize life, protection, and continuity during the cold months.
Yule Log: Burned during Yule celebrations for prosperity and protection.
Holly: Represents protection and brings good fortune during winter.
Mistletoe: Used for love spells and protection against negative energy.
Frost: Associated with transformation and purification.
Frozen Lakes: Symbolize stillness and reflection.
Northern Lights: Magical displays in the winter sky, believed to hold spiritual energy.
Wolves: Guardians of winter realms, associated with intuition and instincts.
Candles: Lit for warmth and enlightenment during the dark months.
Hot Cocoa: Used in kitchen witchcraft for comfort and grounding.
Spiced Cider: Associated with abundance and the warmth of hearth and home.
Winter Faeries: Spirits that thrive in the winter, known for mischief and playfulness.
Fur and Wool: Materials associated with warmth and protection.
Citrine Crystals: Linked to the sun's energy, bringing positivity during the dark season.
Winter Animals: Bears, hibernating creatures, and migrating birds symbolize survival and adaptation.
Warming Herbs: Cinnamon, ginger, and cloves for spells related to warmth and protection.
Frosty Windows: Scrying through frost patterns for divination.
Winter Moon: Perform rituals under the light of the cold, bright moon.
Snowy Owl: A symbol of wisdom and magical insight.
Snowball Fight: Playful energy and bonding with nature spirits.
Winter Gardens: Indoor plants associated with winter magic, like poinsettias.
Silver Bells: Used in spells for communication and summoning spirits.
Sleigh Bells: Carries a sense of joy and celebration.
Ice Skating: A ritualistic dance for balance and grace.
Winter Goddesses: Invoke deities like Skadi or Persephone for their winter aspects.
Fir Needle Essential Oil: Used in aromatherapy for grounding and focus.
Frozen Waterfalls: Symbolize the temporary pause in the flow of life.
Snow Hares: Represent transformation and adaptability.
Crystal Snowflakes: Used in rituals for clarity and purification.
Winter Altar Decorations: Incorporate seasonal items like pine cones, acorns, and silver ornaments.
Winter Winds: Believed to carry messages from the spirit world.
Ice Magick: Creating and using ice symbols in spellwork for stability and stillness.
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guardian-of-fun-times · 7 months
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Remember, they can use anything from their franchise to a certain extent! Keep in mind, that Jack can't call the Guardians, and Po can't call the Furious Five!
Stats: Master Martial Artist, Superhuman Strength, Panda Physiology
Fight Advantage: Master of various kung fu techniques, including unique moves like the Wuxi Finger Hold. Intelligent and adaptive combatant with strategic skills. Possesses superhuman strength, speed, agility, and durability. Utilizes Hero's Chi for increased kung fu skills and energy blasts. Also skilled in culinary arts, incorporating cooking precision into combat.
Jack Frost:
Stats: Embodiment of Winter, Flight, Agility, Immortal (300 years of experience with powers)
Fight Advantage: Commands Winter Magic, capable of summoning snow, ice, and frost with staff. Can unleash energy bolts of ice, freeze objects, and conjure indoor snowfall. Flight ability provides aerial mobility, while agility aids in evading attacks. Can bewitch others with feelings of fun and joy. Skilled free runner and parkourist with exceptional speed and agility. Durable enough to withstand falls from significant heights without injury. Utilizes magic staff for controlling winter elements. Draws strength from how many children believe in him.
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catchyhuh · 6 months
rainy days
this started as “what do i think they’d each grab to keep dry” and then that morphed into why would that be entertaining by itself. get into it get into opinions and and shit of whether or not somebody likes rain. so here we aaaare!
lupin the third is an unstoppable, insane, hardened criminal. no he doesn’t need something to cover himself from the rain. bwuuhhh but its really cold now that he’s here and he can already feel himself getting sniffly from the air pressure and he would heal up if only he had somebody waaarrmmm and cozyyyyy and maybe only partially clooooothed,
it’s not like it BOTHERS him bothers him, but he’s not big on rain, or snow for that matter. if nothing’s going on, it’s fine, no biggie, but precipitation fucks with plans dude, and if you need to weigh down the back of the car to keep it less likely to hydroplane YOU’RE GONNA WANNA KNOW THAT AHEAD OF TIME!!
he usually spends rainy days, uh, kind of the same as he always does when he’s just got a day inside the hideout, y’know? just hanging out, doing whatever. the weather doesn’t really affect his energy too much, and he’s not looking out windows too much unless he’s expecting something/has a reason to be suspicious, sooo. just another day!
well. he. already has a hat on. but aside from that, if it’s REALLY pouring down miserable, he’ll just tuck his arms out of his jacket and lift it over his head. just as good!
jigen isn’t big on rain. i mean it’s not like he bothers getting MAD over it, it’s-- it’s rain. he can’t do anything about it either way man but if you asked him “would you rather go out on a sunny day or a rainy day” he’d be like. sun’s too bright rain’s too wet. cloudy for me man. and what are you gonna do? argue the man?
