#Wanna curl up into a ball and sleep forever
steddieas-shegoes · 3 months
liquor talks
for @steddie-week prompt 'drunken confessions'
rated m | 875 words | cw: implied sexual content, alcohol | tags: love confessions, mutual pining, getting together, first kiss
Two shots didn’t usually do him in, but the room was spinning and his mouth was running like he’d had a whole bottle of vodka. At least everyone else seemed to be on his level.
Except Nancy. She didn’t drink much anymore, so she was usually the babysitter when they all got together.
He could feel her eyes on him now as he danced with Robin, spinning her in circles while they both giggled and nearly tripped over their own feet.
What had he even drank?
“Robbie!” Steve stopped her spin and held her face in his hands. “I didn’t eat lunch!”
“Me either!” She yelled before spinning again.
Steve giggled as he stepped back and watched her for a moment.
The back door opened and closed and Eddie slipped inside, the cool night air wafting off of him as he sat down in the chair behind Steve.
Steve was hot. He should cool off.
He sat down in Eddie’s lap and sighed with relief, wiping sweat from his forehead.
Eddie’s hands were resting on the arms of the chair, his legs tense under Steve’s.
“You feel nice,” Steve said, relaxing completely against him, curling into a ball in Eddie’s lap. “Good.”
“I was only outside for 15 minutes. How’d you drink so much already, Stevie?” One of Eddie’s hands rested on Steve’s calf, thumb rubbing along the seam of his jeans.
“Only had two!” Steve held up two fingers, then tapped them against Eddie’s cheek. “You were gone forever. Missed you.”
“You were dancing with birdie. You barely even noticed I was gone,” Eddie laughed. “Think you need some water.”
“I didn’t eat lunch,” Steve groaned. “Should eat lunch.”
“A little late for lunch, but I can get you a snack if you’re hungry.”
Steve shook his head, but felt dizzy and had no choice but to let it fall to Eddie’s shoulder.
He turned his face into Eddie’s shirt, breathing in the smell of his cologne mixed with the weed he’d just smoked outside. He was warming up now that he was inside and had Steve sitting on him, but Steve didn’t want to get up.
“Could sit here forever.” Steve closed his eyes as he mumbled against Eddie’s skin.
“Might have to get up eventually,” Eddie said quietly back.
“Don’t wanna. Perfect right here,” Steve slurred.
“C’mon, Steve. You’re drunk. You should get some water and lay down.”
But Steve didn’t want to do that. Well, maybe he wanted to lay down a little bit. But only if Eddie came with him.
“Wanna lay with you.”
“Alright! Time for sleep!” Nancy said next to him, tugging on his arm to try to make him stand up.
“No.” Steve burrowed further into Eddie, pulling his arm towards his chest. “Sleepin’ here.”
Eddie must have brushed her off because they were alone again a few moments later and most of the noise of the room seemed far away. Steve snuggled against Eddie, smiling to himself when Eddie’s arms wrapped around him and held him tighter.
“You can sleep for a bit. I got you.” Eddie’s voice was quiet, only for Steve to hear.
“Mkay. Love you,” Steve muttered, just loud enough for Eddie to hear.
But before Eddie could respond, he was asleep.
When Steve woke up, he was tucked into his own bed, drooling on his pillow.
He didn’t see any sunlight through his window, so he must’ve only been asleep a few hours.
He was alone and he was thirsty.
His bedroom door opened and he turned his head to see if Robin was finally joining him.
“Shit, didn’t know you were awake. Just wanted to bring you some water before I head out,” Eddie said quietly, walking over to Steve’s side and holding out a glass of water. “Feeling okay?”
“Mhm. Still tired.”
“Yeah, I think you overdid it.” Eddie gave him a small smile to let him know he wasn’t judging him. “Go back to sleep, Stevie.”
“Like that,” Steve mumbled as he let his eyes close. Eddie’s hand brushed through his hair softly.
“What?” Eddie whispered.
“When you call me that. Feel special.”
“You are, Stevie.”
Steve opened his eyes to see Eddie looking down at him with furrowed brows, like he was trying to figure something out.
“I am?”
“You don’t remember, do you?” Now, Eddie sounded sad, and Steve never wanted Eddie to be sad.
“Remember what?”
“You told me you loved me earlier.”
“I do.”
“You do remember or you do love me?” Eddie asked.
Eddie groaned. “Steve, which is it?”
“Both. I do love you and I do remember telling you.”
“But I’m gonna say it again in the morning.”
“Cuz you don’t believe me.”
“I didn’t say that!”
“I just know you. Cuz I love you.”
When Eddie smiled, Steve couldn’t help letting out a relieved laugh. He’d been holding that back for so long, having it out in the open so easily was almost impossible to believe. Maybe he was having a vodka induced dream.
“I love you too. But you should get some more sleep.”
“I’ll stay.”
“Love you in the mornin’ too.” Steve’s eyes slipped closed as Eddie’s weight made the bed dip beside him.
“Me too.”
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mediumgayitalian · 6 months
No answer. Nico reaches over and pokes him, hard, and the son of Hypnos startles awake long enough to manage a garbled, “Present!” before nodding off again. At Chiron’s nodded permission, Connor procures an airhorn from what appears to be thin air, grins, and blares it right next to Clovis’ face. He shrieks, flailing off the chair, and would have slammed his face in the ground if Nico hadn’t caught him by the back of the shirt.
“Thanks, man,” he says, yawning.
Nico hauls him back upright, patting him on the shoulder. “No problem. I’m gonna let you fall next time.”
Clovis eyes him warily, shifting at Nico’s too-wide, sharklike grin.
“Noted,” he mutters, sitting straight to try and stay awake. “Jerk.”
Nico pats him on the shoulder again. “There, there.”
Chiron continues with the attendance.
“And…” Chiron sighs, peering through his reading glasses. “Nineteen, twenty, twenty-one…” He glances down at his clipboard, slowly tapping his pen on the edge of it. “Where is Will?”
A groan ripples through the gathered campers.
“Just start without him!” someone shouts, sinking into their chair.
“He always takes forever!” another person agrees.
“Almost like he’s busy running the infirmary that keeps us all alive,” Lou Ellen says drily, but her one vote of confidence is drowned out by several dozen other voices, all complaining.
Before Chiron has to deal with too much of a coup d’état, the rec room door creaks open, and Will comes strolling in after it, ignoring the heaps of boos and launched ping-pong balls at his tardiness. The beam of sunlight from the one dusty window seems, suddenly, to become a great deal stronger, highlighting the blonde of Will’s hair and strengthening the gleam of his easy grin.
“Perforated artery,” he explains cheerfully, settling down in the one empty chair. “Rogue Ares cabin mine went off. Had to do emergency surgery.”
No sooner are the words out of his mouth does he kick off his flip-flops, curl up in the rickety wooden chair, place his head on the nearest shoulder — Pollux, this time, who rolls his eyes affectionately and shifts to be more comfortable — and immediately starts snoring.
“Well,” says Chiron after a moment. “Let’s begin.”
“Wait,” Clovis complains, “how come he gets to sleep?”
Instead of answering, because there is no delicate way to say because he’s my favourite and I am a giant hypocrite, the centaur moves on. He gracefully avoids the various mutterings and calls for mutiny, instead running through the usual cabin check-ins at the speed of light to delve into the more interesting — and therefore distracting — things, such as Personal Grievances. This portion of monthly head counsellor meetings is Nico’s favourite, because he gets to sit back, be silent, and watch a bunch of teenagers yell at each other for his own personal amusement. On especially great days, he communicates with Connor through a series of complicated hand gestures to coordinate betting pools. Today, he is up seventy-two dollars. (Did he throw the pool by betting against himself and then inventing a fight with Chiara? Yeah. Did he cut her a deal for halfsies beforehand, making this technically fraud on two counts? Yeah. Can anyone prove it? Absolutely not. Suck on that, Stoll. You wanna be beat at your own game any day of the week? Nico’ll beat you at your own game any day of the week.)
As he’s accepting three dollars from a huffy Nysa (obviously the physical altercation count was going to reach six, c’mon, doesn’t she pay attention to these things), a hoof stamping the ground makes Nico jump.
“Boys,” Chiron says tiredly, pinching the bridge of his nose, “that’s quite enough.”
Both campers immediately burst into louder arguments, continuing to flail and smack at each other as their voices get more and more raised and illegible.
“Boys!” Chiron stamps his hoof again. This time, they fall silent, staring at the old centaur with flushed, guilty faces. “Sherman, get Malcom out of that headlock. Malcolm, we are not building a pig pen in the dining pavilion so the Ares cabin can ‘eat in an environment more suited to their mannerisms’.” He pauses, nodding in acknowledgement. “As funny as that was, it was entirely inappropriate to say. Apologise at once.”
“My throat is too bruised to do so,” Malcom grumbles.
“My throat is too bruised to do so,” Sherman repeats, mockingly. “Gods, it’s like you’re asking for me to jump you.” At the immediate catcalls and jeers that follow, he reddens, hastily shouting, “Like mug! Jump like mug him, guys, like beat him up! Shut up! Shut up, or I swear I’ll —”
“Sit down, boys,” Chiron says, banging his hoof again. “For Hera’s sake. It’s like you want to embarrass yourselves further.”
Nico snickers with the rest of the counsellors as Sherman and Malcolm return to their seats. In their desperate attempt to separate from each other to assure their status as Heterosexual, Guys, Please, they manage to bump into each other, losing their balance and collapsing on a heap on the floor, more tangled than before. Predictably, this makes the flailing worse, which is unfortunate for them and their misery but a source of great entertainment for everyone else. Among the hooting and hollering and camera flashes, Chiron sighs, putting his head in his hands and muttering something about teenagers and being too old for this shit. Or something.
“If everyone’s quite done,” he says finally, ignoring Connor’s quip about how he could watch a few more minutes, actually, “I would love for this meeting to end. I have to do something that doesn’t involve teenagers for several hours. All of you exhaust me.”
“Except Will,” Sherman says petulantly, scowling at the still-sleeping medic. Pollux, who by close proximity has become endeared to the human disaster (Nico knows the feeling; he’s still convinced Will has weird powers that mess with one’s oxytocin levels by virtue of smiling as there is no way that someone so annoying can be so simultaneously endearing), glares somewhat protectively.
“Sh,” he hisses, at the same time Chiron says, “If the rest of you spent less time trying to kill each other and more time trying to fix the consequences of said attempted murder, I would be more lenient.”
Lou Ellen speaks up. “Also, Will has that whole cute, can’t-stay-mad-at-me thing.”
Various campers nod and mutter in agreement.
(Nico knew he wasn’t the only one.)
Nyssa clears her throat. “If we’re ready to return back to the actual meeting, I have a point of discussion.”
Chiron nods, gesturing for her to continue.
“The vans are breaking down,” she says bluntly. “Again. Because they’re, you know, older than everyone in the room.” She glances at Nico, frowning. “Well, except for him.”
Nico sniffs haughtily. “Youngin’s, these days,” he says, shaking his head disdainfully. “No respect for their elders.”
Chiron raises a bemused eyebrow. “…Indeed. Nyssa?”
“I need parts again. Preferably from that place in Virginia? They don’t ask questions and price fairly. That would be best. Only I need the van to go get the parts, so. You can see the conundrum I’m in.”
“Easy fix with the chariot,” Chiron decides. “Can someone wake Will?”
“Without the airhorn, Connor.”
“Aw. I’m not doing it, then.”
“How tragic. Pollux?”
Gently, the son of Dionysus taps Will’s cheek, shaking him until he blinks awake.
“I was totally paying attention and I think we should go with the second option,” he says, yawning.
“Not asking you to settle a debate, but nice try,” Pollux says.
“Well, shit. That one usually works.” He flicks still-tired eyes around the room, smiling when his gaze rests on Nico. Nico rolls his eyes, willing down the heat to his cheeks. Judging by the teasing edge Will’s grin takes, it does not work. “Whattaya need, then?
“The chariot,” Nyssa says. “Vans are breaking down again. I need a part from a shop in Roanoke.”
Will straightens. “Like, now?”
“In the next day or so, yeah.”
“There’s a strawberry delivery on Saturday,” Miranda pipes up. “So sooner rather than later.”
Will nods. “Yeah, that works. Hell, I can probably be back by —” he checks his watch — “late tonight, honestly. Just gimme the part number and —”
“I kind of meant that I could go,” Nyssa interrupts, looking at him strangely. “I know what the part looks like. I just need to borrow the chariot.”
Will presses his clasped hands to his face, inhaling deeply.
“I would absolutely love to lend you the chariot blessed by my father who has gone totally silent,” he begins, in a tone that makes Nico think that he would not, actually, absolutely love to lend out the chariot blessed by his father who has gone totally silent, “only that the last time I lent someone this super important chariot it came back in pieces.”
“I remember.” Nyssa levels him with a look. “I fixed it.”
“Exactly! So you appreciate how much I would like it to not be broken. In fact —”
“Alright,” Chiron interrupts, holding up a hand. “You’ve made your point, Will, the errand is yours. Choose a buddy to lower the chances of you dying and check in before you leave.”
Predictably, this choice is not well-recieved. Because why would things be easy?
“Totally not fair,” Sherman protests, the loudest of all complainers. “Will’s no less likely to break it just because his cabin thinks they own it —”
“Finish that thought and I will curse you in twelve different ways for the next eight months, Sherman.”
The Ares counsellor snaps his mouth shut, sensing the new, hardened edge in Will’s voice. “Noted.”
“He’s got a point, though,” Damien hedges. At Will’s glare — boy, is that chariot a sensitive topic, Nico is noticing — he holds his hands up, shrugging his shoulders. “We draw straws for small errand-quests, Will, you know that. It’s not fair that you just get to call dibs.”
Will takes a long, slow breath, fingers pressed to his temples. When he looks back up, his expression is flatter than the entirety of the Midwest, jaw set and eyebrow raised. He narrows his eyes, contemplating, then clearly comes to a decision, nodding to himself. Everyone watches with bated breath as he climbs up to stand on his chair, folds his hands together, clears his throat, and says, voice carefully controlled, “Who can guess how many surgeries I’ve done in the last week?”
For a long moment it’s so silent that Nico can hear every rustled shirt as people fidget, every aborted cough and uncomfortable swallow. Will’s eyes are piercing, and he takes the time to stare at every individual counsellor until they meet his eyes, squirming, and look immediately away.
Nico’s impressed. Sometimes he forgets how godsdamn rigid Will’s backbone is.
Finally, someone offers a guess.
“Try four,” Will corrects, smile more like a bare of teeth. “I have not had a circadian rhythm since I was thirteen years old. I sleep when I can. And yet, somehow, you clumsy fucks manage to near kill yourself at the exact moment my subconscious even considers approaching REM sleep, every single time, and then I get to spend my next several hours piecing your sorry ass back together by hand, since hymns barely work right now. If I have to see another surgical pin I am going to stab it through someone’s eye. Am I making a point?”
No one answers.
“‘Cause I can make it clearer,” Will drawls.
“No need,” Chiron says hastily. “The quest remains yours, so long as there are no further objections.”
Wisely, no one speaks up.
“Perfect. Nyssa, if you’ll stay behind with me to iron out some details, everyone else — dismissed.”
The tense air immediately evaporates as people practically spring out of their seats, sprinting for the door. Nico is among the last to leave, having to stay and stop several fleeing demigods to collect his wares. On his way out, a heavy arm slings over his shoulders, and he’s suddenly enveloped by the intoxicating scent of lavender body wash and pure sunshine.
“Get off me, Solace,” he complains immediately, coming up to wrap his hand around Will’s forearm in the guise of shoving him off. Will is entirely unfazed, holding him tighter.
“But I have a proposal.”
“Take it elsewhere.” He ducks out of Will’s hold and sweeps his legs out from under him, sending him sprawling with an oof. Unfortunately, he doesn’t look any less sunny and smiley from the ground, somehow making it work for him, actually. He settles against the soft grass, sighing, hair fanning out like a golden halo. He pats the spot next to him, eyes fluttering shut as he basks in the late morning sun, and Nico swallows roughly, joining him.
“You wanna come with me to Roanoke?”
“Yes,” Nico says automatically. Will grins, and he flushes. “I mean, I guess if I have to. Loser.”
“Ever so grateful, Neeks.”
“You should be.”
