#Water Line Upgrade
gillbrother · 1 month
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Garbage leak disposal is one thing that gives a headache to homeowners. It has an unpleasant smell and flooding under the sink. Read more on how to fix it.
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roosterforme · 1 month
Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw Part 19 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: With an uncertain future, Bradley gets ready to leave for Virginia. But he works on a plan to make sure you understand just how much he will be thinking about you.
Warnings: Fluff, smut, angst, adult banter, desperate Bradley, 18+
Length: 5400 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female teacher!Reader
Check out my masterlist for more! Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw masterlist
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Bradley felt sick to his stomach as soon as he saw the stationery set. At this point, the only thing on his mind was quitting his job so the two of you didn't have to be separated. The paper looked expensive; he would have loved to sit in his bunk and write line after line to you and your class, but he wouldn't be able to do that at all. 
"We can go back to being pen pals for a bit," you whispered, your hand coming to rest on his thigh, giving him a little squeeze. "I'll be refreshing my email inbox and waiting not so patiently for my mail to arrive. It'll be great. That's how I fell in love with you in the first place."
He felt guilty even though he had no control over the scenario. His heart hurt with loneliness already as he set the gift you gave him on the coffee table and buried his face in his hands. "Gorgeous. That's not gonna happen." He swallowed past the lump in his throat and turned to look at you out of the corner of his eye.
"I'm confused," you said, hand still on his leg. He covered your fingers with his rougher ones and pulled gently until you climbed onto his lap. 
"Oh, god," he groaned, giving you a kiss before linking his fingers with yours. "I love that set of note cards. I would have taken them with me everywhere during my free time, and I would have written to your class constantly. And you would have been the recipient of some rambling love notes to be sure." Your brow was still creased with concern as he said, "No outside communication. For seven weeks."
Your expression went slack as a single tear rolled down your cheek. "You're joking."
"I'm not."
Bradley held onto your fingers as you whispered, "This keeps getting worse," through more tears. Your broken voice made his chest ache as you leaned closer until your cheek was resting on his shoulder. "I could go ages without you in person, but if I can't talk to you at all... Bradley."
Nobody else ever loved him the way you did. He'd be miserable without your letters, emails, dirty pictures and pretty face over video calls, but he finally had someone who would miss him equally. 
"I know," he muttered, wrapping his arms around you. "It's seven weeks of nothing."
You were crying in earnest now as you clung to him. "Nothing," you sobbed. "I won't even know if I'm supposed to collect you in San Diego or Norfolk when your deployment ends. And I won't know where you're being stationed."
"Fuck," he gasped. "Gorgeous, when I tell you that nobody would have much cared where I ended up before I met you, I mean it." He kissed you as you snuggled tighter against him. "As soon as I find out what's going on, I'll let you know."
"Seriously," you murmured, voice shaky. "You better tell me as soon as possible if it's San Diego or Norfolk in my future."
Bradley didn't know what else to say besides, "I fucking love you." He smiled for the first time in what felt like weeks as he added, "Are you really going to fly out to Norfolk and collect me if they make me stay in Virginia?"
You pulled away from him, eyes puffy with a scandalized look on your face as you said, "Of course. What kind of girlfriend do you think I am?"
The kind he was going to upgrade to his wife.
When you finally stopped crying, you were on the verge of a migraine, but you felt a bit calmer. Bradley got up to gather together some Advil, a glass of water, and a small gift wrapped in hideous paper.
"Your early Christmas present," he said, handing it to you after you swallowed two pills for your headache. "Well, it's actually kind of another gift for me, when you really think about it." He dropped down onto the couch again with his arm slung around your shoulders, and unlike him, you tore into the paper. Inside was a leather journal with little hand painted airplanes all over it. "Will you write in it every day so I can read it when I see you again?"
When you opened it to the first page, he had written you a note.
Gorgeous, I miss you with my whole heart. I can't wait to read about all of your adventures when I get home to you. Love, Bradley
"Yes," you whispered, closing it again so you could wrap your arms around his waist. "It'll just be a bunch of pages of me telling you how I argued with Jayden about his sloppy handwriting and how I asked Nia a hundred times to return to her seat. But yes, I'll write in it every day for you."
"I will eat up every page."
After that, he kept you by his side for the rest of the night. Even when you tried to dig around in the refrigerator to see if there was any food left, he was grabbing for you and kissing you. "You have no food," you said with a laugh, turning to face him. "What are we eating for dinner?"
"Hadn't thought that far," he muttered against your lips. "Just want you."
You took his face in your hands and ran your thumb along his scars. "If you don't eat, you'll get cranky. And you've got aircraft carrier food in your future."
Bradley grimaced and muttered, "Cabbage rolls," as he reached for his phone. "Let's get pizza today. And then maybe I'll try to talk the hostess at Salvatore's into letting us get takeout tomorrow. Then Thai on Christmas."
"And then you'll be gone," you whispered, dreading it all over again. "It never gets any easier, does it?"
"You're stuck with me, Gorgeous," he said, voice tinged with the tiniest bit of apprehension.
"I am." You kissed him before you said, "Pizza sounds perfect. Then I can help you pack a little more."
The last thing Bradley wanted to do was finish packing his duffle, but every time you looked up at him, eyes full of emotion, he was struck by several things. One, you really were so good at folding up his uniform components, something he noticed a few days ago. Two, every minute or so, you wrapped your arms around him, which made leaving with uncertainty so much harder. And three, you were absolutely nothing like Vanessa. 
Last time when he packed to leave, he was treated to her incessant whining over the fact that he didn't want to take her out to dinner. She was always annoyed with him wanting a quiet night in. She was always annoyed by his job. It was so obvious that she never missed him or loved him the way you did as he watched you carefully fold one of his flight suits before tucking it in his bag. 
"Gorgeous," he murmured, and as soon as your gaze met his, you had your arms wrapped around him again.
"That's enough for the night," you whispered, voice thick with emotion as he kissed the top of your head. Your face was pressed against his chest, and he could hear you trying to keep yourself calm. And god, he hated doing this to both of you. 
"I agree," he replied, keeping you close while he tossed a few novels he'd been meaning to read in as well. He'd have plenty of time to read a whole stack.
You wiped your eyes on his shirt as you said, "Make sure you read at night and stay away from all the women."
Bradley tipped your chin up so you were looking at him again. "Surely you're not worried about that." You shook your head. "Good. But now that we're on the topic... be a good girl and don't talk to horny assholes."
You started laughing as you slipped out of his grasp, wiping at your tears as you said, "Never. Now let me add one more thing to your bag." As you disappeared from the bedroom, Bradley put his bag on the top of his dresser. If he had time, he would move some of his clothing around so you had room for your things when your lease was up. Otherwise you were going to have to fend for yourself in his house and just make decisions for him. If he just had more time with you, everything would be easier. The one promising thing would be returning in time for Valentine's Day and Career Day at your school. If he was allowed to come back to San Diego at all.
"Fuck," he groaned, hating this unsettled feeling that was expanding in his chest, but as soon as you walked back in, he started to feel better. Seven weeks without you was going to be painful when he had such a visceral reaction to your touch and your words.
"Just in case you feel like jotting down your own thoughts every day for me to read," you said before tucking the stationery kit in next to his uniforms. You slid a large envelope that looked like it was bursting at the seams inside as well and simply said, "Some more reading material for you," before pulling him toward the bed.
And that's when Bradley figured out just how to make you feel a little less alone when he was in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
When you opened your eyes on Christmas Eve, you were already smiling. Your body was warm and tucked up against Bradley's, his big, heavy arm draped over you as he snored softly. You wanted to stay here and not move a muscle, because right now, everything was perfect. You could pretend like his duffle bag wasn't sitting on his dresser, mostly packed and ready to go. You could melt into the sweet ache deep inside from the hour he spent loving your body last night. You could close your eyes and go back to sleep.
Bradley's phone vibrated on his nightstand, and he groaned next to your ear. "Baby," he murmured, lips grazing your neck. "Don't get up yet."
You couldn't help but smile. "Your phone is vibrating. Not mine."
"Shit," he grunted, rolling away from you. Once he looked at his phone screen he seemed to wake up. "Nat's on her way to pick you up for girls' day."
"What are you talking about?"
You definitely hadn't planned a girls' day. Why would you want to miss out on any time with Bradley right now? You could have a day with Nat next week or next month when he was gone!
He had a little smile on his face as he pulled you close again for a kiss. "You better get dressed."
"Bradley! I'm not going out with Nat. You're leaving in two days!"
Naked and spectacular, he climbed out of bed and stretched. "Just for a bit. She wants to take you to get coffee, and if she tries to get me a Christmas present, I need you to make sure it doesn't suck." 
"You planned this," you said, annoyed as he reached for you, pulling you away from the bed where you could pretend there was no scary uncertainty in your future.
"Just trust me," he whispered, holding you close. "Besides, I need some time to sweet talk someone at Salvatore's into letting me order dinner to-go."
You could handle an hour or two with his best friend while you counted down the time you had left before his flight out of San Diego. "Fine, but I'm wearing your sweatshirt, and I'll be thinking about you the whole time."
Bradley sent you down the walkway with a kiss, and he waved from the front door in just his underwear as you climbed into his best friend's car. "I won't keep you out too long," Natasha promised with a smirk. "I can already tell you want to get back to him."
"Why did he plan this?" you asked, wanting the answers he wouldn't give you while trying not to be rude. "No offense, because I would love to spend an entire girls' day with you, but why today?"
She simply turned up the Christmas songs on the radio and headed toward Starbucks with a smile on her face. "I was thinking after coffee we could hit up the mall for a few minutes? I need to find something truly awful to get for Bradley. I'm thinking some pink running shorts to match mine. High visibility colors are very important when you're out running, and I just don't think he fully appreciates that."
You laughed. "If you buy them, he'll probably just wear them to try to embarrass you."
"I don't embarrass easily," she said smoothly with a devilish grin. "And dare I say you might like to pick out a little something that you could wear as a going away treat?"
"Wear?" you asked before you quite knew what she meant.
"Sure. I mean, I don't want to know any specifics about what the two of you get up to, because gross, but deployments are long and lonely, and you're definitely going to miss each other."
While Bradley had seen all of your cutest underwear at this point, you'd never worn anything that you bought specifically with him in mind. Your cheeks grew warm as you thought about it. Truthfully you didn't even own anything terribly sexy. 
"What would he even like?" you asked softly as she pulled into the Starbucks parking lot.
"On you?" she asked with a laugh. "Anything. Don't worry, we'll find something good."
When Natasha texted to inform him that you were on your way back to his house, Bradley quickly hid everything that had been out on his coffee table while he juggled his phone. The woman he was talking to on speakerphone wasn't falling for his lines at all.
"Listen," he told her, making sure there was no visible evidence of what he'd done in his living room. "I just really want tonight to be special for my girlfriend and I before I leave for my next deployment. Just one order of spaghetti and meatballs? That's all I'm asking."
There was a deep sigh followed by, "Be here promptly at 5:00 to pick it up. I'll take your credit card over the phone."
"Perfect," he replied with a smile, digging for his wallet. "The name is Bradley Bradshaw."
You walked in with shopping bags in your arms, and rushed toward him as he finished giving his credit card security code, and he pulled you in for a hug as he reassured the hostess from Salvatore's that he would be there at 5:00.
