#United States Government Funding
captain-casual · 6 months
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Next up: Biden continues to be a crusty piece of shit who ignores his voters
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margaretlsgp · 1 year
The Fraud Squad Players [Video]
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bonesashesglass · 6 months
The US finally started funding UNRWA again. This is coming after a number of other countries also resumed their funding this past week.
Make no mistake, this is only happening because of people protesting and calling and writing and boycotting.
This is what happens when we force the people in charge to listen. It’s hard, it’s long, and it always seems like they’re only giving the bare minimum, and that’s after months and months of constant activism, but it’s working.
Keep it up, don’t let up, don’t stop the protesting until Palestine is free 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸❤️❤️❤️
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nando161mando · 10 days
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The United States and Israel have voted against the UN resolution to lift the economic blockade on Cuba every year since 1992.
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sliimehag · 6 months
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news4dzhozhar · 6 months
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antiquepearlss · 3 months
The Fourth Of July is the best day to simultaneously love the United States, and hate them.
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memenewsdotcom · 1 year
U.S. government avoids shutdown
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endtimers · 7 months
just watched some reporter on global news call the famine in northern gaza "the POTENTIAL famine" Oh my god i am filled with rage. *Potential* famine. Potential.
It doesn't matter what Palestinians say or how much evidence they provide of their own genocide they are ALWAYS doubted. and in the same vein it doesn't matter how little evidence israel provides they are always believed. it's just all blatant fucking propaganda. i'm so mad. stretch the truth to any length to defend the imperial outpost dogshit genocidal settler colony that is israel
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sadderrall · 10 months
so i did some calculations. the us sent israel $100 billion, right? well…
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if they used that money to try and fix the homeless problem in california alone, this is how much money it would come out to for each homeless person. that is enough to buy a full ass house. now how about if we calculated it by the number of homeless people in all of america?
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this is how much money it would come out to for each homeless person in the entire country. i’ve done a lot of research, and this is enough to buy a good starter home in most states other than california. you could even potentially buy a multi-family home and use the other unit(s) for income. in peoria, illinois, a decent 2 bedroom house costs around 50-60k. you could potentially buy THREE full ass houses with this kind of money. now what if you didn’t want to buy a house, what if you opted to just rent?
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if we divided that number by the highest average rent in america for a studio apartment, $1650 (which is insane btw. i’d say the average rent in america for a studio is more like $700-$900 in places other than these huge metro areas), you could live rent free for 105 months. that’s almost 9 years. our government is choosing to fund a genocide, actively being on the wrong side of history, instead of fixing one of the most prominent current crises in their own country. and a lot of people don’t see anything wrong with that?
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head-post · 7 days
House rejects temporary funding bill to avoid government shutdown
The House declined Speaker Mike Johnson’s proposal to tie temporary funding for the federal government to a mandate that states require proof of citizenship when registering to vote, according to AP News.
Next steps for government funding remain uncertain. Lawmakers face difficulty in finalising the dozen annual appropriations bills funding federal agencies over the next fiscal year. They will need to approve a temporary measure to avert a partial shutdown when the fiscal year begins on 1 October.
We’ll draw up another play and we’ll come up with a solution. I’m already talking to colleague about their many ideas. We have time to fix the situation and we’ll get right to it.
Johnson withdrew the bill from consideration last week as it lacked the votes to pass.
Requiring new voters to provide proof of citizenship has been a top Republican priority on the campaign trail. However, critics argue the requirement would disenfranchise millions of Americans who do not have a birth certificate or passport at hand.
But Johnson said it was a serious issue, since even a tiny percentage of non-citizens could determine the outcome of an extremely close race. He noted that Republican Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks of Iowa won the seat back in 2020 by a margin of six votes.
It’s very, very serious stuff and that’s why we’re going to do the right thing. We’re going to responsibly fund the government and we’re going to stop noncitizens voting in elections.