He keeps his voice prim and superior, attempting to uphold his image, and since he is delusional he convinces himself he’s successful. Will, though, is entirely undeterred, lazy smile still on his face and arms stretched above his head, the picture of unbothered. A sliver of skin shows where the hem of his shirt rises and Nico ignores it. He doesn’t even glance at it, or the glint of Will’s belly-button piercing, at all. Nor is he aware of Will’s shorts riding up, or the curve of his calves as he crosses his legs. All of these things go unnoticed. Obviously.
“I have a proposal for you, if you’re done checking me out.”
Nico shoves his flaming face in his knees. “Did you know that in all the corners of the Earth I have been to, I’ve only encountered three things uglier than you?”
Will’s grin only gets wider. His eyes, even, start to get squinty as the force of his smile squishes his cheeks. Entirely unsubtly, because Will is the least subtle person alive, he reaches out and sends a wave of calming energy into Nico’s body, slowing his rapid heart rate.
“Three things, Solace.”
“Of course, of course.” He removes his hand, graciously allowing Nico the space to breathe and remind his lungs that their job is not voluntary. “I’ll come pick you up in a half hour? Wear a jacket.”
“Don’t tell me what to do.” Nico pauses. “Yes.”
“God, you say such nerdy things unironically. How do you have friends?”
“I dunno.” He gets to his feet, brushing the dirt and grass from his shorts. “You tell me.” He leans down and presses a smacking kiss to Nico’s hair. Nico presses his fingers into his eyeballs until they hurt, screaming silently into his palms.
He waits until the smacking sounds of Will’s stupid flip-flops retreat before braving the world outside his little ball of misery, squinting at his retreating form.
“I think I should get a lobotomy,” he says out loud to himself, because, realistically, if his braincells are already spilling out of his ears like loose quarters every time Solace so much as smiles at him then there’s not much to lose, is there? and stomps off to his own cabin.
Out of spite, he chooses the New York Giants jacket he got from Percy, just because he knows Will hates it.
That’ll show him who’s bossing who around.
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poppy-metal · 2 months
leave it to me to get horny w smth pure and domestic..*sighs* anyway imagine it’s night and u n art are all sleepy and your doing your nighttime routine together in the bathroom (like that one bring it on scene) and ur giggling at eachother for no reason and afterwards you try cuddling but maybe arts too needy and ur teasing him (as if u aren’t too) so it leads to somno and/or cock warming 😔 somno my beloved <33
- 🌷
gonna cry domesticness w art <3333 he's in his soft cotton shirt and briefs and you're in one of his shirts that's big on you and you keep brushing against his arm while you brush your teeth and giggling. it's that feeling of butterflies like being close to your high-school crush - but he's your husband. your forever boyfriend - n that makes you giddy. makes you rush into bed and bounce on it in glee like a little kid because you get to sleep together! with your HUSBAND!
"its like a sleepover." you tell him, still giggling and breathless and hes so endeared by you. comes up and his hands come to your waist, pulling you into him - standing on the bed you're only a little taller than him, arms looped around his neck. "wanna see who can stay up the longest?"
"hm." his smile is small - happy. his hands slide under your - his - shirt to skim up your bare sides. his palms are big and warm and make your heart race. you're already leaning in and his next words are murmured against your lips. "I'm not very tired."
his voice sends a warm shiver through you. your lips part against his - your tongues touching. you kiss hot and wet and your hands curl into his shirt - you moan into him - let him guide you onto your back and press on top of you. he tastes like the mint toothpaste you share and he's so warm and big and husband husband husband. all yours.
you end up on your side - spooning - his body curled around yours, your thighs curled up just a little - his cock gliding in and out of your slick cunt. he feels so good inside you - you'll never get tired of this sensation - the stretch of him inside - the feel of his body touching yours - moving together. your ass rocks back against his pelvis and he moans softly into your ear, lips pressed there - "I love you - " he gasps, "god - I love you so much - "
you squeeze around him. hot and tight. kiss his hand that you're clutching to your cheek, his arm banded around your breats to anchor you to him - "love you too." you moan. "you feel so good inside me."
you feel him pressing kisses against the back of your neck. there's no rush to cum - just a gentle rocking- his cock gently tugging in and out of your pussy - balls pressed snug against the lips of your cunt. "you're so warm - " he noses along your throat. " - and tight." he sucks your flesh into his mouth. "feels - ah - you feel incredible, baby."
you end up falling asleep first. the gentle rocking of your bodies swaying you into comfort far too easily. the comforting weight of your husbands cock inside you making you feel content. you murmur something about him staying inside - not pulling out, please - and then you're gone.
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mavnagerie · 6 months
COuld you please make a second part of the 'We can't be friends' with Zoro??? I LOVED IT SM 😭😭
Thank you for your work and time!!!
into you
* pt.2 we can’t be friends
roronoa zoro x reader
part 1, part 2
summary: after finally coming around on his feelings, he just wants to lay with you and love on you. he’s just a loyal dog.
warnings: SMUT. direct sequel to we can’t be friends pt 1, so slight friends with benefits in the past is implied. freaky zoro, not as freaky as haunted tho. unprotected sex (wrap it.) and slight cum kink. oral both ways. very fluffy zoro regardless of the sex. no proofreading, we die like men. very fluffy at the end… sigh
*authors note: requests are open, also i’m so sorry this took so long 😭 life yknow
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zoro held you close in his arms, his warm breath tickling your skin as he placed his face in the crook of your neck.
he held you against the railing of the ship, wanting to hold you close as long as possible, breathing in your smell. he missed the way you smelled, he loved the scent of flowers that seemed to follow you. he was never a huge fan of sweet things but you were always the exception.
“hm…” he hummed against your body.
“i have to go on lookout… you should go get some rest..” you didn’t wanna push him away from you, you wanted him to stay there, with you in his arms forever. just to know his warmth like how you used to, but you also knew you had your duty to uphold and he desperately needed some rest. he had trained all day from what you assumed, and by the way he had yawned at dinner, he probably didn’t nap much today.
he pulled away, looking down at you. he grabbed your cheeks with his strong hands and placed a kiss against your lips. begrudgingly, he had made his decision to go to bed but not without kissing you dead first. his hands pulled you in close, his kisses were searing against your lips. your hands found his hair, holding him close until he slowly pulled away.
“goodnight princess..” he says with a small smile on his face.
“goodnight, zoro” you smile back, and he’s on his way to the boys sleeping quarters.
as he walked to his quarters and you were finally stuck up in the crows nest, the only thing you could think about for that entire boring long night was zoro. his touch, the way his calloused hands wrapped around you, the way his lips felt against yours and the way his words lingered in your ears like freshly fallen snow on a cold morning.
you missed your zoro. the one who was romantic without realizing but if you called him out he’d blush. you missed the zoro that loved you unconditionally without even realizing or trying. but now you had your love again.
the sun began to rise over the horizon and as the cold crows nest grew ever slightly warmer in the sun, you fell asleep with your head against the glass.. drifting off without even realizing it. the sound of the latch door opening did nothing to even shake you awake. but as zoro pulled himself into the crows nest, he sees you from across the room and sighs to himself with a smile, seeing you passed out.
“oh sweet girl” he mumbled to himself before grabbing his jacket off his shoulders, walking over to your small body and placing it over you. he watched as you curled even more into a ball under his jacket, warm from his body heat. he tried to stay quiet as he began his workout, letting you sleep into the late morning.
as you stirred awake finally, zoro had been on the floor, leaning against the bench close to you, his towel wrapped around his neck as he panted quietly. you watched as his shoulders rose and fell with sweat beading on the back of his neck. he leaned his head back as he heard just a bit of a stir from you. he found your open eyes with his.
“good morning.” he spoke, pushing his hand over his shoulders and into your space. you grabbed his hand gently, your fingers wrapping around two of his.
“good morning..” you spoke with a tired crackle in your voice. he holds your fingers and brings your hand down to his face and kisses your hand
“we should go down and eat some breakfast.” he says sweetly, against your soft skin. you nod and stretch your legs out on either side of him, putting your hands in his damp hair to lean over him and kiss his lips.
“zoro..” you say softly against his chapped lips.
“yes, princess?”
“why have you held out on me for so long..” you sigh, your eyes are shut as he kisses you again.
“i don’t know” he says, hes not lying or disinterested, he just.. doesn’t knows. he holds your legs and squeezes them. “but i’ve loved you for so long, i just need to savor you now.” he says as he kisses you again and again before you pull away to be able to stand up.
he takes your hand and helps you stand, pulling his jacket from your legs and pulling it over your arms. he adored the way his jacket just made you seem so small, all warm in his scent. he pulled you close, pressing another kiss to your lips before the two of you clamored down to the kitchen. everyone had eaten but luffy and nami sat at the table talking about plans for the next island. they turned their heads as you both walked in, nami observing zoros hand on your lower back with his jacket over your shoulders.
“it’s almost like the old y/n and zoro..” she said quietly to luffy and luffy just beamed. he was happy he could’ve helped the two of yall come back together.
they watched as the two of you sat down and sanji sighed, finally able to give the two of you your food and finish cleaning up the kitchen from breakfast. the two of you giggled over the semi warm breakfast and it was almost like as before, a long two years ago, where you were practically on top of him.
today was mostly a day of travel, resulting in you sleeping in your bed until you heard a loud clamoring of the collective luffy, usopp and chopper over the spotting of land. knowing this was the island they had been talking about the night before and at breakfast.
waking up from your nap was hell but hearing the sound of gentle knocking at the door almost threw you through hell until the door opened to a tall swordsman coming to wake you up. he saw you were half awake already and smiled as he shut the door behind himself, walking over to you. seeing your pretty little face made his smile linger as he sat at the edge of your bed.
“i don’t feel like getting up” you mumbled as he rubbed your legs over the quilty covers.
“you don’t have to go to the island…” he says, leaning over on the bed, laying down next to you. “you know that i know it’s best to just stay on lookout at the ship” his rough fingers grazing over the softest part of your arm down to your hand. his look is soft and lidded, staring at you with wanting eyes while he intertwines his fingers with yours. his heavy boots lay at the edge of the bed while his long coat exposed his warm chest. his sword’s had long been discarded , probably laying on the outside of the door while his red sash loosened around his belly. noticing all these things through a tired needy haze, you were almost foaming at the mouth over his dense body. something that had changed about him was he became increasingly beefier while you were separated.
your hand let go of his as you placed your hand on his chest.
“take off your boots” you spoke, wanting him to get under the covers with you, closer to you. nothing could change how badly you wanted him against you, to the point where you wish he was just in your skin.
zoro found himself standing up, looming over the bed while he pulled his sash from his belly, his long jacket falling from his shoulders before he pulled his boots off. before laying back down he goes to the door, opening it to grab his swords from outside.
“ME AND Y/N ARE STAYING ON THE SHIP” he shouts before he hears luffy shout an “OKAY” back to him. robin had already guessed why he was in the room with you but nami groaned in frustration knowing she wouldn’t be able to get anything from the room until she got back, listening as the door to the bedroom shut, with an emphasized lock to the door.
zoro found himself crawling under your sheets as you pulled them back, his skin warm against you.
“cmere” he mumbled as he pulled you into a searing kiss, his lips rough against yours. his hands wrapped around you, pulling you against his chest from your small waist. you moaned against his lips as your arms found their way wrapped around his neck, fingers deep in his soft green hair, pulling at it gently.
those rough kisses resulted in his tongue battling wildly against yours. his hands explored your body, pushing up under your shirt in order to unclip your bra before pulling your shirt over your head, breaking the hot kiss.
“sweet girl..” he says in a rough husky voice, throwing your garments elsewhere in the room. his legs placed on either side of your thighs as he kisses down your neck, his rough hands finding the valley of your chest. his hands cupped around your breasts, squeezing them like stress toys, savoring the soft noises leaving your mouth at the touch of his hands.
he brought his mouth down to your chest, gently kissing around the nipple before sucking it into his mouth. leaving kitten licks before sucking on them, satiating a desperate oral fixation. sensitive and tender, his tweaking with his other hand made for a loud little bedroom on the thousand sunny.
the room was dark in the way that your bedroom would be dark mid afternoon with heavy curtains over a sunny window. dark enough to make the sensual situation all the more pleasurable.
your moans were music to his ears. something he hadn’t even tried to coax out of you in years but had yearned for it all this time. he moved his leg, placing one between your legs so he could place his knee up against your throbbing cunt, covered by a pair of silky pajama pants.
he switched nipples, moving to the other in order to spread the wealth amongst your chest. he was smirking against your skin, those moans leaving your mouth did nothing but send blood rushing to his dick, twitching against the inside of his thigh.
honestly if he could just stuff you with his cock and suck on your tits for hours, he would. but he knew that you wanted more, that you needed to be fucked by him so he begrudgingly moved on, pushing his head above the covers in order to see your blushing face. the thick blankets and sheets laid on his shoulders and fell back, leaving his chest bare with a sheen of sweat across his tanned skin. you watched as he pushed his hands underneath the fabric that wrapped around his waist, beginning to undo the belt around his pants.
you were almost salivating watching his large, veiny hands toy with his belt buckle, watching as he finally pulled the belt out of the loops. he threw it off to the side and stood up off the bed, annoyed as he pulled his pants and his haramaki off, discarding them from the floor, leaving him in just his boxers. you could see a dense mass in his boxers, his cock throbbing beneath the fabric.
“you’re not nearly undressed enough” he comments, looking down at your pants that were low on your hips. you stuttered to speak, not having said much since he started in on you.
“fix the problem then, swordsman..” your eyes were fixed on him as he sat at the edge of your bed, leaning over your legs and your waist in order to pull the soft pants from your legs. he noticed a wet patch at the crotch of your pants, but to save your embarrassment, he just licked his lips and continued to stare off at where his precious prize of your soft pussy would be. your face flushed red as you watched him just stare at your covered pussy, waiting on him to take action but he took his sweet time.
he discarded your pants on the floor with the pile of clothes and laid down on the bed before you, pulling your legs over his shoulder as he laid down on his stomach. he inched closer to you, your feet resting on his back as he began placing kisses down the soft skin of your thighs. taking the soft skin between his teeth and sucking at it briefly before continuing closer to your covered core.
he came closer and closer before his fingers found their way up under the elastic of your panties, teasing you while rubbing the warm skin of your hips. he could smell the slick between your legs, sickening and sweet, leaving his mouth watering.
he was teasing you, egging you on as you mentally begged him to just dive in on you. he could almost feel the words hanging on your tongue from across the bed.
“cmon princess.. i know you wanna say something” you could feel his warm breath against your cunt.
“zoro…” you whined. “please touch me.. i’m asking kindly..”
he felt his heart flutter at your voice, your needy voice, just for him. “good girl. you’re so sweet to me” he hummed before kissing your clit through your wet panties. his lips parted as his tongue fell from his mouth, licking a long stripe across your mound, tasting you through the cotton. “you taste so good. can’t wait to take these panties off” he groans, the husk in his voice sending you into a frenzy.
he continues to tease, licking you through the cotton of your panties. his nose presses to your clothed clit as he sucks on your mound, tongue pressed against your hole. you attempt to grind your hips up into his face with no avail as he holds them down. “dont get impatient.” he says sternly as he continues on before sitting up slightly, holding your knees up with him. he grabs a leg and pushes it over his head so he’s holding both of your legs with his strong hand while the other pulls your panties down your thighs, slowly inching them off of from your feet. he watches you blush, embarrassed as he brings your panties to his face, licking them briefly before throwing them into the pile, leaving you entirely naked.
he slowly spreads your legs again, observing the slick that spread in your thighs after he removed your panties. he pulls your leg back over his other shoulder and leans down between your legs again. he’s practically moaning at the site of your dripping cunt. zoro slides down onto his stomach, with your legs over his shoulders, he brings his hands up to your hips to caress them while his thumb slides down in between your folds, spreading them apart, observing your pretty pussy.
he is almost drooling as he watches you bite your lip, holding back whatever you has on your mind or your tongue. his thumb rolls over your clit, eliciting that pretty moan he wanted from you so badly. his head is rested on your thigh, watching the way your pussy throbbed for him wantonly. he enjoyed watching your body beg for him when he knew you wouldn’t verbalize it.
finally he caved, needing to truly taste you, bringing his thumb to his lips, licking it clean before placing his hand back onto your hip and finding himself fade to face with that pussy he needs. pushing your legs apart a little more, he begins with pressing his tongue right up against your clit, the muscle of his tongue formed into a point in order to lick your clit with precision.
your jaw fell slacked as he licked and sucked on your clit, needy moans falling from your lips like a waterfall. you prayed there was no one else on the ship as your hands fell to his head, pulling at his soft green hair. you pulled him closer without realizing. humming against your skin, he used his advantage as another way to pleasure you. noticing the way you twitched against him as he hummed, he continued to do it.
the feeling of you pulling his hair made his dick twitch in his boxers, his humming turning into more guttural moans. zoro used his palms to hold your hips down so you didn’t buck into his face and hurt him, though he could tell by the way you shifted against him, you’d cum if he kept sucking your clit like this.
he moved down to focus on your hole next , his tongue flat against your skin in order to taste your slick before pushing it in. his name fell from your lips like a praise to the heavens, pulling him closer by his hair, begging for him to make you cum. he knew this is what this hair tugging meant but he continued to tease you by just keeping a slow pace. his fingers dug into your soft skin, squeezing the plush of your thighs and hips between his rough fingers.
his hard cock against the bed was insufferable so he decided he needed to make you cum even faster so that he could fuck you like how he thought he deserved. your unabashed moans grew louder as his thumb pressed against your swollen clit to stimulate it while he ate you out.