"Hi," he said, kissing you after he ended the call. "Did you have fun with Nat?
"So much fun," you told him with a smile. "We're going to try out a wine bar next week up in Oceanside." The idea of you hanging out with his friend while he was away made him feel calm, especially since Nat knew how important you were to him. "Also," you said, pressing your lips together nervously, "I think I'd like to sleep here for the rest of my winter break." Your volume dropped to a whisper. "I'm not sure if it will make me miss you more or less, but I want to be here if that's okay with you."
"I love that, Gorgeous," he replied easily. Hanging out with Natasha and then returning to his house where you belonged anyway felt right to him. "Knowing you're sleeping in my bed might result in some dirty notes from me," he said with a laugh as you bit your lip.
"Please," you whispered. "Yes. Write me dirty notes to read when you get back." Just when he was about to kiss you, he watched you bend and rummage around in a bag. "Also, this is your gift from Natasha." You handed him some bright pink fabric that he turned around in his hands, trying to figure out what it was. "And she told me to hold up the gift receipt for you."
When he finally figured out that it was a pair of ladies running shorts, he grimaced. "She's so annoying," he groaned, reaching for the gift receipt, but you quickly chuckled and tore it up. "What are you doing?"
"You're not allowed to return them." You dropped the bits of paper, and he tossed the shorts onto the couch.
"Whose side are you on here?" he asked, peppering your face with kisses. "Don't think for a second I won't just put a jock strap on and run in those shorts."
"I tried to tell her you would," you laughed as he scooped you up. "I kind of want to see it."
"Play your cards right," he murmured, grabbing his keys and taking you out to his Bronco. "Let's pick up dinner."
Your belly was full of spaghetti and meatballs when you managed to sneak away to the tiny laundry room and quickly hand wash your new bra and thong set while Bradley loaded the dishwasher. Nat assured you that he would enjoy this tiny thing, and you were trusting her here. You set both items aside to dry before walking back out to the kitchen.
"You don't have a Christmas tree," you remarked, wishing you'd picked one up today from one of the many parking lots trying to unload them at the last minute.
"I told you I don't really celebrate holidays."
"You're doing a great job of celebrating this one."
He washed his hands and tossed the towel aside. It was barely seven o'clock, but he asked, "You feel like calling it an early night?" You agreed, ready to feel his warmth along your entire body as you fell asleep.
You got undressed and climbed in bed, and he did the same. Bradley's hands were everywhere, but his lips were gentle on your neck and shoulder as he whispered your name. "I love you. It's going to kill me inside when I can't talk to my favorite pen pal. Last time, you had my heart pounding every time you sent me a new email."
Tears stung your eyes in the darkness; you'd done a pretty good job of holding it together all day, but this was going to be your undoing. "I promise, every time you think about me, I'll already be thinking about you, too."
Bradley's arm tightened around you, his thumb stroking your skin, soothing you along with his sweet words as you fell asleep.
When you woke up on Christmas Day, his body was still right behind yours where he belonged, but when you rolled over to look at his handsome face, you knew the hours were going to go by too quickly. "Morning, Gorgeous," he murmured, voice raspy from sleep as he cracked his eyes open. "Let's go see what Santa brought."
You didn't have any other gifts for him, unless you counted your new lingerie which you were saving for later after dinner. And the printer you bought so he could have some photos of you without his phone on the aircraft carrier. But when you got out to the living room, there was an envelope on the coffee table.
"What is it?" you asked cautiously as you picked it up. But your heart melted immediately. It was a gift card for the wine bar in Oceanside.
"There's enough on there for you and Nat to take a few trips up if you like the place."
"The two of you have been plotting, I see," you remarked, taking a deep breath before snuggling up against his chest. "But nothing will beat the horribly expensive bottle of wine I accidentally made you buy on our second date."
Deep laughter rumbled through Bradley's chest as he said, "The look on your face just made me love you more." You groaned thinking about it. "Come on, we've only got one day left and then seven weeks of nothing. Let's make French toast and have sex on the couch and eat Thai food and watch movies."
You wore his sweatshirt around all day, licked maple syrup from his lip and rode him until he was whining for you. The Thai noodles went perfectly with Home Alone. Then you took a shower together and deep conditioned his hair, dragging your nails along his scalp until his eyes closed.
"I'm going to miss this," he whispered after every single thing you did. When you toweled his hair dry, he looked at you with so much emotion. "I'm going to call you as soon as I know what's going on with the Pacific versus Atlantic Fleet. And either way, I'll try to be as patient as I possibly can, but I can't live without you, Baby."
"Shit. Even the way you say my name makes me ache."
"I want you here with me. I already hate this." A sob escaped your lips without warning. "I want you to come back for Career Day."
The words were barely out of your mouth before he said, "I will be here for Career Day no matter what. Disappointing you is bad enough, but I don't want the eighteen kiddos to miss out on spending the day with their favorite Naval officer."
You laughed. "You're not disappointing me, Bradley. This is just hard, because I love you so much."
If you couldn't see a future with him, this would have been easier. He set you down on the bathroom vanity, and you watched him carefully shave around his mustache, kissing you randomly so you had to wipe shaving cream from your nose, and then he started collecting his toiletries for his duffle bag. He was naked and perfect as you stayed huddled in your towel, wondering if you could even manage to pull off wearing the items that were surely dry now and draped over his laundry room sink.
"Where are you going?" he asked as you ducked past him toward the door.
"Meet me in bed."
You rushed down the hallway and threw your towel in the empty washing machine as you took a minute to touch the pretty lace fabric before sliding the thong up your legs. Next you hooked the bra in place, and it didn't matter if you didn't look perfect, because you felt good. And you wanted him to have this memory.
When you cautiously strolled into the bedroom, Bradley was still naked, laying on top of the bedding, looking at a small piece of paper. "I'm just double checking my packing list, and I..." His gaze shifted to your body, and you did a little turn for him. The paper drifted to the floor as he sat up, his hand coming to rest on his cock. "Come here."
Biting your lip, you did as you were told. Bradley's feet swung over the edge of the bed, coming to rest on the floor as his cock bobbed between his thick thighs. "Here I am," you whispered, standing between his knees with your hands on his shoulders. "Your going away gift."
One strong arm wrapped around you, and you squeaked as he pulled you flush against him. He kissed the rounded tops of your breasts above your new bra, one after the other before looking up at you. "What did I do to deserve this?" he rasped, his nose running along the lace as his fingers tangled in your thong.
Already so turned on, you tried to answer him twice before words came out. "I wanted to give you a proper send off. Something extra special." Then he kissed your furled nipples through the flimsy bra cups and you moaned, "Something to think about when you're lonely."
His fingers were digging into your butt as he grunted. His wide brown eyes were fixed on your face as he parted his lips and sucked on your breast, the black lace wet everywhere now. He was being a little rough, but it felt like he was worshipping you at the same time, and when his lip found your neck, he asked, "Is this little getup new?"
"I bought it yesterday," you gasped as his fingers slipped inside your thong, stroking your wet pussy. "Just for you."
Then you were on your back with your head on the pillow, Bradley's heavy cock resting against your thigh as he hovered over you. "Just for me, huh?" he grunted, biceps flexed as he fought to keep his breathing under control.
You nodded, running your toes up along his calf and thigh until your leg was hooked around his hip, ready to give him whatever he wanted. "Of course it's just for you. I'll wear it again when we meet back in the San Diego airport or in Norfolk. And I'll wear it when you're away and I'm touching myself."
"Fuck," he growled, pulling your panties to the side and running his cock through your wetness before pushing himself so deep inside you that it took your breath away. When you whimpered, his lips crashed against yours as his hands dug beneath you to unhook your bra. "Touch yourself right now." When the flimsy lace ended up on the floor while Bradley fucked you, he guided your right hand to his lips, kissing your fingertips before placing them on your breast. "I want to watch."
Bradley's pupils were wide, lips parted. When you looked down your body as his cock disappeared inside you over and over again, you felt even more turned on. When you ran your fingers along your nipple and up between your bouncing breasts, his eyes followed your every move. "Like this?" you asked, feeling bold as you added your left hand as well.
He gave you a harder thrust. "Exactly like that, Gorgeous. And what are you going to think about when you do?"
"My boyfriend," you managed before his mouth met yours in a deep kiss that only lasted a few seconds. "I'm going to think about my boyfriend. I'll miss you so much."
Bradley's hips slowed to a gentler pace as he listened to you gasping and panting beneath him. There was no way you'd miss him as much as he'd miss you. He closed his eyes and thought about returning home to your arms in seven weeks and heading back to work in the Pacific Fleet. He hoped you'd appreciate the little surprises he was leaving behind for you. More than anything he wanted you to think about tonight when you got yourself off.
His rough excitement at you in the new lingerie melted into something sweeter as he fucked you with long, languid strokes. Your lips were on his neck and collarbones as he whispered how much he loved you over and over. When you came, it escalated quickly, sudden and loud as he ran his thumb across your clip. He couldn't hold on after that, and he let your body hold him in place with soft squeezes as he caught his breath.
"I have one more thing for you to pack," you whispered, voice ragged as you ran your fingers through his hair.
"I really hope you fit in my duffle," he mused, and you laughed softly.
You kissed his ear and whispered, "I bought a small photo printer since you won't be able to use your phone." He shivered at your words. "You can print out a photo or two of us together... or maybe you want to take a new one right now to print out?"
"Jesus," he grunted, kissing your lips. "You're spoiling me." He reached for his phone on the nightstand and snapped a few pictures of your fucked out face and your body with his cock still buried deep. "I am very spoiled."
When you stood and plugged in the printer with lips puffy from his mustache in just your thong, he couldn't keep his hands off you. He had his photo gallery open on his phone and his arm around your waist as he selected the picture you sent him ages ago with the sun setting behind you. "This one is an absolute necessity. So is this one of us together. I don't think I should take any with me where you're naked, just to be safe," he mused, and you threw your arms around him.
"You'll just have to use your imagination," you told him as the photos printed.
"That'll be easy with this fresh in my mind," he murmured, looking down at your tits pressed to his chest. "I'll be thinking about you nonstop."
Bradley's hold on your body was unrelenting as he dropped the photos into his duffle and led you back to bed. It was getting late, and his flight to Virginia was early. You snuggled up on his chest with a soft smile on your lips. "I hope you do. I hope you think about me constantly and write me notes."
He kissed your forehead. "Not just you... your whole class. Have to keep them interested in aviation. But you're my favorite pen pal."
You laughed and buried your face against his neck, and he could feel your breathing grow a little more ragged as you whispered, "I love you so much. Just be safe. I don't really care if we have to figure out long distance or relocation as long as you're safe, Bradley."
That's how he fell asleep, wrapped up in your arms with your sweet sentiments in his ear. And the next morning, when his alarm went off, he welcomed your tears, because they made him feel like he was important to a woman for the first time in his life. You cried softly as you sat on his lap and went over his packing list with him one more time, and your cheeks were wet as you kissed him.
Bradley let you button up his khaki uniform shirt for him, your fingers shaking as you smoothed down the fabric along his chest. "Thank you, Gorgeous," he whispered, watching helplessly as your face crumbled into more tears.
