#Warrior Prince
youlackconviction · 9 months
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yeh go on, tell me again how LOKI can't fucking fight 😤
#mcu salt
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imaginal-ai · 23 days
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"Dherkari" (0001)
(The Warrior Prince Series)
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acourtofquestions · 1 month
Aedion & Rowan in the beginning Queen of Shadows:
Aedion: You stole the one thing I care about!
Rowan: You care about the one thing I stole!
Aedion: If my cousin didn’t love you so much I’d kill you!
Rowan: If my girlfriend didn’t love me so much I’d kill my self and then you!
Aedion & Rowan in the end of Queen of Shadows:
Aedion: Hey, bro!
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darkenaz-art · 4 months
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For @AmitrajitBraver
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coloursofunison · 6 months
Today, I'm delighted to be reviewing Raven Lord by JC Duncan #blogtour #historicalfiction #HaraldHardrada
Today, I'm delighted to be reviewing Raven Lord by JC Duncan #blogtour #historicalfiction #HaraldHardrada #RavenLord @JCDuncanauthor @theboldbookclub @rararesources #boldwoodblogger @BoldwoodBooks
Here’s the blurb Mercenary. Exile. Warlord. At the edge of the world, the clouds of war are gathering… 1034AD Cast out from the Kyivan Rus, Harald Sigurdsson’s quest for fame and fortune takes him to the far reaches of Europe; the lands of the Eastern Roman empire. The empire is dying the slow death of decay and corruption. In desperation to fend off a myriad of foes, the emperor turns to…
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demaparbat-hp · 10 months
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Forget about canon, I want Kyoshi Warrior Ursa.
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lucyllawless · 1 year
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fieriframes · 1 year
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[That's whistling. A little brown sugar, a little chili powder. In the Metaverse, Hiro Protagonist is a warrior prince. A little dehydrated garlic. It rehydrates really well.]
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janadoesstuffwrong · 7 months
Something that I think ppl who ship both sukka and zutara don't acknowledge enough is the fact that poor Hakoda met both his kids' future spouses on the same day, in the same place and that place just happened to be prison.
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celestialowlryx · 2 months
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Wait, are you still thinking about all that prophecy rubbish? We're not the Chosen Two, Callum. We made that up. Well, maybe we're not the Chosen Two, but what if we were still an important two? A useful two? A definitely at least above average two?
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kenneduck · 1 year
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This 1000% happens in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity.
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imaginal-ai · 16 days
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"Dherkari" (0003)
(More of The Warrior Prince Series)
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acourtofquestions · 3 months
A formal apology to my Libby annotations for my foul mouthed reaction to this line/passage😅😂
"You seem remarkably calm for a king who's just been declared a traitor to his crown and robbed of his throne."
Dorian was glad he was in the process of sitting down.
Rowan lifted a brow. "According to whom?"
"According to the messengers who arrived yesterday," Rolfe said, leaning back in his seat and crossing his arms. "Duke Perrington—or should I call him King Perrington now?—issued a decree, signed by the majority of Adarlan's lords and ladies, naming you, Majesty, an enemy to your kingdom, and claiming that he liberated Rifthold from your claws after you and the Queen of Terrasen slaughtered so many innocents this spring. It also claims that any ally"—a nod toward Rowan-"is an enemy. And that you will be crushed under his armies if you do not yield."
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xxbimboboyxx · 6 months
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More zukka for everyone
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radiance1 · 11 months
If you asked Danny how he found himself in this situation, he wouldn't be able to give you a short answer. For you see, Danny was a Prince, heir to the throne that will never be his (and thank the Ancients for that) and an ageless being who will stay around for eons to come.
He out-lived his family, friends, entire town. Except for Vlad, that man wouldn't die so easily to something like old age, much less when his empire still stands.
Danny has been summoned only a handful of times, all of which were either mistakes or some mortals who wanted to summon something for shits and giggles.
He liked the last ones, they usually have pretty good food.