“zoro.. fuck please…” you cried, words refusing to collect into a proper string of words. “fuck…” you cried. he knew you were close as your hands left his hair and clutched the bedding hard, your legs moving and digging into the bed.
he hummed against your pussy, taking pleasure in the fact that he knew you’d cum soon.
“i’m so close.. zoro im gonna cum..” his dark eyes opened, looking up at you from the comfortable spot he found himself in between your legs. he nodded, humming a sound of approval as he devoured you like a starved man. cries poured from you before your hips were pushed up into his face, crying out for him as you reached your climax. he held you close through your climax, big dense arms wrapped around your soft legs. licking at your cunt through your orgasm until you were finally settling down.
as your shaking halted, he slowly let go of your legs and sat up, his face being drenched. he watched your rising and falling chest, observing the way your eyes lidded and stared up at him. he leaned over and grabbed something from the floor in order to wipe his face. he sat back up and was faced with you grabbing him with your arms around his neck, kissing him hard. “mhh.. zoro” you whispered weakly against his lips. his hands placed on your hips, he pulls you closer against his bare chest.
“you’re so beautiful” he kisses you hard , before moving to your neck again. “and you taste so fucking good..” he brings his hands up to fondle your chest while he kisses and bites at your neck. he feels your hands on his shoulders, pushing him down to relax on his knees while you get down further onto the bed. he’s sat like he’s ready to worship as he watches your soft hands find his waistband to his boxers. he was threateningly big in his boxers, almost striking fear into you as he begin to pull them down.
as you began to pull away his boxers, he crossed his arms over his chest so he wouldn’t be in your way, watching as you observed the green happy trail leading from his belly down to his cock. his cock bounced as you pulled the fabric down to his bent knees. your pussy was drenched again, seeing the dark skin of his cock. a large vein down the side along with a leaking tip. he looked smug, especially with his thick arms crossed over his chest.
“you wanna take them off all the way?” he asked, staring down at you.
“no..” you smiled, wrapping your fingers around his cock. “it can wait” your eyes flicked up to his as you stroked his cock, watching as his lips come apart, a groan falling from them. your pussy was dripping just at the noise that left his lips. your thumb pressed against the head of his cock, smearing the precum before bringing your thumb to you lips to taste him. he watched you with a dark look on his face. watching as you licked your thumb before placing your hand back over his twitching cock.
you stroked him teasingly before leaning forward and gently licking the tip of his cock. he wondered where you had learned all this from just to remember how good you used to be at this on lonely tipsy nights.
as you took him into your mouth, a quiet whimper left him, needy but most of all, needy for you. the urge to grab your head and stuff your face full of his cock was almost overwhelming for him though he resisted as you got adjusted to his size, taking him at your own rate. you hadn’t taken his cock or anyone’s for that matter in two years, it was so hard to even get him in that far so your fingers remained wrapped around the rest of his cock, stroking it.
his rough hands found the back of your head, pulling at your soft hair as you sucked him off, gently pulling the strands to feel something rather than to push you onto his cock. looking up at him through thick eyelashes as soft noises left you from the pulling of your hair. he watched your flushed cheeks and gentle hands handle him with care. your free hand squeezed his dense thigh, nails digging into his skin as you encouraged yourself further onto his cock.
“can i take control, princess?” he asked, looking down at you, barely containing himself as drool began to spill from the sides of your lips, slobbering all over his cock. his hand found your jaw, urging you to look up at him before humming a yes. leaving him twitching in your mouth in response.
he loved having control over you. not in a scary dominating way, but in a ‘l love you so much that i need to be there for you, leading you and protecting you.’ kind of way. his hand at the back of your head pushed you further onto his cock, slowly pushing into your throat. he groaned at the sensation while his hand at your jaw, guided you along as well. he could barely contain himself as he began to slowly fuck your face, his hips shifting while his cock slid in and out of your warm mouth. “such a good girl” he praises you under his breath. “yes princess.. take that cock” he says deeply, your nose pressed against the dark green hair at the base of his cock.
he tried to contain himself, taking it slow, but he couldn’t. it was impossible. he placed his hand firmly on your head and began to push you down onto his cock at a faster pace. “fuck..” he groans, throwing his head back. he begins fucking your throat, moans and strangled groans leaving his lips your warm throat coats his cock. your two hands were planted on his thighs, stabilizing yourself as he fucked your mouth. he wouldn’t let up, just battering your throat until tears formed in the corners of your eyes. he was lost in the pleasure, becoming louder and louder as he lost control. he was moaning louder than you had before, his voice was beautiful, your pussy was drenched at this point but you couldn’t focus on anything but the feeling of his cock sliding in and out of your mouth.
“oh my god… fuck i’m gonna cum baby..” if he remembers anything, he remembered everytime he’d fuck your pretty face, you’d swallow his cum. but he’d ask anyways.
slowing down, groaning from the stunt in his orgasm. “can i cum down that pretty throat, gorgeous?” he asked through heavy breaths, watching you nod pathetically. he continues on, acknowledging your response, pulling your head onto his cock. he got a few more heavy thrusts in before your nose was pressed right against his hips, listening to the sound of him groan in pleasure while his cum poured down your throat. he called out your name, your hair tangled in his fingers.
slowly, he relaxes, pulling your cute face off of his cock in order for you to properly swallow his load of cum. you coughed as he pulled you off of his dick, wiping the spit from your mouth as his hand gently grabbed your jaw, wiping your tears with his thumb.
“did i hurt you?” he asked, leaning down to you, kissing your cheek.
“no.. but i’ll be sore tomorrow” you kiss his lips , an intimate gesture.
“that’s okay princess.. i’ll make sure chopper helps you out and that cook makes you whatever you want.” he pushes his hands up under your belly, picking you up so he could lay you down on your back. finally he can stand up and pull his boxers all the way off. his cock slowly starting to harden again with arousal, his thoughts still cloudy with need.
your knees bent while you watched him stretch while standing off the bed. zoro inches back into the bed with you, it and the room feeling damp with the arousal and sweat the two of you had already produced. zoro grabbed your legs, and wrapped them around his waist. pulling your hips up into his thighs.
his cock was tall and thick again. he placed it over your cunt, not ready to push it in so it rested underneath your belly button as he leaned over you to kiss you again, coax you into taking his cock. he knew you were needy, he could see the way your pussy dropped for him again after sucking his cock. his kisses were slow and sensual, his lips danced with yours until you were more focused on making out with him than you were being stuffed full of his cock.
“oh zoro..” you sigh against his lips, your tongue then pressing against his, sharing your spit.
“what is it princess?” the two of you are quiet, intimate, taking up as little space as possible while he’s pressed up against you and you’re curled up against him.
“i love you. i love you so much, i feel like a sappy idiot saying this to you right now but i needed to tell you” your words were heavy, with emotions you had built up the entire afternoon but not many words had been exchanged in the constant fucking.
“i love you more, my princess” he says, his lips pressed to your cheek, just feeling your warmth. he loved the way your breath felt against his ears. the way your voice sounded so close to him. he loved when you laid together and he could feel the way your chest vibrated while speaking. loving every bit of you.
his hand found the base of his cock, moving his hips back so the tip was lined up with your entrance, prodding at it, begging for entry. “are you ready?” he says , close to your ear as well.
“yes..” you sigh longingly, awaiting the feeling of his cock filling you up. your toes curl as he finally pushes the head in, his girth unimaginable. his name fell from your lips, resulting in the moan leaving his lips to grow louder.
“good girl.. take it nice and slow…” he mumbles as he slowly pushes his cock into your soft pussy. not only are you struggling around his cock but he’s struggling… in heaven, as he pushes into your tight cunt. “so fucking tight..” his words were stuck between his clenched teeth, trying not to moan so loudly in your ear.
he had a hand planted on the bed while another wrapped around your waist to hold you close to him, wanting as much of your skin against his as possible. your hands were around his neck, placed against his broad shoulders, palms slapped flat against his skin as he pushed into you.
after the adjustment, he opened his eye to see you, seeing your beautiful face reveling in the pleasure.
“is it okay if i move now?” he asks, bringing that hand that was under your waist up to your face to stroke your cheek with his thumb. your eyes opened to see his face.
he smiles. “that’s my girl” he kisses you softly before placing that strong hand on your back once more, holding you close to him as he pulls his hips back and begins to fuck his cock into you. starting slow but getting harder as he gets lost in the pleasure.
holding himself up, his elbow buckles a little resulting in him sitting up, leaning back onto the balls of his feet as he pulled your hips onto his cock. using your body rather than using his own hips. his hands wrapped around your hips again, watching as his cock pummeled your cunt.
your moans were loud and whiny, tears beginning to form in your eyes as he got rougher. though he noticed the tears and began to slow down, being sweeter to your body. “n-no zoro.. harder please” he heard your beautiful pleas, grabbing your legs, pushing them over his shoulder before he leaned over you, fucking you even harder.
his forehead fell forward, pressed against yours as he fucked you into a frenzy, his balls slapping against your ass. he was driven past the edge, absolutely destroying your pussy, lost in the pleasure between his legs. he was moaning as loudly as you, his voice loud and heavy. challenging your girly whimpers and moans.
hot breath against each others flushed faces while he bent you in half, split on his cock. he could feel the way you were tightening on his cock, he knew you were close as your nails dug into his skin after your arms wrapped back around his neck.
“you getting close princess?” he says through his heavy panting.
“mhm” he hears you through the loud slapping of skin and moans in the pirate ships room.
“oh good girl… cum all over my cock..” he urges you on, fucking you a little faster, becoming unorganized and scattered in his thrusts as he grew closer as well.
“i-im so close..” forming a sentence became difficult again, cockdrunk with a fuzzy brain.
“good girl” he chants with praise, his chants finally pushing you over the edge as your nails dug into his skin again, tightening around him as you were hit with an earth shattering orgasm. his name was like praise as you cried out for him while he continued to pound you through your orgasm, wanting to fill you with his thick cum.
“you can take some more can’t you?” he says against your skin as he pushes in a little closer, pushing your knees against your chest. he was a little feral at this point, just needing to fill you. “fuck i’m gonna fill up this pretty pussy” he groans as he gets even more disorganized, throwing you for a loop.
“yes… please fill me up..” throwing your head back into the pillow, his head found its place in your neck, throwing his hips into you until he finally released, his cock all the way in your tight pussy. tip kissed right up against your cervix that he had been bullying, filling you full of his hot cum. he groaned loudly into your skin, biting down on it as he reveled in your pussy, causing another weak moan to leave you.
he had to sit there, skin against your for a minute before he could get up. when he did, he tried to relax your legs off of his shoulders, being placed at his sides while he watched that ring of cum around his cock as he pulled out. pulling out, his cum drips from your pussy, but he watches like it was his favorite tv show.
massaging your thighs with his palm, he looked down at your beautiful face. “you okay, princess?” and as you nod, he leaned down to your pussy, licking that dripping cum from it and sitting up to your face. pulling you into a kiss, spitting that cum into your mouth. he hears your muffled moans against his lips, feeling his dick twitch again. though he tried to ignore it, you had been through enough today.
he pulled away, finally standing up again, seeing you as a sweaty mess. “oh sweet girl” he says under his breath. “you’re a mess, let me go run you a bath and i’ll come get you.”
you don’t seem to have a choice as you watch him pull his clothes on, at least his pants. when leaving the room, he gives you another quick, innocent kiss and finally unlocks the door and steps out. he realized how much the room just oozed sex as he stepped into the fresh air. observing the ship along with the island off the horizon for a second, he moved on and went to start a bath.
while he had been in the bathroom, a few of the strawhats began to show back up on the ship and while zoro was on his way back to get you, he walked past luffy and usopp who were unloading stuff for usopp to take to his workshop.
“he’s half naked and has messy hair” says usopp. “that means nothing.” says luffy. and as zoro walks past them, his back turned to him, they see the dark red scratch marks down his back.
“HAH.” usopp looks at luffy. “give me the hundred berries”
“that means nothing, he could’ve been attacked by a bear.” luffy grumbles as he searches for the hundred berries him and usopp always just shared between each other from random bets.
zoro opened the door to see you with your panties on and a shirt, pulling your sheets off the bed. he walks over to you, leaving the door open as he wraps his arms around your waist. “i’m taking you to that bath, i’ll clean this up after..” he smiles down at you, gentle and kind for such a scary man. he kisses you again, not wanting his lips to leave yours before he scoops you up into his arms and carries you, strips you and lays you in that bath, watching as you relax into the warm water.
never in your life, in your time of sneaking off together under tipsy celebrations of complete missions, the days you had been tangled up with him and luffy while healing from whatever you had been dragged into by the strawhats in that warm bed on the going merry, or the days of him teaching you fighting techniques under the warm sun on that top deck, had you thought the lingering kisses and touches, along with the kind friendly gestures would ever lead you to a relationship like this.. although, it should’ve a long time ago.
it’s no wonder everyone was so confused by the odd separation between the two of you once you all had reunited.
roronoa zoro, the strawhats swordsman, loved you more than the world. you knew that by the way he sat there with his hand in the tub, holding your hand as he fell asleep on the outside of the tub against the wall as you relaxed, shaking the sore muscles early.
“i love you zoro..” your voice was quiet, as soft as the blankets that would cover the two of you as you slept in the crows nest that night.
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johnsgunbelt · 8 months
Okay so I have Haphephobia (The fear of being touched) and I was wondering if you could write a fic with Simon Riley about the reader initiating physical touch? Like he's sitting on the couch, watching a show, and the reader comes up to him and doesn't really say anything and just cuddles up to him? Like they had worked up to the holding hands and cheek kisses but reader (pref fem) is having a hard day and realizes she's comfortable enough with him to cuddle? Like hella fluffy and them both relaxing into eachother n all that :DD
If not that's totally okay
Have a good day!
Haphephobia - Simon 'Ghost' Riley
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Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Haphephobia!Fem Reader
Warnings: None, Fluff.
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To say you had a Bad day was an understatement. You just wanted to lay on the couch and curl up into a ball and forget about everything for about 10 minutes.
But when you had gotten to the living room you saw Ghost just watching TV and he looked up at you. Now you guys kiss and hold hands but you never really hug him and you have NEVER cuddled him. He knows your boundaries.
“Hey Lovie, need me to move over or get up-?” And without missing a beat you just fell on top of him cuddling onto his chest. He froze up, he didn’t know where to place his hands or what to do. “No, I just need to rest.” “Oh-Okay-Uhm-I-” He decided the safest option was your back, he placed both hands VERY gently on your back and with his fingers drew small circles onto your back.
“Are you okay?” “Shh, I like whatever you're doing and I want to sleep.” “Right, I’ll talk when you wake up then?” “Mhm..” And then you closed your eyes and fell asleep. Right on top of him! Were you aware you were giving this man a heart attack? Or how nervous he is? And the fact he is trying his hardest to make you comfortable without touching you too much? 
