#Warhammer 40k au
or-fi-s · 7 days
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We really enjoy talking with sans about their 40k au, and so, we are also making lil sonas to rp in it.
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kit-williams · 6 months
Hail to the King
For @konigsblog as a thank you for the follow and I guess to what expect of my writings.
tw: this is lewd, delusional König, warhammer 40k shenanigans, König is a Black Templar (see The 40k au for why)((I might try to write another with him as a Blood Angel)) I am shit at trigger warnings
It wasn't his fault that they hadn't kept a better leash on their Schätze. In his defense the chapter serf should have known better and the mortal... well she shouldn't have looked so helpless and cute. Normally he would be thrilled and an honor to join a kill team to slay xenos but this was suppose to be a punishment on learning to not touch what wasn't his.
He walked down the hall of the alien craft chopping down any xeno unfortunate to walk into his path. Most of the Inquisition agents he was around were men... it seems the Inquisitor had been warned about his pecularities.
"You're not suppose to be here." His head snapped over to the voice of a little Maus. He could feel his mouth salivate as the space suit hugged her form in a pleasing way. Oh sure to many baselines she was hardly different from the form of a man but he could see... as well as the custom suit with the symbol of the Inquisition on her front. But the way she was leaning over a console with the curve of her ass just on display.
"Auch, Where am I suppose to be then Maus?" He said annoyed trying to not play his hand but lucky for him his suit hid his eyes from the way they lustfully ran over her body. Though he looked at the bodies of the Xenos littering the room. "You being a little Maus and just coming in after all the fighting is done?"
He could see the pout on the other side of her visor, "Rude. No I cleared the room myself. Oh was a shame that it had to come to blows but then again..." He stopped listening as soon as her hips started to sway with what she was saying. He wanted to dig his fingers into her flesh as his hips moved against hers only hearing her pretty little moans. "Hey big guy!" She finally shouted over the vox.
König resumed paying attention to his Maus. "Ja?"
"Thanks for paying attention...," The sarcasm was obvious in her voice, "anyway. Like I said earlier you're not suppose to be near me and you're suppose to be on the other side of the ship dealing with Xenos."
"The fighting led me this way and given the amount of dead at your feet Maus. You're not exactly alone. It would be a shame if your Inquisitor lost your expertise." He purred out the last few words just buttering her up a little.
"Well... you're not wrong..." He could easily tell she was preening under his complements, "But the Inquisitor said you weren't allowed near female agents or crew members. So be off with you... shoo." She tried her best to wave him off as she turned back to the console.
Konig held a growl in his throat he'd has to teach his Maus manners later. But he was on duty and purging Xenos in the name of the Emperor came first and pleasure later. He started back down the hall before he heard mechanics and her soft little 'Oh hi.' He rushed back as soon as the rapid burst fire rang out and abhorrent xenos cries as he rushed back into the room.
She was in the middle of wrestling one as it was trying to grab her rifle out of her hands. He snarled out as he was upon them in a moment as thick xeno blood painted the walls and her suit as his chainsword ripped through the xeno flesh. Her head turned at the sound of a chime and she grabbed the assumingly heretical technology... then again he wasn't the biggest fan of the Mechanicus and knew Inquisitors tended to flirt with the Dark Mechanicus or heretecks to get better tech.
"Well I'm done here. Thanks again big guy!" She chirped and patted his chest before he grabbed her and pulled her to his chest.
"Nein! You'll just find trouble klein Maus. Und how will you get out of trouble all by yourself hmm?" He cocked his head to the side and watched her fold her arms over her chest. He was giddy as she was just the right amount of willful yet submissive. He knew what was for her own good... he had experience and age. She sighed as she settled into his arm holding her without much of a fight.
König knew he could get his hands on a pretty little Maus during his time here.
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drunkenskunk · 6 months
God you are so right about 40k and the T'au, I love my blue boys but they've been squandered so much it genuinely hurts lol. Makes me wanna make a fanon au of the setting instead ngl
So what's stopping you?
