#Unnatural Vegan
slimethought · 5 months
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Faye Fahrenheit responds to Unnatural Vegan advocating eugenics:    • Popular Youtuber Advocates Aborting A...  
Obnoxious Anarchist on UV's video:    • Unnatural VEGAN vs SOCIALISM!!!!!  
Nightmare Masterclass on UV's video:    • Video  
Catherine Klein on UV's video:    • Unnatural Vegan Lives in Opposite Land  
Worst of the "Skeptics" on Animal Rights: Sam Harris | Catherine Klein:    • Worst of the "Skeptics" on Animal Rig...  
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louisdotmp3 · 2 years
idk man watch my all time favorite vegan video: veganism is incomplete without anti-capitalism, actually
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systlin · 1 year
Why do people not realize that nature is cruel? It doesn't need help from us!!
The worst for me are the vegans who claim shearing sheep kills them... like??? Look up flystrike... that's just one of the horrible outcomes of not shearing... how about their fleeces get so heavy they either overheat or just can't move?? Now is some of that due to humans selective breeding? yes, but it's become a mutually helpful relationship, we make them more comfortable in the summer, we get to be warm in the winter....
Ah see though their answer to this is that sheep are 'unnatural' animals, meaning that humans have selectively bred many of them for more/better wool production.
They argue the same thing about cows, chickens, all other domestic farm creatures.
What they want is for all farm animals to be sterilized and to not let any more breed, so that in a generation or so literally every domestic farm animal on earth is extinct.
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therandomartmaker · 8 months
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[Image ID: An artwork featuring Danny Phantom, full green excluding his hair and white accents, transparent, sitting on a pile of rubble head tilted slightly upwards with his eyes closed. His hair is wispy, he’s got pointed ears and he’s much more identifiable as a ghost. The rubble includes the F of the Fenton Works sign, a satellite dish of some kind, pipes and concrete. The rubble, and Danny, is surrounded by yellow-black striped caution tape. Above Danny’s head is a conversation, in white, “It’s been ten years,” has been written, and in green, “It’s only been 10 years,” is written. /End ID]
Day 31: “It had been a decade since anyone last lived at Fenton Works. Or so people thought.”
tbh this took like. Less than half an hour to make haha. I may have forgotten to do this yesterday lmaooo. To make up for it, here’s a continuation of this prompt by @cryinginthevoid that i filled, wherein Danny has been stuck haunting the rubble of a ruined Fenton Works after his permanent death, only to later be approached by a very much alive Damian, who is the first person to See Danny in over 10 years. So yep, bonus challenge post 2 under the read more :D
Damian had visited. He’d promised and he’d followed through on it, Danny sitting still and watching as Damian approached, day after day, even after Danny had no more words to say, no more information to give. To quote, he was “a tolerable friend despite your intolerance for proper respect.” Danny had no idea if that was a good or bad thing, if he were to be honest.
But still! It’d been 10 years since he’d to spoken to someone, something other than the air. Damian said his brothers wouldn’t follow him, despite saying he’d bring them to meet Danny during one their tentative hangouts, and Danny supposed that was a good thing. He didn’t want Damian to sound crazy or look crazy for talking to thin air, especially not by his family.
Though, what was interesting was the weird amount of black-haired blue-eyed outsiders hanging around town. The FentonWorks rubble had a pretty good view of most of town, despite it’s slow erosion into dust, so Danny was able to see the several strangers in town whenever he went looking.
Damian said his family was looking into ectoplasm due to it’s relation with the dead, and trying to find if anyone around town knew how to access their information databases. They needed to know if there was a way to relieve “Jason’s” burden of the “Lazarus Rage,” and prepare in the case someone else in the family acquires it. And that ‘Lazarus Pits’ are classified information, but who did Danny have to share it to, no one could talk to him except Damian, anyway.
And truthfully, those Lazarus Pits Damian mentioned sounded like pools of ectoplasm that Maddie and Jack would’ve killed for. Danny could only suggest looking into ‘ecto-acne’ treatments, as from one of the stories of Vlad Masters Danny’d heard, it sounded like the short-term effects of ectoplasm exposure.
Damian didn’t know why he was sharing so much confidential with Daniel, but he didn’t seem to mind, and didn’t seem to talk to anyone else. He figured it’d be fine. Daniel needed to know as much context as possible in order to help Damian.