When he drove the Bronco to the airport, your fingers were linked with his in the silence as the light from the rising sun hit the buildings downtown, promising to bring another perfect day to southern California. His hand tightened around yours, knowing he was going to be flying into so much uncertainty. His voice sounded strangled to his own ears as he parked at the curb under the signage for departing flights. "This is it. I'll text and call you as much as I can when I land before they lock me down, but this is it for seven weeks."
You crawled onto his lap, holding him tight as he kissed you, and now his tears mingled with yours. "I love you, Bradley," you promised, and he believed you as he held you in his arms and climbed down onto the pavement. He pulled his duffle from the backseat and dropped it to the curb as he held you against him, unwilling to leave before he told you a few more things.
"I'll keep myself safe, but you need to do the same. If you need something, you call Natasha right away, okay?" You nodded against him, your fingers digging into his shoulder blades. "My stuff is your stuff, so do whatever you want at the house and with my Bronco. And tell me you love me every day in the journal so I can read about it when I see you."
"I will," you sobbed as he finally set you down. "And I'll be waiting to hear you tell me if it's San Diego or Norfolk."
He swiped your tears away from your cheeks and kissed you one last time before he picked up his bag and headed for the door. When he turned back one last time, you were clutching his car keys and crying. "I love you, Gorgeous."
We'll see how they manage apart. I think she might do a bit better than Bradley will. Thanks @beyondthesefourwalls
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spideyhexx · 9 months
Soo what if you drink poison meant for Corio and of course survive but maybe he handles you more like glass than before. You were never disposable before and he hates that you were in harms way because of him.
I feel like I have different sectors and versions of Coryo I write but this falls in line with wife!reader, post/end of tbosas coryo where he’s becoming more of a politician.
Gosh yeah he’d keep you so protected already but somehow something was let through the cracks and you almost succumb to poison meant for him after he couldn’t make a dinner and you sipped the wine.
Coriolanus would be a wreck, but he’d have to maintain his composure in public to make it seem like he’s not weak. I feel like he’s gonna care about you but he still cares about his image.
I think while he would definitely hate you were in harms way cause of him, he’d always be like welp that’s our life!
Like he’d never give up his power to ensure the completely safety of both of your lives. He’s come to terms with the fact it can be risky, especially with what he’s trying to do and accomplish.
But he sure would upgrade the security in your home and keep you locked away while you recovered, only letting hand selected people enter your room to tend to you. He’d be there as much as he could, helping you drink water and eat and bathe, whatever he could.
it might even be is the most caring he’s ever been to you.
I think for a while he’d be very wary of bringing you to public events? He’d just rather not risk it. So he explains to your high profile friends that you’re awfully ill but in recovery and will rejoin society eventually.
Coriolanus would use this excuse for as long as he could until you’re the one convincing him you’re okay and trust him to protect you moving forward. That you knew what you got into marrying him.
let’s chat about coryo, here :)
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deadsetobsessions · 8 months
AU of Gotham! Tim Drake! Danny where he doesn’t know the universe he was reincarnated into.
“Robin!” Batman barked. Tim sighed, loudly. Batman twitched.
“What is it, B?”
“Drills. Again.”
Tim rolled his eyes but moved to obey. Speaking to B these days was like speaking to a rather boorish caveman. Simple grunts and single word sentences. It didn't use to be like this but B was loosing his grip on his humanity and it’s Tim’s job to bring it back.
It’s hilarious because he’s the least human of them all. It was odd, juggling his duties as Danny Gotham, his responsibilities as Tim, and his workload as Bruce’s shiny new Robin. Somehow he made it work.
Yeah, sometimes B’s hands are heavy when they’re training. Sometimes he forgets Danny’s name (or at least his human name) and calls for Jason instead. Sometimes, he smells more like booze and less like Bruce.
Danny could handle it. Even if his core quivers with grief. He wished he didn’t have to, but he could and will handle whatever he needs to for his Knight to regain himself. But fuck, that doesn’t mean taking his self destructive habits lying down. He might be Tim right now, but as far as Batman knew, Tim was here on the orders of
Oh, a neutral grunt! I see we’ve upgraded to grunts instead of arm flapping! Holy detective, Batman! Aren’t I glad I learned to speak cave man? Wow! Tim mocked, in his head.
“You’re heading to bed when I’m done with this set,” Tim said.
“This case isn’t done,” Batman growled. Ancients, it was like speaking to a large chihuahua-toddler hybrid. All the barking, all the growling, and all the petulance of a child makes the entirety of how his Knight acted on a good day these days.
“That wasn’t a suggestion,” Tim shot back, sore arms and legs and everything working through the set. Thank the ancients for his healing, or else Tim might actually be dying.
“You don’t give me orders, Robin.”
“No, but Gotham does.” He would know, considering Tim was Gotham.
The head full of greasy- ew, take a shower, B!- hair swiveled towards him.
“You have a direct line to Gotham?”
Tim settled into the final forms of the night. “Gotham sent me. I thought we went over this.”
A beat of silence.
Batman returned to clacking away at the computer. Tim finished his set in relative peace. He moved to the cool down stretches while Batman sulked in front of his computer like a five year old.
“I’m done.” He said, crossing his arms.
“That means you’re done, too.”
“I’m not tired.”
Tim rolled his eyes so hard, he thinks he saw the light. Oh, wait, that’s just Bruce’s last brain cell dying.
“You’re heading to bed. Good luck finding actual crime tomorrow, if you stay up.”
Batman stilled, because he knows Gotham would back Tim up on the threat. Considering the time sensitivity of some of these cases, Gotham’s anger is not something he could risk.
Tim patted himself on the back for effectively playing the good cop and the bad cop on his own. Except ACAB for life because they’re vigilantes and the GCPD as a whole (with exceptions) sucks ass.
He watched as Batman- as Bruce- reluctantly powered down the Bat-Computer. As he stood up, Tim wrinkled his nose.
“Never mind. You take a shower first. I’ll text Alfred.”
“Not necessary.”
“Okay, then you can explain to Gotham why you’re traipsing through his city looking a starved rat and smelling like you took a joy ride in Killer Croc’s excrement. Oh, wait.” Tim snapped, just about done being patient today. Tim whipped out his phone, texting Alfred with one hand and pointing towards the staircase with the other.
“Shower above ground, you weird little mole rat. No cave water for you.”
Bruce makes a weird offended grunt.
“I literally don’t care if you have to walk up to your room to shower in your boxers, B. Most of Gotham’s people don’t have access to a shower, let alone a million dollar bathroom. Fucking use your actual bathroom instead of hosing off.”
And with that, Batman and Bruce Wayne moved to the tune of a pre-teen, who was also, unknowingly to him, the spirit of his City.
“Go home.”
Tim smiled sweetly. Bruce paled. The scary, Gotham loved child patted Bruce’s hand as he sat beside Bruce’s bed.
“Sleep, before I make you.”
Bruce slammed his eyelids shut, anything to not look at Tim’s malicious looking eyes, and allowed himself- nay, forced himself- to rest for the first time in weeks since Jason died.
As Bruce’s dumb self drifted off to dreamland, Tim muttered, “Wuss.”
He settled himself into the chair, napping lightly to make sure Bruce doesn’t sneak out to work when he’s gone.
Alfred snapped a quick picture.
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 8 months
No Big Deal
Sam and Dean Winchester & little sister!reader
Requested by Anonymous
Synopsis: You refuse to bring up your stomachache to your brothers, but what happens when it turns out to be bigger than you thought?
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It had started out as just an ache at first. You had woken up yesterday with random occasional pains hitting your gut. You’d ignored it, figuring it was just some sketchy diner food that wouldn’t settle.
Then today, it just got worse. The pain was constant, and the dull ache had upgraded to a stabbing sensation that hit you whenever you moved. There was no way it was just indigestion, but it still hadn’t reached the point where it felt like your brothers needed to know.
They were working on a case, and the last thing they needed was for their little sister distracting them with the whole, “my stomach hurts”. It was way too wimpy for a Winchester.
“Hey N/N, can you clean some weapons while Sammy and me check out the scene?” Dean spoke up. You stood to make your way to the table where the weapons were laid out, but a sharp pain to your side caused a harsh breath to leave you, and you couldn’t hold back the wince that flitted across your face.
“You alright?” Dean’s voice snapped you back to attention, and you pretended nothing was wrong.
“Yeah, fine.”
Dean hesitated for a moment before shrugging and following Sam out the door.
It got worse as the week wore on. Every day the pain got worse, and every day you convinced yourself that it would go away eventually. Your brothers still didn’t know, although you were almost certain that they suspected you. Dean was keeping an annoyingly close watch on you, and Sam kept asking if you were ok.
One day, the three of you were returning from a hunt when it finally happened. You had just stepped into the motel room when a sharp stab to your cut had you doubled over, a cry escaping your lips before you could even think to hold it back.
“Y/N!” Dean’s hands on your shoulders snapped you out of your panicked daze, and you took a few deep breaths to try to stabilize yourself, but the pain just got worse. “Y/N, baby talk to me, what’s going on? What hurts?”
You couldn’t answer, couldn’t focus. The pain kept getting worse and worse, until darkness lined your vision, spreading like spilled water across your eyes until you couldn’t see anything at all.
And then suddenly, it didn’t hurt anymore.
“She’s incredibly lucky. If her appendix had burst, this would be much harder.”
“Dean?” You awoke to find yourself surrounded by strange sounds, strange voices, and strange smells, but when you called for your big brother he responded immediately.
“Hey sweetheart.” Dean’s face was the first thing you saw when you opened your eyes, and you felt his hands gripping yours. “You feeling any better?”
“Not really,” you mumbled. “What’s going on?”
“We should get her into surgery as soon as possible, her appendix could still burst.”
“Surgery?” You tried to sit up, but Dean held you down.
“Hey, kid, don’t. You’ll make it hurt worse.”
“Are you sure she needs surgery?” Sam cut in. “She can’t take antibiotics?”
“It’s too severe,” the doctor responded. “We’ll have to remove her appendix.”
“I don’t want to have surgery.” Your hand tightened around Dean’s.
“It’s not a complicated surgery,” the doctor assured.
“See kid? You won’t even notice it’s gone.” Dean’s easygoing smile tempered the butterflies fluttering sickeningly in your stomach.
“And we’ll be waiting for you when you get out,” Sam said. “Promise.”
As soon as the doctor left to consult a surgeon, Dean’s hand squeezed yours, catching your attention.
“How long have you known?” Dean asked.
“Known what?”
“That something was wrong.” You sensed a shift in Dean’s voice; he was angry.
“I-I thought it was just a stomachache.”
“Don’t,” Dean huffed. “It hurt way more than that, it had to. Why didn’t you say anything?”
You just shrugged, turning your focus to your shaking hands.
“I didn’t think it was that bad.”
“You didn’t think at all!”
“Dean,” Sam cut in. “Easy.”
“This could’ve gone so much worse, kid. Do you get that?”
“Yes,” you mumbled. “I’m sorry.”
“I don’t care,” Dean said honestly. “I just care that you don’t do that ever again. If you’re hurt, you tell us. Understand?”
You nodded, and that seemed to satisfy Dean. The three of you lapsed into silence for several seconds, and in that time the nervous butterflies returned to your stomach in full force.
“I don’t wanna have surgery, Dean,” you whispered. You closed your eyes, gripping his hand, as he leaned over and kissed the side of your head.
“I know kid, but it’s not a dangerous one. You’ll be out before you know it, it’s no big deal.”
