mikemorningstar · 1 year
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berylgrace · 9 months
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percy is such a hater… i live
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Okay but Donna. DONNA. She gets to live her life with both her husband AND her platonic life partner. She'd wanted to be with him forever and now she CAN. She gets both a permanent romantic and permanent platonic partner. Who like each other. Who don't resent the other's existence. Do you understand how MONUMENTAL that is???
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shimmershy · 7 months
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Buttercups and Golden Flowers
#i drew this mostly because i noticed that a lot of people mistake buttercups and golden flowers as being the same thing.#so i wanted to try drawing them like. distinctly different in the same image.#it's not a big thing but i do think the fact that they're different has some significance. or at least like. symbolic meaning.#my art#undertale#chara#chara dreemurr#safeutdr#something about the fact that they both look similar at least in color but one of them is poisonous.#the way golden flowers are clearly a positive symbol throughout the game and clearly heavily associated with Chara.#contrasted with the very negative connotations buttercups have. with asgore getting sick and chara using them in their plan.#you never see buttercups in the game. which makes it even easier to mistake the two. because we've only seen one kind of#golden/yellow flower. who's to say 'golden flowers' aren't just referring to buttercups? well.#why would there be golden flower tea if they were poisonous? why would chara want to see the golden flowers from their village if they're#the same kind of flower? they clearly have buttercups in the underground.#it feels almost intentional the way golden flowers are so easily mistaken for buttercups. or at least that the difference is so subtle.#it goes well with the way they're associated so strongly with chara who's also a very subtle yet important part of the narrative.#from a surface-level perspective the flowers that took their life and the one's they actually like/are important to them are the same thing#but when you pay closer attention to the narrative you can see the different symbolic meanings.#well. uhh I've thought about it too much don't mind me.#see i think about it from the perspective of chara being super adamant about them being two different flowers#and frustrated when anybody gets it wrong. because clearly. CLEARLY they're not the same.#'STOP confusing buttercups and golden flowers. i literally used buttercups to kill myself do you think i would still like them after that?'#'do you think i want to be associated with them? they're not the same!!'#<number one golden flower enjoyer number one buttercup hater.#i need a badge that says 'i have strong opinions about chara dreemurr because i kin them. i apologize for the wall of text' at this rate.
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dailyloopdeloop · 2 days
loop and mirabelle. That's it that's the ask
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DAY 84: enrolled in the gossip wars
#codacheetah#isat#loop isat#mirabelle isat#isat spoilers#vaguely. mostly for the tags#i think it'd be sooo funny if like. loop and mirabelle postcanon.#loop has rejoined the party somewhat recently and they are not at all adapting. to be honest. reunion probably happened too soon#bc they are a siffrin which means they are disgustingly sentimental. their ass is not taking the time to discover themself as a new person.#do you really think loop is gonna take their own advice.lol.#lmao even#Ok so anyways i think the party and loop would have a weird thing going on#like theyre all extremely grateful to loop. and they trust loop through the general basis of theyre apparently very dear to siffrin#but fucking nobody knows what to make of this bitch. odile knows they are hiding Something but she has no certain evidence to pin it down.#isabeau can't catch loop alone for more than 5 seconds. has the distinct sense they're avoiding him and he does not know why#bonnie....well tbh i think they'd vibe with loop. bonnie win.#mirabelle. i think she wouldn't really like loop? not at first anyways#do you remember in sasasap mirabelle telling siffrin(loop) that for a long time she thought they were a callous sort of person#bc they never took anything seriously at all. like the whole journey didnt mean anything. until they took an eye for bonnie#i think mirabelle would catch a similar vibe towards loop(lol.) bc like#like loop's main presence in the group is negging siffrin and being weird and dodgy around everyone else#i don't even think they'd be mean to the others but they would do everything in their power to throw the party zero bones#so all mirabelle has to go on for loop is that they're kind of a dickhead to her friend and that they're not receptive to normal group#social activities. i think being on the receiving end of mirabelle's kindness would make loop kind of sad and she'd pick up on it#but like. loop is inexplicably important to siffrin. she doesn't know the details bc neither of them want to talk at all about the loops#and i think siffrin would be especially dodgy abt talking about loop in the interrim between them rejoining and them being Presumed Dead#so mirabelle tries a new strategy to bridge the gap between her and loop. the power of Mutual Haterism#more specifically i think mirabelle would get the impression of loop as being much more of a bitch than they actually are#due to the aforementioned siffrin negging#so like. maybe that's just how they socialize maybe they'd be down to talk about hot takes and gossip a bit
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buckleyreid · 13 days
I don’t wanna feed into the “bucktommy is purely sexual”, “bucktommy shippers are fetishizers” discourse so this will be the only thing I’ll say about that.