Daniel was strange, he spoke in large amounts, but quieted as though he doesn’t expect someone would respond to him. He rarely moved, and there was something unnatural about him. Perhaps the lack of a rise and fall of his chest, or the way his eyes shined.
Damian couldn’t help but make comparisons to the dead he’d seen. Lightless glossy eyes, pale skin, sallow flesh. Daniel was built like a dying or dead person.
Damian… worried. He’d grown close to the other boy, Daniel’s snark to Damian’s sharp tongue and his acceptance of Damian’s veganism, multiple other factors about Damian never drove Daniel away from him. It was nice, being accepted by someone outside of his family. Daniel’s health was concerning, malnutritioned and Daniel’s reaction time was slow. Multiple things were off-kilter about him, and Damian wanted to know why. So he could help.
Because Danny was his friend.
Dick observed Damian. He’d taken to pacing the length of the hotel room, and he seemed worried about his new friend (!!! Dami has a friend!!!! And he’s worried about him!!!), muttering about bringing food to the next time he visited. Dick kinda felt bad about what he was about to tell Dami.
“Richard, why are you looking at me?” Dami asked, stopping his pacing to look up at Dick, a soft half-hearted glare on his face.
“Uh well, Tim…” (fuck! He wasn’t supposed to mention Tim!)
“What did Drake do?”
“Tim told me to tell you that we’d gotten enough information and that we were leaving in two days, just in case something new crops up!” Dick rushed, knowing that Dami would loathe the information, but despise Dick more for not telling him.
Dami needed to say goodbye to his new friend, after all, but from what Dick could tell, they couldn’t even have long-distance communication, because “Daniel Who Liked Being Called Danny” didn’t even have a phone!
Dami’s click of his tongue was expected, and his expression had worsened too. Dick had messed up, but he didn’t think there was anyway to break it gently that Damian would have to leave his newfound friend.
The boy stormed off, leaving the room with a door slam. Dick felt bad, man. Well… Dick did have a spare phone he was free to gibe to someone… Perhaps Danny would like it?
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grison-in-space · 3 days
It's never too late. We are beginning to think about how and why we exploit animals, and how it is not morally consistent with our values; several prominent anarchists and communist bloggers on Tumblr have admitted that veganism is ethically and financially superior on every level, though they don't participate in it, which is sad. All it takes is a little extra work. The collapse of capitalism will also bring the collapse of the animal industry, or vice versa. The meat plants subjugate both humans and animals, causing persistent trauma- in fact, it has the highest rate of trauma among every category of labor. If you support abolition, you should support all abolition: children, psych people, and animals. On a site like Tumblr, we have an opportunity to promote the breakdown of all positions of power. We are all equal.
Honey, you have the wrong fucking blog to the extent that I can only assume you are spamming this message to everyone you think might listen. I have gone on the record several times to say:
I am a pragmatic empiricist. I care much less about ideological consistency than I do about observed outcomes. There are traps there, too—sometimes people get too much into the weeds about observing proxies for desired goals—but essentially I do think that careful observation of the world around me is much more valuable than starting with a consistent ideology and assuming that good intentions will yield good outcomes.
I am motivated by animal welfare. For me, part of that involves meeting animals on their own level, using their own species-specific signals to assess stress and comfort, and understanding animals within their own social context. Therefore,
I am opposed to animal rights narratives that encourage people to project their own imagined emotional responses onto animals without assessing the animals' actual signals in context. Additionally,
I believe as a behavioral ecologist that, for good and for ill, humans are essentially animals participating in a broader ecosystem that includes us. I do not think humans are special or exist outside that broader web, and I think that ecological intervention works most effectively when we see ourselves as part of nature rather than as some kind of twisted unnatural personification of original sin. Conflict and death are part of life. You won't make a better world by pretending otherwise.
I am a disabled person ("psych people?!"), and more specifically an autistic and neurodivergent person. I literally spelled out for you last night that I have difficulties eating and that imposing more barriers to that ("a little extra work") is a significant burden for me. Your easy dismissal of this point is, in context, amazingly and blithely ableist. Wow.
"psych people?!" I am happy to critique coercive psychiatry and medicine more generally, but that one's new on me. If you're not brave enough to use the language of mad/crip pride, are you entirely sure you understand the points of the dialogue? Your demonstrated grasp of disability justice is already extremely poor; this ain't helping.