One of the things I loved seeing back in The Old Days Of Posting, was people coming up with AU settings of 40k. That kinda shit is fun, and it feels very in keeping with the spirit of Oldhammer, which is silly and ridiculous and fun.
Brighthammer 40k, the Dornian Heresy, The Shape of the Nightmare to Come... hell, I've seen people turn 40k into the stereotypical coffee shop AUs, and there was even that one time the /tg/ hivemind seemed to spontaneously create that Warhammer High thing. To say nothing of Love Can Bloom.
Now I don't know if I'm just old, or I just don't go to the right websites anymore because the internet has become 3 websites that we all hate due to capitalism, but I really wish people would do more fun shit like that again. Seems like all I see lately is dickheads arguing with each other going "No, you can't do that, it's not canon!"
If you want to make a fanon AU, go for it! It is literally impossible for anyone other than yourself to stop you!
But if you do, let me know, because I want to see it.
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roughtimeminicomics · 7 months
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Is this a post to try and find people like this? Yes, yes it is. Am I expecting anything to come from it? Nah, not really. Regardless, enjoy these memes!
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kendrene · 1 year
Prompt: Avatrice+ either gender or hurt/comfort if you want to.
I'm sorry this took a while.
“You could have died back there.”
Beatrice’s tone is flat. The only outward sign of her distress is the way she’s fussing with the beads of her rosarius, fingers playing next to the hidden switch that activates its force field. To anyone else the gesture would look normal: a Sister of Battle in prayer. But Ava has spent months in close proximity to Beatrice. She a witch, Beatrice a blank. Her foil and her keeper. Ava knows that Beatrice is at the frayed end of self-restraint, moments away from breaking down and reaching out to touch her. The only reason she is not, is that it’d hurt too much right now, with Ava’s mind overexerted. Raw from sustained contact with the warp.
“You could have died.” Beatrice repeats, not looking at her. Outside, framed by the vast emptiness of space the Andromeda burns silently, the hull cracked in half. 
“But I didn’t.” Ava forces herself to stare at what remains of the Exorcist class cruiser. If she closes her eyes, she’ll sleep for a week. 
Pieces of metal break away from the ship’s main structure, melted off of it by the extreme heat of the fires consuming the vessel. They fall, a fiery hailstorm, toward the atmosphere of the brown-grey planet down below. The world, too, is forever lost, but although they are both aware of it, neither is yet ready to admit it. 
“I’m still here, Bea.” Illuminated by the flickering last hopes of a planet dying, Beatrice’s skin acquires a sort of charred glow. The smattering of freckles across her nose is so dark it looks as though ink has been spilled over the somber architecture of her features, and her lips — downturned — seem darker still. A bruise. An open bleeding wound.. “I’m here.”
Ava sits up, unbothered by the tangle of colorful wires unspooling from the punctures in her chest, and the sudden concerned chorus of the medical machines. “I’m here.” Her fingers tangle with the beads of the rosarius, bump into the back of Beatrice’s hand. Agony lances brightly through her mind: the voice of the ancient and vile thing that’s been whispering her name for the past hour falls abruptly quiet. 
“Ava, you don’t have— I know it hurts you to—”
“Hold me? Please?”
She doesn’t have to ask it twice. It takes a lot of awkward scooting, Beatrice softly swearing. She ends up half-perched on the narrow bed, her arms supporting Ava and, together, they watch the raging fires finally envelop the Andromeda’s engine core. 
“Promise me something.” Ava says as the flames turn from orange gold to searing white. “Promise me you’ll never let me end up like them.” Them are the crew of the ship she failed to save, their bodies transformed by the sick touch of the warp into grotesques. Bones breaking to assume a novel, twisted shape, eyes weeping pus, cankerous growths in the pits of their mouths, locked forever into screams. 
“Your mind is strong, Ava. You’re disciplined. You won’t become a plaything for the warp.” Secure in Beatrice’s arms, psychic signature suppressed by her proximity, Ava can almost believe her.
“Promise me anyway. It’s important.”
“I—” Beatrice sighs. Draws the exhale out into a long, faltering sound. “I promise, Ava.”
