thefangsystem · 11 months
Hey we are questioning if we are endo or traumaendo, any advice? (Our alter count is 16)
Suv: As with everything identity-related, the first rule of thumb is to take your time! /lh Don't feel inclined to rush through this, even if it takes a while. Discovery is a long-term process, but worth the wait!
Now, there's a few things that may differentiate trauma-endo from endogenic, with the main aspect being the presence of trauma.
Since endogenic is a broad umbrella term, it's possible to have trauma while still being endogenic - this simply means your trauma didn't form your system.
From what I understand, trauma-endo is a form of mixed origin, technically falling under endogenic - while trauma wasn't the direct cause of formation, it may have played a part and/or is currently affecting your system's growth.
The easiest method to determine your system's origin would be to figure out if any alters formed or changed from traumatic influence. However, this can be dangerous territory since it may resurface traumatic memories, reactions, or any unhealthy coping mechanisms.
If you have a therapist, psychologist or doctor you trust, I recommend bringing this up to them first. Otherwise, make sure you are safe and prepared in case anything happens. You and your system's safety comes first and foremost! /nm /pos
If you have any more questions or concerns, let us know and we'll be glad to help! 🧡💛
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thefangsystem · 11 months
Shoutout to the voices in my head. Yall are real ones
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thefangsystem · 1 year
Hello friends, there's a dogwhistle I've seen used a couple times on tumblr that I want to discuss.
Fellow neurodivergents especially, please listen-- towards the end of this post I describe how some in our community have been using it without knowing what it means.
A fairly common antisemitic dogwhistle used amongst alt-right circles on the internet is being a "noticer," "noticing patterns," "pattern noticer," etc. I've seen this from a couple Tumblr blogs I follow reblogging memes and such that use this term but don't provide any context about what sorts of "things" they may be noticing.
Here's the meme that I saw a blog I'm following reblog last night.
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Seems pretty harmless, right? It's a meme with a cute cat.
In alt-right circles, what they are referring to "noticing" is the conspiracy theory that Jews control the world/"noticing" evidence of an imagined globalist (read: Jewish) world order/etc. If you see a meme that uses terms like "noticing patterns" that doesn't elaborate what those supposed patterns are-- just leaves you to fill in the blank yourself-- take a look at the types of things OP might be posting. The alt-right has an idea that it's forbidden to talk about who might be behind the "conspiracies" they talk about (again, the target is frequently Jewish people) so lack of context is often a red flag.
I sent the blog who reblogged this an ask informing them that the meme was a dogwhistle. If you see someone reblog something like this, check what they've been posting. If this seems like an isolated incident, the person probably reblogged it not knowing what the term actually meant. That's why dogwhistles are so effective-- to the average person they look harmless if you don't know what to watch out for!
Let's take a look at how alt-righters use this term.
Here's an alt-right definition of it from Urban Dictionary.
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Oh boy, this one gets a bigotry bingo for all the dogwhistles used here. If I miss any, feel free to comment. Here are the ones I found:
-Noseticing: Noticing plus nose, based on the stereotype for Jewish people to have large noses.
-"those who cannot be named"/skirting around saying Jew: again the idea that it's forbidden to talk about who they think is behind their conspiracy theories.
-"world events and agendas": idea that Jewish people have a Globalist agenda etc etc
-Degeneracy: Nazi term to describe the behaviors/people they find undesirable.
-Early life: refers to the section in a person's Wikipedia page. If a person was brought up Jewish, it'll usually say so there.
-Oy vey: a Jewish exclamation of exasperation that Nazis have unfortunately co-opted when talking about Jewish people.
Here's probably the most obviously antisemitic meme I found.
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The title and first bullet point include the "noticer" term. This meme also talks about a "group" who controls wealth. Who might the poster be referring to here?
Here's a Twitter account with many similar alt-right terms. Explicitly identifies as a Nazi and ethno-nationalist, etc etc.
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A couple other pages. I clicked on them to see if I could find any more examples but the first seemed pretty blank and the second... Well, I don't have a twitter so I couldn't view.