I am not anti-state (i.e. I am not an anarchist; I am a democratic socialist) and I routinely criticize daydreams about burning entire systems to the ground and replacing them with a vague new system. Those criticisms are usually based in historical analysis of attempts to do exactly that, which have typically resulted in a lot of bloodshed, generally from the most vulnerable people in society. They also often yield a new and not necessarily more egalitarian power structure that continues to oppress people, sometimes more aggressively than the institution preceding it.
For the same reason, I am not a communist. I think communism offers too many opportunities for unscrupulous people to seize power, creating more inequality under the banner of equality itself. Again, this position comes from reading the history of communist states from as many perspectives as I can get my mitts on.
I frequently critique assumptions that capitalism is the only root of social problems. This does not mean that I am pro-capitalism. It means that I think you have to think deeply about problems, especially when it makes you uncomfortable, to understand how to solve them. Many problems that capitalism exacerbates are actually rooted in problems about impulse control (as with Ideas Jerry the other day), basic human social dynamics, emotional regulation, complex traumas, and many other things. You must understand how these problems arise before you can construct a structure that guards against them effectively.
Fundamentally, I think you are probably optimistically spamming this message to anyone that you think will listen. I invite you to consider how effective that is as a tactic to advance your politics: when you pick the wrong person, at best you leave the impression that people serving your ideology are essentially self centered and bad at listening. At worst, you wind up pissing people off enough to sit down and lay out exactly how many points they disagree with you on. Coalitions of solidarity are based on listening carefully to one another and finding the places we agree on; shit like that is antithetical to building them because it sends a very effective signal that you are either very, very bad at listening or uninterested in doing so.
Either way, get out of my house.
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elfdragon12 · 4 months
It's unfortunate that some vegans who are morally against meat will, instead of either foregoing pets or choosing an herbivore, choose a carnivore and force an unnatural diet it cannot properly digest, process, or receive the proper nutrients from.
Because, I mean, have you seen guinea pigs?
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They're wonderful and vocal companions who can be very affectionate and social, plus they live about 6-8 years. Also? Obligate herbivores (minus occasional cannibalism if things go wrong after a mother gives birth, usually malnourishment). As long as you are patient in getting them used to your presence and touch, they are wonderful little cuddle companions. They snuggle, they purr, and they'll even give you little licks.
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They come in all sorts of colors with different patterns and fur styles. These are all either pigs I've had or my sister's family had:
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The 1st two are Romeo and Oreo/Double-stuffed (my sister's), 2nd two are Pepperjack and Kolya, and the 3rd two are Baron von Fluffy and Mitya. These are mostly the common American Short-haired guinea pigs, but, Baron was probably a "sheba mini yak" and Mitya was possibly a cross between an Abyssinian and a mini yak? His butt fur got a little long for just being an Abyssinian. For 3lbs furry potatoes, there's so much fur variety!
Yes, their enclosures require frequent cleaning and you should always have at least two at a time, but they have strong personalities and cute behaviors. Plus! If your routine around feeding them involves times you wake up or return from work, they will always greet you (at one point, I unintentionally conditioned my guinea pigs to wheek for treats to the noise of the car alarm "beep beep").
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rottedsoulx · 2 months
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Me: I hate Breekoppy :angree:
Also me; But what if they kissed branch,,, :flushed:
more info under the cut
Anyways this is a Vampire & Werewolves AU unrelated to other media. It's a bit silly and dark at the same time so stick with me for this scattered explanation.
Creek is a vampire
Branch is a werewolf
Poppy is still a princess and she doesn't change (yet?)
Creek is the only vampire in the village. His coven was hunted down until he was the only survivor & he wanders out of sight until finding a village full of gullible, naive trolls. He survives mostly on the blood of livestock and, like in Adventure Time, he can drink the color red. It doesn't fill his appetite, and he very rarely drinks troll blood (despite its benefits he will not risk his survival just for a proper meal).
He gets by, by telling the pop trolls he is Vegan™. Despite the fact that pop trolls are by default vegetarian, or insectivorous at most & it wouldn't be hard for pop troll vegans to exist, he gets away with it because pop trolls don't have an understanding of what being vegan *is*.
This, in turn, pisses Branch off. Branch knows there's something off with Creek down to the way he smells. He immediately clocks Creek as something unnatural & eventually comes to the conclusion that Creek MUST be a vampire. He makes wooden stakes, drops rice on Creek, has an UNwelcome mat & tried to prove his guilt via garlic once.