jigen very much falls victim to the “it’s raining really hard outside and i bet a nap would be baller right now” phenomenon, but that’s not too unique considering that if he’s comfortable enough he can nap damn near anywhere. can he SLEEP easily? no, but he can nap like nobody’s business. just only for 30 minute increments. no wonder he’s always so cranky
an. umbrella? do none of the rest of you have an umbrella. christ. is this a rocky horror showing or something
it’s amazing how nothing rain becomes to you when you simply REMEMBER TO BRING AN UMBRELLA. 90% of shit she does happens indoors anyways, really the only time this would be a point of contention is during the walk from the car to the building. simple as. really, the only reason she has any opinion on it at all is because people tend to be crabbier during bad weather, and that’s annoying, which makes HER crabbyIT’S A WHOLE CYCLE! and since we’re talking about cars fucking NOBODY knows how to drive in the rain and that’s annoying enough riding in a 4 wheeled 2500 pound tank, but on a MOTORCYCLE?? she’d be safer just walking into traffic
if fujiko has plans and it gets rainy, whatever, she’s doing her plans. if she doesn’t? ehh. maybe she’ll just spend a day inside watching movies or whatever. she’s not usually a big tv person, but she likes picking up on trends and patterns throughout eras of entertainment. one time there was a storm for a weekend and fujiko came back telling the others exactly what year the transatlantic accent had been completely wiped from movies
it’s just rain you pussies why are you afraid of it?? you gonna melt or something? why would you need anything covering your head oh god wait it’s hailing too oww oof oof owuch ouch
if you asked he’d be like “it’s just nature running its course. what opinion is there to have” but deep down he. really likes the rain IT’S JUST NICE! got a good smell, it’s pretty to watch the drops slide down leaves and window panes and everything else, it just makes everything outside feel a bit naturally cleaner. fresher! he loves rain. he was probably the kid who gasped and ran outside to play in it when he was little
goemon makes it a point to be outside, as you likely imagined, knowing him. you know when you get in the shower and turn the water pressure up and it feels nice on your back. it’s like a simpler version of that. feel the rain on your skin. in the summer this isn’t a big deal but as they get into fall and especially winter, the others are more and more resistant to letting goemon turn himself into a samuraicicle
just. whatever is nearby. sure he has that hat, but he doesn’t want his HAT getting soaked either! coat over the head, umbrella, his fucking hands if he’s movin quick enough, a newspaper! this IS rocky horror now
like a lot of things it depends on how his mood was already. if he’s in an okay mood, okay, no biggie, we’ll just quickly get outta the rain and carry about business as usual. if he’s in a bad mood the rain just. saps everything outta him. he’s sighing really big and slumping against the wall watching it come down. drama queen
again, dependent on mood, but oddly enough, rain usually gives him energy. you would think it would knock him out cold but something about it, something about the way OTHER people react to it, makes him twice as efficient! maybe its the fact most normal people are staying inside and not doing anything for the day, maybe its the implication that he has to stay in one spot because of it and that forces him to work with what he’s given, WHO KNOWS!! he gets too many ideas in the rain. the gang better fucking watch out if there’s a real downpour happening
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changingplumbob · 6 months
Chopra Household: Chapter 6, Part 9
Time for Savannah and Mercedes to head off for their first day of school while Cassandra battles a bug.
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If Viola is attempting to say something it will be in brackets, otherwise you can assume it's just trying out sounds Mercedes has a speech delay and may get words wrong, correct wording will be in brackets if that is the case Savannah aka Honeybee Mercedes aka Little Ladybug Viola aka Green Bean
Cluckton: *crows* Hear ye, hear ye! First day of school for the kiddos
Squidge: *clucks* so what
Cluckton: *clucks* don’t sass me young lady, you’re still young enough to peck
The girls get up and ready. Since the lot has simple living turned on it’s leftovers for breakfast rather than cereal.
Rahul: Why are you in here Mercedes
Mercedes: I know mama is sick, I just want to tell her I love her before school
Rahul: The watcher won’t let her die from a cold, I promise
After a while Cassandra wakes and hugs Mercedes for good measure before heading for the shower.
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Mercedes: Papa?
Rahul: Yes little ladybug
Mercedes: What if no one likes me at school
Rahul: What makes you think anyone wouldn’t like you
Mercedes: I get my words mixed
Rahul: Mercedes, you are a wonderful unique girl and anyone who can’t see that doesn’t deserve a friend as special as you
Mercedes: Are we still going to the doctor after school
Rahul: Yes, just to make sure your mama and I are doing everything we can to support you. Come on, I want a photo of my girls in their new uniforms
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Here they are! Off to Henford public school, looking neat as pins. Savannah is excited and promises to stick with her more nervous twin for the day. They become best friends forever!
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Rahul: What are you doing
Cassandra: Changing and feeding Viola
Rahul: But my darling you’re sick
Cassandra: Yes but I have the day off work now-
Rahul: Because you’re sick...
Cassandra: *sighs* fine big guy, I’ll nap, will that make you happy
Rahul: Yes please. Pass Viola here, I can watch over her for today
Cassandra: Thank you. I love you
Rahul: I love you to, say bye bye Viola. Can you say bye bye mama
Viola babbles but still no words yet. She stays in the back carrier while Rahul sorts out his own breakfast and washes up.
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Rahul: You know green bean, you can’t keep quiet forever. You’ll have to talk to me some day
Viola: be la du du (bubbles tickle)
Rahul: Who wants duckie? Can you say duckie for papa
Viola: ah ah (duckie)
Rahul: Alright Viola. I have to take care of the animals for mama so you’ll have to stay on your playmat
Viola: ge lu doo (but that chicken is looking at me)
Rahul: Come one, come all! Food time friends! Food time!
Cluckton: *crows* you heard the man
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Viola giggles and begins to play on her mat while the animals mill around her, bleating clucking and crowing at her. Rahul collects the eggs and discovers someone laid a golden egg! Not a hatchable one but a good sign for the future.
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Rahul: Charlie! Are you here for a cutting of something
Charlie: Just wanted a break from the snow. The garden is going pretty good though
Rahul: I can’t believe you’re doing an indoor garden, surely that’s going against nature
Charlie: The saplings wouldn’t like the snow Rahul
Rahul: Still, there are plants that grow in the snow and-
Charlie: Umm… is your infant meant to look like that
Viola: *whimpers* de na loo (why do I hurt)
Rahul: Oh no! Viola, are you alright? Papa is here. Oh damn, Cass is sick, I better take her to the doctors just to be safe
Charlie: Feel better soon little one. Give my love to Cass yeah
Rahul: Will do. Come here green bean, up we go!
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After her nap Cassandra is feeling brighter so decides to try and finish her latest piano song. After a while Rahul brings Viola in. Apparently the poor love has an ear infection. He’s given her the antibiotics but there’s not much else to do but wait. Cassandra tries to distract her with singing and playing and Viola manages to push herself up on all fours now and then.
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After having a… moment when she arrived home, Mercedes goes with Rahul to the psychologist. Savannah meanwhile settles down to do her homework by the pile of presents that came in the mail. Rahul and Mercedes get home with the news that Mercedes is a gifted student. This will come with benefits and consequences. While Henford public school may be able to cater to her, there is the possibility of sending her somewhere more academic focused if that’s what she wants.