I think it’s incredibly interesting how there’s soooo many posts about bucktommy here on tumblr (and no doubt in other platforms too), there’s sweet wholesome posts, there’s analytical posts about their relationship, there’s headcanons, there’s fanarts and yes, there’s smutty fics too for example.
Yet, the people who are pointing fingers, calling others fetishizers, are the ones solely focused on the sexual content. Bucktommy fans aren’t the ones making their relationship all about sex, the call is coming from inside the house.
Unhinged buddies are the ones choosing to ignore the part of the scene where both characters open up about their rough family histories and, instead, are making it all about a very quick sex joke that was used to lighten the mood. And because they can’t stop at that, they then proceed to say two grown ass queer characters flirting with each other is gross, disturbing, and a reason one of them should get killed off. That’s the real disgusting thing.
This just in, gay people have sex. I know, shocking. They also talk about it, they make jokes about it. It’s almost as if it’s a normal thing- oh wait, it is. In bucktommy’s case, it’s far from being the only facet of their relationship, but it’s still there and it’s not deviant, it’s not disgusting and if it makes you so uncomfortable to think about then maybe that’s something to reflect on.
Touching grass is not enough, y’all need to roll on it like a dog excited to go on a walk. And maybe retake some reading comprehension classes too. Dead serious, grow up.
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ghost-bxrd · 2 months
Mini bruce : did you know that atoms never touch anything, and since were made of atoms weve never touched anything .
So to answer your question , no i did not kill that guy.
Red hood :(trying not to laugh)
Lmaooo yeah that characterization is pretty much on point.
Jason is a proud dad, no matter how much this bratty attitude wants to make him tear his hair out ksksks
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nats-uvi · 3 months
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Angst time :D👍
You can read my rambling about her in the tags
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No but its literally so in character for Buck to be jealous about Eddie & Tommy being friends! Buck's insecurities/abandonment issues come up when new people step in & leave him feeling like he's being replaced/left behind. We saw it when Eddie was first introduced- because he saw this new guy who was seemingly better at everything- his fear of losing his place on the team/his new family made him react. Same with the Lone Star crossover- it takes him time to feel comfortable around new people when he doesn't know where they stand in shifting the firefam dynamics. It's very Buck & it'll be cool to see that brought up & talked about!
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starrysharks · 9 months
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bunny blast-off!
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inkly-heart · 3 months
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chocodile · 10 months
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suchawrathfullamb · 5 months
ok but hear me out: a scene where will is hurt, badly, and is screaming bloody murder from the pain, like absolutely losing it over it, like a little child, just CRAZY and hannibal is just holding him in his arms like "shh shh it's okay it's okay it's okay" while visibly distressed from seeing will in this level of pain without being able to make it go away "oh he stabbed him, he saw his head" SHUT UP this is post-fall, everything changed
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cerastes · 1 year
Another thing that bothers me, and this is on a General About Japan level, is how the same people that seem to always complain about there being, I don’t know, whatever their fucking alt-right pipeline has fed them in their easily digestible grub, such as there being piss fountains or panty vending machines or any of the other Literally Exists In Like One Place Just Like Some Real Suspect Stuff Also Exists In Specialty Shops In Every Other Country, never seem to bring up the absolute service Japan has for people with disabilities.
I’m not an expert and also not a resident of Japan, but in my time there as a tourist (1 month), I noticed that every single elevator had a both a loud, noticeable sound cue, a secondary call button at wheelchair-bound person height, and an actual person nearby. Every street in Tokyo and Osaka, and most at Kyoto, had those grooves on the floor for blind people to follow. Every traffic light had a loud, clear audio cue to when it was green (well, blue in Japan’s case).
I’m from the third world so seeing this level of infrastructure blew my mind, but I never hear anyone talk about it. But haha Shinzo Abe baby propaganda in anime, am I right?
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fearandhatred · 2 months
i was thinking about this line from my fic:
But the fall had hurt, too. Because the wind had cut into his useless wings like knives, his skin and grace peeling away under the friction, and he had been looking right up at the multicoloured and unreachable expanse of sky just to see it fade from his eyes into dull greys.
and i came up with this. i hope the vision came through
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tangledinink · 6 months
new gemini update was so good as always but I can't stop thinking:
big mama: there's nothing wrong with my sons
splinter: you fucked up two perfectly good kids is what you did. look at blue. he's got an eating disorder
wwhhhattttt? nooo, don't be silly. leo doesn't have an eating disorder.
leo and donnie have eating disorders--
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