He tried moving his whole chest just to move your head into a comfortable position and he wrapped you into a heavier blanket. And then he saw your beautiful face. You looked so at ease and calm. He moved some stray hairs out of your face and pressed a small kiss to your forehead. He definitely is gonna cherish this moment forever. His sweet girl trusted him enough to lay with him, wow.
He saw around 2 hours later you started to stir awake and he acted like he was focused on the TV and not stare at you. You rubbed your eyes and then looked up at Simon.
“Did I scare you?” “No…You made me a bit nervous, are you okay? You wanna talk now?” You giggled a little and nodded as you began to speak. He listened to every word. If you ever needed to decompress now this was the routine. You'd text him, he'd wait on the couch, you'd get home, shower n change of clothes, and then you'd run to him to plop down on him and rant about your day. As he listened, he'd throw in a couple of insults to the people you talked about or give you some advice on how to deal with a situation. He loved his sweet girl and he couldn't believe how comfortable you've become, he's proud of you.
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AWWW!! I really enjoy writing fluff so this was fun for me to write thank you! 🥰
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causing discomfort, unhappiness, or revulsion; disagreeable.
A small moan of pain could be heard from your boyfriend, visible sweat forming on his forehead while he was trembling.
He unconsciously gripped onto his jacket with his third arm, appearing as if he would tear it. The rest of his claws digging into his palms.
Ouch. You could already feel his tail tightening around your body.
You somehow managed to wiggle your arms out of its grasp; placing your palms onto his tail.
"Sebastian, wake up, please." The end of your sentence sounded strained from the pressure building up.
"Seb, please." You reach your right hand out to your sleeping fish boyfriend, just barely out of reach.
After a sense of déjà vu, you were starting to get worried. His ear fins were twitching like crazy, and he was mumbling.
You leaned your body forward as best as you could, your fingers barely grazing past his cheek.
An idea came into your head, even if it sounded bad in actuality.
After your palm was barely past his cheek, you moved it to the right, and swept it across his cheek.
You slapped him, gently, or, at least tried to.
His eye twitched as he groggily opened his eyes, pissed.
It quickly dissipated after he realized it was just you.
A string of apologies came flooding out of your mouth. "You seemed to be like... struggling, I had to!"
His eyes averted your gaze, removing his claws from his palms as he thought of a sentence to say.
"I, uh..." His eyes locked back onto yours. "...Nightmare." He bluntly put it, no other way of avoiding it.
At least you figured out why his usual light grip on you with his tail ended up in a painful one, your poor boyfriend had horrible nightmares.
His tail slithered off of you, curling up into its usual position next to him.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" He shook his head. "Maybe later, I just wanna forget." That was your signal to comfort him, at least, that's what you thought.
"C'mere, you." You held your arms up, to which he happily slithered into them.
His head was resting on your chest, arms wrapped around your torso and lower back.
You run your fingers through his hair as you usually did, talking about your life before you came down here.
His body weight wasn't entirely crushing you, and you were thankful for that. The makeshift pillow that supported your lower back was working overtime, though.
You talked about your career choice and how much you enjoyed music. Your professor was a little harsh on you, but she wanted the best for you, and all of her students.
His eyes sleepily blinked, the sound of your voice soothing his once erratic heartbeat.
He could listen to you talk about anything for forever, he felt safe with you.
His hold on you loosened slightly, and you smiled, happy to know that he felt even just a little better.
Topics ranging from animals, to the universe, and even the meaning of life itself.
You quickly stopped talking about the meaning of your existence, not wanting to fall into an existential crisis, so, you decided to settle on... stars?
Constellations that you had knowledge of for some reason, most notable ones being the Crux, Cygnus, and Vela.
For some odd reason, hearing you talk about stars made him smile.
Your knowledge on those obscure balls of hydrogen and helium, quite literally, starstruck him.
Before he knew it, he drifted off into a peaceful slumber. For once, he didn't have a soul-crushing nightmare. It was pleasant.
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1whore1gang · 10 months
it's the little things🤍
This is part 5!!
Catch up on previous adventures HERE
Warnings: cussing, fluff, some sexual content but NOT smut
enjoy besties!! :)
This one feels so short compared to part 4 my bad but i have SO MUCH good plot coming SO PLEASE bear with me while i try to work through the inbetween chapters.
Taglist: @gaymistakeboi@batw3nch@thedevillovesflowers@almightywdm@ghostslittlegf@sketchyfandomgirl@under-the-dirt@clear-your-mind-and-dream@darkangel4121@vreselia@llemes @stargaliz @rockcollector3000 @nottrosaxx
@darkangel4121 I double tagged you just in case
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Your alarm clock went off, waking you up. Quickly reacting, you turned it off as your eyes went to the playpen to make sure none of the littles had woken up.
Except, there were no babies in the playpen.
You sat up in a panic, searching the room for any evidence of where they could've gone when your heart skipped a beat. You saw John laying on his back, Gaz on his chest, Soap cuddling up to his right side, Ghost on the other side. Sighing in relief, you looked at the four sleepy boys. They were all sleeping silently as you blinked, almost like you were capturing the moment in your mind forever. You moved quietly as you stood, trying not to wake any of them.
Grabbing the sweater you kept by your bed, you wrapped it around yourself, the chill of the cold morning air on the compound leaving goosebumps on your skin. You took one last glance as you headed to the kitchen to begin making breakfast.
The sight you woke up to was burned in your memory. John was laying on his back, eyebrows scrunched as his slept. His chest heaving with breaths, the blankets low enough on the bed you snuck a peek at his happy trail that littered his abdomen. Your face flushed at the memory.
Gaz had been laying flat on his chest in a sprawled out starfish position while Soap was curled up in a ball on one of John's sides, Ghost clinging onto the other. You weren't sure on the story of how it came to be, but you knew you'd hear about it when John woke up and came to find you.
Working quietly, you began to bring pans out to cook waffles, it was one of John's favorites. He always slathered them in chocolate syrup and whipped cream like a little kid. It always made you giggle when his gruff voice would yell at Soap, who did most of the cooking, the throw him his chocolate.
You didn't cook much, let alone cook for the team. Soap was the chef here, and he always fed you all well. This was one of the four times you had came in the kitchen to cook. You were meticulously following directions, eyebrows furrowed in concentration.
You weren't going to mess this up, or at least that's what you told yourself.
You were an hour into this and kept burning the waffles, no matter what you did, they never turned out. Some would stick to the pan, and other would be moments away from setting off the smoke detector. You leaned over the counter, putting your head in your hands in defeat.
You heard the sound of the waffle maker being moved, and when you looked up, John was there smiling at you. "Why don't we just go to the new breakfast place across town?" He said gently.
"I'm sorry. I wanted to do something nice for you and here we are." You couldn't help but laugh a little at yourself.
"You wanna do something nice? You can buy breakfast." You gave him a slack jawed look and he quickly moved out of the kitchen.
"John!" You ran after him back to your shared room but when you opened the door, he wasn't there. "John-JOHN!!" You called out his name in question, until he grabbed you from behind, picking you up and throwing you gently onto his bed.
You landed on your back, John hovering over you. "You're so beautiful, you know that right?" He kissed you gently before staring into your eyes.
"I love you." You said, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and pulling him in for another kiss. His lips were intoxicating, and you would kiss them all day if you could. "Put go put a shirt on so we can go eat." He moved off of you as you sat up. "Wait, are we bringing the boys?"
John stood for a moment to think, throwing a shirt on and discarding his pants. It was that moment you realized he doesn't wear underwear to bed. You quickly averted your eyes as you heard him chuckle. "Protecting my modesty, huh?"
"I don't need to see your junk or your ass." You laughed back.
"As for the boys, it's up to you. We do run a risk of being seen by someone we know. It'd be easier to explain us being out if we were alone." You looked at the three boys, all still asleep.
"Would we be bad people if we asked Laswell to watch them so we could have some alone time?"
You waited for an answer, but instead were met with, "She'll be here in 15 minutes." You snapped your head over to look at him, onlt to see he still hadn't put pants on.
He laughed, "You can look, I'm proud of my physique."
You shook your head. "Whatever, I have nothing to be ashamed of." He chuckled back to you.
"I'm going to change in the bathroom." You said, grabbing some clothes you haphazardly grabbed from your room when you began staying in his.
You heard him hum in response as you began to change, closing the door. While you were doing your hair, you heard a knock at the door. "Can I come in?"
"Mhm." You hummed. John opened the door, sucking in a breath at the sight of you. "You need something?" You asked, looking at him in the mirror. He smiled at you, his voice coming out in a growl.
“You look delicious.” You’d have to be stupid to not see the way John looked at you sometimes, the way he’d make sly comments or small glances.
You knew he wanted you in his bed, he wanted to have you squirming underneath him, giving you what you craved from him. He wanted to rip those jeans you had on and absolutely go to town on any piece of skin you’d reveal to him.
But he knew you weren’t ready, and so he had to control himself. “Easy boy.” You teased, placing a hand on his chest. “I’m almost ready.”
You placed one last pin into your hair before turning to him, holding your arms out in a display of your finished look. He licked his lips as he grabbed your wrist to pull you closer to him. “Gorgeous, love.”
He brought you to his chest as he hugged you, kissing the top of your head.
Driving to breakfast, he had a hand on your thigh, the music playing softly on the car radio. You both were glad to be able to have some one on one time without one of the boys prying your attention away from one another.
Gaz was always whining for John to pick him up while anytime John made any sort of move on you, you’d hear Soap scream out of nowhere, his little eyebrows furrowed. John thought they were little cock blockers.
Ghost didn’t do much, he’d just hand John his letter blocks.
One night, you were catching up on some paperwork in your office and John took the boys and joined you. You watched him interact with them, playing with them to keep them occupied while you were supposed to be focusing on your reports.
You heard John laugh, a confused look on his face. “Is this the letter L?” You saw him speaking to Simon, and your mind lit up, remembering you hadn’t told him about your encounter with Simon and his blocks.
“John, wait-“ You rose from your desk.
“Good job-“ You heard a thud as Simon threw a block at John’s chest. Before he could scold Simon, you swooped him up.
“Are you trying to say something?” You coo to Simon, John giving you narrowed eyes and raised eyebrows. “Trust me.”
You set Simon back down as he grunted, grabbing at his blocks. He hands John the letter L again, grunting. ��What’s this supposed to mean honey?” You said.
“He communicates?” John said after you began explaining the events of the other night where Simon had let you know he was somewhat aware.
You watched carefully as Simon searched for a specific letter, the handing the specific block to John. “It’s your initial?” John said.
“My initial and an L. Are you trying to say I’m a Lieutenant?” You asked, when Simon didn’t grunt, you searched your brain for answers. “Are you telling me you love me?”
Simon remained silent before aggressively setting down a ‘J’ in front of John. “J, L, and Y/I.” You muttered.
“We’re trying to figure it out honey.” You said. He grabbed at John’s toes, then grunted as he reached to grab yours too. “Us? It is us?”
“Are you asking me if I love her?” John said slowly. You watch as Simon plopped back down on his bottom and grunted.
You felt your breath catch as John spoke. “I do. I love her very much Simon, I plan to take good care of her for you. She’s safe with me.” Simon’s little mouth curved into a small smile before he snatched the blocks away and returned to playing.
“We need to find out what’s wrong with them, how do turn them back. I miss them.” You said, teary from the interaction with Simon.
“I do too. We’ll figure it out darling.” John placed a kiss on your forehead.
Since that night, you’d both been trying to get anything out of Simon, but he wasn’t as aware as you had originally thought.
As you and John pulled up to the restaurant, you couldn’t help but feel a bit saddened. Breakfast with the team was one of your favorite things.
Soap always ordered biscuits and gravy, Gaz was a pancake guy and Simon went with an omelet. You sighed as John grabbed your hand to walk to your table. “What’s on your mind doll?”
“I miss them. I want them back.” You said, opening your menu.
“I know, I do too. It’s getting tough to keep this hidden. Rumor has it a mission is coming up, we’ll have to find someone to watch them that isn’t Laswell.” You thought on John’s words, watching the look on his face.
“You already got the orders didn’t you?” You knew that tone of voice. “That’s why we’re out to breakfast isn’t it?”
He sighed in defeat. “Yeah. I’m off to Bahrain for 3 weeks. You’re there for two months.” Your eyes widened.
“Why am I there longer? Why aren’t we there for the same time?”
“Well, there’s some good news. You leave before me, I come out there in the middle of your deployment, then I’m off. You’ll get to come home to me.” His words were heavy in your mind.
“You didn’t answer my question.”
“Because I’m there to ‘supervise’ per say.” He did air quotes with his fingers. “They want me to be there to do some check ins and make sure everything is going according to plan as well as training. You’re there to lead the assignment.” He reached across the table to hold your hand. “We both knew this would happen. We couldn’t push them off forever. We knew there’s come a day that Laswell couldn’t watch the boys.”
You nodded. You did know that. Deep down, you knew that a day would come where you couldn’t push back assignments and missions anymore. “Who’s gonna watch them then?”
“I can hire someone, that way they aren’t associated with us or the military and there will be no way of any rumors getting out.” The waitress came by, asking if you were ready to order.
“I’ll take the french toast.” You said after John had ordered a continental. The waitress smiled as she walked away. “I guess that could work. I’m just nervous about all this. How do we trust whoever it is?”
“I’ll put them through our security system. Background check. It’s simple really.” John said. It made you laugh a little.
“When do I leave?” You said quite bluntly.
John squeezed your hand. “Next week.”
That day came quicker than you had liked. You were squeezing the boys, emotional to go on a mission without them. “I don’t know what I’m gonna do without my backup.” You said as you set down Soap. They were all sniffly and on the verge of crying. Well, Soap and Gaz were. Simon was stoic as always, handing you a block with a smiley face on it.
You faced John, teary eyed. “I’ll see you in 2 weeks. Don’t even fret, I’ll be there before you know it. I love you.” He walked you to the tarmac where you boarded the flight with your team. “Be safe.”
He kissed you, and he kissed you HARD. You wrapped your hands around his neck. “Hurry and get there quick.” You said before turning around and getting into your seat. You saw John wave one last time as the ramp closed.
You took a deep breath and closed your eyes to stop the tears. “You okay L.T.?” You heard a small voice next to you.
It was one of your new Privates. “I’m good Diaz. Just hard to leave my teammates behind. This is my first mission without them.”
“I will admit, it’s odd seeing you without the four guys. Us rookies joke that they’re your guard dogs.” She let out a small laugh, which resulted in a smile of your own.
“I guess they are, huh?” You thanked Diaz, and she just nudged you in return. “Try to get some sleep, it’s a long flight and we start as soon as we land.”
“Who’s the newbie?” You tried not to turn your head as you heard someone talking about you.
“She’s a transfer. She ain’t no newbie Gaz. That’s Sergeant L/N. She’s from the states.” You heard another man speak up. You felt a bit panicked, unknowing if they were going to begin to speak poorly about you.
You felt a hand on your shoulder and looked up to see a man with a mohawk. “Don’t let those bastards get to ye. They’re all bark no bite. I’m Johnny, but people call me Soap.” He reached his hand out, and you shook it. “I hear you’re a pretty big deal.” He spoke clearly, but his scottish accent smushed some of his words together.
“They transferred me here to train. I’m not here for long.” It was like you were reciting from a script. Soap cocked an eyebrow. “I’m from New York, joined the Marines at 18, trained as a combat medic. They wanted to send me on an assignment to train to be front lines.” Soap blinked emptily at you.
“Let me guess…that’s what they rehearsed you to say?”
“Uh- yeah.” You laughed a little.
Soap put his arm around your shoulders, shaking you a bit. “Learn to loosen up Sarge. No one is gonna want to hear that rehearsed crap. Just be yourself. Consider me your guide to the 141.”
Your eyes snapped open as Captain Snyder began yelling. He was from another unit, similar to the 141. He would be leading this mission from the sky. You were here to lead from the ground.
Immediately upon landing, you all ran out into the base, the team going into formation as you stood in front of them with Snyder. He nodded to let you know you could start speaking. “Alright. I appreciate all of you being here with us. This isn’t a long detail, but it’s an important one. We’re here to guard transport in and out of the embassy. Every single one of us needs to stay vigilant and if you suspect something, report it. Better safe than sorry. It’s going to be draining, long days and no sleep, but I believe in you guys and we are here if you need absolutely anything. At ease!”