This pisses CREEK off. Because he sees Branch as a hypocrite. The wultroll hasn't even claimed the small village as his pack. He can smell the dog on Branch & is constantly dropping hints that he knows Branch's secret too. When Branch continues trying to expose him, it's frustrating. Everyone thinks Branch is crazy why is he so determined to label him as a threat while risking his own safety within the village???
But this is a misunderstanding, you see.
... because Branch doesn't know he's a werewolf.
He's scruffy, and fluffier than other trolls. He's a growler but whispers from the village led him to believe it was because he was feral. Because he was grey. Because he hunted & trapped creatures like mice and puffalo.
He fully believes that he looks the way he does because he grew up grey. It was what people always said about him and he never had a better explanation. He dug a hole in the ground & slept in it. Fearful, he was almost never outside during night. He's aware he sleepwalks & the resulting mess makes him determined to sleep inside his bunker and his bunker only. He doesn't need to make the villagers more wary of him.
I like to think he only finds out after Creek makes the poly. Also after he learns that Creek actually IS a vampire and he was right! Branch is still shocked to see Creek very casually drinking the blood of a mouse he'd caught, and after that the misunderstandings are cleared up.
attached: pictures of discord messages relating to the au. Only mine tho bc I didn't ask any of the people I was bouncing off if I could post their words :sweats:
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and below is after Branch asks if Creek is gonna tell Poppy that he's a vampire, and Creek asks if Branch is gonna tell her that he's a werewolf.
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He'd be too scared to tell Poppy before he learned more about himself. He'd be worried about the origin of the curse & wouldn't really know why he's a wultrol or if he was born one or what, until he reunites with his brothers.
...I'll talk about them in a separate post in a few days. This has been a long one! If anyone read this far, HI!!!! Thank you.
P.S the garlic incident results in Creek getting rashes and Branch barfing bc dogs cannot eat garlic! They're both allergic.
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deedala · 15 days
🪐⚡weekly tag wednesday⚡🪐
✨ it's that time again!! lets answer some really random questions for fun ✨
name: deanna🌱
age: noel-aged🖤
astrological sign: 🦂
upon which continent do you reside: north america
tell us how you're feeling right now using 3-5 emojis: 💀🤪🧐🥔🤖
whats your favorite flavor of gum? watermelon mint
whats the last movie you watched? challengers (3rd watch, but i keep watching it while doing other things so i notice new details every time lol)
what was your worst subject in high school? chemistry, i literally failed
whats the job you stayed at for the shortest period of time? i worked at a corporate chain daycare for like 2 months and it was so exhausting and stressful i regularly think i worked there for like 6 months but it was just that much stupid drama packed into 8 awful weeks.
whats your favorite thing to do at an amusement park? i like the mid-level thrill rides. like the thing that spins and lifts you up and down or a roller coaster that doesn't go upside down. (the beast at kings island best roller coaster but will also shake you to within an inch or your life)
what condiments go on top of the perfect hot dog (meat or plant-based)? my vegan hot dog can have yellow mustard on it. maybe onions if they're diced good 👍
cincinnati chili, thoughts? i grew up here so i've had it plenty but not since i was young and i absolutely am fine with never having anything like it ever again.
do you sleep with a plushie? yes, plush round bird and big brown bear! tbh the support did wonders for my shoulder joints
how do you feel about thunderstorms? i would rather not thanks!! when i was a kid i would get stabbing stress stomach pains whenever it stormed, i thought i was dying.
