#Virgil's also there but only has a few lines
clydesavage-thefox147 · 3 months
(Sorry it's been a while since a big post😶)
So, after that Sally's Song analysis post, I thought I'd pull up another song that peaked my interest on Virgil's Spotify Playlist. "Thanks for the Memories" by Fall Out Boy.
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Now, yes, it is an Emo classic so it makes sense for him to have it. But, like I stated before, there's a reason it's on there. "Thanks for the memories" has had a lot of back and forth on what it's really about. However, if you really read the lyrics..it is obviously referencing sexual intimacy in a relationship that was either falling apart and had themselves one more day..or a relationship that has already ended but still gets together for sex.
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With lines like "One Night and One more Time", and the bridge of "Get me out of my mind, get you out of those clothes, I'm a liner away from getting you into the mood" Clearly in reference to sexual intimacy. The line "He tastes like you only sweeter" is in reference to a line in the 2004 film "Closer" but it could be in relation to someone in the relationship finding someone new. The meaning behind saying the title phrase inline with the lyrics is sarcastic. It's basically saying "thanks for nothing" or "yeah it sucked but I'll never forget it" or "it was good up until the end". The line "Collecting Page Six Lovers" is in reference to how in magazines and news papers, page six is usually the gossip column for celebrity scandals.. sometimes if not most times couple scandals from breakups, cheating or sexual tension like being caught kissing by paparazzi(which was common in the 2000s and even today)
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So, in full, the song is about a failing(seemingly popular) relationship who had deep intimacy throughout the toxicity up to the end. Or the relationship still has casual sex or feelings for each other.
Now, how is this in connection to Virgil? Well, Thomas did say that some songs on each playlist are directed at other sides. Therefore, I am on firm believe that this song is directed at Janus from Virgil's POV. There's a few songs on his playlist that seem to be so, but this one is pretty big to me.
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Think about it, They are the most scandalous relationship in the series. Full of mystery, tension, history, and clearly toxicity. It's been a hot topic ever since Janus appeared. So, the gossip column line fits. Janus is very promiscuous and flirtatious. He has quite the rizz(sorry lol). Snakes are symbols of temptation and seduction in some cultures, sometimes feminine sexuality and sometimes male with the phallic connections. Also, there's a lot of sexual undertones based in Janus' own playlist as explained here in a previous post. So, the sexual tension between them is there. Sure you could say it's directed at Remus with his dirty mind but do you honestly see Virgil screwing Remus? Like really? And we have yet to see how Virgil reacts to Orange but going off what we think of him so far, I don't think Virgil would be with him like that, especially since this song seems more bittersweet. It is possible it's Orange but it's slim. It only has to be Janus.
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In conclusion, I believe "Thanks for the memories" is one of the songs directed at Janus. And if that's truly the case, Virgil and Janus have f*cked. They are bitter exes. Sure, they could be intimate in other ways but the song's too on the nose with what it's about. Anxceit is possibly canon y'all.
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gumnut-logic · 3 months
Sweetapple Slices - Slice 2
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Sweetapple | Dear Mr Tracy | Along the way | Slice 1 | Slice 2
@idontknowreallywhy asked a question and I tried to answer it, but Alex and Virgil refused to behave, so we have a fic, but no answers. Also, fic is sugary sweet goop.
Oh, and it should be noted that all these Slices are standalone fics within the universe - consider them slices of life with these two :D
Many thanks to @onereyofstarlight for the read through. Again, I might need to offer her that dental plan. Also to @idontknowreallywhy for egging me on.
I hope you enjoy this romantic sugar fest.
“You know, isn’t all this stuff secret?” Alex gestured around him.
Virgil shrugged and tilted his head. “You looking to sell it to anyone?”
Alex’s eyes widened. “God, no! I wouldn’t-“
The rescue operative grabbed him by both arms. “Hey, I’m kidding. We know you wouldn’t do such a thing.”
Alex froze. “We?”
Those gorgeous biceps relaxed just a little. “You don’t think we let just anyone onto our Island, do you?” And he arched a lovely eyebrow.
“You have such beautiful eyebrows.”
Both suddenly shot up.
Oh, did he say that out loud?
Eh, blame it on the concussion…from a few days ago now. The Tracy family had shown no sign of needing to kick him, or his mum, off this amazing chunk of rock. Today Virgil was off rota and Thunderbird Two was set for regular maintenance, so he had been asked down here to ‘keep Virgil company’.
So far ‘maintenance’ had consisted of staring up at the great green Thunderbird, staring around her hanger, an extended session of smooching under her tail fin, and now he was sitting on the edge of Thunderbird Two’s co-pilot seat caught between stunned amazement and the percentage chance of another snoggy in the corner.
Any corner. There were at least four in the cockpit. Did that roof hatch open?
Honestly, he had never thought this would be his state of mind when he finally got to see all of this up close.
Of course, it wasn’t the first time he had been aboard Thunderbird Two. But last time had been sudden and unexpected and his brain had been fretting over so many things.
Now he was so happy he was likely to blow a blood vessel or something.
“Yours aren’t bad either.”
What? He scrolled the conversation back a little. Oh, eyebrows. Huh. “Never thought about them much. Yours, however, definitely require thorough consideration.” He reached up a hand, and hesitating for permission, brushed a finger the length of Virgil’s left eyebrow.
Chocolate eyes eyed him from beneath. “This is new.”
Be daring. “All of this is new.” He withdrew his hand.
“You have a point.” As if in revenge, Virgil reached up and brushed a tangle of Alex’s messy blond hair behind an ear. “I can definitely get used to it.”
He also had the most beautiful smile.
Okay, he had to stop this line of thought before he grabbed Virgil and really embarrassed himself.
“Um, yeah.” He gestured vaguely around the cockpit. “How long have you been flying Thunderbird Two?”
Virgil sat back a little and let go of Alex. “Nine years as her primary pilot. Took over from my Uncle in ‘55. Though there has been some downtime during that time.”
“And you keep her maintained?”
“Me and Brains.”
“Who’s Brains?”
Virgil’s lips twisted. “You haven’t met him yet.”
“Don’t worry.” Virgil reached across the dash and flipped a few switches. “He tends to keep to himself. I’ll drag him out of his lab later.” His finger retreated to his jawline. “I think you’ll like him.”
“I will?”
“You’ll see.”
Okay, be mysterious.
“Would you like some coffee?”
Alex stared at him. “You’re really asking that question? Even after how many times I’ve managed to steal coffee off of you.”
Virgil smirked as he stood up. “It was really only once and you were very amusing.”
Virgil was laughing as he strode over to a corner of the cockpit, hit some buttons, and revealed the holy grail of all coffee.
Alex couldn’t help but stand up and be drawn to it. Virgil had given him the plans to this creation from heaven, but between Siliwrap and Virgil’s visits, he hadn’t managed to find time to finish putting it together yet.
Besides there was something about the coffee being handed to him by a visiting handsome rescue operative that was its own kind of addictive.
And Virgil always brought plenty.
His drug dealer of choice, apparently.
“Hey, you still with me?” A hand was on his arm and Alex realised he had been standing, staring at the holy grail like a stunned mullet just a little too long.
Virgil had that worried medical frown on his face again.
He had done that a lot over the last couple days.
The man had enough bruises on his arms and legs to pop Alex’s eyes out of their sockets - something about a roof almost falling on him during the Gisborne rescue. Yet Virgil brushed it off as a day-to-day thing.
He was ‘fine’, don’t you ‘worry’, happens ‘all the time’.
But the scattering of bruises Alex possessed, the headache that popped up every now and again, and any slight croakiness of his voice and Virgil was all over him with that yellow scanner thing.
Speaking of which…
Alex grabbed Virgil’s wrist gently as he attempted to wave a randomly appearing scanner over Alex’s head. “I’m okay, Virgil.”
The wrist in his hand relaxed and the yellow light switched off. A gentle tug and Alex let Virgil’s wrist go and the man turned away, stashing the gadget back into wherever it came from.
It was very obvious that Alex had scared him by being caught in the earthquake.
Alex took that extra step closer, slipped up behind, and slid his arms around the man’s chest, resting his chin on Virgil’s shoulder. “I’m okay.”
Heavy lifting arms wrapped around his. “I know.”
“You do realise you have brought me into the presence of the machine that makes your glorious coffee. I mean, I should be kneeling on the floor, bowing in reverence.” A smile. “Give me something to hold so I can drop it in amazement.”
Virgil chuckled. “I doubt you could pick me up.”
“Is that a challenge?”
Virgil twisted himself around in Alex’s arms until they were facing each other. “I could say that you already have, but that pun line is groan-worthy.”
Alex did groan, but then Virgil’s lips found his and he was suddenly very much distracted.
Yes, this corner would do nicely.
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hebuiltfive · 2 months
Hi! Character ask game for TAG Scott! Any combo, or all - I'd really love to read your takes!🤗💙
My first impression of them
My least favorite ship of them
A weird headcanon
Future headcanon
When do you think they were being "themselves" the most?
So excited to answer this one! Putting it under a cut because it gets long!
First impression: Wow this guy is crazy, (from hanging off TB1)? Also remember distinctly thinking that, as the obvious head of the family, that this guys really knows what he's doing. I was proved wrong in subsequent episodes. Sorry Scoot! But I really liked Scott from the off!
Least Favourite Ship: I don't really have one that I hate but if I had to pick one I dislike... I'd probably say Scott x Kayo only because I see Kayo as their sister in TAG so it feels a little weird to me to ship her with any of the boys. But that's just my personal opinion on it. There are some amazing Scayo fics out there!
Weird headcanon: I don't know whether this meant a weird headcanon in terms of weird for the character or whether it meant weird for me to have the headcanon, so I'm just going to give a headcanon that might be common but might just be me instead, if that's okay (and if that made any sense?
Okay. To me, I see Scott as actually very musical. Obviously he's nowhere near as proficient as Virgil who is the musician of the family, but Scott can hold a decent tune. In addition to singing, he can also play a variety of instruments including the piano, the guitar, the harmonica, the French horn, the drums.
I think this one is a little influenced by the TOS universe — in one of the Theydon books, Scott plays the piano and there's a bit of background to that — so I kind of just expanded it for TAG Scott (and may be putting it into one of my WIPs... 👀).
But yeah. Hope that answers that one!
Future Headcanon: This is a much easier headcanon question, and it also happens to be one I'm currently writing into a WIP!
Once Jeff is home and everything is more stable, Scott settles down with Marion Van Arkle. She joins iR and they have three children together (who will follow in their footsteps when they're old enough) and Scott lives happily ever after. He deserves the happily ever after! (Although there are, of course, hiccups in the WIP, but that's unimportant here.) Happily ever after Scott! That's important!