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Savannah: Does this mean you’ll be the smartest kid in class
Mercedes: I don’t know, my words are still trippy (tricky)
Savannah: Not everything needs words though. Hey if you can understand math give me some help okay
Mercedes: I still have to be learned (taught) things first. But they said I might be able to get into a flash school
Savannah: Wait… then we’d be apart!
Mercedes: I didn’t say I would
Savannah: I mean I want you to be good but you’re my twin, I want to be with my bestie every day
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Rahul: Girls! Dinner! Come and get it
Savannah: Papa does Mercedes have to go to a different school
Rahul: Not if she doesn’t want to
Mercedes: I don’t want to be away from Savannah
Rahul: Your mama has been too sick to talk to but I imagine she’ll agree it’s best to wait and see how you settle into Henford first
Savannah: Good! We had such fun tricking kids on the playground today
Rahul: *not amused* Did you now
Mercedes: Yes! We both imagined (pretended) to be one person
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outofangband · 9 months
Winter in Doriath HCs
Note: I referenced a few of my earlier HCs in this but they’re definitely not necessary to read for this! There is more in the Doriath tag for anyone interested!
Elves and winter general HCs
As always please feel free to ask more or give a specific area to talk about, these are fairly random!
The girdle of Melian provides protection against the harshest weather however, Melian intentionally does not exert significant control over the climate. Snow falls lightly throughout the colder months, many trees lose their leaves and most flowers do not bloom until the stirring. Average temperatures for the coldest months are around 4-7 degrees C or 40-45 degrees Fahrenheit.
Menengroth maintains comfortable temperatures throughout the year. Both the protection of the caves and the magic of Melian defend against extreme cold or heat. A small population of Doriath live in Menengroth in the winter only.
There is a section around Menengroth, part of Melian’s gardens, that is warm throughout the year. This has both outdoor and indoor sections and there are fruit trees in the outdoor section that are more or less free to take from (though some of the species are…unique or possibly dangerous and plenty choose not to take this risk)
Food in the winter comes from this, from foraging and the cultivation that is done throughout the forest, from the rivers, from private collections and storage, and, depending on the time, through trade.
Many of the Iathrim eat little in the winter and some even enter periods of contemplation and reduced movement almost akin to a sort of hibernation. This is also similar to the trances I described as part of Doriath’s summer solstice celebration however longer and less intense. Consciousness is not necessarily reduced or altered during these.
(I will make an entire post just about this to go with my posts about the Ainur and food but in essence, I do not believe elves can go indefinitely without food and water however energy, nutrients and strength are conserved and processed differently than in humans and they can go significantly longer without adverse consequences however they will eventually begin to suffer from them. Like humans, water is more important than food. Many elves eat primarily for pleasure. Maedhros, his life was extended without food or water through Morgoth’s power, similar to how Húrin’s was)
On that note there is also a winter solstice tradition. Like the summer one, many travel for it to obtain privacy, often sitting in trees or upon hilltops by the northern border for days. Most of the week long winter solstice event is significantly more somber than the summer one and there is a day dedicated to mourning. At the end however there is a joyous feast in Menengroth.
Doriath marks the new year in the beginning of the elven season between autumn and winter, Fading. I mentioned their record keepers preserve petals from the first flowers of each year and this tradition is related to other Sindar, Silvan and Avari traditions but their actual new year is in Fading. It is a also a reflective celebration where the sun and moon are honored (after they exist of course) and the past mourned.
Despite the more somber winter celebrations, mentions of snow and winter in song and poetry are commonly playful and whimsical rather than melancholy. Less direct Winter symbology in Doriath include constellations, certain species of ferns (which resemble frost patterns), wood white (butterflies), and maple trees.
Like the Sindar outside of Doriath, the patterns of migrating birds are often remembered and used for indications of weather changes.
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that-weird-mime · 8 months
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(@shwoo for the references! Thank you!) The chill, easygoing Lee! While their main form of art is cartography, they dabble in a little bit of everything. From clay to paper mache, they love it all. They came with Bronica to help map out snaktooth island, which is one of the few things that survived the expedition's lethal downfall. (Sadly, Leevani wasn't one of those things..) Like Bronica, they're the outdoorsy type, sunbathing quite often while feeling a little depressed when stuck indoors. They spend a lot of their time making pieces inspired by bugsnax. Their view on them can be 'unique', however, leading to something frightening. If there's one thing that they always get accurate to a T, that's their maps. They went up to the Frosted Peaks to get a good look around anyways. In fact, they spotted one thing before the mountain dropped a ton of snow on them! A weird triangle shaped thing near Boiling Bay. They had time to mark it on their map.. Clumby might be interested in that.
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skin-care-news · 10 months
8 Skincare Hacks a Dermatologist Recommended for Winter Radiance
As the winter chill sets in, our skin often undergoes various challenges that can leave it feeling dry, dull, and irritated. To combat these seasonal skincare woes, I recently had the privilege of consulting a dermatologist who shared invaluable tips to keep skin healthy and radiant during the colder months. Here are eight expert-approved skincare hacks to incorporate into your winter routine.
Hydration is Key: One of the fundamental principles emphasized by the dermatologist was the importance of hydration. Cold weather, indoor heating, and hot showers can strip the skin of its natural moisture. Combat this by incorporating a rich, hydrating moisturizer into your daily routine. Look for ingredients like hyaluronic acid and glycerin to lock in moisture and keep your skin supple.
Gentle Cleansing: Avoid harsh cleansers that can further dry out your skin. Opt for a gentle, hydrating cleanser that effectively removes impurities without compromising your skin's natural barrier. Consider cleansing your face with lukewarm water to prevent excessive drying.
Humidify Your Space: Combat the dry indoor air caused by heaters by using a humidifier in your living space. This simple addition helps maintain optimal moisture levels in the air, preventing your skin from becoming overly dry.
Protective Layers: Don't skimp on sunscreen just because it's winter. Harmful UV rays are still present, and snow can reflect sunlight, intensifying its effects. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 and apply it to exposed areas, including your face, neck, and hands.