what's the last animal you touched? .... i gave some pats to my neighbor's very sweet dog a few weeks ago. his name is on the tip of my tongue but i cannot remember it right now which is very frustrating!! he's a very pretty boy and he's actually kind of old but looks amazing and im convinced its because my neighbor (who is a veterinarian) has some sort of unnatural animal-care-taking ability
grab the nearest item with words on it that ISNT a book and tell me the final word: "association" on a bottle of hand lotion
have you ever forgotten to do an assignment until the night before its due? yes, why do you ask
and now i invite these precious beans to answer these very random questions or simply accept this 🌼 from the bottom of my heart:
@michellemisfit @too-schoolforcool @darlingian @heymacy @heymrspatel @crossmydna @suzy-queued @jrooc @mybrainismelted @energievie @thepupperino @metalheadmickey @gallawitchxx @mmmichyyy @wehangout @blue-disco-lights @the-rat-wins @loftec @gardenerian @mickeysgaymom @sickness-health-all-that-shit @rereadanon @callivich @lee-ow @palepinkgoat @gallapiech @transmickey @iansw0rld @captainjowl @lingy910y @vintagelacerosette @spoonfulstar @spookygingerr @burninface @themarchg1rl @mikhailoisbaby @sleepyfacetoughguy @whatwouldmickeydo @sleepyheadgallavich @sam-loves-seb @samantitheos @ardent-fox @creepkinginc + anyone else who would like to join in! as always just say i tagged you and i will corroborate 💖
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dramatic-dolphin · 2 months
there's a specific subset of vegans who say things like "animal agriculture is unnatural because no other species on the planet does it but humans" and like firstly, humans are part of nature, so if we do it it's not unnatural. secondly, you should look up ants.
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Aita for wanting to cut off this guy?
Summary: I(f16) Met Aiden(m16) a few months ago, and am becoming increasingly aware that I have a lot of issues with him. However, he clearly wants to be friends with me, and I feel bad cutting him off. I gave him the wrong idea about me when we met, we very little in common, and our views contrast quite a bit. He’s also vented to me without warning a few times. He’s autistic and doesn’t have much experience with friends (according to the mom of our mutual friend Bea (f16), also autistic) and I don’t think he means to hurt anyone, but some of the things he does really stress me out regardless.
In May, I got invited to Bea’s birthday party, which was just me, Bea, her mom, and Aiden. In a hotel pool. We were all eating at a picnic table and I started to get incredibly anxious, and tried to talk to Aiden to break the tension since he’d been looking at me for a while, presumably because I looked like absolute death. He eventually mentioned something about animals (cool, a shared interest). Anyway due to both the stress, and the unlimited cool-bug-facts stored in my brain, I started rambling and we talked for around an hour.
...Assorted red flags in this conversation…
- Aiden’s “crazy ex friend” made some harassment allegations against him.
- “Yeah we should totally go hiking sometime, guy I don’t know!”
- Aiden thinks vegans are stupid and climate change isn’t real (I was talking about how I plan on going into ecology lmao)
- Aiden asks me to make a contact in his phone
The problems started when he immediately got really attached to me. I was way friendlier than normal that day and that’s entirely on me.
My birthday was a few days after Bea’s party. Aiden found out, and despite me specifically telling him I don’t like getting gifts, brought a gift bag to class, which included a card with $50. I completely panicked and tried to shove the money into his hands, but he kept stopping me while laughing. I felt awful because we hadn’t even properly spoken since the party.
That night he texted me saying he wasn’t sorry for giving me the money, followed by a paragraph about how everyone had failed him, how teachers have told him he’s better off dead, and how his few friends are the only thing keeping him from committing suicide. People vent to me a lot, but I really didn’t know how to deal with it from someone I barely knew. I just told him that he doesn’t need to buy my friendship. I confided in my mom about it and she told me to stop talking to him, and that I absolutely wasn’t allowed to see him outside of school.
Aiden started dating Bea a week after that. Bea had said before that she wasn’t interested in Aiden when her mom teased her about his crush on her. I was worried that she just said yes because she typically goes along with what other people want. I’ve hardly ever gotten her to share her opinions outside of whatever her mom tells her. I later found out from my friend Kayla (f16) that Aiden was trashing Bea’s dyed hair and generally being misogynistic about “unnatural women”
Kayla also informed me that she had had an incident with Aiden, before I met him. They were at the same Halloween party and when she tried talking to him, he somehow somehow thought she was into him, and lied about being gay to the entire party before correcting himself. My friends had previously warned me that Aiden’s intentions probably weren’t platonic, but I ignored it since I’ve been out as a lesbian for years, so I could just let him know if it came down to it. Generally I started talking to him less, I didn’t have an issue with remaining friends, since I know he’s awkward with people, and his beliefs are mostly what his dad tells him to think.
Since then he’s Invited me to go hiking in other states multiple times, sent another vent text, tried to go with me to a class he’s not in, asked for advice on breaking up with Bea before going back on it, tried to follow me home from orchestra rehearsal? Invited me to dinner, to his house, and to his grandma’s.