Most themselves: Ooh. That's tough. I can think of a few.
Recharge, where he goes off in the Pod despite Virgil warning him against it and, oh look! Virgil was right all along? That sums Scott up I think.
Chain of Command, for most of the episode. Getting angry of not being able to help the people in need; going in for that second rescue regardless of the permission; and then, of course, questioning Janus's authority.
Chain Reaction, for when he saves Fuse even though Marion points out he's a criminal. Scott's line of "everyone is worth saving" is such a Tracy line, but I think it also sums Scott up. Likewise, in Brain v Brawn where he saves the Hood. Dude has a bigger heart than I would have in that situation.
I could go on, but this answer is already an essay in itself!
Thank you for this! It was fun to think about, and I hope I answered okay! 💙
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typically-untypical · 5 months
The Saint and the Manipulator
AU: Vampires
CW: Biting
WC: 1,962
Date: 12/14/2023
"Look at him Jannie, he just looks cute enough to eat," Patton cooed, watching the man at the bar mixing drinks for other people. His fingers were long, almost spider like and his shirt was wide enough at the neck to show off his warm flesh.
"Patience," Janus hissed, drawing a line from Patton's neck to his chin. For the past few months he had been talking with the bartender, slowly getting him to open up to the ideas of the occult. It hadn't been hard, Virgil was apparently an avid conspiracy theorist and so when Janus started spouting off about Vampires, the bartender had listened with rapt attention. Everything working out in their favor, Janus was enjoying Virgil's company and Virgil seemed excited by the possibility of something so macabre. It had been a long road preparing the human, but everything was going according to plan. Janus had to move one more piece into play, Patton. His husband was a joy and a sweetheart, full of wonder for the world around him. Unfortunately, as a vampire, Patton had a thirst that couldn't be satiated. Unlike most stories, vampires weren't reckless killing machines, at least not all of them. Much like humans, they had the capacity to be evil or kind and though Janus didn't believe such labels were helpful, he did hope others understood, as a human he could be far crueler than he actually was. Patton, on the other hand, was far kinder than most humans Janus met.
"Oh I hope we get his consent, I would love to have him as part of our family."
Patton was probably a big reason why Janus was the way he was. Being such a kind and open hearted man, even as a vampire he wouldn't drink from someone he didn't have permission from. The first time he had drank from Janus he had begged, pleaded in a dark alley. Janus had only been so gracious to shut him up, but when Patton had finished drinking the smile on his face had been captivating. He had complimented Janus' health and given him advice for his future. It had been such a strange encounter that Janus had gone back again and again until they were linked. Vampires could get blood from any random humans, but it wasn't nearly as fulfilling as blood from someone bound to a vampire. If a human agreed, their soul could be intertwined, giving them the life span to stay by the vampire's side while also promising their health to the vampire. This bond was a neigh unbreakable, which meant one couldn't go into it lightly. Janus had given his life to Patton over a century ago, but Patton's hunger continued to grow. This was his way of helping his husband. He had been laying the groundwork to woo the bartender. He would later take on the role of manipulative villain, but he would do anything for Patton's sake.
"Last call, you two," Virgil said, walking over to their table and leaving the bar unattended. It seemed like most of the regulars had already cleared out leaving only a few stragglers behind.
"I think we're good in terms of alcohol, but might we have a conversation once you're off work? Patton and I are curious about a few things." Not a lie, not the truth.
"Oh, so this is the infamous Patton," Virgil held out his hand. "Jay has told me a lot about you, give him a few drinks and he actually can't shut the fuck up about you. I've been curious." 
Patton giggled, covering his mouth to hide his fangs. "You are a sweet talker. He has mentioned you a lot as well. I think he and I are going to have to have a stern talking to because he undersold how pretty you are."
Virgil blushed, heat and blood rising to his face. "Well, that's good to hear. I have to start cleaning the bar, but I'll tell the others you're walking me to my car, that way they should leave you be even after we close."
"Thanks Kiddo." Virgil raised his eyebrow at that but didn't say anything as he started walking away.
As soon as he was out of earshot, Patton grabbed Janus' leg trying to control his obvious giddiness. "He's handsome, and that voice, and that smell." Patton seemed to melt a bit and Janus wrapped his arms around his husband, pulling him close. 
"Yes, I'm aware he's pretty. I figured he was just your type."
Patton giggled, "Why because I like dramatic emos who hide their true feelings with sarcastic quips?"
Janus pretended to look offended as he put his hand to his chest. Patton only laughed, leaning up to kiss Janus' chin. "I love you," he whispered.
Janus would never admit that he melted a bit too, returning Patton's kiss. "You are too saccharine for your own good." He kissed Patton's neck, desperately trying not to be obvious about their love and affection for one another. He didn't need Virgil's coworkers to think they were sketchy, lecherous, or anything of the sort. They needed to be seen as a good couple, and good tippers.
It was less than an hour before Virgil and the others had the place cleaned up and shut down. He started walking toward them and the two got out of their chairs, putting them up on the tables like they had seen the others do. 
"So, what is it you wanted to talk to me about?" Virgil asked, after walking them both out locking the door behind him. "You're not going to proposition me into your harem are you, Jay?" He asked teasingly, causing Janus to roll his eyes. That wasn't what he was planning on doing but he also understood that it almost seemed like that was exactly what he was doing. He was asking Virgil to potentially be a blood donor for Patton for the rest of his life, but all in due time.
"Actually, I wanted to tell you a secret, Pat, darling, would you like to show him your teeth?"
Patton looked to Janus for confirmation before he opened his mouth, allowing his fangs to slide out. Virgil's mouth fell, and he floundered for words. Janus let him process, making sure that he and Patton were at least 5 feet away so Virgil could feel like he could escape. No one could truly escape a vampire, but Patton also wasn't a hunter.
"Alright, so those are either really expensive, or..." He looked at Janus as if hoping to hear that it was all a lie, that Janus was playing a prank. 
"I am fully human, but my husband..." Janus allowed his sentence to taper off, allowing Virgil to fill in the rest. 
"He's a vampire, and you... you knew?"
"That's why I was so knowledgeable about them." Janus pulled Patton into him and as expected, Patton nuzzled his neck gently. "You're not in any danger from him, Patton is very sweet and never drinks from someone unless he has permission. However, it is an experience."
Janus watched as Virgil swallowed, looking over to his car before taking a step forward. "So vampires are real? You aren't just fucking with me? You do seem to like to do that." Virgil countered and Janus nodded.
"An unfortunate trait of mine, but I'm sure Patton would be happy to demonstrate as long as you don't mind watching. It can get a bit... intense." There was a bout of silence, the three of them standing there waiting for Virgil to make a move. Finally he nodded.
"Yeah, yeah, okay. I need to see this to believe it."
"Are you sure kiddo? You don't have to believe if you want. You could pretend it was a bad dream and go on with your life."
At Patton's suggestion, Virgil shook his head furiously, something Janus also expected. Virgil had anxiety and though he managed it well while he was bartending a discovery like this would haunt him for the rest of his life if he didn't verify it was fake. Then again, finding out it was real would most likely shake him to his core. He would come to them more often for comfort and Janus and Patton would both be waiting with open arms; Patton because he was kind, and Janus because he knew it would be a way to get Virgil to trust them. No other reason.
"Alright, if you're sure." Janus felt Patton shift, hands gently wrapping around his face was Patton looked at him. "May I?" He asked in the sweetest voice. He always started this the same way and it felt like a ritual at this point. 
"Always," Janus whispered in response, getting to see Patton's soft shy smile before his head was tilted to the side. Patton didn't just sink his teeth in. He kissed at Janus' neck, sucked a small bruise on the crook to bring the blood to the surface. Then he bit down. It was a brief moment of pain followed by a flood of endorphins. He felt like he was floating, like the whole world disappeared beneath his feet. Janus reached out for Patton, clinging to his arms, fighting the sounds that desperately bubbled from his chest. He was partially aware that Virgil was still here, was still watching them and that was not the thing to think about right now. He moaned out the bartender’s name softly before Patton pulled back, kissing his neck and sealing the wound. He left only a hickey behind. 
Vaguely, he could hear Patton speaking and Virgil was saying something as well. This had been the risk of going this route, letting the two of them talk alone. However, if Patton and Virgil were going to fall in love they needed to actually like each other. He was being swept off his feet, cradled in the strong arms of his husband. 
"Let me walk you to your car. If you're okay with it, we can talk more tomorrow?" Patton was doing great. He had managed to get them an invite back. Virgil wasn't running away. Janus knew he probably needed to stay awake, to do everything he could to manage the situation, but his head felt heavy. Patton's venom was still coursing through his system, desperately pulling him into a relaxed state. Elevated heart rates meant more blood, but it also meant a higher chance of someone dying and though there were enough humans now that culling the population wouldn't have a dramatic effect, that hadn't always been the case. 
Janus had done the research, Janus knew what was needed to keep Patton safe, to keep him healthy. Janus knew why things were happening, but he couldn't access it all his brain was too fuzzy. 
"This hit you hard didn't it?" Patton whispered, "Seems like you enjoyed someone else watching you feed me." He sounded more lucid and Janus felt himself falling closer and closer to sleep. "I do really like Virgil, but I think maybe you like him a bit too." Janus felt a slight kiss on his forehead and the warmth of a blanket being pulled over him. "At least I hope you do. You deserve to have a life's companion as much as I do. I'd love to build a little commune where you could have more friends, more family." Patton pushed his hair away from his face before laying down next to Janus. 
"Rest, it's okay, honey. I can take over from here. You've done such a good job but it's my turn to care for you."
Janus finally relaxed, allowing sleep to take over. This was why he loved his husband. He was too kind for his own good.
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idontknowreallywhy · 11 months
This was not at all the way I thought this fic was going but a certain scene took over my mind, and I literally couldn’t do anything else until I’d got it down… Virgil refused to do as he was told and got carried away and then Scott took me by surprise and got heavily involved also. It needed an external viewpoint so Gordon has now inexplicably shoehorned himself into the action… let’s just say it got very out of control.
It also doesn’t advance the plot in any way at all, adds absolutely nothing to the mystery and no hints for the solution either. So let’s call it a little interlude (chapter 3b-i perhaps) and then forget it ever happened 😂
Apologies if this gives anyone a persistent earworm, but I hope I’ve conveyed the mental image well enough to make it a fun one… and it can’t be all classical all the time, can it?
