#Wanna commit arson or pick a fight or something
thegreenleavesofspring · 11 months
Going to a bar and punching the first person I saw in the face would fix me.
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Sketch Lines
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A cartoon criminal who was brought to life who likes to commit arson and have fun. They are also full of rage and trauma that she doesn't wanna unpack at all. Yel loves to pull out an anvil or a giant mallet, why? here catch.
Milo Sparks
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A mute detective who is so tired and just wants to be left alone to do his job. There is something fruity about him in undertones that everyone but him picks up on including his parents. He smokes weed and stress bakes when he isn't pulling all-nighters on cases.
Would they get along?: (have canonically met) Yes and no? Sketch annoys people on purpose and Milo's autism can only tolerate so much before he snaps
Who would win in a fight: Sketch can beat his ass but also Milo doesn't have the ability to not feel pain like Sketch
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imperfected-aster · 11 months
No context incorrect quotes with four of my OCs
The Baron(He/Him), Wired(He/It), Foxtail(They/Him), Seeker(She/They)
Wired: Answers phone. Hello?
Seeker: It's Seeker.
Wired: What did she do this time?
Seeker: No, it's me, Wired. It's actually me.
Wired: What did you do this time?
Seeker, The Baron, and Wired are playing poker. Wired is winning by a long shot.
Seeker: Aw, come on.
The Baron: It’s not fair! He doesn’t even know what we’re playing!
Wired: Go Fish?
The Baron: I didn't drink that much last night.
Seeker: You were flirting with Wired.
The Baron: So what? He’s my partner.
Seeker: You asked if he was single.
Seeker: And then you cried when he said he wasn’t.
Foxtail: Hey, wanna help me commit arson?
Seeker: What the hell!?
Foxtail: Oh, sorry, my bad.
Foxtail, whispering: Wanna help me commit arson?
Seeker, whispering: Of course. What do you need?
Seeker: I have no respect for Santa. Don’t sneak in through the chimney and undermine my authority by bringing my family presents. Walk in through the front door and fight me like a man.
Seeker: Hoodie pockets are so great. I can fit like three sandwiches and a grenade in there and my hands are still warm.
Foxtail: It's not like I try to blow things up, exactly. It just sort of happens. You've got to admit though, fire is fascinating.
The Baron: Why are Wired and Foxtail sitting with their backs to each other?
Seeker: They had a fight.
The Baron: Then why are they holding hands?
Seeker: They get sad when they fight.
Foxtail: I just wanted to say that over the years, I have come to regard you as… people I met.
The Baron: Wired and I are no longer friends.
The Baron: Sometimes I get so caught up on being gay that I forget I’m actually bi.
Foxtail: lying down and crying
The Baron: There, there. Why don’t you take some time off to not be around me while you’re like this?
Foxtail: How many vampires do you think have been hit by a car backing up in a parking lot because the driver couldn’t see their reflection?
Wired: I’ve never considered it but you’re really shining light on what’s probably a very serious issue.
Seeker: When's the last time you slept?
Foxtail: Uh... a few days ago, I think.
Seeker: A few- *how many?!*
Foxtail: Uh... *starts counting on fingers* I need more fingers...
Seeker: What you need is sleep!
The Baron: I hope you have an explanation for this.
Foxtail: We have three, actually!
Seeker: Pick your favorite.
Seeker: If I make you breakfast in bed, a simple "thank you" is all I need.
Seeker: Not all this "how did you get into my house" business.
Wired: I taught the dog a new trick. throws ball Fetch!
Dog: just stands there
Foxtail: He didn’t do it.
Wired: I taught him to ignore social conventions and think for himself.
The Baron: Seeker is not allowed to violate the dress code, even on 'casual' Fridays.
The Baron: No matter how many times you say please, Seeker. We won't put any of the hats you've been asking about into the dress code.
The Baron: Is there something you would like to say, Wired?
Wired: Oh, there are SEVERAL things I would like to say.
The Baron: If this plan goes down the drain, where should we regroup?
Seeker: The afterlife, I guess.
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simpywhore · 3 years
Obey me characters with a chaotic s/o
Lucifer - Fully turned into a protective mother of 7 kids. He’d be glancing at you every 2 seconds actually screw that, he’s be looking at you for every damn seconds.  “No y/n stop trying to untie Mammon from the ceiling.” “If you don’t stop running around and getting lost on your own, I won’t hesitate to put you on a leash.” + Multitasking sure is handy when he needs it. Working his ass off while taking care of his oh so chaotic s/o. (Pls he’s literally my proper parent figure)
Mammon - Yea he’s definitely your partner in crime, like duh. But poor Mammoney keeps worrying about you every time you suggest something wayyyyy too risky, just for your entertainment.  “Y/n I know you’re bored and all, but I don’t think trying to pick a fight with Lucifer is a good idea..” “NO WAIT DON’T TOUCH THAT! IT’S A CURSE-” Anddddd that’s how you turned into a baby right now, like literally.  “I told you not to touch- OWW STOP BITING MY ARM!”
Leviathan - Please just let him play his game in peace. All he wanted to do was play the new games he just recently got. And yet he has to take care you right now. You wanted to pick a fight with that cocky demon at school but he insisted you should just play with him. “Y/n sit down and play with me, and no you can’t go anywhere else.”  Sorry y/n but looks like you’re just gonna to bare with it for now.
Satan -  He’s been listing things that he wanted to do with you for awhile now but you weren’t all that interested in his ideas. You wanted to commit arson, real bad. “Books? no? How about cakes and tea? no? hmm, cast a new spell- wait no that’s a terrible idea. You might kill someone with that.” *sighs* “Okay I’m out of ideas, what do you wanna do instead?” (You: Commit Arson >:D) “No.”
Asmodeus - “Love please it’s past midnight, staying up late is not good for you nor your beauty.” After awhile of trying to convince you and failing awfully, he decided to rest on his own. Too bad, you’re there being all noisy and terribly filled with chaotic energy (like usual).  “Honey if you’re not going to sleep then at least allow me to get some beauty sleep.”  That’s how you ended up in Mammon’s room right now :>
Beelzubub - Doesn’t really mind you messing around while he works out. Enjoy your company but please be more careful y/n. You’re gonna seriously injure yourself. Catches you every time you trip while running around and slips on random objects in his room. “Y/n please stop running around like that, you’re gonna hurt yourself.” And if you don’t stop, he will let you sit on his back while he do his push ups just to make sure you stay put. And it’s also easier to grab you if you try to cause any chaos again.
Belphegor - He’s busy dozing off while you mess around in his room. If you’re being noisy or causing any trouble, then he would just straight up drags you into bed and cuddle against you. (And believe me when I say the brothers are so warm like damn it’s so cozy.) Would lightly kiss your face when you start to doze off. It may take quite a good amount of time before convincing you to just cuddle and sleep with him in peace tho lol. 
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freelancer-irl · 3 years
incorrect quotes with the wolves:
Christian: What’s your biggest fear?
David: That I’ll never be good enough for anyone.
Asher: Everyone hates me and talks about me behind my back.
Milo: Zombies.
David: ...
Asher: ...
Milo: BUT they can open doors.
Milo: Sometimes I drink milk straight from the container.
Christian: The cow??
Milo: What?
David: Christian, W H Y?
Police: You’re under arrest for trying to carry three people on a single motorcycle.
Milo, with Asher and Christian behind them: Wait, what do you mean THREE?!
Police: Yes…three.
Milo: Oh, my God— What the fuck!?
Police: Wha-
Christian: The odds of this happening by coincidence are vanishingly small.
Milo: I would say infinitesimally.
Asher: And I'd say teenily-weenily. We all know words.
Asher: The ritual. To preform it requires a sacrifice.
Christian: Sacrifice? I nominate Milo.
Milo: Wait, what?
Christian: Because you're little, you'll fit on a barbecue.
Milo: I'm 5'9, it's like average height in most of the world!
Asher: Its not that kind of of sacrifice guys!
David: Guys where did Asher go?
Milo: He got arrested.
David: How the hell-
Asher: *bursts in through the window* The cops are after me, I thought it would be fun to steal crackers and throw them at people.
Asher: You know what I learned from my friendship with David?
Milo: There’s no such thing as too mean?
Darlin: Never let your friends know for sure if you like them?
Christian: Always hold a grudge?
Asher: What’s something you guys are better than David at?
Milo: Mario Kart.
Darlin: Yeah, video games.
Christian: Emotional vulnerability.
David: You three, explain right now!
Darlin: It was Christian.
Milo: It was Christian.
Asher: It was Christian.
Christian: …fuck.
Milo: Here is my wall of inspirational people.
Darlin: Is that a picture of you?
Milo: Yes, I am big enough to admit that I am often inspired by myself.
Milo: Don’t go picking a fight with me. I could make your life difficult.
Darlin, sarcastically: Wow. I wonder what it’d be like to have a difficult life.
Asher: *slams books down in front of David*
Asher: Boil up some Mountain Dew. It’s gonna be a long night.
David: You could of said literally anything else.
Asher: Cauldron boil and cauldron bubble, Baja Blast to fuel my trouble.
David: I’m going to just stop challenging you when you say random shit. I won’t win. I realize this now.
David: *Locks Asher in the car.* Act like a child, get treated like a child.
Asher: What? Isn't it illegal to leave a child locked in a car?
David: Try not to roll your eyes at me.
Darlin: I don't have pupils.
Darlin: My only talent is being stress.
David: Don't you mean stressed?
Darlin: No.
Christian: Hey, do you know the password to Asher’s computer?
Milo: Fuck you, Christian.
Christian: Hey!!
Milo: No, you misunderstood, the password is "fuckyouChristian".
Christian: Oh, no numbers? Not very safe.
Christian: Hi-
Darlin: Leave before there's a terrible misunderstanding between my foot and your ass.
Darlin: Hey, wanna help me commit arson?
Christian: What the hell!?
Darlin: Oh, sorry, my bad.
Darlin, whispering: Wanna help me commit arson?
Christian, whispering: Of course. What do you need?
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bailey-dreamfoot · 3 years
Ok so after seeing this a bunch I decided to try it myself. So heres Octonauts Incorrect Quotes courtesy of https://href.li/?https://perchance.org/incorrect-quote-generator
Kwazii: But what about Peso?
Captain Barnacles: Don’t worry about them.
Captain Barnacles: I once watched them fall down 5 flights of stairs, stand up, and keep eating their hotdog like nothing happened.
Kwazii: If I die, my funeral will be the biggest party ever and you’re all invited.
Tweak: “If”
Captain Barnacles: Great, the only party I’m ever invited to and they might not even die.
Peso: Is Kwazii always like this when they lose?
Captain Barnacles: Oh, yes. You should’ve been there for the Great Jenga Tantrum of 2015.
Kwazii: You bumped that table and you know it!