“And you’ll be right here?”
“Me and Sammy won’t move a muscle, I swear.”
You nodded, taking a deep breath.
“Ok then. No big deal.”
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darksilvania · 5 months
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PHLIPPLIN (Water) & JETACEAN (Water/Psychic)
A small update on my original PHLIPPIN, nothing was really changed, just cleaned up, it evolves after learning the move Surf
JETACEAN, this is the one who got the bigger upgrade from the two, becoming more surfing related than its original design
JETACEAN used to be one of 3 possible evolutions for PHLIPPIN, but that is no longer the case, they are now a single staged evolutionary line
They are based on Dolphins, Surfers and how dolphin like to ride waves just like surfers
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Also here is a little sketch to show how JETACEAN's tail looks when it is not surfing
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bookishmeow · 1 month
Grey Wardens and Ghilan'nain
Welcome to my Ted Talk. I don't tend to make these posts on tumblr but I do overload my friends on discord a lot so I thought I'd give it a whirl here. I'm going to be talking about some spoilers from Tevinter Nights here and the new trailer.
So I was re-reading Tevinter Nights again after we got all these big reveals from the trailers and I got to Horrors of Hormak. It made me do the thinkings.
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I wanna touch on this imagery just cause I love it. It looks as if Ghilan'nain's tentacles are choking out a stone griffin. Griffin's being the symbol of the Grey Wardens.
In Horrors of Hormak in Tevinter Nights, we have Grey Wardens who stumble upon what we believe is Ghilan'nain's eldritch horror pits. It shows darkspawn just walking right in and getting mutated. The implication that they're being controlled ala the calling sets up some interesting things for grey warden specifically.
Maybe that's what's going down in Weisshaupt.
Because the Grey Wardens have battled darkspawn forever, they're kinda pros at it. Weisshaupt is supposed to be their fortress, their hub of awesomeness, but something (that we know) is going wrong there. Couldn't just be darkspawn, they know how to handle darkspawn.
Couldn't just be red lyrium darkspawn right? Cause at this point it's been 10 years since the situation at Adamant Fortress. They should be somewhat aware and knowing how to fight that. They had Lord Commander Clarel mucking that up. They likely are super wary of letting that happen again. It is likely that they have done things to keep the Red Lyrium stuff in check, you'd think.
So if it isn't normal darkspawn, and it aint red lyrium tainted darkspawn(i mean it still could be), It really could be what was set up in Tevinter Nights.
Which goes with Davrin being a "monster hunter". It's just perfect.
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Davrin who looks like he gets a bit of an upgrade at some point. His armor is pretty gilded out. Interesting imagery like the shoulder looking like a helmet we've seen before. Then we had a few scenes in the trailer that looked like Grey Warden. We had a scene with an impaled Ghilan'nain before Elgar'nan dabs in with them in the background.
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I did the zooming and it looks like two griffins. These are Grey Warden attacking Ghilly. Later in the trailer and with Taash, similar geared out soldiers are seen.
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Then, of course, you have Solas himself who does not care for the Grey Warden.
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He really doesn't care for the Grey Wardens and we always have been squinting our eyes at him with knowing he is one of the Evanuris. Like, why you so mad bro?
In Tevinter Nights we had two reactions to these pit things of horror. We have the recruit who wouldn't have done the joining yet and then we have the wardens who have. When they went in, things didn't go the way they should have. The recruit just went mad but wasn't changed? Still had a bunch of grey brine water inside them, though. Not entirely sure what was happening there. But the warden who was twisted stated things weren't going right with the wardens on their transformation and they had to consume the grey brine, rather than walking into it like the darkspawn. Then they were fighting for control when transformed. So something is wrong with the grey wardens in general straddling the line between the blight and humanity/elfanity/dwarfanity (lol) [Side note, we had this in the behind the scenes video from 2020. This is totally one of her monsters, isn't it?]
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I think Solas doesn't like this either. I think he knows what the blight is or where it's from and he sees the grey wardens as abominations or something of the sort. Then you add on the theory of the "old gods" being connected to the evanuris and they're outright killing those pieces of the evanuris with the archdemons. It could also be weakening the jail he put in place when they do this. He is probably unsettled by the whole thing, but he can't really do anything about it considering the whole darkspawn/blight situation in thedas when he does wake up. I'm pretty confident in saying that Ghilan'nain's plot and the grey wardens specifically go hand in hand. It'll be the first half of the game. Thank you for coming to my talk, we will see if i'm right in the end of October haha.
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romirola · 6 months
Headcanons for the Shaw Pack’s Travelling Styles at the Airport 
David: David likes to be prepared, which leads him to overpack, just in case. Half the time, it pays off, though all the time it means his bags are way heavier than he wants them to be, not that he’d ever admit it. Although David considers himself a pretty patient guy, he dreads the idea of waiting in line for security, to board, to purchase a coffee/snack, to exit the plane… He has no direct airline experience, but honestly, he’s pretty sure he could streamline the whole process. 
Angel: They are an expert packer and they know it. Not only do they manage to arrange everything they need into the most condensed way possible, but they also know how to pack light. Angel is always one to be ready with their boarding pass, ticket, and anything else they’d need, though what they most look forward to is exploring their destination (whether it be for leisure or business) and getting a firsthand feel of the entire experience. They often indulge in arriving at the airport with plenty of time so they can people-watch with a latte.  
Asher: As a child, Asher often flew with his family to visit his grandparents, with one set in Belfast and the other in Galway. Because of that experience, he associates travel with adventure and fun, even if it’s due to work. Asher can make himself extremely comfortable in any airport, somehow intuiting the best place to find a seat, charge a phone, or search through a carryon for missing headphones. Asher can even nap in the most bustling of airports, but amazingly, he wakes up on time and never misses a flight. 
Babe: Babe is a nervous flier (check out this oneshot if you want to see that in action), but they are an absolute master at logistical planning. Booking deals, loyalty accounts, membership discounts… You name it, Babe has it and knows how to use it. Once, they even managed to get paid by the airline to fly to their cousin’s wedding. Babe also likes to select their seats ahead of time to maximize comfort and space.
Milo: Milo is probably one of the luckiest travelers ever to set foot in an airport. Although he never asks for any sort of special treatment, he never fails to get it. Every staff member feels compelled to give Milo all the bonus miles, first-class upgrades, or expedited services they could possibly give him. The restricted lounges welcome Milo even though he's not a member. During the flight, the flight attendants give him extra snacks, blankets, and anything he could ever want. No one, not even Milo, can explain the phenomenon. He loves every minute of it.
Sweetheart: Sweetheart’s poor sense of direction means that they require lots of extra time when it comes to travelling. They need to factor in inevitably getting lost to any movement they might make. That could include getting to the airport, finding their gate, or refilling their water bottle at the fountain a few steps away. They can and will manage to get lost, no matter how diligently they study the airport maps before they go. Despite their inability to orient themselves, Sweetheart will insist that the best way to spend any length of time at the airport is to keep active, since they will have to sit on the plane, so they will most likely be found walking laps, back and forth, across a space where they can always have their gate in sight. 
Darling: Darling honestly prefers to drive or, if possible, to take the train. Not because they are afraid of flying. Certainly they will fly if needed. But for Darling, there’s something inextricably exciting about watching the world go by like that. Darling also has quite an affinity for the cafe car, or, whenever they take a lengthier trip, the dining car. They can’t exactly say why, but it’s such a treat to partake, almost like a step back in time, and yet, a surreally modern amenity.  
Sam: Sam has always seen the airport as one big scam where every decision is meant to squeeze out more money from travelers. Pay to check a bag, pay to buy food, pay for leg room, pay to breathe air, basically. It’s a total racket, and he loathes every iota of the whole experience. If only vampires could learn how to rift like d(a)emons… He does, however, find himself more willing to shell out some money for a few gaudy-but-fun magnet souvenirs lately. After all, Sam’s never had a pack (and yes, Vincent and Lovely are included) for whom to purchase travel gifts. He still thinks everything is overpriced, but he looks forward to giving out the gifts upon his return. 
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hannahbarberra162 · 1 month
Under the Microscope, Part 3 (Yandere Sabo X Reader)
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CW: vomit is discussed but not described in detail
on Ao3 | Part 1 Part 2
You groggily moved your head from side to side on a soft pillow, moaning quietly. This infirmary bed was way nicer than any you’d been on before, maybe the Marines had finally upgraded them. You felt terrible. No, worse than terrible. Your mouth was dry and your head felt like it was full of cotton. Your stomach was already sore and you felt nauseous. What had happened to you? You thought back to the last thing you remembered. Guard duty, magnifying, Sabo….Sabo. Sabo had…drugged you. And taken you. You had a fleeting feeling of betrayal, which was foolish since Sabo wasn’t loyal to you. Or your friend. Or anything to you, really, except your captor.
You sat up, which set your stomach roiling. You quickly realized you were on a ship, which was bad for two reasons. One, you were being taken to a secondary location. Your chances of being rescued were getting slimmer and slimmer the farther you got from your base. Second, you were highly prone to seasickness. It was another reason you didn’t switch bases often. You had a hard time on the Grand Line, with its famously rough waters. The last time you’d set sail was over three years ago, and it had been at least five days before you could keep anything down. And as if on cue, you felt the urge to throw up. The ship was rocking heavily and it felt like a storm was coming. You were able to stuff the feeling down for now, but you doubted it would stay away for long. You looked around the room for something to throw up into. If you were going to be a captive, you were going to be a gross one. Serves Sabo right for kidnapping you. 
You saw a small trash can near a writing desk, that would have to do. You threw the blankets off of your body, noticing quickly that someone had changed you out of your Marine uniform. You were wearing a dark billowy shirt, socks, and your underwear. Nothing else. Your stomach dropped as you thought of someone changing you while you slept. You hoped it wasn’t Sabo. You scooted to the edge of the bed, putting your legs over the side. You needed to get to that trash can as soon as possible, you were feeling sicker by the second. You put your weight on your feet and stood up. You felt your blood rush quickly to your head, making you dizzy. You put a hand on the mattress to stabilize yourself. You needed to move, now. 
Forcing yourself to walk quickly, you just made it to the trash can before you collapsed to your knees and forcefully vomited. Not much was coming out, but that wasn’t surprising. You’d been asleep for…however long and hadn’t eaten. You were dry heaving, which hurt your stomach even more. Tears streaked down your face from your effort. You hoped you wouldn’t pop the blood vessels in your eyes. The last time you’d been on a ship you’d had red eyes as a result for weeks. You were curled over yourself, one hand holding your stomach protectively, the other holding the garbage can. All of a sudden the door burst open, like there was an emergency.
“Mag? Mag, what are you doing out of bed? I was just -” You knew it was Sabo from the voice, he was speaking to you calmly but you were feeling scared. Scared because you were vulnerable - he was free and among his own crew, he could do anything to you. But you couldn’t hear anything else he said as the ship rocked heavily to the portside and you resumed heaving. You felt an overwarm hand on your back, rubbing it in soothing circles. It felt nice but too familiar for someone who had just kidnapped you. It also made you realize you were freezing and shivering so hard your teeth were chattering.
“Seasick?” Sabo asked, concerned. You nodded. You didn’t have the strength to ask him anything, maybe you’d get answers from him later, but not now. You didn’t know how far you were traveling, but you hoped it would not be too long of a journey.