Gordon had been in the next town over using a dozer-pod to assist with clearing some of the more major roads. The rescue Virgil had dropped him off for turned out to be fairly straightforward once he’d cleared the entrance of the old stadium and everyone had just walked out. Frankly it had been a while since he’d had a non-traumatic mission and so when asked if he could lend a hand with this more mundane task he was more than happy to make it worth the effort of configuring the pod.
The only hitch had been where his comm unit had started glitching out - he’d managed to relay a static-filled message to John with his location and that he was safe and would wait for Two to collect him. John had confirmed receipt but all had gone quiet since.
Becoming increasingly bored, and with nothing better to do Gordon figured he’d start making his way back down the road towards where his brothers were finishing off. The pod should have a few miles’ worth of juice left and it was better just than hanging around waiting in the dark. He attached a storm lantern to the roof of the pod to make sure Virgil wouldn’t miss him when he flew over.
The “make a start on the journey” soon became “make the entire journey”. Finding both One and Two dark and empty in a field outside town, Gordon sighed, left the pod there and started trekking down the road towards civilisation.
Mildly grumpy at being abandoned, he decided the best revenge would be to sneak up on them, whatever they were doing and cause some mischief. Maybe see if he could trigger that rare girlish screech both the bigger bros could emit when unexpectedly jabbed in the side below the ribs. Gordon could be immensely stealthy when required, a fact not commonly recognised by his family due to the more usual clownish strutting style of movement he favoured. He strode along, fuelled by the unique variety of adrenaline released by full scale plotting.
Gordon’s recall of the town centre itself was hazier than his older brothers’ and the pictures he did have were overlaid with the memory of his mother’s hand firmly restraining him from running out into the traffic. But he recognised the jumble of structures that made up the old school. It seemed to be the only building with any sign of life so he jogged towards it. At least someone here might be able to tell him where his family had got to.
In fact, the school appeared to have a whole town’s worth of life… as he neared it he could hear… was that stamping? And… yeah, ok that was definitely singing. All thoughts of stealth and prankage swept from his mind by curiosity he sprinted across the playground and skidded through the front entrance, into reception and was hit by a wall of sound as hundreds of voices were half singing / half yelling a line which felt vaguely familiar but he couldn’t quite place…
He gripped on to the doorframe of the hall entrance with both hands and his jaw dropped so emphatically he faintly wondered if he’d dislocated something as he tried to comprehend the scene in front of him.
The majority of the town seemed to be gathered around the piano, stamping, clapping, banging crutches and, in one notable case, smashing two saucepans together with abandon - all singing and egging on the man at the keys. When Gordon’s eyes fixed on that figure everything else briefly faded out. He’d thought he knew this man well but had never in his life encountered this version:
Jet black hair had fallen out of the carefully constructed fauxhawk, some sticking wildly out to the side, the rest plastered to his forehead. His head thrown back, his eyes wide and wild and the world’s biggest smile on his sweaty dirt-marked face as he hammered out the accompaniment:
Oh wow, he did know this, it was some Swedish band from the 20th century that his parents had loved. But he hadn’t heard it in… so long.
Grinning, he wormed his way through the crowd only to freeze in absolute astonishment when the man standing next to Virgil came into view.
The poised Field Commander of International Rescue was passionately punching the air as he sang at the top of his voice, tears of laughter streaming down his face:
His other arm was around an elderly gentleman who was waving a walking cane and bouncing enthusiastically.
Virgil’s gauntlets and comm unit had been dropped to the floor at some point and Gordon noticed John’s hologram, arms folded and a smirk on his face, silently observing the proceedings. So that’s why everyone had forgotten him.
The tiny bubble of resentment popped as soon as it arose. Whatever it was that had unlocked this joy and abandon in his brothers, he wanted IN - Gordon threw his arms around a nearby group of teenagers and belted out the lyrics that had been nestled in his brain for over a decade:
If you find yourself wanting to learn to play what Virgil is, there’s another one of those cool videos here:
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undescribed1mage · 2 years
tell me about ur ideal production of rtc if you had complete control over EVERYTHING
Ideally Ricky would be played by a disabled transfem actor.
Costume wise it'd be as close as possible to the original 2016 costumes. Jane would have a ribbon tied around her kneck, Mischa would be wearing a wedding wring(a makeshift one), both Ocean and Jane would be wearing lockets, and Constance & Ocean would have friendship bracelets. Ricky's mobility aid would be decorated with stickers.
Uranium Suite — they'd all be slightly off from each other. Mischa would be a few beats late, Noel would push Ocean out of the way, Ocean would attempt to take Mischa's phone from him.
During the boys line(The smart ones all packed up and went why stay if you can't pay the rent?) Ocean & Constance would dance together
During the girls line (Empty Streets and Empty Shops,Shuttered rows of mom and pops) Noel & Mischa would dance together
What The World Needs:
The Choir members mocking the actions Ocean is detailing(someone fetching her a coffee, someone shining her shoes, etc).Mischa would just casually pick her up everytime she says she gets up.
Would switch the Ricky lyric to 'We're bringing back the girl who plays the tambourine?' and everything that correlates w that.
Yk the movement Tiffany does during the 'teen sex kills!' line?That when the Ocean says 'he's never gonna breed!'.
Super epic Taylor Swift based outfit change for Ocean!!
Noel's Lament:
Outfit is HEAVILY inspired by Lola Lola. Long Haired Noel if possible.Entire song sang VERY aggressively.Beret's for the girls!!Bowler for Mischa!!!
Nischa dance before the kiss, which is less making out and more just a VERY passionate kiss(think Ohio production). Mischa mouthing 'I think I am in love with you.'
Home theatre type vid for the background of the 'my child,' scene.
Ocean, Jane, Ricky & Constance busily walking around Noel during a few parts(specifically during the 'eight months later!i catch typhoid flu!' bit, to emphasize that no one really cared.)
Every Story Has A Lesson:
TAP DANCING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This Song Is Awesome:
Super Cool Sunglasses.
Switch Noel & Ocean during the 'Here comes the hotties, here comes the valet.' line.
Not much to say for the rest of this, but epic mic drop at the end(Ocean catches it)
All the girls get flowy dresses & projections I keep going in between Noel in a wedding dress as Talia(not in like a 'Noel is Talia typa way') and there isn't anyone playing Talia.
If Noel is Talia:
Spacedolls & Blackrose dance together on the side.
If Noel isn't Talia:
Everyone switches dancing partners every now and then.
All the girls would have pretty flowers in their hair :)
Noel & Ocean gossiping when they dance during Talia.
Space Age Bachelor Man:
Title and lyrics would probably be changed.She would get a very pretty space themed outfit and I'd give her spacebuns.
We are KEEPING IN the space babies line!!!!
The cats would have furry tails.I would aim to make the meowing as comfortable as possible.
Either Karnak or Virgil as Count Dog-U-Lous!
Ocean being the only one to say 'Ricky, should we pull the switch?'
Only the cats saying 'That son of a bitch!'
Ricky sounding panicked during 'Why are they asking me?I'm a lover not a fighter!'
The Ballad Of Jane Doe:
She'd start out on the ground, looking around at all the choir members(who are imitating what would be her funeral).
As she's raised up she continues reaching out for each choir member, obviously unable to grab them.
She clutches her uniform at every religious reference(her only sense of identity being that she went to a Catholic school).
The tone of 'Just John and Me!' being hopeful.
The tone of the song slowly getting darker and slower until they reach the end.
The New Birthday Song:
It would imply Jane eating the cupcake AND the candle.She would also try to touch the fire.
Jane would hug Ricky after she's given the name Savannah, and then a scene of her pulling the lever(like in mccarter) would happen.
Mischa would ruffle Noel's hair while saying that Noel is tragic.Then Noel would hug Mischa.
During the Blackrose scene everyone else would be visible in the background.
Both Constance & Ocean would get progressively more upset but for VERY different reasons, until Constance finally punches Ocean.
Sugar Cloud:
Purposefully rocky vocals at the beginning before Constance eventually gets more comfortable with her voice.
Ocean nodding during the 'There is nothing wrong with the nicest girl in town!' line.
Noel & Ocean dancing together at some point!!!(THEY'RE FRIENDS TRUST).
Ocean holding up the microphone for Constance, Noel & Mischa dance together, Ricky & Jane dance together!!
It's Not A Game//It's Just A Ride:
Ocean singing the majority of it during Penny's life montage, everyone else joins in near the end.
Mischa shielding the rest of the choir as Karnak breaks.
Everyone copying the movements from their songs during the second half of the song!!!
The Order they stand next to each other is:
(Left to right):
Everyone jumping together as Karnak begins to speak.
'No, I mean me moving against my will.' would be kept in.
Somehow I would merge the improv scene & the porno is magical scene.
Mischa & Ocean both laughing at Noel's Taco Bell photo.
Ocean would be shoved out of the way for Noel's introduction.
Jane would be more life-like(Little Miss No Name based as well).
Ocean speech would include the 'every single one of you is a fricken rockstar!' line and she'd point to the audience as well.
Mischa would attempt to run away from Ocean when she says 'Mischa...I love you!'
This is all i have for now.
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Patton has a brother and it's the Orange Side: A Theory
Hey, yall remember that one Sanders Sides fic I released that was like "ha ha what if Patton is related to the Orange Side?"
I think I can actually prove it.
(This is fairly long so the theory is under the cut):
First and foremost (this is what most of the theory hangs on)
If you're an avid watcher of the show, you'll remember that in Why Do We Get Out of Bed in the Morning, Roman shows us a "family tree". This includes, most notably, Roman himself and Patton (which, while I'm aware that he's probably only on the tree at all because they wanted to continue the gag of "Patton is Thomas's dad", I find incredibly interesting considering that Patton isn't in the video at all - his portrait is there to show something).
For reference, here is this family tree:
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As many an early theorist noticed when this video came out, Roman has a line extending off to the right of his portrait - if you weren't aware, this means that the people connected to the line are siblings.
This was later proven canon as, five videos later, who should reveal themselves but Remus (Roman's twin brother).
But notice anything interesting?
That's right: Patton has a line going off to his left, meaning he too has a sibling.
"But Calvin!" I hear you say, "What if his brother is just Janus, what if-"
Hush and let me explain.
Thomas and the team, as we’re all well aware, are generally very lenient when it comes to shipping the Sides - Thomas has stated that he views it as self-love so generally he doesn’t mind it.
However, he has stated that RemRom (romantic Roman and Remus [blarg]) makes him extremely uncomfortable because they are canonically twins.
And, in the Roleslaying With Roman livestream a few months ago, Alex and Brei stated that they wouldn’t allow people to ship Youngblood and Roman together if they knew that they were planning on them being revealed to be siblings. I imagine Thomas is in the same boat when it comes to his own characters.