Peso: Awwww, you’re so adorable! Give me a hug~
Captain Barnacles, recording: This is so cute.
Captain Barnacles: *Double checking supplies in the boat* Compass. CB radio. Sunscreen.
Shellington: Hot dog costumes!
Captain Barnacles: I’m sorry, what?
Shellington: You know, in case we get lost at sea, and one of us, probably Dashi, goes mad with hunger, we’ll put these on. Dashi hates hot dogs, so they probably won’t eat us.
Captain Barnacles: Are you saying that Dashi would rather eat us than hot dogs?
Dashi: I do hate hotdogs.
Shellington: So, Kwazii is no longer allowed to take the trash out at night.
Peso: Why?
Shellington: Because I’ve caught them trying to train raccoons to fight five times in a row.
Kwazii, arms crossed and pouting: You’ll be thanking me when the third raccoon battalion saves your ass.
Kwazii: *sneaking in through their window*
Captain Barnacles: *turning in their chair and flicking the light on* You want to tell me where you’ve been all night?
Kwazii: I was with Peso?
Peso: *turning in their chair* Wanna try again?
Dashi: It’s locked. You got a lock pick?
Tweak: Yeah-
Kwazii: *kicks in the door*
Peso: What’s the signal when something goes wrong?
Captain Barnacles: We yell, ‘oh shit.’
Kwazii: …That’ll work.
*Captain Barnacles is casually searching around the room*
Kwazii: Hey Cap, what’re you looking for?
Captain Barnacles: My will to live.
*Peso walks into the room*
Captain Barnacles: Oh, there it is.
Kwazii: You don’t think I can fight because of my gender!
Captain Barnacles: I don’t think you can fight because you’re in a wedding dress. For what it’s worth, I don’t think Peso can fight in that dress either.
Peso: Perhaps not. But I would make a radiant bride.
Kwazii, in a high voice, holding Barbie: Hey Ken! I was thinking about going back to school and starting a career!
Peso, in a deep voice, holding Ken: Nonsense Barbie. You’re staying home and having my kids.
Captain Barnacles: What the fuck are you guys doing?
Kwazii: Playing systemic oppression.
Aight there we go, hope ya liked it. The funny thing is these are mostly unedited.
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Thoughts on everyone in the realms?
"Short Answer; I made a chart. Not a well drawn chart, mind you, but a chart. Sometimes you don't wanna put effort into drawing 50 something faces"
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"Long answer, uh....well lemme go down the list"
Claudette: My Starflower~!! She's so sweet and kind and amazing in trials and every time I see her I swoon a little- I love her so much~ Dwight: He's cute- And he's a good leader, despite his nervous personality, he knows how to bring a group together. Final guy potential. Ash: ....Don't...Tell him I said this? But uh....Evil Dead was one of my biggest comfort series, the thing that got me through losing both my parents....the thing that helped me transition, pick my name, and fueled my FX hobby. And I'm still attached, even realizing he's a real person and all- But...it's weird to just, be upfront with something like that, so I'm just...burying it as best as I can. David: He's a little rough around the edges but he’s good to have in a trial, plus when you can get past the walls, he’s nice to talk to. Kate: Her music by the campfire is calming and she’s such a sweetheart. If we were in a better situation I’d love to learn Guitar from her, but, it’s hard when you’re a moment away from a trial at any given time. Amalthea (@askthewidowstars OC): She judged my entire vibe but jokes on her I’m the one who snagged a cutie for life- Meg: If I had a dollar for every time she left me for dead I would have enough money to paint the entire campfire in solid gold. The only time we’ve ever properly talked was about SAW traps and 90% of it was her admitting she could beat every single trap because she was ‘built different’  Jeff: He’s a sweetheart and really nice to be around. Sometimes when we’re by the campfire in our downtimes I’ll let him draw on my arm. it kinda makes me want a tattoo, honestly. If we ever get out of here, I might get one. Steve: Bros!! We kinda make up team ‘Altruistic Himbo’, Plus the ‘Babysitter/Brother’ Vibes mesh really well. I kinda wanna re-style his hair though, mostly because it looks fluffy, and nice to play with.  Quentin: Bros!! We’re gonna make matching T-Shirts about committing Arson on Freddy in particular. He’s fun to hang around in our downtime, and I hope there’s a chance he can get some actual rest, even in here. He deserves it. Adam: If Dwight wasn’t the leader I feel like he’d take over the Reigns. I feel like he’s the calm type that doesn’t handle energetic types well though. Which, y’know, makes things hard.  Nea: Anytime I see her she’s either sneaking around the map and watching everyone get killed, or doing something stupid to get herself killed. I’d get grey hair if We were actually friends.  Feng: Gamer bros- I got to find out we actually played a lotta the same stuff before we were taken by the Entity. We get a chance to nerd out in between trials- Laurie: Best Final Girl hands down. I kinda hope she can teach me Decisive Strike one day- I feel like its also just a little awkward since again, still a fan of Myers Nancy: She doesn’t agree that Demo’s a good boy, which makes sense, but we but heads over it. Also I’m pretty sure she wants me dead for touching the bones around the map one too many times. They’re just too tempting.... Jake: He’s pretty quiet, but he’s helpful in trials. I heard he’s been to a convention a few times, but I don’t think he’s actually into it as much as I thought...Which kinda sucks. I’d love more cosplay buddies y’know? Yui: Kinda makes me want a motorbike. We don’t talk but she seems really cool. A little too cool to me around if that makes sense.  Yun-Jin: She benefits off of throwing everyone else under the bus. And 90% of the time she will throw everyone under the bus. Even if she needs actual help to escape the trial.  Cheryl: Cheryylll!!  She’s really cool and honestly would add her to the ‘Can kill god if she was not nerfed’ Squad. Especially since y’know, she has- I bet if we got enough of the kids together we could just beat the Entity’s ass. I know she could.  Tapp: Always been a fan of Tapp before I was taken, although I feel like he’d wanna arrest me if we weren’t in the Entity’s Realm. I might be a little too excited for my own good about Kramer’s work. I don’t think he’d believe the fact its a movie either.  Ace: He’s kinda like the Uncle of the group around the campfire, but, coming into trials, He’s still for saving his own skin- You can also only stand dad jokes for so long. Especially in an eternity like this.  Leon: He’s cool!!! I got so excited first realizing He and Jill were here, and I wanna get a chance to talk to him about everything that went down, but Haven’t got the chance. He’s nice inside of Trials though, usually doesn’t leave anyone behind. Not a fan of getting blinded though.  Jill: She knows how to lead the trials well, and I look up to her a lot. She’s always been such a badass!!  Bill: If Bill gets his hands on a weapon the entire Realm would be fucked. Badass as hell and Kinda scary. Another one on the list of ‘Entity needed to Nerf’ Felix: You’d think a Childless Father and a Fatherless son would be able to bond a bit more, but, I think we each kinda get the same vibe of homesickness from one another. He’s kind though, and it’s neat to see his work whenever we’re by the campfire.  Elodie: She’s better at helping out than most of the others, but she’s still in a survival of the fittest mindset. I loved hearing about her studies from before she was taken though. I feel like if we had more time we could dig deeper into this whole world and what its about. But we don’t get that- Zarina: We just don’t really click as much, honestly. I’d love to get to know her better but I think she’s more into digging into the killers and what she can find out about this place. Which y’know, could be better done with a team. Sage (@askthewidowstars OC): HUSBAND!!! My husband. I love him to the Moon and back. He’s amazing and I miss him even when we’re five feet apart-  ...I need a hug now-  Amanda: Best girl hands down!! We vibed a lot in between Trials talking about her traps and old designs, she was impressed by my knowledge, and we hang out in Gideon sometimes!   Ghostface: He’s pretty cute- Also fun to be around, even if he’s kind of a dick when he’s actually at work, it’s better when you’re outside of a Trial. It’s also neat to see he’s not just two idiots in a halloween costume and his own person, as much as I love the Scream Series, too-  Leatherface: Bubba!!! Honestly I’d handle being chainsawed. Fuckin Love Bubba-  Huntress: I wanna learn how to throw hatchets but I know I never will. She’s kinda scary, but also I feel like if she could adopt some of the others in the Realms, she totally would.  Oni: The only times I’ve ever really seen him is just before my skull gets bashed in. All I really have associated to him is the splitting headache.  Twins: I’m gonna punt Victor into the sun. I haven’t been good around kids beforehand and this tiny gremlin motherfucker just makes it worse.  Pinhead: I was so excited to see him!! He’s one of the few that talks more often than not in a trial, and he’s always had this air of elegance about him which makes it so much cooler! I’d be tempted to grab the box to solve it, but, at the same time Dwight’s already been hunted. I just...want to see how it works, really. Maybe if I ask nicely? Nah, probably not.  Pyramid Head: He’s so fucking COOL!!! He’s always just been really fucking cool and I still get stars in my eyes. I wanna re-create his weapon one day.  Joey: Joey’s one of the chill killers to be around, probably my favorite amongst the legion. Also Cosplay gang?? Hello? Susie: She’s cute!! I like her vibes whenever there’s not violence involved. I wonder if she’d ever get into costume making, she has the artistic eye for it. I also wonder if she’d ever dye other people’s hair...I’d kinda want green tips one day- Frank: Still wanna throw a palette at him. He’s one of the more serious of the Legion, and usually the one you’d find with a Mori. Not as Serious as Julie but only because he has the cocky god complex to go with it.  Julie:  She’s definitely the most serious out of the Legion. There’s no real rest whenever we’re in a trial against her. Scary as hell and less of a bastard than the other three.  Hillbilly: I know he deserved a lot better than this, especially after hearing more about him. I...Haven’t gotten to see much than the end of his chainsaw though.  Blight: This dude’s singlehandedly bringing back my fear of needles and I thought I lost that with HRT- Also like, dude spits up orange fuckin everywhere.  Michael: My Mans!! I always get a little excited knowing we’re up against him. It’s habit- It’s kinda weird to see him easily affected by like, palettes or flashlights though.  Spirit: She seems like she could be nice when there’s some downtime. I’m also one of the few that can understand her well enough, which probably makes things easier. I found out she’s basically my age when I survived a trial by myself. I’d hope to hang out more sometime. Nemesis: God he’s so fucking tall. Kinda surprised it was Nemesis out of everyone that could’ve been brought, and also, kinda terrified? Still am kinda terrified. I’m surprised he hasn’t just torn up an entire map yet. His zombie minions are also annoying. Wraith: All this motherfucker does is roll up to pull me off Gens and Exist as a problem. I don’t see much of him outside of a Trial. Trapper: Motherfucker Incarnate. If the Entity lets us throw hands I’m fighting him first.  Freddy: ....Gross. I liked the Nightmare on Elm Street series a lot, but...Freddy as a person? Ew. Especially this iteration.  Demogorgon: Demopuppy!! He’s a good boy and he deserves to get treats. Even if the Treats are flesh....I wonder if he likes candy though. Trickster: Pretty!! He also Gives me DIO vibes because of the Jacket and the Knife throwing...Imagine if a killer could stop time...that’d be terrifying. Deathslinger: I wanna sit down and look at his gun more but I also feel like if I ask I’d just get shot on sight. Intimidating as hell but also cool. Mary: ....Still on the very complicated ‘Ex Girlfriend that murdered me’ State. It’s hard to avoid her though. Especially since she wants to get back together since we’re stuck here. Nurse: She does not help my fear of Hospitals, honestly. While she’s easy to go up against, it’s still eugh. Plague: I really, really hate her power. The Sickness and the Vomit is just- Eughhhhh- It just hits every bad sensory issue at once.  Clown: ...I get killers are Killers and aren’t supposed to be good people but also like....Disgusting. Please Remove from the Realm. He’s just- ...Ew.  Doctor: NOPE. NO. NEVER. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO.