“I’m going to pick you up now and put you back to bed, OK? I don’t think you can walk right now.” You didn’t think that you could walk either. Your head was spinning, your stomach hurt, and you were disoriented. You also didn’t know why he was bothering to tell you, he could do what he wanted. You were a Marine captive on an RA ship, he could kill you right now and face no repercussions. “Can you nod if that’s OK?” You nodded.
Sabo didn’t waste any time in picking you up, his arms under your knees and supporting your back. Your head rolled back against his chest. You blearily noted the shirt he was wearing - it was the same as yours only in white. When you felt better, you’d care more. Sabo gently deposited you in the bed, tucking you back under the covers. He looked at you closely, worry etched into his face. “Do you need a doctor?” You shook your head as you curled on your side. The boat was still lurching, you felt worse than when you woke up.
“B-buh-ket” you tried to speak but it came out a hoarse whisper. “Bucket,” you said again, straining your voice. Sabo moved quickly and retrieved the garbage can from the desk, putting it right next to the bed. He sat down on the edge of the bed, watching your every move. It was almost funny, your roles had reversed. Now you were the one being monitored while he was free to come and go. You were glad he hadn’t shackled you, though you wouldn’t have made it out of the room either way. 
“You slept a long time, 18 hours. Between that and the seasickness, you’re dehydrated. I’m going to get you something to drink and some medicine.” Sabo reached out to touch your forehead and you flinched. He frowned but still tested your temperature. “It’ll be OK, Mag, don’t worry.” 
“Don’t ca-call me that.” Sabo had already risen from the bed as you started feeling sick again.You closed your eyes, still on your side, facing away from him. You curled yourself into a smaller ball than you already were. 
“Alright, love.” Sabo closed the door behind him as he left, and you heard the snick of a lock turning.
Sabo POV
Sabo felt bad for you as he watched you lay on his bed, shivering under his blankets. He hadn’t known you were prone to seasickness, but even if he had, the outcome would have been the same. You had to come with him away from the base, back to the RA headquarters. Still, he could have prepared more for such an outcome, he thought as he walked towards the medical supplies. This was one of the smaller RA ships, not even equipped with a real infirmary or medical professional. He hadn’t been planning on taking anyone with him from the base when he’d set out, so he hadn’t prepared for a guest to be on board. 
He needed to get some liquids into you, you did not look well. He was already worried for your health since you’d been losing weight due to stress. Now on top of that, you were sick and may be for a few more days. Sabo was worried, and he was pretty sure he knew the most medical knowledge of everyone on board. He went to the kitchen and rummaged around looking for something light you might be able to eat. He didn’t think you would, but he wanted to offer something in case you did. He found some stale crackers in the back of a cupboard, that would have to do. He filled a pitcher with water and walked back to his room. 
He knew he didn’t have to lock you in the room, there wasn’t anywhere for you to go. Aside from being seasick, you were at sea, it was not like you could escape. It was really for his own peace of mind that he did it. It made him feel more at ease to know that you’d be exactly where he left you. He was also unsure of how his fellow Revolutionaries would treat a Marine if he wasn’t around. Given that he was second in command of the Army, he didn’t think there would be any problems, but he felt better knowing that you couldn’t get out and no one could get in without his knowledge. After all, he had brought you here, he was responsible for you. He didn’t think of you as a captive, he’d just freed you from your prison. Once you saw his point of view, he was sure you’d agree. You were a logical thinking scientist, after all.
Unlocking and opening the door, Sabo noticed you hadn’t moved at all. He came over to your side and sat the pitcher and crackers down on the small bedside table. Your eyes were screwed shut and you were breathing shallowly. Sabo sat next to you on his bed and you didn’t react in any noticeable way. Sabo ran his hand over your shoulder, trying to get you to interact with him.
“I brought some water, I’d like you to take a sip now.” You moaned quietly. “I’m going to elevate you to sitting, just take a few sips then you can lie back down. Can you do that for me?” You nodded, cracking open your eyes. Sabo gently helped you to sit and poured water into a small cup from the carafe. He brought the cup to your mouth before you stopped his hand and took the cup in your own with a glare. He was sure that if you were better he’d be hearing how you could do this yourself. You took a sip and swallowed, grimacing. He wasn’t sure if it hurt you or soothed your throat, but you had to drink either way. “One more now, then a couple more sips in a few minutes.” You took another sip, then handed him back the cup. You looked like you’d expended all your energy with that small task. He set the cup back down and helped you lay back against the pillows. Sabo continued to sit with you while you lay there, covered in sweat with your eyes closed. 
“Thank you,” you rasped, your voice hoarse. 
“How long are you usually seasick?” Sabo was hoping this would subside by the end of the day.
“Three days. Sometimes more.” Sabo fought the urge to curse in front of you. He should have prepared more supplies for an occasion like this. The ship had a stockpile of weapons but only a small amount of coconut water to give you for electrolytes. But he said he’d take care of you and he would. He’d provide you with the best care he could and if he needed to divert the ship to an island or kidnap a physician, he’d do that too. He wanted to scoop you into his arms and cradle you like the treasure you were, but he knew you wouldn’t want that. So he contented himself by monitoring you. After a few minutes ensuring that the water didn’t come back up, he went back over to his writing desk to catch up on paperwork. But his gaze kept returning to your small shivering form on the bed, wishing he could help you more. 
He knew you had some feelings for him, even if you didn't say it. You’d warned him, the Chief of Staff for the Revolutionary Army, that he needed to leave the base to avoid transfer to Impel Down. Once you told him, it had sealed your fate. It proved to him that you deserved more and better than anything those fools could offer you. He had been thinking of taking you with him since the moment you’d met, he knew you couldn’t remain with the Marines. Even if you didn’t acknowledge it, on a subconscious level you knew Sabo wasn’t a threat to you. You’d even stopped him from calling you that atrocious nickname, surely that meant you had some kind of feelings for him. He had originally planned to station you with someone else who could keep you safe - maybe Ivankov, who had a proclivity towards science. But once you’d shown your loyalty to what was right rather than what was expected of you, he knew you needed to stay with him. You’d agree soon.
Your POV
Twelve hours later and you were sure you were dying. Or maybe you just wished you were. You were still sick and the ship was now passing through a heavy storm. The ship was rocking wildly with waves crashing over the deck, causing everything that wasn’t bolted down to roll from side to side in the cabin. The pitcher of water had long since tipped over, leaving you without anything to drink. Not that you’d be able to keep it down anyway. You were able to keep yourself on the bed, but not much else. You felt like you were being flung every which way and you could feel you’d broken the blood vessels in your eyes from repeated vomiting. Every part of you hurt and you were scared - you’d never liked storms even when you were on land. Once you’d eaten your devil fruit, your anxiety around storms had intensified along with your fear of the water. Sabo had come and gone a few times before the brunt of the storm, but there’d been a call for all hands on deck, so he’d left to help. You didn’t blame him but his presence did have a calming effect on you. He was so self assured, so calm, so confident, he made you feel like he knew what to do all the time. You knew he wasn’t a safe person to rely on, but for now you couldn’t help it. You were vulnerable and he was comforting. You’d adjust yourself once you were well again. You just tried to keep yourself in the moment, breathing as deeply as you could and trying to remain calm. 
Eventually, you felt the rocking of the ship abating more and more as the storm passed. You were glad you’d made it through the storm but you hadn’t felt this bad in your memory. You laid there, unable to move, unable to think, unable to do anything. Soon you heard the door open again and a water drenched brown coat entered your field of vision. Sabo’s face came in front of your own, his gloved hand cupping your cheek. You gave no resistance when he moved your head to the side, allowing him to do whatever he wanted. It made you dizzy to watch him, so you closed your eyes again. You were so tired and he’d do what he liked, whether you wanted it or not. Sabo left almost as soon as he came. Maybe he’d decided you were too difficult of a prisoner and he’d return you to the Marines. Or kill you. At this point, you didn’t care. 
Sabo returned a few minutes later, bringing something with him. You opened your eyes to see him setting up an IV drip and tubing. You didn’t like needles and doctors, but were too weak to protest. “You’re too dehydrated to drink. You need intravenous fluids, now.” You tried to talk, maybe to convince him just to let you drink some water instead, but he hushed you. “You’ll feel much better after,  trust me. You’re doing so well, you only need to do a little bit more. You can do that for me, can't you?” You weren’t sure how much trust you had in Sabo as a person, but he seemed to know his way around the tubing. You watched him drowsily, waiting for the time when he’d need to stick you with the needle. He reached for your hand with his own gloved one, and you allowed him to take it. “No need to worry, we’ll get through this,” he said, patting your hand. He tenderly wiped your elbow crook down with alcohol. Maybe it was because you’d worked for so many years in labs, but you found the smell of rubbing alcohol soothing. You closed your eyes as he prepared the needle, you didn’t want to see this part. A few moments later you felt the prick of the needle and opened your eyes to watch Sabo tape it down to your forearm. You could feel the liquid entering as Sabo gently held your arm and inspected his work.
“Thank you, Sabo.” You could at least thank him for the IV. You weren’t sure how many prisoners got such treatment at the hands of their captors. His eyes flicked to yours.
“I’m sorry I let it get to this point. I was needed on the deck because of the storm, otherwise I wouldn’t have left you. Rest assured, I’ll be with you from now until you get better.” You weren’t sure how that made you feel. On one hand you were happy there was someone who could help you. The times you’d been seasick on Marine vessels, they’d basically dumped you in the infirmary, where nurses checked on you only once every 12 hours. Other than that, you’d been miserable and on your own. On the other hand, you didn’t want Sabo with you. He’d taken you and you weren’t sure why. You didn't know where you stood with him and what he wanted from you. Maybe you’d find out soon, after a short nap. Your eyes slid closed as Sabo stroked your hand.
You awoke a short while later, shivering with cold. You weren’t sure why, the room wasn’t cold and you had blankets. Still, you were shaking like a little wet dog. You were still hooked up the IV, so you couldn’t move around too much otherwise it would need to be redone. Looking around, Sabo was sitting at the little desk, writing what looked like a letter. You watched him for a moment as he concentrated. He was serious at that moment, so different from the Sabo you’d met in the jail cell. You wondered which was the real Sabo, the polite and charming one you’d gotten to know, or the serious Revolutionary who killed, maimed, and commanded hundreds of troops. As if he could sense your thoughts about him, he looked at you and smiled, holding his quill in his hand.
“How are you feeling?” 
“Cold,” you said in a scratchy voice. Sabo’s smile dropped. “More blankets?” you asked. You didn’t want to overexert your voice, you weren’t sure it would last.
“More blankets? I’m not sure, this boat isn’t equipped with much.” He put his quill down on the table and turned his body towards you. “I’m going to suggest something unconventional. You can say no, there is absolutely no pressure. You’ve been cold for hours, but I thought the fluids would help with your temperature regulation. I’d like to lay next to you and warm you up.” You stiffened at his words, you weren’t expecting that. His suggestion made you nervous, what else would he want? You were about to refuse when he continued. “We’ll both keep all our clothes on, and I’ll stay over the blanket. It’s the most efficient way to heat you.” You bit your lip. The offer had appeal, he could warm you effectively using his devil fruit power. Besides, if he had wanted to do something nefarious, he could have done it at any time already. You looked at his face, his open expression showing his sincerity.