You watched as they all relaxed. You looked to Snyder as he began briefing them on where they’d report to at the beginning of everyday and where they’d sleep when the time came. There was 2 teams. One led by you and one led by him. One would work the 12pm-12am and the other would work the 12am-12pm.
Unfortunately you were the night shift. The first few days were rough, your body getting used to the time zone and the off puting of your sleep schedule. Once you adjusted, you were fine.
Your team often came to you with reports of activity that turned out to be a misunderstanding, or saying they didn’t feel well. Most of these recruits were pretty tough, most of the complaints were earnest. A couple of your soldiers came down with fevers or stomach bugs, which you granted them time off to recover, running yourself ragged to keep up from the lack of hands.
When you’d return to your cot in the middle of the day, your body would ache, keeping you up more than you liked. You had lost some weight after the first couple of days from the poor food supply and the amount of running around you were doing.
What kept you going was counting down the days until John arrived with his unit.
9 days left.
9 days until you could get some reprieve.
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pullhisteeth · 1 year
Prompt: taking a road trip with eddie and maybe he wakes you up because he’s pulled over to see some stupid roadside attraction
I saw this and fell in LOVE so I had to write it immediately. thank you so much for the request!!! inspired partly by Nomadland, a film I love very much. &lt;3
fluff, fem!reader, mention of Eddie being bad and doing (petty) crime, a lil somethin suggestive, 2.4k
The pads of four firm fingers and a firmer thumb push into either side of your shoulder. His grip is eager, impatient, but never rough; even in excitement, he’s the gentlest a man has ever been with you.
You can hear him, just about, calling your name softly. He repeats it like a chant, close to your left ear and then further away, and somewhere in the fuzzy distance of consciousness you can see him, an image conjured by the thousands of times you have committed his face to memory. He’s grinning, you can hear it in the way his words curve up, and turning his head back and forth. Your lovely excitable boy.
You’re slow to wake, groaning softly at the ache in your neck. You’ve been lying, or rather curled up, against the window in the passenger seat of Eddie’s van. There’s light seeping through your eyelids and dying your vision blotches of orange and then his fingers dig further, and he says your name again.
“C’mon, baby,” he’s saying, restless but still soft as ever. His grip relents a touch as he feels you come to, squirming and rubbing your eye with the ball of your fist. You try to ask him what’s wrong but the letters come out jumbled like alphabetti spaghetti and you hear him chuckle beside you.
“C’mon,” he says again, even softer this time, and now his other hand’s on you, too; it paws at your arm, the one furthest from him, prying it from where it’s squashed between your body and the door.
“What’s going on?” you ask him, voice thick with sleep and delirium. You finally prise your eyes open and just for a moment you’re blinded by the low sun.
“There she is,” he says as your eyes find him. He’s smiling at you in a way that makes your insides ache, rotten to the core from the fondness in it, and his hair’s lit up golden from the orange sky. You could stare at this forever, Eddie looking at you like he is, pretty and bright under the sun.
“Where are we?” you ask, looking around. Somewhere in the distance you can hear the familiar rush of cars on a highway, but you’re not on it anymore. The van’s still, parked somewhere off a quieter road.
The sun’s setting ahead of you, so you know you’re still heading west. It lights up the dusty, flat landscape in a way that feels unreal, like a mirage.
“I wanna show you somethin’,” he tells you, tugging gently on your wrist. You sit up at his beckoning, unfurling your stiff legs and rolling your shoulders back with a wince.
“Just come with me, would you?”
He’s being playful, and you love entertaining him when he’s like this. You look at his face, at the happy grin spread across it and the crinkles by his eyes, and cave once again.
Yawning, you twist in your seat and push the door open. Outside it’s warm, though not as warm as in the van - you always chastise him for it, but Eddie turns the heat up for you, knowing you sleep better that way, even if he’s a little too hot because of it. There’s half a fluorescent sun on the horizon and sand kicks up as you hop out and onto the ground. You step around the front of the van just as a car passes quickly, and grasp firmly onto Eddie’s outstretched hand.
He pulls you along to a small building set back from the road. It’s nothing special - you’d probably have mistaken it for a run-down home had you not been paying much attention - but behind it sits something that makes you bark a laugh and stop walking.
“Eddie, what the fuck.”
He turns back to you, still grinning. “Isn’t it wicked?”
You look at him, and then back up.
Between the building and a small, unassuming playpark is a ginormous model of a dinosaur.
It towers over the building and you’re not sure how you didn’t spot it from the van. It’s in dire need of a paint job, but what remains of the odd turquoise shade covering it is dazzling. And up high, its wide, white eyes stare over at the desert.
“It’s fucking crazy,” you breathe, stepping with him again. Though it’s clearly late in the day, the little building, which you see now is a visitor centre, is still open. Eddie pulls on the door and steps aside, free hand coming to rest on the small of your back as you walk in before him.
A fizzy, artificial bell sound announces your arrival, and a reluctant lady comes out from the room behind the counter. She’s clearly sleepy, and you wonder how soon the place closes, but she greets you with a smile and a wave regardless.
“Hi, kids!” she calls to you over the aisles of snacks and long-life food.
You wave back and Eddie gives her a polite nod. She settles happily on a stool behind the counter, and Eddie takes your hand again.
He pulls you down the first aisle, grabbing a shopping basket on his way, and you giggle at how eager he is. One of your favourite things about him is how quick he is to get excited; he’s so handsome, and has grown into himself so gracefully, but underneath it all he’s just a happy kid in a 24-year-old’s body.
“So,” he says, bending over slightly to whisper in your ear, “game plan: snacks, obviously a fridge magnet-” At this, he looks from the shelf in front of him to you, face serious. “-And a picnic with a dinosaur.”
You giggle, squeezing his hand. “Why are we whispering?”
“It’s a covert operation,” he tells you, smiling again.
“Eddie,” you hiss. “We are not shoplifting.”
“No,” he says, rolling his eyes, smile lingering. “How fucking dare you?”
You jab him in the chest playfully. “You can’t fool me, Munson, I’m holding onto all your petty theft secrets.”
“Hey, I’m grown now. You don’t gotta pay a thing, ‘s’all on me, sugar.”
The two of you are still whispering, faces close, and you can’t help the giggles that keep coming. He dips his head even further to kiss you at the corner of your mouth, and then stands up straight, eyes back on the shelf.
You weave up and down the aisles, pulling bags of chips and a jar of salsa into the basket, followed by packets of cookies, bags of chocolate buttons and even a box of Pop Tarts (in Eddie’s words: for the road). At the fridges, you raid the shelves, stocking up on bottles of cherry cola, your favourite, and orangeade, Eddie’s favourite, as well as three litres of water. You let him head to the counter, lingering behind to peruse the souvenirs.
You can feel his eyes on you as you slowly spin the rack of postcards around. He’s standing by the counter as the lady kindly takes each item out of his basket and keys prices into an ageing cash register. She eyes him as he watches you.
“How long’ve you two been together?” she asks, keeping her voice quiet.
He takes a moment to take his eyes off you. When he turns, he can’t quite look at her, and instead looks down at his hands, watching his fingers fidget with an old receipt in his wallet.
“Three years,” he tells her, biting back a smile.
She prods some more keys on the register. “She’s real pretty,” she says. “Y’better be lookin’ after her.”
“Yeah,” he breathes. “I do- I mean, I hope I am.”
Just as he lifts his head to look at you again, you turn on the balls of your feet and skip over to him, hands full and smile wide. He can’t help but return it.
“What’cha got?”
You lay out your treasures on the counter, beside a full carrier bag.
A postcard of the dinosaur, decorated with corny lettering and sparkles; a fridge magnet, as is your tradition, of said dinosaur, painted badly; a small snow globe, in which the dinosaur is swamped by sparkling white debris; and a necklace.
You snatch the jewellery up almost as quick as you put it down, gripping it in your fist and hiding it behind your back. When Eddie leans to catch a glimpse you step back and scrunch your face up, sticking your tongue out at him.
“Suit yourself,” he says, chuckling and turning back to the clerk. “What’s the damage?”
After checking your souvenirs and keying more numbers into the register, she tells him a number and he hands three bills over. You’re still a few paces away, swaying side to side impatiently.
He watches you out of the corner of his eye as he takes the bag and puts your stuff inside.
“Meet’cha outside,” you tell him, side-stepping to let him past. He laughs, and you lay the necklace on the table as he leaves through the chiming back door.
The lady rings it up for you, asks for four dollars, and you hand her a five and tell her to keep the dollar. She thanks you and drops it into the tip jar. You take the necklace in your hand again and slip it into your back pocket.
Outside, the sun’s almost disappeared behind the horizon. The desert’s settled under a fuzzy twilight, and in the pretty light you spot your pretty boy sitting at a picnic bench across the lot.
You look up at the dinosaur as you walk over to meet him, and catch a couple of stars around his head. A little halo for your new friend.
At the table, Eddie’s laid half the bag out: a cola for you and an orangeade for him; a bag of chips, the jar of salsa, and a pack of cookies opened and ready for greedy fingers. You round the table and sit beside him instead of opposite, and though he groans sarcastically, you relish the feeling of his arm coming around your waist. It pulls you in and you let it, leaning into him as much as you can.
“Looks delicious,” you tell him, muffled slightly by where your face is so cozy with his sweater.
“Dig in, sweetheart, ‘fore the dinosaur gets it.”
You laugh and reach over the table for a chip.
The two of you sit in quiet, save for the crunches of snacks, and look out at the barren landscape as the sky turns indigo. Eddie’s hand never leaves your waist and you never leave his side.
“My compliments to the chef,” you finally say. The chip bag is empty, weighed down by the also-empty salsa jar to stop it blowing away in the breeze. There’s half the pack of cookies left, but you’re all snacked-out and drifting slowly back to sleep at Eddie’s side.
He laughs and you feel it, vibrating through you, and you smile. He twists and kisses your forehead, lips lingering for just a moment. You move, too, leaning back so you can kiss him properly.
He tastes like salt and sugar, and you’re sure you taste much the same. You love kissing Eddie, and here, under the domineering presence of a giant model dinosaur, you’re very happy to keep kissing him, but something sharp digs into your butt as you shift in your seat, reminding you of something.
You pull back, not missing the huff of disappointment from Eddie, and wriggle your hand into your pocket.
“Turn around,” you tell him softly.
He watches you for a moment, but when you look at him pointedly he obeys, twisting on the bench so his back faces you. From your pocket you manage to pull the necklace, and with deft fingers you lift it over his head and do up the clasp. You pull his hair out from underneath it and tap his shoulder. “Lemme see.”
He turns back to you, already toying with the pendant.
“I can’t see it from here,” he tells you frustratedly, trying to pull it out far enough to see.
“It’s just a heart,” you tell him, fingers joining his and pulling the little silver shape from his grasp. You move it up and down the black leather that it hangs on, back and forth, admiring the way it looks against his sweater. Your cheeks flare up at your next words. “From your sweetheart.”
He watches you as you mess with the necklace. He can’t contain it, the love he feels for you. It’s like there’s a balloon inside him and it’s inflating too quickly and too big for him to contain.
“I love you,” he tells you. You smile, though you’re trying to hold it down, so he wraps both arms around your body and pulls you into a hug.
“Love you too,” you tell him into his hair at the crook of his neck.
He pulls you and your tired body relents to his strength, settling comfortably on his lap. You sit like this for a while, maybe a few minutes, before you dare to speak.
“How long’ve we got left before Lenora?”
He squeezes you, and then pulls back to see your face. “A couple hundred miles. Not long.”
You trace your fingers down the side of his face. “You sure you’re okay to drive the rest? We can stop at a motel.”
He kisses you again, softly, on your lips and then your chin. As his lips dip lower, under the curve of your jaw, he says against your skin: “Sounds like fun.”
You roll your eyes and let your fingers weave through his hair. “Just mean you’re probably tired, no? It’s late, you’ve been drivin’ since six.”
“Mm-hmm,” he hums in agreement. “Think there’s one in the next hour or so. I’ll be fine ‘til then.”
“Okay,” you whisper. “Let’s go then.”
You climb off him slowly and gather your things into the bag, rubbish and all. You walk together across the lot, to a gate on the other side, and as you reach the van you turn and wave at the dinosaur.
Eddie helps you into the van and before he shuts the door, he pulls his sweater off.
“I get too hot anyway. And you need a pillow.”
“Will you just take it? Please?”
You do, begrudgingly, balling it up and resting it between your head and the glass.
Once he’s in the van, seatbelt on, he starts the engine and pulls slowly onto the road. You’re asleep again before he gets back on the highway.
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gazsluckyhat · 22 days
Sarah's House
Three - Air Con
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Soooooooo... how are we feeling? Kinda pushing through this to get to the good stuff. (or sad stuff really) Do get to meet papa in this one so yay?
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Price knew he shouldn't take the mission. The outcome seemed obvious, or so he thought. Until he wasn't anymore.
Like calls to like. Or something of the sort.
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After arguing and plenty of threats later they were all on a flight back to London. Non-commercial as they were worried the people would upset the young girl asleep agaisnt Ghost's side. Her feet curled up under her and pressed into Gaz's thigh. The constant shake had fallen away as she slept, the warmth between the two soldiers enough to lull into the exhaustion. She'd yet to eat, shaking her head when Johnny offered her a MRE, instead curling up and ducking her head. Price watched her, how she seemed to accept the men enough to sleep around them. Watched as Ghost relaxed around her and lent back so she'd have a place to set her head. Noticed how Gaz scooted a bit closer when her legs started to slide out from under her, using his thigh to push them back, before covering his face with that cap and napping. Johnny took the spot beside him, leaning as far back as he could, even untying the first couple strings of his boots.
"Feel like im losin' it." He mumbles under his breath as his runs his hands down his face. Price not sure if he was supposed to hear it, deciding to pry anyway.
"Pardon?" He looks toward the Scotsman. Johnny catching his eye for a second before turning towards the sleeping soldiers.
"The girl. Feel like she's under my skin, Capin'" Price looks towards her. "Like I've known her forever but not at all." Johnny balls his hands up and then releases them. "'S pulling at my fuckin' heart. Goin' crazy." Price let the breath he was holding out. Suddenly feeling much better. At least one of the boys felt like he was. Completely enraptured by someone they'd known for a day.
"Though it was just me." Price chuckles lowly as Johnny follows suit. Both men catching themselves when she makes a small sound, head nuzzling into Ghost's chest. "Somethin' 'bout those dammed eyes." Emerald green but clear, and somehow always glassy.
"Sooner she gets home the better." Johnny murmurs. Price nods but doesn't feel the same.
"Have a feelin' it won't be that easy mate." With that clasping Johnny on the shoulder before placing his own hat over his eyes and trying to finally rest.
  The landing was worse than takeoff, way worse. Wasn't sure if it was the change in air pressure or the sudden jolt that woke her up, but she was alert in seconds. A thin arm jutting out and wrapping around Gaz's throat, eyes still glazed with sleep. She wasn't squeezing, just pressing slightly, head turning and eyes surveying. Gaz grabbed her hand, fingers more than enclosing over her own and squeezed, trying to bring her back. Ghost waking and touching her ribs, not expecting the hit sent to his chest. Nightmare it was, Johnny assumed as he knelt at her feet. She was distraught, eyes searching for a invisible enemy. Ghost rubbing the spot she'd left, letting his friend handle this one.
"Aye' you're okay. C'mon here." He set his hands on her shoulders, gently pulling her forward, hand slipping from Gaz's throat. "Wanna see out the window? Look at the base?" Eyes closing and a small shake of her head she seemed to come out of it, nodding as he led her to a window. Emerald eyes taking in the solders walking around base, the trees in the distance, the normalcy.
"We gotta meet with the boss before we take you to the doctor, okay?" Price adjusted his hat and he watched her, hands pressed agaisnt the glass. She turned her head and looked at him nodding. "Keep to us, yeah?" Johnny's hand found her shoulder and turned her towards him.
"Ghostie over there has scary dog privilege, won't no one say a word to ya'" Sent her walking with a wink as the taller man rolled his eyes behind the mask. Even if it made him smile, Ghost wouldn't give Johnny the satisfaction.
"C'mon Flower, lets go change." And they were gone, the other three boys watching as she kept close but looked around at all the new things.
"Aye, Gaz!" He gave a responding 'mmm'. "Could you say whipped?"