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sortavibing · 4 years
Heyyy i wanna request an alphabet fic.
H- Suga ( Romantic)
N - Kageyama ( Angst)
A - Tanaka ( whatever you want)
K - Hinata ( Platonic)
P- Tsukki ( Angst)
hi! thank you for requesting! i hope you have a nice day!
H- Huggable (do they give hugs? if so, how often and how?) [Suga]
suga loves to give hugs. especially after games, whether he won or lost, you always come down to give him a hug and he kisses you on the top of the head, thanking you for coming to support him. when it’s winter, and you guys are outside, if you say you are cold, suga will wrap you in a hug, and then would give you his jacket no matter how cold he is what a gentleman we stan. i think suga likes to show his affection for you through physical touch and quality time, and hugs are the best of both of those worlds so hugs are one of his favorite things to do, coming second only to soft kisses on the forehead or top of the head. also, whenever you guys have been away from each other for a long time, the first time he sees you again, he will hug you and whisper in your ear how much he missed you, and how you were always on his mind, and then will hold your hand and kiss your knuckles. anyways stan suga and his warm hugs🥰
N- Need (what do they need to survive, that isn’t really healthy?) [Kageyama]
he needs to be better than everyone else. no matter what he will do anything to show that he is the best at what he does, and he gets so wrapped up in this goal, that he will forget about other people’s feelings. due to this, he often will neglect you to practice the thing he wants to be the best at (usually volleyball), and if he doesn’t achieve his goal, he will get very angry and will lash out at the people he is closest to, to let off some of the pent up rage. the bursts of anger will usually be verbal, but sometimes, he will get physically aggressive, and you have to give him some space or you might get hurt. because of this, people won’t tell kageyama about how he should change his ways, so this toxic trait will keep on going on until someone musters up the courage to tell him what he is doing is bad for him and everyone around him.
A- Activities (what do you like to do together?) [Tanaka]
you guys like to go to arcades together (sometimes noya comes along) and play against each other in the 2 player games because he is really competitive and you just have to indulge him, but once you get into it, it’s actually really fun to play against him, and the best part is when you beat him at something he was confident he was going to win at because you can rub it in his face.
“i thought karasuno’s future ace would be good at these games that require power?”
“shut up! i was just letting you win because that is what gentlemen do!”
“sure, tell yourself that”
at the end, you guys both pool your tickets together to buy the weirdest thing possible from the ticket deposit counter, and you guys have a fake fight over who has to keep the cheap toy that’s probably radioactive. if both of you refuse to take it, you hide it in noya’s bag the next day and wait to see his reaction. (for some reason he thinks it’s a message from another team spying on him and he gets all defensive wherever he goes and you guys think it’s so funny)
K- Kind (what kind of friend they are) [Hinata]
hinata is the little brother/twin type of friend. whenever you are around him, he immediately becomes a child more than he already acts like one and you either have to be a glorified babysitter, or you become a child with him as well and you guys go batshit crazy with each other. your most memorable time with each other was after halloween, where you guys binged candy and just went insane like- you guys were one second away from accidentally committing arson before suga had to control you guys, but not before hinata and you jumped on the roof of someone's car and started screaming random sound effects that literally made no sense at all. you guys almost got arrested, but it was the most fun you‘ve ever had on halloween. hinata also always nags you to play volleyball with him, and when you agree, he gets so excited and becomes even more hyper if that's even possible
P- Past (what has happened in your relationship that changed the way you saw each other?) [Tsukki]
he cheated on you and didn’t apologize. it was 3am and you were scrolling through Instagram, unable to sleep, and you refreshed your home page, and saw a photo of tsukki kissing another girl. you immediately called him, and he didn’t pick up, confirming your suspicions. you tried to call him, text him, but no answer, so you gave up and waited until the morning when he came to your house (with visible hickies- like he did nothing to cover them) and just pretended like nothing happened. when you asked about where he was, he just said;
“you were getting boring so i tried it with someone else”
he sounded so bored with the entire thing, and when you asked more about it he just rolled his eyes and sighed
“geez, why are you getting so freaked out it was one night. stop being so overdramatic.”
and he just ignored you whenever you tried to talk about it again, and he acted like it was your fault that he cheated. ever since that incident, he didn’t “try someone else” again, but you never trusted him the same way you did before it, and you knew, that no matter what, he won’t take the blame for any of the problems in your relationship, even if he was the reason.
thank you for reading! i hope you liked it!
requests are open btw!
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headoverhiddles · 4 years
Wrapped In Plastic - Marilyn Manson x Reader [Smut]
Synopsis: The new kid at school intrigues you. He’s infatuated too, but beneath that scary exterior, you’ve got no idea what’s in store. 
Notes: Era: Spooky Kids! Requested by anon: “High school Brian having a crush on you.”
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There he is, sitting in front of the principal again. Brian Warner. You're surprised he hasn't been expelled yet, frankly, even though he just moved here to South Florida recently.
You watch from afar, sitting with your friends. He's making that face. That expression... or lack of expression. He doesn't give a fuck what he got in trouble for, and you, he and the principal know it.
"Hey. (y/n)," your best friend says, "What the hell? Are you listening?"
"Yeah," you mutter, glancing back into the office. God, he would probably fuck like an animal, taking you in some old haunted forest somewhere while spanking you and telling you you're his dirty little slut...
Your friend scoffs when she sees where you're looking.
"That guy is dangerous, quit fantasizing. That isn’t your picture perfect bad boy-- that’s like dating the next Son of Sam killer.”
Your other friend chimes in. “My sister told me she saw him and his pack of weirdos out lighting an abandoned house on fire. My sister’s friend said she hears him jerking off in the washroom every lunch hour. The whole school knows about it. Also apparently in creative writing, he turned in this story about this guy fucking his sister's corpse or something. Seriously weird, probably evil. He's gonna end up in jail, mark my words." You ignore your friend, but turn back into the conversation.
Eventually, the principal gives up, dismissing him. You see Brian join his friends outside the office door, who have been waiting-- Jeordie and Stephen, you think you've heard them called in class. The one with the brown comb-over is called Pogo outside of class, because of his fascination with serial killers. You think it's funny. Those guys just do whatever they want. 
Your breath hitches. Brian tucks his long black hair behind his ear, looking up and grinning at his friends. He's describing what he did, and he looks like a gleeful child who just got away with murder as the other two bust out laughing and dig for details. How could anyone think he's evil? 
Cold chills run through your body as he meets your eyes. Oh, fuck. He smirks a little bit your way, but you quickly look away. His features harden, and he turns back to his friends. You turn back to yours.
You can't help watching after him as he walks down the hall to fourth period, though... his head nearly reaches the ceiling, and that metal Planet Of The Apes lunchbox makes you smile. You've heard him make a threat or two to beat someone's ass with it, and you believe he'd do it. For every bully who promised him he'd be nothing, there's something about him that promised so much more.
The bell goes, and Brian sits down at the desk. 
"She was looking at you." 
"Yeah, she was talking to her friends about me," Brian mutters back.
"She looked like she was wetting her panties over you," Jeordie grins, "She looks like she wanted to suck your dick right there in front of Mr. Ogilvie!"
"That'd be the day," Brian sighs. 
"Yeah, you'd have beat off material forever," Pogo laughs.
"But she wasn't," he said, "You guys are just fucking blind."
"I don't know, I got some blow job vibes from her,” Pogo says. 
“You get blow job vibes from everyone.” 
“I’ll blow you for lunch money,” Jeordie mentions. Pogo shrugs. 
“I might take you up on that.” His obnoxious laughter rings out as you walk by the door. You recognize it immediately, and look back. Brian’s sitting there, knees tucked under the desk like his legs won’t fit. Shit. In your experience, being this preoccupied with someone meant you were into them... or at least, wanted to see more of them. 
Brian looks up again, and sees you staring at him. This time, he frowns. You’re drawn away by your friend, who pulls you toward your next class. As you're walking, someone calls your name.
“Hey! (y/n), right?” 
You turn as your friend keeps walking ahead. You scoff slightly as he approaches. “Like you don’t know my name.” You pause, backtrack. “I- sorry. That was mean."
“That’s okay. I’ve been known to be a little mean too,” he smirks, and he flips his hair out if his face. “I guess when you hang around a bunch of catty bitches all the time, it rubs off on you.” His voice is so deep and calm. It throws you off whenever he speaks, but does other things to you as well.
"Hanging out with a pair of delinquents can do the same." Your eyes dart inside the classroom to his friends, who are carving something into a desk. He gives a small smile.
“Speaking of rubbing off,” you raise an eyebrow, “Did you want to talk to me?”
He blushes, then forces his embarrassment away. “That rumor’s not true.”
“Nah. I did light that abandoned house on fire though.” He grins, and you do as well, hugging your books closer to your chest. 
“So. You’re a rebel, huh?”
“If not putting up with everybody’s bullshit counts as rebelling, then yeah. I guess so.”
“I can respect that,” you nod. “I feel the same way... but I’m not as fearless as you.”
“Are you saying you might commit arson with me, (y/n)?” 
“Maybe. How did the conversation progress to lighting things on fire with you?” 
He laughs, ducks his head nervously. “Well. Um, I saw you staring like a creep, and... I was wondering if you wanted to be creeps together. Y’know... hang out sometime? Come see my band, or...?”
“Are you asking me out?”
“Yeah, I am.”
You smile, poking his black shirt that read Christianity is Unnatural, Abnormal, and Perverse. “You’ve got balls, Brian.” You look at the clock, and back to his class. “What do you say we fuck off for the rest of the day?”
His eyebrows shoot up. “You wanna skip class today?”
“Sorry,” you walk your fingers up his chest. “I know I’m not quite at your level of rebellion yet, but it’s a start.” 
He laughs as he follows you to your locker. 
“So. Do you have a car?”
“No.” He scratches his head. “We can walk back to my house, though. My parents aren’t home.” 
