#VvvV Suvrayrth
thefangsystem 1 year
Happy Pride!!
Suv+Jinx: Hello everyone! It's June, so (hopefully) y'all know the drill... It's pride month!
This month means a lot to our system, considering literally all of us are queer in one way or another. So, we'll be sure to celebrate! Probably all in headspace though. We ain't party people, unfortunately...
No matter what or how you identify, you are valid and loved! We are so proud of you and how far you've come!! 馃А馃+馃挏
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thefangsystem 1 year
Suv: Just a small personal update, but worth clarifying...
So, we've identified our system as non-disordered for quite a while, and it usually fit from what we could tell. Although, ever since our last severe traumatic experience (roughly 4+ months ago), we've noticed our body dissociating and/or going on auto-pilot more frequently and at random times (in addition to triggers).
It became concerning to me since it started to disrupt our day-to-day life. However, we didn't really think it was connected to our plurality at the time - instead, we believed it may have been from PTSD.
While we still think it could be undiagnosed PTSD contributing to our disruptive dissociation, we've come to the conclusion that our plurality might be playing a part, too. Perhaps not as much, but it's still a small cog in the machine.
So from now on, we'll most likely start identifying our system as disordered. If our PTSD is confirmed to be the only cause, then by all means, we'll go back to the non-disordered term. This is for the time being though, even if that scenario does or doesn't come.
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thefangsystem 11 months
Hey we are questioning if we are endo or traumaendo, any advice? (Our alter count is 16)
Suv: As with everything identity-related, the first rule of thumb is to take your time! /lh Don't feel inclined to rush through this, even if it takes a while. Discovery is a long-term process, but worth the wait!
Now, there's a few things that may differentiate trauma-endo from endogenic, with the main aspect being the presence of trauma.
Since endogenic is a broad umbrella term, it's possible to have trauma while still being endogenic - this simply means your trauma didn't form your system.
From what I understand, trauma-endo is a form of mixed origin, technically falling under endogenic - while trauma wasn't the direct cause of formation, it may have played a part and/or is currently affecting your system's growth.
The easiest method to determine your system's origin would be to figure out if any alters formed or changed from traumatic influence. However, this can be dangerous territory since it may resurface traumatic memories, reactions, or any unhealthy coping mechanisms.
If you have a therapist, psychologist or doctor you trust, I recommend bringing this up to them first. Otherwise, make sure you are safe and prepared in case anything happens. You and your system's safety comes first and foremost! /nm /pos
If you have any more questions or concerns, let us know and we'll be glad to help! 馃А馃挍
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thefangsystem 2 years
Happy (belated) Valentine's Day!!
Suv: It's been a really slow (and frankly, tired) day for us, but I managed to finish up a piece for Valentine's, although a bit late!
Lots of love to my beloveds, Jinx (left) and Sergio (right)! Can't tell you how much I appreciate them, they've helped me through a lot. I love my quirky vampire and handsome snake-man so much- 馃馃挍
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I hope you all have had an amazing Valentine's Day, spending it with significant others, family, and friends, or simply chilling/treating yourself.
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thefangsystem 1 year
Suv: Hm, I think our house ghost is getting a little more active... It's been really quiet for a while (probably a year or so?).
All I saw was a faint (but visible) tall shadow move across the wall in front of my desk really fast. Which wouldn't be possible because my main light source is sort of in front of me, hugging the wall. It didn't have a coherent shape, pretty jumbled, but overall thin and tall.
Honestly, I'm kinda glad to know the ghost is still here. Idk why, I guess I don't feel as lonely? It's not harmful by any means, so it's not like I should feel unsafe. I appreciate its presence.
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thefangsystem 1 year
Sanz, co-fronting: Why are our legs so long?
Suv, in a Papyrul-shift: What?? Do you mean??? They're not long enough!
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