Meaning that this unknown brother of Patton’s has not been introduced into the series just yet (that is to say, it’s highly highly unlikely that his brother is, say, Janus).
So, with all the other sides eliminated, who does this leave but the Orange Side?
And no, I have more proof!
As many people have theorized, Orange is likely representative of negative emotions (primarily anger, given the nature of the scenes that the color orange primarily dominated - the opening live action scene for Putting Others First, the top of the stairs in Learning New Things About Ourselves, and Logan's eyes in Working Through Intrusive Thoughts).
I think it's important to note here that just about every character in this show has expressed some form of visible anger and/or frustration before, and I'd list the most obvious examples but they are all extremely obvious (except maybe Remus, who we've only really seen get frustrated over Thomas not falling for his traps, but I digress).
There is only one main character we have never actually seen get mad or angry or any other intense wrath-filled emotion at anyone: Patton.
Which on its own is odd because, again, every other character, including C!Thomas, we have seen get mad before.
But it's even more odd when you take into consideration just how abnormal it is that the metaphysical embodiment of emotions has never been shown to be angry? Like, why? Why haven't we seen Patton... angry? Especially considering that anger is an emotion.
Not to mention that Patton tends to be one of, if not the first person in the show to actually start accepting the "Dark Sides" (first with Virgil, then with Janus). He's sympathetic towards them (or, towards Virgil at least) even before he was given a reason to.
Something else I thought was interesting (but not necessarily hard evidence towards the theory) is that Patton is the only "Light Side" to canonically have an animal trait, like the "Dark Sides" do.
Also, if one of my other Orange Side theories is right and Orange's real name is Judas, it would kind of make sense that Patton is related to him. I mean, Patton is definitely full of that ol' Catholic Guilt TM, so it would sort of track to have his brother be named after the dude who sold out Jesus (and also kind of fitting for Patton himself, now that I think about it).
So there you have it: my theory as to why Patton and the Orange Side seem so closely linked together is that they're simply siblings.
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ariapmdeol · 10 months
hi!! im a bit new to coe and i was wondering if you know what/who kanou was talking about in arrival point B? something about why he was following this person etc and has it ever been brought up since in the recent installments? im really curious about the researchers :')
Is he not just still talking about Atou? I'll give a little analysis under the cut (Spoilers for Arrival points S, A, and B).
I ended up going on a few tangents but it's interesting enough, i think!
First: the Kanou scene is triggered by an optional flag from chapter four. If you read Yuusuke Aiba's journal without Kanou, and don't ask him any questions about it (see ch 4 extras), then you'll be on the path for the Kanou Flag and have a few new lines, and unlock this scene at the end of chapter 7. This scene in S is the same as what is shown at the start of A, and you see the B route version in B route's video!
One of the keys in S and A vs B is that in B, Atou abandons shinano. He never charges the phone, and thus he refuses to confront the possibility of Shinano being human. He calls him a monster from the beginning.
the scene just before the kanou flag shows this well.
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One of the key differences in the routes is that in A and S, Atou faces the truth as completely as he can. He tries to save everyone, and acknowledges them as human. He accepts all parts of himself.
Like Sanemitsu's note from chapter 4 says, Be resolute in your decisions. Be firm in your choices and be dedicated in your will.
In the lower Arrival Points, Atou refuses to do this. He runs away from himself and the truth. This is where the difference in the Kanou flag comes into play. By this point, Atou has already faltered in his will. He's decided to abandon Shinano.
You can see this clearly in how Atou talks to Kanou in these routes:
S and A:
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Versus in B route:
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Kanou spends the entire game with Atou. With the Kanou flag activates, the two of them understand each other better.
In S and A, Atou is firm and direct in his convictions. He's decided that no one will die and he is confident in talking to Kanou. He has his convictions and Kanou trusts him with his will. (fun fact that they forgot to show in the videos! Kanou gives you a note with Kurachi's gun. Kanou's "Curse" protects you during the origin beta boss fight~)
In B, Atou has faltered in his will. He hesitates. He refuses to face the truth. And Kanou knows this. It's clear from how Atou talks to him in these two scenes that things are different.
How can he entrust his will to someone who isn't strong enough to carry it out? Why was Atou entrusted with origin Alpha if he's faltering here? This isn't how the story was supposed to go for them. This wasn't the ending that Kanou expected.
It may also help to consider the Divine Comedy Parallels. If Atou is our Dante, then Kanou is our Virgil. He guides Atou through the Inferno, only to leave until he can greet him at the boundary between Purgatory and Heaven; the end of chapter 7. This parallels the events in the actual Divine Comedy.
In A and S, Atou continues to Chapter 8: Divine Comedy. He continues to Paradiso. In the lower routes (including B), he doesn't get there. He never finishes his journey and doesn't achieve that happy ending that Comedies are meant to have.
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miirshroom · 2 months
The Dark Souls Pendant
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A simple pendant with no effect. Even so, pleasant memories are crucial to survival on arduous journeys.
I have been looking up the 12 year old discourse over the Dark Souls Pendant item.
People like to bring it up as an example of Miyazaki "trolling" by saying he'd pick a useless item as a starting gift. With evidence being in a later interview saying that was "a bit of an intention to play a prank". I agree that there is a prank happening here, but it took all of 15 minutes for me to read a few wiki pages and think of at least four reasons why Miyazaki would pick the pendant as a starting gift. So. I will go through them.
1) Questline Importance
To draw attention to the nature of hollows, and perhaps generally incentivize people to look at questlines holistically in considering the fail states to be as significant as the successes. There is an NPC in the game named Rhea who drops the pendant item if her quest terminates early by being slain by another NPC - Petrus. If her quest is progressed further to the Duke's Archives (crystal dragon library) she turns hollow and instead upon death only drops her Ivory Talisman - no Pendant. The Ivory Talisman is an interesting thing of itself to be obtained at the end of this quest, considering that its name translates to "the false dreams of the greatness of man" (poet Virgil wrote of receiving false dreams by passing through the gates of ivory, and "talis" is Latin for "so great"). But regardless, turning hollow = loss of the pendant = loss of pleasant memories.
2) For Trade Value
a.k.a. Affiliation with the Blade of the Dark Moon covenant. The Pendant may be traded to the invisible crow "Snuggly" who desires things that are soft and warm. In return, the player receives the Souvenir of Reprisal that is used to increase rank in the Dark Moon covenant. This item has the form of "a blood drained shrunken ear". Some sources say that this use for the pendant was not available at launch and only patched in later, but regardless as the director Miyazaki would have known that this trade is intended. And perhaps this is the extent of the prank - he knew for a fact that the "functionality" of the item literally did not exist but what it does have are its trade value and its lore value.
3) Rejection of the Dark Moon Covenant
The Dark Moon Covenant is unlocked by finding a plain gold coloured ring called the Darkmoon Seance Ring and equipping it to speak with secret endgame boss Gwyndolin behind a fog wall. If you ever cross the fog wall to see Gwyndolin you get kicked out of the covenant. Members of this covenant use the blue eye orb to invade other players who have committed PVE or PVP "sins", where the names of players who have done and their sin level are written in the Book of the Guilty. Altogether quite convoluted. Originally, before the launch of Dark Souls Miyazaki said that he would choose the pendant or "nothing". I imagine because he is not a game character who needs an item to recall pleasant memories - he is a person who keeps his memories in his head. And similarly the Souvenir of Reprisal would be a reprisal on a meta level. Something of a warning against being so willing to trade away happy memories in the service of an intangible entity. Weigh and measure what it costs to devote hours to hunting achievements and secrets and high ranks in video games compared to anything else that you could be doing or thinking about.
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4) Foreshadowing
This is also sortof a combination of points 2 and 3. As mentioned, the Souvenir of Reprisal is in the form of a severed ear. And I can't help but notice that Sir Gideon Ofnir's illustration at the start of Elden Ring shows him lying in a bed of severed ears. Ofnir being a name for Odin, who famously has two ravens named "Thought" and "Memory". Considering that the pendant is representative of memory there are some pieces that can be put together here. Also, wiggling at the corner of my mind are the opening lines of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar: "Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;. I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him." Speaking of foreshadowing, put a pin in that for later - it might become relevant when discussing the significance of the Rubicon River and the longest year in the history of the Roman calendar.
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But then there is also the Dark Moon covenant, which comes back in Elden Ring in connection to Ranni. It is in the lore snippets that Ranni was affiliated with the Dark Moon, but this is perhaps no longer the case - I find it more likely that she left the Dark Moon behind in Chelona Rise and now merely adopts the aesthetic. She never does use the spell that has her name attached to it. There is no dark moon covenant in Elden Ring - or any covenants - because FromSoft does not care any more to stoke player incentive to grief others or to have a group of players dedicated to griefing the "rulebreakers". People are more than happy to deliver unpleasant memories to other people for free.
So for the people who would accept nothing less than the Pendant being a mechanical key that opens a secret door - they are missing the point of the "trolling". Instead of making a pleasant memory out of exploration and appreciating the artistic work for what it is, they have chosen to make it a negative memory of the time they pushed all of the buttons in a Skinner box and nothing happened. And memetically convey this experience upon other people. Placing external blame on an internal inability to cope with trial and failure to receive a reward that was never actually promised. It is indeed a failure to internalize that basically every time Dark Souls - and Miyazaki himself - "pranks" its players it is to teach a lesson about the themes of the game underlying the lore.
(Also, the Pendant does have a legitimate use in the Dark Souls boardgame. The Pendant image is attached to the "Heroic Action" token that is flipped to indicate usage of the special abilities of each class. The boardgame was designed and released multiple years after the video game, but would have passed approvals with FromSoft, for what it's worth.)
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loganofthenorth · 1 year
Ah, so you have come asking for my ✨theories✨
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I believe that the Orange Side represents Anger. I think it makes the most sense, since Logan’s eyes turned orange during a moment of anger.
That theory is a simple one. The theory on the Orange Side I have that is more interesting to me is that he is Patton’s son in the same way Remus is Roman’s brother. I also think this about Virgil.
See, Virgil, for the most part, is in charge of Thomas’s fears. Fear is an emotion. Patton is in charge of Thomas’s emotions.
So, I believe, that Virgil split off from Patton because he was repressing Thomas’s fears, so a new side needed to be created to manage them instead.
I think the same applies with Anger. Patton repressed Thomas’s anger, causing a new side to form.
Patton has stated a few times in the series that he has sons, and he is a father, when Thomas isn’t. Virgil is the only side that Patton outright calls his son.
And he’s stated he has multiple sons in the line: The only suns (sons) I can keep straight are my own.