I’m going to run out of excuses eventually, and any interaction with him seems to invite both more than what I’m comfortable with, and what my parents allow. I wish I could just text with him sometimes or something, but that’s not an option. I feel like ripping it off might be better than slowly letting him down, considering he already considers me a close friend, and I don’t want him to hurt himself, and it’s probably better if he just thinks I’m a terrible person (might be true).
Would I be in the wrong for cutting him off altogether? Am I the mean high school girl from my childhood nightmares?
What are these acronyms?
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To get a better idea of what life is like for a pig in a gestation crate, let’s imagine for a second…
It’s dark, and the air is filled with repugnant smells and piercing echoes of screaming. . But these types of conditions are all you have ever known – they’re normal. What’s that smell? It’s your own waste, piling up underneath you.
Breathing is a challenge. Moment after moment passes. But you don’t know how long it’s been because there’s no way of knowing time when you’re confined behind dark, cold walls, staring at metal bars pressing up against your soft nose.
What could be behind you? Who knows. Those bars are so constricting that you’ll never have the opportunity to turn around. Lying down is hard enough, but sometimes you just can’t stay on your feet because the unnatural slatted concrete floors cause your legs immense pain.
You might already have arthritis and you’re only two years old. You don’t know who you are, but you can imagine you are doomed to the same hopeless future as the hundreds of other individuals surrounding you. 
These crates are so small a pig will never get the chance to turn around for their entire lives, let alone see their own tails. Can you even imagine living one day with these conditions? This is not fiction. This is real.
This is the life of an artificially inseminated soon-to-be mother pig confined in a gestation crate, where she spends the majority of her existence (besides the time she spends in a farrowing crate – Sows in gestation crates are typically bred 5 to 7 times in their lives to produce piglets that will be slaughtered before 6 months of age.
When a sow’s breeding production declines, her life, too, is brutally ended. And for what? Well, cheap, “convenient” pork, produced in a manner that allows industrial farms to make maximized profits.
Housing pigs in gestation crates allows farmers to mass produce these animals within an indoor environment. Many dominant farming systems (called “Megafarms”) contain over 10,000 breeding sows per unit, some with over 100,000 in one location.
The pigs are kept in separate crates, so that they can’t tear each other apart from frustration due to intense confinement. However, they are still mutilated by having their tails cut off (called docking) and their ears tagged for identification.
Separation also allows for workers to more conveniently manage individuals.
Pigs kept in gestation crates generally weigh between 600 and 900 pounds. So, a pregnant pig weighing a little over 800 pounds would be about 5.6 feet long and have a girth (circumference) of 5.7 feet.
 Her gestation crate measures 6.6 feet long with a width of 2.2 feet. Now imagine that…
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daffodilhorizon · 5 months
It's so fucking frustrating having to constantly debunk claims that vegan alternatives are worse for the environment
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when that's not even the point of veganism. We are talking about taking a life away, just because humans have decided they are entitled to someone else's body parts. Literally ending a life because humans have deemed an non-human animal not worthy of deciding what should happen to their own body.
This is about bodily autonomy and consent. YOU, colonizer, are owed NOTHING. Nothing except that which you create belongs to you. You are not entitled to other's belongings or body parts. You are not entitled to kill others because your life is worth more. You are not special, you are not valuable, any more than the nonhuman you are killing is. It is christian religious ideology to view nonhuman animals as separate and lesser than us. Nonhumans are just as evolved as we are. They can live longer than us. They can have more senses than us. They can communicate in ways we don't understand. They contribute much more positively to their ecosystems than us. Humans are not the chosen special child of Earth who are allowed to do whatever we want because we are strong enough to massacre every other species, or even humans we deem "lesser" (such as in ongoing genocides and colonization). That is extreme right wing "Might Makes Right" ideological thinking, and is not the basis of a healthy, equitable, sustainable lifestyle or ecosystem. We are one small part of the ecosystem and colonizer mentality of kill & take has had disastrous effects on humans, ecosystems, and nonhumans. This isn't the way forward. It's backwards. Vegans are asking for everyone to stop viewing the earth and her inhabitants as things to be taken from and start viewing them in a more decolonized way. We are part of the ecosystem and we have a responsibility to foster it and tend to it as much as we can. Animal agriculture is unnatural, cruel, and unnecessary. It pollutes our air, our waters, and our soil. Cow Ranches are cutting down native indigenous forests so people can eat burgers and wear leather. And there is a dead being attached to every single one of those unnecessary purchases. A being that didn't have to die, that shouldn't have even been born into slavery in the first place. The real victim in all of this, who lose their lives and have their bodies desecrated afterwards. That's what we want to end.