Exfoliate Wisely: Exfoliation is essential to slough off dead skin cells and encourage cell turnover, but too much can exacerbate winter dryness. Opt for a gentle exfoliant with ingredients like alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta hydroxy acids (BHAs) once or twice a week to maintain a healthy glow.
Lip Care: Chapped lips are a common winter woe. Combat this by using a nourishing lip balm containing ingredients such as shea butter, beeswax, or coconut oil. Apply it regularly to keep your lips soft and hydrated.
Invest in a Night Cream: Nighttime is when the skin undergoes repair and regeneration. Enhance this process by using a richer night cream during the winter months. Look for formulations with ingredients like retinol, peptides, or ceramides to promote overnight rejuvenation.
Stay Hydrated from Within: Hydrating your skin goes beyond topical treatments. Ensure you're drinking an adequate amount of water throughout the day to maintain overall skin health. Herbal teas and water-rich fruits and vegetables can also contribute to your hydration levels.
As winter brings its unique challenges to skincare, implementing these dermatologist-approved hacks can help you achieve a radiant complexion despite the harsh weather conditions. Remember, a consistent and thoughtful skincare routine is the key to keeping your skin healthy and glowing throughout the winter months.
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edwinspaynes · 8 months
okay ill give you two options so you can pick.
jordelia with cordelia doing a dance like in the books and james just simping
thomastair having a date in the snow with sledding :)
I did a bunch of Jordelia ones yesterday and also still have a Jordelia one in my inbox, so I'm opting for the Thomastair one :) Will definitely keep the Jordelia in mind for future potential fic fodder, though.
"Angel," Alastair said, looking out the window of the bedroom he shared with Thomas Lightwood. "It's as though the heavens decided to unleash some cosmic punishment against all of London's residents."
Thomas wrapped his arms around his middle, and Alastair relaxed into the touch. "Cosmic punishment?" His voice was soft. "For what?"
After careful consideration, Alastair shrugged. "The ridiculous quantity of eggs that the denizens of this city use in a single day? The terrible trend of wearing decorative plumes in one's headwear? Who is to day?" He sighed and ran the hand that was not cupping Thomas's through his hair. "I am not looking forward to shoveling this behemoth of a snowfall. Is there any chance that you might do it all?"
Thomas kissed Alastair's ear. "No, we agreed to split such things, and even your wonderful nature cannot tempt me to take all of it upon myself. But as a sort of consolation prize, I will warm you up afterward."
Alastair chuckled. "Alright, I agree to your terms."
"But," Thomas continued, and Alastair could see his eyes shining in their reflection in the window. "I do wish to do something fun before we go down and begin toiling away at our much-dreaded task."
Alastair raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"
He tried to continue, but Thomas grabbed his hand and pulled him through the front door.
"I do not have very many kind things to say right now," Alastair sniped. "The only thing that will not make you chide me for my rudeness is that your thought process is unique. I don't know that I have ever ridden in a sled before outside of horrific events that I spent praying to the Angel would end."
"I didn't get to go sledding much as a child, either," Thomas said. "In case it would upset my fragile constitution. My parents preferred to keep me indoors during the cold weather; one year, Uncle Will took me to the market, and I caught a chill that convinced Mother that it was the end. It was not worth the anxiety it caused them, after that."
"Oh," was all Alastair could say. "Well, I suppose that I ought to indulge you, then. Attempt to keep an open mind as we embark on this new adventure together."
"Alright," Thomas said. "I think the first thing to do is sit in the sled." He paused. "You might wish to go first so I can settle in behind you; you are smaller, moosh-am, and I would not wish to take up so much space that you cannot squish in."
"Do not call me a little mouse again," Alastair said, settling into the sled. "I do not wish to become cross with you, Tom."
Thomas stuck out his tongue. "Well, I'm sorry about this, then."
"What are you apologizing for?" Alastair asked, before realizing belatedly that he had settled into a sled on the top of their hilly yard. His weight pressed the sled down the slope, and he was sent down to the bottom of the incline, cursing in Persian.
Thomas rolled down the hill after him, laughing. "I think that was quite a good lark," he said. "Though I will have you know that I am taking the next slide with you thoroughly nestled between my thighs."
"I am still not over this," Alastair said. "I may hold a grudge forever. I still may get you back for this."
"Alright," Thomas agreed. "I-"
But his response was too late. A lightly-thrown, soft snowball hit him in the face. He sputtered, but Alastair was already laughing.
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iibonniee · 10 months
Day 1 | Chae Hyungwon
Paring: Chae Hyungwon x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: none
Rating: G
Word Count: 1.5k
Prompt: First Snow
Tags: @doveslittlekpoparchive @choicethot @xosunny @heaviihamonii
Soft snowflakes fell in soft chunks to the eager ground below. Each flake, unique and individual, added to the pristine, unmarked canvas of the town. The bustle of the city gradually subsided as people retreated into the warmth of their homes. Moving shadows behind glistening glass windows hinted at families converging by the flickering light of their fireplaces.
The first snow of the season brought along an inescapable magic that painted the mundane facades with hues of tranquility. Now cloaked in a white blanket, the landscape became an ethereal world, waiting to unfold stories knitted with impressions of winter. Streets, otherwise known for their busyness, basked in the sound of silence except for the soft sighs of snow settling on cobblestones. An air of serenity descended, bringing a new rhythm to life - a rhythm that whispered of frosted breaths, rosy cheeks, and undiscovered footprints traced on virgin snow.
The sky was met with the parting sun, waving a kind goodbye as the moon made its silent entrance with the stars just behind it. Yet, as the moon entered, the snow never seemed to stop. From the warmth of the cozy indoors, Hyungwon checked the scene outside.
His eyes became wide and bright, catching the shimmering spectacle that was the first snow of the year. His heart danced with the falling flakes as if mimicking their celebratory descent. It was a sight he had seen countless times, yet each time, it managed to captivate him anew - such was the enchantment of the realm of frost.