In conclusion, I believe that Virgil and the Orange Side were created because Patton was repressing Thomas’s fear and anger, so new sides needed to appear in order for those emotions to be managed.
An interesting idea about this theory is, had they not stopped Patton from repressing his emotions in Moving On, I wonder if that would have created another side to be Thomas’s Depression.
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colors-of-my-heart · 1 year
since this production has been living in my head rent free since I saw it a week ago… a cluttered (but comprehensive) list of notes on Phoenix College RTC.
- Virgil pre-show. he just skuttled around the stage for a full minute before the lights went down.
- without exaggeration, this was probably the most Virgil-heavy production of RTC to date. in every other version of the show I've seen, he does his little guitar solo at the beginning and then kind of just disappears for the next two hours. that was NOT the case here, my boy was kicking around for the entire show and for that I will be eternally grateful. 
- there were long stretches where he just sat there vibing to the music and shyly mimicking the choreography to himself. everyone was the amazing of course (and i’ll get to that) but Virgil in particular has my heart. - the set was super impressive!! you could definitely see inspiration from the Off-Broadway production in the colors, patterns and set pieces. the thing that stuck out to me the most in its uniqueness was the big crystal ball cutout they used for the bumper footage and projections. 
- golden cast. perfect. iconic. not a single ass was halved. everyone fit their roles perfectly, brought so much personality and flair to them, and had amazing chemistry with one another.
- Virgil immediately terrifying the choir the moment they arrived in the afterlife, and then proceeding to poke Noel in the back repeatedly with his tail and then pretend like nothing happened the entire time Karnak introduced himself
- l don’t know if the actor playing Noel had a lot of friends in the audience, if everyone was just very familiar with RTC, or if his stage presence was just that powerful, but everyone lost their minds whenever he did ANYTHING (and deservedly so).
- Mischa had a very large and very clearly homemade tattoo of Talia’s name on his forearm 🥺
- The audience yet again loses its collective mind the moment Jane enters (the energy in this theater was feral in the best way possible)
- Noel is absolutely captivated during Jane’s monologue and claps ferociously when she finishes
- Noel cackles maniacally when Karnak explains that the winner will be chosen by unanimous vote after WTWN
- Noel aggressively flipping off Ocean the moment she turns away after the “you challenged my preconceived notion that all gay dudes are fun the be around” comment (the sibling-rivalry-esque energy between these two was immaculate here)
- Noel gestures towards Mischa while delivering the “I wanted a man who would drive me to drink” line
- The feather boa during Noel’s Lament was absolutely distrintigrating, like every little movement sent a flurry of little green fuzzies adrift. by the end of the number it was basically a string with a few spare feathers clinging on for dear life, and while it was almost certainly unintentional, let me tell you it WORKED. it’s what Monique would have wanted.
- “In my home country it is natural for two men to show affection by kissing… nnnot always in heeeelssss 😏🥴” this production very much said nischa real
- Mischa trying to stare down Ocean after the “my song will only have profanity in chorus” line only to get intimidated and back off
- clips of what seemed to be a homemade music video were interspersed throughout Mischa’s bumper and it was delightful
- ALSO he was wearing a custom Bad Egg hat and WHERE DO I GET ONE
- I didn’t put the pieces together until way later when I saw someone else point it out, but when they showed the projections of Talia, apparently it was just Noel in a wig. I was very confused why everyone was laughing when she appeared, I’m not good with faces ok
- Ricky awkwardly joins in when Noel and Mischa hug it out after Talia. He was third-wheeling it big time but it’s the thought that counts ❤️
- During SABM, when Ricky goes behind the curtains with the cat ladies, Cat!Mischa and Cat!Noel cover their ears in discomfort until he comes backs out in his costume change (which included a silver helmet and arm bands. Iconic).
- Ricky got the crowd to clap in time with music near the end of the song and it quite literally felt like a religious experience
- TBOJD was so good holy fucking fuck
- the actress portraying Jane just had a fantastic voice and captured her physicality so so well. her deadpan expression was unwavering and just everything about her was so tragic and haunting
- the members of the choir carried these black funeral umbrellas throughout the number, but when it reached the ragtime portion they flipped them to reveal Christmas lights underneath. there was an audible gasp across the audience when this happened and it gave me goosebumps
- Noel got absolutely SLOSHED after one swig of vodka and I would expect nothing less
- Constance looked like she’d been saving up that punch for a LONG LONG time, Ocean is lucky she was already dead because she did NOT hold back
- Right as she sang the word “heartbreaker”, Constance stepped on a light and it shattered. the timing was honestly so perfect it’s hard to say whether or not it was intentional? I’m going to go with it wasn’t because a stagehand came to sweep up the glass a minute later and the cast later had to sit on the floor of that general area. but it honestly added to much to the moment, gave me chills
- the audience proved itself to be the true villain of the show when Karnak said that in five minutes was his “appointment with a rat named Virgil” and several people cheered. LOOK I love him too but can we NOT encourage him?!?!?!
- karma came a few minutes later when we were forced to actually watch Virgil bite into the wire and convulse violently until he stopped moving :( F
- i felt like an asshole but I couldn’t help but giggle throughout the ending of Its Just A Ride because, as the choir was singing and dancing cheerfully in one final celebration of life, Virgil was just lying there in the Peter Griffin death pose like two feet away. there was one point where Constance did a little hop and I thought for a split second she was about to stomp on his hand
- besides the callous disregard of the corpses right next to them, they played around with some of the props from earlier in the show throughout the number and it was very organic and wholesome
- in a continuation of my favorite modern RTC production trope, they had Jane come out sans makeup (so now Penny) at the end of the show to round it out 🥺 this production gave me everything I wanted
I think that’s all of it but also the moment I hit post I’ll probably remember something else. point is though this was a very good production and I’ll probably never recover
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gumnut-logic · 4 months
Óen (Part 4)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Thunderbirds Are Go and HTTYD crossover.
Sorry this is writing so slow. I can only manage a few hundred words a day in between work and other committments so it seems like this fic is going soooo slow.
Many thanks to @onereyofstarlight and @idontknowreallywhy for all their help with this fic and for fielding my crazy every day this week so far :D
Have some Virgil :D I hope you enjoy.
Alan was excitable.
As they made their way out of the infirmary building, he was quite happy and even proud to point out things as they encountered them.
The village was smaller than Berk and only consisted of a handful of buildings with very few people out and about. It was like Berk in that it was settled on steep land, caught between a bay and a massive hill. Several dragons sat perched on rocky ridge lines above the buildings. They appeared to be sunning in the weak sunlight.
Alan was quite happy to point out Óen and a big green one called Dá. There were also a number of tiny white dragons, far smaller than a terrible terror, more like some of the sea birds. In fact, they were sharing roosts beside several puffins.
It was reassuring to see at least something familiar.
The houses were of an odd design. Most were round and built from stone, at least at the base. Sometimes wood made up the top half with steep roofs to shed the snow that no doubt fell in the winter.
There was no snow. Summer’s brief relief was exactly that.
But right now, all he wanted to see was Toothless.
“Virgil keeps all the injured dragons safe. Máthair taught him the lore and he helps save people, too, but he cares much for the dragons as well. Though not everything in the lore works for them.”
Hiccup blinked. That was certainly true. The few times one of their dragons had been struck ill, what little cure they could find was always vastly different from what might help a human.
And sometimes downright weird.
Alan led him to another large building, bigger than the one they had left. He stopped Hiccup with a hand in front of the two massive wooden doors.
“You have to be quiet in here. The dragons are sensitive to sound and Virgil gets cranky if you disturb them.”
Hiccup nodded, desperate to see his friend, but ever so curious about what was inside.
Alan pulled the massive door open just a little and stuck his head in. “Virgil?” It was whispered.
“He’s awake. You can come in.”
Alan’s face lit up and he pulled the door wide.
Just like the infirmary building, there was a massive fire burning in the middle of the room, and oil lamps against the walls. The moment the door opened, Hiccup was assailed by the scent of whatever it was they were burning. It was like fish, but overlain with some kind of herb or spice.
He swallowed as he spotted Toothless curled up on one of the sleeping pallets ringing the room. The rest were empty. Was this an infirmary for dragons?
With no words, Hiccup slipped into the room and hurried over to his friend, dropping down beside the night fury’s head.
Toothless crooned at him.
His scales were warm against his cheek.
“He’s going to be okay.” The deep baritone belonged to the smith who stepped out of the shadows. He was no longer wearing smith leathers, but dressed in a red shirt tied across a pale linen undershirt. His pants were well worn and stained. His strong boots were much the same. “He has strained his wings, however, and will need some time to heal.”
Hiccup stroked Toothless’ head. “I’m so sorry, bud.”
More crooning and a distinct impression that Toothless forgave him.
“He doesn’t blame you. Though I have to say, he was not particularly impressed with that storm. Cóic had to have a word with him.” The smith sat down on the edge of Toothless’ pallet beside them. “He’s been far more worried about you.”
Hiccup continued to stroke Toothless, but frowned at the smith in query. “You’re Virgil?”
The smith arched an eyebrow at Alan. “That I am. Apologies for the lack of introduction. I presume you are Hiccup?”
“Yes, I am.”
“Quite a stir you’ve created around here. We don’t encounter other dragon riders very often, much less another night fury. Óen is rather excited. We feared there would be no more. Do you know of any other night furies?”
The man had a hope in his eyes that Hiccup had to dash. “No. I’m afraid not. Toothless and I have been searching, but no, we don’t know of any others.” Toothless crooned again, tilting his head to snuggle up with Hiccup. “He’s going to be okay?”
“He needs a few days of rest at least. He’s tired himself and there is pain when he extends. I could not find any broken bones and other than that, he’s very healthy.”
Hiccup blinked. “Toothless let you examine him?”
Virgil quirked a smile. “Cóic has her ways of calming the injured. Your friend certainly put up a fight. We didn’t want to separate the two of you but Máthair was concerned you might be more injured. I’m glad to see that you are not.”
“That’s John’s dragon. Wait until you see her!” Alan earned himself an arched eyebrow from Virgil.
“My brother John’s dragon is the heart of our commitment.” The smith rose from where he was sitting. “You should walk Toothless daily at least, preferably more, and do some basic wing stretches so he doesn’t lose any movement. I can show you. But first we should meet with Scott. We can use the excuse to get both of you out of the infirmary for your first walk.”
Hiccup stared at Virgil a moment. Well, that was a whole lot of information that mostly told him little. “Who are you people?”
“I believe Scott has the exact same question for you.”