Following that plan, you make it back to his house. For someone hailed as the Antichrist of the school, he's got a relatively normal looking home, white picket fence and everything. All that changes once you get to his room.
"Wow," you say, looking up at everything. He's got serial killer-like writing scrawled on the wall by his bed, lyrics that seem like they're straight out of a porno or a horror film, or both. There are pentagrams drawn on his bed posts, and posters of bands like Nine Inch Nails, Ozzy Osbourne, KISS on his walls.
"I know it's stupid, but I'd give anything to meet those guys," he mutters, rubbing the back of his neck.
"It's not stupid," you say, examining the edges of the posters, freyed from the move no doubt. "I actually think it's awesome. I love Ozzy."
"One day I'm gonna beat his record for most drugs consumed over a lifetime."
"Have you started practicing?" you tease.
"I... well, I haven't had the chance."
"Right. Let me know when you do." You smile, going over to sit on his bed. He looks down at you, seems to have a mini panic attack, then acts cool with it, playing with his lip ring and sitting beside you. You look around the messy floor. He's got a strange mix of stuff that oddly seems to perfectly fit his personality: leaking boxes of black hair dye, various lipsticks and nail polishes, a bag of weed, books on the rise of fascism and Carl Jung's red book, an antique-looking switchblade, a Willy Wonka hat, condoms with little angry faces drawn on them, an old deflated football with "FIGHT" written on it, and... "What's that?" you ask, leaning down. Brian coughs.
"Oh. Yearbook from last year."
You pick it up, looking at all the little drawings of candy, needles, Charles Manson and other doodles he's defaced the book with. "But you didn't go to this school last year."
"I traded my mom's diet pills for it."
"Huh. Hustling already. Must have been some good stuff." You hesitate. The page was open to the photos of you as the lead in the play last year. You smirk, pretending to squint. "Is that a cum stain I see on my face?"
"You wish," he huffs, but he's blushing, hair curtaining around his face. You give him a look, turning fully toward him.
"Why'd you really invite me over?"
"To tell you I hate you, knock you out, and bury you in my backyard." You laugh.
"I mean, if you think about it..."
"It's the perfect plan. Invite the girl you've got a crush on over, assume she's gonna make fun of you, lure her in, then get your revenge." You smile, laying back on his bed.
"You just admitted to having a crush on me."
"Wasn't it obvious?" he asks. "I only ever threaten to kill the people I really wanna fuck."
"And do you really wanna fuck me, Bri?" you ask coyly, crawling dangerously close to him. He swallows, Adam's apple bobbing in his long, graceful throat. "You wanna fuck me right here, right now, while your parents aren't home, make me scream your name while you blare your favorite metal record and act like things'll never change?"
"That sounds good," he groans. His hands wander up your thigh, and you smile, bouncing on his leg. "...I also wanna share my music with you. Read a book over your shoulder. Maybe pop a few pills, key someone's car, grab a milkshake and look at the stars on Special K so we feel like we're floating, you know. Before I bang the shit out of you. Date stuff."
"Is this not our first date?" you ask. His tongue flicks up over his lip ring again. 
"I guess you could say it is."
"Good. Cause I never fuck on a first date," you say, "Or so I tell people." He clenches his jaw, and braces a skinny arm beside your head, leaning down to capture your lips. His lips taste sweet, like mint and those sugary rocket candies. He takes his shirt off, and you rub your hands down, feeling a few scars. He lets out a whimpered noise at your touch, shuddering a little. 
You make out and grind against one another for a few minutes, your hands pulling his hips closer by his black belt loops and his fingers tangling your hair. Your breath gets faster as he grinds harder, more desperately, and you reach a hand down to help him out, give him something to rut against.
"You feel so big," you moan, and he runs a hand through his hair, lips falling open.
"I'm gonna..." He makes another desperate noise, and you feel it right where you need him. But since all his condoms in here seem to be used or have faces drawn on them in scented marker, you opt for over the clothes stuff only.
"Use your fingers?" you breathe. He looks like he's about to cum, and you know it'll tip you over as well, what with all the times you had thought of him like this.
He reaches into your jeans, unzipping them, and messily finds your clit. For a teenage guy, he's not bad. He starts to rub, then reaches three fingers down to thrust them into you.
"Fuck, Bri! Three?!" you breathe. He looks into your eyes, not stopping.
"I thought girls were whores for that kind of thing!"
"It's..." you moan, "That's... oh... y-yeah... Jesus...” He really start to work them in, watching your reactions while rutting his clothed erection against your leg. "Fuck, Brian, grab my tits... yeah... this is just how I imagined it when I..."
He freezes for a second, and his whole body convulses. He gasps, and you see him reach down to cover his crotch, face going beet red. He doesn't stop, though. He keeps fingering you, and now that he's not worried about grinding, he can explore you in other ways. He attaches his lips to your neck, and sucks a hickie right below your ear. 
“Brian... Bri, make me c--” 
"Cum for me, you filthy little slut," he snarls, and you arch your back up, grinding down into his fingers as your orgasm hits. You rock through it, and he kisses you again, sloppy and hot. When he pulls away, he gives you your fingers to lick clean, which you do through a heated stare.
Things calm down into you laying back against his pillows with his stringy body tucked in a cramped position beside you. "I didn't know you were that..." you search for words. "Experienced?" 
"What, you thought I was a virgin?” 
You giggle. “I didn’t know what to think about you, to be honest. Kinky, inexperienced, I had no idea. Of course, I hoped that you were kinky.”
“I’ve been known to use restraints when asked,” he smirks.
“I’ve got that to look forward to. I thought you were cute too, though. I don’t care if you’re some devil worshipper who parents and teachers everywhere shiver at the thought of." He's quiet for a second.
"I thought you were scared of me." 
"That too, a little bit. But what scares me turns me on." He rolls over to face you, a vulnerable position for him, you can tell. 
"The way I dress is what I perceive to be beautiful. Looking like this, doing what I want to, it keeps the assholes who like to give my face their own version of plastic surgery away if they think I'm a Satanist who's gonna... cut off their mom's head or something if they fuck with me. Makes the hypocrites who call themselves teachers question their morals too, ‘teaching’ someone like me to be a good little boy and follow society’s rules. It’s all brainwashing, everything they feed us with their sugar and shit, and I’m the bad guy for standing up to it." 
You stroke hair out of his face, and he looks up at you, lips pursed. "There’s always gotta be a scapegoat. I guess you fit that role.” You look beyond him. “You think it would ruin your image if those bullies found your poetry books?” He smiles. 
“Nah. One day, I’m gonna grow up to be a big rock and roll star. I’ll use my own poetry and turn it into music, and I’ll look ten times more extreme than I do now. Then they can all say they knew me, and I’ll tell them to go to hell.” 
You snuggle into him. "Mmm. Speaking of extreme... we should pull a Sandy and Danny. I'll come to school dressed all goth and shit Monday. Throw my friends for a loop."
"Does that mean I have to dress like a cheerleader?" he asks.
"You've got the ass for it."
He grins. "Stop it, you're making it very hard for me not to wanna fuck you for real right now."
"Here's the deal," you say, "I'll show you where I live this weekend. You tell me what your favorite fruit is, because that's a soul searching question. At that point we'll know each other better... and I'll be fair game."
He bites his lip. "I feel like I've known you forever."
"Yeah. Me too."
Just then, there's a knock at the bedroom door. Startled, you sit up quickly, and who you can only assume to be Brian's mom pops her head in. "When the fuck did you two get home?!" Brian blurts.
"About five minutes ago, honey. Don't worry, we didn't hear anything. Jeordie called, said he 'left the smoke bomb under the urinals.' I hope you aren't getting up to trouble like the last school, your father had a heck of a time getting you into this one.”
“He had to switch jobs too, and with his back, you know how difficult long drives can be. Oh, how rude of me-- hello sweetie, you can call me Barb."
"Brian, is this the sweet thing you had that dream about the other night?"
“Hugh, Brian’s got a girlfriend over, we should turn the TV up to give them a little privacy.” 
“GIRLFRIEND?!” a voice calls up, “GOOD ON YA, SON. THAT’S MY BOY!” 
“Jesus fucking Christ...” Brian groans, burying his face in a pillow. You laugh so hard into his chest you nearly tumble off his bed. Most dangerous guy in school, your ass.
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tarantulas4davey · 4 years
you know that micheal reeves video where he got a twitter bot to decorate his room? yeah race did that. it was a mistake. someone got him a fire hydrant.
eventually they do a cover of a song together with race singing and al on keys and everyone loses their goddamned minds
race has a habit of vaguely alluding to crimes he may or may not have committed in videos to the point to where theres a fifteen minute comp of all the times hes talked about doing illegal activities. like once the were playing a game and race had to pick a lock and he started complaining that it wasnt realistic before abruptly stopping and claiming it was a joke and that hes never picked a lock before. hes alluded to commiting tax fraud, breaking and entering, arson, and murder just to name a few. even al doesnt know whats a joke and whats the truth any more.
jack (or some other newsie idk my brain is fried like a chicken wing) doesnt cuss on his channel so when they play among us with him, al and race on their best behavior to try not to cuss and it was going well until al killed race, winning the round and race immediately shouted "you goddamned bitch ass mother fucker" so from jacks (maybe?) perspective its just "you bleep bleep bleep bleep mother bleep." race feels really bad for it after but its fucking hilarious
when race is scared al acts kinda indifferent or like he doesnt notice but fans started to realize that when race gets really scared al will just start talking about whatever and talk over the game to distract race or call out when theres a cheap jumpscare coming up. if you point it out to him al gets really embarrassed as per usual
the way that i smile like an idiot whenever i get an ask cause y’all are honestly better at this than me i just happened to give you something to fixate on
- he WOULD do that. al kept the fire hydrant in the corner of the game room cause it makes him laugh
- oh everyone flips their shit. it’s not as insane a reaction as them singing iconic disney duets in a karaoke stream though, everyone cried during “i see the light” from tangled (al is flynn, and race is rapunzel. it’s the only full cover of albert singing on the internet and everyone fucking loves it)
- oh al does it too. they’ve been best friends their whole life and spend like,,, all their time together so fans are trying to figure out if they’re bullshitting or not. for the most part they are, but they DID used to tag stuff and race knows how to pick locks from sneaking into school after hours. they also burned all their old work at the end of every year but they never technically committed arson. (al also got into a lot of fights but he was underage in all of them and they were never that bad so ✨no assault charges for him✨) so like they’ve technically committed crimes but not all the ones they allude to, and they can’t their stories straight because of it. race tends to do it more so al is like “did you actually do illegal shit without me or is this a bit”
- (the one that doesn’t swear on his channel is 100% specs or romeo, take your pick) everyone, ESPECIALLY al, laughs their asses off at the bleeped version but race literally offers to edit the whole video cause he feels guilty (what a good lad 🥺)
- sjhdbdhd i love this one like,,,, extra a lot. albert does a lot of little things to help race (or anyone, really) feel more comfortable without calling attention to it unless their embarrassed by it or just don’t wanna talk about it but if you call him on it or notice and mention it later he goes scarlet cause HE knows what he’s doing but YOU aren’t supposed to be able to tell. he’s just a considerate boy that thinks about the people around him and it makes me soft
✨i love they sm✨
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sisterkosho · 3 years
General Headcanons | Ayume Nejireta
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Credits: The art featured in the header I made for this was, like many of the things I've shared here, drawn by @hiikkups on instagram. So here's your daily reminder to check out my besto friendo. 💜 Also, aside from Rui, another one of my friends OCs, Juno, was briefly mentioned in here. So credit to my boy Flashlight for that.
