#Vermillion x Ann
sweetygirl90 · 7 months
Fan Children VermiAnn, Britt/Ziggy/Kinoko y Maddione + un diseño de personaje.
Este es un hilo para los fan-children de VermiAnn, una guagua de Ziggy y Kinoko, de Maddie y Ione, y un diseño de un personaje canon que solo fue mencionado, mismos que fueron creados y diseñados por mi bb preciosa soft_camy (en twitter)
Me divertí mucho dibujando esto. Hacer fan children es algo divertido cuando se está en un fandom nuevo, ni cómo culpar a mi niña por ello(?)
Empezamos con los niños de Ann y Vermillion: Swilhü Noel, Swilhü Kalay y Swilhü Shinku~
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🌺Swilhü Kalay🌺
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🌾Swilhü Noel🌾
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🩸Swilhü Shinku🩸
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Continuamos con la guagua de Ziggy y Kinoko:
🌸Hana Ciel🌸
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Seguimos con la niña de Maddie y Ione:
⭐Guinastasia Kikyo⭐
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Y por último, Cami quiso ponerle rostro a Swilhü (la madre de Ann-Mari, difunta esposa de Dandelion) ya que ella no aparece en Polka y nunca se habla de cómo se veía.
Como tampoco había información de su historia personal, todo lo que está en la ficha son puros head-canons, nada más.
En fin, con ustedes, gente:
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Bueno, eso es todo por el momento.
Me queda pendiente diseñar a los niños del Lothelios, pero me voy a tardar porque son como seis niños :DD ya puedo ver mi sufrimiento.
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kanatamour · 9 months
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“My soul is always with you.”
ft. Sugasano Allen, Hajun Yeon, Anne Faulkner, Yatonokami Kanata, Yatonokami Nayuta x fem! reader.
cw/genre: fluff, comfort.
Hey, nonnie ! You requested on my previous blog and I’m very sorry this took me forever, I still hope you can enjoy it, hun <3
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— To ever enthusiastic Allen, the fact you have hearing hypersensitivity is so cool.
— To him, it’s almost like a superpower, how you can catch up on the faintest of sounds, even discerning their subtlety in all kinds of songs.
— So, it is not uncommon for him to ask you for advice when he’s composing BAE’s melodies.
— The way you can discern every variation in the symphony and how you always know what’s the best combination for it with the lyrics, never fails to leave your boyfriend speechless.
— In these instances, maroon eyes stare at you, lovestruck, the hue on his cheeks not so different as he gets a little lost in you as you compose.
— However, all gifts came at a price.
— Because your sensitivity to sound happened to be a double edged sword.
— You just couldn’t attend lives.
— You had tried. More than once. And it ended terribly every single one of them.
— The sounds were too loud, and the bright lights didn’t help either with the overstimulation the loud music already caused you.
— No matter how hard you tried to calm down, your breathing became shallow, ragged, as if your lungs were closing in.
— And you hate it. You hate you can’t be there to see your partner on stage from the first row, after how passionate he is with hip-hop, and after all he’s gone through to pursue it.
— But Allen does not only love hip-hop.
— He loves you, above all else.
— And he understands what it’s like to feel like you can’t endure it anymore, like you’re going to suffocate and like everything’s too much.
— His trap reactions are quite bad, after all.
— And he doesn’t want the one he loves so deeply to have to experience something similar to it.
— So he understands and he would never hold it against you.
— Now you wait for him, the covers of his bed snug around you, as you hold your phone screen before you.
— Earphones on, you watch intently, as BAE steps on stage.
— A phoenix flies over the audience, and a wide smile spreads on your face.
— This is the song you composed together, and you know, with it, your lover will shine as bright as his illusion does.
— You didn’t want him to find out.
— Hajun is perfect, and you’re honored as it is that he wanted you as his girlfriend.
— For you to be this sensitive to sound… You know you’d end up making trouble for him if you went to one of his lives.
— So at first you make excuses.
— You tell him you have appointments or work on the days and time BAE have their lives.
— You feel bad for lying to him like this, but you just don’t know how to tell him.
— What if he thinks you’re stupid? What if he gets tired of you? What if he leaves you and hates you?
— These are the thoughts racing through your muddled mind as you stare at your laptop’s screen, waiting for the site where you watch all of Hajun’s stage concerts to load.
— It is strange, it’s not working… Perhaps the connexion’s just bad?
— While you’re immersed in your own tribulations, you suddenly hear the front door opening, making you jump and stand up straight.
— “Well, well, well, what is my princess doing here? Didn't she have work today?”
— “H-hajun… Didn’t you have a performance now?” You manage, averting your eyes from his vermillion ones. In the mischief shining through his sharp eyes, you know you’ve been set up.
— “I… I’m… I’m sorry…” You finally mumble, head lowered.
— A slender finger hooks under your chin.
— “Don’t look away from me, sweetheart.” He whispers, in the dimly lit space between. “Please tell me what’s wrong.”
— And in that moment, you see your own fear reflected in his eyes.
— The fear of abandonment, of being left behind, not loved or needed anymore.
— “I’m very sensitive to sounds, especially loud ones. So coming to see you live is impossible for me. I was scared. I didn’t know how to tell you.” Your voice breaks a little, your vision becoming blurry with tears.
— “I was afraid you wouldn’t want to be with someone as weak as me, so I-“
— Your words are cut off the moment your boyfriend’s arms wrap around you.
— “Don’t. Don’t say it. Because that will never happen. You’re not weak, dear. And I’d never ever think of not being with you.” Hajun’s own voice falters, his hold on you tightening. “I knew there was something going on. I’m sorry for not asking sooner.”
— After that, you never need to come up with more alibis to justify your absence.
— Your lover gets you the best (and most expensive too, probably) iPad and headset ever, so you can comfortably follow BAE’s lives from home.
— And of course, when he gets back home, he gives you plenty of affection (and teasing too). But that is a story just you and him are privy to, and is reserved for another day.
— Anne is quite emotionally perceptive, so they pick up on the fact that something about physically going to live shows affects you.
— You hadn’t planned on letting them know so soon, but honestly, who can resist Anne’s comforting and kind aura?
— So you explain, how the loud music of the stage feels a hundredfold louder inside your head, to the point where it even… scares you.
— That being the same reason you don’t usually show up at CANDY Club either.
— Your partner understands, hazel eyes taking you in with tenderness.
— They sit next to you on the living room’s couch, arms wrapped around you. The scent of your lover’s perfume was too strong to some, but to you, it’s the known comfort of a hypnotizing field of poppies.
— “[Y/n]”. Anne calls. “What’s worrying you, hun?” Their hands trace soothing patterns along your back, the motions easing the heaviness of your heart, if only a little.
— You let out a sigh, shoulders sagging as you exhale some pressure out of you.
— “I feel bad, Anne… Because, well, you’re such a good partner, but I can never come to your lives or to the club you work at.”
— Their loving gaze is trained on you, head slightly tilted to the side. An invitation to go on. The promise to be by your side, no matter what.
— “My hearing… well, it’s above the usual, so i’m extremely sensitive to sound. For me to be in a space with loud music… It’s practically impossible. That is why I can never be at concerts to cheer you on. But I promise, I follow every single one of them from home, and you’re always stunning when you’re up there, Anne.”
— They smile, knowingly.
— “Why didn’t you say so sooner, baby?” BAE’s fashion icon asks, leaving an outline of vibrant lipstick when they kiss your cheek.
— “Please, never feel guilty or bad because of this. I love you more than anything, and that will never change.” They finish, eyes framed in fuchsia earnest when they meet yours.
— “But aaghh! I missed so many chances to do your makeup and hair! You’re following the lives anyway, no matter if it’s from home, so that calls for a cute outfit and eyeliner to match!
— Airy laughter fills the room. With Anne, there was no way negative emotions could ever get to you.
— At first, he’s hurt.
— Why is it that you never come to see him and his brother perform?
— Are you just another rich brat? Are you looking down on them? Do you not support the one thing that sheds a little light in his life?
— And you are hurt too.
— Because you’d want nothing more than to be there, cheering him on, your smile, the first thing he sees when he looks at the audience.
— And then he realizes. It’s not that you don’t want. Rather, that you can’t.
— It only takes a thunderstorm for him to notice.
— You had always been skittish when you spent nights at his apartment and a train passed by, the tracks shaking and rattling.
— But this… You are trembling.
— “Hey, it’s just a storm, we’ll be safe in here.” Kanata tries, watching you bundled beneath the blanket you two shared when you slept with him.
— Your hold on the cloth tightens.
— “I-it’s not that, Kanata… I-it’s so loud, too loud… My head feels like it’ll split…”
— Oh.
— So it’s loud sounds you can’t handle.
— Thinking back on it, it is true you always turned the volume down when you two shared earphones, or asked him to do the same thing every time he showed you a new song.
— So that is why…
— Kanata’s arms wrap around you, pulling you up in a sitting position, nuzzled against his chest.
— The softness and warmth of both the blanket and his embrace engulf you. Like this, the storm feels a little more faraway.
— “I’ll protect you, [Y/n]. This is why you could never make it to our stage performances, isn’t it?” Your boyfriend inquires, his tone soft, uncharacteristically so, barely above a whisper.
— You nod, covering your ears as another thunderbolt besieges the slums.
— “Shhh, it’s all good, I’m here, [Y/n]. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
— “Kanata…” You utter, tone shaky.
— His eyes widen the moment he sees a sheen of starlit tears on your lashline.
— “Oi, what’s wrong??” Your lover asks, clenching his jaw.
— “I’m sorry… You and Nayuta work so hard and I can never see you live… I always, always watch from home, but I’m sorry I’ve hurt you because I can’t really be there…”
— “Silly.” Kanata cuts you off, with a smile that’s a bit sad, but still ethereal. “You don’t have to apologize. I want you to be safe, even if that means you can’t come to stage battles because it’s too noisy in there.”
— He holds you a little tighter, slipping over your ears the headphones he uses when he’s writing songs.
— The storm quiets down, and his arms keep you safe.
— He thinks it’s cool you have that hearing hypersensitivity.
— For two main reasons: you always seem to pick up on steps approaching whenever bad guys are around; and because, similarly to Allen, he finds it so amazing how you can discern so many different notes in music.