"Like a dog, Soap." Fist bumping they turned to follow their Captain who in turn was chuckling himself.
"He's gonna hear you boys one day, and I'd hate to see 'ya when he does." Price chuckled but not before a quick 'woof' left his lips.
  The locker rooms were grey, dull lights harsh on her already pale skin. Ghost had dipped behind the wall to get a quick shower, murmering something about 'needin' to piss'. Sarah stared at the mirror. The reflection not matching her memories. Too thin, too pale, eyes sunken in too far. She watched as she pulled her hair down and it came in lumps, the lengths tangled and matted. Her nails were milky, knees knobs on her thin legs. It was terrifying. Her eyes caught the sparkle of the scissors, hands already reaching for them. The only sound the water from Ghost's shower and the snip, snip, snip of the  device. Her hands were shaky. Hot fat tears spilling over her eyes. Another thing they'd took from her.
"Hey, what are you doing, flower?" He was shirtless, jeans wrapped around thick thighs. He had switched from his full mask to just the skull patterned baklava. Black grease paint around honey brown eyes. He took her hand, her finger trembling. His eyes catching hers in the mirror. He could read the emotion in them, the clear pain and shame. He turned her to face him, gently lowering to her level. His fingers grasping her chin to catch those eyes.
"You have nothin' to be ashamed 'bout? Yea'? It's not your fault. You are a survivor. Not everyone could handle what they did to you. It's made you stronger. 'So proud of you Flower." She was crying harder, Ghost's clothed lips pressing into her head, strong arms wrapping around her. "I'll finish cutting it if you want? Make it even, Gaz can fix it from there. Boy's a wiz with hair." And he was standing up. Hands running through the unmated sections of hair, cutting the rest off easily. Wiping the hair off her shoulders and spinning her to look at herself she smiled. Her hair was sitting on her shoulders, a little oily but still that beautiful auburn color she was known for. Ghost set the scissors on the sink and backed up a little.
"Now all you gotta do is shower, ill try and…" He caught the look on her face. Fear at the mention of a shower. Water torture then. He checked mentally, nodding. "Okay no shower, how 'bout we find the boys, yea'?" She nodded, falling in step beside him, hand running through her hair. 
 Ghost went first, getting the boys attention. Sarah following behind, Ghost stepping to the side to show off her hair. A little wave of his hands and a 'ta dah' causing her to blush. Soap stood clapping his hands and blowing her a kiss. Gaz coming to inspect it, deft fingers finding the imperfections easily. Promises to fix it later falling on her. Surprise came as she realized they weren't gonna abandon her. Her eyes finding Price, somehow the calmest one of the bunch. She could tell he was the grounding link for the group, the glue sticking them together. He walked to her, a gloved hand tangling in her hair, lips in a small smile.
"Looks beautiful, lovie." And he kissed her head, stepping away to talk to Laswell who'd just walk in. Her eyes roaming the girls small frame.
"You must be Sarah, Kate Laswell." She holds her hand out, Sarah looking at it then stepping to hide behind Johnny, the bulk of him shielding her from view. He can feel the warmth from her body as its pressed into his back, her head sideways and arms tapping more into his hip. Her fingers working quick. ... -.-. .- .-. . -.. Scared he translates, never thingking his childhood hobby would come into play. He quickly reaches back with his own reply. ... .- ..-.  Safe he says with his fingers. He feels her fingers seconds later, a small falter before she taps .... --- -- . ..--.. Home? A question. Johnny finds the reply easy, quick for his big hands. ... --- --- -. / -.. --- .-.. .-..  She seems to accept it, hands moving as she settles her back agaisnt his and he feels her deep breath. A calming technique he'd learned himself long ago. Its comforting, he thinks, soothing to know she's there. That she's still alive, breathing and communicating in her own way.
"She's a little shy." Price drags the attention away, trying to make the spectacle seem like nothing. "Have you contacted the doctors?" Arms crossed he eyes the woman. He trusted her, she'd saved his ass plenty of times, maybe even owes her. She nods and produces a file.
"Her, this should have then contacting us. Her care will be classified for now, that means strict visitors. You four and the doctor and nurse. That's it." Price takes it, opens it for a second before slamming it shut. The contents already turning his stomach. Johnny feels the question quickly, her fingers moving in a hurry. -.. .- -.. ..--.. Dad? He focuses on Laswell.
"Her dad, he's supposed to meet us there, right?" To his comfort Laswell nods. He's already tapping when she speaks. -.-- . ...
"Of course. Her father has already received a digital badge but there is a physical copy in the file as well. He'll be allowed everywhere she is. Wouldn’t separate them any longer."  Johnny feels the way her back straightens, the anxiety rolling over her suddenly. The fear and excitement mixing into a jittery cocktail. He carefully taps a comfort on her arm. -... . / .-. .. --. .... - / .... . .-. . .-.-.-  Be right here Squeezing her hand after to solidify it.
"Anything else?" Price is antcy to get her away from base. The air thickening the longer they're there. The conversation in Morse with Johnny proof enough she was ready to go. Laswell shake her head, the boys readying to leave. She puts out a hand, stopping them.
"I just want to say something, Sarah." And green eyes peek around her human shield. "I'm so very sorry for what you went through. I know it doesn't mean much but how it was handled is disgusting. I personally have dealt with many involved. You should've never even been there." The air leaves the room. Boys frozen as they wait for the reaction. Sarah staring for a minute, then coming from behind Johnny. Her back straight as she looks at her, eyes glassed over.
"T-t-tha-nk y-y-you." And she's smiling, a small grateful smile. Tears leaking down her cheeks. Laswell nods before turning and walking away, Gaz grabbing her hand and leading her away.
  The drive to the hospital is quiet, the car filled with a semblance of calm. Her eyes glued out the window, taking in the city. Ghost drives a little slower when he notices her, letting her bask in the sense of freedom. He spots her hand on Johnny's thigh multiple times, tapping out a sentence without even looking. Though it takes Johnny a little more time to figure it out and reply. He wonders what they're talking about. If she's asking about the buildings or the people. Price is studying the file, wanting to memorize it so her father doesn't have too. It makes him sick, the pages growing worse and worse. Each wound worse than before. He has to hold the papers tighter to keep his trembling hands hidden. It's not long until they'll pulling in, Ghost parking close for easier access. She's shaking when she gets out, arms wrapped around herself and she stares at the building. Green eyes showing the nervousness inside her. She hides between the boys while Price talks to the front desk, her face going white when she opens to folder. Sarah's face turning crimson as she sinks deeper into hiding. They go with her when she's whisked away to a room. Watching as the nurses draw blood and check the wounds they can see. Ghost stays when she has to change, her silently begging him to not leave her. It's not long until there's a knock at the door, Gaz moving to open it. She'd doesn't recognize him at first. Her memory still slightly distorted. Green eyes mirroring her own. Then he's crying. Shoulders hunched as he comes to her side. She's still confused, he looks familiar but she can't place him. The boys are silent, watching. He speaking for the first time and suddenly she remembers.
"Rabbit." She's throwing her arms around him in seconds. Her whole body shaking with her sobs. He pulls her back just enough to look in her eyes. "I knew it. The whole time. Could feel you in here." And his hand was on his heart, tears falling onto his blue shirt. Then she's buried in his chest, hands locked in his shirt as she cries. Then she's pulling back, lips moving as she tries to speak, coming up short. She looks to Johnny for help, her hand held out. He's sitting beside her in seconds. Her hand tapping agaisnt his open palm. - .-. .- -. ... .-.. .- - . ..--.. Translate?
"Of course." She's tapping again, slower as to not confuse him.
- . .-.. .-.. / .... .. -- / .. / .-.. --- ...- . / .... .. -- .-.-.- / .. .----. ...- . / -- .. ... ... . -.. / .... .. -- / ... --- / -- ..- -.-. .... .-.-.- / - . .-.. .-.. / .... .. -- / .. .----. -- / ... --- .-. .-. -.-- .-.-.- / .. / -.. .. -.. -. .----. - / -- . .- -. / - --- / ... -.-. .- .-. . / .... .. -- .-.-.- Tell him i love him. I've missed him so much. Tell him i'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare him.
Johnny falters for a second, the shock of her apologizing for being kidnapped new. But he looks to the man, speaking clear as she watches her father.
"She says she loves 'ya. Missed 'ya so much." He pauses for a second watching she looks at him and waits for the rest. "Said she's sorry, didn't mean to scare you." And her father is crying harder, hands wrapping around her head as he talks.
"Oh, Rabbit, you don’t have to be sorry. You've done nothing wrong. I'm so proud of you. And I know your mother would be too." She's pulling away at that, confusion clear in her eyes. And that's when they realize her memory was screwed up. Eyes wide as she looks at him, silent question in her eyes. Dead? Her mom? Something is tickling in her brain, something she missed.
"I don't think she remembers." Gaz pipes up. They watch her, afraid she'd freak out. Her father stares for a second, thinking of what to say.
"She passed five years ago, remember? She was sick?" Fuzzy memories are floating together as she processes what he's saying. It sounds right. But she's still crying. Then she's nodding, memories clearer now. They stay like that for a while. Her father catching her up on things she'd missed. Only stopping when the doctor comes in. He inspects her wounds and decides to start her on multiple medicines. Taking extra precaution. It's not long until she's asleep. Her father rubbing her head, watching her sleep. He waits until she's good and asleep before turning to the men.
"What happened?" How do you answer that?
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mommy-dust · 10 months
Cuddle Time
- Cirrus likes to wrap her leg over you, wrap her tail around your wrist and burry her face in your neck, except once you trust that she wont do anything, she bites you! Just a luv nibble though <3
- Aurora just wants to be the big spoon, but shes to tiny to fit around anyone but cumulus :< but when she is the little spoon, she’ll lay her head into your chest and smile at you, with her cheeks getting all cute and rosy <3
- Cumulus LOVES when you curl up on her lap, and she’ll gently stroke your head, and if you want, she can always do your hair <33 she’s such a sweetheart and will let you sleep there, because waking you up would be mean :<
- Dew/Sodo is just an utter gremlin, you go to cuddle him and he immediately starts whining and doing lil grabby hands at you, but once you calm him down, he’ll lay his head on your chest and give you lil kissed and nibbles on your collarbone, also he will CRY if he hurts you by accident
- Phantom sometimes doesn’t wanna be touched at all, especially if he gets overstimulated, however once you get him in a less crazy place, he needs you to lay on his chest to help him relax. When you just cuddle with him for fun, he’ll curl up in a little ball while you hold him.
- Mountain is the opposite of Aurora - he’s forever bound to being big spoon, but secretly, he just wants to be held :< if he trusts you enough he’ll cry about it to you, even though he can’t always hear your responses when he has his ‘quiet days’ so he likes to put his hands on your neck to feel you talking <3
- Swiss is FERAL, he just growls the whole time, and when you ask him if he’s okay, he smiles and goes back to his growling, even scratching at you. He WILL cry if you stop cuddling him though.
- Rain likes to be the big spoon, but he’ll also face you and hug you but sideways, it hurts your arm a bit… he also gets really sweaty, but like cold sweat, and when you cuddle with him, you get all soaked. He feels really bad about it and will smash his head into you and apologize, you don’t mind that his horns hurt a little, because you just want him to feel better <3
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biggestsimponhere · 2 years
I LOVE TYLER SO MUCH IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY (and your headcanons about dating him are so great) so maybe angst prompt 11 with him? Maybe he's afraid you're leaving him or shutting him out like his dad is doing but it's just a misunderstanding for some reason and it turns to fluff. God I wanna read about comforting him so badly
Everyone leaves, everyone except you - Tyler galpin x reader, thank you so much!!! Also I want to comfort him so badly too 😭 Just to reiterate all my Tyler fics he isn’t The Hyde unless it’s specifically necessary for the plot 😭 also I changed the prompt a little to “everyone in my life already leaves, so I just assumed you would too” because that’s just how the story flowed.
Tyler and his dad didn’t have the best relationship, you knew that. He always came to you when he and his dad were fighting so you know most of what goes on. On Sunday he got into a big fight with his dad. They fought about what they normally fight about, his mom of course. Except this time his dad left. Not forever, just for the week. He left some money for food and a note saying he was going out of town for the week. You haven’t seen or talked to Tyler since Saturday. You’ve been drowning in your studies and the little down time you had you spent sleeping. So on Friday when all your exams for the week were done you decided to swing by the weathervane to say hi to Tyler.
Except he wasn’t there. You quickly asked his coworkers where he was and they said he’s called off sick the last three days. This wasn’t usual for Tyler, he always went to work even when he was actually sick. You’ve had to drag him back to his house more times then you can count. You got your hot chocolate and then quickly rushed out the weathervane and headed to Tyler’s house. You knocked on the door but no one answered. You knew Tyler was home cause you saw his car, so he has to be around somewhere. You pulled out your key and went into Tyler’s house. “Ty! Are you here?” You called out as you took off your shoes. “Tyler!” You called again, “Are you home?” You continued further into his house until you saw him in his bedroom.
He was curled up in a ball under his covers. Deciding to let him sleep a while longer you headed back out to the living room. You turned on the tv before heading into the kitchen and making soup. Once the soup was finished you decided you would wait a few minutes more before waking Tyler up. You sat on his couch and pulled out your book. A few minutes slowly turned into much longer before you remembered the soup. You ran back into the kitchen and checked on the soup. It was very cold now. You made a bowl and heated it up in the microwave before heading back to Tyler’s room. You set the bowl down on his desk and then went and sat on the edge of his bed.
“Ty” you said shaking him lightly. He groaned before just turning over. “Hey, Ty, wake up I made you some soup” You shook him a little more this time. He eventually woke up enough to sit up and take in his surroundings. He smelled the soup before he saw it and then he turned to look at you. As soon as he saw you he pulled you into a hug. Which you immediately reciprocated. You ran one hand through his hair while the other rubbed his back. “I heard you were sick so I made you some soup” you said, kissing his forehead. He mumbled something incoherent into your neck before you spoke again. “Baby, you don’t feel that warm, are you really sick?” You asked pulling him closer to you.
He shook his head before burying his face back in your neck. “Ty, why’d you call off if you’re not sick, where’s your dad?” You asked, trying to fit the pieces together. “He left on Sunday, he said he’d be back in a week” Tyler said finally pulling away from you. “Ty, you’ve been here alone since Sunday?” You asked pouting. He nodded before moving back into your embrace. “Why didn’t you call me baby?” You said, laying you both down. “I don’t know, you hadn’t come by at all so I just assumed you wanted to leave me to” he said not meeting your eyes. “Tyler, there’s never a time, I don’t want to see you, I’m sorry I wasn’t here, I was busy with my schoolwork. If you told me I would have came a lot sooner” you said brushing the hair out of his eyes.
“I mean everyone in my life already leaves, so I just assumed you would too” He said, starting to cry. You pulled him back into your chest and let him cry in your neck. You stroked his hair while whispering sweet nothings into his ear. Once you thought he had calmed down enough you asked if he was ready for the soup. He nodded so you got up and grabbed it off the desk. “It’s just slightly cold from sitting there, do you want me to go warm it up more?” You asked moving towards his bed. “No please, just come sit with me, I don’t care if it’s cold” he said reaching out towards you. You moved forward and sat next to him in his bed. He quickly ate his soup so you could hold him again. You moved the bowl off to the side before wrapping him in your arms. “Goodnight Ty, I love you” you whispered in his ear. You thought he was asleep till you heard quietly whispered back “goodnight y/n, I love you too” and then you both drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
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gwynndolin · 3 months
been feeling like a cat lately.. just wanna curl up in a ball a d sleep forever
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ratcatcher0325 · 1 year
A Fraction of Justice (Chapter #30)
Chapter #30. They're becoming a real team!
Previous: Chapter #29
Next: Chapter #31
Word Count: 5,408 Read Time: Approx. 42 mins
CW: adult language
Tag list: @gatlily @patrocolus3 @beautifulunknowntrash @titan-god-420 @andraimeide @themarlo @cup-o-chai @lucentbliss @raccoontoaster @tolsizedlove @not-a-space-alien , @thegodmother007 , @honey-olive , @bittykimmy13 , @aceouttatime , @imvenusasaboy , @liminaldaze , @windshield-patent , @joxter-coded , @rosella35 , @narrans , @rubeau-art , @littlescaryinternetguy , @jae-from-discord , @kitn-underfoot , @secretly-small @writing-forever , @iinogongju , @tales-of-aestus-deactivated2023 , @itsgothgirlthyme , @make-me-giant , @reborrowing , @whatthisfemsheplikes , @soapysoap69 , @tinystrawberryshifter
Btw, DM me if you wanna be added to the tag list!