House Democrats argued that a proof-of-citizenship requirement should not be part of a bill to fund the government and urged Johnson to work with them on a measure capable of passing both chambers. Pete Aguilar stated:
[The SAVE Act] is not going to become law. This is Republican theatrics that are meant to appease the most extreme members of their conference, to show them that they are working on something and that they’re continuing to support the former president of the United States in his bid to demonise immigrants.
The bill would fund agencies generally at current levels through 28 March while lawmakers settle their disagreements on a full-year spending agreement. However, Democrats and some Republicans are pushing for a shorter delay. A temporary solution would allow the current Congress to craft a final bill after the election and send it to President Joe Biden’s desk for his signature.
However, Johnson and some of the more conservative members of his conference are pushing for a six-month extension in the hope that Trump would win and give them more leverage in crafting a year-long bill. Meanwhile, Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky declined to offer an opinion on how long to extend the funding.
The one thing you cannot have is a government shutdown. It would be politically beyond stupid for us to do that right before the election because certainly we would get the blame.
The House approved a bill with a citizenship verification mandate back in July. Some Republicans who see the issue as popular with their constituents, pushing for another chance to show their support.
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evelovestar · 3 months
Empowering Education Choice: Introduction to Education Scholarship Accounts (ESAs)
Dear friend, My beloved partner and I home educate 3 children (our 2 youngest are toddlers). It is no easy task. Today, I want to express my gratitude for the funds the Arizona state provides my children for our choice of education: their ESAs, which allow us to hire amazing tutors and get the needed materials for their education. We use these funds to get computer equipment, books, materials,…
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margaretlsgp · 1 year
AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP 50th Anniversary Celebration [Video]
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econoenigma · 3 months
Project 2025 is inter-generational, dating back to the 1930s.
THE PLOT TO SEIZE THE WHITE HOUSE; Jules Archer; HAWTHORN BOOKS, INC. PUBLISHERS / New York Copyright © 1973 by Jules Archer.
In September, 1934, the press announced the formation of a new organization, the American Liberty League, by discontented captains of industry and finance. They announced their objectives as "to combat radicalism, to teach the necessity of respect for the rights of persons and property, and generally to foster free private enterprise." Denouncing the New Deal, they attacked Roosevelt for "fomenting class hatred" by using such terms as "unscrupulous money changers," "economic royalists," and "the privileged princes of these new economic dynasties."
Butler's eyes widened when he read that the treasurer of the American Liberty League was none other than MacGuire's own boss, Grayson M.-P. Murphy, and one of its financiers was Robert S. Clark. Heading and directing the organization were Du Pont and J. P. Morgan and Company men. Morgan attorney John W. Davis was a member of the National Executive Committee-the same Davis that Clark had identified as author of the gold-standard speech MacGuire had tried to get Butler to make to the American Legion convention in Chicago. Heavy contributors to the American Liberty League included the Pitcairn family (Pittsburgh Plate Glass), Andrew W. Mellon Associates, Rockefeller Associates, E. F. Hutton Associates, William S. Knudsen (General Motors), and the Pew family (Sun Oil Associates). J. Howard Pew, longtime friend and supporter of Robert Welch, who later founded the John Birch Society, was- a generous patron, along with other members of the Pew family, of extremist right-wing causes. Other directors of the league included A1 Smith and John J. Raskob. Two organizations affiliated with the league were openly Fascist and antilabor. One was the Sentinels of the Republic, financed chiefly by the Pitcairn family and J. Howard Pew. Its members labeled the New Deal "Jewish Communism" and insisted "the old line of Americans of $1,200 a year want a Hitler." The other was the Southern Committee to Uphold the Constitution, which the conservative Baltimore Sun described as "a hybrid organization financed by northern money, but playing on the Ku Klux Klan prejudices of the south." Its sponsor, John H. Kirby, collaborated in anti-Semitic drives against the New Deal with the Reverend Gerald L. K. Smith, leader of the first Silver Shirt squad of American storm troopers.
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nando161mando · 16 days
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Democrats be like
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sliimehag · 7 months
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Lmfao what is happening to the USAs shit. Boeing got planes spontaneously combusting and tires falling off, the fkn air drop parachutes don't work, we're blowing up trains full of chemicals just for funsies like what
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