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Let's unpack these a little. The first one has "13 outta 52," a statistic used among white supremacists to depict Black people (especially African-Americans) as "savage": 13 referring to the percentage of America that is Black and 52 referring to the alleged percentage of murders in the U.S. that are committed by Black people. "109 countries" refers to the idea that Jewish people have been expelled from 109 countries during history. (Which isn't entirely true. Some "countries" in this count are actually cities, regions, etc.) Some white supremacists may use the number 110 instead to suggest that it should happen again.
The second one has a blurb alleging a global sterilization effort and concerns of fertility. This is likely in connection to pro-natalism for white people. If Nazis want a so-called "Aryan nation," they're going to want white people to populate it, and so they encourage white people to have babies for their cause. Nazi Germany employed this tactic as well, even awarding "Aryan" German women who had four or more children for their contributions to the Nazi cause.
The reason why I'm emphasizing that context matters is that some neurodivergent people have seen this and co-opted it into neurodivergent circles. As a person who is Jewish and autistic, this is pretty alarming to me. I'll show a couple examples from Tumblr:
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I've left out the URLs of the OPs because I want to give the benefit of the doubt-- they both explicitly refer to being a "pattern noticer" in terms of neurodivergence. And it's easy to see why introducing this term to ND folks would be an easy way to get a dogwhistle passed off as harmless! Since autistic people often have analytical minds, we often make connections that others might not be able to see. But unfortunately, using terms like this only makes it much easier for antisemites to fly under the radar.
Stay safe and let's keep Tumblr free of this shit.
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thefangsystem · 1 year
Suv: Just a small personal update, but worth clarifying...
So, we've identified our system as non-disordered for quite a while, and it usually fit from what we could tell. Although, ever since our last severe traumatic experience (roughly 4+ months ago), we've noticed our body dissociating and/or going on auto-pilot more frequently and at random times (in addition to triggers).
It became concerning to me since it started to disrupt our day-to-day life. However, we didn't really think it was connected to our plurality at the time - instead, we believed it may have been from PTSD.
While we still think it could be undiagnosed PTSD contributing to our disruptive dissociation, we've come to the conclusion that our plurality might be playing a part, too. Perhaps not as much, but it's still a small cog in the machine.
So from now on, we'll most likely start identifying our system as disordered. If our PTSD is confirmed to be the only cause, then by all means, we'll go back to the non-disordered term. This is for the time being though, even if that scenario does or doesn't come.
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thefangsystem · 1 year
Suv: Hm, I think our house ghost is getting a little more active... It's been really quiet for a while (probably a year or so?).
All I saw was a faint (but visible) tall shadow move across the wall in front of my desk really fast. Which wouldn't be possible because my main light source is sort of in front of me, hugging the wall. It didn't have a coherent shape, pretty jumbled, but overall thin and tall.
Honestly, I'm kinda glad to know the ghost is still here. Idk why, I guess I don't feel as lonely? It's not harmful by any means, so it's not like I should feel unsafe. I appreciate its presence.
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thefangsystem · 1 year
You know, an interesting tumblr transformation that's happened gradually, and which I've seen no one talk about: ask-culture has essentially dropped off to nothing.
By which I mean, asks used to be WAY more of the tumblr economy. They used to be more common to send, and receive, and see. They were integral to the collaborative, forum-like behavior of old tumblr communities, not even to speak on the HUGE number of ask-blogs that used to exist to only be interacted with in ask-form.
I'm not saying this in a vying-for-attention way but instead in an observational way: I used to get way way more asks in like 2015, even with a fraction of my follower count. I wonder if it's due to the homogenization of social media sites? There's a lot more of this divide between "content creator" and "consumer" instead of just a bunch of peer blogs who would talk to each other. "Asks" aren't really a thing on twitter, are they? And as I understand it, the closest thing to an "ask" on instagram or tiktok would be a creator screenshotting some comment and responding to it in a new reel or video or whatever those content mediums are. Are asks just too tumblr-specific? Is that aspect of the site culture dying out as more and more people converge to using all their social media sites in the same way?
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thefangsystem · 1 year
Sanz, co-fronting: Why are our legs so long?
Suv, in a Papyrul-shift: What?? Do you mean??? They're not long enough!
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thefangsystem · 1 year
Suv+Sanz: You might've got yourself some introtives! From what you described, it sounds like you and your characters share a strong mental connection. It could be a few things - your system could be median or mixed, depending on circumstances. If your characters have autonomy (they interact without your assistance), they would be mediple. Otherwise, no autonomy would most likely be a facet.