Suddenly, he slipped into his coat and bolted outside, leaving the comfort of the indoor fireside. Beneath the silver moonlight, the snowflakes, incessant in their chorus, seem to welcome him into the radiant wintry world. He stretched his hands upward, catching the cold, ephemeral confetti in his palms as laughter bubbled out from his chest.
Meanwhile, Y/N watched from the window, bundled up in warm attire, and could not help but smile at Hyungwon’s childlike excitement. The sight was almost as captivating as the snowfall itself - Hyungwon, under the frosty night sky, illuminated in moonlight, eyes gleaming with anticipation and delight. This candid moment sparked a feeling of warmth within her, creating a stark contrast to the icy spectacle outside.
Each snowflake kissed his hair lightly and delicately, melting into his dark hair within seconds. She watched as he turned back to her, his smile full of cheer and excitement as his eyes held another story. They screamed to beg for her to join him.
Hyungwon peered back at the house, his eyes gleaming with an invitation for Y/N to share this magical moment. The expression on his face was unmistakable - an expressive play of joy and anticipation intermingled with a mischievous plea for companionship in the wintry world. His high spirits were almost tangible, making Y/N’s heart flutter with infectious joy.
He extended his arms out wide as if to embrace the endless shower of the silver spectacle. Suddenly, he twirled around, his laughter echoing in the crisp winter air. It was a sight to behold, as if straight out of a whimsical fairy tale, witnessed quietly by the moon and stars above and eagerly by Y/N from behind layers of glass and warmth.
Y/N pressed her hand against the glass, her gaze softening as she continued to watch him. She admired his light-heartedness and his ability to find joy in such simple pleasures. A smile curled up on her lips, her heart echoing his joyful laughter. In the quiet comforts of the indoors, she realized, the warmth didn’t only come from the fireside but from the heartening scene outside too. His joy was her joy, and in that moment, she felt as if she were out there with him, among the falling snow and under the bright moonlight.
“Are you going to join me?” Hyungwon finally voiced what his eyes were so desperately trying to do. Even during the years of being together, this was the first time the pair had witnessed the winter’s first snowfall together.
A blush crept onto Y/N’s cheeks as those words reached her ears, breaking through the tranquility that ruled the house. She pushed herself away from the window, tentatively reaching for her sturdy, knitted coat hanging by the door. Again, his playful laughter resonated through the frosty night, urging her further. She glanced at her cozy sanctuary before bracing herself for the winter chill. Slipping her arms into the sleeves, she finally stepped into the crisp winter night, greeted by the ethereal beauty of their shared moment.
Hyungwon’s eyes lit up as he watched Y/N trudge through the snow towards him. The nearly untouched snow crunching beneath her boots was the only sound to occupy the evening momentarily, drawing a stark contrast to the vibrant laughter that had filled the air only moments ago. For a brief instant, everything seemed to stand still; the world shrunk down to just the two of them, cocooned in the soft embrace of the silvery night.
Y/N finally reached Hyungwon, her breath creating a small cloud of fog in the cold air. She looked up at him, her eyes sparkling brighter than ever, mirroring the shimmering snowflakes that danced around them. His heart fluttered at her sight, and in that glimmering moment under the indigo sky, they felt an extraordinary connection, a silent promise. This was their first winter’s snowfall together, but it definitely would not be the last. The smile that crept upon his face was the most heartwarming sight she had ever seen — more heartwarming than any fireside could ever be.
“Of all the coats you could pick to keep you warm, you picked the sweater?” Hyungwon teased, pulling her close to keep her warm with his own body heat. His eyes flicked up to her hair, watching as each snowflake began to kiss it, much like they have with his own hair. “What will I do if you get sick?”
“Hmm…” Y/N paused, pretending to think as her cheeks began to be kissed by the cool air, “Take care of me? Hold me? Feed me warm soup?” she suggested, wrapping her arms around him for added insulation, her words a soft murmur against the canvas of his chest. There was a lightness in her voice, a playful challenge that made him chuckle.
“Of course,” he replied, a fond warmth seeping into his words. His arm tightened around her protectively, holding her close against the biting winter chill. There was comfort in their togetherness, a silent reassurance that spoke louder than words. His gaze returned to the sky, now showering them with an army of delicate snowflakes. The tiny crystals sparkled in the moonlight, falling on his hair and her eyelashes, heightening their winter experience and turning it into an ethereal memory. “You silly thing. Always.”
The two of them stood there, encapsulated in their own world, their laughter and chatter muffled by the ever-increasing snowfall. Hyungwon’s hand ran through her hair, dusting the fresh snowflakes off. At her contented hum, he looked at her gently, his eyes reflecting the mirage of shimmering flakes. Seeing her under the moon’s silver-sheen snowflakes adorning her hair like precious pearls was mesmerizing. He studied her face – her eyes scrunched up when she smiled, her nose tickled when a stray snowflake landed on it, and her lips curled when his fingers grazed her face. These moments intensified his deep affection for her, reminding him of their precious bond.
Recalling the early days of their relationship, when everything was new and yet felt so familiar, he chuckled. How they had navigated through the complexity of emotions, slowly uncovering the layers of companionship, to land here – under the snowy sky, entwined with the familiarity of years passed and a hint of an alluring future. The thought warmed his heart just like her presence did. He leaned his cheek against her head, whispering, “I did agree to take care of you when I asked you to be my girlfriend.”
In the tranquility of the winter embrace, they reveled in the calming rhythm of the falling snow, soaking themselves in the ethereal luminescence of the evening. It seemed time had briefly paused for them, allowing a serene interlude in the middle of their ordinary lives. Hyungwon’s fingers traced lazy patterns on her back, a silent expression of his affection. He enjoyed in the sensation of her weight leaning against him, her breaths syncing with his in this petrifying cold.
Her hands settled on his chest, inscribing invisible patterns onto the fabric of his coat. She tilted her head back to meet his gaze, drawing a shared chuckle at her snow-kissed nose and icy eyelashes. He wiped away the crystalline designs that the cold had drawn on her cheeks with the back of his hand, the contact making her lean into him further. With snowflakes in their hair and love in their hearts, they reveled in their acquired warmth, relishing the peaceful moments under the snow-laden heavens. There were no words needed to express the profound connection they shared. Sometimes, silence spoke louder than words ever could.