— Also, because whenever you two spend time on the rooftop, Nayuta loves the way you seem to hear the wind, how you say it carries songs, different feelings relied depending on the color of the sky he always loved to look at.
— Even so, he’s not as fond of the sad smile you offer him every time he has a stage battle.
— Because you both know, it’s impossible for you to be able to go.
— But to Nayuta, the effort you make to support Cozmez even when you can’t be present speaks volumes.
— You’ve invested in a phone good enough to be able to reproduce audio and video in high quality, so that, no matter when or where, you can watch and support them from afar.
— Nayuta is very passionate about music, so don’t be surprised if he asks you to be the first one to listen to his and his brother’s music and ask you for your honest opinion.
— Your boyfriend is quite calm and detached, that quality being a point in your favor.
— You smile to yourself, he reminds you a little of a cat sometimes; he takes naps in unlikely places, likes to hang around the quiet of a building that feels closer to the sky than to the grey dull concrete, and has fluffy hair.
— You love running your hands through it when the sounds of daily life overwhelm you, it calms you down.
— In the same way, when the intense cacophony of sounds seems to be at war in your mind, Nayuta’s heartbeat manages to relax you every single time.
— The sky overhead is filled with stars that remind you of the color of his eyes.
— There is no moon on the indigo expanse above, and yet, that’s alright.
— You don’t need it, not when your brightest star holds you so gently.
— Your real star, this time. Every beat of his heart, a reassurance of it.
— The sofa placed on the high building’s rooftop is dusty, but neither of you care.
— You are together in this moment, a sea of constellations singing their silent love song for you.
— The world is at peace, the quiet only wrinkled by your call of his name.
— “Nayuta?” You utter, eyes fluttering open, just him and the stars mirrored in them.
— “Hm?”
— “Thank you.” You smile, one of your hands fleetingly caressing his cheek.
— His answer comes in the form of a smile, the sliver of moon missing from the sky above.
— The world is quiet and you are with him.
— In the starlight, the silence of the hour dances with his heart.
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All Of My Current Works Pt. 2
Genshin Impact
Seeing How Your Body Works-Furina X Vamp! Reader
Lobotomy Corporation & Library Of Ruina
Limbus Company
Girls Front Line
Honkai Star Rail
Dear, would you be so kind as to help me with this?-Kafka X Reader
Supply Run-Natasha X Reader
Serval, Yukong, Stelle X Fighter Reader
Hard Work-Qingque X Reader
Incorrect HSR X Reader Quotes
Never Fade Away-Firefly X Reader
A Few Seconds Too Late-Himeko, Kafka, and Yukong x Reader
Hypnotize Me!-March 7th X Vamp! Reader
A Friendly Sparring Match-Seele X Reader
Zenless Zone Zero
Kresnik Pt.1: Meeting-Belle X Reader
Kresnik Pt. 2: The Butcher-Belle X Reader
Belle X Mech Pilot Reader
Belle X Reader Who Likes To Be Stylish While Fighting
Reverse 1999
Penny Polendina X Reader Relationship Headcannons
Yang, Weiss, And Nora X Kobeni-Esque Reader
Yang And Nora X Reader After Breaking Your Pelvis
Fatal Illusion-Cinder Fall X Reader
Revers Death By Snu Snu-Kyoko, Elphelt Valentine, and Yang
Shoot The Works-Tier Harribel X Reader
Retsu Unohana And Sui-Feng X Powerful Himbo Reader
Rukia Kuchki And Retsu Unohana X Eternally Sleepy Reader
Isane Kotetsu x Secret Admirer Reader
Rukia Kuchki And Artist Reader
Elisabeth Blantorche And Rangiku Matsumoto Taking Care Of Sick Reader
Chainsaw man
Jujutsu Kaisen
Fate Grand Order alongside Fate and TYPE MOON in general
Cold-Barghest X Reader
Death By Snu Snu-Tamamo No Mae, Nero Claudius, & BB
Death By Snu Snu-Penthesilea, Caenis, Medea, Medusa, And Atalante Alter
Fighting Off The Summer Sun-Rin Tohsaka X Vamp! Reader
Luvia With A S/O Who Grew Up Poor
Ann, Makoto, Futaba, Haru, And Sumiere With A Reader Who Flips A Coin To Make Decisions
Granblue Fantasy
Beatrix With A Shy Reader Who Can Make Her Blush With Ease
King Of Fighters
Death By Snu Snu-Leona Heidern And Mai Shiranui X Reader
Death By Snu Snu-King, Mai Shiranui, and Chizuru Kagura
King's Reaction To Being Called Hot In Her Suit And Tie
Nina Williams X Reader Who Was Frozen Around The Same Time She Was
A Vampire, A Devil, And Lycoris-Reina X Reader
Guilty Gear
Sleeping With Testament As It Storms
Revers Death By Snu Snu-Kyoko, Elphelt Valentine, and Yang
Testament Struggling To Find An Engagement Gift For You
Death By Snu Snu-Nine The Phantom and Litchi Faye Ling
Kokonoe And Nine Having A Mother Daughter Rivalry Over You
Enjoy The Ride-Noel Vermillion X Reader
What Spending Time With Them Would Be Like-Nine, Kokonoe, Bullet, Makoto, Noel, Litchi, And Tsubaki X Reader
Spending Time With Them-Mai Natsume, Trinity Glassfile, Es, and Celica A. Mercury
Glad To Be A Problem-Tsubaki X Reader
Kaguya And Eltnum With A Stoic Reader Who Is Easy To Fluster.
Wagner Comforting You After A Nightmare
Wagner X Touch Averse Reader
Alarms-Kokonoe X Reader
Street Fighter
Death By Snu Snu-Karin Kanzuku And Cammy White
Death By Snu Snu-Marisa, A.K.I., And Poison
Resident Evil
Final Fantasy
Hi-Fi Rush
Peppermint With A Reader Who Tries And Fails To Not Look At Her Ass
Trails Of Cold Steel
Fear And Hunger & Fear And Hunger: Termina
River City Girls
Revers Death By Snu Snu-Kyoko, Elphelt Valentine, and Yang
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ty-bayonet-betteridge · 10 months
Taking on that full cast challenge I reblogged the other day for WOE.BEGONE. Here's the list I'm going to be using:
Central Characters
Mike "Mikey" "Michael" "MDawg" "MW" "The Gambler" "The Bear" Walters
Christopher "Topher" "CANNONBALL" Evans
Hunter Jeremiah "Jerry" "H" Hartley
Chris "Chance" "Blorpo"
Ryan "Shadow" "Donder"
Marissa Ng
Ty Betteridge
Sylvester August Baxter
Major Iterations of Central Character
Latvia Mike
Emdubya / MW
Innocent Hunter
Mystery Hunter
H (may be the same character as Mystery Hunter)
Punished Hunter
OVEdgaR / Mustardseed
Ty Betteridge (Green)
Ty Betteridge (Yellow)
Cowboy Ty / Outlaw Ty
Recurring Side Characters
Kasimieras Berzina
Jamilla Gardner
Recurring Side Iterations
Texas Michael / Tex
Council Anne Who Joins Base In S7
Unknown 4th Hunter
Young Ty / OVER Ty / Arbiter Ty
Ty Betteridge (Blue)
Very Minor Character / Bit Character
Unnamed Flinchite Boot Sent To Kyrgyzstan
Unnamed Arbiter that Meets Mikey Before Donny's Fourth Challenge
One-Off Or Minor Iteration
Van Mikey
Alaska Mikey
Cowboy Edgar (Saved Mikey During Rugby)
Ty Betteridge (Orange)
Sly II / Bax II
Punished Mike
Other Mikey / "Baby Mikey" (fan-given name)
OI Mikey
Replacement Mikey
Replacement Troy
The Bear (OVER)
The Bear (Latvia)
Hamster 1 / Chubbums the Wondergirl
Hamster 2
Hamster 3
Hamster 4 / Princess Daffodil
Lucy, The Largest Cat In The World
The Bear (The Diary of Aliza Schultz)
Shadow II
Nine Unnamed Crows
Bluster the Gigantic Horse
No Appearances / Not Real / One Appearance, Central Role or Some Characterization
Aliza Schultz
Charles Thibbideau
Flinch AKA |=|_1/\/(|-|
Donny Evans
Brendan Evans
Rafael Muslani
Felix's Mother
Felix's Father
No Appearances / Not Real / One Appearance, Minimal / No Characterization
Taylor Yarmoth
Gretchen Stevensbretcher
Carol (OVER)
Todd (OVER)
Mike's Mother
Mike's Father
Mike's Boss at OVER
Southern Woman who Gives Mike The Job At OVER
Patrick (papercraft hat crewmate)
Jamie (Hunter's friend)
Harlan (Hunter's friend)
Bill (regular at the Sidewinder)
Hannah (wife or partner of Bill)
Jess (lives in Boulder, once visited by Shadow)
Two Pool-Playing Regulars at the Sidewinder
Interrupting Bar Patron
Greg (Hypothetical neighboring OVER guard)
Troy's Unnamed Boyfriend
Dave (OI)
Samantha (Flinchite)
The Ty Spectrum
Magenta Ty (Decorated for the office party)
Chartreuse Ty
Rainbow Ty
Beige Ty (Does data management)
Aquamarine Ty
Uberpink Ty
Vermillion Ty
Vitellary Ty
Crystal Ty (Does meditation)
White Ty (Did entertainment at the office party)
Black Ty (Did catering at the office party)
Peach Puff Ty (Does tracing)
Ultramarine Ty
For those unfamiliar with the Full Cast Challenge, we intend to write a fic that is either from the POV of or otherwise examining every single character in WOE.BEGONE. For ease of use we have separated this list into categories; others taking on the challenge can exclude characters or categories as they wish, but we intend to write for every single character listed above, except for some of the "Animals" and everyone listed under "The Ty Spectrum" and "No Appearances / Not Real / One Appearance, Minimal / No Characterization".
If there are any characters I have missed, please let me know!
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tonid · 1 year
Anne Klein Ladies short Blazer/Jacket w/large collar & lapels/Vermillion/Size 2
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legendtraineremily · 1 year
Days 5&6 of My Pokémon Yellow Nuzlocke Challenge!