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gothhabiba · 11 months
hi! i hope you're doing well. i was wondering if i could ask you if you've written/know of any writing about maintaining a vegan lifestyle while recovering from an eating disorder. whatever i've googled about this subject has given me...p questionable results imo? if for any reason you'd rather not answer this question, ofc you're not obligated to! ❣️❣️❣️thank you either way :)
I’ve been thinking about this question for a while—& I’ve gotten similar ones in the past—and to be honest I can’t say I’ve experienced what you’re going through. My vegetarianism (if not my veganism) predates my history of disordered eating by several years. I don’t experience veganism as ‘restriction’ akin to disordered eating—I never would have thought to compare the two things—it’s not that I’m not giving myself unconditional permission to eat whatever I want to, it’s just that I don’t really consider non-vegan food (or at the very least meat) to be “edible.” I guess what I’m describing *is* a taboo that I’ve built up around certain foods, but it dates from my childhood and doesn’t feel unnatural to me. The motives behind it are moral ones and thus very different from the impetus behind my disordered eating.
That being said, I think that if you’re experiencing veganism as restriction, it might help to take note of when this feeling crops up. Is it when you’re obliged to choose a different option at a restaurant than you might have wanted? When a bakery doesn’t have any vegan sweets? When a coworker offers you something non-vegan and you’re obliged to decline? This kind of thing is why I originally learned to bake—it was before a lot of places had vegan options, so if I wanted to eat cake anytime in the next several years I would have to make it myself. Making or seeking out alternatives to non-vegan things that you perceive to be just as good as what you’re missing out on might help a lot. I’ve been told several times that a certain cooking blog that may or may not exist and may or may not be attached to me has aided someone with ED recovery. There are ways to enjoy food, to seek food out, to have fun with food, that don’t go outside of a vegan diet—whether that’s seeking out vegan food culture in your area (if it exists) or learning to cook and bake vegan food yourself. And there are vegan recipes and food blogs that aren’t motivated by an interest in ‘health’—I’d recommend finding some recipes that you’re excited about and continuing to try new things.
If none of this helps, and you’re continually experiencing keeping to a vegan diet as a feeling of restriction, shame, or guilt around food, then there’s absolutely nothing wrong with putting veganism on hold for now, or leaving it entirely. Eating disorders are devastating physically and psychologically, and your health and well-being are more important. Even a switch to vegetarianism may give you a little bit of leeway. (If you’re going to go this route, consider seeking out advice from people who’ve done the same on how to re-incorporate foods gradually so as not to trouble your digestive system too much—I’ve heard it can be rough at first if you’re not careful!)
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theglitchmaster · 2 months
random ask time!!!
if you could make one unnatural food grow on trees, what would you pick? it can be cooked, assembled, factory-made, anything not currently found in nature
Sorry for the late reply I had to think a really long time on it and then also kept forgetting the ask was here. This is gonna cursed as hell but imma say meat. I'm not a crazy meat lover or anything but I feel like it would be pretty useful for vegans and easier for farm animals
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How often have you heard that human ancestors were meat-eating hunters and therefore veganism is unnatural? How many drawings and paintings of “cavemen” seemed to corroborate this? Have you ever thought whether this is true or just another product of carnist indoctrination? In this article, I look at the current scientific evidence suggesting human ancestry was mostly plant-based, not meat-based as old-fashioned scientists used to think.
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afactaday · 2 months
ok i'll be real with you: the last fact was also a joke. this is actually quite fun. anyway time for some seriousness:
#1187: not all whiskey is vegan! whiskey absorbs flavours from the barrel it's stored in, so different things are done to it to affect the flavour of the whiskey. often, the inside is charred, but sometimes they fill it with smoke. on white oak casks, this produces a chemical, uni-isodiiodide-oxythalyne, which acts as an emulsifier, allowing the whiskey to also mix with the oils in the barrel. 8in some American distilleries, they often take this to their advantage, synthesising this substance in its unnatural powder form. they add this in large quantities alongside animal fat, which has a very similar consistency. the compound makes the change in colour and taste almost unnoticeable, but they're able to dilute it as much as three times and sell it at the same price. keep your eyes peeled on the ingredients!
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