“Thanks.” Ava takes Beatrice’s scarred hand in hers and, bringing it to her mouth, lays a kiss upon her knuckles. Should the time come for her to be put down, she knows it’s Lilith she’ll have to count on.
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egrets-not-regrets · 4 months
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This is a masterlist of all my written works, because my blog has so many ridiculously random posts. Any smut/NSFW fic will be in blue font. You are duly warned.
Language of Flowers (Dead Lords/OC): Chapter 1/Chapter 2
Visits (Judicator/OC)
Prompt: your icon showing up at 3am (Draven, Death, Y/N)
Tangles (War, Fury) - Definitely out of character for Fury, since this was written prior to Fury's game coming out.
Warhammer 40K/ Space Marine Husbandry Sentience
This list should be in some kind of chronological order in Lenora and Erriox's story.
Erriox (Iron Warrior OC)/ Lenora
A Chance (Meeting)
You Survived. (Finally Found You.)
Finally Found You. (You Survived.)
Birds: Juncos
Two Months
Touch-starved (1)
Touch-starved (2)
Endearingly Marked
Smug Cat
Snow Sculptures
Kiss the Cook
Guesthouse of the (Lost) Astartes: To Render Aid (1), (2), (3), (4)
Translation: Mine, Yours (SMUT/NSFW)
(Written by the wonderful @kit-williams) Unintended Thoughts (SMUT/NSFW)
Not meant to be (Chaos Erriox AU)
Mermay: Stay (MerErriox AU)
(Co-written with the awesome @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan) Adopt-A-Jophiel (1), (2), (3) (MerErriox AU)
Alcyon (Chaos Iron Warrior OC)/Amelia Plover:
Halcyon Nights, Halcyon Days
Dandelions and Yarrow (1) (SMUT/NSFW),
Other people’s OCs:
Cedric the cooking apothecary (Cedric from sleepyfan-blog)
Other Writing
No fandom attached
Piano Spirit - Picture of ghostly piano hands holding a pianist's hands prompted me to write this.
WIP and Ideas
WIP Game
My silly thoughts on the Rendering Aid story in the Guesthouse of the (Lost) Astartes series.
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[WH40K x SU AU] What if Steven was the one becoming Emperor of Mankind
This timeline is just an alternate part that is not meant to be sharply accurate to Warhammer 40K's canon.
Steven Quartz Universe found himself being unaging and nigh-immortal after a tragic accident(or terrorist attack performed by the 2K Terran/Earth form of chaos cults). Unfortunately, neither Connie nor their children survived.
Governments started to intervene in Steven's life, even his grief of losing his human family. He learned the ugly truth of how politics and history guided humanity to such corruption- something Crystal Gems never told him for real.
With his traumatic mind and Pink Diamond's/Rose Quartz's side re-emerged in his mentality, he desires to control(Pink Diamond) for the sake of protecting humanity(Rose).
He faked his death(like his mom) and rebuilt his new identity as 'Ander Thames', a mysterious genius and physically advanced person. Not even the Gems know about the truth.
With his restabilized mind, he believed humanity must be reforged like how Homeworld terraformed planets for better purposes. However, he aims to transform humanity by getting rid of the flaws; religions, political factions, capitalism, cult of personalities, and a long list. However, his past as Steven had proven peace is not enough.
His blood, more powerful than spit or tear, may bring back damaged DNA samples out of bodies or relics of historical figures. With that, he could make Primarchs, combining his gene, the greatest figures in history, and the other best samples by the technology combining those of Homeworld, humanity's peak, and his trials and errors.
His Gem was destroyed during the Siege of Terra against Horus. His human part was too stable to let him die, yet, without Gem, his body is barely maintained as an ever-dying husk. His only purpose is using his barely focusing mental projection to guide the Imperium fleets through warp.
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nomorefstogive · 2 years
Attempt at Masterlist.
Good Evening my friends and welcome to my humble little corner of the web. I am glad to have you stop by and pay me a visit on this day, and I hope that you enjoy browsing through my merry collection of stories and ideas during your brief stay here. 
