#Waning Moon
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shadow-book-wren · 4 months
Phases of the Moon
New Moon
This is the exact midpoint between waxing and waning phases. the sun and moon are in conjunction.
Its the best time for:
Endeavors, planting sees, setting intentions, and coming up with new ideas
Waxing Moon
Begins immediately after the new moon until it is full. As the moon is growing, so should your magic.
Its the best time for:
Intention for attraction, love, abundance, success, expansion, creativity, taking action, development and growth
Full Moon
This is the peak of magic potency and is great for almost any kind of magic right before or on the full moon.
Its the best time for:
Psychic enhancement, charging, cleansing, and spells for attraction
Waning Moon
This is immediately after the full moon starts to decrease until the new moon.
Its the best time for:
Cleansing or releasing spells, introspection, undoing bindings, breaking bad habits, banishing, balance, success, wisdom and purification
Dark Moon
This is when the moon is not visible in the sky (usually 1-3 days). it happens from the end of the waning moon until the starts of the waxing moon.
Its the best time for:
Deep banishing rituals and exploring shadow sides
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animentality · 8 months
I adore the ban list you can find at the Waning Moon, I laughed out loud when I read it.
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Tag yourself, I'm vomited on waiter (purposefully)
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undertheredhood · 3 months
honestly, yin yu is a stronger person than me because i wouldn’t be able to spend so long listening to my boss’ delusional ramblings about his first (and only) love for as long as he did without going insane.
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loremaster-lavellan · 18 days
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The Waning Moon - gentle, shy, intense.
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dyouevendraw · 1 month
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Randomly overcame me to draw Yin Yu
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huariqueje · 2 years
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Rites and Silences    -   Maikel Martinez , 2021.
Cuban, b. 1977  - 
Oil on canvas, 77 x 70 in.     195.6 x 177.8 cm. 
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earthlightwitch · 2 years
a releasing ritual
hey witches (or whatever term you prefer)!
in honour of the current waning moon, i wanted to write out a simple releasing ritual you can perform. this can be used to let go things such as people/relationships, attachments, thought patterns, situations, draining spirits/energies, or any negativity that is impacting you and no longer serves. this is super simple and can be done any time, however the vanishing moon phase is a perfect time for releasing.
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paper and pen (black ink is great!)
a black candle (can substitute for white, just make sure to set intentions); if you can’t have a flame that’s okay stay tuned for a simple alternative!
a white candle (i use both black and white; black for releasing, white for cleansing). you can always use a fake candle for effect if you wish
fire safe bowl (as above if you can’t have fire)
a black crystal, like black tourmaline, onyx, obsidian, smokey quartz, the like
method below!
you’ll want to start this ritual by grounding. whatever method works for you, i like to meditate and imagine roots growing from the base of my spine down through the earth. open your circle (if that’s how you practice), and call in any spirits, ancestors or deities you wish.
light your black candle and the white candle, setting the intention to release any negativity holding you down, and replacing it with positive vibrations and energy
on your piece of paper, write a list of the negativity in your life that you are wanting to let go of - be as specific as you can and write as much as you can/want to
once you’ve written your list, fold the paper AWAY from your body, and as you do so, imagine the negativity being pulled away from your body. i like to fold 3 times, but that’s just my preference
tear the paper into pieces - as big or as small as you like
(if you cant have fire, sub this for part 7!) light those pieces of paper on fire using the flame from the black candle, dropping them into the fire safe bowl, imagining any attachments to those things being burned away and stripped from you
instead of burning, you can always flush the torn pieces down the toilet (tear the pieces up small!), or throw them in the trash. continue to step 8.
as it burns/is disposed of, ask the universe/source/whatever you like to replace that negativity with positive, high vibrational energy, seeing it fill your space and the spaces within you left open by the releasing
blow out the black candle. leave the white candle/fake candle burning for however long you like, to help cleanse away any lingering or stagnant energies before blowing it out/turning it off/letting it burn down. thank the candles for their time, and close your ritual however you choose to do so, thanking any spirits you welcomed in.
i hope that this ritual is useful for you, please let me know if you try it and how you go! if there’s any type of ritual you would like to see from me, please send tour ideas to my ask box.
love always, taylah xo
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daportalpractitioner · 2 months
What if my cycle comes a solid 4-5 days before the new moon?
Would that still be considered synched up with the new moon ? I have been lol. But I don’t feel like a new moon cycle woman right now:
I hope that makes sense
a nu moon bleeder would be considered to experience the white moon cycle but you don't feel like a nu moon cycle woman because you're a purple moon cycle girly! purple moon cycle is when your cycle starts during the waning moon. some themes that you experience throughout your cycle is introspection, transformation, rebranding, slowing down, realizing where you're the problem. the common archetype associated with the purple moon cycle is the enchantress. you're in your wild woman + alchemist energy.