A Fraction of Justice
Chapter #30: Uncharted Waters
[Natalie’s POV]
Wonder Twin Powers? Really Nat? That’s the best you could come up with? 
I chastised myself while I rolled my shoulders back trying to mentally reset. Calm down, focus on the screen. I knew I had more than enough work to keep me occupied, but I couldn’t shake the electric feeling of having gotten to hold him, not once, but twice in such a short amount of time. It’s like I could still feel his tiny heart thundering against the ball of my thumb as I propped him up and stroked his chest. His face had turned a bright, beautiful pink, his crystal blue eyes, wide and wary. Poor Alexander. He wasn’t exactly the touchy feely type was he? The part that drove me up a wall is that I knew he liked it. There was too much evidence at this point for any doubt. From that first day when he’d curled around my thumb in his sleep, to the adoration he’d shown under the influence of medication, to how flustered he’d been just now. Yet, he couldn’t get out of his own way. What was that about? A fear of being betrayed? A lack of trust? Or did he just not want to want anything from anyone else? Maybe it was a combination of all three or something else I hadn’t discovered yet. 
But he had apologized in his own stiff and far too serious way. He’d literally fallen all over himself in the effort. I thought of the pretty paper flower he’d planted in my hair. My face grew hot. He may have driven me crazy half the time with his antics and weird complexes, but everytime he pushed me to my limit, he’d go and show this thoughtful, sweet side of himself that lay buried under layers of witty quips, sharp judgements and an easily bruised ego. 
I realized, all the sudden, I hadn’t absorbed a single word of the last page and a half I’d scrolled through. God, I’m hopeless. 
This little spot right by my elbow seemed alive with warmth and energy. Unable to help from peering down and sneaking a glance every now and again, I still couldn’t believe my luck: So far, at least, he’d chosen to stay exactly where I’d placed him, his little chair so close to my sleeve, he could lean over and tap me if he wanted. I became suddenly hyper-aware of all my movements, realizing even a slight shift of my arm could easily knock him over, if I wasn’t careful. Hello, down there, Alexander. 
As expected, he was a much better student than me. Absorbed in his work, he leaned into the phone display, scrolling through some document as he read and took fastidious notes. Was it stupid that I couldn’t help but smile when he ran his tiny finger along his lower lip in that habit of his which always showed he was lost in thought? Yes, absolutely. But it didn’t matter. I grinned like an idiot all the same. I guessed what really thrilled me was the chance to get to know him better. I was proud to be picking up on his little ticks and quirks and learning more about what made the Little Nightmare uniquely him. 
 I found myself trying to peer over the top of his head at his notebook below. What did his handwriting look like? Somehow I had a feeling it was far more neat and impressive than my terrible scrawl. Why was I so enamored with someone simply taking notes? Why would I be happy to sit and watch him do just that for hours? I felt my heart swell. How lucky was I to have him in my life!
It was hard to imagine what things were like before him. Certainly I got less of a daily earful, but I also had no one to share my time, my space, and my meals with, at least not regularly. I hadn’t gone home to see family in months. The coursework was killing me. The day I’d found this tiny blue-eyed thief clinging to the shelf of my pantry, I’d barely slept in a week. My modest, cramped apartment had gotten awfully quiet. Well, besides the occasional next-door cat drama. 
I’d known it for a while, but never was able to diagnose the exact malady… that is, until now. I’d been lonely. 
I felt the gravity of that sink into my stomach and slither along my spine. It unsettled me. 
That word made it sound like I was some fucking sad sack recluse who never got out. One wary glance around my desk with its utter mess of papers, pens, pencils, a dirty used mug here, and a few scattered half empty water bottles there, and it was clear there was room for improvement, as much as I hated to admit it. 
Banishing the trash heap from my foremost thoughts, I turned my gaze back to the little tuft of disheveled hair, and the tiny hand that reached out to tap the on-screen keys that were never designed with him in mind. I admired the speed with which his little fingers slid to type out the letters. He had to get both arms involved, just to span the length of the device, which was turned on its side, but he made it look easy. It was clear he’d spent years honing his efficiency. 
As I watched him lean far to one side to reach the “P” key, I had to bite my lip to resist the urge to nudge his little chair closer, just to help him reach. I knew well enough by now, that’d earn me a tiny jabbing finger in my direction and more than a few choice words spat out about not letting him do things for himself. 
I sighed under my breath. That seemed to be our continual conundrum: How could I help him and show him kindness without him taking everything I said and did as a threat to his autonomy? What was wrong with helping out every now and again? 
“I can feel you staring at me, Miss Marquez…” His tone was accusatory. I’d been caught. How could he possibly have known? He didn’t even bother to look up as he continued to copy something down on the tiny page before him. I felt my face flush. How could someone so small take me to task so easily? 
I sputtered before managing a reply, “W-well… you can’t be fully focusing either, if you’re so worried about what I’m doing!” 
“Natalie, the energetic force of your direct gaze is the proportional equivalent of two full moon beams on a clear, pitch black night… they’re impossible to ignore.” Goddamn. Still, he refused to even hazard a glance up. He could be a mean little thing when he wanted to be. Undeterred he kept right along, “You can’t assist me with my own legal matters if you refuse to study your own. If you aren’t interested in helping, I’ll just go find some other human’s pantry to raid…” 
I rolled my eyes and groaned, “Fuck you, little bastard! You’re such a bully!” I pointed my index finger at his chest. That finally got his attention. He dropped his notes in his lap, craning his neck to meet my eyes.
He shook his head, brow furrowing, “Oh, c’mon, admit it. That was good. Moon Beams Marquez… maybe that’s what I’ll call you now. Since you’re so fond of truly atrocious nicknames, you deserve one of your very own.” 
“Oh you want a war, Ale-Ale-Oxen-Free? Is that what you want?” 
My finger, about as thick around as his little head, dove for his chest again, this time playfully pushing into his sternum and sending him rolling across the desk. The second he began to careen backwards, he gripped the armrests, clinging to the piece of furniture like a shipwrecked sailor tossed about on a tumultuous sea. I could practically see his raised hackles. Poor thing, I wasn’t trying to actually scare him! 
His journey across the desk came to a sudden halt when I laid my hand across his path, easily catching him in the soft barrier of my palm, little chair and all. He immediately whipped around to see just what had stopped him. When he seemed to understand he wasn’t going anywhere, he relaxed his tiny white knuckle grip on the arm rests.  
In spite of his painfully obvious fright around this whole ordeal, he insisted on pretending all was well as he sucked in a breath and locked eyes with me, puffing out his chest a bit in a far too late display of nonchalance, “That’s some of your weakest work, Natalie. It’s not even remotely original.” Oh yeah? Is that a challenge, little man? 
Without giving him more than a second or two to catch his breath, I dove for his little ankle with my finger and thumb, pulling him closer to me. For all his show of bravery, he went right back to clinging to the chair, as he lurched forward, “You know I didn’t have to stop you, just now, I could’ve just let you roll right off the desk…” I brought him close, the tip of my nose only an  inch or so from his fluttering chest. I was delighted by the jumpy little thing before me. It doesn’t take much to fluster you, does it, Alexander?  His blue eyes shimmered as he blinked rapidly, waiting to see what would happen to him next. Delicately, I balanced his heel on the pad of my index, bouncing it up and down slightly, “Ah, he’s too stunned for words! You know I’d never let anything happen to you, right? It’s way too much fun to tease you to let you go that easily.” 
At that, he huffed and rolled his eyes, retracting his leg and planting it back on the floor, “If you’re this invested in not getting any of your work done, the least you can do is be considerate enough not to interrupt mine!” 
I wanted to quip back, but I knew he was right. I had completely derailed our efforts. But could he really blame me? I wished he could see himself through my eyes. Then, I was certain, he’d understand why it was so hard not to mess with him every now and again. 
Adjusting my spine to sit up straighter, I returned my focus back to my monitor. I was gonna cram this boring ass shit in my head one way or another, goddammit. I started to read, taking notes on key terms. Every time I was tempted to ogle over my tiny counterpart, I reined myself in by fiddling with my blue ballpoint pen. Focus, Nat. 
I read, fidgeted, reset, then read some more. The worst part was he would occasionally shift in his chair, clear his throat, run his hands through his hair to sweep the bangs from his eyes, or generally just move about in miniature and it was so difficult not to stare. 
I clicked the pen to steady myself. He cleared his throat. I kept clicking. He sat up, board straight. I tried so hard not to let my eyes slide from the screen to look at him. I kept fidgeting. 
Suddenly, I felt a tiny, yet forceful tug on my sleeve, accompanied by a strained voice through clenched teeth, “Natalie.” 
“Hm? You ok?” There was no rule that said I couldn’t gawk at him if he got my attention first! I happily gazed down at him, still toying with the writing utensil between my fingers. 
“Oh certainly, I’d be fine… if…” his face was all hard lines and creases. Uh oh. He was grumpy about something. Well, when wasn’t he? I prepared myself for another tiny lecture. 
 As he spoke these words, he plucked along the fabric of my sleeve to wheel himself toward my hand, resting alongside him on the desktop. Then, much to my suprise, he threw himself over the back of my hand, reaching up for the top of the pen, where my thumb rested. With a determined grip he clutched the clicking mechanism, staring up at me with blazing eyes “… if you stop clicking this damned pen!” He used his left hand to shove at the pad of my thumb, trying to coax it away from the writing utensil. 
He was splayed out over my hand, his good leg balancing on his tippy toes while he kept the other leg away from the ground. His hair was in his eyes, his mouth twisted into a scowl. He was pissed. I couldn’t help but burst into laughter. His face went scarlet, even as his little body shook slightly from my bouts of giggling ricocheting from my torso, down the length of my arm and through my hand. 
“Why are you laughing?! You are truly the most obnoxious desk mate I could have possibly conjured up and you have the audacity to laugh at me?!” His left hand was quick to grip onto the knuckle of my index for better balance. 
“Oh my god, you’re so mad. Look, I’m s-sorry. I’m sorry, Alexander. I didn’t realize how… annoying that was. It’s just a tick… of mine when I’m distracted…” I was barely even able to get a word in, between all my involuntary chuckling. 
“Oh really? Really?! You don’t understand how this could be annoying??” He was practically growling at me, his eyes blazing as his mouth turned into a grumpy, dissatisfied frown. He practically smacked the tip of my thumb away and then proceeded to use the flat of his palm to furiously click the pen over and over again in as rapid succession as he could manage all while boring holes into my skull with his vicious little gaze. 
I waved the white flag, “Alright! Alright! Point made! You’re just mister particular about every little thing aren’t you? I didn’t even click it that fast!” I guided his hand away with a small flick of my fingernail under his little elbow.
“You might as well for all the noise you were making with it. Do you realize how obnoxiously loud that mechanism is, sitting right next to me?” 
“Point taken. I’m sorry, Alexander…” I shifted my grip on the pen and transferred it to the surface of the notebook via my left hand. Then, taking advantage of his body being slightly slumped over my fingers, I gently squeezed his upper arm against the side of my index with the pad of my thumb, anchoring him to my hand. Lifting him up to eye level, I delighted in how his body splayed across my knuckles as his legs dangled. 
The moment he was airborne, he flushed brightly, squirming a bit as he gripped onto my finger with both hands. I’ve gotcha, I won’t drop you, you’re okay. 
“W-what’re you…?” 
“I’m sorry for being a foolish, obnoxious human that kept you from your favorite thing in the world: getting your nerd on. I do solemnly swear before this jury of one to dedicate myself to the serious business of helping this little lawyer-to-be prosecute the hell out of those piece of shit humans that dared to fuck with the smartest little man I’ve ever met.” As I spoke I held my hand up as if taking an oath. He stared at me, a smirk curling his lips as he caught on. 
Finishing her lighthearted display of solidarity, she leaned in closer, the tip of her finger headed straight for the crown of my head. It wasn’t that long ago I would’ve jerked away and shunned her touch, but now, I let her clear the bangs from my face with only a miniscule spike in the rhythm of my heartbeats. What sort of witchcraft did she possess that within a few seconds’ time she’d managed to take me from scowling and shouting at her, to quietly thrilled at the touch of her fingertip on my scalp?  
Lawyer-to-be. She’d actually said those words, out loud. I thoroughly relished the sound of them. The pad of her index lingered, settling between my shoulder blades. Her touch was warm, soft. 
“I’m not exactly used to having to share a workspace with someone so… perceptive when it comes to all the little details. Will you forgive me?” That was a nice way of saying someone with a miniscule perspective and, therefore, a hair-trigger sensitivity. She couldn’t possibly understand though, all her flurries of movements, her thoughtful humming, her simple fiddling with office objects, while minor infractions to her, were frustrating, impossible to ignore distractions to me. 
She was waiting, anxiously, for my reply. I propped myself up on one elbow, tipping my chin, “I’ll be drafting a workplace contract that stipulates all unacceptable, obnoxious and counterproductive behavior. Upon your consenting signature, I’ll be willing to consider your apology.” 
Her brow furrowed as she wrinkled her nose, “You’re such a fucking prick, I genuinely can’t tell if you’re serious or not.” 
I couldn’t help but chuckle at her bewilderment, before responding, “If you want to be a lawyer, Ms. Marquez, you’ll need to get much better at telling when someone is playing a practical joke on you.” Much to my amusement, she genuinely breathed a sigh of relief. 
“Well, I have no doubt, with you teaching me, I’ll get better soon enough. Now, little nerd, are we doing this? Like, for real?” She offered the tip of her index finger to shake. I took it in hand, and shook heartily, “That settles it. Our case has my full, undivided attention from here on out. Okay?” Our case. I had a case. A real one. And a human to help unlock the barriers that came with filing it, “Don’t look so excited. First of all I’ve never seen you this giddy without hardcore drugs and secondly, you realize that means you’re stuck with me… like all the time now, right?” I couldn’t believe I was just allowing her to lay me across her hand while we had this conversation. When did I become the sort of man who would let a human do this to me and not give it a second thought? When did I become the sort of man who liked it? 
“Isn’t that the hell on earth I’ve endured up until this point? What’s changed exactly?” 
She visibly rolled her eyes before answering, “Oh my god you’re such a drama king. No, you little bastard. I still had class before. Now, I’m all yours!” 
“Ah, yes, how could I ever forget the infamous, what’d you call it? Ah, yes, ‘rat jail’ incident? On a separate point entirely, you can’t skip your lectures! We need all the information we can get. The last thing I need is you falling any further behind than you already are!” 
“Ouch! You really couldn’t resist punching me when I’m down could, ya? Nah, it’s fine, I’m close friends with the TA in my main lectures, I’ll tell him I’ve had some kinda family emergency. Besides, he owes me a favor, I’ll guilt trip him into counting me as present and he can just send me the taping of the lectures they always keep for archival. Piece of cake!” 
While I disliked the nonchalance with which she was ready to break the rules, I admit it left me feeling thankful that she was willing to devote all her time to me and my work. Was I feeling strangely warm again? The flush of color to my face seemed to know no limit today. 
My gratitude was short lived however, when my world flipped as she gripped me beneath my arms and plucked me up, now perpendicular to the floor far below, I dangled between her fingers, as she began to look me over, head to toe. I tried my best to hide the rhythm of my beating heart, but she seemed already preoccupied as her gaze landed on my injury, “While we are paused, though, now’s a good a time as any to mention we really should start doing some PT on that leg of yours before the muscles atrophy too much.” She used the pad of her finger to cradle my right heel, her face showing compassion laced in her furrowed brow. 
I cleared my throat to get her attention, “I concur. Though, I’ll have a much easier time working on said muscles if I was ever allowed to use them….” I cast an accusatory glance at the finger and thumb which held me captive. 
“You know, on second thought… forget what I just said. I can just carry you around wherever you wanna go…” she rubbed her thumb over my chest. Why did the mere brush of her finger elicit such a strong physical reaction from me? I was all red and uncomfortable again. 