We'd recommend encouraging their behavior and asking them questions. It's alright if it still feels like "you" responding to yourself. Sometimes it can be that way, even for non-median systems like ourselves.
Worst case scenario, maybe maladaptive daydreaming? But that's only if it takes a toll on your health and day-to-day life. Either way, give them time, see what happens. It doesn't hurt to do a little research, too. /pos (We recommend Pluralpedia, it encompasses as many corners of plurality as possible)
Good luck and take care!
So okay I have a question. I've roleplayed so, SO many characters over the years, but I have two that just. Won't leave, even though their game is over. They were the ones most likely to take me by surprise, the easiest ones to write because so often they piloted themselves. In light of recent discourse here I've actually tried talking to one? (She's very nice.) If - if - this is a soulbonding thing though... what is it supposed to feel like? Because even in conversation, it... it was like talking to myself, I was still feeling my feelings and choosing my words but like... "I" was "her," if that makes sense? Like I can feel her trying to decide on the right words to explain something to me, it's my own brain doing the work but it... it feels like a different "flavor" of thinking and feeling, when it's her. I don't know if that's plurality or overactive imagination or just weirdness, tbh.
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thefangsystem · 1 year
I seriously dont even want to block people anymore. It's so fucking tiring to see so many ignorant assholes who won't mind their own business.
Like... I see ourselves on a fuckin DNI, and it makes me WANT to interact with you. Just out of fucking spite. But I know that I can't, cause Suv will be on my ass about it. (not like xe already isn't)
Uggghgghghguh I hate this shittttttt I want to bite all of these people grrrrrrgrhghgjkfhgkfk /neg
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thefangsystem · 1 year
Suv+Jinx: I don't get it either, sysmeds be complaining about literally everythingggg 😩
-Signed, a nonhuman-only system
I want people to realize that yeah, non-human alters/headmates do indeed exist lmao
We have plenty of hybrids and actual animals
Doesn't make them any less of a headmate and are still peopleee
Like no matter your source/species, you're still valid <3 -Nat 💜 + Izuku 📗
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thefangsystem · 1 year
Jinx: eyyy first tag we've got! :P
Last song: "Could Have Been Me" by The Struts
Last movie: Avatar: The Way of Water
Currently watching: HTTYD: Race to the Edge (probably for the 10th time LMAO)
Currently reading: phhthjgbpbpb... does fanfiction count?
Currently craving: Suv aint craving shit rn, but i could def go for a glass of blood anytime anywhere
Last thing I (we) researched: the origin of goblins and similar creatures (brownies, gnomes, etc...). really interesting shit tbh!
i dunno if we got enough mutuals for this LOL- @rowanwolf @the-mind-den @rosiethedragongeek @sophieinwonderland AIGHT Y'ALL HAVE FUN!! No pressure babes! /lh
tagged by @jortking
last song: Please, Nine Inch Nails
last movie: Back to the Future 2
currently watching: Invader Zim
currently reading: The Jungle Book
currently craving: attention lol
last thing I researched: the Harlem Renaissance
tag 9 people: @kittenwivfangs @dark-winter-snow @rogueinkglitch @cryptid-of-ohio @blessed-papaya @russb0b @markbachthefox @roctorok @ddigi no pressure :)
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thefangsystem · 1 year
Happy Pride!!
Suv+Jinx: Hello everyone! It's June, so (hopefully) y'all know the drill... It's pride month!
This month means a lot to our system, considering literally all of us are queer in one way or another. So, we'll be sure to celebrate! Probably all in headspace though. We ain't party people, unfortunately...
No matter what or how you identify, you are valid and loved! We are so proud of you and how far you've come!! 🧡🤎+💜
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thefangsystem · 1 year
We just wanna start by thanking you for your interest in learning more! We really aren't all that active in syscourse (mostly because of how distressing it is), but seeing someone who's genuinely curious is a breath of fresh air.
What kind of endogenic system are you? Spiritual? Tulpamancy? Possession? There's no wrong answer here, and I'm aware there's more possibilities.
We aren't entirely sure of our origin. All we know is that it wasn't caused by trauma. Some of us may have formed unintentionally. We simply use "endogenic" for ourselves as a blanket term and what's most comfortable.