Day 5
We start the day on the southern end of Cerulean City just before we enter Route 5. Now we can get another encounter here that can hopefully help us further (or at least give us more options in case we have anymore losses). Our encounter to start the day is…
Route 5 Encounter—Pidgeotto/Otto
Lv. 17
Hp: 51
Attack: 27
Defense: 24
Speed: 29
Special: 25
Hey! A new bird friend! This one is already evolved and can work pretty well as one of our top back-ups.
Now, we can’t head into Saffron City yet, due to a ditzy guard who didn’t take my earlier advice about staying hydrated and is now making it everyone else’s problem. The path we take to Vermillion is one of the two Underground Paths full of hidden items and nothing else. Let’s see what we can find without looking it up, then look up the locations of all the items and see what we missed. A singular X Special. At least it’s fairly useful. And the stuff I missed was a Full Restore! Okay, might need that!
Exiting the Underground Path lands us in Route 6 where there’s plenty more trainers to battle and another encounter.
Route 6 Encounter—Rattata/Pest-o
Lv. 14
Hp: 34
Attack: 21
Defense: 18
Speed: 28
Special: 13
You know, I’m starting to get a little annoyed with the lack of encounter diversity here. Alas, rules are rules and I had to catch another rat.
I’ve got some trainer battles to look forward to at least! As long as I DON’T get POISONED AGAIN by a dang Weedle!! Little punk deserved to be Peck-ed to oblivion by AngryBoi. Hmph. And now, this Weepinbell is causing issues. Well I ruined your trainer’s date so take that!
I’ll finish this route later as I’ve got some errands to take care of today. Be back soon.
I’m back! Had to help reset our bedroom a bit and put up some shelves so this will end up being a bit of a shorter day but I can still make it pretty productive.
Took down a Cubone with Belle without many problems, but the issue I’m finding is that some of my Pokémon are quickly becoming under-leveled. Might have to do another run of EXP grinding. Yay. So exciting. At least I still have some trainers on this route to eliminate or I’d be in for a really long road.
Made it to Vermillion in one piece, so I’m going to heal, grab the Old Rod next door to the Pokémon Center (not that I’ll use it really, but it provides a guaranteed Magikarp if I feel like I need a Gyarados later), then maybe head to Diglett’s Cave.
Diglett’s Cave Encounter—Diglett/PlowBoy
Lv. 16
Hp: 32
Attack: 23
Defense: 15
Speed: 39
Special: 20
That’s about all I have time for today. Better turn in soon before I get stuck watching videos and scrolling Tumblr all night.
Day 6
So, today we’re going to try to make up for some lost time and blow past some more milestones. First, we grind out some levels. Route 11 has some more trainers and another encounter.
Route 11 Encounter—Drowzee/Mike (if you know, you know)
Lv. 19
Hp: 57
Attack: 27
Defense: 22
Speed: 21
Special: 40
At last, a Psychic type. Drowzee may not be a particularly strong example but in Generation 1 games, Psychic-types are all pretty broken. Nowadays, we have Dark- and Ghost-types and actually decent Bug-types. Not here. Dark-type doesn’t exist yet, Ghost-types were accidentally made completely ineffective against Psychic, and your Bug-type options were both weak and had tiny to completely lacking move pools.
Today could be very productive for the Nuzlocke…or I could focus on more chores around the house and be productive in life. I’m going with “option B” because that one keeps my wife happy.😅
I still have time to keep grinding out levels here and there; right now I’ve got Zippy and Lily both at Lv. 22 and reworked my team to be more versatile overall for the rest of the run. My party heading into the party on the S.S. Anne is as follows:
Zippy-Lv. 22
Lily-Lv. 22
Mike-Lv. 20
PlowBoy-Lv. 16
Belle-Lv. 16
Crispy-Lv. 13
The grind continues on and hopefully it goes a little more smoothly on the ship. I was having some close calls there battling the trainers on Route 11. Like Mike and Zippy were on 1 Hp at a few points and many potions had to be used after a battle in order to survive getting to the Pokémon Center kind of close calls. Lily was a true tanking trooper though! I’m sad I can’t give her any really good moves due to my “no TM’s” rule but I’m not going to change that arbitrarily just because it would be convenient. She should be learning Body Slam soon anyway so not to worry!
In any case, the rest of my team should be getting some absolutely incredible moves soon too to make up for my avoidance of TM’s. PlowBoy the Diglett will get both Slash (critical hits for days with his speed) and Dig; Belle will eventually have Acid as a good Poison move; Crispy will evolve and then get some marvelous moves of his own like Slash, Flamethrower, Fire Spin, and Fly. On top of that, Zippy will finally get Thunderbolt soon enough and be able to crush any Flying- or Water-types with barely a thought.
Oh, and I’m counting the S.S. Anne as a separate location so here’s this:
S.S. Anne Encounter—Magikarp/Karper
Lv. 5
Hp: 17
Attack: 6
Defense: 10
Speed: 14
Special: 7
And with a couple trainer battles, we’ll end today on the ship.
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juviin · 4 years
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Chrom 🤝 Fuegoleon
being himbos and ripping the right sleeve off all their shirts
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kirascottage · 3 years
muggle whereabouts
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regulus black x genderneutral. reader
summary: you and regulus go to a museum together.
word count: 0.8k
cw: fluff, kissing, the reader is wearing a skirt and makeup but that’s all that’s described.
“So it’s a what?”
“A museum.”
“But, they seem useless.”
“Regulus!” You’re octave heightened in civil defense whilst flailing your hand at the bone of his clothed shoulder.
“They are not useless! They’re quite nice, actually.” You laugh, carefully tucking your nose into his neck. “Too bad you dull purebloods don't have any.”
His throat becomes parched at the direct accusation. His eager hands dangle in the air as they gesticulate as he begrudgingly articulates, passionately defending the private realm of the wizarding world and its strict magical purpose saying: “First of all, all you do is stare at paintings, and that is a bore.” While you merely bark out a laugh at his theoretical explanations.
His bicep proceeds to curl around your ample waist, the proportions of your body effortlessly resting upon his chest.
You're drawn closer to the radiating heat of his body uninterrupted by the scratchy material of his Lincoln green sweater, the slight palpitation in his accelerating heart unsheathing you closer.
“Fine,” He uplifts his shoulders in an expressive shrug, dismissively, “You should take me to see one then. Whatever those muggle things are called again.” Regulus sighs in dishonest tediousness.
The talks of exquisite arts drilled into the beige-tiled walls with the surrounding of gold encasing and diligent paint strokes had excited Regulus, rather than the dull demeanor he was perceived to have in those moments.
The scolding summer heat was nothing but a forgotten nuisance in the following days of August; naturally leaving the fulfilled summer behind, till but rather your burning curiosity peaked regarding his suspicious behavior apropos to a museum around the corner of your hometown where you had resided for the past sixty days.
The thickening air of the night only exceeded until dawn where you had first awakened. His lips were pinkish and swollen, his messy thatch of untamed curls fell over the wrinkling skin of his forehead, his lips were partially pouted as you smeared an endearing kiss on them.
A childish whine barely escaping his throat at the frantic attitude of giggles and gentle smiles emitting from you at such a premature time in the overcast day.
Admiringly, he shakes his head at your actions as the patterned lace of your sheer tights slip above your calves. As the autumn weather grows near with vermillion leaves dressing the Scottish land and the frequent gusts of wind intertwining with his tufts, following the new and blooming year for Hogwarts students and the giddy first years, your ensemble is set and adequately prepared for the cooling weather with a buttoned-onyx top, a navy-blue pleated skirt and a dark booted heel.
There’s a dull Fuschia painted on your aglow cheeks, and a matching tone blotched on the smooth cushion of your lips. Your mane had been styled to where the contours of your neck had been exposed to the frigid air, if you were in place of contracting a cold he would even offer the thick-knit material of his scarf to you.
He was as tame and recognizable as always. A tawny brown coat shouldered over him with a complimenting button-down and slacks to match.
For the remainder of the glacial morning, he had dissimulated his elation with disinterest and aloof contort twisted onto his lips that could've been identified as a sneer.
“It’s alright at best,” Regulus whispered deceptively.
“Shut it, Liar. You're enjoying this.” Your smirk would've been described as transparent. The trembling chin and twitching cheeks were enough for the devious look on your face to be uncovered.
“All you do is stare. This is boring.”
“So that’s why you’ve kept me here for three hours, because it’s boring.”
“No- No, I was just — waiting to see if there was anything worth looking at.”
He merely jerked his head as his eyes performed an inner rotation at your words.
“Aw, my love. S’alright to admit you're wrong.” You grasp your appendages around his slender waist, your determined chin sitting contentedly on the bone of his shoulder as you both peer at the historical painting.
“You’re embarrassing me in public!” The boy quipped back in a faux chide, the collapsing bubbles of infectious laughter spilling from his lips immediately diminish the attempted related quip.
“Sure, Reg,” You nod as your palms sit flat on his torso. “You keep telling yourself that.”
🏷 @thesettingsun @miiamour @shadesofvelma @acosmis-t @anything-forourmoony @zzzfour @yiamalfoy @sexyhotgemini @dirtyhandsinvestment @dirtypogue @jemimah-b99 @i-cant-stfu @i-love-scott-mccall @rosie-anne @sprucewoodlover @black-rose-29 @myalupinblack @o-rion-sta-r @itszero16 @90steaology @dobbysockcollection @dreamcxtcherr
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flutter-hot-butter · 3 years
Green x Y/N
Warning! Smut under the cut!
Also, the contents are for reasons not for the faint of heart, read the tags for any warnings if you want to be sure.
Please note that the characters are written so that they are of the appropriate age.
Disclaimer: Yes, I call the rival from the first generation Green, like the do in Japan, so bear with me, mkay? Now have fun~
Trainers form lifelong bonds with their Pokémon, there's no denying. Wether you're just getting started and received your Charmander from my neighbour, Professor Oak, or if you're a senior living alone looking for company. The relationships we share with our Pokémon transcend everything mundane.
That's what makes it so heartbreaking when that bond is cut off by the cold hands of fate. Usually, it's because humans meet their end. On rare, saddening occasions it's when the Pokémon can't be revived.