“Together till the end,” he whispered in the cool air, a promise muffled by the serene wintry soundtrack. And she nodded against him, a smile of reassurance blooming on her lips. In the frosty enchantment, they shared a clear understanding - an unspoken vow under the night’s alabaster blanket to keep one another warm through every wintry chill and in every cold night that was to follow. “One snowfall together, many more to come.”
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cryssyd · 5 months
A Love Beyond Hell
Previous: Chapter 8
It is an adaption to "Always and Forever" by ChaoticDoll (MadamMimic505) at Quotev.com.
Pairings: Alastor x Reader (Julia) Female
Summary: After discovering that Julia is pregnant, Alastor takes necessary precautions to protect his wife.
Warnings: 18+ Content, Established Relationship, Violence, Death, Graphic Details, Pregnancy and Birth, Smut, Minors DNI
Chapter 9
~* Time Skip *~
Julia had already been three months into her pregnancy, but her baby bump wasn't very noticeable when she wore loose-fitting clothes. Surprisingly, she felt perfectly fine and didn't experience any morning sickness. Although she should have been overjoyed, there was a lingering worry in the back of her mind. Alastor, her demon partner, still had his responsibilities in Hell, but ever since he found out about the pregnancy, he had been spending more time at home. He would fuss over every little detail, but Julia reassured him that everything was alright. Despite her excitement, she couldn't help but feel a bit anxious about the uniqueness of her situation. After all, it's not every day that you get pregnant by a demon.
Julia was prepared for the unknown. Would her child be a mix of demon and human, or something entirely different? Regardless, she was ready to embrace them with unconditional love, no matter what quirks or abilities they may possess. The anticipation of meeting her little one filled her with excitement.
Alastor was already spoiling her, even though she wasn't showing much yet. He pampered her by massaging her feet, shoulders, and back. He took care of her baths and even washed her hair. Despite her protests that she could manage on her own, she knew better than to argue with him. Once Alastor set his mind to something, he wouldn't give up. He loved resting his head on her belly as they relaxed in the living room after a long day. He would softly hum to their little one, while the radio played her favorite tunes in the background. It was a lovely moment.
The couple would often find themselves seated by the bay window, gazing at the numerous birds flocking around the spacious bird feeder, mesmerized by the sun's rays turning the snow into a glistening spectacle. With the snowfall starting, Julia's outdoor activities were limited, much to her disappointment. Alastor, concerned about her safety on the icy ground, preferred her to stay indoors. Julia, on the other hand, detested the biting cold of winter. Whenever Alastor departed for his workplace in Hell, Julia would turn on the radio and attend to her household chores.
The melody once again transported Julia to another world. She would lie on the couch, clutching her beloved sketchbook, and let the music guide her hand as she sketched a myriad of fantastical creatures. Sometimes, she would take a break and call her mother, eager to catch up on each other's lives. Of course, Julia conveniently omitted the part about Alastor and the impending arrival of their grandchild. Instead, she shared stories of the books she had devoured, while her mother updated her on the latest happenings in the sewing business. Occasionally, her father’s antics in the garage would also find their way into their conversations. Despite her uncertainty, Julia made up her mind to reach out to Alastor's Mother. She believed that she would be the one person who could truly understand and empathize with her current predicament.
Josephine’s excited squealing nearly deafened her, forcing her to hold the phone at arm's length. She didn't even stop to wonder how Julia had ended up pregnant. Alastor's Mother abruptly ended the call, leaving her puzzled. Julia, too, was confused before returning to the novel Alastor had gifted her. An hour later, a knock on the door made her jump. Who would brave the snowy roads to come here?
Julia cautiously approached the door, one hand resting on her stomach. Peering through the peephole, she could only see the top of a short woman's head. Opening the door, she was immediately enveloped in a warm hug. The woman's arms held her firmly, yet gently. "Oh, darling, I am overjoyed! Why didn't you call me sooner?" Using her foot to shut the door behind her, the woman reached up to Julia's face and playfully squeezed her cheeks. "You look adorable! That pregnancy glow suits you so well. How far along are you, my dear?"
Julia couldn't believe her eyes. Had her Mother-in-law made the effort to drive out to the countryside just to ask her that? A warm smile spread across Julia's face as she returned the embrace. "Three months, Josephine. You didn't have to come all this way," she said gratefully. Josephine raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Oh, sweetheart, you underestimate me! I simply had to see you in person. And of course, I brought a few things!" With a playful gesture, she pointed to the large suitcase she had brought along.
Josephine, the mother of Alastor, warmly welcomed Julia into their lives when they first started dating. With open arms, she embraced Julia as the first girl Alastor had ever brought home. Josephine, a petite woman with beautiful brown curly hair that cascaded past her shoulders, had eyes that Alastor inherited. Despite living in the swampy parts of Louisiana, Josephine always dressed elegantly. Surprisingly, she even had two alligators as pets, adding a unique touch to her home. Although Josephine never mentioned Alastor's father, Julia assumed he wasn't involved in their lives. Perhaps their relationship didn't end well, as Josephine didn't wear a ring. Julia, being polite and respectful, didn't want to pry into their matters.
"Come, my dear, come! Let me tell you, I haven't witnessed such a snowfall since my childhood days. It's truly a rare sight!" Josephine ushered Julia into the cozy living room and settled herself opposite as if she owned the place. Well, in a way, she did, for she was the one who discovered this beautiful house for both of them. With a warm smile, Josephine opened a large suitcase and retrieved a fluffy blanket.
"Here you go, my sweetheart. This is for you." Julia took the blanket in her hands, admiring its red and black checkered pattern. But on the other side, it was adorned with soft wool that emitted the delightful scent of daffodils and honey. Julia gently placed it on her lap, feeling the warmth and comfort it provided.