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pwh3 · 1 year
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The Bronx moon is the most powerful moon. (January 8th, 2023)
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rascosmicwisdom · 10 months
🌑 New Moon - Cosmic Beginnings 🌑
Ah, the mysterious new moon, when the sky is cloaked in darkness. This phase symbolizes new beginnings and fresh starts. Just as the moon begins its waxing journey, we too can embark on new ventures, set intentions, and manifest our dreams. Use this time to reflect, meditate, and set clear intentions for the lunar cycle ahead. Allow the energy of the new moon to ignite your inner potential and guide you towards cosmic beginnings.
🌓 Waxing Moon - Growth and Progress 🌓
As the moon transitions from new to full, it begins its waxing phase, symbolizing growth and progress. This is the time to take action, pursue your goals, and make strides towards personal development. Harness the energy of the waxing moon to fuel your ambitions and watch your dreams blossom. Let its gentle glow inspire you to step out of your comfort zone and embrace the exciting journey of self-growth.
🌕 Full Moon - Illuminating Intensity 🌕
When the moon reaches its full glory, it illuminates the night sky and stirs our emotions. Full moons are known to heighten our sensitivity, magnify our desires, and intensify our energy levels. This is the time when our emotions can reach their peak, leading to vivid dreams, restlessness, and a sense of heightened intuition. Embrace the illuminating intensity of the full moon and let it guide you through your innermost desires.
🌗 Waning Moon - Release and Let Go 🌗
As the moon transitions from full to new, it enters its waning phase, which encourages us to release and let go. Just as the moon diminishes in size, we too can shed what no longer serves us. Use this phase to declutter your mind, body, and soul. Release negative emotions, bad habits, and any stagnant energy holding you back. Allow the waning moon to guide you towards healing, rejuvenation, and the freedom to start anew.
🌙 Lunar Eclipses - Cosmic Transformations 🌙
Lunar eclipses are powerful celestial events that bring about profound transformations in our lives. They act as portals of change, encouraging us to release old patterns and embrace new possibilities. The energy during a lunar eclipse can be intense, bringing buried emotions to the surface. Embrace this cosmic energy and let it guide you towards self-discovery, empowerment, and profound personal growth.
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informally answering/replying to @harmonysanreads questions in le reblog. ask and ye shall receive answers
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'Tis a good question. First, I insert a load of unicorn farts---
My kneejerk answer is:
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But that's also a fucking LIE RAHHHHHHHHH 🔫
but i suppose 'delightfully flavored chaos' is the best way to put it, as you can tell from the above. when it comes to writing stuff, I generally only really use a loose outline, with maybe a box or two that absolutely has to be checked. it's mostly because I sort of like letting my fingers...just kinda go where they want. Letting the story 'write itself', ifykyk. There's no real eloquent way for me to put this, but I think the easiest way to put my thought process while writing waxing moon is:
"ok how do i do the silly haha before traumatizing the shit outta my readers. and the reader. and aventurine."
wait...that's not quite right either (and also my thoughts obviously got a shitload darker than that). Actually, now that I think about it, I should've started with this. if there's a single quote I had to point to that singlehandedly influenced my writing, it's this:
"The longer and more carefully we look at a funny story, the sadder it becomes." - Nikolai Gogol
so...while i of course don't strictly adhere to this (since writing must fit its rhetorical situation), it's something I really love to do and try to do often. even if it's just a single sentence, a single word...to interject something of amusement is to give levity and a smile. but in the right circumstances, amusement becomes twisted, and even used against you. you read of a man's suffering, to which there is a single quip that has you smiling; and then, do you stop? do you stop to think: 'do I smile at this man's misery?' in other words, amusement, or 'funny things' in a story has a wide variety of uses. my favorite way to use it is to place it in a situation where it feels like it just shouldn't be there but is; and at the moment it feels like a relief, but of course, the narrative still continues. and that single moment of normalcy, of levity, it then highlights the absurdity, horror, etc. of the rest of the narrative.
but i also enjoy writing scenes where there's a strong sense of hopelessness and fatality looming over.
with my yan fics, I sort of wanna make my reader feel like both the spectator but also be in the story; I don't think this is a particular novel thing amongst us yan authors, but it's something I try to keep in mind and adhere to. I want them to feel unsettled, happy, amused, etc. But most importantly, with these stories, I want to leave them with a sort of confusion. to read a story so, so twisted, yet with a brutal softness to it...i just love it when fiction gives me complicated feelings about something, and it's something I hope to at least partially emulate lmao
idk. ig that wasn't really talking about my thought process in exact, but that's the closet thing I can come up with. metacognition hard.