Warnings: Manga spoilers in a few of the points, but they were either too funny or too relevant not to include. So sorry about that---
Notes: Am I ever gonna get around to Ayume's bio? Hopefully. But honestly, I just feel like messing around right now for whatever reason. Maybe I'm just lazy as all heck. But I figured that I'd at least give y'all this so you can learn a little bit more about her while I procrastinate attempt to work on her bio. Half of it is just memey stuff but hey. I'm having fun. So enjoy your uh... Soup? Or what ever you wanna call this---
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This girl does NOT like Gojo.
She was honestly all for Juzo making him into a coatrack.
100% would shake around the Prison Realm hoping he'd get dizzy.
Probably yells insults at it too just in case he can hear.
The only one she can easily say she hates more than Gojo is Mahito.
Despite technically being on the same side, she can't stand him. But to be fair, who can?
She knows his name, but purposely gets it wrong out of spite. The most common names for him include Mahobo, Mojito, and Mahitoe. Amongst various other things.
She's threatened to feed him to Juno on multiple occasions and has at one point, tried to actually go through with it.
Unfortunately, the team "still needed" him.
Absolutely will not hesitate to bring up the fact that he lives in a sewer like the hobo he is.
She got to be the referee that one time they played ball with Jogo's head.
Ended up burying Mahito in the sand and then left him there with no remorse whatsoever.
Rui is her bestie, no questions asked.
Even if she does steal her food all the time but hey. Besties share.
Partners in crime. Literally.
Yuji and Sukuna who??
They rarely ever fight, but when they do, it's about guys.
Doesn't get what Rui sees in Gojo.
Like Geto is literally right there, c'mon now.
Supportive Girlfriend™
Actually kind of a simp.
Please excuse her. She just loves Geto a lot.
Literally cannot have arguments with him because all he needs to do is hug/kiss her and she forgets why she was mad.
He wins every time....
This only works with Geto though. With anyone else, she's as stubborn as they come.
She will fight for hours if you're not already knocked out from her kendama. Don't even bother please. It's not worth it.
She needs to be holding Geto's hand or at least have their pinkies locked at all times. This is not negotiable.
Forehead kisses are also mandatory for both of them.
Rui may or may not have tried to play wingman in the beginning.
Somehow, it worked.
A couple that commits war crimes together, stays together. 💜
She went through an extremely dark period after [REDACTED], and probably ended up clinging onto Kenjaku despite knowing he wasn't really Geto because poor girl was in denial and didn't know how else to cope.
"Girl, that's not your man."
"Close enough."
Obviously this is not healthy. She is not ok and is probably being manipulated someone help her please.
Best to focus on pre-volume 0 ending because everything after that point hurts me. Moving on--
She gets extremely pouty if you call her short.
Will kick you in the shin and watch as you fall to the ground as if to say 'You were saying?"
Geto puts her on his shoulders so she can look down on people and smug levels go through the roof.
She isn't even that short. But being surrounded by trees can do that to a person.
She falls asleep in very strange positions and has woken up upside down more times than she cares to admit.
Has definitely rolled out of bed on accident and spent the next 5 minutes staring at the celling and questioning her life decisions.
She's prone to falling asleep anywhere if she's comfortable enough.
Geto found her asleep behind the couch once.
How she got there is a mystery. But he learned to stop questioning it.
At this point she just sleeps out of boredom when she isn't feeling violent. Seems to be a habit she picked up from Rui.
She's extra as all heck, at all times. Queen of dramatic entrances.
Whether that's the flashy kind or the breaking down the door kind depends on the day.
She actually has a very pleasant singing voice, although only a few people know about it.
It's not something she intentionally keeps a secret, she just hasn't gotten a chance to show off yet.
Used to sing lullabies to Mimiko and Nanako when they were younger.
Rui ended up falling asleep too. Whoops.
It's either soft or arson with her honestly.
No in between.
Need I say more?
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For the I-Land ask game: #12, 13, 14, 19, 26, 33, 38, 39, 43, and 44! I hope that's not too much haha
lmao dont worry i enjoy it~
12 - oof okay so both jay and sunghoon, as different as they are, are pretty damn close
13 - since we’ve gotten a bunch of more elegant mature songs, i’d love to see them do something quirky or bubbly, like something really really high tempo and exciting in any form (like it could be crown by txt or god kitchen like as long as its kinda upbeat)
14 - I&Credible. Period. So far it’s like my favorite original song on the show (although flicker comes pretty damn close)
19 - oof there aren’t too many i-cam moments i love like particularly much, but uh jay and sunghoon fucking around with each other like last week was cute? (please tell me you guys know what im referring to)
26 - Ooh okay i’ve got a ton of favorite moments, first of all the entire outing yesterday is gold and i love it, also like literally all of Jay last episode is also iconic (his slurping honey is just *chefs kiss*), but I’d say overall my favorite moment is when the i-landers comeback from their unit performance win and everyone’s celebrating and jay picks up sunghoon and yes (i miss part 1 fUcK) and also like the whole ghost thing in like ep 6
33 - okay so um my top 7 in no particular order are Heeseung (a deer, he deadass looks like bambi fight me), Sunghoon (i mean a penguin, yes, he’s like as squishy as one so yes), Jay (jay is either like a whole ass lion or like a tiny little tiny house cat cos he’s fierce but also salty and also cute), Jake (jungwon is right and he’s exactly like a golden retriever), K (K is also a cat, i do not take notes, he has whole cat vibes), Jungwon (he’s right he looks like a little spider monkey) and Sunoo (he’s a, i dunoo he’s a puppy too, a cocker spaniel or something) 
38 - K, cos like i feel like he’d know what to do, Jungwon cos um, i feel like he’d know what to do yes, and also Jay because he’s rich as fuck and he’d probably get help the fastest (listen some of yall dont get just how big sinar tours is)
39 + AAAH oh my god okay so i really wanna see them do a txt song so maybe something runaway or drama or even like new rules, and i mean obviously i’d love my top 7 and also maybe ni-ki?
43 - Okay so Sunghoon, Jay and Jake, for no reason other than it would be really fucking funny to go ghost hunting with we bare bears trio
44 - my lord this is hella lame, but i’d take sunghoon and sacrifice jake’s hats, commiting arson in the process, thank you :)
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Ranma 2/4
Part  Two: Chapter 13 - 25
Unless someone comes up with a better name I’m sticking with this one
HOW tf is the principal crazier than before?!
Yup, spreading out the Kuno-Principal thing
Is Sasuke seriously an anime-only?!?
Like I said Ryoga needs to chill a little first
Main reason I don’t like Ukyo That scene where she blatantly states she’s fine with turning Ranma into something he’s not rather than helping him
(Ignoring the near constant amount of undermining his abilities)
“I’m gonna cheer him up” as she holds a sword! Why?!
 Ranma you dummy, hug Akane!
I hate this demon/ghost cat
Shampoo, you manipulative bitch
Akane learns to swim like a normal person
The lifeguard in me can’t do it
 The principal is background shenanigans
Totally forgot about the kid who wants to play video games and is “weak” bc of it
Definitely need to find a different reason tho
 Lazy little shits are a pain
Also his mom is crap
 Akane… why you be dumb?
 Weird Happosai is Santa plot…
What is with the Excalibur meets lucky 1000 meets fairy godmother?
Good news is, with what I’ve done to Kuno’s understanding of Ranma’s curse Ranma knows Kuno wouldn’t give him that wish and calls it quits sooner
Someone just needs to explain Ranma’s really confusing sense of morality to me
 Cuz it’s either on 110% or it’s nonexistent, now normally nonexistent is for Kuno but still
 Look Ranma’s got ego problems but he ain’t stupid
No betting the Tendo Dojo at five!
 On what planet is that a legal document?!?
Some1 tell me why Shampoo using Ranma as a stop ramp bugs me so bad
That mo when you can’t remember if the Hot Spring Challenge is when Ukyo met Shampoo in the anime…
I don’t think so…
Akane you made me need to google a word
That like never happens Ranma you idiot
So close but so far
So much more logic, thanks
I mean more insanity, but it explains why Ranma swapped clothes
Finally! Ranma apologizes
Jesus Christ someone would think I won the goddamn lotto with how loud I cheered when this happened
600% approve of this over what happened in the anime
Oof poor Ranma
Hahahaha in your face Shampoo, but I also think I know why Ranma chose it
Poor Ryoga
I KNEW this guy was coming I still hate it
YEET you can’t PAY ME to  do this arc
Look, is it the fact that I had etiquette and dance classes as a child and everyone assumed this is what it was like? Probably.
It wasn’t so I won’t.
Any1 else notice how Nabiki is one of the few ppl that uses she/her when Ranma is in his cursed form no matter what?
Why does this bug me?
Akane, stop beating Ranma up, honestly
This is closer to abuse rather than teasing
 Gotta work that out of the narrative, intentional or not
Every1 sayin she’s violent isn’t helping
Like I said really fucking morally GREY Nabiki
How grey can you go before you get black? 
 Let’s find out together
Can everyone PLEASE stop treating Ranma like an object?!
 I literally can’t tell if Nabiki is fucking Aro or not…
Why is this so hard?!
I hate seeing Akane cry
I know she’s playing Ranma like a kazoo, but the point still stands
Nope, nevermind it’s just Ranma that’s a fuckin idiot I blame Genma
No, I’m not kidding
*sighs* I don’t condone Nabiki doing this in any way just for the record THAT’S not an apology Ranma!
This mess is totally your fault Nabiki
am I intentionally pointing out where this work of fiction is stressing me out since I’m now online schooling and suffering for it? Yes, fuck off.
 Actually, don’t.
But Fuck Covid19
Aww his hat’s back!
Why do I love his hat so much?
No, seriously Akane’s so cute!
Oooww tree
y’know the sec she realized what Ranma was doing Nabiki should’ve TOLD him!
Congrats Ranma ya got the wrong sis- I mean the right- but wrong- dammit y’know what I mean
Some1 give me a logical explanation for why Ranma goes on a date with a panda doodle, PLEASE
I do appreciate the epic battle background fight for the anime
Further proof that Happosai sucks
Manga name’s somehow less believable I think it’s the use of “snowman” rather than “yeti”
Did Soun just find out that Pchan is Ryoga, and say nothing?