It happened several years ago, at the S.S. Anne. Green was battling his biggest rival, Red. It was an intense fight. The tumult caused the ship to rock. As Red's Ivysaur cut at Green's Raticate, Green heard an odd sound coming from the rodent Pokémon. Something it had never made before. It collapsed, not moving a muscle anymore. The fight was over, and Red had won. After hastily making a witty comment to Red, Green bolted for the Nurse. The double doors that served as the entrance were already in sight when Green heard a dripping noise. He came to a halt and looked at the Pokéballs hanging from his belt. Raticate's ball was leaking blood. Green cried out and called for help. Shocked bystanders rushed over. A crewmate alerted the nurse on board. But it was too late. As the nure tried to stop the bleeding, Raticate grew cold in Green's arms.
The next time Green saw Red again was at Raticate's grave. He hadn't told Red by then what had happened. He had no strength to, nor did he have the strength to put up much of a fight, and lost again. He did not tell Red until after the trainer had become the Kanto Pokémon Champion. Red wasn't much of a talker, but both Green and I know that he cannot forgive himself for bringing something like that upon a Pokémon. Even his Ivysaur, which had since then evolved into a Venusaur, still feels guilty. That's why every year on the date that Raticate left Green, Red joins him in the Pokémon Tower, for the memorial of the Raticate.
Today should have been the third year. Sadly enough, Red has disappeared without a trace, and the Town of Lavender recently announced that the Pokémon Tower needs to make way for a radio station. Sure, they will replace the Tower with a new memorial location, but Green thinks it won't do justice to his Raticate's remains, so he decided to cremate what's left, and put him out to sea from the S.S. Anne. In Red's absence, he has asked me to join him there. As part of our little ceremony, we've booked a room each on board. I'm holding the reservation details in my hand as I wait for Green to get in sight of the Vermillion Docks. He wanted to pick up Raticate on his own, and I respect that. Today was going to be a difficult day. Sure enough, Green arrives on the back of his Pidgeot. I look at the urn in his hands.
"You ready?" I ask. He nods. Together, we enter the ship and head for the upper level. I don't dare to say much, which I'm sure is what Red would have done if he were here. We reach the outside deck. The gentle breeze fills the air with a salty smell as the ship is set out to sea. It honks at the bay. Several bird Pokémon fly overhead. A peaceful setting to say goodbye to an old friend. Green walks over to the side and studies the urn.
"Well buddy, guess this is it..." He sighs. I feel for him. I walk over and place a hand on his shoulder. "It's not goodbye... Not really..."
Green reaches down the front of his shirt, pulling out a piece of the Raticate's Pokéball on a chain. He's worn it since Raticate was buried. I see it has been made into a little container, to hold a little bit of ash. He releases the charm, and grabs the lid of the urn. "There you go, pal."
I watch as the ashes get caught in the waves and drift off to distant shores. Raticate was going to many more places than he could have ever imagined, and yet never leaving Green's side. I look over at Green who is gazing at the water, facing away. I see a lonely teardrop fall onto the railing.
"Let's get our room keys so you can wind down a little," I suggest.
"Whaaaat?!" I look at the lady behind the counter in disbelief as she hands us a singular key. Surely there must have been some mistake.
"I'm sorry ma'am, but we're booked to the max. There's nothing I can do for you now..."
I groan as I accept the card. "What now?"
"I could fly back to the shore tonight, I don't mind," Green says. I shake my head. "Today is a special occasion. We'll just have to share a room, if you don't mind."
"I don't," Green answers.
"Well, actually..." The lady at the counter interrups.
I open the door to the room. It is now sunset, and the orange sun fills the room with a warm glow. It looks tidy enough: a desk, a clean bathroom... But still, only one bed. I let out a huff as I drop my bag on the floor and sink onto the bed. Green is still at the doorway. He really isn't himself today. I pat the spot next to me. "You better get used to it."
Miraculously, that earns me a grin. "I'm sure there are worse things imaginable."
I stick out my tongue. Seems like he was himself at least a little, after all.
We pass through the evening by having dinner at the ship's restaurant. We let ourselves get entertained by a musician and, even though I know he'll never admit to it later, Green even sings along a little. It isn't until later, when we're both washed and in our pyjama's, that we realise we're really going to share a bed.
"Don't worry, I'll sleep with my back towards you," Green confirms. I nod. We let ourselved slide under the covers, turn our backs towards each other, and say goodnight. It's quiet after that, save for the rolling of the seafoam just outside the window and Green's breathing. We're peacefully swaying along, yet I can't shake the unease of laying here with Green. After a while, Green's breathing turns into sobs. He's crying. I roll over and swing an arm around his torso.
"It's okay Green..." I whisper. There's no answer. I pet what I assume is his belly. Then, Green's whimpering stops.
"What are you doing?"
I blink in the dark. "What do you mean what am I doing? I'm trying to comfort you?"
"That's a very forwarding way of comforting me."
Realising that what I was feeling weren't abs, I quickly retracted my hand.
"I'm so sorry!"
Green turns around. In the shadows, I can barely make out his form.
"Don't worry. I never said I didn't approve of that way of comforting..."
Before I can make an objection, before I want to object, Green drapes an arm around my waist, and squeezes my butt. I cry out and slap his arm in a teasing manner. We both burst out laughing. When we've settled down, I say: "Well, I'm glad it worked cheering you up anyway."
"Are you done already then? Just a squeeze and that's it?"
I pause. Does Green really want to take this further?
"I'm sorry if I offended you..." Green apologizes.
"No... Not that..."
"Then what?"
Without another tought, I sling my arms around Green and kiss him. He recipocrates, deepenin the kiss by pulling me close and turning me on my back. I can feel his member hardening even more against my cotton trousers. He grabs hold of my ass again. I moan softly, granting Green's tongue entrance into my mouth. He slowly trails his hands back upwards, giving my boobs a soft squeeze. I pull my head back in the sudden jolt of pleasure. Green makes use of the opportunity to place a trail of kisses down my neck, toying with my breasts all the while. I tangle a hand in his hair. He slides his hand under my pyjama shirt, pinching my nipples between his fingers. I cover my mouth with my hands, hoping none of the other guests will complain about us in the morning. Green tuns on the light beside the bed.
"I want to get a good view of you..."
"You think I can rival the beauty that's outside the window?"
Green smiles. "I have no doubt."
He pulls my shirt over my head, discarding it on the floor. It's actually quite chilly without, and I can feel my nipples harden even more. Green leans over, and takes one of them in his mouth. To the best of my abilities, between all the moaning and movement, I try to rub my hand against his member again. Green moans against my skin, sending vibrations through my body. Waves of pleasure make it down to my nether regions and I can feel it soaking up my panties. I try to stifle a sudden laugh. Green releases my nipple with a pop. Before I can say anything, he puts a finger over my lips. He smirks.
"Don't say you're wetter down there than the sea. It'll kill the mood."
I remove his fingers and point them at my lips instead. "Then what am I supposed to do with these?"
"I'll tell you," Green suggests, as he pulls off his pyjama trousers.
I watch as his member pokes out of his underwear, thick and throbbing. We shift so that I am straddling him at the shoulders, my face near his legs. I take a hold of his large member with one hand, and start to move. Meanwhile, Green pokes a finger into my wet womanhood. I try to keepon steady as Green pleasures me. I can hear small gasps behind me. I lower my fanc eso I can just reach his tip with my tongue. I start to circle it. Green too replaces his fingers with his tongue, licking my clitoris. I moan as I softly take his whole tip into my mouth. Green slides his tongue in and out rhytmically. We move in sync, until I can taste his precum. With a soft plopping sound, I release his member. He pulls back as well. We shift again so that Green is on top again. He places his cock at my entrance, and softly pushes. I can feel my walls stretch. I moan as Green inserts his full member. Slowly, he starts picking up pace. He grabs hold of my shoulders to fasten his speed as my moans increase. I pull at his hair, earning soft groans.
"Oh! Oh Green! I'm coming!" I cry out. I feel something burst inside as Green fills me up. He lets out an elongated sigh and collapses on top of me. Sweating and heavily panting, we listen as the sound of the marine fills the now sweetly smelling room.
I don't know how much time has passed, but we managed to dress ourselves again. We've given up on the idea of sleeping with our backs to each other. Green now strokes my hair as I'm curled up against his chest. He lets out a soft chuckle. I look up. Green smiles. "Looks like Raticate brought me victory on the S.S. Anne after all."
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seimeinotaka · 3 years
A beautiful gift for a beautiful flower: the Legendary Sword (Vil X MC fic)
It is still the 9th, so I’m still on time to upload a fic to celebrate Vil’s birthday. I wanted to give something he would love, so here it is, given and made with him and Ann in mind. Maybe one day I’ll upload Ann giving him also his so-wanted list hehe. But for now, I hope this will do!
Thanks to polyphenols@AO3 for beta-reading this!
This is a story from a young prince who lived in a faraway land.
~ ° ~
Vil had just returned from his afternoon walk as he crossed the now empty lounge, devoid of any of the birthday tables and balloons for his own celebration, as expected for it was the day after. Well, it was empty except for the lone presence of Ramshackle dorm’s prefect, Ann Hawthorne, and Vil’s almost professional headache.
“Vil-senpai, here!” the young girl said as she handed Vil a thick-looking envelope, with a purple ribbon on top.
The unexpected gift made him raise an eyebrow. “Potato, my birthday was yesterday and you were here, with your usual birthday interviews for the School’s News Section. You even took a picture of me. Did you somehow not know it was my birthday yesterday and made a last-minute gift to excuse yourself?”
Ann rolled her eyes and made a mocking grin. “Haha, how funny, there is no way in hell I can make this in one night. I had actually brought it with me, but well, I wanted you to read it, and I didn’t want to take up your time at your birthday party. I mean, you didn’t read Rook-senpai’s poems either, so it was fair that I handed you this now.”
Vague curiosity in his eyes, because he wasn’t really interested, just a little, Vil opened the envelope and took out a large stack of papers bound together with a purple thread. The words “Legendary Sword” could be read on the first page, and with a quick glance, Vil realized it was a script with some pictures in between.