Please be advised this is my first attempt at a masterlist and as such it is somewhat of a mess, I will try and think of a better way of formatting it later on, but for now I believe this will work as a good enough placeholder until such a time. 
Before you start browsing though, I would like to recommend you visit my Introduction, DNI and Such.   
Please bear in mind that while I am always open to discussing ideas and such with asks, my requests are closed for the foreseeable future. With all of that said, I welcome you to my humble little corner once more, and likewise wish you enjoy your stay here once again. 
Ao3 account:
Current fandoms I am writing for are:
SAGAU for Genshin Impact
Path To Nowhere
Planned fandoms to write for:
Azur Lane
Reverse 1999
Maybe posting some of my original character/world designs for future stories.
Whatever other games peak my interest.
First Batch of Brainrots, please feel free to use as inspiration just @ me so I can see what you make of them 
Traits of The Divine (Can be considered both a Brainrot and Au Idea as well I believe) 
Hydro Archon Headcanons (General with mentions of Twin God au and Mother Knows Best au) 
Au Ideas:
Mother Knows Best (Child God Reader with Mother God)
The Elder Twin (Child God Reader with sibling) 
For Lack of A Vision (Warning contains dark themes)
A Day of Miracles (Child God Reader with self indulgent Fluff) Part 1  
A Day of Miracles Part 2: Liyue 
SAGAU Stories:
 Making Jean Take A Break (Child God Reader with Soft yandere cult) 
Hydro Archon: A Tale of Tides 
Path To Nowhere Headcanons:
Langley SFW Headcanons
Wolverine SFW Headcanons  
Che SFW Headcanons
Shalom SFW Headcanons 
Path To Nowhere Fics:
Our Dearest Sin (Cross Posted On Ao3) Chapter 1: Langley being Pampered After Work By Female Chief
Our Dearest Sin (Cross Posted On Ao3) Chapter 2: "We All Rest In An Oaken Casket." 
Our Dearest Sin: Chapter 3: Taking Care of Flowers (Crossposted On Ao3)
Self Aware Path To Nowhere: 
Self Aware PTN ideas
Warhammer 40k, Female Primarch AU:
Through Love, Perfection. Female Fulgrim/Gender Neutral Character.
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blue-scorpion-king · 11 months
Aorly Zobalock (40K AU Earl)
The Warhammer 40K AU of my main OC, Earl Zolubu, as the 11th Primarch of the Imperium of Mankind.
Aorly Zobalock of the Asura Scorpions Legion -> Chapter, its brother Chapters, and their successors after the 2nd Founding and beyond.
~The Bat~
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darkseraphscorner · 7 months
40k AU.
Seraph is a Rogue Trader, he travels the stars, deals with xenos, all fun stuff.
Caroline is a Tech Pristess, boarding on tech heresy because she likes to tinker.
Neph is a Sister of Battle who lost her arms to an Ork and has cybernetic replacements... And is on a self imposed penitent quest.
Sera is a disgraced farseerer, banished from her craft world after a fuck up of some sort that she refuses to elaborate on.
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polarspaz · 12 days
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Warhammerboys AU.
The boys are still trying to get used each others new quirks.
((Most of Tzeentch's demons are birdlike, so Tim can tilt his head like an owl, why? Because it's cool.))
((Tim found Jason and Dick on a battlefield between Slaneesh and Nurgle. The three managed to escape the chaos and are now trying to find Damian.))
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jinian-ginias · 30 days
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Modern(M03) AU Vulkan
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kit-williams · 5 months
Holding Hands
Male Lead: Eldar!König Universe/AU: Warhammer 40k & Cod AU/Everyone is an elf/eldar Canon Status: ???
Originally I was going to do one for every type, Exodite, Craftworld, Harlequin, and Drukhari but Exodite is literally just him with a dinosaur and Craftworld probably we wouldn't get to hand holding.
@lycheedr3ams I want to thank you for your recent analysis of König that helped me kinda get an idea for him.