“Ok,” you said, nodding once. Sabo stood from the chair and came over to you by the bed.
“I’m going to lay on your left side so it doesn’t interfere with the IV tubing.” You turned on your side and Sabo got on the bed next to you. True to his word, he didn’t take off any clothes or go under the blankets. You could feel the heat being thrown off his body, he was like a small furnace. You couldn’t resist, you immediately curled into his body. You felt emotionally awkward but it felt physically incredible. Laying next to Sabo was like laying next to an all body heating pad. You finally felt relief from the cold, you were so happy you could have cried. He took one of his muscled arms and put it around your shoulders. It was almost…romantic. 
“Feel warmer?” he asked. You could have purred at that moment.
“Yeah,” was all you could muster to say. You changed position so more of you was laying on top of him. You wanted as much of his heat as you could get without being inappropriate. You ended up with your head on his chest, warming your face as you listened to his heartbeat. Sabo didn’t talk to you, just let you relax. You drifted off into sleep, finally feeling a little better.
Sabo POV
He hadn’t planned for such an outcome, but Sabo knew how to take an opportunity when it was presented to him. You really had needed to warm up and this was the fastest way. It was also something Sabo had daydreamed about for weeks now, but that was neither here nor there. You were resting with your head on his chest, finally sleeping peacefully. Not only that, you were wearing his shirt. Sabo knew he had a possessive streak in him, and he loved seeing you in his clothing. He hadn’t been the one to change you, that was Koala. Even so, he liked thinking of you wearing his clothes, in his bed, sleeping next to him. He was tired too, and he allowed himself to doze off, pretending this was more than just a medically induced happenstance.
The next morning, Sabo awoke still fully clothed and in his bed. You were stirring next to him, waking as well. He had given you another IV bag during the night, but supplies were running low. The sea was calm right now, Sabo hoped it would be enough to stop your seasickness. You blinked your eyes awake, taking a few moments to register what was happening. You looked down at your arm and saw the IV tubing still there. You yawned loudly and stretched, which made Sabo chuckle.
“I feel better.” You looked objectively better, your eyes no longer sunken in and your skin wasn’t blotchy like it had been. You hadn’t moved from your position, you were still laying your head on top of Sabo’s chest. He wondered if you noticed.
“I’m glad to hear it. We don’t have much longer to sail, this portion of the trip is nearly done.” The ship would arrive at the destination by the end of the next day, he just hoped you could make it through.
“Portion? Where are we going?” you said, furrowing your brow.
“I can’t tell you, I’m sorry.” Sabo didn’t think you’d try to escape or compromise their location, but the safety of the Revolutionary Army bases were top priority.
“You know, no one is coming to rescue me,” you said with a bitter tone. Sabo hummed. He wasn’t so sure. You were a key asset, someone who had been providing critical information to the World Government at a rapid pace. He knew about your scheduled meeting with Sakazuki, those weren’t given to just anyone. “I’m not worth any ransom or bounty, if that’s what you’re after.” You valued yourself very little, something Sabo didn’t like. He’d help you see how invaluable you were, and not just for your devil fruit.
“I’m not after money.” 
“Then what are you after? Why did you…take me?” You seemed to have remembered your position laying on him and adjusted yourself, to Sabo’s disappointment. You sat yourself up and Sabo did as well. “Do you need a scientist? I can um, research whatever it is you need. I’m pretty good, you know that. We could make a deal? If I complete your project for you, will you let me go? ” Sabo noticed your hands shaking but you looked hopeful, like you’d discovered a new solution to your problem.
“N-no?” you faltered in the face of Sabo’s decisive answer.
“No. There’s no deal you can make with me that will get me to give you back to the Marines. You aren’t going back. Ever. You’re staying with me.” 
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gillbrother · 1 month
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Sump pumps are designed to help you keep your home dry. They're also designed to handle water, which makes them excellent at their job.
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roosterforme · 1 year
Batting Practice Part 6 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley has second thoughts about what it would really mean to date a single mom. Meanwhile, you try to get your sister to watch Everett so you can have a night with Bradley. 
Warnings: Fluff, angst and swearing (eventually 18+)
Length: 3100 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female single!mom Reader
Check my masterlist for more Top Gun fun! Batting Practice masterlist.
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Bradley was up early on Thursday morning. In an effort to stay in his warm bed for a few more minutes, he was scrolling back through his text messages with you. After a moment, he was grinning. 
Was there always an undertone of flirtation? Yes. Did he also feel like he was getting to know you better? Yes. 
When he reminded you last night that he wanted to take you out on a proper date, you promised him you would try to get your sister to watch Everett one evening soon. Bradley didn't mind taking you and Everett out to a movie or the park, but he definitely wanted a few hours alone with you. He was craving it.
And then he couldn't help himself. He tapped the thumbnail of your Kitten photo and groaned. It was too sexy. You were so real. He would be seeing you later today, probably back in one of your usual suits, which was also sexy as hell.
He walked to his shower with a hard dick. Better take care of this now before it became a problem later today. So he jerked off with one hand braced against the wall and the warm water cascading over his body. He thought about pressing his lips to your neck and begging you to show him your claws. He thought about you in that black pencil skirt. 
He came, hard. With one final stroke of his hand, he started to clean himself up. 
You bounced a bit at your desk. Your sister was coming to watch Everett's practice today. Once Molly caught sight of the coaches, she was going to lose her mind. And once you told her that Coach Bradley already asked you out, she was definitely going to volunteer to watch Everett one night for you. She was predictable like that. 
Plus, she had always hated Danny, and she had taken to calling Frank 'that boring guy with the receding hairline.' She would consider Bradley an upgrade with just one glance. 
And he was. He really was. You thought it was the way he was so effortlessly good with Everett that had you going all gooey. 
You couldn't wait to get to the ballfield later today. 
It was a miracle that you had been able to avoid Frank for most of the week, but when you got called into one of the conference rooms for a team meeting, unfortunately he was there as well. You lunged into the one of the two remaining seats that wasn't next to Frank. George gave you a strange look as he was about to sit there, but you just yanked it away from him. 
When the meeting was over, you really needed to leave to get Everett from school. But of course Frank tried to follow you to your office.
"Baby," he whispered, following you like a lost dog. "Wait."
"Don't call me that, Frank. Please." But he followed you into your office as you started grabbing your bag.
"Come on. We were having fun!"
You scoffed. "Maybe you were having more fun than I was. I'm not into it now, okay?" you said, ushering him out and heading for the elevator. 
You didn't want to get to the field late; as ridiculous as it was, you didn't want anyone else to get the opportunity to park next to Bradley's Bronco today. 
"Come on," you muttered, eating a granola bar while you waited in the parent pickup line. Finally you moved to the front, and Everett hopped in.
"Tee ball day!" he cheered as you pulled back into traffic. 
You had to laugh as he pumped his fists in the air. "Aunt Molly is coming today, too," you told him.
"Yes!" he cheered. "Can we see if Coach Bradley can teach me how to throw a slider one day?"
You bit the inside of your cheek to try to suppress your giggles. "Sure. We can ask." The idea of Bradley and Everett playing baseball at the park while you watched and cheered them on had you practically giddy. You'd treat them to ice cream afterwards. Maybe you'd treat Coach to even more than that.
You pulled into the parking lot and slipped your car into the spot next to the Bronco. Take that, Sandra.
Then to Everett's delight, Molly parked on the other side of you. "Aunt Molly!" he called through the closed window, and your younger sister was out of her car and opening your back door before you had your car turned off. 
"Ev! I heard you're some sort of tee ball wizard!" 
"I'm a power hitter," he informed her very seriously. "And I'm probably going to learn how to throw a slider in a few days."
She whistled. "I am impressed. I came to watch you show off today."
"Let's go get your cleats on," you said, ushering them toward the bleachers while you changed out of your heels. 
"He's loving tee ball?" Molly asked, offering you a hand while you hopped into your sneakers. 
"He's in heaven. So happy I signed him up for this. I'm trying to get Danny to come one day and watch him."
Your sister gave you a disgusted look. "You don't need him around you and Ev. How many times do I need to tell you that? He's a fucking asshole, and he's not good enough for either of you."
"He's still Ev's dad," you said softly, but your eyes connected with Bradley's. He smiled at you and nodded once before letting his eyes drift over your body. 
Of course Molly noticed right away where you were looking. "Holy hell. Who is that? Oh my god, are those the coaches?"
"Uh huh," you whispered, watching Bob high five your kid while Bradley still smiled at you. 
"Please, sign me up for tee ball. Oh shit, now I can't stop thinking about balls. That one coach is hardcore checking you out."
"I know," you told her, nudging her toward the empty spot on the bleachers. 
She gasped next to you. "Please tell me that's why you asked me to watch Ev for you one night."
"Mmhmm," you hummed, kneeling to tie Everett's cleats for him. And when you stood up, Bradley was heading toward you in his backwards Phillies hat. 
"Hey," he whispered. You thought maybe he wanted to call you Kitten, but didn't want to do it in front of a crowd.
"Coach," you said with a smirk. 
"Can Bob and I talk to you after practice for a couple minutes? Regarding the pool party this weekend?" he asked, watching you bite your lip. 
"Of course," you told him. "Team Mom duties."
"Coach! My Aunt Molly came to watch me be a power hitter," Everett told him, pointing at your sister. People frequently told you that the two of you looked like twins, but Bradley just politely held out his hand to her. Your sister on the other hand looked like she was going to burst from excitement. 
"I'm Molly, and it's a pleasure to meet you," she said. "I'm really good at watching Everett for my sister when she needs a night off to have some fun." You glared at her as subtly as you could.
He just laughed. "I'm Bradley," he said, releasing her hand. "And that's good information to know."
He glanced at you again before leading Everett out to start warming up. 
"That's what you need in your life. Not Danny. Not Frank. Bradley." 
Your sister wasn't wrong. 
Bradley was surprised that after just three weeks as a team, the Tiny Eagles were already practicing fielding with some success. Since there was no pitcher for tee ball, Bob had put Everett at second base, and he was doing a surprisingly good job. Even when he jumped up to try to catch a ball and ended up scraping his arm on the base, he didn't cry. 
But Bradley ran out to him when he saw some blood, and Bob rotated another player to second base so Bradley could get him cleaned up. 
"You okay?" Bradley asked, tilting Everett's arm back and forth as he led him to the bleachers for the first aid kit. 
"Yeah," Everett said mildly. "Baseball injuries are cool."
Bradley just laughed as he glanced over at your worried face. He gave you a thumbs up, and you sat back down next to your sister. 
"Well, let's get it cleaned up anyway." Bradley knelt down and cleaned the scrapes, and he added some first aid ointment before rooting around for an oversized bandage. 
"I thought only moms knew how to do stuff like this," Everett said, watching Bradley open the band aid and center it over the cut. 
Once again it broke Bradley's heart to see how easily he could relate to Everett. "Well, moms are clearly the best kinds of people. Most of the stuff I know how to do, I learned from my mom."
Everett nodded like that made a lot of sense to him, but he said, "Sometimes it would be cool to have a dad, too."
Bradley nodded like that made sense to him. "I know what it feels like to not have your dad at your tee ball games. It sucks, kiddo."
Everett just shrugged and bent his elbow to see how the band aid felt. "My mom's cool. She's probably better at the dad stuff than most dads."