However, the last summon he's answered, a mistake, was done by a handful of wizards who weren't exactly happy with the results they got, so he made fun of them severely for their mistake and then their master- who was apparently watching in case things went wrong- turned him into a cat after he could a bit too... excited.
So, how did it escalate from there?
It was a simple thing, really, he encountered a few injured cats, and then nursed them back to health. Then those cats kept coming back to him, again, and again, and again, the first few times with injuries, but later they came just to be around him and chat sometime.
Then they started bringing other cats around him, skittish ones they were, not exactly keen on letting him take care of him the first few times, but just like the ones before, they soon came around to consider him as a friend of sorts.
Then that repeated, and repeated, and repeated.
Then suddenly, he found that he had acquired a family of sorts, one made of feral cats that were as chaotic as his own, previous, family was and more. It was... nice, when he realized that, that he had a place, a foothold, in the mortal world and not just as Prince of the Infinite Realms.
Although, the amount of grandpa jokes when he revealed his age- 150 is still young, he'll have you know- was something that took getting used to. But it was nice to know they were comfortable enough to call him that.
There were some special cases among his little Familia. A few of them had what this world called meta-abilities, ranging from such like superstrength, enhanced durability, super speed to things like telekinesis, teleportation, flight, etc, etc.
One of them even had the ability to separate their body parts.
He kept an eye on those that had these abilities, no doubt that multiple people would try and kidnap them for nefarious purposes. Though they were incredibly small in number, caution is best to be kept, especially in a city as dangerous as that of Gotham.
He's never really made himself known to anyone other than his little Familia and a certain cat-themed criminal. He preferred to stay in his little warehouse, watching the days pass while taking care of a few kittens here and there, sleeping, eating, managing to use that Tv and computer he stole that one time to watch whatever thing is one.
It was a very calm life, all things considered.
Of course, then came a disturbance in said life, when the apparent rival Familia's wanted to meet him for one reason or another. Helpfully supplied by the first to have join his Familia, a cat with an immortality ability that he named Kevin.
Of course, he never knew Kevin had was immortal, but seeing him die one too many times and watching him get back up was prime evidence that he had one.
Apparently, his Familia was regarded as a relatively new one in the city of crime, and the other cats that were considered 'Heads' wanted to meet him for quite some time, especially when is got as big as it did and Kevin, glorious, glorious Kevin, has been going in his place to said meetings, and this district of Gotham they occupied was considered their territory.
Danny was blissfully unaware of this until today. But he decided that Kevin, sweet, hardworking, death-defying young Kevin, can continue engaging in cat politics, he wants no part in such things and Kevin has proven himself capable of handling it!
As much as he didn't want a part in this, he was persuaded to go at least once and can then leave everything up to Kevin. So he goes there, does things, talk to other 'Heads', being very vocal in his body language about how he couldn't really care less about being there.
Of course, he had to care when he sees Batman being thrown through a nearby wall and seeing as how he's heard about him from a friend (Catwoman has made it very clear how she felt about him on numerous occasions whenever they met.), he wasn't exactly keen on seeing him being smushed into a paste, so he went ghost, pure black fur being replaced by glowing white.
And then slammed right into a battle with Bane.
Kevin he swears to the Ancients if you for some reason try to get into this fight and die again, he will treat you like a kitten for the next three weeks.
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coloursofunison · 11 months
Today, I'm delighted to be reviewing Warrior Prince by JC Duncan #blogtour #historicalfiction
Today, I'm delighted to be reviewing Warrior Prince by JC Duncan #blogtour #historicalfiction #WarriorPrince @JCDuncanauthor @rararesources #boldwoodbloggers @BoldwoodBooks @theboldbookclub
Here’s the blurb Prince. Mercenary. Exile. The lost throne of Norway must be won in foreign lands.  1030 AD Some men are gifted a crown. Others have to fight to claim it. Exiled from Norway, Harald Sigurdsson, brother to murdered King Olaf, must battle mercilessly for survival in the lands of the Kievan Rus. His brother’s legacy gifts him a warband of hardened warriors and entry to the court…
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