As well as @wordstome and @kneelingshadowsalome
You needed some air... it was madness what the corsair had done. The ship was swarming with Fairweather allies and two cabals that only recently went from going at each others throats to working together. Oh by Yaneed it was madness as suddenly the ancient feud had to be forgotten and it made your whole body ache as you couldn't relax at all being around so many Drukhari whom many still looked at you murderously. Then there were the enigmatic harlequin troupe that operated beyond her knowledge as they were in direct contact with their god.
You sigh as you enter the meditation chamber lucky for you... you kept odd hours so no one would miss you for a few hours...
Drukhari Incubus
König opened an eye as he was in the midst of meditation and his instincts screamed for blood which only meant that you were in his presence. His bloodstones had been taken away as per agreement of joining up though he always could make more but that might not be... tasteful. He remembers spying you by the Corsair captain... Price if he remembers right being introduced as one of the ships farseers.
He could taste your distress as you hadn't even noticed him yet. Oh you would be so easily to kill... so easy to wring your frail little neck and make a new bloodstone out of your... no wait I didn't need a soulstone any more. Konig lazily opened his other eye moving to a lounging position as he watched you try your best to relax and enter meditation but failing again and again.
You jump as someone touches you and you normally hold your emotions in check but seeing the Incubi being the one to touch you... you reacted out of a panic. Your cheek pressed into the floor at the behemoth of a Drukhari just chuckled down at you with his reddish hair tied back with bones laced into his hair. Surprisingly his face was scarred and lacking much makeup making his skin slightly pallor minus the smudged remains of eye black around his eyes.
"Jumpy little maus aren't you?" He cooed, "You going to attack me again or be a good girl?"
"Get off of me." You huffed and he did helping you up. The male was nearly eight feet tall and when you saw him in full regalia you remember seeing the mon-keigh astartes helms decorating his armor; even if they were his favorite kills he was still a skilled killer.
You watched as he easily sunk to the ground in a meditative position. "You were distracting me with how high strung you are maus. While delicious, "He can't help but give his sharp toothed grin at you as his icy blue eyes look absolutely predatory, "I came here to meditate and clear my thoughts not be surrounded by anxiety. I would simply just have to take a walk through some slave holds. So why not tell me what is wrong?"
You huffed at that not watching him remove his gloves as you debate and you are suppose to try and be friendlier to them. You swallowed up your misgivings as the Drukhari on board have cleaned up nicely. "Well... some of your kind just make me anxious... given how I suppose your kind always tried to kill me first.... what are you doing." You say noticing how he is slowly wrapping his large hands around one of your own.
"A meditative technique my master taught me. Keep speaking."
"You're not going to inflict pain on me are you?"
"Nein. Not everything is about pain." He says pulling away the cloth from around your hand. You feel his bare fingertips against yours slowly moving down your fingers to your palm. You cant stop the shivering you can swallow up the blush on your face. You should yell at him for this inappropriate hand touching but... "continue what you were saying."
"I'm um... " You swallow again, "nervous and anxious as everyone looks at me like I'm a chew toy or a piece of meat."
He chuckles softly as his bare hands continue to play with your own. "Well you are fraulein. You are a rather young farseer and we can tell." He ignores your huff, "but that doesn't mean we are going to act on it. I certainly wont."
"See you say that but how can I trust you?"
You soon feel a familiar tracing on the palm of your hand as one of his hands pulls away pulling down his collar showing an ugly brand mark against his throat. A mark of khaine, "Shall I swear upon our war god? Shall I swear that my hands should forever bleed? We Incubi are a different breed then our kin... you should know that liebling." He leans in and you lean back ending up on your back with him looming over you with a smile. Your hand entwined with his, "I swear to Khaine that I will not act upon such baser desires and will actually try to get over my... distrust and hatred of you. I mean me touching you is akin to you touching me. A discomfort we both must get over." You glance down at your hand tightly holding his now and neither of you feel like letting go. "Well I am going to nap. I will guard you liebling." He says with a smile as you both return to sitting cross legged and just closing your eyes as you can feel the calmness wash over you... even if you're still holding his hand.
taglist @bispecsual @the-californicationist @egrets-not-regrets @libraryshadow @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog
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“I lay in dark and dreaming sleep while countless wars and ages passed. I woke still weak a year before I joined you, Elantach.”