~ ° ~ 
Long ago in the hidden remains of the Araceae Kingdom lived a beautiful young man, with brilliant cold amethyst eyes and delicate flawless skin. His hair was silky golden and he blinded everyone with his appearance. Every day, he devoted himself to his studies, from arts to economics, languages and science. In the afternoon he would train his body, fencing, wrestling, running, horse riding. He worked harder than anyone, never complaining, as he pushed himself day after day.
However, he was feared and scorned, for he was the scion of the wretched Zantedeschia household, Schwartz Zantedeschia. His family had ruled the kingdom with an iron fist, and had seized control of every other kingdom under the sun.
Shedding blood, many fought the Zantedeschia until one day a brave hero, wielding a mythical sword, was able to dethrone the cursed family and their household vanished from history. The hero, coming from the Leiron family, the rulers of the Lilium Kingdom that everyone had dismissed as negligible, was of pure heart and as the chosen hero, he was able to vanquish the evil.
However, the Zantedeschia weren’t completely destroyed and each heir was carefully trained in hopes of achieving their dream.
Before Schwartz, no one had been as successful nor had anyone worked as hard, and he was the only one to cast off from the shadows to fulfill his mission, leaving his homeland in shambles behind him.
To regain their former glory, and extract revenge, that was the reason for his journey.
~ ° ~ 
“A villain protagonist, really? This is your gift to me?” Vil took his eyes off the script for a moment to give Ann a dismissive and insulted glare.
Unamused, the girl rolled her eyes as she pushed the script closer to his face. “Keep reading, Vil-senpai.”
Vil kept his penetrating and heavy stare on her, though the young girl didn’t even flinch, probably used to his flair for the dramatic. However, the actor kept on reading.
~ ° ~ 
To fulfill his quest for revenge, he would need to seize the mythical sword Durendal, which had been the fall of his family. The next chosen holder would be Weiss Leiron, the heir of the Lilium Kingdom, adored by everyone for his purity. As soon as he turned of age, he would become the legitimate owner of Durendal.
Prince Schwartz had known of Weiss, meeting him long ago when he hid his identity to get to know the faces of his enemies. Even now, he was painfully aware, Weiss was beloved by every creature in the land, his affable nature charming everyone in spite of his failings. During that time, Schwartz came to learn that his own nature scared others, finding himself pushed away even if his true name hadn’t been revealed. His beauty alienated everyone he had met and his stoic personality was found distrustful by many, no matter what he did or said.
Thus for years, he couldn’t help but to grow deep resentment in his heart, jealousy taking root like a bloody, poisonous flower. So for Schwartz, this quest meant also his own reassurance of his worth to the world that had shunned him.
~ ° ~
“Do you enjoy making me upset?” Vil squinted as he kept on re-reading the last line, his frown growing deeper and deeper with every word.
“Do I look like I’m enjoying this?” Ann replied with a not so concealed smarmy smile.
“Your suspicious gaze makes me wonder if you are secretly a sadist. You’re not even trying to flatter me in the slightest, and of all people, you had to put him as the hero again. Really, you have a morbid sense of humor.”
“Who says Neige is the hero?”
“I am obviously Schwartz, as the narration clearly describes me. That would mean Neige can only be Weiss. Stop playing around, you aren’t fooling me.” Vil let out a long sigh. “At this rate, I’m going to have you list 200 beautiful things about me instead.”
“Please finish reading the thing, Vil-senpai? Do you judge books on the first page?”
Vil sighed again, gently shaking his head as his eyes went back to the papers in his hands.
~ ° ~ 
To aid him on his quest, Prince Schwartz had been sent with two trusted knights serving the Zantedeschia, the bow master Vert and the young knight Violett. Vert was a self-proclaimed defender of beauty and followed Schwartz wherever he would go. Violett had a tense relationship with Schwartz, feeling constricted by Schwartz’s rules and strictness, and with a promise of freedom after this journey. Whatever their goals were, they would protect him with their lives, as his travel would grow more dangerous the further he went. Prince Weiss had seven renowned knights and no matter Prince Schwartz’s prowess in combat and magic, it would be safer for him to be accompanied. The Araceae Kingdom was also on the northern end of the continent, hidden behind a harsh tundra and treacherous mountains, and Schwartz’s safety was to be prioritized.
As the prince and his knights traveled south, to reach the center of the continent where Durendal was enshrined, they met a group of four travelers in peril, surrounded by foul beasts. Even if it was dangerous, as it could blow his cover, Schwartz and his knights went to their rescue. In gratitude, the brawler Azure, the thief Vermillion, the young lost researcher Ai and her magical talking cat Hai joined Schwartz on his travels south.
~ ° ~
“Why do I get vague videogame allusions from this?” Vil arched an eyebrow at the recent development.
“Well,” Ann replied with a shrug. “They are classes you find in RPGs. It would make sense for Schwartz to gather several comrades that can cover any weakness he might have.”
“Then? What is your class, Ann?” Vil turned to the girl, a mocking smirk dawning on his beautiful face. “I don’t think you’d be able to be a Healer here.”
Ann pursed her lips before reluctantly answering, “I am the very important NPC tagging along. You all can fight to protect me.”
“Fufufu, bold of Ai to wander alone with her talking cat who can barely manage a spell. I wonder if they will be of help.” With a dark chuckle, Vil resumed reading.
~ ° ~ 
Vermillion and Azure hailed from the Rosaceae Kingdom, a land not far away from Lilium and the shrine for Durendal. Originally a couple of bandits, they had initially attempted to trick Ai and her cat, lost travelers who had just survived a shipwreck and were looking for a way back to their homeland, the Asteraceae Empire on the other side of the world. However, after being saved by the same girl they wanted to rob, they decided to reform and help them reach a port. Being told of their quest to reach Lilium, the group tagged along unaware of Schwartz’s true intentions. They all believed he was a young man kidnapped and sent to Araceae who was trying to go back to his own land, Vermillion and Hai hoping they could snag a reward for their efforts.
To reach Lilium and the shrine, the group would need to cross a perilous desert, where the rays of the sun would be so merciless that the unprepared would easily die. Unaccustomed to such warm weather, Schwartz and Violett struggled with the inclemency of the climate, growing weaker with every step. However, Schwartz was not willing to abandon his mission, even at his own health’s peril, and he continued his trip until he grew gravely ill.
~ ° ~
“You’re not writing this right now, but one could think you were expecting me to question your abilities and you kindly decided to get some petty revenge on Schwartz,” Vil said flatly, as his eyes dangerously narrowed, throwing daggers at Ann.
“Excuse me, I would be incapable of doing that, Vil-senpai.”
“Have you forgotten the time your hand slipped and your fist casually connected with Rook’s jaw? Or the time you-”
“That was a legit reason to punch him, okay?” Ann pouted as she folded her arms in front of her. “And we don’t need to talk about other things, go on and keep reading.”
~ ° ~ 
Taking a detour, the group reached the land of Oleaceae in hopes of finding a doctor to treat Schwartz and Violett. In their search, they found a pair of young men running away from a large group of pursuers. Ill and weakened, Schwartz still led the party to defend and protect the men in need of help, learning that the people running away, a dancer by the name of Asfar and his servant Burtiqali had been wrongly accused of murdering Asfar’s father. Even if Asfar had chosen to distance himself from his father’s business, one of the largest spice traders in Oleaceae and the land, he was the heir to the family and people within the clan wanted to get rid of the father and son to claim the business for themselves.
After a narrow escape from Oleaceae, the group learned that Burtiqali was a proficient chemist, and he provided relief to Schwartz and Violett, in gratitude for helping them escape. With no place to go, Asfar and Burtiqali decided to travel with Schwartz, hoping to find a way to clear Asfar’s name if they reached Lilium and found the hero Weiss.
Meanwhile in the Lilium Kingdom, word of Schwartz’s quest reached the ears of Weiss.
“Someone sullied is not fit to be a hero, only those pure can be one. Envy, jealousy, those emotions are unbecoming. A hero is a beacon of hope, a model to follow, a paragon of virtue. Someone who is envious of the natural course of things is not fit to be a hero.”
Those were the words of the beloved hero, the next in line to inherit Durendal. He looked at the eyes of his loyal knights, seven brave men who would follow Weiss wherever he went, taking his word almost as if it came from the heavens. Anyone wishing to follow the right path would look closely at the Prince of Lilium, with his bright and kind features and no darkness in his eyes. For his sake, they would even shut their hearts, to do what was right.
If Schwartz was willing to attack the hero, they would prevent him from even touching a single strand of the hero’s hair. A villain must never win, and good will always defeat, vanquish evil. In these times of crisis, with the kingdom’s growing unrest year after year caused by the Zantedeschia, the populace was suffering. Inequality, famine, disease, they had been slowly creeping in Lilium, and Schwartz’s arrival would be the key to opening the forbidden box.
Thus, they needed to bring swift judgement to the villain trying to usurp power once more.
~ ° ~ 
“A paragon of virtue, the meaning of a hero,” Vil uttered those words, almost wounded.
“In my world, the origin of the word ‘Hero’ was one meaning Defender.”
“It’s the same as this world. Color me surprised, though, I wouldn’t put you as a reader.”
“How rude, senpai, even after all this time you still think the worst of me.” Ann pretended to sigh dramatically, though Vil just rolled his eyes. “You probably think I spend my time thinking of how to annoy you and picking my nose.”
He let out a chuckle, his now trademark sardonic smile aimed at her. “Given how much you neglect your appearance, would you blame me for believing it?”
~ ° ~ 
As they traveled, the burden of his secret mission weighed heavily on Schwartz’s shoulders, as he found himself growing attached to his companions. Keeping an aloof distance and not hiding his critical tongue and stoic and strict nature, he had assumed they would be simply people he would be using to achieve his goals. Schwartz had always been alone and feared by everyone, so he hadn’t expected anything else. The kind interaction of these people made him at times believe they could be friends, something he had once thought impossible.
After all, no one knew better than him that he was sullied with jealousy and anger, stains perhaps too deep in his soul to be the hero recognized by Durendal. After all, the legendary sword would only choose someone who was a hero and the more Schwartz looked at himself in the mirror, the further he traveled in his journey, the more he believed himself to be the villain, just as his ancestors before him.