“No! No, we’ll none of that! Bad human! Put me down! Right now!” I batted at her fingers, knowing full well it was of no use to fight her grip, she’d have to release me herself. She stuck her lower lip out and pouted, dishing out the puppy dog eyes with extreme fervor, “No! I won’t be contradicted or manipulated. Down, I say!” I scowled, folding my arms over my chest. 
“You’re no fun, I hope you know that, little sourpuss.” She cocked an eyebrow, playing the game with as much enthusiasm as I was, before carefully lowering me into my chair. 
Slowly, after taking a moment to settle, we returned to our work in earnest. She tried her level best not to fidget and when she failed in this endeavor a terse calling of her name was enough to correct her. 
In this way, minutes faded into hours, that cascaded into days, and before I knew it, weeks had given way to months and now we were on our 9th week of working together. 
I already filled one of the notebooks I’d been given from cover to cover and was halfway through my second. I’d run through countless pencils during that time, too. She’d always tease me and pretend to read my writing, either by looming over my shoulder or plucking up the tiny (to her) booklet and, pinching it very carefully between her fingers, but, much to my satisfaction, the letters themselves were far too small for her to distinguish with her naked eye. My work was mine and mine alone, a fact that made me swell with pride. 
 I’d managed to go over Natalie’s data plan on her phone about three weeks in. When she’d glanced down and noticed the warning message, she’d raised her brows, plucking the device up and away. 
“What the fuck?! You ran through my entire data plan for the month!! How?! Why didn’t you keep it on wi-fi???” 
“Your wi-fi is abysmal. You know this. You complain about it daily. I wasn’t going to let such technological handicaps hinder my progress.” 
“Goddammit, Alexander! You realize I have to pay for that right? Please tell me you at least didn’t know I was getting charged…” 
“… I had no knowledge of charges incurred…” 
“Oh my fucking god! You’re a terrible liar! You did know didn’t you? Little Nightmare, you’re going to bleed me dry, I swear to god. Were you just… not gonna tell me?!” 
“Not until I finished compiling evidence! You would’ve switched me back to wi-fi and I would’ve suffered greatly due to those agonizing connection issues!” 
“So you’d rather charge me hundreds of dollars than wait for a webpage to load for like… 20 extra seconds?!?” 
All I could do was shrug. 
Clearly, our path to success was not without its  occasional speed bumps, but I’d characterize our forward momentum as generally headed in a positive direction. For example, while Natalie made progress on her coursework, with help from yours truly, of course, she also assisted me in exercising the torn muscles of my leg as we began the process of rehabilitation. Working out every day, with the added benefit of having plenty of weight resistance in the form of giant fingers that could counterweight whatever exercise I was engaged in, I made steady progress. 
With the help of the aluminum forearm crutch (regrettably provided by the very same institution I was working so aggressively to destroy) I was now able to walk short distances without considerable pain, and I could stand with my weight shifted off my right leg with comfortable balance. In any case, it felt delightful to walk on my own two legs again, even if only for limited stretches. 
The other utterly delightful benefit of our new arrangement was that I effectively got to attend law school with her. She’d managed, somehow, to convince her teaching assistant friend to send along the lectures, poorly filmed in the back of a sweeping hall, the auditorium-like seating steeply raked around a small stage, a massive projector behind the professor as he gestured emphatically and spoke into a lavalier microphone. It delighted me to no end how, from this perspective, the camera angled down on the spectacle below, how small the lecturer seemed, dwarfed by the silhouette of students’ shoulders. I would never admit this to Natalie, but as I watched, hanging on every word of his teachings, I couldn’t help but squint and picture myself in his place. Small, yes, but deeply convicted, passionate and knowledgeable, making up for my stature in my engaging rhetoric and undeniable love for the subject I was imparting. 
All in all, Natalie saw to it that I ate remarkably well, and we both finally got an adequate amount of sleep for the first time either of us could remember in our recent histories. I admit, I found her less desirable quirks much more manageable on a full stomach and with adequate rest. 
She’d even managed to convince me to tear myself from my work on occasion to watch some serialized television show with her, or cheer her on as she played video games with all sorts of fantastical creatures to vanquish. Her taste in media was abysmal and her proficiency in gaming was even more lacking, but… I admit, the way my heart swelled when she laughed until she cried at some poorly executed joke on her show, or she growled in frustration, swearing this time she was going to beat the enemy she’d been trying to vanquish for the last hour and a half because she ‘could feel it in her bones’ and, she was destined to win because she had her ‘grouchy little good luck charm with her’ went far beyond anything I’d ever experienced. 
 On nights like these, I could always see in the twitchiness of her fingers how badly she wanted to cradle me against her chest or in her lap, but she always settled me on the back of the couch just beside her, lounging in my own designated blanket pile, instead. Her show of restraint meant a great deal to me. And at the same time, I couldn’t help but reflect on how impossible my current situation would’ve seemed to me just a few weeks ago. Not only was I surviving in the company of a human, but… dare I say it? I was thriving. 
I was working harder than I’d ever had in my life and yet I’d never felt more at ease or more enthused to leap from bed each day and dive eagerly into the task at hand. And as my heart swelled and warmed in the comfort of the only stable living situation I’d ever known, the world outside the apartment walls grew ever more frigid.
The rainy chill of early fall had given way to the crisp, icy, cold of winter, as snowfall became a regular occurrence. I’d never been more grateful to be safe, warm and dry than when I watched the snow flurries batter the window panes and the creaking winter wind howl through the skeletal branches of the barren trees. 
It was on such an icy winter morning, seemingly no different than the ones that’d come before it, that this comfortable routine was suddenly and undeniably altered.
I was proud of the fact that I’d gradually forced Natalie to get up earlier and earlier to take advantage of the day. If it had been up to her, I’m almost certain she’d have slept in until eleven every morning! What a waste of precious time! I’d served as her much maligned alarm clock for many mornings before this, making all sorts of obnoxious sounds until, in groaning frustration, she’d rise. I wouldn’t stop until she stood from the bed on both feet. She very much wanted to throttle me in the beginning and I was grateful she hadn’t given in to her impulses. But now we both regularly woke around 5:30 or 6 am. 
All that to say, on this day in question, at the fateful hour of 10:30 am, we’d already cooked, eaten and put away breakfast, shared tea (I’d discovered that earl grey was by far my favorite) and had been working for several hours when a sharp rap at the door pricked both our ears. 
My stomach dropped, as I feverishly searched Natalie’s features for an indication on how to interpret this unexpected interruption. Just because I’d become gradually more accustomed to this human’s presence didn’t mean I felt at all ready to be introduced to some unknown stranger. 
Her brow furrowed as she sat very still. It was clear she didn’t know who it was either. Locking eyes with me, she clocked my nerves immediately. I admit I was disappointed that she’d read me so easily, I’d hoped I could’ve managed to put on a braver countenance than that. Upon seeing my stiffened spine, she brushed a finger along my back, in an attempt to coax me into a more relaxed state. Suffice it to say, it was hardly effective, “I’m gonna ignore it. Might just be UPS delivering something to the wrong door or like… Mormons or something…” We both pretended to ignore the howling wind and active sheets of ice and snow cascading from the sky that made those theories less plausible. 
Another series of knocks, harder, much more insistent. We both jumped at the harsh pounding of bone on wood. Whoever it was, they were awfully emphatic. 
“I guess I should probably go see—“ As Natalie spoke, she rose from her chair, crossing towards her bedroom door. Adrenaline coursed through my veins. What if something dangerous awaited her on the other side? I wasn’t exactly in the most advantageous position to help her, even if my leg had been fully functional. Just as she’d crossed before the door, already ajar about a quarter of the way, and her fingertips had brushed the knob, there was the distinct clamor of a key sliding into a lock and the grind of that lock sliding open. 
Natalie’s eyes widened in disbelief and shock, while I leapt to my feet, reaching for my cane to steady myself. The color drained from her face as she heard the initial creak of her door opening. She whipped around and leaned down to address me, “Stay here, and hide. Don’t come out until I come and get you. There’s only a few people who know where my hidden key is, but if this is something else… I just want you to be safe, I don’t want you getting hurt. Don’t pull some stupid hero shit on me, you hear me? Keep yourself hidden. Do you understand?” 
I nodded, having no intention of cowering like a frightened child while she confronted the mystery currently entering her apartment. She gave me one last look before turning on her heel and exiting the bedroom. The second she left, I scrambled to the pen holder, fishing out her rather sharp letter opener, and brandishing it like a pike in my left hand, I stood armed and wary, straining to hear the sounds of giant footsteps, and an opening front door beyond that, over the cacophony of my own ragged breath and thunderous heart. 
I had no clue just what lay in wait for us from behind that door, but I would later come to the undeniable conclusion that nothing would ever be the same from this point forward
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anonbinaryweirdo · 7 months
any oc canon fun facts
due to her life in the past, Zephyrine has her way of obtaining information, even information that may seem impossible for her to get (ex, knowing that Alastor is on a leash; was probably around the corner when the situation took place)
like I've probably said before: she's extremely loyal, an would do pretty much anything for those she cares for. even if it meant trying to break the shackles around their necks in hopes for their freedom
(note that this is just all thoughts my brain came up with while pacing around the kitchen so this probably will change/not be set to canon lol BUT I wanna share my thoughts w u :D)
id like to think she goes behind Angel's back and strikes a deal with Valentino, but is sure to be careful enough not to just give herself to him, just let Anthony off his leash in return for whatever
I didn't get to husk or alastor yet my brain is on a long commercial break, I fear
she's good with kids ! but still awkward when it comes to certain situations.. like crying
like Angel, she big sisters the people in the hotel (Charlie and Niffty, n maybe Vaggie)
sleeps with angel and fat nuggets when she's not in her own room or w Lucifer
gossips to the bartender. finds shit out just to talk it to Husker they are gossip buddies forever
hardly fears Alastor in the slightest. ooh big scary black tentacles whatre you gonna do with those you freak. oooh omg you pulled a Coraline so spooky OOO gtfo
Number One Vee Hater™
sometimes, giving into canine instinct, she'll lay on the floor somewhere and curl into a ball, wrapping her tails around her for a lil nap. Angel has a gallery full
goes through Alastor's wardrobe just to go downstairs and imitate him out of spite and usually ends up in the floor after (worth it)
yk how when Charlie is getting riled up her hair does the flare thing and her horns grow and fire surrounds her, or Angel's freckle things start glowing pink n stuff? idk I think both eyes go red and her horns unfurl when she's really mad,, I gotta draw that tomorrow
there's more I know there is but brain not functioning :D
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waiting-on-a-dream · 9 months
𝚃𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚕 𝟹 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚍 𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚏 𝚘𝚏 𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚛𝚜
Prisoner 006: Sasaki Yui
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General info
Physical changes: Her hair remains at a light grey shade, having paled after her guilty verdict for the first trial. She's taking care of herself now and styles her hair more often. Her eyebags aren't as prominent and her face looks better due to her resumed skincare.
Behavioral changes: Due to her innocent verdict, she's more cheerful and friendly, returning to her trial 1 demeanor with a hint of tiredness. Himiko's presence has made her simultaneously happier and more anxious, causing her to have some occasional mood swings.
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– Third trial trailer
Maybe milgram admits people who believe they were responsible for someone's death instead of actual involvement.
– Character voice trailer
Himiko, MOVE!
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𝙼𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚌 𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚘
DECO*27 song cover: Once Upon a Me ("This song comes off as happy but it’s kinda sad you see… The me in the mirror I looked at yesterday, though she wanted to change, somehow she looks the same today.)
Non-DECO*27 song cover: Kanjou deceive by Loar ("The smallest happiness → jealousy・inferiority complex, through a series of bad events." This line describes her so well I'm gonna cry)
Prisoner 007: Shigeru Rin
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General info
Physical changes: He's grown his hair out long enough for his dark purple streak to return. He's also dyed the tip of his longer lock of hair dark purple as well for fun. His eyebags aren't as prominent anymore.
Behavioral changes: He's finally getting more sleep now that he doesn't get nightmares anymore, and is more friendly towards the innocent prisoners when he leaves his room. He mostly stays in his room now to talk to Renho... Perhaps to an unhealthy degree. He's accidentally skipped a few meals because of this, causing Noa to have to visit his room and remind him to eat.
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– Third trial trailer
I don't feel like eating when I'm around her. She doesn't need to eat, so I don't either.
– Character voice trailer
Renho, no! RENHO!
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𝙼𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚌 𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚘
DECO*27 song cover: Love Words Ⅱ ("Right now I want to thank you for all that has happened, I want to thank you for what the future holds as well. Though that’s all I’m really trying to say here, not able to say it all that well, I’m sorry for hurting you and then bursting into tears." I changed up his crime a bit to solidify his motive and now just thinking about him makes me want to curl up in a ball and cry.)
Non-DECO*27 song cover: Shinitai chan by Switch ("I don’t wanna disappear while my feelings still haven't reached you.")
Prisoner 008: Watanabe Noa
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General info
Physical changes: Her appearance remains unchanged.
Behavioral changes: With Benjiro's presence, she's gotten happier, to the point where she's stopped drinking. She continues to be friendly and helps the rest of the prisoners.
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– Third trial trailer
He would have wanted me to live happily.
– Character voice trailer
*heavy gasp, wet gurgle*
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𝙼𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚌 𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚘
DECO*27 song cover: Neo-Neon ("E.g. I don’t know everything about you. E.g. I can’t be your ideal person. Does that surprise you? Didn’t you expect that?" Just had the thought that she might have feeling guilty often during her time with Benjiro... Why do I this to myself.)
Non-DECO*27 song cover: Haine to kleine by Niru kajitsu ("May this world become far dirtier than it is now, forever. I wonder if I’ll be able to get used to it then." There's a theory that the hotel in this song is a metaphor for depression. There's alcohol in it too.)
Prisoner 009: Miyahara Kiyoshi
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General info
Verdict: GUILTY
Physical changes: His hair has grown longer and he has eyebags now. His left eye was injured after the fight with Daisuke, causing him to have to wear an eyepatch. Other prisoners have remarked that he often looks exhausted now, staring off into space blankly.
Behavioral changes: He ignores everyone's attempts to talk to him and stays in his room all day. Mayumi treats his eye and brings him his meals, but her attempts at conversation remain unsuccessful.
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– Third trial trailer
He just wouldn't stop talking.
– Character voice trailer
That's what scum like you get.
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𝙼𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚌 𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚘
DECO*27 song cover: Winter cleaning ("These memories that start bursting forth...where the heck do they come from!? I clean and clean but just can’t stop remembering." The lyrics...aren't so nice when you put them into the context of murder.)
Non-DECO*27 song cover: Fixer by nuyuri ("I just can’t help but wish that someone would take my place living this life from tomorrow on." All the lyrics of this song fit him so well. omg like Daisuke! /j The colour scheme of the MV is so guiltycore too <3)
Prisoner 010: Okura Mayumi
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General info
Physical changes: She cut her hair short and tends to wear it in a bun nowadays. The rest of her appearance remains unchanged.
Behavioral changes: She isn't as silently angry as she was during the second trial. She's allowed to help out with meals now and goes out of her way to treat Kiyoshi's eye. She is strangely the only innocent prisoner that doesn't see her victim in her room. She also hasn't given up on trying to find out more about milgram.
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– Third trial trailer
I can't fathom why someone would want to hurt innocent people.
– Character voice trailer
You'll fit right in with the rest of them in hell.
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𝙼𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚌 𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚘
DECO*27 song cover: Dummy Dummy ("Yet the longer I search for that answer, the more I want to kill the version of myself who laughs with others." DECO*27 songs that aren't about love are few and far between.)
Non-DECO*27 song cover: C’mon, Just Praise Me for Living, Please! by 100kai Outo ("I wanna be someone stable. Why is it just so hard everyday?" This song may not give off her vibe, but damn do the lyrics fit her way of thinking for the past few years.)
𝙰𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚜:
The song Keep out by mafumafu really suits Rin. The same goes for Suicide by suisoh for Noa.
Haruto's non-DECO*27 song cover for trial 3 is A Living Hell Within A Dream.
𝙿𝚒𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚠 𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚔𝚜:
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justablix · 10 months
I'm so incredibly tired peoples. Wanna curl up in a little ball forever and sleep. Somehow my therapist made this about me repressing my emotions which I mean I do but I've been doing that for years that has nothing to do with this
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