"Yeah, she's really cool," Bradley added, standing and leading Everett back to the outfield. 
Bradley spent the rest of the practice considering what it would really mean to get involved with you. Dates would be sporadic and would often include Everett. Sleepovers would happen once a week. Maybe less than that. Bradley would come in second place to your kid 95% of the time. 
Now he kind of had a better understanding of why he never ever caught wind of Carole dating anyone after Nick died. She either hid it very well from Bradley, or she just didn't partake. 
Bradley felt himself hesitating inside. He didn't think he could do this. But fuck if you didn't make him feel so damn good when you were around him.
You watched Molly run around with Everett while you waited for Bradley and Bob to chat about the swim party. It was comical the way the other moms shot them longing glances as they made their way to the parking lot. 
"Hey, Team Mom," Bob said with a smile. "Can we put you in charge of ordering the pizzas for the swim party after the game on Saturday? We have the pool reserved from noon until five."
"Of course," you replied. "What else do you need?"
Bradley took off his hat and ran his fingers through his hair. "Sandra insisted on making a bunch of homemade cookies and cupcakes and shit," he said with an eye roll which you mirrored. "We just need some juice boxes and chips."
"Here, use my credit card," Bob said, handing it to you. "I can get reimbursed for everything. Just call in the pizza order right when the game ends, and they should have plenty of time to make the delivery for around one or two in the afternoon."
"Just have them deliver it to the pool?" you asked, watching Bradley replace his cap, but now he was avoiding your eyes. 
Bob nodded. "Yeah, there's a kitchen in the small clubhouse we can use for the afternoon. Everyone can grab food from there. Should be simple enough. I'll pick up the keys tomorrow night, and I'll give them to you before the game starts on Saturday."
"Sounds good," you said, tucking Bob's credit card into your wallet. "I'll take care of the chips and juice boxes, too."
"Thanks, Team Mom," Bob said with a grin. He gave Bradley a look before heading toward the parking lot. 
"Walk you up?" Bradley asked softly, finally looking at you the way you'd gotten used to. 
When you nodded and turned, you gasped as you felt his hand at your lower back. You didn't tell him to stop, rather you walked a bit slower toward Ev and Molly, enjoying the feel of his warm palm through your work blouse. 
"Everett really wants you to show him that slider," you said, unable to think of anything else to converse about. 
Bradley chuckled but didn't answer you for a few seconds. "Are you two free on Sunday?" His voice sounded hesitant.
"Yes," you confirmed. 
"And how are you at catching?" he asked, finally grinning down at you. 
"I don't even have a glove," you told him, eyes wide. "And how fast are these pitches we're talking about?"
He laughed, head tipped back to the setting sun. "Catchers use mitts, not gloves, Kitten. I have one you can use. And nothing too fast. I would promise not to hurt you."
You liked the idea of that sentence having multiple meanings. But you just kind of hummed and pretended to be thinking about it. "Okay. Sunday works."
He rubbed his hand up higher on your back as you approached your son and your sister. "I'm also beginning to see that you need a better baseball education," he said, giving you a pointed look as he removed his hand from your back. "Hey, Molly. I'm going to need a favor."
Molly stopped tickling Everett and eyed Bradley with intense interest. "Yes? What can I do for you?"
"Any chance you can let your sister know which day you're free to spend some time with your nephew? She's in dire need of a night out." 
"Am I?" you asked with a laugh. 
But two sets of eyes landed on you at the same time. "You are," Bradley and Molly confirmed at the same time.
Bradley was fucked. He parked at the Hard Deck and went inside, still wearing his Tiny Eagles jersey and Phillies cap. He found Bob and Nat back by the pool table and joined them.
"I'm a little surprised to see you so soon. Thought you'd still be chatting up the Team Mom," Bob said with a chuckle. 
Bradley ran his hands over his face. "I'm notorious for making poor choices when it comes to women, aren't I?" he asked Nat.
She laughed and sipped her drink. "What choices? The most pertinent decision you make about women is whether or not you're going to sleep with one."
Bradley rolled his shoulders and took her drink out of her hand. He took a long sip and tried to hand it back to her. "Just keep it. Jesus, you need to stop doing that. Now, what is this poor decision you've made?"
Bob was still chuckling as he told Nat, "He's into one of the moms. You should see the way he looks at her. He's all soft for her."
"You finally slept with her?" Nat asked.
"No! Nat, please! I need some help here!" He was already irritated and thinking about just going home when he saw Hangman out of the corner of his eye. 
"What's got you all pissy?" he drawled.
"A woman," Bob and Nat replied in unison. "A mom, no less," Nat added with a smirk. "Apparently she makes him soft."
"Moms are not even my thing," Bradley managed to say through clenched teeth. "Too complicated. So much baggage, you know? That's why it's a terrible decision that I've made. I agreed to go to the park with her and her son on Sunday, show him how to pitch a baseball. And then I accidentally set up a date with her. And I bought Phillies tickets for the three of us."
Jake cocked his head. "That sounds intentional."
Now Bob looked angry. "You can't just jerk our Team Mom around like that. She's really sweet. And she volunteered because of you in the first place."
Bradley's eyes fell to Nat, because he knew she'd take him seriously now. "Do you like her?" she asked him. Bradley nodded immediately. "You're attracted to her? She seems attracted to you?"
"Hell yes," Bradley confirmed, his mind flooded with images of you dressed as a Kitten.
Nat just shrugged. "Sounds like a match. Give it a chance."
"But she's complicated!" Bradley tossed his head back. "I don't do complicated."
Nat just snorted. "You're an adult now, Rooster. Sometimes complicated can't be avoided. Sometimes complicated is worth it. And you're probably overthinking this. How complicated is it to get to know someone? Kiss them? Enjoy spending time with them and maybe their kid, too? It's not that complicated."
"I need a drink," he rasped, heading for Penny. 
"Everett! Move faster!" you called up the stairs. "Your game is starting soon, and we need to leave!"
"I'm coming!" he yelled.
You had packed a bag with your bathing suits, towels, and other pool essentials last night. You were going to change into your leopard print bathing suit at the pool; a cat print, just for Coach Bradley. You smiled in the entryway mirror, your waterproof makeup looking good. Bradley hadn't been very talkative over text the past two days, but you were really looking forward to seeing him in person. 
"Get your sneakers on," you told Everett as he came tearing down the stairs. "Or we'll be late, and the Tiny Owls will beat the Tiny Eagles, because you're a power hitter!"
That had him moving at double time. You got him in the car and made it to the ballfields in record time. Everett took off across the grass, headed for the other blue uniforms as they were just starting to warm up with Bob. You set your things down on the bleachers, and when you looked up, Bradley was right in front of you. 
"Hi, Coach," you said with a big grin. But he was looking at you intently. "Everything okay?"
He was staring at you, so much so that you thought maybe you had some granola bar on your face. You were about to swipe at your mouth when he smiled at you. "Everything's perfect, Kitten. Just thinking about how much you and Ev brighten my day."
You gasped softly as his lips brushed against your cheek so quickly, you weren't sure it even happened. But the color in his cheeks and the way he kept turning back to look at you had you convinced it really did.
As the game started, you texted Molly, absolutely begging her to free up her schedule next weekend.  
A swim party and a date?! The next part will get a little spicier for these two, but I'll label it when it's 18+. Thanks to @beyondthesefourwalls and @mak-32!
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cryptcutiee · 1 year
Karma Is My Boyfriend
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Pairing: Leon Kennedy X Reader (gender neutral) Synopsis: In search of good karma, you do a random act of kindness by paying for the coffee of whoever comes in behind you. That person ends up being a rather attractive man. Tags: Fluff, Comfort Warnings: Use of pet names (sweetheart, sweet thing), age gap (if you squint) Song: Karma - Taylor Swift Word Count: 1.6K Author's Notes: Ahhh hello Tumblr! I haven't posted any writing in a very long time. This is my very first fic on this account, but I do have more in the works. So if you want to see more from me or a part 2 to this, lmk! This is my first x reader story in years so comments and feedback is appreciated!
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The day had barely started, yet everything that could go wrong was going wrong. Alarms you set decided not to go off. You had burned your breakfast. The hot water in your shower lasted a total of two minutes before it plunged you into an ice-cold drizzle. Clothes you wanted to put on had mysteriously vanished into thin air. You had dressed in attire you didn't want to wear when it started to rain as you were leaving. It was a bunch of little things adding up to a horrible morning. That didn't bode well for your luck today, which made you worry. Today was significant. You were waiting to hear back from that apartment complex. You needed to get approved for it. The current studio you were living in was crap, and this place would be a major upgrade. With how your day was going, your hope was at an all-time low.
This is how you found yourself standing across the counter from your best friend at the local coffee shop. They were a barista here, and although gossiping on work hours should be frowned upon, they always had time for you. Besides, it seemed slow today. Nobody was in line, and the few patrons lingering around were sitting at tables chatting or working. So you vented about your entire morning as your friend took down your coffee order. You got your usual which was no surprise. With the way your day was going, why would you try something new?
Your friend's eyebrows quirked up at how much of a nightmare your morning had been. "Sounds like you're having a bad energy day."
You leaned against the counter with a deadpan expression. "No shit Sherlock. Normally I wouldn't care, but I can't afford for today to be a bad day! At this rate, I'm going to get denied." You groaned. Anxiety was eating at you, and with how everything had been going, you had little faith in good news.
"Hey, hey, hey!" Your best friend pulled your attention back, "Thinking like that will just make it worse. What if you put some good energy out there, you know, like karma or something?"
You blinked as you took in their words. Karma? You understood the concept of it. Doing bad would attract bad, and doing good would attract good. A sigh left your lips as you stared across the checkout at your friend. "How do you suggest I go about that?" You're sliding your debit card across the counter as you stare them down, waiting for whatever idea they have.
Your friend put on their thinking face, and within moments their expression lit up with an idea. "What about a random act of kindness? You could pay for whoever comes in next!"
The idea rattled around in your brain for a moment. It wasn't like you believed in supernatural forces, but what exactly did you have to lose? "Fine, charge the next person's order to my card. Please don't make a big deal out of it though! I'm not doing it for recognition."
"You got it! Now go wait over by the pickup end. I'll get your order out."
With a nod to your friend, you moved over to the pickup area. Your fingers drummed against the counter anxiously. Eyes darting down to your phone as you waited for that email from the apartment complex. You could hear the bell on the door as you scrolled through your notifications. You listened to your friend speaking to what sounded like a man, but you kept your eyes stuck to your screen. He ordered a black coffee, and then your best friend said the words that made you focus more on the conversion feet away from you.
"I'm happy to say your order today has already been covered!"
When you looked up to see who you had paid for, you may have encountered one of the most attractive men you have ever seen. He had to be older than you, but he looked like he took care of himself. His shirt clung to his fit form, and those arms looked like they could pop a seam on his sleeves. Maybe karma did exist because the universe had just dropped this gorgeous sight right into your lap.
"Oh?" The man's low timber caused something to crawl down your spine. "By who?"
You could see the gears turning in your best friend's brain on how to answer the question. They knew what you asked for but could also witness your reactions from the sidelines. "By the person who ordered before you."
The man quickly put the pieces together, and his eyes glanced at you, the only person waiting for their order.