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brooklynislandgirl · 7 months
Sinday Ask: The latest circulation of newspapers sit in a tidy line along Lawrence's desk. Small neon tabs stick out from various pages, marking where an executive or Mary believes may be of interest. Nothing flags the front page, the headline and a photo cropped by the fold screaming the scandal of an embezzling CEO. A downfall that Lawrence had no part in, and only now gives attention to for curiosity's sake. "What would be the worst sin you could imagine displayed for the world to pick at, Beth? An infidelity on your brother's part? Patricide by your very own hands?"
Spare a Sinday Thought || Always Accepting
She's draped casually against sumptuous leather, just another pretty thing in Larry's collection of beautifully bizzare trinkets and curios. What passes for a casual Sunday visitation ~after church but not quite in time for brunch~ and for a few moments, she continues to read one of the alternative papers that speak more on the concerns of the average citizen than the big Five that he occupies himself with. She really had expected better from the Times after their journalist strike but it is what it is. An elegant hand turns the page. Another brings the bone-china cup to her lips and she moistens them, lubricates her tongue, with rich dark coffee. "Unfortunately," she says meticulously and at long last, "you probably see my braddah's name or picture in dere often enough. Man no can do wake up in da mornin' wi'out someone wan make commentary in it. Mos' of da time it's about his closure rate, or a scandal comin' from him catchin' somebody bein' stupid." A pause before her eyes flick to meet the arctic tundra of his profile. That crystalline blue of his gaze never fails to steal a touch of her breath. "Which is likely why dey nevah link bo'd ya names in a single article." She knows he has more skeletons in his closet ~perhaps even figuratively~ than she can make an accurate guess of, but then again…a good many of them don't come with jail sentences and press conferences. Instead there are whispers amongst the Traditions of the Janissaries, of the New World Order {and how THEY would love to get their hands on someone like Larry} and a whole host of self-policing entities that neither one can fathom. Perhaps that's why she's so inclined to walk beside him into his sorcerous endeavours, taking on the unrequested Role of Virgil to his Dante. For whatever reason she feels responsible for him. "Hardly t'ink da kine about who he's seen out wi'd or who might be in his bed is really notewor'dy. He's single, properly divorced, and so free to frolic wi' whomevah he likes so long as dey also not marry. An' my braddah would make sure dat his paramour doesn't bring a spouse into da relationship. Oh…oh…wait. Is…is dat somet'ing concerns you? Is he your type, Larry?" She giggles at her own joke. Deep down she suspects that maybe the man has even less interest in a physical relationship than Beth, regardless of the body it comes with. "As f' da Admiral, I can promise you one t'ing. If I were da one t' harvest him from dis ear'd? No one would evah know, nor would dere be any evidence left behind. Be like he nevah existed, an' good riddence." She's never recorded any of the thousands of times she's conceived of, plotted out to the finest detail, and not carried out her red-soaked dreams of murdering the man in question. She has no guilt or stain on her soul for having fantasised so deeply about it that sometimes she's truly disappointed when he turns up within a few days, largely to spend time with his son. "I t'ink da worst sin evah I could commit…is not one dat would make da papers. In circumstances I have hard time imagining, would be…how sleeper might say it… fall t' da Dark Side, as it. One of our mos' sacred rules an' it carries a sentence worse dan death," she enunciates that word carefully so to avoid misunderstanding, "says 'Conspire not wi' an Enemy of Ascension'. T' actively work against da wonder of what is, an' what could be… t' join our enemy in war… I mean I can't say it nevah could happen. Dat's wha' make dem so insidious. In a more….mortal kind of way…somehow my mana gettin' away from me…hurtin' people or environment or somet'ing like dat… I'd turn myself in. Not able to live wi' doin' somet'ing dat could hurt innocent people." Immaculate brows furrow above her eyes, the corners of her mouth down turned, Beth is clearly disturbed by even just the idea. She pushes it away with something she tells herself is equally unappealing but not nearly as devastating. "Dat is if sweepin' ya papers off ya desk an' havin' you right here an' now is off da table."
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beauty-and-passion · 7 months
FSS3 Episode 1: What is art?
Welcome back, everyone! We can finally start with the first episode of season 3 of Sanders Sides. From now on, I'll post 3 episodes a week, until the last one. Then, after the last episode, I will write a closing post.
But let's not get too ahead of ourselves: for now, let's start with season 3.
What is FFS3 - Introduction - Season 2 finale - next episode
AO3 link for this episode
DISCLAIMER: As said in the introductory post, Fanders Sides Season 3 (season 2 finale included) could have triggering themes/scenes. Please keep that in mind before reading.
The episode takes place a few months after the season 2 finale.
Thomas has some doubts and, as always, he’s asking his Sides’ help. He recently got two auditions, one for the hero of a romance movie, the other for the serial killer of a horror movie. In the past, he would’ve picked the hero’s role only, but now… he doesn’t know. Should he try auditioning for them both?
Logan’s advice is to audition for both. First of all, Thomas doesn’t have any ongoing projects at the moment. Second, his finances are not particularly good. Consequently, it would be very recommended to take every new chance he gets and give them a try.
But they’re two completely different roles, Virgil replies. And Thomas never played the role of a serial killer: he doesn’t even know where to start! It’s way out of his comfort zone and forcing himself to try it might do more harm than good and over-stress Thomas a lot.
But Thomas cannot stick to always playing the same role either, Logan reminds Virgil. The best actors are known for the variety of roles they play.
And that’s much cooler than always playing the goody-two-shoes!, Remus intervenes. That’s fun! That’s different! Thomas always does the same shit, it would be fun to play something different for once.
Since Remus is in favor, Virgil is even more sure this is the worst possible choice. They should ditch the serial killer role: Thomas should stick to something that gives him peace of mind.
Patton intervenes and he tries to see the good side of this experience: it will be fun to experiment with such different roles. Thomas will play new things, meet different people, find new friends. It can only bring good things.
That’s nice to think about that, but what if I’m not good?, Thomas asks. What if I suck?
You won’t suck, Janus reassures him. Does he have to remind Thomas he has two Creativities? And one of them knows everything about gruesome serial killer shit?
Virgil becomes, if possible, even paler than usual. On the other hand, Remus’ face shines with chaotic joy: yes, he is more than willing to help! He will give Thomas all the inspiration he wants!
Thomas turns to Roman: he asked for more time for himself and Thomas doesn’t want to force him to do anything he doesn’t want to. But Thomas just wants to know what Roman is thinking. Is this okay for him, if his brother tries to help? He’s free to say if he’s not! He’s free to say whatever he wants!
Roman thinks about that, he looks at his brother, who shines with excitement. Then, he says Remus can try.
Remus immediately starts suggesting actions, lines and behavior for the serial killer role: Thomas should give long stares and blink way fewer times than normal. He should bite his lovers and say he wants to eat a piece of them. He should mention his mother while masturbating. He should suggest a couple having sex if he can watch them, then bring a knife and a candle and ask them if they enjoy some pain.
Roman’s expression slowly shifts from confused to disgusted. He stops Remus and shakes his hands: no, no, this is too much. The “biting a piece of people” thing should end with an “it’s just a joke”. The mention of his mother should make him stop masturbating. The knife and candle should also end with an “it’s just a joke” excuse.
Remus rolls his eyes: boooring. A serial killer that jokes all the time? Where is the creepy stuff? Where is the dirty stuff? Would you like to put people who have sex under some blankets too? With these stupid additions, Roman is ruining his art!
This isn’t art, Roman replies. Art is pure and beautiful, art is symmetry and perfect shapes.
Remus burst out laughing. Art as something pure, that’s hilarious! Art is not pure!
Well, Roman insists, art isn’t this disgusting stuff either!
No, it’s not, Remus confirms.
Roman’s expression shifts from disgust to confusion. Oh. But, wait… if art isn’t pure nor disgusting… what is art, then?
Remus laughs and tells him art is both and neither. Art is art. Art is feeling something, anything. Does it make you happy? Art. Is it disgusting? Still art. Both art.
What if others don’t like it?, Patton asks shyly.
Then, fuck them!, Remus replies. Thomas should be free to do whatever he wants because this is art. Being a villain, being a goody-two-shoes, being both and neither. This is art.
Patton doesn’t seem to understand it very well, Virgil sulks, Thomas is confused. Only Logan seems to understand: he even confirms that yes, this is the actual definition of art, so what Remus is saying makes sense.
On the other hand, Roman ponders every word Remus says, without interrupting him. Then, he thinks, in silence. He lowers his gaze and looks at his hands.
In these past months, he slowly says, he was questioning himself about his persona. Should he still be a prince? Should he become something else? Should he find a new role to fulfill? 
But now, he understands: maybe he doesn’t have to choose one role. Maybe he can play all the roles. He can be Prince Roman, brave and heroic. But he can be evil too. He can be mean. He can be a villain. And he can play the role of a serial killer, if he wants to.
Roman looks up: Thomas is looking at him with a smile full of affection and support.
Do you want to try it?, he asks.
Roman, however, does not smile. He says this changes a lot of things and he needs some time to… adjust, to what he just learned.
Thomas is 100% supportive: Roman can take all the time he needs. There’s no hurry.
Well, just a little bit. Virgil reminds him. Thomas still needs his main Creativity for the auditions.
But Roman looks at Remus, for enough time to make his brother reply to his gaze. Then, he says Remus can help.
Everyone is surprised, even Remus. The first one to recover and accept this decision is Logan: Remus can help Thomas, sure. He will do a good job.
Thomas turns to Logan. He looks worried and skeptical, but Logan reassures him: Thomas won’t be left alone with Remus. Logan will be present too and he will guide and take care of Remus. Thomas will always have a Core Side in control.
Remus accepts without a single word of protest: on the contrary, he happily announces he and Logan will be a great duo and have a lot of fun together.
Patton doesn’t look too convinced, but he tries again to see the good side of things and hopes that it will be fun indeed.
Janus, on the other hand, gives Remus a very long stare and tells him to not make Logan’s life a living hell. Remus puts a hand on his heart and promises he won’t. (He’s smiling, but his tone is serious.)
Roman warns Remus: he’s giving him ONE chance, so it’s better if he doesn’t waste it. If he fails, there won’t be other chances in the future. Never.
Remus replies with a salute and by sticking his tongue out, but there’s no real mockery in his expression or his tone. He knows Roman is serious and he got the message.
Since a solution has been found, all Sides sink, one by one. Virgil is the last one left: he is still wary and warns Thomas one more time. He should not rely on Remus, never and ever. Remus is dangerous. He might seem harmless and maybe he is, but he’s still his intrusive thoughts and…
Thomas stops Virgil’s ramble: he knows Remus is a lot of things, especially bad ones. But he won’t be left alone with him. Logan will be present too - and Logan already proved he can deal with Remus pretty well. Virgil doesn’t have to worry - well, not more than usual.