Josephine beamed with delight as she pulled out a box. "And, of course, I couldn't resist getting a little something for any future grandbabies!" she exclaimed. "A few of these onesies belonged to Alastor, but I'm sure you won't mind some hand-me-downs. The rest are brand new." Julia's eyes filled with tears of joy as she gazed at the adorable onesies Josephine had carefully chosen. Each one featured a unique animal pattern, with half of them being girly and the others leaning towards a more boyish style.
She inspected each gift with a grin, appreciating Alastor's concern for her safety. Delicately, she folded the tiny clothes and onesies into a neat stack beside her. "A girl? Josephine, we can't be sure of the baby's gender yet." Julia waved her hand casually. Josephine raised an eyebrow and flashed Julia a knowing smile. "I'll bet on it being a girl, darling." She winked mischievously, causing Julia's eyes to widen in surprise.
"Really? You think that?" Julia was taken aback, feeling overwhelmed at the thought of a little girl. She had little experience with kids, except for babysitting older children when she was younger. Josephine chuckled. "Oh, your expression is priceless! You're such a joy! No wonder my son is head over heels for you." Josephine reached out for Julia's hand, gently stroking it with warmth and comfort. "Don't stress, dear. I'll be right by your side, spoiling her rotten every step of the way!"
Julia glanced at Josephine, a grateful expression on her face. She was relieved to have Josephine's support, especially since she couldn't reveal the truth to her parents just yet. But did Josephine have any idea that Alastor was lurking nearby? Their attention was suddenly drawn to the hallway as they heard the distinct sound of hard-soled shoes approaching. "Oh, my darling dearest! I have returned!" Just as they were discussing him, Alastor appeared around the corner, his ever-present smile greeting Julia.
Josephine observed the heartwarming scene before her, a smile spreading across her face as she watched Alastor tenderly lift Julia from the couch into his arms. "Well, well, well," she chimed in, catching Alastor's attention. His eyebrows shot up in surprise as he turned to face his dear Mother. With a chuckle, he glanced at the pile of baby clothes beside Julia. "Mother, what a delightful surprise! I didn't see this coming at all!" The Radio Demon planted a gentle kiss on Julia's forehead before settling down next to her, wrapping his arm protectively around her shoulders.
Julia glanced back and forth, clearly puzzled. "Josephine, did you know about this?" Julia gestured towards the demon beside her. "Hmm? Oh, absolutely, dear! Who else do you think sought me out to locate you? Even in the afterlife, he relied on my assistance." The small woman chuckled. Julia side-eyed Alastor. "You were aware of this?"
Alastor gave a nod. "My dear. It was my mother who called me here in the first place! Long story short, without her, I doubt I'd be standing here with you right now," he said with a purr, planting a quick kiss on Julia's lips. "And these two," he motioned towards Julia's stomach. "You both are just too precious for your good," Josephine chimed in, casting a glance at Julia. "I'm off now, but Julia, you're going to be an incredible mother, I just know it. I'll be back with loads of gifts! Alastor shouldn't be the only one spoiling you," she added with a wink.
Josephine rose from the sofa, snatched her coat, and shot Alastor a mischievous look. "If you dare to frighten that innocent girl, I'll ensure you never see daylight again." Alastor nodded in agreement. "I wouldn't even consider it, Mother." Josephine chuckled and enveloped them both in a warm embrace before bidding farewell. "I'll be seeing you two very soon!"
Alastor escorted her to the door, his hands clasped behind his back as usual, while they engaged in conversation along the way. Julia's gaze fell upon the tiny garments, and she felt a surge of emotion welling up inside her, threatening to spill over as tears. Josephine had been an absolute blessing, and Julia knew she would have to find a way to express her gratitude later. The idea of having twins crossed her mind, but she quickly dismissed it. Twins were not a common occurrence, and neither she nor Alastor had any family history of twins. Suddenly, two hands gently rested on her shoulders, causing Julia to snap out of her reverie and glance back at Alastor. She couldn't help but notice that his crimson eyes seemed to emit a faint, intensified glow today.
"Darling. I have yet another surprise in store for you," he exclaimed. His voice softened as he continued, "I apologize for not mentioning earlier that it was my mother who played a crucial role in reuniting us." Alastor's ears drooped slightly, but Julia quickly reached out and gently squeezed his hand, offering reassurance. "Don't worry, Alastor. I'm relieved that there's someone else who understands and supports us, instead of running away or doubting my sanity." A warm smile graced Julia's face.
His ears perked up again, and his smile grew wider. "Thank you, my love. I had a feeling you would get it. I know you're not very far into the pregnancy yet, but I can't bear the thought of leaving you alone while I'm away." Stepping back, he walked around the couch and positioned himself in front of the fireplace in just a few long strides. "I just want someone to be there for you, to let me know if anything goes wrong. And to assist you with the baby, if you want."
Julia gave a small smile, welcoming the extra company and the help with the baby later on. "Besides, they owe me multiple favours already! I'm sure they won't mind at all!" Alastor gracefully bowed and snapped his fingers. Suddenly, the fireplace burst into life with green flames dancing around. Through the flames, Julia could barely make out the silhouette of a tiny figure. The figure stumbled out of the fireplace, the flames extinguishing into ashes. As the smoke cleared, Alastor picked up the small creature. A single yellow eye opened and fixed on Julia, sending a shiver down her spine. She instinctively took a step back, wrapping her blanket tighter around herself.
Meet Nifty, the adorable helper who can lend you a hand with household chores and future childcare. As soon as he placed her on the ground, the petite, one-eyed creature excitedly waved at Julia before scurrying over to her. "Hey there, I'm Nifty! Oh, my goodness, you're absolutely beautiful!" Nifty beamed and glanced down at her belly. "Alastor told me I'll be assisting you with babysitting!" she squealed with delight. It was clear that this little bundle of energy had boundless enthusiasm. "Hello Nifty, I'm Julia, Alastor's wife. Thank you," Julia replied, feeling slightly overwhelmed by Nifty's exuberance. Nifty settled herself on the armrest, never taking her eyes off Julia.