(side note: i don't actually read gogol, but I am interested in at least reading the 'overcoat'. it seems to include the themes of mundanity that I just love *mwah* but I'm also too lazy to go ahead and download a pdf or something. Plus. i found a book called legends and lattes where an ogre starts a coffee shop in a fantasy realm. it looks great and I'm getting my hands on it as soon as I can)
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physics isn't actually terrible, i just don't understand it. i have no clue how I got an A in physics. but I've also been really good at bullshitting reports while also not actually bullshitting them. and I can't really make fun of people who listen to physics stuff recreationally. i just finished a video about why 37 keeps appearing everywhere, from my refrigerator to my gacha games. and I'm currently chipping away at quinton review's nickelodeon retrospect. and then amateur politic theory and media analysis.
so in a way im making fun of both you and me, and you know what they say: two negatives make a positive.
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before i go into symbolism: I would like to say a personal belief of mine:
although the answers i give may be the 'official symbolisms' and 'meanings', still feel free to read this fic with whatever lens of interpretation you want! if anything, it can be said that the 'official' meanings are also just another interpretation of the text. beauty is the in the eye of the beholder. anyway, moving onwards:
mmm, sorta? i originally intended to use the tower throughout, but those scenes got cut for pacing reasons, but I decided to keep the tower metaphor just as a sort of way to characterize reader.
specifically, the tower symbolizes 'stability.' reader wants to live a normal life, a modest but stable one. I've mostly based in on the 'Tower' arcana (but let's make it clear: my understanding of the arcana is a superficial understanding of a superficial understanding lmao)
ripping from the persona wiki because of my laziness:
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but yeah, keep in mind that the reader isn't a one-and-one interpretation of the tower arcana. but I think you can definitely see the correlations lmao.
however the 'stability' of that tower is definitely dependent on their mental state which....well...
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eh, i'm sure it'll work out....ehehehe......
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this is probably something i should've clarified a bit more, but I decided against it at the time since I wrote this assuming the reader read destroyed onset; basically, I've carried over the 'ink' metaphor from it. it's actually pretty simple: ink is just 'fear,' but an especially potent one. thick and slimy, oozing its way down your back and just being nasty in general......a fear that may come to drown and burn you.
again, i probably should've been more clear, esp in this fic, but I when I was writing onset, I made it a bit more vague since I thought it was just. way too obvious and didn't want to feel like I was directly telling my readers and spoonfeeding them symbolize like they're toddlers. i was basically worried that I might've not been trusting y'all enough 😭 I wouldn't say that this series is like some. super duper cryptic puzzle you'll have to study for years to understand, but ofc I don't want to make it too easy, otherwise it's not as fun to pick and prod at the details and think about a fic if it's just too "obvious," at least to me.
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Yeah, and i can see why. im not gonna go on a psychoanalysis tangent or anything, but since so many of us fantasize about a yandere for the idea of being wanted or....or just not having to work or pay for rent....it's definitely really easy to indulge in it in a romantic aspect.
i personally sort of love these sort of outcomes though, because the psyche of it all is so interesting! and deliciously messed up. similarly to the great @/jessamine-rose, I too love myself a twisted happy ending (as one can tell from how much I think about that gogol quote lmao)
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predicted his twilight looking ass, and also fulfilling my life long dream of telling a stranger some weird twilight book
"da skinn of a keeler" (im sorry)
also i have not read twilight. but my friend also has a gun, so it's only a matter of time before I'm held to gunpoint by her
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i have abided by these wise words. i thought I included them, but I didn't. and also the second banner. anyways, moving forward, I defo won't be forgetting to do this. and I've also gone back to onset and added the word count there so as not to spook anyone too badly.
ty! 🥺🥺🥺🥺
(fr tho all of these asks, comments....unparalleled rizz I say)
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alcnfr · 6 months
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Selection of last night's waning Moon...
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andromedasdomain · 7 months
Waning Moon:
✰Magical Intentions✰ ✦Releasing ✦Banishing ✦Cleansing ✦Reversals ✦Diminishing ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
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fairy-kainye · 7 months
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Oh sweet Astarion, insulting distillers and getting banned from bars for over a century. Stay golden pony boy.
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prettyqueerwitch · 7 months
Waning Moon
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{NOTE : i did mess up and accidentally put 13-5 days after full moon) instead of (3-5 days after full moon)}
[ Marks an End.
Includes Waning Gibbous, Third Quarter, and Waning Crescent.
The Waning Moon is a time of release, letting things go, and removing things from your life.
Some herbs associated with the waningmoon are: lavender, chamomile, clarysage, geranium, rose, ylang-ylang.
Associated with the time before the winter solstice, the second harvest, and Saturdays.
Some deities and spirits associated with the waning moon are: Cerridwen, Hecate, The High Priestess, Persephone, Baba Yaga, Lilith and The Crone.
Some things to do during the Waning Moon are: Weeding, Getting Waxed, Harvesting, Shadow Work, Protection Magick, Elective/ Non- Emergency Surgery (3-5 days after full moon), Getting rid of/ Removing Things or People. ]
first time trying something like this. took most of this info out of my digital grimoire.
Main resources : The Moon Book by Sarah Faith Gottesdiener, Moon Magic by Diane Ahlquist, Moon Magic by Aurora Kane
Thank you, Canva, for the background.
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