Virgil says he will keep an eye on Remus anyway. Thomas accepts it: if he wants to join, he can do it. He thanks Virgil for always being so vigilant.
Virgil sinks, but his expression is still a bit worried.
We see Logan in a room with a big window: he’s standing in front of a library, picking a few books to put on a table behind him.
Janus appears and slowly moves closer to the desk. He glances at the titles of these books: they are about theater, tragedies and a few about how to work alongside your intrusive thoughts. It looks like Logan is doing his homework, he says.
Logan stops his research. With a cold, stern tone, he says that he accepts Janus’ presence in the group but doesn’t condone any mockery from his side.
Janus’ tone shifts: he apologizes. He didn’t want to make fun of him. To be honest, he paid him a visit, because he wanted to give him some advice about how to deal with Remus, since… well, since Janus took care of him for most of their lives.
Logan turns around, his tone softens: in that case, he says, he would gladly accept Janus’ advice. He thinks he is perfectly able to handle Remus by himself, but more help coming from his best friend is very well received.
Janus sighs: he admits he has thought a lot about paying Logan a visit or not. He knows the logical Side can do a lot of stuff and is very skilled, but a small part of Janus still thinks no one can do anything, except for him.
I hope to prove you wrong then, Logan says. By working together, they can achieve a lot of things - way more than their old, isolated selves did in the past. And they should do it soon. As soon as possible.
The two Sides exchange a glance.
Did you feel it too?, Janus asks and Logan confirms: there is a storm coming. Things will change and shit will go down. Roman’s breakdown was the beginning. More will come and things will forever change.
Janus gives him a long stare. Then, with a serious expression, he asks Logan how he knows these things.
Logan repeats he just knows. He can see them coming. And he knows Janus can see them too.
Janus looks away from him and confirms that the instinctual forces have always had good foresight. But if now a Core Sides is catching up too…
He looks at Logan again. Who are you working with?, he bluntly asks.
Logan looks away. All he says is that Janus already knows.
Janus turns around. He says he won’t stop him, but warns Logan to be careful and not lose control. Then, he leaves.
What better way to start season 3, if not with the dear, old formula of Thomas standing in his living room, talking with his Sides about an issue?
In this case, the two auditions are just an excuse to talk about art and to push for character growth.
Art is a theme they never really talked about and Roman needed someone to tell him that hey, art can be anything you want. You don’t have to do perfect stuff only. Roman needed this, to understand that if art can be good and bad, he can be good and bad too.
And if he can be good and bad…
Remus, on the other hand, needed a chance. Right now, he’s seen as something unstoppable and chaotic and even dangerous - and don’t get me wrong, he is. He’s still intrusive thoughts. And this is why I wanted to emphasize how he needs control from the other Sides. Even in the future, Remus will never be absolutely, 100% free to do what he wants.
Still, in order to reach that moment, he needs at least one chance to prove his worth.
Two last words on the end card: sure, it has some foreshadowing because I love it, but it’s also a way to show Janus’ character growth. The fact that he’s right on a lot of things doesn’t mean his character growth is over. He still has to learn how to cooperate with others and this was my way to show how he’s trying his best to do that.
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I've come asking for directors commentary on heard no more. Mostly in general, anything you have to say. But also the scene where Remus comes and wants Virgil up, kind of solidifying Virginia perception of what's going on
Also, I'm a little curious who Remus is, since if he was Roman's brother, wouldn't Virgil have at least heard a rumor about him?
May or may not be back later with more questions :) <3
The biggest thing to remember is that we are dealing with an unreliable narrator and Virgil has met Remus before--but the reason his brain isn't going to "Oh this isnt Roman, this is Remus" is because the moment Remus asked "Oh btw where is Roman? Is he in some secret part of the Prince's Quarters I dont know about? >:)" that was game over, Virgil's "His Eminence digging for information" senses went on high alert. He realizes correctly this isnt a dream but his brain is still in survival mode so he automatically assumes he cant let his guard down and that is another ploy by his tormenter.
But let's examine the scene from Remus's perspective.
Be you, the only son and heir to a bloodline that has sat on the throne for centuries that has some Game of Thrones levels of political fuckery but with zero incest involved
Your father is the High King that rules over all the other Noble Houses, who in turn oversee particular provinces and important trading cities.
He's also a bit of a jerk
While there is a line of succession to the throne, potential successors are allowed to challenge a current ruling King/Crown Heir for their place. This rarely happens due to political factors involved.
Your father's twin brother Janus (your uncle) decides to challenge him for the throne.
You are 5 years old when you witness your uncle killing your father and thus earning the right to ascend the throne
In the bloody political struggle that ensues (where you are almost very much murdered by your uncle's supporters), you are sent to a countryside villa, out of sight out of mind
You remain there for years until one day your uncle summons you to the Royal Castle and abruptly announces that he's adopting you and you're now going to live there as a member of the Royal family
Living in the countryside away from nobility apparently makes you Extremely Strange in their eyes. They also seem to think you've been stewing for years, awaiting to avenge your father by taking back the throne
Really you could care less, but it's fun to play along and rile them up.
Despite bringing you to the castle, your uncle wants nothing to do with you. Although, really, you're nothing special in that regard--he doesn't want to interact with anyone. Regardless, you don't care. You are curious and you sneak into his quarters to strike up conversations, because you know he won't kill you (he had the chance years ago to do so)
Your little cousin Roman (who is technically now your adoptive brother) hates your guts. Thats ok, everyone hates your guts. You're the remnant of a defeated line, you should be either dead or exiled right now
So you grow up and continue living in the castle, being a general menace while finding your own way of belonging
You catch wind of the Court Mage's apprentice disappearing one day--such a shame, really, you were hoping to get better acquainted with him
(the two of you have only had a few brief chats after that one time he tried to kill you)
There's a frantic search for him but months go by without a word
Until you arrive back from an excursion to find out apparently he's back
Weeks pass and no one will say anything about his condition. You've never been good at denying your curiosity so you decide to take a peek for yourself.
And well! He's apparently been holed up in Roman's quarters, which is Interesting and you decide to tease him about it, since he was usually an easy target
Except, well, shit rather than give you a biting sarcastic retort, his gaze just goes completely Vacant and he doesn't respond to anything further you have to say
So you yell for someone to get into the room and handle your fuck up, which does get you yelled at for intruding where you didnt belong
And normally you dont care about making a fuck up, but for some reason you feel guilt at inciting such a reaction to the stormy ex-assassin.
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anxiousgaypanicking · 8 months
Merry Christmas
!this is also very old and was never posted, so.... merry christmas i guess?!
Intrulogical (Remus x Logan) Warnings: bondage, degradation, orgasm denial, hair pulling, choking
Logan opens his door, lacing a hand through his greasy hair. He'd spent the past three days cooped up in his room, working, only leaving when he had to grab some water or a snack.
The only reason he did so was because he couldn't work efficiently if he was malnourished. Their bodies are imaginary; logically, one would think they wouldn't have to indulge in typical human things, but sadly, Logan was forced to eat and drink in order to keep awake and (somewhat) healthy.
He heads downstairs, noticing the darkness outside. How late was it?
He passed a clock on the wall... around midnight. Huh. He heads into the kitchen, filling a cup up with water. He catches sight of a calendar on the wall, the red markings on it drawing his eye. He moves towards it, eyes squinting as he looks over it.
Red "X"'s were marked over the squares, leading up to the 25th, which was circled. "X-MAS" was written in the middle of it.
Oh shit... was it Christmas already?
Logan glanced at the clock again. It was past midnight, so technically it was.
He knew it was close to Christmas; it's hard to miss Patton screaming over Christmas cookies, Roman's persistence on decorating everything just right, Virgil worrying over everyone not getting a gift, and then worrying about him not getting a gift himself (and then worrying about whether or not that sounded selfish), and Janus trying to keep a destructive Remus in line by twisting Christmas tales that rivaled horror stories.
But he didn't expect it to be this close already.
Guess he missed a bunch of time by staying cooped up in his room for long amounts of time.
He finishes off his water, before heading upstairs. He heads into the bathroom and glances at himself in the mirror. He has eyebags that would rival Virgil's own eyeshadow and messy hair that looked wet from how greasy it was. He was also wearing the same clothes he'd been in for the past few days.
He sighs, before starting a shower. He takes a fast one, wanting to get back to work (or, at the very least, head to bed, considering Patton will probably wake him up early to come celebrate Christmas with them), so he only does the bare necessities.
He washes his hair and his body, before turning the water off and drying himself using a towel. He carries his glasses back to his room, opening the door and flicking on the light, before he's greeted with a blurry blob of colour in the middle of his floor. Logan quietly mutters "what the hell" under his breath, before he slips his glasses on. Oh. It's a box.
More specifically, it's a large gift. Wrapped in a pretty, navy blue that shined due to the reflection of the light, and a glossy black ribbon tied in a pretty bow at the top.
Logan rolls his eyes at it.
He ignores it for the time being, dropping his towel and quickly pulling some clothes on. Black pajama pants and a long sleeved, dark blue shirt. His room often got cold during the night, so he wore more clothes to keep himself warm.
He then turns back to the present. It's definitely bigger than most of the others under the tree...
Logan spots a tag attached to the bow, and he grabs it and reads it.
To: Logie Bear From: Big Dicked Duke
Logan sighs. Great; a gift from Remus. That just provided more reason Logan definitely shouldn't open it. But, alas, curiosity got the better of him. So, he took hold of the black ribbon and carefully untied the box, before lifting the lid off.
He sighed when he saw what was inside.
Remus was, in fact, inside, and was looking up at him with a dumb smile. "Hiya Logie!" Remus greets him, sounding cheery as ever.
Logan doesn't respond, too busy scanning over Remus's nude body. Or, more accurately, semi-nude body. While he wasn't clothed, he had more of the silky black ribbon wrapped around his thin figure. It seemed to begin at his ankles, wrapped prettily around them before it went up to his thighs and knees. It was wrapped around both areas, securing his thighs to his knees and forcing his ankles to stay pressed to his butt. The ribbon moved up his body, tight around his waist before crossing over his chest in an "X" like manner, showing off his nipples. It came to an end around his neck, where the ribbon was tied neatly into a bow.
Upon looking further, Logan also saw that Remus's wrists were tired behind him by more length of the black ribbon, also secured tightly with a bow.
Remus was also hard and already leaking precum.