A loud thud echoed through the room as another figure descended onto the floor, its majestic wings unfurled across the ground. Frustration evident on its face, it grumbled something inaudible under its breath. "Ah, Husker my dear friend, I'm delighted you could join us! However, it wouldn't hurt to tidy yourself up a bit, considering there's a lady present," Alastor remarked, playfully prodding the furry creature with his foot. Husker reluctantly sat up, clutching his head. "And you didn't have to snatch me out of thin air. I was attempting to sleep off this dreadful hangover, you striped rascal," he growled in his gravelly voice.
As Julia finally caught a glimpse of his face, she couldn't help but notice that this demon resembled a peculiar cat. It had the appearance of a tuxedo cat but with the addition of wings adorned with patterns reminiscent of casinos. The scent of cheap booze and cigarettes emanated from him, while his piercing yellow eyes widened in surprise as they met Julia's gaze. With a raised eyebrow, he questioned, "Who on earth is she?" Alastor, visibly irritated, responded, "She is my beloved wife, and I demand that you treat her with the utmost respect, Husker. And let me remind you, she is also pregnant."
The grumpy cat glared at Alastor, then at Julia, and back at him. "Seriously? How did you manage to get a girl like her? I always thought you were just a stuck-up jerk." The Radio Demon's expression darkened. "I was married to her when I was alive, you insolent creature. If she needs your help, you better be there for her. Both of you. I've already said it once, and I won't say it again."
Alastor rejoined Julia, placing his hand on her shoulder. "She's expecting, and I've got duties in Hell. I can't have all those sinners causing chaos without me," he chuckled. "You both will protect her and assist with whatever she requires. If I discover otherwise, your insides will decorate my ceiling."
A harsh, crackling noise permeated the atmosphere, resembling the menacing growl of a wild beast. Julia instinctively recognized that it carried a deeper meaning, far beyond a mere warning. It held a promise. Husker raised his hands in surrender, acknowledging the point that had been made. "Alright, you've made your damn point," he grumbled, hoisting himself up from the ground. Julia gently caressed Alastor's back in a circular motion, soothing him, and miraculously, the static subsided. The mechanical dials in his eyes gradually faded away, revealing his usual scarlet irises. Husker slumped onto the adjacent couch, crossing his arms defiantly. Nifty flashed her a thumbs up, expressing her approval.
“Great! Now that we're all on the same page, I'll get started on dinner. I want to make sure my lovely wife has had a meal today." The deer demon chuckled and planted a gentle kiss on her forehead. As he made his way to the kitchen, Julia could hear the radio come to life, filling the air with soothing jazz tunes at just the right volume. Instantly, her foot started tapping to the rhythm. Husker glanced at her, puzzled. "What on earth do you see in him?" She simply shrugged, her cheeks blushing. "He's just so charming."
Nifty couldn't help but exclaim, "Oh my goodness! Look at them, they make such an adorable couple, don't you think?"
Next: Chapter 10
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grace-turzek · 10 days
{Art by @terrovaniadorm }
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𝔹𝕚𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕠
Name: Mier Belladonna
Age: Eighteen
Gender: Male
Height: 5’11
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Black
Homeland: Rose Kingdom
Twisted From: The Other Mother/The Beldam {Coraline}
𝕊𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕠𝕝 𝕃𝕚𝕗𝕖
Dorm: Beldamatrix {co-owned by @rookvonhunt }
School Year: Third
Class: 3-C
Club: Board Game Club
Best Subject: Magic Analysis
𝔼𝕩𝕥𝕣𝕒 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕠
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous
Favorite Food: Dark Chocolate Truffles
Least Favorite Food: Leek Soup
Likes: Sewing, Makeup, Dolls, His Dormmates, Tea, Indoor Gardening
Dislikes: Chaos, Not Being In Control, Messiness, Bugs, Mud
Hobby: Doll Making
Talent: Doll Making
𝕌𝕟𝕚𝕢𝕦𝕖 𝕄𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕔
“Time Out”
• Mier’s Unique Magic allows him to trap someone inside a small object; such as a mirror, snow globe, or picture frame
• He can only trap up to five people at once before he starts to struggle to keep them inside
• The size of the object determines the amount of people that can be trapped inside it
• In order to trap someone, they have to be near the object in question, and Mier has to touch the person he is going to trap
-Mier is the dorm leader of the Beldamatrix dorm- founded by the eccentricity of the Beldam
-Mier possess a talent in all forms of doll making, however he is particularly talented with sewn dolls. He makes these dolls as gifts for anyone who visits the dorm; making the doll very detailed in their likeness
-He began making dolls when was young, often feeling quite lonely in childhood
-Mier has a tight expectation of perfection. No hair out of place, no bad attitude, all perfect grades. However, this expectation is only extended to himself; he holds no such expectations of any of his dorm members
-He is often jokingly called the dorm’s ’Mother’ because of his slightly overbearing but ultimately caring attitude towards his dorm members
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rosefinch07 · 9 months
ive been thinking about jaime and his family during the texas freeze that happened in 2021
because either way, el paso or palmera (which has the same name as a mall in corpus christi, la palmera so im using corpus christi as a stand-in for palmera and im RIGHT bc it's ALSO a coastal city but that's ANOTHER ramble post) it came with the same freeze that every texan experienced from feb 10 to feb 20
el paso notibly experienced LESS power outages compared to the rest of texas, and it being outside of ercot (nonprofit that controls the texas power grid), makes el paso being a unique case, it's on its own power grid. the most of what happened during that time is fucking around in the snow, staying indoors, and staying off the roads. (winter wonderland type beat) el paso even made winterization investments way back in 2011 that the rest of texas said nah to
corpus christi on the other hand, got it a bit later than el paso, since north west was hit first, and given that nothing stood out about corpus christi enough for it to be name dropped like el paso was (due to it being effected differently bc of the separate power grid), it is reasonable to assume that it had the general texas freeze treatment of rolling blackouts, frozen pipes, and the hell of it being cold as fuck while the heater has a big chance of breaking. it would have been slightly different due to being on the coast, but not by much due to the storm coming from the north and not the south.
tldr: palmera got fucked over by the freeze like the rest of texas while el paso was vibing and people should think about where they're placing jaime and what jaime they are using for what purpose
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