~ ° ~ 
This time, Vil had no snappy retort or effusive reaction. Instead, he solemnly stared at the words in front of him, his lips pressed together into a thin line. He wouldn’t admit aloud that Schwartz’s feelings were hitting too close to home, the traces of his Overblot still lingering in his thoughts. His own failings caused his heart to be tainted with ink and even to his day, he struggled with his wish to be cast once as a hero, to prove he wasn’t the villain everyone appointed and believed he was.
His eyes briefly met Ann’s, before he diverted his gaze. He recalled the times she had called him several things, such as kind, that he, to this day, did not believe he was, and he wondered if there were some of those feelings portrayed in the script in his hands.
She didn’t say anything, as she quietly looked at him with a warm soft smile, in hopes that he kept on reading to find the answer he was suddenly seeking for.
~ ° ~
Just as the travelers arrived at the shrine where Durendal rested, Schwartz came to face his sworn enemy, Prince Weiss, the paragon of goodness and the hero of the land. He almost laughed maniacally, as the seven holy knights came to protect him. It would truly be a fight of good and evil, and for once he decided to unveil his ugly mask to the oblivious people who wrongly decided to accompany him.
~ ° ~ 
“Did you honestly write ‘Fighting scene goes here’?” Vil arched an eyebrow, with a dismissive and almost stunned glare at Ann, who simply blinked in return.
“Do I look like I know how those kind of fighting scenes normally go in a script?”
“Shouldn’t you know it? You ARE writing this after all.”
“You can make it up as you want.” Ann waved her hand nonchalantly, and Vil let out a groan. The nerve of the girl to leave out the most important part of the scene, and he thought of thousand ways to express his utter shock and frustration. Ann huffed. “If you really want it, you can pretend I wrote you kick Neige in the balls…Ah, but be careful with your heels, you might break his baby-making machine and that might give you trouble.”
“Baby. Making. Machine.”
“His dick, senpai. You break his dick.”
Vil’s blank expression was on her for a couple of seconds, before his line of sight was interrupted by her gently shoving the script toward his face.
~ ° ~ 
The knights defeated and Weiss wounded, Schwartz would lift his sword, deep in anger to decapitate his nemesis, at the protest of his friends. The anger of knowing that his family had been shunned for years for crimes they never committed, Schwartz finding himself damned for the only reason of being born under the Zantedeschia name fueled his fatal blow. As the sword fell like a guillotine, an arrow threw it away from its trajectory, his friends deciding to oppose him in a battle they knew they might lose. But they would face him because they knew what kind of person Schwartz truly was, cold and aloof, but secretly caring, and they didn’t want him to commit a heinous crime.
Somehow, his words reached Schwartz, horrified at the monster he had become. Falling on his knees, he threw away his magic tome and his sword, realizing he was no hero, he was the villain awaiting his execution. He would no longer be capable of wielding Durendal, no, the idea of wielding it was ridiculous from the very beginning. And to wound him further, his close knight Vert had picked up the Legendary Sword, handing it to a wounded Weiss, as he protected him from any harm on their escape.
“I was hoping you would recognize your own worth without needing external validation. You do not need Durendal. The wielder of Durendal is the one who shines like the sun, the most beautiful at heart. One day, you will surely be recognized, farewell, Schwartz, but my heart truly lies with Weiss, who is unclouded by sin and is as radiant as any star.”
Vert’s betrayal caused everyone to fall back, taking everyone by surprise. While Asfar, Burtiqali and Ai had caught grasp of Schwartz’s true intentions, they never realized Vert had sent a warning to Lilium. Tending their wounds, Schwartz finally explained the truth he had concealed.
Long ago, as a great war emerged, the Zantedeschia were one of many houses caught in the strife. Fighting to protect their territory and lending a hand to nearby lands, they grew in power, and lords of other lands deemed them too dangerous. While they hadn’t invaded other kingdoms, they were plagued by fear, and decided to vanquish them before they could do anything. And thus, they imparted their judgement and executed most of the royal family except for one who managed to escape, keeping the bloodline alive and hiding at the ends of the world.
They gave the honor to a random lowborn house, the Lilium, as they would make the better heroes for a loving fairytale. A chivalrous story of the good and weak defeating the evil and strong. Pinning all of their internal problems on the Zantedeschia, they decided it was for the best to brand them as the evil of the world, and thus it would be allowed to destroy them. Because Durendal happened to choose the prince of Lilium, they could embellish their tale which was no more than political machinations to benefit just a small few, while giving crumbs of justice to the unknowing folk.
And thus, with the passage of time, the world would know of the story of the evil Zantedeschia and the good Lilium and it became the truth for everyone. Except for the surviving bloodline of the Zantedeschia who relayed their truth to their successors, hoping that one day, they would finally be acquitted of something they never committed. And if Durendal chose any of them, then it would finally be proof that they weren’t the evil they were always thought to be.
“Did you want to wield Durendal for yourself or for your bloodline and your people?” Ai had posed this question to Schwartz, who had tried everything and had failed.
“For them, but also for myself, though it no longer matters. Someone like me isn’t meant to be a hero. Which Legendary Sword would choose a murderer driven by jealousy? Which kind of people would follow a hero tainted by anger, envy, and resentment? Weiss is as radiant as the sun, I am the cold moon doomed to die at every dawn.”
“I don’t believe you are the villain you have convinced yourself to be, nor is that one born a hero. If you still wish to try, there is still time for you to see if Durendal has rejected you.”
“Even if it doesn’t choose me, I want my clan’s name to be cleared for sins pinned on us.”
Because of Schwartz coming to Lilium, the official ceremony for Weiss to become the next wielder was rushed and would be before he was of age. It was also to quell people’s anger, as their issues in their land had become unbearable to wear and a hero would bring peace to the people, as Weiss truly believed with all of his heart. To bring light to cast away the shadows, he would take his place as the hero.
Apologizing for what he had done, Schwartz asked his friends if they would accompany in a final quest. If he were to be fought and executed, so be it, and if he was never to become Durendal’s wielder, so be it, but at least, he would want to denounce the infamy his family had been accused of. He would accept his death if it at least meant the truth was finally known, and with it the Zantedeschia would be no more. He was surprised when everyone decided to go on with the journey, everyone knowing what kind of man he was, and wishing to support him one last time.  Thus, Schwartz and his friends traveled to Lilium to set right what was wrong.
“I am Prince Schwartz Zantedeschia from the Araceae Kingdom and I have come to reclaim the innocence of my people, unjustly accused in the past of crimes they did not commit. If I have to fight the hero chosen by Durendal, so be it! But on this day, the truth shall be known!”
“I will not let you, Prince Schwartz,” Prince Weiss proclaimed. “The Zantedeschia have become the evil of this land, and will be purged once more. You even wanted to steal this holy blade, someone like you is unfit to be Durendal’s wielder.”
Prince Weiss fought Prince Schwartz, not letting him say anything else. And deeply wounded after so many battles, Prince Schwartz fell on his knee, the sign of his loss and imminent execution. With a heavy movement, Prince Weiss swung Durendal, only to find that it wouldn’t even touch one strand of Schwartz’s hair, falling to the ground and staying there unmoving no matter how hard Weiss tried to lift it.
For Durendal would never harm the wielder it had chosen.
Surprising everyone, Schwartz included, he found himself picking up the sword, glowing as beautifully as the sun, a sign it had picked his newfound hero. However, before anyone could rejoice, the flames of revolution stormed into place, as Schwartz and his friends had to flee Lilium.
~ ° ~ 
“And that’s when the first movie ends,” Ann chirped happily as Vil closed the script having finished reading it, “setting up the second one where Weiss goes batshit evil because he wasn’t the chosen hero as his land falls into shambles because of a revolution unfolding because the government was trash. Schwartz and his friends had to flee and embark on a journey to unfold a thousand year conspiracy and reveal the people behind the scenes of every tragedy. Burtiqali might or might not have to face the fact he kinda murdered Asfar’s dad and tried to set Asfar up but it blew up on him. Ai and Hai try to go back home, Violet has to reevaluate his relationship with Schwartz, tension between Vert and Scwhartz for the treason he committed, and Azure and Vermillion try to redeem themselves from their petty felonies while working as comic relief.”
Vil blinked for a moment before bursting out laughing for a couple of minutes. “A sequel, really? You even thought that far?”
“There are too many developments to fit in one movie. This isn’t a cash-grab sequel, it’s because the plot is too heavy to work in only one.”
“Pffft!” Vil couldn’t even stop himself from making that grin, between condescending and touched. “I didn’t know you had quite the imagination, I know you make a comic and you made your friends cry with it, but I didn’t expect a conspiracy for Legendary Sword. You truly never watched any of the films, the sword’s name is Excalibur by the way.”
“I knew the name, but Durendal fits better, duh. The meaning of Durendal’s name has been debated actually, but a common point is how it resists and endures. It was a sturdy sword, so of course it would endure, that is why it had to be the Legendary sword here.”
“I’m afraid I don’t follow your obtuse logic, Ann.”
“If you’ve read as much as you claim to have, you will concede that former heroes weren’t good-natured people. It was a term given to those humans who defied all odds to achieve something impossible. In fact, many of them were terrible people struggling with vices. It was with time, especially modern times, that the word hero morphed into what we see, the pure-hearted paragon of goodness.”
“I almost poisoned Neige. How many heroes kill their rival in a fit of jealousy?”
“I like reading, and I realized the most valuable heroes weren’t the ones who never did wrong, but the ones who faced their own weaknesses and demons, and at their lowest, they could go on. You aren’t born a hero, you become one. Durendal chose Schwartz because he was willing to live on with his resentment and envy and help others. Durendal recognized Schwartz’s struggles and the time and effort he had spent all his life, trying to live up to his own morals. He saved people he encountered because it was the right thing to do, even if it was at odds with his goals. Would you call a villain someone who helps others out of the wishes of their heart?”
Vil opened his mouth to refute everything she had said, but Ann lifted a hand, a sign she wasn’t even done.