Ooo, Imma commit arson
Remember when I said obey Physics and Medical, I meant it
Arson is wrong and I know this but “transgender bitch” crosses the line
I will do it
Shampoo is a fucking yandere psycho
Just sayin “we’ll see who can get him first” 
honestly, any other group and I’d be annoyed, but these four can’t work together for shit I
’m still pissed at Taro, but he can kill Happosai, please
I can’t tell if Shampoo, Mousse and Ryoga are being purposefully obtuse or not
I just reread their names I know the answer to at least two of them
Idk how I feel about Kuno-amnesia we’ll see
yep, Kuno gives me the creeps w or w/out his memories
kinda wish this was anime
jesus christ, poor Ranma
press f to pay respects for Ranma’s stomach
 Also Ukyo’s assumption that some1 can make Ranma doing anythin he doesn’t want to is crap
Like HELLO! Wake up moron!
Nabiki, I mean this in the nicest way possible, shut the fuck up
You’re making it worse
Also TALK to each other you ding dongs!
OH RIGHT! I almost forgot about the biggest fucking insult that Ukyo said of her own freewill!
It also proves that she doesn’t know Ranma as a person AT ALL!
It’s not a pick one or the other kind of thing
The fact that she thinks Ranma would accept that is insulting
The fact that she thinks that is insulting and makes me hate the patriarchy
Again, treating him like a prize than a person
*tries not scream, sighs*
Nabiki, you’re the cause of at least 30% of the stress I get from this
You having feelings ain’t the fucking problem here Ukyo, you not acknowledging Ranma’s is
 I hate fake criers, anyone who does this I hate you
Always let others in on your plans, kids
When’s every1 gonna realize Ranma’s “wishy-washy” cuz no one’s ever committed to HIM before?
This episode confused me, I’m prepared to be MORE confused
Less confused, I’m surprised
 Gonsunkugi, you creep
There is SO much wrong with this
Y’know I didn’t think Gosunkugi could surprise me, I was wrong
Happosai still sucks unfortunately for all of us he’s now weird on top of it
I love how much Ranma needs to be kicked in the teeth to get any character development out of him
Ryoga is my #1 choice for it, always
Ranma… why are you like this?
Genma, emotional range of a goddamn wall
I am jealous of Ranma’s brain
I could be SO mean with the Shishihokodan
Also, are they implying that Ryoga has depression?
Gimme Ranma’s brain
I won’t ask for his confidence cuz that’s impossible but I want his brain
In Akane’s defense, given what she knows she couldn’t’ve known how badly that would affect Ryoga
 I ain’t gonna say “leave Shampoo” cuz that’s cruel
I like the “turn into a Cat” rather than the “Can’t Cross” & the use of New Year’s rather than random but this still brings around the fact that she doesn’t LISTEN to him
Mousse you’re NOT helping in fact you’re actively making it worse did you miss when he said blatantly “I don’t wanna”
oh, sure, NOW you’re ok with it
ugh Mousse, you have a brain, I’ve SEEN you use it. Do so now.
This entire episode weirded me out
IDK if it’s the age-dff or the fact that he was makin it up and somehow everyone thought this was okay … 
I won’t YEET it but MASSIVELY change
Light bulb
NOPE I’m keeping this surprise to myself
it was a rather sweet end tho
Oh, this episode is a mess and a half, honestly
Also Nabiki, congrats you’ve literally enabled a stalker S
o many laws are broken here
okay, so Kodachi not being in on Ranma’s secret after so long makes sense purely because she doesn’t go to their school
however, with what i’ve done to make Kuno marginally less dumb it makes a little bit less sense…
I literally hate Kuno with what I’ve done to his logic of Ranma’s transformation, but that’s the point Kodachi… how do I handle you… oh, duh!
Ok, so Kodachi is now also terrible
 I’m trying to figure out where this is in the plot since there is ZERO
Ok, there’s a LINE, Nabiki
This one would be touching, if it didn’t end the way it does
TALK gentlemen! 
It won’t kill you
Fuck a parent that says they’re not your parent for no reason, EVER
I am going to make this hurt
 Also gonna take out Genma’s fail at stealth
 Remember I said Akane’s going to learn to cook
sorry, I just love this idea
Oh this is SO against the rules it’s not even funny
 tiny adjustment so they actually have quasi-competent referees
Crazy wants crazy?I won’t stop ‘em
I reiterate: CHEATING!
I am aware that the “ending” apparently sets them back to the start in terms of their relationship but I swear to God if they pretend shit like this didn’t happen I will scream
 Someone ships something other than Akane x Ranma PLEASE explain why/how
don’t ship bash but I would insight when you explain 
please trust me, I’m a multi/poly/crack shipper
(for frame of reference to a bnha I ship DabiHawks)
I understand the appeal of Fanon
however, I would like to stick to Canon here
so no Fanon
Canon Only
Fully love that high kick
Genma shows Ranma’s secret here, but they already know… so… I shall find out
Ooo, you’re not getting out of this Ranma
Do you know how tempting it is for Akane to at least tell Ranma she’s a girl- oh wait gendered sports… right…
if you didn’t realize it was Akane when she hit you for calling her klutzy I can’t help you
I want to commit arson at some of the comments…
but can confirm that these are HS boys
 Doesn’t mean I gotta like it
I was wondering how long I was going to have to wait before tearing into Nodoka
Took me WAY too long to remember that Nodoka calling Ranko tomboyish is due to how he speaks in Japanese
I’ll need to figure that out since… English
Can I explode on Genma’s choice to take Ranma at TWO?!
Can I further explode on both of them for making a TWO YEAR OLD “sign” a Seppuku Pledge?!
I hate both of them, honest
ALSO communication! 
Genma! Just fucking TELL HIM!
Making her transphobic is SO tempting
I don’t mean in a “i hate you” way I mean in a “I sheltered my whole life” way
 It’s still bad, and painful, but she can easily learn from that
Or be worse, this could go 2 ways
I feel so bad for Akane for this entire conversation
Also poor Ranma like ouch… 
I’m going to make this hurt something fierce
Slight change since I’m hoping Ranma isn’t as “peak fight or flight” by this point
Genma don’t be an asshole for FIVE MINUTES
Please, that’s all I want
If she doesn’t learn the truth before the end I will make a bad decision
Really, I will
Don’t kill Genma, you can’t
 Akane, don’t say like you wouldn’t… honestly
Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, honestly, just look the other way Ranma
See, this kind of crap here is why I really don’t like Cologne
any other day Akane’d be right
oof, that means he self aware that girls flock to him
I’m quite frustrated by that if I’m honest
Ranma is clueless about all the wrong things
I love him but God I wanna punch him sometimes
Why is there a swing from the ceiling?!
I had a jolt from the way they set that panel up, thanks
Are you trying to kill me?!
Thank you Cologne, now fuck off
Oh thank God, at least he learned
This is nonanime stuff so I have no clue what’s happening but anything to make Happosai miserable
I’m enjoying this immensely
 ugh, “think of it as a compliment” ghost
Eat me
 okay, yeah, as much as I want him dead, that’s worse
I’m glad he’s not a one-and-done character
I will forever ONLY call him Taro when it is NonDialogue
Wait Saffron as in big-bad Saffron?
I literally only know pieces of the end so I’m just pulling from what I know
Lol, wait… was that soldier Anime only too?
I almost liked you there for a sec Taro
Now I’m pissed again
… if Ranma falls into the Spring of Drowned Twins would he split?
 I’m not going to DO IT, obviously!
I’m just curious okay… 
that answers that… and kills anyone other than Ranma’s plan to turn back to normal I hope everyone is aware of that
Since when is there a castle on an island in Japan
tis just a scratch, I’ll admit that was funny
Ranma… your stomach gets you in so many problems
ok, that was wholesome
I approve
Okay, so my understanding is that Mrs. Tendo got sick, so I can understand the reactions to Kasumi
BUT I still find it odd because… well… anyone in my house gets sick and you mostly can’t even tell I mean, minus a worse attitude and a mask, other than that though, nope we keep ‘er movin’
 I’m moving this section sooner EVEN IF IT KILLS ME!
I like her mom’s cookbook tho
I could make a Ranma x Ryoga joke here, but I won’t
I also won’t make a Ranma x Ryoga joke chapter cuz I’m nice like that
Actually I might have no choice
I’m FINE just dying
my multishipper heart is dying here
 I love this
InstaRegret for THREE people
If nothing else, I’m impressed
(well three once Ranma’s back to normal)
I need help
Fangirling/Fanboying/Fanpeopling is dangerous folks, remember that
Poor Ryoga
Though I too feel that right now like where do I look because everything coming in at mach 6
I’m changing that one scene tho cuz I can’t justify the aftermath without it
This… is… weird to say the least
I feel like I should just expect anything with Gosunkugi remotely involved to be weird at this point
okay, not as weird as I expected
glad it was short tho
I think I am officially out of anime terf
YAY, new content!
This is why I ask about any ship that isn’t Ranma x Akane
Also, names?
That- that- that can’t... 
also, biology, that’s not how that works!!
You two ARE idiots
Ryoga you die I’ll kill you
Well… that hurt to see so quick…
Ranma, get up!
I officially hate this Herb guy
ok, so if you put HOT water in the ladle do you stay that way forever?
Alright! Way to go Ryoga!
I need to stop shipping Rivals it’s bad for my health
fucking eat it you dick!
 Poor Akane
nevermind, Ranma you idiot
ok, so that whole no more Anime-content… I was wrong, and I admit that, but still
I’m just thinking of my bff when they realize she’s an adult cuz, yeah, she’s like that too
 except like physically an adult unlike tiny-Hinako
 oh MY GOD Ukyo you’re driving me up the goddamn wall I swear!
 “You’re all Ranma’s fiancées” when only one of them actually is 
Ranma, learn to communicate, PLEASE!
Okay… so is this where they figured it out or are some ppl still in the dark?
Honestly, mood Ranma, mood
This entire plot line confuses me if I’m being totally honest
I mean I live for the Akane focus, but there are so many better ways to do this
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seksipomminpurkaja · 6 years
oh just do all of them i'm not the one to pick
*cracks knuckles* one from each universe
1. Is most likely to go on a rant for an hour
Anze about the state of politics. 
Trias about any conspiracy theory,
Jane, about anything really, she’s the talkative one of the mobsters
2. Starts or wants to rant but restrains themself
Ode, but she’s lived her whole life shutting up about everything. 
Hazel, but he slips from time to time bc he has Opinions. 
Annie, most of the time about Marcus but she has no one to blame
3. Is surprisingly articulate
Maya, lil girl has lots of thoughts and through learning from Lucas she can put them into comprehensive sentences.