Mentally you were screaming and cursing at your friend for putting you in this situation, but at the same time, you were thanking them. As if to send the message home, they called out your name and slid your coffee order to you. Your eyes met his, and you felt your stomach do a flip. His eyes were breathtaking. If you looked too long, you thought you'd drown in them. With all the courage in your bones, you mustered an awkward smile. Hand reaching over to grab your coffee, you noticed out of the corner of your eye as the man moved toward you.
"Hey." A slight smile touched his lips as he approached, "Were you the one that paid for my coffee?" He knew it was you, and there was no point in lying to this stunning man.
"Yeah, I did. Don't worry. It was nothing." You replied, trying to shrug it off. "I just wanted to pay it forward. Trying to get some good luck." That same embarrassed smile glued to your face. Talking to this man wasn't in your cards today, but it was going better than everything else this morning.
"I can't just let you do that without introducing myself. I'm Leon, Leon Kennedy." Leon extended his hand out. Your own wrapped around his for a handshake while introducing yourself. "Why are you looking for good luck? Something wrong, sweetheart?"
Your free hand shot up in denial. "Oh no, nothings wrong! I'm waiting for an important email. It's to see if I got approved for this apartment I applied for." There was no reason for you to be telling Leon all of this. He was a stranger, but he was easy to open up to. "My morning was a disaster, and I didn't want the bad luck to continue, so my friend suggested I do something for good karma." You gestured to the barista in the background, your best friend. "Sorry, that all sounds a little silly."
"Not at all." The corner of Leon's lips lifts into a smirk." It's cute, honestly." Those blue eyes of his glimmered with interest as he spoke. It caused butterflies to flutter in your tummy. Suddenly your nerves aren't about the email. They're more about the man in front of you. "Do you have any plans today? I hope I'm not holding you up."
As fast as you can, you shake your head in response. "You aren't! I don't have anything to do today except wait." You watch as your friend delivers the black coffee Leon ordered. Their eyes glance at you with a knowing look. When Leon turns his back to them, they give you a thumbs up before scurrying back to the checkout.
"Then you'll let me repay you by grabbing dinner with me?" Leon grabbed his coffee, a sure look in his eyes. "It's the least I can do for a sweet thing like you, besides it'll get your mind off that email."
Did you just get asked out by some guy you bought coffee for? He was undoubtedly good-looking and had effortless charisma. Saying no would be a mistake. "Sure!" You automatically flush at how enthusiastic you sound. "I mean, that sounds like a nice distraction."
Leon let out a faint chuckle. "I usually get turned down. Maybe I have all the good karma today." Your eyes meet as he takes a sip of his coffee. "You like Italian? I know a good place, my treat."
"I do." Your lips curl into a soft smile. "Do you want to exchange numbers? Here." You open a fresh contact page on your phone and hold the device towards him. Your fingers brush against his as you pass your phone over to Leon. It causes a light blush to paint your features, and you can only hope he doesn't notice. As he's putting his number in, the faint chime of your notification tone rings out. 
Leon's eyes dart to the pop-up, and he grins. "Looks like I'm your good luck charm." He comments, passing the phone back to you. 
Your eyes automatically search the screen and see an email notification. The apartment complex approved you. A wide smile breaks out on your face. "I guess you are, Leon. Maybe I should keep you around." You can feel his blue eyes on you as you say that.
"Maybe you should." There's a beat of silence between the two of you. It suddenly feels like you got trapped in some romance novel. "So, celebration dinner then? Send me your address, and I'll pick you up at seven." Leon breaks the silence with that intoxicating tone of his.
"That works for me! I'll text you."
Exiting the coffee shop, you feel much better than when you arrived. Your newest contact, Leon, is on the screen, and you can't get that smile off your face.
Karma is the guy on the screen, coming straight home to me.
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bon2bonn · 12 days
Don't Hold Your Breath
22!f1!grid X female!driver!reader
Words count : 9##?, 1k, Maybe 🤷🏻‍♀️.
Warnings: not proof read , grammar.
Fireworks went off as she crossed the finish line in first place, about 24 seconds ahead of the second place that was taken by max and over 35 seconds ahead of Lewis in third.
The radio cracked as the message went through congratulating her on the win " that was P1 , P1 Y/N , well done " she hummed in reply while flexing her wrists as she drove her cooling lap before pitting in the assigned P1 spot and moved calmly to climb out her car , stretching her back before heading straight to get weight then to the stand where she discarded off her helmet and gloves then took a towel to dry her face and hands after she washed them with cool water , moving to sit on the said stand in waiting for the other two drivers who got out of their respective cars and went to their awaiting teams behind the barricades .
She kicked her legs back and forth in boredom , leaning her weigh back on her hands as she watched her team cheering for her teammate as he reached them then took another drink of water , waiting for the day to be over with .
Max stood before her with a bewildered face and nudged her to make space to sit beside her " you ...... What had gotten into you?! " She only shrugged and offered him a bottle which he took and drank it all while he was still looking at her " who pissed you off ? " she gave him a pointed look then shrugged again " you could take some guesses , might all be correct " he nod cautiously before he was called to get interviewed,. before the podium, switching with Lewis who congratulate her with the same bewildered look " you scare the shit out of me out there! " She nod at him with a shrug then removed the towel from her head to undo the braids of her hair and covered it again , huffing when it was her turn to go .
She took the mic and waited for the questions, and they didn't disappoint " what a spectacular race Y/N ! P15 to P1! How does it feel? " She waited for the crowd to calm after a long minute then replied calmly " not much honestly " he cleared his throat and asked again " and what a comeback we witnessed today! A redemption as some might say . How's the car with the new upgrades and the ...." She cuts him off with a deadpanned stare " what redemption ? . They kept on questioning and I gave them an answer . By a holly grace it might actually shut them up this time , but a girl could only hope " she rolled her eyes before fixing them on still standing Merc team behind the host and pointed out " And by the way , I didn't get any upgrades this round " he asked with raised eyebrows " pardon ? " She tilted her head and repeated " there weren't any upgrades on my car throughout the last two races, there was meant to be on this round but for some reason there weren't approved yet " he stuttered then concluded with " well it seems like you didn't need them today after all ......ah . Anything else to add ? " She shrugged with a relaxed smirk " those RB and Aston Martin contracts looks pretty good right now " making heads turn her way as the host struggled to hold his voice steady but he concluded " Well , congratulations on the win and we wish you all the best " she nod then handed the mic back .
The other two were already seated in the cool down room , waiting for her arrival as they were looking at the highlights, sharing a look of deadpan between them with the double overtake she made up to P5 where she almost slammed the wall while being pressured by checo , then at the jump her car took when Lando pumped her left back tire on the second turn , it was something to watch to the end and when she sat down on the vacant chair they turned to stare at her as she took another bottle of water along with a towel to dry her hair then used it to cover her face as she leaned back and got comfortable as if nothing happened .
She stood on the podium with her hands clapped behind her back as her national anthem played , followed by the German anthem, then shook a couple of hands as they handed out the trophies , she congratulate the other two , turned to look up at balcony above them and held her trophy with a wide grin for the flashing cameras , and picked up her given champagne bottle and head out , nodding at other teams who congratulate her and beelined to the Mercedes garage with a purpose . She paused by the Red Bull garage for a moment and held her champagne bottle when Horner took notice of her standing there , in turn he tipped his hat in acknowledgement, both turned and went on with their day .
Her head was held high when she slammed the trophy on top of the table, right infront of Toto who locked his jaw when she flashed her award winning smile sweetly at him as she nod to the trophy " you can keep it , but don't hold your breath , it won't be the last " then headed to her side where her engineer sat back and reviewed some data , and held the bottle with a beaming smile watching him look between her and the bottle before he took it with a tired sigh then scolded " you! , you give me gray hair " she snorted and pointed out " what hair are you talking about!? You're as bold as an egg ! " He rolled his eyes and accused " I lost it trying to not lose my marbles on a daily basis with you as my driver! " She awed and nudged this shoulder with hers " you know you love me " it was his turn to scoff " yeah yeah , and the pay is another bounce " she gasped dramatically " you're only in it for the money?! " He deadpanned at her after popping the bottle and took a long sip " no , I'm in it for your sparkling personality " both glared at eachother before bursting out laughing .
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cokoweee · 20 days
OH wow! Two updates in 24 hours! Okay I really wanted to dig into this, because there were so many things on just the writing and dialogue and I LOVE it!
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These two panels were fun, because there is something soft in Kendra’s face. Nostalgia, affection…also the wet beads of water coming off her hair, since she climbed out of the bath….but I’ll continue this rant later…
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This is interesting….We have seen Donnie borderline catatonic so this could be Draxum’s latent parental instincts not wanting to push Donnie just yet. (Or worried that Kendra might be a trigger?)
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Though funny that this was what pushed Casey to reach out….I included a snippet from Replica…but…lol both you and Kat having Casey very particular about her male family members helping her out, is understandable
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Heh…that’s rich, considering you are gonna have your own lizard children Kendra…not that you know that, I guess… Still this feels like a “tempting fate” line/foreshadowing. Mostly, because Casey insisted that the father is human. (I think?) But likely a jab at how Kendra calls her “Beast” all the time.
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Ohhh…what is this trinket?! <_<
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This is the face of someone who is either gonna pretend to be a toy or a child if Kendra gets pulled over XD
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Okay this brings me back to my thoughts after the first image…Kendra likely had been thinking about stuff since her initial talk while fixing Yuichi’s arm the first time. However the “event” and Raph’s chat with her possibly had her start really mulling over it. We know Kendra has been struggling with her identity in the way of not belonging. She accepted she was an outcast…and possibly still considers herself an outcast. However with everything she has been doing: the training, modifying the jetpack, upgrading Yuichi’s arm…it certainly is setting this precedence. If Kendra doesn’t fit in this group’s mold by default, she is gonna make some changes so she does.
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The past Kendra would never adjust to accommodate others. She is unapologetically herself. So why is she going through the trouble to make little changes…why does she want to properly ask Donnie if she can stay with him? Because when you love someone, you accommodate them. And not in the way, that you should change yourself for someone. However if there are traits that are holding you back, and it benefits you both in the long run, sometimes little changes are necessary. Kendra is changing, because she wants this. She may not know how her dynamic will change, but she wants it to get better.
And…I forget how I planned to wrap this up, but…. It is an organic way to bring happily ever after that much closer, and in a way that doesn’t compromise Kendra’s identity. Again, your writing and dialogue are amazing, and the way you pair it with your drawings makes some great storytelling.
Oof writing is such a struggle but considering I do hours of acting out dialogue both irl and in my head certainly do help. NOW TO ANSWER SOME OF THESE LIL SNIPPETS U SEPERATED but under a cut cause this is a bit long lol
Draxum is a weird dude to write for me but for me he’s another that lost almost his whole fam. He doesn’t wanna risk losing the last one that’s there even if they aren’t how they once were.
That lil TrInkEt will be helpful later :D (I think. Please I haven’t fully thought this plan through)
You point out that she never would accommodate for someone else and yuh you’re right. Bitch would make others accommodate to her. This tho
“Because when you love someone, you accommodate them”
Idk how to word this, it’s pretty difficult to conjure up in my head words for this. For her it’s. She can’t see those feelings. Define them. It’s a case of extra caring without knowing why and it’s irritating. Like a fly u can’t kill. Or a butterfly. Pretty and you don’t want it to leave but also don’t want that big bitch flying all up in your face
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