What's your experience like as an endogenic system?
Suv (Host/Core): In our day-to-day life, it varies from "no interaction at all" to "shifting out of control." Usually, these bad days are from lots of stress. Otherwise, it's pretty quiet unless I "tune in" intentionally. Very rarely do I hear other headmates when I'm not fully aware. We do shift sometimes for different chores, but not that often tbh.
Did you experience dissociation and/or trauma at all? No need for details, simple yes or no is fine.
We do experience dissociation, but only when we're stressed. We aren't sure if this is from our plurality though.
If no, what do you think caused your system to form? If yes, how do you feel your system differs from traumagenic systems?
We do have trauma, but it did not cause our system to form. It's up in the air if it influenced our system, though.
As said before, we aren't sure how or why our system was formed. Suv claims that xe always did believe that xey had a "split personality" years before our system formed, and this personality was very similar to our co-host Jinx, so it's entirely possible we've been around for way longer than our initial discovery!
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask! We'll try our best to answer everything! :)
Know what? Fuck it. I'm tired of this black and white thinking on my end when it comes to syscourse. I've separated from it for a bit and with the ICD-11 stating that not all systems are trauma based, I'm interested in learning about Endogenic systems. I'm in a better headspace and trying to get out of black and white thinking.
So, if anyone is okay with answering these, please do!
What kind of endogenic system are you? Spiritual? Tulpamancy? Possession? There's no wrong answer here, and I'm aware there's more possibilities.
What's your experience like as an endogenic system?
Did you experience dissociation and/or trauma at all? No need for details, simple yes or no is fine.
If no, what do you think caused your system to form?
If yes, how do you feel your system differs from traumagenic systems?
Any traumagenics that try to cause drama on this post will be blocked.
Endogenic/Non-traumagenic please interact!
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thefangsystem · 2 years
Happy (belated) Valentine's Day!!
Suv: It's been a really slow (and frankly, tired) day for us, but I managed to finish up a piece for Valentine's, although a bit late!
Lots of love to my beloveds, Jinx (left) and Sergio (right)! Can't tell you how much I appreciate them, they've helped me through a lot. I love my quirky vampire and handsome snake-man so much- 🤎💛
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I hope you all have had an amazing Valentine's Day, spending it with significant others, family, and friends, or simply chilling/treating yourself.
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thefangsystem · 2 years
Oh hi!! It’s great to see you again! I only got active on here since Kinmunity shut down (quite abruptly, too), but it’s relieving to see some familiar faces here!
EDIT: grr, it reposted as my main blog... don’t worry, it’s still me 😅
Welcome to my Den!
Hello, and welcome! I’m Suvrayrth, your Red Death host for tonight. Refer to me xe/xem/xyr, please! I’m fictionkin if you couldn’t tell, and I’m also a ‘linker.
My Fictotypes 1. Fyirkin; a personal species of mine, Fyirs. Their most basic description would be a club-tailed dragon (modern Fyirs) or wyvern (ancient Fyir). I’m an ancient Fyir, more specifically one that goes by the name Xiranoida.
2. Red-Deathkin; my strongest fictotype, a Red Death from the HTTYD film franchise. As opposed to the rude gal in the first movie, I’m mostly muddy brown with bright gold scales. I’m also a bit smaller and I don’t have an entourage of dragons to feast from…
3. Changewingkin; another HTTYD fictotype, an acid-spitting color-changing Changewing! My Changewing isn’t as flashy as my Red Death, though - I’m a generic red Changewing with green eyes. I think I also have a scar somewhere on my side, don’t remember which side though…
My Linktypes 1. Dagur; shocking, yes. I’m a dragon who is also (previously) a dragon-hunter. Honestly, I don’t know how I formed this linktype. I think it was originally meant to be a copinglink, but… I don’t know! :\
2. Monty; the big gator man from FNAF:SB! I’ve always stuck up for Monty, I figured he wasn’t what everyone thought he was. Being Monty as myself did help reinforce that, too. Monty may have also been a copinglink, but same situation as Dagur-
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While I will discuss a lot of topics on HTTYD, FNAF, as well as being fictionkin and a ‘linker, this blog won’t be limited to these! I may also share some more of my art and writing, too! 🤎💛
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