“You didn’t harm Neige in the end, and you overblotted because you regretted what you were going to do. You had a moment of weakness because you bottled it all in and because you are human. But your weakness doesn’t define your worth, it’s how you deal with your failures and faults what does. I told you, didn’t I? You are a hero, Vil. And I thought of making a story for the hero you deserved to represent.”
“…You depicted what happened during the VDC. That is no original story,” he mumbled, though he wasn’t mocking her. In fact, he was saying it to try to confront his own mixed feelings, at how she had turned his own struggles in a story of him being the hero. To be seen at his worst, yet being given this…
“It stops being based on that at the end, and there’s still the sequel, don’t forget. I haven’t finished it, but it can be a future birthday gift, right? I am a no-name person, but I’m giving it to you so you can give it to a director or a producer or a big shot and tell him ‘Hey, I got this great idea for a movie’. Obviously, you are Schwartz, the description was there so no one would get funny ideas of casting Neige.”
“You have no idea how these things work. No one will take me seriously if I hand them this.”
“Then arrange for someone to hand it to them then, duh.”
Vil chuckled. “Of course, I might follow your whims, if you behave well. Though I can’t say I hated this gift, you’d better improve your written action scenes next time.” There was no way he was giving this to Adella.
With a bright smile, not knowing that her gift would never reach the light of any studio, Ann excused herself, not before waving at him as she disappeared from the corridor. Vil himself reached his own room, carefully closed the door and threw himself on his bed. The script was carefully held between his arms, as he sighed.
“What a naïve girl, no one would make this film,” he said to no one, disappointed.
Vil knew how the industry worked. Such a story as the one depicted in this tale deviated too much from the norm to become a mainstream film and the budget needed was too large for an independent studio. Thus, only Vil would know of this story, the story of Schwartz Zantedeschia.
Even so, he held the script tightly against his heart, as he closed his eyelids to hide the tears forming in his eyes.
This has a lot of Author’s notes to make things more understandable.
Every character’s name is, as you might have guessed, based on a particular color. The color designation was depending on the origin of the fairy tale. Schwartz (Vil), Weiss (Neige) and Violett (Epel) got the German names for the colors black, white and violet, respectively. Vert (Rook) is the only exception, his name coming from French for green, this is to highlight that in the end he is a traitor of sorts to Schwartz.
Azure (Deuce) and Vermillion (Ace)’s original story hails from England, so they got variants of blue and red. Aladdin was written by a Syrian author, so Asfur (Kalim) and Burtiqali (Jamil) are the Arabic words for yellow and orange. I don’t know Arabic, so I am not sure if that’s the proper way you’d spell those words in the English alphabet, so if you find any mistakes, please let me know. Finally, while Ann comes originally from England, her character Ai and Hai (Grim) are in a way from Japan, so they are the Japanese words for indigo and gray.
Every character’s last name comes from a particular flower. Schwartz’s comes from Zantedeschia, or the calla lily. The calla lily can be found in a purple color so deep it might even look black. In spite of its name, it is not a true lily, hence it comes from the Zantedeschia genus and from the Araceae family. In the language of flowers, it represents beauty (hence ‘calla’, beautiful in Greek), purity, holiness, faithfulness, rebirth and resurrection. Funny though, the flower IS poisonous because of course Vil gets a poisonous flower.  :^)
Meanwhile, Weiss’s Leiron is the Greek word people believe referred to the white Madonna lily, and his Kingdom’s name is Lilium, the Genus for the lily flowers. Lilies have different meanings, depending on the color. White ones represent virginity, purity and modesty, while yellow ones represent falsehood and gaiety and orange means hatred. It is used in funerals in the west and are actually poisonous as well.
The other kingdoms come from the family of the Roses (Heartslabyul people), Chrysanthemums (Ann and Grim), and Jasmine (Kalim and Jamil). Because the author of the story of Aladdin is from Syria, I picked the national flower from that country.
Also, it’s ok Vil, you can make it an anime, or you can blackmail Crowley for $$$ and make it your club’s pet project :^)  Ehehehe
It was longer than expected, but I hope you enjoyed it! Thank you for reading!
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sweetygirl90 · 7 months
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Dibujos de Lothelios, Maddione y VermiAnn que hice en el día del orgullo, sí-
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factory-head-ashley · 4 years
What’ up Pokefans?! Moving right along with my challenge of completing generation one Pokemon Red using only bug types. I left Cerulean City and made for Vermillion, home of the S.S. Anne and the third gym. I first stepped into Diglett’s Cave and ground out some levels, especially for Venonat which was stupidly under levelled due to its weak stats and poor move pool. During my training Paras finally evolved into Parasect and Scyther started to learn some moves... even though it was only leer and focus energy. 
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I taught Parasect the dig TM I bagged from Team Rocket in Cerulean giving me some much needed coverage for electric and rock types. With my team finally all around the level 20 mark, I headed into the S.S. Anne and challenged Blue for the third time.
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I remembered that he would start with a pretty well levelled Pidgeotto this time and sent out Scyther to out speed it. I had it use focus energy to start the fight to up the critical hit chance then started whacking away at it’s health with quick attack. Like last time, Blue spammed sand attack so most of my moves missed and I didn’t land a critical hit despite the increased odds. Still I managed to KO the bird and his Raticate using Scyther without too much bother. I did take pretty bad hit from hyper fang but managed to hang on and KO Raticate the very next turn. Kadabra was finished by two hits from leech life (which is stronger than I remember it being) and I sent Venonat out to get EXP from Wartortle. Pinsir finished the job. 
After snagging HM01 and teaching cut to Pinsir so it could have a second attacking move it was time to take on the gym.
Gym battle three: Lt. Surge
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Lt. Surge’s first Pokemon was Voltorb which Parasect OHKO’d with dig. Nice and easy. I missed the screenshot of Pikachu but it was also OHKO’d. Lt. Surge wasted his turn using an x-speed. What is it with gym leaders and their battle boosting items? I can’t even buy any yet!
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His last Pokemon was Raichu, my all time favourite Pokemon... though not in this sprite! It started with thunder wave which failed and Parasect dug under ground. The next turn Lt. Surge used another x-speed and dig struck taking it down to less than an 8th of its health. The final turn Raichu used quick attack and Parasect claimed the win with leech life. 
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So that’s three fairly easy gym battles, earned from the enormous amount of grinding I have to do between each city. Next up is the Rock Tunnel which I think its going to be one long slog, but at least Erika will be weak to bug types so I’m not too worried about her. Until next time Frontier fans, smell ya later!
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weirdletter · 6 years
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32 White Horses on a Vermillion Hill: Volume One, edited by Duane Pesice, Planet X Publications, 2018. Cover art by Mutartis Boswell, info: Facebook.
Planet X Publications is proud to present this charity anthology, benefitting our friend, horror writer Christopher Ropes. It features stories & poems generously donated from members of the weird fiction & horror communities. Christopher has a condition called dentinogenesis imperfecta, which causes discolored, brittle teeth, and has been a lifelong source of pain & distress for him. All the profits from this book will go directly to Christopher to help cover the costs of some long-needed dental work so that he can smile easy for the first time.
Contents: Introduction – Nadia Bulkin 1. Farah Rose Smith – Blue Broken Mind 2. Matthew St. Cyr – An Incident on a Cold Winter’s Afternoon 3. Douglas Draa – Fishing Boots 4. Frank Coffman – Chindi/Night of the Skinwalker 5. Norbert Gora – How to live without meds? 6. Calvin Demmer – Nothing Else Matters 7. Jo-Anne Russell – The Denturist 8. Russell Smeaton – The Tooth 9. Paula Ashe – To Anne 10. James Fallweather – I Can’t See the Bottom 11. KA Opperman – Forbidden Knowledge 12. Bob Pastorella – Outlaws 13. Christopher Slatsky – Project AZAZEL 14. E.O. Daniels – Prototype 15. Maxwell Ian Gold – Eton’s Last Will and Testament 16. Kathleen Kaufman - Last Call at the Overlook 17. Scott Couturier – Reflection in Blood 18. Shayne Keen – Four Ropes 19. Brian O'Connell – Vore 20. John Claude Smith – "Hotel California" is the Devil 21. Jill Hand – Spare Parts 22. John Boden – Salten 23. Matthew M. Bartlett – The Fever River 24. Brandon Barrows – Verdure 25. Sarah Walker – Ink 26. Robert S. Wilson – Twitching and Chirping 27. Charles P. Dunphey – Denizens of Mortuun 28. John Linwood Grant – Hungery 29. Jeffrey Thomas – Chrysalises 30. Sam L Edwards – I Keep It in a Little Box 31. Jake Wyckoff – Trace of Presence 32. Donald Armfield – Thirty-Two Wisdom Tooth - Frederick J. Mayer – Insanity’s Steed
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tonid · 1 year
Anne Klein Ladies short Blazer/Jacket w/large collar & lapels/Vermillion/Size 2
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TAGGED BY STOLEN FROM: @fauxgrins TAGGING: whoever hasn’t done this???
CURRENTLY PLAYING:  ( priority order )
chara / undertale
ann takamaki / persona 5
amaterasu / okami
hiyori iki / noragami
yukiko amagi / persona 4
weiss schnee / rwby
winter schnee / rwby
mitsuru kirijo / persona 3
stocking anarchy / panty && stocking with garterbelt
morrigan aensland / darkstalkers
HAVE PLAYED:  ( in no particular order )
minato arisato / persona 3
minako/hamuko arisato / persona 3
bayonetta / bayonetta
noel vermillion / blazblue
hazama ( fem. ver. ) / blazblue
rogue / x - men; 90′s cartoon based
a succubus oc
nero / devil may cry 4
dante / dmc series ( original )
vergil / devil may cry 3
yuri / doki doki literature club
cammy white / street fighter ( alpha series ver. )
an oc with dual personalities
fluttershy / my little pony: friendship is magic
pinkie pie / my little pony: friendship is magic
litchi faye - ling / blazblue
rao / okami
waka / okami
kurow / okamiden
hisako / killer instinct
hazama ( fem. ver. )
rei hino/sailor mars / sailor moon
hotaru tomoe/sailor saturn / sailor moon
minako aino/sailor venus / sailor moon
shego / kim possible
satsuki kiriyuin / kill la kill
main cast of W.I.T.C.H.