 You’d think from Harlei’s use of slang would stop her from being articulate, you’re wrong.
 Pietro, having his challenge being mute but he’s not dumb and he thinks a lot about what he’s gonna say
4. Is surprisingly inarticulate
Vitany, the olde tongue stuck to her and now she speaks seemingly weirdly
Maz when they get excited, a job handling lot of people you’d think they could put out good grammar in vocal conversation but alas, they get excited their mouth doesn’t keep up with the thought process 
Frans, he’s somewhat smooth talker, but some of that charm is when the lads and ladies have no fucking clue what he’s saying other than maybe cursing in french
5. Has no off-switch
Anze, if not looked after, he would work himself to death
Alia, same thing as with Anze. And hatred for cultists has no pause
Jonas, the ball of anxiety and self-hatred never sleeps
6. Doesn’t know when to quit when they’re ahead
Romir, came around to bite him in the ass few times, just when you think you’re invisible, some bigger guy shows up and beats you to pulp
Jack used to gamble a lot, made profit but also lost all of it. Think he’d learn from that, but then he found drugs and alcohol and hey, he’s still alive so why would he stop
Lola, it was that stubbornness that got her arm blown off
7. Argues they are right despite evidence to the contrary
Rene, ‘nuff said
Enrique has bit of that habit of not giving up on his views until the very end (he does give up at some point tho)
Sarah does it for a living
8. Freely admits they were wrong about something
Nayden, he’s the prime example of owing up to his mistakes, yes he was wrong about the elven demigod, and the mage, and sure he didn’t trust the army either (he was raised in a farm and to be suspicious about everything) but he made amends and grew quite fond of everyone mentioned
Tia, she’s stubborn and wants things to be done her way sometimes, but Harlei has the last word always, and sometimes it’s better that way, Tia apologizes for strongly opposing the captain sometimes
Penelope, the only time she’s been wrong tho was when Lola brought Pietro in and she insisted that he’s going to get them all killed. He turned out to be a great work partner
9. Plays innocent
Vilya, look, none of this chaos is her fault, some idiots just decided to summon her without fully understanding what will happen, it’s like throwing a slab of meat to a wyrm, what did you think was gonna happen summoning a trickster demon
Ihn, every chance he gets, look officer i have no idea what you’re talking about two murders right around the corner, me and my buds just arrived
Pietro, he refuses to acknowledge the two androids running around
10. Settles into a begrudging silence when outplayed
Amir, whiny commander goes into his hissyfit corner to think about what he’s not done
Sangre, he is Never outplayed HOw Dare you THink THAT
Jane, Sarah would just outright shoot the other person, but the gf if less triggerhappy and more ‘cold shoulder’ type o gal
11. Changes subjects when they start to lose a debate
Jalan, she doesn’t wanna continue into the losing territory so better put that sweet tongue to use and distract
Akiph, he has a history of getting into debates he doesn’t know half the facts and just as much he switches topics
Marcus, or just straight up flee
12. Is slow to anger
Nayden, he’s a teddy bear, why would you want to make him angry, who hurt you
Maz, it takes some serious work to get that roly poly boiling yet somehow quail and moran did it
Penelope, she’s mellow like that
13. Has a hot temper
Odelia, she’s small and angry and won’t be stomped over ever again
Alia is the princess of pissed off
Sarah, it’s her redeeming quality
14. Is known for their rudeness
Again Ode, she has a particular distaste of humans and the like, and whatever they’ve created (Lew is just so bad at this whole human thing he has a certain charm to him in her eyes)
Jade, you win million dollars if you catch her not being racist and shouting slurs or throwing knives at innocent people
David, another doctor with no bedside manners, he deal with the mob just ok, but others, nah.
15. Is often accidentally rude
Lucas, he’s brash and a man of few words, and it also takes a while to get used to all this weird shit happening and meeting lots of new people, there’s bound to be few hiccups for men like him
Harlei, some things just slip her brain to mouth filter
Ira or Sam, both are programmed weirdly don’t question it
16. Is very polite or mild mannered
Sharni, the brothel raised no foul-mouth, though she did commit an arson at one point. But she’s quiet and has good basic manners
Tobias, out of all the clinic he’s probably the most plain and ‘normal’ (also a true mvp, caught enrique fingering juno in the supply closet and said nothing)
Annie, her family is higher class so that might explain it
17. Is blunt or otherwise painfully honest
Nics, he has no time for bullshit when there’s arrows poking out of his friends’ backs
Roben, tells them how it is
Marcus, truly has a way with words even in serious situations
18. Likes to tease others playfully
Maya, bls let the child play
19. Is serious
Brianne, Anze, Nics, Lucas, the list goes on 
Like half of them
Just Pietro and Penelope
20. Is questioning or nosey
Helga a little bit, just has that built in suburban mom kind of nosy
Marcus, sticking his nose everywhere it should not be (more than just metraphorically) 
21. Is secretive
Yu-Wen, no one knows where she’s exactly from, probably from the north-west islands of the great sea? who are her people? when did she learn to sail and fight with two swords? no one knows
Kadiz at first, it might’ve been 20 years between escaping the lab and making contact with Quail, and even after that she kept herself secret and a mystery for everyone else than the strike team
Pietro, but just because he fucked up and doesn’t want anyone knowing he even exists
22. Does their best to seem tough or mysterious
Lew, he’s tough, don’t get me wrong, but he’s also a kind of show-off
Trias, but honestly she spills out a lot, so she’s on the very edge of mysterious, she’s that because no one knows what her motives are because it can’t be as simple as “hey why tf not”
No one, everyone’s a fucking flamboyant peacock showing off their best and worst and then there’s pietro, there’s not much to say about him
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darby-draws-archive · 7 years
I got a bunch of q's for them siblings, Lauren Mark and Nathan!! 5-7, 10, 12, 17, 19, 27, 30 and 31!
Thank you for asking so many questions for these good siblings!! And for being so patient! :,) I feel like I could’ve gotten more into specific scenarios with some of these but I didn’t quite know where to start or which question would have the better examples. But I’m sure you’ll enjoy anyway, I’ve definitely got enough info down for sure! Under the cut for obvious rambling reasons.
5. What traits does each person find endearing in the other?
Mark: Lauren’s ridiculously confident in herself and Nate’s always really passionate and excited about what he does.Lauren: Nathan tries to be friends with everybody and Mark has always had my back. Nathan: Mark’s just the right amount of sarcastic to be fun and he takes the band really seriously. Lauren’s secretly a big softie even when she pretends she’s cooler than everyone else.
6. Which traits does each person find annoying in the other?
Mark: They never shut up.Lauren: Oh my god, Mark thinks he knows everything and Nate never shuts up. He’s the bratty baby brother neither of us asked for. (laUREN!) (its true but they still love him)Nate: tHEY’RE BOSSY. And patronizing. And cynical.
7. How often do they see each other? How often do they talk to each other?
Nate and Mark see each other at least once a week, more if there’s lots of band practice or concerts to play or just wanna hang out! They see Lauren a handful of times throughout the year, at holidays and random visits.
Mark talks with Lauren more than Nathan does, kinda on a weekly basis, sometimes more, depends how busy they are or if they’ve got Exciting Gossip. Lauren and Nate probably talk like once after most full moons and a handful of other times,,, Nate wants to hear how the werewolf adventures go.
10. What would they get for each other as birthday gifts?
Mark’s mostly just gives money tbh, sometimes he’ll go halfsies on more expensive gifts but he doesn’t normally Think of the good gifts. He might take them out like to the record store and buy some things they pick out themselves. This is particularly good with Lauren, since it’s also his birthday and he has the excuse to get stuff he wants, too.
Lauren will usually find various music related things, shirts an posters of some bands they like, patches and pins for their Cool Jackets™. Nate likes comic books and movies, Mark would like biographies of musicians or maybe some video game, it varies but she could definitely find some things.
Nate tries to get Lauren makeup and sometimes it works out. He’d probably be better off with a gift card for it but he’s insistent that he knows “the hottest new eyeshadow thingy” and “the trendiest nail polish colors this season”. (he just Says these things, he doesn’t actually know anything) I think Nathan gets Mark a fun vidya game because he knows everyone else is getting him band related stuff,, unless he’s specifically asking for things.
12. Do either of them have any hobbies or interests which annoy the other?
Nottt particularly? I can’t really think of anything, if they don’t share the interest in something they just kinda leave it alone. Maybe if Lauren had to listen to tooo much of their band practice at once it would annoy her, just because her hearing is sensitive and they’re loud bois. She WANTS to enjoy it but what can u do. Mark kinda thinks they’re both way too into the horror genre but he doesn’t mind all that much.
OF COURSE this was different when they were younger and they often teased one another for certain interests,, but they grew out of that. (okay, mostly,, light teasing may still happen..) Most themes involved Lauren (or Nate’s) love for pop music and boybands or when Nate started experimenting with his guyliner. (and Lauren only teased him bc it was poorly drawn on…)
17. When one is feeling down, how does the other respond?
I kinda mentioned this one with the bros here the first time I reblogged these questions, but to add on Lauren:
On minor sad days, Lauren’s the type to give advice if she can or some kind of generic comforting thing and then kinda joke with her brothers. She kinda downplays her helping, kinda like “the solution’s simple, you just, do this. Is that reALLY all you wanted to talk to me about???” And if she can get either of them to laugh after they’ve been crying then it’s fair game for her to tease them for it.
If it’s a major sad thing, she tries to be The Strong One in those types of situations, even if it’s hard. She’ll listen if they wanna talk and cry, try to sound reassuring when telling them that it’ll be okay.
Mark’s better at comforting Lauren, they were definitely closer growing up so they kinda know exactly what would help. She doesn’t like feeling “weak” from showing emotions but she doesn’t mind crying in front of him and he’s alright at calming her down. But really Lauren usually just needs someone to rant to and maybe give a little advice, (she won’t outright ask for it but she leaves looong pauses for you to suggest something..) Mark knows and can easily handle that.
Nate isn’t used to seeing a sad Lauren and wouldn’t quite know how to react. Can you…. Tease her for this??? Is that allowed? What would Mark do.. But really, he just tries to be his normal happy self to cheer her up! Tell a funny story or joke.
19. Has one ever had to stop the other from making a very foolish decision? And did the other listen to them?
APsolutely. Mark is Lauren’s impulse control and Nate’s bossy older brother. Mark does stupid shit too but I don’t think any of them really stop him. Though, Mark would actually listen to Lauren on occasion. They both wouldn’t really listen to Nate even if he did try to stop them?? They don’t trust his judgement any more than they do their own. Nate might listen to them about half the time maybe? Still very foolish…
Lauren might try to stop Nathan more, Mark’s old enough to do his own thing. Plus, she finds it funnier if Mark fucks something up somehow, with Nate it’s mostly just sad.