I will save the elven people. Even if it means this world must die.
Yrliet Lanaevyss as the Dread Wolf Dragon Age [x] WH40k: Rogue Trader crossover
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roughtimeminicomics · 10 months
The Lords of Order (Warhammer 40K Concept/AU)
Chaos. Destruction. Death. War. These all are descriptions of the Warhammer 40K universe. There is no hope for any civilization there, especially when the forces of Chaos keep growing in masses. But what if… what if there were new factions that came to help establish order across the universe? Powered by the magic of new gods? Gods of not war, chaos, death, or tyranny? But Gods of Order?
These are the Lords of Order. And these are their Hordes. Their Factions. Their Armies.
The Lord of Tactics: Boreus
Boreus is the Lord of Tactics, Logic, and Planning. Thus she strategizes her every move. And there is no greater tactician. She is the opposite of Khorne in almost every way except for her incredible strength and power. Let none be deceived, she is a fighter and a warrior. Her many champions wield her greatest weapon, that of a Battle Axe. Her personal faction is simply called the Tacticians. Any Space Marine who comes to serve her is filled with the knowledge of every battle ever witnessed within their universe. Thus they are deadly on the field not for sheer power, but sheer intellect. They can plot every blow, every shot, every shout within milliseconds of stepping onto the battlefield. Their weapons of choice are battle axes and long ranged bolter.
The Lord of Alliances: Negis
Negis is the Lord of Alliances, Community, and Protection. She cares deeply for every single living life in the universe, and thus makes every move she can to protect the innocent. But like every god, she is a powerful foe to face. Negis’s magic is unparalleled, capable of ripping entire landscapes apart with a single swish of her hand. But seemingly her greatest form of magic is the curing of those who have fallen to Chaos. No matter how lost their soul, Negis’s magic is far greater. She can’t reverse the mutations, but she gives those mutations new meaning and new power. Her personal horde is called the Order of Redemption. Every servant of Chaos she cures becomes a part of this horde. They are given a new life, a new name, and a kind new leader to follow. These soldiers mainly come in the form of Space Marines. These soldiers of her horde are very advanced for how diverse they are. Negis’s troops all have the incredible gift of Regeneration, so things like the loss of limbs and even their heads mean NOTHING to them.
The Lord of  Protection: Vesskix
Vesskix is the god of Protection, Defense, and Leadership. She is the most outspoken of the Lords of Order, and has a bad temper. But Vesskix is an incredible leader, capable of leading incredibly successful campaigns to defeat the forces of Chaos. To take it up a notch she is a master of siege warfare and technology. She is vastly more intelligent than her fellow Lords of Order, and is capable of devising incredibly unorthodox plans that not even the best Necron tacticians can understand. Her personal army is called the Siege Masters, and she convinces members of the Iron Hands, Iron Warriors, Imperial Fists, and Salamanders to join her legion. They are gifted with incredible technology to help them build and advance their weapons and armors. The Siege Masters have more vehicles, Dreadnaughts, and just weapons in general. 
The Lord of Honor: Kel
Vel is the god of Honor, Valor, and Trust. Kel is seen as the weakest of all her fellow Lords of Order, but in truth she is the most powerful, preferring to keep quiet and only speaking when she feels like something must be done and must be done fast. Kel has no quarrel with being a bit sassy as well, willing to go off on anyone. She is the only Lord of Order who had a face to face interaction with one of the Chaos Lords, that being Khorne. A World Eater marine present to witness states that even Khorne seemed uneasy at seeing Kel. Kel’s legion is called the Honorbound. The marines here are hand picked by Kel and her chosen “Primarch.” They are the most honorable and respectful Space Marines from across all the legions. When they join her legion, they gain enhanced sense of their previous ones. Runes and Glyphs form on their armor and weapons, giving each Marine a unique playstyle compatible with their personality and skills!
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alex-leweird · 1 year
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