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jaybug-jabbers · 4 years
Arbitrary Code Execution in Pokemon Red/Blue With Item 8F
This is a list of Arbitrary Code Execution (ACE) codes using the glitch item named “8F.” (hex value: 0x5D) Don’t know what 8F is/how to use it? Visit this video to find out more.
Codes were obtained from our good friends at Glitch City Laboratories. I’m simply compiling and organizing them.
8F won’t do anything amazing by itself. In order to make it execute code, we need to use the party Pokemon to spell out a short program. This program will redirect the instruction pointer to the item pack, so that the effects of 8F become easier to control. This process is referred to as bootstrapping.
There are several bootstrapping configurations that are easier or harder to set up. Below I listed the most commonly used ones.
TheZZAZZGlitch’s Pokémon Red/Blue 8F 6-Pokémon 233 Attack bootstrap
1. Exactly 6 Pokémon in the party                                    
2. Onix as the first Pokémon                                        
3. Pidgey as the second Pokémon                                      
4. Tentacool as the third Pokémon                                    
5. Meowth as the fourth Pokémon                                      
6. 24 PP left on the second Pokémon’s second move w/ 0 PP Ups used  
7. 21 PP left on the second Pokémon’s third move w/ 1 PP Up used    
8. 36 PP left on the fourth Pokémon’s first move w/ 0 PP Ups used    
9. 24 PP left on the fourth Pokémon’s second move w/ 0 PP Ups used  
10. 20 PP left on the fourth Pokémon’s third move w/ 0 PP Ups used    
11. Double Team as the fifth Pokémon’s first move                    
12. Double Kick as the fifth Pokémon’s second move                    
13. Strength as the fifth Pokémon’s third move                        
14. Sixth Pokémon’s attack stat has to be exactly 233
Pigdevil2010’s Pokémon Red/Blue 8F 5-Pokémon 233 HP bootstrap
1. Exactly 5 Pokémon in the party                                    
2. Pidgey as the first Pokémon                                      
3. Parasect as the second Pokémon                                    
4. Onix as the third Pokémon                                        
5. Tentacool as the fourth Pokémon                                  
6. Kangaskhan as the fifth Pokémon                                  
7. First Pokémon’s current HP has to be exactly 233
This code is powerful and can convert simple Gameshark codes into 8F scripts.
ITEM LIST (starting from the first slot):
* 8F
* Any item, any quantity
X Accuracy x (b2)
Carbos x (b3)
Max Revive x (b1)
Poké Ball x201
(To obtain the 201 Poké Balls stack, have Poké Balls x73 in the sixth item pack slot, then encounter / capture MissingNo or ’M. It will be a stack of 201 Poké Balls.)
Gameshark Code Format: 01(b1)(b2)(b3)
Keep in mind, Gameshark codes are in hex and need to be converted to decimal for the number of items in your bag. For example, the code 010138CD, which allows to walk through walls, can be transcripted into the following:
b1 = 01
b2 = 56
b3 = 205
Therefore, set up your bag like this:
* 8F
* Any item, any quantity
X Accuracy x 56
Carbos x 205
Max Revive x 01
Poké Ball x 201
8F will act like an item that forces a Pokemon encounter based on the quantity of item #1, allowing to catch all 151 Pokemon easily.
ITEM LIST (starting from the first slot):
* Preferably Master Balls
* 8F
TM50                x31
TM11                x4
TM34                x89
TM08                x201
This version of the Catch 'Em All script requires more items, but gives the Pokemon instead of forcing an encounter (like: BLUE got EEVEE!), and allows for getting normally unobtainable glitch Pokemon without trading. The given Pokemon depends on the quantity of the 3rd item.
Remark: Avoid obtaining Missingno with this method. It will duplicate your 6th item and screw the opcodes up.
Second Remark (by me):
Missingno. is not the only glitchmon that will change your item pack. The following will also cause changes. (If you use this script to obtain them, simply fix your items before using the script again.)
-94 h and 94 are item mutators. They mutate the fourth item in your pack.
-Pokemon hex F4 changes the quantity of item #6.
-Pokemon EC mutates item 4.
-Pokemon EA alters the quantity of 5th item. (adds 2)
-E8 mutates item slot 6.
-E6 mutates 5th item slot.
-E5 mutates 6th item slot.
ITEM LIST (starting from the first slot):
* Any item
* 8F
Repel               x[SpeciesIndex]
X Speed              x14
Ultra Ball           x64
TM05                x72
Lemonade         x201
With this setup, you can change your name to the nickname of your first Pokemon. Using 8F will copy one letter from your first Pokemon’s nickname to your player name. Use 8F (length of the name+1) times to copy all the name characters.
Warning: This code is self modifying, it will increase quantities of items #3 and #5 every use - remember to set those quantities back to 181 and 88 if you want to reset this. Also use carefully, as there’s no memory protection implemented and you may cause save corruption if you’re not careful.
ITEM LIST (starting from the first slot):
* Any item
* 8F
TM50                x181
TM10                x64
TM34                x88
TM09                x46
Calcium             x52
X Accuracy        x35
Full Heal            x201
This easy code uses only 3 basic items, and it increases the first item’s index by 1 every time 8F is used. You can obtain normally unobtainable items, glitch items or TMs so you can do other ACE codes.
ITEM LIST (starting from the first slot):
* 8F
* Item you want to morph
Burn Heal          x43
Ice Heal             x43
Full Heal           x201
Jump off a ledge after using 8F to walk through walls.
ITEM LIST (starting from the first slot):
* Any item
* 8F
TM34                x20
TM15                x201
When 8F was first discovered, the method of obtaining it had a slight chance to corrupt Pokemon at the PC box, causing crashes when trying to release/withdraw them. One can either deal with it and switch to another box, or make the box empty with this code.
Switch to the corrupted box, use 8F, done. Be careful though, you don’t probably want to clear the box with your L100 legendaries!
ITEM LIST (starting from the first slot):
* Any item
* 8F
Lemonade            x1
Soda Pop             x64
TM34                x128
TM18                x201
Came up with another script: Change the background music.
ITEM LIST (starting from the first slot):
* 8F
* Any item
Awakening x (sound bank)
Lemonade x (song index)
TM05 x 161
HP UP x 201
And I couldn’t find a list of song indices anywhere from googling, so here’s one I made from the ROM map on Datacrystal a while ago:
Bank 02 (2):
BA (186): Pallet Town
BD (189): Pokemon center
C0 (192): Gym theme
C3 (195): Viridian city
C7 (199): Fuschia city
CA (202): Celadon city
CD (205): Cinnibar island
D0 (208): Vermillion city
D4 (212): Lavender Town
D8 (216): S.S. Anne
DB (219): Follow Oak
DE (222): Gary fucking Oak
E1 (225): Follow someone
E5 (229): Safari Zone/evolution
E8 (232): Pokemon healed
EB (235): Route 1
EF (239): Welcome to the world of Pokemon
F3 (243): Route 4
Bank 08 (8):
EA (234): Gym battle
ED (237): Trainer battle
F0 (240): Wild battle
F3 (243): Final battle
F6 (246): Trainer defeated
F9 (249): Wild defeated
FC (252): Gym leader defeated
Bank 1F (31):
C3 (195): Title screen
C7 (199): Credits
CA (202): Hall of Fame
CD (205): Oak’s lab
D0 (208): Jigglypuff’s song
D2 (210): Bike riding
D6 (214): Surfing
D9 (217): Casino
DC (220): Intro battle
E0 (224): Rocket Hideout
E4 (228): Viridian Forest
E8 (232): Cave music
EC (236): Cinnabar mansion
F0 (240): Pokemon Tower
F3 (243): Silph Co
F6 (246): Meet bad trainer
F9 (249): Meet girl trainer
FC (252): Meet boy trainer
So, if for example you wanted to play the SS Anne music, you’d need 2 Awakenings and 216 Lemonades. If you wanted to play the Pokemon Tower music, you’d need 31 Awakenings and 240 Lemonades.
Something to note, if you use anything from Bank 02 or Bank 1F in battle, it’ll mess with the other battle sound effects. If you use anything from Bank 08 on the overworld, it’ll also mess with other sound effects.
This is in case you need zero of an item for particular 8F codes, or need to quickly duplicate items.
ITEM LIST (starting from the first slot):
* 8F
* Item you want zero of X2 (or, X1, if you want to get 255 of it)
Burn Heal X43
Ice Heal X53
Revive X201
ITEM LIST (starting from the first slot):
* Any item
* 8F
Lemonade x number corresponding to type
X-accuracy x 155 for primary type and x 156 for secondary type
Carbos x 218
Pokeball x 119
Fresh Water x 201
Still need to make the list of values for the different types, but I do know Normal = 00.
Note, the stats page for your pokemon will still display its old typing, but when taken into battle, it will behave with the modified typing.
ITEM LIST (starting from the first slot):
* Any item (any #)
* 8F
Lemonade x 170
X Acc x 178
Carbos x 218
Pokeball x 119
Fresh Water x 201
Put the Pokemon you want to make Shiny in the current box (in the first slot), then use 8F with 178x X Acc, then toss one X Acc and use 8F again. What this does is sets the atk/def/spc/spe DVs to 10, which makes it shiny on transfer. Keep in mind it only works for the first slot of the current box.
Gen 1 Mews are normally not transferrable to newer games unless your trainer ID matches the one that GF used during the official, special events that gave Mews out to people. If you want your gen 1 Mew to be transferrable, you’ll need to use this code.
You’ll need to set up your Pokemon party like this:
Pidgey with 233 current HP (I recommend getting it at level 1 through TFly then leveling it up, and using as many HP Ups as needed)
Arbok (can be obtained via TFly even if not playing Red)
ITEM LIST (starting from the first slot):
* 8F
* Any item x89
Dire Hit x58
Iron x37
X Accuracy x119
Water Stone x62
Burn Heal x50
Poké Ball x43
Antidote x43
Protein x62
PP Up x60
Ice Heal x50
Lemonade x133
Great Ball x50
Fresh Water x34
TM01 x[any qty]
Just use 8F once and check your Mew’s stats page. Should be good to go!
This is a repost on a new blog. The original post was on Jul 1, 2018.
0 notes