Mark used to try and stop Lauren from doing stupid shit a lot in their teen years, but now he stops Nate from doing stupid stuff more often just by proximity and how much they see each other in comparison. Nate is bound to do something foolish at some point. He normally doesn’t find out Lauren’s doing something foolish until after the fact, now.
27. How far would each go to protect the other?
Oh they’re very protective, Mark used to get involved with Lauren’s fights a lot in high school. (She was always gettin into trouble.) I don’t think Nate really gets into situations like that, but in general he’s protective of him, yeah. (and that extends to Izzy, too.. I know this is about the sibs but this is definitely a situation where he treats her like family. He’s just ! A protective older brother all around, for everyone.)
Lauren,, being a werewolf and undoubtedly the strongest of them all now,,,, could do some damage if she needed to and she wouldn’t hesitate if it was to protect her siblings.
Nate’s a lotta bark and no bite, to be honest, so he wouldn’t get in as many fights like they would. But, he’s passionate and wants to protec them too if he can!
30. How far would each person follow the other? Would they trust them enough to commit crime because the other asked them to?
Uhh, pretty far, especially the twins. They have a lot of trust for each other and yeah I could see that involving a crime if it was completely necessary. At the very least, hiding a crime that the other one did..
Mark: We need to fuck someone’s shit up? I’ll fuck someone’s shit up.Lauren: Listen, I’m not saying that. All I’m saying is I know where to find some very sharp teeth and some very secluded woods.Nate: I draw the line at petty theft and arson.
Siiince Nate’s our lil crime boy in the runaway AU though, I’ll expand a lil more on that scenario since it’s more tangible? I think they’d both get involved immediately if he asked/said he was in some kind of trouble. Kind of a heat of the moment ofc I gotta help my lil bro out of a bad situation. But I don’t think he does that. I think he just disappears suddenly for a while and bc of that.. Well, they’d wanna do some detective work to figure out what happened to him,, but might not jump to help him as immediately when he does finally show back up again. They were incredibly worried for him and now that he’s back, they’re mad at him for making them so scared!! ‘You could’ve called a long time ago!’ >:(
Not to say they wouldn’t help him at all, he would just need to do a lot more explaining for either of them to get on board. That being said if the newly blonde and tattooed Nathan showed up at either of their houses with some equally disguised boyfriends then they wouldn’t hesitate to let them hide out n crash there.
31. If one wronged the other badly, would the other forgive them easily?
Mark forgives kinda easily? He’d be upset initially but eventually, he’d rather keep his relationships in tact than hold grudges.
Lauren IS Dramatic and WILL hold grudges, no doubt. Forgiveness might happen eventually, but it’s not easy.
Nate wants to forgive and for sure would try, normally he’d be the first to forgive! But he’s a lil more emotional and if we’re talking badly wronged,, bad feelings and memories would still pop up and he’s not as Over It as he pretends to be. Whatever happened still might hurt him, and he’d also bring previous arguments up even if they weren’t relevant as evidence of maYBE I shouldn’t forgive you this time!! They love their baby brother but they push him around sometimes, sometimes its ‘just teasing’ and sometimes it’s not, and I feel like if they did something that was seriously that bad, he’d start thinking about EVERYthing before telling himself, how much am I gonna put up with.
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imagines-never-die · 8 years
Date Headcanons- Gentlemen
He most likely hasn’t been on a date since before his cybernization. So when he suddenly has to plan a date for you, he’s gonna pull out all his old notes
He may have to tweak these notes a bit since they include sexual teasing throughout the date and end with an invitation back to his place
He’ll cross out those bits and try to replace them with more gentlemanly things
There are a few potential places he might take you--the arcade, the aquarium, the mall, his place (whoops forgot to cross that off his old list)
But at some point, he’ll take you for some ramen. Assuming he can’t eat in his new body, he may have a bit of wistful aura about him, but he’ll just be happy if you enjoy his favorite food.
No matter where he takes you, he’s going to buy you something to remember the date by (so make sure to make little remarks of things you might want him to get ^.-)
Overall, his dates are the classic shoujo high school boyfriend date. He takes to dates like a fish to the ocean.
If Jesse gets to plan the date, he’s going to have some ideas in mind
And ideal spot for him would be one of the campy shooting galleries where all those cut-out animals pop out. It’s a good chance for him to show off to his date and get real close to them as he shows them how to aim properly
Do you like horsies? McCree’s ridden a few in his life, and he’d love a day where he can teach you to ride western style. The two of you could go on a nice trail ride~
Every date with him will end with him offering to buy you two drinks. It’s kind of a cowboy courtesy
If you want to impress him, here, try out-drinking him! But be careful because that can be very difficult
Date? When was the last time this man went on a date? He hardly ever had time for that back in his Overwatch days, and he hardly has time now that he’s a deadly assassin. Besides, Death doesn’t do dates...
But not even this guy can deny wanting to spend more time with his significant other, and whether he wants to admit it or not, that’s called a “date”
He’d say something along the lines of “So...you wanna go...kill some stuff?”
Lol yes dates for him are just missions where you two work together. He’s not very creative.
Maybe once you two start getting closer, he’ll ask to hang out with you a bit after the mission. Do some weapon maintenance back in his quarters, do some talking, take off his mask...
But if you really want a more formal courtship with him, you’ll have to try suggesting some more acceptable dates. Even just taking him to the practice shooting range and swapping combat techniques!
Once he gets used to spending time with you without murdering other people, you can move on to sharing meals together
He’ll want your undivided attention on these dates. Don’t look at other guys, and he better not catch any guys looking at you.
Soldier: 76
Jack also hasn’t been on the date scene in a while, but he’s more accustomed to being a charming young man than Gabe is. He had to do a bit of posing as the Strike Commander, and I’m positive he had a few admirers.
So I’d like to think he knows the basics of a classic, old fashioned date: dress nice, maybe bring some flowers, give some complements, take them out for dinner. That sort of thing
Even though he knows the basics, good luck getting him to following them now. 76 will be caught up in the fact that he’s too old to be dating or that he’s got no time for courtship now that he’s a vigilante.
But if somehow you’ve got him arranging to take you out for a night on the town, good on you!
He’ll be much more awkward than he used to be, blushing, stumbling over his words, rubbing his neck
He’s just very nervous that he’s so old yet out on a date of all things!
Nevertheless, he’ll try to be the gentlest, sweetest date he can be. Though there may be some places he can’t go or he may be recognized...
After your night out, he’ll insist on walking you home so that you’re safe, and give you a quick kiss before saying goodbye
Uuuuuhh.....What? A date? What’s he supposed to do for one of those?
You can bet that the first time you ask for a date with Hanzo, it’ll be his first date ever.
Now don’t get me wrong, he had a lot of admirers growing up who asked him out, but he shot them all down simply because he didn’t think the heir of his clan should be going around and wasting his time with girls
But now he’s kind of regretting turning those dates down because now he has no idea what to do...
He tries to remember what Genji used to do for his dates, but he quickly remembers how short-lived Genji’s relationships were, and quickly dismisses that idea
Hanzo’s probably written down a list of ideas, all of which he’s crossed out. Oh dear, this is really stressing him out
In the end, he’ll decide to take you out for tea in a nice, zen garden (even better if the cherry blossoms are in bloom!). At first, things will be very stiff and awkward, but just try to get him to talk a bit, and the ice will quickly break
Ooh! Shopping! If you know Junkrat’s definition of shopping is, though...
Blowing up a mall and stealing everything in the process, starting with the milk tea shop!
He just wants to show his partner his favorite things in life: explosions, mayhem, and boba!
But he gets it if his s/o isn’t into really loud explosions and arson...I guess he could steal some milk tea prior to the date and bring it over to your place. He’ll bring over some (stolen) action movies, too.
Don’t be surprised if he tries to start a tickle fight
The first few dates he plans might involve Roadhog, and you may have to teach him that your later dates don’t need a third wheel. Roadie is a good third wheel, though-- very quiet and unobtrusive.
Do you like drag racing? Motorcycles? He’d love to try that with you sometime!
Once you start going on more frequent dates, you’ll suddenly notice that they’re not always dates...but heists...
“Jamison.” Roadhog grunts, “Why did you bring your date?”
“Wot? Why not? Kill two birds with one stone: bonding time and crime! Y’know, mate?”
He’s already dating his turrets and his wife.
This old man would be so excited to be going on a date at his age. He always assumed those days were over for him, but he looks so happy and bashful now that he’s out with his s/o~
He’s the kind of guy who will be happy with anything that his partner wants to do. As his date talks, he’ll sit there happily, taking every word they speak
A total hand-holder, he’ll want your little hand in his as often as possible
He’s a bit like Soldier in that he prefers more old fashioned dates
Take you out for dinner, maybe see a play/movie before
If you really want to impress him, suggest an old fashioned movie like “M” or “Treasures of the Sierra Madre.”
When he drops you off at home for the night, he’s going to be a little hesitant to give you a good night kiss...he’s still a little hung-up on being too old to do this again...I mean does he kiss them or not? What if they pull back?
So you may need to stand on your tippy-toes and give him a peck yourself~
Unlike Junkrat, he’d be more understanding of what a date is. He won’t take you on any arson missions or heists...unless you want to of course!
He’ll take you to the arcade and show you how good he as the crane game and win all the Pachimarus!
He never loses because he just smashes the glass...sorry. So, he’s still going to commit a bit of felony on your dates.
If you want to avoid crime with him, do the same as Junkrat, invite him over and watch some action movies!
He’ll want you to sit on his lap. Bonus points if you make a big bowl of popcorn for him!
During your first few dates, Mako will keep the mask on. But eventually he’ll start lifting it up just enough to eat that popcorn you made for him.
Then one day, out of nowhere, he’ll just take off his mask and set it on the coffee table without any warning. It’s ok if you need to stare for a bit.
A fun date for Lucio would be some good old fashioned clubbing! He’ll try to pick a night when he isn’t the DJ so that he can be dancing in the crowd with you!
If clubbing isn’t really your thing, he’s ok with that. He’ll take you to an album store (yes, they have those in 2077) and browse the stacks with you, swapping music tastes
Then you can take the albums you guys bought (and by that I mean he paid for them) back to his place or your place and listen to them. He might even share some of his works in progress songs
Who knows, your music taste may just inspire his next song~
I doubt this monk has ever been on a date in his life. Maybe he’s a little nervous, but more confused than anything else...
So the point is to show the one you’re infatuated with a good time? But what if he doesn’t know everything about them? How will he know any specific things that they dislike?
He’ll definitely ask Genji for help
In the end, the two will devise a lovely date consisting of a nice nature walk ending with a peaceful picnic
You may find that dates with Zen can go from nice and talkative to quiet and enjoying each other’s presence. He’s the type that can just sit there and take in the calmness and serenity of the situation
He might even teach you some meditation while you’re out!
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