Logan sighs. "What's the point of this?" he questions, clearly unamused with what Remus has done. Remus just seems to smile wider at Logan's question, though.
"It's Christmas!" Remus exclaims. "I'm your gift!"
"Gifts are typically inanimate objects, with the exception of the cliche pet given to eager children sometimes," Logan counters. "You are neither an inanimate object or a pet, therefore this doesn't appear to be a customary gift."
"Jokes on you, I can be both your personal fucktoy and your sexual pet!" Remus argues.
Logan sighs again, grabbing the lid of the box and putting it back on. Remus whines, thrusting his chest forward against the side of the box and knocking it over, the lid flopping back off.
"Logan!" Remus whines, looking up at him best he can, with half of his face pressed against the floor. He's pouting, clearly upset that Logan indirectly denied his offer. "Come on! It'd be like a double Christmas gift, because I really want this too." Logan still looked unimpressed. Remus frowns, but continues "I even got Virgil to help tie me up, because I know how much you value control!"
Logan stares at him, not displaying anything for a solid minute, before he leans down and sets the box back the right way, thus setting Remus back onto his knees.
He doesn't stay that way for long though, as Logan leans down and picks him up by his waist, seemingly effortlessly carrying him back to the bed. He sits down on the edge of it, setting Remus on his lap, Remus's legs straddling either side of Logan's.
"Ooo, is this a yes?" Remus asks, clearly delighted by Logan's hands softly rubbing over his waist.
"Yeah," Logan answers, sounding defeated as he says it. Seems like even the nerd couldn't resist sexual temptations. And, boy, Remus was one determined temptress.
Logan's hands run up Remus's sides slightly, before running back and over Remus's ass. He squeezes Remus's cheeks, Remus grinning at the contact, before Logan's hands move back over his chest. They travel up his chest, teasingly brushing over his nipples, before he can't resist the temptation anymore and he leans in, connecting his and Remus's lips. Remus happily kisses back, leaning into the kiss as much as he could with his restraints.
How he wanted nothing more than to tangle his hands in Logan's neat hair, both to pull him closer and to mess him up a bit more.
But, alas, he could not. He wanted to fully tie himself up as to allow Logan complete and sole control over his body. Which was also a super fucking hot idea to him, as Logan could technically do anything.
Logan breaks the kiss, before his lips travel down and press kisses to the side of Remus's neck. He's hesitant in the kisses he's leaving, but his hands seem anything but, running over him and feeling him up endlessly. Squeezing his thighs and his ass, or messing with his nipples - providing him with constant stimulation to make up for what he was slower to do.
His kisses come to an abrupt end, however, as Logan suddenly bites down, puncturing Remus's skin with his teeth. Remus moans at the action, shifting on Logan's lap, attempting to grind his ass down on Logan's crotch. Logan's breath stutters, before his hands are back on Remus's waist and he moves their positions entirely.
He pins Remus beneath him, now leaning over him, and Remus looks momentarily uncomfortable (as his hands were now stuck behind him), but ends up just looking back at Remus, trusting Logan and waiting eagerly for whatever he wanted to do.
Although, he doesn't have to wait long, as Logan's quick to lean back down and place more bites along Remus's neck.
Remus seems to enjoy that, tilting his head to the side in order to allow Logan better access, which Logan immediately takes advantage of, biting and sucking at the skin that was shown.
Remus continues to moan and whine at each mark, before he laughs suddenly, following it up with "for someone who didn't initially want their gift, you seem to be enjoying it." His words are surprisingly light and teasing, and when Logan pulls back he can clearly see the dorky grin on Remus's face.
Logan looks unamused with his words, so he just presses a quick kiss, muttering "shut up, toys don't talk," afterwards. A shiver courses through Remus's body, as he bites tongue, eager to make sure Logan loves his gift.
And, well, he thinks that listening will get Logan to please him more, and Remus adores being pleasured.
That slight interruption does seem to cause Logan to shift focus, however, as his hands trail down Remus's body. They dip into his thighs momentarily, before Logan flips Remus over. Remus's knees and thighs spread immediately, and his ass is raised in the air while his chest is hovering just above Logan's all too clean sheets.
Half of his face is pressed into the bed as well, while the other half displays an eager smile.
Logan's hands slide down his back, before reaching his ass, where Remus hears Logan snort.
"A butt plug?" Logan muses, finally showing a hint of something other than boredom. "Really?" It was silver, and there was a sapphire jewel in the shape of a heart at the end.
"Were you expecting to be able to open all of me up?" Remus teases, before whining as Logan pulls it out.
He hums, scrunching his nose up at the sight of the plug before setting it to the side. "Well, to be fair, being able to open and unwrap everything is often customary with Christmas gifts, and gifts in general." He reaches around Remus and into the nightstand. "So you can't fault me for being at least a bit disappointed."
"I wanted to speed up the process."
"You always were impatient." Remus laughs lightly at Logan's all too true words. He had always been impatient; waiting was just so boring.
Seemed like he didn't have to wait much longer, though, as he heard Logan uncap the lube.
He smiled, shivering in anticipation. God, he couldn't wait for Logan to use him. Hopefully, he'd enjoy his gift as much as Remus would enjoy being said gift. He could only fantasize the things Logan could do to him while he was all tied up and vulnerable...
He was snapped out of these thoughts as he felt Logan penetrate him. He groans, back arching almost painfully. Anyone else in that position would be extremely uncomfortable, but that only seemed to add to Remus's pleasure.
"Oh... fuck, you don't waste time," Remus says, as Logan's cock quickly thrusts into him. He doesn't move quite yet, but Remus is already trying to roll his hips against it.
"Of course I don't," Logan says, with a scoff. "Why would I dawdle?"
"You're dawdling now," Remus counters, before snickering at the word 'dawdle.' It was weird, and very... Logan-like. "I don't need to adjust. Please, sir?" Remus says that in an innocently shrill sounding voice, that Logan both hates and adores. He does definitely dislike the fact Remus is using his sir kink against him.
Fucking bitch.
Logan rolls his eyes, before pulling out and sharply thrusting back into Remus.
Remus moans quietly, before whining out "faster!"
Logan scoffs, before his hands tangle in Remus's hair and he tugs Remus's head back. "Quit being so impatient. You're my toy; you don't get to tell me what to do." Just for that, Logan doesn't move. Instead, he leans over Remus and places light kisses over his neck and shoulder blades.
Remus whines again, upset that Logan was being so torturous, but he did want to be good.
This was about giving Logan a good Christmas gift, even if that meant he had to wait to be pleasured. Ah, the things he did for some nerd cock.
Logan takes the opportunity to leave a few marks down Remus's back, whether they be scratches or bites, before he pulls out and thrusts back in. Remus whimpers at the action, hoping that Logan won't stop again.
He's been painfully hard this whole time! He could at least hope Logan would hurry and get to pleasing him.
It seems like his wish is granted, though, as Logan starts thrusting into him. He's still going slower than Remus would have liked, but he's thankful Logan's moving, at least.
He's also thankful for Logan's hands feeling him up. He figures Logan just wants to explore the new territory, but his cold hands running over Remus's warm chest feels nice. Especially when they reach Remus's nipples and start teasingly pinching at them. Remus whines at the contact, trying to arch his chest further into Logan's hand without smashing them between Remus's chest and the mattress.
Logan's thrusts slowly start to speed up, and Remus moans as he rolls his hips back on Logan's cock.
"Fuck," he moans out, eyes fluttering closed as he bites his lip. "Your cock is so big, sir. Fuck, so big and so thick inside of me."
"My cock literally has not changed size since entering you."
"Shut up; it's huge." Drool is dripping from the corner of Remus's mouth, a happy smile on his face as Logan continues to thrust into him. "I love your cock, sir! I love it so much- fuck you feel so good."
Logan groans above him, and that just makes Remus smile wider. He likes hearing that Logan is enjoying himself as much as Remus is. Also, Logan is just very fucking hot.
"Remus," Logan moans out, rather quietly, as he buries his face in Remus's neck.
Remus wonders to himself how someone can be both so hot and so cute at the same time, and how he got lucky enough to have the cutest hot man fucking into him.
"Fuck, sir oh!" Remus suddenly lets out a high pitched moan, his eyes squeezed shut in pleasure as Logan suddenly nails his prostate. "Oh fuck! Sir- sir right there! Please- oh hell, please!" His back arches and his chest presses into the bed, Logan's hands stuck beneath his chest now. Logan doesn't seem to care much, though, as he grits his teeth and focuses on pounding Remus's prostate, drawing louder and louder moans from him.
"Sir, sir please I need to come-" Remus eventually babbles out. When met with no response, he whines. "Please, sir! I need to come so bad."
"Toys don't get to come," Logan finally growls out, one of his hands wiggling out from under Remus's chest. He wraps it around the base of Remus's cock, squeezing it tightly. "You're here for my pleasure only."
Remus whimpers, "Sir, please- I need-"
Logan tangles his other hand in Remus's hair, yanking his head back. "Did you not here what I said, slut?" Logan hisses into his ear, sounding rather unlike him. "Now shut up. Toys don't talk, either."
His hand in Remus's hair slid down to his neck, before he squeezed it tightly, Remus choking out a moan at his actions, his eyes rolling back into his head. Drool continued to drip out of his mouth, strangled moans and whines escaping his mouth, only spurring Logan to squeeze tighter around his throat.
Logan is breathing hard, and he mutters something incoherent before he comes into Remus with a gritted moan. Remus moans as he feels Logan's come spilling inside of him, before he stops moving. Logan's hand falls from Remus's throat, and Remus sucks in a large breath of much needed air, before he lets out a cry as the hand around his cock starts stroking him at a fast pace. Remus comes quickly over Logan's hands and the sheets, before he lets his face fall onto the pillows.
He's panting heavily, before he feels the ribbons come loose around him. Logan undoes the ribbon around his wrists first, before untying the ribbon over his body. Now fully unrestrained, Remus collapses onto the bed, before rolling himself onto his back.
He's grinning wide as he stares up at Logan. "Wow," he pants out, between fits of giggles. "That was fun. Did you enjoy your gift?"
"Very much so," Logan answers, leaning down to carefully pick Remus up. "But we need to shower. Come on."
Remus whines at the notion of showering, but let's Logan pick him up anyway, thinking of ot as Logan giving him better access to kiss other places, such as Logan's neck. Logan just hums as Remus presses kisses all over his neck, starting the shower. They'd shower and Remus would probably demand cuddles (and claim it was a must after sex, solely just so he could lay next to a (hopefully) naked Logan), before falling asleep and celebrating Christmas Day with the others.
Hopefully, they wouldn't question why Remus didn't get Logan a gift.
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